Monitoring musical abilities of children (technique). Diagnostics of children's musical abilities Music in the daily life of the preschooler

Monitoring musical abilities of children (technique). Diagnostics of children's musical abilities Music in the daily life of the preschooler
Monitoring musical abilities of children (technique). Diagnostics of children's musical abilities Music in the daily life of the preschooler

Assessing the musical development of children of preschool age as part of the implementation of the educational program is part of the monitoring. The monitoring system conducted in accordance with GEF has a prognostic nature, that is, it allows you to identify promising lines of development of a preschooler, as well as preventive nature, it allows you to notice the risk factors in the development of the child. The monitoring data obtained create an information base for the individualization of the educational process, based on the individual educational needs of each dow pupil.



Marai Progimnasya №108.

Monitoring musical abilities of children

Music leader

Dianova Elena Alekseevna

Explanatory note

Assessing the musical development of children of preschool age as part of the implementation of the educational program is part of the monitoring. The monitoring system conducted in accordance with GEF has a prognostic nature, that is, it allows you to identify promising lines of development of a preschooler, as well as preventive nature, it allows you to notice the risk factors in the development of the child. The monitoring data obtained create an information base for the individualization of the educational process, based on the individual educational needs of each dow pupil.

As a result of the analysis of individual diagnostic data, the teacher can significantly faster than in the process of conventional collective classes, study the group of children, draw up her "portrait", as well as identify the degree of promotion of children of this group at the end of each year of occupation as in terms of the development of abilities and levels Achievements in a form of musical activity.

In providence of diagnostics, I apply the method of K.V. Tarasova. Diagnostics is divided into input and output: the input diagnosis is carried out at the beginning of the school year (September, October), and the weekend at the end of the school year (April, May).

Monitoring should be carried out in a child's usual for a child. These are subgroups or individual tasks for children - short test tasks, didactic games, conversations, etudes, experimental situations (task samples are given in tools). The teacher is important to be benevolent in communicating with the preschooler, help him orient in the task through simple and understandable questions, listen to the child to the end, not interrupting and not correlacing the answers. During the diagnosis, it is necessary to widely use visual material.

The purpose of the monitoring:

  • individual control of the development of musical abilities of preschoolers;
  • identification of children with low levels of development of musical abilities and planning with them further correction work;
  • identifying children with an average level of development of musical abilities and planning with them work promoting their further musical development;
  • identify with the musical leader of a strong and weak side in its own work and carrying out the relevant correction.

The date of the: Input Monitoring September - October

Day off monitoring April - May

Emotional Responsiveness to Music

Low level: The child almost does not listen to music, indifferent to her, is distracted all the time, without the mood, he is involved in musical movement and playing for children's musical instruments.

Average level: The child is quite carefully, but calmly listens to music. Does not clearly manifest itself in a musical movement and playing tools.

High level: A child with interest listening to music with interest, emotionally reacts to her. This is evidenced by the expressions of his eyes, facial expressions, body position. The child wants to listen to music, asks to repeat it. Very emotional in musical movement, brightly manifests itself in the game of children's musical instruments.

Feeling musical rhythm

Low level: The child solves the proposed rhythmic task on an erratic type, when even metric pulsation is not reproduced, and the cotton follows randomly, in fact, outside the music.

This type of solution solving is characteristic of most children of the younger group and is the indicator of the "average-average" level, so if the child of this age solves the task of an erratic type, we refer it to the average level of development of a musical rhythm. If any of the kids performs the task more rhythmically, then refer it to a high level.

At the same time, if one of the children of the three subsequent age solves this task for an erratic type, we say that this is an indicator of a low level of development of this ability.

Average level: The child solves the rhythmic task reproducing only metric pulsation (children clap into their hands with uniform quarters, less often uniform eight or half). This type of solution is characteristic of most children of the Central Group and is the indicator of the "average-average" level of development of a musical rhythm. If the child of this age solves the problem on an erratic or adequate type, it is attributed to a low and high level.

High level. The child solves the proposed task for adequate type (reproduces the rhythmic pattern, i.e. the ratio of duration of sounds and pauses) without errors or 1-2 errors.

Sound hearing

Low level: The intonation of the ringtone by voice as such is missing at all, and the child reproduces only the words of the song in her rhythm. Or intonation appeared, but the child sings the whole song on one - two sounds.

Such intonation is typical for most children of the younger group and is the indicator of the "average-average" level of development of the intonation of the melody by voice. Children in this stage, we refer to the average level. Other children of this age that do not intonate generally or intonate at a higher level relate to low and high levels.

Average level: The child intrins the general direction of the melody movement. At this level there are most children of the middle group.

If the children of this age introne only one - two sounds, we refer them to a low level, if the child is on the background of the general direction purely sings, it will be attributed to a high level.

High level: The child intrins the general direction of the movement of the melody and on this background purely sings its separate passages or all the melody.

Level of development of musical perception - thinking

Low level: The child does not define at all or does not correctly define the general mood of music. Can not talk about her. Can not focus on her sound. At this level, part of the children of the younger group are located, and the children of the younger group, which emotionally reacted to the music, carefully listened to at least part of the play, correctly, but one was monitored, we were generally attributed to the middle and high level.

Average level. The child correctly determines the mood is quite simple on the content of the play, focusing, a complex of means of musical expressiveness, more thinly analyzing music. Due to this, the perception of the musical artistic image becomes more adequate, the child can almost definitely define the program - the name of an unfamiliar play.

High level. With the perception of a musical artistic image, children appear orientation on the most informational agent of musical expressiveness - melody and components of its intonation. Due to this, the possibility of an error when determining the mood of simple music becomes minimal, the child easily determines the name of the play, can catch the process of developing a musical image, compare the plays, among themselves.

