How to open a shooting gallery with firearms. Open Tir

How to open a shooting gallery with firearms. Open Tir
How to open a shooting gallery with firearms. Open Tir

Before the start of summer, many are interested in how to open a shooting gallery with pneumatic weapons on a temporary or permanent basis and which permits will need to receive. The entertainment industry is constantly developing, so it is necessary to fight for customers. When opening a Tira, it is important to create several unique advantages that will make good profits.

What is a tire with pneumatic weapons

Choosing a type of type when opening depends on the target audience

There are two types of tires using pneumatic weapons:

  • Professional;
  • Amateur.

There is a big difference between them, so you need to understand which one suits you. The following is the comparative table of these institutions.

Comparison parameter Professional Tir Amateur Tir
The need for license Yes Not necessary
Used weapon Several types of pneumatic weapons that fully meets the technical characteristics and which is as close as possible to the real one. It is possible to use 2-3 budget guns.
Requirements for the room Stationary. Perhaps the use of mobile structures.
Requirement for targets Must have the mold and size, located at a certain distance. No missing.
Preliminary safety instructions Held Held
The target audience Professional arrows Amateurs

Depending on the target audience, it is necessary to choose a specific type of tyra. The initial cost level and profits are very different.

Brief business plan

The business plan should include several stages. To make it competent, you will need to do the following:

  • Explore the market and suggestions of competitors, consider possible unique advantages;
  • Decide on the format of work;
  • Arrange all the required documents;
  • Find a suitable place to work;
  • Purchase the required equipment for the arrangement of the Tire;
  • Hire employees;
  • Run an advertising campaign.

Now it is worth considering every step in more detail.

Market analysis

At this stage, it is required to study how much the Tirov works in the city, to talk under the guise of a client with employees of these organizations to understand how much person comes on the day and what is the average monthly profit.

The opening of a stationary professional tire in a small town is inappropriate if there are already a couple of such institutions. In this case, the influx of customers will be small, and the payback period will increase greatly.

It is strongly recommended to understand what a unique advantage can be provided to increase the interest of potential customers. This advantage should be in an advertising campaign. After analyzing prices, the profit level and customer flow can be proceeding to the next step.

Legal design

Initially, it will be necessary to decide which legal form to choose: LLC or IP. In the first case, they will not have to answer personal property, but there are a number of difficulties in terms of accounting reporting. IP is easier to work, because there are several additional benefits, but if the business project fails, then you will have to answer personal property.

According to the Federal Law "On the licensing of certain types of activities", it does not need to receive a license for tira with pneumatic weapons. However, to diversify the services provided with the use of various weapons, it is recommended to get in the further document. This will make it possible to use real weapons, sports bows, crossbows and more.

When buying the most pneumatic weapons, the license is also not required if it is:

  • Has a shock power of less than 7.5 kJ;
  • Used cartridge caliber up to 4.5 mm.

You can arrange a company through MFC. To do this, you will need to apply for the established form and the full package of documents. In order to significantly save time, which will be little when the company is opened, it is strongly recommended to contact specialized organizations. They are ready to provide LLC and PP turnkey for 5-15 thousand rubles. By providing professionals the registration process, you can switch to organizational issues.

It is worth noting that specialized firms have the following servants:

  • Register a company in Evrip or an Enjoy;
  • Register a legal entity in the FTS and the FIU;
  • Open a settlement account;
  • Make printing;
  • Register all the necessary constituent documents in accordance with the requirement of the law.

Thus, after 10 days, your company will exist on legal grounds.

OKVED is used 71.40.4, which corresponds to equipment rental and equipment for leisure and leisure. But it is better to additionally enter other Okmeys so that in the future I did not have to collect a complete package of documents for diversifying the services provided.

Requirements for the room

Do not save on the leased room

If professional tire is planned, then it is necessary to rent a room about 50 square meters. According to the safety requirements, the distance to the target should be 10 meters, but it is better to use 20-50 meters for professional shooters. Otherwise, the shooting gallery will not be very popular, as it is problematic to catch skill in a short distance.

In the leased rooms, the walls and the ceiling must be protected by the poolochlorine, and the rear wall of the punch bulletproof layer. Also, protective barriers should be present on firing lapings.

When opening a mobile tire, the best places are:

  • Shopping and entertainment centers;
  • Parks and embankments;
  • Sanatorium resort zones;
  • Other places of large cluster of people.

This will require the minimum number of equipment to start work.

Necessary equipment

It is better to immediately purchase several types of weapons.

Regardless of the type of type, special equipment is necessary, namely:

  • Weapons. It is recommended to purchase several species, since each potential client has its own preferences.
  • Static targets. They can be made of paper. Also often used plates and various toys.
  • Moving targets (relevant for stationary dira), which have the shape of the human body. It is possible to use dual targets for the tournament.
  • Cartridges.

The average cost of purchasing equipment for a tire is 400-600 thousand rubles.In a stationary dash, it will be necessary to spend about 500 thousand rubles in addition to the repair of the room.

For mobile tires with pneumatic weapons, a collapsible tent, a rifle stand, safety glasses, target themselves and lighting. The minimum tent length should be 5 meters, width - 2 meters. To install this design, you will need to conclude a land lease agreement.

Personnel search

Financial motivation for employees should be built on the number of captured customers

Initially, you will need to work yourself to understand what profit can really get. When hiring employees, it is important to understand that it will be necessary to pay insurance premiums. This is 30% of the size of the official salary. Many to reduce costs establish the minimum wage or arrange officially on a part-time full time.

Given that employees can steal revenue, it is necessary to choose specialists from proven people.

In addition, it is worth introducing bullets. So you can pay percentage of pulleys spent or for attracted customers.

Basic requirements for employees:

  • Knowledge of weapons;
  • Politeness and ability to work with people;
  • Honesty.

Promotion Tira

Initially, it will be necessary to run an advertising campaign. Its average cost is 15-30 thousand rubles. If mobile tire is planned, then it is necessary that the tent is attracting. It can print information with basic shares to attract customers. Stationary tires must have an appropriate sign.

Here are some basic ways to spin tyra:

  • Tournament;
  • Useful prizes and gifts to the best shooters;
  • The use of high-quality weapons and a variety of targets;
  • Shares where you can make a few additional shots for free.

In order for the company to be cost-effective, it is necessary to undermine the excitement of visitors. It is impossible to stop shooting after the first attempt. Make shares of the format "Each third cartridge is free", set valuable prizes. Then the average check will rise from 100 to 500 rubles.

Final estimate expenses

The estimate may depend on the financial capabilities and a number of other nuances. However, it is necessary to provide spending indicated below:

At the same time, it is important to plan a payback of the Tira to understand how this business is profitable. Approximate calculation of profitability is listed below.

This amount turned out by multiplying the numbers specified in the table.

Thus, the average monthly income is 216,000 rubles. The maximum amount of taxes when choosing VAT - 38880 rubles. Depending on the costs. Net profit from two tracks is from 50 thousand rubles per month. To obtain such an income on a permanent basis, it is necessary to establish a TIR in a crowded place, and that its work does not depend on weather conditions.

