Scene about the new year in the village club. New Year's events of rural cultural institutions - tyukala centralized club system

Scene about the new year in the village club.  New Year's events of rural cultural institutions - tyukala centralized club system
Scene about the new year in the village club. New Year's events of rural cultural institutions - tyukala centralized club system

PHILIN is a forest telephone foreman.
TOPA ELK is a friend of Owl.
PARROT - a guest from Africa.

During the entire performance, the stage is the Forest. Perhaps it will only be the backdrop. And only individual objects that appear will mean that the picture or the scene of the action has changed. So Les. Goes

OWL. Owl is a telephone master of a forest telephone exchange. Carries what he is entitled to: rolls of wire, a bag with a tool, maybe a telephone.

PHILIN also sings a song.
I am Owl - telephone master.
In the forest, all communication works great!
I take a green felt-tip pen
And I note - the device is serviceable!
Call everyone wherever you want,
Friends, girlfriends, relatives and friends.
Just call the number on the phone,
And anyone can contact the subscriber!
Our phone works great!
Communication is correct, everyone in the forest is happy!
And the telephone master looks decent
I proudly carry my profession.

There is a telephone set on a tree or on a pole, which FILIN is going to check.

PHILIN: And the Hare said that this telephone did not work. Can not be! I just checked yesterday. I am the best telephone master! All phones are working on my site! (Checks the machine.) Hello! Hello! Ah ah ah! No beep! Does not work! A completely new device! Ouch! But where did they break it! Here are the traces. Who broke it? Well, get him to me! (He is fixing the device.) Earlier in our forest no one misbehaved. Hello! Telephone exchange? This is me, Owl, checking the apparatus. I'll go further along the site. Before the New Year holiday, you need to check all the phones. Although I am sure - all the equipment works perfectly for me! (He hung up. I wanted to leave. And then TOPA ELK came running.)

ELK TOP: Hello! It's me, Topa Elk! Does this phone work?

PHILIN: Hi! All phones work in the forest!

TOPA: That's how much I run - I only meet faulty ones. One even had his pipe cut off!

PHILIN: Someone's misbehaving! Well, get him to me!

TOPA: Owl! I urgently need to call!

PHILIN: Please call. Here's the phone. Something happened?

TOPA: The Snow Maiden is sick!

PHILIN: Ay, ay, ay! What with her?

TOPA: I don't know. But the holiday is coming soon. Everyone should get together. And I was instructed to find out if the Snow Maiden will come?

PHILIN: He will definitely come! Not a single holiday has yet happened without the Snow Maiden! Call!

TOPA: (into the phone) Hello! Give the Snow Maiden! What other number? Me the Snow Maiden! (To an owl.) And what is Snegurochka's phone number?

PHILIN: Snegurochka's phone is always five! Everybody knows!

TOPA: I didn't know. (Into the phone.) Hello! Give the fifth number!

PHILIN: They'll connect now. Squirrels are working at the telephone exchange! They are great specialists.

TOPA: Hello! What are you talking about? How does it not pick up the phone?

PHILIN: Give it here! (Picks up the phone.) This is Owl speaking. What's in there? Doesn't answer? Check the line. The signal has gone. So ... So ... Ay, ay, ay! (Top.) The line is broken! The wires are cut.

TOPA: How so? On New Year's Eve, everything is malfunctioning!

PHILIN: It's not with us! It was some bummer who ruined the phones and the line.

TOPA: If I caught him! I ...

PHILIN: We rushed to the Snow Maiden! We will find out everything there. - (PHILIN and TOPA run away. A song is heard, and they enter

TOSKA GREEN and ENVY BLACK: Envy has a large wooden mallet with a long handle, and Tosca has a large slingshot. Both ladies are dressed very exotic. Clothes are torn in some places. But the colors black and green predominate.)

ENVY (sings and dances): I am black envy, I love to break everything! I am a weed grass, I cannot be plucked all!

TOSKA (points to herself and also dances): Green longing, I bring sadness to everyone Salty tear - Let it flow for everyone!

ENVY: We will fill everyone who will hinder us. Perhaps we will bribe you, But no - I'll give you the neck!

TOSKA: We are going to ruin the holiday for everyone! To catch up on melancholy at all We will try!

ENVY: Do you think Tosca is green, but this telephone is working?

TOSKA: What are you, Black envy! We've already broken it!

ENVY: We've broken so much it's hard to remember.

TOSKA (shoots the device with a slingshot): Let's check it out! (Picks up the phone.) Buzzing! Works!

ENVY: Fixed. Who is their master here?

TOSKA: Big-eyed owl! (Into the phone.) Hello! Central! Where is your Master Owl? Where? A! It's clear. (She hung up.) You fool! The owl ran to the Snow Maiden. She's ill. And her phone doesn't work either.

ENVY: Right! Does not work. We cut the wires!

TOSKA: Let's break this one too! (Shoots the phone with a slingshot,)

ENVY: Get away! Don't bother! Better me ... (And Envy, with her big wooden sledgehammer, hit me on the phone. Everything was buzzing around, there was no ringing.) Now listen.

TOSKA (raised the phone to her ear): That's it! Is silent!

TOSKA: We'll ruin their mood! I, Tosca, will catch up with such melancholy!

ENVY: And I, Envy, will make everyone jealous for a whole year! To punch, or what, one more time on the apparatus? (She swung.) (And then BABA YAGA enters. But she has a motorcycle helmet on her head, and it's hard to recognize her.)

BABA YAGA (menacingly): What is this? Who gave permission to break the phone? (ENVY and BORNING from fear and fright and sat in the back seats.

BABA YAGA: put her broom to the tree, took off her big motorcycle gloves.) Who are you? Answer quickly!

ENVY: I am Envy! I really envy everyone and make others envy ...

TOSKA: And I'm Tosca! I bring melancholy to everyone ... I spoil everyone's mood ... BABA YAGA. A! So there you are! And I was looking for you ...

TOSKA: Auntie! We won't be anymore! ENVY. This is the last device that I have destroyed! I won't do it anymore!

Baba Yaga: Why break phones? ENVY. They all, you know, aunty, have a holiday! New Year! Christmas tree! Envy takes us ...

TOSKA: So we broke all their phones so that they wouldn't agree to meet! BABA YAGA. Right! But these are all small things. The main thing must be eliminated! (Baba Yaga took off her helmet, and everyone recognized her.)

ENVY: Oh! So this is, Granny Yagulka! We didn't recognize you right away! BABA YAGA. Have to wear a motorcycle helmet. GAI tortured! Doesn't allow flying in a mortar without a helmet! Bureaucrats! Formalists!

TOSKA: Hello, Grandma Yaga is a wooden head!

BABA YAGA: But, but! Talk to me!

TOSKA: Such melancholy takes that they will have a Christmas tree!

ENVY: It's so enviable that even in my stomach it growls.

Baba Yaga: Stop moaning! We must destroy this holiday! Start harming from the main thing ...

ENVY: What's the main thing? Maybe take away the Christmas tree decorations?

Baba Yaga: Is that all you can think of?

TOSKA: We need to set fire to the tree! Arrange a fireman! And turn off the water.

BABA YAGA: And you have no brains! I said - the main thing must be eliminated! And what's important not to the tree?

ENVY: Gifts!

TOSKA: Multi-colored bulbs.

BABA YAGA: Assholes! The most important thing on the tree is the Snow Maiden!

ENVY: Snow Maiden? So she got sick.

Baba Yaga: I know. I've already figured out how we can use it ... We'll call her ... TOSKA. Ha ha ha! Her phone doesn't work!

ENVY: We broke the wires!

Baba Yaga: This is bad!

TOSKA: And what, the Snow Maiden should definitely call?

Baba Yaga: Desirable. To make it easier to carry out my plan ... (She rubbed her hands happily, jumped up and sang.) I am Baba Yaga, as I decide it will be! I succeed in everything, success is everywhere. I will make plans and I will not forget in them, To spoil the holiday at the Christmas tree for everyone! I do not allow the New Year! I also cancel the Christmas tree! And I'll catch the Snow Maiden! It will be so, I promise!

ENVY: This is great if it happens!

TOSKA: You, Granny Yaga, directly read our thoughts and desires!

ENVY: This is how we want to harm everyone!

Baba Yaga: Then follow all my instructions exactly. YEARNING. Necessarily!

ENVY: And we will take the initiative!

BABA YAGA: This is not necessary! No initiative. Everything is strictly according to plan. Last New Year I was helped to cancel the Scarecrow and the Scarecrow. They worked badly! Were lazy. The instructions were violated. And we didn't succeed.

ENVY: But we are not a Scarecrow or a Scarecrow!

TOSKA: We are Envy and Longing!

ENVY: We have a special harmful education!

TOSKA: Higher! BABA YAGA. Stop yelling. Let's get to work!

ENVY: We're ready! We have opened the Harmful Services Cooperative! KVU!

Baba Yaga: We need to find out if the Snow Maiden is at home. And who is next to her.

TOSKA: How do you know? Envy was the first to say that we need to break the wires ...

ENVY: You yourself are the first of the slingshot ...

Baba Yaga: Hush! Brainless! (Takes out a radiotelephone, extends the antenna.) What is the Snegurochka's number? ENVY (loudly). Five!

TOSKA (loudly): Five!

BABA YAGA: Don't yell, assholes! (Dials the number.) Central! Be kind, top five! Pyaterochka! Yes, our dear Snow Maiden! ENVY. In the grandmother gives!

Baba Yaga: Hello! Is this the house of the Snow Maiden? And where is the Snow Maiden herself? Oh, it's you! Your phone has been fixed! I'm very happy! Dear Snegurochka, this is what they say from the forest clinic ... Chief physician! We learned that you are ill, dear Snow Maiden ... ENVY. He composes on the go.

TOSKA: It's called - lying! BABA YAGA. Dear Snegurochka, our task is to take care of forest dwellers and, of course, your precious health! We have the best free medicine in the world!

ENVY: Here the grandmother floods! YEARNING. This is called a breach!

BABA YAGA: We'll send a medical team now. We will cure you, dear Snow Maiden! See you! (Hides the radiotelephone.) Got it, you fools?

ENVY: I am not.

TOSKA: I didn't understand anything either.

ENVY: Why do we need to treat Snegurochka? What nonsense!

TOSKA: And where do we get the medical team?

Baba Yaga: Oh, helpers ... What's wrong with your brains? ENVY. Why treat Snegurochka? Let him be sick!

