The funniest last name. Funny Ukrainian surnames

 The funniest last name. Funny Ukrainian surnames
The funniest last name. Funny Ukrainian surnames

Ukrainian names are very well common, not to mention the names. When Kievan Rus appealed to Christianity, beautiful words began to emerge, which were subsequently became Ukrainian. The Christian church calendar states that the basis of all data is it. So what is the magic of the Ukrainian language?

Ukrainian names and surnames

The origin of the Ukrainian surnames is a long story, which is rooted in the past for several centuries ago. There is one very curious fact: Ukrainian data entered the use of much earlier than Russians or English. The first surnames were with a suffix -Enko, which is now known and even habitual. But few knows that this is one of the most ancient suffixes, which refers to the 16th century.

Each word was given to people not just so, it meant something. So, for example, the common surname Mainrenko has a translation "Freedom", i.e. Someone in the family was not serf, but had the right to be a master. The ethnic Ukrainian can be in a group having a long history due to the presence of some specific signs of education of the surname.


Ukrainian surnames Men's depends on endings and from suffixes is the most important building indicator. Formed for a long time, relying on the nicknames of people, their professions, appearance and region of living, so they could receive them on the basis of the specifics of their activities. Common suffixes on the alphabet, playing a major role in the formation of data, this is:

  • -Hike-;
  • -ko-;
  • -Ok-;
  • -Nap-;
  • -AR (ARY) -;
  • -shin-;
  • -B-.


Ukrainian family names are formed in the same way as men's. Here are a little change in the end, they have a decline, but only because of this you can understand that the woman is before us. Also, forms for girls exist not for everyone. There are such data that do not change, i.e. Suitable for both sexes right away. Examples of suffixes are the same as given above. But it is best to disassemble at a visual version.

  1. Pilipenko. Applies to a man and a woman equally.
  2. Serdyukov - on mentioning in this case, it is clearly seen that this is a man. Serdyukova - a decline with adding the letter "A" can no longer think that this is a male floor. A woman such consonance is suitable much more.

Funny Ukrainian surnames

A dictionary of Ukrainian surnames Pottit is unusual, funny data, which even for the names are strange. No, it's not at all in ridicule. They are simply really very funny, funny, few people gain courage to give her child a similar name. Although, for Ukraine, such names are considered the best of all:

  • Ladle;
  • Golka;
  • Do not shoot;
  • New Chleb;
  • Thinness;
  • Smoked;
  • Fear;
  • Pipko-informant;
  • Cattle;
  • Kochmarik;
  • Jewel;
  • Gurragchi;
  • Surdul;
  • Boshar;
  • Govna.

The list can be continued infinitely, there are not the most successful options at all that sound not very aesthetic. But what to do, this is the Ukrainian language, and we must respect it.

Beautiful Ukrainian surnames

Beautiful Ukrainian surnames whose list is extensive. There are familiar data here, which are often found. The data is really very interesting, well-known, and most importantly - consonant.

  • Tkachenko;
  • Stepanenko;
  • Plushenko;
  • Leshchenko;
  • Skripko;
  • Goncharenko;
  • Sobchak;
  • Tishchenko;
  • Vinnichenko;
  • Tymoshenko;
  • Romanyuk;
  • Onishchenko;
  • Guzenko.

West Ukrainian

Western Ukrainian surnames are the owners of suffix -, it meets absolutely everywhere. For example, Ivali, Ivaniv, Ivanviv. In general, in Western Ukraine there are not so many endings and suffixes, therefore the people limited himself to the main additions to the data, without declining: -vich-, -ych-, -, -Evich- and-Oich. That's all the variety. If the word will end on one of these suffixes, you should immediately determine that it is exclusively Western Ukraine. For example, here are a number of known names that belong to the Western Ukrainian Deposition System:

  • Mishkevich;
  • Koganovich;
  • Mrych;
  • Yenukovich;
  • Gorbatsevich;
  • Bekonovich;
  • Vicique;
  • Stroganovich;
  • Starrejtovich;
  • Gudsevich;
  • Bykovich;
  • Kpecch.


