Demons in Christianity. Samael - Angel or Demon

Demons in Christianity. Samael - Angel or Demon
Demons in Christianity. Samael - Angel or Demon

Dictionary in case you come to hell. We must know who to call. Many in the future will come in handy. Actually, the names are monsters:

Abaddon (Avvadon, Apollion) - Demon-Destroyer.
Abduszius - a demon, pulling the trees with roots.
Abigor - demon-rider, skilled warrior.
Adramaleh is a demon-adviser who is responsible for Satan's wardrobe.
Agaliarept - a demon who knows how to solve any riddles.
Agvarez - demon, Duke of Hell, the organizer of the dance.
Azazel - demon, banquenagers of the troops of hell.
Aza Dahaka - I knew all the sins of the world.
Alastor - Demon-Herack.
Amduscias - a demon-musician, Duke of Hell.
Andras - Demon, Marquis.
Asmodein - Demon Demon and Family Nonsense.
Astarot - the Great Duke, the keeper of the treasure of hell.
Aheron is a hell of a monster with flaming eyes.
Barbatos - demon, Duke, able to find hidden treasures and predict the future.
Hippopotamus is a huge demon who fired in the hell in hell.
Belfegor - a demon who seduces people with wealth.
Dev - Craying evil.
Waal is a demon of treachery and deception, the great Duke of Hell.
Walberit - Chief Secretary of hell.
Valafar - demon, patron of robbers and robbers.
Veliar is a powerful ally of Satan, a demon of a lie.
Velzevul is the commander of the legions of hell, the lord of the flies.
Vodelets - Ceremonium Hell.
Wednes - could destroy the thick walls and cause a storm in the sea.
Personalbolas - a winged dog. He led the murders. In his own basic duties, this demon teach people to be invisible to art.
Homori - able to seek the love of women, especially young. Being a great duke, he was in the form of a beautiful woman riding a camel, with the duccian crown on his head.
Dagon - demon, beacker hell.
Dantalian - a demon who bubbles people to evil actions.
Dubbuk - in mythology wandering spirit.
Vleples - the destroyer, the builder of the cities, settles them with warriors that are eager for battles. Has an Aist and hoarse voice.
Zepar - a demon, brought women to madness.
Incubus - Male Demon-Lover.
Iphritis - Ginn, minister of Iblis
Kima - at first there was a look of a drop of Drozda, and then turned into a man with a sharp sword. If he was asked questions, he answered them not entirely clearly - a burning ash. When he was an angel, he loved to argue, and if he was in the mood, he could talk about the meaning of bird songs, flows of livestock, dogfish and murmur of the stream.
Xafang - a demon, spreading fires in hell.

Lamia - a demon-a woman, a vampire, whistled, mostly for children.
Leviathan is a huge snake, the Lord of the Ocean.
Leonard - Demon, the owner of Shabash.
Leraya is a powerful marquis, a shooter in a green tunic, armed with onion and sharp arrow. He provoked quarrels and battles between people, but especially strived for those wounded each other arrings whose wounds never heal.
Lofser is an angel that risen against God and overthow from the sky, Satan.
Lucifug Rofokal - Prime Minister of Ada.
Mammon - Demon of Wealth.
Marbas - a demon who could send and cure a disease.
Melch - demon, keeper Treasure princes of hell.
Mephistopheles - a demon who served by the Faust of 24 years.
Moloch - a demon-deity, who sacrificed children.
Mulcyber - demon, ADA architect.
Navka - the souls of the concentrated or unresolved children (in the Slavs).
Nebille - demon, Feldmarshal Army of hell.
Nibras - a demon responsible for entertainment.
Nisrok - Demon, one of the administrators of hell.
Oyedlet - demon-seducer of the vow of poverty.
Oliviere - Fallen Archangel, Awakening Cruelty to Poor.
Parks - a demon of fate; If anyone who saw the parks, then the man himself demon.
Pionon - Rule in the hell with public ceremonies, breaking the will of the will. Rides on a camel. Pictures a man with a female face.
Pisha - the spirit of man who committed a crime, for example, fraud, rape, theft, etc.
Preces - "Hungry perfume") are hostages of their bad karma, leaned by previous incarnations. They have all the time experiencing unattricible hunger and thirst.
Put Satanakia - the Supreme Commander of the Army of Satan.
Rakshasa - have huge claws and feed on people.
Sabanak - a demon responsible for rotting corpses.
Salamandras - Lord of Fire, Perfumes living in the flame.
Sargatanas - Demon, Major General Ada Army.
Satan is the Supreme Lord of Hell and Demons.
Seer - a demon of time, could slow down or accelerate his move.
Sitri - Prince, who had a leopard head and griffin wings. He stimulated sexual attraction, in particular, pinched women to walk naked.
Sukkubus is a devil-lover.
Uphirt - demon, doctor hell.
Utbourd - Ghost of the Dead Child (Norwezh.).
Filotanus - a demon of the 2nd discharge and assistant Veliage. Incruitment to debauchery.
Flevuri - Lieutenant-General Velzevulu, Managing Africa.
Furfour - demon, controlling thunder, lightning and hurricane winds.
Khabaril - a demon of fire and a fire. He has three heads - cat, human and snake, he rides a viper, waving torches.
Shaks - demon, blinding and stunning his victims.

The creatures of the ominous and mysterious, which bearing in the world of people to the darkness of the Underworld. Funny and tempting mortals that exist in counterweight lights and angels, according to classic legends, once also former angels, but the rebels against God. For which they were overthow from heaven, and drawn in the ministers of darkness. There are many different interpretations of the origin of the demons, and after I will try to compare how the KPC version is to disperse with "standard". In principle, they are not so much and ran away, if you look at the creation of manga and the series, the authors of anyone studied not few materials related to religion and demonology, and, and the foundations still remained the same. And below something from the fact that the authors of the KPC: historical data and legends about the demons, whose phenomenon, mankind is trying to justify throughout its existence, paying it to any little less attention than the rationale for the existence of God and Angels. And this is quite explained by simple words: light and darkness depend on each other, and the state of the mortal mine depends on their relationship and communications to each other. And as a result, a complete circle is obtained.
I invite you to a small excursion, designed to tell about the device of the world of demons, about their hierarchy and classification, about the age and estimated number of hellish spirits, and to combat the unshemted force, not bypass the side and the prince of Darkness itself, and the place where he and his subordinates live.
Interesting? Well, that, in this case ...

Demons are fallen angels: this is the official teaching of the Christian church. It seems that the history of the angels' uprising is familiar to everyone - the hints of it are contained in the Bible, Christian thinkers appeal to it, the brilliant literary description of Angelomaniacs is given from J. Milton. I remind this story in short.
One of the bright God's Angels named Lucifer ("Svetochiec") has been ingenected with his power and removed to take the Lord's throne. He raised the rebellion in heaven and fascinated the third part of the Angelic Hard. Archangel Mikhail spoke against the rebels with the faithful God to God. As a result of the battle, the rebel Angels led by Lucifer (Satan) were dropped from heaven to hell and turned into demons, the only purpose of which from now on - sow evil.
This story has a lot of interpretations, but here we will give only completely original versions of the origin of the demons, in the root differ from orthodox:
1. In the Middle Ages, there was a point of view that the demons were originally created by God to commit evil. Defenders of this idea relied on a quote from the book of Isaiah, where the mouths of God say: "I make a destroyer for extermination" (54, 16). In rabbinistic treatments, it is argued that Satan was created on the sixth day of creation simultaneously with Eva; Evil spirits were created "between the sun", i.e. Between the sunset and the dawn on the eve of the first Saturday, - when God created their souls, was already engaged in Dawn Saturday, and he did not have time to create their bodies.
2. In the heretical teachings of Bogomylov, as well as in popular beliefs that did not get rid of paganism, Satan (Satanael) seemed not to God's creation, but an independent opposing God figure, like the Persian Achriman. Both forces - kind and evil - take part in the process of creating peace; As opposed to God's Angels, Satan creates its demonic army, hitting the staff about the flint.
3. The apocryphah book of Enha sets out the history of the cohabitation of the "sons of God" (Angels) with the "daughters of human". Angels who were missing from the lust of the heavenly kingdom on earthly yudol were cursed by God and became demons. This theory in the Middle Ages was shared by many church authorities (eg, Thomas Aquinca).
4. In the same book, Enha says that from marriages of fallen angels with earthly women there was a tribe of monstrous gigids. When God destroyed the giants, evil spirits came out of their bodies.
5. Ancient Jews believed that many evil spirits were born from Adam's Socities with female spirits (or Eve with male spirits) during those hundred thirty years, which Adam and Eve were separated after the fall. Numerous demons gave birth from Adam and his first wife - Lilith, subsequently herself turned into a demon.
6. In the demons of three species - Sedim, Rukhin and Lilin - was turned part of the people scattered after unsuccessful construction of the Babylonian tower
7. Finally, according to later popular beliefs, the hell is unnecessarily replenished due to the shower of great sinners; Children who are damned by their parents, as well as the offspring of incubations and succubs. However, all this demons of the lowest category, like all sorts of vampires, ghosts and waswicders, also constituting the army of Satan.