TOSKA: Right. So there will be no Christmas tree!

BABA YAGA: You don't know the Snow Maiden well. She and the patient will go to the holiday! And the medical team will be us. We will begin to treat her like this ... Do you know how they treat her? And there will never be a New Year again! Got it, girlfriends? ENVY. Now it's done! YEARNING. We will give her such a medicine that she ...

ENVY: Stretch your legs right away! (BORNING AND ENVY for joy danced and sang.)

TOSKA: I'm Tosca, and you are Envy, We are so modest. You and I just need - Huge money!

ENVY: We ought to get the money! Better yet, steal them! And we won't work - we'll get the money for free!

TOSKA: I’m Tosca, and you’re Envy, We don’t need to pester us. In life, we have only one joy - To receive a lot of money! ENVY. We ought to get the money! Better yet, steal them! And we won't work - we'll get the money for free!

BABA YAGA: That's it! Everything! Stop singing! It's time to get down to business. (ANNOUNCEMENT AND ENVY quickly take Baba Yaga's broom, her helmet and mittens and are ready to go. And here comes PARROT.) PARROT. Hello! It’s awful that I met you!

Baba Yaga: It will be seen whether it is good or bad ...

PARROT (to Longing and Envy): Hello! Hey you, I'm telling you!

TOSKA: Why is he attached to us?

Baba Yaga: Who is this?

TOSKA: I've never seen anything like this.

ENVY: Who are you?

PARROT: Can't you see? Everyone knows me. YEARNING. And we are not every one. For example, I am Green Tosca! ENVY. And I am Black envy! PARROT. O! So you're from another planet? Do envy and longing live on earth?

BORNING, ENVY: They live! They live! How they live! PARROT. It's a pity. Only Parrots would be better off! Because I am a Parrot!

Baba Yaga: We did. Not a forest, but a courtyard. Parrots wander around. PARROT (to Longing and Envy). Who is this grandmother? ENVY. How dare you call her a grandmother? YEARNING. This is the dear Baba Yaga! The famous ... PARROT. I don’t know one. And she doesn't give a damn to me. I did not come to this grandmother. I stomp to the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga: What? What did you, shaggy, say? PARROT. She's also dumb. I said I'm going to the Snow Maiden. She invited me to the tree. (Shivering) Oh, how cold it is here! And here in Africa it is so warm! But the trees don't grow! And I always wanted to celebrate the New Year's holiday with a Christmas tree. YEARNING. Since you are to the Snow Maiden, then come with us. ENVY (gave Tosca a kick). Think what you say…

TOSKA: What did I say? She invited me to go to the Snow Maiden together. BABA YAGA. Your roof has gone completely ... We are not going to the Snow Maiden ... Why do we need to go there? Clear? YEARNING. We were going! (Envy raises his sledgehammer.) Ah! Understood! I got it right away! We are not going to the Snow Maiden ... Why do we need to see her? We are not going ...

PARROT: I'm on my way. I definitely need to see the Snow Maiden! Don't you know that the New Year is starting? Baba Yaga, anguish, envy. No! No! We don’t know! And we don't want to know! PARROT. I know! (And the Parrot began to sing his song.) And I am a cheerful Parrot, And I will not shed tears for nothing! You just give me the opportunity, I'll get a ticket for the holiday! The Snow Maiden is waiting for me at the Christmas tree. She invited guests from Africa. And now the cheerful parrot is coming And will soon meet with the hostess of the ball! Here! Got it? I went to the Snow Maiden! (He went to the right place.) BABA YAGA. Stop! Stop! You're going in the wrong place ... PARROT. And I was told to go this way. BABA YAGA. Confused. Go back. Over there ... These respected ladies will confirm ... (Yields with a knee to Tosca and Envy.) ANNOUNCEMENT, ENVY. Yes! Yes! (They stretch their hands.) There! There! Back! PARROT. Once back, then I went. Wow! How cold it is! (And the Parrot leaves.) BABA YAGA. Look you! It flew to the Snow Maiden. It will only interfere with us and spy on us. Come on, lazy people! We also need special training.

TOSKA, ENVY: Come on! We will let everyone get bored now! And we will make everyone envious! (Embracing, they leave and sing their boring song.) I am Green longing, I am Very black envy, Our task is to spoil the mood. Work, they say, is always shameful for us, Ask us - we have a different opinion. We will quickly drive everyone into anguish! And we will make you jealous. If we catch up with someone, We will not leave alone! (Everyone leaves. And the porch of Snegurochka's house appears on the stage. The phone hangs. FILIN is busy with him. TOPA ELS helps him as best he can.)

TOPA: Let's fix it faster! The Snow Maiden needs to call Santa Claus!

PHILIN: It looks like someone was hitting the machine with a hammer!

TOPA: Why is it possible to call the Snow Maiden, but not from her.

PHILIN: These robbers smashed the disk, here are the dents, here are the fragments, so you can't.

TOPA: I thought - what if it's a Bear? But it turned out that the Bear was still sleeping.

PHILIN: The footprints around are not bearish - some incomprehensible footprints.

TOPA: I'll find out who it was. I'll give them a spank. Ready? We need to call Santa Claus! He must find out that the Snow Maiden is ill. Or maybe postpone the New Year's holiday for a week? (The Snow Maiden enters.)

SNOW Maiden: What do I hear? How is it to reschedule the holiday? Never!

TOPA: But you got sick!

Snow Maiden: Nonsense. I am slightly unwell. And my leg hurts a little ...

PHILIN: You definitely need to be treated.

SNOW Maiden: I'm being treated! A woodpecker taught me how to make a mixture of fir cones. Very bitter, but healthy! The malaise is almost gone, but the leg is not yet. I probably won't be able to dance.

TOPA: Nothing! We will dance ourselves. If only you came to the holiday.

PHILIN (finished renovation): Done! The device is working. You can call.

Snow Maiden: I have to tell Grandfather Frost everything.

PHILIN: (holds out the phone). Please! Santa Claus is on the wire!

SNOW Maiden: Grandpa! Hello Grandfather! This is your granddaughter, Snow Maiden. My phone didn't work for a long time. I got sick a little bit. But I will come. Necessarily! (To Owl and Topa.) Grandpa, it turns out, knows everything. Forty brought him all the news. (Into the phone.) And what is your medicine, Grandpa? Magic! Perfectly? Now Elk Topa will come running to you. He is my friend. He is very kind and helps everyone. He will take the medicine from you and bring it to me! See you!

TOPA: I already ran! Wait for me! (Runs away.)

Snow Maiden: Well, soon Topa will bring the magic medicine, and all my illnesses will go away. OWL. Snegurochka, I need to check a few more devices. I'll do it right now and come back. Don't go anywhere. Topa will come running and we will all go to the party together. Deal?

SNOW Maiden: Of course. I won't go anywhere without you. If Topa comes earlier, we will wait for you. OWL. I went. (He took the wires and bag and leaves.)

Snow Maiden: It seems to me that my leg hurts even less. Or maybe it doesn't hurt at all. We must try to dance. (Gently begins to whirl, then, more and more confidently dances and sings.) Let January sprinkle any misfortune with silvery powder. I wish you only good, Bright happiness in the New Year! The clock is knocking, the old year is leaving, Its last pages rustle, Let the best that was not go away, And the worst cannot be repeated! (The Snow Maiden is dancing and hiding behind the trees behind the scenes). (And BABA YAGA, TOSKA and ENVY burst onto the stage.

BABA YAGA in his motorcycle helmet, with a broom, and on the go, pulls on a white medical coat.)

BABA YAGA: Come on! Faster! Put on your overalls! (Baba Yaga kicks her girlfriends, helps them to pull on their robes and medical caps.)

TOSKA: Well, now no one recognizes us ... Now we are white!

ENVY: What will we be called now?

TOSKA: White death! BABA YAGA (beats Tosca). What are you talking about!

TOSKA: What? You said yourself who you want to heal to death!

ENVY: White death is drugs.

TOSKA: And we too! We are such medicine that you won't stay alive with us! We look like doctors now!

ENVY: Well, we will cure the Snow Maiden so that she will not recover soon with us ...

Baba Yaga: That's right. We must take care of her health so that she completely lost it ...

TOSKA: It's not difficult. We have such medicines that anyone can come to the next world quickly ... Even though our syringes, even pills ... Wow, strength! (And these three robbers sang and danced with joy.)

BABA YAGA, TOSKA, ENVY: We are doctors, we are medicine, We are nurses, nannies! We have big syringes, And the pills are gingerbread! White cap and robe, We will pull on ourselves! You will not leave us, brother, You can stretch your legs here! Our cunning pills are like bread cakes. Eat it with great longing, There is no benefit!

Baba Yaga: Stop! And we get down to business. Surround the house of the Snow Maiden! And grab her for treatment in my special hospital named after Baba Yaga!

TOSKA: Forward! Let's catch the Snow Maiden!

ENVY: And we will provide her with our medical assistance! (ENVY and TOSKA ran to look for the Snow Maiden.) BABA YAGA. Finally I got it! There will be no holiday! There will be no Christmas tree. Let's Catch the Snow Maiden! (Dances around her broom.) Medicine, medicine! Tricky Science! Quite good income for us, The rest is just flour! We will not heal for a long time, How we got to us - so we will forget! ACT TWO BABA YAGA, having finished singing and dancing, shouts.

BABA YAGA: Hey, you helpers! Envy! Yearning! Where is Snegurochka? Caught? I can not hear! Caught? (And at this time TOSKA and ENVY pull in the SNOW MAID.)

TOSKA: Caught! Caught a sick woman! ENVY. The victim was detained! SNOW Maiden (fighting back). What do you want from me? BABA YAGA We will treat! Are you a Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden: Snow Maiden!

ENVY: Doesn't look like it! YEARNING. It also seems to me that this is not the Snow Maiden.

BABA YAGA: Snow Maiden! I know! Gotcha! (She caught herself.) That is, on the contrary ... We are doctors of the highest category, doctors, professors and associate professors - we learned that you got sick ... SNOW MAID. But I did not ask you to treat me! BABA YAGA. You don't even need to ask us! We have free medical care! We ourselves go to meet the patient .. SNOW MAID. Who you are?

BABA YAGA: Special medical team ...

