Class features reflected in Slavic surnames. The meaning of Russian and Slavic surnames

Class features reflected in Slavic surnames. The meaning of Russian and Slavic surnames

Answer the question when Russians have named after Russians, not so simple. The fact is that the names in Russia were formed mainly from the patient, nickname or generic names, and this process was gradual.

Novgorod surnames

It is believed that the first in Russia began to wear the names of the citizens of the Great Novgorod, which was then the republic, as well as residents of Novgorod possessions, staging throughout the north of the Baltic to the Urals. This occurred presumably in the XIII century.

So, in the annals for 1240, the names of the fallen in the Nevsky Battle of Novgorod are mentioned: "Kostyantin Lugotinitz, the pineshinic sees". In the chronicles of 1268, there are the names of the "TDDIDISOLA Cherry, Nikifora Radäyatinich, Tverdislav Moysievich, Mikhail Krivsevich, Boris Ildyatinich ... Vasil Voiborzovich, Zhiroslava Doromilovich, a plow of the Sousse". In 1270, as the chronicler reports, Prince Vasily Yaroslavich went on a campaign to Tatars, taking with him "Petrila Levchaga and Mikhail Pinechinich."

As you can see, these surnames did not care about modern and were formed, most likely, by patchedations, generic or baptistic names, nicknames or place of residence.

Come from north

Perhaps the most ancient surnames still follow the names ending with suffixes -Ih. According to experts, they appeared at the turn I-II millennia and occurred mainly from family nicknames. Let's say, the members of one family could give such nicknames as short, white, red, black, and their descendants were called in the parent or complained case: "What are you going to whose?" - "Short, white, red, black." Doctor philological Sciences A.V. Superanskaya writes: "The head of the family is called gold, the whole family is gold. A leaving or leaving from the family next generation is gold. "

Historians suggest that these surnames were born in the north, and subsequently spread to central regions Rus and Pre-Ural. Many such names are found among Siberians: it was associated with the beginning of the conquest of Siberia in the second half of the XVI century. By the way, according to the rules of the Russian language, such names are not inclined.

Surnames from Slavic names and nickname

There were also surnames arising from Old Russian worldly names. For example, from the Slavic names of their own wait and loved the last name of Zhdanov and Lyubimov later. Many surnames are formed from the so-called "security" names: it was believed that if you give a baby name with a negative color, it would scare from it dark forces and failures. So from the names-nicknames of Nekras, Daughty, hunger, the surnames of Nekrasov, Durov, Chertanov, Zlobin, Union, hunger.

Noble surnames

Only later, in the XIV-XV centuries, the names began to appear in princes and boyars. Most often, they were formed from the name of the lot, which was owned by Prince or Boyar, and subsequently crossed his descendants: Shuisky, Vorotynsky, Obolensky, Vyazemsky. Some of the noble surnames occurred from the nickname: Gagarins, humpbalance, eyes, likings, sneaks. Sometimes the surname united the name of the dot with the nickname, such as Lobanov-Rostovsky. One of the most ancient naval names - Golitsyn - originates from ancient word "Golitsy" ("Galicians"), which meant leather mittens used at various works. Another oldest noble surname - Morozov. It was the first to be Misha Prussin, who was particularly distinguished in 1240 in the battle of the Swedes: his name was glorified in the life of Alexander Nevsky. This race also became known thanks to the famous splitter - Fedosier Morozova.

Merchant surnames

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the names began to wear serve people, clergy and merchants. However, the richest merchants acquired last names even earlier, in XV-XVI centuries. Basically, these were again residents of the northern regions of Russia - say, Kalinikov, Stroganov, Perminov, Ryazantsev. Kuzma Minin, the son of Mina Ankudinova, from Balakhna, received his own last name at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries. Often merchant surnames reflected the occupation of their owner. So, Rybnikov traded fish.

Peasant family names

The peasants had no name for long, with the exception of the population of the northern part of Russia, once belonging to Novgorod, since there was no serfdom. Take, for example, the "Arkhangelsky man" Mikhail Lomonosov or Nanny Pushkin - the Novgorod peasant of Arina Rodionovna Yakovlev.

They had names and the Cossacks, as well as the population of land, previously included in People's Communications: the territories of the current Belarus to Smolensk and Vyazma, Malororsia. Possessed the names most of the indigenous inhabitants of the Chernozem Gubernia.

Massly assign the surnames to the peasants only after the cancellation of serfdom. And some and at all got surnames only during the years of Soviet power.

Families slavic peoples sometimes it is difficult to divide on "national apartments", although lately It is trying to do in Ukraine. For many centuries, the so-called writing people sought to slavic unity. According to the same books studied in Russia and in Serbia. The Kiev monk Monk Pamo Bernd, who created an excellent lexicon, believed that he writes on the "Romsk" language (that is, Russian), although his own language by that time was already Ukrainian. The famous lexicographer Vladimir Ivanovich Dal included in his dictionary of the word of all East Slavic languages, without making them to Ukrainian and Belarusian, but only noting the "Western", "South" (East Slavic).

Especially all this refers to the names. After all, people do not sit in place; In the history of our Motherland there were mass relocations, and moving individuals, and marriages between representatives of different branches of Slavs. It is especially difficult to define the language affiliation of the names of people in the Smolensk region, in Belarus, in Western Ukraine, where Orthodoxy and Catholicism met, where there were significant Polish penetrations, and in some parts of the specified zone, the documentation was carried out in Polish.

The most brightly Polish (and Belarusian) elements are felt in the surnames, including a combination of letters dZ , dL partially - rJ . For example, belarusian surname Dzzynisau corresponds to Russian Denisov And it is written in Russian. Polish surname Dzeschuk Educated on behalf Dzeshe derived from Dzeslav. (Two-part name formed from the foundation of the verb do (sia ) + Component slav ) With suffix -Uk , testifying to them that Dzeschuk - Son of man named Dzeshe.

