Where is the Zvezdinsky Mikhail Leonidovich Nautical Officer. Mikhail Zvezdinsky

Where is the Zvezdinsky Mikhail Leonidovich Nautical Officer. Mikhail Zvezdinsky
Where is the Zvezdinsky Mikhail Leonidovich Nautical Officer. Mikhail Zvezdinsky

Mikhail Zvezdinsky - Eminent Chance, whose biography is comparable to the plot of the classic "Bloomy" song: The singer had to survive a prison sentence, the life of life behind bars and joy from rare dates with his beloved woman. However, despite all the peripetics of his hard share, the artist found the strength to compose songs and fulfill them, pleaseing the numerous fans of the genre.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Daenekin is such a real name of the singer - Born on March 6, 1945 in the Moscow region Lyubertsy. The name Zvezdinsky cannot be called a pseudonym: The fact is that I was worn by the Polish ancestors of Mikhail Mikhailovich, however, she was somewhat different - Gwwejdinsky. The grandfather and father of the future star chanson repressed and shot, and Mom, in various information, or was forced to leave the child and leave, or also hit the repression of the time. Therefore, brought up a little Mikhail Grandma.

This woman brought up in the noble traditions, managed to instill love for ancient romance. In addition, since childhood, Zvezdinsky was interested in the events of the 1917 revolution and what was happening later.

Mikhail was especially close to the fate of the White Guards - this topic will later repeatedly appear in the artist's works. As the singer later recognized in an interview, grandmother's stories about the Tsarist Russia and the defeated grandfather determined the attitude of Zvezdinsky to the period.

However, despite the care and hard attention of the grandmother, the lack of parental education affected the behavior of Mikhail, who grew up a naughty teenager. Zvezdinsky has repeatedly excluded from schools, the young man spent a lot of time on the street in dubious companies.

Interest in music from Zvezdinsky also appeared in adolescence. First, the young man mastered the guitar, and then graduated from the music school by choosing the class of drum tools.


Already at 15, Mikhail Zvezdinsky began to earn speeches in cafes and restaurants, as well as in local DK and on open areas. At first, the singer chose the works of famous executors of Chanson, however, on his own admission, always dreamed of more: the dream of Zvezdinsky was to perform songs of their essay, which he considered much more interesting than the traditional "restaurant" repertoire of that time.

Many copyright compositions Mikhail Mikhailovich of that period raise the topics of emigration, as well as the heroism of the White Guard movement: the fate of the singer's family was affected, as well as the work of the "White Guard", beloved by Zvezdinsky.

The most famous songs of the so-called "White Guard Cycle" were "you are waiting for Paris" and "Lieutenant Golitsyn", which remain popular so far.

Song Mikhail Zvezdinsky "Lieutenant Golitsyn"

The last song for a long time was also considered the author's work of Zvezdinsky, but afterwards the artist confessed that he was borrowed from George Goncharenko, General Kolchakov army. There are disputes on the authorship of this composition to this day, and you can hear "Golitsyn's lieutenant" in the performance of Mikhail Mikhailovich and, and other stars of the city romance.

In 1962, Music Career Zvezdinsky almost cutbed: a man for one year entered into custody for theft. Four years later, the singer again received a prison sentence, this time for desertion. And in 1973 it once again found himself behind the bars, accused of rape of Italian citizen.

As Mikhail Mikhailovich was recognized later, he had a novel with this Italian beauty, but at that time communication with foreigners was monitored by state security authorities. Therefore, Italian soon straightened to his native country, and the singer was charged with rape.

Being in conclusion, Mikhail Zvezdinsky continued to work on new compositions, and released, released several albums. It seemed free life was settled. In the 1980s, the artist began to speak with the Joker ensemble and the Favorite group.

Mikhail Song Song "Two Keeps for Happiness"

However, in the will, chanson stayed for a long time: in the same year, Zvezdinsky received the next six years of imprisonment in a correctional camp - for the cottage of bribes and unlawful private entrepreneurship. During the "rejection", Mikhail Mikhailovich significantly replenished his own discography and wrote many songs that were popular among the fans of the genre.

In 1988, the singer was released and, returning to Moscow, continued to engage in his favorite thing - to give concerts, write down new compositions and take clips. The photo of the artist of the urban romance returned to posters and reversal of newspapers: Mikhail Zvezdinsky again became popular.

Personal life

Despite all the difficulties and informances of fate, the personal life of Mikhail Zvezdinsky has developed happily. With the future wife of Nonaya Gennada chanson, met in 1979, and the year later, the prison lattice was separated later. Nevertheless, the woman gained determination and in 1981 achieved a date with his beloved.

