The Bremen Town Musicians (musical). The Bremen Town Musicians

The Bremen Town Musicians (musical). The Bremen Town Musicians

The premiere of this bright and inspiring performance was preparing for the anniversary of the famous cartoon of the same name - the 45th anniversary, and here it is in front of you. The heroes of the story will appear before the audience in order to inspire and excite with the story of the romantic acquaintance of a reckless troubadour and a beautiful determined princess. A funny and charming four of animal friends, together with a troubadour, will cope with situations that can only be overcome together. They will overcome the deceit of the chieftain and the cruelty of her robbers, the indecision of the king and other vicissitudes of fate, in order to take the chosen one of the troubadour to the far wanderings, beyond the enticing horizon.

Of course, in the musical "The Bremen Town Musicians" the heroes will sing together songs that cause awe and a mischievous smile, make them sing along and empathize with what is happening... Songs without which we cannot imagine our childhood. Favorite tunes will become a time machine that brings back the times of youthful maximalism, the first experiences and painful memories, an invisible chain in the twilight of the theater hall uniting generations of one family. This touching story is an adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Musicians of Bremen", where the authors made the main characters a quartet of animals who decided to become musicians in search of a better fate. The authors of the Soviet cartoon added originality to the action, bringing romance and lofty feelings to the wanderings and cohesion of the heroes. It is this interpretation that is close to the audience.

There is no point in talking about a large and grateful audience of fairy tales: our dads and mothers know it, our children sing crazy motives. The creators of the modern musical "The Bremen Town Musicians" preserved the fun and enthusiasm of the animated film in the production, delicately and thoughtfully reworking the material for the stage version. Colorful costumes, the latest special effects, breathtaking stunts performed by acrobats added color to the action familiar from childhood, brought even more magic and energy to it.

Many of us know the Bremen Town Musicians in two interpretations: a fairy tale and a cartoon. They practically do not overlap from the point of view of the plot outline, moreover, the troubadour and princess, familiar to children from childhood, are not in the book at all.

The creators of the cartoon populated a rather dangerous fairy-tale world with people, rebuilt the castle and even staged a concert near it. Almost all the characters of the first cartoon sang in the voice of Oleg Anofriev, and only female vocals were composed by Elmira Zherzdeva.

The legendary Bremen ensemble underwent a third striking rebirth this year, when young, but already professional, artists took the stage. We went to the musical "The Bremen Town Musicians" with fear: what if the guys did not take the high bar set once by the creators of the cartoon? We shouldn't have worried.

The plot of the musical Bremen Town Musicians.
Perhaps it is too much waste to put the plot in a separate part of the article. The story of the musicians, told both in the fairy tale and in the cartoon, is widely known, and the main audience - children - knows it thoroughly. However, it is worth noting that the released performance, despite the obvious orientation towards cartoons, begins with the events described in the fairy tale. Due to the fact that this passage does not involve songs, the back story is shown briefly. The whole ensemble gets together in a matter of minutes, and now the Bremen Town Musicians are wandering along the road, singing their most famous road song. Then the plot flows into the familiar canvas of the cartoon, followed by a performance at the royal palace, the sudden outbreak of love between the troubadour and the princess, the chase, the famous detective with his pets, the return of the escaped daughter and the troubadour dressing up in the costume of a foreign artist.
The creators of the musical have slightly modernized all the dialogues, leaving the original songs. For example, the king had recognizable phrases like "I'm in shock", now and then there are modern words that simply could not be uttered at the time of the events described. Children, as the main audience, reacted well to these innovations, laughing exactly where they needed to. Whether they should understand some jokes at their young age is a question, but at least the action that unfolds on the screen really brings a smile from ear to ear.

