Vulgar Predicts for the New Year. Call to the Future

Vulgar Predicts for the New Year. Call to the Future
Vulgar Predicts for the New Year. Call to the Future

All the time of the existence of humanity, people are trying to look at the future anyway. Someone addresses professional fortunewrites, someone believes in horoscopes and that the position of stars affects fate. And someone, just hoping for the best, lives with confidence that the Guardian Angel will not leave him in any situation.

In a greater or lesser degree of prediction and divination (comic including), part of the life of each of us. They can delight or disappear, and can serve as interesting entertainment.

Especially predisposing to fortunate on the bright future are church holidays And the New Year.

Icestarius behaved that Old year, leaving, takes with it all bad, and the new year's offensive is only good and bright. That is why the celebration of this celebration always takes place on a wide leg, and comic pass in large noisy companies.

In order for the next triumph, it should be a pretty thought, how to diversify it. Excellent idea Comic divination for the new year can be.

"Concert" or forecast for the future performed by Kolya Baskov

it comic divination It is as follows: you need to make a desire and ask loudly, whether it is. Name (depending on the number of channels broadcast by your TV).

Transfer the television control of the TV comrade and listen. Usually at this time, music television shows, and the song that the fortune telling you will bring comic will be broadcast, will be your prediction for a year. Moreover, if a woman becomes singing, then a desire, you are mandated, will be fulfilled. If it is a man, then - no.

Happy ticket or Fortune as a ticket

If you celebrate the parish is planned with colleagues noisy large company, as it is impossible to be more relevant, this comic fortune telling. It should be chopped from colored paper a set of identical size of the squares. Write comic projections on them and give a bileet thus to each incoming. Moreover, the choice of ticket can be provided. Do not regrell the time and fantasy original predictions, and comic divination on the corporate will please you first a surge of joyful emotions, and later a ridiculous discussion.

Chocolate predictor

It should be broken from the chocolate tile a piece and throw it into a glass with pillow champagne. Trace the behavior of chocolate, and the fortune telling comic will pay you a prediction about what your own if there is a piece, barely touching the bubble drink, falls on the bottom, then dance to you before falling.

If after diving pops up, then you will fly in euphoria. If you swim to the right side of the glade, then you can not hide from your second half this night. If left to the left - night promises to be hot, you will search for entertainment on the side, and you are most likely lucky.

"Phanti" or the eyes of an invisible verbolite of truth

One of the guests should tie my eyes. Then each of the remaining take one thing. Things are mixed, and the man blindfolded in turn takes them. Pretty feeling and proclaims its forecast to the owner of things. The main thing is to elect a predictor with developed feeling Humor, and this fortune telling will bring a lot of unforgettable minutes.

Comic Divination by Predictions

An excellent tradition of entertainment over the New Year's table is a discharge division. There are several types of its varieties.

Comic notes can be placed in famous Chinese cookies, and it is possible to more traditional for a resident former USSR "Nuts" or "squirrels" from the test. If the furnace is lazy, and you want to have fun, then the "vessels" for predictions can serve as walnuts, wrapped with foil for the safety of pieces of paper placed in them, and, of course, to create a mystery aura.

The original idea will be using colored balloons in this fortune. In yet tired balls, paper tubes should be placed (leafs with predictions). Each burst ball - prediction. And as guests will choose balls - to solve only them: in color or magnitude, in size or remoteness. To get a note from the ball from the ball, the balls will have to burst. For this purpose, select the needle (pin) or offer guests to burst balls Popami, sitting on them, or clamping between the legs. Here all the ways are equally good and cheerful. The fortune telling comic for memories is traditionally present in the pricing of the New Year holiday in many countries.

Call to the Future

Not so long ago, another comic divination was invented. Prediction by call by mobile phone. To hear the forecast for the future or find out to dial the first number that came to mind. If the handset is removed, most likely, the whole next year It will be successful for you in a romantic plan. If a woman, then career growth The coming year will not make himself wait and will not require much effort. If the subscriber is not available, get ready for loneliness. If it is "busy", you drown in communication and entertainment, promises a comic fortune telling. All listed values \u200b\u200bare applicable and correct if the call will make a woman. If a man, then values \u200b\u200bchange exactly the opposite. What is good to a woman, will not really please a man.

