The program of preparation for the exam in literature. Materials for those who give the exam in literature. You can buy antiques of the most different themes.

The program of preparation for the exam in literature. Materials for those who give the exam in literature. You can buy antiques of the most different themes.
The program of preparation for the exam in literature. Materials for those who give the exam in literature. You can buy antiques of the most different themes.

Codifier - This is a list of works, skills, knowledge and definitions necessary for the successful delivery of the final of the literature. This landmark for teachers and students annually publishes phipsis for us to narrow their search for their search and stopped on the information that is accurately useful at the ICS hour. This list contains the main elements that constitute literary criticism, that is, the necessary terms and information from the history of science. They are needed for a competent and deep analysis of books. It is the skill of the analysis that is checked in tasks 16 and 17, where the student must give advanced answers to questions, arguing and leading arguments from the read.

What do you need to read to pass the exam? The list of works on the exam in 2018 is also attached to the codifier. It turns out that there are not all books that are in school for graduation test. Only some (and not the most complicated) of them hit the list. Therefore, the stage of preparation dedicated to "re-reading" will take a short time, considering the fact that the bulk of the necessary literature was passed quite recently and did not have time to forget. Thus, the codifier is needed by a graduate in order to save time and send its efforts to the right direction. Take advantage of them as a fundamental and generally accepted manual for independent training.

It is worth noting that not the most complex books are chosen for passing the exam. For example, everyone is not a favorite "Dr. Zhivago", it is extremely rare in options, since its study in the works codifier is called "Review", that is, a full-scale test of the knowledge of this novel will not. In addition, in some cases you can choose a novel. For example, from the prose of Bulgakov, a student may prefer either "master and margarita", or the "White Guard". It is not necessary to read both novels, it is enough to choose easier. Thus, the list of books for the EEE in literature is very useful information for those who want to minimize the costs of training time.

The code Content elements that are checked by tasks KIM EGE

Information on theory and history of literature

1.1 Artistic literature as the art of the word.
1.2 Folklore. Genres of folklore.
1.3 Artistic image. Artistic time and space.
1.4 Content and form. Poetics.
1.5 Copyright and its embodiment. Artistic fiction. Fiction.
1.6 Historical and literary process. Lit. Directions and currents: classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, modernism (symbolism, acmeism, futurism), postmodernism.
1.7 Literary childbirth: Epos, Lyrics, Laroepos, drama. Genres of Lit-s: Roman, Roman-epic, story, story, essay, parable; poem, ballad; lyrical poem, song, elegy, message, epigram, s sonnet; Comedy, tragedy, drama.
1.8 Copyright. Subject. Idea. Problematics. Plot. Composition. Epigraph. Antithesis. Stages of development: exposure, tie, climax, omission, epilogue. Lyrical digression. Conflict. The narrator. The image of the author. The character. Interior. Character. A type. Lyrical hero. Image system. Portrait. Scenery. Talking surname. Remark. "Eternal themes" and "Eternal images" in the literature. Pathos. Fabul. Speech characteristic of the hero: dialogue, monologue; Inner speech. Tale.
1.9 Detail. Symbol. Subtext.
1.10 Psychologist. Nativity. Historicism.
1.11 Tragic and comic. Satira, humor, irony, sarcasm. Grotesque.
1.12 Language of artwork. Rhetorical question, exclamation. Aphorism. Inversion. Repeated Anaphora. Fine-expressive means in artwork: comparison, epithette, metaphor (including personification), metonimia. Hyperbola. Allegory. Oxymoron. Sounds: Alliteration, Assonance.
1.13 Style.
1.14 Prose and poetry. Recent systems. Poetic dimensions: chorea, yack, dactyl, amphibehius, anapest. Rhythm. Rhyme. Stanza. Dolnica. Accent verse. Blank verse. Vers libre.
1.15 Literary criticism.

From ancient Russian literature

2.1 "Word about the regiment of Igor"

From the literature XVIII century.

3.1 DI. Fonvizin. Piece "Lady".
3.2 G.R. Derzhanin. Poem "Monument".

From the literature of the first half of the XIX century.

4.1 V.A. Zhukovsky. Poem "Sea".
4.2 V.A. Zhukovsky. Ballad "Svetlana".
4.3 A.S. Griboedov. Piece "Woe from Wit".
4.4 A.S. Pushkin. Poems: "Village", "Prisoner", "In the depths of Siberian ore ...", "Poet", "To Chaadaev", "Song about Oleg", "To the Sea", "Nyan", "K ***" ( "I remember a wonderful moment ..."), "October 19" ("Forest the crimson of the crimson his own ..."), "Prophet", "Winter Road", "Anchar", "on the hills of Georgia there is a night blast ...", "I am He loved: Love is still, perhaps ... "," Winter morning "," demons "," Customer's conversation with a poet "," Cloud "," I have erected a monument to myself unpretentious ... "," The daytime shone ... "," Freedom deserted sower ... "," Imitation of the Quran "(IX." And the traveler tired on God Ropal ... ")" Elegy ", (" Mad Years Falling Fun ... ")," ... I visited ... ".
4.5 A.S. Pushkin. Roman "Captain's daughter".
4.6 A.S. Pushkin. Poem "Copper Horseman".
4.7 A.S. Pushkin. Roman "Evgeny Onegin".
4.8 M.Yu. Lermontov. Poem: "No, I'm not byhron, I am another ...", "clouds", "beggar", "from under the mysterious, cold half mask ...", "sail", "death of the poet", "Borodino", "when yellowing is worried Niva ... "," Duma "," Poet "(" Finish Golden shines my dagger ... ")," Three palm trees "," prayer "(" in a minute of life difficult ... ")," and boring and sad "," no, I'm not so dusty, I love ... "," Motherland "," Sleep "(" In half-day heat in the valley of Dagestan ... ")," Prophet "," How often, the Tolpoi is surrounded by ... "," Valerik "," I go out one on the road…".
4.9 M.Yu. Lermontov. The poem "Song about ... merchant Kalashnikova."
4.10 M.Yu. Lermontov. Poem "MTSYRY".
4.11 M.Yu. Lermontov. Roman "Hero of our time."
4.12 N.V. Gogol. Piece "Auditor".
4.13 N.V. Gogol. Tale "Shinel".
4.14 N.V. Gogol. The poem "Dead Souls."