There is nothing surprising in that Satan has invested a lot of money in creating his own army. He loved the warriors of his army and adored what they were intended for, wars. What could be suppressed, a bloody revolution or repay the international conflict better than death and destruction? For demons, the battlefield is just a park with attractions. And the hierarchy of ranks and positions in the army of Satan was more complex and confused than in the Pentagon. Here is its main faces.
Put Satanakia (Putanachia) - General-Annef, possessed a deep knowledge of all the planets and helped the witches to establish close relationship with living on Earth. Also had a special power over earth mothers.
Agaliarept - the great general of hell and the commander of the second legion, controlled Europe and small Asia, as well as the past and the future. Possessing the ability to reveal secrets, sowed enmity and distrust between people.
Africa was under the rule of Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant - Fleurety (Fleurety). The connoisseur in the field of applying poisoned plants and herbs causing hallucinations, phlegrey worked at night. He sowed between people enmidious, smearing the feeling of lust. Usually a group of violent associates took part in his adventures.
Marquis Amon ruled the building orders of forty legions of the ADS army. This demon spew the fire from Wolf Pasta. Amon had a wolf's head and a snake tail. He had a gift of prophecy and the ability to suggest the future.
Punishment for the sin of vigoria. From "Le Grant Kalendrier et Compost des Berglers", printed by Nikola Le Rouge, True, 1496
Agvarez (Aguares) - the Great Duke of the Eastern Region of Hell, was subordinate to 30 legions. He was a good linguist, and also knew how to arrange the dances of the dead.
Amduscias (AmDuscias) is another great duke, commanded 29 legions and, which is very strange, was famous for writing a terrible, cutting rumor music. Usually it was depicted with a human figure and a unicorn head.
Sargatanas - Brigadier General, served in the immediate submission of Astarota and possessed a unique gift - he could penetrate the consciousness of man and read his innermost thoughts. If Sargatanas experienced the same thoughts and feelings, he could erase them from the consciousness of man, and he himself move to the other side of the globe.
Feldmarshal in the army of Astarota was a demon named Nebirov (Nebiros), who personally looked after North America and often used animals for his vile acts.
Graf Raum (RAUM) commanded 30 legions and was known for the destruction of cities. He possessed this ability to determine who committed theft.
Waal is the Great Duke, commanded 66 legions, one of the most ugly Satan officers. Its his body was short and fat, and the legs growing in all directions resembled the paugular paws. Waal had three heads - Cat, Zhabia and Human, and the Nastrobal Corona. The hoarse and piercing voice was terrible. Waal enjoyed them to give instructions to his treacherous followers. This ruthless and cunning demon could become invisible.
Heading 60 of the Legions stood Abigor (Abigor) - a knight traveling on the winged horse and from height manageing with its warriors. He knew all the wisdom of warfare and possessed the gift of prophecy. Unlike other demons, Abigor was portrayed cute and Lychim Frant.
Azazel (Azazel) was a banquenas of the army of hell.
In addition to those listed, it was, of course, many other demons occupying a fairly high rank to have their own name and obligations, but not belonging to the highest class. Many of them were controlled by the Forces of Nature and managed them, directing the destruction of humanity. We call some of the most famous demons of this class.
Furfur (Furfur) could control thunder, lightning and hurricane. Having a title of graph in hell, he was in the form of a winged deer with human hands and a flaming tail. If Furfur was not inside the magic triangle, then his whole word was a lie.
Wine (Vine) could destroy the thick walls and cause a storm in the sea.
The procel could freeze water and bring it to a boil.
Seera (Seera) could slow down or speed up time.
Abduszius (Abduscius) could turn the mighty trees with the root and collapse them on people.
Haborim (Haborym) had a title of duke in hell and managed fire and fires. He had three heads - cat, human and serpentine, and he rode on a viper, waving a torch.
Halpas (Halpas) - the Grand Count, had a type of stork and spoke with a hoarse voice resembling a carcass. He was famous for two things - the whole city could incite, and then re-build it, inhabited by soldiers who are eager for battles.

Demons narrow specialization.
Other demons were even more specifically in their attacks on humanity. Without causing storms in the sea and earthquakes on land, they used the weaknesses of human nature. These demons affected individuals, sow in their consciousness fear and doubt, envy and cruelty or causing a feeling of pain. Here are some representatives of this unable brethren.
Andras (Andras) and his squire fuelros (Flauros) should have committed killings. Andras, the great Marquis of Hell, was the body of a winged angel, and the head - owls. He drove on a black wolf with a sword in his hand.
Shaks (SHAX) made his victims blind and deaf.
Duke Valafar (Valafar) gave orders to robbers and robber attack the innocent travelers.
Sabnak (Sabnack) exposed the bodies of the dead.
Three demon managed dead. Murmur (Murmur) engaged in souls, and Bifrons (Bifrons) and Bune (Bune) dragged the bodies from one grave to another.
Philotanus (Philotanus) - a demon of the second category and assistant Veliage. He specialized in the death of mortals to debauchery.
Dantalian (Dantalian) with magic changed good thoughts of a person on bad.
Zepar (Zepar) could penetrate the consciousness of a woman and bring it to madness.
Moloch (Moloch) was once a deity, who was sacrified by children, then became a prince of hell and drove his face with tears of mothers, his face was usually smeared with blood.
Belophegor (Belphegor) sown among people a contention and bought them using wealth, on thin things. He was depicted either as a naked woman, or as a monstrous bearded demon with a constantly open mouth and very sharp nails.
Belophegor, a cunning demon who seduce people with the wealth of L. Bretton
Oliver (Olivier), Prince Archangelov, aims to cruelty and indifference, especially in relation to the poor.
Mammon (Mammon) - the demon of wealth and greed of his face he gained in the Middle Ages. It was mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew (Ch. 6, Art 24):
"No one can serve the two gentlemen: for or one will hate, but to love another; Or one will be zealous, but a friend to the other. You can not serve God and Mammon ... "(wealth - approx. Transl.)
Oiellite (Oiellet), Prince of Dominion, was probably one of the easiest works - he seduced people to violate the vow of poverty.


Demonians (Demonihi, Demonsers, Women's Demons, etc.) - female demons. Like demons, demonents are viewed as fallen angels. A vivid example of this is a barbel. According to the legend, before his fall, it was the most beautiful angel, along with Lucifer. Also, the most famous of the demonents - Sukkuba are considered defeated angels. However, Lilith (Supreme Demonian) has a different origin. She, like Naama, before it became a demonice, was a mortal. In addition, demonents may be called daughters of demons.
And now about the most famous female demons, more. In the Kabbalistic literature, four "mothers of the demons" are often mentioned: Lilith, Naama, Agrat and Mahallalate - they send the spirits subject to the evil. Sometimes they are going on the mountains where future evil cases are discussing and enter into sexual intercourse with Samael (reminiscence of ideas about the demon of the Shabash in Christian peoples). Often, this list of mothers of demons (or rather Zhen Satan) changes. Permanent in it are: Naama, Lilith and Agra. The fourth to them was added that already mentioned, Mahallalate, then the Naga (Demonitis of Plague), then hees Zennia (Demonitsa Bluda), then a certain Even Maskit. Sometimes the Demonitsa Elizasedra is counted to the devil's wives, which, along with Lilith, is considered the Supreme Demonian. By the way, the Supreme Demonian, the not-known Roman goddess of the underground kingdom of Proserpina, ranked on demons, like many pagan deities, is also called the main among the demonents. Speaking of famous female demons, you can not remember Lamyia. Lamia is an ancient Greek vampire demon, successfully moved from paganism to Christianity, where it was actually identified with Lilith.
In almost all lists and hierarchies of demons demons, the demonitsy occupy a rather low position. This served as the main reason that there are very few "ladies" among the demons.

