Inna and Dmitry Malikovs about family traditions: One for all, and all for one. Inna Malikova: “I can lean on my husband's strong shoulder

Inna and Dmitry Malikovs about family traditions: One for all, and all for one.  Inna Malikova: “I can lean on my husband's strong shoulder
Inna and Dmitry Malikovs about family traditions: One for all, and all for one. Inna Malikova: “I can lean on my husband's strong shoulder

Malikova Inna is a representative of the famous creative family... Do you want to know what she loved to do as a child? How did you start performing in front of the public? Is the singer legally married? The answers to these questions are presented in the article.

Inna Malikova: biography. Family and childhood

She was born in 1977 (January 1) in Moscow. Love for music with early years she was vaccinated by her parents. Father, Yuri Malikov, is famous composer, founder of VIA "Gems". Inna's mother, Lyudmila Mikhailovna, has a choreographic education. At one time she was a soloist in the Moscow Music Hall. Our heroine has an older brother Dmitry, a famous singer in our country.

At the age of 7, Inna was recorded in music school where she studied piano. The teachers praised the girl for her hard work and diligence. In grade 5, Malikova Jr. was transferred from a regular school to a music and choreographic school. Famous graduates of this institution are: Nikolai Slichenko, girls from the Lyceum group and Nikolai Baskov.

Creative activity

Inna Malikova recorded her first song in 1993. It was called "At the Summer Festival." This composition was presented to her for her 16th birthday by her beloved brother Dmitry.

The beginning of a solid Inna falls on 2002. At that time, the blonde beauty graduated from a music school and entered GITIS. The representative of the famous Malikov family began to cooperate with the agency Liz-media Group. It was promoted by a whole team, which included composers, producers and stylists. In the period from 2003 to 2005, several albums of the young performer were released. There is no need to talk about all-Russian popularity. But one thing can be said: Inna has acquired her army of fans.

In 2003, a clip for the song "All That Was" was presented to the audience. The video contained spicy scenes. But the video "Coffee and Chocolate" (2004) turned out to be more modest and romantic.

New project

In 2006, Inna's parents gave Inna a wonderful idea. They invited her to create musical project NEW Gems. This happened at the 35th anniversary celebration. legendary band... Our heroine agreed to become the leader of a new project. A couple of months later, the line-up was already selected. And these are not people from the street, but accomplished artists: Mikhail Veselov ("Star Factory-5"), daughter of the soloist of the group "Belarusian Pesnyary" Yan Daineko, as well as participants in popular musicals ("Count Orlov", Notre dame de Paris, Romeo and Juliet and others).

In 2009, Inna Malikova and New Gems released their first album. The audience got the opportunity to hear the old good songs in a new sound and modern processing.


Inna Yurievna Malikova released 4 studio albums(one of them with the NEW Gems group). She starred in 8 music videos. Famous singer participated in such television broadcasts like "Under the sign of the zodiac", " morning Star". In 2010, our heroine hosted the program “ good evening, Moscow!" together with Dmitry Kharatyan.

Malikova Jr. tried herself as an actress. The theater agency "Lekur" highly appreciated her Creative skills... On the stage of this institution, Inna took part in two productions - "Divorce in Moscow" and " Bat". The local audience accepted her performance with excellent marks.

Family status

Many fans want to know if the heart of an attractive blonde is free. We are ready to satisfy their curiosity.

More than 20 years ago, Inna officially formalized her relationship with her beloved man - Vladimir Antonichuk. Malikovna's husband is related to show business. He is a successful businessman.

In 1999, the couple had their first child - a charming son. The boy was named after his famous uncle - Dmitry. Parents surrounded their child with attention and love. However, it did not last long. In 2011, Inna divorced Vladimir. But for what reason? It turns out that Malikova's husband began to be cruel towards her. He was jealous of his wife for no reason and repeatedly raised his hand to her.

After the divorce, the businessman quickly found new sweetheart... Malikova Inna also does not suffer from loneliness. Several years ago, she met a man whom she completely trusts. The singer's chosen one managed to find mutual language with her matured son Dima.


Malikova Inna - incredible beautiful woman, a caring mother and true professional in your business. She is loved by the audience, respected by her colleagues and her relatives are proud of her. We wish her creative development and family well-being!

