What is the Olympic Games for? First Olympic Games: Development History

What is the Olympic Games for? First Olympic Games: Development History
What is the Olympic Games for? First Olympic Games: Development History

In Eldead (Ancient Greece), were one of the most revered holidays, and later not only Eldlands, but the entire ancient world. Well, today you can hardly meet a person who did not hear anything about these games. In this article, we will consider the history of the Olympic Games briefly, but essentially. According to Greek mythology, the founder of these games has become an equally well-known hero Hercules. The first reliable sources about the game include the records of the names of the winners of the Games, which was happening in 776 to R.X. There were games in the Altis County, which was sacred for the ancient Greeks, also called Olympia. The games arranged every four years, and they continued five days. According to tradition, they started a pompous procession, as well as a sacrifice for the god Zeus. Finally, on the measured field (the "stadium" - in Greek), where 40,000 spectators were accomplished, sporting competitions began.

The program of the competition contained:, fist fights, running, running with weapons, throwing a spear, disk and contests on chariots harvested by fours of horses. Later, from the IV century to R.X., not only athletes, but also speakers, historians, poets, musicians, playwrights and actors began to participate in games. Not everyone could attend the games, and even more so participate in them. Slaves, women and person who have been sudden for certain crimes could not take part in games, even as viewers. One day it turned out that his mother trained his mother, putting men's clothing, sinceils and coaches were obliged to appear on competitions completely nagi.

Huge respect and honor received those who won the Olympic Games. The winners were monuments, the poets were made in their honor of the praiseing ODY, they were pompous in their homeland and awarded wreaths made from the branches of Maslin. But on this privilege did not end, they were allowed to provide food for the state account, freed from taxes and issued large financial sums. During the games, any military actions between the warring Greek powers were stopped. These were considered a real holiday of the world and served as the strengthening of cultural ties among Greek states.

The Olympic Games continued until 394 of our era, and were prohibited as a pagan feast of the Roman emperor Feodosia I, at the insistence of Christian clergy.

However, in 1894 there is a second birth of the Olympic Games, it was then that in Paris an international sports congress occurred. In Congress, 34 countries were introduced (including Russia). At Congress, it was decided to resume the Olympic Games. As a result, in Athens, on April 5, 1896, new Olympic Games opened, which since the same time they are held every 4 years. However, due to wars, some of them did not take place: in 1916, 1940, 1944.

The Olympic Games of Contemporary Type is the most largest in our days. There is no permanent game program because it changes regularly. As a rule, the program contains more than 20 summer sports species. For example, in the program of XVI games for men were: gymnastics, athletics, free and classic struggle, jumping in water, weightlifting, swimming, boxing, academic rowing, modern pentathlon, canoeing and canoeing, stand and bullet shooting, equestrian Sports, Water Polo, Cycling, Fencing, Sailing, Basketball, Football, Herbal Hockey. And women agreed in fencing, rowing in kayaks, swimming, jumping into water, gymnastics, athletics.

Such is the history of the Olympic Games briefly set out in this article. It should also be noted that the official team championship is not installed in these games, and only. Winning in some sport becomes the owner of a gold medal, the one who took the second place - gets a silver medal, and for the third give a bronze medal.

First games

Little for whom is the secret that the first Olympic Games were held in Greece in 776 to our era. A small village of Olympia was chosen for the competition. At that time, the contest was carried out in just one discipline, which was running at a distance of 189 meters. An interesting feature that allocated the first Olympic Greece in Greece was that only men could take part in them. At the same time, they competed without shoes and any clothes on themselves. Among other things, only one woman called the Demeter was the right to observe the progress of the competition.

History Olympiad

The first Olympic Games had a great success, so the tradition of holding them was preserved for another 1168 years. Already at that time it was decided to carry out similar contests every four years. The confirmation of their major authority is the fact that during the competition between states that were in a state of war, a temporary peace treaty has always been. Each new Olympiad received many changes compared to what the first Olympic games were. First of all, we are talking about adding disciplines. At first, it was running on other distances, and then jumps in length, fist run, pentathlon, throwing disc, spears, darts, and many others were added to it. The winners enjoyed such great respect that they even erected monuments in Greece. There were difficulties. The most serious of them was the ban on the game from the emperor Feodosia the first in 394 of our era. The fact is that he considered such a kind of competition with pagan entertainment. And after 128, a very strong earthquake happened to Greece, because of which they forgot about games for a long time.


