Water protection is the global problem of humanity. Water resources of Russia and their protection

Water protection is the global problem of humanity. Water resources of Russia and their protection
Water protection is the global problem of humanity. Water resources of Russia and their protection

Personally, I can not imagine my life without water. Water is widely used in everyday life. Each my day begins with water procedures. To cook food, brew tea to wipe the underwear or wash the floors - for all this you need water. It applies to other industries. Without it, simply impossible life on Earth. Aware of the importance of this habitual fluid?

Pollution of water: what it is caused

Life activity of people is developing too active. Stormy progress leads to numerous environmental issues, including water-related. The solution of these problems is extremely important for all mankind.

Pollution of water takes place for many reasons that are not even always associated with human activity. So, sources of pollution:

Water protection against pollution

This is perhaps one of the most important tasks of mankind. First of all, the protection of water from pollution is aimed at minimizing discharges in rivers and other reservoirs. Industry is being developed new, more advanced technologies for wastewater. My opinion is: in general, it is necessary to significantly increase the fines of the discharges, and disseminated on this tools to distribute to the design and assembly of new technologies.

In addition, it is important to correctly upbringing the new generation of people. Since childhood, we need to instill respect for nature, teaching a careful attitude to water, not pouring it without need, as well as not to drain harmful substances into the sewage system.

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Fresh water resources

Snow accumulates in the mountains at the same temperatures. The fallen snow is gradually compacted and turns into fir (grainy ice), and then in the gutter ice. The ice has the ability to be influenced by gravity to move (flow) at a speed of several meters to 200 m per year.

The covering glaciers have a significant power, hide the irregularities of the relief and occupy a large area (for example, the Antarctica Cooking Glacier with a capacity of about 2 km, and the Greenland Glacier). From the edge of these glacial coverings, huge blocks of ice are constantly falling down - icebergs sitting on the melels or freely floating.

Mountain glaciers occupy the peaks of mountains, various deepening on their slopes (punish, circus) and valleys. Mountain glaciers are significantly smaller than covering, and more diverse.

In glaciers, a large amount of fresh water was installed. Partially it is spent on the nutrition of rivers (water content of mountain rivers depend on the intensity of the melting of glaciers). For arid areas of the world, the ice nutrition of rivers has an important economic importance. Now interesting projects for using icebergs for supplying fresh water of arid regions of Australia, Africa, South America and the Arabian Peninsula are being developed.

6. Swamot

The swamps - excessively moistened areas of sushi with moisture-loving vegetation, during dying and the decomposition of which is formed peat. Depending on the power sources, the swamps are divided into riding and lowered.

High swamps feed on atmospheric precipitation, poor mineral salts are usually located on watersheds. The vegetation of these swamps is poor in the species composition; Sphagnum mosses prevail.

Milk swamps occur in places of exit to the surface or close range of groundwater. Significantly richer mineral nutrition creates conditions for growing here a variety of vegetation - green mosses, Osks, cereals, and from tree species - alder and birch. As a result of the accumulation of peat, the surface of low-rise swamps gradually rises. At a certain stage, the surface of the swamp can reach such a height at which the marsh vegetation can no longer use groundwater and enters the powered by atmospheric precipitation: the lowered swamp is replaced by the upper.

The swamps belongs to an important role in nature: they moisturize the air of the surrounding territories, are the habitats of many types of animals and growing valuable plant species.

Marsh are used by man. They develop peat, which is used as fertilizer, fuel and chemical raw materials, collect berries, medicinal plants, part of low-dry swamps drained and convert into agricultural land, distinguished by high potential fertility. It should, however, remember that not all swamps are subject to dying, some of them need to be preserved in order not to disrupt the interrelations in nature.

7. Protection of freshwater.

7.1. Water as the most valuable natural resource. This is one of the most life-supporting natural environments in the process of evolution. In addition to other economic importance, the main role of freshwater stocks is to supply a person with water, especially for drinking. Clean fresh water is a limiting factor in the existence of a person as a biological species.

Water is an integral part of the biosphere - has a number of abnormal properties that affect physico-chemical and biological processes occurring in ecosystems. These properties include very high and maximum heat capacity among liquids, the heat of melting and heat of evaporation; Surface tension dissolving the ability and dielectric resistance, transparency.

Water is also a characteristic enhanced migration ability, which is important for its interaction with adjacent natural environments. Due to the listed properties, the water can potentially accumulate a lot of pollutants - chemical elements and pathogenic microorganisms.

Most of the water consumed on the globe is used in agriculture (70%), then there is an industry and household needs. In many areas of the world, ¾ of the population of the Earth feel a sharp lack of clean fresh water. Therefore, freshwater protection lies in their careful use: 1) economical water consumption using more advanced technologies in industry and agriculture; 2) the introduction of current water supply at enterprises; 3) preventing water pollution, steady compliance with wastewater treatment rules.

