What is adjective. Holding names Adjectives and traps when determining the discharge of adjectives

What is adjective. Holding names Adjectives and traps when determining the discharge of adjectives
What is adjective. Holding names Adjectives and traps when determining the discharge of adjectives

Adjective is a significant part of speech, which, unlike, does not mean the process, does not call the subject (as a noun). Adjective enters certain syntactic and morphological connections with nouns, defining their qualitative signs.

In contact with

What are the adjectives?

Without adjective speech activities, the literary creativity is impossible. Describing the subject or phenomenon, Adjective gives him a complete characteristic, reveals the quality, highlights distinctive features.

It is difficult to describe what may be day if not to use adjectives.

Describing the day, adjectives give it a certain emotionally painted characteristic. The day may be warm, cold, boring, interesting, ordinary, difficult, successful, sad, cheerful, special, etc.

Take the word "morning." Consider what morning it happens if you describe it using adjectives. It can be frowning, sunny, summer or winter, autumn, spring, rainy and cloudy, frosty, cold or warm.

Depending on the adjective, noun may personify, look bright, alive, animated.

Attention!Translated from Latin, the term adiectivum means "adjacent", "adjacent". The value fully characterizes this.

Adjective closely connected with pronoun or nouns. It is appropriate to remember the explanation of Mitrofanushki from the famous Comedy of Fonvizin. "Lady" argued that the door refers to the adjective, since it is attached "to its place." Despite the grammar nonsense, relative to the "adjacent", a certain logic in the reasoning of Mitrofanushki is.

Adjective discharges

What is the adjective B, it is possible to determine its lexico-grammatical signs.

How to determine a qualitative adjective?

Quality Denote the quality, properties, signs. They answer the question what? What? What? And point to:

  • Color - blue, purple;
  • Form - oval, square;
  • Parameters - low, wide;
  • Temperature - hot, warm;
  • Weight - heavy, light;
  • Size - tiny, huge;
  • Sound - shrill, weak;
  • Space - left, far;
  • Physical and intelligent properties - smart, healthy;
  • Character features - appreciated, kind;
  • The overall characteristic is negative, reliable.

Important! Qualitative adjectives are words characterizing objective signs inherent in one or another object, a living being, phenomenon.

Relativeresponsible to the same questions as high-quality. Indicates:

  • Material - iron, wooden;
  • Purpose, properties - folding, mobile;
  • Status - military, civilian;
  • Time - Morning, Evening;
  • Unit of measurement - single-storey, two-meter;

Picturesindicate to the belonging of any object to another person (animal), answer the question of whose? whose? whose?:

  • Babushkin table;
  • Fathers jacket;
  • Fabric bowl.

Consider the role of this part of speech in the descriptive characteristic of the quality will help proposals with adjectives. Let's study examples of combinations with the word "Manor":

  • Big Manor - a qualitative adjective, denoting a certain size. Answers the question what?
  • Landowner Manor - Pretty adjective indicates belonging. Answers the question whose?
  • Woodenmanor - this is a relative adjective indicates the material and answers the question what?

Important! The values \u200b\u200bof all types of adjectives are expressed in the morphological categories of the genus (male / female / medium), case, and numbers (the only / multiple)


Borrowed nouns of foreign origin, Crossing into Russian, consistent with the adjectives in the case, the kind, among this, without changing the forms. For example: new beautiful hung in the bedroom jalousie.

The concept of what happens juryGive adjectives: the jury can be urban, local, school, strict, incorruptible, etc.

Attention! Proposals with adjectives, combined with borrowed words, show changes.

Foreign words remain static:

  • I found it in pure coupe.
  • On the table stood a cup hot coffee.
  • On it were new Galife.

Quality manifold

The present polyphony of signs is able to express evaluation adjectives.

Take the word "forest". What happens if you use adjectives for his characteristic?

The forest can be green, deaf, young, old, mysterious, dense, dense, fabulous, mysterious, distant, etc.

Assessment adjectives are able to interpret the sign, summarizing it. Examples of estimated interpretations:

  • Rationality (harmful, useful);
  • Quality (good, bad);
  • Emotionality (satisfaction, pleasure);
  • Communication (consent, disagreement, approval, etc.).

Important! Assessment adjectives are high-quality adjectives that carry a special, generalized semantic quality.

  • Useful occupation, "Live" food (rationality);
  • Flameless speech great Landscape (emotionality);
  • Dirty sidewalk, spoiled product (quality);
  • Friendlya meeting, closedman (communicativeness).

Assessment adjectives play a large role in the language. Depending on the values, they are used in colloquial speech, business, literary, media.

Quality or relative?

Finding out what adjectives are, you can consider their differences.

How to determine which adjective: high-quality, and what relative or assistant? What is the adjective, will help determine the meaning of the word and its grammatical properties.

Consider what morning, describing it with the help of adjectives.

  1. Morning seemed cold. (qualities.)
  2. Morning autumn Brought coolness. (referred)
  3. Putino Morning began unsuccessful. (RAY.)

In the first example, a sign of quality (temperature). Qualitative adjectives Capable to give a comparative characteristic: yesterday morning colder; from amoe cold Morning this week. They give shades of quality: reduce properties or enhance. For example: Water seemed cherkin. In addition, adverbs are formed from them: cold, nice etc.

In the second case - adjective relative. It carries a permanent sign. It differs from quality that does not compare. It is impossible to say that tomorrow morning will be more autumn. In addition, these adjectives can be replaced with phrases: autumn leaves - autumn leaves, autumn signs - autumn signs.

In the third example pretty adjective Petino means affiliation. Answers the question of whose?

Adjective qualitative names, relative and attractive

Russian 6 discharge of adjective qualitative adjectives


The specifics of the nature of adjectives are particularly pronounced in Russian, revealing the richest manifold of their semantic properties.