In the middle of the eighteenth century, the first attempts to revive the Olympiads began to be taken. They began to be embodied in reality in about a hundred years thanks to the French scientist Pierre de Cuberthane. With the help of his compatriot - archaeologist Ernst Kursius - he, in fact, wrote new rules for conducting such competitions. The first Olympic Games of modern times began on April 6, 1896 in the Greek capital. Representatives of 13 countries from all over the planet took part in them. Russia, in connection with financial problems, did not send their athletes. The competition took place in nine disciplines, among which were the following: gymnastics, bullet shooting, lightweight and weightlifting, wrestling, fencing, tennis, swimming and bike racing. The interest of the public to the games was colossal, a vivid confirmation of which is the presence on them, according to official data, the audience in the amount of more than 90 thousand people. In 1924, it was decided to divide the Olympiad on the winter and summer.

Failed competition

It happened that the competition was not conducted, despite the fact that they were planned. We are talking about the Berlin Games of 1916, the Olympiad in Helsinki of 1940, as well as about London contests of 1944. The reason for this in the same thing is in world wars. Now, all Russians are looking forward to the first Olympic Games, which will be held in Russia. It will happen in Sochi in 2014.

In Paris, a Commission on the revival of the Olympic Games gathered in the Greater Hall of Sorbonne. Her Secretary General became Baron Pierre de Cubertin. Then the International Olympic Committee - IOC, which included the most authoritative and independent citizens of different countries.

The first Olympic Games of modern times was initially planned to spend at the same stadium in Olympia, where the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece were held. However, this required too large restoration works, and the first reborn Olympic competitions took place in the capital of Greece Athens.

On April 6, 1896, on a renovated antique stadium in Athens, the Greek King Georgy announced the first Olympic games of modern times open. At the opening ceremony, 60 thousand spectators were present.

The date of the ceremony was not chosen by chance - on this day the Easter Monday coincided immediately in the three directions of Christianity - in Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism. This first opening ceremony laid two Olympic traditions - the opening of the Games of the Head of State, where competitions are held, and the execution of the Olympic anthem. However, such indispensable attributes of modern games, as a parade of the participating countries, the ignition ceremony of the Olympic Fire and the utterance of the Olympic oath, was not; They were introduced later. There was no Olympic village, invited athletes themselves provided themselves with housing.

The Games of I Olimpias took part 241 athletes from 14 countries: Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary (at the time of the Games, Hungary was part of Austria-Hungary, but at the competitions Hungarian athletes performed separately), Germany, Greece, Denmark, Italy , USA, France, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden.

Russia's athletes were quite actively preparing for the Olympics, however, due to the lack of funds, the Russian team was not sent to the game.

As in ancient times, only men took part in the competitions of the first Olympiad of our time.

The program of the first games included nine sports - the struggle is classic, cycling, gymnastics, athletics, swimming, firing bullet, tennis, weightlifting and fencing. 43 sets of awards were played.

According to the ancient tradition of the game began with the competition athletes.

Athletic competitions have become the most massive - 63 athletes from 9 countries took part in 12 species. The greatest number of species - 9 - won representatives of the United States.

The first Olympic champion was American athlete James Connolly, who won in a triple jump with a result of 13 meters 71 centimeter.

Competitions on the struggle were held without uniform approved rules of the fight, there were also no weight categories. The style in which athletes competed was close to today's Greco-Roman, but the opponent was allowed to have enough legs. Only one set of medals among five athletes was played, and only two of them competed exclusively in the struggle - the rest took part in competitions and on other disciplines.

Since there were no artificial pools in Athens, swimming competitions were held in the open bay from the city of Piraeus; Start and finish were marked by ropes attached to the floors. Competitions caused great interest - by the beginning of the first swim on the shore about 40 thousand spectators gathered. Participation took about 25 swimmers out of six countries, most are maritime officers and sailors of the Fleet of Greece.

The medals were played in four kinds, all swims were "free-style" - was allowed to sail in any way, changing it along the distance. At that time, the most popular ways of swimming were Brass, "Over-Arm" (an improved way of swimming on side) and "trimmed-style". At the insistence of the organizers of the Games in the program, an applied type of swimming was also included - 100 meters in sailor clothing. It participated only by Greek sailors.

