Melania meaning of church name. Melania's name: Origin and characteristics

Melania meaning of church name. Melania's name: Origin and characteristics
Melania meaning of church name. Melania's name: Origin and characteristics

Version 2. What does Melania mean

- From Greek. black, gloomy; People. Malania and Malania; . Melania.

Derivatives: Malanushka, Melania, Lanya,
Lana, Melasha, Mile, Praying, Malach, Malash, Mali.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Dresses that Malania
For a wedding.

Dali Hungry Malania
Fritters, and she says: "Not okay".

What is Ananya, such
His Malania.

Day SVT. Malania
The people were called a Vasiliylavala, generous in the evening, because I had previously accounted for
On December 31 and was New Year's Eve, Vasilyeva Day.


Melania - a woman of rare advantages: good and loving to sacrifice, caring,
Attentive, Laskov, responsive to someone else's misfortune. From nature intelligent and intelligent
It has brilliant memory. Sometimes it prevents her: it remembers too much that
For your own peace of mind is better forgotten. In principle, tolerant of human
disadvantages, and although it is given to see everyone through, she does not use his turnout
for yourself. Maybe in vain: it could get a good predictor from it,
Even clairvoyant.

3 version of the meaning of Melania

1. Personality. Those who chase.

2. Character. 91%.

3. Radiation. 97%.

4. Vibration. 75,000 speakers / s.

5. Color. Orange.

6. Basic features. Susceptibility - Intellect
- sociability - morality.

7. Totem plant. Wild grapes.

8. Toten animal. Boa*.

9. Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. These women, like their totem, wrap
The subject of their desires so hard that he loses the ability to resist. Adore

11. Psychic. They need wide open
The window into the world, they need a public, since in the soul they are actresses.

12. Will. Strong. These girls do not interfere with
Mind to lead your will.

13. Ecavitability. Pretty strong excitability
leads this woman to rapid decisions, to uncontrollable and unpredictable

14. Reaction rate. They are absolutely not objective.
But, more worse, they have "their" husband, "their" house, "their own" life. Rushing through life
Like a mad hurricane.

15. Field of activity. Melania is engaged
all in a row, everything will try, they do not have problems with the choice of profession, it
Decisive ladies who know what they want. Sometimes they work in two places at the same time:
For example, there may be teachers, and in the evenings to play the orchestra.

16. Intuition. It is about them that they say: "She has
Just scent ... "They see the hidden aspects of the case, trying to see people and read their thoughts.

17. Intellect. Lively synthetic type.
Everything grabs on the fly. They have great memory, especially well and remember for a long time
Caused by the resentment.

18. susceptibility. Prefer to love themselves
than to be loved.

19. Morality. With enviable ease adapt
To buddies from the most different environments and as easily tame them.

20. Health. In general, it is not bad, but sometimes feel
incomprehensible ailment, most often mental origin. They need to "listen
to yourself". The weak place of their organism is the intestine.

21. Sexuality. Recall that the totem animal
These specimen is a snake, so their sexuality is associated with possession.

22. Activity. In a good mood
Maybe very charming!

23. Sociability. Such women just need
Being among people.

24. Conclusion. Researchers Flora and Fauna Africa
Tell you that Boa falls on his sacrifice from the tree, from where he watched her.
And break out of her hugs is a problem ...

Large snake family of boys.

Name Day named Melania

January 13, June 21,

Named person only alone is either a birthday party, or the first after a birthday

Numerology named after melania

Number of name: 2

Those who are lucky to be born under the deuce, do not have to worry about the presence of good friends and public confessions - personal talents, diligence and ability to deal with people will certainly lead a two to personal success. She is alien violence and rudeness, but it is easy to find to the hearts and souls of people through understanding and goodwill.
Having met a person under the two sign, take care of him: Most likely, you found a good friend, a mentor, and in some cases it is quite possible, a satellite of life. Do not hurry to judge a twice in a modest manner, because what inside, two opens away from everything.

The value of letters in the name of Melania

M. - If you look at people who have the letter "M", we can say that they are scattered and unorganized, but in reality everything is wrong. All they need, they will never forget. Prefer to do work qualitatively. Of these, excellent leaders are obtained, who are always considered with the interests of others.