The task of protecting water is complex and expensive. Wovered costs occupy the first place among all costs for nature conservation. Therefore, it, unfortunately, it is possible to solve only partially.

7.2. Reducing and anthropogenic pollution of freshwater. Almost all industrial and urbanized territories of the world decreases quality and reserves fresh water reserves. Therefore, ensuring it by the population and national economy of Russia has become one of the most important socio-economic needs.

Resolution No. 862 of October 18, 1992 "On urgent measures to ensure drinking water supply in the Russian Federation" obliged the relevant ministries and departments to conduct measures to improve the quality of drinking water and improving the reliability, stability of water supply systems of cities, towns and other water consumables (medium-term program, 1991). In this regard, large freshwater reservoirs (eg, Lake Baikal) have a special value.

Surface waters having the opportunity to self-charge are more protected from contamination than underground (Crane et al., 1991). Due to the increasing pollution of surface water, groundwater becomes almost the only source of economic and drinking water supply of the population. Therefore, their protection against exhaustion and pollution is strategically important.

The danger of groundwater pollution lies in the fact that underground hydrosphere (especially artesian pools) is the final reservoir of accumulation of pollutants of surface and deep origin (Crane, Shvets, 1987). The most dangerous anthropogenic water pollution process is to remove the effluent from industrial and urbanized and agricultural territories; Preparation of anthropogenic products with atmospheric precipitation.

The contamination of the sleeveless lakes is also long-term and often irreversible. Reinforced and concentrated water treatment from underground hydrosphere leads to the formation of extensive and deep funnels with dips of soils, lowering surface water levels.

The overall feature of anthropogenic water pollution is a high concentration of toxic substances in local areas of human habitat. In a number of regions, fresh water acquired anomalous geochemical properties (chloride concentration of up to 15 g / l, nitrates up to 10 g / l, fluorides up to 3-5 g / l; these are already environmentally dangerous concentrations). For organic compounds, some water systems have already entered the stage of irreversible changes (eutrophication) increasing in time. Such systems are capable of holding high concentrations of pollutants for a long time.

Recently, the consumption of mineral, therapeutic and canteens, as well as geothermal energy has increased dramatically. The rapid use of such resources without clarifying the processes in water tanks, leads to tragic and expensive errors. For example, in the famous Valley of Geysers in California due to a large number of operational wells, steam disappeared and the equilibrium quickly broke. To eliminate the crisis that has arisen in the 1970s. $ 3.5 million was spent.

Rights of sedimentary basins attract attention as an important source of hydromineral raw materials and biologically active waters. Such brines were identified in the Timan and Pechora sedimentary pool. Practice shows that in the extraction of brine, irreplaceable harm is applied by the overlying aquifer.

Studies in Russia and abroad prove a direct correlation bond between quality (degree of pollution) drinking water and human health. Widespread caries of teeth and fluorosis are due to a disadvantage and excess of fluorine in drinking water. The lack of F and caries is characteristic of the Karelian Kola region and the majority of the regions of European Russia. In the 1960s A government decree was made to fluoride drinking water with an F of less than 0.5 mg / l. Excess F and flash of fluorosis are fixed in Mordovia and Transbaikal.

With a lack of iodine in water (especially in rural residents), the diseases of the thyroid gland are developing. Such regions are known in the Crane North, the Urals, Altai, the North Caucasus, the Middle Volga region and in the north of the Russian Plain. A long deficit I in drinking water leads to mental and physical backwardness.

The bubble cancer is revealed and the use of high chlorine water. The most dangerous pollutants of drinking water belongs include chlorinated hydrocarbons and dioxins (highly toxic stable chlororganic connections).

In agricultural areas, water accumulates pesticides a list of human diseases in its use is very wide. Of particular danger is pollution of water by pathogenic microorganisms that cause outbreaks of epidemic diseases in humans and animals. The cause of most epidemics is the use of poor-quality water.

Negatively affect animals, fish, birds, plankton emergency spills of oil. In the Komi Republic, the accidents occur in oil pipelines most often. Oil stains water into black, sharply reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen, causing the death of organisms. Underground waters are not able to oxidize a huge amount of incoming organics (oil), pollution becomes irreversible (up to the appearance of fuel oil lenses).

In the introduction of methane, heavy hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulfides in natural waters, a reducing oxygen-free medium is created, giving hydrobionts.

The biological processes associated with the vital activity of algae, plankton, bacteria and other microorganisms (eutrophication of water bodies) may be environmentally dangerous.

