Tatar family names. "We have half of the noble childbirth of Russia wearing Tatar surnames

Tatar family names. "We have half of the noble childbirth of Russia wearing Tatar surnames

Round table "Business Online": Tatar Murza and their role in the formation of a national self-consciousness

Today, the issue of the formation of new elites in society is at risk: what is a new Tatar elite, is it? And how should she respond to questions of modernity, on those challenges that stand in front of the Tatar nation, including those associated with the problem of the Tatar language? These and other issues were looking for answers to the editorial office "Business Online" Representatives of the ancient Tatar births - Murza from Kazan and Ufa.

Participants of the Round Table:

Bulat Yaushev - leader of the meeting of Tatar Murz RT;

Alexey von Essen - the leader of the Nobility of the National Assembly;

Rashid Galym - Candidate of Historical Sciences, a former researcher at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan;

Gali Yenikeev - Independent historian, lawyer (Ufa);

Nail Chanayshev - Member of the Tatar Noble Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, Officer of Reserve (Ufa);

Farhad Gumarov- Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Discussion Club "Big Eurasia";

Gadel Safin. - Head of the IT company.


Farit Urazaev - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Member of the Assembly of Tatar Murz RT;

Ruslan Aysin - Political analyst.

"It was an era when the concept of elites was turned upside down"

Who can be considered the elite of Tatar society today? Representatives of the Tatar Murza Tatar Murza and their historical role in the formation of a national self-consciousness, and their historical role in the formation of a national identity, and their historical role in the establishment of a national self-consciousness "were looking for this question. "Today there is an acute issue of the formation of new elites in our society. In a large Russian state, I lived after the revolution of 100 years, and it was the era, when the concept of elite was turned upside down: everything was mixed in society, in a way. And it has adversely affected the state of all society, its socio-economic and political development, "the leader of the meeting of the Tatar Murz of the Republic of Tatarstan began the work of the Round Table Bulat Yaushev.

Bulat Yaushev: "We lived in a large Russian state after the revolution of 100 years, and it was the era, when the concept of elite was turned upside down

At the same time, the representative of the oldest Tatar kind added that there is a natural history, an understanding of what the elite of society is and how they should be correctly formed. "This concept has a lot of examples of various countries and peoples, even there are mathematical theories that describe the process of forming elites. These patterns of historical cannot be broken, they inevitably make themselves felt. Today we would like these right scientifically based processes to be borne again and led to our society to return to healthy, natural development, "he said.

Rashid Galym: "The topic of Murz is the most important layer of the history of the Tatar people and, together with the history of Russia as a whole,"

Candidate of Historical Sciences Rashid Galym Brief description of the concept of "Murza". "The topic of Murz is the most important reservoir of the history of the Tatar people and at the same time the history of Russia as a whole. The term "Murza" means "Son Emir" - a member of the ruling dynasty. It has been used in the Tatars in several options, depending on the Dialect - Morza, Mirza and Merza, "the scientist noted. This term, according to Gallyam, was brought to Golden Horde from Persia. "Murza is a large feudal, landworker, head of the kind, hordes," he clarified and led the names of all famous Murz: this is the leader Idhege, Yusuf(from Yusuf Murza, the famous Russian nobility of Yusupova went approx. ed.) and his native brother Ismagil - Father Tsaritsa Syumubika. "Later this status was leveled. In 1713, under Peter I during the Christianization, Tatars Murzam was ordered to accept baptism if they refused, they were taken away from the land and passed to the Russian feudal. At this time, many Murza were transferred to the apparent estate, although part of the Murz retained both the title and some privileges. They were included in the noble estate already in the time of Catherine II. Since then, part of the former Murz entered the noble estate, and part of the trade. Murz came out from among Murz, benefactors, industrialists, and so on. The subsequent stage comes to the Soviet and modern era when the title "Murza" has a purely nominal value, a certain prestigious code, but does not carry a real social burden, "the historian reminded. At the same time, the participants in the round table noted that "half of the noble gods of Russia wore Tatar surnames."

"Adjusting to persecutions, many Murza became clergy, imamami, mufti, because they could not be baptized," the roundtable moderator was noted Farit Urazaev. "Both in the Russian Empire, and in Soviet times, people from these birth reached very serious vertices, although the Soviet system was harshly pursued, repristed. But very many kinds in Soviet times took place and saved this code. For example, more than 200 candidates and doctors of science came out of the family of Chanyshev. Phenomenal phenomenon! There is still a village Tatar Kargali in Bashkortostan, 250 outstanding personalities came out of it: composers, writers, artists, scientists, military. This phenomenon has not yet been studied, "Urazaev added and handed over the word to the representative of the family of Chanyshev Nail Chanayshev From Ufa.

The former military told about the history of a kind, from which, as already noted by Urazaev, more than 200 scientists came out, as well as their contribution to the development of Tatar society. In particular, Shayhelislav Chanayshevtatars Moscow took an active part in the public life, with his immediate participation, Assadullayev's house was returned to the Tatar community, now there is a Tatar cultural center of Moscow. And Lieutenant Colonel Shagiahmet Rakhmetullin Son Chanashev Awarded the medal "For the capture of Paris" in the wars of 1812-1815. "Canyhevs, like many others, unlike the kind of richest family of the Russian Empire of Yusupov, refused to take baptism, as a result of which they lost their places, carried state anemas, have fallen at the salary and lost the same status and title, after which they moved to Ufa Gubernia," , - told Chanyshev.

Gali Yenikeev: "The story is part of the ideology, it forms the worldview"

"Romano-German Igo established in Russia"

Due to the fact that in Ufa, most of the ancient archives of Muslims remained, in 1993 Garden Murz Yenikeevthe Tatar Noble Assembly of the Republic of Belarus was created for the first time. Since 1997, the regular newspaper "Noborsky Bulletin" is available ("Morzlar Khabarches") . Later in Kazan in 2006, "Meeting of Tatar Murz RT" was registered ("Majlis Tatar Murz") .

"The organization began its work with the study of the history of old families and childbirth. Murza was always the most educated estate and carriers of traditions and advanced knowledge. This imposed his imprint for many generations. An example of the family of Chanyshev bright, but not the only one, in many kinds we observe such manifestations. Studying the history of his families, their birth, we deepen into the study of the history of the entire Tatar people - we find various documents in the archives. I would like the view of the modern generation to be deeper into its history. This in modern life is very lacking. Knowledge of the history of their people and their ancestors forms national identity and self-identification of the person. National self-consciousness, in turn, creates motivation to preserve the native language and culture. This direction in our activity is the most important thing, and we are trying to connect the younger generation to the knowledge of the present history of the Tatar, "said the leader of the meeting of Tatar Murz RT Bulat Yaushev.

Gali Yenikeev
, another representative of the ancient Tatar race, a lawyer in the profession, wrote five books about the history of Tatars ("Corona of the Orda Empire", "Genghis Khan and Tatars: myths and reality", "Heritage of Tatars" and others), preparing the sixth. "I read the history of the USSR, translated from Russian to Tatar, completely in the 4th grade. The story is part of the ideology, it forms the worldview, "he explained his interest. I still had many questions on this story.

