The origin of the name Davydov. The meaning and origin of the name "Davydov"

The origin of the name Davydov. The meaning and origin of the name "Davydov"

Study of the history of the name of the name Davydov opens forgotten Pages The life and cultures of our ancestors can tell a lot of curious about the distant past.

Last name Davydov belongs to the popular type slavic namesformed from folk forms baptismal names.

Religious tradition, established in Russia with the adoption of Christianity, obligated to call a child in honor of this or that saint, revered orthodox Church. However, Christian names often sounded in origin of the origin of Christian names and were incomprehensible in meaning. Therefore, in the folk environment, they "rolled up" a live speech until they started to sound quite in Slavyansky.

The name David came from the Hebrew language and dates back to the word DaVid - "Favorite". According to the biblical tradition, this name was one of the greatest kings Israeli - David, founder of the first dynasty of Israel's kings at home Davidov. According to legend, being in his youth by a simple shepherd, David defeated the shooting out of the capabilities of the powerful Philistan Goliath's bogatyr. This feat, as well as the righteous life, David deserved the honor and right to inherit from the deceased king Shaulu Kingdom. In mind people's Tsar David remained like a psalmist and the perfect ruler.

The name David came to the Slavs among other Christian names, most likely in the XII-XIV centuries, but initially they baptized predominantly to princes and clergy. Gradually, David's name acquired popularity among Russians of other classes. Moreover, in Russia, it often acquired a slightly different form - Davyd. So, for example, by this name, Kursk Davyd Makarov (1628) was baptized.

IN XV-XVI centuries In Russia, among the representatives of preferred estates, surnames began to form as special, inherited family naming. Already K. XVII century The most common model of education of the surname was added to the basis of suffixes -On / -En and -in, which over time turned into the most typical indicator of Russian surnames. According to its origin, such names were pretty adjectivesFormed on behalf of or nickname father, and from the form that he was familiar to others. As a rule, suffix -in was added to the basics on-/ -E, and the names on -O -OV / -Es were formed from words ending to consonant or -O. So, on behalf of Davyd, Davydov last name was formed.

Many glorified this name prominent figures, the brightest of which was undoubtedly Denis Vasilyevich Davydov (1784-1839) - participant Patriotic War 1812, lieutenant-general, ideologue and leader partisan traffic, Russian poet "Pushkin Pleiada".

When and where exactly this surname arose, is currently impossible to establish without special genealogical studies. Undoubtedly, the surname of Davydov has an interesting centuries-old history and should be attributed to the number of the oldest Russian generic naming, indicating the diversity of ways to appear the names.

Sources: Dictionary of Modern Russian Fames (Ganghina IM), Encyclopedia of Russian Family. Secrets of origin and meanings (Viedina T.F.), Russian surnames: Popular Etymological Dictionary (Fedosyuk Yu.A.), Encyclopedia of Russian surnames (Higir B.Yu.), Russian names (Unbaegon B.O.).

Open the mystery of the name Davydov (in Latin broadcast Davydov.) Looking at the calculation results in numerological magic numbers. You will learn hidden talents and unknown desires. Perhaps you do not understand them, but you feel that something you do not know about yourself and your loved ones.

The first letter of the name Davydov will tell about the character

Many chances that love breaks about life. You are a romantic, and love in half with hopes and disappointments can give dangerous rolls. Exit - in constant communication with the subject of your dream. You are very reliable in love, and in sex you cautious. But do not like to admit the guilt, dumping it on a partner and circumstances.

Characteristic features of the name Davydov

  • power
  • comfort
  • unity with nature
  • inconstancy
  • lack of systematic
  • capriciousness
  • sociability
  • friend
  • ability to psychic
  • large emotionality
  • mysterious unrest
  • practicality
  • landiness of the spirit
  • feeling of robust

Davydov: the number of interaction with the world "8"

People who are under the influence of Number eight are distinguished by the character of restless and purposeful. They are rarely satisfied with what they have, and seek to maximize the boundaries of their capabilities. The potential of the "eighthloins" is very large, but they can't call small requests, so the feeling of satisfaction from the work done or the joy of victory is rarely experienced. The eight people can build plans and embody them into reality, but are forced to put up with the fact that everything turns out a little (and even at all) not as conceived.