Happiness lasted only five days, and after Nonna and Mikhail, a son was born. The boy was given the name of Art - "Art." But, as the singer is recognized, relatives more often call him with the usual hearing Artem.

In an interview, Mikhail Zvezdinsky does not get tired of repeating, which is grateful to the spouse for support. For 16 years, throughout the long-term solards of the eminent husband, Nonna Gennadyevna as he could helped him and continued to love and wait. Mikhail Mikhailovich, laughing, compares the beloved with the wives of the Decembrists.

Mikhail Zvezdinsky now

Now Mikhail Zvezdinsky, despite the honorable age, continues to delight fans with the appearance at concerts. Most often, chanson appears in the anniversaries of colleagues in the genre and at the events of Radio Chanson.

In addition, other artists are permanently performed by the immortal composition "charming, stormy" (per poems). So, in 2018 it was she who chose a singer for speaking on the TV show "Three Chords".


  • 1986 - "At the zone in two guitars"
  • 1990 - "DON'T LOSE Your Courage"
  • 1991 - "For Cordon Russia"
  • 1993 - "Trail of Love"
  • 1994 - "Charming, Okoldovana"
  • 1996 - "Wolves"
  • 1997 - "We are born in Siberia"
  • 1998 - "And the path and a long, and far"
  • 2000 - "Russia XXI Century"
  • 2002 - "Moscow-Peter"
  • 2004 - "Forward and Up"
  • 2006 - "Phoenix"
  • 2011 - "Believe in bright dreams"
  • 2012 - "Ingeok"

Mikhail Zvezdinsky ... of this artist and the author of the Russian chanson today knows the whole country. At different times, his songs were sang by Maya Kristalinskaya and Joseph Kobzon, Mikhail Gulko and Alexander Malinin, Jeanne Bichevskaya and Stas Mikhailov, the group "White Eagle" and Mikhail Shufutinsky, Mikhail Chuev and many others.


Star Mikhail Mikhailovich was born in Lyubertsy, in the Moscow region, the sixth of March 1945. His real surname on Father - Daenekin. However, as Mikhail himself always says, Zvezdinsky is not a creative pseudonym. This is how the surname of His ancestors from Poland is translated into Russian, which sounded as "Gwwerinsky", who after the Shankhetsky uprising moved to St. Petersburg and became Russians in spirit.

The grandfather of the singer, who was a colonel of the royal army, was shot as seven years before his birth. He was a military builder and raised bridges. Father, to avoid the participation of his grandfather, went back to Poland. Mikhail's mother - Lydia Semenovna, who worked in the KB at the aviation plant, was repressed.

The future artist Russian chanson brought up his grandmother. She was a real nobleman who graduated from the Smolny Institute. It was the grandmother and inspired the grandchildren of a tremendous love of Russia pre-revolutionary. On the motives of her stories about the royal empire and her officers, about the grandfather Mikhail, his memories of the civil war later and songs from the White Guard cycle were created.

Childhood memories

On the summer months, the family went to Tomilino, where they had a cottage, and in the winter he returned to the city, to the Moscow apartment in Nastasyinsky lane. Later, Mikhail Zvezdinsky will remember that from early childhood was incredibly restless than a lot of worries mom and grandmother delivered. He was excluded several times from school, despite academic education. If the rest of his peers read fairy tales about Moydodyra, then Misha was already familiar with the work of M. Tsvetaeva and N. Gumilyev, knew Pasternak poems.

Love for music

In nine years, the future chanson has already been fond of Mikhail Bulgakov and even managed to read the "White Guard" and "Run" by this time. In preschool age, Mikhail Zvezdinsky began to get involved in musical creativity. Its first tool was a guitar, taken from Colonel-grandfather.

Lydia Semenovna, noticing how many hours on the day his son "torments" a family relic, penetrating the understanding, recorded a child in a music school located in the town of Zhukovsky. But, to the great grief of Misha, the guitar was not studied there. Therefore, he had to retrain the drummers for a while. But the boy was not very upset. At that time, just entered jazz, so good drummers in the bands were "on the weight of gold."

Career musician

With fifteen years, the future celebrity is already performing in various cafes and clubs, sings on dancelords. Since the end of the fifties, Mikhail Zvezdinsky appears in Moscow jazz centers in the most different musical groups. He performed at the very popular cafe: "Youth", "Aelita" and "Blue Bird". His partners in jazz parties were then elderly Georgy Garanian, Leonid Chizhik, Alexey Teeth, Alexey Kozlov and others.