There are also a dozen - the most common Ukrainian surnames that not only occur at every corner, but also are considered the most popular of all. A large number of famous people are owners of real names of Ukrainian origin, for example, astronauts, politicians, etc. List of Ukrainian surnames:

  1. Strelbitsky.
  2. Kraverk.
  3. Kravchenko.
  4. Koval.
  5. Kravchuk.
  6. Kovalchuk.
  7. Press.
  8. Butko.
  9. Khrushchev.
  10. Matvienko.

How Ukrainian names are inclined

Are Ukrainian names inclined? In general, the male surname will always approach this rule. But there is also another significant rule: non-Russian surnames, which end with consonants, are necessarily inclined, and foreign data relating to non-Slavic traditions with the end of the vowels - remain unchanged. The female side is not as flexible, since there are some suffixes that simply fall out. So, women have to walk all their lives with male data, but this does not upset them, because in most cases these names are very concise and beautiful.


Everyone is special in his own way. Some have an unusual appearance, others - a beautiful voice, and some are an interesting surname. Surname is a part of a person's life. She can cause admiration for others, but at the same time be a reason for ridicule. By surname, identify the roots very easily, it is enough to hear the ending. In the past, people were selected by their name according to the profession, so most of the names are consonant with the types of work.

Each people have the features of their own culture, as well as the difference in the surname suffixes. Several examples of different nationalities:

  • russians have endings -Ev, -s. Popular species: Smirnov, Ivanov.
  • ukrainian ends on -ko, -uk, -yuk. Popular: Shevchenko, Nazarchuk, Serdyuk.
  • belarusians are distinguished by the end of -One, --ko, -Is. Examples: Rabkov, Kuzmich, Vladyko.
  • moldovans apply ending -U -an. For example, Rotaru, Marian.

Listed nationality can be long enough, but each will have its own special approach. Slavic surnames may have the same ending, but they will sound completely different.

Ukrainian Cossacks

Cossacks played a huge role in the Ukrainian people's mistake. It was in the 15th century that the emergence of Cossacks led to the strengthening of the People's Spirit.

Most of the surnames gained their principle from Cossack times. Men's options have gained great success, as Cossacks meant only the presence of men. Women's options did not gain due popularity.

There was a Don Cossack, where nobles were present. Options for surnames:

In addition to Ukrainian surnames, many other Slavic options were present in the Don Cossacks.

Dictionary of Ukrainian names

Ukrainian language is famous for its pleasant sound, as well as unusual. It is closely connected with Russian and Polish, so some words are easy to remember.

Each of them need to consider:

Families are completely different. The list is replenished with some funny options. For the Ukrainian language is a common cause. In addition to funny options, there are popular female surnames, such as:

  • Tymoshenko.
  • Tkachenko.
  • Abramenko.
  • Cornienko.

The country is famous for its Cossack traditions, as well as the beauty of Ukrainian. Some of the names in the root have patronymic:

  • Grigorenko.
  • Panasenko.
  • Romanenko.

It is possible to distribute the Hoklyatsky language in any sphere. It sounds pleasantly and unusual to use. If a person wants to change the surname to the Ukrainian, then this list will help learn approximate options.

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Origin of surnames.

History of Ukrainian surnames- One of the oldest in Europe. Already in the XVII century, almost all Ukrainians had hereditary birth naming. For example, France simply began to receive last names at the beginning of the XIX century, Russian peasants - after the abolition of serfdom in 1861. However, for a long time, Ukrainian surnames were not legalized and could repeatedly change. Only at the end of the XVIII century, they acquired legal status as all the names of Austria-Hungary, where Ukraine was included.

Methods for education surnames.

List of Ukrainian surnames by AtFavit He indicates their huge variety by the method of education. One enumeration of suffixes, with the help of which they were created, will take a considerable place. Here is the unconditional leader - suffix -Enko. Initially, he emphasized the connection with his father and meant the "son of the current." Petrenko - Son Peter, Romanenko - Son of Roman. Later he lost its ancient value and served as an addition to the nickname and professions - Zubnechko, Melnichenko.