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In the political arena, hell had his own Prime Minister named Lucifuge Rofocale. Lucifug could only take his natural appearance at night and hated the light. Its numerous duties included the spread of diseases and injuries, recruiting earthquakes and the destruction of sacred deities. His power extended to all the treasures of the Earth.
The great president of hell was a strong gray-haired old man named Forkas (Forcas). He taught logic and rhetoric, as well as commanded 29 legions of the Armed Forces of hell.
Leonard is an outstanding demon, was the main inspector of black magic and witchcraft, something like an expert on quality control, a. Also the owner of Sabbath. He was on them in the form of a huge black goat with three horns and fox head.
Abbadon (Abbadon), or Apollyon (Apollyon), wore a nickname "Destroyer" since the day was an Anga-Destroyer of the Apocalypse. In the "Revelation" of John the Bogoslev, he was named the head of the locust demons, which are depicting horses with wings, human faces and poisonous tails of scorpions. Another title of Abbadon is the Lord of the bottomless well.
ADRAMEMELECH - Great Chancellor and at the same time responsible for the wardrobe Satan. Most of his body - from mule, part of the torso was human, and the tail is Pavlinim.
Walberit (Baalberith) was the Secretary General of hell, and also stood at the head of the archives. This demon raised people to blasphemy and murder. At meetings with the princes of hell, he appeared in the image of a bishop. Walberit was very eloquent. According to the "amazing story" ("Admirable History"), written by the father Sebastian Michaelis in 1612, this demon was posted by the monk in the city of Ex-en-Provence. During exorcism (the expulsion of the devil), Walberit called not only his name and names of the rest of the devils, mastered the monks, but also the names of those saints that could most effectively hold exorcism.
Alastor was the performer of decrees accepted by the Satan yard.
Melchom - the keeper of the treasure of princes of hell.
Uphir (Uphir) was a doctor in hell. He was responsible for the health of all the demons living in the underground kingdom.
Verdelet (Verdelet) performed the role of the butler and the organizer of transportation. He led the ceremony and also followed the witch to come to the Shabash without delays, as well as safe and security.
Nisrok (Nysrock) - the second category demon - was a chef in the houses of the princes of hell.
Dagon (Dagon) - Prince Baker. Before he accepted culinary duties, was the chief of God the Philistines, and so important that after those were abandoned by the Israelites ARC, they erected there Dagon's temple.
PaiMon (PayMon) rules with public ceremonies in hell, and also sought to break the will of people, opposing her desire. He was depicted a man with a female face. He performed his duties drive around at a camel.
Nibras (Nybras) - the lowest devil responsible for entertainment in the hell - the occupation is very ungrateful.
Xaphan (Xaphan) - a demon of the second category, supported the lights of hell. During the angels' uprising, the idea of \u200b\u200bsettling the sky came from Ksafana.

Classification of demons

Among the demonologists have not yet found their Lynnea, which would create an exhaustive and generally accepted classification of infernal creatures. As for the options available, they are just as disgraced and imperfect, as attempts to establish the exact number of demons. I will give a few common types of classifications:
1. In place of habitat.
This type of classification goes back to neoplatonic ideas that not all demons are absolutely evil and not everyone must dwell in hell. Special distribution in the Middle Ages received the classification of the spirits of Mikhail Pwell:
- Fiery demons - live on the air, areas of sparse air over the moon;
- Aerial demons - inhabit the air under the moon;
- Earth demons - inhabit the land;
- Water demons - live in water;
- Underground demons - dwells underground;
- Lucifugi or Heliophobes - Lights, fizz in the most remote depths of hell;
2. By classes.
Pretty arbitrary classification proposed in 15 V. Alphonse de Back. This scheme can make a number of claims: many of the characteristic demonstrations remained abroad, besides, it is practically impossible to attribute one or another of the well-known demons to a certain category.
- Parks - women, spending a thread of fate, who are actually a demons;
- Poltergeeists - demons, sailing at night, moving things and performing other smallquaries;
- Incubs and Sukube - Seducting mostly nuns;
- marching demons - usually come crowd and produce a lot of noise;
- Service demons - serving witches, eat and drink along with them;
- Demons of nightmares - come in dreams;
- demons formed from the seed and its smell during sexual intercourse;
- Demons - deceivers - may be in the image of men or women;
- Clean demons - attack only the saints;
- Demons who are deceived by the old woman, inspiring them as if they flew to Shabash.
3. According to the ranks.
Based on the fact that the demons - fallen angels, some demonologies (I. Vier, R. Burton) suggested the presence of a system of nine ranks in the hell, a similar angelic hierarchy Dionysius. This system in their presentation looks like this:
- The first rank - pseudobogo, those who betray themselves for the gods, their prince Velzevul;
- The second rank - perfume lies, fooling people with predictions, their prince ponyphone;
- the third rank - vessel of lawlessness, inventors of evil deeds and vicious arts, they are headed by Velial;
- The fourth rank - the punishers of atrocities, the avenge devils, their prince Assmode;
- The fifth rank - deceivers, those who seduce people with false houses, Prince - Satan;
- the sixth rank - the air authorities, leading infection and other disasters, they lead amesein;
- The seventh rank - Furi, sowed, discord and wars, they ruled Abaddon;
- The eighth ranks are prosecutors and begged, under the leadership of Astarota;
- The ninth rank - tempters and worships, their prince Mammon.
4. Planetary classification.
The spirits have renounced spirits with heavenly luminais. Even in the ancient "Solomon Key", the author claims that there are "spirits of Saturn's sky", called "Saturnians", there are spirits "Jupitz", "Martians", "Sunny", "Vereti", "Lunny" and "Mercuryans". Cornelius Agrippa in the fourth part of the "occult philosophy" gives a detailed description of each category:
- Spirits of Saturn. They are usually in the body long and thin with a face expressing rabies. They have four physiognomy: the first back of the head, the second is in front, and the third and fourth on each knee. Their color is black - matte. Movements are similar to the streams of the wind; When they appear, the impression of soil fluctuations is obtained. Sign - Earth seems white of any snow. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: the bearded king, riding the dragon. Bearded old man, an old woman resting on a stick. Hog. The Dragon. Owl. Dark clothing. Spit. Juniper.
- Spirits of Jupiter. They are in the body full and bile, medium height, in terrible excitement, the look is very meek, the speech is welcoming, the color resembles iron. Their method of movement is similar to lightning with thunder. Sign - Appear in the very circle, people having a view of devouring lions. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: the king with a naked sword, riding a deer. Man in miter and long clothes. Girl in a laurel wreath and decorated with flowers. Bull. Deer. Peacock. Lazorian dress. Sword. Buxus.
- Perfume Mars. They appear long and bile; The view is very ugly, the color is dark and somewhat reddish, with deer horns and grinding claws. They are roar like bulls. Their gusts are similar to fire that does not spare anything. Sign - you might think that near the circle sparkles lightning and thunder thunder. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: Armed king riding the wolf. Red clothes. Armed man. Woman with a shield with hip. Goat. Horse. Deer. Fleece wool.
- Sun perfume. They are usually in the body wide and large, dense and full. Their color is similar to the gold painted in blood. The appearance is similar to the glow in the sky. Sign - causing himself feels covered later. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: the king with a scepter, riding in the lion. King in the crown. Queen with a scepter. Bird. A lion. Gold or saffron color clothing. Scepter. Wheel.
- Perfume Venus. They appear in a beautiful body; medium height; Their form is charming and pleasant; Color - white or green, with gilding from above. Gait is similar to a bright star. Sign - frolic in a circle of a girl who inviting the caller. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: the king with a scepter, riding on a camel. Girl, delightfully dressed. Nude girl. Goat. Camel. Dove. White clothes and green. Flowers. Grass. Cossack juniper.
- Perfume of Mercury. They appear in the body of medium height; Cold, wet, beautiful, friendly eloquent. With human appearance, they come to an armed soldier who became transparent. They are approaching like a silver cloud. The sign - causing horror covers. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: the king, riding the bear on the bear. Beautiful young man. Woman holding a straw. Dog. Bear. Sphinx. Motion dress. Rod. Stick.
- Perfume moon. They usually appear in the body large, wide, sluggish and phlegmatic. Color they resemble a dark and dark cloud. Their physiognomy is posted, eyes are red and leaking. Wheeling head is decorated with outstanding cable fangs. They are moving with the speed of the strongest storm at sea. Sign - pouring rain at the very circle. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: the king with a bow, sitting on the Lani. Small child. Hunter with bow and arrows. Cow. Little lan. Goose. Green or silver robe. Dart. A man with several legs.
5. By regions of influence.
The classification proposed by the priests of modern demonotria Stephanie Connolly is perhaps the most convenient for practitioners of the spellcasters causing demons for certain purposes. According to C.Conolly, the main spheres of influence of demons are as follows:
- Love-lust (this category includes Asmodein, Astarot, Lilith et al.)
- Hatred-beast-anger-war (Andras, Abbadon, Agaliarept, etc.)
- Healing life (Virin, Verier, Velibal, etc.)
- Death (Evrin, Walberit, Babael)
- Nature (Lucifer, Leviathan, Dagon, etc.)
- Money-prosperity-luck (Belfegor, Velzevul, Mammon, etc.)
- knowledge-secrets-witchcraft (Rongva, Ponfon, Paletizer, etc.)

