The first Russian emperor Peter I is great was born. King Peter first was not Russian

The first Russian emperor Peter I is great was born. King Peter first was not Russian

The first Russian emperor is attributed to an extremely active sex life and, as a result, death from venereal diseases.

On January 28, 1725, the first Russian emperor Peter I was died in the Winter Palace. The 53-year-old ruler did not leave a single official heir, and many legends walk around the causes of the emperor's death - from the complications of influenza to venereal diseases. Why Peter, famous for his stormy personal life, was left of heirs and what the versions of His death exist.

"Screaming, then hoarse"

The king shouted for several days from pain, and then hoarsely, disassevial, - such stories about the last days of Peter were transferred in the XVIII century from mouth to mouth.

The most common version of Peter I's death belongs to the memoirist Yakov Schlyanin. According to her, Peter, returning from a trip to Shlisselburg to Ladoga Channel and to the old RUSSU, on November 5, found Lahti, the bodied bar with soldiers, sailors, women and children began to save them. The emperor himself stood on the belt in ice water for several hours, as a result of which she was cold. After that, the emperor did not treat, but only launched the situation with permanent departures in cold weather and the complete absence of care for his own health.

The legend became widespread in modern Russia, because he found the support of the historian Sergey Solovyov.

True, it is refuted by the records in the hiking journal of Peter I, as well as records in the diary of Camera-Junker Friedrich Berchgolts. So, the emperor returned to Petersburg a week before the specified events. In November, the king attended the services, weddings and names.

After lunch, the emperor returned safely into St. Petersburg, but on the day before, on the way back from Dubkov, he was underway on the water of a big danger during the raging severe storm, and one of his vessels died, so that only two people managed to escape from him, - Such is the entry in the Berchgolts diary of November 2. Peter himself did not suffer.


Peter Great "argued:" On September 8, 1724, the diagnosis of the disease was finally revealed: it was sand in the urine, complicated by the return of a poorly healing venereal disease. "

The famous Soviet historian Mikhail Pokrovsky cling to this version and excluded the kidney disease, leaving only syphilis. "Peter died, as is known, from the consequences of syphilis, obtained by him, in all likelihood, in Holland and poorly cured by the then doctors," he wrote.

The assumptions of this kind are based on the reports of the French ambassador Jacques de Campredon.

The king is still suffering from the detention of urine. He, however, because of this disease does not lie, but she still prevents him from doing business. They assure that the illness is insignificant, but the faces that are most close to his royal majesty and with whom I support constant intercourse, fear its consequences, "he noted.

Later, the Italian Dr. Azarini, who called Peter to himself, confirmed that the king really had an old venereal disease, which was not fully cured. After the death of the first Russian emperor Kampredonon Donov, that "the source of the disease was the dying and poorly cured syphilis."

Note that only one diplomat from all accredited under the Russian courtyard is about such a diagnosis of Peter. It is unlikely if the rest missed such spicy information.


In general, the version is considered an anecdote that distributed Schlyanin. However, Peter's ill-wishers discussed this joke as a real fact.

In December, the condition of it was already so dangerous and the suspension in the inner parts of the bubble so notable that the Antonova Fire was afraid from day to day. I went out to 1725 on January 28, the heroic Her Spirit. At the opening of the imperial body, there was completely Antonov fire (Gangrenu) in parts near the bubble and it was so worn and hardening that it was possible to cut it with an anatomical knife with difficulty, "he wrote in" genuine jokes from the life of Peter the Great, heard from noble in Moscow and St. Petersburg. "

Disease of kidneys

The writer Feofan Prokopovich claims that Peter died as a result of the disease of the kidney, the result of which urine obstruction was.

So, according to the writer, the emperor felt ailments at the end of 1723, and in February 1724 went to be treated on the waters. In the summer, the ruler went to the land factories, where he took mineral water.

After that, he returned to the capital, the doctors observed a temporary improvement, which was replaced by exacerbations.

It became difficult to deteriorate, a terrible thread began, patient and generous in other cases of her husband (Peter - - Approx. ed.) From the scream could not keep myself, - wrote Prokopovich.

It is possible that he expressed that version of the king's death, which was assumed to spread in society. However, one more confirmation is in the "hiking magazine" of the king. Who exactly left the record, is not known for now.

28th. In the 6th hour of the Popolunion, in the 1st quarter, his imperial majesty Peter the Great was pressed from this world from the disease, Urina's constation, she says.

The author of the History of Medicine in Russia "Wilhelm Richter also assumed that death came as a result of the" inflammation of the bladder, which passed to Gangren and from the detention of Urim. " In 1970, the doctors of the Skin-Venereological Institute in Moscow concluded that Peter suffered a malignant disease of the prostate gland or bladder or urolithiasis.

I am the emperor! How do I want

After Peter's death, the question arose: and who is the king now? After all, in the impulse of anger and fear, fearing that the enemy will put on the crown, the first Russian emperor from his legs turned over the procedure of inheritance of the throne.

If earlier the throne passed from the king to the eldest son, then the decree of 1722 the emperor personally appointed the heir. He could change the decision if the successor does not justify hopes. After the accusation of his eldest son in the state inspection and (according to the legend), his own execution in 1718, Peter I himself wondered: and to whom, actually, to transfer the throne?

Not a single son born in lawful marriage remains. The extramarital children of Peter could not qualify for the throne. Historian Casimir Valishevsky does not exclude that the first Russian emperor is the father of a dozen of extramarital children. Allegedly only Avdota Chernyshev (to Marriage Rzhevskaya) gave birth to three sons from him and four daughters. Maria Stroganov also suspected that three sons did not at all from the spouse. However, there is no evidence of this: Officially, Peter did not have bastards. In addition, even if they were, all the same, illegitimate children did not have any rights to the throne.

The nearest relative-boy who could present the rights to the throne is the grandson of Peter I (the son of His executed son). However, this idea categorically did not like the emperor.

Still woman

Ekaterina's wife and two daughters were left - Anna and Elizabeth. To the first attitude in the state was more than controversial: first, a foreigner, secondly, the former workout: Well, what is it Empress? Peter's daughters were trembling, but they did not imagine them with the crown on his head.

As historians believe, he still made a spouse in favor of the spouse. Ekaterina had the title of Empress as a wife of the ruler of the Russian state, however, this king seemed little. He decided to make it a crowned special "regardless of her husband." In 1723, an appropriate manifesto came out, and on May 7, 1724 (according to the old style), coronation took place. The solemn lunch was arranged in the Granovic Chamber, where foreign ambassadors were previously accepted. I got the most expensive furniture, dishes, which is only possible. Moscow streets were decorated with triumphal arches, the fireworks of such scales in Russia were not previously seen. Even a carriage from Paris was brought specifically for the coronation for the empress. Crown weighing 1.8 kg, decorated with pearls and precious stones, Pier on all Moscow ...

It is possible that this is only a legend, but the last order of Peter allegedly was "give everything ..." and his eyes he was looking for Catherine.

Mystery of Peter's death of the first part 1

The mystery of Peter the first

So, the actors of the drama who walked in the Russian capital of St. Petersburg at the very beginning of 1725:

Peter I (1672-1725) - Russian Tsar since 1782, the emperor from 1721 the temper had a hot and hot-tempered. I burned the "window to Europe", I bared the Swedes under Poltava, cut the beard of Boyars ... European innovations introduced traditional Russian methods.

Ekaterina I (1684-1727), she is also a slave, she is the same at the Skavronskaya, she is Martha Tskovoroshchenko, she is Ekaterina Vasilevskaya, she is Ekaterina Mikhailova - Peter's second wife. From the simpleness. Nationality is difficult to determine. For different versions - Lithuanian, Swedie, Polka ... Ukrainian.

Count "Education" miss, because it was limited only to the ability to conduct a household. Captured by the Russians in 1702, being a servant of Pastor Glitka, who was marked with the Swedish dragoon. The captive took the prisoner in the grandfather "Sheremetyev noble", then he had scored her "happiness balovd rooting", then Peter was taken by Peter, and in 1703 she became his favorite.

Petra gave birth to eleven children, almost all of them died in childhood, including the son of Peter Petrovich. Pay attention to the reader that two more heroines of our drama - daughters Anna and Elizaveta - were born respectively in 1708 and 1709, i.e., to the official marriage of Catherine, which took place in 1712. The daughters were considered as if illegitimate, which, among other things, complicated them the struggle for the throne. Empty Catherine is also to his marriage, in 1708.

There is no crime in this if it were not for one "but" - her godfather was the son of Peter - Tsarevich Alexey (1690-1718), who was under March for 6 years (later was executed by Peter). In the eyes of Orthodox Russians, the situation with marrying the king looked extremely unnatural. It turned out that Peter married his granddaughter (the patronymic of Catherine - Alekseevna - was given along the crossed father), and Catherine became a stepmother of his father (albeit even the godfather). But the fact remains a fact - the former servant has become in 1712 by the Russian queen, and in 1721, after Peter accepted the title of Emperor, - Empress.

Then the most interesting begins - all Russian queens (except for Marina Mnishek) were titled by the queen on her husband. And Peter in 1724 coronated Catherine as an independent empress, personally laying on her the crown. After Peter's death in 1725, Catherine was erected by Menshikov on the throne as an autocratic empress, but the Menshikov and the Supreme Secret Council were actually managed for it. That is, Career Martha in Russia looks like this: Captive - the servant Welject - the maid of the king - the king's favorite - the mother of the king's children - the godfather of Tsarevich - the queen on her husband (the king's wife) - the Empress on her husband - the Empress itself is an autocratic empress.