If viewed dictionary of Ukrainian names, you can see a certain number of surnames with suffixes -ski, -tsky, which speaks of Polish influence (Artemovsky, Khmelnitsky). Usually such names were assigned to priests. At the same time, in Western Ukraine, to distinguish the Ukrainian from shirt, surnames are formed on -K, -Yuk. First, the basis for them was the baptized names, then any others - Gavrilyuk, Zakharchuk, Popelnyuk.

Among the Ukrainian surnames often meet such, in which the trace of other peoples and languages \u200b\u200bis visible, for example, German roots from Schwartartsyuka or Schwarz. And in such names as Babi, Bogma, Kekhukh, Pokhno, Shahrai Specialists see the Adygean origin.

No less diverse and interpretation of Ukrainian surnames. Many Ukrainians received surnames by the profession, which was engaged in Zvarych (Solvere), Shvets (shoemaker), Stolyarenko, Koval (Kuznets). Often the surnames are connected with the place of residence, the nature, the names of rivers, lakes and even buildings - meadow, Ozir, swollen (Clone-Barn), Dominrenko, Rostava.

The meaning of Ukrainian namesrelated to the names of animals, birds and fish can be found with ancient last name. They were born from the nicknames of their first carriers - VKOV, Zashuk, Orlenko, Karpenko. Plants, household items, food either have not been forgotten - frying pan, birch, bouffer, borsch. Moreover, they had different options for education - Skovorodchenko, Borschevsky, Berezovsky.

Surname Cossacks.

It is impossible to bypass the nicknames of the Cossacks, subsequently with the last names. According to the unwritten laws of the Sack, the Cossacks had to leave their names for the fence and enter the Cossack world with a new naming, which would have exactly characterized. Often here the verb in the imperative ignition merged with the noun - Zhuibor, Lupibatko. Of course, these were nicknames, but many of them have been preserved to the present day as surnames - Taignibok, Support, Krivonos.

The declination of Ukrainian surnames in Russian.

Most of the Ukrainian surnames do not have a female form, with the exception of surnames to -skaya, -tskaya, -Oskaya, -Evskaya (Vishnevskaya, Savitskaya). Decliningsuch ukrainian Women family obeys the general rules of the Russian language. The rest of feminine surnames do not change on cases, like all Ukrainian surnames on -ko.

Top Ukrainian surnames Shows which of them are the greatest popularity.

Surnames on "UNKO" are known to be considered typical "Ukrainian".

Although they are also distributed in Belarus, where the number of their carriers is 1 million people, that is, every tenth. However, mostly the inhabitants of Mazyr, Rechitsa, Gomel I.T.P. That is where Ukraine is not far away. Therefore, the influence of the Ukrainian factor is undoubtedly.

In Russia, Baltic I.T.P. Moreover, almost all the carriers of the name on "UNKO" are somehow connected with Ukraine.

Where did they come from in Ukraine? Why was this form that became characteristic of Ukraine? And for Russia and Belarus, it is still rarely encountered analogs (-On, -Onok)

The fact is that, in fact, it was not initially the last name in the nymine sense of this word, that is, the generic name (Nomen in the Roman tradition) that is, a certain name of his own, which is transmitted from the father to his son identifying the race as such.

In fact, the form "on the UNKO" is something like the modern concept of "patronymic" only on the contrary "sonship" if it can be expressed.

That is, it came to be recorded someone in grouting - it was written by an old throat. And the son wrote Uronenko. That is, "Ugrennok" in the villain. The letters of the Russian language of the 17th century also did not exist. Even during the time of Pushkin, disputes were about how to properly say "imaginary" or "stray."
That is, Ugrenno is a charting case from Ugrenok. In modern Russian for Magyar, the Polish version of the "Hungar" is used. In traditional Russian - Ugry, and Hungarian is appropriate. That is, "Thrinenko" - Son Hungarian, Harrina. Moskalenko corresponds to the son of Moskal (Moscow Rusin). Lyashenko corresponds to the son of Lyach (Pole) Litvinenko, respectively, the son of Litvin (Belarus). It is characteristic that the names "Ukrainchenko" somehow does not occur. Well, it is so clear.