"Eights" are afraid of little. Responsibility for others and leadership by large teams are natural for them, like harsh changes in life. As a rule, they are well treated with others, but try to avoid too much intimacy and prefer to play the role of the leader in relationships. Highly appreciate the intellect, moral qualities and sense of humor, they do not tolerate the bowl and lies, and are also very sensitive to manifestations of ignorance and tactlessness.

The marriage relations of the "octopians" add up peacefully, although there are no passion or even deep attachment in them. Nevertheless, the eight people almost always strive for sustainable relationships and marriage - without a permanent satellite of life, they feel uncomfortable. Avoid quarrels in the family helps them congenital tact, and to cope with household problems - the ability to act independently and distribute duties.

"Octalists" love to receive guests and do not miss the opportunity to boast their home, as a rule - large and cozy. Own accommodation - "Penalty" of many eight people; in removable apartments or parental House They usually feel not too cozy. At the same time, it is impossible to name them that are only interested in material benefits; Many "october" generously share all that earn, active participation takes charitable organizations And help close and distant relatives with money. But the main thing is that they give the eight people around others - these are their love and sincere interest.

"Octalists" so care about others that sometimes they lack strength and energy to equip own life. Another common problem is the desire for unacceptable goals and the inability to maintain peace of mind and common sense if obstacles appear on the way.

Davydov: The number of spiritual aspirations "1"

The impact of the unit is associated with the ability of independent decision-making, which, as a rule, manifests itself in two versions: either a person brightly demonstrates leadership qualities and seeks to lead, or emphasizes its independence, opposes himself to others and prefers to be alone. Units always choose their own way. If, due to any reasons, they cannot do this, forced submission very negatively affects them.

They want to get freedom at any cost. Most of these people periodically feels the need to be alone, so wait from them deep immersion in family or love relationship Do not. Born under the influence of units are not always revealed even before the closest - their soul is full of unsolved secrets.

It cannot be said that the units choose their life Path Once and for all. Of course, they appreciate stability, but thirst for change always lives in their heart, because of which they sometimes seem like capricious and even windy. However, if you look at these people carefully, you can see that they always remain true to their principles. Of these, excellent critics are obtained, however, in their desire to indicate others on their mistakes, they often do not know the boundaries.

Sometimes it seems as if born under the influence of a unit chooses a spouse specifically in order to infinitely pour it away, redoing it to his own way, fully rebuilt. Despite the fact that the unit of Yaro requires respect, other people's rights and desires are absolutely not interested.

If such a person gets the opportunity to show his talent of the head in all its glory, he becomes a charismatic leader, a volitional, brave and decisive leader of the flock. Born under the influence of the unit simply does not know how to obey, quiet and invisible infringement in the team from him also should not be expected, but he will definitely stand on the defense of humiliated and offended.

If the unit does not feel quite powerful potential in itself, in order to withstand intense competition, he should pay attention to the spheres that do not promise power and wealth: there he will define forward, demonstrating the best features of his character.

Davydov: the number of true features "7"

People who are under the influence of figures 7 perceive the surrounding reality calmly and more. They always obey the vote of the mind and have an enviable composure. When they are losing self-control - the seven people remain completely calm, and take the situation in their hands.

In case of fire, the "seven" first will be the first to remember the evacuation plan, and during shipwreck, there is a life jacket and boats. He is not afraid to experiment, making sure at first that he won't hurt himself and his surround.

In peak situations "Seven Man" needed, but also in everyday life His intelligence certainly does not hurt. "Semerchnoye" is satisfied with his life. He does not possess impracticable tasks and does not regret what happened, always comes fumaous, but not alien to rational risk. He misses the little things that sometimes he brings him down. However, putting a goal, a man of seven, usually reaches it, thanks to the support of reliable comrades.