Visuals and acting.
The production is remarkable not only for the elaboration of dialogues, but also for the visual side of the process. There are not many decorations, but a large number of them could spoil the whole undertaking, constantly distracting the viewer from the events. Of interest are mobile decorations, which periodically change beyond recognition: the wheel of the cart, as if by magic, turns into a huge curbstone - a pedestal for the chieftain, the cart can be the throne of the king, and so on. This mobility and changeability of objects forces the actors to fill in the pauses with dialogues that are not devoid of a fair amount of humor, so that the performance does not seem to be somehow ragged.
By the way, what about the actors? You and I got lost a little in the forest of scenery, plot twists and turns and other elements of the presentation and completely forgot about the most important thing. Meanwhile, it is worth dwelling on acting in more detail. Young people have wonderful voices and great transformation skills. It's amazing how much a person can change with a minimum of available tools.
Look at the photos. A donkey in a long coat and with a bandana on his head, the Dog in denim clothes and with long ears, the Rooster generally looks like a kind of colorful punk, and the Cat, as it should, appears before the audience in an elegant black suit. We can say that the Musicians have lost a fair share of their "hippie", which they had in the cartoon, but acquired a more youthful and slightly rocker flavor. In Russia, in general, two concepts - musical and rock opera - are extremely close. Animal roles of actors are a demonstrative reincarnation. The guys adopted the demeanor from their prototypes, which looks amusing on the big stage, and, at the same time, I personally find it very difficult. The rooster stutters, the characteristic pronunciation of the Donkey is also recognizable. Since several troupes are involved in the musical, I cannot objectively assess the play of all the actors: the role of the Dog is played by Oleg Malyshev and Dmitry Tolsky, the Donkey - Dmitry Novikov and Grigory Manokhin, Rooster - Anastasia Zakharova and Dina Belousova, and the Cat is played by Ekaterina Semyonova and Sofya Terekhova ...

Troubadour and Princess are similar to their cartoon prototypes. It's not even about the clothes, the singing skills of the actors are at their best, the demeanor is similar to cartoon characters as much as possible. By the way, there is only one charming Troubadour. Ilya Viktorov plays him, and to be honest, I sincerely feel sorry for him, because if other actors change depending on the composition, then he always remains on stage. The princess is played by Christina Dudina.

The two most charismatic characters in the musical are the King (Andries Jansson), with his glamorous court etiquette, and the Atamansha, played by another single actor, Evgeny Aksyonov, who also plays the detective. The latter I would especially highlight. The way Eugene's characters live on stage amazed me.

The musical Bremen Town Musicians is a definite hit of this season. It is not a sin to take children to it, it is not a shame to sit in the hall yourself. You can even come without children, as it will definitely not be boring. A cheerful, perky, kind story about the adventures of the famous ensemble is recommended to be consumed in the evening, preferably having slept off beforehand, since such a charge of energy at night may prevent you from falling asleep.

Marina Petrovskaya
Script of the musical "The Bremen Town Musicians" for senior preschool children

The Bremen Town Musicians

Musical based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm

Characters: Leader, Troubadour, Robbers, Princess, King, Cat, Dog, Rooster, Chieftain, Guard, Donkey, Detective (Beggar, Page, Jester, two Ladies.

First picture

Hall decoration: a panel depicting a royal castle, a forest road in front of it, trees on both sides.

Leading. Wonderful novels for you,

For guys and kids,

I'll tell you about the princesses

In the kingdom of foolish kings.

About funny musicians,

About the robbers of the forest

And many talents

Brilliant detectives.

A fairy tale tells quickly

Business is not done quickly.

Here in the morning on the road,

Leading to a noble castle

Without sadness and anxiety

The song rang out.

The Troubadour was in the cart,

Rooster and Dog and Cat,

Everyone howled in unison

Who will sing louder.

Performed "Song of Friends", sl. Yu. Entin, music. G. Gladkov.

Troubadour (pointing to the royal castle).

To the royal castle

We are in a hurry with friends

So that the people have fun

Was with us.

Sounds music"Road"... Friends head to the castle. The panel moves to the side. There is a throne against the central wall, on which the King sits. The Princess is sitting next to her on a small throne. Servants stand on the sides (Jester, Page, Ladies, Security)... The troubadour and his friends stop in front of the throne and bow.

Troubadour. We greet you, king,

A beautiful princess!

And our view

Let's get started without delay!

Sounds funny music"Performance"... Each character performs the action that the presenter tells about.