First independent work

However, in adult companies already "masted" musicians, Mikhail Zvezdinsky felt the figure of the second plan. Moreover, he was often offended by the fact that the senior comrades relate to him condescendingly, in Oeta, not letting it reveal his talent in full force. Mikhail himself believed that his work was much wider than those borders that senior colleagues were discrained. From fourteen years, the future chanson wrote songs. They could comply with the competence of the works that sounded in those years in restaurants believed Zvezdinsky.

Mikhail, all the songs of which at that time had one topic - emigration and the White Guard movement - was still impressed by the creativity of the writer Bulgakov. Yes, and close communication with cousin Igor Gorozhkin also imposed her mark on his first works. The latter, being a graduate student, studied the history of white movement.

It is thanks to these factors, at the beginning of the sixties, Mikhail Zvezdinsky creates a large cycle of songs on this topic. The most famous of them - "Paris" and "Lieutenant Golitsyn" are waiting for you - popular until today. True, over time, he admits that the author of the melody of the latter is the Major General of the Kolchakov army G. G. G. Goncharenko.

Concert activity

Many works that today are executed by the Russian chanson, in the Soviet years were prohibited. But they still listened to them. Not once the organization of underground concerts was engaged in Mikhail Zvezdinsky. "Candles", "Lieutenant Golitsyn" and his other songs first sounded precisely on them.

In 1980, he, together with the vocal-instrumental ensembles, "Favorit" and "Joker" recorded the first concerts. In the same year, Mikhail Zvezdinsky was arrested and received six years for a private entrepreneurship and a gift of bribes. However, the singer did not forget about music for a minute. In 1986, he was able to record his famous songs in 1986: "The son of the priests and a lecturer", "go to the north", "I will tell you about your", "Rastratchikov are carrying from Leningrad," the process "is completed", " The plan was born, "" Pigeons fly over our zone. " They all entered the album called "in the zone in two guitars."


In 1988, Zvezdinsky, returning to Moscow, continued his creative activity. He is a registered author of many songs. It must be said that many performers sang songs that Mikhail Zvezdinsky wrote. "Charming, Okoldovanna" for the words of Zabolotsky, "Wolves" and "Senokos", "Cat Black", "Boys-Balances", "go to the north", "We go out in the attack", "fade roses", "Bacillla and Plague "... And although all these works in the Russian author's society are registered precisely for his name, some of the" comrades on the workshop "involvement of the Zvezdinsky to their creation is doubt.

The songs that Mikhail Zvezdinsky wrote - "Burning, Candles cry", "Bacillus and Plague", "Rasters are carrying from Leningrad", "Lord officers", "Last Dawn", "I walked all of Russia", "Prostitute Burvelova" - Performed and A. North.

Personal life

Mikhail Zvezdinsky's wife - Nonna Gennadievna. She waited for him from prisons and camps for sixteen years, for which the singer is incredibly grateful to her. Their relationship began to be developed in 1979, and in the 1980s Zvezdinsky planted. A year later, Nonna arrived at him in a correctional labor camp. Mikhail has achieved a long-term date for five days, and after nine months, their son was born in the spouses. Boy parents called Art - from the word "art". However, close relatives, reinforcing to the more familiar, Artem, began to call him so.

Until now, Mikhail Zvezdinsky stands for the health of the spouse. A singer considers his wife a real Decembrist: after all she went to him from Moscow for ten thousand versts, not only by train or plane, but also on helicopters, dogs and even deer.

Curious facts

In 1990, Russian Bard Alexander Lobanovsky began a lawsuit against Mikhail Zvezdinsky. In his lawsuit, he pointed out that the latter assigned his songs, among which such hits, like "burning, crying candles" and "charming, beyond", "faded roses" and others. And despite the fact that Lobanovsky managed to win the court, in the Russian author's society, nevertheless the creators of controversial works, with the exception of the "prostitute Burvel", "I walked on the night" and "okut", both author are indicated.

In Zvezdinsky, during his life several times there were problems with the law. In 1962 he was deprived of his freedom for theft of jewels and cars. Repeatedly condemned already in 1966 for desertion for three years, and in 1973 - another three for contact with foreign citizen.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zvezdinsky (real surname - Daenekin) - Artist of the Russian chanson.

