In the lunar shine who sang. Retro music

In the lunar shine who sang. Retro music
In the lunar shine who sang. Retro music

Then the past becomes what pulls out of the energy pit. Then I want to go back to him, touch, fill. Then it looks like a yellow-white ribbon of the old, forgotten film, which you pull out from the shop only when you want a real, imperious.

But I need a key that opens the entrance to this world of light sorrow. This time the romance "in the lunar shine ..." became a golden key

The bell rings,
This ringing, this ringing
About love says.

In the lunar shiny early spring
I remember the meetings, my friend, with you.
Din-Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding -
The bell rang,
This ringing, this ringing
About love sweetly sang.

Will be remembered by the guests of a noisy crowd,
Lico cute with white fate.
Din-Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding -
Ringing glasses noise
With young wife
My opponent stands.

In the lunar shiny snow silver
Along the road Troikh rushes.
Din-Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding -
The bell rings,
This ringing, this ringing
About love says

I remember the author: Yuriev Evgeny Dmitrievich is a Russian poet, the composer of the late nineteenth-start twentieth - the Silver - century ... nothing is known about him, in addition that he lived twenty-nine years, from which twelve (from seventeen years old) wrote poems and romances.

You can only wonder how the seventeen-year-old young man could feel so feeling and passing it in music and verses. And even twenty-one-year-old - how could? Poems? About thirty, but besides "in the lunar shine ...", and even a couple of romances, they will not find anything. Maybe somewhere in some archives ...

The romance is so simple and geenen that any desire to show itself, decorate it with his intonations and directed, deprives the most important thing - the inner meaning and soul of the romance.

The impassive, quiet, unhurried, detached from everything, besides the internal memory of the heart, the romance execution attributed to the author of the poems seems to be the best of all numerous performers who want to try themselves in this masterpiece. Then the romance becomes the developer of a completely different - lack of heart.

Excessive artistry, and not excessive - also, unnecessary complication of his execution with an emphasis on their vocal data, and not in the author's mood, deprives the romance of its own intonation and charm.

"In the lunar shine ..." Genial and does not require anything except the heart and soul. And with this most performers and performers especially - tens. Romance is rightfully considered a business card of Oleg Pogudin, who managed to find the fact that the main thing in Russian romance is a mental nerve.

"In the lunar radiance, snow silver" - the most easily beloved Russian romance begins. Perhaps naive words, perhaps the soul free, barely hears the first sounds, why she sees and crying why she and simplicity this millet and more beautiful, like a first flower, torn in childish without a stem, like a bulk apple from the branch Like melting on the palm of snow, like a caress of mom, like burning candle in hand, on which you can not breathe? ...

Evgenia Smolyaninova, Russian singer, performer of Russian folk songs, romances and author's song, composer, deserved artist of the Russian Federation.

Unusually penetrated, clean, enchanting execution manner, pouring like spring. Fame to Eugene Valeryevna Smolyaninov has come thanks to cinema. In the television film "Life of Klim Samgin" (1987) she sang a popular romance "In the lunar shine" how no one could sing him before nor after her.

Evgeny Valeryevna was born February 28, 1964 in the family of teachers in Novokuznetsk, then the family moved to Kemerovo. Eugene entered the music school of St. Petersburg to the piano office, and one of the wonderful sides in the endeavors of Evgenia was the interest of the musical archives of St. Petersburg, thanks to which she first discovered for themselves, and then gave the 2nd life a whole number of forgotten city romances and songs of the XIX and Twentieth centuries. In 1982.the year was held by her first performance as singer, in the theater of Vyacheslav Polunin in the play "pictures from the exhibition" on M. Mussorgsky's music and in the play "Muma" of the Small Drama Theater. During summer trips with classmates in folklore expeditions, it was engaged in collecting Russian folklore in the northern regions of Russia.

In her repertoire, Russian folklore songs, classic romances, rarest rustic romances, monastic songs, songs on their own poems and verses of Nabokov, bloc, Akhmatova, a little-known poet of the Russian emigration of Nikolai Torubov ... and how they sound in its execution of the song from the vertine repertoire, it is difficult to believe - Vysotsky and, finally, the Pskov peasant of Olga Sergeyeva! She not only arrange itself, but he writes music.

