Moral problems in modern Russian literature. Moral problems in the works of modern poetry

Moral problems in modern Russian literature. Moral problems in the works of modern poetry

Moral problems In the works of modern Russian writers. Our life, the life of our state, its story is complex and contradictory: it combines the heroic and dramatic, creative and destructive, desire for freedom and tyranny. Our country, our country turned out to be an universal crisis, led to an understanding of the need for a radical restructuring in the field of economics and policies, education, science, culture, spiritual world man.

The path of democracy, the path of reforms, the path of revival of human dignity has no alternative, but it is difficult, thorny, coupled with searches and contradictions, struggle and compromise.

A decent life is not given over and does not occur by itself, without difficulty and effort. And only when every person will live and work on honor and conscience, the life of the whole country, the life of the whole people will be better, happier. Who can reach the soul of each? Taken clearly: literature, art. It is not by chance that in the works of a number of our writers have long been a new hero, which thinks about the meaning of life and morality, seeking this meaning that understands its responsibility in life. Thinking about the problems and vices of society, thinking how to fix them, such a hero begins with himself. V. Astafiev wrote: "We always have to start with myself, then you will come to general, to nationwide, to universal problems." Today, the problem of morality becomes the lead. After all, even if our society is able to go to market economy And become rich, wealth will not be able to replace kindness, decency, honesty.

Many writers reflect on moral problems: Ch. Aitmatov, F. Abramov, V. Astafiev, V. Rasputin, V. Belov and others.

About the causes of cruelty, immorality, egoism and the rejection of good, good reflects Leonid Sosnin from the novel

V. Astafieva "Sad Detective". All his life, Cosnine struggles with evil that is embodied in specific people and their actions. Astafiev, together with his hero, want to understand "the truth about the nature of the human evil," to see "places where ripen, picks up the vony and grow fangs hidden under cover of fine human skin and fashion clothes The most terrible, devouring beast itself. " In the fight against criminals, the hero of the novel becomes disabled. Now he is deprived of the opportunity to deal with evil as guard of order. But he continues to reflect on nature ... Evil and causes that generate crime, and becomes a writer.

The paintings of evil, violence, cruelty depicted in the novel, shock us with their everyday life and realism. Only selfless dedication to the debt of such people like a compound, gives grounds to hope for the victory of good evil.

In a small story V. Rasputin "Fire" we see a special situation. A fire happened in the Siberian village: Orsov warehouses caught fire. And in his flame, the soul and high morality of the hero of Ivan Petrovich Egorov, as well as the position of other residents of the Lespromkhozovsky village of Sosovkov, is displayed. The fire in the story seems to share people into two groups: those who, forget about the danger, seeks to save the digestive good, and those who are lauder. V. Rasputin develops here one of his favorites: about the roots of man, about his connection with the place where he was born and grew, that the absence of moral roots leads to a moral degeneration.

The Chernobyl catastrophe and its consequences are written almost simultaneously two documentary stories - "Chernobyl notebook" of Medvedev and "Chernobyl" Y. Shcherbak. These works will shock us with their reliability, sincerity, civil responsibility. And philosophical and journalistic meditation and generalizations of the authors help us understand that the reasons Chernobyl catastrophe Have a direct connection with moral problems.

"Live not on lies!" - so called his appeal to the intelligentsia, youth, to all compatriots, written in 1974 by A. Solzhenitsyn. He applied to each of us, to our conscience, to our sense of human dignity with a passionate reminder: if we ourselves do not take care of your soul, no one will take care of her. Cleansing and release of the public organism from under the authorities of the evil may begin with our own purification and liberation - with our firm determination of anything and never support lies and violence, himself, their own will, consciously. The word Solzhenitsyn and today keeps his moral meaning And it may be a solid pledge of our civil update.

It is stressful looking for writers of response to the most burning questions of our life: what is good and true? Why so much evil and cruelty? What is the highest degree of man? Reflecting on the read books, competing their heroes, we ourselves become better and wiser.

Moral problems in the works of modern writers

But in every life there is such a meeting,

and in this meeting there is such a "suddenly"

when the reason, which lost the trail,

and the darkness of the soul merge into one,

and the truth of life, resting in a plug,

in the closed heart knocks out the bottom.

Vadim Antonov.

Famous writer Fyodor Abramov expressed an interesting thought: for a long time there are two ways to update and modify life. One is the reform and revolution, the second is the path of moral improvement, self-education of the personality of each person.

Who can reach the soul of each? The answer is clear: literature. Criticism notes that in the works of a number of our writers have long been designated new heroThinking about the meaning of life and morality, seeking this meaning, which understands its responsibility in life. Thinking about the problems and vices of society, thinking how to fix them, such a hero begins with himself. V.Astafyev wrote: "It is always necessary to start with myself, then you will come to general, to national, to universal problems." Today, it seems to me that the problem of morality becomes the lead. After all, even if our society is able to go to the market economy and become rich, wealth will not be able to replace kindness, decency, honesty. On the contrary, all the vices of people can exacerbate. Among the writers who put in the center of their creativity, the moral problems of the personality can be called Ch. Aytmatova, B. Vasilyeva, F.Abramova, V. Astafieva, Y. Bondareva, V.Resputina, V. Belova and others.