In cycling, six sets of medals were played - five on the track and one on the highway. Track races passed on the "Neo Falron" specifically built to the Games.

Eight awards sets were played in competitions in sports gymnastics. Competitions took place outdoors, on the marble stadium.

Five sets of awards were played in shooting - two in the shooting of a rifle and three in the shooting of a gun.

Tennis competitions were held on the courts of the Athenian Tennis Club. Two tournaments were held - in solitary and double discharge. At the Games of 1896, the requirement had not yet existed that all team members represented one country, and some couples were international.

Weight athletics competitions passed without separation into weight categories and included two disciplines: squeezing with two hands with a ball rod and lifting dumbbells with one hand.

In fencing, three sets of awards were played. Fencing has become the only sport where professional and professionals were admitted: Competitions among the "Maestro" - Fencing teachers ("Maestro" were also admitted to the 1900 games, after which this practice stopped).

The culmination of the Olympic Games was the marathon run. Unlike all subsequent Olympic competitions in the Marathon Run, the length of the Marathon's distance at the Games of I Olympics was 40 kilometers. The classic length of the marathon distance is 42 kilometers of 195 meters. The first with the result of 2 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds finished the Greek postman Spiridon Louis, which became the national hero after that success. In addition to the Olympic awards, he got a golden cup established by the French academician Michel Brealem, inflamed on the inclusion of Marathon running games, a barrel of wine, a ticket for free food throughout the year, free tailoring and use of hairdresser's services throughout the life, 10 centers of chocolate, 10 cows and 30 rams.

Awarding the winners took place on the day of closing games - April 15, 1896. From the Games of the I Olympics, the tradition of execution in honor of the winner of the national anthem and the rise of the National Flag was established. The winner was crowned with a laurel wreath, he was presented with a silver medal, an olive branch cut into the Sacred Grove of Olympia, and a diploma made by the Greek artist. The owners of the second seats received bronze medals.

The third places that took up at that time were not taken into account, and only later the International Olympic Committee included them in the medal offset among countries, but not all medalists were defined for sure.

The greatest number of medals won the Greece team - 45 (10 gold, 17 silver, 18 bronze). The second was the US team - 20 awards (11 + 7 + 2). The third place was taken by the team of Germany - 13 (6 + 5 + 2).

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

The history of the ancient Olympic Games takes its beginning from the 9th century to our era. In those days between the ancient states, endless ruining wars were walking. One day, King Eldida Ifit went to Delphi to Oracle and asked him what could be done in order to help his people to avoid robberies and wars. Delphic Oracle was known for its exact and absolutely faithful advice and predictions. Iphita, he advised to establish a sports game on the territory of his country.

Iphite immediately went to the king of the neighboring Sparta, a powerful Likurgu and agreed with him to approve Eloid by a neutral state. According to the Agreement, athletic games were held every 4 years in Olympia. This contract was established in 884 BC. e.

First Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

The first in the history of mankind, the Olympic Games took place in 776 BC. e. Only two ELIDA cities - Pisa and Alice took part in them. The names of the winners of the Olympiad Greeks carved on the marble columns, which were installed on the banks of the Al-River. Thanks to this modern world, the names of the Olympionics, including the first of them, are known: it was a cook from Elida named Koreba.

When the Olympic Games were approaching, the ELIDE messengers were driving in all cities, reporting about the upcoming holiday and announcing the "sacred truce." The messengers were glad not only the Eleladians themselves, but also the Greeks living in other cities.

The establishment of a single calendar took place slightly later. According to him, the games were to be organized every 4 years during the harvest and vintage. At the holiday of athletes, numerous religious ceremonies and sports competitions were included, the duration of which first was one day, after some time - five days, and then - whole thirty days. Participation in competitions did not have the right to slaves, barbarians (that is, those who were not citizens of the Greek state), criminals, blasphemers.