"Semerchnoye" is able to defend his interests, but also does not forget about others. He makes every effort to improve the lives of loved ones, but it is worried and global problems, in solving which he participates as his strength. The person seven will not pass by other people's suffering, due to the aggravated sense of justice and the ability to empathize undeservedly offended.

Usually these people choose independent activities. When working in the team, they spend too a large number of Forces, to establish a comfortable, calm, friendly situation among colleagues. "Semerchnoye" prefers not to use the ones.

It is interesting for him to succeed on the path where others have been confused. Thus, he shows himself and everything else that for him, as for a person, strongly enthusiastic, any idea, everything in this world is possible.

Information about the name Davydovy: Davydov Denis Vasilyevich Davydov Denis Vasilyevich - (1784-1839) Gusar, Hero of the Patriotic War 1812, Military Writer Poet, General Lieutenant (1831) Davydov - a fairly common last name, comes from the baptismal name David - Davyd Favorite (dr. Source: Dictionary of Russian surnames According to the results of the study in the five conventional regions of the Russian Federation (Northern, Central, Central-Western, Central Eastern and South), scientists from the laboratory of the population genetics of the medical and genetic center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences made a list of almost 15 thousand Russians Family. When the regional lists are applied to each other, the following list of 250 most frequency community names was formed. The last name Davydov is ranked 96. A complete list of the names included in the TOP 250 Davydov are Russian noble childbirth, number 76. The first one comes from Murza Minchak Kosaevich, who left in Moscow at the beginning of the XV century. And adopting baptism with the name of the seeds. Ivan Kirillovich Davydov was a Lieuag General and Belgorod Governor (1773). Vasily Lvovich Davydov (died in 1853) was one of the prominent Decembrists and in 1826. Sylane was exiled. Cousin His, Denis Vasilyevich - a famous poet-partisan. One branch of Davydov inherited the state and the name of the enemy graphs and is the name of the Eagle-Davydov counts. This genus of Davydov has been submitted to the VI part of the pedigree books of Kaluga, Oryolskaya, Saratov, Sybir, Moscow and St. Petersburg provinces and in the III part of the pedigree books of the Grodno and Kiev provinces. (Hercobnik, II, 51). The second genus of Davydovoy - Armenian origin and starts from Davyd-Bay, the possession of Tsymaaksky in 1517, his descendant, Stepan Davydov left to Russia in 1784 and was a lieutenant colonel. This genus is submitted to the VI part of the pedigree of the Moscow province (Hercobnik, VII, 162). The third kind was Nikita Vasilyevich Davydov, the Tver Son of Boyarsky (1560). From this kind, Ivan Ivanovich Davydov took place. The genus is submitted in the VI and III parts of the pedigree of the Moscow and Tver province. The fourth genus of Davydov comes from Ivan Nikitich Davydov, the Novgorod landowner and the son of Boyarsky (1583) and was submitted to the VI part of the pedigree books of the Novgorod and Tambov provinces. Thirteen gods of Davydov go to the XVII century. The rest of the birth of Davydov Lategories. V. R. Davydov - Russian Princely Rod, which coming from the king of Kakhetian Alexander I (died in 1511) and drove into Russia in 1666. Prince Sergey Ivanovich Davydov (died in 1878) was DTS, Senator and Vice President Academy of Sciences. The genus of Davydov is included in the V part of the pedigree book of the Nizhny Novgorod province.

The study of the history of the emergence of the name Davydov opens the forgotten pages of the life and culture of our ancestors and can tell a lot of curious about the distant past.

The surname of Davydov belongs to the popular type of Slavic surnames formed from the folk forms of baptismal names.

The religious tradition, established in Russia with the adoption of Christianity, obliged to call a child in honor of a particular saint, revered by the Orthodox Church. However, Christian names often sounded in origin of the origin of Christian names and were incomprehensible in meaning. Therefore, in the folk environment, they "rolled up" a live speech until they started to sound quite in Slavyansky.