Menshikov Alexander Danilovich (1673-1729) - Favorite Peter I and Catherine I. Son Konya (for other information - peasant). He began his career by the seller of pies, later became the twin of Peter I. The bright prince, a valid secret adviser, full admiral, Field Marshal, and then genralissimus. The ruler of St. Petersburg. Minister of Defense (President of the Military Collegium in 1718-1724 and 1726-1727).

The first of the Russians became an academician of the Foreign Academy of Sciences. By the end of life, there were 150,000 serfs, hundreds of servants, many palaces and crews. The actual ruler of the state under Catherine I and at the beginning of the reign of Peter II. Emperor Peter II is deprived of all titles and wealth. He was exiled in 1727 in birch (lower river Obi). Died in poverty. In the fall of Menshikov, no one is to blame, except for him. The successes so spoke to him that he began to behave defiantly not only in relation to noble nobles, but also in relation to the emperor.

Peter II (1715-1730) is the Russian emperor since 1727. The grandson of Peter I, the Son of Peter I Tsarevich Alexei. Velmazby led by Menshikov, in one degree or another involved in the execution of Alexey, Peter II entry into the throne was very afraid. But in two years of the Board of Catherine I Menshikov managed to gain such force that he even gained her daughter with Peter Alekseevich.

He decided that Tsarevich is now completely in his hands and contributed to the proclamation of Peter by Emperor. However, plans to remove Peter from inheritance seemed to contemporaries with little substitutions. Peter Alekseevich is the only descendant of Peter the Great Male and the only one of the men's line of Romanovs, who remained alive after Peter I.

Legitimate in the eyes of the people was then only inheritance for the Father. In 1725, the surroundings of Catherine I with the help of the guard managed to delay Peter's entry into the throne. In 1727, Catherine herself with the filing of Menshikov also visited the throne of Peter II. In the same 1727, Menshikov was cruelly punished by Peter II, including for participation in the execution of Tsarevich Alexei. Peter II died of smallpox. It actually ceased to the Romanov dynasty.

Anna Petrovna (1708-1728) is the daughter of Peter the Great and Catherine Alekseevna. At the time of the death of Peter was engaged with the Duke of Halstein-Gottornsky, from which in 1728 the son of Charles Peter Ulrich gave birth. And this Karl Peter Ulrich became the emperor Peter III (Peter Fedorovich), after he was handed over to the throne of Anna's sister - childless Elizavet Petrovna. Soon the emperor Peter Fedorovich overthrew his wife Ekaterina II. She was inherited by their son Paul I, then the kings were the sons of Paul - Alexander I and Nicholas I, then Alexander II - the son of Nicholas I, then Alexander III - the son of Alexander II and finally the famous Nikolai II Romanov - Son Alexander III. Thus, all Russian kings, starting with Peter III, the male line is not Romanovna at all, and typical Holstein-Gottorins (a language you will break the language, until you speak), which blisters finally, as well as for the third generation (Alexander I).

On this occasion there is a next historical anecdote.

"In one of the liberal salons of Moscow in the 70s of the XIX century, a dispute went a dispute about, a lot of Russian blood in the then heir to the throne Alexander Alexandrovich? It was known that he considered himself a pure Russian. For the resolution of the dispute turned to the famous historian Solovyov, which It turned out to be among the guests. Solovyov asked him to be brought half a cup of red wine and a jug with drinking water.

Solovyov began his explanation like this:
"Let the red wine be russian blood, and the water is German. Peter I married Nurse - Catherine I ..."
And the historian poured into a glass with red wine half a cup of clean water.

Then he continued:
"The daughter of them, Anna, married Germans, Duke of Golucket."
Solovyov scored a half-table of dilute wine and felt it with water. He repeated this operation, mentioning then marriages of Peter III with a German II, Paul I with German Maria Fedorovna, Nikolai I with German Alexander Fedorovna, Alexander II with German Alexandrovna, ... As a result, almost water remained in the glass.

The historian raised a glass:
"That's how much Russian blood is in the heir of the Russian throne!"

We add that Alexander Alexandrovich himself married the bride of his deceased brother - Danish Princess Dagmara (Empress Maria Fedorovna). And their son Emperor Nicholas II married Nomme Alis (Empress Alexander Fedorovna).

Thus, despite the fact that Anna, waking up with the duke, renounced the throne for himself and his offspring, only her offspring was fixed on the Russian throne. The act of renunciation was needed by Peter I so that the ingenic duke did not rule Russia. Peter knew that the Duke of Russia is needed only to solve the problems of his little Holt. Despite this act, an attempt to convey the Russian throne Anne and Duke after the death of Catherine I. The price of such acts can be seen by the example of Anna Petrovna itself.

Catherine I, dying, taught the throne of Peter II, but indicated that if he darelessly - the throne should go to Anna or her heirs. Peter II died the childless and act of Catherine did not cancel, but members of the Supreme Secret Council broke the will of the Empress and killed another Anna - Ioannovna - the daughter of Brother Peter I. And the heir to Anna Petrovna (she died immediately after his birth, even before Peter's death (Ii) became the emperor in 1761 only thanks to the coup of 1741, when Anna's sister - Elizaveta - captured power.

Elizaveta Petrovna (1709-1761) - daughter of Peter the Great and Catherine Alekseevna. In 1741, the Guard was erected to the throne as a result of the state coup.

Karl Friedrich Golstein Gottorpsky, simply - Duke Holsteinsky (1700-1739). Since 1725, the husband of the daughter of Peter Great Anna, the founder of the dynasty, which is rules by Russia until 1917. Bashevich - President of the Secret Council and the Minister of this Duke, the face is extremely interested in the construction of the Duke of Ekaterina or his wife Duke Anna - left the notes in their diaries, which indicated the fact that Peter I is heated when he I wanted to write the name of my successor, and the voice of Onemal, when he wanted to say this name to his daughter Anne Petrovna, the wife of the Duke. Notes Bashventich served as one of the main sources on the death of Peter the Great for subsequent historians.

This is how the famous historian S. M. Solovyov describes the last days of the life of Emperor Peter Great.

"The troubles from the unambiguous Menshikov, who was forced to take away the presidency in the Military Collegium to be unpleasant from the Monda History, who was forced by Prince Repnin. Makarov and members of the Vychnya court were also accused of bribes. All this was active on Peter's health. He lived Only the 53rd year of his life.

Despite the frequent seizures of the disease and the fact that he has been called an old man for a long time, the emperor could hope to live for a long time and be able to dispose of a great inheritance according to the interests of the state. But his days were already considered; No nature could have supported such activities for a long time. When Peter arrived in St. Petersburg in March 1723 to return from Persia, he was found much healthier than as he was before the campaign.

In the summer of 1724, he strongly zalenor, but in the second half of September he began, apparently, to get better, walked at times in his gardens, swimming on the Neva. On September 22, he had a strong fit, they say, he came from him in such irritation, which nailed the physicians, painting them with dosses; Then he recovered again; September 29 was attended by the descent of the frigate, although I told Wilde to the Dutch resident that everything feels a little weak. Although in early October, he went to inspect the Ladoga Canal, contrary to the advice of his medicorate, then drove on the Olonetsk iron plants, I rode the iron band with my own hands weighing three puts, from there I went to the old RUSSU for inspection of saltwaren, in the first days of November I went to the water to St. Petersburg, but here, at the town of Lakhta, seeing that the bots sailed from Kronstadt with the soldiers got stranded, he did not lose himself, he went to him himself and helped to paint the ship from the Mel and save people, and stood on a belt in the water.

The seizures were immediately resumed; Peter arrived in St. Petersburg patient and could not already recover; Mons business also could not help recovery. Peter has already been doing a little affairs, although it was revealed publicly as usual. On January 17, 1725, the disease intensified; Peter ordered his bedroom to put the movable church and the 22 numbers were confused and joined; Forces began to leave the patient, he no longer shouted, as before, from cruel pain, but only moaned.

26 numbers it became even worse; All criminals were liberated from the cautious, innocent against the first two points and in deaths; On the same day, the patients were performed. The next day, the 27 numbers are forgiven all those who were convicted of death or a cautious man in military articles, excluding those perpetrators against the first two points, deadlocks and appeared in a repeated study; Also forgiven those nobles that have not appeared to look at the designated timeline.

On the same day, in the outcome of the second hour, Peter demanded the paper, began to write, but the pen fell out of his hands, only the words "give everything ..." could disassemble, then I ordered the daughter of Daughter Anna Petrovna, so that she wrote to his dictation But when she approached him, he could not say a word. The next day, January 28, at the beginning of the sixth hour of the passion, Peter the Great did not. Catherine was almost abruptly with it; She closed his eyes. "

I ask the reader to pay attention to the two phenomenon of the last moment in this drama. Peter at the last moment can not write the name of the heir, although it may be written before that, and then it cannot pronounce this ill-fated name, although it speaks freely, calling his daughter.