New Year is a holiday for all filled with magic, joy, good mood and jokes. That is why comic fortune tellivations for the new year are very popular. Thanks to it, you can diversify the holiday and leave an unforgettable impression after it.

Predictions for postcades

Certainly, most simple way To cheer out guests is fortune-up using prediction notes. They must be prepared great amount, It is foreseen so that they do not repeat, and fold, for example, in the New Year's Cap. Throughout the evening, each of the guests should get a note and voice your prediction for the next year.

Note-prediction options may be as follows:

  • Remember to become successful, you need to look outwardly and internally look like you are already successful.
  • No need to like everyone, because you are not a dollar.
  • Remember that the more happiness we give to others, the more it returns to you.
  • Fear of your excessive desires.
  • The winner is the one who rose at a time more than fell. So do not be afraid of falling and strive to climb.
  • Do not waste forces on trifles and for all nonsense.
  • Strive to wish in life what you need and be as it will be.
  • Thieme to allocate primary and secondary in life, and everything will become in its place.
  • Any crisis foreshadows new opportunities and new growth, do not be afraid of him.
  • We divide people to friends and teachers and become either another or a teacher.
  • Love your home and pay attention to him.
  • Relax, life consists not only of zealous work.
  • Rejoice in old friends, without them the past becomes faceless.
  • Positive - Engine Success. Smile and good luck will follow you relentlessly.
  • Do not look back for the past, live by the future.
  • Life without authority is easier, do not strive to become them.
  • Live and breathe fully in that place and time you are now.

Foreign-lot per minor items

Similarly, you can cook a lot of simple things that fold into a large colorful box.

For example, some of them may indicate the following:

  • Children's machine - acquisition vehicle in the new year.
  • Matchboxes - a quick journey.
  • Toy fish - a trip to the sea.
  • Part of the building designer is a solution to a housing issue.
  • Squeak - a new acquaintance.
  • Colepko - an ambulance wedding.
  • Button - a huge number of pleasant household troubles.
  • Coin - the receipt of unexpected profits.
  • Pen with a red cap - a meeting with a vampire.
  • Toy rocket - journey to Mars.

Salad's comic fortune telling

Very often, the New Year's celebration turns into a stormy fun. And in the fact that there is some probability after the meeting of the new year, to fall asleep in the face in the salad there is a share of truth. But such curious case You can turn into a comic divination.

If you are falling asleep in one of the following salads, it can be associated with such predictions:

  • "Russian salad". In the coming year, it is unlikely to wait for any changes.
  • "Mimosa". You can expect the beginning of romantic relationships in the near future.
  • "Herring under a Fur Coat". We will have to make your second half and may even have to give her mink coat for this.
  • "With crab chopsticks." In the coming year you will find a magnificent rest in one of their exotic plates of the planet.
  • "Caesar with chicken". Soon, you will be offered an increase in the service with a simultaneous increase in salary.
  • "Caesar salad with shrimps". All year will be associated with long business trips.
  • "Marinated mushrooms or cucumbers." It expects not a very successful year, in which bad luck and failure will become new phenomenon.

Festive table

Comic divination for the new year is often held directly at the table. So, you can use for this champagne and a piece of chocolate.

A chocolate should be put in a glass and trace its condition:

  • If he sank to the bottom, today you are waiting for fun and dancing to fall.
  • If he surfaced, the night will turn into a fairy tale and you are waiting for an unforgettable adventure.
  • If he is adhering to the right wall, then a beautiful romantic evening with the second half awaits you.
  • If he is adhering to the left wall, then naturally will pull you left.

Traditional treats on new Year's table They are nuts, in which, instead of the stuffing, notes are invested with short predictions. What to write is entirely depends on your imagination in relation to the contingent of the guests, which you plan to collect at the festive table.

Thoughtful comic divination for the new year will become a real highlight of a fun holiday. Show fantasy and come up with your own original entertainment, which, subsequently, will be transmitted from the holiday to the holiday. IN big company It can be expected a lot of impromptu when conducting comic fortunes, so the predictions will be very interesting, and who knows whether they will not turn into reality soon, because the new year is filled with the atmosphere of real magic.