Valentina Rasputin I read earlier. "Farewell to Materia", "Live and Remember", "French Lessons". The writer always I liked a thoughtful, honest and stringent attitude to life. One of his main techniques, as it seems to me, the ability to show the fate of people on a steep fracture, to present their heroes into the tragic, exceptional time for them. In "Livi and remember" this is the situation when a deserter soldier is hidden in an abandoned bath, in the "farewell to the mother" - the time when residents are preparing to move from native villagewhich is decided to flood.

In a small story "Fire" we again see a special situation. In the Siberian settlement there was a fire. Orsovsky warehouses caught fire. And in his flame, the soul and the high morality of the main character of Ivan Petrovich Egorov and the position of other residents of the Lespromhoz village are highlighted. The village of this writer calls "uncomfortable and untidy, not urban and not rustic, but a bivochny type", which, as it were, "keeps himself in constant readiness" to resettlement. Perebed barbaric forest, "and then take a kochet". It is known, "Forest cutting is not bread sow."

V.Resputin develops here one of his favorites: about the roots of man, about his connection with the place where he was born and grew, that the lack of moral roots leads to a moral degeneration. The village arose for more than twenty years ago. The surrounding villages were flooded, and the inhabitants of six villages brought into the village Sosnovka. The original inhabitants of this edge called themselves older. And later, they first came here for a set for big money, the sucked, as a rule, little associated with moral standards. Old-timers call them "Arkharians". As a result, "people ... Divided themselves in themselves ... turned away and fell off from the general and well-coordinated existence, which was attached not yesterday invented habits and laws." Visitors writer mockingly calls " light people", not burdened by a farm, no other, who know only the road to the store, how to pass time. Gradually, they accounted for an open, nothing fearing and not ashamed of strength.

Before people lived for a long time in one place, they were associated with personal and related bonds. Therefore, the shame in front of the villagers was great, and the tradition of respect for the elders, work, the order was stronger. People revered conscience, shame, honor and honesty. Loss of internal communication between people, the lack of shame in front of fellow villagers, neglecting the perpetual traditions of respect for the elders, hardworking, all this leads to the fact that people turn either in predators or in soulless egoists.

Fire in the story how to share people into two groups. First, those who forget about the danger, rushes to save the digestible good. This is where the deep qualities of people are manifested, about whom no one guessed (maybe the person himself): conscience, self-sacrifice, elbow feeling. Some of the Shabashnikov showed this way. But others are laughing. Taking this opportunity, try to heat your hands. And the greed goes to the cruelty and the crime: "Arkharovtsy" kill the guard of the uncle Misha Hampo, who prevented them to steal. One tragedy is enthusiastic and the other: in the fighting and thieves and throat on the nicknamed Sonya dies, "who lost the name, an observer courage."

It is interesting to note that the thoughts about the roots of man and his morality in one or another version are present from many writers. In the novel Astafieva "Sad detecting" there is an episode that causing indignation in each normal man. The investigator receives news that his mother died. He was considered his beloved son. All, not even blood, relatives came. But he just returned from vacation, where "strengthened health." Fearing to ruin the effect of radon baths, no matter how "the nerves did not underminate," and not wanting to know with the "dark" relatives, he sends funerals to fifty rubles. Reader sincerely rejoices when he learns that kin

Literary reading

Topic: Moral problems in the works of Russian writers
Objectives:Understanding the problem of morality.

Give an assessment of actions and relationships between loved ones.

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe personality of heroes.

1. Form:

  • idea of \u200b\u200bgood, kindness, good, good deeds;

  • the ability to correctly evaluate yourself and others, learn to see positive traits People, heroes, characters.
2. Develop oral speech, the ability to express your thoughts clearly.

3. Teach analyze literary texts.

4. Rail in children with such qualities of personality as kindness, generosity, responsiveness;

Scenario lesson:

  1. Org. Moment

  2. Psychological setting

  3. Cryptographer

  4. Introduction to theme lesson and goal
- What a single theme is associated with the words: good, mercy, generosity, compassion?

Let us turn to the dictionary to interpret the word - morality. I am definitely moral man" It turns out that there are certain problems with spiritual and spiritual qualities Many people. It is about this today's lesson.

Word the topic of our lesson?

Moral problems in the works of Russian writers.

What goals do we put in front of ourselves?

5. "Prediction Tree"

In order for our lesson to be successful that you can offer today's work.

Pay attention to our tree and in the leaflet to rate your attitude to work.