Murza and scientists noted the importance of studying the objective history of the Tatar people. So, the head of the Discussion Club "Big Eurasia" in the Republic of Tatarstan, candidate of historical sciences Farhad Gumarovhe told how Tatar Murza and Eurasianism as a certain concept are connected. "The Goldenopa Civilization played an important role in the fate of many nations in Eurasia. However, its role later distorted. Since Peter I, important posts in the state gradually began to occupy foreigners from Western Europe or their supporters. I also spoke about Klyuchevsky, and Lomonosov. According to one of the founders of the theory of the Eurasianism of Trubetsky, Romano-German Igo established in Russia. And so with time they began to unauthorizedly describe the Goldenopa heritage of Muscovy as times of wildness and dilapidation, given that more than half of the noble surnames were associated with Tatar Murza. And it was the Eurasians who were the first to ask the question of whether the history of Russia written by Europeans was true. And on the basis of the scientific base, they concluded that Turkic Tatars performed on the Eurasian expanses of the leading state-forming nation and the custodian of the Eurasian traditions, "he noted.

At the same time, all participants in the round table agreed that representatives of some well-known Tatar gods need to get away from the scale of microchetics, when Murza is studying only the stories of their surnames and go beyond these limits. "The history of Murz is not generalized, there are separate articles of individual scientists, there are books dedicated to individual births, but there is no generalizing work, there is still no fundamental book," he expressed his concern Galym. At the same time, Urazaev added that the process of mobilizing Tatar Murz and scientists in order to conduct an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the history of Tatar Murz and nobles.

"If someone decides this task, he will be a real Murz, a representative of the National Element"

Participants of the round table and the topic of studying the Tatar language in schools are not bypassed for all today. "What is the elite now? And as a new Tatar elite should respond to challenges that are facing the Tatar nation, including the problem of the Tatar language associated with the problem. What is a new Tatar elite, is it? If not, what should it be and how should she respond to questions of modernity? " - I wondered another roundtable moderator, political scientist Ruslan Aysin. "Topic" Tatar Murza and their historical role in the formation of a national self-consciousness ", in my opinion, is a very important defining topic, because that is" nation "? Nation is primarily self-determination. It is necessary to understand that the folk thickness, the folk mass is not a collective mind. Nation make units - just representatives of the elite. So historically it happened that these elites made from the Tatar nation - the imperial nation, the nation of the foregoing, which not only captured, as they said, Eurasian territories, but reached Egypt, - made the rulers of Egypt, Mamluki ( turks Kipchakapprox. ed.). Therefore, it is necessary to say that we are moving even and these borders, because, being a civilization of nomads, we have no horizon, we overcome the horizon. It is very important that Murza performed the elite and the fact that this pyramid of the plantation was built. Today, now, unfortunately, this topic goes, because we do not know our roots, our history, "he noted.

"For me, it was a painful topic all my life, because if the people have no language, he loses his face as a people. Why this question hurts everyone, because before 17 years I talked to my grandmother, and then I did not have the opportunity to practice and continue to teach Tatar. I believe that all the forces need to be thrown into an increase in material well-being or solve some technical task, but not to forget about the search for new methods, forms, and they are to raise the Tatar language to the level so that a person can think and talk on his native Language. A person who will know two languages \u200b\u200b- Russian and Tatar - perfectly, will discover in the future in the future in the formation of the Eurasian worldview. If someone decides this task, he will be real Murz. And if you make a language minor, it is a quiet assimilation, the same as a Christianization, - supported the Language topic of Canyushev and led to the example of the genus Yusupov. "Love money - Accept Christianity."

"Language is not just a linguistic design, it is a style of thinking. The carriers of different languages \u200b\u200bformulate differently and build their thoughts. This side of the tongue is a decisive cultural portrait of a nation. The language needs to be preserved because it is the heritage of our culture, because it is the method and style of our national thinking. If we lose it, you will lose our uniqueness. What is connected with today's language situation: external forces are trying to systematically make us an object of manipulation, and we all feel the pressure of this manipulation from childhood. In this case, a distorted perception of history in school textbooks is crucial. An example is the story of the Golden Horde, the history of the so-called Tatar-Mongolian yoke. This, to put it mildly, is not true. "Black Legend", as Lev Gumilev said. And this invested in the consciousness of the majority of the population from school bench is the basis of interfaith and interethnic conflict. We want to leave him, but we can't hold us in any way, the consciousness holds us, because it is formed since childhood. And now one of the most important tasks for us all and the thinking part of our society is still starting to study the real story. Return to historical facts, books written by serious independent researchers. If we come to this, we will understand that between nations inhabiting the Russian Federation, there is no confrontation, we all live here for centuries, we must be friends and cooperate, as ISstari collaborated. And no problems in principle should be. Russians should respect the Tatars and other peoples know their language and history, and Tatars must observe with satisfaction, as the Russian nation develops, flourishes and improving. After all, we live in a country that our ancestors together built together, "added the leader of the meeting of Tatar Murz RT Yaushev.

A Moderator of the Round Table of Urazayev to pay closer attention to the participants of the round table, stopped in sad statistics. Starting from the 90s, after the collapse of the Soviet Empire, the Russian people basically experiences deep depression: on one day 25 million Russians remained outside their homeland and do not want to return back; Demographic figures over the past 25 years record population decline; Every year hundreds of villages from the country map disappear, lands are devastated, especially in Central Russia and the Far East; In recent years, about 20 million people living below the poverty line appeared in Russia; Increasing the retirement age and the outflow of young people with higher education from Russia (about 30%) in different countries abruptly can worsen the socio-economic situation of the population.

At the same time, in the Baltic countries, in Ukraine and in the countries of Central Asia, Russian as a means of interethnic communication is derived from the school program. This is a stress factor for the Russian population. However, in the Russian Federation in the Compact residence places of Tatars, the last quarter of a century, Tatar schools are systemarly closed. It remains an ethno-cultural component - these are two or three hours of the Tatar language or literature per week, and in many areas there is no it. These problems after the abolition of the Agreement between the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, and came to our republic. "When the first Tatar gymnasiums opened, and it was the desire of parents, I gave my children to Tatar kindergartens and schools. I had no problems. When I already gave my grandson speaking in the Tatar, in the kindergarten, for six months he lost his native speech. That is, in Tatarstan, the training of my children and the grandson in his native language at the present stage is not guaranteed. Unfortunately, the assimilation of the nation begins not with school bench, but right from the kindergarten. We need not only to study the story, but also will have to rebuild the system of national education. These problems specifically me, as a grandfather, as a parent, are worried. We have a step-up sign, we lived here and we will live. I am the same taxpayer, but someone is the conditions for studying the native language are provided, and someone is not. At one time we wanted to be the "Soviet people", but for certain reasons did not become. Now they say: "We are the Russian people." But before becoming the Russian people, I, as a citizen of this country, as a representative of the Tatar nation, should know whether the state guarantees my unshakable rights to preserve the Tatar language and culture on a legislative basis. Violation of constitutional rights, unfortunately, does not contribute to the formation of civil society, "Urazaev concluded.