Number of demons

The fact that the demons there is a great set, no one doubts. However, starting from the first centuries of Christianity, theologians and demonologies with astounding perseverance exercise in mathematics, trying to calculate the exact number of hellish spirits.
Maxim Tirsky in the 2nd century calls a very modest figure of 30,000, but the subsequent centuries fled the composition of the devil troops to incredible limits.
Alphonse de Spin in 1459, referring to the fact that exactly a third of the heavenly craftsmanship disappeared from God, called the number of demons - 133 306 608.
In the 16th century A certain researcher, taking as the basis of the biblical "number of beast", counted 66 Hell Princes, commander of 6,660,000 devils.
Johan Vier, the famous student Agrippa, argued that 7,405,926 demons managed by 72 princes live in the hell. Demons form 1111 detachments of 6666 each.
All surpassed Lutheran theologians, who called fantastic digit - 2,665,866,746,664 a demon.

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How are all these demons organized? Who dominates over whom? Who orders, and who performs orders?
On this occasion, there was a lot of disputes, but the unanimity was not achieved for several centuries. And only one statement almost did not cause objections: Satan, also known as the emperor of the Great Underworld, the Prince of Light and the Angel of Darkness, reign on everyone. He was a great opponent of God, Zmeim, Gad, the Spirit of Universal Hate. It was Satan that he embodied the true evil.
Under his beginning, there was a huge and terrible army of demons and other creatures, bringing disasters, injury and destruction. But in obedience, such a horde would be an exorbitant task even for Satan himself, and, like God, had seraphim, Cherubimov and Archangelov. Satan swallowed the aristocrats' demonships around him so that they helped him in the management of the kingdom of darkness. These demons, as opposed to nine steps of an Angelic hierarchy, formed their hellish nine-speed structure. And everyone agrees that the first among the demons was one of the oldest friends of Satan - a powerful angel named Velzevul.

When Satan for the first time rebelled in heaven, he called on several very powerful seraphims in his ranks, among whom was Velzevul. Once at the new prevail, he learned to seduce people pride and ambition. When Velzevev urged witches and sorcerers, it appeared before them in the appearance of flies, since his military nickname was the "Lord Muh". He received this name, what the plague enjoyed with flies on Canaan, and maybe because flies, as it was believed was to give birth to a dead flesh. But in any case, this nickname remained behind Velzevul.
Another great angel who collapsed from heaven with "Lucifer was Leriafan, whom was portrayed in the Bible as a" snake bending ... Monster of the Marine "(the book of the Prophet Isaiah, Ch. 21, Art. 1). Sometimes Leviathan blames that he was the very snake who seduced Eve in the Garden of the Garden. In the hell, he is considered the secretary of maritime affairs, as Satan appointed him the main thing over all water expanses.
Asmodein is one of the most busy demons. He is not only an overseer for all gambling houses in hell, but also the chief distributor of debauchery. Leading to all this, Asmodem was a represented a demon and carried personal responsibility for inciting troubles in families. Perhaps the reason was that he himself came out of a disadvantaged family. According to the Jewish legend, his mother was Naam's mortal woman, and the father is one of the fallen angels (perhaps Adam before the appearance of Eva). The famous textbook of Magic "Testament Solomon" described Asmodeus as "fierce and screaming." He did everything every day, to prevent her husbands and wives copulate, at the same time spank their hidden animals instincts, incitement on treason and other sins. Before mortal, Asmodez appeared at the Dragon Side, with a sword in his hands. And he had three heads: one - bull, the other - Barans, and the third - human. All three heads were considered slutty by their birth. The legs of the demon on one of the versions were cocks.
Astarot also drove throughout the dragon, but he could only help, there was only one head, which is usually painted quite ugly. In his left hand he kept Vijuku. This demon was the grand duke of Western regions of hell, and besides the keeper of the hellish treasury. Astarot raised people at the idle time, after being lazy, in their free time he served as an advisor or mentor for the other fallen angels.
Hippo was a huge demon, what his name says. Usually it is depicted by an elephant with a huge round stomach that making on two legs. He filled all the gagwesters and led the peers in hell. And since in the debt of the service he had to wake up most of the night, he was also a guard. Hippo to a certain extent is also known for its singing.
Grassal was one of the most honored demons of Satan. Even before in the New Testament of the head of the Dark Forces of the Underworld, Satan was named, the challenge had already achieved a high position. In one of the manuscripts of the Dead Sea "War of Sons of Light with Sons of Darkness", Velibal appears as a unified ruler of the underworld:
"For the sake of debauchery, you are generated, Jelly - Angel Enjoyment. You and your abode - darkness, and your goals are to sow evil and pain around them.
In the end, Jelly went down from heaven, but he remained the name of the Lie Demon. Milton captured him in his "Lost Para-II" book as follows:
"... honest heaven do not leave, it seemed that he was born was noble and for glorious affairs, but everything was deceived and wrong, although his tongue promised Mann Heaven and could give bittenness to any atrocity to confuse and hit any reasonable advice: since His thoughts were low, he seduced hardworking, but timid to good deeds and unradited to noble deeds. "
When Gilles de Ra, known for his massacres, tried to call demons, using parts of the sidelled body of the child killed by him, he was Velzevul and Jelly.

Demon hierarchy

In matters of a demonic hierarchy, the same confusion, as in the variants of classifications, reigns. Despite the fact that hell is often presented as the kingdom of chaos and disorder, humanity is uncontrollably to attribute to him a slim hierarchical system.
In popular grimuars, 16-17 centuries, such as the "Grand Grimoire" and "Grimorium Verum", Lucifer (Emperor), Velzevul (Prince) and Astarot (Great Duke), who are subordinated to 6 high-ranking perfumes and many smaller spirits are called.
In other books, not three may be mentioned, but four supreme hierarchs of darkness, corresponding to four parties of light; It is added to the three above, then leviafan, then moloch.
P.Binsfeld, the 16th century demonstor allocated seven, in his opinion, the main demons corresponding to the seven death sins: Lucifer is associated with pride, Mammon with nobles, Asmodem will command Lust, Satan - Anger, Venelzevul correlates with an overlooking , Belfegor - with laziness.
In the late Kabbalah, ten archiviusovs correspond to ten evil sefirotes (dark forces), among them Satan, Velzevul, Lucifer, Astarot, Asmodere, Belfegor, Waal, Adramelheh, Lilit and Naamaha.
Johann Vier in "De Praestigius Daemonum" tried to draw a full picture of the hellish empire, attributing to each demon corresponding rank or position. The Supreme Ruler of Hell, he serves Velzevul, among the highest princes - Evin, Pluto, Moloch, etc.
The famous magic treatise "Lemegeton" (16th century) lists the 72-to-major demons subject to the four emperors of the Parties to the Light (Amaimonu, Crison, Zinaru and Gaoup). In accordance with the feudal system of that time, the demons wear the titles of kings, the dukes, graphs, marquises and governors, but nothing about the subordination is less significant.
Agrippa in the "Occult Philosophy" also attributes the spirits of noble titles, however, the "category" or "order" of the Spirit gives the "category" or "order". "Yes, it will be known," he writes, - that the spirit of the lowest order, whatever the advantage of him is inherent, is always lower than the spirits of the highest order. It is not the inconvenience that kings and columns are subject to the highest bosses and do not have more than their ministers " .