Famous linguistic Yu.S. Stepanov believed that the difference qualityand relative values \u200b\u200bof adjectives It is one of the most difficult. This separation is carried out not even in all languages. In Russian, high school students learn to distinguish these discharge discharges.

As you probably remember, adjectives are answering questions what? What? What? what kind?

What? – Small courtyard, school teacher, bear claw.

What? – Wonderful weather, wooden bench, fox frills.

What? – Excellent mood, pearl necklace, horsepower.

What kind? – polite disciples, district competitions, hare ears.

Each row shows examples qualitative, relative and attractive adjectives. How to distinguish them? As it has already become clear, simply ask a question to the adjective - will not give the result, the discharge does not determine in this way.

Grammar will come to the rescue and semantics(meaning of the word). Consider each discharge of adjective names by value .

Quality adjectives

Already by name it is clear that these adjectives are denoted quality of the subject. What could it be for quality? Color(purple, burgundy, borders, crow), the form(rectangular, square), physical characteristics of living beings (fat, healthy, active), temporary and spatial signs (slow, deep), common qualities inherent in an animated subject ( angry, funny, happy) and etc.

Also most (but not all!) Qualitative adjectives have a number of grammatical signsFor which they are quite easy to distinguish from the rest of the adjectives. These signs do not have to be a whole set of each qualitative adjective,but if you discovered that at least some sign to this adjective is suitable, - before you the qualitative name is adjective. So:

1) Qualitative adjectives indicate such a sign that can appear to a greater or lesser extent. Hence - the ability to form comparison degrees.

Thin - thinner - the finest. Interesting - less interesting - the most interesting.

2) Form brief forms. Long - mines, small - chalk.

3) Combined S. adveria measures and degrees. Very beautiful, extremely entertaining, completely incomprehensible.

4) From high-quality adjectives can be formed naschaya -o (-e) and nouns with abstract suffixes content (up), -In-, -Ev-, -in-, - : Gorgeous - great, clear - clarity, blue - blue, blue - blue, thick - thickness, beautiful - beauty.

5) Can also be formed words with diminishing or magnifying suffixes: angry - evil, dirty - dirty, green - green, healthy - hefty.

6) Can have antonyms: large - small, white - black, sharp - stupid, stale - fresh.

As you can see, there are many signs, but it is absolutely necessary to use everyone. Remember that some qualitative adjectives no degrees of comparison, some do not form distracted nouns, some can not be combined with adverbs measures and degrees But they are suitable for other features.

For example, adjective bay. This adjective is not suitable for one grammatical criterion, but indicates color \u003d Quality of the Item- it means that quality.

Or adjective beautiful. Cannot say Very beautifulbut you can form adverb perfectly. Conclusion: Adjective quality.

Relative names of adjectives

Denote sign of attitude to the subject.What kind of relationships can there be signs? Materialfrom which the subject is made ( iron Nail - Nail from iron, Stone basement - Basement from stone, velvet dress - Velvet dress); place, time, space (today's scandal is a scandal that occurred today; Intercity bus - a bus between cities; Moscow region - region of Moscow); purpose(parental Assembly - Meeting for Parents, Children's Store - Shop for Children) and etc.

Signs of this and not temporary, and permanent, so all features inherent in high-quality adjectives are no relative.This means that they do not form degrees of comparisons(it is impossible to say that this house is wooden, and the more wooden), do not combine with adverbs of measures and degrees(Cannot say very golden bracelet) etc.

But the phrases with relative adjectives can convertreplacing adjective. For example, A rural resident - a resident of the village, a dairy porridge - a porridge on milk, a plastic cube - a cube of plastic.

We hope that you have become clearer, how to distinguish high-quality and relative adjectives. And about the most attractive adjectives and talk about some traps in the next article.

Good luck to the Russian language!

Have questions? Do not know how the qualitative adjectives differ from relative?
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the site, with full or partial copying of the material reference to the original source is required.

ADJECTIVE,the name is adjective (letters. Translation from the lat. Nomen Adiectivum - the name adjacent, adjacent), the lexico-semantic class of words (part of speech), call the qualities and properties of objects ( heavy bag), events ( loud business), states ( acute pain) And other phenomena of the surrounding world, designated by nouns names. Adjective can also point to the belonging of the object to someone ( crowquill).

Denmarking a sign of the subject, the adjective determines the name of the noun and, therefore, the syntax respect depends on it. This connection can be expressed only by the order of words, as, for example, in modern English with poor morphology, where the adjective does not have forms of kind, numbers and cases: a Pretty Boy."pretty boy", A Pretty Girl"Pretty girl", Pretty Children."Pretty children."

The dependence of the adjective from the noun may have a morphological expression, and in this case the characteristic name is consistent with the name of the subject in the genus, the number and case - as in Russian: wooden table -G (m. R., Un. H., They.), on the wooden table-e (m. r., units., Rost.); Snow -J. Bel -G (m. R., Un. H.), Girls-a white face (g. r., un. h.). In the multiple number, opposition by the genus is neutralized, i.e. The same form of adjective for the male and female genus is used: girls and beautiful, Youth and beautiful. In French, the form of all kinds and numbers is opposed:

unbeu Film."Good movie" (m. R., Units.);

beaux Films. "Good films" (m. R., Mn. H.)

uNE BELLE PROMENADE. "Beautiful walk" (g. R., Units. H.)

de Belles Promenades. "Beautiful walks" (g. R., Mn. H.).

The approval of the adjective and nouns can also be expressed in the fact that they receive the same indicator of the coercive class, as, for example, in the Sauhili language:

wA. -Toto.(people-kids)

wA. -Zuri.(People beautiful)


ki. -swahili.(Sauachi language)

ki- gumu. (Language-hard)

"Beautiful children know the difficult tongue of Suakhili," where the indicator wA. - denotes the class of people, indicator ki. - denotes the class of languages.