Solovyov, like to him and Karamzin, wrote huge labor on the history of Russia. But Karamzin finished his "Russian history of the Russian" description of the events of the early XVII century. Therefore, primary sources on the history of the XVII-XVIII centuries. (Where the life of Peter the Great fits fully fit) raised Solovyov in his 29-languid "Russian history from ancient times." And all subsequent historians were mainly engaged in the fact that in other words they rewrite the history of Solovyov, something clarifying and complementing.

Therefore, we will mainly quote here Sergey Mikhailovich. True Solovyov lived and worked in the country, led by people who considered the descendants of Peter I and Catherine I, and, of course, could not describe all the impartial moments, all the offensive of the reconnaissance couple. Quote from the work of Solovyov begins with "trouble from the Monsoy History". This is how the historian himself describes "Monsau".

"Catherine's coronation was accomplished in Moscow with a great celebration on May 7, 1724. But after six months, Catherine experienced a terrible trouble: the belief was captured and executed and the ruler of her progressant Chancellery Mons, the brother of the famous Anna Mons.

East court on November 14, 1724 sentenced Mons to death for the following guilt:
1) I took Praskovye Ivanovna from the princess, the village of Orsha with the villages of the victim of the progressure of the Empress and the lifts took himself.
2) To refuse the village, the former prosecutor of the Voronezh North Courtov Court sent and then sent him to the property of Nizhny Novgorod Empress for the search, without requiring it from the Senate.
3) I took 400 rubles from the peasant village of Toninsky Sánykova for making it a sterefish horse in the village of Her Majesty, and there is not a peasant salts, but a Posaly man.

Together with the mons, his sister was hit, Matrona Balk, which was beaten by whip and exiled to Tobolsk; Secretary of the Monza Council, who, after Knut, is exiled to ROGERVIC to the labor work for 10 years; The famous jester Camera Lackey Ivan Balakirev, whom Batoga beat and exiled to Rahervik for three years. Balakireva read such a verdict: "Further, who, serving from the service and from the engineering teaching, accepted the junning of the junction and, at all, the Monsov's Vilima achieved to the court of his imperial majesty, and at that less than the court of bribes served by Vilim Mons and Hiruna Tweet." (S. Solovyov "History of Russia from ancient times")

The description is very boring and restrained. It comes out of him that a certain bribemer Mons was executed, which was the ruler of the immigrants of the empress. Moreover, the wines of this mons clearly does not deserve the death penalty, the maximum is prison. And no one from the accomplices of Monsov did not execute. But Solovyov has one word that hints at the actual reason for the execution of the Mons - Petra's belief. If we replace the word "favorite" word "lover", we will find the real cause of execution.

This can be found in other historical testimonies, and they say that Peter I shortly before death suspected his wife Ekaterina in the wrongness, in which the soul did not have a chayale and which was unmearing in the case of his death to pass the throne. When Peter gathered sufficient, in his opinion, evidence about the infidelity of his wife, he ordered to execute Mons. And in order not to expose yourself to the "horned" spouse in front of foreign courtyards and their own subjects, "sewed" economic crimes, which, if desired, was not difficult to find almost every official of those times (and not only those).

They say, before the execution of Mons, he could not take a glance from the pole, in which his head should have been born in a few minutes. Catherine struggled from all his might that indifferent to the fate of Mons. When he walked on the fell, she had learned new dances with daughters. After the execution of Peter put the queen in Sanya and took her to her head of his lover. Catherine stood the test - she calmly smiled. Then a monsophole monsophized in a glass vessel was put in her rest. And Peter broke the mirror with the words: "See the glass of this? A contemptive substance, from which it was made up, was cleaned with fire and serves the decoration of my palace. But in one blow of my hand, it will turn into the dust by one blow, from which it was extracted." "Is now your palace better?" - There was something to answer Catherine.

So, pay attention - events associated with the execution of Mons and the loss of Catherine's confidence of Peter occurred just two months before the death of the king. In the papers, the Mons also found the facts that compromise the nearest comrades of Peter. In St. Petersburg, waited for new executions. The names of Menshikova were called (whom Peter removed from himself and took off from the post of the head of the military department), the royal office of Makarov and other associates. They said that Peter is going to do with Catherine just like English King Heinrich VIII with Anna Bolein, that is, execute for treason. Osterman, Andrei Osterman, then attributed to himself the merit in the fact that he persuaded Peter not to chop his head with a spouse. The argument was such - after that, no decent European prince take marry the daughters of Catherine. But even with this - the most successful - the outcome of Catherine's will soon remained a monastery with imprisonment conditions.

Here is the example of the first spouse Peter - Evdokia Lopukhina. When the king began to walk with Anna Mons, she arranged a scene of jealousy and forbid him to be in her bedroom. Peter was just this and necessary - he quickly divorced the queen and sharpened her to the monastery. This woman also need to say a few words, because in historiography it is incorrectly represented as a scored old-Russian woman who does not lead the nose from the maiden and engaged in children and households. Such a representation is incorrect. If we speak modern tongue, Evdokia was the winner of the beauty contest "Miss-Queen - 1689".

As some sources indicate, Peter chose her from a variety of noble hands, which were brought to Moscow for the royal walling. According to other data, Peter married Evdokia on the advice of the mother, but in any case it is not subject to doubt that the queen was a beautiful girl in a very powerful character, and no way planned for himself by monastic career. Yes, and in the monastery she missed a long time - soon she turned up a major (according to other data - the captain) Stepan Glebov, who became her lover. Not the same Peter have extramarital connections! When Peter learned about the adventures of his ex-wife, he made the conditions for its content in prison and decided to achieve recognition from Glebova.

This is what contemporaries report this: "Undoubtedly, Glebov had a love relationship with the queen Evdokia. It was proved by the testimony of witnesses and intercepted posts to him. But, despite these evidence, he invariably continued to deny the charges. He remained solid in his testimony and Never nominated the slightest charge against honor of the public, which he defended even during a wide variety of torture, which he was subjected to orders and in the presence of the king. These torture lasted for six weeks and were the most cruel who are subjected to criminals, wanting to pull out They are recognition. But all the cruelty of the king, reaching the fact that the prisoner was forced to walk along the boards, licensed iron rally, was in vain.

During the execution on the Moscow Square, the king approached the victim and tried it to all the most sagia, which is in religion, to admit to his crime and think that he will soon have to appear before God. Surrender turned casually head to the king and answered as a contemptuous tone: "You must be the same fool as Tyrant, if you think that now, after I have not confessed anything even under the most unheard of torture that you learned me , I will dishonor a decent woman, and it's at that time when I don't have more hope to stay alive. Stay, the monster, - he added, spitting him in his face, - Clean and let him calmly die to those who did not have the opportunity to live quietly ".

Although about Glebov is contradictory sources. There is evidence that his torture was knocked out without recognizing a love relationship with the queen, but the names of accomplices for the preparation of the state coup. But one way or another, the life of the former queen changed dramatically.

Here is the evidence of the companion of Peter I: "She was concluded in the four walls of the Shlisselburg fortress, after she had to survive the conviction and death in the prison of her sole son Alexei Petrovich, the death of his brother Abraha Lopukhin, who cut off his head on a large Moscow Square, as well as death His lover Glebova, who was planted on a stake on the same area on charges of treason ...

She stayed in this prison from 1719 to May 1727. And its only single society and the only assistant was the old dwarf, which was put in prison with her so that she would prepare food and washed underwear. It was too weak help and often useless. Sometimes she was even in a burden, as the queen was forced several times, in turn, herself to care for the dwarf, when the ailments of this unfortunate creation did not allow her to do anything. "(Franz Willbuy" Stories about the Russian yard ")

In such conditions, she lived to the very death of his rival Catherine I, then he tried to free themselves from monasses, to become a regent of the throne with a small grandson, but not fate. Grandson she also survived. Evdokia died in 1731 from longing, 62 years old.

But an example of the relationship of Peter to his daughters from Catherine - Anna and Elisabeth. Eyewitnesses indicate that Peter was strongly treated with the testimony of Mons, and because of this, the attacks of his wrath were dangerous for everyone who came across on the way. In such a state, he barely killed his own daughters. The face of the king is that the case has reduced the convulsion, sometimes he took his hunting knife and in the presence of daughters beat them in the table and in the wall, knocked her legs and swung his hands. Leaving, he slapped the door so that she crumbled.

It is clear that the first son of the tsarist family Alexei Petrovich, who grew up among such passions, could not help her harsh father, could not forgive him the imprisonment of his mother into the monastery, for which she paid his life.

We will add to this the unenviable fate of Lytra-Mary Hamilton, executed in 1719. Peter himself thoughtfully spent a disclaimed beauty to the plate, and she was hoping for a pardon until the last minute, recalling the word lover that the Hand of the executioner would not touch her. The hand did not touch ... touched the ax. Peter raised his mistress's head and began to read the lecture on anatomy, showing blood vessels and vertebrae. He did not miss any opportunity to enlighten his "dark" people. Then he crossed himself, kissed the pale lips and threw his head in the dirt ... The hurried head of Mary Hamilton was still kept in Kunstkamera for a long time with his head of unlucky mons. To get buried the heads of Catherine II.

I specifically stay on the destinies of people close to Peter, not to mention outsiders. Contemporaries did not have anything against the fact that Peter executed the rebel stallers - it was a generally accepted measure at the time. An enlightened Europe was outraged by the fact that the king personally cut down the heads of the head.