(creative thinking)

Low level. At the earliest level of development of the process of improvisation is tested. If this musical instrument, then the children are just studied, listen to his sound. More often they "walk" on the bottom keys up and high to the bottom. Rhythmic structures of samples of messy. Children of this level can not come up with the simplest melody for familiar rims, or to perform dance movements to the music.

For children of the younger group, these indicators are an average level.

Average level . In improvisations, the child prevails rhythm and most often there is no familiar melody. In the song work, the child manifests itself more actively, he can compose a simple melody on a familiar poem, come up with a small dance (2-3 repetitive movements) on a familiar melody. The children of the younger group cope with such a family tasks can be considered an average or high level of musical abilities.

High level. In improvisations on musical instruments and in the child's song creativity, a fairly detailed and finished melody appears, which is most often in the form of a period consisting of two proposals. The improvisation of children differ in greater originality compared to the average level, and contains along with smooth flow of melodies, wide interesting jumps. In dance work, the child also shows originality and can compose a dance of 3 and more repetitive movements, performing rhythmic and expressive.

Junior group

Emotional responsiveness

  1. Suggest listen to the musical play "Kitty fell ill", "Kitty has recovered" A. Grichanin.

Feeling musical rhythm

  1. Suggest to reproduce in cotton rhythm of one duration on the show of the musical leader.
  2. Suggest to fulfill together with the music director, simple dance movements and focus on the fact that the child starts up and finishes.

Ear for music.

  1. Suggest a child to fulfill any familiar song together with the music director. "Petushok", "Ladushka", "Bunny"
  2. Suggest a child to find out the song. (from the musical material passed)

(in terms of verbal characteristics)

  1. Suggest listening to music and tell about how she sounded character, mood. "My horse" A. Grechaninov,

"Sad song" V. Kalinikov.

Productive component of musical thinking

(creative thinking)

1. Suggest a child to come up with and play, melody on piano or metalfone.

Tests to identify the presence of musical abilities during monitoring.

Medium group

Emotional responsiveness

1. Suggest listening to the musical work "Bedsware"

M. Krasov, "Lullaby" A.Grechaninov.

2. Suggest to fulfill any familiar song together with

Music leader.

3. Suggest to fulfill the musical movements together with

Music leader.

Feeling musical rhythm

1. Suggest reproduce in cotton rhythm of one, two shortcuts for the show of the musical leader.

4. Share on the flannelhephoch rhythmic pattern of one, two durations.

Ear for music.

1. Suggest the child to fulfill any familiar song together with the music director. "Sereny kitty" V.Vitlin, autumn I.Kishko, "Fir-tree" M.Krasov.

3. Suggest to listen to the contrasting musical works, "Kitty fell ill", "Cat has recovered" A. Grichanin.

4. Suggest a child to determine the high and low sound in the game

"Bird and chick"

Level of musical thinking - perception

(in terms of verbal characteristics)

  1. Suggest listening to music and tell about how it sounded character, mood, dynamics, sound height.

Productive component of musical thinking

(creative thinking)

Or metalfon.

2. Suggest come up with your dance for funny music.

3. Suggest a child to portray a bunny, a bear, a bird.

Tests to identify the presence of musical abilities during monitoring.

Senior group

Emotional responsiveness

  1. Suggest listening to the musical work "Doll disease", "New Doll" P.I. Tchaikovsky, "March" R. Shuman
  2. Suggest to fulfill any familiar song together with the music director.
  3. Suggest to fulfill music movements together with the music director.
  4. Suggest a child to draw a drawing to the listened musical play "First Loss" R. Schuman, "Children's Polka" M. Glinka

Feeling musical rhythm

2. Suggest to fulfill, together with the music director, simple dance movements and focus on the fact that the child starts and finishes.

3. Suggest to fulfill a simple rhythmic pattern on the metallophone.

Ear for music.

1. Suggest the child to fulfill any familiar song together with the music director.

2. Suggest a child to learn songs, (from the musical material passed)

3. Suggest a child to determine the high and low sound in the game

"Swing", "Clock"

4. Suggest to determine the musical instrument on timbre


Level of musical thinking - perception

(in terms of verbal characteristics)

1. Suggest listening to music and tell about how she sounded character, mood, dynamics, sound height, timbre. If this is a song to tell about something. "Santa Claus" R. Shuman, "Morning" E.Grieg, "Kitten and Puppy" T.potenko

Productive component of musical thinking

(creative thinking)

1. Suggest a child to come up with and play, melody on piano

or metalfone.

3. Suggest a child to portray a "terrible wolf", "cowardly

hare "," Lazy Cat "

4. Suggest to compose a song on the poem "Bear Kosolapiy", "Our Tanya" A. Barto

Tests to identify the presence of musical abilities during monitoring.

Preparatory to school group.

Emotional responsiveness

1. Suggest listening to the musical work "Autumn"

Sviridov, "Kamarinskaya", "Baba - Yaga", "Sweet Guest"

P.I. Tchaikovsky,

2. Suggest to fulfill any familiar song yourself

3. Suggest to fulfill the musical movements on their own

4. Suggest a child to draw a drawing to a listened musical play "Autumn Song" P.I. Tchaikovsky, "Clowns" D. B. Kabalevsky.

Feeling musical rhythm

1. Suggest to reproduce the rhythm cotton of two, three durations for the show of the musical leader.

2. Suggest to see and repeat the rhythm in dance moves.

3. Suggest to fulfill a simple rhythmic pattern on the metallophone.

4. Put on the flannelhephoph the rhythmic pattern of two, three durations.

Ear for music.