"Now we have the elite of money, the elite of clans"

At the same time, Aysin noted that here the role of Murz is very large. "And before the revolution, Tatars were not easy: violated their freedom of religion. What did Murza do? This is the people of a serious great consciousness, because they were responsible for the fate of the nation, and thanks to them we now have and our religion is Islam, which they have reported to us, and language, history, and the cultural matrix. Now their role is more than ever. Who, if not they? When we talk about the people, we must understand that this concept is quite abstract, amorphous. It is made by the people certain people: specific historians who write books, concrete Murza: Chanaishevs, Joushev and so on. They personify this people and lead it. If there are no, the people will simply crumble that we now receive. Do we have a genuine elite or not? If there are no elites, it means that everything is rapts. All we receive in recent years is a crisis of elite identity. No, apparently, that layer, which could, like Murza at one time, 500 years old, keep all this rich tradition. And now, unfortunately, we can all lose it very quickly, "said Aysin.

"All descendants of the nobles in Soviet times have fallen under the grievous impact of the state. Nobles at that time were not allowed in higher educational institutions, "added another participant of the round table, the leader of the Nobility Meeting of the RT Alexey von Essen. At the same time, Essen's background is confident: to grow a new elite, it is not enough to train a person with good manners. "The tradition, which is transmitted by the family makes it a cultural person. To become a cultural person, it is not enough to learn how to keep a spoon with a fork and smile. The family in two or three generations should live in prosperity and ok what is not now. What do you understand under the Soviet and post-Soviet elite? Elite Ta - Murz, nobles - was a community of people who relate to representatives of other classes. Now we have the elite of money, the elite of clans. Each rich considers himself an elite and creates a grouping around him. We go in the 1990s. Is it an elite? We must decide on this issue, "he stressed.

"It was the question of what is the main value basis of our society, not only Tatar, and wider, - agreed with him Aysin. - On the days of the World Cup of the World Cup, we saw that a certain value substitution was happening: everyone shouted "Hurray, Hurray." When the nation or the people who populate these expanses, there are no systematic values, they are replaced by some ideological simulats. " "Such a crazy patriotism," Murza agreed with him.

"The elite is the people who made some ideological superstructure. What should be the main value orientation of the Tatars, their traditional historical elite - Murz? " - wondered by Aysin. And the same, at the request of the participants of the round table, answered it. "What is the Tatar elite? What should it take shape? What things should it be formed from? Unfortunately, the defined thread is lost, the connection with the historical past, where there were great ancestors, some of this great unknown, part of us were informed. But, unfortunately, our current rulers will gladly dilute all this business, they make it easy to economically. What should elite be now? These are, first of all, those people who are willing to sacrifice in favor of society are ready to invest our intellectual and existential resource in the development of the nation. These are the people who are ready to give, and not take. Plus it is people with an excess of a certain internal passing energy. These are people with a special seal that are elected to lead the people ahead. There can be a lot of such people, but without this elite they will not get anywhere. I think that the representatives of the Tatar elite present here are also, because, first of all, they set the question "Why did it happen?", And the second is "what to do?". If people put such a question, they are already on the first stage. The second step is, actually, action. " "That is, you will learn them according to their affairs," Urazaev noticed.

Head of IT-Companies Gadel was noted that to combine young people under one idea now is not so simple: "Among young people, the situation is deplorable, because there is a social distribution, differentiation: on national, ethnic and, most importantly, on religious sign. There are entire channels that are incorporated this mnit, there are channels that, on the contrary, consolidate. I have no relation to Murzam, so I find it difficult to say something on this topic. " "Every time puts forward his Murz, intellectuals is a time prompt. Yes, there are hereditary Murza, which makes their contribution, and there are intellectuals, they are also Murza, who possess the colossal potential and make their knowledge in the development of society. In this regard, you are young Murza, the future of the Tatar nation; People of intellectual work, which contribute and will contribute, "Urazayev objected him. "Being Murz is a big responsibility for myself, for your family, for your own kind, for your nation, for the Fatherland, where we live," he summarized.

Tatar surnames

A lot of interesting can be told about the history of the origin of Tatar surnames, their origin and meaning, as well as the peculiarities of writing. Initially, it was an honorary prerogative of representatives of nobility. Only in the twentieth century, this right received all the other Tatar clans. Up to this point, tribal relationships were put at the head of the Tatars. Custom to know your race, my ancestors by name to the seventh knee was imputed to the sacred duty and was taken from the young nails.

Tatars represent a very large ethnic group that is distinguished by rich and distinctive culture. But historically determined assimilation with Slavic people still put his imprint. The result was the formation of a fairly large part of Tatar surnames formed by adding Russian grades: "-", "-Ev", "-in". For example: Bashirov, Busaev, Yunusov, Yuldashev, Shahimullin, Abayadullin, Turgenev, Safin. According to statistics, Tatar surnames ending with "-Ev", "-ov" are three times higher than the surnames with the end of "-in".

Traditionally, Tatar surnames are formed from the male names of the ancestors in the father's line. On the basis of male personal names formed the bulk of Tatar surnames. Only a small part of the names comes from occupations. For example, urmnchev (Forester), Arakcheev (Vodka Trader) and others. This type of education of the names is common to many nations.

The distinctive national feature of the Tatars is the form of the formation of Tatar names. The full version of the Tatar name, as in many other nations, consists of a name, patronymic and surname, but to the patronymic of Tatars ancient times, it is customary to add the prefix on the gender: "Ul" (son) or "Kyzy" (daughter).

To the peculiarities of Tatar surnames can also be the custom of writing them. In the course of the Tatar two options for writing surnames: Official - with endings (Saifutdinov, Sharifullin, Saitov) and "Household", most widely used without adding the end, only the name is written (instead of the Tukayev name, Tukai is written). This method, by the way, is characteristic of Tatar literature.

Tatar surnames do not count
In each of them, the raisin is
If the surname is the meaning of searching
Many nuances can be found

On this page of our site, Tatar surnames are considered. We learn about the history and origin of Tatar surnames, discuss their meanings and distribution.
The origin of Tatar names

Studying the ethnic composition of the population of Russia, it can be noted that a significant part of the inhabitants of our country are occupied by Tatars. And this is not by chance, the history of the Russian state was in such a way that at the moment representatives of many nations and nationalities live on its territory. And one of the most numerous ethnic groups are Tatar peoples. And, despite the fact that decades and centuries are mixed with nations and nations, Tatars were able to preserve their national language, their culture and tradition. Tatar family names belong to such national characteristics and traditions.

The origin of the same Tatar surnames goes to the depths of the centuries, when, like other peoples, the most richest and noble representatives of the Tatar family were first reengained. And only by the XX century, the rest of the people of Tatar origin received the names. Up to this point, that is, so far the names have not yet been, the relatives of the Tatars were determined by their generic and tribal affiliation. From an early age, each representative of the Tatar people remembered the names of their ancestors in the father's line. At the same time, the generally accepted norm was to know his genus to seven knees.
Features of Tatar names

There is a significant difference between well-known Tatar last names, names and full formula for the formula of Tatar naming. It turns out that the full formula of the Tatar naming consists of the very name, patronymic and surname. At the same time, the patronymic of the ancient Tatars was formed from the naming of the Father, to which the "Ural" (Son) or "Kyza" (daughter) was added. Over time, these traditions in the formation of Tatar homewous and surnames mixed up with Russian traditions of word formation. As a result, it is possible to assume that the overwhelming majority of Tatar surnames were formed as derivatives from the names of male ancestors. At the same time, for the formation of the surname to the male name, the Russian ending was added: "-", "-Ev", "-in". This, for example, the following Tatar surnames: Bashirov, Busayev, Yunusov, Yuldashev, Shahimullin, Abaidullin, Turgenev, Safin. This list of Tatar surnames can be quite large, since it was the male naming that was the main source for the formation of Tatar surnames. If we say about the meaning that these surnames have, it is obvious that it will repeat the naming value from which a specific surname is formed.