TOSKA: To provide an ambulance with unnecessary help ... BABA YAGA (gives a kick to Tosca). Don't talk too much ... SNOW Maiden. Leave me alone! ENVY. No! Now we will treat to the end ... TOSKA. We have such medicines, such ... ENVY. After which immediately ... Everything ... And the end ... BABA YAGA. Sick Snow Maiden quickly to the hospital named after me! YEARNING. Where to? ENVY. Where where? BABA YAGA. To the hospital named after Baba Yaga ... THE SNOW Maiden. So who are you? Baba Yaga or doctors? ENVY. She's a plumbing surgeon! BABA YAGA (kicks Envy). Shut up! The professor herself ear-throat-hockey-football! YEARNING. They are doctors! Doctors! Such doctors that they all have patients like ... Like ... BABA YAGA. Well, all patients get better like flies ... SNOW MAID. Yes, you, it turns out, are the real deceivers!

TOSKA: So what? ENVY. Is it bad? BABA YAGA. OK! Deceivers are the most valuable people for any bad deed! Now we will give the Snow Maiden a special mix-sturka ... We will offer such cunning tablets ...

Snow Maiden: I won't take anything from you! ENVY. Who will listen to you? YEARNING. Let's give it by force! We are kind ... BABA YAGA. Colleagues! What do I hear! No violence ... We'll just make Snegurochka ukolchik ... We have such a syringe ... And we Snegurochka ukolchik ... And Snegurochka will sleep ... Soundly! For a long time! SNOW MAIDEN. I do not want! BABA YAGA. Does not matter. Once you get into the hands of doctors, you will carry out all the appointments and procedures. (To Tosca and Envy.) Forward, helpers, idlers, idlers! Drag the Snow Maiden! Quickly! (And as soon as everyone wanted to run away and take the Snow Maiden with them, PARROT appeared.) PARROT. Hello! Hey you! Who you are? YEARNING. Again this one from Africa. I thought he would die in our cold. ENVY. The tenacious one was caught. Maybe you slingshot it ... Bang! PARROT. I say hello! Who you are? BABA YAGA. Can't you see? We are medicine ... PARROT. Is anyone sick? BABA YAGA. You will know a lot - you will quickly grow old. PARROT. I already heard this nonsense from the monkey. And if you know little, you will remain a dropout. You better tell me where can I find the Snow Maiden?

SNOW Maiden: It's me Snegurochka! They stole me ... BABA YAGA. Nobody stole anyone! They just go for a walk. They have a medical exercise! (Pounds Tosca and Envy and pushes them off the stage, and they drag the Snow Maiden away.) It's useful to walk ... PARROT. What did this beautiful girl say? What was she screaming?

Baba Yaga: She told you to sit here and wait for the Snow Maiden. Understood? PARROT. You are confusing something, dear. She seemed to say that the Snow Maiden was caught! BABA YAGA. You have misunderstood it. If you continue to say so, then we will begin to treat you. You need to blow out your ears. PARROT. Yes, I can hear it well! Maybe it was the Snow Maiden? BABA YAGA. Now I’ll tell you ... So that you don’t listen to what you’re not supposed to know ... (And then Baba Yaga cracked the Parrot over the head with her enchanted broom, and the Parrot, having lost consciousness, stretched out on the ground.) That would be better. I told you that you need to blow out your ears ... So! It's time to wash away ... (Baba Yaga looked around and ran in the direction where they took the Snow Maiden.) (PARROT got up, gasped, sat down, took hold of his head and fell down again. And here comes FILIN, hung with his bundles of wires and bags. He saw the Parrot.) PHILIN ... Oh, you! Who is that? I have never seen it. (He touched the Parrot.) Like a feather on it, as on me. But so colorful! Even dazzling in the eyes! Just a miracle in the feathers! Where did it come from? (TOPA ELK came running.)

TOPA: Here I am! He brought magic medicine for the Snow Maiden! (I saw a Parrot.) And who is this with you?

PHILIN: I think so. I've never seen anyone like that. What if an alien fell on our head?

TOPA: Is he alive? He must be brought into the house. Otherwise it will freeze! (PARROT rises and sits down.)

PARROT: You're right. It's a dog's cold! What for?

TOPA: It's always like that in winter.

PARROT: If I had known, I would have thought whether to come to you or not.

PHILIN: Are you from space?

PARROT: Where is space? Far from Africa?

TOPA: Where is Africa? Far from space?

PHILIN: Now I see, you didn't fall out of space.

PARROT: I fell over here! Some doctor in such a cap hit me in the head with a broom! And I passed out.

TOPA: Is it possible to fall off a broom?

PARROT: The broom was so long. And his handle was even longer! (The parrot got up and shows what ^ the broom was ^.)

PHILIN: Wait a minute! This broom is called a broom. And her long handle is a broomstick!

TOPA: And in our forest only Baba Yaga walks with a broom.

PHILIN: That's strange. This is the first time I hear a doctor walking with a broom. Moreover, he beat the patients on the head. We must ask the Snow Maiden about this doctor. (Climbs onto the porch.)

TOPA: Right. We must quickly see the Snow Maiden. I have to give her the magic medicine. Here it is!

PARROT: I, too, will go to the Snow Maiden with you.

TOPA: We have already arrived. You just need to go to her. Here is the porch of her house.

PHILIN (went out onto the porch). The Snow Maiden is nowhere to be found!

PARROT: Sorry, I didn't understand everything! Are you saying that the Snow Maiden lives here? TOPA. I already said that here!

PARROTS: Well done, hares! Showed the right road. And earlier I met some three nasty creatures and sent me in a completely different direction.

TOPA: Why do you need a Snow Maiden?

PARROT: I came to visit her. Look at the holiday tree.

PHILIN: But the Snow Maiden is not there. Although she had to wait for us.

TOPA: Where did you come from? PARROT. From Africa! I've told.

TOPA: You said from space.

PARROT: Really? Probably I got it from the broom ... Or from the cold. I'm so cold! I'm so cold!

TOPA: Nothing is cold! I was running now, so I'm even hot! Who are you, anyway?

PARROT: I thought you recognized me! I'm so famous!

TOPA: Oh, are you a crocodile?

PARROT: Ha ha ha! No! I am the most famous in Africa!

TOPA: You are a monkey!

PARROT: Don't you dare call me that! I'm a Parrot!

TOPA: Wow! I have not heard about this.

PARROT: Tell everyone that I, Parrot, have arrived! And I even give you permission to touch me.

PHILIN (loudly): No time for us! Enough for you to solve riddles here! We must quickly find the Snow Maiden. Give her the magic medicine. And everyone to run to the tree! You, Topa, will go this way. I'm in this! And you, if you are a Parrot, Come here! We started looking!

PARROT: Wait! I don't know who to look for.

FILIN, TOPA: Snow Maiden!

PARROT: I understand that. But what is she like? I've never seen her.

TOPA: Have you seen the Snow Maiden? And also a Parrot from Africa!

PHILIN: Where did they get the Snow Maiden in Africa? They have bananas, hippos, and there - Parrots!

TOPA: Then he needs to tell him about the Snow Maiden.

PHILIN: Yes. Now. The Snow Maiden is so ... So ... Well, very beautiful! Yeah I understood?

PARROT: Got it. The rest is not. How she looks like?

PHILIN: I said beautiful! TOPA. You tell him what the Snow Maiden is wearing.

PHILIN: She has such a fur coat ... (Demonstrates.) That's such a hat! (Shows again how he can.) Boots like that ... (Shows again.)

PARROT: Got it! I understood everything at once. The Snow Maiden is gone.

TOPA: It can't be! She is waiting for me with magic medicine.

PARROT: Gone! I saw it myself. Rather, she did not leave, but they took her away! Now I figured it out.


PARROT: This doctor with a broomstick. And two nurses. So nasty! One had a big wooden hammer like this. And the other has a slingshot. That's it! PHILIN (faints). Oh!

TOPA (faints): Ah!

PARROT: Oops! What's the matter with you friends? How can I help you? What to do? (Runs around Owl and Topa. Tries to help. Performs artificial respiration. Finally TOPA and FILIN come to their senses. They sat down.)

TOPA: Everything is gone. This doctor with the broom was Baba Yaga.

PHILIN The Snow Maiden has been stolen! There will be no holiday this year.

PARROT: How will it not be? Throw it to me! That I was in vain dragged from Africa? I'll tell you, not the dipped beam!

PHILIN: What do you have to do with it? We were all left without a holiday. (Got up.)

TOPA (also got up). That will fly into us from Santa Claus, when he finds out that they missed the Snow Maiden.

PARROT: And I demand that they show me an elegant Christmas tree! And they showed the Snow Maiden! I demand!

PHILIN: Where will we get the Snow Maiden for you? She was stolen!

PARROT: Save! Take away! Think with your heads - where could these doctors with a broom have taken the Snow Maiden?

PHILIN: Stop! I seem to have figured out where to look for them all. Immediately there, and we will fight for the Snow Maiden?

TOPA: I'm ready! Wow, how angry I am at Baba Yaga!

PARROT: As I understand it, it was Baba Yaga who hit me on the head with a broom? I have to explain to her!

TOPA: Dear Parrot, how do you imagine an explanation with Baba Yaga? PARROT. Very simple! I'll tell her she's wrong!

PHILIN: You don't know our Baba Yaga. This is the same as your African Barmaley! Baba Yaga will say that she is always right!

PARROT: We'll see what she says! Let's quickly find her and free the Snow Maiden! I'm dying!

TOPA: Is it like dying? What for? Why?

PARROT: Because I'm cold! I already have a beak on the beak. Ouch! And the wings don't move! Everything! I'm dying!

PHILIN: Wait! We need to help out the Snow Maiden!

PARROT: That's it! I can't move anymore! Goodbye, Snow Maiden!

TOPA: He can really kick back!

PARROT: I have paws, not hooves!

TOPA: Drop your paws. What makes it easier? OWL. We must shove it into a fur coat. This is not Africa. What's true is true.

TOPA: Where can he get a fur coat? Can you buy anything now?

PHILIN: I made it up. The Snow Maiden has an old fur coat. And an old hat. Hanging on a hanger. I saw it when I was fixing the phone. The Snow Maiden will not be offended if we give Parrot her old fur coat for a while ...

TOPA: Of course not offended! The Snow Maiden is not greedy!

PHILIN: I'll bring everything in now! (Runs away.)

PARROT: Ah, Africa! Where are you, my Africa! How warm it is!

TOPA: And the bananas are there! Yes!

PARROT: And bananas! Yes! And the nuts are delicious! And dates! But the main thing is warmth! Everything! It seems completely frozen! What is your name?