From the literature of the second half of the XIX century.

5.1 A.N. Ostrovsky. Piece "Thunderstorm".
5.2 I.S. Turgenev. Roman "Fathers and Children".
5.3 F.I. Tyutchev. Poems: "Halfing", "singer is in the sea waves ...", "From the glades of Korshun rose ...", "there is an initial autumn ...", "Silentium!", "Not that Manty You, Nature ...", "Mind Russia is not understood ... "," Oh, as murderous we love ... "," we are not given to predict ... "," K. B. " ("I met you - and everything was ..."), "Nature - Sphinx. And it is more faithful ... ".
5.4 A.A. Fet. Poems: "Dawn says goodbye to the earth ...", "Sign Live Ladvy ...", "Evening", "Learn from them - Oak, in Birch ...", "This morning, this joy ...", "whisper, timid ... "," shone the night. Moon was full of garden. Lied ... "," More May night ".
5.5 I.A. Goncharov. Roman "Oblomov".
5.6 ON THE. Nekrasov. Poem: "Troika", "I do not like the irony of your ...", "Railway", "On the road", "yesterday, hour in the sixth ...", "We are with you stupid people ...", "poet and citizen", "Elegy" ("Let us say changing the fashion ..."), "O Muza! I'm at the door of the coffin ... "
5.7 ON THE. Nekrasov. The poem "Who is in Russia to live well."
5.8 M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Fairy tales: "The story about how one man's two generals Pin", the "wild landowner", "Will Piskary".
5.9 M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Roman "History of one city" (Review study).
5.10 L.N. Tolstoy. Roman "War and Peace".
5.11 FM Dostoevsky. Roman "Crime and Punishment."
5.12 N.S. Leskov. One work (on the choice of examined).

From the literature of the end of the XIX - early XX century.

6.1 A.P. Chekhov. Stories: "Student", "Ionch", "Man in a case", "Lady with a dog", "Death of the official", "chameleon".
6.2 A.P. Chekhov. Piece "Cherry Garden".

From the literature of the first half of the XX century.

7.1 I.A. Bunin. Stories: "Mr. from San Francisco", "Clean Monday".
7.2 M. Gorky. The story of the old woman is Izergil.
7.3 M. Gorky. Piece "On the bottom".
7.4 A.A. Block. Poems: "Stranger", "Russia", "Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy ...", "in a restaurant", "River spread. It flows, sadness is lazily ... "(from the cycle" On the field of Kulikov ")," On the railway "," I enter into dark temples ... "," Factory "," Rus "," On Davlesty, about the exploits, about glory ... " "Oh, I want to live insanely ...".
7.5 A.A. Block. Poem "Twelve".
7.6 V.V. Mayakovsky. Poem: "Did you think?", "Listen!", "Violin and a little nervously", "Lilichka!", "Jubilee", "Provered", "NATE!", "Good attitude to horses", "An extraordinary adventure , former with Vladimir Mayakovsky summer at the cottage, "" Cheap Sale "," Letter Tatyana Yakovlev ".
7.7 V.V. Mayakovsky. Poem "Cloud in the pants".
7.8 S.A. Yesenin. Poems: "Goy You, Rus, my native! ..", "Do not wander, not to mive in the bushes of the crimson ...", "We are now leaving little ...", "Letter of Mother", "Sleep Kickl. The plain is expensive ... "," Shagana you are my, Shagan ... "," I don't regret, I don't cry ... ", Rus Soviet," the road was thinking about the red evening ... "," Delivered treacherous drows ... "," Rus " , "Pushkin", "I am going to the valley. On the back of the cloud ... "," Low house with blue shutters ... ".
7.9 M.I. Tsvetaeva. Poems: "My poems written so early ...", "poems to block" ("Your name is a bird in hand ..."), "Who is created from the stone, who is created from clay ...", "Tusca in the homeland! For a long time ... "," Books in red binding "," Grandma "," Seven hills - like seven bells! .. "(from the" poems about Moscow "cycle).
7.10 O.E. Mandelshtam. Poem: "Notre Dame", "Insomnia. Homer. Tight sails ... "," For the rattling valor of the upcoming centuries ... "," I returned to my city, familiar to tears ... "
7.11 A.A. Akhmatova. Poem: "The song of the last meeting," "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ...", "I do not need anything with anything ...", "I was a voice. He called comfortable ... "," Native Earth "," Flanged autumn, like a widow ... "," Primorsky Sonyets "," There are days there are such days ... "," Not with those who threw the earth ... "," Poems about St. Petersburg "," Courage ".
7.12 A.A. Akhmatova. Poem "Requiem".
7.13 MA Sholokhov. Roman "Quiet Don".
7.14 MA Sholokhov. The story "The Fate of Man."
7.15A. MA Bulgakov. Roman "White Guard" (a choice is allowed).
7.15B MA Bulgakov. Roman "Master and Margarita" (a choice is allowed).
7.16 A.T. Tvardovsky. Poem: "The whole essence in the same covenant ...", "Memory of Mother" ("In the edge where Gurth was taken out ..."), "I know there is no my guilt ...".
7.17 A.T. Tvardovsky. Poem "Vasily Terkin" (chapters "Crossing", "Two Soldiers", "Fight", "Death and Warrior").
7.18 B.L. Parsnip. Poem: "February. Get ink and cry! .. "," Definition of poetry "," In all I want to walk ... "," Hamlet "," Winter night "(" Melo, Melo throughout Earth ... ")," no one will be in the house ... "," Snow is coming "," about these verses "," to love others is a heavy cross ... "," pines "," Inay "," July ".
7.19 B.L. Parsnip. Roman "Dr. Zhivago" (review study with analysis of fragments).
7.20 A.P. Platonov. One work (on the choice of examined).
7.21 A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Story "Matrenin Dvor".
7.22 A.I. Solzhenitsyn. The story "One Day Ivan Denisovich".