E. - Communicability, insight, mercantility and egoism. Holders of this letter are able to have people to do. They are simultaneously simple and charming. Constantly strive for a good life, which is expensive than friendship. They realize themselves in creative professions. Are interesting interlocutors.

L. - Artistic and inventive individuals. In actions prefer to be guided by logical thinking. Could be located to yourself. In rare cases, narcissists and neglect belong to other people. It is extremely difficult to partition with close people. There are unnecessary capricious and require increased attention to their person.

BUT - Alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person in the name has this letter, he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual equilibrium.

People whose name begins on "A", quite hard work. They love to show in all initiative and do not like Routine.

N. - Strong, volitional and decisive individuals. It is quite hardworking, but do not tolerate monotonous and boring work. Small, attractive, present critical thinking. A person chooses the chosen one for a long time, with whom he can live until the end of the days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

AND - A subtle mental organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex is paying a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on internal qualities. Lost success, they manage to achieve in science and work with people. Very economic and calculating.

I - People who in the name have this letter, know their price. They seek to achieve love and respect from the surrounding people. People with the letter "I" - good thinkers and are able to hide a lot of secrets. In addition, they are excellent interlocutors and romantic nature with a rich fantasy.

Name as phrase

  • M. - Thinking
  • E. - Esi (there is, to exist)
  • L. - People
  • BUT - Az (I, I, myself, myself)
  • N. - our (our, yours)
  • AND - and (association, combine, union, unity, one, together, "together with")
  • I - (ya \u003d a) az

Melania's name in English (Latin)


Filling the document in English, you should write the name first, then the middle name of Latin letters and then last name. Writing the name of Melania in English can be needed with the application for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store and so on

Useful video

Interested in the meaning of the nameman of future parents, the fate of the child depends on the choice. At the earlier age, the acting abilities of babies cause admiration, sings and dancing, taking adults. A rare female name is associated with music, without which its owner can not live a day. Before the charm of a small actress, it is impossible to resist, early begins to use it, you can say "the rope of the ropes" from parents, grandparents. Over time, learn to use in your own interests representatives of the opposite sex.

The meaning of the name of Melacious for a child will allow to prepare for the upbringing of an overly active girl, which is not a minute to stop in place, trying to learn something new every day. It does not represent life without pranks, parents need to be patient, since the "ideas" of the daughter are accompanied by material expenses, complaints of neighbors and teachers.

For the girl it matters the authority of the mother, which should find time for regular joint pastime with the child. It is not necessary too pamping a universal favorite, it is fraught with the consequences: it will be harder for her every year, and the words of gratitude will sound more and less. Studying the meaning of Melacious for the girl, parents will be sure that their daughter will have a unique resistance, the ability to independently solve problems from an early age.

In school, she strives to become a leader, studying perfectly, takes part in theatrical productions, becomes a real star. Most classmates are in love with a girl, but she prefers to communicate with older guys. Study is given easily, oratorical abilities compensate for the lack of knowledge if necessary. Proper speech, impeccable dictation cause admiration of teachers.

With ease finds friends, the number of which grows every year, the girl prefers to spend time in noisy companies, tries to be in the spotlight, compliments are of particular importance, they have a positive effect on self-esteem. Confidently feels in male companies.

The interpretation of the name testifies to the restless character of the owner, the girl is not able to control emotions, is an active fighter for justice. The temperament fully complies with the rapid rhythm of modern life, is ready to withstand tough competition in the men's team, give back to mature women, when trying to show their superiority. Early growing, for the girl it has the importance of independence, pocket money already in school years earns independently.


A spectacular girl often changes men who lose their head because of her. Nature endowed charm, to resist which it is impossible, just one glance is enough for the most wealthy and influential man to have her feet. Marital status One does not matter.

To win the location of the young girl is not easy, often the fans are caused by temperamental disgust. This means that it has too many requirements for representatives of the opposite sex: must be educated, attractive and financially independent. In addition, partners have to prepare to the most unpredictable outputs, besides, the girl is often fond of other men. Having learned about treason, the girl will show ingenuity and revenge. In love affairs turns into a predator, competing with which is very dangerous.