In the ancient Indo-European languages, the case of adjectives were registered, i.e. Coincided with the endings of nouns: LAT. NOM. Pulchr-A Puell-A, ACC. Pulchr-Am Puell-Am. In most modern Indo-European languages, the case of adjectives are lost (French, Persian, Armenian).

The adjective declination also had adjectives in the ancient Slavic languages, for example, in Staroslavyansky:

In addition, there was a prisonered type of declination: the endings of the adjectives occurred from the merger with the Starlistian index pronouns:

In modern Russian, the division of adjectives for nominal and location is lost. From old placed forms, modern complete adjectives developed, and the names turned into brief adjectives; Case forms of brief adjectives are found only in sustainable combinations ( memory bela. day, by belou Light, He loved red Maiden).

The name noun denotes the entire set of features whose carrier is the subject. They constitute the essence of the subject and determine its relations with other objects of the real world. One name of such connections is detected quite a lot, because for each sign it organizes a whole network of relationships around itself. For example, a door Indicates, on the one hand, an integral part of the room (along with ceiling, Paul, Walls); On the other hand, the door is designed to pass inside and outward and on this basis looks like goal, Kalitka, Lazake, window; From the third party, its basic function is to close the room (in order to save the contents), and therefore it is one row with envelope, Lid and etc.

Adjective describes the individual properties of the object ( red fence, Tight cardboard, clever boy, Warm sweater, etc.). As a rule, these are static signs that do not change over time, in contrast to the verbs, which describe the actions and processes flowing over time ( blush, dry, condense). This semantic opposition was visually recorded by T.Gyvon in the form of a temporary stability scale: the names of the nouns are considered as stable as much as possible, and the verbs are maximum changeable in time.

Adjective occupy an intermediate position on this scale. As an independent grammar class, adjectives are not allocated in all languages. Typically adjective languages \u200b\u200b(i.e., languages \u200b\u200bwith a separate adjective class) include English, French, Russian, Swahili. In those languages \u200b\u200bwhere adjectives are not allocated to a separate class, they are adjacent in their characteristics to the noun, then to the verbs. For example, Latin pauper. can translate both as "poor", and as a "poor man", i.e. The adjective has the same morphological categories as the noun (genus, declination), but acts in an attribute function. On the other hand, many properties names are verbs - valere "to be healthy", calere "Be hot." However, in Russian, who has an independent class of adjectives, there are similar phenomena: some type names scientist, dining room, past are morphological adjectives (inclined as adjectives) and syntactic nouns (used independently); At the same time, brief forms of adjectives are a subclass of verbs ( boy sick, bread fresh, Snow white), because Do not change on cases and perform the function of the fad.

There is, however, a whole area of \u200b\u200bvalues \u200b\u200bthat tend to be encoded by adjectives in the languages \u200b\u200bof various types. The famous typologist R. Dixson came to this conclusion. According to its research, typical adjectives denote the following signs of items:

size ("small", "large"),

physical properties ("heavy", "durable", "dense"),

age ("young")

color ("red", "white"),

speed ("fast", "slow"),

rating ("good", "bad"),

difficulty ("simple", "complex"),

"Qualification" ("Right", "Normal"),

similarity ("similar")

human properties ("smart", "kind").

These values \u200b\u200bare so natural for adjectives, which is usually expressed adjectively, i.e. With the help of adjective, in almost all languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

The adjective value is quite inhomogeneously. Some quality of items are an "integral part" of their carriers - this is the size ( large handwriting, little puppy), color ( red berries), the form ( straight road), sound characteristic ( silent crying, Deaf voices), age ( young wolf, old oak) and some others. These parameters, so to speak, are embedded in the structure of the object. Other qualities are manifested when using the subject. For example, a bag or backpack rises and move in space and detect their weight, i.e. may be heavy or lungs; Shell walnut can be strong or fragile Depending on how quickly it splits, i.e. split into parts when exposed to forceps; Clay precisely in the process of modeling the quality soft (if it easily changes the form) and solid (if she frozen and it is difficult for her to give the right shape). Pay attention to the fact that every item has its own special purpose and therefore shows its special signs: for example, we cannot say * heavy house (in the process of operation of this subject we do not raise it), * strong pencil (Because we write them, but do not check it on strength), * acute door (Because, opens, she does not roll anyone and does not cut).

All these signs are inherent in the subject of both a separate autonomous entity and are due to its internal structure and appointment. The corresponding adjectives were called quality. They denote a clean sign that in the subject can be greater or less compared to other similar objects. Russian qualitative adjectives form comparison degrees: comparative, with suffix -E. or -her (thinkish, stronger, more important), and excellent, with suffix -Yesh / --ysh (fine one, stronger, the most important); Often, however, adjectives, according to the form relating to an excellent degree, are simply a very large degree of sign, cf. The first prize will get the strongest (\u003d "The strongest") and Standing the strongest frost(\u003d "very strong") . Some adjectives have a passive (that is, the form for a comparative degree formed from another basis): goodit is better, badworse.

Qualitative adjectives are brief shape ( mogue, hard, fast), and also combined with intensifiers (adverbs like highly, quite, at all). It is important to distinguish between the formal forms of the comparative degree of adjectives and the adverbs: this house is higher(adjective) and Petya jumped above(adverb), as well as a brief form of the middle kind of adjective and homonymous to her. dress beautiful and She looks beautiful today. Advanced syntactically depends on the verb, and the adjective - from the noun. Some adjectives do not have a full form: glad, should, much, love. Qualitative adjectives are, as a rule, non-produced words, but they are possible formation of nouns with an abstract sign of a sign ( hardness, silence, redness, yellowness).

On the other hand, the adjective can describe the properties of the subject through its attitude to another subject or to action, CP. relationship type "containing something" - Fat piece, "Made from something" - wooden house, "intended for" - desk, measuring device, "Located in" - roast beer.and others. These are relative adjectives. They do not have degrees of comparison and brief form.