Polish surname Orohovskaya corresponds to Russian Orekhovskaya , Grzibovskaya - Mribovskaya . Since these surnames end on - skye. , they do not occur directly from words mushroom or nut And, most likely, are formed from locality names with such basics.

Polish surname Shidlo corresponds to Ukrainian Awl Polish Sverdlov - Russian Drills .

Polish surname Dzenzeluk Educated on behalf of or nickname Dzendzel derivative dztenzall. - Woodpecker. Running from the original word, the names are developing dozens of similar options. To the same base, surnames Dzenzelovsky , Dzenseleevsky (with the transformation of the second dZ in z. ) and the letter mentioned by the author, Elena Dzenzeluk , Ukrainized last name Dzinzyruk .

Polish-Belarusian surname Golodjuk Educated from the Word hunger (Polish wonder ). Polish Dictionary of Families, compiled by Professor Kazimierz by Roman (this is a modern Polish pronunciation of the name, which in Russian traditionally writes Casimir), along with forms Wonder and GLOD Also leads surnames Hunger , Starving , Holodok . The form Golodjuk indicates that the carrier of this surname is a descendant of man by last name Hunger .

Muurienko Educated from nickname Muroy (Ukrainian Muri ), Which man could get on the color of his hair. V. I. Dal explains: Muroy (About the wool of cows, dogs), - red-brown with black wave, dark motley. In the Ukrainian-Belorussian dictionary V. P. Lemtyugovoy, these values \u200b\u200bof the adjective are confirmed and adding - "with a red, dark face". Surname Muurienko suggests that her carrier is a descendant of man with a nickname Muri . Suffix -Enko wider spread in the eastern part of Ukraine than in Western, similar to the Russian patronization suffix -Ovich /-Evich . Compare in fairy tales: Russian Ivan Tsarevich corresponds ukrainian Ivan. Tsarenko.

Ukrainian-Yuzhnussian surname Kvitun Educated from verb queen - Calculate, revenge for the insanity, pay debt; -N. - Sufifix of the leader's name, as in krikun , piskun , govorun. . With the same basis there is polish surnames: Kwit , Kvitash , Queen. , Kwitko .

Surname Sitar , most likely, Czech. It is formed from the nickname by profession: sitar - The one who works sieves.

Very interesting surname Kuts. which can be compared with the words different languages. I always perceived it as what is happening from a brief adjective kuts. fully kutsoy . But from the semantics of this word "short-cast, nestless, krugy" to some characteristic of a person far. True, in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Katuy dress or katus Kaftan called "German dress" in contrast to the Russian long-folean caftans, and was also an expression: Kutsa captain of the communal team (according to V.I. Galle), but this does not explain the name formed from brief form adjective.

Surname Kuts. There are in Polish. It is formed from the same word that has developed there some other values. For example, verb kunny - Line squatting, which indicates a small growth. So nickname Kuts. Could get a low-spirited man. In short kuts. Poles call a small horse, including pony.

Finally, last name Kuts. may be german originAs formed from one of the numerous derivatives on behalf of Conrad. The same origin is the name Kangz .

Surname What - greek origin. Greek as So evil damage, loss, misfortune; kakos - Bad, angry, bad, compare the word cacophony - bad Evuki, bad sound. The surname could be formed on behalf of this "from the evil eye".

Origin of Family, 2003, №8

Evdokim - Evdokimov - Evdokimenko

I write out the magazine "Science and Life" from the sixties. I really want to learn the truth about our last name. My grandfather came to Siberia by resettlement in 1910. His last name is Evdokimenko. He told that one of our ancestors by the name of Evdokimov participated in the Commission on the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. The stamp paper on the diplomatic mission of our ancestor (his last name is redone to the Ukrainian LAD) is lost when decaving. Can I find any confirmation?

N. Bochkareva (pos. Rubber of Primorsky Krai).

With Ukrainian-Russian contacts, there were constantly transformation of surnames by types, more natural for most residents of the locality: Evdokimov turned in Evdokimenko , and the last - even in Evdokimenkova . All these surnames are formed from the Orthodox name Evdokim . But even mention of the name Evdokimova Among the participants in the meetings, which resolved the question of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia, is not accurate proof that it was your ancestor, it is necessary to have a list of all generations of your family, and it is impossible to get it now.

Lentil - germ, kidney

My family has long been discharged by the magazine "Science and Life". With interest we read the section of the doctor of philological sciences A. Superanskaya on the origin of the names and surnames. I want to know about the origins of our last name. In its area, except relatives, the name Chechevichkin we did not meet. Father originally from the village of Diveevo, in the south of the Nizhny Novgorod region, which borders the Mordovian Republic.

M. Chechevichkin (Pavlovo Nizhny Novgorod region).

Surname Chechevichkin can occur from the name of the plant - Lentil and its edible seeds. There are many surnames formed from food names. But perhaps another explanation: in Russian counseurs chechevich - This is something small, embryo, kidney. Old Russian name Chechevich Could be given at the time of the birth of a child. Then the last name Chechevichkin Comes from the ancient Russian name.

Hohryak - Old Russian Name

Please explain the meaning of the names of my ancestors of Hohryakov (from the Vologda province left in the XIX century to Siberia) and Cherkashin (according to the stories of great-grandmothers, and Ermacom came to Siberia).

T. Sergeeva (Algeria).

Surname Khokhryakov Known in Russia for a long time. It comes from the ancient Russian name or nickname Khokhryak . Word Khokhryak Skinny verb hawk, fuck it . It marked the bump, hump, bump, and besides, a sickly, weak person who will always hurt, hurts. If a Khokhryak It was a nickname of your distant ancestor, then he was obviously a hump or some bump. Name Khokhryak Could give a child from the evil eye to be actually beautiful and healthy.

In short cherkashin in different places Called different people. It happens from the name of the nation cherkas / Cherkes. But a long time has lost an ethnographic connection with this people. Cherkasami called Don Cossacks; Compare the name of their capital - Novocherkassk. Cherkasami and cherkashhenynin In some places began to call immigrants from don; In Zaporizhia, so called immigrants from Moscow. To say for sure, you need to know the entire history of your family. On the basis of the surnames, you can do only a linguistic analysis.