Based on the purpose of the article, I brought together the facts that occurred at different times. As a result, Peter the Great appeared by Edakim Monster. He was not a monster, of course, although the ruler was tough. The painting of the execution set by one after another looks impressive, but the fact of the matter is that they are artificially placed. For those 36 years, which Peter really managed the state, the facts of repression can be given enough, but if they divide them for years of government, the number of repression per year is not so great - not to compare with Ivan Grozny. In addition, at that time, harsh punishments were the norm not only in Asia, but also in enlightened Europe.

I do not even say about Henry VIII English - a blue beard, exquisite of his wives, priests, mentors, etc. I am not talking about Carla Ix French with his Bartholomeevian night, when thousands of nobles killed, who themselves were invited to a wedding for reconciliation . Re-reading memoirs of the enlightened Philippe de Commum about the war of Karl Burgundsky with Louis IX, I am completely and next to the cases of destroying whole cities of my own country, and most importantly, which is striking - that everyday, with which the rulers did it, often without any guilt of citizens, simply From tactical considerations.

Let's say, the king of France learned that the English king was advised to capture the cities of E and Saint-Valerie to arrange wintering in them. The king of France is not conceived by a second, burns its own city, so that the British do not arrange in them in winter. And so throughout the book.

But an example of another king. Senior contemporary Peter I Louis XIV - "King Sun" could leave a person for a life imprisonment in prison only because that a few days cared for the sick prisoner. What if this prisoner managed to give to his temporary magazine any secret?

Against the background of the then Mravov, Peter does not look like such a harsh ruler, if only because he knew how to forgive small misconduct, but only those people whom he considered useful for the country. Peter limited torture. Yes, and he punished, as a rule, for business, and not just like that. When we learn from the media that the mother strangled his newborn baby, what are we talking about such mothers? Usually the following is "killing such little." Maria Hamilton was executed precisely because he strangled his newborn baby, plus it was still a thief. Peter executed her reluctantly - he only performed the debt of the ruler. Before execution, he told her: "Without a violation of Divine and state laws, I can not save you from death.

So, accept the execution and believe that God will forgive you in your sins, they are called only to him with repentance and faith. "And the monster said -" It's a pity for me, it's a sorry, but there is nothing to do, you need to execute you ... ". More The fact that the "horns" told the king, so also turned out to be. On Glebova's chassis with Evdokay, the investigation came out when investigating a conspiracy, in which Glebov was involved. Tsarevich Alexey was also involved in anti-state activities, and Sagittarius raised the anti-government armed uprising. The authorities will remain powerful if you can be able to defend themselves. At that time (as well as now), no other methods of protection, except for executions and prisons, did not know power.

So let's analyze the psychological state of Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna at the end of 1724. Make it is not difficult. What should have thought a person ascended from the lowest to the top of power, sitting in a luxurious palace among udeveloped servants and looking at his lover's head, floating in a jar with alcohol? After all, she swims there by her fault. Maybe ... Mons there is Mons - He's a man ... But the head of Mary Hamilton, Lytra's mistress, the nearest girlfriend of the very Ekaterina (this is her Maria robbed), too, somewhere swims in alcohol ...

But okay, Hamilton - she was not official wife ... Official (so much today) Evdokia's wife - in the dungeon, the son of his native - on that light ... That is, Catherine had to see not the most irrepanable future of future. And even though I don't like it very much when the writers describe the thoughts of historical persons, say, Napoleon or Stalin (like these thoughts they would know), the feelings of Catherine are obvious at that time, as they follow from universal behavior. Yes, and not so she was an extraordinary person, so as not to worry in that situation for themselves and their children.

And now let's follow another chain of events. The first murder by the decree of Peter the heir to the throne of Alexey in 1718. The second event is the publication in 1722 by the Decree of Peter about the Preconsection. The decree begins as follows: "Further, everyone has anything, what an Avasal worship was the son of our Alexey ...". Based on this "Avasalomsk Eggishment" of his son, Peter actually canceled the right to the throne of Alexei's son and his grandson - Peter. Because by decree, the king had the right to appoint his heir himself. Thus, the old, illuminated by the tradition, was abolished, the order of transmission of the royal power from the Father to the eldest son, and in the event of the death of the eldest son - to the grandchildren (if there was no grandson, the throne passed to the younger son, etc.).

Now the throne could go to Peter Alekseevich only if he could like his grandfather. And although in the eyes of the whole country, he was the only legitimate heir, in the churches, the royal surname remembered this: "the pious sovereign of our Peter of the Great, emperor and the autocrat of the All-Russian, the pious Great Soviet of our Empress Catherine Alekseevna. And the biasarians of the Tsearevna. Paraskeva Feodorovna. And the Blessed Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich. And the gloomy princess princesses. " That is, Peter stood below his aunts-proreigne.

The third event that we have already mentioned is the coronation of Catherine as an independent empress, which took place for six months before Peter caught his wife in treason. That is, if something happened to Peter, then the former maid had a big chance to get around the grandson of Peter and become an autocratic empress, referring to the fact that she was already an empress and became her by the will of Peter.

After all, despite the fact that Catherine was in the hairs of death, it was still an empress. So in front of Catherine stood a dilemma - either death / monastery (if Peter will live), or autocratic power over one of the greatest countries of the world, if Peter dies.

If such a dilemma stood just before one Catherine, then it would be Polbie. But the same dilemma stood before Menshikov, who, with all his lacks, it is impossible to name. It was a clever, active, brave person who had still had a huge power, especially in the guard. And if you psychologically put yourself in the place of Menshikov and Catherine, you can easily reproduce the general course of their thoughts. I will add that none of them was not aggravated with special moral principles.

Now another distraction. We are transferred to 228 years ahead - from January St. Petersburg to Martov Moscow. Stalin's death Some historians consider violent, leading to this appropriate argument. Like, the head of the head of the leader suddenly sent subordinates to rest, referring to the order of Comrade Stalin, and the members of the Politburo did not cause doctors for a long time, saying that Comrade Stalin just sleeps hard, etc., etc. But the violent nature of the death of Stalin is difficult to prove It is more difficult than the violent death of Peter the Great.

The semyadesometer-hectic old old man could die and just from old age, besides, a year before the death of Stalin quit smoking, and the refusal of such many years of habits, from such a soothing means, as a smoking tube, was unlikely to have a positive effect on health. And who knows him - did not allow Stalin before, resting to people sitting directly behind his door. Indeed, around the perimeter of the cottage and on its territory there were still a lot of armed guards. And the members of the Politburo could really be afraid to disturb the sleep of the All-Fusion Vladyka. But nevertheless, it is impossible to exclude the fact that Stalin died "helped".

After all, shortly before the death of Stalin began to collect indictments in relation to Beria, to his bloody activity as the head of the security and internal affairs authorities. Beria had many faithful people in these organs and could take something through them to save his life. Despite the seemingly foundation, the protection of Soviet leaders was, in my opinion, not quite thoughtful. Protected and serviced their division of security bodies. And thus the head of these bodies acquired special power - the life of the highest power carriers depended on it. And this in addition to the possibilities that gave control over the security of the country. The protection of senior leadership, in my opinion, should be engaged in a separate (albeit a small) unit, which no one except the first person of the country does not obey.

I turned to the example of Stalin in order to show that, unlike Peter, he was better understood in the characters of people. Those historians who believe that Stalin was killed, together indicate that he was led to the death that he in the last years of his life removed many years of assistants - the head of Lieutenant General A.N. Poskrebysheva, Head of the Protection of Lieutenant General N.S. Vlasik. And I, on the contrary, I believe that such steps were absolutely true. Since the death of Stalin could threaten at the time only from the closest environment. And he took steps to replace this environment. In addition, Beria Stalin removed the security and internal affairs from the direct guidance and internal affairs, leaving him the post of deputy head of government. Perhaps Stalin simply did not have time to bring to the end of the next "update" of his nearest environment.

Any business is Peter. If, in relation to Menshikov, he acted in about the same way as Stalin in relation to Beria (left for the authorities yet, but deprived the direct leadership of the military department), then in relation to other close persons he did not show such a manager. And in vain. At the end of 1724, almost all people who have access to the life support of the king were interested in his death. After all, when it became apparent that the queen was wrong, the eyes of the emperor had to inevitably turn towards the grandson - Peter Alekseevich, as the only possible heir to the throne. Judge for yourself - Catherine after what happened, he could not appoint as his heiress.

First, Peter was very jealous, and did not forgive betray. Secondly, in accordance with the traditional monarchical ideas, the progress of the monarch's wife was equated to state treason. Thirdly, there are many documents in Mons, which opened the huge abuse of the queen and its approximate. That is, the smell of not only amourous, but also direct state treason. Daughter Anne Throne to convey Peter could not because it was gained with the Duke of Golucian duke. In addition, Anna officially refused the right to the Russian throne.

Other daughter - Elisaven - Peter perceived as a specially frivolous and not ready for the board. In addition, she was planned to marry the King of France Louis XV, and he could not be the younger daughter to become in sixteen years by Empress, walking his mother and elder sister. It would greatly complicate her rule, and the real power would capture all the same Menshikov. Plus, both daughters, as we have already written, were considered in the eyes of the people illegitimate (and besides the Germans) and did not have the sacred right to the throne. And most importantly - they were very close to Catherine, and the betrayal of the mother dropped sharply and their prestige in the eyes of the Father.