The name David came from the Hebrew language and dates back to the word DaVid - "Favorite". According to the biblical tradition, this name was one of the greatest kings of Israeli - David, the founder of the first dynasty of Israel's kings of David. According to legend, being in his youth by a simple shepherd, David defeated the shooting out of the capabilities of the powerful Philistan Goliath's bogatyr. This feat, as well as the righteous life, David deserved the honor and right to inherit from the deceased king Shaulu Kingdom. In the memory of People's king David remained as a psalmope and the perfect ruler.

The name David came to the Slavs among other Christian names, most likely in the XII-XIV centuries, but initially they baptized predominantly to princes and clergy. Gradually, David's name acquired popularity among Russians of other classes. Moreover, in Russia, it often acquired a slightly different form - Davyd. So, for example, by this name, Kursk Davyd Makarov (1628) was baptized.

In the XV-XVI centuries in Russia, the names of both special, inherited family naming began to be formed in the middle of representatives of privileged classes. Already by the XVII century, the most common model of education of the surname was the addition to the basis of the suffixes -On / -Ed and -in, who over time turned into the most typical indicator of Russian surnames. For its origin, such names were attracted adjectives, educated on behalf of or nicknames, and from the form that he was familiar to others. As a rule, suffix -in was added to the basics on-/ -E, and the names on -O -OV / -Es were formed from words ending to consonant or -O. So, on behalf of Davyd, Davydov last name was formed.

This name was glorified by many outstanding personality, the brightest of which was undoubtedly Denis Vasilyevich Davydov (1784-1839) - a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, a lieutenant-general, ideologist and leadership of the partisan movement, the Russian Poet of Pushkin Pleiades.

When and where exactly this surname arose, is currently impossible to establish without special genealogical studies. Undoubtedly, the surname of Davydov has an interesting centuries-old history and should be attributed to the number of the oldest Russian generic naming, indicating the diversity of ways to appear the names.

Sources: Dictionary of Modern Russian Fames (Ganghina IM), Encyclopedia of Russian Family. Secrets of origin and meanings (Viedina T.F.), Russian surnames: Popular Etymological Dictionary (Fedosyuk Yu.A.), Encyclopedia of Russian surnames (Higir B.Yu.), Russian names (Unbaegon B.O.).

There are several versions of the origin of the name Davydov. According to the most common and most logical, the names of Davydov occurred from the patronymic of Orthodox church name David or, as was made in the people, Davyd. At another point of view, the name of Davyd or Davud is an Arabic form christian name David. The name itself translated from the Hebrew means "Favorite". So a person could be called in honor of the ancient king Palestine David or Rev. David Solunsky.

The same origin is attributed to many similar surnames, not always having russian origin. For example, Russian Davidov, Davydkov, ukrainian surnames Davydenko or Davidovich, Russified options for Davydenkov and Davydovich, Belorusskaya Davydzenko, having the Turkic roots of Davudov and Daudov.

Another version of the origin of the name Davydov relies on pedigree several Russians noble childbirth With this surname, described in the "General Hercob of noble birth Russian Empire" So, the first of them led his pedigree from the son of Murza Minchak Kosayevich named David or Davud, who lived in the 15th century and kept under the name Simeon.

Another genus of the Davydov nobles has armenian origin And leads its own story from the Tsymakian domain Davyd Bay, who lived at the beginning of the 16th century. A few more childbirth occur from the boyars and landowners who worn this name.

For 1910, the name of Davydov, according to the estimates of B. Town, held the 51st place in St. Petersburg, and in 1973 V.A. Nikonov, in his estimates, pointed out that in Moscow, Davydov was in Moscow 93. Approximately the same place it takes to this day.