The talented performer and arguer, Evgenia Smolyaninov awarded for his creativity "National Wealth of Russia" of the International Charitable Foundation "Station Century", the Order of Holy Princess Olga Russian Orthodox Church and the Order "Celebration of Orthodoxy" of the Public Award Foundation ".

In lunar radiance ... (music. And Art. E.Yuriev)

In the lunar shiny snow silver
Along the road Troikhka rushes.

Din-Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding -
The bell rings.
This ringing, this bridge of love says.

In the lunar shiny early spring
Do you remember the meetings, my friend, with you.

Words and music Evgenia Yuryeva.

In Lunne Siane
Snow silver;
Along the road
Troochka rushes.

The bell rings ...
This ringing, this sound
I tell me a lot.

In Lunne Siane
Early spring
Remembered meetings
My friend, with you ...

Your bell
The voice of a young rank ...
"Din-Din-Ding, Din-Ding Ding!" -
About love sweetly sang ...

I remembered the hall to me
With a noisy crowd
Lico Mile
With white fate ...

"Din-Din-Ding, Din-Ding Ding!" -
The ringing of glasses sounds ...
With young wife
My opponent stands!

Best execution. Evgenia Smolyaninova

Romance "Din-Din-Din" (he is "in the lunar shine" and "bell") refers to the so-called yamchchitsky songs.

Written by a poet and musician Evgenia Dmitrievich Yuryev(1882—1911).

Oleg Pogudin sings

Yuriev Evgeny Dmitrievich - Russian poet, composer, The author of the romance, among whom: "in the lunar radiance", "Hey, a rim, driven to" Yar "," Why love, why suffer ", etc.

More than fifteen Romances E. D. Yuryev 1894-1906 for their own words and music, as well as eleven romances and songs, including the "Gypsy", on his words performed by A. N. Chernyavsky.

Gennady Stone. Singer who I like!

Information about the biography of E. D. Yurieva almost no preserved.

Romance "in the Lunar Lunaries" ("Din-Din-Ding", "The bell") continues in the Russian song culture a Yamchchsky themes, started by the romance "Troika Delia is rushing ..." in 1828. About the history of the creation of a romance in general, little is known, just wrote down - and that's it.

Some time with him performed singer Anastasia Vyaltseva (1871—1913).

Sings Natalia Muravyov sings. I like this singer!

Now the romance has become one of the most popular and enters the repertoire of many performers and is very often used in performances and movies.

First recorded on the Gramplastine on July 11, 1909 Maria Alexandrovna Karinskaya (1884-1942), pop artist and performing romances.

In May 1904, for the first time spent on the metropolitan scene in the operetta V. Kazansky. The newspapers quite flatterly responded about debutant, wrote about her effective appearance, about a strong beautiful voice (mezzo-soprano). Soon Maria Karinskaya, leaving the theater, began to perform on the stage with the execution of romances.

Nice sings Lily Muromtseva

In 1911, Karinskaya became the winner of the competition established at the Petersburg theater "Passage" for the best execution of romances, she was awarded the first award and was awarded the title of "Queen of the Gypsy Romance"

After that, the singer was at the top of the Domestic Pop Olympus. In 1913, Karinskaya began to perform with the accompanion of Vyaltseva A.Taskin.

In the years of patriotic lifting, after the beginning of the war with Germany, Karinskaya sat "the evenings of Russian Starina", where in colorful Russian costumes performed antique folk songs, ballads accompanied by the orchestra of folk instruments.
Even before the revolution, Maria Karinskaya married the English aristocrat who served as a diplomat in Russia, and went with her husband to England. How it has developed further life is not known.

The romance also entered the repertoire of Anastasia Vyaltseva.

Song "Din-Ding Ding".

"In the lunar radiance" (other names - the "bell" and "Din-Ding Ding") - a romance belonging to the so-called Yamchchitsky songs, poet and the musician Evgenia Dmitrievich Yuryeva.
Evgeny Dmitrievich Yuriev (1882-1911) - Russian poet and composer, author of several romances, including: "bell", "Hey, a rod, driven to" Yar "," Why love, why suffer ", etc.
More than fifteen romances of E. D. Yuryev, those composed of them in the period 1894-1906 for their own words and music, as well as eleven romances and songs, including the "Gypsy" (that is, similar to the Gypsy romance) on his words laid down On the music by other composers, including A. N. Chernyavsky ... Information about the biography of E. D. Yurieva was almost no preserved.