Surnames formed from nickname and ancient Russian names

Nicknames that existed in the XIHX-XX centuries, it is difficult to separate from ancient Russian names. For example, in antiquity (before the adoption of Christianity), the Russians had personal names of the Bear, wolf, hare, box, etc. After the adoption of Christianity, such names could be given as nicknames: Bear - large strong man, Wolf is lonely and to some extent predatory, hare - a man of a small growth, a cowardly, a box - a dense, tormenting everything. There were also nicknames by profession: turner, tanger, carpenter. Such nicknames went to the descendants referred to and, drawing up with the corresponding suffixes, turned into surnames.

The following presentation does not distinguish between the Old Russian names and nicknames (all are given in a single alphabet). But, if the basis of this or that surname was known as the ancient Russian name, it is noted.

Brylev - barla, Brila - lip, especially top; B. swirl - at least a jelly (about a crowded man); bryli. - Sharp lips of Usobak type of boxers, bulldogs. This feature of a person has long paid attention to others, compare the names and nicknames of the XVI-XVII centuries: Timofey Nikonovich Brylo Buturlin; Bryla , peasant; Vasily Shumilov Berkin .

Bolkunov - bulk - Pray the nepouk, chat. Surname Bolkunov Fixed in 1618.

Vereasha - not decorated with a special suffix Old Russian name, wider known in the form Vererachcha - Boltun, Govorun, grumpy man; vessel (About the child) - squeeze, squeak, cry. Known: Vererachcha Faded, end of the XV century, Uglich; Vererachcha , Peasant, 1510, Uglich.

Voltov - Word volt Borrowed from Italian. In Russian, accepted in several meanings: turnover, circle, especially in special speech, for example: musicians - repeat some passage; Riders - a horse turn on special rules. Any musician or an equestrian instructor could get a nickname Volt because it often repeated this word. At Shulers volt It was called the redistribution of cards. Nickname Volt Could give someone who deftly did. Finally, in the famous word volt Complies with literature Valet . Owner of nickname Volt Could a man who look like a valve. The Lord Valnet was sometimes called Holow and Hama.

Zhugan. / Gamban - Old Russian name derived from bug , very common.

Zhigar - not decorated with a suffix Old Russian name formed from the verb burn , (under) burn . Zhigar means "slaughtering, the instigator in the game, Gulbe, Dance, Outrage" (V. Dal). In Novgorod, in 1495 he lived Stepan Zhigar .

Zverev - Beast - Old Russian Name: Vasily Semenovich Beast Kutuzov, XVI century, surname Zverev Marked in 1497. Perhaps name Beast It was given as a protective, so that the named did not suffer from any beast. In the XIX-XX centuries nickname Beast Got evil, fierce people.

Kozhevnikov - Surname from nickname Kozhevnik (by profession). The surname is common, as Kozhevniki - people engaged in the stretch of the skin were everywhere. Word Kozhevnik , given as a name or nickname man, met for the first time in the twentieth century: Kozhevnik Karpovich Holopichev, Suzdal.

Kolobkov - Kolobok - Reduce form of ancient Russian name Cobrob. Kolob. - Komok dough, thick cake, small round bread. Everyone knows the fairy tale about Kolobka . In 1550, Alabish lived in the suburbs Kolobov , son of ridiculous, which indicates that Kolob. He does not have a nickname, and the name. So:

son - Alabyes / Olabysh - small round bread;

father - Kolob - a small round bread or pie, pellet;

grandfather - a rod of a crop, punishing.

Thus, the entire family was named the names of the breadstuffs of the round shape.

Kolobok - son Column reduce. From here - Kolobkov .

Khackkin - box - Old Russian name, formed from the word box - Box containing something. Perhaps such a name was given as wishes, so that everything was known in it. Gogol has one elderly landowner named Box. . Kalina Peasant Box He lived at the end of the XV century in Novgorod.

Lomomtsev - Lomomets - man from the home of the owner by name or nickname Scrap . Nickname Scrap Could give a large, physically strong person. In short scrap Due to the bustle, turmoil. Old Russian name Scrap Could give a child born during some family passing.

Meshcheryakov - Surname is formed from the word mescheryak - a citizen Meshchera - Geographic area on the oke river. In short meschchera Denote the ancient Finno-Ugric tribe who lived on the Oke.

Muravyev - from the ancient Russian Ant . In the 20th century, Ivan lived in the Moscow district Ant Olupovsky.

Mushkatov - The surname is formed from the nickname Mushkat / Muscat . This is the name of the grape variety, as well as a nutmeg tree - a tropical plant, the fruit of which, nutmeg, is eaten as spicy seasoning. Nickname Mushkat could give a person, wrongly uttering the word muscat . Could give someone who used muscata Walnut, grapes muscat Or cooked from it wine than standing out against the background of other people who did not use these rare for Russia.

Polishchuk / Polyshchuk - The surname is formed from the dwelling Polesia - Natural region located on the territory of Ukraine, Belarus and partly Russia and Poland. Because in the territory of the region live different peoples (Although all Slavic), in the individual parts of the names of residents in different ways: Russian july , alsinen, Wholesale; High colors, Poleshuk; Posters, Pisulshchuk; Powder ; Ukrainian paul, poliuschuk, half ; Belorussky palaveluki, Palyashuk, Palashchka . All this variation affected the surname spells.

Reut - Surname without a special suffix, is formed from the ancient Russian name Reut . In short reut Call a big bell. The word is sometimes explained so that at the beginning of the stall of this bell, the note hears re , gradually turning into before (which is otherwise called uT. ). One of the bells on the bell tower of Ivan the Great in Moscow is called reut or howler . Perhaps it is more correct to explain this word to the verb roar . Old Russian name Reut Already known in the XV century, when the peasant Yuri lived in Novgorod Reut . Perhaps such a name was given to a child who was crying particularly low voice. Surname Reutov and names of settlements Reutov , Reutovo. Meet in different places of the country.