Relative adjectives are formed, as a rule, a suffix method from the relevant name or verb, so their semantics are closely related to the structure of the value of the source words, Wed: sea fish, sea \u200b\u200bwater with the meaning "in the sea" and sea Veter. blowing from the sea. In some languages, such adjectives are a form name of a noun, for example, in Georgian kva. "a rock" - kV-IS. "Stone" (letters. "Stone"). Relationships between objects can be expressed by a combination of two nouns: English. a Stone Wall (Stone Wall), a BUS STOP. (bus stop, bus stop). Thus, it is obvious that the division of adjectives for high-quality and relative is not universally, this is a feature of Slavic languages, in particular Russian.

Finally, adjectives can designate the belonging of something to face ( mom's bag, Fisherman village.) or animal ( cat house, deer horns). These are attracted adjectives that are a feature of Slavic languages. In other languages, the value of the attractiveness is expressed by the nouns with the pretext: Franz. un livre de paul"Field Book", Special Case (Possessive Case): Mary "s Book"Book Mary", Ipathette design: PERS. hane-ye Pedär(Izafet's House + Father) "Father's House".

Such a division of adjectives for discharge is not strict: being consumed in a figurative value, they change their class. This mainly concerns relative adjectives that are moving to high-quality: raspberry jam (from raspberry) - raspberry beret (colors of raspberries), stone dam(built of stone) - stone face (motionless, as if from the stone), lead bullet (Lead) - Lead Tuchi (Dark gray, as if from lead). The attractive adjectives can go to high-quality and relative, expressing the ratio "characteristic of someone" or "made of": bear Palace Bear Schuba Bear ghodka; Foxy burrow Lysius collar Fox cunning.

Very rarely qualitative adjectives in portable use lose their characteristic importance and begin to denote the constant property of the subject, i.e. Clear relatives in the category: sour berries - sour reaction; Color dress - non-ferrous metals. The development of their value is mainly due to the transfer to unforesestrating entities: solid stone - solid prices, Bright Sun - Bright Person, Acute needle - acute vision, Durable walls - strong knowledge et al. This transfer is subject to certain rules that regulate the use of adjectives. So, in Russian it is impossible to say * durable nerves, * Strong personality, * Durable prices. At the same time, the meaningful difference in combinations is noticeable. strong teethand durable teeth, hard character and hard temper.

All these adjectives describe the properties of objects that are perceived by a person. Moreover, in some cases, perceived objects themselves affect a person, such as, for example, bright light, Loud crying, Strong smell. Such signs manifest themselves actively and are called agent. Sometimes a person itself needs to be determined to influence the object so that he manifested its property. These properties include passive, or patient signs. To understand that clay is solid, it must be tastefully try; The strong shell will show its property only if you try to split it. Strong teeth - These are such (their own) teeth that withstand intensive loads and do not break. BUT durable teeth - This is artificial teeth, made of strong durable materials. Now it becomes clear why there are strong nerves And there is no durable nerves.

The adjective composition is replenished by communities - special forms of verb. When switching to the discharge of adjective, the sacrament loses its species-temporal and mortgage values \u200b\u200band acquires the value purely high-quality: the coming year, outstanding scientist, devotee, beaten comparison, armed forces and many others.

Famous linguistic Yu.S. Stepanov believed that the difference qualityand relative values \u200b\u200bof adjectives It is one of the most difficult. This separation is carried out not even in all languages. In Russian, high school students learn to distinguish these discharge discharges.

As you probably remember, adjectives are answering questions what? What? What? what kind?

What? – Small courtyard, school teacher, bear claw.

What? – Wonderful weather, wooden bench, fox frills.

What? – Excellent mood, pearl necklace, horsepower.

What kind? – polite disciples, district competitions, hare ears.

Each row shows examples qualitative, relative and attractive adjectives. How to distinguish them? As it has already become clear, simply ask a question to the adjective - will not give the result, the discharge does not determine in this way.

Grammar will come to the rescue and semantics(meaning of the word). Consider each discharge of adjective names by value .

Quality adjectives

Already by name it is clear that these adjectives are denoted quality of the subject. What could it be for quality? Color(purple, burgundy, borders, crow), the form(rectangular, square), physical characteristics of living beings (fat, healthy, active), temporary and spatial signs (slow, deep), common qualities inherent in an animated subject ( angry, funny, happy) and etc.

Also most (but not all!) Qualitative adjectives have a number of grammatical signsFor which they are quite easy to distinguish from the rest of the adjectives. These signs do not have to be a whole set of each qualitative adjective,but if you discovered that at least some sign to this adjective is suitable, - before you the qualitative name is adjective. So:

1) Qualitative adjectives indicate such a sign that can appear to a greater or lesser extent. Hence - the ability to form comparison degrees.

Thin - thinner - the finest. Interesting - less interesting - the most interesting.

2) Form brief forms. Long - mines, small - chalk.

3) Combined S. adveria measures and degrees. Very beautiful, extremely entertaining, completely incomprehensible.

4) From high-quality adjectives can be formed naschaya -o (-e) and nouns with abstract suffixes content (up), -In-, -Ev-, -in-, - : Gorgeous - great, clear - clarity, blue - blue, blue - blue, thick - thickness, beautiful - beauty.

5) Can also be formed words with diminishing or magnifying suffixes: angry - evil, dirty - dirty, green - green, healthy - hefty.

6) Can have antonyms: large - small, white - black, sharp - stupid, stale - fresh.

As you can see, there are many signs, but it is absolutely necessary to use everyone. Remember that some qualitative adjectives no degrees of comparison, some do not form distracted nouns, some can not be combined with adverbs measures and degrees But they are suitable for other features.

For example, adjective bay. This adjective is not suitable for one grammatical criterion, but indicates color \u003d Quality of the Item- it means that quality.