According to statistics, according to the number of Tatar surnames with the endings "-Ev", "-ov" exceed Tatar surnames with the end of the "-in" approximately three times.
Writing Tatar names

There are two options for writing Tatar surnames. One of these options excludes the added endings using only the name itself (for example, instead of the Tukayev surname, Tukai is written). This option is widely used in Tatar literature, but is not official. In the official documents and generally practices in Russia, the version of Tatar surnames with the endings: Saifutdinov, Sharifullin, Saitov, etc.
Other Tatar surnames

Also, the origin of some Tatar surnames was associated with professions. This type of surnames exists practically from all peoples, and Tatar names in this sense are not exceptions. Examples of surnames, the origin of which is associated with professions, there may be the following surnames: urncheev (Forester), Arakcheev (Vodka Trader) and others.

If we consider the ethnic component of the population of Russia, the fact that the Tatars represent a very important part of it. Among the nations living in the country, they are alone among the first. Ethnic Saved language, original cultural traditions and uniqueness. Tatar surnames can be reached here.

Historical Overview

The origin of the name takes its beginning in ancient times. Usually, before all, they appeared from representatives of the nobility. Only at the end of the XIX century they began to acquire various layers of the population everywhere. In the meantime, it did not happen - the decisive role was played Belonging to the family. Since childhood, representatives of the ethnos remembered the names of relatives on the Father to the seventh generation.

The main mass is a modified name of ancestor, ancestor (Idarov, Akhmetov, Baigichev, Ielibyev, Rakhmanov, Sagaev, Safin, etc.). Under the tips, the sies and senior grandchildren began to acquire the surname. Later she remained unchanged for the rest of the descendants.

The three-fold form includes, in addition to the last name, the name and patronymic that came from paternal with the addition of "Kyzy" or "Ul" - daughter and son.

The formation of the name was closely and with native activity of carrier. For example, Arakcheev (Arakichy - Moonshine), Asmanov (Usman - Kostoprav), Koncheev (Kunche - Kozhevnik), Barashin (Barash - Cleaner), Karachev (Karachi - manager); ELCHIN (Yehch - Gonole), Tolmachev (Tolmach - Translator), Maksheev (McCha - official), Mukhanov (Mukhan - worker); Sagaev (Saga - Vinolrypius), Sadyrev (Sadyr - Singer), Ulanov (Ulan - Rider), Tsurikov (Chari - Soldier), etc.

The base could serve and nicknames: Zhemailov (Juma - Born on Friday), Ievlelev (Jewel - Lachars), Parades (Carynda - Tolstopusy), Kurbatov (Karabat - squat), Kurdyumov (Kurdjun - Kotomka), Lachinov (Lachin - Kretche ), Mamonov (Momun - shameful). As well as the names of the terrain, animal, celestial bodies, insects, household items. The roots of the Muslims of Muslim, Arab, Old Turk and Turkic-Persian.

Language interconnection

Using Russian as a state language it was essential on national names. From here, their overwhelming majority has the end of -in, -s, -Ev, on the manner of Russians. A brief overview of the list of Tatar surnames according to the alphabet (most common):

  • AIPOV.
  • Alalykin.
  • Balashev.
  • Buzchuchi.
  • Valeyev.
  • Vellyashev.
  • Gireev.ts.
  • Guers.
  • Devlegars.
  • Dunilov.
  • Yelgozin.
  • Elenetev.
  • Zakeev.
  • Zyuzin.
  • Email.
  • Karagadyov.
  • Lachin.
  • Onuchin.
  • Pedetches.
  • Ripples.
  • Sakaev.
  • Taghadisin.
  • Urusov.
  • Khankildev.
  • Chagin.
  • Shalimov.
  • Yushkov.
  • Yakubov.

In Russian, national names have two forms of writing. The first suggests the end of the end (Bekayev - Bekai, Tagayev - Tagai, Taleev - Talay). It is not official, but quite often used in national artworks and art. And the second obliges the use of surname terminations (documents, etc.).

The declination of male and female Tatar surnames is subject to the same rules as in Russian.

The sound of beautiful Tatar surnames is special. Clearly heard ineveful national flavor:

Very similar to Tatar surnames and Bashkir. No wonder. Bashkirs and Tatars are the peoples of the Turkic group.

Geographic neighbors having common roots, religion, almost the same languages \u200b\u200band culture. The list of Bashkir surnames alphabetically differs from Tatar.

Abashev. In the nobility from 1615 (OGDR, VIII, p. 42). From Abash Ulan - the governors of Kazan Khan, in 1499 by the transmitted to Russian service. In 1540, Abashev Alylesha, stocking, Shmak are mentioned as residents of Tver, in 1608, Abashev Austal Chero-Misin was noted in Cheboksary district (Veselovsky 1974, p. 9). According to N.A.vaskakov (1979, p. 216), the surname comes from Tatar Abas "Uncle from the father's line", Abas "Uncle". In the subsequent well-known scientists, military, doctors.

Abdulovy. Common surname from the Muslim name Abdullah (Gabdulla) "Slave of God; Slave Allah" was widely used by Kazan; For example, Kazan Tsar Abdul-Letif, in 1502, captives and he was highlighted by Kashira in the yard. In the subsequent Abdulov - the famous surname of the nobles, scientists, artists, etc.
Abdulovy. Landowners from the XVIII century on behalf of Abdullah (see Abdulovy); Maybe from the Turkic-Mongolian Avdyl "Changeable Man." See In this regard, the name of the Golder-Moon Tsar Aurduve, known in the 1360s

Agdavlet. Nobles from the XVII century. From the Golden Horde (BC, II, p. 280, No. 105; Zagoskin 1875, No. 1), Wed: Turko Arabsk. Advillet "White Wealth" (Allegorical - "White Bone").

Agishev. Nobles from the XVII century. From Agysh Alexei Kaliteevsky from Kazan (the first half of the XVI century), in 1550, mentioned in Pskov (Veselovsky 1974, p. 9); In the first half of the XVI century, Agish dirty - Ambassador to Turkey and Crimea, in 1667 Agish Fedor - the messenger in England and Holland.
Akishev. The serunens from the middle of the XVII century are: a dirty Akishev - Council in Moscow in 1637, Dyack in 1648 No. 5) (Veselovsky 1974, p. II). See also Agyshevy. The last name is transparent Turko Tatar - from 1974, Akish, Agish.

Aytemirov. Services from the mid-XVII century: Ivan Atetemirov - Sodichi in Moscow in 1660, in Verkhoturia in 1661-1662; Vasily Aytemirov - In 1696, Ambassador to Poland, in 1696- "DDD 1700 - Dyack Siberian Order

Achesions. Mishar-Mordovsky Prince Adash in the XV century, the Armenian Murz and the Dobilas of Akchurina (RBS, 1, p. 62). In the XVII - XVIII centuries - famous officials, diplomats, military (RBS, 1, p. 108 - 109). Surname from the Türco-Bulgarian Ak Chura - "White Bogatyr".

Alaberdiev. From Alaberdieva, in 1600 baptized under the name of Yakov, and placed in Novgorod (Veselovsky 1974, p. II). From the Volga-Tatar Alla Barda "God gave."