Video: Pneumatic shooting like a business idea

Approximate payback period is 4-5 months. Thus, this project is really profitable and can bring good income in competent planning.

Related records:

Related records not found.

Damien. 26-02-2015 21:31

Movement 'right to weapons'

Today at 16:31

a) time (a lot)
b) Money (a lot).
Problems with GOST - wagon. Checking will be absolutely to everything. I remember, in one dash, the metal fasteners from the walls in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pilemaker, because After checking, they said to remove, for ricoes are possible (greedy inspection really wanted money).


To whom:

Their number:

Applications are attached:

Damien. 26-02-2015 21:40

February 25th, 13:37
12:57 25.02.2015

Why in Russia rifle sport in full ass?

And sobfully here.

I will copy the long opinion of the comrade, which in this area has pretty pregnant, so:

"To open a shooting tire with firearms, you need (if you all calculated and decided - yes, it is worth it):
a) time (a lot)
b) Money (a lot).
The process is very bureaucratic, and it is necessary to understand that it should turn out at the end.

There are a lot of papers, for sports tire and for know before (if there is a textbook for guards / training of citizens of ownership) they differ.

The room (if a typical closed shooter) is a little to find a suitable, it is necessary to do it according to GOST (there is in the network exactly, I have a second, right now, there is no, everything that has been hug away by unbearable difficulty died with a screw, look for).

Mozgos @ by GOST - wagon.

The main thing is, of course, the correspondence of the diameter of the bar and the size of the cell on the lattices, who knows - will understand

For example, from your practice that we had in a statement on PCI (resolution for storage and use):

I ask you to issue RHA to store and use weapons for sports purposes.
To: @@ E-my
In the name: @@ E-my
Types and types of weapons and cartridges, planned: Sports small-caliber weapons of rifles and pistols 5.6 mm and chucks to storing and use for sports purposes.

Applications are attached:

4) Act of hidden work on KKO
5) Weapon Storage Protocol

8) Inventory Materials

13) Agreement with IVO

23) Tire timetable timetable


"To open a shooting tire with firearms, you need (if you all calculated and decided - yes, it is worth it):

b) Money (a lot).

Interesting. BUT lot


Hello, friends! Today we will compare two vehicles for shooting and talk about which one is better to conduct training if you have a choice.

Open shooting and closed dira has its pros and cons. It is important to remember them going to workout. For example, I highly recommend not shooting from a gun in a closed dash is extremely harmful to health! Why? Read on!

And so, we will start with the comparative characteristics of the shooting and tire:

1. Ventilation. This is perhaps the main point of which I want to tell. After all, it is good ventilation that reduces the chances of getting lead poisoning. The best ventilation, naturally, on the open shooting range. Personally, I know only one tire, in which the ventilation is perhaps not worse than in the fresh air in the club Arkhangel Mikhail, in Yekaterinburg. But it does not mean that in all other ears you can not shoot. If the ventilation system is followed quite well and change the filters on time (unfortunately, it does not happen often), then it will fully cope at least with a small training. Choosing a shooting shooter Try to listen to your own body and feel the air at the beginning of the workout, in the middle and at the end. The first sign of lead poisoning is a sweet taste in the mouth and what he is stronger, the more poisoning you received. In order to reduce the probability of lead infection, you can use special respirators.

2. Hearing load. Again, in this point wins the open shooting range, but only provided that you shoot on an open space that has no walls and roofs. Many shooting groups also have both, and sound can even be louder than in a closed dash. Therefore, I recommend choosing the most dense headphones or earplugs. Active headphones often do not give sufficient hearing protection.

3. Weather conditions. Not everyone is ready to train on the street in -30 degrees, in a shower, snowfall or fog, in the heat, it is also hard to train, plus on some shooting sitting such dirt that it becomes extremely difficult to move on it. In this regard, the TIR leads in this paragraph. You may not worry about the weather forecast and boldly plan your workout at any time convenient for you. In addition, not all open shooters are equipped with light, and in the winter time the day the light day is short and go to shoot on the shooting range, let's say after work, it becomes more problematic.

But personally, my weather conditions do not stop me because I use self-impaired target raises, as they were nicknamed arrows, which reduce the workout time due to the fact that there is no need to constantly raise the target.

4. You can also add convenience to the pros of the closed tyra. In addition to a warm toilet and water in the crane, some tira have a dressing room and, if they are completely lucky, even a shower. However, in one of the Tires of Yekaterinburg there is even a bath.

Idea number 204: how profitable to have a shooting range and what you need to open it?

Storage inventory. Another point in favor of Tira. In the dash there is not only a weapon room, you can also negotiate our rifle things there. In some ears there are even special lockers on the locks. At the shooting range, you can also provide such an opportunity. As a rule, the common barn, to which there are access to other athletes. But not every shooting range is a weapon room. I think you know perfectly well that a civilian cannot buy a gun, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. And if you decide to shoot exactly this type of weapons, then certain problems may appear with the removal of the gun on the shooting range.

6. Rifle distance. Vryatli you will find a shooting tire for 300 meters, although not every shooting range can boast such a distance. But in any case, find a shooting range with a long distance much easier than the shooting range.

7. Distance. In major cities, the shooting schools can be found in almost every area, and you can always pick up the most convenient location. And before shooting, often it has to go far enough. In addition, it may not be at all in your city. Although in some small towns may not be a tire, unfortunately.

8. Availability. On shooting rafting with distance distances, as a rule, one large direction that rented a large number of arrows at once. There is both the pros and cons. Of the advantages you do not need to book a place in advance, you can come to any time convenient for you and not worry about late. Of the minuses, this is a common hang. The larger the people, the more often people go to the field. For practical shooters, as a rule, frequent hiking in the field is not needed. Personally, we go there only to put our targets and then pick them up. In the process of training, we do not have something that we shoot with the metal gongs with the light indication of the fall outbreak and by self-lifted targets to pimmers. But, let's say, hunters who target weapons or just shoot on paper to go to the field. It is necessary very often and the tasks shoot a lot of cartridges. Accordingly, for practical shooters, training becomes expensive because due to the general penny, it increases at times, besides, due to long expectations, it is less efficient. But there are no alternatives in the form of closed tigers on a large distance, so if you have the opportunity to shoot at least 100 meters from 100 meters by leaseing your own direction you are very lucky!

And so, summarize:

  • Weak sides:
    Load for rumor
    The size
    It is not desirable to shoot a gun
    In most cases, it is pointless to shoot out of the rifle carbine (except for pistol caliber)
  • Strengths:
    In any weather
    Amenities (warm toilet, washbasin, dressing room, etc.)
    Storage inventory
    Rent weapons
    Own rifle gallery

Shooting range:

  • Weak sides:
    Shooting only from own weapons
    Often there is no lighting
    Total post on distant distances
  • Strong sides:
    The size
    Hearing load less (only if there are no walls and roofs)
    Availability (at the same time shoots a lot of people)

At the end of this post, I want to once again draw your attention to the fact that I extremely I do not recommend shooting from a smooth-bore rifle in a dash. Believe me, it is better to pour out a little on the street or even skip a couple of workouts than then sprinkle lungs. But if you still decided to go shoot a rifle in a dash put on a special respirator, it will help you save your lungs. Watch your health!