TOPA: Topa!

PARROT: Goodbye Topa! And hello to this in feathers. How is it?

TOPA: Owl! His name is Owl!

PARROT: Of course, he is not a Parrot, but also a bird. Hello to him and goodbye ... (And then FILIN comes running with clothes.)

PHILIN: Here! Found! Brought! Fur coat and hat!

TOPA: Well done! (I'll parrot.) You see, Snegurochka now has a new coat and hat. And you still diarrhea this fur coat.

PHILIN: Let's hurry ... (PHILIN and TOPA put a fur coat and a hat on the Parrot.) PARROT. Ouch! Am I not going to die?

PHILIN: If Baba Yaga didn't knock you down with her Broom, then you'll live!

TOPA: You look great. Just like the Snow Maiden!

PHILIN: Let's not waste time. We run to rescue the Snow Maiden. I seem to have guessed where to look for Baba Yaga and her entire company.

TOPA: Where?

PHILIN: They probably keep the Snow Maiden in a dugout, where Baba Yaga has all sorts of harmful herbs dried up. She arranged a hospital there, closed for all creatures and creatures harmful to society ...

TOPA: Right! Of course they are there! Forty told me that Baba Yaga had all sorts of dope-herbs and sleeping pills there ...

PARROT: Then what are we standing here for? What are we waiting for? Faster rescue the Snow Maiden! I've already warmed up. I can move. Forward!

TOPA: Forward!

PHILIN: Go ahead!

And the friends rushed forward. And here is the edge, where the Baba Yaga hospital named after Baba Yaga. Maybe even the sign weighs. BORNING and ENVY are holding the Snow Maiden, and Baba Yaga is running along the edge.

Baba Yaga: Where is my bag? Where are my medical supplies? Where is my syringe? And you, idle helpers, hold the Snow Maiden more tightly.

TOSKA: We know our business! ENVY. You can't run away with us!

SNOW Maiden: Let me go immediately! The tree will start soon!

Baba Yaga: The tree will not start this year. The tree is canceled. Now we will start treating you! A shot of sleeping pills ... But the syringe was lost ... Where is my bag? (Found it.) Yes, here it is! (Takes a large syringe out of it.) Now a stump for the patient ...

SNOW Maiden: I'm not sick!

TOSKA: We know better! We are professors, doctors, associate professors! ENVY. Yes! It's useless to argue with doctors!

BABA YAGA: That's right. It will cost itself more. Ukolchik now, ukolchik ... I'll just bring you a sleeping pill. Now I run to the pharmacy - and ukolchik ... (He takes a bucket and runs away.) (TOPA, FILIN and PARROT have come running to the edge for a long time.)

TOPA: There they are ...

PHILIN: I see ...

PARROT: They hold the Snow Maiden tightly ...

TOPA: Now let's attack them and help out the Snow Maiden!

PHILIN: But they've got a big hammer and a slingshot!

TOPA: I'm ready to die, but help the Snow Maiden out!

PARROT: Hush! I came up with everything ... Stand here and wait ..

PHILIN: What to expect?

PARROT: How things will unfold. Wait and think. (And PARROT in the Snow Maiden's fur coat boldly rushes to Tosca and Envy.) Hey, you! Servants of the most humane profession, what are you doing here?

ENVY: Look, Tosca, another Snow Maiden!

TOSKA: Right! Another one!

PARROT: Who are you keeping here?

TOSKA: Snow Maiden! ENVY. Don't you see yourself? We're keeping the Snow Maiden.

PARROT: Of course I can't! The Snow Maiden is me! And you are holding some girl!

TOSKA (Envy). By the way, I told you that ours is not like the Snow Maiden ...

ENVY: And I told you: like ours is not like.

TOSKA: No, I ...

PARROT: So you need a Snow Maiden?

ENVY: Yes!

PARROT: Here I am, Snow Maiden ...

TOSKA: Are you a Snow Maiden?


ENVY: Are you a Snow Maiden?

PARROT: Are you assholes? For the third time I repeat to you that the Snow Maiden is me!

TOSKA: Well then you got caught!

ENVY: Let's take the initiative and catch the real Snow Maiden! Baba Yaga will praise us! (BORNING AND ENVY let go of the Snow Maiden and rushed to catch the Parrot. After a long run, they succeed.)

PARROT (to the Snow Maiden). Come on, run ... Run over there ...

PHILIN, TOPA: This way! Here! Run to us! (The SNOW Maiden is already next to the Owl and Topa.)

Snow Maiden: Thank you for saving me! And who got into trouble there?

TOPA: This is a guest from friendly Africa!

SNOW Maiden: Oops! This Africa always gets it ... Now they will heal the guest with their own means ... Baba Yaga went to fetch sleeping pills. They wanted to give me a big injection.

TOPA: They all need a big injection!

PHILIN: Hush! Vaughn Baba Yaga is walking ... She carries a bucket from her pharmacy.

TOPA: Give me the telephone wire ...

PHILIN: Why do you need a telephone wire?

TOPA: Because there is no other ... Come on! OWL. Are you going to fix the line?

TOPA: Come on! Then you will see ... (Takes a coil of wire.) Follow me! And you, Snegurochka, stay here. And don't go anywhere! Here's a magic cure for Santa Claus. Rather accept it, and everyone will go to the holiday! (TOPA and FILIN run away with a coil of wire.)

ENVY (Parrot). Don’t twitch! How restless I am. You can't run away with us!

TOSKA: Now we’ll make you an ukolchik with such a big syringe! You will want to sleep right away ... You will sleep for two days!

ENVY: And when you wake up, the New Year has already passed, it will leave and will not come again! YEARNING. They wanted a holiday! Wow, I'll catch up on everyone!

ENVY: No! Everyone is sitting and jealous! All evil! (At this time, TOPA and FILIN enter stealthily. They carry a bucket with the inscription "Sleeping pills" and a large syringe, which they took from Baba Yaga.

TOPA draws the solution into a syringe from a bucket and, accelerating, stuck the needle of Envy into the lower back. Then he runs to the bucket and takes another dose. ENVY throws the Parrot, holds on to a sore spot and squeals.) Oops! Ouch! Ouch! Painfully! What it is? Someone bit me here! YEARNING. Where where?

ENVY: Right here! Maybe he didn't. Maybe even an injection. Exactly! There they pricked me! Oh, it hurts. YEARNING. Who injected? Show them to me? (At this time, TOPA ran away and injected Toske in the same place.) Ay! Ay! Ay! Painfully! That, it turns out, is who it is! Shame on you!

ENVY: Yes! Who gave you permission?

PARROT: Who gave you permission?

TOSKA: And you shut up, Snow Maiden!

PARROT: You started the first yourself!

ENVY: But we won't let you go anyway!

PARROT: Right! Hold me tighter / (Takes off her fur coat and hat.) Hi, robbers! How are ukolchiki? Do you feel it?

TOSKA: Look! This is the one ... Which ...

ENVY: From Africa! PARROT. Verrrno! It's me, Parrot!

TOSKA: Where is Snegurochka? SNOW MAIDEN. I'm here!

ENVY: Run, catch her!

TOSKA: Come on! Let's run! Ouch! What? Legs don't go ...

ENVY (stumbled on the spot). Do not go ... And I want to sleep!

TOPA: It's time! Bye Bye! OWL. Goodnight!

TOSKA: We will complain to Baba Yage!

ENVY: We'll tell her everything! She will start waving her broom!

Snow Maiden: Let her wave. It's high time to sweep all the paths in the forest. Topa, Owl, don't listen to them! Invite Parrot, and quickly we all go to the tree! (And here: jump-jump, jump-jump. It was BABA YAGA, bound by a telephone wire, jumping up.)

BABA YAGA: Hey you, my bum assistants! What are you worth? Untie me quickly! YEARNING. What she wanted! We cannot quickly ...

ENVY: Our feet are probably frozen.

TOSKA: I still want to sleep ... (Yawns.)

ENVY (yawns): I think I've been sleeping for a long time ...

BABA YAGA: I order to untie me quickly!

TOSKA: Don't make a noise, Granny. They gave us sleeping pills.

Baba Yaga: So you missed the Snow Maiden?

ENVY: Why do we need it? We'll go to bed now ...

Baba Yaga: Quitters! Failed such an operation! Catch the Snow Maiden immediately!

ENVY: Now. Hold your pocket wider. I go to sleep.

TOSKA: Why are you screaming, grandma. We are sleeping! And don't arise. (ENVY and BORNING sit down more comfortably and go to bed.)

PHILIN: Listen, Topa, give Baba Yaga an injection ... Let him sleep with them. They will not be so bored.

TOSKA: Right! Give granny an ukolchik!

ENVY: Come on, grandma, go to sleep with us for three.

BABA YAGA: I don't need an injection!

TOPA: It is necessary! (Fills the syringe.) Come on, Grandma Yaga, get ready.

BABA YAGA: I won't!

PHILIN: You always say that. Come on, Topa!

BABA YAGA: Oh, oh, oh! I'm afraid!

SNOW Maiden: Topa! Owl! Let's go faster! We must be in time for the very beginning of the holiday so that Parrot, our guest, can see everything.

TOPA: We're leaving, we're leaving! Here are just an injection for Baba Yaga ...

BABA YAGA: Don't! I really won't be anymore! Honestly…

Snow Maiden: Maybe, really, Baba Yaga will not be ...

Baba Yaga: Never!

PHILIN: Topa, do you think you can trust Baba Yaga? And how do others think? Can you believe?

BABA YAGA: You can! Yaga is the most truthful in the whole wide world! Just ask my assistants! (In response, there was a friendly snoring of Envy and Tosca.)

SNOW Maiden: Look! And Envy and Melancholy fell asleep! How good it will be without them!

PARROT: I don’t believe Baba Yaga. She cracked me on the head with her long broom ...

BABA YAGA: I won't either!

PARROT: What are you going to do?

BABA YAGA: I will improve! Now all of you will go to the holiday, and I will begin to sweep the path in front of you with my broom!

PHILIN (untied Baba Yaga). Let's believe! But if…

TOPA (shows her the syringe). If you cheat, then ... then I will not miss ...

PARROT (hands her the broom). Check it out!

BABA YAGA (immediately starts sweeping). Once Baba Yaga said - Baba Yaga will do ... At least for today ...

Snow Maiden: Then all forward! And with the song! (BABA YAGA went ahead, sweeping the path. And behind her, our friends, humming a merry song.)