6. Work on the subject of the lesson

Today at our lesson "Virtual Guest. It - Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky. Sincere love for children, romantic aspiration of personality, passionality and conviction featured the outstanding teacher of Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky. A wonderful teacher is an innovator, a passionate publicist first of all cared for the problems of children, adolescents. For two decades, he published 35 books and hundreds of scientific articles - thought. His stories - parables we have already studied this fall. ("I want to say my word"). He is last day He remained director of the Pavlysh school, the usual rural school, in which ordinary rustic guys studied.

Today we will get acquainted with one story - the audience of the "Name Lunch". Before you anticipate what this story, let's find out what parable. (" Parable - This is small instructive story in literary genrecomprising moral or religious teaching (wisdom). Basna is close. In the parable there is no outline of characters, indications in the place and time of action, showing phenomena in development: its goal is not an image of events, but a message about them. "

What do you think: what is this parable? (children's responses)

Let's read and clarify your assumptions.

(Reading teacher with interrupt)

Evaluation after primary listening

Not in itself - awkward.

Do not believe your eyes - greatly surprised.

Nothing good - very bad

Grab the head - to come in horror, in despair

At least that - indifferent

So-so - neither bad nor good

Select and specify the selected phraseologism.

Remember your choice, it will be useful for us to summarize.

7. Radio performance

Read now text on roles in groups. You are 4 people: 2 author, Mom and Nina. 1 Author reads before: Soon the birthday of Nina.

Let me listen to the second part of the story from the words "guests came ..."

8. "Six Hats"

And now proceed to the discussion. This will help us with 6 hats.

Hats on your desks, what to do - you know. We repeat the algorithm of work in groups. We started work.

Listen to the answers of the speakers. Additions only after the performance of the leaders.

Let's go back to phraseologists, did your opinions have changed by estimating Nina's act?

Determine in one word Act Nina. (betrayal)

9. Results of work

- Diagnostics

- Put + - yes, - if not.

- Mark on the predictions tree.

10. Evaluation in the route list

11. Homework

Russian literature has always been closely related to the moral searches of our people. Best writers In his works, there were constantly raised the problems of modernity, they tried to solve the issues of good and evil, conscience, human dignity, justice and others.

The most interesting are works in which the problems associated with the morality of a person are raised, with his quest for a positive ideal in life.

One of the writers who sincerely sick for the morality of our society is Valentin Rasputin. A special place in his work occupies a story "Fire" (1985). These are reflections on our contemporary, about civil courage and moral positions man. Short plot: A fire broke out in Sosnovka, the whole village came down on him, but people were powerless before the swollen elements. There was a few those who risking their lives defended people's kind. Many came to "warm hands." People saved bread. The saved shop is nothing compared to human lives, with huge burned warehouses, with monstering folk good. Fire is the result of universal disadvantage. People corrupt the obeeness of life, the scarcity of spiritual life, honeseless attitude To nature.

Many of the problems of our modern day, including moral, raises Anatoly Plophane in the story "Tuchka Golden Opened.". He sharply puts the question national relations, talks about the connection of generations, raises the topic of good and evil, speaks of many other matters, the solution of which depends not only on politics and economics, but also on the level common culture. "For a person - nationality, and not merit, and not wines, if in the country they say otherwise. It means that this country is unfortunate," Robert Christmas wrote.

The story "Fire" is all permeated with pain, so I want to shout: "It's impossible to live so more!" The fire became only a gloomy fold that he had long drained the soul. It is necessary to save the human soul, the writer says that the support of life should be sought in his soul. Rasputin acutely expressed what many people felt - you need to call people, make it very much, still retreat anything else. The writer writes that when, instead of truth, a person systematically presented a lie, it is scary. In a fire watch, the main character opens the truth: a person needs to be the owner native landAnd not an indifferent guest, you need to seek rapprochement with nature, you need to listen to yourself, you need to clean your conscience.

My favorite writer was always Daniel Garn, because this author has an extraordinary giving, all of him is interesting to the fact that he puts the sharp problems today's day. I can not name a single writer who would compare with him on a versatility as problematic, so I.chisto artistic interests, although Granin is a writer of one common problem. Granin graduated from the Technical Institute, worked as an engineer, so everything he writes about, well acquainted to him. His novels "seekers", "I am going on a thunderstorm", "Picture" brought him a well-deserved success. In the center of many of his works there is a problem - "scientist and power". The gardens approaches the problem of lifestyle, as a result of times and forever made by a person's choice. There is no reference path, no matter how we wanted it. The fate of a person - what does it depend on? From the focus of the person or the force of circumstances? In the story "this strange life"He shows real human fate, real personality. The main character Alexander Lyubshchev was a real scientist. "The feat was not," the Granin writes, "but it was more than the feat - there was a well-lived life." The performance and energy of its unattainable. From his youth, loved, he had already firmly knew what he wanted, he had hardly programmed, "chose" his life, which was subordinated to the ministry of science. From beginning to end, he was faithful to his youthful choice, his love, his dream. Alas, at the end of life, many of him consider him a loser, because he did not reach personal well-being. He did not chase prestigious positions, for large salaries and privileges - he was just quiet and modestly made his work, was a real devotee in science. Exactly such people, our contemporaries, moved technical progress.