Damien. 26-02-2015 21:31

Movement 'right to weapons'

Today at 16:31

Why in Russia rifle sport in poor condition?

Why in Russia rifle sport in poor condition?
And actually. I will copy the long opinion of the comrade, which in this area has pretty pregnant, so:

"To open a shooting tire with firearms, you need (if you all calculated and decided - yes, it is worth it):
a) time (a lot)
b) Money (a lot).
The process is very bureaucratic, and it is necessary to understand that it should turn out at the end. There are a lot of papers, for sports tire and for know before (if there is a textbook for guards / training of citizens of ownership) they differ. The room (if a typical closed shooter) is a little to find a suitable, it is necessary to do it according to GOST (there is in the network exactly, I have a second, right now, there is no, everything that has been hug away by unbearable difficulty died with a screw, look for).

Business: Bench shooting on plates, how to open your club

Problems with GOST - wagon. The main thing, of course, the correspondence of the diameter of the rod and the size of the cell on the lattices, who knows - will understand the checking to come absolutely to everything. I remember, in one dash, the metal fasteners from the walls in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pilemaker, because After checking, they said to remove, for ricoes are possible (greedy inspection really wanted money).
For example, from your practice that we had in a statement on PCI (resolution for storage and use):

"Deputy Head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, head of Mob, Comrade in Major General
I ask you to issue RHA to store and use weapons for sports purposes.
To whom:
Types and types of weapons and cartridges, planned: Sports small-caliber weapons of rifles and pistols 5.6 mm and chucks to storing and use for sports purposes.
Their number:
Weapons and cartridges will be stored at:
Weapons Conservation Measures:
Applications are attached:\u003dwall-33580882_155313

Damien. 26-02-2015 21:40

Original version with editing obscene expressions:

February 25th, 13:37
12:57 25.02.2015

Why in Russia rifle sport in full ass?

And sobfully here. I will copy the long opinion of the comrade, which in this area has pretty pregnant, so:

"To open a shooting tire with firearms, you need (if you all calculated and decided - yes, it is worth it):
a) time (a lot)
b) Money (a lot).
The process is very bureaucratic, and it is necessary to understand that it should turn out at the end.

There are a lot of papers, for sports tire and for know before (if there is a textbook for guards / training of citizens of ownership) they differ.

The room (if a typical closed shooter) is a little to find a suitable, it is necessary to do it according to GOST (there is in the network exactly, I have a second, right now, there is no, everything that has been hug away by unbearable difficulty died with a screw, look for).

Mozgos @ by GOST - wagon.

The main thing is, of course, the correspondence of the diameter of the bar and the size of the cell on the lattices, who knows - will understand

Checking until @ to come absolutely to everything. I remember, in one dash, the metal fasteners from the walls in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pilemaker, because After checking, they said to remove, for ricoes are possible (greedy inspection really wanted money).

For example, from your practice that we had in a statement on PCI (resolution for storage and use):

"Deputy Head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Chief Mob, @ Welle in Major General
I ask you to issue RHA to store and use weapons for sports purposes.
To: @@ E-my
In the name: @@ E-my
Types and types of weapons and cartridges, planned: Sports small-caliber weapons of rifles and pistols 5.6 mm and chucks to storing and use for sports purposes.
Their quantity: @@ E-my, but not chib to quag.
Weapons and cartridges will be stored at: Que
Weapons Conservation Measures: Que

Applications are attached:
1) Conclusion on the conduct of ballistic examination.
2) Conclusion based on the results of the technical condition of the weapon storage room
3) Act of hidden work on a piping
4) Act of hidden work on KKO
5) Weapon Storage Protocol
6) protocol of the control shooting of weapons
7) Instructions for the bandwidth and input regime
8) Inventory Materials
9) Order on the appointment of persons entitled to open Tira and KHO
10) Tira XXXX scheme, coordinated with the architecture department
11) Regulations on the Rifle Tire XXXX
12) the conclusion of fire supervision
13) Agreement with IVO
14) Order of keeping keys from Tira and KHO
15) List of arms number accounting
16) Order of Material Responsibility
17) Samples of documents on the entrance to the TIR XXXX
18) Order on the appointment of responsible persons to hold the shooting
19) Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor
20) Order on the formation of training groups
21) Fire Safety Instructions
22) TIRA work plan at the 20xxxx school year
23) Tire timetable timetable
24) Rules of safe handicraft treatment

Signature, place of print, everyone is happy. "
This is a sports shooter with a small-caliber weapon, for practical shooting, I think it will be close, for knowing up - add your topics, but many papers will intersect.
It will be necessary to contacate with LRA, it will be clear to the purchase and registration of weapons to Jurlso. "(C)

And here's taking into account the profitability of tears / shooting - you can understand the situation and with their number, and with the horse price tags for the shot ... well, they are not profitable they are nifiga. And so while this is the above will not be corrected ... Alas and oh.

Damien. 26-02-2015 22: 22 Citata: Originally Posted by Demien:

"To open a shooting tire with firearms, you need (if you all calculated and decided - yes, it is worth it): a) time (many) b) money (a lot).

"To open a shooting tire with firearms, you need (if you all calculated and decided - yes, it is worth it):

b) Money (a lot).

Interesting. BUT lot In this case, according to the author, how much is exactly?

So far because I myself passed through most of the permissive licensing and permissive corridors, then I will say that today we have a part of the information known to me.

So. In the spring of 2008, for Discuss The question, if possible, the opening of the fifty-meter gallery under smooth and trauma - charged in the Moscow region with a person from the street, from a stranger - $ 1,000,000. But, it was a price tag for Outful unfamiliar manJust for ensuring that his request was considered in the following instance.

Ready Business Plan Tira

Open a business: your tire
Ready Business Plan Tira

1 step
Registration and license

2 step

3 Step

"Paper targets we order in printing house.

How to open a shooting galleries: Business Plan Reviews Norma and Rules

On the day in a dash, it is spent from 10 to 50 pieces, "says the coach of the rifle-sports club by the central interdistrict Osto Ivan Makurov. By the way, paper targets can be added to the computer and print as well as necessary.

4 Step

5 step
Customers and their capabilities

- Weapons - $ 1 thousand.
- target - $ 30-200

- Prizes - from $ 50
TOTAL - from $ 1580 to $ 2750

Ready Business Plan Tira

Options are possible

According to the specialists of Tirmaster, one client makes an average of 25 shots. At the recommended value of a shot of 5 rubles (of course, the price depends on the location of the diet and income of the population), from one arrow at the box office there are about 200 rubles. The average daytime attendance of the tires is very individual and directly depends on the quality of the services offered and the success of the location. In a densely populated city in Tir daily comes on average at least 100 visitors - that is, the daily revenue will be at least 2,000 rubles. If the shooting range is well located, the number of visitors, as a rule, triples: that is, the average monthly revenue of the tire on wheels will be about 150 thousand rubles. First, it is very good - especially if you consider that the whole design with the car costs 160 thousand. Costs for prizes, the purchase of pneumatic weapons (for example, used) and the salary driver (which can be part-time to be both an instructor) will bring the level of expenses to the round figure "200"; However, as the calculations of Tirmaister show, after a month and a half your acquisition will pay off and starts to bring you a permanent profit.