Or adjective beautiful. Cannot say Very beautifulbut you can form adverb perfectly. Conclusion: Adjective quality.

Relative names of adjectives

Denote sign of attitude to the subject.What kind of relationships can there be signs? Materialfrom which the subject is made ( iron Nail - Nail from iron, Stone basement - Basement from stone, velvet dress - Velvet dress); place, time, space (today's scandal is a scandal that occurred today; Intercity bus - a bus between cities; Moscow region - region of Moscow); purpose(parental Assembly - Meeting for Parents, Children's Store - Shop for Children) and etc.

Signs of this and not temporary, and permanent, so all features inherent in high-quality adjectives are no relative.This means that they do not form degrees of comparisons(it is impossible to say that this house is wooden, and the more wooden), do not combine with adverbs of measures and degrees(Cannot say very golden bracelet) etc.

But the phrases with relative adjectives can convertreplacing adjective. For example, A rural resident - a resident of the village, a dairy porridge - a porridge on milk, a plastic cube - a cube of plastic.

We hope that you have become clearer, how to distinguish high-quality and relative adjectives. And about the most attractive adjectives and talk about some traps in the next article.

Good luck to the Russian language!

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On the topic: The name is adjective as part of speech

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1. General characteristic of the adjective name

2. Lexico-grammatical discharges of adjectives

3.1 Comparative degree

3.2 Excellent degree

6. Conclusion

7. Bibliographic list


Russian language is one of the richest and developed languages \u200b\u200bof the world. This is the language of the great Russian people, the carrier and the creator of wonderful spiritual values, the world famous works of art and literature. Throughout the entire centuries-old history of the people, the language has always been a form of expression of Russian national culture and national self-consciousness.

The Russian language is characteristic of the unusual wealth of the vocabulary, the plasticity of grammatical forms and values, a variety of stylistic agents.

There are many words in the language, and they all have their own meanings. In morphology, all words are distributed by groups (classes), which are called parts of speech. One of the independent parts of speech is the name of the adjective, about it will be formulated in my control work.

Each item has signs in which its feature is manifested. For the name of signs of items in the language there are special words. This is adjectives. They help us highlight the desired subject of many identical objects. For example, we need a pencil, and you say Comrade "Let Paradash". - "What?" - "Red". So using the adjective there is one object from several of the same type.

The adjective name is an independent part of speech, which means a sign of the subject.

The general grammatical meaning of the adjective is a sign of the subject.

Morphological signs of adjective - Rod, number, case. It changes in childbirth, numbers and cases. Calling signs of items, adjectives serve, explain nouns. Therefore, morphological signs of adjectives help him get closer to bind to nouns, i.e., they are like a kind, number and case. The adjective name is a very flexible word: it can adapt to any noun.

The syntax signs of adjectives - in the proposal of adjectives are definitions or legends and are consistent with nouns in kind, and the case.

The purpose of my work is to reveal the value of an independent part of speech - the name of the adjective. More to delve into the study: lexico-grammatical discharges, the degree of comparison of adjectives, the types of decline and the use of adjectives in modern texts.

1. General characteristics of adjective as part of speech

The names of the adjectives include the discharge of words that indicate signs of the subject and are dependent on the noun (calling this subject) of the form, the number, the case: "Red Ball", "Log Breed", "Summer Morning". In the proposal, the adjectives are either definitions: "As well, then I remember the familiar pond and hoarse ringing alder" (EU.), Either by the registered part of the composite name of the facility: "We were high, Rusolos. You will read in the books as a myth, about people who left, without raking, without doning the last cigarette "(N. Maorov).

2. Electric-grammatical discharges name of the adjective

Depending on the value and grammatical properties, adjectives are usually divided into three discharges:

1. relative;

2. Press;

3. Qualitative.

2.1 Relative adjectives

Relative adjectives call such a sign that does not change quantitatively and is expressed indirectly, through attitude to something: the material ("linen shirt", "brick wall"; time ("Morning play", "yesterday"); action ("Sleeping car "," Copy paper "," smoking room "); place (" Arbat Lane "," Northern deer "); subject (" Table silver "," cherry bone "); phenomenon (" Stagnation "," Rental in a row "), Etc. Each relative adjective can be replaced by a synonymic design with a word, from which the adjective is formed (" linen shirt "-" flax shirt "," Arbat crossing "-" Arbat lanes "). The generality of all relative Adjectives are that they call constant signs of objects and phenomena.

Relative adjectives are formed with the help of suffixes: -N- (ended), -Nag- (straw), -on- (portion), -an- (leather), -yan- (linen), - and (hydraulic), - Ov- (smoke), -Ev- (construction), -sk- (French), etc.

2.2 Holding adjectives

This is a group of adjectives that indicate the personnel of the face or an animal (they are formed with suffixes -in-, -yn-, -On-, -Ev-, andj-, which are joined by a noun, denoting the person, this animal): "Mother's Gift "," Giruhazhkin story "," fathers inheritance "; "Fox Nora", "Dog Lay".

Unlike qualitative and relative adjectives, which do not have any special common for all words of each of the discharges with stylistic properties, attracted adjectives are stylistically marked. Thus, the use of adjectives, which formed with suffixes -On-, -Ev-, -in-, - and denote the belonging to either the face or an animal, limited in a modern literary language. Most of them have a conversational character: maternal, grandfathers, sister, fathers, etc. Therefore, in modern speech from the adjectives of this group, those that are formed either from conversational words are mainly used, or from nouns having an informality: Mamin, Papin, Dyadin. , Petin, Valin, Sashin, Sichkin, Koshkin, as well as "Matrenin Dvor", "Fedorino Mountain", "Ivanovo Childhood" (names of famous literary works A. Solzhenitsin, K. Chukovsky and the film A. Tarkovsky), etc. They are replaced by either adjectives with suffixes -sk-, -Onsk-, -insk-: Pushkinsky, father, maternal, or (much more often) with a combination of nouns with genitive accessories: "Sisters Apartment", "Santa Tube".