Video about the history of the ancient Olympic Games

The procedure for introducing various competitions in the Olympic Games

  1. The first thirteen games took place only in competitions in the stage - the athletes competed in the race at the distance.
  2. But from 724 to our era, the history of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece has changed somewhat: the athletes began to compete in a double run of about 385 meters.
  3. Even later, in 720 BC. E., Another contest was added - five-closed.
  4. In 688 BC E., After seven more Olympics, fisting battles were added to the program.
  5. After another 12 years - contests on chariots.
  6. In 648 BC e., at the 33rd Olympics, the list of programs has been replenished with pancration. It was the hardest and most cruel view of the games, which is a fist fight, which participants spent in the bronze caps, mounted on their heads. Leather belts with metal spikes were wound on their fists. The battle did not end up until one of the fighters decided to recognize himself defeated.
  7. After some time, the leaders and trumpeters were added to the list of competitions, running warriors in service, chariot competitions, which were harnessed by mules, as well as some species of children's competitions.

After each Olympics, marble statues of the winners were installed between the Olympics and the stadium, which were made on the means of those cities in which the Olympionics lived. Some of the statues were manufactured at the funds who were charged from the fines who violated the established rules of the Olympic Games. The ancient Greeks left quite a few monuments, statues, various records, thanks to which modern people know the history of the emergence of the Olympic Games.

Modern summer Olympic Games

The history of the Summer Olympic Games is quite complicated. For a long time, the Olympics were banned, but the United Kingdom, France, Greece still conducted sports competitions that were unclearly called Olympic. In 1859, the Olympic Games called "Olympia" resumed in Greece. Such competitions were held for 30 years.

When, in 1875, German archaeologists have found the remains of sports facilities in Greece, Europe became increasingly and more often about the revival of the Olympiad.

The history of the Summer Olympic Games began thanks to the French baron of Pierre de Cuberthane, who believed that their revival would contribute:

  • Improving the level of physical training of soldiers.
  • The termination of national egoism, which was inherent in the Olympic idea.
  • Replace sports competitions of hostilities.

Thus, thanks to the initiative of Couterurten, the Olympic Games were officially revived since 1896. The Olympic Charter adopted in 1894 approved the rules and principles on which summer games should be held. Each Olympics began to be assigned to his sequence number, and its place was determined by the International Olympic Committee.

Winter Olympic Movie Games

The history of the Winter Olympic Games takes its beginning from the French city of Chamonium, in which in 1924 the first winter Olympic sporting event was held - the Olympiad. About 300 athletes from 16 states took part in it. It was since 1924, the Olympics chronology began to include both winter and summer games. In 1994, summer and winter games began to spend with a difference in 2 years.

The ideological inspirer and the organizer of the Winter Games - Pierre de Coubert. To implement his idea, he had to show a huge perseverance and all his diplomatic abilities. At first they created a commission engaged in the organization of the Winter Olympics. Then Cuberthene managed to organize a week in the French chamonium, after which the following Olympiads were conducted:

  • 1928 - Swiss St. Moritz.
  • 1932 - Lake Placid (America).
  • 1936 - German Garmisch-Partenkirchen. It was during this Olympics that the tradition of igniting the Olympic flame was revived.

Such is the history of the emergence of the Winter Olympic Games. In the further geography of the Winter Olympics included many European countries, American continent and eastern countries. In 2014, the next winter Olympiad was held in the Russian resort town of Sochi, and the next Olympic fire will be lit in South Korea in 2018.

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Olympic Games - the largest sports event, loved by many. For them, millions of people on TV are observed, thousands go to cities where the competition is being held to see the strongest, deft and fast athletes. Every professional athlete dreams of not what to win, but at least get to the Olympic Arena. However, not many know how created gamesWhen for the first time they passed and that the initial concept of this contest was represented.

Legends about the emergence

A lot of legends and myths have come to us about the origin of these competitions that have a different story and history. However, one knows exactly: their homeland is ancient Greece.

How was the first competitions

The beginning of the first of them dates back to 776 by our era. This date is very ancient, and it could not be preserved to the present day if neither the tradition of the Greeks: they engraved the names of the winners of the competition on the columns specifically erected for this. Thanks to these structures We know not only the time when the games began, but also the name of the first winner. This man was called the Koron, and he was a resident of Ellida. Interestingly, the concept of the first thirteen games varied greatly with the subsequent, because it originally existed only one competition - running to a distance of a hundred ninety-two meters.

At first, the right to take part was only at the indigenous people of the city of Ines and Alice. However, soon the popularity of the competition has increased so much as other large policies began to contribute to their development.