Ronzhin - The surname is formed from the ancient Russian name or nickname Ronja . Ronja - This is the name of the bird, otherwise it is called a forest funnel.

Soloviev - from the ancient Russian name Nightingale widespread. Known, for example, Ilya Elizarovich Nightingale Borshchev, 1558, Yaroslavl. His son - Skzorets Ilyich Soloviev Son Borschev. Cross name Skwort Ilyich did not fall into the acts.

Empty - rare surnamemay be formed from the verb eat (each other), that is, scold, quarrel, edible, edible - Brand, quarrel. Edit, eating - Grumpy man.

Sockerel - not decorated special suffix surnamewriting sockerel - Prostokwash from raw milk. Name or nickname Sockerel In my materials did not turn out. Apparently, it was given a child with very white leather, similar to the name Sour cream .

Shamarov, Shamarin - Very difficult to explain the name. In the dictionaries there is nothing like. It is known that sound sh often appeared on the spot from as well as syllable cha Replaced by shoe and shi . Based on this, let's try to make a small review.

Samar. - The name of the tribal division of Bashkir. Samara - The name of the tributary of the Volga and the city, which arose with its shift in the Volga. In the 20th century the name is witnessed Samara Stepan Rodionovich Kvashin. Is this name with the fact that the quasnina was in the genus Bashkira, it is unclear because in the dictionary V. Dalya there is a word Samar. In the meaning of "Disclaimed Clothing" (in the Vladimir region). In ancient Russian language was the word samar. In the meaning of the "bag" borrowed from Turkic languages. So, last name Shamarov Apparently, related to the title of the Bashkir family-breeding unit. With mixed marriages, these names were usually preserved. When borrowing from one language in another from often replaced Russian sh , as muscat - mushkat, Skurok. - lace . Surname Shamarin may be formed from the name of the river or city Samara may be connected with dolved clothing or bag.

Shevyakov - from the ancient Russian name Shevky . This name was given "from the Schalu". It is formed from the word shevky - litter of livestock and wild animals. There was a saying: "By Shevyaakov You recognize any beast. "The name is registered in 1624 in Bella: Leo Shevky , peasant.

Sheko - The surname is formed, obviously, from the Old Russian name Cheek With the replacement of the initial sh on the sh . Name Cheek Got a child with full cheeks . Could be nickname Cheek - Big Govorun. When from this name or nicknames formed surname, the final but Replaced by about What more corresponds to the naming of men.

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Many of us tried to find out the importance of their last name, as it happened, which means. And I think that in most cases popular literature On this tech- pushed, for primitive interpretations. They say, the surname originated from nickname or nickname, this ancestor many centuries ago, or as an option from his profession or physical disadvantage. Unfortunately, such an opinion on the origin of the names can be found in most publications, even written by mastitis scientists in linguists and philologists. I think that by facing such a primitive interpretation of the names, many of you on this and stopped their research, it seems to be everything clear and other options can not be.

My friends!
Everything is far from so simple and you still do not know much about the meaning of your last name. Let us leave primitive interpretations on the conscience of such with the permission to say scientists who did not tell you anything new, which you did not guessed themselves, in the first grade of the school, barely learned to read.
Large mind is not necessary to notice the consonance of the surname with any word and assume that the name from this word has happened ...
No, my dear! Originally each nickname name (Do not confine the word nickname with a nickname, nickname in Staroslavansky and there is a surname, for example, in the Ukrainian passport in the place of the word Familia, you still read the old Slavonic word - Prohibition) was something due and something meant, but why did a person called And otherwise, we will try to figure out. I would like to emphasize once again that our surname is a living word, the memory of the kind, and if one surname carries the story of the genus, then all together they constitute the history of the people.
Let's try to learn how to decipher what our name means that we wanted to transfer our ancestors that they wanted to say why she was shrouded ...
We will learn from the example of the surname of Razenov close to me.

So, with a generally imposed point of view, everything seems to be clear, it means that it means that once of his ancestors or disassembled, or they themselves ruined. Oh, how simple and worth it for this for this years to learn linguistics, receive scientific degrees? I do not know, we have done it with you yourself, let's read about the same in specialty literature. Well, maybe with small variations. For example, you can read that ruin and champietes, zhugors, kalens, panels, settles, sechens, soles, students, purses, chiennov and TP are generally the same .... It remains only to be surprised by the brightness - primitiveness of the imaginary scientists who believe that our ancestors were so primitive that or did not understand the difference between different wordsOr, we could only hear the end of words, in this case the only thing that unites these words, the fact that they are from the verbal adjectives. Logic as you understand absurd.

For the same principle, we offer to decipher all other surnames, say, poultry - from the bird, that is, the ancestor looked like her or was engaged in poultry farming, and maybe just like to eat them. The whistle, by analogy, apparently whistled well, the surname of dumplings (varennikov) believes, the connected with food with food. Whether the ancestor was sluggish and soft in the nature of the person, or chibko dumplings loved. And the name of the Varentsov, similar to the sound, is due to the name of the milk drink. However, Dala Vareshchiren has the one who cooks jam or trades them, from here could exist and the Varennik Varennikov. The logic of the interpretation thinks you understand, except when the word, obsolete and the meaning of it to this moment is not clear, you can resort to the Daly dictionary, but it does not bring us to the truth completely. For the sake of fair to say that according to the same logic, the distance interputes the origin of the words, but Galivansky, he had a very remote attitude towards the Russian - Slavic language, being a German, and with a specialty a rural physician, so to speak by Gastorbaiter - an emigrant, said hardly And I understood Russian. As forced him to lead a dictionary with German Svokesiness, you know the result.

So what else are there, the interpretation options you ask?

We take the foundation old-Slavyanskoye The word construction, interpretation. And it is categorically necessary to refuse, from the approval imposed on us that the names in Russia appeared in the 18th century, and before that there were only nicknames, and there were no longer them, but only wild tribes that were able to talk with difficulty.