BABA YAGA: I Baba Yaga do not love anyone! Whoever gape, I'll nap! I promised to be obedient, I can quickly forget it all ... (Leaves.)

Snow Maiden: I wish you happiness, happiness, happiness! And besides happiness, what else? After all, if there is happiness in life, That means everything will be in life!

PHILIN: Longing and Envy are fast asleep! Everyone does not interfere with having fun and living. Let none of the guys sitting, Feelings similar do not visit!

PARROT: May the New Year be happy! Let adversity be rounded to zero! Wish You happiness and health! Raspberry clinking crystal!

PHILIN: May the New Year bring you - Laughter with snow! Cheer with frost! Success in business! And in the spirit of firmness!

TOPA: I wish everyone in the New Year cheerfulness and success! Call me - I will come to visit, There will be a lot of joy and laughter!

Snow Maiden: The clock is knocking, the Old Year is leaving, its last pages rustle. Let the best that was not go away! And the worst cannot happen again.

(Everyone leaves to cheerful dance music.)

Scenario New Year's Eve "Once upon a New Year."

Fanfare sounds. Snow Maiden exit.

Snow Maiden. Good evening, invited and welcome guests!
Good evening, young guests, married and single!
Have fun and prosperity, we are glad to meet you!
On New Year's Eve, children are waiting for holidays and gifts from Santa Claus, and adults, for the fulfillment of desires, great joys, and love. And I would like to wish you:
Let there be no oppressive days
Down with the bleak forecast!
I wish everyone that the coming year,
Brought love and joy to you!
Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden's song "New Year".

Snow Maiden. Yes, but what a New Year without my, very necessary for everyone, pensioner
world scale, Santa Claus! I know he's already here. Who hid it?
My beloved old grandfather, he left earlier,
I got on a snowy Mercedes, while I was skiing.
Has the coup happened somewhere?
The New Year will not come without Santa's Frost.
Come on, let's all call grandpa together!

The name is Santa Claus. Exit of Santa Claus.

Father Frost. I hear, I hear what the name is! Here I am - and here I am.
New Year is already coming, the president congratulates everyone, he wishes everyone happiness.
Businessmen - profits, their wives - sables,
Those who work - work, those who are in power - those who care,
He says to the whole country: Happy New Year, with new happiness!

Song of Santa Claus "New Year".

And I brought you a gift - a bird of happiness with a blue wing. She will make everyone happy!
Well, louder than a joke, laughter, I get the bird of happiness!
I did not understand! Here is the misfortune. There is no bird of happiness, fact! I'll have a heart attack!

Exit of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. This is exactly how to give it to drink. Birds of happiness can not be seen!
Father Frost. Who are you, old hag?
Baba Yaga. Yes, I'm a grandmother - YAGA! Yes, she's a little old, overawed, sick.
Age, damn it, takes its toll!
Father Frost. What do you want, old lady?

Baba Yaga. I'll whisper in your ear.
Father Frost. Why in your ear, speak!
Baba Yaga. One two Three.
Snow Maiden. Are these riddles again?
Baba Yaga. Fulfill three wishes, receive the bird of happiness!
Father Frost. So I walk you away with a staff three times, give the old bird of happiness ...
Snow Maiden. Grandpa, take your time. Take your time, settle down.
Even the old grandma Yozhka wants a little bit of happiness. And what are the three desires?
Baba Yaga. To begin with, for warm-up I wish the people to mumble in a round dance!
Father Frost. Send everyone to the garden? .. I will ..!
Snow Maiden. Grandpa! Not in the garden, the akhorovod should dance to the people.
True, nowadays round dances are not in vogue among the people, dance is fashionable - a steam locomotive.
Father Frost. What, manure?
Snow Maiden. Yes, not manure, but a steam locomotive! We are all steam locomotives, and our guests are carriages.
Whoever has a longer line-up is younger. Louder music plays, locomotive
drives off!
Baba Yaga. Drank a holiday dose and hang on to the steam train!
Father Frost. Well, together with the steam locomotive, together with Santa Claus, we will overtake
everyone now!
Snow Maiden. Of course I am the best, my waist is thinner!

Dance-game "STEAM CARRIER".

Baba Yaga. I have more wagons. Ride from the heart!
Snow Maiden. Grandma Yaga, what is your second wish?
Baba Yaga. Who said it was my first wish?
Father Frost. Oh, so, again in your repertoire: did you decide to deceive us?
Baba Yaga. Fine, fine. Don't rush me, old man. I will say desire
a little later. And while you dance, smile, have fun, do not hesitate.
Father Frost. Everyone is dancing, having fun with my granddaughter.
I'll go look for help, such a good fellow,
To punish the old woman, to rescue the bird of happiness.
Goodbye friends, have fun without me!
Snow Maiden. Let's start having fun. There will be music, we will be together
dance a snow shake, ice break, snowflake waltz, lezginka and ice tango!

Dance department with competitive dances.

Snow Maiden. Everyone is so young, mischievous, groovy! What are you, grandma, are you sad?
Baba Yaga. I want to rejuvenate and fall in love with someone, and that he would love me
and followed me like a shadow. Here's another wish.

Snow Maiden. So after all, this is not one, but as many as three: to rejuvenate - once, to fall in love -
two so that he loves you - three. As many as three wishes! Will you keep your promise?
Baba Yaga. If you fulfill your desire, I will give the bird of happiness. I give a tooth!
Snow Maiden. Now we need a man with a capital M. Well, grandmother,
say: one, two, three.
Baba Yaga. Knight, dvys, tris. Little man, show up!

Santa Claus leads Ivan the Fool to the recording "I am Moscow empty bamboo".

Father Frost. In, good fellow, get it!
Ivan. Hello, old hag, well, did you recognize me? Hut, hut,
turn to the forest in front, and back to me and bend down a little! Ha, Ha, Ha!
Baba Yaga. Oh, Vanyusha, you are dressed wonderfully.
Ivan. And Cho, the prinkid is normal, he took the crimson caftan from Kashchei, the chain
I took off the red one from the oak, tore off the skin on the boots from Gorynych, the king
gave out.
Baba Yaga. Why are you hiding your eyes behind your glasses?
Ivan. And the glasses were presented by my namesake, Vanyushka Demidov, on, he says, Vanek, wear,
I don't need it anymore, I've grown wiser.
Baba Yaga. And how is your little wife, Vasilisa the Wise?
Ivan. No, grandma, I have a wife. Ivasik took him away with such a telescope.
So I'm free today.
Baba Yaga. You must have offended her. Didn't supply enough, loved a little, here's to you
and horrible.
Ivan. I didn’t supply it, I hurt it. Yes I, yes I ... everything for her, the best
I gave her the bone, but everything is not enough for her, not enough, and she got me! That's what I want
get yourself a harem, well, like in Turkey ...
Snow Maiden. It's good that you are free, our Ivan is a national hero! We do not want
offend you, do you want to see your harem?
Ivan. And, cho, can I?
Baba Yaga. Not Mona, but Nuna!

Ivan sings the song "Beauty".

The Snow Maiden invites everyone to dance, a selection of wives takes place, who are invited to the stage.
Baba Yaga. Wan, and Wan, why do you need a whole harem, look at them, look how
overdressed. STE you need to plow day and night so that you can wear them only,
and they hawala, I suppose, not one black bread with water.
Ivan. Yes! I don't like to work.
Baba Yaga. In! You choose one, such that it feeds and closes you, and

Ivan is blindfolded, the girls line up. Baba Yaga has balloons, Ivan chooses Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. Oh, Wan, look what balls. And everyone is flying to the ceiling (throws up balls, Ivan backs away)... Vanyusha, if you love me, you will be happy until your death! Come on, come to me, you don't want to.
Ivan. Love, of course, granny, evil, I would love a goat, but for an old hag! .. Alas, I cannot love.
Baba Yaga. It is, of course, that is, that is, my years cannot be counted, I am not at all young ...
Snow Maiden. All to the dance, gentlemen! Let's throw off those extra years! You granny pull yourself together and
go in for fitness. Pump up your abs, quickly lose weight,
you will become young again. Dancing, dancing gentlemen!
Baba Yaga. Oh, I want to have fun, fly on a whisk!

Competition "Dance with a broom".
To the music, Baba Yaga passes the broom to the dancers in a circle, the selected participant must go out into the circle and dance with the broom, then pass it to the next, and so on.

Dance department.

Baba Yaga. Oh, they had some fun, pleased the grandmother, traveled around the broom.
Wan, look, I am cheerful and quite young, for sure, I have become younger!
Ivan. Only now it didn’t come out as a face. Who would have rejuvenated you, then I would have loved.
Throw off your skin like a frog, become a thousand years younger. (Exits).
Snow Maiden. Grandma Yaga, you need to change your image.
Baba Yaga. FAQ?
Snow Maiden. Image! Change your appearance, then your years will not be so striking.
Baba Yaga. And where is it changed, team then entot?
Snow Maiden. Sergey Zverev came to us in Zhlobin on tour. He is the most fashionable stylist, you need to see him. You just change your image and Ivan will love you for sure.
Baba Yaga. Then I flew to this beast of yours.

Baba Yaga flies away on a broomstick.

Father Frost. And while Yaga is looking for her image, we invite everyone to dance.

Dance department.
The game is being played.

Exit of the glamorous Baba Yaga to the melody of "Dolce Gabana". Ivan was speechless.

Baba Yaga. Hello chuvirls, hello peppers! (to Ivan) Well, why are you staring? Speech
lost from girlish beauty?
Snow Maiden. Oh, grandmother Yaga, but you cannot be recognized.
Father Frost. And where is it so you, dear? Eh, you have gone too far with beauty,

Baba Yaga. Well, what, nravitstsa? I will always be like this now.

Baba Yaga sings the song "Let those who did not get it cry!"

Baba Yaga. So, Vanyatka, be healthy and don't be bored! Now I am a glamorous girl, but look around, so many men do not take their eyes off me.
And my heart is free!
Father Frost. What is it, we will not see the bird of happiness this year?
Baba Yaga. Come on, dude, don't be upset, I'm kind today.
Final apotheosis! Auction! The bird of happiness is for sale, whoever gets it is
will never part with luck, money, love.
Auction: the winner will receive a bottle of champagne decorated with bright ribbons.
The winner receives the "bird of happiness" and all the money he paid for it.

The song "Happy New Year" is performed by _________________.