Comic fortune telling for the new year
A real highlight of a merry holiday will be comic fortune-law for the new year. And who knows if they will not turn into reality soon, because the new year is filled with an atmosphere of magic.


Fortune Cookie.

Predictions for "Good luck" cookies

There are the following finished lists Predictions - standard, New Year, romantic, feast and children.

Examples of standard predictions in Russian, all positive and funny, only about 3,500 options

Usually our clients use this list of texts as the most versatile and suitable for all occasions.

  • If you initiate the initiative, success will not make himself wait.
  • Get ready for romantic adventure.
  • This month night life For you.
  • It's time for you to relax.
  • You are offered a dream of all life. Tell me!
  • You are waiting for a pleasant surprise.
  • Your hopes and plans will come true over all expectations.
  • Time is your ally, better postpone acceptance an important solution At least for the day.
  • Time and patience, you are waiting for many surprises!
  • Time drags all tears and heal all wounds.

Comic predictions for the new year 2016: invent and believe

Comic predictions for new year 2016 colleagues | Funny predictions for New Year 2016 Short | Merry predictions For the year of Monkey 2015. Major the desires with the last blows of the Kurats, everyone believes that they will certainly come true in the coming 2016. Check that comic predictions will be allowed from the mandated. Comic predictions B. new Year's Eve have become an integral part of the celebration in any company. If you turn them into the game, guests can spend great time and remember your cheerful and incendiary party for a long time.

Comic new Year's predictions: Script options can be invented original script holding new year gadas with comic predictions. Predictions themselves must be solely friendly and positive characterSo that they like others with people with a weak sense of humor.

Rightly popular with comic predictions written on paper and placed in cookies. This tradition came to us from abroad, but firmly occupied a leading place in various New Year's fortune telling.

If you do not have time or desire to prepare predictions in cookies or pastries, you can choose conventional balls. Before inflating the balls, place inside the harvested folded papers with prophecies. Try to be the balls more than invited guests. The option with balls is good in that guests can play them before removing their predictions.

You can put the notes in the bottle laid out in a circle, and the guests alternately turn the empty bottle and choose the prediction to which it will indicate. Alternatively, bottles can be put in a row, and the desire to know the future with tied eyes is spinning in a circle and then the bottle chooses a bottle.
Phanti and providers blindfolded - a great version of comic predictions. Each of the guests gives some thing, and then the leading rapidly pulls out the objects in turn from the New Year's cap. At the same time, your oracle occurs that the owner of the thing in the new 2016 is waiting - the apartment in Monaco, the journey around the world on its own yacht, a trip to the North Pole or just a new "Bentley".

Comic predictions for the new year 2016 colleagues, funny predictions for the new year 2016 short, funny predictions for the year Monkey 2015
Comic predictions for the new year 2016: invent and believe comic predictions for the new year 2016 colleagues | Funny predictions for New Year 2016 Short | Merry predictions per year


Comic fortune telling for the new year

In the process of preparation for the New Year and holidays, and to the New Year's feast, it is very important not to forget, and it is better to take care of how to entertain guests. You will agree, all the time to drink, there, and watch TV will be boring, and after all, the new year is the most cheerful holiday, and it is necessary to spend fun.

As one of the options, you can spend new Year competitions or make comic gypsy divination on new Year. Variants with dressing up are always win-win, so all guests will be interested to look at the brightly dressed, and the crooked gypsy woman. In order for comic divination of gypsies for the New Year to the fame, you should come up in advance and buy an outfit. Now, by the way, the costume of gypsies can even be rented. Also, you should learn several speech revolutions from the Gypsy lexicon.

I will give a few examples, what comic gypsy divination for the new year can be. If you yourself can not learn to the memory, write on the leaves, and put, for example in the header, or a bright beautiful box so that people themselves pull out and read their predictions.

This month, guests will suddenly be granted to you

Everyone as if they were talking - the refrigerator will turn

Let all stocks of vodka, break the TV,

We will break all the dishes and in the kitchen inherit.

This month, rather, you play the lottery

Prediction is - you certainly lucky

You just need to buy tickets, download partially to the tanker,

And partly in two cars, the rest is the plane.