A family

In addition, temperamental woman with his head plunges into a family life. A loyal spouse becomes a business partner, and it means that a husband often listens to her opinion. Of particular importance is the ability of the spouse to ensure the obedient family's existence, otherwise the temperamental woman will give a divorce. It becomes the leader in the family, it presents this in such a way that the husband does not feel like a minute for a minute. Wisdom can only be envied. The economical mistress knows how to properly distribute the family budget, grabs the improvement of the house, and on entertainment. Children from an early age taught for housekeeping, not ready to completely bring himself sacrificing to everyday life. For the sale of energy, it is necessary to periodically organize festive events with contests, songs.

Business and Career

Performance, dedication, self-esteem - indispensable qualities for successful advancement on the career ladder. It is ready to withstand the most stringent competition, which means that make the right decisions in extreme situations. Diligence cannot remain unnoticed by leadership, will quickly go to the increase will acquire financial independence, which has a special meaning for a woman.

A woman is waiting for a successful career of a journalist, manager. The ability to communicate, organizational abilities, execution - indispensable qualities for the secretary, teacher, shop administrator or cafe. The main thing is the goal for which the woman is ready for everything. Business lady will create his own business that will bring big profits, under no circumstances agree to become a housewife, it is necessary to implement energy, otherwise it will break into loved ones.

The origin of the name of Melacious

Believers are interested in where it happened, whose name will be a child; History will make it possible to draw conclusions about character traits, eliminate doubts about what kind of parents represent the future daughter. The mystery of the name will allow unmistakably pick up the mascot, which will be a constant companion for a woman throughout life. The Greek origin of the name of Melanya is "black, dark." Etymology gives a clear definition, allowing to make a decision.

Characteristic named Melacious

From the first lines, the characteristic named Melanya makes it clear that parents have to make maximum effort to raise a strong personality. Energy must be sent to the right direction, otherwise the problems will be poured on the girl one at one. Depending on the circumstances, it shows the pros and cons, the nature is not simple, but it is possible to find a common language with temperamental particular, the main sincerity.

Mystery name

  • Stone - Morion.
  • Name Day - January 13 (December 31).
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Capricorn.

Famous people

  • Melania Knauss-model.

Different languages

It is extremely plain rendering of the name of Melania from the Greek language - black, dark. In recent years, interest in foreign languages \u200b\u200bhas grown, often the question arises, as translated and writes on Japanese - メラ (measure), in Chinese - 梅拉 (Méilā).

Forms name

  • Full name - Melania.
  • Derivatives, diminishing, abbreviated and other options - grinding, mile, praying, Malash, Male, Lana, Melasha, Malania.
  • The declination of the name - Melanie, Melanie.
  • Church name in Orthodoxy - Melania.

Name day of melania

Saints: Reverend Melania Roman.

Meanmark meaning

Faith means "faith".

The origin of the name of Melania

Analysis of the mystery name Melaniait makes sense to start with origin. History name Melaniait has ancient Greek roots and translated as "dark, black" (according to the Orthodox calendar), there is a version that the name of melania means "gloomy, cruel"

Which means the name of melania on B. Higir.

In accordance with the interpretation of the name of Melania on B. Higure, the owner of this rare name in his mental type - choleric. It is restless, but at the same time balanced. It possesses an iron will, developed by a sixth sense, but in controversial life moments relies on their mind and logic. Melania is friendly until anyone is trying to touch her interests. Very efficient. This recognize even its competitors. Purposeful in achieving his desires. Melania is proud, and it is better not to annoy it.

It will be a wonderful linguist, a physician, psychologist, teacher, pharmacist or business woman. Constantly everyone says, so it can be a tutor.

The nature of Melania is such that his carrier, although it has sexual appearance, to representatives of the opposite sex, often refers to some aggression. In sexual life, a personal pleasure puts on the fore. The husband chooses for the calculation. But, being married, will be a devotee. Family for melania is holy. Marriage will show itself as a magnificent mistress and a caring mother. She takes a leading position in the family, but respects her husband and his team tone saves for the house when no one will hear them. The family will be happy if the spouse of Melania will agree with her.