Ivan. Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness!
Let it find you!
Let the alarms not be extinguished
Glitter of wonderful, clear eyes!
Baba Yaga. Let in business always and everywhere
Success is with you!
And today is this holiday
Be you the happiest of all!
Father Frost. Let health not fail
Doesn't be scolded by a strict boss
And the bag will send gifts
Good Santa Claus!
Snow Maiden. May a faithful friend be near
And on a holiday, and in bad weather.
And let it snowball into your house,
Happiness always comes!
Everything. Happy New Year!!!

Final song "New Year's hymn".

Snow Maiden. The New Year's fairy tale is over, but the New Year's Eve is not over!
The night is full of surprises!
Baba Yaga. And we are waiting for you at the House of Culture on January 1 at one o'clock in the morning!

From December 26 to January 13, New Year and Christmas events for children and adults were held in all rural cultural institutions, who were traditionally congratulated by Santa Claus, Snegurochka, and beloved fairy-tale heroes. Theatrical performances, matinees were organized for children,quizzes, cafe - karaoke, competition - game programs with dances, funny songs, contests, games. Characters from fairy tales played with the kids, told them interesting stories and amused them until they drop. Various contests added fun and joy to the little mischievous people. Having played enough, all the guestsbecame participants in a theatrical performance, at the end of which sweet prizes were awarded to all children. Each child received a lot of positive emotions that will live in his little heart for a long time. Elderly people became participants in New Year's gatherings, tea parties, blue lights,entertainment programs, on which they sang funny songs, danced around the beautiful Christmas tree, played, charging each other with excellent mood. Young people took an active part in entertainment programs, theatrical performances, competitions, masquerades. Most active participantsreceived a lot of positive emotions, sweets and New Year's souvenirs. Off-site creative activities became an unexpected and pleasant surprise for residents of small villages and villages. Congratulations and gifts were accompanied by excellent mood, laughter, smiles. The most interesting events took place inBekishevsky, Malinovsky, Nikolsky, Koshkulsky, Sazhinsky, Troitsky and Atrachinsky rural settlements.

On December 28, on the eve of the New Year holidays, the workers of the Bekishevsky KFOR congratulated the home front workers with. Bekishevo and the village of Gurovka with the coming New Year. Santa Claus traveled that day to congratulate the residents not as usual by car, but by snowmobile. It was unusual and delighted everyone.Ded Moroz and Snegurochka presented the veterans with gifts allocated by the Head of the Village Administration. Children with disabilities received congratulations and gifts from the administration of the settlement. A small theatrical performance organized by KFOR specialists did not leave not one without laughter and joy family.
On December 29, the Bekishevsky SDK hosted a theatrical performance for children “Once upon a time for the New Year!”. Children were entertained by Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka with the children danced in round dances, sang songs, danced, played various games, and solved riddles. Bytradition after games and entertainment, Santa Claus lit the lights on the New Year tree.
On December 31, a theatrical performance "How Ivan was looking for the New Year!" Was held for residents of the village of Bekishevo. As in any fairy tale story, good won out against evil, the colorful lights of the decorated Christmas tree lit up, all those present, positive characters and former villains, are hand in hand with Santa Claus andThe Snow Maiden spun in a friendly round dance. In conclusion, a New Year's win-win lottery was held. No one in the hall was left without a prize. Everyone was satisfied. After midnight there was a Night Disco for adults.
On January 5, the Bekishevsky SDK hosted the "New Year serpentine" game program. All the action took place on the street and despite the frost, children and adults actively entered the game. The children recited poems to Santa Claus, danced in a round dance, went downhill, played various games. A big surprise for the kidswas the presentation of gifts from Father Frost, sponsored by the Omsk construction company LLC Sibiryelektrostroy represented by the director Nevolina Oksana Sergeevna. All were satisfied and dispersed with a smile on their face.
On January 7, employees of the Bekishevskiy KFOR held a sports program "The most agile!" For children. Interestingly and mischievously, the contests "Burst the ball", "Get to the finish line", "I am the most agile" and others were held. Everyone had fun, friendship won. And, of course, no one was left without a prize. They all left with goodmood. "The betrothed, the disguised!" - an event for young people was held under this name. The organizers made sure that the guests were in a cozy and friendly atmosphere. The presenter spoke about the history of the Orthodox holiday and its traditions. Guests shared their impressionsabout this holiday, sang carols and Christmas greetings. Not without fortune-telling. They wondered on paper, on coffee, threw felt boots. The Christmas atmosphere of the holiday conveyed a charge of spiritual cheerfulness.
On January 10, in the Bekishevsky KFOR, gatherings for the elderly were held "Let's remember how it was!" The meeting took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Grandmothers talked about old fortune-telling and showed how to guess correctly. The continuation of the event was a tea party with memories of funny stories from own life.
On January 12, the KFOR hosted a round table on the topic "Your health is in your hands!" The teenagers talked about how to give up their habits correctly and in time, which sometimes just prevent people from leading a healthy lifestyle. During the conversation, KFOR employees conducted a survey, identified in children those habitswhich they themselves had no idea about. The conversation turned out to be fascinating and instructive. During the New Year holidays, a series of events for the residents of the village was held in the Obroskinsky SDK. At the children's matinee "Visiting a Fairy Tale" the heroes of fairy tales came to the children. Baba Yaga flew on a broomstick and sang a song
"Love grandma Yozhka", and the evil Pirate could not do anything wrong, as children's smiles softened his heart. The guys were delighted with the fabulous horse Sivki-Burki, which danced and fulfilled all wishes. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with a big bag of sweets came to congratulate the boys and
girls, lead a round dance with them. At the New Year's Eve for adult guests, KFOR specialists wished a Happy New Year. For fellow villagers songs sounded, riddles were made, games and competitions were held. The intrigue of the evening was a win-win lottery. The New Year's Eve was great
disco with live sound and flickering light music. Game and entertainment programs brought a lot of pleasure and joy to all the participants. For people For older people, there were gatherings of "Giving antiquity". In a warm, friendly atmosphere, over a cup of tea, memories of youth sounded, whenthe girls wondered about their betrothed and their fate. Grandmothers took pictures with pleasure at the New Year tree. Despite the winter cold, the atmosphere of a holiday, New Year's mood reigned in the House of Culture, leaving vivid unforgettable impressions.
On December 28, the specialists of the Obroskinsky SDK held a creative action "Happy New Year!" for the elderly and children with disabilities.
On January 7, the workers of the Malinovsky KFOR, together with the Head of the rural settlement and the chairman of the veteran organization, traditionally held an outdoor creative action "Congratulations to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden" at home. Congratulated home front workers and war orphans at home Happy New Year and Merry ChristmasChristoff, presented gifts. The protesters drove to the villages of Kaspil, Zalesnaya, drove along Malinovka. With warm Santa Claus and Snegurochka (Gulenko T.A. and Gorban V.A.), Head of the Village Administration N.V. Starnikov, came to every house with congratulations and wishes. and the chairman of the veteranorganizations Minkevich Z.F. The owners with great gratitude accepted the congratulations and gifts provided by the employees of the House of Culture, did not let the guests go for a long time and said goodbye, "Until next time."
On December 31, the theatrical performance "Valenki" took place in the Nikolsky rural House of Culture. Theatricalization was replaced by musical numbers. Santa Claus lost his boots, and Snegurochka, the host of the entire program, tried to find them before the New Year. At the end of Baba Yaga andthe monkey finds the boots of Santa Claus and all the participants in the performance sang the final song. The drawing of the win-win New Year's lottery has passed. The lucky ones were the ticket holders, who won a cake, a blanket, a saucepan and a stuffed toy - a monkey. For all villagers and guestsa festive disco took place.
"New Year's Pun" - this is the name under which New Year's gatherings for the elderly and disabled took place on December 27 in the Novokoshkulskiy KFOR. By tradition, everyone gathered around the Christmas tree in a beautifully decorated room at a festive table. Each brought a festively decorated family meal and a New Year'scongratulation. At the beginning of the event, the head of the KFOR V.V. Isaeva congratulated all those present on the upcoming New Year. The activists of the "Wisdom" club showed a humorous scene "How Father Frost Gave Snegurochka in Marriage". It was a surprise for everyone and the debut of amateur artists (R.Bondarenko, V. Kupriyanova, S. Dobricheva, T. Chernova). Everyone was happy: both the audience and the artists. Laughed heartily long and infectious. The dance marathon was not forgotten, the winners of which received prizes, and the participants who did not reach the final, encouraging chocolate medals for striving forvictory. I didn't want to leave; for a long time they sang songs, ditties, led a round dance. The holiday was a success!
On December 29, the specialists of the Novokoshkulskiy SDK held an off-site campaign "New Year's Surprise" in the villages of Stary Konkul, Novy Konkul and the settlement of Pervomaisky. Father Frost (V.V. Isaeva) and Snegurochka (I.I.Rasskazova) congratulated the villagers on the upcoming holiday. Children with Santa Claus and Snow Maidendanced around the tree, sang New Year's songs. Each child told Santa Claus a New Year's poem. All children Santa Claus and Snegurochka were presented with gifts provided by the Head of the Novokoshkulsk rural settlement V.I.Terleev.
January 6 in the village. New Koshkul hosted a Christmas campaign "From heart to heart". The protesters visited their fellow villagers at home, who for health reasons do not leave their homes. So that they do not feel lonely, activists of the veteran organization congratulated pensioners on the New Year andChristmas, presented with small souvenirs. Kruzhkivtsi of the "Samodelkin Workshop" of the House of Culture with their director T.A. Chernov and the volunteers produced thirty colorfully decorated postcards, each of which was carefully filled with a large chocolate candy and a tea bag, whichprovided specifically for the action by A.K. Gvenetadze.
On December 29, a theatrical performance for children "Winter's Tale" was held in the Sazhinsky Palace of Culture. The children were waiting for a meeting with the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, the monkey Anfisa, who played hide and seek with them, in snowballs, made riddles, as well as with forest dwellers, who, to the music of Jingle Bens, presented
dance, sang New Year's songs with the children around the Christmas tree, danced Letkaenka, Lavata, played games. The children had no time to be bored. All took an active part in games, songs, competitions. Both children and adults received a lot of positive emotions.
In the Troitsk s / p, events were held dedicated to the New Year and Christmas holidays, prepared and carried out by the employees of the recreation center. Transport for offsite events is provided by the Head of the Troitsk s / p Tankov A.V. Shortly before the New Year, traditionally, at the entrance to the Palace of Culture, “welcomed andthe residents were greeted by impromptu Santa Claus and Snegurochka. Information about the holding of festive events was posted on stands and mini-posters.
On December 26, in the village of Sergeevka, the distribution of mini-postcards "Happy New Year!" Was organized for residents. Post office workers acted as intermediaries in the distribution of postcards. According to them: the residents were very pleased with the attention from our side, in return congratulating them and us on the holiday.
On December 30, the departure took place in the villages of Ermolino and Orlovo-Kukushkino. And again these were visits-congratulations by Santa Claus and Snegurochka. The residents, who knew about our visit in advance and went outside to meet, despite the frost, received congratulations from the fairytale characters. No one was left withoutattention, having received postcards, congratulations and a generous handful of sweets from Santa Claus and Snegurochka. Not without the traditional round dance around the Christmas tree with the performance of a traditional New Year's song.On this day, in the Troitsk SDK, a New Year's party "The Magic Land of Desires" was held for preschoolers who do not attend kindergarten. The event was held with elements of theatricalization performed by the members of the Soffit theater group. This time, the participants were the adult composition of "Sofit":Baba Yaga (A. Parygina), Ded Moroz (S. Razdymakho), Snegurochka (O. Tomilova), clowns Tonya (I. Solovyova) and Bonya (N. Trishina). Baba Yaga built intrigues and tried to prevent the children from meeting Santa Claus by locking it with a huge lock, hanging the key on her belt. But children with clowns found a way out of the createdsituations, singing a lullaby, thereby putting Baba Yaga to sleep and taking the key, they freed Santa Claus. Then, traditionally, with the Snow Maiden, he conducted a round dance around the Christmas tree with everyone who came to the holiday, playing games and, of course, lit the lights on the Christmas tree after the magic words. According to tradition, Baba Yaga reformedand played the game "Broom" with the children, rewarding the winner with gummy worms. Children prepared poems and read them to Santa Claus, receiving sweets from him. In the finale of the matinee, Santa Claus presented the children with gifts, a photo was taken as a keepsake.
On December 31, residents gathered for the New Year's show "At the New Year's tree" in the Troitsk SDK. The visitors were presented with exhibitions of posters "For each year according to its own beast", DPI "New Year's motives", drawings "What are Santa Clauses?" and "Winter Mood". The attention of the visitors wasan information stand is also presented, which includes information about the Year of the Monkey and the Horoscope for 2016 for all signs of the Zodiac. The theater group "Sofit" presented its brilliant performance again. Everyone was waiting for a meeting with Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Horse Julius, Gypsies, Maidens,Marfusha, Ravshan and the brigade, Matryona and Tsvyatochok, who played a game with the audience, making everyone laugh. The hall was overcrowded that evening, the people perceived everything they saw with interest, accompanying the whole performance with thunderous applause. In the pauses, concert numbers performed bysoloists and creative teams of the Palace of Culture. And for each exit of the participants - applause sounded. I was very pleased with the visit to the festive event of the Head of the Troitsk c / p - A. V. Tankov, who congratulated the villagers and expressed gratitude on behalf of the residents and himself. The festive event continued in
a foyer by the New Year tree, where spectators could take part in draws, dances, a traditional round dance, and take a souvenir photo with New Year's characters. A night New Year's disco was held for the adult population.
On January 1, an action was held for residents of the older generation of Troitsk "Congratulations on the New Year!"
On January 6, children and adolescents gathered at the Troitsk SDK for an educational and play program, many of them came with their parents. The program included a lot of interesting things: a slide presentation “The Emergence of the Feast of the Nativity of Christ. Traditions and customs ", cartoon" Christmas Tale ", where in detail
biblical events are described. Games, a Christmas round dance were held, a “Christmas photo” was made through the game, a traditional master class “Christmas angel” was held. The guys made a craft and, making a wish, hung the toy on the tree.
In the evening of January 6 for residents of the village. In Troitsk, “Yule Divination” was held, where the main characters were the hostess (A. Parygina) and the gypsy (S. Razdymaho). All those who came to the event were happy to guess, play, sing carols, "sow and blow". With them, the same as with children is done
"Christmas photo" through the game.
On January 7, the Troitsk SDK hosted the Christmas parties and the festive disco Under the Christmas Star. At the parties they sang carols, read fortunes, and the mummers appeared ... And the winners of the disco were N. and V. Sheludkov, who in the final dance ended up under the "Christmas Star".
On December 28, the workers of the Yaroslavl House of Culture left with a creative action in the village of Kolmakovo. Santa Claus congratulated preschool children at home and gave sweet gifts. Elderly people were not ignored either, everyone was very happy with congratulations. On the same day, KFOR employeesvisited a livestock complex. The workers were very pleased with the arrival of Father Frost and Baba Yaga, who prepared congratulations and presented sweet gifts.