From the literature of the second half of the twentieth century.

8.1 Prose of the second half of the XX century. F. Abramov, Ch.T. Aytmatov, V.P. Astafiev, V.I. Belov, A.G. Bitov, V.V. Bykov, V.S. Grossman, S.D. Dovlatov, V.L. Kondratyev, V.P. Nekrasov, E.I. Nosov, V.G. Rasputin, V.F. Tendayak, Yu.V. Trifonov, V.M. Shukshin (works of at least three authors of choice).
8.2 Poetry of the second half of the XX century. B.A. Ahmadulina, I.A. Brodsky, A.A. Voznesensky, V.S. Vysotsky, E.A. Evtushenko, N.A. Zabolotsky, Yu.P. Kuznetsov, L.N. Martynov, B.Sh. Okudzhava, N.M. Rubtsov, D.S. Samoilov, B.A. Slutsky, V.N. Sokolov, V.A. Solobukhin, A.A. Tarkovsky (poem of at least three authors of choice).
8.3 Dramaticria of the second half of the twentieth century. A.N. Arbuzov, A.V. Vampilov, A.M. Volodin, V.S. Rosov, M.M. Roshchin (work of one author of the choice).

Poem from codifier

The program does not include many poems, which also facilitates the preparation process. All these poems are interconnected thematically. Therefore, the systematic readings guarantee the lack of problems with the task 16, where it is necessary to choose similar works and tell me what they are united with the question. To teach them by heart, of course, it is not necessary, but you can make thematic selection of poetic works and write out your impression from each of them.