Abode of demons

The demons needed to live somewhere, and the hell became a refuge chosen to God for them. "Filled with the restless fire, the house of pain and misfortunes," Milton said so about him. Since then, Satan with his subordinates have made all that they could: investigated, overcoming torment, her huge spaces, and even built their own monuments towers. It was not easy to live in these dangerous areas, and even harder to get out of there. Since those sent to hell very rarely returned, it was especially difficult to compile his card. To get at least the slightest concept of what is in hell, we are forced to rely on messages of saints and clairvoyant, poets and prophets. Over the centuries, the description of its territories has often changed.
In the New Testament of St. Matthew allows us to get "which is an idea about this place, describing how Jesus on the day will be separated from good angry:
"And all nations will gather before him; and separate some of others like a shepherd separates sheep from goats; and put sheep on the right side, and goats - on the left. Then the king will say that on the right side of His: "Get, the Blossous Father of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared by you from the creation of the world." ... Then he will also say those who are on the left: "Go from me, damned, into the fire eternal, prepared by the devil and his angels ..." (Gospel from Matthew, Ch. 25, cm. 32-34. 41) .
The fire has become an integral part of hell. During the century, the landscape of Hell repeatedly changed - then the molds and swamps, the forests and glaciers, the lakes, then the deserts filled it. But in any case, the all-consuming flame was present. In the "city of God", written in V c., St. Augustine with all the details describes the fire of hell:
"Hell, in other things, called the lake of fire and sulfur, is a real fire, it will burn and syntify the body of the damned both people and devils, if they consist of flesh, or only the souls of them. For if people have both bodies and souls, the inaccurate evil spirits will still be devoted to GEEN by the fiery, so that it is always to suffer in such a standing. And the fate of all will be the same fire. "
In the Middle Ages, the crowns were described by the Irish monk in a popular treatise, known as the "Vision of Tundala" (1149). Cute, slightly plutish knight The tundala on the dining table flows into a state of stupor. The soul leaves the body, and it instantly surrounds the crowd of demons, emitting some mutting. The tundyl desecting from fear can be saved only thanks to the intervention of his guardian angel, which then showed what could happen if the knight will not correct his lifestyle. This prediction was frightening. At first, a huge plain appeared with stinking coal, where the great sinners were fried on the iron grille. Then he saw the hot mountains and demons tormented by sharp as a razor with hooks of heretics and pagans. Next, the path of the sinner lay past Asheron - the monsters with the blazing eyes, which immediately devoured him. Angel, apparently, believed that this would serve as a good lesson for the future. When he managed to get out of the womb of the beast, it was necessary to go through a bridge in two miles long, and only with the palm wide. At the bottom, in the water, thousands of hungry creatures. When Tundal still managed to go through the bridge, on the other side, he was waiting for a huge bird with an iron beak, which devours the knight again, and then it was absorbed into the frozen lake. After the tundala is chosen from ice water and rises in a fiery plain, he captures a gang of evil demons who beaten by his hammer on anvil along with other sinners. After the intervention of the guardian angel, the tundal falls into the subsoil of hell. And at the bottom of a huge dark pit he meets with the devil himself ... he was
"... Blacker than Raven, externally similar to a person, but with a beak and a sharp tail and thousands of hands, on each of which twenty fingers, and the nails are longer than the spears of the knights, there were the same nails on the legs, in each of each He kept sinful sin. The devil was lying on the iron rods, cushed with chains, and the hot coals were burned under it. A lot of demons crowded around him. And with each exhale, he threw the souls of the unfortunate right in the hellish flame, and when inhaling it was enough and squeezed them. "
Unable to strike this vision of the tundal is heading in purgatory and manage to see the slice of the sky behind a high silver wall before waking up and again to be in his globe. Immediately he asks for himself the Holy Communion, distributes everything that he has a poor and unhappy, and himself goes to spread out about terrible punishment.
And who would do otherwise?
The most complete, detailed and witty description of hell undoubtedly belongs to Dante Aligierey (1265-1321). In the prologue of the Divine Comedy, Dante describes how he got lost in the Dark Forest, and the wild animals blocked him the road and threatened life. And he was the shadow of the poet Virginia and reported that the only way to salvation runs through hell. Dante Pilgrim was forced to agree to this journey.
Hell is represented by Dante as an inside out of inside out the cone, a dagger of permeating land to its very center. The upper part of it is the most wide. In this place, Lucifer with his angels hit the Earth, like a colossal meteorite, when they were lowered from heaven. On the entrance to the underground kingdom written words: "Leave the hope of everyone here is incoming *. Dante felt that the shiver pierced his whole body, and Virginia pushed himself over his hand. They ran down. Immediately behind the gates of hell, a huge gloomy plain was spread, where the souls of those who did not have to live in a truly who lived "neither hudded nor praise." And these souls are infinitely worn along the gloomy plain, pursued by the clouds of hornets. Dante and Virginia pass on and stop on the banks of the Asheron River, current around hell. Charon, Carrier in hell, crossings them to another shore.
When they go to the land again. That turns out to be in the first circle of hell, called the opposition of hell. There are no gloomy paintings here. The pasture "flows the stream, next to which a sewing castle rises. In this place there are souls of those who are pent, but not baptized, and among them the great pagans. Virgin himself spent a lot of time in this circle of hell. However, everything strictly changed to the worse . The second round was intended for lustful, which in the pitch darkness always wore ferocious winding winds. The circle of the third was on the side and imprisoned the waters lying on the earth on earth and dressed as a hail and terrible rain. Cerber - a three-headed dog - continuously ledal and drove away from Their bodies are a piece of pieces. In the fourth round - stingy and worst workers, they are divided into two groups and doomed to drag the boulders from one camp to another.
Dante and Virgilius hurried further and got to the rapid dark stream. They went downstream and saw the sad river, known as Styx. But even styxes, such a gloomy and muddy, "Someone's house. Here - in a circle, the fifth - the angry and sullen, or the fathers in the anger, or the honeysting down in black mud. Stepping with caution, Dante and Virgini On the swamp, and then on the boat they crossed the stycos similar on the knots and got out of the top of hell to the lower levels. They would know before, with which they will have to face ...
Now they were in the place that Dante called the city dis (Dis - Satan). It was the capital of hell, where fallen angels flush to relax. Here - in the sixth round - Dante discovered a wide plain, destroyed by burning graves. Eternal flame burned heretics.
Before Dante and Virgilius, another river spread out - phlegeton, through which he also needed to cross. However, it was very wide, and instead of the water, boiling blood flowed in it. In her Dante Roots, I saw the soul of those who committed violence and murder was tyrant or invader. The shore also looked gloomy. According to him, Dante and Virgiili had to go into a dull suicide forest. In it, the souls of those who have killed their roots and grew up, becoming dwarf trees with poisonous fruits. Over the forest, the silent sands, in which the souls who committed a crime against God or Nature were tormented in the eternal fire.
But it was not the center of hell. In the circle eight, known as Malebolje, deceivers and fraudsters were. This circle has the outlines of a huge amphitheater and descends down for another ten levels, each of which is tormented by its sinners, horned demons are harvested by whites of seductors in the reports, hypocrites are forced to walk in very long robes, and fires direct them on the heels. Bribeners and crazers who diluted public property for the sake of personal gain, Makali in a boiling resin, especially playful demons, known as Malebranca or "terrible claws". Below, at the very bottom of Malebolje, there is a cleft, guarded by the forty-wing giants, which Dante called Tartar titans. Virginia ordered one of them. Antea. Help them go down - and he obeyed. Dante and his satellite were in the ninth and last circle of Ada - Kocitis - a frozen swampy river, where the deserted traitor was recreated - Satan. It was a huge size, forever frozen on the chest in the ice. Huge wings that he in vain, trying to free themselves, did not bring anything other than cold wind, even more strengthening ice. "If he was once so beautiful, as far as ugly now," Dante writes, "he must be sad." Satan had three faces - black, red and yellow, with three mouths excreasing a bloody foam, and six crying eyes. And, crying, he ruthlessly chews the body of three traitors - Judas, Bruta and Cassia, whose terrible crimes were still less disgusting than his own. Lucifer betrayed the most great master of all the great, and for it is doomed to suffer here, in darkness and cold, hidden as far as possible from light sources and heat.
Dante and Virgiili are chosen from Hell on the back of Lucifer, which so mad from grief, which did not notice them. They crawled through the passage in the rock for fresh air and saw the starry sky.
In the hell of Milton, who is named after his book "Lost Paradise" (1667), the same four rivers flow - Styx, Asheron, Phlegeton and Kocyte. - But besides them, there is also the fifth - summer - the river of oblivion, which was to surround all the ownership of Satan. According to Milton, Satan with cohort demons, rapidly minted from the eternal skies, stones swept through the voids of chaos and fell into the fiery lake. They are no longer an angels of light and not to live in the very happy celestial panels. And how does their new monastery seem?
"The dungeon is terrible, the fire burns from all sides, as in the furnace, but there is no light from the fire - but only darkness and darkness, in which only despondent and evil, sadness and pain. Peace and the world to enter there shyly, hope is also not available to all living there ... "
The most decisive demons will attempt to explore this huge underground world, hoping to find some less terrible part in it, but will be returned with anything. Everywhere they found either ice deserts, beaten by hail and blown by the winds, either scorched, covered plains - the world of death, damned by God, the personification of evil ... This was enough to anyone from the demons in order to forever refuse to search for the best, not only Satan.
With the same pride, which caused his fall from the Eternal Heaven, Satan collects materials in his terrible world and decides to begin construction! To match the new title of the monarch of the underground world, he conceived to create a luxury palace. Hell turned out to be rich in minerals, among which was gold. (Milton believed that this was not surprising, because it was hell that he deserves this "damned metal.") Mammon, a demon of misappropriateness and wealth, of course, the first attacked the deposits of gold and mined him with his subordinates. And Mulcyber, who once erected towers and walls in the sky, now built new walls of a powerful sparkling palace in hell - the dwelling of the demons, the great capital of Satan and his officials. From now on, the hell appeared his own landmark. According to Milton, the palace had many gates and porches, and the common hall intended for knight fights was huge as a field. How was the palace decorated? The proper definition will be the word "magnificent". And when the demons gathered in it to their first advice, then ...
"Highly on the royal throne, superior to the magnificence of the wealth of Ormuzda and Inde, as well as the pearls and gold of the rulers of the East, Satan, ascended by his merits to this evil value ..."
In the interpretation of the English artist of John Martin, the Pandemonium meeting room (literally: "Everyone at the demons") was a huge shocking amphitheater with tier tiers and a dome-shaped ceiling, which was lit by the countless number of burning candles. We vaguely reminding the construction of the Byzantine style, the capital of hell, this palace with massive walls and galleries, towers and bridges, could challenge on scope and magnificence of the Divine Dimensions.