0 March 15, 2016, 17:13

Dmitry Malikov Jr. with his uncle, Malikov Sr.

17 year old nephew famous singer Dmitry Malikov - Dmitry Malikov Jr. is actively interested in restaurant business, goes in for sports and is friends with many stars Russian show business and their children. What else do we know about the son of Inna Malikova?


Dmitry Malikov Jr. is the son of 39-year-old singer Inna Malikova and her mysterious ex-husband- businessman Vladimir, about whom very little is known. Dima is also the nephew of the famous singer Dmitry Malikov and his namesake. The guy spends a lot of time with his family, as evidenced by the photo on his Instagram account. In profile young man a lot of photos with mom Inna, uncle Dmitry and cousin Stesha.


Malikov Jr. is seriously interested in the restaurant business. He learns to cook in the kitchens of popular restaurants together with renowned chefs, delights his friends and loved ones with delicious dishes, visits factories in various countries to better understand the intricacies of cooking. It is still unknown whether the young man dreams of becoming a chef in the future.

Dima is not threatened by the calories gained during numerous feasts - he is actively involved in sports. The young "restaurateur" adores cross-country skiing which he rides in Austria. Malikov Jr. often posts selfies from the gym, where he is not too lazy to drop in after school.


Looking at the Instagram of Dmitry Malikov Jr., it seems that he best friend almost all celebrities of Russian show business. Dima publishes photos with Valeria, Iosif Prigozhin, Stas Mikhailov, Oleg Gazmanov with enviable regularity. Despite the serious age difference, Dima gets along well with celebrities and invites them to dinner, surprising with his culinary talents.

Malikov Jr. is also friends with peers: Arseny Shulgin - the son of Valeria, Philip Gazmanov - the son of Oleg Gazmanov, Nikita Novikov - the son of restaurateur Arkady Novikov and many others.

Dmitry Malikov and Stas Mikhailov

Instagram photo

Inna Malikova is a singer and also a daughter famous performer Yuri Malikov, who created the group "Gems", which was popular in the 70s. Her brother Dmitry was a famous pop singer, and her mother Lyudmila worked as the concert director of her son. Inna was born on January 1 (according to the horoscope Capricorn) 1977 in Moscow. Her height is 163 centimeters.

Being in a creative atmosphere, the girl was soon sent to a music school, where she studied piano. After some time, her parents decide to send her to a music and choreographic school, where such stars as Nikolai Baskov and Nikolai Slichenko studied earlier. Besides playing the piano, she also mastered the violin. The field of the school Inna carefully studied her vocals and prepared herself for a stellar future.

Early career as a singer

The girl did not want to be limited by the existing education, and therefore entered GITIS. The debut song was "On the Summer Festival", which her brother Dmitry gave her on her 16th birthday. Thanks to this, she was able to attract the attention of many producers and composers. After a while, she released the rest of the songs from her first album, for which a video was later shot.
In 2002, Inna began her collaboration with such composers as Kuritsin, Esenen and Nizovtsev. Thanks to their collaboration, she released her second album.

First appearance on stage

In 2006, she became known to many theatergoers. Upon learning of her talent, Inna is invited to play in a play called "Moscow Divorce". Two years later, she again crosses the threshold of the theater, where she plays the role of Adele in The Bat.
But really big success nevertheless, the stage brought it rather than the theater. In 2006, the ensemble "Gems" turned 35, and on this occasion, the father, together with his daughter, is organizing a group called "New Gems". The lineup was quite young talents who managed to become famous in show business.
After that, she auditioned as a TV presenter in the Good Evening Moscow! Program.

Favorite son Dmitry

Inna's first marriage was with businessman Vladimir Antonichukov. They lived quite a long time and happy life until their opinions were divided. Inna's husband was very old-fashioned and wanted Malikova to devote all of herself to him and her son Dmitry. After some time, they divorce, since Inna did not want to leave her creative life.

For a long time, there were negotiations about custody, but the son Dmitry, who at that time was 12 years old, could already independently declare with whom he would like to live. V spiritually his mother was closest to him, with whom he stayed.
Having good data as a singer, Dmitry nevertheless chooses another profession and becomes a cook, in which his mother undoubtedly supports him. On this moment Inna has a loved one, whose identity she still hides.