Characteristic of the name of Melania in E.Grushko and Yu.Medvedev.

According to the description of the name of Melania on E. Grushko and Yu.Medvedeva, Melania has simply fantastic intuition. Sometimes it seems that it is capable of reading other people's thoughts, and see those surrounding. However, the natural kindness will not allow her to see anything wrong in man, she will consciously not notice a human meanness, this quality in life can serve her a bad service. She has a living mind, and therefore all knowledge is given to her easily. She has excellent memory. True, it can not only remember, but also bad. Melania is distinguished by a rally.

In marriage, all his melania gives loved ones.

Derivatives named after melania

Namemeleania options : Malania, Malania, Melania.

Sympticking named after melania: Melanyushka, Melania (melanna), Lanya (Lana), Melasha, Mile, praying; Malanushka, Malani (Malan), Malach, Malash, Mal.

Melania's name in different languages:

  • Melania name in English: Melanie

Famous melania:

  • Melanie Griffith (1957) - American actress
  • Melanie Brown (1975) - singer, former participant SPICE GIRLS
  • Melanie Chimets (1974) - singer, composer, poet songwriter, former participant Spice Girls.

In different countries of the world, girls give melania, only in the United States, Britain, France and Germany, it sounds like melanie, and in Belarus - Malania and Malania. This name appeared long ago, but for centuries it was forgotten, then it was returned again, and at the moment it is popular again. Let us open the mystery of the meaning of Melania for the girl.

Little melania - a real hurricane. It is inherent in the inner force, impulsiveness and demanding. It is prone to manifestation of intolerance to people, and at the same time it is very difficult to perceives the world surrounding it. But, despite these qualities, she is able to fascinate and attract people with some kind of invisible charm.

Thanks to such properties, as activity, self-confidence and eloquence, the girl learns successfully.

From early childhood, she has acting talent, And thanks to him, the child can seek someone's location. Adults are lost, and the girl becomes more and more spoiled, a capricious draft.

Adults Melania are independent and confident, they are able to find a way out and make a decision in difficult situations. Have many friends, love to be in society, communicate and start dating. She is active and effective, she is all the time in motion.

Melania is very sociable, usually she has many friends.

Melania is such a changeing that her behavior in the next moment will not be able to predict even a perfectly knowledgeable person. Despite its explosive nature, demanding, intolerance, aggressiveness, authoritarianism and vindictability, the mysterious charm still attracts people to it.

She loves to look for the truth and prove that the rights, with her very difficult to please. She has a close girlfriend, but even with her she managed to quarrel because of the smallest detail.


Melania is distinguished by excellent health, which is harmful to which only negative emotions and accumulated insults. All ailments have "psychological subtext".

The only weak point in its body is the intestines, it should be paid attention to it and maybe it will be necessary to comply with the diet.

Marriage and family

Family for her is very important and is of great importance, so it is serious about choosing a partner. She needs a defender and minider, a real family man and monochrome, but, at the same time, he should be romantic and gentle. With such a partner, she will be able to realize themselves in marriage. After all, she is happy to engage in life and family comfort.

For her, it is important not only personal happiness, but also has the meaning of the well-being of her husband and children, so the permanent sense of the holiday reigns in the atmosphere of her at home. She is a wonderful mistress: It has culinary abilities and likes to experiment in the kitchen. We are always glad to guests who surprises with a rich table and delights, and in response he loves to receive praise and enthusiastic responses.

Melania loves to receive guests and delight them with a luxurious reception.

The children relate to her children and gently Loves them, but sometimes it is overly strict. She understands the importance of the importance of spiritual education and development, and not just material support.

Melania's husband does not express discontent, trying to build an even relationship, but with my mother-in-law relations stretched: the Melasha does not let her and the councils do not listen to her.

Career and Hobbies

From melania, a great musician can get.

She needs only a prestigious and interesting job that will provide a decent income. By nature, the following specialties are suitable for it:

  • correspondent;
  • journalist;
  • writer;
  • psychologist;
  • musician;
  • translator;
  • secretary;
  • consultant manager.