There were laws for which not every person could take part in the Olympic Games. This right was not in women, slaves and foreign inhabitants called barbarians. And the one who wanted to become a full participant was supposed to apply for the meeting of the judges in the whole year before the start of the competition. Moreover, before the immediate start of the competition, it was potential to provide evidence that all the time from the moment of registration, they worked hard on their physical training, performing various exercises, training in a distance of distances and supporting an athletic form.

The concept of ancient games

Starting with the fourteenth, various sports began to introduce various sports.

The winners of the Olympiads received literally all that they wanted. Their names were perpetuated in history For centuries, and during life they were honored as demigods to the oldest. Moreover, after death, each olympicer was ranked as small gods.

For a long time, these contests, without which it was not possible to present life, were forgotten. The thing is that after the coming to power of the Emperor Feodosia and the strengthening of the Christian faith, the games began to be considered one of the manifestations of paganism, for which they were abolished in three hundred ninety fourth year BC.


Fortunately, the games did not go in the fly. We are obliged to be a well-known writer and a public figure, Baron Pierre de Cuberthane, the creator of the modern concept of the Olympic Games. It happened in 1894When the International Athletic Congress was collected on the initiative of Couterurten. During it, it was decided to revive the Games on the Standard of Antiquity, as well as to establish the work of the IOC, that is, the International Olympic Committee.

The IOC began his existence from the twenty-third of June of the same year, and Demetrius Vikelas was appointed the first chapter, and his secretary was already familiar to us Pierre Cubematret. At the same time, the Congress developed the rules and provisions on which games will exist.

The first Olympic Games of Modern

It is not surprising that it was Athens who were chosen for the first games of modernity, because Greece is the attitude of these contests. It is interesting to note that Greece is a countryin which were held in three centuries.

The first major contests of our time were open to the sixth of April 1896. More than three hundred athletes took part in them, and the number of sets of awards exceeded four dozen. At first games, competitions were held in the following sports disciplines:

Ended games for fifteenth april. The awards were distributed as follows:

  • The absolute winner gathered the largest number of medals, namely forty-six, of which ten were gold, Greece became.
  • The second place with a decent separation from the winner was occupied by the United States, gathering twenty awards.
  • Germany scored thirteen medals and ranked third.
  • But Bulgaria, Chile and Sweden left the contest with nothing.

The success of the competition was so huge that the Governors of Athens immediately offered to hold games on their territory. However, according to the rules, established by IOC, the venue should change every four years.

Unexpectedly, the two subsequent period were rather hard for the Olympiad, because in the places of their holding, the World Exhibitions were held, complicated receptions. Because of the combination of these events, the organizers were afraid that the popularity of games would quickly decline, however, everything was quite the opposite. Such large competitions were loved by people, and after the initiative of the same Couterurten, the tradition began to be formed, their flag and emblem was created.

Traditions of games and their characters

The most famous symbol It has the appearance of five rings having the same size and intertwined with each other. They go in the following sequence: blue, yellow, black, green and red. Such a simple emblem carries a deep meaning, showing the Union of five continents and a meeting of people from around the world. Interestingly, each Olympic Committee has developed its emblem, however, five rings certainly are its main part.

The flag of the games appeared in 1894 and was approved by IOC. On a white flag depicted five traditional rings. And the motto of the competition states: faster, above, stronger.

Another symbol of the Olympics is the fire. The ignition of the Olympic Fire has become a traditional ritual before the start of all kinds of games. It is lit in the city in which competitions are held, and burns there before their end. So they came back in ancient times, however, the custom returned to us not immediately, but only in 1928.

An integral part of the symbolism of these large-scale competition is the Olympiad Talisman. Each country has its own. The question of the appearance of Talismans got up at the next meeting of the Moka in 1972. By decision of the committee They could be any person, a beast or any mythical being, which would not only fully reflect the identity of the country, but also spoke of modern olympiad values.

The appearance of winter games

In 1924, it was decided to establish winter competitions. Initially, they were held in the same year as the summer, however, later it was decided to postpone them for two years about summer. The mistress of the first winter games was France. Surprisingly, they became interested in two times less spectators than expected, and not all the tickets were sold out. Despite the previous failures, the winter Olympiad had more and more soul fans, and soon they had gained the same popularity as summer.

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