Leading (2 people), Snow Maiden, Ded Moroz


Two inflatable multi-colored phones;

2 hangers, 2 shirts, 2 orange ties, 2 pairs of yellow boots, trousers, 2 hats;



Decorated gifts;

Music disks;

Autographed cards;

Bengal lights.

Holiday progress

The stage and hall are festively decorated with serpentine, New Year's tinsel, garlands; at the edges of the stage, near the twinkling lights of the Christmas trees, there are two inflatable multi-colored telephones on stands. A vocal group is on stage. She performs the song "Good evening".

1. The day is over, here is the evening,

The burden of problems fell on our shoulders

Time of sadness and worries.

But isn't it a lot of trouble?

Maybe after this meeting

This evening will become warm.

You came here as guests -

We greet you simply.


Good evening, good evening,

Good evening gentlemen

Let your faces light up with a smile.

There will be light, the candles will fade,

The music will be heard.

We're just going to have fun tonight.

2. You came and we were waiting for you.

Drive away your sorrows.

There will be joy, loud laughter.

Together we are our success.

Maybe after this meeting

This evening will become warm.

You came here as guests -

We greet you simply.


There is applause. The presenters take the stage.

1st presenter... A snowy day woke up outside the window

2nd leader. Slightly frosty and a little blizzard.

1st presenter... New Year has moved into every home

2nd presenter... To warm us with happiness and warmth,

1st presenter... Because it is very necessary.

2nd leader.

May he be fully joyful

And the snow around it shines like silver.

1st presenter.

Today both hearts and doors are wide open!


2nd leader. Good?

Spectators. Good!

The song "Call me, call" from the movie "Carnival" (music by M. Dunaevsky, lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky. Dance composition is performed) is played.

1st presenter. On the occasion of the New Year celebrations, we open a New Year's hot phone for the fulfillment of wishes. Anyone can call 205-555-205.

2nd leader. Today telephone operators help Santa Claus to fulfill his wishes ... and ... (IF leading).

The bell rings.

1st presenter... And here is the first call. Good evening! Happy New Year!

Semyonov. We have one question: “Tell me, is it possible at least a little on New Year's Eve?

1st presenter... Who is asking?

Semyonov. Semenov from ... (name of the city).

1st presenter. Well I do not know. However, the best answer to this question is, perhaps, Vyacheslav Polunin, from the theater studio "Litsedei". One minute...

A phonogram sounds, on which V. Polunin's voice is recorded: "Niz-zya!"

1st presenter... However, if you really want to, then you can. Those wishing to "figure it out for three" please go to the stage.

Music sounds. Participants leave.

1st presenter. Say hello to our adorable threesomes!

There is applause.

Dear participants! What is New Year without a tree? You are invited to decorate the Christmas tree, in the role of which will be one of you.

Attention! You need to decorate the Christmas tree only with improvised means: rings, beads, ribbons, hairpins, watches, etc.

Music sounds. After the competition "Dress up the Christmas tree", the presenters present prizes to the winners.

The phone rings again.

2nd leader. Hello! We are listening to you!

Golovkov... Help me out, Golovkov is my name! All the holidays I stand by the stove myself, I don't let my wife get close, and that's what a misfortune this time: dinner is burnt. And time - you can see for yourself! We need a recipe for a simple, tasty, unusual, and most importantly, quick-to-prepare dish.

2nd presenter... Let's turn to Ilona Bronevitskaya for advice. I am connecting!

Ilona Bronevitskaya. Dear comrade Golovkov, I advise you to cook ...

Dancing for breakfast

Dancing for lunch

Dancing for dinner

That's the whole secret.

Golovkov... Thanks.

2nd lead th. What kind of cuisine do you prefer?

Golovkov... Russian.

2nd presenter... And you are a gourmet, comrade Golovkov. Well, look!

The dance "Russian dance" is being performed.

The phone rings.

Zeklova... Hello! Zeklova is on the phone! For me, New Year's Eve is even more dramatic than any other. You have to think about a table in your own house, about receiving guests, about entertainment, and then everything is on fire at work ...

The only way out is savvy.

1st presenter. Well, savvy is the answer. Let us and you and I think about some questions.

Competition "Everyone has his own motto"

Every animal, bird, insect has its own motto. For example, a moth. Mole - the theater starts with a hanger.

So, name the motto ...

(Houses and walls help);

- Crocodile.

(Tears will not help the cause);

- Locusts.

(There is safety in numbers);

- Parrot.

(Repetition is the mother of learning);

- Kangaroo.

(Hold your pocket wider);

- Dinosaur. (You cannot collect bones);

(More cows - good and different).

The phone rings.

Shilov. Tell a story!

2nd presenter... Who is speaking?

Shilov... Misha Shilov. I already know all the tales that they tell me by heart. And I'm tired of watching TV.

2nd presenter... My advice to you, Misha, do not listen to fairy tales, but listen to songs, and not on TV, but live.

Two or three songs are played.

The phone rings again.

Vers libre. Hello! Turkey is calling you!

1st presenter. Listen, Turkey.

Vers libre. No, this is not all of Turkey, but the city of Istanbul, Habiba Abdurohman ibn Verslibr calls. Through your service, I would like to convey New Year's greetings to new friends whom we met in ... year, when they were on a cruise.

1st presenter. Write down: ... (lists surnames, first names).

The girls who have been to Turkey take the stage.

Girls. Hello Turkey! We also congratulate you on the holiday and present you with this dance.

Girls perform belly dance.

2nd presenter... They were invited, but not Cardin, but a fashion theater. Please welcome!

The fashion theater is performing. The phone rings again.

1st presenter... Yes, and who are you?

1st presenter. Then a competition for connoisseurs of "pop" is announced.