In sustainable expressions, geographical names (which in general, to properly maintain unproductive in the present language form), attracted adjectives with suffixes -On-, -, -in-, are often quite common: "Crocodile tears", "Achilles Fifth", "Magellan Strait", "Barents Sea". They contain some terminological names: "Euclidean geometry", "Caesarean section".

Pretty adjectives are both such names like Ivanov (Ivanov Son), Petrov, Sidorov, etc.

Adjectives with suffix-andj, pointing to belonging to the animal, are not stylistically noted and therefore are not limited in their use.

2.3 Qualitative adjectives

The qualitative names of adjectives serve direct names of such signs that are perceived by us directly as the natural properties of this subject or phenomenon.

The semantic peculiarity of high-quality adjectives is that they are able to signify the signs of a two-way:

1) signs, objectively inherent in the bottom item, regardless of the attitude towards them from the speaker (high house, deep well, old man, solid stone, black earth, weak muscles) and 2) signs, not only objectively inherent in this subject, but also Reflecting by their name a qualitative assessment of this feature from the speaker in various connotative aspects (bad weather, brave act, shameful escape, incessant voice, suspicious rustling).

· Signs of color and color shades: blue, red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange, black, white, light, gray, red-blue, light green;

· Signs of space and place: far, close, long, short, high, low, wide, narrow;

· Moral-intelligent signs of man: smart, stupid, kind, angry, brave, brave, courageous, brave, cowardly, timid, truthful, false, fake, heart, heartless;

· Signs of human emotional state: joyful, cheerful, kind, sad, sad, dreary, gloomy;

· Signs of quality: excellent, ignorant, beautiful, good, decent, satisfactory, mediocre, bad, bad, unfit and other signs.

Qualitative adjectives are characterized by certain semantic, word-formative and morphological features.

These features are that high-quality adjectives:

· Have full and brief forms: young man - man young, young woman - woman young, young generation - generation young, young people - people young people;

· Form the comparison degrees: Smart - smarter - the clearest, simple - easier - the simplest;

· Combined with adverbs: very young, extremely smart, too arrogant;

· Forms forms of subjective assessment and incompleteness of quality: young - young, intelligent - smart; stupid - silly, pale - pale;

· Forming adverbs on -O, -e, -Y: cheerful - fun, sad - sad, depressing - depressingly, sleeping - swelling, father - fatherly, friendly - friendly;

· Participated in antonymic relationships: good - angry, brave - cowardly, strong - weak, light - dark, joyful - sad;

· Forming nouns with the title of quality feature: Cheerful - cheerfulness, rough - rudeness, fresh - freshness, white - white, yellow - yellowness, simple - simplicity, blind - blindness.

Not all high-quality adjectives have a complete set of specified signs. For example, high-quality adjectives on-school (s) do not have brief forms, do not form synthetic forms of comparison degrees; Many qualitative adjectives do not form forms of subjective assessment and incompleteness of quality (ignorant, responsible, courageous); A number of adjectives are not included in the word-forming model for the formation of nouns with an abstract quality name (beautiful, smart), etc.

3. degrees of comparison of high-quality adjectives

Qualitative adjectives possess two degrees of comparison:

1. Comparative,

2. Excellent.

3.1 Comparative degree

adjective speech text declination

A comparative degree indicates that this subject (person) is a sign manifests itself to a greater extent than in other objects (persons), or on the fact that this subject a sign is manifested to a greater extent than that of the same subject in other cases: "I know - a nail in my boot is a nightmare than the fantasy of Goethe!" (Lighthouse.); "The sky is breathing in the autumn, and less often the sun shines, in short, it became a day" (P.).

This value of a comparative degree can be expressed in two ways: synthetic (using suffixes) and analytical (using auxiliary word).

The synthetic form of a comparative degree is formed with the help of suffixes (s), -e, -sh: longer, in short, then. The most numerous forms with suffix (s), which joins the adjective basis: is definitely intelligent, unstable. With a suffix, a comparative degree is formed from those adjectives, the foundations of which will end on the consonants of G, K, X, D, T, Z, ST, SK: Tuga - Tight, Easy - Easy, Dry - Souche, Young - Younger, Rich - richer, clean - cleaner, flat - bicker, etc. With suffix, it is a comparative degree forms only separate adjectives: thin - thinner, bitter - is near, far away - further, long - longer. Multiple adjectives: small, small, good, bad - comparative degree is formed by a suplement: less (for small and small), better, worse. Sometimes in the formation of a comparative degree, at the same time with the suffix, the prefix takes place at: more authentic, lies, away.

It should be borne in mind that not all adjectives can be formed by the synthetic form of a comparative degree. Such restrictions may be caused:

· Features of the word-forming adjective structure, which includes some suffixes that prevent the formation of a synthetic form;

· The fact that the adjective is not qualitative in origin, but it became as a result of the portable use of the word;

· Features of the semantics of adjectives.

So, do not have a synthetic form of a comparative degree:

1. Adjectives with suffixes -sk, -On-: ironic, tragic, advanced, business;

2. Some adjectives with suffixes -k-, -n-: timid, paddle, early;

3. The adjectives with the suffixes of the subjective assessment: pretty, clean, as well as adjectives with those prefixes and suffixes, which themselves indicate the degree of manifestation: walked, premium, worst, evil, reddish, crowded, thick;

4. Those adjectives with the color value that are relative by origin: coffee, cream, raspberry, lilac, chocolate, amber;

5. Adjectives, which are originates: outstanding abilities, a brilliant mind, a tilted face, an open look; fallen voice;

6. Many unrelated adjectives with suffix-l-: backward, misunderstood, imaginary;

7. Adjectives, denoting the masses of horses: Pegi, Voronene, Gunly, etc.;

8. Traditionally attributable to high-quality adjectives, the lexical value of which is the indication of the absolute degree of manifestation of the sign: bare, woven, alive, dead, idle and ne.d.r ..