So, the only applicant remained. The one that will soon become Peter II. First, the ten-year-old boy has not yet done anything to earn grandfather. Yes, he was the son of Aleksey's graduate, but the wound, inflicted by Alexei Petru, has already managed to burn, besides, Peter-grandson did not know either the father nor the mother, he grew up the orphan and this was its advantage over Jesarean. Secondly, Peter Jr. grew up in New Russia, his grandfathers surrounded him from childhood and he could see the successor of his business in the grandchildren's grandchildren (certainly no worse Catherine and Princesses).

Thirdly, all Russia considered the boy a natural hear of the throne. And the contemporaries indicate that Peter the Great all the time hesitated against the grandson and from time to time he had a strong location. Naturally, in 1724, the oscillations were to end, and Peter had to dwell on the candidacy of a grandson as an heir. But Peter-grandson lived separately from his grandfather, had his surroundings, so people from the environments of Peter the Great could fear that with the arrival of Peter II and the return to the active work of Peter the Great - Evdokia's first wife - they will lose their influence. And some of them (participants in the kill of the father of the heir and son of Evdokia - Alexey) feared to lose their lives.

Thus, in the immediate death of Peter the Great, Ekaterina, Anna, Elizaveta, Menshikov, Makarov (the secretary of Peter, who passed official documents was held - pay attention to it!) And the numerous chelye surrounding the king, including cooks and doctors. And in the fact that the death of Peter I soon came, there is nothing surprising. It would be surprising. Of course, I am far from blaming everyone, hardly were devoted to something 16-year-old Elisaveta and most palace servants.

But the situation was so much that it would be possible to easily formulate a small liquidation brigade from the people of the nearest circle of the king, having deprived access to him under one or another pretext of uninitiated persons. So, we know that during the disease, Tolstoy, head, apraksin, and Yaguzhinsky and Osterman were allowed to the king, and Yaguzhinsky and Osterman, so as not to tire the monarch. This testimony of the French Messenger of Campredona - Tolstoy and the head admitted to Peter were fierce supporters of Catherine. With apraksin, there were two brothers them. One was for Catherine, the other - for Peter-grandson. Which of them allowed, what do you think?

Now consider how the events could develop. I offer four options, putting them according to the degree of decrease in criminality.

1) Peter the Great was poisoned by people closest to him. Perhaps poisoned during the disease, which began independently of the will of the states.

2) These coming people, knowing that the king from time to time happens the attacks of the disease, they decided to wait for one of the attacks and improper treatment with his grave, depriving access to Peter the uninitiated doctors.

3) The nearest environment grabbed the sickness of the king, as immersed by the straw, and then the same as in the second paragraph: taking advantage of the helpless state of the king, sent it to the next world. Psychologically, it will not be more accurate to say "sent", but pushed the king to the grave.

4) The disease and death of Peter had a natural character, but the setting of the king falsified his last will, not allowing the transfer of the throne to the legitimate heir to Peter Alekseevich.

As you can see, I completely exclude only the fifth, the most "non-criminal" option, with the famous words "give everything ...". With numb hand and voice. That is, that version, which, with the light hand, the historian Solovyov became official and housing, and nomads now in all textbooks.

How did the Solovyov version appear? The main source of it was the "notes" of the main assistant of the Duke of the Golucket - Bashvych, about which we mentioned in the biography of the Duke. And even before Solovyov, the materials of Bashventich used the famous Voltaire. Also reporting the Saxon diplomat I. Lefort that Night Peter I wanted to write something, he took a pen, wrote a few words, but they could not be disassembled. As already mentioned, Bashevich - the face is extremely interested in the counterpart of Catherine I, and therefore it must be treated very carefully. And the Saxon clearly learned everything, he reported from third-fourth hands. Thus, the question arises - why such an insightful historian Solovyov accepted such dubious testimony of the Holstein minister for faith? We will answer this question before we will object to Solovyov and Bashventich essentially.

To understand the gullibility of Solovyov to the Bashvich version, it is necessary to say a few words about the historian itself. Sergey Mikhailovich Soloviev was born in 1820 in the family of the priest and the teacher of the Law of God, that is, it clearly did not belong to the top of society. And only exclusively thanks to its talent and hardworking reached very high government posts. Solovyov became a doctor of science at the age of 27, in the 30th-ordinary professor, at 51, the rector of the Moscow State University, one of the leading universities of the country, in 52 years - academician. He was also a dean of the historic faculty, director of the Armed Chamber. Solovyov taught to students, performed with public lectures, engaged in public activities, carefully followed all the innovations in the field of literature, history, historiography, political science, geography ...

And despite this, he managed to write many historical works, including the colossal 29-Tomny "History of Russia from ancient times." This work has been written from 1851 until the death of a scientist in 1879. Of course, such a career in Tsarist Russia could be made not just a talented and hardworking person. There was also a certain loyalty to the authorities. And in the times of Solovyov headed the descendants of Catherine I and her daughter Anna Petrovna. These were the great-grandfathers of Anna - Alexander I (rules from 1801 to 1825), Nikolai I (rules from 1825 to 1856) and the Rightsman - Alexander II (rules from 1856 to 1881). Moreover, note that the throne descendants Anna handed her sister (another daughter of Catherine I) Elizavet Petrovna. That is, Russia, during the time, when Solovyov wrote his work, the descendants of people, who in 1725 were desperately fought with the grandson of Peter the Great - Peter II. And although Peter II later briefly took the throne, he failed to consolidate his offspring on it, as he died in incomplete 15 years.

Of course, such a scientist, like Solovyov, would not falsify the story in the please of the kings, but he did not climb on the Rogon. Remember, speaking of Mons, he called him not a lover, and the Prapra's favorite ... The bastards of the kings of Catherine I, that is, it seems to be the truth, and the kings did not offend the kings with great princes. In other words, Solovyov was also free during his work as any Soviet historian writing the history of the CPSU. Yes, he could find and introduce new facts and documents to historical turnover, to open new biographies, clarify the details - all this was welcomed by the authorities. But he had to work only in that political river, which was set on top. The Soviet historian would not allow to criticize the party and Lenin, and Solovyov was not free when he wrote about the acts of Romanov.

Yes, of course, at that time, the liberal professorial anti-government fonder began to form, and Sergey Mikhailovich himself was by no means the most conservative views. But frankly anti-government professors in those days could be counted on the fingers, and they were constantly trying to deprive the department, and did not appoint teachers of the Grand Princes. In addition, there was such a thing as censorship, and if Solovyov was unwhaver the authorities, they would not print every year according to its "history ...".
We know that historians, starting with Karamzin, were allowed to criticize the kings, but not only the ancestors of the royal dynasty.

So, the surroundings of Nicholas (then not yet the emperor) turned around when Karamzin described the inconsistency of Ivan the Terrible - they say, how can I write about the kings ... but, on the other hand, the description of the inventions of the penultimate and frank inability to the reign of the last of Rurikovich (Tsar Fyodor Johnovich) As it were, the readers showed that the ancient dynasty was degenerated, and the welling of Romanovs was a natural continuation of Russian history - this is descended by the descendants of Rurik in Russia (among them the liberator of Moscow - Prince Pozharsky). And when Pushkin in his ingenious work "Boris Godunov" writes about Romanov, as about the hope of Fatherland, it works precisely in such a format. Yes, really, unless Solovyov say the kings - the same Alexander II: "Not only your great-grandfather Ekaterina II killed your great-grandfather Peter III, but also your Prapraprababyushka Ekaterina I also threatened your Praprapradshka Peter I." How did the king of people then look into the eyes, having such bloodthirsty grandmothers?

"King. Over the wall, this is done that it happens terribly. You know, I suppose, what is the royal palace? Behind the wall, people put each other, they cut their siblings, sisters shed ... in a word, there is a daily, everyday life." (E. Schwartz "Ordinary Miracle")

The interests of Solovyov (not "hang" the murder of Peter on Catherine) coincided with the interests of Bashventich. After all, if Peter is calling Anna, then after the words "give everything ..." logically, you should put "... Anne". Anna is the wife of the Duke of Holsteinsky, whose interests then Bashvich fanatically defended. He would have inscribed the duke to the heirs, but no one would believe.

Now consider objections to the version of Solovyov in essence. First we give a quote taken from the same "story ..." Solovyov, where we are talking about the events that occurred two years after the death of Peter, before the death of his wife and the succession of Catherine I. Then there was a question about who will inherit Ekaterina itself: her With Peter Daughter - Anna and Elizaveta, or the grandson of Peter the Great and his first wife Evdokia Lopukhina - Peter Alekseevich. It was at that time that Menshikov moved to the side of Peter, deciding to cry with him. "It remained to obtain the consent of the empress to the marriage of the Grand Duke with the princess Menshikovo.

The lightweight took advantage of the fact that his daughter was conspired for the Polish fedes of the Count Sarega, but the Empress took this groom for his niece of Spavronskaya, and Menshikov began to ask for a marriage of his daughter with a great prince. The Empress agreed. Whether it is necessary to explain this agreement with one decline of moral forces in Catherine, which some foreign ministers of their foreign ministers were converged, or Catherine saw the inability to remove the Grand Duke from the throne in favor of one of his daughters and thought that she had strengthened their position, connecting with the future emperor of man For the appreciation of which had the right to count on?