The rules of the following
- when finding the ancient meanings of words, and in antiquity, the letter was consonant, i.e. Without vowels, vowels (and their possible meanings) are not taken into account.
- When finding the meaning of words, taking into account the vowels, the meanings of vowels in the Word are taken into account since their introduction into circulation.
- the first letter - denotes the central actor Formulas. It's me" this word. This is the "face" of this word. This person makes all subsequent actions described by the letters of the word under consideration following the first;
- The second letter - denotes the action performed by the central person (I), above that face, which is described by the following in order (for the second) letter. If the next letter is not in the word, then the second letter means simply the action performed by the central face of the word. For example, the word "RA" means "God". The word "genus" means "RA, deer" (making - from the verb of children), that is, "God, doing" (cf., for example, to raid - Ra + to do; give birth to ra + diet);
- the third letter - denotes a person over which the action determined by the 2nd letter, the central face of the formula (1st letter);
- the fourth letter - denotes the action committed by the person marked with the 3rd letter, above the face designated by the 5th letter;
- etc.

As a basis, we take the ancient Slavic Russian alphabet with the interpretation A.A. Tyunayeva and my additions

Ancient Slavic - Russian alphabet letters and combinations
Letter God value
R R R.
Rod, [God-Sun] word "RA" - meant sunlight.
"Joy" - get the light!
Ra-Dry - Light Soul Man.
Ra-Argu, Zha Ra, P-RA-NDA,
The name of the RA god in Egypt was written without a vowel letter "A". Therefore, the options for writing this name sources lead different: ra, re, re, pH, and the most interesting - RC. Let's try to insert any vowels between these consonants, we get: Ras (Rasse), Res, Rice, Ros (Russia), Rus (Rus), Rys (RS), RES, RUSIAN (Rusian), Ryazan (Ryazan).
I I am Indra and so on [oh with
Phoneme, vowel spare parts o \u003d and depending on the terrain and pronunciation, where it is customary, Gda
Kr blood, red. Beautiful, cross (as defense), sun beauty / red sun, power (sun, kind)
Sh-sh is dark, dark (forces), unkind, underground and underwater world

The surname of the Razenov consists of 3 main syllables of words of irregularities

Ram, light, god
Drawing lights - the sunrise, light in front of the sun or z + r
We do not consider it, it is nothing more than the ending ending late and non-carrier semantic load, that is, in ancient times, this surname was written as Rzor, later, more familiar to us. I can not distract and not say that, initially, the vowels in words did not write on sacred considerations at all.

It was believed that if you write vowels, then the word acquires strength and soul, it can come around and materialized written. As in the Chinese parable about the artist, who drew a dragon without an eye, and when asked him, why without an eye, he replied- if I paint my eyes, he will come to life and fly away.

R - In the word Razor, we are found 2 times, which means the values \u200b\u200bin this surname they (P) were different, the first must be dominant, in this case, this is -
It turns out to be based on the god by the light or as an option that meets the sun with light.

In fact, it was so, the priests always went out with fire in her hands to meet at sunrise the sun, as if pointing to him the way, and was accompanied, in the evening, going out with fire, as if storing light and hope to dawn in the night. And the surname indicates us the purpose of the kind - priest, carry and store the light, good divine. Actually, the rare of this surname indirectly confirms the said, priests could not be much.

Consider, for practice another name, such as Ulyanov.
So, Ulyanov \u003d Ul-y-Yang
At the meeting, the call, the run-up of something
L L LADA [shower (flow of something)]
Yang \u003d Yan \u003d Yang - Men's energy that was identified with the soul.
y \u003d ahead \u003d meeting \u003d Hello \u003d Call Chegoto
We get Ulyanov \u003d ul-b-yang \u003d Calling soft stream-shower for power Male \u003d military

My friends! Immediately make a reservation. In this, my article, not all interpretations are definitely given, not all possible meanings are disclosed. Why? Just did not want to complicate what in itself, very volume and multifaceted, so that the apparent complexity did not push you away from further surveys. While start with this. Expand the main meanings of their last name and not only the names, this is the key to the disclosure of the essence of many words.

What else is important to know when in the ancient Russian-Slavic surnames there were neither offensive nor evil meanings, simply did not exist "dirty" words-images, it came later from the side. And anyone russian-Slavyanskaya The surname carries only positive sense-power.

For example, Surname Smirnov, cm + and + p
Cm-Complexation with and m We meet in such a word how to work (death), the C-axis, the rod, that is, the essence of + M (Mrara (the goddess of death, closing the essence)), that is, the essence of Mary death, as it would seem a negative concept But then we have the letter r, so the death of the bearing light, the sun turns out? Exactly! Otherwise, talking. We get - Smirnov nothing like a calm, and the purpose of carrying peace, soothing the power of the world, one can say-as-please around themselves, that is, not just to be calm himself, but by the force of this Ra soothe others, and these are people, and animals, and natural element.

In addition, it even seemed not pleasant now for rumor, and the surname attracting today, while understanding the meaning, since he saw ancestors, she shows that nothing but pride in their own way, in antiquity she did not cause anyone.

Well, for example, let's consider the names of Krivosheev. Modern associations and interpretations of origin, I think many before reading this article were the same. The neck curve and that says it all.

In fact, Krivosheev \u003d KR-I-Vosh- (EEV do not take into account)
Kr- Beauty, beautiful
Went, magic, power
Shky unkind
Receiving - the beauty of the lead (having) power over the dark (dark) or as an option that accelerates the darkness of beauty

Maybe at first it will be difficult for you to operate and disclose images like that. And not surprisingly, you didn't do this before, let it be confused, very quickly how you will return this ability of our ancestors, and you will begin to understand the language in the primancy, you will see the light of the ancient words of words, many of which were distracted (from the rotation-or (turned) them in darkness), and we devoid to understand the images, agreed with this, believed.