Altyshev. Nobles from started. XVIII century. From Abdrein Usaynova Altyyshev, the Kazan exit, which participated in 1722 in the Persian campaign of Peter1, and then often happened in the embassies to Persia and Crimea.

Aliyev. Aleev. Alyaevy
Surname comes from Ali - Muslim - Turkic name.
Aleev. Mentioned as nobles at the end of the XVI century as immigrants from Meshcheryakov, i.e. Tatar-Misharey: Vladimir Nagaev Son Aleev in 1580 he was recorded in the top ten Meshcheryan, children of Boyari (OGDR, IV, p. 58), like the carnery Nikitich Aleev in Meshre and Kasimov under 1590 (Veselovsky 1974, with .. 12) . N.A. Bastakov (1979, p. 158) considers them from the Turkic (Tatar-Mishar) medium.

Adasheva. Nobles from the XVI century. From Prince Adash, in the middle of the XV century placed from Kazan in Poshekhonye. In 1510, Gregory Ivanovich Adash Olgov is mentioned in Kostroma, from which, according to S. B.Veselovsky (1974, p. 9), Adasheva went. In the first half and middle of the XVI century, Adashevy (Alexander Fedorovich and Daniel Fedorovich) - Active military and diplomats Ivan IV are executed in 1561 and 1563, respectively. They had estates in the vicinity of Kolomna and Pereyaslavl (RBS, 1, p. 62-71; Zimin, 1988, p. 9). Türko-Tatar Adash means "tribesman", "companion". Known under 1382 Adash - Ambassador Torkhtamysh in Russia. Adaev has the same origin.

Azancheev. Nobles from the XVIII century (OGDR, III, p. 93). Judging by the surname, the Volga-Tatar origin, cf. Tatars.-Musulm. Azanchi, that is, "Muzzin"
Azancheevsky. Nobles from the XVIII century, through the Polish-Shuthetsky, from Azanchi. Famous composers, revolutionary.

AIPOVA. From Ismail Aipova from Kazan, complained by the nobility in 1557 (OGDR, X, p. 19; Veselovsky 1974, p. 10).

Idarov. Services: Idarov Uraz, nobleman from 1578, estate in Kolomna; Idarov Mina Saltanovich - from 1579, the estate in Ryazhsk. Perhaps from Idar - Bulgaro-Ordane Prince, who passed to Russian service in 1430 (Veselovsky 1974, p. 10). Aydar is a typically Bulgarian Muslim name, meaning "happily possessing power" (Gafurov 1987, p. 122). From the Russified Wednesday of Idarov, engineers, scientists, military are known.

Aksakov. In the middle of the 15th century Aksakov was given the village of Aksakov on the r. Klyazma, at the end of the 15th century "were written in Novgorod". These Aksakovs from Ivan Aksaka (his grandchildren - Ivan Shaddra and Ivan Slazes), the Rights of Yuri Georgia, Musky Ivan Kalita (Zimin 1980, p. 159-161). According to the velvet book (BC, II, p. 296, No. 169), Ivan Fedorov on the nicknamed "Oxak" was the son of Veljamin, who came out of the Horde (Veselovsky 1974, p. II). Aksakov were in Lithuania, where they appeared at the end of the XIV century (UU., 1986, 51. 22). Aksakov - Writers, Publicists, Scientists. Relationship with Vorontsov, Veljaminov (RBS, 1, p. 96-107). From Turkic Tatar Aksak, Oxak "Chrome

Alabins. Nobles since 1636 (OGDR, V, p. 97). In Hu1-Hu11 centuries, there were estates near Ryazan (for example, with. Alabino in Kamensky Mill - Veselovsky 1974, p. II). According to N.A. Bastakov (1979, p. 182), from Tatar-Bashkirsk. Ala-Ba "Awarded", "Commanded". Subsequent scientists, military, famous Samara Governor.

Alabyshev. Very old last name. Prince Yaroslavsky Fedor Fedorovich Alabyash was mentioned under 1428 (BC, II, p. 281; Veselovsky 1974, p. II). According to N.A. Baskakov (1979, p. 257-259), the surname comes from the Tatar ala Bash "Pösta (bad) head."

Alaeva. In Hu1-early XVII centuries, several serving people with this surname are mentioned. According to N.A. Baskakov (1979, p. 8), Turkic Tatar origin: Alay-Chelyshev, Alay Lvov (died in 1505), Alai Mikhalkov, received in 1574 the estate under Perislavl (Veselovsky 1974, p. II).

Alalykin. Ivan Anbaev Son Alalykin in 1528 "on the sovereigns" had an estate (OGR, IX, p. 67). Alalykin Temir in 1572, already in the Russian service, captured Murza Divaya, Raina of the Crimean Tsar Devlet-Hire, for which he was given the estate in the district of Suzdali and Kostroma (Veselovsky 1974, p. 12). Mentioned names and surnames Alalykin (Alalyca), Anbai (Amanbay), Temir - have obviously Turkic Tatar origin.

Alachev. Mentioned in Moscow as nobles from 1640. The people from the Kazan Tatar environment near the middle of the XVI century. Surname from Bulgaro-Tatarsco-goes "Alacha" - Festroy. 21. Alasheev. Nobles from the middle of the XVI century: Alasheev Yakov Timofeevich, new (from 1585); Alasheev Semen Ivanovich (from 1523). The estates in the vicinity of the cashier, where it is available and presented the people from Kazan (Cheerful 1974, p. 18). Surname from Turkic Alasa "Horse".

Diamonds. As evidenced by OGDR (V, p. 98), the surname comes from the twin Deca of Diamond Ivanova Son, the Kazan native, on the baptism of the named Yerofey, which in 1638 the right salary was allocated. In 1653 he was a twum Dekom and Printer of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (Veselovsky 1974, p. 12). At the Volga Tatars, the name of Almaz - Almaz approximately corresponds to the concept of "not touched", "will not take" (Baskakov 1979, p. 182). In this sense, it is close to the word Aleas, which could form a similar surname of Alemasov.

Alparovy. From Bulgaro-Tatar Alyp Arar (. (Male-Bogatar), which, along with the distribution of such a name from Kazan Tatars, can whine about the Turkic-Bulgarian origin of its Russian version.

Altykulachevichi. Under 1371, Boyarin Sophonia Altykulachevich, who came to Russian (Ryazan), service from Tatars Volga and baptized (Zimin 10 1980, p. 19). Türco Tatar also the base of the name is clear: "Alta Cool" - six slaves or six hands.

Alomov. Nobles from 1623 (OGDR, III, p. 54). From Alimov Ivana Oblyza, in the first half of the XVI century by owned lands from Ryazan. (Veselovsky, 1974, Dan p. 13). Alim - Alim and Oluz, the names of Turkic origin (Baskakov 1979, p. 127). 197.< Алымовы в XIX - XX вв.- учёные, военные, государственные деятели.

Alyabyev. From Alexander Alyabyev, who entered the Russian service in the XVI century (RBS, 2, p. 80); From Mikhail Oleolev, who entered the Russian service in 1500 (Veselovsky 1974, p. 231). Ali Bay - Senior Bay (Baskakov 1979, p. 182). In the descendants, military, officials, including the famous composer and conjunoyk A.S. Pushkin - A.A. Alyabyev.