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Ready Business Plan Tira

How to open a shooter - your business in detail
Open a business: your tire
Ready Business Plan Tira

How to open a shooter - your business in detail

TIR earns on prizes for the accuracy

Women and children are considered the gambling arrows. Invested only $ 2-3 thousand in the opening of the Tire, it is possible to receive income from $ 4 thousand monthly. Riflells are divided into two categories: professional and entertaining. The first work in sports clubs and centers, with public organizations.

Such shoots serve as a platform for training police officers and security enterprises, as well as to train individual clients. Entertainment shoots as independent businesses in St. Petersburg are not developed, although, according to market participants, are in demand. Basically, they work in sports clubs, entertainment establishments and at rest bases as an additional service. There is a small shooter in the nightclub Fireball, the services of the tires are provided on the suburban recreation bases "Aquamarine", "Bee", "Youth", "Mayak", "Old Mill" and others. The opening of the entertainment tire using pneumatic weapons does not require such a number of licenses and permissions that are necessary for the functioning of a professional tire. Not so strict and room requirements. In the opening of such a tire, it is necessary to invest about $ 2-3 thousand, whereas professional shooting range will cost 5 times more expensive.

1 step
Registration and license

To open a tyra, you can register as a private entrepreneur or register a company.

Federal Law of August 8, 2001 128-ФЗ "On licensing certain types of activities" does not provide for licensing activities for the opening and maintenance of tires and pneumatic tires in particular. No licenses for pneumatic weapons are also not needed.

2 step

An entertainment shooting range can be in demand during shopping or entertainment complexes, in parks and leisure complexes, in places of concentration of entertainment establishments.

For a tire, a room is 40-50 m2. Professional tires have the length of the site from the turn to the target of 50 or 100 m. However, the 5-10 m distance is quite enough for the entertainment tyra.

The shooting range can be located in the basement or occupy any floor of the building. The requirement is one thing: the walls must be protected by a polelifier that can be purchased or constructed independently. The wall should be equipped with a mitigating gasket and a tarpaulter to avoid the rickest. Tir is good because it does not necessarily do gorgeous repair and invest big funds in the interior. At first, the "basement" situation is suitable: brick walls sufficiently supplement the protective color grid or other infrident materials. Therefore, investments in arrangement can be minimized.

3 Step

The only equipment of the Tira is weapons and targets. However, this is the most cost part of the budget of the novice firm.

For a tire, 5-10 units of weapons are necessary. "In our dash, one five-chain and three single-charged rifles are used, two guns and one gun gun," says the art director of the Fireball club Alexander Lakshin. - This is quite enough to work the dira. " In the dash of "old mill" - six guns and pistols.

Often, visitors break or damage rifles. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the repair and replacement of the equipment will be one of the consumables of the budget.

Pneumatic weapons produce Izhevsky Armory, the Moscow Armory Plant "Anix" and others. A pneumatic gun on average costs $ 200, pistols can be purchased for $ 50- $ 150. Imported analogues of Walther, Beretta, Colt, and others usually at $ 50-100 more expensive. Investments in the purchase of weapons can be about $ 1 thousand.

The targets can be two types: static and moving. The cheapest - paper targets with standard rings - stand 3 rubles per piece.

"We order paper targets in the printing house. A day in a dash is spent from 10 to 50 pieces," says the coach of the Rifle-Sports Club of the Central Interdistrict Osto Ivan Makurov. By the way, paper targets can be added to the computer and printed as needed on their own.

In the dash at the recreation center "Old Mill" except for paper targets, candles are used, aluminum cans from under beverages, soldiers and toys. Equipping the TIR with static targets, it is possible to reduce costs up to 800 rubles per month.

To equip the Tira, moving targets will have to spend 4-6 thousand rubles, but they will also serve much longer.

There are other possibilities for equipping Tira. Thus, the St. Petersburg Center for Projection Technologies "Viking" offers equipment for laser multimedia Tire, St. Petersburg company CJSC "KD" produces multimedia tire complexes.

4 Step

To organize the work of the Tire, it is necessary from one to six people depending on the size of the site and the amount of weapons.

In the Fireball Club, TIR serves one person. "The main requirement for an instructor in the dash - communicability, the ability to communicate with the client and competently explain the safety rules," says Alexander Lakshin, "you can teach anyone." The girl could work in a dash. In the professional dash of the Rifle-Sports Club of the Central Interdistrict Osk, three coaches work - former employees of military structures.

5 step
Customers and their capabilities

According to workers of the tires, women and children are the most gambling arrows.

One shot in a dash costs from 3 to 30 rubles, the most common price is 5-6 rubles. On average, customers make 10-20 shots, but there are arrows, ready to leave 500 rubles in a dash and more.

Especially heated by excitement The ability to win a prize, usually symbolic (toy, check box, icon and other inexpensive souvenirs).

Figures How much should Open a shooter:

- Road rental - $ 300-600 / month.
- Weapons - $ 1 thousand.
- target - $ 30-200
- Salary staff (one or three people) - $ 200- $ 900
- Prizes - from $ 50
TOTAL - from $ 1580 to $ 2750

Ready Business Plan Tira

In the domestic times and especially in the postwar years, domestic tires and rifle clubs flourished. The internal and foreign policy of the state provided them with full loading, all kinds of assistance and encouraging the creation of "Voroshilovsky shooters". Having lost such support, already in the late 1980s, they all vocabulated a miserable existence.

The equipment is hopelessly outdated, interest in shooting in the population, despite the intensive criminalization of society (and maybe, just because of it), it was noticeably cool. This situation was maintained until the fellow citizens were allowed to use gas and pneumatic weapons for self-defense. Self-defense is, of course, well and right; But how to defend if you are familiar with your "worn friend" only in general terms, and if he shot him, then exclusively on the wasteland of bottles? Clear business, you need training.

At the same time, barely society became gradually to figure out a fat, the number of active hunters, those who might afford and good weapons, and lending to the bear increased dramatically. And finally, the public who walks in the parks again discovered the entire charm of "in the apple", depicted on some wooden bunny, in front of the amazed buddies.

Here he is, a golden moment for your "faithful shot" - the start of the tire business! On the one hand, the service clearly has a demand (and it will grow). On the other hand, this market is almost empty. So, according to Ivan Pozdeev, the Deputy General Director of the Iceberg - the leading Russian manufacturer of equipment and weapons for interactive tires - in a huge Moscow megalopolis really does not work more than a dozen shooting institutions. Moreover, part of them are closed, that is, only representatives of law enforcement services can get there, employees of private security enterprises and simply "their people". Most of the remaining are "in the old manner". And those that can really offer something interesting, do not really serve no more than 10 thousand people.

Options are possible

The great diversity of the types of weapons will appear to those who want to enter this business: from the simplest and cheap mobile "tires on wheels" equipped with a pair-triple pneumatic guns and a set of targets, to solid, arranged by the latest technology of tire complexes, where you can shoot combat cartridges Of the three dozen types of weapons. The bad one soldier who does not dream of becoming a general! A successful start from the lowest positions in the hierarchy of this business will allow you to gradually increase and turns, and the weapon park - and, maybe, in the end, become the owner of a small underground shooting, a one-time visit to customers at least 300 dollars. Consider options.