Algae, plankton and microvales play a role both in the process of pollution and self-purification of natural waters. A variety of fungi, yeast, halophilic sulfate-reducing, methylotrophic, methane and other bacteria, present in water of different temperatures and salinity are known.

Durable monuting quality of surface waters shows that in them all over the world concentrations of nitrogen compounds, carbon, to a lesser extent - phosphorus and heavy metals increased. Nitrogen compounds have high solubility; Their concentration in water can be easily increased. Nitrogen transforms its migration form, depending on the temperature, oxidative and reduction conditions of the underground hydrosphere; Some of it well soluble forms are moving to others and accumulate in a new geochemical setting. This nitrogen adaptability to any geochemical situations determines the extraly wide range of its water migration.

Underground waters do not have bufferities for nitrogen. The pace of natural denitrification of groundwater by bacteria is very low. Therefore, in agricultural areas, the Komi water of the upper aquifers from hydrocarbonate are converted into nitrate-hydrocarbonate (saline).

Also, when making excess fertilizers in surface waters, phosphorus content increases (a favorable factor for lakes and swamps eutrophication).

7.3. Quality control of freshwater. The quality of natural waters is estimated by comparing the pollutants present in them with their PDC or EIA for the objects of drinking, cultural and consumer water use.

Such indicators are designed not only to detect excess pollutants, but also a lack of vital chemical elements (eg, SE). The regulatory approach is the initial step of evaluating the state of water, allowing quickly and with lowest cost to identify priority pollutants and develop practical recommendations to reduce the negative effects of pollution. In all countries there are standards for drinking water quality.

However, the regulatory approach does not take into account the combined effects (synergies or antagonism) substances. This especially applies to cases when these substances are present in concentrations close to MPC, and when water is used for a long time.

It has been established that the long-term effect of low doses can be more destructive for the population of hydrobionts than the acute short-term toxic effect.

In addition, each reservoir is unique due to large differences in the chemical composition, mixing speed, temperature mode and vertical stratification of water masses. The normative approach when establishing the MPC is not sufficiently based on experiments.

Reliable forecast and assessment of the state of the water system are complicated by simultaneously affecting a system of many variable natural and anthropogenic factors; complex physicochemical and microbiological processes occurring in the aquatic environment.

To understand such processes, the chemical interaction "Water - bottom sediments" should be taken into account (especially in the case of the subtelling of fluids or the accumulation of heavy metals in lake ibu). An important role in aqueous chemical reactions of carbon compounds, sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus, oxidative and reduction potential is also established.

The best way to obtain empirical data on the water media is hydrogeochemical mapping with the subsequent rationale for the monitoring network. The information collected in the course of long-term observations is the basis for the forecast of the state of the water system in time.

Currently, computer simulation of hydrogeochemical processes of contamination of surface and groundwater is used for environmental prediction, which involves huge data arrays into the scope and allow you to obtain qualitatively new information.


Craneov S.R., Shvets V.M. Geochemistry of groundwater of economic and drinking destination. M.: Nedra, 1987.

Craneov S.R., Foigt G.Yu., Apartment V.P. Geochemical and environmental consequences of changes in the chemical composition of groundwater under the influence of pollutants // geochemistry. 1991. № 2.

Kurennaya V.V. , Pugach S.L., Sedov N.V., Rachkov M.M. Problems of concentrated operation of groundwater // Geol. Bulletin center. regions of Russia // 1999. №3.

The medium-term program (1997 - 2001) of the rational use and protection of water resources of the Russian Federation. M., 1991. Issue.1.

Drinking water control manual. Volume 1. Recommendations. WHO, Geneva, 1986.

Directory of extremely permissible concentrations of harmful substances in food and habitat. M., 1993.

Physical geography. M., 1991. S.56-65.

Needle B. Environmental Science. M.: Mir, 1993.t.1. P.229 - 248.

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The structure of the hydrosphere. The interaction of surface and groundwater. The formation of the hydrochemical composition of groundwater. Technogenic impact on groundwater.

; allocate environmental problems and water protection methods; develop speech, attention; Relieve careful attitude towards water, to water bodies, desire to save fresh water.

Equipment: Schemes "The ratio of salt and fresh water", "Water - an important substance for the body", recording the song "Live, Spring!", Proverbs and statements of famous people, scientists about the water.

Structure occupation

I. Presentation Topics.

Teacher. Hello guys! Listen to the riddle and guess:

They drink me, they pour me, I need everyone. Who am I so? (Water.)

- Today we will talk about water, about careful about it. The topic of our classes - "Voddy's mother - all of the queen. Why do the water need to take care? ".

II. Water and life.

Teacher. Did you hear about the water? They say it everywhere.

First droplet. In the pool, in the sea, in the ocean,

And in the water tap.

How icicle freezes,

In the forest fog crashes.