Be that as it may, the case was decided in March 1727, and this decision led to the horror of Zesarer and their adherents. Both Tsearevna (Anna and Elizaveta - S.A.) rushed to the legs of the mother, knocking her to think about the false consequences of the step made by her: To the rescue came to the rescue with his ideas: he spoke about danger, what an empress puts his children and his most loyal servants; threatened that the latter, without being able to be useful with this, will be forced to leave it; He himself will rather subjected his danger, than it will be calmly waiting for the terrible consequences of her consent to the request of Menshikov.

Catherine defended himself, said that he could not change the word given by family reasons, and the marriage of the Grand Duke with Menshikova would not change the extent of its secret for all intentions regarding the throllery. Despite the presence of Tolstoy, the extreme impression on Catherine, and the Duke of Holchtinsky began to hope for victory; Tolstoy speech was put on paper: Bashevich wore her in his pocket and read everything. But the joy was short: Menshikov had a second secret audience, and it was decided to finally. "(S. Solovyov" History of Russia from ancient times ")

That is, we see with which horror even two years after the death of Peter the Great Catherine, her daughter, Duke Holsteinsky perceive the message about appointing the heir to the grandson of Peter I. But all these people surrounded Peter at the time of his death. And now re-read the text of the same Solovyov about the death of Peter the Great and imagine for a second, if Peter wrote "Give all the grandson - Peter Alekseevich" or dictated the same name Anna, that same Anna, which (reasonable or not - the other Question) Even two years later, I saw my death in Peter in Peter, and I asked my mother's knees not to pass his throne.

Do you really think that such people would be quietly removed from power, left the palace and would they announce the latter will of Peter the Great? It is unlikely that they would most likely reported to others that seriously ill and Peter died, without appointing the heir, and the edit will be Catherine, as special, crowned by Peter himself. If you are still in doubt that the entourage of Peter's first would not allow the transfer of power to her grandchildren, then I propose to your attention another scene dating from January 1725. The main source here is the same Bashvich.

During the illness of the king, by order of Menshikov, the palace surrounded the guard. Senators, generals, boyars who came to the palace, it was said that the treasury, fortress, the guard and the synod are at the disposal of the empress. Her opponents advised to reckon with this if they value their heads. Following the battle of the drums of the Guards regiments, surrounding the palace. That is, we see, what psychological (threatened go to physical) pressure was subjected to supporters of Catherine's supporters of Peter II. As actively and uncompromising they acted. Does these people would announce the Petra's testa in favor of the grandson? Of course not.

The same Bashevich writes that except the words "give everything ..." were different, but they could not disassemble them. Of course, I could not disassemble the name "Peter Alekseevich", be there the name Catherine - I would sure if they would disassemble without difficulty, and then they would have had to resort to such extraordinary measures, which more resemble the state coup than the legitimate transfer of the throne. But why did they then not produced the fake testament of Peter in favor of Catherine? It is hardly surrounded by Menshikov, not a single craftsman to fake handwriting ... But in those conditions, when everyone knew about the rupture of the emperor with his wife, no one would have believed such paper, could be blamed - and did not need such paper after How the king officially crowned Catherine. The main thing is to prevent the appearance of the decree of another kind. The royal authority had such a character that the autocrat could cancel all the laws of the Empire, including its past decrees.

Carefully look at the Solovyov text about the last days of Peter's life. We see that Peter gives state orders, which, as expected, are executed, but only the main order he wants for some reason to write himself. Is it really not a single literate person? Moreover, that usually the kings only signed the text written by employees of the device, and did not write the entire text of the declaration with their own hand. Even being healthy, the king dictated, edited, but the draft work - Scripture - was performed by others. .

Next - to write two words could, and the most important thing could not ... This is possible, of course, in life, but too unlikely. Moreover, if I could not write - predicto with witnesses. Instead, he makes another stupidity - calling Anna. I would like to declare her heiress, would say something like this: "Give all Anna and call her to listened my last parting." So there is no, Anna it took him only as a secretary. Moreover, who, who, and Peter perfectly understood that such a "secretary" would rather swallow the text of the declaration than his announcement if the declaration would be said about the transfer of the throne to her nephew Peter Alekseevich.

Further another unlikely event. Only came Anna - Peter lost his voice. I just had a voice - and here the king as a language swallowed, and even the consciousness lost. Everything happens in life, but such a series of coincidences ... The evil will is clearly traced here, not the game of the case. Add to this third coincidence - the death of Peter, who happened immediately after he learned about the infidelity of his loved ones ...

Take the chain of randoms is immeasurably harder than that there was no accidents. There was a clear chain of events arising from one of the other, and they did not happen as described Solovyov. Pay attention to the fact that Catherine was under Petralessly and she closed his eyes (here I would surely believe in it). Catherine Peter could not dictate anything with all the desire - there is every reason to believe that it has never learned to write.

But if his last will was expressed in favor of Catherine, it would not have been necessary to draw her name or call Anna to a weakening hand. The decree would have written, signed and announced for the cute soul. There is, of course, a small probability that Peter still decided to transfer the throne Anna, but while he ran after the heir to the heir, her mother finished off Pope so that he could not call her name. But it is unlikely. Anna's Board No bad Catherine and Menshikov did not threaten. Catherine in any case would remain a widowed empress, and Menshikov, having a guard, would really edit on behalf of both sovereign. Yes, and Peter would not transmit the throne to the wife of a foreign duke's wife, because he was renounced Anna forced, already when he knew about Mons. Why would it suddenly change their mind? But the grandson of his from the throne was given, when he did not know about the adventures of Kati with a mons - and this is the whole difference.

We will not speculate. The sources given by us are vaguely hinting for any mysterious document, they say that Peter wrote something, and what is not clear. In addition, to this day, the legend is alive on a certain hidden will of Peter. From the analysis we conducted, it follows that this document could only be an act on the transfer of power to Peter II. I would not have been subject to any other concealment.

Sergey Aksenko

On November 21, Peter first in the capital moved along the ice through the Neva, who was inserted only on the eve. This tricks seemed so dangerous that the head of the coast guard Guans Jürgen wanted to even arrest the intruder, but the emperor had slipped past him at high speed and did not pay attention to his threats.

On December 20, he participated in a grand boiler arranged on the occasion of the election of the new "Prince-Pope of the All-Easy Cathedral", and January 1725 began especially violently, walking at the wedding of his junction of Vasily Pospelov and on two assemblies - at Count Tolstoy and Vice Admiral Cornelia Crysis .

Especially struck by all the sick emperor, when January 6, in the frost, was held at the head of the Preobrazhensky regiment on the banks of the Neva, then descended on the ice and stood throughout the church service, while Iordan was sang, the hole, cut down all this led to that that Peter was very cold, run into bed and from January 17 began to experience terrible torments. This disease was the last in his life.

There are several versions of the fatal disease of Peter. French Ambassador in Russia Campredon reported to Paris: the king "" called on one Italian doctor, my friend (Dr. Azariti - V. B.),with whom wished to consult alone. " Next, Campredon wrote that, according to Azariti, "urine detention is a consequence of the solar venereal disease, from which several small ulcers have formed in the urinary channel."

The Germans who were treated by Peter the Germans Brothers Blows were against surgery, and when the Surgeon-Englishman Horn Operation was still spent, it was already late and Peter soon began "Antonov Fire", as at that time they called Gangren. The convulsions were followed by nonsense and deep faint. The last ten days if the sick and came into consciousness, it shouted terribly, for his torment was terrible.

In the short minutes of relief, Peter was preparing for death and in the last week it was sacraged three times. He ordered to release all debtors from prison and cover their debts from his sums, ordered to release all prisoners, except for murderers and state criminals, and asked to serve the prayers for him in all churches, not excluding innovative temples.

Catherine sat at his bed without leaving a dying for a minute. Peter died on January 28, 1725 at the beginning of the sixth morning. Catherine himself closed his mouth and eyes and, having done it, left the small room-cabinet, or "desks", as she was called, in the next room, where she was waiting for her to proclaim Peter's successor.

Regarding the diagnosis of the last disease, Peter's opinions are divergent. The author of the fundamental work "The History of Medicine in Russia" V. Richter believed that Peter died due to inflammation caused by the detention of urine, not to mention the cause of inflammation. Another prominent historian of medicine, N. Kupriyanov, believed that the death of Peter came from the inflammation of the bladder, which passed to Gangren, and from the detention of Urin. And, finally, a group of Moscow venereologists made in 1970, which has studied all the preserved documentary certificates of illness and death of Peter. Professor N. S. Smelov, A. A. Studniene, Doctor of Medical Sciences T. V. Vasilyeva and Candidate of Medical Sciences O. I. Nikonov came to the conclusion that Peter "apparently suffered by a malignant disease of the prostate or bladder or Urolithiasis ", which turned out to be the cause of his death.

* * *

Peter I died, not leaving the will. The heirs of the throne could be reckoned: first, the son of executed Alexey - Peter, secondly, the daughter of Peter I and Catherine - Anna and Elizabeth, Third, - Peter I nieces, the daughter of his older brother Ivan Alekseevich - Anna, Ekaterina and Praskovya . Anna occupied the Duchetic throne at this time, Catherine was the Duchess in Mecklenburg, and Praskovaya lived in Moscow, without being married. Fourth, - Wedd by the Imperial Crown Ekaterina Alekseevna.