It will fascinate to work on the TV channel or in the publishing house. She gets his boss and loves when they appreciate her merit. In colleagues sees competitors who interfere with going to the goal. She always achieves his and quickly moving around the career staircase up. She even has a manager's deposits: the ability to solve issues and maintain a distance.

Melania has one feature - the ability of clairvoyanceBut she does not want to use it and does not consider it necessary to develop, believing that this activity will not bring her high income. And in vain, it would be possible to get a famous predictor or clairvoyant.

Famous media names

  • Melanie Waldor (1796-1871) - poetess and playwright, who opened a literary salon in France.
  • Melanie Klein (1882-1960) - psychoanalyst, specialization - children's psychoanalysis. Developed gaming psychoanalytic therapy.
  • Melanie Phillips (1951) - English journalist.
  • Melanie Mairon (1952) - American actress, screenwriter, producer and director who has shot more than 30 films and serials. The winner of the AMMI premium, as the best actress for the role of the second plan.

Melanie Mairon (famous American actress, screenwriter, director and producer).

  • Melanie Griffith (1957) - the actress, starring in more than 50 films and received the Golden Globe Prize for the film "Business Girl". Nominee for the Oscar and Emmy Prize.
  • Melania Trump (1970) - a fashion model from Slovenia, at the moment the first Lady of the United States.

Melania Trump (model, US President Donald Trump).

  • Melanie Chimecam (1974) - singer, composer and poet songwriter, participant of the Spice Girls group ,.
  • Melanie Brown (1975) is a British singer, another former participant in Spice Girls, an actress, songwriter and TV presenter.

Melanie Brown (former member of the group Spice Girls).

  • Melanie Linski (1977) - actress theater, cinema and television from New Zealand.
  • Melanie Georgead Diam`s (1980) is a French rap performer.
  • Melanie Robillard (1982) is a German casing, the Spanish national team coach.
  • Melanie Fiona Hollim (1983) - singer from Canada.
  • Melanie Beringer (1985) - midfielder of the German football team. The owner of the Olympic Bronze, the world champion and Europe.
  • Melanie Udan (1991) - American tennis player, participated in the Tournament of the Grand Helmet and the winner in a mixed pair discharge.

Melanie Udan (American tennis player)

  • Melanie Loipolts (1994) is a football player, a member of the German national team, the 2013 European champion.
  • Melanie Adele Martinez (1995) is an American singer.

Name day of melania

Studies have proven that the origin of Melania refers to the culture of ancient Greece and happened from the ancient Greek words, which literally have the meaning of the "dark" or "dim" girl, meaning the color of the skin. There are other versions of the interpretation, which means the name of melania, which sound differently, but leaving the same meaning.

This name fell into our territory during early Christianity, and many mistakenly think that it is Slavic.

Melania's name in Orthodoxy remains unchanged. Melania is a church name, and it sounds unchanged in Orthodox, but it can be written in the sacrament of baptism as melania or Malania. The meaning of Melania in church remains the same.

The church comes on January 13 (December 31) - Rev. Melania Romans, and June 21 (June 8) - Reverend Melania.

Beautiful and increasing name, Just be prepared that the daughter will be a real little deadhone and try to throw ropes from you, but we are parents to give away the whims of our children. Do you like this name? Please write in the comments.

Pretty Rare For Russia, the female name Melania has a pleasant sound and quickly remembered. It comes from ancient Greece. Meaning the meaning of Melania translated from Greek - "Black", "Dark" or "Small". The Greeks write it so - έέλαινα, and say - Melada.

On the territory of the Kiev Rus, this name is known since the times of early Christianity, so mistakenly perceived as Staroslavyansky. But it appeared here only after the adoption of the Orthodox faith. Since then, church names have become popular in Russia. Melanias are called girls in many countries of the world, especially often in the United States and Britain, in the form of melanie. Over the centuries, the name was forgotten and returned again, and now recruits popularity again.

Name day

The name of melania church and the Orthodox can sound the same, unchanged, and recorded as melania or Malania. When baptized, change it is optional.