Second droplet. The glacier in the mountains is called

The silver ribbon goes.

The medium of high slender firings

Collapsed by the flow of the villas.

Third droplet. On the plate we boil,

Ferry kettle hits

Dissolves sugar in tea.

Teacher. We do not notice her

We are accustomed to water -

Our companion is always.

Droplets (together). Without me, you do not wash

Do not eat or get drunk!

Teacher. I dare you to report:

Without water, we can not live.

Due to the daily handling of water, we are so accustomed to it and to its diverse manifestations in nature, which often do not notice the distinctive properties of water. But it is precisely these properties that our lakes and rivers are not freezing in winter to the bottom, that strong spring floods are relatively rare, which freezing, water can produce great destruction, etc. Many people familiar to us are related to water features excreting it among other substances.

Great role of water and in the technique. It is impossible to introduce such a branch of industry, wherever water was not used for certain purposes in one or another. Water serves as a source of energy. Water transfers heat. Water is used as an excellent solvent for many substances. Water is the environment in which a huge number of different chemical processes occurs.

In the history of our planet, water is also extremely important. Perhaps no other substance can compare with water in its influence on the course of the greatest changes that land over many hundreds of millions of years of its existence.

Where there is life, there is always water. Life without water is impossible. Whatever animal or plant we take, it includes water as one of the main components. Inhabitants of water bodies, as a rule, contain more water than sushi residents. In the body of fish, for example, up to 70-80% of water, and in jellyfish - more than 95%. In the grassy plants of the sushi, the percentage of water comes to 85. The organisms of mammalian animals and a person contain water less.

If a person's weight is 60 kg, then in its body contains about 40 liters of water. During the year, each organism consumes the amount of water, many times greater than its mass.

The scheme is highlighted.

Water is an important substance for the body:

  • per 1 kg of cow body - 600 g of water;

  • ducks - 700 g of water;

  • the jellyfish per 100 g of the body is 99 g of water.
- What role does water perform in the animal organism?

Nutrients fall into the blood through the walls of the digestive channel. Only substances dissolved in water can be penetrated through these walls, only liquids. If a piece of sugar did not dissolve in saliva and in gastric juice, sugar would not get into the blood. Egg protein, bread starch and potatoes do not dissolve in water, but the gastric and intestinal juices contain special substances - enzymes that split protein and starch and translate them in substances soluble. This cleavage is only in water. Blood consisting of four fifths of water, spread nutrients throughout the body. Thus, water is needed for our body as a solvent of nutrients, and as a carrier of them, and as a medium in which various processes associated with our livelihood flow. Having highlighted with sweating glands and evaporating from the surface of the skin, water regulates the temperature of our body. In addition, water is necessary to remove various harmful substances from the body resulting from exchange. The content of water in separate organs and body tissues is almost constant.

The need for water in various animals is not the same. Some of them are content with very small amounts of water, others, on the contrary, require water into abundance. Ambarged weevil, for example, conducts life in a dry link grain, in which moisture is only about 12%. This insect, eating dry grain, probably delays a part of even the water that stands out in his body, as in every other, in the process of metabolism and with breathing.

Other business, for example, Tly. They feed on plant juices. To get enough food, they should miss a large mass of water through their body. The body of the Tly is designed so that the water in it is not delayed for a long time and leaves the body, giving way to new portions of the nutrient juice.

No living creature can live in absolutely dry space and cannot stay alive, having lost water. Each organism can only lose a completely specific part of the water contained in it. A person has a loss of 10% of water causes a number of disorders, and a loss of 20% of water is death. Some animals are less sensitive to water loss.

Almost the same role as in animal organisms, water performs in plants. Water delivers the soil plants with nutrients and to a certain extent adjusts the temperature of the plants; Steaming from the surface of the leaves, it protects them from overheating in summer heat.

Since the germination of the seed, the plant all the time should receive moisture; For example, for one plant of sunflower for all the time of its growth, it is necessary about 40 liters of water, and alfalfa, creating one gram of dry matter, "drinks" about 500 g of water.

All the necessary water plants are obtained only from the soil. Plant roots suck water from soil with great power. This force is so great that, for example, it would be enough to raise water to the height of more than 4 m, and in a grape vine - at a height of 13 m. Thus, the vegetation of sushi, pumping water from the soil, acts as a powerful pump . From the roots, water rises into the stem and leaves and from the surface they evaporate.

IV. The value of water in nature and in human life.

Teacher. How wonderfully talked about the water great people! Aksakov called her collair of nature, Mendeleev - blood of nature.