Honesty and principled - these qualities have lost these qualities in life over the years, but the best of people did not chase over minute successes, honors, and worked in the name of the future. The problem of living choice is sharply in another story of the "namesakers" borders. The hero of this story is a foreman, in the past - submitted big hopes mathematician. Granin seems to face two options for fate in one person. Kuzmin, the main character, was a man of marginal honesty and decency, but fate broke it, he moves through the life of the "shared stream". The problem of choice, the problem of the act, from which the whole of the fate of a person may depend on, the Garin analyzes not only through the fate of Kuzmina, but also on the fate of the older generation in science, on the fate of very young scientists - Mathematics. In the center of the story - the conflict between scientists who see different goals in their work. The Mastic Scientist of Laptev In order to "erase from the face of the Earth" of another scientist Lazarev, broke the fate of Kuzmina (student "Lazarev), he sacrificed him with human and scientific fate seems to be from humane considerations: the direction in which Lazarev and Kuzmin worked, according to him the opinion was wrong. And only after years, when Kuzmin threw mathematics, his first student work was recognized as the largest mathematicians of the world. A scientist from Japan made a big discovery, referring to the forgotten original work of the Russian student Kuzmina, who incomprehensible reasons Disadvantaged to the end to the end. So Laptev broke the fate of a large Russian scientist. In this story, Garin continues the topic that began to write in the 60s in the novel "I go on a thunderstorm." This novel brought out all-union fame. So, from the problem of choosing the hero of its path, the Garin proceeds to the problem of the fate of a person, the problem of the exercise of the talent given to him. Now there is a spiritual restructuring of a person as a person. The catastrophe of our time is that we often do not hear each other, we are emotionally deaf to other people's problems and troubles. Literature morally brings up us, forms our consciousness, reveals to us the depths of the beautiful, which is often in everyday life We do not notice.


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Karnukhova Anna

We live already in the 21st century .., in complex and interesting times. Precisely for recent decades happened, perhaps the most significant changes in history, in the lifestyle of mankind. Man stands everywhere before choosing. As far as he understands the importance of moral values, morals in life, so and feels responsible for their actions. I was interested in what our youth is thinking about this, as modern and ancient literature reflects the problems of humanity, the Russian people.

Therefore, the purpose of research work to trace how the problem is revealed in Russian literature moral quest, the problem of honor, dignity, the national pride of the Russian person.




The problem of moral looking for a person in Russian literature

Performed: student 11 "a" class

MOU middle general education

School number 12 Nizhneudinsk

Karnukhova Anna Vladimirovna

Leader: Teacher of Russian

Language and literature

Selezneva Olga Konstantinovna.

  1. Introduction . Relevance of the topic. Objective, tasks.
  2. Main part. The problem of moral looking for a person in Russian literature.
  1. The topic of honor and national pride in Russian folklore
  2. Problem moral choice

A) B. old Russian literature (Galico-Volyn chronicle)

B) in the literature of the 19th century ("Captain's daughter")

C) in the literature about the Great Patriotic War.

3. My contemporary. Who is he?

III. Conclusion. Outcome. Analysis of the work done.


We live in the 21st century .., in complex and interesting times. It was over the past decades that happened, perhaps the most significant changes in history, in the lifestyle of mankind. It is now that in the era of change, an understanding of honor, pride, dignity is important for the formation of the younger generation. Recent anniversary dedicated to the 60th anniversary Great Victory, war in Chechnya and Iraq - all this is directly related to each other with a person. The man is everywhere in front of the choice, it is from him how he behaves in extreme situations. As far as he understands the importance of moral values, morals in life, so and feels responsible for their actions. That is what I am interested. What is now thinking about our youth about this, as modern and ancient literature reflect the problems of humanity, the Russian people. This was the object of this work.

The purpose of research work:

To trace how the problem of moral quest is revealed in Russian literature,

The problem of honor, dignity, national pride of the Russian man.

I. revealed common tasks In work:

  1. Deepen the knowledge of the Old Russian literature, literature of military years, modern literature.
  2. Compare, as in the ancient Russian literature and literature of our days, attitudes towards moral values.
  3. Analyze as in Russian literature different years Reflects the role of a person in society in turning points.
  4. To find out how the priorities of our ancestors are perceived as the heroes of modern literature.
  5. Trace how the Russian national character is revealed in Russian literature of different years.

The main method is a literary study.

Work carried out throughout the year.

The problem of moral looking for man roots goes to the ancient Russian literature, in folklore. It is associated with the concepts of honor and dignity, patriotism and valor. Ploy B. dictionary. Honor and dignity - Professional duty and moral standards business communication; worthy respect and pride of moral qualities, principles of man; Protected by law personal non-property and inalienable benefits, meaning awareness of their social importance.1

From a long time, all these qualities were appreciated by a person. They helped him in difficult life situations choice.