1. Suggest a child to fulfill any familiar song with musical accompaniment and without.

2. To establish a child with hand to portray the movement of sound in the game "Peel"

3. Suggest to determine the musical instrument on the timbre


Level of musical thinking - perception

(in terms of verbal characteristics)

1. Suggest listening to music and tell about how she sounded character, mood, dynamics, sound height, timbre. If this is a song to tell about something. "Why is the Bear in the winter sleeping" L. Knipper, "March of Wooden Soldiers", "Sweet Guest" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Productive component of musical thinking

(creative thinking)

1. Suggest a child to come up with and play, melody on piano

or metalfone.

2. Suggest come up with your dance for merry, sad music.

3. Suggest a child plastic etude "Wooden and rag dolls", "Rosa", "Good and evil boy"

4. Suggest to compose a song on the poem "Bunny threw the mistress", "bull", "horse" A. Barto

Table of monitoring of musical abilities of children of the preparatory group 2016-17 uch. year(example)

F.I. child

Emotional response

Sense of rhythm

Ear for music

Level of perception-thinking

Creative perception

Saint May

Saint May

Saint May

Saint May

Saint May































5 b high

4 B Middle

3 b LOW

Consolidated diagram based on monitoring of children's musical abilities

Input Monitoring (September-October)

High - 26.4%

Middle - 55.2%

Low - 18.4%

Output monitoring (April-May)

High - 44.0%

Middle - 51.2%

Low - 4.8%

Differential pedagogical approach - This is the accounting of the biological, physiological and psychological characteristics of children.

With low-level children, individual classes are conducted, where children together with the teacher work on the development of a rhythm feeling using the simplest musically didactic exercises; "Three Bear", "Merry girlfriends", "Katyusha teaches to dance," "Listen, remember, repeat,", etc. Also, children develop the feelings of rhythm by performing, the simplest speakers, songs, musical - rhythmic and dance exercises.

Children with medium and high levels secure their abilities in more complex musical activities; The game in the children's music orchestra performing more complex parties, perform more complex musical - rhythmic movements and dancing. Maybe even soloists.


Anisimov V.P. Diagnosis of children's musical abilities

M. "Vlados" 1004

Vetlugin N.A. Keneman A.V. Theory and methodology of musical development in kindergarten. M. "Enlightenment" 1983

Vetlugin N.A, Dzerzhinskaya I.L. Musical classes in kindergarten

M. "Enlightenment" 1984

Radina O.P., Kabin A.I. Music education of preschool children

M. "Education" "Vlados" 1994

Tarasova K.V. Diagnosis of musical abilities of preschool children.

Natalia Kvitka

Project on artistic - aesthetic development« Development of a sense of musical rhythm in children of preschool age in musical and rhythmic movements».

Relevance. Modern DoO is a unique educational institution of a new type, completely unlike a kindergarten for another decade ago. In the modernization of education, variability of programs and types preschool institutions are increasingly indicated by the need to solve the problem of a holistic child Development. Prerequisite harmonious development The child is full music- Esthetical education, development of music perception. About it testifies The obligation of artistic and aesthetic education and development of childrenprescribed in the federal state educational standard preschool education(GEF to).

Preschool age - One of the most responsible periods in the life of every person. It was during these years that the foundations of health, a harmonious mental, moral and physical child Development, the personality of man is formed.

Music education for preschool children is important as for intelligent developmentAnd for physical. For development of musical Abilities need not only singing or hearing music, but also music and rhythmic movements.

Music and rhythmic movements serve the case of knowing the child of the surrounding reality and, at the same time, are a means of expression musical images, character musical works. Outstanding musical teacher A.. D. Artobolevskaya, in the book "The first meeting with music" States that musical abilities of children manifest themselves and develop, above all, through movement with music.

Through music and child movement develops Not only artistic taste and creative imagination, but also forms the inner spiritual world of the child.

Speaking O. development of musical abilities in musical and rhythmic activities mean, first of all, the ability to feel rhythmic peculiarity in music and transfer it in their movements. Therefore, before the teacher there is a task to learn to perceive musical development images and coordinate with them their movement.

Seeing beauty traffic in games, dances, dance, trying to perform movement as beautiful as possible, elegant, coordinate it with music, child estetical develops, It seeks to see and create a beautiful.

Value music and rhythmic movements In the life of a child lies in the fact that they are:

1. Enrich the emotional world children and develop musical abilities;

2. develop cognitive abilities;

Thus, the topic music and rhythmic development of children in musical and rhythmic movements is relevant in preschool Pedagogical process.

Purpose of the study: Select Methodical Recommendations to develop a sense of musical rhythm in musical and rhythmic movements in children of junior preschool age.

Object of study: content and organization of educational activities at the level preschool education.

Subject of study: The feeling of musical rhythm and its development in children of junior preschool age in musical and rhythmic movements.

Hypothesis of research: If used.

Considering the object, the subject and purpose of the study, we focused on solving the following tasks:

1. Analyze the psychological and pedagogical and methodological literature on this issue.

2. Develop a diagnosis of research;

3. Develop a methodology.

4. Conduct a pedagogical experiment in three stages.

Research methods:


1. Analysis of scientific and methodological, pedagogical literature.


1. Observation.

2. Conversation.

3. Pedagogical experiment in three stages.

Research base: MDOU Kindergarten combined type number 2 "Star" Lyubertsy municipal district of the Moscow region.

Project Designed for 3 months.

Project involves holding one lesson in a week of circle work as part of the traditional musical and rhythmic activity, individual work, as well as work in free time and work in the afternoon.

Duration of occupation -15-20 minutes

Stage 1 - Preparatory (1 Week)

Analysis of scientific and methodical, pedagogical literature.

Scientific research in the field musical Pedagogy and the experience of many preschool institutionsas well as historical experience indicate that, what musical Education has an impact on comprehensive personal development. The founder of modern theory rhythmic Education was Swiss musician, teacher, pianist and conductor Jacques Emil Dalcrozy (1865-1950, which believed that the child first need to survive what he subsequently needs to learn.

