How to draw a pencil ballerina in stages. How to draw a couple dancing waltz? How to draw dance waltz pencil children

How to draw a pencil ballerina in stages. How to draw a couple dancing waltz? How to draw dance waltz pencil children

Everyone loves music, and the best occupation under it is dancing. In this article we want to tell you and show a few step-by-step examples that will demonstrate how to draw dancing people. In some paragraphs, we will look at a couple of men and girls, and in other girls will dance alone.

Couple in dance

The first paragraph of this article will be devoted to how to draw dancing people together. The guy will keep the girl by hand while she spins in front of him. This drawing is made in anime style, but if you do not like it, then you can simply redraw your guy's head into any other style, other elements are depicted in the same way.

Let's start with a guy drawing. It is necessary to position it on the left side of the sheet, as the girl will be on the opposite. At this stage, we must work on your head and a half body.

In the next step, we must prevent the girl, it will have to get a little lower in growth.

Take a black handle or a thin marker and supply all lines. Extra pencil strokes erash.

The same black felt-tip pen or handle with a male suit and woman belt. On this drawing can be considered completed.

Dancing girl

This paragraph will be very simpler than the previous one, because this time we will learn how to draw a dancing girl. This time it will be without a partner, as well as the drawing technique is a bit simplified, so the example is perfect for novice artists or children.

Let's start with the drawing of the head. It will have an oval shape, and the hairstyle is collected in two small beams. Due to the fact that the face is slightly turned, only one ear will be seen from our dancing girl.

Go to the body. First, you will depict two hands divorced in different directions, and then work on the topic. Pay attention to your fingers, they are made in a simplified technique, but despite this drawing does not get less beautiful.

Our girl will be dressed in a magnificent skirt, from under which two legs will stick. One she keeps the balance, and the other will be treated up.

The drawing is ready, but it is made in black and white, as we portrayed only contours. If you wish, you can use color pencils and paint it. In addition, we recommend watching the video tutorial with this example, in which a living process of drawing is demonstrated in detail.

Simple example of dancing couple

We have already disassemble an example with dancing partners, but it was very difficult. This time we want to show how to draw a dancing pair in simple drawing technique. To do this, you will not need any special artistic skills. Just follow the instructions below and in the end you will have a beautiful drawing of dancing people.

We put the basis of our drawing from above and depicting two heads and three hands interacting with each other.

Draw a dress of a woman. Do not forget that you should draw not just a rectangle, but a beautiful shape with breast bends and waist.

We finalize the edges of the dress and try your legs.

Our dancing woman is ready and now you need to go to work on her partner. To do this, draw the body and legs of a man.

At the final stage, we must impose a light of both pictures below. It should be noted that if you are going to portray the drawing in color, then the shadows should be painted in a darker color. For example, a man's suit all blue, and in the field shadows he should be dark blue. Then the picture will get very beautiful!

Dancing girl

In conclusion of our article, we will look at how to draw a dance girl in a red dress. This is a rather simple drawing method and get a ready-made drawing with only three simple steps.

We work on the top. One hand will raise up, and the other down. Also, depicting your head and top of the dress.

Now we need to work on the bottom. When moving, the clothes of people are not static, this is what we must reflect on paper. It is possible to carry out this by wavy lines as in the picture. Do not necessarily try to draw lines exactly as in the photo. The clothes constantly takes a variety of forms when driving, so it is not enough if some line is more, and some other way is less.

Take colored markers and paint as in the photo. You probably have already noticed that our girl has no face and finger. We decided to leave the freedom for creativity to beginner artists so that you yourself invent what a person to draw and in which posture will be fingers.

If you want to look more detailed for the drawing process, then you can take a look at the video tutorial with this example.