  1. V.A. Zhukovsky: "Sea", Ballad "Svetlana"
  2. A.S. Pushkin. Pushkin Lyrics: "Village", "Prisoner", "In the depths of Siberian ore ...", "Poet", "To Chaadaev", "Song about Oleg", "To the Sea", "Nyan", "K ***" ("I remember a wonderful moment ..."), "On October 19" ("Forest the crimson the crimson his own ..."), "Prophet", "Winter Road", "Anchar", "on the hills of Georgia lies the night blame ...", "I" You loved: Love is still, perhaps ... "," Winter morning "," demons "," Customer's conversation with a poet "," Tuchi "," I have erected a monument to my own ... "," The daytime shone ... "," Freedom of a seeding ... "," Imitation of the Quran "(IX." And the traveler tired on God Ropal ... ")" Elegy ", (" Mad Years Falling Fun ... ")," ... I visited ... ". Poem "Copper Horseman".
  3. M.Yu. Lermontov: "No, I'm not Byron, I am another ...", "Tuchi", "Beggar", "from under the mysterious, cold half mask ...", "Sail", "The death of the poet", "Borodino", "when yellowing is worried Niva ... "," Duma "," Poet "(" Finish Golden shines my dagger ... ")," Three palm trees "," prayer "(" in a minute of life difficult ... ")," and boring and sad "," no, I'm not so dusty, I love ... "," Motherland "," Sleep "(" In half-day heat in the valley of Dagestan ... ")," Prophet "," How often, the Tolpoi is surrounded by ... "," Valerik "," I go out one on the road…". The poem "Song about ... merchant Kalashnikov". Poem "MTSYRY".
  4. ON THE. Nekrasov: "Troika", "I do not like the irony of your ...", "Railway", "on the road", "yesterday, hour in the sixth ...", "We are with you stupid people ...", "poet and citizen", "Elegy" ("Let us say changing the fashion ..."), "O Muza! I'm at the door of the coffin ... " The poem "Who is in Russia to live well."
  5. A.A. Fet: "Dawn says goodbye to the earth ...", "To drive his lively alive in one shock ...", "Evening", "Learn from them - Oak, in birch ...", "This morning, this joy ...", "whisper, timid ... "," shone the night. Moon was full of garden. Lied ... "," More May night ".
  6. A.A. Block: "Stranger", "Russia", "Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy ...", "In a restaurant", "River spread. It flows, sadness is lazily ... "(from the cycle" On the field of Kulikov ")," On the railway "," I enter into dark temples ... "," Factory "," Rus "," On Davlesty, about the exploits, about glory ... " "Oh, I want to live insanely ...". Poem "Twelve"
  7. V.V. Mayakovsky: "Did you think?", "Listen!", "Violin and a little nervously", "Lilichka!", "Jubilee", "Provered", "NATE!", "Good attitude to horses", "An extraordinary adventure , former with Vladimir Mayakovsky summer at the cottage, "" Cheap Sale "," Letter Tatyana Yakovlev ". Poem "Cloud in pants"
  8. S.A. Yesenin: "Goy You, Rus, my native! ..", "not to wander, not to mive in the bushes of the crimson ...", "We are now leaving little ...", "Letter of Mother", "Sleep Kickl. The plain is expensive ... "," Shagana you are my, Shagan ... "," I don't regret, I don't cry ... ", Rus Soviet," the road was thinking about the red evening ... "," Delivered treacherous drows ... "," Rus " , "Pushkin", "I am going to the valley. On the back of the cloud ... "," Low house with blue shutters ... "
  9. M.I. Tsvetaeva: "My poems written so early ...", "poems to block" ("Your name is a bird in hand ..."), "Who is created from the stone, who is created from clay ...", "longing in the homeland! For a long time ... "," Books in red binding "," Grandma "," Seven hills - like seven bells! .. "(from the" poems about Moscow "cycle)
  10. O.E. Mandelshtam: "NOTRE DAME", "insomnia. Homer. Tight sails ... "," For the threatening valor of the upcoming centuries ... "," I returned to my city, familiar to tears ... "
  11. A.A. Akhmatova: "The song of the last meeting", "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ...", "I can not
    Odich rati ... "," I was a voice. He called comfortable ... "," Native Earth "," Flanged autumn, like a widow ... "," Primorsky Sonyets "," There are days there are such days ... "," Not with those who threw the earth ... "," Poems about St. Petersburg "," Courage ". Poem "Requiem".
  12. B.L. Pasternak: "February. Get ink and cry! .. "," Definition of poetry "," In all I want to walk ... "," Hamlet "," Winter night "(" Melo, Melo throughout Earth ... ")," no one will be in the house ... "," Snow is coming "," about these verses "," to love others is a heavy cross ... "," pines "," Inay "," July ".
  13. Poems of at least three authors of choice: B.A. Ahmadulina, I.A. Brodsky, A.A. Voznesensky, V.S. Vysotsky, E.A. Evtushenko, N.A. Zabolotsky, Yu.P. Kuznetsov, L.N. Martynov, B.Sh. Okudzhava, N.M. Rubtsov, D.S. Samoilov, B.A. Slutsky, V.N. Sokolov, V.A. Solobukhin, A.A. Tarkovsky.
  14. Interesting? Save on your wall!

Ege in literature in 2018 is the subject of choice. Not every graduate chooses this exam - mostly, only those guys who will continue to associate their lives with philology, linguistics, journalism and other humanitarian sciences, which requires knowledge of literature. The complexity of this exam is due to the fact that the student needs to read a large number of works of Russian literature, both lyrical (poetic) and prosaic.

Not all the guys have time to master this amount of information for the year, since the meaningful reading of large novels takes extremely long time. Therefore, to successfully pass the exam in literature in the 11th grade, it is necessary to start training in a timely manner - it is desirable not for the year, but at least from the 10th grade, while regularly referring to the theoretical database and returning to the previously read works.

It is for this reason that it is advisable to sign up for our specialists. In our HC "Homograph" we practice individual and collective classes for 3-4 people, we provide discounts on training. Our students are on average are gaining 30 points!

You can also sign up for. We have developed a preparation strategy at which students do not forget the material on the EG itself and are not lost at the sight of a new formulation of the issue.

Let us consider in more detail that it is an exam in literature in 2018.

The structure of the exam in literature

Examination on literature consists of two parts and includes 17 tasks. Part 1 includes two blocks of tasks. The first block of tasks belongs to the fragment of the epic, or limier, or dramatic work: seven tasks with a brief answer (1-7) and two tasks with an expanded response in the amount of 5-10 sentences (8, 9).

The second block of tasks refers to the analysis of the lyrical work: five tasks with a brief answer (10-14) and two tasks with an expanded response in the amount of 5-10 sentences (15, 16). Answers to tasks 1-7 and 10-14 are recorded either as a word or phrase, or a sequence of numbers. The answer must be recorded without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Part 2 includes 3 tasks (17.1-17.3), of which you need to choose only one and give it an expulsed argumental response in the composition of the composition on a literary topic with a volume of at least 200 words.

For the performance of all work, 3 hours 55 minutes are given (235 minutes). Recommended no more than 2 hours to take to perform the tasks of part 1, and the rest of the time is to perform the setting of part 2.