In the light last events, namely, due to the fact that Dmitry Malikov and his wife Elena were born long-awaited son, I wanted to find as many photos of this family as possible. Everything is clear with Dmitry Malikov - every sexually mature citizen of our and neighboring countries knows how he looks, but not everyone knows who his wife is and what she is, because she is not a public person and prefers to remain in the shadow of her husband. I have not previously followed the work of Dmitry Malikov, although he has plenty of good songs. And what is this superficial knowledge of mine about this singer? My associations? What did I know about Dmitry Malikov before writing this article? Let's summarize.

  1. Dmitry Malikov is pretty cute, charming, a smile does not leave his face, in his early youth he was incomparable, many fans for him not so much because of his voice and repertoire, but because of his sugary appearance, many fans still dream of giving birth from his children. On currently Dmitry Malikov looks great, despite the fact that at the time of this writing, he was already 48 years old.
  2. Dmitry Malikov is from an intelligent family, his father is Yuri Malikov, founder of the Samotsvety ensemble. Mother - Lyudmila Vyunkova - a dancer in the past.
  3. Dmitry Malikov plays the piano much better than sings his songs, composes good music and prefers classics.
  4. He is the father of the daughter of the beautiful Stephanie, whom he affectionately calls Stesha. Stesha Malikova is very popular on the Internet, news about her periodically appears on the Internet: what kind of handbag she bought, in which city in Europe did she go shopping, where she entered, how she studies, how she celebrated her next birthday, whom she meets - all this interests young people. If I were younger, I myself would subscribe to the Instagram of some similar girl in order to keep track of what is in trend now. When you are from "Tundra" - it is very interesting to know what it is - real, bright, busy life in abundance!
  5. The Malikova family has many not only fans, but also ill-wishers who either envy or simply do not believe that this family is happy, in any case, they pour slop on Dima and Elena regularly and in a large number... But Dmitry Malikov himself, in fact, does not give any obvious reasons. Information about his novels on the side does not shine anywhere, this guy is famous for an excellent, impeccable reputation.
  6. Before you start living with Elena, your current wife Dmitry Malikov met with singer Natalia Vetlitskaya for several years, but she left him, as she had other plans for life.

Well, now what I learned after watching all sorts of interviews, reading the forums.

  1. Dmitry Malikov began dating his Elena when he was 22 years old, she is 7 years older than him, according to Wikipedia, and according to some by 11. Elena herself claims that she is only five years old. Maiden name Elena is Isakson, but there are other rumors (they are so timid and from time to time pop up on the forums), and so, according to other sources, this is the name of her first husband. Elena has a daughter born in 1985 from her first marriage, her name is Olga, she works as a photographer, lives abroad, is married, in 2016 she gave birth to a daughter, Anna. So Elena Malikova is already a grandmother, and Dmitry is a grandfather. Olga Izakson is a very good, kind, sympathetic person. Many people write about this, there is not a single bad word about this girl on the network. Selfless, educated, never a major, talented, positive.
  2. Dmitry Malikov in January 2018 became a dad for the second time, a surrogate mother gave birth to his son.
  3. Dmitry Malikov does not help his wife with household chores at all, if in an interview with other artists I read that husbands can fry eggs at worst, and hammer a nail into the wall, dig a hole, plant a tree, then Dmitry Malikov is completely removed by his wife from household problems. The most he can do is to carry the garbage exposed on the street to the garbage truck - and that is very rare, as an exception. Dmitry Malikov also feeds pets, his family has two dogs and a turtle. Although Dmitry Malikov was somehow present in the Smak program with his daughter, they cooked chicken thighs fillets in some kind of sauce. Most likely, Elena taught them this trick, because Dima stood timidly and gave good advice, but naturally he did not use a knife masterfully, perhaps he was afraid to injure his fingers of the virtuoso pianist. But all the same, Dmitry Malikov in his interviews is always infinitely sweet, and if you don't even listen to his music, then you can fall under his charm in no time, as he purrs soothingly.
  4. Elena Malikova is a domineering woman, she holds everything in her hands, she tries her best to be wise, because with a husband like Dmitry it is simply impossible to do otherwise, he is a creative person, which means he has depression, mental anguish, doubts. Dmitry Malikov does not accept criticism, nevertheless, his wife, if she does not like him new composition, boldly informs her husband about it. And he does so most likely in vain, because screams and scandals begin. In general, Elena is trying her best to please her husband, and judging by the fact that the spouses are still together, she is doing well.
  5. Another fact about Dmitry Malikov - he records some compositions with popular rappers... Creativity turns out to be dubious, Dima is trying to keep up with new trends, but all this, in my opinion, looks ridiculous. At such moments, I feel sorry for Dmitry Malikov, it all looks as if he was running after a steam locomotive leaving him, and now it seems that he has already caught up and grabbed the handrails, but the conductor closes the door in front of his nose, having previously pushed the singer away with his uncleaned boot.