Any holiday is accompanied by dancing and dances. Well, except for religious and political. There, even if they dance, then not at wishes. And people like to jump and shake the body. It is laid at the genetic level and is not amenable to studying science. We will not argue with this either, but on the contrary we try to learn how to draw a dance with a pencil. Especially this is also art. As an example, I took the well-known dance tango. Here is a picture:

This is one of the Argentine traditions. It is very energetic and has a clear rhythm. As in the picture, there are a lot of nuances here:

  • It is necessary to monitor the harmony of the partner's movements and its;
  • Variate swearings, movements, plastic and facial expressions;
  • Follow the pace;
  • In addition, suites and details, spatial drawing and composition are important here;

Try to transfer all the elements of the tango chirio as realistic as possible:

How to draw dance pencil phased

Step one. We highlight the place on paper, it is easy.
Step second. Sketch sketches of the bodies of men and women.
Step Three. Curve out the contours more clearly, add the elements of the face, hands, clothing.
Step fourth. Remove unnecessary lines.
Pitch fifth. It remains to add shadows. You can also come up with a rear background, but it is already at your discretion.
On this lesson it did not end, see the continuation, we will teach you to draw.

Even the image of a woman and men to draw not just that we can talk about the drawing of a person's pencil in motion. Whether the action of an athlete, gymnasts or an ordinary schoolboy, going to school or home with classes, - reproduction of drawing on a step-by-step master class takes no little time. And at least the process is interesting, paying for patience, several sheets of paper and eraser, still have.

Man in motion drawing with a pencil, how to draw?

Before proceeding with drawing, you need to well think about the idea or at least choose the most successful option for drawing a pencil. It is best if the sketch is not complicated, but a gradual work - understandable that does not require compliance with the anatomy.

Below in the article demonstrated several phased MK for drawing, which will suit people of different ages, with the presence and without the skills of drawing a person's pencil in motion.

Girl from Support Group (Chirilding) with Pompons, Photos

A schoolgirl with Pomponami suffering for a favorite team is also called cheerilding. She appears with other girls in a single tandem, demonstrating fascinating dances, distinct movement and gymnastic figures. In the United States, there is even a competition between support groups for prizes and the title of America champion. It is not surprising that, to portray this character on a white sheet, many artists prefer in motion. This allows you to revive the drawing, making a person on it not just drawn, but "free."

Step-by-step lesson in the photo:

1) Make a girl's sketch so that the most real "framework" appears on the paper sheet. To do this, use a simple pencil and eraser to correct errors.

Important! In order for a person to be in motion, it is necessary to focus on the bending of the spine, one raised hand, the other - allotted back, and the feet of the sorted to the second leg.

2), highlight and chin.

3) Dorisite, lips, neckline, and pumps.

4) Complete the sketch of drawing clothes, legs and shoes, highlight all the dashes.

5) Color the picture with colored pencils and markers.

Skier in motion, photo

Picture of a person's pencil and part-time skier to draw at times easier than a girl from a support group. Step-by-step master class allows you to reproduce a beautiful and simultaneously easy picture for 3 phased steps.

  • Step number 1

Draw the main features of the image that will help create a masterpiece from interconnected straight lines.

  • Step number 2.

Bring out the sketch before completion, giving a skier proportionality, clothes and ski sticks.

  • Step number 3.

Color the finished picture with pencils, paints or wovers.

Girl in motion, photo

Draw a child at times easier than an adult person. A small person in motion by a simple pencil will suit not only for creativity of adult newcomers, but also children of school age, who have decided to devote their free time in drawing.

  • Step number 1

Mark the point in the middle of the sheet. Draw from it a smooth vertical line, and they draw her legs, head, hands and head to it.

  • Step number 2.

Draw tails, facial expression, clothing, bag and shoes.

  • Step number 3.

Erase the extra lines, completing the drawing sketch.

  • Step number 4.

Color the finished picture by selecting the colors suitable in colors.

Running man, photo in motion

If our readers have not yet found the appropriate option, how to draw a person in motion drawing with a pencil, then the time to look at more complex MK. They require a clear compliance with proportions, without forgetting about the volume, outlines and all kinds of parts.

In the photo below, several decisions were demonstrated, however, they are all complex and require detailed execution.