To this day, we are known to us such proverbs: "In a comility, in the truth," "without a root and the edge does not grow", "a man without a homeland - nightingale without a song", "Take care of the honor of the Smalod, and a dream dress." The most interesting sources leaning modern literatureare fairy tales and epics. But their heroes become heroes and wellms, embodying the power, patriotism, the nobility of the Russian people. This is Ilya Muromets, and Alyosha Popovich, and Ivan Bykovich, and Nikita Kozhemyak, who defended his homeland and honor, risking life. And although epic warriorsfictional heroesbut their images are based on life real people. In the ancient Russian literature, their feats are definitely fantastic, and the warriors themselves are idealized, but it shows what the Russian man is capable of, if the map is the honor, dignity and future of his land.

An approach to the problem of moral choice in the ancient Russian literature is ambiguous. Galico-Volynsky chronicle ... It is considered one of the most interesting monuments of the ancient Russian booknity relating to the period of struggle of Russian principalities with foreign invaders. Very interesting fragment of the ancient Russian text regarding the trip of Prince Daniel Galitsky to a bow to Batu in the Horde. The prince was supposed to either rebel against Batya and die, or take the faith of Tatars and humiliation. Daniel goes to Batyu and feels trouble: "In the sadness," seeing trouble and Grozna. " It becomes clear here why the prince grieves the soul: "I will not give a half-weekly half-day, but I'm going to Batya myself ..." He goes to Batya to drink maobie koumiss, that is, take the oath in the ministry Khan.

Did it cost to do Daniel, is it treason? The prince could not drink and show that he did not conquer and die with honor. But he does not do this, realizing that if the Bati does not give him a label on the management of the principality, it will lead to an imminent death of his people. Daniel sacrifices his honor for the sake of salvation of the Motherland.

Outkaya care, honor and pride make Daniel drink " black milk»The humiliation to take trouble from the native land. The Galico-Volyn chronicle warns against a limited and narrow look at the problem of moral choice, to understand the honor and dignity.

Russian literature reflects sophisticated world human soulmoving between honor and dishonor. A sense of self-esteem, the desire in any situations to remain a person with full right can be put on one of the first places among the historically established traits of Russian character.

The problem of moral quest has always been fundamental in Russian literature. It was closely connected with other deeper questions: how to live in history? What to stay for? What to be guided? Such a test for A. S. Pushkin became


1. - Search website

decembrist uprising. The king asked a direct question: would there be a poet himself in the uprising, if he had been in St. Petersburg. What received the same direct answer: "certainly, the sovereign, my all friends were in conspiracy, and I could not not participate in it ..."

And in " Captain's daughter»Nowhere does not contradict the conscience. Following the ancient Russian scribes A. S. Pushkin exclaims: "Take care of a dream dress, and the honor of the Smalod."

His hero, Peter Grinev, put in the same conditions as Prince Daniel. Peter must choose: kiss the hand of the Liteimperer and stay to live, bringing home to or be hung. Not once, Grinev resorted to the help of a traitor Pugacheva: and salvation from the gallows, and the ticket discharged for free travel on rebellious lands, and the help of the impostor in the sign of the Masha Mironova from under the "arrest" of Schwabrin. But never Grinove will not betray his homeland: "Kiss your hand, kiss your hand!" - They spoke about me. But I would prefer the most crowded execution to such a living humility, "says Himself to Himself during the oath of the Liteimperer.

Same difficult choice stood before others. Ivan Kuzmich, Vasilisa Egorovna, Ivan Ignatich ... They could not swear Pugachev, for them it was a great sin, because they already swear sovereign, and the second time it is impossible. And they did not see these people for themselves another fate, they could not even assume that there was one, the other, after another oath: "Dying, so dying: a matter of serving," says Ivan Kuzmich, rushing to the attack on the rover. And they died, not wanting another life, with the words: "You are not a sovereign to me, you are the thief and an impostor, you hear you!"

But after all, Pugachev was a Russian man. Many times he saves the life of Peter just for the fact that he did not give it to frozen, complaining a holy Tulup from his shoulder. Here it is comparison: Hare Tulup and human life. The honor and conscience of Russian Pugachev did not give to forget about the trifle, but important for him by the service itself: "Ah! I, it was, and forgot to thank you for the horse and for Tulup. Without you, I would not get to the city and frozen on the road ... Debt payment is red ... "

But it happens so that human dignity And honor are the only weapons in the conditions of brutal laws of existence on this earth. It helps to understand a small work. soviet writer 20th century M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man", which opens the forbidden in soviet literature The topic of the fascist captivity. The work is raising important questions On national dignity and pride, about the responsibility of a person for their moral choice.