What else to know. Many surnames still retained their ancient writing (as a rule, these are Ukrainian, Belarusian and TPs), but let's say modern, with the permission to say Russian, in this case, even an external meaning will not be visible. For example, Spivak will not cause any associations, except with the musician of the same name, but the Ukrainian will immediately translate the nightingale.
The most amazing thing is that for the concept of a concealed meaning, we do not even need such a translation, because it is only a superficial meaning. You can immediately disclose this word using our key without translation. The only thing is B. such cases It is necessary to know the epic surnames just require reverse translation, here you are to help your common washed. For example, the surname of Sakharov, it is clear that there was no sugar from Sugar in Russia, the word was-sugar, but according to Slotansky Tsukr, and the surname initially sounded like Zuckerman, but even in this case the point is not lost (the tsuk - pouring blood Both symptoms and consequences of sugar diseases), Zuckerman's blood of men.

It is also necessary to understand that there are surnames under the Russians, the goal of their appearance is understandable, we do not take other people's names and do not hurt, raise, because forgive documents and surnames for the most part Fraudsters and robbers. Those who did this so they understood why they change the last name, they knew and the power of the prisoner in words, and could not simply take and assign themselves bright devoid of surnames in this case, they would change their owner, and not only would have lost its patronage, but would be They are punished, so no matter how sweet and not seem to be their names at first glance when decrypting, the thirst for cr and SmRR

As for the change of the name in marriage, you can know the name of Mom's name to know my prehistory, but with the change of last name, go to another genus and begins to live in it and important and defining for you it becomes new last name. Therefore, those who wish to preserve their parents (if his branches would be interrupted on you) did not change it in marriage.

For whom will the described keys of understanding, for all Rusich, who is it? This is Kalmyk and Tatar, Mordvin and the Ukrainian, all who live and lived (in their ancestors) initially on a huge Rusian, those who will always be someone else's place and the country, those who understand that will not become their among others ...

I can't give you more - you can understand, so while this is enough, but we are on the way ...

Dr. Psychology Valery Rozanov - Razonov

P.S. If you did not work out correctly read your surname, do not upset, write, try together.

To be continued…

Reprinting this article is possible only in full, with the consent of the author, citation and partial use is prohibited.

Historians are expanding the list of nicknames of Slavic origin every year. Many would be interested to know their origin. But sometimes it is impossible to determine this by the sound itself, since different suffixes, prefixes and consoles, distorting its initial meaning were added to the derivative of the word for years.

To determine the origin of a person's genus use its passport details. The key points are the root of the word, which forms Russian names and surnames. They differ in prevalence.

For sound, you can define the names of the genus or the belonging of the ancestors to different social Groups And the Caste of Society: Peasants, Boyar, clergy.

The etymology of some includes archaisms and strange foundations, to determine such independently you can use the directories.

Derivatives and roots can take the beginning of the nicknames funny nicknames, Names, activities. The origin of Russian surnames, in most cases, is solved in their etymology.

You should ask this rays, because through it you can learn about the outstanding ancestor or the names of the genus.

For those who want to determine the origins of their generic nickname, there are collections on the alphabet, which are replenished annually and updated, almost everyone can learn their history on their pages.

Most popular derivatives:

  • On behalf of ancestor (whose? Whose will you?) - Ivanov, Sidorov, Kuzmin, Petrov.
  • From geographical names - Vyazemsky, Stroganov, Smolensky.
  • From the nickname representatives of the clergy - Christmas, Preobrazhensky, Uspensky.
  • From the names of plants and animals - Sokolov, Orlova, hare, Lebedev, Golubev.
  • From County and Boyar titles - Minin, Tikhomirov, Tikhonravov, Godunov.


Etymology and the formation of names of their own kind interests everything large quantity of people. The value of Russian surnames is found out when determining the root part of the word, it indicates meaning.

The meaning of the family names like Bondarev, Kovalev, Shevtsov - point to the craft, which someone from the family was engaged. Morda, Stoyman, brave - on external or internal characteristics individual person.

According to nicknamed the head of the family, they called all its members and it was passed from generation to generation.

When the surnames appeared in Russia

Assigning a generic nickname to identify each kind of beginning to form from the 15th century. When surnames appeared in Russia, initially they treated representatives of the highest sections of society: boyars and aristocrats, later, in the 18th century, to church ministers.

Up to 19th century, peasants and artisans received their nicknames. Their names of childbirth were produced from the nickname of one of the members of the family or the kind of activity.

In historical scrolls and recordings, the listings are found explaining this phenomenon: "Vasily, the son of the Kuznetsov ... Ivan, the son of Khlebnikov"

How many surnames in Russia

The study of this data is still in question.

There is no absolutely correct numerical value that could answer exactly how many surnames in Russia exist today.

For such complex task Researchers took only a few times, officially in the collection made about 250 thousand values, and these lists are constantly updated with new forms of transparent data.

Declination of surnames in Russian

Russian Rules Strictly determine the writing and pronunciation of passport data.

The declination of surnames in Russian occurs in such basic rules: Standard - inclined as adjectives, and foreign origin - as nouns.

Do not inclusion at zero endings, or ending on the consonant sound (Bondar, Nitsevich, Ponomarya), with the end on -O (Petrenko, Shevchenko, Kovalenko), foreign ones, - I (Varnava, Okzhava, Zola).

Boris Ubentguun first began to draw up a reference book that lists the names of Russia. There are collected various variations due to the process of transformation of folk nicknames.

Each position has an explanation (dedicated parts of the word formation, which extract the essence of one word or another). There are positions that can more often meet, there are those that are very rare.

The data was taken on the basis of the census of the city of St. Petersburg.

Common surnames in Russia:

  • Vladimirov;
  • Sergeev;
  • Petrov;
  • Ivanov.

Beautiful Russian surnames

There are people whose generic nicknames are fascinated by their sound. These include those who occurred from geographic names or long, these church ministers of nicknames.