Aminea. Nobles in the XV1-XV11 centuries: Amina Barsuk, Ruslan, Arslan, estates near Kostroma and Moscow (with. AMINEO). These Ameni from the race - Kilic Amen, who served in 1349 (sent in the Orda) in the Grand Duke Seeds of Proud (Veselovsky 1974, p. 13, 273). The second version is the tenth knee from the legendary Radha - Ivan Yuryevich on the nicknamed "Amen". Turkic (Bulgarian?) Origin confirm the names: Amen, Ruslan, Arslan. The famous Turkic-Swedish surname "Aminof" is connected with them.

Arsenyev. Nobles from the XVI century. From the Arseny of the son of Oslagan (Arslan), Murza, who came to Dmitry Donsky (see Zhdanov, Somov, Rtishchev, Pavlovy). Upon baptism of Arseny Lev Prokopii (OGDR, V, p. 28-29; BC, II, p. 282). Estates in the district of Kostroma. In the descendants, friends of A.S. Pushkin (K.I.Arsenyev), Military (RBS, II,)

Amirov (Amiress). Nobles from the XVI century. In OGDR (XVIII, p. 126), 1847 amirovy, as a rubing surname; For the first time mentioned from 1529-30: Vasil Amirov - the Deca of the placed order; Grigory Amirov - in 1620-21 - a moter of the palace villages of the Kazan county, like Yuri Amirov in 1617-19; Markel Amirov - Council, in 1622-1627 in Arzamas; Ivan Amirov - in 1638-1676 - the messenger in Denmark, Holland and Livonia (Veselovsky 1974, p. 13). It is assumed the origin of the name from Turko-Arab. Amir - Emir "Prince, General" (Baskakov 1979, p. 257). The prevalence of the surname among the Kazan Tatars indicates the Kazan yield of the Russian family name.

Anichkov. It is assumed from the horde in the XIV century (BC, 2, p. 282, No. 100; Zagoskin, 1875, No. 2). Anichkovoy Bloch and Gleb are mentioned under 1495 in Novgorod (Veselovsky 1974, "p. 14). Arab-Türksk. Anis - Anich" Friend "(Gafurov 1987, p. 125). In the following scientists, publicists, doctors, military (RBS , 2, p. 148-150).

Apraksins. From Andrei Ivanovich Apraks, the great-grandfather of Solokhmir (Solich-Emir), which had passed from the Golden Horde to Olga Ryazan (OGR, II, p. 45; III, p. 3). In Hu-Hu1 centuries. Apraksin was allocated by estates under Ryazan. In 1610-1637 Fyodor Apraksin served by Prick of the Order of the Kazan Palace (Veselovsky 1974, p. 14). In relationship with the boyars, cunning, hanyakov, hook, vidernikov (see). N.A. Baskakov (1979, p. 95) cites three versions of the Turkic origin of the nickname of Aprax: 1. "Silent", "calm"; 2. "shaggy", "toothless"; 3 "Bowls". In the history of Russia, people are known as the associates of Peter 1, generals, governors (RBS, 2, p. 239-256).

Appacares. Crimean-Kazan Murza Appak moved to Russian service in 1519 (Zimin 198th, p. 80, 168, 222,265). Perhaps the origin of the surname from Kazansk. Tatarsk, AP-AK "Absolve White".

Apsites. Most likely, immigrants from Kazan in the middle of the XVI century. Granted estates in 1667. Surname from Arab-Turksky Abu Seit "Father of the leader" (Baskakov 1979, p. 165; Gafurov 1987, p. 116, 186

Arakcheev. From Arakching Evstafieva, Kresthenny Tatar, who switched in the middle of the 15th century to the Russian service and became Decik Vasily II (Veselovsky 1974, p. 14). Educated from Kazansky Tatars. Nicknames of Arakichy "Moonshine, Rootetka" (Baskakov 1979, p. 115). In the XV111-X1X centuries. Temperator Alexandra1, Graph, estates near Tver (RBS, 2, p. 261-270).

Arapov. Posted to the nobility in 1628 (OGDR, IV, p. 98). From Arape Begichev, placed in 1569 in Ryazan. Later, in the XVII century, Khabar Arapov is known with the estate in Murom. Judging by the names and surnames, as well as on accommodation, most likely, people from Kazan (Veselovsky 1974, p. 14). In the descendants of the Military, French Writers

Artakov (Articles). Nobles from the XVII century. Articles Sulesh Semenovich is marked as the Streletsky head in 1573 in Novgorod (Veselovsky 1974, p. 16). From Turkksk, Artuk - Artek "Excess".

Ardashev. Nobles from the XVII century. From Ardasha - a leaving from Kazan, the estate of the Nizhny Novgorod province (Veselovsky 1974, p. 15). In the offspring, relatives of Ulyanovy, scientists (IE, 1, p. 715text

Artyukhov. Nobles since 1687 (OGDR, IV, p. 131). From Artik - Artuk - Artyuk (Baskakov 1979)

Arharov. Nobles since 1617 (OGDR, III, p. 60). From Arkharov Karaul Rudda and his son Saltan, who came out from under Kazan, who were kept in 1556 and received the estate under Kashira (Veselovsky 1974, p. 15; Baskakov, 1979, p. 128). In the descendants - military, scientists.

Aslanovic. In Polish gentleman and the nobility in 1763, one of them was then granted the rank of the Royal Secretary (OGDR, IX, p. 135). From Turkic Tatar Aslan - Arslan (Baskakov 1979,)

Asmanov. Vasily Asmanov (Usmanov, Ottomans) - Boyarsky Son. Mentioned in Novgorod in the XV century (Veselovsky, 1974, p. 16). Judging by the surname (the foundation - Türksk.-Muslim Usman, Gosman "Kostopev" - see: Gafurov, 1987, p. 197), Turkic - Bulgarian, by location in Novgorod, exit.

Atlasov. Nobles from the end of the HUU century, estates in the Ustyug area. Suites from Kazan to Ustyug. Atlasi is a typical Kazan Tatar surname (see: Hadi Atlaxi). Atlasov Vladimir Vasilyevich in the Houp beginning of the XVIII centuries - the conqueror of Kamchatka (RBS, II, p. 353-356).

Akhmatov. Nobles from 1582 (OGDR, V, p. 52). Most likely, immigrants from Kazan, because Under 1554, he was noted under Kashira Fyodor Nikulich Ahmatov (cheerful 1974, p. 17). Ahmat is a typically Turkic Tatar name (Baskakov 1979, p. 176). Under 1283, Edmechnian (obviously, Musul-Mannin-Bulgarin) Ahmat, scruulous at Kursk Earth (PSRL, 25, pp. 154) is mentioned. Ahmatov in Hu111-X1x BB. Military, Sailors, Synod Prosecutor (RBS, II, p. 362).

Akhmetov. Noblemen from 1582, Dejaks in the XVI - XVII centuries, merchants and industrialists in Hu111-XX centuries. (OGDR, V, p. 55; Veselovsky 1974, p. 17; RBS, II, p. 363). At the heart of the word Arab-Muslimsa Ah-Met - Ahmad - Akhmat "PREDIED" (Gafurov)

Akhmylov. Nobles from the XVI century. Fyodor Akhmyl - In 1332, the Posheman in Novgorod, Andrei Semenovich Akhmylov in 1553 - in Ryazan (Veselovsky 1974, p. 17). Judging by the placement in Novgorod and Ryazan, Akhmylrva - Bulgaro-Kazan people. Under 1318 and 1322. known to the goldside ambassador Akhmyl on Russia (PSRL, 25, p. 162, 167); Perhaps Bulgarian who knew Russian well. language.