According to the church calendar, the name day comes on January 13 (December 31 from Catholics), patronizes the owners of the Holy Rev. Melania Roman.

Characteristic named

By the nature of melania, it looks like a little hurricane. It is characterized by internal power, impulsiveness, demandingness and tend to show intolerance to people. But despite the difficult temper, it has an enchanting property. It feels the presence of some elusive charm, attracting people.

From the first years of life, the girl has a manifestation of acting talent and the ability to adapt to any circumstances, to like every person. She always enjoys admiration and asylum adults, who easily cause, which eventually becomes a capricious and excessive name.

In school, Melania achieves success, but not at the expense of knowledge. Her activity, eloquence and self-confidence helps.

Adult owners of the name - volitional, balanced and capable of finding a solution in any occasion. They are surrounded by many friends and acquaintances, because staying in society, familiarizing with new people they are simply necessary.

Self love is not the only drawback of melania. She has enough and other not very positive traits character: she is avennion, a little aggressive, loves to command people.

Melania is better to call a girl who was born under the sign of the Aries, more precisely, in the period from March 21 to April 20. The nature and fate of the Aries coincides with her features. Having matured, such a girl will be impulsive, not able to listen to people, but having the spirit of the discoverer. The influence of the zodiac will make it quite strict, but will give initiative, enterprise and friendliness.

Work and career

The work of melania attracts only interesting and prestigious. Having a lot of hobbies and hobby, it prudently chooses a lesson that will be profitable and will provide a permanent growth. Suitable for the nature of the profession:

  • journalist;
  • writer;
  • correspondent;
  • psychologist.

Particularly exciting and beloved for melania will be working on the TV channel, in publishing houses. Also, she will be suitable consultant or manager.

In the work of Melania, it has a tendency to always seek his own, quickly and easily conquers a career ladder. It is capable of believing with the authorities, highly appreciates the recognition of its merit. It is easy to find a common language with colleagues, although employees perceives as competitors who impede development and block the road to the goal.

The owner of the name is the chambers of the leader, it is capable of a diplomatic solution to issues, does not go to individuals and retains the distance.

Melania has the ability of clairvoyance, but does not consider it necessary to develop it. It believes that such a type of activity will not provide stability and high income.


In love relationships the impression of a simple and naive girl. Guys cannot resist the temptation to deceive Melanie and manipulate it. But despite his tenderness, it has a strong character and reasonable mind, so the role of the victim and unhappy love will bypass it.

The girl is prone to falls and romanticism, loves flowers, gifts, pleasant surprises, requires admiration and beautiful words. The choice of partner is suitable with intelligence and seriousness. Interests origin, raising fans, their interests and life position.

Melania is in search of at the same time a strong and gentle man endowed with romanticism and seriousness. The chosen one must be its protection and support, family minider. She needs a true family man and monochrome. With such a satellite, she will always be happy.

A family

The family plays a very important role in melania. Marriage gives her the opportunity to be realized not only professionally, but also as a person, a woman. She is a good wife, hostess and mother who takes care not only about her happiness, but also about the well-being of her husband and children, loves to support the atmosphere of a permanent holiday in the house.

The owner of the name is eagerly engaged in household chores, settles life, creates homemade comfort. At the same time, it wishes her work to be seen, and the praise is waiting, seeks the title of an unsurpassed hostess. He loves to receive guests, comes to the preparation with responsibility: covers a rich table with exquisite dishes. It has culinary abilities, prefers to experiment in the preparation of dishes.

Effectively and with love relates to their children, understands the importance of not only material support, but also of spiritual development. With my husband, the relationship is smooth, she tries not to voice their discontent. But relatives of the second half tightly communicate with melania, because a young wife does not allow mother-in-law to their farm, does not listen to the councils.

Despite the high level of intuition development, melania is not inclined to look for bad features in people, and sometimes it simply does not notice the negative. Therefore, often on a life path occurs with human meanness, which brings a lot of disappointments. However, although her memory is excellent, Melania is capable of remembering only good moments for a long time, and everything is bad quickly forgets. It is a meal, hot-tempered, but absolutely not malicious.