Demo version of the EGE on literature

The demonstration option allows you to familiarize yourself with the structure of the exam and the approximate formulation of tasks. In addition, the grade criteria are presented in the demo version - without them it is difficult to understand how to write essays in both parts of the examination work. You can also view different options in training collections, various allowances, as well as on the sites of FIPI, "RTUM EGE".

Themes on the literature of the ege 2018

The list of topics on the history and theory of literature, as well as a list of works, the knowledge of which will be checked on the exam, are presented in the 2018 EEG Codifier, which is published on the FII website. There are included the main works of Russian literature from the school program, starting from the ancient Russian literature and ending with the literature of the second half of the 20th century. We draw your attention that the exam in literature includes only Russian literature, and not foreign. And performing tasks for making works, you also need to take examples from Russian literature.

Many many wonder: is it possible to know the exact wording of the works that will be in the examination work in advance? Unfortunately, no, this information is not disclosed, and the essay themes receive only on the day of passing the exam. It remains only to watch and solve typical options and tasks of past years to make an idea of \u200b\u200bpossible topics.

Possible Topics EGE in Literature 2018 Task 8

* Which of the heroes won in this "duel"? (Justify your answer.)

* How does the statements and behavior of the heroes in this fragment help understand the essence of their characters?

* Why the scene described in the fragment can be called tragicomic?

* What features of Nekrasovsky women were embodied in the image of the story-story?

Approximate Topics EGE in literature 2018 Task 9

* In which works of Russian writers depicts life and morals of ordinary people and what these works are consonant with Chekhov "Ionchu"?

* In which works of Russian literature shows the relationship between the powerful and arrival and what these works can be compared with the play A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"?

* In which works of Russian literature depicts pictures of peasant life and what these works can be compared with the "broom"?

* In which works of Russian literature depicts bright female characters and what can they be compared with the nature of the Nekrasov heroine?

Topics EGE on literature Task 15

* How do various poetic techniques help the author to transfer the feelings, covered by the lyrical hero?

* As the words "inspiration is not for sale, but you can sell a manuscript" correlated with the general content of the poet and the bookcraft conversation?

* What role in the disclosure of the main thought of the poem plays the image of the rain?

* How do the final lines relate to the main part of the poem?

Sample Topics EGE in Literature 2018 Task 16

* What is the feature of the image of a person's feelings in the lyrics of F. I. Tyutchev and what Russian poets can be called his followers?

* What is the features of the poetic decision of the topic of love fetom and in which poems of Russian poets meet the same features?

* In what works of the domestic love lyrics there are pictures of nature and what these works can be compared with the poem A. A. Tarkovsky?

Possible Topics EGE in Literature 2018 Task 17

* What is internally unites "fathers of the city" and landowners in the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls"?

* How in Drama A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" the topic of love and the topic of conscience are echoing?

* How did the Final of the poems A. A. Blokok "Twelve" associated with its main content?

* What is the originality of the sound of a patriotic topic in Lyrinka M. Yu. Lermontov?

* What is the role of an epilogue in the novel F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"?

* How in prose I. A. Bunin reveals the theme of earth and eternal?

EGE tests on literature

In typical assignments of the exam in literature, i.e. In tasks with a brief response from the student may require the following:

* indicate the literary flow / direction, in which the above product was written (classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, modernism, symbolism, acmeism, futurism, postmodernism), or his genre (novel, Roman-epic, story, story, essay, Parable; poem, ballad; lyrical poem, song, elegy, message, epigram, sly, sonnet; comedy, tragedy, drama);

* demonstrate possession of theoretical and literary concepts and terms;

* show knowledge of artistic agents and receptions (rhetorical question, exclamation, aphorism, inversion, repetition, anaphor, comparison, epithet, metaphor, personification, metonymy, hyperbole, allegory, oxumor, sounding: alliteration, assembly);

* Apply the knowledge of the Syllabo-Tonic Station System (Jarea, Yamb, Dactyl, Amphibrachius, Anadist);

* demonstrate possession of facts from the history of literature;

* Show knowledge of the content of the work, its heroes and their characteristics, the main storyline, as well as other works of literature within the framework of this creative method.

This is not an exhaustive list of exemplary tasks, but it is possible to focus on it.

So, having familiarized with the structure of the examination of the literature, you can safely decide - to give or not to pass the exam in literature in 2018. The most important advice: read more, write essays, train and you will have to decide to decide the ege on literature 2018 without difficulty!

The method of passing the USE is changing every year. Experts are inventing new ways to determine the level of knowledge of students, develop a list of questions, updating their subjects, change the number of mandatory objects. Such a state of affairs is extremely alarming and scares future graduates, because they also need to know what to prepare and what to expect from an important exam for their life.

In our article we will tell the main stages of passage EGE in literature 2017 year, as well as let's voice the possible changes that will affect this exam.

the date of the

Not much time left to the main school exams. It's time for the mountains, when "peace we will only dream," the textbooks on different subjects are collected on the desk. Of course, preparation for the exam takes a lot of free time, forces and nerves. The preliminary schedule of future exams has already been drawn up and it looks as follows:

  • Starting stage - March 24, 2017. Backup day early stage - April 3, 2017.
  • The main stage is June 13, 2017, and the reserve day is fixed for June 20, 2017.

Mandatory items issued on Ege 2017

This is the most burning topic, rapidly turning from one student to another. Many schoolchildren experienced that the list of mandatory items will significantly expand and they will have to make even more time for textbooks, instead of deserved rest after class.