Surname comes from Altyn - gold. Altyn is a fairly common name in Turkic peoples.

From the Turkic "Aha", "Agai" - Uncle. Usually such a name could get a child if in the family the eldest son or daughter has already created a family and can chain or already have their children. Therefore, it becomes necessary to emphasize, as if, the seniority of the child - uncle.

Comes from the Tatar-Muslim name Assad, modified "AS-Somad" - eternal. The famous poet Eduard Assagov emphasizes its origin from the Tatars.

Comes from a fairly common name, especially in Turkmen, Okul, sharks, which means "smart", "reasonable".

Aksanov. The origin of the surname from "AK" - White, and "San", "Sin" - you, you. Literally - light (skin, hair)

Akhunov, the origin of the surname is possible in two versions:
From the Turko Muslim name "Akhun".
From "Akhun" - religious title.

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Tatar surnames. Tatar surnames

Abashev.In the nobility since 1615. From Abash Ulan - the governors of Kazan Khan, in 1499 by the transmitted to Russian service. In 1540, Abashev Alyosha, stocking, the shoe are mentioned as residents of Tver, in 1608, Abashev Avutal Cheremisin was noted in Cheboksary district, the surname comes from Tatar Abas "Uncle", Abas "Uncle". In the subsequent well-known scientists, military, doctors.

Abdulovy. Common surname from the Muslim name Abdullah "Slave of God; Slave Allah." Widely used by Kazan; For example, Kazan Tsar Abdul-Letif, in 1502, captives and he was highlighted by Kashira in the yard. In the subsequent Abdulov, the famous name of the nobles, scientists, artists, etc.

Abdulovy. Landowners from the XVIII century; Maybe from the Turkic-Mongolian Avdyl "Changeable Man." See in this connection the name of the Golder-Deck King Aurduve, known in the 1360s.

Agdavlet. Nobles from the XVII century. From the Golden Horde, Wed: Türko-Arabsk. Advale "White Wealth".

Agishev. Nobles from the XVII century. From Agysh Alexei Kaliteevsky from Kazan, in 1550, they will be mentioned in Pskov; In the first half of the XVI century, Agish dirty - Ambassador to Turkey and Crimea, in 1667 Agish Fedor - the messenger in England and Holland.

Adasheva. Nobles from the XVI century. From Prince Adash, in the middle of the XV century placed from Kazan in Poshekhonye. In 1510, Gregory Ivanovich Adash Olga is mentioned in Kostroma, from which, according to S. B.Veselovsky, Adshevy went. In the first half and the middle of the XVI century, Adashevy are active military and diplomats Ivan IV, executed in 1561 and 1563, respectively. There were estates in the vicinity of Kolomna and Pereyaslavl. Türko-Tatar Adash means "tribesman", "companion". Known under 1382 Adash - Ambassador Torkhtamysh in Russia.

Azancheev. Nobles from the XVIII century. Judging by the surname, the Volga-Tatar origin, cf. Tatars.-Musulm. Azanchi, that is, Muzzin.

Azancheevsky. Nobles from the XVIII century, through the Polish-shine, from Azanchi (see 7). Composers, revolutionary. .

AIPOVA. From Ismail Aipova from Kazan, complained by the nobility in 1557.

Idarov. Services: Idarov at once, nobleman from 1578, estate in Kolomna; Idarov Mina Saltanovich - from 1579, the estate in Ryazhsk. Perhaps from Aidar - Bulgaro-Ordi Prince, who passed to Russian service in 1430. Aydar is a typical Bulgarian Muslim name, meaning "happily possessing power." From the Russified Wednesday of Idarov, engineers, scientists, military are known.

Aytemirov. Services from the mid-XVII century: Ivan Atetemirov - Sodichi in Moscow in 1660, in Verkhoturia in 1661-1662; Vasily Aytemirov - in 1696 Ambassador to Poland, in 1696-1700 - Dyak Siberian order

Akishev. The serunens from the middle of the XVII century are: dirty Akishev - Council in Moscow in 1637, Dyack in 1648. See also Agyshevy. The surname is transparently Turko Tatar - from Akish, Agish.

In the middle of the 15th century Aksakov was given the village of Aksakov on the r. Klyazma, at the end of the 15th century "were written in Novgorod." These Aksakovs from Ivan Aksaka, the great director of Yuri Saunka, Musky Ivan Kalita. On the velvet book, Ivan Fedorov on the nicknamed "Oksak" was the son of Veljamin, who came out of the horde. Aksakov were in Lithuania, where they appeared at the end of the XIV century. Aksakov - Writers, Publicists, Scientists. Relationship with Vorontsov, Veljaminov. From Turkic Tatar Aksak, Oxak "Chrome".

Achesions. Mishar-Mordovki Prince Adash in the XV century, Rodonchal Murz and Dobilas Across. In the XVII - XVIII centuries - famous officials, diplomats, military. Surname from the Türco-Bulgarian Ak Chura "White Bogatyr".

Alaberdiev.From Alaberdieva, in 1600 baptized under the name of Yakov, and placed in Novgorod. From the Volga-Tatar Alla Birda "God gave".

Alabins.Nobles since 1636. In Hu1-HUP centuries, there were estates near Ryazan (for example, with. Alabino in Kamensky Mill - Veselovsky 1974, p. 11). According to N.A. Baskakov, from Tatar-Bashkirsk. Alab "Awarded", "Commanded". Subsequent scientists, military, famous Samara Governor.

Alabyshev. Very old last name. Prince Yaroslavl Fyodor Fedorovich Ala-Bash is mentioned under 1428. According to N.A. Baskakov, the surname comes from the Tatar ala Bash "Pösta Head".

Alaeva. In Hu1-early XVII centuries, several serving people with this surname are mentioned. According to N.A. Baskakov, Turkic Tatar origin: Alay-Chelyshev, Alay-Lviv, Alay Mikhalkov, received in 4574. The estate under Perislavl.

Alalykin. Ivan An-Baev Son Alalykin In 1528, "in terms of sovereigns" had an estate. Alalykin Temir in 1572, already in the Russian service, captured Murza Divaya, Raining the Crimean King de-fly-Graya, for which he had received estates in Suzdadi and Kostroma. Mentioned names and surnames Alalykin, Temir - have obviously Turkic Tatar origin.

Alachev. Mentioned in Moscow as nobles from 1640. The people from the Kazan Tatar environment near the middle of the XVI century. Surname from Bulgaro-Tatarsco-goes "Alacha" - Festroy.

Alasheev. Nobles from the middle of the XVI century: Alasheev Yakov Timofeevich, Novokryshcheny. The estates in the vicinity of the cashier, where. It is possible to simulates from Kazan. Surname from Turkic Alasa "Horse".

Aleev. Mentioned as nobles at the end of the XVI century as immigrants from Meshcheryakov, i.e. Tatars-Misharey: Vladimir Nagaev Son Aleev in 1580 was recorded in the top ten Mesnetan, Children of Boyar, like the roveling Nikitich Aleev in Meshre and Kasimov under 1590. N.A. Baskakov considers them from the Turkic medium.