In our country, the system rhythmic Education was developed by N. G. Aleksandova, E. V. Kononova. Special studies have been carried out by N. A. Vetryogina, A. V. Keneman, B. M. Teplov.

B. M. Heat in work "Psychology musical abilities» Gave the definition of concept « sense of rhythm» . Music - rhythmic feeling - perception and reproduction of temporary relations in music. This ability to actively worry music, feel Emotional expressiveness musical Rhythm And to reproduce it. Rhythm - one of the expressive means musicWith which the content is transmitted.

The feeling of rhythm is developingFirst of all, in music - Rhythmic Movementscorresponding to the character of emotional color music. Consistency rhythm of movements and music Also one of the conditions necessary for development of this ability. Classes rhythmics allow you to experience and express in the movements of the change of moods in the music, Improve sense of rhythm With coordination movements and music.

Music - rhythmic education(rhythmic) - this is a special subject, which aims to activate music perception of children through motion, instill them the skill of a conscious attitude towards musichelps to reveal them musical Creative skills. Engaged rhythm, children are actively involved in the transfer of character music, her pace, speakers, rhythm, forms. Development of feelings of rhythm - This is the main task rhythmics.

Work with parents

For the efforts of the educator in classes without parental support, it is difficult to achieve the desired result.

Purpose of working with parents: family acquisition to the formation of positive emotions and the feelings of a child, maintaining interest, parental initiatives to the life of a kindergarten.

Music education and development The child in the family depends on the conditions

which are determined congenital musical deposits, way of life of her traditions, attitude to music, general culture. Explore these conditions helps parental survey at the beginning project activities

Questioning of parents "My child and music» :

Questions results

1. What place in your child's life takes music?

2. Does he like to listen to her? What music prefers?

3. What is your favorite work of your child? And yours?

4. Does he love this music move, Dance? 5. Does it understand the content music?

6. Pass to movement of the nature of music, her rhythm?

7. How emotionally the child

reacts to music?

8. What is this expressed?

10. What is your participation in musical development of a child:

Are there any home phonet children's

music? Do you visit children's performances? Watch you on TV musical Programs with a child?

Are you discussing them?

Output: Most parents are not interested in musical education of childrendo not know their favorite musical worksdo not see them musical abilities.

Solution to the problem: properly organize work on music

upbringing in the family, conduct conversations, advice on music, Joint holidays and leisure, attract parents to active participation in the life of the DW and Group in particular. According to the results of the survey, the forms of cooperation are selected.

A plan of working with parents is drawn up, the successful implementation of which depends on the activity and initiative by parents, focus and the differentiated approach to cooperation with the family from the DOU.

Forms of work with parents:

Individual conversations; Leisure I. entertainment;

Registration of visual material, didactic games;

Parent meetings and consultations;

Open days;


Maintain blog on the MDOU site.

Stage 2 - Research Stage (2.5 months)

The experimental study was attended by 16 pupils of the younger group of MDOU №2 D / s "Star". Research took three stage: stateing, forming and controlling.

The purpose of the experimental work: Detection of the entry level development of a sense of musical rhythm in children of junior preschool age and the development and testing of the methodology for the development of a musical rhythm in children of this age through musical and rhythmic movements.

Detection of level (State Experiment)

purpose: Determining the initial level development of a sense of musical rhythm in children of junior preschool age.


1. Develop diagnostic tasks;

2. To diagnose the level development of musical and rhythmic feelings;

3. Create a level evaluation criteria development of a feeling of rhythm;

4. Process the result.

To reveal the level development of a sense of musical rhythm We used the diagnostic technique of O. P. Radinova and conducted two diagnostic tasks: first - for execution rhythmic drawing with cotton, and second - dance under music.

Diagnostics feelings of rhythm

1 task. Play in cotton rhythmic "Ah you sense" (audio recording).

Pedagogue offers children to listen to the melody of Russian folk song "Ah you sense", then flips rhythmic sequence. After that, the teacher offers children to stroll rhythm melody.

(in points):

3 points - accurate execution rhythmic pattern.

2 points - allows small inaccuracies.

1 point - rhythmic The drawing does not match the melody.

2 task. Conformity movements of music, conformity rhythm movements rhythm music.

Fragments of three works are sounded.

1) T. Lomova "Melody",

2) M. Zhurbin "March",

3) A. Grechaninov "My horse".

The child is proposed to task - to dance under music. Children must pass in movements character music, rhythm.

Criteria and accomplishment of task (in points):

3 points - expressive movementchanging movements In accordance with the character music and rhythm.

2 points - there is a desire to move under music, but movement not always comply with the nature music.

1 score - the child begins to do move musicbut they do not transmit character and rhythm music.

In accordance with the criteria, we highlighted three levels. development of a feeling of rhythm: high, middle and below average.

High - 6 points

Average - 4-5 points

Below average - 3-1 score

Analysis of the results of the stating diagnosis is presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

1 Varvara B. 2 2 4

2 Daniel B. 1 2 3

3 Varvara V. 2 2 4

4 Anastasia E. 2 2 4

5 Semen K. 2 2 4

6 Gregory K. 1 2 3

7 Ivan K. 2 2 4

8 Ulyana P. 1 2 3

9 Roman S. 1 2 3

10 Natalia P. 2 2 4

11 Sofia S. 2 2 4

12 Evelina S. 2 2 4

13 Artem P. 1 2 3

14 Taisiya T. 1 1 2

15 Anna T. 1 2 3

16 Denis L. 2 2 4

According to the results of the tasks performed, given the overall score, we distributed and obtained the following results presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

No. Name, Surname Child Complete Score Levels

1 Varvara B. 4 with

2 Daniel B. 3 NS

3 Varvara V. 4 with

4 Anastasia E. 4 with

5 Semen K. 4 with

6 Gregory K. 3 ns

7 Ivan K. 4 with

8 Ulyana P. 3 NS

9 Roman S. 4 with

10 Natalia P. 4 with

11 Sofia S. 3 NS

12 Evelina S. 4 with

13 Artem P. 3 ns

14 Taisiya T. 2 ns

15 Anna T. 3 ns

16 Denis L. 4 with

The results of the diagnosis in the percentage are presented in the diagram Figure 1.