Well, now there are a lot of photos of the venerable Malikov family!

In the photo is the wife and daughter of Dmitry Malikov.

And in this photo eldest daughter Elena Malikova. The girl's name is Olga Izakson.

In this photo Dmitry Malikov with his sister Inna and his wife Elena.

This is approximately what Dmitry Malikov's wife looks like when she hears another, new track her husband. "It is a masterpiece!" she exclaims.

Malikovs with their newborn daughter Stephanie.

Little Stefania Malikova.

Elena Malikova with Stephanie.

Elena Malikova is a gorgeous woman.

In her youth, Malikov's wife was like this.

Pay attention, Elena Malikova loves these earrings very much, she puts them on very often.

This is how Elena Malikova was in childhood and, by the way, Stesha is very similar to her.

And in this photo Elena Malikova with her first daughter Olga. Approximately this was Lena when Dima first saw her.

In this photo, little Olga Izakson is the eldest daughter of Elena Malikova.

Olga Izakson.

And this baby photo Elena Malikova.

Dmitry Malikov was still that mod in his youth!

In this photo, Dmitry Malikov with his wife and father.

Dmitry Malikov with his mother Lyudmila Vyunkova.

Dmitry Malikov with his parents and sister Inna.

In this photo, Elena Malikova with her daughters: Stesha and Olga.

Stesha Malikova with her older sister Olga.

Little Dima with his grandfather.

In this photo, Dmitry Malikov with his parents and sister.

Yuri Malikov with his parents.

And this is Dmitry's nephew. The guy's name is also Dmitry, he is the son of Inna Malikova.

Among Russian stars It has become fashionable for a long time to send children to study abroad. Inna Malikova's son has been studying at the prestigious culinary institute named after V.I. Paul Bocuse. The singer shared with StarHit how 18-year-old Dmitry lives in a foreign land.

“More than six months have passed since Dima moved to Lyon,” Inna told StarHit. - My son is bored and comes to Moscow once a month. Studying is hard for him, but he tries very hard, and he succeeds. Nobody said it would be easy. Now he is already fluent in French... While living in a rather isolated hostel. I think that in a year we will start renting a small studio apartment for him. I wish he had more active life... Gym, cafes, cinema. All this is loved by young people of his age. I don't visit him so often yet, but I love France even more. "

Soon Dima Malikov Jr. will fly to Moscow again to see his mother, uncle, cousin Stephanie and many friends. Inna admits that the departure of her son abroad was a real event for her, as if she had begun a new life.

By the way, this year the Malikov family celebrated something else. an important event... One of the most famous hits of Dmitry Malikov "You will never be mine", which he wrote at the age of 18, turned 30 years old. Inna with her band "New Gems" decided to surprise her brother and recorded a cover version of the song. The track was released recently.

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“I even returned a little to my youth,” said Dmitry. - I was only 18 when I wrote the melody and decided it would be a song. But there were no words for her, and I began to look for suitable verses. He acted at random and, opening a bookcase, took out the first volume of poetry that came across. It turned out that these are the poems of David Samoilov, with whose work I was almost unfamiliar. I opened it on an arbitrary page and read the title: "Ballad". And there are such words: "You will never be mine, / You will never become mine, / In reality you will not love me / And in a dream you will not deceive me." I immediately realized that this was what I was looking for, and when I sat down at the piano and began to play, the words perfectly matched the melody. It was absolute magic, a miracle that overcame me then, and now, when I heard my song performed by New Gems, I experienced it again! Although it should be noted that the song turned out to be completely different. I didn't even recognize her at first. I understood only when the first words sounded. And this is very cool! "