To date, there is no final list of new mandatory objects, because at consideration the officials had several disciplines: from history to physics.

  • - We are necessary for admission to any university of the country.
  • Mathematics - the exam is divided into two levels (basic and profile).

EGE on literature: possible changes

Closer to 2018, the exam in literature should be in the root revised and in some of his items will make drafting changes. In particular, experts intend to completely remove tasks with short responses, leaving only small writings and one full.

However, it is still too early to beat the alarm and panically afraid of the end of the year - the exam in literature in 2017 will come according to the usual scheme:

  • 1 block - semantic. Here, students present a small excerpt of an epic or dramatic work with 7 questions on its content (briefs). In addition, the graduate must write a couple of mini-essays on a given topic.
  • 2 block - a lyrical work with several questions to it, as well as two mini-essays.
  • 3 Block is a detailed essay on any of the three given topics.

Nevertheless, small changes will still happen. They will concern the construction of questions - to the bias will do on knowledge of the realities of the text, and not on the knowledge of the basic literary terms. It follows from this that the exam is not enough to have narrow knowledge in the literature.

Also want to focus on another feature of the exam in literature - on the poem. As a rule, students hope that in the blanks they will find a poetic work of a certain author from the school program.

Nevertheless, based on the rules of the kim, if the poet was included in the codifier, then on the exam for analysis there may be any item. This is a fairly right approach, because during the passage of the final testing, the graduate should show in mini-essay, how much it is able to analyze, without referring to the page of textbooks.

Already in 2016, the "non-school" poems could be found in many variants of kim, so in 2017 this move will necessarily repeat.

Outcome essay

For a good assessment on this block, it is not enough just to take and set out your thoughts on paper. It is necessary to thoroughly think over each sentence, competently arrange and express your opinion in understandable and simple form. Specographic and punctuation errors attract the attention of inspecting, so you need to avoid them.

In addition, each student must try to reveal the specified topic completely using not only its life examples, but also arguments from the field of literature. The text structure should look like this: Introduction, several arguments and examples, conclusion.

In order for the final essay to be high-quality, a graduate is already available for a list of works that are rendered on the exam in literature. After reading them, and also familiarized with the additional information about the author, the history of writing, key moments and other details, you will definitely write a decent work that deserves the highest assessment.

Scale rating

In 2017, in order to undergo a threshold value on this exam, you need to dial only 36 points. They are not so easy to earn and it is difficult to solve 9 tasks (from 1 to 7, 10 and 11). In accordance with the five-point scale, primary / test scores look like this:

Preparation for the exam in literature

Any graduate would dream of seeing the cherished "five" in the certificate, but not everyone is given to pass exams for high marks. Only one who does not regrets his own strength and time, spends them to prepare, without the end leafers the auxiliary literature, has every chance to get "excellent". Preparations for the USE can be performed in various ways:

  • Once at once undergo a demo exam.
  • To familiarize yourself with questions with the help of tests that are similar to those will be rendered on the exam.
  • Contact tutors.

Whatever of the proposed options you choose, it is necessary to remember that without a certain luggage of knowledge, none of them will work. Read more, analyze, try to compose writings, and then successful exam surrender to you guaranteed.

Video news

The minimum program of training courses for the EEE in literature is designed for 30 classes.

Topics of classes correspond to the Codicator of the EE for Literature.

pay attention to volume What you need to read and master. Start getting ready in advance.

1. Requirements for the execution of tests of the EGE on literature: Structure, types of tasks, forms of forms. Manuals and textbooks.

General course concepts:
Artistic literature as the art of the word;
Oral folk creativity and literature. Genres of oral folk creativity;
Artistic image. Artistic time and space;
Content and form. Poetics;
Copyright and its embodiment. Artistic fiction. Fiction.

Check knowledge of students (primary test).

2. The main concepts of the theory of literature.
Literary childbirth: Epos, Lyrics, Drama;
Genres of literature: Roman, Roman-epic, story, story, essay, parable; poem, ballad; lyrical poem, song, elegy, message, epigram, s sonnet; Comedy, tragedy, drama.
Copyright. Subject. Idea. Problematics.
Plot. Composition.
Stages of development: exposure, tie, climax, omission, epilogue.
Lyrical digression.
The narrator. The image of the author. The character. Character. A type. Lyrical hero. Image system.
Portrait. Scenery. Talking surname. Remark.
"Eternal themes" and "Eternal images" in the literature.
Pathos. Fabul.
Speech characteristic of the hero: dialogue, monologue; Inner speech.

3. The basic concepts of literature theory.
Detail. Symbol. Subtext.
Psychologist. Nativity. Historicism.
Tragic and comic. Satira, humor, irony, sarcasm. Grotesque.
Language of artwork. A rhetorical question. Aphorism. Inversion. Repeated Anaphora. Fine-expressive means in artwork: comparison, epithette, metaphor (including personification), metonimia. Hyperbola. Allegory.
Sounds: Alliteration, Assonance.
Historical and literary process. Literary directions and trends (general information).
Activation of text knowledge.

"The word about the regiment of Igor" is a monument of the ancient Russian literature. Features of the genre, theme and problematics.