But much more curious there is a lack of option "Rusinenko", but it is quite explained because the Rusins \u200b\u200bwere either Moskali or Lithuanians. No other Rusins \u200b\u200bin principle existed. Because the names "Litvinenko" and "Moskalenko" is, and "Rusinenko" is not. Zhidenka is also not for a reasonable reason. Nobody recorded them anywhere in any registers of military.

For other reasons, except for military registers, there was no reason to keep accounting.

That is, when in Ukraine, which was then in the composition of the Commonwealth, they began to record in the registry, for example, Kozakov Registers, etc. In the 17th century, a father often came with sons. Accordingly, the father was recorded "as is" while the sons were recorded by adding the traditional decreasing sutyx "ENK". (By the way, in such a form, it is traditionally in Russian, there would be a "PNE" in modern Ukrainian). The end of "-o" is associated with the fact that this is a charting case.

By type, cook - cook, Leo - Lion. Malts - Malchinka I.T.P.

Moreover, for the modern literary Ukrainian, this suffix even in the form of "AMK" is not very typical in this meaning. For example, instead of "fox" - "Lisy" instead of "elephant" - "Elephant" I.T.P. However, there is "Richenka" "Polyanka" I.T.P.

Thus, this is a traditional Russian Sufist, but received the spread as "sons" in Ukraine of the 17th century. Especially in the Brazlovskaya Voivodeship, that is the region of Podialia.

However, as it is the "surnames" in the current sense of this word, it began to spread massively exclusively in the 30s of the XX century during the period of mass Soviet departments. Most peasants did not even have any names in principle.

That is why the Passport tables of the Ukrainian SSR, which was recommended that such a "tradition" was not causing Snukovo clinging to the nickname or to the name of the father or grandfather, it's just the most "ENKO".

Hence all these Nikolayenki, Efimenki, Fomenci, brewery, and so on. Because it is clear that if it were traditional Ukrainian surnames and not newly model of Soviet power, it would be iakolenko, Yohimenko, Khomenko, Brovarenko I.T.P.

It is with this Stalinist certification that the fact that in the territory of the former USSR is just, which in the 1930s was a completely extended number of people who bear the surname to "UNKO". And nor any tradition of the 17th century. On the part of Ukraine, which was not part of the USSR, that is, Galicia, Volyn I.T.P. Fames on "UNKO" almost exclusively migrants with more eastern regions.

This is explained by the incident why the form on "UNKO" without a soft sign (PHE), which is completely not typical for just for the modern literary Ukrainian language.

There was nothing like that in Belarus. There was no discharge to record all Belarusian peasants in the form of patronyony, that is, "Ovich." Because Belarus's name for Ovich wears about one and a half million people accounting for about 15 percent of the population. Basically, in Belarus, the surnames are formed by the same scheme as in Russia, that is from the male sort of attractive suffix "OV" "EB" from the female "in".

Well, that is, the "oak" will be "oaks" from "Birza" - Berezin.

Another thing is that since Belarusian language still was different from Russian, for example, the Bochkarev and Kuznetsov were not Belarusian surnames. Unlike Kovalev and Bondarev. But in Russian, the Bondar also may well be. As perhaps, Koval, from the word to prow and not from the word of the forge.

Initially, this form is just attendance. That is, Ivanov is patronymic that is, Ivanov Son. While "Ovich" is at the same time middle name and here "Son". "ICH" is one of the forces of the Slavic suffixes of "Sons".

Example. Tsarevich. That is, the son of King \u003d Tsarev Son + Ich That is, it is shown that it is the son and not servant I.T.P.

However, later, patronymic turned into Family, and the category of sisms in combination with the patronymic was just patronymic.

That is, Ivan-si patronymic has become the name, that is, the birth name (Nomen)
While Ivan-Ov-IC has become just attendance.

That is, if a person is named "Enko", it only says that one of his ancestors in the male line most likely lived in the territory of the Ukrainian SSR in the minimum in the 30s of the 20th century. It is clear that ethnically it could be anyone as well as the other ancestors of this person can also be anyone.