Pneumatic weapons are a reasonable compromise that allows the client for the divine price to donate in the hands of an analogue of a combat weapon, which looks almost as well as his prototype. For example, SVD (Sniper Rifle of Dragunova) in analog version is called "Tiger" and almost indistinguishable from "real". Visual and sound effects from the shot of a combat bullet, of course, are incomparable with those that gives a click of a pneumatic "bun." But the wrill with the design is no. Yes, and the shot costs the client 10 times cheaper.

To work with "pneumatics", you can either establish a stationary shooting gallery on an ongoing basis, or to organize a tent - a light collapsible structure for seasonal work in places of mass accumulation of people. Manufacturers tend to recommend the most "volatile" option - a mobile tire-transformer based on the trailer of a passenger car. Its important advantage is the ability to "dip" the most grain places and change the dislocation as soon as they cease to bring good profits. Correctly selected equipment on the basis of such a tyra is unfolded to complete "combat readiness" in just 30-40 minutes.

According to the specialists of Tirmaster, one client makes an average of 25 shots. At the recommended value of a shot of 5 rubles (of course, the price depends on the location of the diet and income of the population), from one arrow at the box office there are about 200 rubles. The average daytime attendance of the tires is very individual and directly depends on the quality of the services offered and the success of the location. In a densely populated city in Tir daily comes on average at least 100 visitors - that is, the daily revenue will be at least 2,000 rubles. If the shooting range is well located, the number of visitors, as a rule, triples: that is, the average monthly revenue of the tire on wheels will be about 150 thousand rubles. First, it is very good - especially if you consider that the whole design with the car costs 160 thousand.

How to open a shooting club with firearms

Costs for prizes, the purchase of pneumatic weapons (for example, used) and the salary driver (which can be part-time to be both an instructor) will bring the level of expenses to the round figure "200"; However, as the calculations of Tirmaister show, after a month and a half your acquisition will pay off and starts to bring you a permanent profit.

In principle, you can save an average of up to 40 thousand rubles, if instead of the "wheels", it is simply "mini-tire" with thematic advancement, the design of which involves a quick assembly and installation on any suitable area. However, this option is appropriate only if you already have transport.

How a hunter is caught

The instinct of the hunter and excitement of the player is inherent in each person; It is necessary only to awaken these feelings - and then the client will return again and again. "To interest all the categories of shooters, you should pick up colorful and diverse targets," says Alexander Efimenko, the head of the SP "Attractions from Volzhsky". - For example, we have as targets - completely disgusting bastards: pirates, gangsters, monsters. It is worth shooting one thing - after him there is another. And in general, all the targets live their lives in the scenery built for them: the sea, the ship, the air collapse for seasonal work in places of massacre of people. We try yourself by the main person in this theater, - Alexander tells with passion. - And the integral part of this performance is humor. I have repeatedly had to watch, with what enthusiasm shoot on our targets, shooting the villains, seeking to open all the windows and doors, visitors to the most different ages: and respectable ladies, and hot boys, and schoolchildren. "

To attract customers, the right choice of weapons is also important. Aces of tireless business is very praised by the classic IL-38 rifle. Its main advantage is simplicity; And the main difference from the semi-automatic pneumatics is that the preparation for the next shot makes an additional trend in the course of shooting. Imagine the process: Ten shots - ten recharges, and this is the extra time of participation in shooting, and an additional pleasure ("broke", put the bullet, snapped, shot), which you can not say about the semi-automatic shooting: a few seconds - and the end (spent Money is quickly moving in the Tira cashier, but the emotions are not fully in full). And, of course, it is impossible to buy a prizes - additional shots, soft toys, etc. Good shooting should be encouraged, and the tag shooter, gambling trophies, attracts a large number of people not only as the audience.

Within the framework of the law, one of the most fun arguments in favor of opening a tire using pneumatic weapons with a capacity of up to 7.5 J is that, according to the "Arms Act", no licenses are required for this. It is enough to register as an entrepreneur, issue a rental of premises for a hospital or a plot of land under the move, acquire the appropriate equipment - and you can begin to carry the joy to the public with the simultaneous profit extraction! You should not only forget about safety technician. You must eliminate the possibility of the appearance of people on the fire line, eliminate the departure of the empty beyond the limits of the dira and rickests that can lead to injury. The recommended distance from the turn to targets, depending on the type of target and the type of dira, is 6-12 meters. And they must be fully controlled by you.

At the same time, the shooting is conducted under conditions as close as possible to real. A certain plot is played here, which changes depending on the accuracy of hitting the Arrow on the targets. The plot can be complicated or simplified depending on the training of the arrow. Moreover, the scenes are developed thematic. One shot costs 40-70 rubles, and for one visit, customers sometimes leave $ 300. But the popularity of such tires is so high that they work even at night. True, the opening of such a institution will require approximately $ 400 thousand. In addition to actually, the Tire as an additional source of income can be opened with a weapon shop. There you can sell weapons and ammunition used in the dash.

How to open rifle shoot

  • what documents do you need for the organization of business on stand shooting?
  • instructions for opening a tire from scratch: 6 stages
  • tira Business Plan
  • hit in the top ten, or how to open a profitable shoot
  • Open Tir
  • TIR - organization of the Rowing Institution
  • TIR as a business: 24% profitability
  • How to open Tir
  • How to open your shooting hitch with martial weapons

what documents do you need for the organization of business on stand shooting? - Usually owners of this kind of institutions - either in the past professional arrows, or immigrants from power structures. People who have not previously had a relationship with arms, there is no place in this market. " So the likely the likelihood that the beginners will build a goat at all levels.

How to open a shooter with firearms

For example, these are sites outside the city, parks, clubs. The business plan of the Tira, in which the firearms will be used, involves the use of a special landfill as a platform for activity. Visit all the places and find out how much the rental of certain premises.

Analyze whether there are competitors here or in the nearby surroundings, ensure the calculations of the approximate attendance of your Tire, because the data about it are very important. As a separate element - it is important to analyze competing institutions and their prices, as well as their success among customers.

Observe the main problems of other firms and think how you can do everything better. Traditionally, in Tir, people come by chance when they see it, and, as a rule, they do not plan anything in advance.
Therefore, it is important to create a establishment so that it consistently attracted the stream of customers.

Tira Business Plan

True, the massive advertising campaign will not work, since weapon advertising is strictly regulated by law. However, you can make a beautiful greater signboard, prepare leaflets and business cards, spread them on entertainment centers and the nearest institutions.

You can put several pointers, print and put ads, posters. It does not prevent their own website on the Internet, advertising on social networks.

Even spending first for good equipment and equipment of the Tira with everything necessary, you will quickly be able to return money and start receiving a stable profit. Especially if it is profitable to stand out among competitors and offer unique services to visitors.

How to open a shooting club?