Three hours after Peter's death, senators, members of His Holiness Synod and General General - generals and admirals of all ranks and statistical ranks from the actual Stat advisors to Chancellor were gathered in the next room. They gathered in their own as well as they found out about the death of the emperor. However, when everyone came to a neighboring room, the officers of both guards regiments were already there, which were close to a close group in one of the corners of the hall.

Disputes about the right to the empty throne unfold instantly. Each of the dignitaries somehow expressed his sympathies and antipathy, but officers kept silence. When P. A. Tolstoy was the first to speak in favor of the Empress, the Guardsmen supported him together.

Opponents of Catherine snapped, but a lieutenant colonel of the Preobrazhensky regiment Ivan Buoturlin, who was present in the hall, came up to the window, pushed the frame and waved his hand. Through open window in the hall came the drum battle ...

This argument, which turned out to be the most weighty, crossed all the considerations of the dignitaries about the benefits of kinship and the right of any of the possible contenders for the throne. It was also important that the second prince's lieutenant colonel was a bright prince and Generalissimus of all Russian troops Alexander Danilovich Menshikov, in whose sympathies to Catherine none of those present doubted.

* * *

In a close desk, where Peter died, with difficulty squeezed a huge coffin size in oblique soil (the Russian length of length - oblique sage was equal to 216 cm), unfolding and tilting it in all directions. Forty days rushed with the disheveled body of the emperor, the entire Petersburg, dignitaries, clergy and merchants from Moscow and the neighbors close to the new capital of cities.

And three weeks after Peter's death, February 22, the youngest of his daughters died - six-year-old Natalia, and in the winter palace, it became more than one coffin more.

In the preparation of the funeral ceremony, it turned out that the coffin with the body of the emperor does not pass at the door, and then by order of the main manager of the funeral of the Feldsi-Meister General, Senator and Kavalera, Count Jacob Bruce turned into the door one of the windows, and the spacious land was built to the window , on both sides of which wide stairs were draped with black cloth.

... At noon on March 10, 1725, three cannon shots informed about the beginning of the Emperor's funeral. Petra's heads lined along the ladder, Peter's stairs were demolished along the stairs on the embankment, and the eight of horses covered by the poporni from the black velvet dripped the coffin to the communities of the main pier, and from there on a specially built Neva wooden platform, leading to the Petropavlovsk fortress.

Behind the coffin carried more than thirty banners. And the first of them were: the yellow stream of the Russian fleet, black with a golden double-headed eagle the imperial banner and the white flag of Peter with the emblem shown on it - the steel cutter of the sculptor, cutting out of the stone, has not yet completed the statue.

And before this bannoy group, members of the family of the deceased and two "first senator" were followed. The order, in which they followed by the coffin, he was talking about the dignitaries, and foreign diplomats, because he, this order, accurately reflected the alignment of the strength and the meaning of each of these people with the court.

The first was now widowing Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna. On both sides, she was supported by Feldmarshal and the bright prince of Menshikov and the Great Chancellor, Count Golovkin.

Following them, the daughters of Peter and Catherine - Seventeen-year-old Anna and Fifteen-year-old Elizabeth, then Peter's nieces - Tsarevna Praskovya Ivanovna and the Mecklenburg Duchess of Ekaterina Ivanovna, and for them - relatives for the Mother of the Podidnoye - Naryshkin. Together with them, a nine-year-old grandson of the late, the son of executed Alexey - Peter and the bridegroom Anna Petrovna, the Holstein Duke Karl-Friedrich. According to the fact that the Duke was in this procession, it should be assumed that he was considered a member of the royal family, although the wedding was not yet.

... will not pass ten years old, as almost all of these people will die. Only the Great Chancellor Golovkin and the daughter of Peter I - Elizabeth will be long-lived ...

Peter's coffin was put in the Peter and Paul Cathedral, which was then built, and he stood there for six years. And only after that the coffin with the body of the deceased betrayed the earth ...

There is a fairly interesting story that when the writer Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy worked on his novel "Peter First", he faced with a rather unusual fact that the greatest of Russian monarchs, the pride of the name of Romanov, has nothing to do with the surname, nor to Russian nationality in general!

This fact was extremely excited by the writer, and he, using his acquaintance with another great dictator, and having remembered the fate of others, careless writers, decided to appeal to him for advice, especially since the information was in some sense closely close to the leader.

The information was provocative and ambiguous, Alexey Nikolayevich brought the document to Stalin, namely a kind of letter, which clearly testified that Peter I in his origin was not Russian at all, as previously thought, and Georgians!

What is noteworthy, Stalin was not surprised at all of the unusual incident. Moreover, after familiarization with the documents, she asked for a thick thing to hide, in order not to give him the opportunity to become public, arguing her desire simply simply: "Let's leave them at least one" Russian ", which they can be proud!"

And recommending a document that got thick, destroy. The act seemingly strange if I remember that Joseph Vissarionovich and himself was in the origin of Georgian. But if you figure it out, it is absolutely logical from the point of view of the leader's position of the peoples, since it is known that Stalin considered himself Russian! And how else would he call himself the leader of the Russian people?

The information after this meeting would seem forever had to be buried, but no offense Alexey Nikolayevich, but he, like any writer, was a man of extremely sociable, was tamed a narrow circle of friends, and there it was already on the principle of the snowball, it was divided like a virus on All the minds of the intelligentsia of that time.

What was it for the letter, which should have disappeared? Most likely we are talking about the letter of Darya Archilovna Bagration-Mukhranskaya, the daughter of the king of Imeretinsky Archila, his cousin daughter of the Mingrelsky Prince Dadiani.

In the letter, we are talking about a certain prophecy, heard from the Georgian queen: "My mother told me about some Matveyev, who saw a prophetic dream, in which the holy Georgy Victorious came to him and told him: You were elected, tell the king that in Muscovy Must be born "King Kings", which will make it a great empire. It is born to him from the seed Orthodox king of the Iversky of Togo Davidova as the Virgin Mary. And the daughter of Kirill Naryshkin, a clean heart. Having disappointed from the field - to be a great mora. The will of God Will is there. "

The prophecy unequivocally hinted on the sharp need for such an event, but another problem could actually serve as a turn of events.

Start the end of the name of Romanov

To deal with the reasons for such a written appeal, it is necessary to refer to the story and remember that the Moscow kingdom at that time was the kingdom without a king, and the Acting Tsar Monarch Alexei Mikhailovich did not cope with the role assigned to him.

In fact, the country managed mired in palace intrigues, fraudster and adventurer Prince Miloslavsky.


How did Peter bent first

Rilsoa 05/19/2011

As rules Peter I

Die Welt 05.08.2013

Ivan Mazepa and Peter I: to the restoration of knowledge about the Ukrainian hetman and his surroundings

Day 28.11.2008

Vladimir Putin - King good

La Nacion Argentina 01/26/2016 Aleksey Mikhailovich was a weak and tricky man surrounded by his people mostly church, whose opinion he listened. One of these was Artamon Sergeevich Matveyev, who, being a man not simple, could have been able to put the necessary pressure on the king, so as to merge him into the actions, which the king was not ready. In essence, Matveyev led his tips to the king, being a sort of prototype "Rasputin" at the court.

The plan of Matveyeva was simple: it was necessary to help the king to get rid of kinship with Miloslavsky and build a "her" heir to the throne ...

So in March 1669 after childbirth, the wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich - Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya - died.

After that, Matveyev sucks Alexey Mikhailovich Princess Crimean-Tatar Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkin, the daughter of the Crimean-Tatar Murza Ismail Narysha, who at that time lived in Moscow and was quite convenient for the pronunciation of local naming the name Kirill.

It remained to resolve the question with the heir, since the children born from the first wife were the same chili, as the king himself, and hardly according to Matveyev, were a threat.

In other words, as soon as the king was married to the princess of Naryshkina, the question arose about the heir, and since at that moment the king was seriously ill and physically weak, and he had been crazy, it was decided to find a replacement here, and then I caught conspirators at hand Georgian prince ...

Who is Peter's father?

Theories are actually two, Peter has two great Georgian prince from the genus of Bagrations in the fathers, Petra is prescribed:

Archil II (1647-1713) - King of Imereti (1661-1663, 1678-1679, 1690-1691, 1695-1696, 1698) and Kakheti (1664-1675), the poet Lirik, the eldest son of King Kartli Vakhtanga V. One of Founders of the Georgian colony in Moscow.

Irakli I (Nazarali-Khan; 1637 or 1642 - 1709) - Tsar Kartli (1688-1703), King of Kakheti (1703-1709). Son Tsarevich David (1612-1648) and Elena Diazamidze (mind 1695), grandson of Tsar Kartli and Kakheti Teimuraz I.

And in fact, by following a small investigation, I have to be bowed that Irakli could become a father, because it was Irakli who moved during, suitable for conception of the king, in Moscow, and Archil moved to Moscow only in 1681.

Tsarevich Irakli was known in Russia under the name of Nikolai and the patronymic of Davydovich, more convenient for the local Luda. Irakli was an approximate king Alexei Mikhailovich and even at the wedding of the king and the Tatar Princess was appointed by a thousandth, that is, the main manager of the marriage celebrations.

It is right to note that the duties of the Thousands took place also to become the godfather of the married couple. But the will of the Fate, Georgian Tsarevich helped the king of Moscow not only with the choice of name for the firstborn, but also with the conception of it.