As can be seen from Table 2 and Figure 1, 9 children(56%) are at the middle level, 7 children(44%) no children.

Analyzing separately each indicator, one can state that the greatest difficulty children caused the first task. Rhythmic patternAlthough with small inaccuracies, executed 9 children(56%, and the remaining 44% rhythmic The drawing is not suitable rhythm of a given melody.

With pleasure and desire to have danced under music 15 childrenbut they had no shift movements depending on the nature musical Work, his rhythm. One child could not reproduce in cotton rhythmic drawing melodies and perform movementcorresponding to character music.

Development of a sense of musical rhythm in children of primary preschool age in musical - rhythmic movements (Forming an experiment)

Based on the results of the stateing experiment, we outlined further work on development of a feeling of musical rhythm.

For further research activities, we divided this group children for two subgroups, 8 people each (experimental and control).

At the beginning of the formative experiment, we were formulated and the purpose of further work was set.

The purpose of the forming stage of experimental work is the development of a sense of musical rhythm in children of junior preschool age in musical - rhythmic movements.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Develop tasks for development of a sense of musical rhythm.

2. Conduct an experimental study.

An important role in B. development of a feeling of rhythmFirst of all, perform music - Rhythmic Exercises, as well as musical Games. In them, children reflect and transmit to movement Rhythmic Drawing Sound Music. Also in music games develop The speed of the motor reaction, the ability to quickly shift movements In accordance with the character music.

In our work, we used the following tasks on development of a feeling of musical rhythm:

"Feet and legs" MUZ. V. Agafonnikova

Audio recording was used "Feet and legs" MUZ. V. Agafonnikova.

Methodology: The teacher offers children to take a walk, but draws attention to what the rain passed, and puddles were formed on Earth. In order not to wet your feet, you need to step over the puddles. Children along with the teacher walk "Big feet". Then the teacher reports that the path is ahead and it is necessary to run. Children run "Little legs". Then movements are performed under the music accompanied by a pedagog singing. (Text songs: "The big legs went on road: Top top top top top top. Small legs fled on track: Top top top top top top, top top top top top. ") When the children are ascended movement for singing, exercise is carried out only under the instrumental music.

"The legs are having fun" MUZ. G. F. Vikhareva.

"The legs are having fun" music G.. F. Vikhareva.

Methodology: Teacher gives children to listen to a new song called "The legs are having fun", together with children, defines that the song is cheerful. Then offers children to dance. Teacher shows movement In accordance with the text of the song, and children repeat. Pays attention children on the rhythm of musicspeaking to perform movement you need friendly, Together together. In the first checkout ( "Like our guys, the legs are having fun") - they are hung one foot; In the second ( "And the legs are tired, clap in ladoshki» ) - clap your hands; in third ( "And then kids dance in the jail") - Perform "Spring"; And in the fourth ( "And how to run to run - not to catch up with them") - Ruffle "Ice" round. In the chives, children are circling "Topotchka". At the end of dance, teacher praises all children.

"Matryushki" Ed. L. E. Kazantseva.

Audio recording has been used "Matryushki" Ed. L. E. Kazantseva, Doll - Nevashka.

Methodology: The teacher says to children that a doll came to visit us - Nevashka. Children look like she swings. Then the teacher is asking children run alsolike a doll. Children perform movement, alternately tearing legs from the floor (transmit metric pulsation). After that, the teacher offers children to dance under music. Children are dancing a pedagog show, rhythmic performing movement, in accordance with the text songs: "We are nesting, that's what crumbs, and we have, and we have clean ladoshki"- Show ladoshki; "We are nesting, that's what crumbs, and we have, and we have new boots" - put the leg on the heel; "We are nesting, that's what crumbs, pay, pay, we want a little bit" - Perform "Spring"; "Oh, we are tired of dancing, now we will relax" - Swing your head. At the beginning of each crowd, the children sway from the legs on the leg, depicting matryoshki.

"Pink brushes" MUZ. G. F. Vikhareva

Audio recording has been used "Pink brushes" MUZ. G. F. Vikhareva.

Methodology: Teacher offers children to listen to the song "Pink cheeks" and determine the character music. Melody is very fun. Then the teacher invites children to dance. Children rhythmically perform movements In accordance with the text of the song on the pedagog show. In the first checkout (text songs: "Baby, kids - pink cheeks. And we, and we - call ladoshki") - Children rhythmically clap your hands, in the second ( text: "Kids, kids - pink cheeks. And we have cams - like a hammer ") – rhythmically hit the cam cam, in the third ( text: "Kids, kids - pink cheeks. And we have, and we have fun in the saddle! ") - Perform "Spring", and in the fourth buying ( text: "Kids, kids - pink cheeks. And we have, and we have a mouth on the lock! ") - forefinger rhythmically Apply to lips.

Music game"Sun and rain" MUZ. M. Rakhverger.

Melodia audio recording was used "Sun and rain" MUZ. M. Rakhverger.