Mikhail Zvezdinsky was born March 6, 1945 in the city of Lyubertsy Moscow Region. "Surname Zvezdinsky is by no means a scenic pseudonym. My ancestors come from Poland, and even if you are absolutely accurate, then my surname would have to sound the Polish manner somewhat differently - Gwwerinsky. But in 1861, after the Shankhetsky uprising, the family moved to St. Petersburg and became Russian, and not only by last name - in spirit. Inherited from my grandfather I got two guitars. He was a colonel of the royal army, a military builder, a bridge specialist. He was shot seven years before my birth, in the 38th year, as former ... "

Childhood Mikhail Zvezdinsky was not of the lungs. At the time of his birth, his father went to Poland, and the child was brought up with her grandmother and mother - Lydia Semenovna Deineekina, who worked in the KB of the Aviation Plant. In the summer, the family lived at the dacha in Tomiline, in winter - in Moscow, in Nastasinsky Lane.

Fascinated, beyond,
With the wind in the field once a meant,
All of you as if in the shackles are claimed
Preciously you are my woman.

Not funny, not sad,
As if from the dark sky, the
You and my wedding song
And the star you are my crazy.

Zvezdinsky Mikhail Mikhailovich

Mikhail Zvezdinsky recalls: "Since childhood I was very restless. From school, I was excluded several times, although the upbringing I got very good. Grandma finished once a Smolny Institute, and therefore, instead of all sorts of Moidoders and other Soviet nonsense, I read Marina Tsvetaeva, Nikolai Gumilyov, Boris Pasternak. At nine years, I became interested in Mikhail Bulgakov - I read "Run", "White Guard".

While still a preschooler, Mikhail Zvezdinsky became interested in musical creativity, and his first tools were two guitars that were taken from grandfather. Mother, looking at how the Son is tormented by family relics for several hours a day, imbued with understanding and took Mikhail to a music school in the city of Zhukovsky. However, the guitar was not studied there, so the future artist from the guitarist retracted into the drummer. But he was not upset. In those years, the jazz was partitioned, and good drummers in jazz-bands were valued by the weight of gold.

In the late 50s, Mikhail Zvezdinsky in the composition of various musical groups acts in the centers of the capital jazz - Cafe "Aelita", "Youth", "Blue Bird". Among his partners in jazz partners of those years were Georgy Garanyan and Alexey Kozlov, Leonid Chizhik, Alexey Teeth and others. However, in this adult company, Zvezdinsky felt a figure in Spades, he was sometimes offended that the elder comrades belong to it in a well condescendingly, practically did not give him to reveal in full force.

Mikhail Zvezdinsky himself believed that his talent was much wider than the framework that the senior colleagues were discrained. For example, he began to write songs from fourteen. According to Mikhail, they could easily compile competition with his works that sounded in those years from restaurant layouts. The theme of most of his songs was emigration, the White Guard movement. Why exactly these topics became the basis of the first songs of Zvezdinsky? The fact is that. In addition to hobbies at the early age of Mikhail Bulgakov, Mikhail Zvedinsky learned a lot from communicating with his cousin Igor Gorodeankin, who, as postgraduate-historian, was engaged in the history of white traffic. Thanks to these circumstances, in the early 60s, Starsdinsky wrote a cycle of songs on this topic, the most famous of which were two: "Paris is waiting for you" (1960), "Lieutenant Golitsyn" (1961).

On January 15, 1974, Mikhail Zvezdinsky was convicted for three years in prison for the rape of his girlfriend-Italian, which KGB staff sent to their homeland.

"Once again, Zvezdinsky was arrested in the fall of 1973 during the Sea Cruise Odessa - Batumi. Moreover, the KGB staff participated in Tom Arrest. Why exactly they? The fact is that Mikhail Zvezdinsky at that time twisted love with Italian, and such cases were within the competence of state security bodies. Italian was sent to their homeland, and Zvezdinsky accused ... In her rape and on October 19, 1973, a new term was paid - three years in prison. True, it was not possible to serve him completely singer - on January 15, 1974, he was released from serving the sentence in a correctional and labor colony and aimed at the construction of the national economy - to "Chemistry". There Mikhail Zvezdinsky worked until 1976

On December 18, 1997, the car "Volkswagen Golf" 1985 of the production belonging to the singer Mikhail Zvezdinsky.

"Despite the fact that Mikhail Zvezdinsky 16 years old spent in captivity, he periodically arises with a criminal environment. In the mid-90s, the veils were hijacked twice with him, and once the office of his company once wondered - they took almost all the equipment and records. The sad record was established in December 1997, when during the week to the Zvezdinsky and his native thieves visited twice.