This etymology is rarely found, aristocratically melodically sounds. Many change the generic data in the passport to get a beautiful and highlighted name from the crowd.

We pass into the people are those who have passed by inheritance.

Self beautiful surnames in Russia:

  • Preobrazhensky;
  • Caesarev;
  • Christmas;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Assumption.


There are names of the genus that occurred from the ancient Slavs. These nicknames are very rare and therefore valuable for historians.

Their small amount is due to the fact that derivatives originate from the names of the pagan gods or Old Slavonic names.

With the arrival of Christianity, such nicknames were banned categorically, people were harvested and renamed, because those who have been preserved to this day - are a find, bright example pagan culture.

Old Slavonic surnames, examples:

  • Yarilo;
  • Dovbush;
  • Paths;
  • Lada;
  • Sore;
  • Dobrynin;
  • Mirolyub.


According to the census, conducted in the 1980s of the last century, former USSR, about 50% of rural and 35% of the urban population are generic nicknames, formed on the principle of patience with the addition of suffixes.

This study is recognized as the highest quality and detailed up to our times. Popular Russian surnames: Sidorov, Smirnov, Kuzmin, Vasilyev.

The second place in the frequency is the nicknames, which indicate the generation of activities: Kuznetsov, Bondarev, Reznikov, Khlebnikov, etc.

Rare Russian surnames

To be hard reliable listincluding all positions. But the main of them is chosen. You can easily meet people who wear a family nickname that coincides completely with geographical name Or is formed from a combination of two words. A little bit and those who were lucky to become the names of famous historical figures and heroes of literary novels.

Rare surnames in Russia:

  • Astrakhan;
  • Kamchatka;
  • Krutypers;
  • Cruise;
  • Karenin.


Sometimes among friends there are family nicknames, who involuntarily cause a smile with their comicness.

They surprise their pronunciation of fellow citizens, and especially foreigners, consist of adding the foundations of any nouns or verbs, may designate a funny or strange action, to call items whose name is strange in the human name. A person who has to be worn is difficult to call the lucky.

Funny Russian surnames:

  • Kostogryzov;
  • Bragies;
  • Popkin;
  • Rzhach;
  • Login;
  • Khachapuri;
  • Govnadov;
  • Snot.

Russian nobility surnames

Their owners may not doubt the high title of someone from a kind, they were assigned exclusively to nobles, boyars, high-ranking officials. People approximate to high positions and ruling power.

They can also be merchant. The presence of such titular nicknames among the peasantry, a working out of a simple population or artisans is excluded, one presence has spoken of high social status His owner.

Russian nobility surnames:

  • Strogans;
  • Godunov;
  • Tikhomirov;
  • Minin;
  • Novgorod residents;
  • Tikhonravov;
  • Ventrenoscience.

Old Russian

Such a term is indicated not only by the old Slavonic nicknames of the times of paganism, but those who in their etymology denote outdated concepts and words of an ancient use, eradicated from the current speech.

Interesting to consider generic nicknames, calling old cash units, household items, crafts that are not found in modern world. All these signs indicate the abandonment of the genus and roots flowing away.

Old Russian surnames:

  • Cunin;
  • Altynov;
  • Kalita;
  • Zlatnikov;
  • Plinkin;
  • Kozhemyaka;
  • Bandurov.

Fames in Russia

Compiled top 100 items, which can often be found in the passports of fellow citizens. All of them were chosen on the basis of the directory and are ordered during the census of the population during the year.

This information will be especially interesting for girls, because every dreams of meeting your man and get married. Statistics say that 89% of cases of women are moving to a male generic nickname when concluding marriage.

Such top will clearly show the most likely options with which each may encounter. The section includes the 10 first positions.

fames in Russia:

  • Ivanov;
  • Smirnov;
  • Kuznetsov;
  • Popov;
  • Falcons;
  • Vasilyev;
  • Fedorov;
  • Novikov;
  • Egorov;
  • Kozlov.

Famous Russian surnames

Their list is based on the frequency of use among the population. SAMI popular last name In Russia - Ivanov. Even foreigners know about it, associating all the names of Russian compatriots with it. She entered the story and became a classic. For example B. german language So the nickname became Muller, in America and Britain - Smitht, Poland - Novak or Kovalsky, Georgia - Mamedov.

Famous Russian surnames:

  • Sidorov;
  • Ivanov;
  • Petrov;
  • Goats;
  • Smirnov;
  • Popov;
  • Sokolov.


Cool names and surnames: List of male and female names, Origin, value

All Russian names have slavic origin and differ from other presence of two bases. Orthodox are very beautiful and have a good good sense. Modern parents choose them as a name for their children. Let's talk about steep names and surnames in this article.

Mystery of two bases

Our ancestors believed that the person and his name are interconnected and inseparable. In ancient times, only his close relatives knew about the child's real name, the false name was invented for everyone.

During the adolescence period, the person has already enjoyed his real name, which determined his nature and views on life. Among the steep names and surnames were strong, and funny.

In the modern world, parents continue the traditions of ancestors and during baptism give other names to children, thereby trying to protect their child from damage and the evil eye. Russian names are called children born and outside our homeland.

The history of the origin of female names

Interesting is the fact that many names are not invalid Russian. Most of them take their origin in Christianity. After acceptance new faith In Russian culture began to appear Greek, Byzantine and jewish names. Cool names And the names partially came to us completely from someone else's story.

Organic Slavic Women's Names

Alena, Bogdana, Wanda, Darina, Lada, Love, Hope, Vera, Miroslav, Lyudmila, Yaroslav, Vlad, Svetlana, Oksana. Among the unusual options, such as Events, Berislava, Spark, Assol, Fun, Radmila, Radosvet, Milan, Tsvetne, Wanda, Spring are allocated.

Cool names and surnames borrowed from the Greeks

A lot of names were borrowed from the Greek peoples. If you look at this list, it is not even believed that once they were alien. These are such as Galina, Irina, Eugene, Angelina, Elena, Veronica, Daria, Elena, Angelica, Ksenia, Tamara, Sofia, Nina, Asya, Lydia, Yevgeny, Timofey, Peter, Alexander, Kirill, Leonid.