On the life path of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the story, there were many obstacles, but he proudly carried his "cross." The character of Andrei Sokolova is manifested in the conditions of fascist captivity. Here and patriotism, and the pride of the Russian man. The challenge to the Commandant concentration camp is a complex test for the hero, but it comes out of this situation the winner. Going to the commandant, the hero mentally says goodbye to life, knowing that he will not ask for mercy on the enemy, and then one remains - death: "I began to gather with the Spirit, to look in the pistol hole fearlessly, as is like a soldier, so that the enemies do not They saw [...] that it is difficult to part with life after all ... "

Andrei does not lose pride and before the commandant himself. He refuses to drink the Schnaps for the victory of the German weapons, and he could not think about the glory of the enemy, the pride for his people helped him: "So that I am, the Russian soldier, and began to drink a German weapon for the victory?! And something you do not want, Herr Commandant? One feature, I dying, so you got the way with your vodka. " Drinking then for your death, Andrew bites a piece of bread, half of which leaves the whole: "I wanted to me, damned to show that although I disappear with the hunger, but I'm not going to give up my hand, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride and pride and That in the cattle they did not turn me out, no matter how hard they tried, "this says the invaroous Russian soul of the hero. Broken challenge the fascists. The moral victory was won.

Despite the thirst, Andrei refuses to drink "for the victory of German weapons," does not drink "black milk" humiliation and retains his honor in this unequal battle, causing respect for the enemy: "... You are a real Russian soldier, you are a brave soldier," says Andrei Komentant, admiring them. Our hero carrier damn national Character - patriotism, humanity, strength of spirit, durability and courage. There were many such heroes in the war years, and each of them made their duty, and therefore - a life feat.

True, the words of the Great Russian Writer: "The Russian people selected for their history, retained, elevated to the degree of respect human qualitieswho are not subject to revision: honesty, hard work, conscientiousness, kindness ... We can live. Remember this. Be human".1

The same human qualities are shown in the work of Condratyev "Sasha". In this story, events, as in the "Fate of Man", occur in war time. The main character is Sasha's soldier - and really hero. Not the last qualities for him are mercy, kindness, courage. Sasha understands that the German is the enemy and very dangerous in battle, and in captivity - a man, a man unarmed, ordinary soldier. The hero deeply sympathizes the prisoner, wishes to help him: "Kababa would not shoot it, it would have ceased the Germans on his back, maybe the blood and stopped ..." Sasha is very proud for his Russian character, he believes that the soldiers must do that. He opposes himself with the fascists, rejoices for his homeland and Russian people: "We are not you. Captive not shooting. " He is sure that a person is everywhere man, should always stay them: "... Russian people do not mock the prisoners." Sasha can not understand how one person can be free over the destiny of another, as you can manage someone else's life. He knows that no one has no human rights that does not allow this itself. It is invaluable in Sashka his huge sense of responsibility, even for what he should not answer. Feeling the strange sense of power over others, the right to decide - to live or die, the hero involuntarily shudders: "Sasha even somehow became ... Not so he is to mock over prisoners and unarmed."

There, in war, he understood the meaning of the word "necessary". "It is necessary, Sasha. You see, you need, "said Roat," before ordering something, and Sasha understood - it was necessary, and did everything that was ordered as follows. " The hero is attractive by what makes the needless: something indestructible in it makes it do it. He does not kill the prisoner by order; The wounded, he returns to pass the machine and say goodbye to the soldiers-brothers; He sends the Sanitars to heavily wounded to know that the person was alive and saved. This need for Sasha feels in itself. Or does it command conscience? But after all, a different conscience can not be abandoned - and confidently prove that it is clean. But there are no two consistent, "conscience" and "other conscience": conscience or there is, or there is no one, as there are no two "patriotisms". Sasha believed that a person, and especially he, Russian, should save his honor and dignity in any situation, which means to remain a man with merciful, honest to himself, fair, faithful to his word. He lives according to the law: was born by a man, so be real inside, and not an external shell, under which darkness and emptiness ...

More than half of the century has passed since ... It's not so much. But what happened to

contemporary person?! Really he got lost among the fuss, forgot who he stopped

believe in the fact that throughout the existence of humanity was his gift, power?


1.- V.M. Shukshin. / "Literature at school" №6, 2003

The story of the story "Russia" V. Rasputin is watching young people flying in the plane: "Almost everything in the" packaging ": leather, jeans, sneakers, on faces imprinted negligence, movement sharp, eyes with quick sights. A strange looseness was noticed in women: glossy faces with eyes in a black rim paint, full of tall bodies, no more than two packs of equipment - all selected, uniform. " These people just forgot about their appointment. The purpose of their existence is well-being in life. This is "enjoying life." Then you begin to understand why such a often attitude among old people to young people. Yes, because everyone forgotten. Everything! What could have lost, left as unnecessary. The main thing is to live well financially, there is no more incentive for them. The author exclaims: "Lord! .. After all, they are, our breadwinners, the Savior of the Fatherland ..." How much do you understand only from one of this phrase.