Methodology: The teacher spends a conversation that children do on a walk when the sun shines (walk, play). What will they do if a rain suddenly go (will hide under an umbrella or under the roof). Then, children listen music"Sun and rain". After that, the teacher invites children walk. Music sounds calmFatherly. Pedagogue Poe t.: Looking at the sun in the window, shines in our room, and children quietly go in different direction, passing the metric pulsation with steps. Next Pedagogue sings: We praise in ladoshki, very happy with the sun. Children together with the educator clap in your hands, passing rhythm melody. Under the sounds of metalfone, the teacher reveals an umbrella, the sign "It is raining"And all children are hiding under the umbrella. A teacher. asks: "I did not sleep any rain, everyone managed to hide?" In consequence, this game can be used on a walk.

Check the effectiveness of the work done on the forming stage of the experiment (Control experiment)

In order to determine the effectiveness of the developed technique for development of a sense of musical rhythm in musical - rhythmic movements A control experiment was conducted, which was conducted with experimental and control groups.

Tasks of control experiment:

1. To identify the speaker development of a sense of musical rhythm in children of junior preschool age.

2. Determine the effectiveness of the developed methodology for the development of a sense of musical rhythm in children of junior preschool age in musical - rhythmic movements.

At this stage, the same diagnostic material and evaluation criteria were used as on the stating stage of the experiment.

The results of the control diagnostics in the experimental and control groups are shown in Table 4 and Table 5.

No. Name, Last Name Baby Task 1 Task 2 Common Score

1 Varvara B. 3 2 5

2 Daniel B. 2 2 4

3 Varvara V. 3 3 6

4 Anastasia E. 3 2 5

5 Semen K. 3 3 6

6 Grigory K. 2 2 4

7 Ivan K. 3 2 5

8 Ulyana P. 2 2 4

No. Name, Last Name Baby Task 1 Task 2 Common Score

1 Roman S. 1 2 3

2 Natalia P. 2 2 4

3 Sofia S. 2 2 4

4 Evelina S. 2 2 4

5 Artem P. 1 2 3

6 Taisiya T. 1 1 2

7 Anna T. 1 2 3

8 Denis L. 2 2 4

The individual dynamics of the effectiveness of the control diagnostics in the control and experimental groups is presented in the diagram Figure 2 and in the figure figure 3.

Figure 2. Individual dynamics of the results of the control diagnostics children experimental group.

Figure 3. Individual dynamics of the results of the control diagnostics children of the control group.

As can be seen from histograms, changes occurred in the experimental group. Especially improved results for two children. According to the results of the diagnosis, their overall result increased by two points. In the rest children The result improved on one ball.

Analyzing individual changes in the control group, it can be concluded that changes in the results at the test stage of the experiment children This group did not happen.

The overall picture of the distribution children control and experimental groups in levels development of a sense of musical rhythm You can see Table 6 and Table 7.

Table 6.

The results of the control diagnostics in the experimental group.

1 Varvara B. 5 with

2 Daniel B. 4 with

3 Varvara V. 6 in

4 Anastasia E. 5 with

5 Semen K. 6 in

6 Gregory K. 4 with

7 Ivan K. 5 with

8 Ulyana P. 4 with

Table 7.

The results of the control diagnostics in the control group.

No. Surname, Child Name Number of Points Level

1 Roman S. 3 NS

2 Natalia P. 4 with

3 Sofia pp 4 with

4 Evelina P. 4 with

5 Artem P. 3 ns

6 Tairiya T. 2 ns

7 Anna T. 3 ns

8 Denis L. 4 with

In the experimental group two children Moved to a high level, three improved their results to an average level. And three children They remained at the average level, but they have occurred in the results of individual indicators.

In the control group children no level changes occurred development of a sense of musical rhythm.

Distribution children on the level of development of a sense of musical rhythm According to the results of the control diagnostics in the experimental group, it can be seen on the diagram Figure 4.

Figure 4. Distribution children experimental levels development of a sense of musical rhythm

From the foregoing, it can be concluded about the effectiveness of the work done by us on the forming stage of the experiment.

3 Stage is the final stage.

Summing up implementation project

In the process of experienced - research work, we watched the children, conducted a conversation about the nature of the listened music and conducted a pedagogical experiment in three stages.

On the stating stage of the experiment, we revealed the level development of a sense of musical rhythm in children of preschool age. For diagnostics used two diagnostic tasks. First task for playing in cotton rhythmic Figure Melody Russian People's Song "Ah you sense", and the second - compliance movements of music, conformity rhythm movements rhythm music.

As a result, we revealed that 56% children are at the middle level, 44% children At the level below average. With high levels no children.

In the course of the formative experiment, we developed and conducted a focused work on the development of a sense of musical rhythm in children of junior preschool age in the process of musically rhythmic movements. At this stage, the hypothesis was inspected "if using music and Rhythmic Movements in Music Gamesit will contribute development of a feeling of musical rhythm».

The purpose of the test experiment is to identify the dynamics development of a sense of musical rhythm in children of junior preschool age control and experimental groups. Diagnostic results testified On the effectiveness of the method developed and conducted on the formative stage.

Thus, comparing the data of the statement and control experiment, we found out that the use of musical and rhythmic movements in music games contribute to the development of a sense of musical rhythm in children of junior preschool age.

As a result, the goal set at the beginning of the research work "to take the methodological recommendations to develop a sense of musical rhythm in musical and rhythmic movements in children of junior preschool age has been achieved. Proved hypothesis research: If using music and Rhythmic Movements in Music Gamesit will contribute development of a feeling of musical rhythm. The tasks are solved.

http: // www. Domisolka. nm. RU / Diagnostika / Tarasova. HTML

Diagnosis of children's musical abilities

(on Tarasova)

The second younger group.

Development of a lade feeling.