A person will somehow cost without oil, diamonds, inventing new engines, but without water he will not be able to live. People have always deified water. There is not a single people whose water would not be considered the mother of all living, healing and purification force, a source of fertility. Famous French writer - the pilot of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, whose plane suffered an accident in the Sahara desert, "wrote:" Water! .. You have no taste, no color, no odor, you can not describe you, you enjoy, without knowing you What are you like! It is impossible to say that you need for life: You yourself life. You fill us with joy that you will not explain our feelings. You come back to us with the strength that we have already said. According to your mercy, our hearts of our heart begin to brighten into us again. You are the biggest wealth in the world ... "

- Guys, read the statements of great people about the water.

 The water was given the magic power to become a juice of life on Earth. (Leonardo da Vinci.)

 Water drops more precious than gold. (D. Mendeleev.)

 No drink on Earth is better than a glass of cold clean water. (V. Peskov.)

 Save yourself, human

Son, lighted, save!

So that the river flowed, and not speech

According to our Great Rus.

M. Rudakov

- Explain these statements. What are they talking about?

Teacher. All nations are carefully and carefully related to water. Read the proverbs invented by different peoples. They lived far from each other, but everyone appreciated the water.

 Water - Mother, and do not live without mother. (Chinese proverb.)

 We do not appreciate the water until the well dry. (English proverb.)

 A drop of a drop - a lake is formed, and stop dripping - the desert is formed. (Uzbek proverb.)

Russian proverbs:

  • And drunk dull water in the nevility.

  • Do not spit into the well: will get drunk.

  • Without dew and grass does not grow.
- Explain the meaning of proverbs.

IV. Where did the water come from?

Teacher. If you quickly promote the globe, it will seem that it is monochrome, blue. Why? What is shown blue on the globe? Where is the most water on earth? (Water filled with sea and oceans.)

- Can a person use this water? (Not.)

- Why? What water do we need? (Fresh.)

Guys or guys?

All the liveriness is happy completely!

3rd student. But what is? Guard!

No, no, no one drowned,

No, no, just the opposite,

Steamer sits down

Right in broad day, what scandal!

Probably, Lotsman Mahu gave!

No, far from the buoy,

The river was deep here.

4th student. Was. That's exactly - it was.

It was, yes, apparently swung.

Ah, we will not know the river ...

The river becomes a stream!

Already boats on Meli ...

Swimmers suddenly gone.

And fish? In grief and longing

B EDINAGE Fucking on the sand.

So what happened to her, with the river?

Alas, friends, the answer is:

Preschooler Sidorov Ivan.

I forgot to close the faucet in the kitchen.

You will say: what a trifle.

Trifle. Good b stream drunk

And then won because of a trifle

The whole river disappeared!

B. Sadier

- Why did the water disappeared in the river suddenly?

- What happened after the river was less than water?

- What does this poem remind of each of us?

In s about d: Do not spend water in vain! Take care of her!

VII. Outcome.

Teacher. How should the guys do, adults, so that rivers and streams do not disappear?

- Why should the water be preserved and guarded?

  • Water is part of any body.

  • Water is life, beauty and health.

  • The amount of water is limited.

  • Water is a man's assistant.

  • Water is polluted.
- What could the water be asked to ask us if I knew how to talk?

Student. Water will not be afraid to rummage to water.

Close the string of the crane, so as not to emerge the ocean.

Teacher. What can ask us the ocean?

Student. If the ocean knew how to think, talk, he would say to a modern person: "As you are untidy, what kind of stupid you are! You even managed to pollute me. Now you have to clean me. I do not know how you will do it, but I must do it, otherwise you will pay yourself: it will be bad for you and your descendants. "

Teacher. After all, it would not be in vain so the ocean would say: he is littered. They dump it that he fell. In the northern part of the Pacific Ocean floats about 5 million old rubber sandals, approximately
35 million empty plastic bottles and about 70 million glass floats. All these items do not decompose. If they do not catch them, they will swim hundreds of years. Read the commandments:

1. Our planet is our home, and each of us is responsible for its future.

2. If you find a spring in the forest, save it. Maybe it is the beginning of a large full-flower river.

3. Listen to the murdation of the river. Maybe she asks for help from you and she needs your caring hands.

Spring of the Power of Earth, Grass and Cheeva,

In the hot afternoon it is always cold

And lower your hand in the blue -

Shells light water.

His pensive pene

I learned a big clean,

First, the most timid inspiration

The first, the most joyful dream.

Let away from the low house

I, husband, I will get gray

I will come to him alive,

And still drinking his water.

V. Soloohin

Song sounds "Live, Rodnik".

Every day hundreds of millions of people meet with this substance, without thinking about it at all. Ingenious Leonardo da Vinci called her juice of life on Earth, and it should be recognized that he was right. Water - and everyone knows - it is necessary for the existence of animals and plants, for our own life.