True, they will need a considerable set: the stron, the arrows, wooden targets and a soft barrage. It is worth considering the target for shooting, because we are talking about a serious institution, so options with canning or beer banks are excluded:

  • static targets - Among the cheapest and simple options are paper with drawn rings, consumables for which you can print either on the printer or in printing house. Static ordinary targets also include bells, candles, fishing flats, soldiers, toys, etc.

  • moving targets - here you are waiting for much greater costs, but believe me that the return on them will be much higher. There is a huge variety of options: interactive, sound, mechanical. These figures will move, "revive" and "dying", issue sounds.
  • Why in Russia rifle sport in poor condition?

    As you can see, there are excellent prospects for the development, which will allow you to stand out profitably against the background of competitors and offer customers a full range of entertainment services. A tire on wheels or a mobile version involves the presence of a special design in which there will be an equipped rifle stand, thematic advancement, fencestory barriers and all necessary equipment.
    Plus - car. So you can always be in the epicenter of entertainment, but do not forget about the absolute seasonality of this business. Personnel and organization of work The number of personnel will depend on how much your institution is, and how many types of weapons you use in it.
    Your employees must be sociable, pleasant, be able to own the situation, explain and show (how to shoot, security rules), listen to customers and provide them as a complete range of services.

    Hit in the top ten, or how to open a profitable shoot

    Separately draws OKVED codes. You must specify the types of services that will be provided. That is, if you plan to parallel to still sell toys or sweet cotton, then this will require additional resolution. Do not forget about the form of taxation (USN or UNVD). If you want to organize a shooting range, you will need to issue a land plot (at least 2.5 hectares).

    The area will depend on how much you plan to use rifle disciplines. According to regulations, the distance to the target should be 250 m and more.

    But the most difficult is the process of opening a tire with firearms. As you understand, it will require licenses and permissions, according to the legislative order.

    Open Tir

    In order for your establishment to function efficiently, you need to purchase from five to ten units of small arms, because sometimes the client for ignorance can cause damage. You can find the pneumatic guns of the Izhevsk weapon plant, or, for example, the Moscow Plant "Aniks". The average price of one unit of weapons will be about two hundred dollars. If we are talking about guns, then they can be purchased in the same enterprises in fifty - one hundred fifty dollars. More famous Western brands, such as Beretta, Walther, COLT, will cost more - about two hundred and three hundred dollars. Thus, for the purchase of weapons you will have to spend at least a thousand dollars. The targets are either moving or static. The cheapest option is the paper target, the cost of which is three rubles per piece.
    Anyway, it makes no sense to spend big money for the interior - people come not behind it. The overall entourage is quite possible to leave in the spirit of the basement - unlone walls of common premises, the use of protective mesh, wood, haki coloring material and so on. To content

    Equipment opening your shooting gallery, be prepared for large spending on the equipment - this is the most significant cost of expenses. The room must be equipped with a good ventilation system, especially if we are talking about gunshot dash.

    Then you need to buy weapons: rifles and pistols - only about 10 units. Rifles for the most part are taken out of charge, but it does not hurt to have a five-chain couple.

    For any incident, for rare fans, you can buy a gun-machine gun. Keep in mind that the service and repair of arsenal is another essential part of the spending. Customers, especially inexperienced, often break it.

    How to open a shooting club with firearms

    • Types of business
    • Where to start
    • Legal aspects
    • Where to create an institution
    • Safety
    • Equipment, materials, process organization
    • Promotion and expenses

    Types of business TIR can be performed in entertainment or to become an attribute of professional activity. Usually in professional establishments are shooting from high-quality pistols and rifles.

    The audience of such an institution - experienced people who want to hone their skills more and create excellent opportunities for shooting in a professional direction. You can choose other types of weapons, such as gunshot pistols. For this, of course, it will take more space, but also customers you will attract quite a lot.

    For a semi-closed or open type of institutions, it is necessary to take care of the fences, poolerehevates and the necessary security zones. Equare repair or special design for a dira will not need. You can tighten the walls with a camouflage or camouflage grid, or come up with some other simple, but interesting design option.

    Well, if you have a wardrobe and a few chairs or a sofa so that you can conveniently accommodate waiting or just a company. The utility room - also can be, but not necessarily. Equipment and weapons If repair can be saved, then on weapons and targets, that is, the most important component of the Tira, it is impossible to do this. The better, you will have better and more diverse, the more people will be attending your institution. It will take only a special rack for shooting.

    How to open a shooter with firearms in Russia

    I will copy the long opinion of the comrade, who in this area is pretty pregnant, so: "To open a shooting gallery with firearms, you need (if you all calculated and decided - yes, it is worth it): a) time (many) b) money (many) . Processes are very bureaucratic, and it is necessary to understand what should happen at the end. There are a lot of papers, for sports tire and for know before (if there is a textbook for guards / training of citizens of ownership) they differ. The room (if a typical closed shooter) is a little to find a suitable, it is necessary to do it according to GOST (there is in the network exactly, I have a second, right now, there is no, everything that has been hug away by unbearable difficulty died with a screw, look for). Mozgos @ by GOST - wagon. The main thing is, of course, the correspondence of the diameter of the rod and the size of the cell on the lattices, who knows - will understand the checking up to @ to come absolutely to everything.

    In search of a good way to earn, novice entrepreneurs often ignore excellent ideas, considering them troublesome and difficult. Not absorbed into the case, you can miss a good opportunity with minimal investments and rapid payback.

    Is it worth considering the opening of the Tira, as an excellent business plan that gives a quick start? First you need to thoroughly understand this issue, so as not to "burn out", opening a similar institution.

    There are two types of small arms, demanded in the dash today. The third option is the use of an arbulent-wire weapon.

    • Professional - firearms. It is used in trains for athletes at training bases, law enforcement officers, individual customers. Its use requires a license and a large number of other permits. It has a high cost, in mind this is available only to the average business and higher.
    • Entertaining -pneumatic. Wide demanded in amusement parks and other entertainment centers. Does not require any permissive documents. Available in price.
    • Arblet-raid.It is used in the dies of any price segment, it all depends on the level of its value.

    How to make a business plan for Rifle Tire, see Details in this video:

    Place and room

    After choosing a type of weapon, it is worth dealing with a search site for a shooting place, it will largely determine the success of the intended case.

    In the first case, when the business is based on individual communication with the client, implies a dear type of service. In ties equipped with firearms, serve customers with high solvency, because the service must match.

    Basically, it can be a country club or a sports base. The length of the overcome turning up to 100 meters. It is also possible to provide individual training services in training centers of security services.

    In this case, the capital building is built with strong and reliable walls, with the use of high-level safety measures. They are squeezed by a sound insulation layer of increased quality, with the ability to prevent ricochet.

    Equipment for Tira

    Purchase of weapons is the most important investment in this business. The successful development of the case is possible only with the right choice of equipment that meets the requirements of customers.

    All weapons considered above are divided into two price segments.

    • Cheap. These include pneumatic rifles and pistols, inexpensive Luke.
    • Expensive. Gunshot rifles and pistols, professional crossbows and bows.

    It is worth taking care of the presence of a large number of such consumables, like bullets, arrows and fraction . The client in no way should wait and be unsatisfied.

    Whatever the weapon, it should always be good, debugged and be in excellent technical condition. Any zamanka, with a good stream of people, will cost money.