The first person was injured by the spouse of Nonna, who came across an old trunk with a punctured wheel. She came to the store on Rublevsky highway on his "Skoda", parked her at the entrance and went shopping. It was absent somewhere around half an hour. And when he returned, he discovered that one wheel of the car was lowered. In the same moment, two fought young men ran to a woman who offered her services. The lady naturally agreed. Repair lasted a few minutes, and when he ended and Nonna finally sat in the car, she discovered that her handbag disappeared from the salon. The terrible thing was that there was a fee for artists who performed with her husband.

The next trouble in the artist's family occurred a few days later - December 18. This time, the Zvezdinsky lost the car "Volkswagen Golf" of 1985. Artist Mikhail Zvezdinsky During the time he lent the car to his director, and she left him for the night at the house on the walnut pass. The car was equipped with two alarms, so the woman was not afraid for its safety. However, for metropolitan hijackers there are no locks. When the director in the morning looked out the window, there was no car. In the cabin of the stolen foreign car, there were notebooks and posters with the announcements of the speeches of Zvezdinsky. "

Mikhail Shufutinsky: "I want to jump with a parachute!"

Mikhail Zakharovich recently, on April 13, celebrated his 71st birthday. And exactly a week - April 20 - the Legend of Chanson in Russian will rise to the Kremlin scene to get the "Chanson Year - 2019" award. On the eve of the celebration, the artist told, for which he loves Instagram and does not like the Palaces of Sports, why was afraid to work with the "All Around The World" hit and what he dreams of 71 years old.

Time is inexorable rushing forward. Already on this Saturday, April 20, a show will be held in the State Kremlin Palace, which all the admirers "Radio Chanson" would be waited, all those who are not indifferent to our genre and just lovers of good songs. I'm talking about the solemn ceremony of presenting the "Chanson Year - 2019" award. For artists who will receive figurines with a gold guitar margin, this is also not an ordinary event. Alexander Marshal believes that this is a common star reward and fans.

It is possible that in the near future drivers at the entrance to the intersection will have to not only reduce the speed and follow the interference on the right and left, but also to dig in wallets. At the International Navigation Forum, they will discuss the idea of \u200b\u200btaking a fee for the unimpeded passage of loaded crossings. However, it is at will. If there is time, no one bothers to stand in traffic. Is free.

Do you know what a UMO is? This is not the control of mobile detachments, no corner of a young optimist. This is an in-depth medical examination. The procedure that athletes are required to pass. But only the conditions of passage will somehow differ. Our glorified snowboarder, the winner of the Olympic Games and the winner of the World Cup Alena Zavarzina to pass by UMO could not. That is, she was reported after the Olympic Games in Pchenchhan, where she showed the best among Russians - the fourth. Here is such a UMO, to ...

(1945-03-06 ) (73 years) Place of Birth Lyubertsy
Moscow region ,
the USSR
Country the USSR the USSR Russia Russia Professions singer Years of activity - Naz. time Instruments guitar, drums Genres Chanson, Bloom Song Pseudonyms Mikhail Zvezdinsky zvezdinskiy.ru.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zvezdinsky (Real Last Name Daenekin; Rod. March 6, Lyubertsy, Moscow region, USSR) - Artist of the Russian chanson.


Father Mikhail Evgenievich Daenekin and Grandfather Evgeny Pavlovich Daenekin (Junker of the Tsarist Army) were shot before the birth of Zvezdinsky. Mother Lydia Semenovna Daenekina was also repressed, and the future artist brought up grandmother - a nobleman who graduated. She grabbed the love of pre-revolutionary Russia. Based on its stories about life in the Russian Empire, officers, the grandfather of the Zvezdinsky and Civil War and were written songs of the White Guard Cycle. The first of them was the romance "you are waiting for Paris", written in 1960.

He graduated from the Music School in the class of shock tools. C 15 years began to perform in various clubs, cafes and on dancelords.

In the 1970s he was fond of fashionable at the time of karate.

Video on the topic


Mikhail Zvezdinsky is registered in the Russian author's company by the song "Lieutenant Golitsyn" (the author of the text performed by Zvezdinsky is unknown), "Sgorody, Candles cry", "Charming, Okoldovanny" (the words of Nikolay Zabolotsky), "go north" (words are unknown ) "Wolves", "Senokos", "We go to the attack", "fade roses", "boys, whiskers", "Cat black", "Bacillla and Plague" (words - unknown) and others, although in some cases it Authority is questionable.