In the artistic speech there are individuals of a comparative degree and from the listed groups of words. For example: "WATT IN GOLD - What are these duties?" (Lighthouse.); "This shadow of yours has become so older than older and weakened" (P.ant.); "The coffin also brought from Moscow, silver color, metallic, with white ornaments. There was still a dead and alien to him, the face of Mom "(A. Tsvet.). Such individually copyrighted formations, as retreating from the modern literary norm, require estimates in each particular case.

If the formation of a synthetic form is not possible, then in order to express the value of the comparison, consume an analytical form.

An analytical form of a comparative degree can be formed from all high-quality adjectives, therefore, in the case when a synthetic form is possible, these two forms are synonymous.

3.2 Excellent degree

An excellent degree of comparison indicates the largest, maximum degree of manifestation of a feature from this subject compared to other objects: "What should I do, singer and the firstborn, in the world where the most hidden is gray!" (Color.). "I may be the most beautiful of all your sons!" (Lighthouse.); "You, the queen, all the nurses, all rosy and whiter" (P.).

The value of excellent degree is expressed in three ways. Accordingly, synthetic, analytical and complex forms of excellent degree are distinguished.

The synthetic shape is formed from the basis of the adjective with the help of suffixes -E., Aish-: the most important, stupid, highest. Sometimes at the same time with the suffix to the adjective joined the prefix, the most important, which is the most sophisticated.

The synthetic form of excellent degree also has limitations in its formation. It is not mainly in the same adjectives, from which the formation of the synthetic form of a comparative degree is also. It:

1. Adjectives with suffixes -sk-, -On-: ironic, tragic, business, advanced;

2. Single adjectives with suffix -k-: caustic, catchy, trick, timid (but: rare - the rare, low - the lowest, short - shortest);

3. Otgal adjectives with suffix-l-: Eashable, faded, tired

4. Communities used in a figurative value: outstanding, brilliant;

5. A number of adjectives, the basis of which is not derived: large, young, long, dry, tight, etc.

Analytical form is formed using auxiliary words the most and most which are combined with the original form of adjective: the strongest, most influential, most profitable, most popular.

A complex form is a combination of a synthetic form of a comparative degree of adjective with the word of all or all: older than all, tastier.

4. Types of adjectives

The case forms of adjectives are dependent, since they "reflect" the values \u200b\u200bof the genus, the number and case of that nouns with which this adjective is agreed.

Full qualitative and relative adjectives are inclined equally. At the same time, two varieties of declination differ:

1. Adjectives with the basis for a solid consonant form a solid declination;

2. Adjectives with the basis for a soft consonant - mild decline.

It should be remembered that:

· In the male and middle way of the only number of adjectives, the general endings are observed, except for nominative and vinitive cases;

· Special generic endings adjectives possess the only number in the feminine;

· In the multiple number of adjectives of all kinds have general endings.

Analysis of adjective decline allows you to draw the following conclusions:

1. The differences between solid and soft declines are not typological and due only to the influence of a solid or soft consonant base on the subsequent vowel end of the end;

2. Adjective solid declination in male genus in the nominative case of the only number under the stress have the ending-one, in an unstressed position;

3. In the appropriate case of the only number of adjectives of the female family, along with the main ending, ", have an end of the end," one, which is the shade of the book;

4. According to modern phonetic standards, adjectives with the base on the posterhable all forms of solid decline, having the initial sound [s], are replaced with the forms of soft declining with the sound [and], soften the previous consonants: deep ditch, deaf alley, dear friends;

5. Adjectives with the basis on w, Ш should be attributed to a solid decline, although spelling them can be denoted by the endings of soft decline: large houses, merge days;

6. The spelling record of the endings of adjectives in some cases is sharply dispersed with their sound composition: white - [B'el-xt], summer - [l'ethn-bv], etc.

Attractive adjectives are inclined somewhat different than the adjectives of high-quality and relative. In some cases, they have the usual endings of adjectives, and in others - the end of the nouns. For example: I.P.: long-awaited grandfather's inheritance; Pp: long-awaited grandfather inheritance; DP: long-awaited grandfather inheritance; VP: long-awaited grandfather's inheritance; S.: Long-awaited grandfathers; PP: On the long-awaited grandfather's inheritance. These coincidences depend on what exactly the suffix is \u200b\u200bformed by this adjective and noucent what kind of kind it applies.

5. Use of adjectives in modern texts

And high-quality, and relative adjectives do not have restrictions in their use and are not fixed specifically for any kind of speech. However, the functions that perform the adjectives of these two discharges in the texts are different and are associated with the typical semantics of words, in these discharges of incoming.

Firstly, relative adjectives denote constant, not changing and therefore independent of the subjective perception of the speaker / writing property of objects: "Assuminary fence", "Lesson of Russian literature", "television documentary", etc. The qualitative adjectives have the opportunity to reflect the sign to the extent of its manifestation, which is established by the speaker: "I am among all the good luck and trouble for that, you loved that the yellow white light with you Belya Belil" (paste.).

Secondly, relative adjectives are quite rarely synonyms, with the number of components that form these synonymic rows, usually small: world-world; English-British; Rubber-market and nek.d.

In contrast, high-quality adjectives are usually included in rich synonymic series, in which a significant part of the components are synonyms for substantial. Of these, the speaker can choose exactly the word that most accurately displays his thought, nuances of individual perception.

Therefore, the use of high-quality adjectives is more characteristic of texts that have subjectivated, personal character. And the use of relative adjectives is associated with the message of objective, extravaluity information.