Leading. The Donkey lifted the weights,

The dog was spinning a wheel

Hopaka the Rooster danced,

He flapped his wings dashingly.

Well, the Cat has a trick -

This is a miracle beauty!

And the Princess was amazed -

The Troubadour. and fell in love!

Rooster dancing "Hopak"- dance creativity of the child.

Leading. It was getting dark and dark

The show was over.

They all went to bed -

Troubadour has no sleep!

And the beautiful Princess

I couldn't sit still

I missed and missed

She sang the song sadly.

Sounds "Song of the Princess and the Troubadour".

The central wall is again covered with a panel depicting the royal castle. The house of robbers is visible from the side. Sounds in a quiet background music"The robbers".

Dog. Everything in the forest is dark, dark

But one window is on fire.

Rooster. What can burn there?

Cat. Brothers, we should have a look!

Leading. The full moon is shining

The animals arose at the window.

Cat. Oh, forest robbers!

Rooster. They are terrible and evil.

Troubadour. Let's wait, find out what they are wondering about!

Leading. All the robbers are sitting

They look at the chieftain's mouth.

One half of the house opens. The robbers are sitting at the table. At the head of the table Atamansha.

Atamansha (evil and rude)... Did you sharpen all the axes?

Have you forgotten about the knives?

Robbers (ingratiatingly)... We did everything immediately

Atamansha you are with us!

Atamansha. Atamansha is the right word,

I'm ready for nasty things!

Performed "Song of the robbers".

Leading. The beasts with all their strength cried out,

Likhodeev was very scared.

The animals bark, meow, crow, and make noise.

And the robbers fled

They threw everything in the hut.

The robbers run behind the screen. The troubadour and the animals enter the house.

Troubadour. Let's stop here

We all found shelter here.

I need to sleep, it's already dark

The sun has been sleeping for a long time.

All animals are located on benches.

Leading. And in the morning - on the road

Someone's feet banged.

Performed "Song of the Guard"... A whistle is heard.

Leading. Whistle, alarm to the forest,

The king climbed up the tree.

A dashing song rang out

The bandit gang showed up.

The King hides behind a tree, the King's guards flee.

King (looking out from behind a tree)... Where are the guards? Where is the help?

I'm taking my legs away!

The supposed robbers tie the King to a tree and go to the robbers' house. In the distance is heard music, The king listens.

Leading. Along the path, past the house,

The troubadour was walking an acquaintance.

The melody sounds "Song of the Troubadour"... The troubadour walks past the King, tied to a tree, and pretends not to notice him.

King. I sit here tied,

I've been looking at you for a long time.

Can you untie me?

Troubadour. Glad to render a service!

The troubadour unties the King, then enters the house of the robbers. Sounds music"Clash of robbers with the Troubadour"... After that, the Troubadour leaves the house.

Troubadour. I'm glad for you to take the fight,

I'm glad for the honor of standing up.

King. I don’t forbid a princess to marry

And I promise to marry you today!

Troubadour. Then on the road, true friends,

Today is a great day for me!

Sounds "Polonaise"... The panel depicting the royal castle is gradually shifting to the side. Children are behind him. Performed old dance"Minuet" (or others.)... All the animals - friends of the Troubadour - come to the entrance to the hall. There is a Guard at the entrance.

Leading. So all the beasts got dressed up

And they stopped at the gate.

Security (in chorus)... The king told us not to let anyone in!

Leading. And the song sounded sadly

That was once sung together

The melody sounds "Songs Bremen Town Musicians» ... The animals slowly, bowing their heads, go around the hall and go behind the screen, the Troubadour and the Princess catch up with them, holding hands.

Second picture

"In the footsteps Bremen Town Musicians»

The Servant and the Page run into the hall. Enter the King. His head is bandaged. Everyone gasps and gasps.

Leading. What's wrong? Trouble!

Jester (with concern)... Our King suddenly fell ill!

Page. Don't worry, I said -

The king sent for the detective.