    No targets will no longer be a type of tire. They are two species:

    • static. These include paper targets and mocks of people and animals. In the entertainment type hats, the use of plastic fixed toys (soldiers, for example)
    • moving. Requires more serious investments, but serve longer and more attract visitors more

    Personnel search

    Outbound shootings do not require hiring highly qualified professionals. It is enough to do with 1-3 conscientious distillation workers.

    A good idea can be to sell or donate certificates for several free shots. The main thing is that the potential customer after the first visit remains satisfied and wanted to return again!

    Client and its needs

    Tira clients are divided into two types. The first come to be afraid, the second is to pay or improve the skills in handling weapons.

    Visitors to professional tires require a serious approach, communicating with a qualified instructor, the presence of good weapons. For them, the final result is important in the form of the surveyed skills.

    Where to start if you decide to open a shooting range from scratch - Watch the video:

    In such a dash, the availability of parking and a large list of accompanying services. It can be a cafe, restaurant, car wash services or a sauna. The interior is created with the attraction of a designer, during repair, expensive materials are used.

    Children and women often become clients in shopping and entertainment centers, which implies the presence of a cheerful interior and interesting incentive prizes. Instructors should be able to find a common language with babies and be funny.

    Opening a serious institution with a good turnover and adjacent to a number of Middle-hand businessmen, the owner must take care of the registration of the company, which means become a legal entity. To do this, prepare the relevant documents and submit them to register.

    The deadline for obtaining permits is at least 3 days.

    Truffles: how to open a business for their cultivation - described in very detail.

    Availability of a license when working with firearms required! Use firearms and trade consumables can only legal entities.

    Basic elements of the plan

    When making a business plan, it is worth considering the following parameters:

    • indoor and repair
    • on equipment
    • on advertising and staff
    • for utilities
    • initial registration
    • equipment update
    • the average number of customers per day
    • small consumables
    • estimated income per year, two, three.
    Sample application P21001.

    Examples of calculations for shooting in Moscow

    Well demonstrates the recovery time of the entertainment Tire next business plan with approximate calculations for 2017 in city Moscow:

    Rental of premises per month from 20000-35000 p.

    Equipment (minimum set) 70000-100000 p.

    S / n from 70,000 p.

    Registration of initial documents from 12000 p.

    Total 380000-400000 p.

    At the cost of 10 shots 90-100r and a visit to about 100 people, I have a profit for the month of work 300000 p. Taking into account downtime, the time of reaching net profit will be 1-1.5 years.


    Maintaining such a type of activity in the Russian Federation, as the provision of services of Tira, can be beneficial with a competent approach to business.

    This segment is not widely represented and enjoys great demand among the consumer. Using the thematic interior (for example, medieval attributes in the arbal-beam dash) and a good name, selecting qualified personnel and seriously approaching the matter, you can achieve excellent results in a short time.

    After all, the passion for shooting competitions originated in the distant Middle Ages and does not fade to this day.

    The entertainment industry undergoes constant changes, trying to deliver those positive and bright emotions that they come. Freshness and originality of ideas, a modern approach, the latest technology - here are the constituent success that will help you always be on the crest of success. One way to spend a qualitative and interesting leisure can be a TIR.

    True, you will have to consider the organization of work so that your institution has some special "highlight". Then you will not have a penny from regular customers, and your TIR will soon become a highly profitable and income enterprise.

    Features and species of business

    Tire can be like entertaining and professional. Professional dash is usually shot from pistols and small-caliber rifles. That is, his audience - people are already with the appropriate experience and skills that come to the shooting range to practice. You can shoot with other types of weapons, however, for this you will need a country, specially equipped polygon. As a rule, in such institutions it is allowed to use their weapons (for a fee). Individual training lessons are conducted in professional ties.

    An entertainment shooter allows you to shoot a pneumatic weapon. There are also laser, deficient-arbal branches and even interactive. Here come and just lovers to shoot (optional only men), and those who want to learn or acquire additional skills. Moreover, in the dash recently, it became fashionable to arrange corporate holidays in the spirit of team competitions, and still conduct other events.

    Based on the work format, your TIR can be in two versions, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    1. Tire at a permanent place or stationary. A truly good and good stationary tires today practically does not exist. So before you opens a great prospect for work, since such a place will definitely enjoy great popularity.
    2. Mobile or tent. At first, his arrangement can do even more expensive than stationary, because you need to purchase an additional car to which the target will be mounted, welcome the tent, etc. Different events, you can get a decent profit on this type of entertainment. True, in this case, consider its seasonality and dependence on weather conditions, passability and other important factors.

    Where to begin?

    Before opening the shooting range, it will be necessary to make a clear and competent business plan:

    • examine the market in your city and existing competition;
    • decide on the type and format of activity;
    • subscribe all the necessary documents and get certificates to the beginning of the activity;
    • pick up the appropriate place and prepare for its work;
    • arrange a TIR (target, prizes, furniture and other);
    • purchase weapons, cartridges and other necessary attributes;
    • find employees if you do not cope;
    • organize advertising.

    Specialists advise to engage in all organizational issues in winter to open up in April or May, that is, before the beginning of the summer season. So you can most quickly get the first customers, get the maximum profit and recoup your investments in the business.

    Legal side of the issue

    In order to open the shooting gallery, it is necessary to prepare some documents. You can register a company as a legal entity (), but easier (IP). The opening or content of a tire with pneumatic weapons does not need a license. However, there will be no good news on this, because the license will not need pneumatic weapons. This applies to any pneumatics, in which the power does not exceed 7.5 kJ, and the caliber is up to 4.5 mm.

    You will also need permits (rental or purchase and sale contract) on the selected room. The premises itself must meet the standards and standards of safety (SES and FEDICS). Local authorities will also give you permission to open.

    Separately draws OKVED codes. You must specify the types of services that will be provided. That is, if you plan to parallel to still sell toys or sweet cotton, then this will require additional resolution. Do not forget about the form of taxation (or).

    If you want to organize a shooting range, you will need to issue a land plot (at least 2.5 hectares). The area will depend on how much you plan to use rifle disciplines. According to regulations, the distance to the target should be 250 m and more. For this type of activity you need a license. The arrows, athletes, hunters and other people who wish can be trained here.

    But the most difficult is the process of opening a tire with firearms. As you understand, it will require licenses and permissions, according to the legislative order. In addition, the equipment in the dash, and the premises itself must be checked more carefully. To store weapons, you will need a separate special room, and there will be very strict restrictions on access to it. In the state of your employees, there must be qualified firing instructors from combat weapons.

    Where to set up?

    An entertainment shooting range can be located in any places where people will come to relax and have fun. Before opening, spend a kind of intelligence:

    • make a list of possible objects (country clubs, parks, embankments, squares with attractions, shopping and entertainment centers, etc.) in your city;
    • visit them to find out the chance and cost of renting, the availability of competitors, exemplary attendance and other important data;
    • separately, take care of the analysis of competing institutions (which prices they have, what is, and what no, how many people come to them, which is usually asked etc.).

    The area of \u200b\u200bthe room and its arrangement will depend on which digit you have, as well as from the level of future prices and target audience.