Competition "Dress this comrade"

1st presenter. I invite 2 people to the stage. We have a pretty coat rack, as skinny as a fashion model. And there are costume details. Every detail has to do with the pieces of music that will sound in order. Assignment: as soon as the first phonogram starts playing, the audience needs to guess the piece of clothing that most of all has to do with the piece of music. And you have to put this thing on a hanger, etc. Is the task clear? Then attention!

Phonograms of songs sound:

Ovsienko "Natashka" (Shirt); Bravo Orange Tie; Bravo Yellow Boots; Novikov "Photograph" (Pants); "Na-na" "Hat".

2nd presenter... Thanks to everyone who participated in this competition.

Prizes are awarded.

2nd leader. You can go to the hall.

1st presenter... What a weird scarecrow we did. I think that leaving him without a name is simply unfair.

2nd leader. Let's call? The name of this subject coincides with the name of the father of a famous pop singer, who prefers a million rubles to a million beautiful flowers. (Alla Borisovna).

1st presenter. The name of the pop singer will help you find out the middle name, who in childhood was called the same as in the program "Good night, kids" the name of a famous character. (Philip).

2nd leader. The surname coincides with the surname of a pop singer who admires art, in particular an artist who paints natural phenomena. (Varum). So, meet Boris Filippovich Varum!

Another call rings.

- Hello! Vitya Erofeev is calling. Santa Claus, are you really Santa Claus or a disguised employee of the House of Creativity?

1st presenter... Now we will find out! Santa Claus, into the studio!

Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost... Did you call me?

1st presenter... Yes, Santa Claus. We received such a call ...

Father Frost... I heard, I heard. Well, of course, I'm actually Santa Claus. I just changed into an employee of the House of Creativity for a while. And remember! unauthorized Santa Clauses do not exist.

2nd presenter... Santa Claus, where is your Snow Maiden?

Father Frost. And here she is! Tell me, Snegurochka, where have you been? Tell me, honey, how are you?

The Snow Maiden is whining.

Snow Maiden... I ran after you, Santa Claus,

I shed many bitter tears.

Santa Claus and Snegurochka perform a song from the m / f "Well, wait!"

During the performance of the song, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden throw confetti in the hall.

The phone rings.

Rozhkov. Father Frost!? Hello! Rozhkov Pavel Iosifovich worries from ... (name of the city). I'm 10 years old. I am a member of the New Year's tour of cartoons that you, Santa Claus, did. I am sending the cartoons that my friend Kolka liked. And I ask you to come up with a name for them. My prize is 100 g of Dunkina Joy sweets.

2nd presenter... Thanks for the cartoons, Pavel Iosifovich. But whether they will bring joy to Dunka, we will find out in 3 minutes.

Cartoon competition

Exercise: Come up with the original title of the cartoon.

Santa Claus chooses the best names, presents prizes. The phone rings.

Father Frost... Yes, what did you want?

Father Frost... Of course. And with pleasure. Let's help Anton Tikhomirov's mom?

Spectators. Yes!

2nd presenter... There are gifts, but they need to be wrapped. I invite 6 people to the stage.

Tie a Gift Contest

Exercise: holding hands in pairs, place the parcel with free hands.

Music sounds. A competition is being held. Winners are awarded. Parcels are handed over to couples.

Father Frost... I sent exactly the same gifts to Anton.

Father Frost. One leg is here, the other is there. And this is Anton Tikhomirov, right?

Vote... That's right, I found out. Thank you for the gifts. Now we will thank you again in unison. Thanks! Do you hear? We want to receive a “musical autograph” by the group “Russian Size” or Pugacheva and Kirkorov as a keepsake.

Father Frost. Well, I am sending these discs by mail. Dear guests, I also have something for you, but this “something” will be received by the one who guesses which famous person has autographs.

Autograph competition

2nd presenter... Assignment: Some of you have autograph cards that you received at the entrance. So, those who have become the owner of the cards, raise them up. You can show these relics to others. Who do they belong to?

Prizes are awarded to those who guess right.

Father Frost. Dear presenters, take up your service again. And they are waiting for me with gifts in ... (name of the organization). Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden... Happy new year friends!

The phone rings.

Vote... Hello! The girlfriends of the girls from the vocal group "Rainbow" are calling. We want to congratulate them on their anniversary, because "Rainbow" is 5 years old. Let our congratulations be conveyed to them ... and ... (names of the young soloists of the vocal group).

Lead 1... This desire is fulfilled. Elegant and unique young men on stage. Please welcome!

The song is being played.

After the next phone call, music sounds, laughter and against this background - a voice.

Lead 2... Yes, really hot.

We are free, we are uninhibited

We are forever bewitched by music,

We want to hang out

Sing, play and laugh!

Lead 2.

I understood what you want. Wait a minute, I'm connecting you to our disjockey.

To a cool party

I invite everyone

Great fun

Today I wish you.

Only now can you see and hear what no one has ever seen or heard and will never see or hear again.

Lead 2... Like this! Are you satisfied?

The dance group is performing a modern dance.

Lead 1... Oh, how many calls and congratulations!

The phone rings again.

Lead 1... What, another call?

Lead 2... No. This is a signal that our hot phone has finished its work. I think that we have fulfilled all your wishes.

Lead 1... Well, if not all, then surely on New Year's Eve, the most cherished dreams will come true.

The presenters, lighting sparklers, address the audience.

Lead 2... Happy New Year!

Lead 1.

Be beautiful and bright

On his day and hour.

New Year is a gift

To each of us.

Lead 2... We invite everyone to a merry New Year party.

The script is designed for young children (4-7 years old). You can spend a holiday in kindergarten or at home with your best friends. The meaning of the script lies not only in entertainment, but also in encouraging the creative potential of the children.

New Year's scenario for high school students

Scenario of a holiday for high school students dedicated to the New Year. This script is a literary composition that will help every child to see the role of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in his life. Favorite characters. What could be better.

Scenario of a New Year's corporate party

Scenario for a New Year's corporate party. It can be a corporate party in a cafe with an order from a presenter, or it can take place just at work (say, an evening), and the presenter (or presenter) can be one of the employees of the enterprise.

New Year's scenario for children

The gift chest was enchanted by five fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Cat-Bayunchik, Nightingale the Robber and Koschey. Two presenters: Vasilisa the Wise and Ivanushka try to get the keys and the children help them in this.

New Year's masquerade ball

The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. No flat jokes and vulgarity. Masquerade costumes and a desire to enter the chosen image are required. Some decorations. The script is designed for 4 hours.

Scenario for children "Gingerbread man for the New Year"

In this scenario, the main character Kolobok brings "Joy" to Santa Claus, so that he would distribute it along with gifts to all children. On his way there are different characters who are trying to eat the kolobok.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for junior schoolchildren

New Year is a celebration of a cosmic scale, therefore extraterrestrial guests will come to the children. The Star Cassiopeia herself and her retinue will descend to the little one, led by the romantic Astrologer. The brave Superhero will pacify the space pirates, and nothing will be the way for Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter.

Scenario for children "Buratino's New Year's Adventure"

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio decided to spoil the holiday for the children, they locked the tree and gave the key to Karabas-Barabas. The lights on the tree could not light up and the brave Buratino found a way to return the key and the holiday took place.

Scenario "Christmas tree, burn or how to celebrate the New Year with your family!"

The script is designed for the New Year party with the family. It is advisable that close relatives or friends are present at the event for small competitions. When drawing up the script, the age characteristics of the whole family were taken into account, including children of 7-15 years old, parents, grandparents.

Festivities day or how to celebrate the New Year with colleagues?

The script is designed for a corporate New Year's holiday. Further, the most interesting and funny contests will be presented that will not let any colleague present at the event get bored. The presenter will tell a poetic introduction and explain the essence of the contests.

New Year's Scenario for Children

New Year is a long-awaited holiday for everyone, especially for children. They wait all year for a kind old man with a bag of gifts and listen to mom and dad. This scenario is intended for children 3-7 years old, younger children may get scared when they see Baba Yaga, for older ones - it will seem too childish.

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "By the Pike's Command!"

New Year's script for children. The script is designed for children between the ages of 7 and 12. Seven characters participate in the tale, the host is Emelya. A special musical cut and selection of noises, sounds and backgrounds is required.

The scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group "Ball of Miracles"

The script is very interesting and funny. Children will receive a lot of positive emotions and impressions, because who does not want to attend a magnificent, fabulous ball? The duration is 60-90 minutes (depending on the number of children in the group).

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Let's Save the New Year!"

The scenario is designed for primary school students. The tale is kind and interesting. It will become a pleasant, exciting addition to the New Year's holiday. The duration of the tale is 60-80 minutes.

All kinds of miracles happen on New Years. No wonder this time is called magical, amazing. In the preparation of the school, New Year's holiday, creativity and a creative approach are important. It is important that the script for the holiday is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time on the New Year's, school light.

Scenario of the New Year's corporate party "New Year's mood"

New Year is the time of miracles and magic. This is a grand event that all employees are looking forward to, as it is not only a fun holiday, but also a time for gifts, congratulations and unique moments with their team.

New Year's funny scene for schoolchildren "Winx Club vs Monster High: New Year's Adventures"

Modern children are very fond of cartoons with horror stories. This is why the Winx and Monster High New Year script will become one of the most popular. This scenario is suitable for both primary school and students in grades 5-7. It can be easily placed on stage or in a playful way around the tree.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday in elementary school "Santa Claus's Helpers, or how children saved the holiday"

New Year's script for the host "The holiday is in a hurry to us"

How does preparation for the New Year begin? Of course, with the choice of outfit and place, drawing up a menu, decorations and a script. And if problems with the scenario may not arise, but it is still difficult to find a suitable, and most importantly an interesting scenario for the presenter.

Scenario New Year of the Pig 2019 for schoolchildren "Once in the forest"

The New Year's concert should be interesting, fun and memorable. This script is perfect for high school students and can be used to create an incredible fairy tale for toddlers.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year in the lower grades "New Year's Tale"

There are not so many characters in the script, not a blurry plot - just what our kids need. In this fairy tale, kids meet good characters. New Year is the most favorite holiday for children. This New Year's scenario will help caring parents make your little ones the happiest in the world.

New Year is a tree, the smell of tangerines and the expectation of a miracle! Even as a child, we associated this holiday with magic and the fulfillment of desires. Vivid scenarios for celebrating the New Year are a guarantee of great mood and positive emotions, anticipation of something new and bright. Children's matinee or family feast will become even more fun and interesting. New Year is rushing to us, everything will happen soon!