Any animal is largely made of water: it is at least nine tenths of the total mass of their body. Much water and in the human body. In order to calculate the amount of water in its body, you need a body weight to be divided into 3, and the resulting number is multiplied by 2. In the body of the person there is a "cycle of water" - a day of the heart drives a liquid 150 times more than the mass of human, and the kidney is 1000 liters.

Water is a source of energy. It acts as a kind of energy generator in each cell cage. Passing through the cell membranes, it actuates the cationic pumps that generate voltage. As a result, hydroelectric energy is produced. All plants and animals, including a person, survive due to the energy that water produces. Water also participates in the process of thermoregulation, in the process of breathing, in the process of metabolism. Dehydration of the body is dangerous to human life (and other living beings), can lead to his death.

Life on our planet originated in water and develops due to it, more precisely, due to the nutrient elements contained in aqueous solutions. But the formation of these elements, and transfer them to the surface of the Earth, and accumulation in the necessary quantities occurs with the participation of water resources.

Water not only contributed to the birth of life on Earth. She actively affected on the shape of the surface of our planet: rapidly current flows were washed with crystal and whole gorge, both in soft and solid rocks; In extensive relatively calm water bodies, sandbanks and clay particles were depicted. For many millions of years, such layers of precipitation could reach 1000-meter thickness. The processes of changes in the earth's surface with the participation of water occur now: marine surf, for example, destroys the coast; Stormy mountain rivers collapse steep shores; Atmospheric precipitates gradually destroy the most persistent rocks; On the shallow sections of rivers and lakes under the influence of currents, sand braids and wicked islands appear.

Modern science recognizes the great role of water on Earth. One of the shells of our planet is also called hydrosphere, or aqueous shell. Conditionally this shell is divided into the world ocean and sushi water. The ocean is a gigantic moisture tank that fills the system of large decrees of the earth's surface. Sushi's water is an integral part of the hydrosphere, divided into a variety of separate pools, or the ocean associated or not. Groundwater includes land water. There is a permanent relationship between the oceanosphere and the waters of the sushi: rivers flowing into the sea are dumped into the ocean continental waters, a small part of which can directly return to land through underground cracks in the coastal zone. However, the bulk of the river flow returns to the continent to another: after evaporation from the surface of the ocean, the moisture falls into the atmosphere where it is going to the clouds; The wind drives these clouds towards the sushi, where they, shedding with rains, again fall into the streams and rivers. In this way, the eternal cycle of water in nature is performed. Currently, the hydrosphere is covered by non-velocity and scale transformations associated with the technical activities of humanity. About 5 thousand cubic kilometers of water is used annually, and is contaminated about 10 times more. Many countries began to experience a shortage of fresh water. But this does not mean that it is not enough on Earth, the trouble is that we have not learned to use it rationally.

Water on our planet is found in three states: a liquid, solid and gaseous. In nature, in nature, it can meet simultaneously. For example, in the summer it is on the tops of the mountains in a solid state - in the form of snow and ice, in the waterfall it is liquid, and in the air, where there is always water vapors - gaseous. The most familiar for us is its liquid state. But on the surface of the Earth, water is both in a solid state - in the form of ice and perennial snow. Glaciers and eternal snow occupy about the tenth of the total surface of the sushi. The area occupied by glaciers can increase, then decrease. These changes are determined by climate fluctuations: ice era comes in colder periods. In the opposite case on Earth, warming occurs. It is in such an era of warming we live now. The total flange of the surface of the planet affects the level of the world's ocean. The melting of perennial ice leads to an increase in its level and to the occurrence of the sea to the low-lying sites of sushi, and, therefore, affects living organisms, including human.

In Russia, only 10-12 thousand years ago, there were huge freshwater pools at the edge of the huge glacial cover. From these reservoirs, the river flowed to the south, since the path to the North was blocking the glacier. The water across the Turgay valley fell into the Aral Sea, and from there on the river Uzuba, the dryer of which is visible on aerial photographs, in the puffy pool, which was located on the site of the current Caspian. The water level in the pool was 50 m above the modern. From him through the manic depression, the water entered the Black Sea.

Economic activity of man affects the warming of the climate. In a short period of time, people significantly reduced the water-regulating capabilities of the sushi surface. The man thoughtlessly cut down the forest, swallowed the steppe, dragged the swamp, built a city, roads. As it turned out, the evaporation of water from the surface of the sushi is controlled by ecosystems. In various ecosystems, it proceeds unequal. The best water regulatory properties have natural forests, then steppe ecosystems and agroecosystems. In the fields where agricultural crops are cultivated, the course of the flow of natural processes is disturbed. In the summer, during hayfosses and harvesting crops, plant communities are destroyed in vast territories. Water exchange here is changing radically. After harvesting, the fields are sprinkled, and a new change in the water-regulating surface properties on hundreds of millions of hectares occurs, since the arable land reduces the intensity of evaporation. Such surgical changes in ecosystems are not indifferent to nature. They extend the natural climate regulation processes that have developed in the biosphere for many millions of years of development.