In the christenings of the future emperor, in 1672, Irakli fulfilled his duty and the Baby Peter, and in 1674 he left Russia, taking the throne of the principality of Kakheti, however, to receive this title, he had to adopt Muslim.

Second version, dubious

According to the second version, the father of the future autocarditant in 1671 has already been celebrating the King of Imeretinsky Archil II for several months, who was practically forced to visit the bedroom princes under pressure, convincing him in the fact that his participation was needed in the Divine Fisher Boguely, namely, the conception of "who was waiting for."

Perhaps it was the dream of almost holy man Matveyev forced the noble Orthodox king to enter the young princess.

The fact that the official heir to the Georgian monarch, Prince Alexander, became the first general of the Russian army of Georgian origin, was the first general of the Russian Army of Georgian origin, served with Peter in fun shelves and died for the emperor in Swedish captivity.

And other children of Archila: Matvey, David and Sister Daria (Dargen) received such preferences from Peter as land in Russia, and were in every possible way. In particular, it is known that Peter went to celebrate his victory in the village of Allsen, the area of \u200b\u200bthe current falcon, to his sister Daria!

Also with this period in the life of the country, a wave of mass migration to Moscow of the Georgian elite is connected. As the proof of the kinship of the Georgian king, Archila II and Peter I also lead the fact as captured in a letter of the monarch of the Russian prince Naryshkina, in which he writes: "How is our chalubashka?"

Although "our chalunca" can be said about Tsarevich Nikolai, and about Peter, as a representative of the kind of Bagration. In favor of the second version, the fact that Peter I was surprisingly similar to the Imereti king Archil II. Both were truly giant for the time of growth, with identical facial features and characters, although the same version can be used and as the proof of the first, since Georgian princes were in direct relationship.

Everyone knew, and everyone was silent

About the relatives of the king, it seems, at the time everyone knew. So Tsarevna Sophia wrote a prince Golitsyn: "You can not give the power to Basurmann!"

The mother of Peter, Natalia Naryshkin, was also scary afraid of what had done, and repeatedly stated: "He can not be the king!"

Yes, and the king himself at the moment when the Georgian Princess was swattered for him, he stated in all her: "I don't get married at the same name!"

Visual similarity, other evidence is not necessary

It must be seen. Remember from the story: no Moscow king was different, nor the Slavic appearance, but Peter is the most special of them.

According to historical documents, Peter I was quite high even according to the current measures, since its growth reached two meters, but what is strange - he wore 38 sizes at the same time, and his clothes was 48! But, nevertheless, it is these features that he inherited from his Georgian relatives, as this description was accurate to the genus of Bagration. Peter was a pure European!

But not even visually, but by the nature of Peter definitely did not apply to the nature of the Romanov, he was a real Caucasian for all his chants.

Yes, he inherited the unthinkable cruelty of the Moscow kings, but this feature could get to him on the mother line, since, they were more than Tatar than Slavyansky, but it was this feature that he gave him the opportunity to turn a fragment of the Horde to the European state.


Peter I was not Russian, but was a Russian, because despite its not quite the right origin, there was still a royal blood, but neither to the genus of Romanov, nor the more than Rurichnikov.

It is possible that it is not the Ordan origin that made it a reformer and a real emperor who turned the county Ordane Principality of Muscovy to the Russian Empire, let him be borrowed by the story of one of the occupied territories, but we will tell about it in the next story.

Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.

Peter I is the younger son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from the second marriage with Natalia Naryshkina - Born on May 30, 1672. In childhood, Peter received a home education, he knew German from the young years, then studied Dutch, English and French. With the help of palace masters (carpentry, turning, weapon, blacksmith, etc.). The future emperor was physically strong, movable, inquisitive and capable, possessed good memory.

In April 1682, Peter was erected to the throne after the death of the childless brother Ivan. However, the sister of Peter and Ivan - and the relatives of the first wife Alexei Mikhailovich - Miloslavski used the Streetsky uprising in Moscow for the palace coup. In May 1682, the adherents and relatives of the Naryshkin were killed or exiled, the "older" king was announced by Ivan, and Peter is the "younger" king under the government of Sofier.

When Sofye Peter lived in the village of Preobrazhensky near Moscow. Here, from his peers, Peter shaped "funny shelves" - the future Imperial Guard. In the same years, Tsarevich met with the son of the court gracious Alexander Menshikov, who later became the "right hand" of the emperor.

In the 2nd half of the 1680s, clashes began between Peter and Sophia Alekseevna, who strived for one-chip. In August 1689, having received news on the preparation of the Sofia of the Palace Coup, Peter hastily left the Monastery from Transfiguration in Trinity-Sergiev, where the troops and his supporters arrived. Armed detachments of the nobles, collected by the deaths of Peter I, surrounded by Moscow, Sophia was detached from power and enclosed in the Novodevichy Monastery, its approximate sources or executed.

After Ivan Alekseevich (1696), Peter I became an unique king.

Possessing strong will, purposefulness and great performance, Peter I throughout his life replenished his knowledge and skills in various fields, paying special attention to the military and the maritime cause. In 1689-1693, under the leadership of the Dutch Master of Timmerman and the Russian Master Kartseva Peter I studied to build ships at Pereslavsky Lake. In 1697-1698, during the first foreign trip, a full course of artillery sciences was held in Koenigsberg, six months worked as a carpenter at Amsterdam shipyards (Holland), studying the ship architecture and drawing plans, graduated from the theoretical course of shipbuilding in England.

On the orders of Peter I abroad, books, devices, weapons were purchased, foreign masters and scientists were invited. Peter I met with Leibniz, Newton and other scientists, in 1717 he was elected an honorary member of the Paris Academy of Sciences.

During the reigns, Peter I conducted major reforms aimed at overcoming the backwardness of Russia from the advanced countries of the West. Transformations touched all spheres of social life. Peter I expanded the ownership rights of landowners over property and the personality of serfs, replaced the residentialination of peasants with a puffer, issued a decree on the sesions of peasants who were allowed to acquire Manufactory to the owners, practiced the mass prescription of state and yasual peasants to state and private plants, mobilizing peasants and citizens in the army and For the construction of cities, fortresses, canals, etc. Decree on the union of alliance (1714) equalized estates and behavior, providing their owners the right to transfer immovable property to one of the sons, and thus fastened the noble property to Earth. Tabel about ranks (1722) established the procedure for good production in the military and civil service is not important, but for personal abilities and merit.

Peter I promoted the country's raising forces, encouraged the development of domestic manufactories, communication, internal and foreign trade routes.

The reforms of the state apparatus under Petra I were an important step towards the transformation of the Russian autocracy of the XVII century to the Chinovnichye-noble monarchy of the XVIII century with its bureaucracy and servilators. The Senate Boyarskaya Duma (1711) took place, instead of orders, colleges were established (1718), the control apparatus was represented first "Fiscals" (1711), and then prosecutors led by a prosecutor's prosecutor. Instead of the patriarchate, a spiritual board was established, or a synod that was under the control of the government. The administrative reform had great importance. In 1708-1709, instead of counties, voivodes and governments, 8 (then 10) Gubniy led by the governors were established. In 1719, the provinces were divided into 47 provinces.

Like a military actor Petr I stands in a number of the most educated and talented builders of the Armed Forces, Commander and Flotovodians of the Russian and World History of the XVIII century. The whole of his life was the strengthening of the military power of Russia and the increase in its role in the international arena. He had to continue the war with Turkey, began in 1686, to lead a long-term struggle for the exit of Russia to the sea in the north and in the south. As a result of the Azov campaigns (1695-696), Russian troops were busy with Azov, and Russia strengthened on the shores of the Azov Sea. In the long Northern War (1700-1721), Russia, under the leadership of Peter I, made a complete victory, received an exit to the Baltic Sea, which gave her the opportunity to establish direct connections with Western countries. After the Persian campaign (1722-1723), the Western coast of the Caspian Sea with cities of Derbent and Baku moved to Russia.

With Peter I, for the first time in the history of Russia, constant diplomatic missions and consulates abroad were established, obsolete forms of diplomatic relations and etiquette were canceled.

Large reforms of Peter I were also carried out in the field of culture and enlightenment. A secular school appeared, a monopoly of the clergy for education was eliminated. Pushkarskaya school (1699), School of Mathematical and Navalskikh Science (1701), medical surgical school were founded. The first Russian publicly available theater is open. In St. Petersburg, the Marine Academy (1715), engineering and artillery schools (1719), School of translators during collegies, opened the first Russian Museum - Kunstkamera (1719) with a public library. In 1700, a new calendar was introduced with the beginning of the year on January 1 (instead of September 1) and the christies from the "Christmas Christ", and not from the "creation of the world."

By order of Peter I, various expeditions were conducted, including in Central Asia, to the Far East, to Siberia, it was necessary to start a systematic study of the geography of the country and mapping.

Peter I was twice married: on Evdokia Fedorovna Lopukhina and on March of the Spavronskaya (later Empress Ekaterina I); He had from the first marriage of the son of Alexey and from the second - daughters Anna and Elizabeth (except for them, 8 children of Peter I died in early childhood).

Peter I died in 1725, buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral of the Petropavlovsk Fortress in St. Petersburg.

Material prepared on the basis of information from open sources