Among the rare names, which moved to us from the Greek people, can be allocated: Stephanie, Vasilina, Agdot, Feodosia, Agnia, Evdokia, Glafira, Kuzma, Arkady.

Greek surnames were formed from personal names. For example, Nikolaev from Nikolaos. From one name can be formed a lot of interesting surnames.

Roman roots

The names of this nation are known not only in Russia, they are worn by women and men of the whole world. Among them, Natalia, Christina, Valentina, Ulyana, Victoria, Inna, Antonina, Rosa, Marina, Valeria, Dina, Julia, Karina, Victor, Pavel, Maxim, Sergey.

Incredibly beautiful, but rare names: Lana, Paul, Venus, Carolina, Stella, Lolita, Tina, Aurora, Vitalin.

Jewish names

And in Russia you can meet girls and boys with the names of March, Evelina, Elizabeth, Maria, Anna, Jeanne, Yana, Rimma. Leia, Edita, Hell, Serafima, Amalia, Suzanne, David, Daniel, Elizar, Ilya, Maximilian, Mikhail, Savely, Foma, are less likely.

Tradition to choose name

Like all the ancient peoples, the Slavs believed that his depends on further fate. Children called good names, as they believed that they would bring joy, love and a certain meaning in their lives.

The choice was a certain ritual with its rules and features. In the modern world, parents choose steep names and surnames for girls and boys according to the principle: what is like in sound and what is combined with the patient of the child.

Sometimes they call children funny name. They associate them with celebrities or relatives.

When choosing a name for a child, it should be remembered that the rude sound will talk about the boldness, and soft - about tenderness and sensitivity.

Recently, it is customary to call the baby ancient orthodox names. These are such as Zlata, Yarina, Milan, Lubomir, Milena.

For the convenience of the reader, the information is collected in the table.

Anastasia is the resurrection. Agency - Fire. Yangelina - Angel. Antenonina - a good. Anita - Stropying. Alla - Ileavitory. Magata - Dormyavgusta - Summer.Albina - Belaya. Bozhen - Divine. Benedict - Blessed. Bella is beautiful. The child is a child. Birgit is the child of Mountains. Borislava - a fighter for glory. Thebell is a bright, magnificent. Bate - bringing happiness. Vilora - a desire, a strong will. Lovely - a good wife. The Server - Lyubavavar - Dickarka. The owner - the owner - Vera. Vasilisa - royal. Rotary is a strong. Victory - Victory.
Galina is a calm. Roughwear - sophisticated. Glorina - Glory. Gabriella - God's stronghold. Generietta - Might Daria - Winner. Daniela - Chosen by God. Divine - Damina - Precious. Daman - Daming - force. Elena - Favorites. Listened - honoring God. We mean - noble. Eugene - glorified. Katarina - Immaculate.
Zhanna - the gift of God. Smerefin - God will reward. Zinaida - Born Zeuszarina - Light. - Life. Life. Gold. Ivanna - God's Darinna - a rapid flow. Iinina - Mir. Ryuna - Light. Willow - Milnized by God.
Carolina - brave. Crystina - baptized. Klavdia - Chrome.Kira - Madam. Singing - Alien. Lada - Honey. Larisa - Chaika. Lying - Muddy. Love - love. Lydia is the first. Lily - flower. Margarita - Pearl. Maryana - Marsh.Mayya - Goddess Spring.Maria - Gorky. Marta - Vladychitsa. Miroslav - Glory Mila.
Nadezhda - Nadezhda.Nelli - Young. The Government. Natalia - Native. Oksana - hospitality - holy. Polina is a predictor.
Raisa - Pokornaya. Roginina - Queen. Flower. Russian - Lioness. Snezhana - Cold. Svetlana - Svetlayaslav - Glory. Tatiana is the founder. Tamara - Mathematics. Taiya - loves childreniya - loves children.
Feodosia - landowner.Fain - shining. Felicia - happy. Flora - blooming. Julia - Fluffy. Yuliana - Kudryavaya. Yuana - the only one in the world. Yunon - the girl is forever. Young. Island - the most valid. Yana - the goddess of the sun. Yannina - Light. Syronlava is burning to the glory. Yanita - by God-gracious.

Cool names and surnames for guys

Beautiful male names are much more than women's, so future mothers sometimes have to do not need to do right choice. First of all, one should seriously think about the fact that the name will be with the child all his life. The coolest name and surname should be as part of a reasonable and not bring discomfort to the child when he grows up.

Some moms in later pregnancy are read out loud names. What a baby will respond to his jog in the tummy, then you should choose.

Among beautiful male names can be allocated: Alexander, Andrei, Bogdan, Savely, Zakhar, Ilya, Nikita, Matvey, Grigory, Ivan, Konstantin, Dmitry, Sergey, Timur, Timofey, Vladimir, Nikolay, Miron, Maxim, Alexey, Anton, Roman .

What do children call abroad?

Cool english names And the names also take place. In England and the United States, they can consist of two words, without our usual patronymic. In addition, in these countries, the names are divided into official and everyday. Sometimes relatives and acquaintances may not even suspect the existence of an additional part, which is used only in the documents.

Popular American Names: William, Daniel, Jackson, Joseph, Mason, Noah, Michael, Benjamin, Aiden, David.

Popular nicknames on social networks

Modern youth spends a lot of time, and it is no secret that everyone wants to stand out something unusual. Cool names and surnames for boys are not so important here as nicknames. Among the unusual can be allocated: very strangers, Dr. Chokopai, Keyboardovich, Lorik, ~ Pro100i ~.

For girls - this is a sprinkler_schasty, ~ "* °. True" Data-Author \u003d ""\u003e

To date, there is a huge selection of popular names and nicknames, so it is possible to stand out from the crowd, each can be original. Look for the best for yourself and your child, choose beautiful names And invent unusual nicks with us.