All living organisms, and man too, to maintain life needs water. Every day, each person consumes and highlights water, like any organism. But besides satisfying physiological needs, water is necessary to maintain personal hygiene, cooking, cleaning the premises much more water is required for human economic activities: irrigation of fields, industry, energy. Rivers, lakes and seas are used as transport routes. The growth of the population on the planet, the need to increase production capacity - all this leads to exhaustion and pollution of water resources.

Pollution causes damage to plants and animals, threatens human health, makes water unsuitable for use and, of course, destroy the beauty of landscapes.

Pollution can be natural, mechanical, thermal, energy, chemical.

Natural contaminants are contaminants associated with natural causes, for example, with plants decomposition processes and animals inhabiting reservoirs, volcanic eruptions, dust, restrain pollution are not dangerous for nature as a whole.

With mechanical pollution is familiar with everyone, at least once visited the shore. Waves carry the most diverse items. Sometimes the garbage trash focuses the coast of multi-meter shafts. (As special studies have shown, the results of which were published in the British press in the mid-80s of the last century, for the seven-day flight of the vessel with a team of 45 people overboard, 70 beer cans, 320 cardboard and paper bags, 165 cellophane packages 19 245 Glass bottles, 29 lamps, 2 gas cylinders and about 5,200 cans)

In thermal pollution, the natural level of water temperature is significantly increased. It is caused by discharge of heated wastewater in areas of large cities, latch of nuclear power plants. At the same time, natural equilibrium in a polluted area is disturbed, cold-tech organisms are dying, the flora and fauna occupies their place, alien to this water area.

Energy pollution occurs during some types of geophysical works, during which artificial electric or magnetic fields are created and the energy is ejected into the environment. For example, when the electrical exploration is conducted on the shelf, the electric shock can occur.

The most dangerous - chemical pollution. Every year, the atmosphere comes to 25 billion tons of carbon dioxide, 190 million tons of carbon monoxide and so on. A significant part of this mass falls with atmospheric precipitation on the surface of the water of the planet. Slides hazardous pollutants are salts of heavy metals - lead, mercury, iron, copper. Heavy metals are first absorbed aquatic plants. Next, on the supply chains, they come to herbivorous animals, then predatory. One of the most dangerous pollutants is oil. One gram of flooded oil can tighten with a film of 10 m 2 of the aqueous surface. The film prevents gas exchange, which entails watering with oxygen, as well as shields solar rays, damping the aqueous organisms of solar energy. It prevents the evaporation and absorption of carbon dioxide. Oil is poison for residents of water bodies, especially for caviar and juveniles. Analysis of cosmic shots shows that the oil film covers 10% of the surface of the world's ocean. This trouble and Russian waters have not passed. Surface oil pollution is traced in the Baltic and Azov seas, in the eastern part of the Black Sea, in the Tatar Strait, in the north of the Japanese Sea, in the area of \u200b\u200bKuril and the Pacific Coast of Kamchatka, in the southern regions of the Arctic seas. Derivatives of petroleum products, for example, detergents are also dangerous for nature, as well as oil itself. The widespread use of synthetic detergents in everyday life and in industry leads to an increase in their concentration in wastewater. At high concentration, small planktonic organisms are dying, such as algae, daphnia, provicrats. And if the concentration reaches 5 mg / l, fits fish. Synthetic detergents are practically not removed by treatment facilities, so they fall into water bodies and violate the livelihoods of water ecosystems.

Natural water has the ability to self-cleaning under the influence of natural factors: sunlight, atmospheric gases, organisms of organisms - bacteria, mushrooms, green algae, animals. With severe contamination of self-purification, it does not occur due to the death of organisms and violation of natural biological processes.

We people don't live on Earth. For us, gold, oil, money is wealth and value, we are guarding it, and invaluable - lakes, rods, air, nature - no. The protection of the Earth did not have a state idea, the meaning of existence, our main national pride. Of course, some measures to protect water are applied. Water legislation regulates water consumption, wastewater treatment, there is a system of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating the effects of pollution. But these measures are effective in insufficient. Clean water on the planet is becoming less and less. It threatens an ecological catastrophe. But still you can change. I suggest to start every person with myself. Change your attitude towards the environment, change your behavior in nature. How exactly? I suggest so:

1. What can I do?

I can save water; wash not under a strong jet of water; Close on time water tap. (It is estimated that from the left-handed crane is poured over an hour of 1000 liters of water.) Cool, for example a bottle with lemonade, not under the jet of cold water, but in the refrigerator, then water leaks less.