Famous people with the name Davydov

  • Davydov Nikita (Mikita) is a Russian weapon master of the XVII century. In 1613-1663 he worked in the Armory Chamber. He is called the father of the Russian weapon, made a lot of weapons of weapons. Some of the most famous are the Jericho Cap (helmet) for the king Mikhail Fedorovich (1621), Alexei Mikhailovich's armor (1663), faceted and gear swords - for ceremonial purposes (1659). Also done firearms (pegs, carbines and pistols.) My works decorated with a carved floral ornament.
  • Davydov Gabriel Ivanovich (1784-1809) - Gardemarine, traveled to America, which left his recordings containing numerous ethnographic and vocabulary, as well as the author of the dictionary of the naschals natives of Sakhalin. In honor of sea officer Named an island as part of the Aleutian archipelago. Rock-Opera "Juno and Avos" is compiled based on the history of navigation of Davydov and his comrade of tails, which are also the characters of the opera.
  • Davydov Evgraph Vladimirovich (1775-1823) - participant napoleonic Wars, Chief of the Luben Gusar Regiment.
  • Davydov Nikolay Vladimirovich (1773-1823) - Russian commander of the era of the Napoleonic Wars, Major General.
  • Davidov (Davydov) Augustus Yulievich (Yulievich) (1823-1885 / 1886) - Russian mathematician, author of elementary mathematics textbooks in 1860-1920. President of the Moscow Mathematical Society (1866-1885 / 1886).
  • Davydov Alexey Kuzmich (1790-1857) - Vice Admiral, was also a teacher, and then the director of the North School and Maritime cadet corps. Holder of the Order of St. George 4th degree and other awards.
  • Davydov Alexey Pavlovich (1826-1904) is the Russian inventor of mines of electromagnetic action, the power system for automatic gunning guns. His inventions were adopted by several dozen warships of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets.
  • Davydov Vasily Lvovich (1793-1855) - Russian poet, Decembrist.
  • Davydov Vladimir Nikolaevich (1849-1925) - the real name and surname - Ivan Nikolaevich Gorelov; Soviet actor, performed in the troupe Alexandrinsky Theater.. Also theater director and teacher, National artist Republic (1922).
  • Davydov Denis Vasilyevich (1784-1839) - Russian ideologue of the partisan traffic during the Patriotic War of 1812. Also the Russian poet, most bright representative "Hussar Poetry."
  • Davydov Dmitry Pavlovich (1811-1888) - Russian Ethnographer, was engaged in the study of the morals, folklore and the life of the peoples of Siberia, in the same region produced archaeological studies. Author "Russian-Yakut dictionary" (1843). Most of His manuscripts died.
  • Davydov Ivan Ivanovich (1794-1863) - Russian philologist and philosopher, doctor of verbal sciences.
  • Davydov Karl Yulievich (1838-1889) - Russian Composer, played by Cello, Director of St. Petersburg Conservatory (1876-1887). The author of the Opera "Rudokop", overture and fantasies for cello and double bass from the opera "Caligula", "fantasies to Russian songs", the symphonic poem "Dara Terek". Many great people of that time admired the talent of K.Yu.Daevdov, including P.I. Tchaikovsky, and Julius Klengel, in 1862-1887 received the title of "Solist of His Imperial Majesty". Played on the instrument of the work of A. Standari. The author of the textbook "Schools for Cello" (1888).
  • Davydov (David) Kirill Yuryevich (born in 1988) - Ukrainian footballer.
  • Davydov (David) Sergey Viktorovich (born in 1984) - Ukrainian footballer.
  • Davydov (Davtyan) Yakov Khristorovich (1888-1938) - a Soviet diplomat, Chekist, worked in foreign exploration.
  • Davydov Alexander Romanovich (1937-2012) - the Soviet and Russian multiplier, the first multiplier laureate of the Nika Prize. With his participation, about 100 cartoons were created, was the director of the satirical magazine "Fitil". Animator of such cartoons as "a train from Romashkova", "Like a lion and a turtle sang a song", "Dereza", " The Bremen Town Musicians"," Morning Parrot Keschi "," Muha-Cocotuha "," Uncle Stepa - Militizer "," New Adventures of the Parrot of Kechi ", some issues" Merry Carousel"And others.
  • Davydov Alexander Sergeevich (1912-1993) - Ukrainian physicist, conducted scientific research in the field of quantum mechanics and solid physics.