This month put you on the cottage

Buy, drink beer and eat kebab

You do not believe in these bikes - you will make you work there

Sit better at home, drink beer at home!

This month will be predicted that you will have twins

Or maybe even triple, or maybe the Four

And then the state will give you a huge apartment

Flag of honorable in both hands and a bouquet horse.

This month, the computer will not work, as it should,

You are in motherboard Strongly knock your fist.

Does not help - Bay Sledgeham, give foot on the monitor ...

Explain then the authorities: "She first start!"

This month, the boss is angry without a reason,

You tell him calmly, looking straight: "The goat itself!"

To the end of the arguments, quickly, without sharp movements,

Stretch him like a hat you basket for papers.

And facilitate will come: long tormented question

To the upcoming new Year's celebration I remember the atmosphere of fun, excitement, waiting for change for the better, in this joyful day, people not only congratulate each other, exchange gifts and souvenirs, but also prepare a real surprise - comic advice and predictions for the new 2019 year.

The meeting of the most fun holiday with cool predictions will take pleasure to all those gathered: After all, every adult wants to feel like a child, believe in miracles and find out what will be ahead, even if in a humorous relaxed form.

Entertainment forecasts are good because they carry optimism and good. They can warn in a fun form, to give unobtrusive wise advice, to which he is not sin.

How to apply

Joking prophecies will revive the spirit of the company in a circle of relatives, friends, colleagues. Here is the main thing - relevance. On New Year's Eve, family or corporate dates can be coincided with the universal holiday: the birthdays and anniversaries of relatives, family creation, organizations, official dates of managers and employees.

Often brief comic predictions for the new year become a good poems toast or part of a fun game.


Joking forecasts There are a great set:

  • with whiskers;
  • in verses and prose;
  • according to the signs of the zodiac.

You can show originality by posting notes with predictions and wishes in:

  • cookies or candy;
  • glass bottles or jar;
  • balloons.

Other options are used. For example, predictions are written on large paper snowflakes and put in one hat. Each guest takes out the snowflake to its choice. Notes are also attached to souvenirs and are handed over to memory.

And if you want to make additional solemnation, then fix the numbers on the glasses and after the battle of the chimes read the corresponding numbers tips and jokes.

Festive bag, sewn specifically for beautiful postcards With predictions, it will be a kind of center of fun, from which guests will get their desired tickets.

Garmoniously fit in jokes in jokes as a prize after the execution of dance, songs, riddles, poems or other performance. In whatever form projections, it is very important that their number is with a margin. Then the last wisp can also choose a mysterious prediction for the new year.

Adding a fun reading out loud of each progress, which causes humorous comments, laughter, approval and even continued in the form of a joke in the topic or case of life told in brief.


For different options Meetings of the most beautiful winter holiday are suitable for the most diverse topics of cheerful forecasts. The most relevant are themes: about well-being, work, friends, love, health, change.

About well-being

Optimism will help you, above the nose will be offered.

Veleering go ahead, there you are waiting for you.

Won't leave you luck! New will give the cottage!

All year you will be happy to please the fruits of success. Isn't that luck?

About work

Flowing up the career ladder, do not forget to sometimes look down to not stumble.

If next year you will always try to enter the Cabinet of the Chief from the left leg, you will get an increase in position.

There will be a lot of money and a successful way!

On the next week Wait for success in the work, but also do not fool yourself!

You should continue to burn inventiveness.

As always, you are thicker, boiled in your work - your goal.

You will be successful all that is associated with production, communicative links and advanced training.

The first month of the year will be the start of your creative lift.

Success in service will require the maximum of patience, excerpts and skills to bypass "sharp corners".

They say about your success and failure, but the main thing is not in this: in the end you will make a rare business offer.

Calculate the forces with the mind: it will not have time to end the winter, as they need you.

About friends

Your sad circle will break, because true friend You will come back to you!

Do not worry in vain, friends will also be added!

Native and friends wait for the best news!

When you take for an unfamiliar case, do not forget about reliable and truly loyal friends.

The year will be successful for meetings who inspire you to new accomplishments!

Summer journey with close friends will be bright and memorable.