I can comply with a rule of behavior on a reservoir:

Do not throw in the reservoirs and on the shore of trash, bottles; Remind all the people around this simple rule.

In the future, when I become an adult, I can come up with something else that will help protect the water on our planet.

2. What can adults make?

Just like me, adults should save water and comply with the rule of behavior on the reservoir.

But most importantly:

Adults can and should even better purify wastewater;

Build modern sewage treatment facilities;

Create water protection zones;

Use detergents made only from natural materials;

Build plants with a closed production cycle so that the waste is not at all;

Prevent transport pollution of water bodies, leaks, losses in loading operations, and emergency accidents; And if the accident still occurred, use all possible means to quickly eliminate it;

Develop science to disappear thermal, energy and chemical pollution so that the person finds other more rational ways to use water that will not harm nature.

Everyone should understand that ordinary clean water is a wealth that you will not replace anything!

I want to finish my job with the words of Tour Heyerdal:

We have long mastered the planet,

The new century walks wide.

There are no white spots on Earth,

Shut up a man?

Maybe this question will make adults think, and the protection of the Earth will become our national idea.

Water is the most valuable natural resource. Its role is to participate in the process of exchanging all substances that are the basis of any vital form. It is impossible to imagine the activities of industrial, agricultural enterprises without water use, it is indispensable in human household life. Water is necessary for all: people, animals, plants. For someone, it is a habitat.

The rapid development of human life, the unanimicious use of resources led to the fact thatcOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (water pollution including) became too sharp. Their decision stands in mankind in the first place. Scientists, environmentalists of the whole world beat the alarm and are trying to find a solution to the world problem

Sources of water pollution

The causes of pollution are quite a lot, and does not always blame the human factor. Natural cataclysms also harm with pure water bodies, violate environmental equilibrium.

The most common sources of water pollution are considered:

    Industrial, household wastewater. The system of purification from chemical harmful substances, they, falling in the pond, provoke an ecological catastrophe.

    Tertiary cleaning. Water is processed by powders, special compositions, multi-stage filtered, killing the harmful organisms and destroying other substances. Used for household needs of citizens, as well as in the food industry, in agriculture.

    - radioactive water pollution

    The main sources that pollute the world ocean include the following radioactive factors:

    • tests of nuclear weapons;

      discharges of radioactive waste;

      major accidents (ships with atomic reactors, Chernobyl

      burial at the bottom of the oceans, the seas of radioactive waste.

    Environmental problems and water pollution including directly related to infection with radioactive waste. For example, French and English atomic plants infected almost the entire North Atlantic. Our country has become the culprit of pollution of the Arctic Ocean. Three atomic underground reactors, as well as the production of Krasnoyarsk-26, climbed the largest River Yenisei. Obviously, radioactive foods fell into the ocean.

    Worldwide pollution with radionuclides

    The problem of pollution of the world's ocean is acute. Briefly list the most dangerous radionuclides falling into it: cesium-137; Cerium-144; strontium-90; niobium-95; yttrium-91. All of them have a high bioaccumulating ability, go on food chains and concentrated in marine organisms. This creates a danger of both human and hydrobionts.

    The water area of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic seas is exposed to strong pollution of various sources of radionuclides. People carelessly dump dangerous waste into the ocean, thereby turning it into the dead. The man probably forgot that the ocean is the main wealth of the earth. It has powerful biological and mineral resources. And if we want to survive, you must urgently take action on its salvation.

    Ways Solutions

    Rational water consumption, protection against pollution - the main tasks of humanity. Ways to solve environmental problems on water pollution lead to the fact that, first of all, much attention should be paid to the discharges of hazardous substances in the river. In an industrial scale, it is necessary to improve technologies for wastewater treatment. In Russia, it is necessary to introduce a law that has increased charge charges. The proceeds should be sent to the development and construction of new environmental technologies. For the smallest emissions, the fee must be reduced, it will serve as a motivation to the preservation of a healthy environmental situation.

    The growing of the younger generation is played in solving environmental problems. From the early years it is necessary to teach children to respect, love for nature. Insolve that the Earth is our big house, for the order in which every person is responsible. Water must be preserved, not pouring it mindlessly, try so that foreign objects and harmful substances will not fall into the sewage system.


    In conclusion, I want to say thatecological problems of Russia and water pollution worry, perhaps everyone. Thoughtless wasting of water resources, the litter of rivers by various garbage led to the fact that in nature there are quite a bit clean, safe corners.Environmentalists have become much more vague, multiple measures are being taken to restore order in the environment. If each of us thinks about the consequences of our barbaric, consumer relationship, the situation can be corrected. Only Mankind will be able to save the reservoirs, the world ocean and, possibly, the life of future generations.