Rasputin is striking loyalty, the disclosure of modern society. No morality, no values. Next to the hero in the plane play cards, the receptions are discussing non-valid problems. Branch everywhere ... And it becomes scary: "Everything is thrown overboard - and" not smoking ", and" do not connect. " Also forgot about honor, dignity, about Russia ... Among these people there are no brotherhood, nor feelings or faith in their land ... and why do they need it?! When there are so many fun, new, bringing joy and without any debts and moral values \u200b\u200bthere. It can be seen good when youth started the game in the break between flights between the flights: I won the one who spit into a narrow neck from the bottle ... And the eyes closes, and their hands are closed ... And everyone is happy, laughs! Here, Russia is not, as it does not have it for two passengers who went home from his son: "Search for refuge on blood kinship now !!"

In pursuit of novelty and fashion, young people completely forgot about those values \u200b\u200bthat ancient times were considered honorable, important, indestructible. "He who does not remember his past, sentenced to survive him again," said J. Santyana. These people will encounter at one time with a misunderstanding, with ignorance, find out the price of happiness lost by them ... After all, hence the war, and fears, and broken fate!

A modern man seemed to move away from the story, pulled away from the past: "The Will holiday came, the unheard of the celebration of all that was before the custody of the moral rules came, - and immediately openly declared a leader of life in a man's dicks ..."1

When a person lives without meaning, without a goal, forgetting about moral values, taking care only about his well-being, the desert place comes to the place where one sand. And when the storm rises in this desert, chaos, the end and edges are not visible: "There is a sewing of any human organization, whether a national state or an interethnic settlement somewhere in Siberia or in the Balkans created with moral goals. As soon as the goal is neglecting, the seams diverge ... "2

This thought is brightly disclosed and in the work "Senya goes" V. Rasputin. In a small story, the same problem of morality, education of young people rises. The dismissed society already so to speak "attacks from all fronts", in particular, from television. Again, Moral is forgotten, there is a "infection" of the younger generation. It is not a pity for anyone, no one needs ... The main character arises to protect his country, because it is unbearable to see how she grips from the inside, collapsed by our hands!


1. 2. - V. Rasputin. Roman-newspaper №17 (1263) -1995g.

We see that in modern world The acceleration of completely other "values" than in the past, instead of honor and pride came by vulgar openness, instead of a sense of duty and conscience - wild morals of primitive contemporaries. As if there was no past, all the "unnecessary" cut off, left in old dusty books. What will all this lead the country? .. What Russia will be from the twelve-year-old moms and their children, what will happen to everyone?! Is it so possible to live? And the people are that they themselves destroy: "What are these? But where is your own? Where are they? Why, like a snake-Gorynych, give and give unsinkable daughters of their small? " - Senya exclaims. The final works are meaningful and optimistic. Finally, the Russian man will wake up. After all, he knows the price of happiness, and most importantly understands who he and why lives. He will "come" ...

In the new story "Ivan's daughter, Ivan's mother" V. Rasputin gathered all the scattered motifs of the prayer, despair, pain and grains of hopes belonging to our young generation. This is a work and gives us a look at yourself, and shows that we are alive at the same time.

Ivan, one of the main characters of the story, is ready to "not surrender to the mercy of the silent of life ..." In his face, Rasputin shows the youth, which is their strong shoulders Raise the country and keep it from new moral drops. Ivan leads ordinary lifeWhat are all his friends-teenagers lead, but in many respects it differs from them: "Some durable core, fastened to the bone, felt in it." "Before the cooler, then decide on squeezed actions," the guy taught himself.

This work shows us that Ivan is "the main, encouraging the escape of the whole family tree" that he is the Russian person who was in wartime, and much earlier. His connection with the last generation is visible: he is Ivan, named after his grandfather Ivan, called the Russian name. And when he goes to hold the church in native places

mother and Grandfather, Ivan Savelich says: "Well, you cheered me, a guy! I will go today an announcement to give your estate, ... that I changed my mind to give up, ... I decided to live, I hold down the legs. "

The past of our country was for the old Ivan, the future - for the young.