How many years of demonams

Another topic of discussion for several centuries is the question of the life expectancy of demons. The ancient Greek poet Gesiod verified the average length of the life of the Phoenix - the mythical bird of indescribable beauty, which herself folded his burial bonfire, and then revived from the ash. Phoenix, argued Hesiod, lives ten times longer than a person, and demons - ten times longer than Phoenix. Thus, the average life of the demon equals 6,800 years.
Later, the famous Greek writer and the biographer Plutarch correctly corrected this statement, given that the demons, like the people with whom they compare them are prone to illness and disease. It increased the life expectancy of demons to 9,720 years.
Others believe that demons, like angels, are immortal and will exist until the end of the world. So the answer to this question is not yet clear.

Sent Enola Gottick

Traditions and legends about good angels and evil spirits have all the peoples of the world. The legends were transmitted for many centuries. The power and mystery of mystical creatures worries and fascinates people even today. All-powerful spirits are the main characters of literary works and movies, some people worship the otherworldly deities, so many will be interested in knowing the name of the most famous demons of hell.

History of the emergence of demons

Translated from the ancient Greek language, the word "demon" means "carrying wisdom", "Divine Power", "Fate Rock". In ancient times it was believed that they are assistants of the gods - the highest beings living in the universe. They were intermediaries between the earth and otherworldly peace and constantly engaged in contact with people.

Perfumes can be as kind (defenders and guardians), and evil, seeking to deceive and subordinate to themselves, taking his soul.

People considered the main reason for all their troubles and misfortunes, because of their evil and restlessness, they were constantly sent on mortal diseases, subordinate to their will, introduced into temptation.

Demonology (the doctrine of evil spirits) includes a full list of existing demons, a list of their names and abilities, detailed instructions where they live and what looks like, a description of magical rites that help cause otherworldly, as well as a description of the methods of combating evil spirits . Each religion has its own mythical ideas about the device of the universe, powerful beings, the underground kingdom - the underworld.

  1. Christianity. Demons are angels that were once expelled from heaven for serious misconduct. They betrayed God and succumbed to the temptation of Satan. In Christianity, Angela, who conceived to go against the Lord, is Lucifer (from the Hebrew language, his name is translated as the morning star). He stood up at the head of the angels-apostate and wanted to capture power into his hands. Archangel Mikhail spoke against the fallen angel - the leader of the Divine Forces, who won in this battle, dropped Lucifer to hell. In the underworld, an angels apostate turned into evil. Since then, the struggle for human souls does not stop between good and evil.
  2. Slavic mythology. In the ancient Slavs, knowledge of the device of the universe, natural elements, good and evil was based on beliefs in magical beings. Natural phenomena ruled perfume (air, water, land and fire), the magic beings (houses, witches, fairies) were answered, and gods managed the gods. Under the ground was the kingdom of the dead, where most evil demons lived. The man sinned who had committed a crime, after death did not find a rest, and turned into an evil mythical being - mermaid, gloom, witch.
  3. Japanese religion. According to the ideas of the eastern wise men, the world is ruled by ancient gods. Higher creatures - Kami - are responsible for life in the universe, including people. Demons can be found everywhere. They affect the fate of mortals. Occultism is distributed in Japan - specially trained magicians cause evil spirits and worship them.
  4. Beliefs of African tribes. The inhabitants of the desert believed in the otherworld. Each person had his own guardian angel, which protects him from the troubles, and an evil demon, seducing to taste the vice. They took an attractive appearance and hunted behind the souls of people. The sorcerers created the dolls voodoo, with which they managed evil spirits.

All stories about the demons were transferred from mouth to mouth and reached our days in the form of long-year chronicles and myths.

Existing species

In many cultures of the world, the demon is an evil mythical creature, easily subordinating to the will of people. The Spirit takes the soul from a person and makes it perform all his whims, feeding with negative feelings and energy. The sorcerers who fond of demonologies often come into contact with the otherworldly forces of hell, asking for help and support.

The followers of demonologies share all evil spirits to such basic groups:

  • according to its strength, equivalent to powerful gods;
  • perfumes having a picture of a person (in the past they were excellent angels);
  • evil creatures in the form of animals;
  • similar plants.

Demons live in the otherworldly world, invisible and inaccessible to a simple person. This may be hell (in other religions - the underground kingdom), where they were exiled gods. Often, spirits are put into various household items: using them, people, without noticing, fall under the destructive power of these creatures. Evil demons associated with natural elements live in water, forest, in a cemetery.

Exterior appearance

Huge growth, hoofs, horns, fiery flame and a long tail is a demon drawn by the consciousness of people. Mythical creatures can take any kind of appearance. Evil spirits turn into attractive men and sexy women, in order to seduce and destroy the person with their excellent appearance. Running in trust, the evil spirit fascinates and subordinates her will chosen sacrifice. They show the true entity only when they want to intimidate a person.

You can see them in the crowd only if they themselves want to show themselves before mortals. Even an invisible evil spirit radiates so strong energy that the person feels it. The victim seems like someone is located nearby, anxiety, fear, oppression and anxiety arises. Most of all hellish creatures attract merciful, good, righteous and sincere people.

No obstacles in the form of doors or walls are not able to keep the demon. They do not tolerate everything connected with the church and hate the Lord God, so they go to various tricks to get and destroy the pure soul, thereby turning a person in their slave. They live the energy that runs down on the path of sin: resentment, hatred, envy, korestolubie, pride, emanating from the victim, make them a hundred times more and more powerful.

Demon names

The first classification was drawn up before AD. During the heyday of Christianity in the Middle Ages, demonology specialists drawn up a list of hellish creatures living in the underworld, in which a clear hierarchy of evil spirits were prescribed, what are their magical abilities.

The most reliable list was German Okultist Johann Weier. He counted 72 Prince of Darkness and more than seven million ordinary evil entities that have certain abilities and obey the Supreme Demon.

The names of the demons of the men are collected in the top 12.