1. Emotional Responsiveness to Music. D. Kabalevsky "Clowns".

2 points - listens attentively, expresses its emotions in accordance with

the character of the work

1 point - slightly expresses emotions, distracted

0 points - indifferent to sounding music

2. Availability of favorite works.

3. Recognition of familiar songs.

2 points - found out on the melodia

1 score - I learned with words

0 points - did not recognize

5-4 points - high level

3-2 points - medium level

1-0 points - low level

1. .

0 points - refusal

5 balls - high level

4-3 points - average level

2-0 points - low level

Development of a sense of rhythm.

1. Reproduction in cotton rhythmic melody pattern (3-5 sounds).

2 points - reproduces exactly rhythm

1 score - reproduces meter

0 points - random cotton

2. Matching Movement Music Character. R. Gliere "Waltz".

1 point - movement complies with the nature of the music

0 points - the movement does not match the nature of the music, refusal

3. Matching Motion Music Rhythm. P. Tchaikovsky "Marsh wooden

Soldiers. "

4 - 3 points - high level

2 - 1 point - medium level

0 points - low level

The level of musical thinking.

1. Reproductive thinking.

Determine the genre of the work (using pictures). (What can be under this

music do?)

R. Schuman "Marsh", P. Tchaikovsky "Lyonka Song",

M. Glinka "Polka".

3 points - high (without errors)

2 points - medium (1 error, correctly chose the picture; determined

without errors, chosen the picture incorrectly).

1 - 0 points - low (2 errors, has not defined).

2. Productive thinking.

Play You, Sochine Your Music (3 Works). What was playing?

5 points are a musical thought, a complete melodic phrase.

4 points - the essay includes the elements of the melody and the original rhythm.

3 points - melodic and rhythmic monotony in all three essays.

2 points - just moves the plates, keys.

1- 0 points are the lack of melody and rhythm, refusal.

5 - 4 - high level

3 - 2 - Middle Level

1 - 0 - Low level

19 - 15 points - high level

14 - 7 points - medium level

6 - 0 points - low level

Medium group.

Development of a lade feeling.

1. Manifestation of interest in musical instruments.

2 points - manifests interest in the sound of the instrument, the desire to play

1 score - independently does not show interest, acts at the request

0 points - refusal

2. Availability of favorite works.

1 score - there are favorite works

0 points - no favorite works

3. Saying about the nature of music. (2 private form)

2 points - feels the character of music, association with a way

1 point - feels common, mood

0 points - failure or inconsistency of music and statements of the child

4. .

1 score - found out

0 points - did not recognize

5. Feeling tonic

3 points - one error

2 score - two errors

1 point - more than two errors

0 points - does not feel tonic

6. Comparison of the melody with the original (1st, 3rd playback - ending on tonic,

2nd, 4th - on the dominant).

3 points - correctly determines

2 points - with one mistake

1 point - with two errors

0 points - more than two mistakes

13 - 11 points - high level

10 - 5 points - Middle level

Musical and auditory views.

1. Singing a familiar song with escort.

2. Singing Alternate Points accompanied (after 2-3 listening).

5 points - purely intrins the whole melody

4 points - purely intrins separate segments of the melody

3 points - intrins the general direction of the melody

2 points - intrins 1-2 sound

1 point - pronounces lyrics in rhythm

0 points - refusal

3. Selection of a well-known speaker on the metal fond (3-4 sound).

2 points - coped myself

10 - 8 points - high level

7 - 4 points - medium level

4 - 0 points - low level

Development of a feeling of rhythm.


tools. V. Maikapar "in kindergarten".

1 score - reproduces meter

2. Compliance of movements with the character of music with contrasting parts.

3. (Using Rhythm change).

F. Ober Marsh from Opera Phenella.

1 point - movement corresponds to the rhythm of music

0 points - the movement does not correspond to the rhythm of music, refusal

General level of musical development:

28 - 21 points - high level

20 - 10 points - Middle level

9 - 0 points - low level

Senior group.

Development of a lade feeling.

1. Availability of favorite works.

1 score - there are favorite works

0 points - no favorite works

2. Music statement (contrast parts).

2 points - feels the character of each part, connects with a way

1 point - distinguishes the nature of contrast parts, does not associate with a way

0 points - failure or inconsistency of image and music

3. Recognition of a familiar fragment melody.

1 score - found out

0 points - did not recognize

4. Feeling tonic (Determine whether the melody is finished), 5 melodies.

4 points - correctly feel tonic

3 points - one error

2 score - two errors

1 point - more than two errors

0 points - does not feel tonic

5. Finish the starting melody on Tonic.

1 point - coped

0 points - not coped

9 - 7 points - high level

6 - 4 points - medium level

3 - 0 points - low level

Musical and auditory views.

1. Singing a familiar song with escort.

3 points - clean intrins the whole melody

2 points - intonates individual segments of the melody

1 score - intrins the general direction of the melody

0 points - pronounces the words of the song in the rhythm, refusal

2. Singing a familiar song without escort.

3 points - clean intrins the whole melody

2 points - intrins the direction of the melody

1 point - pronounces lyrics in rhythm

3. Singing Alternate Songs accompanied.

4 points - purely intrins separate segments of the melody

3 points - intrins the general direction of the melody

2 points - intrins 1-2 sound

1 point - pronounces lyrics in rhythm

0 points - refusal

4. Singing Alternate Songs without accompaniment.

5 points - purely intrins the melody

4 points - purely intrins separate segments of the melody

3 points - intrins the general direction of the melody

2 points - intrins 1-2 sound

1 point - pronounces lyrics in rhythm

0 points - refusal

5. Selection of rumor well-acquaint play.

2 points - coped myself

1 point - coped with an adult

0 points - not coped, refusal

6. Selection of hearing an unfounded speaker.

3 points - coped myself

2 score - coped with an adult

1 score - partially coped with an adult

0 points - not coped, refusal

21 - 18 points - high level

17 -8 points - medium level

7 - 0 points - low level

Development of a feeling of rhythm.