Song artist on this roller, unfortunately, I do not know. In the internet on this video it is indicated that the author performs the song, that is - E. Juryev. But I doubt it, because I saw another roller with this performer, and it is indicated that it is Yuri Borisov ... What also causes doubt ...
Shortly after the October Revolution, the new power announced the romance to the "bourgeois remnant", which prevents the buildup of a bright future. And in Russian culture for several decades he was forgotten.
Only from the second half of the 1950s, the romance, as a genre, was "rehabilitated" and began to gradually return to the Soviet listeners. The romance "in the Lunar Siagy" continues in the Russian song culture, the Yamchchsky themes started by the Romance "Here Troika Delia-Like ..." in 1828, when Alexey Nikolaevich Versta laid a passage about the yamchik from the poem of Fedor Glinka. Nothing is known about the history of the creation of a romance at all, it simply composed and that's it. For a while, the singer Anastasia Vyaltseva appealed with him (1871-1913).

Anastasia Vyaltseva

As often happens in such cases when the song is included in the structure of folk culture, there are several close-friendly options for text and music.

In the lunar shine snow silver

The bell rings,
This ringing, this ringing
About love says.
In the lunar shiny early spring
I remember the meetings, my friend, with you.
Din-Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding -
The bell rang,
This ringing, this ringing
About love sweetly sang.
Will be remembered by the guests of a noisy crowd,
Lico cute with white fate.
Din-Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding -
Ringing glasses noise
With young wife
My opponent stands.
In the lunar shiny snow silver
Along the road Troikh rushes.
Din-Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding -
The bell rings,
This ringing, this ringing
About love says.

Now the romance has become one of the most popular and enters the repertoire of many performers and is very often used in performances and movies.

Evgenia Smolyaninova - in Lunar Lunan (1988; Muses and Art. E. D. Yuryeva)

In the lunar shine-o.Pogudin

Dmitry Ryayin - in Lunar Siagni (Din, Ding, Ding)

"Seventh Water" - "Bell"

Maria Olshanskaya

In lunar shine
Snow silver ...

(Continuation of the history of the Russian romance)

Ding Ding Ding ("Bell")

In the lunar radiance, snow silver, along the road Troikhka rushes. Din-Din-Ding, Din-Ding Ding - the bell rings, this ringing, this ringing about love says. In the lunar radiance early spring will remember meetings, my friend, with you. Your bell tick, the voice of a young rank, this ringing, this ringing about love sweetly sang. Guests will be remembered by a noisy crowd, nicely cute with white fate. Din-Din-Ding, Din-Ding Ding - the ringing of glasses is noise, with young wife, my opponent stands. In the lunar radiance, snow silver, along the road Troikhka rushes. Din-Din-Ding, Din-Ding Ding - the bell rings, this ringing, this ringing about love says.

In the middle of December, the snow went to Kharkov. Could not sleep. Among the night I got up, went to the window ... "In the lunar radiance, snow silver ..." Now it seems to me that I even dare in the rhythm of the Waltz this line, which arose from nothing if you don't take into account the beauty of the snow-covered area outside the window. But God sees! I have never heard these poems and this melody in the last 20 years, and in the last two years it was not to romances in the past two years.

And how many people came to me to the window among the night and looked at the snow. Maybe they were born and had poems in the head in the rhythm of the Waltz? Yes, did there be a mysterious Evgeny Yuryev on white light, the author, as they write, poems and music? Did anyone play any acquaintances, squandered in the early 20th century a stylization under Yamchichsky romance? But here is the information on the website of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art: Yuriev Evgeny Dmitrievich (1882-1911).

The phantoms do not have archival cells. Nevertheless, the author's execution of the romance "in the lunar radiance" (also called the "bell" and "Din-Din-Din") causes distrust of the listeners. From him, he is demolished by a styling.

And if you consider how many films and performances about a wide variety of times accompanied by this melody and verses performed by various singers and singers ...