  1. Lucifer. Being an angel, he was a favorite of God. Burrying and trying to go against the Lord, he was expelled for betrayal and turned out to be sharpened in hell. This demon is called the most powerful prince of darkness. He is the leader of all living in hell. His once excellent angelic appearance from the malice and pride turned into an ugly appearance. Over the centuries, Lucifer is opposed to light forces and tries to capture power over the world of people, subordinating their souls. The second name of the demon - the devil or Satan (from the Latin "enemy") corresponds to such a mortal sin as anger.
  2. Astarot. The second strength and power of the demon from hell in a male case. He is responsible for storing the treasures of the underworld. Astarot supported Lucifer in his attempt to seize power in heaven and overthrow God. This spirit is the most beautiful of all demons of men. It has a huge attractiveness and charm. Demonians love him. Can endow people with magical abilities. Easily put up in people and subordinates their will. He likes to take a kind of man. He is depicted with a huge and statute man holding the snake in the right palm.
  3. The Demon of Region Velzevul. This is an evil spirit that are subject to thousands of legions of warriors. It is customary to depict in the form of a huge monster similar to a fly and having 3 heads. Since childhood, he possessed unique abilities to understand and manage insects using them to achieve their insidious purposes.
  4. Demon Lie Grared. It is considered the main priest of hell. Angry Spirit hates people and harms them. His second name was not by chance. By indulging in human lies, he is a patron of gambling. Having lured into their networks, he seduced and knocked off the players from the righteous path. Jelly did not like to frighten people and rarely took an awesome look. He possessed a cheerful temper and loved to joke over the chosen victim. This demon is subject to 88 legions of hello troops. Often, people themselves called this spirit, bringing him a sacrifice and expressing their requests. Those who were true to him, the demon generously rewarded.
  5. Demon Lust Asmodener. Lucifer's close friend. Spirit, in the forces of which to give rise to a discord even in the strongest family. He instilled jealousy, debauchery and temptation in the hearts of people. He is zinic and cruel. Elements of this evil spirit - war and destruction. He is a head of hellish games.
  6. Demon Lomen Belfegor. According to its strength, it is capable of competing with Asmode and Veselvul. He loves human suffering, sows angrily, anger and discord. In many religions, he is depicted as a wonderful demonstration. The sorcerers often cause it to help them carry out the desired.
  7. Demon fear Abaddon. This is the main adviser to the devil, skillful and experienced commander, who is subject to a huge hellish army. Once Abaddon, together with Lucifer lived in paradise. He embodied the Divine Will, leading to the decision on the execution of the defendants. For excessive love for violence and murder, he was expelled.
  8. Demon graft Waal. Considered the most cruel evil spirit of hell. It is customary to depict in the form of a huge bull. He worshiped with many nations. The sacrifice that the demon was brought, a small child was chosen.
  9. Adramaleh. He was considered Chancellor Hell, the chief adviser to Lucifer. Ancient people portrayed him in the form of a receipt with a horse head and a peacock tail. Symbol of evil spirit - hellish fire.
  10. Greorrow. One of the great princes of darkness. He liked to take the appearance of a beautiful woman riding on a camel. I knew how to predict the future, looked easily in the past. This demon, if desired, could enrich any person, pointing to the hidden treasures, give a man the love of the woman chosen to them.
  11. Mammon greed demon. This hellish creature embodies such a trait of character as greed. It was considered the lord of wealth, seduced by people with money, for whom they began to steal, kill and betray. Demon approximate to the control tip of hell.
  12. Astarot. The oldest and wisest demon in the underworld. He is open truth. Only he knows the real reasons why the fallen angels were expelled from hell, and what passions they suffer. Often he is identified with the powerful goddess Astarta.

Demons from the list are considered the most ancient other entities in hell. Many of these names turned into a none, other inspired writers and artists to create real works of art.

Demonic creatures

In the underworld, not only the demons who were once angels, but also evil creatures, not inferior to them in their power. The most famous 2 mythical characters.

  1. Hippopotamus is a magical creature that can take the appearance of any large animal. This demon is never embodied in man. The king of animals is so called this mythical creature. The demon is able to awaken in man the lowest feelings. Under its influence, people become like animals who manage the instincts of the profit and the continuation of the genus. Hippopotamus cunning and cruel, very strong. He is considered the guard of the night. The image of this demon used during the writing of his book "Master and Margarita" Mikhail Bulgakov.
  2. Leviathan - This demon exists in the legends of many nations. Some identify it with a snake who seduced Eva Apple. Giving it the forbidden fruit, he thus violated the Lord's plans for people. In other beliefs, Leviathan is represented by a huge mind, which was created by the Creator and became the first living creature in the universe. Despite the available discrepancies, Leviathan is always depicted in the form of a huge snake. Mention of this powerful creature is even in the Bible. Leviathan was so angry and cruel that the Lord had reached him for it and destroyed his own creation.


Before this day, ancient legends about the princes of darkness, leading the constant struggle with the forces of light for the human soul. The list of men's demons from hell is very large - it includes more than seven million names. These are powerful beings with certain magical abilities. Faith in their power does not weaken.

Many people practicing occultism resort to evil spirits and turn to demons from the underworldly for help using vintage magic rites. The demonic topic is so popular that many literary works are written about evil spirits and hundreds of artistic films.

If you are interested in the names of the demons of hell of men, then you should get acquainted with the concept of "demon" in more detail. This an ancient word in translation from the Greek means "Deity, distributing fate." In Christianity, the demon is classified as an evil spirit, and in paganism - as a manifestation of the Forces of Nature.

Demons and a little story

In the Christian religion, the first demons were who decided to do in their own way, and showed the will, distinguished from the Divine. For that they were expelled from heaven. And they began to call "fallen".

In mythological understanding, demons are supernatural creatures that do not have a physical appearance, but they know how to tempt people, enter into agreements, put human souls into darkness, and are also able to make different magical actions. They can also control certain energy spectra.

There is a common demonic classification in the world that divides demons into the following categories:

In the folklore, different nations present a lot of evidence of a person's contact with the demon. Thus, in Christianity with them, they concluded a contract, among the peoples of Africa, with the help of demons, various rituals made it, and the Scandinavians attributed them to various elements.

It is believed that the demon can interact with a person if he is a sorcerer and knows his name. Without knowledge of special rituals, the challenge of the demon is dangerous for life. Since in nature, most demons have a natural tendency to evil and chaos. They love to destroy, destroy and perversion all that are faced with.

Many demon-like deities have several names. So, the names of the demons of hell men can be found in different historical and religious documents. Here is some of them:

Lucifer is also the fallen archangel. It is still referred to as "LIGHTON". He has many names. He is called Satan, Prince of Hell, the lord of the abyss and the son of dawn. According to Christian legends, it was he raised the uprising against God himself. And on some sources, he created hellish plains and all demons. Olywyfer is the main figure in the hell and is considered there the only ruler.

In addition, different peoples to the demons rank vampires, incubuses, jinnings, dubbuki and many other evil spirits. In the demonic world there is their own hierarchy, and each demon has its own way of interaction with the physical world, as well as its own sphere of influence.

Previously, some demons were not so in the literal sense of the word. The demons of these deities were counted after the emergence of the religion of Christianity. And before that, these entities were the deities of different tribes. They worshiped them, brought victims, asked for help. They were attributed not only evil, but also good actions. Legends were made about them, they prayed to them. And also lived that life that was pleasing to the deity. But with the development of large civilizations, many Divine were forgotten or ranked evil manifestations. Although initially they were not destroyed and did not threaten the souls of people.

Now you know the names of the demons of hell, namely men. In addition to the spirits and male deities, there are perfumes in the world of demons who are attributed to female hypostatas. They are no less merciless and frightening than men-demons. And also have a certain power over things and events. Most often, male demons belong to those who are engaged in war and murder. But among women demons there are also brilliant warriors, commanders and strategists.

This article provides a description of the most insidious and bloodthirsty demons of hell (Asmodein, Waal, Yara-Ma, Kali Ma, Izpapalotl, Kelpi, Skdi, Sri Lakshmi, Zotz, Hel, Ksipe-Totek, elementals, Velisal, etc.), according to legends and believing described in Slavic, Ancient Indian, Scandinavian, Aztec mythology.

Demon Asmtere

This demon, according to the Old Testament tradition, was overthow in the hell along with Lucifer, which became the Lord of Darkness.

The scope of his responsibility includes supervision of all gambling in hell. He is the main distributor of debauchery and vulgarity. Asmodez was considered to demonstrate and answered the incitement of turmoil and conflict in families.

Perhaps the reason for this was the fact that Asmodem himself grew up in a disadvantaged family.

According to an ancient Jewish legend, he was given birth to a mortal woman named Naama, and his father was one of the fallen angels (presumably, Adam before the appearance of Eva). In ancient manuscripts on the magic "Testament of Solomon", the asymode is described as "ferocious and screaming." Every day, Asmodener took everything he could, in order to prevent her husbands and wives, at the same time spurred their hidden animals instincts, inciting thus treason and other sins.

Before mortals, Asmodez appeared sitting on a dragon with a sword in his hands. And he had three heads: one - bull, the other - Barans, and the third - human. The legs of the Amemona Demon on one of the versions were cock.

Kali Ma.

Kali Ma - Indian goddess of destruction and plague, carrying grief and sowing death. In one hand she lies the head of Rakovir - Tsar demons. Kali Ma joined him in a deadly battle, won and drank all his blood. One of the most common images shows it in squatting at the body of the dead Shiva, absorbing his sexual organ with its childbearing organ, while her mouth eats his intestines.

This scene should be perceived not literally, but metaphorically. It is believed that the goddess takes the seed of Shiva in his Lono to re-conceive him in his eternal womb. Similarly, she devours and destroys all the living around him to recreate it all over again.