  • Davydov Anatoly Viktorovich (born in 1953) - the former Soviet and Russian football player, later coach. Master of Sports of the USSR (1976).
  • Davydov Boris Vladimirovich (1884-1925) - Soviet hydrograph-geodesist, explored the Okhotsk, Bering Sea. In 1924 installed the flag of the USSR on the island of Wrangel, was the head of the expedition to this island. In honor of the hydrograph, bays and capes in these parts are named. The author of books on hydrography and the study of the Arctic Ocean.
  • Davydov Vasily Vasilyevich (1930-1998) - Soviet teacher and psychologist. He is the author of the system primary educationUsed at present, along with the traditional system and the SNAN system.
  • Davydov Vasily Innokentievich (1919-1968) - Infantryman, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero Soviet Union (1946). Having stormed Reichstag, took part in the waters over the Red Flag. Davydov's battalion distinguished himself during the storm, destroying a large number of opponents and at the same time more than 600 people took captivity.
  • Davydov Vladimir Mikhailovich (born in 1943) - Russian economist, historian, specializes in the field Latin America. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2011), owner of various domestic and foreign awards. For example, among his awards, the medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" (1999), the Brazilian Order of Rio Branco degree "Commander" (2002).
  • Davydov Georgy Valentinovich (1941-2011) - Soviet geologist engineer, participant of the human rights movement in the USSR, dissident, a former political prisoner. The first began to scientifically develop the history of the post-storey repressive system. Since 1980, he worked on the radio "Freedom" in Munich.
  • Davydov Ivan Alexandrovich (1916-1999) - Soviet hockey player with the ball, the Champion of the USSR (1951, 1952), the owner of the Silver of the USSR Championship (1950, 1954), Honored Coach of the USSR. In 1968-1978, he trained the Junior team, which became the winner of the World Championship (1970, 1974, 1976) and received silver awards in 1972 and 1978.
  • Davydov Ivan Egorovich (1926-1977) - Honored Test Point of the USSR (1967), Hero of the Soviet Union (1971). On the Antey plane ("An-22"), he established 27 world aircraft recitations. Winner of various orders and medals.
  • Davydov Ivan Nikitovich (1933-1981) - Soviet miner, hero Socialist Labor (1971).
  • Davydov Isaai (born in 1927) - pseudonym, real name - David Isaakovich Sheinberg; Soviet I. russian writer. Most known as a science fiction ("He loved you," "Girl from Pantikapey", but also as a documentalist ("Give the rocket!", "The feat began in April," the story "Dance Lesson in Military Moscow" and "Three Weeks") . 36 books I. Davydov were published, among whom two novels ("I will return in a thousand years," "from spring to spring") and more than 10 leaders. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1959).
  • Davydov Konstantin Nikolayevich (1877-1960) - Russian Zoologist, in 1922 he left Russia. During training at the University of St. Petersburg, it became widely known, thanks to its discoveries and works, the author of the monograph "Embrystick Embryology Course" (1914). World fame Brought him "Guidelines on Comparative Embryology of Invertebrates" (1928). Working in indochite (1929-1934), he did great amount discoveries - new species, for which he was awarded the title of "Matra" and given funds for the costs of processing collections. Lived in Paris, was the head of work in National Center scientific research in Paris. Corresponding Member of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1949).
  • Davydov Lado (Vladimir) Shirinssaevich (1924-1987) - soviet scout, Member of the Great Patriotic War. It is one of two Assyrians who were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union (1944).
  • Davydov Mikhail Ivanovich (born in 1947) - Soviet and Russian scientist, Surgeon-Oncologist, director of Russian oncological scientific Center im.N.N. Blokhina. Member of various foreign societies, academies of sciences. Surgeon-Novator, developed new methods of treatment in oncology. Author and co-author more than 300 scientific work, Winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2002), Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation.