According to its origin and value, most Ukrainian surnames are closely related to the Russians. There is nothing amazing about it, because those and other surnames are taking their roots in the history of Slavic peoples. At the same time, Ukrainian names are noticeably different from typical Russian names.

Surnames formed by suffixes.

The most typical suffix for the names of the residents of Nadnipryanskaya Ukraine is suffix -Enk. According to historical documents, the first mention of such surnames refer to the XVI century. According to the historians of the suffix and the end, it has a Turkic origin. Over the subsequent centuries, the surname with the end on-andly acquired widespread (more than half of the total names) among the Cossacks from the left-bank Dnieper, in the Kiev region and some other areas. Not rare was the transition from the surname without suffix to the surname with suffix. For example, Komar - Komarenko.

Other similar ways to change the names of the Ukrainian Lad are the addition of suffixes -equing- (Batyako), -Ok- (Markko), - Well (Andrejko).

Some suffixes, with the help of which Ukrainian surnames are formed include the category of toponymic suffixes and are distributed not only among Ukrainians, but also among Poles, Chekhov, Slovaks, Bulgarians and other Slavic nations. Thus, Suffix -Sc- or - Sq- often met among representatives of the Ukrainian nobility, whose names were formed by the name of the generic estate. For example, Gorodetsky - Gorodetsky. Other varieties of toponymic suffixes - -Osk- (-Ivsky), - Evsk-. Examples of surnames: Baranovsky, Grinevsky.

Characteristic of Ukrainian surnames are patronized suffixes - (-Yuch-) and -K- (-YUK-). The latter denote "someone's servant, a student or son." For example, the value of the name Tarasyuk may sound like the "son of Taras". In addition, among the immigrants from various regions of Ukraine, various suffixes characteristic of these areas may be found. For example, in the regions, the Russians and related endings are common in the areas of Malorussia, -Ev and -I. With the help of these suffixes, Ukrainian surnames Russified and acquired a species, for example, such: Porechenko - Porechenkov.

You can also list the surnames with suffixes found mainly among the Ukrainians: Palii (suffix-and, in Transcarpathia, is more often found, Shcherbak (Suffix -Ak), a scaffold (Suffix-Schifix) and others.

Surnames formed from other words

The origin of many Ukrainian names is easily traced, if you pay attention to what words they are formed. Often young people were given last names by the nature of their parents, the name of the father or his nickname. So, for example, the name Kovalenko occurred from the word "Koval", the translation of which sounds like "Blacksmith." Also, the surnames formed from the names of professions include grain (excavop), Kravkets (tailor), fishing (fisherman), etc.

Among the Ukrainians are very popular for names formed from names. Typically, such names appeared when young Cossacks were recorded by the name of the Father - Zakharchenko, Yushchenko, Vasyuchenko. No rarity names formed from nouns, from animal names, as well as composed of several words. For example, a share (fate), a koshara (flock of sheep), Gogol (Bird), Shchur (rat), Krasnoska (Red Cap), Ryabokon (row of horse), etc.

Cossack siech surnames

These Ukrainian surnames should be taken out in a separate item for their unusual. As a rule, they consist of two parts of the verb and nouns, and have a pronounced emotional color. Such surnames, as a rental or leopabato, are designed to configure a certain way, giving birth to many images in consciousness.

With its appearance, these flowery surnames are required to tradition, according to which who arrived in the Sich should have left an old name beyond its limits and choose a new one, corresponding to his character.

Women's Ukrainian surnames

Female forms in the Ukrainian language exist not for all surnames. As a rule, they are used for those names that are morphologically identifiable as adjectives, ending on-α (Khanovansky - Khovanskaya), as well as for surnames close to sound to Russian (Shugaev - Shugueva).

Other names common among Ukrainians do not have a separate female form. As an exception, Western Ukrainian surnames with the end on -IV or-Ishin can be brought. Sometimes you can meet the female variants of these surnames (for example, Paul - Paul). In addition, in a spatrical conversation, you can hear from the surname with the end of the one, form a female shape with the end of on-school (Serdyuk - Serduchka). However, this is not a literary norm.