Cali Ma is black leather and ugly ugly face with bloody fangs. She has a third eye on her forehead. Kali Ma has four hands with long claws on thin fingers. The body of Kali Ma is decorated with garlands from babies, snakes, her own sons, and the belt is made of demons. On her neck there is a necklace from human skulls, where the Sanskrit letters engraved, which in India is considered to be sacred mantras, with which Kali Ma and worked, connecting various natural elements.

Goddess Skady

Skady is a gloomy and very cruel goddess of the snowy and cold north.
Scandinavia, by the way, was once called Skdin-Auya, which means "Land Skadi".
In Norwegian myths, Skadi appears as a wonderful daughter of the Giant Tinting. After the murder of Father Torok (one of the main gods in the Scandinavian mythology), Skadi came to the goal of Asgard and challenged the gods. Trying to pacify her righteous anger, God Loki (son of God Torah) took a goat and went out of the gate to welcome her and bring her sacrifice.

Asgard is a mythological city in which, according to Scandinavian mythology, all gods live. Asgard is a kind of analogue of ancient Greek Olympus.

However, under the victim, according to Legend, it was understood by no goat. One end of the Rope Loki tied to a goat, and the second to his genitals. The goat pulled the rope one way, and Loki - to the other until his genitals were spilled out of the body. Having bleeding, Loki risen to the legs of the brutal goddess Skadi. She found it a sufficient punishment for the death of her father.

With the help of magic, Loki returned lost genitals and continued to persecute other women's goddesses.

Demon Hel

Another demon is the representative of the Scandinavian mythology - is the goddess Hel, known in the ancient German mythology under the name of Holde or Berth.

Hel was a patronage of different reservoirs (except for the sea, who had his own patron), the goddess of homemade hearth, spinning and growing flax.

According to ancient legend, Hel went through the sky along with him to his wild hunt, which, apparently, was associated with Valkyriy. Hel was the ladies of the dead and the Queen of the Underworld, called Nifhelm in the Scandinavian-German myths. It was considered the world of elements - chilling cold and volcanic fire. The righteous and gods were inhabited in the first part, and sinners were burning in volcanic fire. This kingdom of Hel received as a gift from one.

Hel was born from Loki and Women Giant Anggoda. The kind of goddess was terrible, because one half of her body was healthy, and the other is sick, with tracks.

In the struggle of gods and chtonic monsters, Hel performed on the side of the first, taking into his kingdom of all the dead, except for those killed in battle.

Sri Lakshmi

Sri Lakshmi is one of the central characters of ancient Indian mythology. This goddess, the beloved of God Vishnu, was taken to portray with the lotus in his hands or sitting on a lotus with a strawster and lightly with his palms with money.

Legends say that it appeared from the Milk Ocean foam, that is, the same as Greek Aphrodite, he left the marine foam.

Lakshmi accompanies Vishnu with his reincarnation, always reborn with him. She accompanied Vishnu and in its most important rebirth: when he became a frame, Lakshmi became a sieve. When he became Krishna, she became a shepherd under the name of Radha.

Since Lakshmi is considered the goddess of good luck, then the Indians believe that she has a pretty capricious, peep character, because luck usually leaves a person completely suddenly.

Yara Ma.

Under the name Yara-ma is a whole group of demonic creatures. These are demons, inhabiting forests of Australia.

Yara Ma is a small creature with a bare red or green skin and with suction cups on hand and legs.

Yara Ma is hidden on the branches of trees, waiting for prey. When the victim approaches, he jumps on it, dug into the body and sucks blood.

Yara, Ma such a big mouth that he can easily swallow a whole person. In some cases, if Yara-Ma falls asleep immediately after the meal, his victims manage to escape and escape.


Itzpapalotl is a terrible demon from Aztec mythology, which is something mean between a woman and a butterfly. He is depicted very unusual even for mythological demons: At the ends of his wings, stone knives are attached, instead of a language - also a knife.

Itzpapalotl has a special magical cloak with which it can easily turn into a completely harmless butterfly.


Kelpi is a creature from Scottish mythology. This demon appears in the image of the horse.

Belief is known, according to which the person who met Kelpi on the banks of the river and overlooking him on the other side, will never be able to return back.

Kelpi always throws his sacrifice before absorbing her.


Zotz - South American fierce demon from the mythology of the People of Maya. Zotz is an evil wingful entity with a dog head. This demon lives in hell and drinks the blood of anyone who will fall on his eyes on his territory.


Ksipe-Totek is an evil Mexican demon, which is a character of the mythology of the Mayan era of the Doharistian Central America. In Maya's ideas, this demon could bring terrible disasters and suffering on people, destroy cities and send deadly epidemics. Therefore, it was necessary to constantly undermine, so as not to tighten the evil spirit.

In the tradition of Aztec and Maya, human sacrifices were common practice. Ksipe-Totek also demanded human blood, while victims were to be brought with periodicity of several months. This plot echoes similar stories from other nations. It is enough to remember the tribute to pay the Athenians to the Knos Misa to Minos, to send himself annually to his palace of young men and girls sacrificing the minotaur who inhabited in the palace labyrinths. In Slavic mythology, such a plot is associated with the attachment of girls to sacrifice the snake of Gorynych.

Researchers of mythology suggest that such a plot similarity originates in the prehistoric tradition of human sacrifices of that period of the existence of civilization, when there was no division of people to race, but there was a single community of people who spent in one language (which, by the way, was reflected in the legend of the Babylonian Tower) .

After her decay on independent ethnonational and cultural and distinctive units, the plot spread throughout the world together with elaiming people and was filled with special details different in each case.

Brumbstone Demons

Brumbstone demons look like very old and stray people and are neither living nor dead. Their bodies look awesome and curved, in some places there are no holes that appeared from the decline and decomposition of the flesh. The terrible and faces of the demons are a naked terrible skull with a grind of long blackened teeth, a dirty-yellow eye with tech with thin blood flows. These creatures feed on exceptionally human meat and fresh blood.


Elementals are customary to call entities inhabiting four elements - earth, water, fire and air. They can be attributed to the spirits of wildlife, which are in the service of sorcerers, magicians and other unclean strength, and take advantage of the help of elementals can be reincarnated by the Devil's souls of dead people.

In ancient and modern legends, elementals are usually mentioned under the names of "Pears, Dava, Ginny, Silvana, Satira, Faughters, Elves, Dwarves, Trolls, Norns, Nisats, Kobolds, Browns, Nicky, Stromblas, Undines, Mermaids, Salamandras, Goblins, Ponty , Banshi, Kelpi, Pixes, Mochoviki and Many DR.

The ancient monthly beliefs say that there were monasses for demons and spirits, which were divided into certain categories. The spirits of innocent children lived in the primary monastery, waiting for further distribution, the souls of the righteous and heroes were in the next monastery, and sinners sinners lived in dark terrible caves. And it was they who showed activity in real life, contacting with live people who can see them.


According to the legends of Asgarot, as well as Asmodem, flew on the dragon, but he, unlike Asmodeus, there was only one human head, which is usually depicted very ugly, in the left hand he holds a viper.

This demon was considered the lord of the Western regions of hell, and in addition, the keeper of the hellish treasury. Asgarot raised people at idle pastime, awakening in them laziness. In his free time, he played the role of advisor or mentor for other fallen angels.


Hippo is a huge demon, what his name is already saying. It is depicted in the form of an elephant with a huge round belly by making on two legs. He "led" by all the gagwesters and filled him in the hell. Due to the fact that on the debt of the service he had to be awake most of the night, he was also considered a guard. Hippo is also known for its singing.


Walami called small deities of ancient Syria and Persia. However, the powerful Waal was considered God fertility and agriculture. According to the old legends, Waal was the son of Ela - the Supreme Divine of the ancient city of Canaan and the ruler of all life on Earth. Waal commanded the death cycle and rebirth.

The population of Canaan turned Waal and regularly brought him a sacrifice of children, throwing them into the fire. Demon Waal was portrayed by three-headed: in the middle he had a human head, and on the sides - cat and gown. Waal could endow wisdom and insight.


Grassal was considered one of the most respectable demons of Satan. Even before in the New Testament, Satan became the leader of the dark forces of the underworld, Gaul has already occupied a fairly high position. In the manuscript of the Dead Sea "War of Sons of Light with Sons of Darkness", Galal appears as a full-awake ruler of the Underworld: "For the sake of debauchery, you are generated, the angel enmity is generated. You and your abode - darkness, and your goals are to sow evil and pain around them.