Maria Olshanskaya

"Ding, Din, Din" (Romance Yuryeva)
HELL. Vyaltseva, mezzo-soprano

Watch the output of the plates and listen to the romance performed by Anastasia Vyaltseva (1912 recording) on \u200b\u200bthe site "World of Russian gramzapsy".

Laureate of the international competition,
Head of the creative group "Blagovest
Singer Lyudmila Borisovna Zhogolev:

"At the beginning of the twentieth century, this name said a lot of Russian heart. Her popularity was incredible! She was from the peasant class. She died in 1913, lived only 42 years, and so much achieved in art! I managed to drive around with touring the whole country. Became one of the richest women in Russia. For tour, she had even a special car that trailed to various compositions. There have been equipped with a dressing room, a library, a kitchen. Then the wagon of the singer switched to Admiral Kolchka ... On the tour abroad, Vyaltsev did not go fundamentally. He performed only before the Russian public.

She spent twenty times to sing on the bis. Her concerts lasted to four hours. She shouted: "Seagull! Seagull! .. "And she was not tired of returning to the scene ... Anastasia Dmitrievna was called the" seagull of the Russian scene. " Her romance "in the lunar shine snow silver" at the beginning of the last century was incredibly popular. Under the royal yard, the singer Trevitsky was more valued, but this romance performed by Vyaltseva knew well and loved the sovereign Nicholas II. The popularity of Romance was so great that even made it involuntary witness to the very gloomy page of our story. At that time, the first gramplastics appeared with Romance Vyaltseva (they were preserved in the Bakhrushinsky Museum). And in December 1916, as later participants of this fatal event were recalled, the Palace of Prince Yusupov was treacherously thrown and killed there a friend of the royal family Grigory Efimovich Rasputin. The killers to hide their ideas so that it was not heard on the street of screams and noise of the struggle, included a gramophone on the full volume with this Romance Anastasia Vyaltseva. Under this wonderful music, under her voice voice died by a prayerman for the king ...

Recently came the film of French director Jose Dian "Rasputin" with Gerard Depardieu in the main role. I have no complaints to the artist. He deeply imbued with this bright Russian way (which then bizarkedly loved his subsequent personal destiny). And yet the film on the "Russian plot" is unsuccessful, it removed with cold, tremendous hands. But in the film it is not by chance that this romance sounds several times ...

Now the romance "in the lunar shine" sings Evgeny Smolyaninov. He is in my repertoire. I performed it on the scene of the Bahrushinsky Museum, as well as other Romances Anastasia Vyaltseva. The concert passed on a large rise, with a crowded hall. To fulfill the works of the Great Artist, being in the atmosphere of that time, among the ancient things that could belong to it, records, books, under the sounds of the piano of that era (we worked at the Theater Museum!) - This is joy and responsibility. A large archive of "Seagulls of the Russian Scene" is kept in Bakhrushinsky Museum.

"Din-Din-Ding", rum. Yuryeva,
performed by MA Karinskaya,
famous isp. Tsyg. Romanoves
(Moscow, X-63754, Record 11-7-1909)

* * *

Evgeny Onegin Rimas Tuminas in the Wakhtangov Theater

"Onegin" Tuminas and Scenograph of Adomasa Yatsovskis should be retepted by miceanscents. Olga and Lensky's garden fly (Maria Volkova and Vasily Simonov) - High, curly, shining young people, shrouded in the lunar radiance Silver ... "Olga always hangs children's accordion on the scene: in the Bala's stage, Lelarina Onegin will sort out his frets ... And what kind of screaming this "Trookhka" is the last time, when Olga goes under the crown with Ulan (about the play -).

Over Petersburg, the Temple of Silver is praying to Ksenia in the sleeping capital. Over the widespread Nevi Angel song sings in this temple, the wonderful temple of all for the holiday is called. Ksenia wanders early sometimes and can meet with you. In a difficult hour, in the sorrowful hour she says, "the king with a spear on the horse from the misfortune will remain." Quiet in the chapel, candles flicker. Mother Ksenia takes everyone. Over the whole world, Mother Ksenia, again, so that our hearts sanctify love. Over Petersburg, the Temple of Silver is praying to Ksenia in the sleeping capital ...