The king sits on the throne, the servants stand around him with a worried look. The Investigator runs in with a magnifying glass and looks through it at the walls, floor and all the servants. Sounds "The Sleuth's Song"... The King breaks down from his throne and runs up to the Investigator.

King. I ask you help,

Find your stupid daughter!

Detective. I need to know the signs!

King. I can tell you:

Braids - light brown (shows on himself,

Legs are slender - straight,

And the eyes, and the eyes,

Like a sea of ​​pearls.

Detective. I understood everything - I'm starting,

I will find everyone - I assure you.

They will not run away from me, I will find them underground.

The detective leaves. The panel again covers the central wall. The Troubadour appears with the Princess and friends. She stops in the middle of the room.

Cat. I congratulate you children!

I wish you happiness, joy!

Amicably, live merrily,

And you love each other.

The troubadour and the Princess whirl under music holding hands. The Detective comes out, disguised as the Beggar.

Beggar. Oh, where did I go?

I haven't been here before!

What are the screams in this place?

Cat. Here is the groom! And here is the bride!

Beggar. Who celebrates the wedding like that?

What awaits the bride?

Not here music, flowers!

No rings! And no poetry!

Troubadour. We will pick flowers now

And we'll bring it in a basket.

Everyone runs to pick flowers - behind the screen. The detective takes off the beggar's robe and grabs the Princess by the hand.

Detective. Here I got, girl,

You can't hide from me!

By order of the king

I'll bring you to the castle!

The detective pulls the Princess, she rests. The detective still turns her on for the panel. Troubadour and his friends run out into the clearing with armfuls of flowers.

Troubadour. Where is the Princess?

Dog. Hey, hurry up! Gather your friends here!

Friends go around the hall, go behind the screen. The panel moves aside. On the throne sits the King and cries, and next to him sits the Princess, turning away from the King. Sounds "Song of the King and Princess"... The troubadour sneaks into the castle and hides.

A princess. I, papa, would rather die,

Than I will change the Troubadour!

Troubadour (exits, looks at the audience with a sly smile).

We can save the princess

Take away from the castle in the morning.

Sounds music"Arrival Bremen Town Musicians» ... Enter Troubadour's friends - Dog, Cat, Rooster and Donkey.

All children come out in a chain, surround Bremen Town Musicians, Troubadour and Princess.

A princess (turning to the King)... Daddy don't you know

Our friendship cannot be broken!

Troubadour. The wind and the wave are friends

The sky and the moon are friends

You are my friend and I am your brother

Everyone is happy to make friends!

Then a song is sung "There is nothing better in the world", children leave the hall waving their hands to the audience in a chain.

    The Bremen Town Musicians (film, 2000) The Bremen Town Musicians Genre Musical Director Alexander Abdulov Scriptwriter Sergei Solovyov with the participation of Alexander Abdulov Starring ... Wikipedia

    The Bremen Town Musicians Genre Musical Director Alexander Abdulov Scriptwriter Sergei Solovyov with the participation of Alexander Abdulov Starring Philip Yankovsky Polina Tasheva Mikhail Pugovkin Alexander Abdulov ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see The Bremen Town Musicians (meanings). The Bremen Town Musicians (German: Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten) the Brothers Grimm's tale of wandering musicians ... Wikipedia

    The Bremen Town Musicians (German: Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten) is a tale by the Brothers Grimm about traveling musicians. Bronze statue of the "Bremen Town Musicians" at the Bremen Town Hall. 1953 Contents 1 Plot 2 ... Wikipedia

    The Bremen Town Musicians Co (film, 2000) The Bremen Town Musicians Co Genre Musical Director Alexander Abdulov Scriptwriter Sergei Solovyov with the participation of Alexander Abdulov ... Wikipedia

    The Bremen Town Musicians: "The Bremen Town Musicians" fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. "The Bremen Town Musicians" Soviet cartoon. "The Bremen Town Musicians" is a Russian musical. "The Bremen Town Musicians Co" Russian film ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see The Bremen Town Musicians (meanings). Bremen Town Musicians Co Genre Musical ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see The Bremen Town Musicians (meanings). Bremen Town Musicians Type ... Wikipedia

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