We illustrate this by examples. Irakli's article Andronikova "The image of the poet", which precedes the collection of works by M.Yu.Lermontov, ends with such phrases "The Great Humanity of Lermontov, the plasticity of its images ... The connection of simplicity and elevation, naturalness and originality is not only the creation of Lermontov, but also its own. And after all my life, we carry in the soul the image of this person, a sad, stringent, gentle, powerful, modest, bold, noble, ulcer, dreamest, mocking, shy, endowed with mighty passions and will and insightful, merciless minds. The poet of the ingenious and so early deceased. Immortal and forever young. "

Here, each of the adjective adjectives, and the choice of each given word is determined by the fact that it is precisely it adequately expresses the assessment that the researcher gives Lermontov and his work.

In high-quality adjectives, it is also laid and great opportunities to attach the image description of a particular subject. It is significant that the overwhelming majority of traditional definitions of epithets, and individual epithets are precisely adjective qualitative. An illustration can be the famous poem N.V. Krandiyevskaya-Tolstoy:

Sky called blue,

The sun is called gold,

Time is called irrevocable,

The sea is called, immensitated

Call a woman beloved

Refer to death - irreversible

Called truth - saints,

Call passwords.

How can I name my love,

To repeat anything?

Each of the allocated traditionally poetic definitions is a qualitative adjective, denoting either an artificial characteristic of the subject, or the estimate that has been developed and enshrined in the artistic speech by a literary tradition.

The richest material in this regard gives "a dictionary of epithets of the Russian literary language" K.S. Gorbachevich and E.P.Hablo. For example, to the noun birch (and the image

birch, being almost a national poetic symbol, is present, as you know, in the works of many Russian writers and poets) 54 definitions are given, and only 8 of which are adjectives relative (Belobokaya, white, whitewher, white, straight, alcohol, centenary, greenstock). Listing epithets that characterize the impression produced by birch, psychological perception of it, the compilers of the dictionary indicate such adjectives: cheerful, sad,

dormant, thoughtful, pretty, naive, sad, Pourera, timid, light, dull, frowning, chaste, each of which is high-quality. Mostly with the help of qualitative adjectives, as the dictionary shows, writers and poets describe the appearance of birch trees: white, pale, branched, high, curly, elegant, transparent, silver, etc..

In the end of the vocabulary article after the sign * are given the so-called logical definitions (i.e., the definitions of a household and terminological nature), and they are mainly adjectives relative: wart, dawn, decorative, wild, iron, yellow, stone, Karelian , dwarf, shrub, etc.

Turning to the encyclopedic dictionary, in which, as is well known, describes first of all, objective, independent of individual assessment and individual perception of the properties of phenomena, in the vocabulary of the word birch we find some of the above logical definitions, as well as other definitions, Which, in turn, mostly adjectives are relative: "Birching of trees and shrubs of the birch family. About 120 species, in moderate and cold belts of the northern hemisphere and in the mountains of subtropics; In the USSR about 50 species. Forest-forming and decorative rock. Birch and birch and birch fluffy birch have the greatest economic significance. Wood is used in furniture production, on crafts; The kidneys and leaves are with therapeutic purposes (as a diuretic, choleretic means). "

Holding adjectives can also play the role of a stylistic agent that increases the image of speech. This happens when the specific suffixes of the attractive adjectives are-, -Ev-, -in-, -yn-, andj are joined to the insistent noun derigative basis: "Tarlekins of the region", "Tailor's Breastings", "Cucumbers Tail", "Verine Handle "," Window Edge ". As a result, an animation is occurring, the personification of that object that is named producing the base: a plate, river, cucumber, door, the windowsill are perceived as living beings. Such formation of occasional adjectives helps to make an admission of personification, i.e. Employment of phenomena properties of living beings.

V. Markovsky often resorted to this reception. He, along with other language means (first of all, metaphors) are widely used and "personifying" attractive adjectives. For example: "The violin was aroused, staring, and suddenly sprinkled so childishly, that the drum could not stand:" Well, good, good! " And I myself was tired, did not hear the violin speech, I slept on the burning Kuznetsky and left "; "But he managed to hit the edge of the Ministry of Minority"; "Thunder because of the clouds, animals, got out, huge nostrils zadorly Vysnimorkal, and the Sky Faces A second was curved a harsh grimace Bismarck."

The adjectives created are similarly characteristic of both B. Kirsanov poetry, which generally inherited a lot from Mayakovsky poetics. And in the poems of Kirsanov, we find: "Pumpkin look", "Waves of Foam", "Porosen's cheeks", "Car Love", etc.


An adjective in a lexical aspect has a richest set of a wide variety of denotative and connotative values, which allows him to serve as one of the main means of painting and visual tools for text.

For the morphology of the adjective, the most significant is the understanding of those of its features, on the basis of which the adjective is allocated to an independent grammar class of words, as well as the originality of the vocabulary-grammatical discharges of words operating in the depths of this part of speech. The support link in the morphological structure of the adjective is the presence of dependent forms of the genus, the number and case, which duplicate the corresponding values \u200b\u200bof nouns.

Our speech without adjectives would be similar to the picture written by gray paint. They allow you to convey the beauty, brightness, a variety of objects around us, makes our speech expressive and more accurate.

With adjective speech as a color picture, maybe even richer than the picture, since they not only designate the colors of items, their sounds, smells, taste, but also express attitudes to subjects referring to:

Forest, exactly led painted,

Purple, gold, crimped,

Cheerful, Moto Wall

It is standing over a light polar.

Bibliographic list

1. Rakhmanova, L.I. Modern Russian language (vocabulary. Phraseology. Morphology) / L.I. Rakhmanova, V.N. Suzdaltseva. - M.: Aspect Press, 2003. - 322 p.

2. Rosental, D.E. Russian language: allowance for applicants to universities / D.E. Rosenthal. - M.: Drop, 1995. - 49 p.

3. Dudnikov, A.V. Modern Russian language / A.V. Dudnikov. - M.: Higher School, 1990. - 227 p.

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