1. Playing the rhythmic pattern of the melody in cotton, on the drums

tools. D. Shostakovich "Gavot".

3 points - correctly reproduces rhythm

2 points - reproduces the rhythm, then the meter

1 score - reproduces meter

0 points - acts randomly

2. Matching movements of music With low-contrast parts.

D. Shostakovich "Lyrical Waltz".

1 score - movement correspond to the nature of the music

0 points - movements do not correspond to the nature of the music, refusal

3. Matching Music Rhythm Movements (Using Rhythm change)

1 point - movement corresponds to the rhythm of music

0 points - the movement does not correspond to the rhythm of music, refusal

5 - 4 points - high level

3 - 2 points - medium level

1 - 0 points - low level

General level of musical development:

35 - 27 points - high level

26 - 12 points - average level

11 - 0 points - low level

To properly organize the process of the development of the child's musical abilities, you need to know the initial level of its development. In this regard, the problem of diagnosis is relevant (Diagnosis - recognition - Greek).

What you need to diagnose (Diagnostic objects of the child's musical development)?

  1. Motivation in class music. 2. Special musical abilities. 3. Creative properties of a child.

It should be remembered that single test can not be accurateHe will not show all the possibilities and abilities of the child. Even the complex methodology is not effective if it will disposablediagnostic procedure.

Needless diagnostics process, because reliability and objectivity The results of this process grows in proportion to the amount of information.

Dual diagnostics can be carried out in the process. organization of the cycle of special musical educational situationswith children (group, subgroups, individual).

Diagnosis in Praslova Galina Adamovna (Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State. University. A.I. Herzen).

purpose - determine the level of development of musical abilities of pupils.

  1. Motivation in music classes

Its emotional experience of music, a living response to her sound, a desire to engage in various kinds of musical activity will be crucial in determining the musical abilities of the child.

  1. Special musical abilities

but) diagnostics of the feeling of rhythm Includes execution of tasks for playing in cotton rhythmic patterns of the sounded musical passage;

b) diagnosis of motor abilities, You can reveal in the process of various musical games. During the game the musical work is performed with a changing rhythmic pattern.{!LANG-f80c81012b47083df3a7ae2b755469f4!} {!LANG-28899416a80f4a6353db2118360ecc2c!}{!LANG-a4625f6f602bca8c226ed2b6cea26ee5!}

{!LANG-bdb3f67f96a22a4449a84ba41ef7d825!} {!LANG-49cfa370233747cba54eebefbdc06f39!}{!LANG-d9ec9fff02571b0cd7302c61cee270eb!} {!LANG-c9190db1e84ea2bf6c8b13f60ef33407!}{!LANG-678973520b8624c69f05a6daf63e80fe!}

{!LANG-a9638cdcde768842c301e1ca21f7593d!} {!LANG-484deb450f77a54f5ae7dcba5140d79e!}{!LANG-323aa2b6a29e5285c9be60b600285267!} {!LANG-59f4c6c395e5974d60eb558c8c06ef69!}{!LANG-94f024c44deca563663d82d8ca1253e0!}

{!LANG-9830e3801b5d38151da6d77fd9aedce0!} {!LANG-3cb29c5d1ff62fccfddd30cd7f48a9cc!}{!LANG-891b4502a44bf6596e1f71cc852e734f!} {!LANG-6c146453f23ca3a60f3d72c5325122b7!}{!LANG-83964d0d80000b2c93d76a701ff773d7!}
































{!LANG-e0ca7e81695152a21b8860bd8437add5!} {!LANG-9431b05623fdd55383702964c9af092e!} {!LANG-0b84b4a8c82287f75e409a57f402e701!}
Junior group
{!LANG-32aaa864e79a06ccf59ae9a07c552f20!} {!LANG-55c00c90c2c3e92b2a411c1653881fc7!} {!LANG-f3f6ba8b68ed576fff1e83f43ad684f3!}
{!LANG-fb63e840822c891eba61e299f80bf03d!} {!LANG-34cac7621a2ef00ff36dc9a108ba51e1!}
{!LANG-52c59ffde5112069a506d452391c3f9e!} {!LANG-9b1784a80ceb61782af7686e1d21e203!}
{!LANG-99a23ed7b05272bee1fadfefd44cb825!} {!LANG-bb662ea1a049b1a18e832174ac3cce71!} {!LANG-4ed97a045c5e2eba8e60fa34cd8e5e35!}
{!LANG-311b1cb2583d6d1d636c8e934983d81f!} {!LANG-e46309f737f8888c4d9e5f200f1a30b0!} {!LANG-d0a0b989f3f79fe028f021be3a3ce532!}
{!LANG-99993015d5a91b4e9ab0c8df26a937a0!} {!LANG-a71533cb6b1dceb5754e863cec99617b!}
{!LANG-0f9e6bf1745bacc9380ffa69f1a96042!} {!LANG-a551e1d97b20a460042315d5930b44ea!} {!LANG-2944b727d57a30479daf7e78f2a6816b!}
{!LANG-f6d9090d87b9855c364bffdffb7bda4b!} {!LANG-79e0f760c188d18198c193d66dccbf94!}





















































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{!LANG-ca4148d1541cf628f86477ceb9e1b04c!} {!LANG-b20d731dd97edf63604a397a618122e1!} {!LANG-c712422cb0d143952812e17f19e0ad55!}
{!LANG-f3d4e2ca0f387042f6b4ee388a6e387e!} {!LANG-1fde093699606b1f9016ab84109d3667!} {!LANG-8ed93014095a539b5b8e8333d91b47a3!}
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