A long-round trip will benefit: you will be in a familiar aura and acquire a strong friendship.

About love

Expect the sunset, expect dawn, expect from a cute gentle brisk.

At the week, the light went out - someone thinks about you.

Heats the sun again - you will meet new love.

You are waiting for love beautiful, mutual and inconspicuous!

Love will fill your days, and they will become bright.

Very rarely so lucky, you love big love!

You are on the threshold of a stormy novel.

You will meet your happiness unexpectedly.

The second half of the year will give you love.

Your life will enter a big love.

In the coming year, your charming is irresistible. You are waiting for new wonders and fabulous transformations.

New Year carries pleasant events, you will be happy and loved.

The second half of the year will be decorated love adventures. Happiness knocks on your home.

In the new year, you may be getting new lesson in personal life.

I know exactly this year

You will give you love!

So that lucky in the whole other -

Do not go to hell!

About health

Live vigorously and year will pass excellent!

For your health your toast! And for your career growth!

Health will be tightly, the second youth will come,

In the family and peace will breathe!

You are destined to one hundred years

Live without knowing big troubles!

Wings you do not burn and take care of health.

From now on, you will start the good and young.

Noting their successes, thank tea more.

About change

Go to you change in early January,

You do not scare them, do not fuss in vain.

Fate can be found, even moving the street to the "Green Light". Therefore, it is not harmful to look around.

A pleasant surprise Waiting for you in the first half of January.

Many adventures will be able to experience

But oblivion, damage - not to see and do not hear.

We strive in time: run, tee, parim,

You will feel unprecedented extreme.

Your life in the frost and heat

It turns out the best and successful side.

Waiting for you proud mountains and the sun in addition.

Replenishment of the budget awaits you in this summer!

An unexpected meeting will scratch your Saturday evening

Not far from the mountains are important meetings, gifts and good news.

Life will find stability, you were looking forward to it.

Others will have happy changes, but for your life it is also very important.

In the new year, the implementation of bold designs will be replaced, the success of which colleagues and fate will help.

More than ever this year, you will have a case to demonstrate your natural gift, at the same time new plans will appear, people, priorities.

Going on vacation, you will look at the world in a new way, and therefore many problems will disappear by themselves.

A kind tradition to give close and familiar in the new year comic predictions raises the mood, gives hope for all the best in life, strengthens the relationship between people.

In order to find out what to expect in the new year, there are many ghosts. They can be carried out in a short and humorial form during new Year's corporate houses, meetings with friends at home or away. Predictions can be represented in prose or verses written on small pieces of paper that can be placed in cookies, candy, pies, dumplings and other sweets. As a New Year's divination, it will be great to hold a lottery, where every item has its own value. As predictions, you can use the names of films and songs.

  • Show all

    Comic prophecy for corporate party

    Usually at the end of the year in many firms occur corporate eventsduring which the outcomes of the outgoing year are summed up and plans are drawn up. In order to brighten the situation, it is possible to offer funny comic predictions to employees who will definitely come true in the coming year:

    1. 1. Lifting the career ladder, you should go carefully and carefully to look under your feet, so as not to slip on the spitches of envious colleagues.
    2. 2. Next year, you need to expect a serious increase - your office will be in a few floor above.
    3. 3. If you smile a lot next year, you can wait for the signing of a profitable contract. A business partner will be a well-known toothpaste manufacturer.
    4. 4. If next year, each time you enter the office of the head of the left leg, then you can get an increase.
    5. 5. You are very lucky - next year it will be possible to get rid of harmful habit. True, two more will appear in return.

    It is important to pick up such predictions that are not offended by colleagues.

    For the party in the circle of employees, short prophecies for the new year are not only in prose, but also in verses:

    Short Funny
    In sight of the chief not to be - so that there is no risk to get drunk!

    Urgently you go to the gym,

    To grow in your pocket.

    Here the figure has nothing to do with

    Time is strong to be shoulder

    Whom the head will drive away from work - in the new year less concern!

    New you wanted a laptop

    The old came Kayuk.

    Get and silent

    And with the money says

    What will keep salary

    For the breakdown of the apparatus

    Who champagne will go down - he will return without a premium!

    Waiting for you to increase you.