    The shooting range is the type of entertainment, where people usually come spontaneously, just seeing it, and not specifically planning in advance. Therefore, a stable large stream of people near the selected room or land of the land is extremely important for you.

    To equip a full-fledged good tire, you will need about 50 square meters. m. So you can provide customers with a real excitement from shooting. According to the safety standards, the distance to the target from the turn must be at least 10 m, and ideally - up to 20-25 m. It will be enough even for crossbow or bow.

    Do not forget about the basic safety rules:

    • all walls and ceiling should be protected by a special material - Poleslavl. You can either purchase it or make it yourself. Such a measure is envisaged so that there is no ricochet: the wall is trimmed with a tarpaulter and a mitigating gasket;
    • the maximum load falls on the rear wall of the room. It should be especially protected by impact resistant and reliable material. Wooden boards, plywood or any leafy materials are extremely undesirable for decoration. Better Take Steel. Note that bows with high power can break through the usual tree, so it is worth taking care of an additional "armor";
    • eliminate any opportunity to appear an animal or person on the "Line of Fire" - take care of protective barriers;
    • a visit to a tire in alcoholic or drug intoxication is strictly prohibited, so carefully follow customers and do not let dubious personalities in the hands of weapons. Moreover, there can be no speech about selling or implementing in the territory of the Tira of alcoholic beverages;
    • it will be not bad to take care of the sound insulation of the Tira (especially if you are located with someone next door), as well as come up with and provide sound support with each hit in the target;
    • in professional ties, the rack for firing will have to upset the bulletproof glass, and the arrows will be equipped with headphones;
    • if you have a tire of a closed type, then the likelihood of bullet departure is excluded. For a semi-closed or open type of institutions, taking care of non-bullets, poolerehevates and the necessary security zones should be taken.

    Elegant repair or special design for a tire will not need. You can tighten the walls with a camouflage or camouflage grid, or come up with some other simple, but interesting design option.

    Well, if you have a wardrobe and a few chairs or a sofa so that you can conveniently accommodate waiting or just a company. The utility room - also can be, but not necessarily.

    Equipment and weapons

    If repair can be saved, then on weapons and targets, that is, the most important component of the tira, it is impossible to do this. The better, you will have better and more diverse, the more people will be attending your institution.

    It will take only a special rack for shooting. The case is "small" - it remains to choose a weapon. As mentioned above, combat or firearms is the prerogative of professionals. Experts do not even advise even begin to engage in such activities, if you absolutely do not understand the weapons and do not own them. For entertainment tire, you can stop your choice on pneumatic, onions and crossbows or make a mixed version, which will be the most advantageous.

    1. Do not suck and purchase a variety of weapons. Let there be at least 8-10 different pneumatics options to choose from. Do not take Chinese or cheap products, as it is even more domestic and western models are subject to breakdowns, moreover, its quality leaves the best. Let them in your arsenal there will be rifles (single-charged, three-chain and five-chain), pistols, revolvers, automata, guns, a gun-machine gun. There are pneumatic accurate copies made from combat weapons, which, of course, cannot not attract customers. Who will refuse themselves in the pleasure of shooting Beretta, Walther, Colt from weapons?
    2. An excellent solution will diversify the Tir with laser or interactive weapons. In the assortment of this type of weapon, there is also something to choose from: Machines Schmisser and Kalashnikov, a gun-machine gun "Drozd", Pistol Makarova, gun M-50, etc. Also you will also need a screen and multimedia complex;
    3. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse to themselves to be a medieval knight or Robin Hood, so if it is possible to purchase a bow or crossbow, be sure to do it. True, they will need a considerable set: a string, arrows, wooden targets and a soft barrage.

    Separately, it is worth considering the target for shooting, because we are talking about a serious institution, so options with cans or beer banks are excluded:

    • static targets - Among the cheapest and simple options are paper with drawn rings, consumables for which you can print either on the printer or in printing house. Static ordinary targets also include bells, candles, fishing flats, soldiers, toys, etc.;
    • moving targets - here you are waiting for much greater costs, but believe me that the return on them will be much higher. There is a huge variety of options: interactive, sound, mechanical. These figures will move, "revive" and "dying", issue sounds. There may be dual targets for the competition between two arrows. Try to pick up the most diverse and interesting options: bandits, monsters, pirates, so that a shooting person felt "wrestler, hero and defender" fully. To achieve maximum effect, equip additional decorations for targets (town in the style of the Wild West, the ship to the sea, a terrible lock, etc.), and also add the appropriate sound. Such entertainment will not leave anyone indifferent, and you will not have from the customers of the pen.

    Professionals in this area allow themselves to expand the generally accepted dira frameworks and complement it with other types of entertainment: shooting from wind tubes (sarbakanov), throwing tomahawk, toporinkov, surroundings (Japanese stars), copies, etc. As you can see, there are excellent prospects for development that will allow you to stand out for competitors and offer customers a full range of entertainment services.

    A tire on wheels or a mobile version involves the presence of a special design in which there will be an equipped rifle stand, thematic advancement, fencestory barriers and all necessary equipment. Plus - car. So you can always be in the epicenter of entertainment, but do not forget about the absolute seasonality of this business.

    Personnel and organization of work

    The number of personnel will depend on how much your institution is, and how many types of weapons you are using. Your employees must be sociable, pleasant, be able to own the situation, explain and show (how to shoot, security rules), listen to customers and provide them as a complete range of services.

    It is not necessarily that the workers are super experienced arrows. This requirement rather concerns professional tires. Otherwise, people should easily learn and simply be able to competently deal with weapons.

    Invent various competitions, tournaments and other interesting events, because you need to intrigue customers, wake in them a feeling of excitement. Then they will definitely come to you. Motivate visitors with various prizes, bonuses, discounts: it can be additional free shots, soft toys, small souvenirs or other attributes. Be sure to encourage the label and constant shooters - pleasant emotions, a gambling wave and delight from their own achievements will bring visitors better than any advertising.

    Promotion of the institution

    Before opening a shooting range, you will have to spend money on advertising. True, the massive advertising campaign will not work, since weapon advertising is strictly regulated by law. However, you can make a beautiful greater signboard, prepare leaflets and business cards, spread them on entertainment centers and the nearest institutions. You can put several pointers, print and put ads, posters. It does not prevent their own website on the Internet, advertising on social networks.


    Some experts argue that, with the right approach, this business may be cost-effective for all 100-150%. Even spending first for good equipment and equipment of the Tira with everything necessary, you will quickly be able to return money and start receiving a stable profit. Especially if it is profitable to stand out among competitors and offer unique services to visitors. As an option of additional earnings, your own shop can become. And with an increase in the scale, pay attention to the paintball, as it also becomes a very popular view of the entertainment.

    Approximate expenses

    (prices are in rubles)

    Initial investments in the business can be allegedly small, if you start with a small one, and to unwind gradually (from 300,000 rubles). But to return money and earn money to expand the business and use other possible sources of income, it will be possible to use one full-fledged season. With the right organization you will not even experience seasonality or downtime.

    As you can see, even with small investments and without special permits, you can open a profitable and successful business to entertain people all year round.