Ivan Savelich, once telling a story with his children, I just showed us how the people had previously been fastened, "when the peasant was born in the barnings of Rog. This story about one migrant, which, despite the general poverty, was built and rich, everyone called and survived, no matter how much rumors had about him, that everything can be created among the voids, to endure everything, to overcome everything! And from the words of the same Ivan Savelich we learn about our, today's generation of people. How it broke away from the native roots, but says the proverb: "without root and the blade is not growing," it means that the generation does not grow and does not move? "Why is this in our people, the blood is so silent ... so sluggish for kin ... we have a serious streaming inside us: who will win," says the man who in his life managed to see the grief, and joy, accurately choosing words to explain Our strength and our weakness. And indeed, modern man It is before the choice between the own "I" and "I" imposed from the outside. When Ivan watched the drama flewing in the Cinema "Pioneer", he thought for a very long time, who can consider himself right, necessary: \u200b\u200bSkinheads who came to loud the cinema with so-in-junk for drug addicts, or those drug addicts, on whom the skinheads are ruthlessly attack, And they kill them, dropped people. Ivan justifies the activity of the skinheads, which the state should have been held, but not the violence they committed: "And someone should shake this dirt and take the curse on themselves from all sides? Maybe it's only in this and the britheads should be better progress, and not to go into the side with convenient excuses? " - thinks the hero. It can be seen how he is looking for answers to questions that do not give his soul of peace, but does not find here that he was interested in, as Skinhead, although she approved them in part, I didn't want to be, but about that "pioneer", choking drugs And losing human image"I didn't even think. Therefore, Ivan goes to the market - the "kingdom of Chinese abundance" and here again the patient society in need of help. There are gathering people who are alien to the laws of morality. Here are people of different ages and nationalities, their goal is the thirst for profit and "fast" happiness: all kinds of people-nonlike, deceiving, coming, corrupt and "killing" people. Ivan is involved in a fight between the warring Caucasians and Cossacks, not at any side. I got involved, "because I got sick, sadly inside the pain of inactivity and bravery ..." He felt that he could not forgive himself what was going around around him, he sincerely wanted to change it, so he was leaving from the city to stay alone, think ...

From the small years, Ivan was independent, it was able to insist on his, which is absolutely important in life. Perhaps the most intimate hopes, new insights laid the Rasputin on Ivan. He, hero, thinks about the future of society, sees that he needs help, just until he represents and does not think about himself as one of

"Savior". "For something, he had unknown, some sensual jets made themselves in it," says Rasputin, when Ivan continues his quest and acquire them in the country, on Baikal. The hero understands how painfully modern society does not want to be like this: "How much in it, there is a silent and deaf, forgotten in unknown corners, needs awakening!" Ivan gets acquainted with the Old Russian, Church Slavonic language and knows the most old and durable, which is sitting in it: "No, it cannot be left to the background, this seems to be rooted by the strength of the Russian person. Without this, as twice two, he is able to get lost and lose herself. " Ivan will feel its strength after it serves in the army and will go to build a church. He will begin the beginning of the new generation, which "will cure" Russia from the progressive and terrible disease. Will find out its strength moral values, Scroll back in the Old Russian literature.


Since ancient times, the valor, pride, mercy in man have been worshiped. And since then, the elders passed their instructions with young, warned from mistakes and serious consequences. Yes, how much time has passed since then, and not obsole moral values, live in every person. Since more than the time, a person was considered a man if he could educate himself and possessed such qualities: pride, honor, good nature, hardness. "Neither right, nor to blame do not kill and do not command it," says Vladimir Monomakh. The main thing is that the person be in front of him worthy of his life. Only then can he be able to change something in his country around himself. There can be many misfortunes and troubles, but the ancient literature teaches to be strong and abide by "His Word, for, violating an oath, destroy your soul"1 , teaches not to forget about your brothers, love them as relatives, respect each other. And most importantly, it is to remember that you are a Russian man that in you the power of heroes, the Mothers-Kormilitz, the strength of Russia. Andrei Sokolov did not forget about it in captivity, he did not turn himself, nor his homeland in the ridicule, did not want to give his Russia to the crop of Russia, his children of Senya from the story of Rasputin.

We see what should be a man, son and defender, on the example of Prince Daniel, he gave everything to his homeland, the country, people did not die, survived. He agreed to condemnation that he was waiting after the adoption of the Tatar faith, he did his duty, and not judge him.

Ivan, the hero of the story V. Rasputin, also ahead of the complex life PathBut he already found a path to him. And each of us has their own way to which we must certainly go out, and everything goes on it, only someone too late understands that it goes on the other side ...


Honor, dignity, conscience, pride - here mathematical qualitieswho helped at all times the Russian person to defend her land from enemies. There are centuries, life changes in society, society, changes and the person. And here is our modern literature beats anxiety: the generation hurts, hurts with a challenge, hopeless ... But Russia is! So there is a Russian man. There are among modern youth those who will revive faith will return the moral values \u200b\u200bto their generation. And our past - it will be a support and help in all situations, it is necessary to learn from it, going to the future.

I did not want work to be an essay read and forgotten. I was supplied by such a condition: if after reading my reflection and "discoveries", at least someone thinks (really thinking!) On the meaning of this work, about the purpose of my actions, on issues and calls to us - to modern society "So I tried not in vain, it means that this work will not become a" dead "cargo, will not be dressed somewhere in the folder on the shelf. It is in thoughts, in mind. Research work is, first of all, your attitude to everything, and only you can develop it and give impetus to further transformations, to start in yourself, and then, perhaps, in others. I gave this push, now it's about each of us.