    See, you worked not in vain.

    And behind the bosses every day

    Not in vain dragged like a shadow.

    Now it's all about you -

    How do you walk with a dream

    Predictions for friends

    To celebrate a fun holiday at home, in a circle of friends or relatives, you can use more bold predictions. As a "packaging" for predictions, you can use cookies, pies, candy.


    1. 1. Next year, you should expect replenishment in the family - neighboring cockroaches will move to you in the apartment.
    2. 2. Next year will be able to find a treasure. It will have the kind of a thumbnail of a husband, which he copied all year.
    3. 3. In the coming year, unexpected attacks should be watched. Good luck will attack you, to fight off from which it will be difficult.
    4. 4. It is necessary to beware of cooling of the feelings of the second half. Otherwise, you can try with love for all 12 months.
    5. 5. If the present for the new year, give your favorite diamond ring, then the stars predict you a fusion life in the next 12 months.
    6. 6. Next year, it will be possible to get into the cream of society and find a rich and generous sponsor.
    7. 7. In the coming year, gray weekdays will be asked passionate novel With a beautiful lover.
    8. 8. Next year, friends will not be able to forget you. It's hard to forget who should money.
    9. 9. You can wait for an unforgettable rest where everything is included - in relatives.
    10. 10. There are two news. Bad - you add in weight. Good - the addition will occur in the wallet area.
    11. 11. Turning the road, you should look around. You can meet your destiny.
    12. 12. In the new year you can get a gift in the form of goldfish. It will be baked and with vegetables.

    What do the names of films and songs prophesy?

    As predictions, you can use songs and movies. You can write them on separate leaves to put in a magic bag and offer to guests to pull on one piece of paper with such words: "Next year it expects ...".

    Fortune telling for christmas

    Christmas divisions have their own unique flavor and originality. There are different versions of predictions for Christmas.

    Fortune telling 12 pieces

    For one of the options, you must write your most intimate dreams on pieces of paper, the size of which is approximately 2x4 cm. You should make no more than 12 desires, and they should not be repeated. All papers are twisted into the tube, fold into the magic bag and are placed under the pillow. In the morning you need to get three any leaves and read those desires that should be implemented throughout the year.

    Competition "Comic Predictions"

    This competition is perfect for the celebration of Christmas to the circle of friends. It is necessary to prepare for it funny pictureswhere people are depicted about what people are most often dreaming, makes a desire. For example:

    • Healthy I. a happy family.
    • Money.
    • Chair of the head.
    • wedding ceremony.
    • New big house.
    • Prestigious car.
    • Phone of the last model.
    • Rest in an exotic country.
    • Trip around the world.

    Images can be printed or cut out of any old logs. Pictures need to sprinkle on the rope. For this purpose, scotch or clothespins are used. Each of the guests take turns are tied eyes. The participant is spinning and summarized to the rope. The task of the competition is to decorate the picture and see what awaits it in the year.

    Predictions on the old new year

    There are other funny new year prediction methods. When everything is granted to the old new year at the table, you can offer a treat in the form of dumplings. At the same time fun and good wishes The future is determined not to memorize inside the product. Dumplings contain interesting items, each of them has its own secret meaning And tells what to expect in the coming year:




    Pleasant surprise from a loved one

    To a pleasant romantic acquaintance

    To great luck and good luck

    Home comfort and calm


    Good health

    To get unexpected profits

    Long I. happy life

    Big win

    Wealth I. singful life

    Large temptation

    Getting a premium or salary


    New love story


    New post

    Cardinal changes in life

    To the marriage ceremony

    Red pepper

    Obstacles to business

    To joyful Westmas

    Bay leaf

    Rapid takeoff on the service stairs

    Good health and excellent well-being

    To big profits

    New acquaintances

    Obragrats in the implementation of the intended plan

    Welfare and prosperity

    Thread white

    Long journey or business trip

    Thread green

    Trip abroad

    Thread with nodules

    To unexpected troubles and care

    Thread black

    Lady business trip

    Passionate lover

    At once two fans


    Ground pepper fragrant

    To sharp changes in life

    Pepper black peas

    New acquaintances


    To the update of Gardeck

    Vain hopes

    Well-being in the house

    Light year

    New creative ideas

    Quarrels, tears


    Sexy games

    Large win

    New acquaintances

    Dough, beans, scaled fish

    Replenishment in the family

    Good health

    Good shopping

    Filty year

    Strengthening related relations

    Marriage of convenience

    Honored Wheel Reward

    New Year's lottery

    In order for the evening to be unforgettable, you can spend an interesting lottery-divination. For this, each of the guests pulls out one of the objects from the bag at random, and the host reads him the meaning of the gift:

    Picture Value

    Misfortunes all and unlikely

    Solve without a doubt.