Video Tutorial: How to draw a person in motion

Many people remember more clearly when they demonstrate all actions on the example. So why not take it as an example, looking at a detailed video tutorial, allowing you to learn how to move the movement of the torso and hands, walking, running, a man in a sitting position or with a cargo.

Man in motion drawing with a pencil, ready-made jobs in the photo:

Any holiday is accompanied by dancing and dances. Well, except for religious and political. There, even if they dance, then not at wishes. And people like to jump and shake the body. It is laid at the genetic level and is not amenable to studying science. We will not argue with this either, but on the contrary we try to learn how to draw a dance with a pencil. Especially this is also art. As an example, I took the well-known dance tango. Here is a picture:

This is one of the Argentine traditions. It is very energetic and has a clear rhythm. As in the picture, there are a lot of nuances here:

  • It is necessary to monitor the harmony of the partner's movements and its;
  • Variate swearings, movements, plastic and facial expressions;
  • Follow the pace;
  • In addition, suites and details, spatial drawing and composition are important here;

Try to transfer all the elements of the tango chirio as realistic as possible:

How to draw dance pencil phased

Step one. We highlight the place on paper, it is easy.
Step second. Sketch sketches of the bodies of men and women.
Step Three. Curve out the contours more clearly, add the elements of the face, hands, clothing.
Step fourth. Remove unnecessary lines.
Pitch fifth. It remains to add shadows. You can also come up with a rear background, but it is already at your discretion.
On this lesson it did not end, see the continuation, we will teach you to draw.

Ballet is one of the most beautiful types of dance art on stage. Ballet arose for a long time. Italy is considered his homeland. Back in the 16th century, at the courtyard of the French kings, the dancers were demonstrated by the court ballet. Often it happened during balls and various celebrations. Ballet is primarily the performance, the plot of which is transmitted through the art of dance. Ballet dancers and dancers are dressed in special costumes. Girls have these flying dresses and packs, in men are tight. Such suits are primarily created to be comfortable to dance. Ballet costume began his life along with the birth of the ballet itself. Girls love to draw ballerinas. And today we will try to teach you to this. Ballerinas are thin, air creatures flying over the scene as weightless empty. Their virtuoso pas is just fascinating viewers.

Stage 1. Draw the auxiliary lines of the body of the ballerina. Initially, we conceal the face of the girl and the lines of the nose and eye. From the neck line draw the body with high breasts. Fine below the waist circle with uneven edges. This is a bundle (ballet skirt). From your shoulders, we indicate the hand line, pointing the location points, one hand will be raised up, the other is assigned to the side. From packs down draw a line of legs that stands. The point is the knee place. From the left upper edge of the pack carry a line of legs raised back and up.

Stage 2. Now proceed to face. Based on the auxiliary lines, we draw the oval of faces, a subtle chin, ear and neckline. On the horizontal line will be depicting eyes, eyebrows. Vertically - nose and lips.

Stage 3. Ballerina has almost no loose hair. The hairstyle of our dancer - up combed neat hair laid by a beam and decorated with a flower.

Stage 4. Now we proceed to the drawing of the torso (body) of the ballerina. We supply with smooth lines auxiliary initial sketches, wealthing the chest line, waist. From the shoulders go straps of T-shirts.

Stage 5. Along the upper auxiliary line I draw a hand, raised up, where the point is to depicting the elbow fold, the fingers are smoothly set aside.

Stage 6. Along the horizontal auxiliary line handle the hand allotted to the side. Similarly, we draw the elbow fold and fingers.

Stage 7. Now a very simple stage - a ballet pack. Along the uneven circle, show small cloves of the kapron skirt.

Stage 8. Draw the right leg of the girl. We use the auxiliary line, along it depict the foot contour, observing the proportion. Where the point is the place of the knee joint. The leg of the shirt in pointes is special dance slippers, tied with ribbons.

Stage 9. It remains to depict the left leg, raised up and reserved back. She is also in pointe.