4. Classicism in Russian literature of the XVIII century.
The ideas of classicism in the works of Lomonosov, Derzhavin and Fonvizin. The concept of "educational literature".

Prose and poetry. Rhyme. Recent systems.
Poetic dimensions: chorea, yack, dactyl, amphibehius, anapest. Rhythm. Rhyme. Stanza.
The poem of G. R. Derzhavin "Monument". Principles for analyzing poems.

5. Russian drama of the era of classicism.
Comedy D. I. Phonvizin "Nepalm".
Principles for analyzing fragments of epic / dramatic text.

6. Literary directions and methods in Russian literature of the first half of the XIX century.
Piez A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".
The features of classicism, romanticism and realism in the play.
The ratio of composition and plot. Deepening the concepts of "hero", "the protagonist", "character system".

7. Analysis of fragments of the text of the Comedy Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".
The concept of "literary criticism."
Article Goncharov "Millon Torzania". Tasks C1-C2.

8. Examination number 1.
The main concepts of the theory of literature.
Old Russian literature.
Literature of the era of classicism.

9. Romanticism.
Lyrics V. A. Zhukovsky.
Elegy "Sea", Svetlana ballad.
Tools of artistic expressiveness.
Images and figurative thinking as the basis of literary creativity.
Romanticism and realism.
Poem A. S. Pushkin. "Village", "Prisoner", "To Chaadaev", "In the depths of Siberian ores ...", "the daytime shine ...", "Poet", "Song about Oleg", "To the sea".

10. Poems A. S. Pushkin:
"Nyan", "I remember a wonderful moment ...", "October 19" ("Rhines the Forest of the Criminal Procedure ..."), "Prophet", "Winter Road", "Anchar", "on the hills of Georgia there is a night blame ...", "I loved you: Love is still, perhaps ...", "Winter Morning", "Demons", "Customer Conversation with a Poet", "Tuchi", "I have an unpretentious monument to myself ...", "Freedom deserted sower ...", " Impritors Koran "(IX." And the traveler is tired on God Ropal ... ")," Elegy "(" Mad Years Falling Fun ... ")," .. I visited ... ".
Poem "Copper Horseman".

11. Art features of Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".
The author and his heroes.
Empty elements in the novel "Eugene Onegin": letters of heroes, sleep Tatiana, lyrical deviations.
Article Belinsky.

12. Tale A. S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter".
Generalization of the concept of "epic genres".
Poetry M. Yu. Lermontov. "Song ... about merchant Kalashnikov."

13. Poetry M. Yu. Lermontov.
The poem "No, I'm not Byron, I am another ...", "Tuchi", "Beggar", "From under the mysterious, cold half mask ...", "Sail", "The death of the poet", "Borodino", "When yellowing the yellowing Niva is worried ... "," Duma "," Poet "(" Finish Golden shines my dagger ... ")," Three palm trees "," prayer "(" in a minute of life difficult ... ")," and boring and sad "," no, not I love you so dusty ... "," Motherland "," Sleep "(" In half-day heat in the valley of Dagestan ... ")," Prophet "," How often, the Mother of the Tarp is surrounded ... "," Valerik "," I go out one I'm on the road ... " Poem "MTSYRY".

14. Composite features of the novel M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time".
System of images in the novel.
The concept of "psychologism".
The role of portrait and landscape.

15. N. V. Gogol.
The poem "Dead Souls" - Features of the genre and composition.
The problem of the hero. Epic beginning and image system in Gogol's poem.

16. N. V. Gogol.
Comedy "Auditor". Tale "Shinel".

17. Examination number 2.
Literature of the 1st half of the XIX century.

18. A. N. Ostrovsky.
Drama "Thunderstorm". Features of the drama genre.
Article Dobrolyubov "Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom."
Article Pisarev "Motifs of the Russian Drama."

19. Lyrica A. A. Feta:
"Dawn says goodbye to the earth ...", "Sign Live Ladvy ...", "Evening", "learn from them - Oak, in Birch ...", "This morning, this joy ...", "whisper, timid breathing ... "," shone the night. Moon was full of garden. Lied ... "," More May night ".

Lyrics F. I. Tyutcheva:
"Halfing", "singer is in the sea waves ...", "From the glades of Korshun rose ...", "There is an initial autumn ...", "Silentium!", "Not that Manty You, Nature ...", "Mind Russia is not understood ... "," Oh, as murderous we love ... "," we are not given to predict ... "," K. B. "(" I met you - and everything was ... ")," Nature - Sphinx. And it is more faithful ... ".

20. Poems N. A. Nekrasova:
"Troika", "I do not like the irony of your ...", "Railway", "on the road", "yesterday, hour in the sixth ...", "We and I are stupid people ...", "Poet and citizen ", Elegy (" Let us say changing the fashion ... ")," O Muza! I'm at the door of the coffin ... "
The poem "Who is in Russia to live well."
Features of artistic text: Copyright, composition of work, finely expressive means.

21. Genre varieties of the Russian novel:
Roman-Dispute I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children".
"Calendar" Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

22. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.
Fairy tales: "The story about how one man's two generals Pin", the "wild landowner", "Will Piskary". "The history of one city" (review study).

N. S. Leskov.
"Lefty." "Understanding Hungal."

23. F. M. Dostoevsky
"Crime and Punishment".
Themes and problems of the novel. Psychologist of Dostoevsky.
Christian symbolism in the novel.
The system of artistic images of the novel: "twins" of the hero, the role of "dreams".