  • Davydov Seliv'st Vasilyevich (1918-1992) is a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1943). He showed courage and heroism when liberating the city of Melitopol. The owner of the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and other awards.
  • Davydov Sergey Dmitrievich (born in 1979) - the former Belarusian skater, and now the coach in figure skating. The eight-time champion of Belarus in male single skating (2001-2008). Silver winner of the World Junior Championships in 1998 (spoke for Russia).
  • Davydov Tigran Efimovich (1934-1978) - Soviet actor.
  • Davydov Yuri Vladimirovich (1924-2002) - soviet writer, Master of historical prose ("Southern Cross", "Go to the full wind", "Golitan", "straw guard, or two ligaments of letters" and others). He was the head of the jury of the bucker premium (2001). Owner literary Prize Sakharov named after Sakharov, State Prizes of the USSR in the field of literature (1987), Prizes "Triumph" (1996), the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree (1999) and other awards.
  • Davydov (Davidova) Natalia Anatolyevna (born in 1985) - Ukrainian weightlifter. Bronze winner in the weight category up to 69 kg at the Olympics in 2008. Bronze holder at European Heavy Athletics Championships (2005-2007) and at the World Championships in 2007. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. He was awarded the Order of Princess Olga III degree.
  • Davydova Anastasia Semenovna (born in 1983) - Russian synchronist, winner of five gold medals of the Olympiad (2004, 2008, 2012), 13-fold world champion and 7-fold European champion in synchronous swimming. Flag of the Russian national team at the closure of the 2012 Olympics. He was awarded the Order "For Services to Fatherland" IV degree (2012), the Order of Honor (2009) and the Order of Friendship (2005). Honored Master of Sports of Russia. It is also called the best synchronist of the decade 2000-2009.
  • Davydova Anna Ivanovna (born in 1923) - Hero of Socialist Labor (1964), Best Mill of Pereslavsky District Yaroslavl region. Its work is marked by a bronze medal of VDNH in 1965, when the villas of cows from her farm amounted to 4486 liters of milk from a cow.
  • Davydov Berta Zarovna (1922-2007) - Soviet and Uzbek singer (lyrical soprano), People's Artist of the UzSSR (1964).
  • Davydov Vera Aleksandrovna (1906-1993) - Surname after marriage - Medelidze; Sovetskaya opera singer (mezzo-soprano) and teacher. Folk artist RSFSR (1951) and Georgian SSR (1981). The owner of the three Stalinist first degree premiums (1946, 1950, 1951), as well as other awards.
  • Davydova Victoria Borisovna (born in 1968) - chief Editor russian journal Vogue, Editor-consultant magazine "Glamor".
  • Davydova Elena Viktorovna (born in 1961) - Soviet gymnast, innovator gymnastics, increased the complexity of gymnastics at the expense of its own elements. Absolute Olympic champion sport gymnastics (1980), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, the strongest gymnast of the 80s. Introduced into the International Hall of Gymnastics Fame in 2007. Currently - teacher, judge competition.
  • Davydova Lydia Anatolyevna (1932-2011) - Soviet chamber singer (soprano). People's Artist of Russia (2001). In 1972-1983 and from 1992 she was the leader of the ensemble old music "Madrigal" executing vocal music The Renaissance and Early Baroque.
  • Davydova Lyudmila Anatolyevna (born in 1947) - Soviet actress, deserved artist of Russia.
  • Davydova Margarita Alekseevna (born in 1953) - Soviet teacher, developer music techniques Teaching B. preschool institutions and schools. Song author, musicals, books on the organization music holidays, collections of songs, methodical literature. Writes books various themes - Psychology, teaching, artist biography, dramaturgy, etc. Laureate of the Competition "Law and Order and Society" (2001), Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Science (2009). In honor of Davydova M.A. It was established by the Moscow International theatrical festivalwhich was called "Davydovsky", and since 2010 she becomes his leader.
  • Davydova Svetlana Vladimirovna (born in 1968) - surname after marriage - Pechersk; Soviet and Russian biathlonist, owner of silver award Olympic Games 1992 in the individual race, the seven-time winner of the World Championship, also a multiple prosecutor of this sports Competition. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1990).