Diamonds. As evidenced by the OGDR, the surname comes from the twin Deca of Diamond Ivanova Son, the Kazan gentlement, on the baptism of the named Yerofege, which in 1638 the right salary was allocated. In 1653 he was a twum Deca and Program, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. At the Volga Tatars, the name of Almaz - Almaz approximately corresponds to the concept of "not touched", "will not take." In this sense, it is close to the word Olemas, which could form a similar surname of Alemasov.

Alparovy. From Bulgaro-Tatar Alt Ir - AR, which is along with the spread of such a name from Kazan Tatars - can heal about the Turkic-Bulgarian origin of its Russian version.

Altykulachevichi. Under 1371, the boyar of Sophonia Altyukulachevich, who came to the Russian service from Tatars Volga and baptized. The Turkic Tatar base of the surname is clear: Alta Kul "Six slaves" or "six hands".

Altyshev. Nobles from the XVIII century. From Abdrein Usaynova Altyyshev, the Kazan ledge, which participated in 1722 in the Persian campaign of Peter I, and then often happened in the embassies to Persia and Crimea.

Alomov. Nobles since 1623. From Alimov Ivan the Oblyza, in the first half of the XVI century by owned lands from Ryazan and Aleksina. Alim - Alom and Slazes - the names of Turkic origin. Alimov in the XIX - XX centuries. - Scientists, military, government figures.

Alyabyev. From Alexander Alyabyev, who entered the Russian service in the XVI century; From Mikhail Oleolev, who entered the Russian service in 1500. Ali Bai - Senior Bay. In the descendants, military, officials, including the famous composer and conjunoyk A.S. Pushkin - A.A. Alyabyev.

Aminea. Nobles in Hu1-Hui Vz.: Amins Barsuk, Ruslan, Arslan, estates near Kostroma and Moscow. These aminee from the race - Kilic Amen, who served in 1349 in the Grand Prince Semyon Proud. The second version is the tenth knee from the legendary Radhe - Ivan Yuryevich in nicknamed "Amen? Turkic origin confirm the names: Amen, Ruslan, Arslan. The well-known Turkic Swedish surname" Aminof "is connected with them.

Amirov marked by 1847 the year of amirov, like a rubing surname; For the first time mentioned from 1529-30: Vasil Amirov - the Deca of the placed order; Grigory Amirov - in 1620-21 - a moter of the palace villages of the Kazan county, like Yuri Amirov in 1617-19; Markel Amirov - Council, in 1622-1627 in Arzamas; Ivan Amirov - in 1638-1676 - the messenger in Denmark, Holland and Livonia. It is assumed the origin of the name from Turko-Arab. Amir - Emir "Prince, General". The prevalence of the surname among the Kazan Tatars indicates the Kazan yield of the Russian family name.

Anichkov. It is assumed from the horde in the XIV century. Anichkovoy Bloch and Gleb are mentioned under 1495 in Novgorod. Arab Türksk. Anis - Anich "Friend". Subsequently, scientists, publicists, doctors, military.

Appacares. Crimean-Kazan Murza Appak moved to Russian service in 1519. Perhaps the origin of the surname from Kazansk. Tatarsk. AP-AK "Absolutely White".

Apraksins. From Andrei Ivanovich Apraques, the great-grandfather of Solokhmyir, who passed the gold hordes in 1371 to Olga Ryazansky. In the XV-XVI centuries. Apraksin was allocated by estates under Ryazan. In 1610-1637 Fedor Apraksin served by the Order of the Kazan Palace. In relation to the boyars, cunning, hanyakov, hook, Verdernikov gives three versions of the Turkic origin of the Nickname of Aprax: 1. "Silent", "calm"; 2. "shaggy", "toothless"; 3 "Bowls". In the history of Russia, people of Peter I, Generals, Governors are known as associates.

Apsites. Most likely, immigrants from Kazan in the middle of the XVI century. Granted estates in 1667. Surname from Arab-Turksky Abu Seit "Father of the leader."

Arakcheev. From Arak-Say Evstafieva, Kresthenny Tatar, who switched in the middle of the 15th century to the Russian service and became Decik Vasily II. Educated from Kazansky Tatars. Nicknames Arakichy "Moonshine, Raunt". In Hush-X1x centuries. Alexander I Temper, Graph, estates near Tver.

Arapov. Posted to the nobility in 1628. From Arape Begichev, placed in 1569 in Ryazan. Later, in the XVII century, Khabar Arapov is known with the estate in Murom. Judging by the names and surnames, as well as on accommodation, most likely, people from Kazan. In the descendants of the military, French Writers.

Ardashev. Nobles from the XVII century. From Ardasha - a leaving from Kazan, the estate in the Nizhny Novgorod province. In the offspring, relatives of Ulyanovy, scientists.

Arsenyev. Nobles from the XVI century. From the arseny of the son of Oslac Murza, who came to Dmitry Donskoy. On the baptism of Arseny Lev Prokopii. Estates in the district of Kostroma. In the descendants, A.S. Pushkin's friends.

Artakov. Nobles from the XVII century. Articles Sulesh Semenovich noted as the Streletsky head in 1573 in Novgorod. From Turkksk. Artuk - Artek "Excess".

Artyukhov. Nobles since 1687. From Artyk - Artuk - Artyuk.

Arharov.Nobles since 1617. From Arkharov Karaul Rudda and his son Saltan, who came out from under Kazan, who were kept in 1556 and received the estate under Kashira. In the descendants - military, scientists.

Aslanovic. In the Polish gentleman and the nobility in 1763, one of them was then granted by the Royal Secretary. From Turkic Tatar Aslan - Arslan.

Asmanov. Vasily Asmanov - Son Boyarsky. Mentioned in Novgorod in the XV century. Judging by the surname (the basis of Türksk.-Muslim Usman, Gosman "Kostoprav" - see: Gafurov, 1987, p. 197), Turkic exit.

Atlasov. Nobles from the end of the XVII century, estates in the Ustyug area. Suites from Kazan to Ustyug. Atlasi - Typical Kazan Tatar last name. Atlasov Vladimir Vasilyevich in the Houp beginning of the XVIII centuries - the conqueror of Kamchatka.

Akhmatov. Nobles since 1582. Most likely, immigrants from Kazan, because Under 1554 a year noted under Kashira Fedor Nikulich Akhmatov. Ahmat - Typically Turkic Tatar Name. Under 1283, Steamer Akhmat, scruulous at Raski, is mentioned. Ahmatov in Hush-X1x V.-Military, Sailors, Synod Prosecutor.

Akhmetov. The noblemen from 1582, Dejaks in the XVI - XVII centuries., Merchants and industrialists in the Hush-XX centuries. . At the heart of the word Arab-Muslim Ah-Met - Ahmad - Akhmat "praised".

Akhmylov. Nobles from the XVI century. Fedor Akhmyl - In 1332, Posadern in Novgorod, T Andrey Semenovich Akhma-Lov in 1553 - in Ryazan. Judging by the placement in Novgorod and Ryazan, Akhmylrva - Bulgaro-Kazan people. Under 1318 and 1322. Known Goldenopinsky Ambassador Akhmyl on Russia; Perhaps Bulgarian who knew Russian well. language