    As a bubble out soapy foam

    Burst all let problems

    Toilet paper

    Outside the window let the snow,

    But your way is easy.

    Will be long let and light,

    as a roll of paper


    New interesting year

    Expects at the gate.

    It will be noisy, multicolored,

    Bright - like a clapboard


    To wash off all problems

    We need to get soap


    In the coming year

    Wait to visit Beauty,

    So as not tolerance,

    Here is a cool comb

    Wet wipes

    To trouble and sadness

    You have not blocked all year,

    They will erase them aptive

    Here you have wet wipes

Sometimes, spending an anniversary or any other holiday, you begin to notice that part of the guests ceases to be active and just sit, and rest. And here it is necessary to take action, otherwise they will reach them and the rest and fun holiday risks go to the step of half. What measures will help? Try to spend the game called - comic predictions! Short I. funny predictions in verses, suit any holiday. For example, on the anniversary or for the new year, on February 23 and even on March 8! And all because the predictions are universal and even for teenagers and children at school, you can use them, a little confirming. Well, we will not tomorrow, but let's turn to the game and poems.

Predictions in verse.

1. In the first decade of January,
Your dream will come true.
To this event you prepare
Drink a glass, and calm down!

2. If Saturday is waging at four in the morning,
Then the weekend will be with a bang!
You will redo all things,
After all, time will be a lot of you!

3. Summer, autumn and spring,
Everything will be fine with you.
And the winter is just passing,
In a warm house, sit.

4. Different color socks you are rid
And everything will be with you.
And if others are laughed,
You can simply smile in response.

5. Summer on the sea you will fly,
And when you come back, then you surprise friends.
You will have a slightly abdomen,
Well, about, somewhere for months two.

6. And you will shortly smile at you,
And your life will turn on the new.
The main thing is not to sleep,
We must sit, and wait for it.

7. Put money in the bank,
And tell three times - so!
And then just wait
And on percentages beautifully live.

8. New car will appear with you
But I will lose something from you.
As soon as you find the car,
In the family budget, you get a hole!

9. At the end of the week you have
There will be a lot of things.
These batteries for you,
So that you managed all this!

10. Always in your house,
There will be delicious food.
Only in the store more often you go,
Yes, with full bags from there go away.

11. You are incredibly lucky!
Soon you will have the opposite.
All your dreams will soon be fulfilled,
The main thing is to believe, and just wait.

12. If you try,
That all will be obtained.
And if you have everything to get,
All wishes will be performed.

13. For a long time you walked
And finally you reached.
Waiting for the friends of a big pyr
Your apartment will appear!

14. And you need to try a little,
And you do not need to be shy.
Literally a little lucky
And soon you have an increase in your family!

Do you know how to play such predictions? Everything is simple here - all the predictions on the numbers are recorded on your sheet, and the guests are removed from the ticket of tickets with numbers. When they were taken out, then show or call the ticket number, and you read the prediction under this number.

By the way!
We have beautiful patterns With numbers for any similar game.
You can see them and download for free for your needs.

Option of comic predictions with movie names.

This version of the game is interesting in that it is possible to interpret the names of films in different ways. And so the game is obtained by a lively, and all guests take part in the discussion. And the game is carried out according to the following rules:
"The guest says in the future I am waiting for me ... and takes out one card on which the name of the film is written. And reading it. It may turn out like this: in the future I am waiting for me ... carnival Night! And maybe so: in the future I am waiting for me ... Service Roman!
In general, this option is obtained ridiculous when guests or lead comments on what is happening.
Next, see the list of films that are suitable for the game:
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