24. L. N. Tolstoy
"War and Peace". Roman-epic.
Author's intent, theme and idea, problem, composite structure, the system of artistic images of the novel. Philosophical and religious ideas of Tolstoy. Copyright.25. Examination number 3. Literature 2nd half of the XIX century.

26. The concept of "modernism".
I. A. Bunin "Mr. San Francisco", "Clean Monday".
A. P. Chekhov. Stories: "Student", "Ionch", "Man in a case", "Lady with a dog", "Death of the official", "chameleon".
A. M. Gorky "Old Man Izergil."

27. Comedy A. P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden" and drama A. M. Gorky "At the bottom".
Silver eyelid of Russian literature.
Activation of knowledge of literary sizes. Dolnica. Accent verse. Blank verse. Vers libre.

28. The main poetic flows of the silver century.

A. A. Block.
Poems: "Stranger", "Russia", "Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy ...", "in a restaurant", "River spread. It flows, sadness is lazily ... "(from the cycle" On the field of Kulikov ")," On the railway "," I enter into dark temples ... "," Factory "," Rus "," About Denles, about the exploits, about glory ... "," Oh, I want to live insanely ... ". Poem "Twelve".

O. E. Mandelshtam.
Poem: "Notre Dame", "Insomnia. Homer. Tight sails ... "," For the rattling valor of the upcoming centuries ... "," I returned to my city, familiar to tears ... "

A. A. Akhmatova.
Poem: "The song of the last meeting," "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ...", "I do not need anything with anything ...", "I was a voice. He called consciously ... "," Native Earth "," Flanged autumn, like a widow ... "," Primorsky Sonnet "," There are such days in the spring ... "," Not with those who threw the land ... "," Poems about St. Petersburg "," courage ". Poem "Requiem".

V. V. Mayakovsky.
Poem: "Did you think?", "Listen!", "Violin and a little nervously", "Lilichka!", "Jubilee", "Provered", "NATE!", "Good attitude to horses", "An extraordinary adventure , former with Vladimir Mayakovsky summer at the cottage, "" Cheap Sale "," Letter Tatyana Yakovlev ". Poem "Cloud in the pants".

B. L. Pasternak.
Poem: "February. Get ink and cry!. "," Defining poetry, "" In all I want to walk ... "," Hamlet "," Winter night "," no one will be in the house ... "," Snow is going "," about these verses "," love other things - Heavy Cross ... "," Pines "," Inay "," July ".

S. A. Yesenin.
Poems: "Goy you, Russia, my native!. "," Do not wander, not to mive in the bushes of the crimson ... "," We are now moving away ... "," Mother's letter "," Sleep Karum. The plain is expensive ... "," Shagana you are my, Shagan ... "," I don't regret, I don't cry ... ", Rus Soviet," the road was thinking about the red evening ... "," Delivered treacherous drows ... "," Rus " , "Pushkin", "I am going to the valley. On the back of the cloud ... "," Low house with blue shutters ... ".

M. I. Tsvetaeva.
Poems: "My poems written so early ...", "poems to block" ("Your name is a bird in hand ..."), "Who is created from the stone, who is created from clay ...", "Tusca in the homeland! For a long time ... "," Books in red binding "," Grandma "," Seven hills - like seven bells! .. "(from the" poems about Moscow "cycle).

29. PRESS XX century.

M. A. Sholokhov. Roman "Quiet Don". The story-epic "Fate of Man".

M. A. Bulgakov. The novels "White Guard" and "Master and Margarita".

B. L. Pasternak. Roman "Dr. Zhivago".

A. P. Platonov. Story "Yushka".

A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Story "Matrenin Dvor". The story "One Day Ivan Denisovich".

30. The topic of war at A. T. Tedodovsky.
Poem: "The whole point in the same Testament ...", "Mother's Memory", "I know there is no my guilt ...". Poem "Vasily Terkin" (chapters "Crossing", "Two Fighters", "Fight", "Death and Warrior").

Review of literature The second half of the twentieth century (brief information).

Prose the second half of the XX century (review).
F. A. Abramov, Ch. T. Aitmatov, V. P. Astafiev, V. I. Belov, A. G. Bitov, V. V. Bykov, V. S. Grossman, S. D. Dovlatov, V. L. Kondratyev, V. P. Nekrasov, E. I. Nosov, V. G. Rasputin, V. F. Tenryakov, Yu. V. Trifonov, V. M. Shukshin.

Poetry of the second half of the XX century (review).
B. A. Akhmadulina, I. A. Brodsky, A. A. Voznesensky, V. S. Vysotsky, E. A. Evtushenko, N. A. Zabolotsky, Yu. P. Kuznetsov, L. N. Martynov, B. Sh. Ocudzhava, N. M. Rubtsov, D. S. Samoilov, B. A. Slutsky, V.N. Sokolov, V. A. Soloohin, A. A. Tarkovsky.

Dramaturgy of the second half of the twentieth century (review).
A. N. Arbuzov, A. V. Vampilov, A. M. Volodin, V. S. Rosov, M. M. Roshkin.

31. Examination number 4. Literature XX century.

32. Final lesson: Questions and answers, clarification of the unacceptable, final testing.