What causes the anger of Chatsky in the comedy grief. Moral and civil position of Chatsky in comedy A

What causes the anger of Chatsky in the comedy grief. Moral and civil position of Chatsky in comedy A

Comedy "Woe from Wit" A.S. Griboedov occupies a special place in the history of Russian literature. It combines the features of the outgoing classicism with new artistic methods: realism and romanticism. In this regard, literary critics note the features of the image of the heroes of the play. If in the comedy of classicism before all the characters were clearly shared on bad and good, then in the "grief from the mind" of Griboedov, approaching the acting persons to real life, gives them both positive and negative qualities. Such and the image of the Chatsky's main hero of the play "Mount from the mind."

Background of the main character of the play "Mount from Wit"

In the first action, Alexander Andreevich Chatsky returns from a long journey through the light, where he went to see the mind. He, without going home, arrives in the house of Famusov, because they drive the sincere love for the owner's daughter at home. Once they brought up together. But now they have not seen long three years. Chatsky still does not know that the feelings of Sofia were cooled to him, and her heart is busy with others. Love Intrigue will subsequently generate a social clash of Chatsky, nobleman of advanced views, with Famovsky society of serfs and chinopoclones.

Even before the appearance of the Chatsky on stage, we learn from the conversation of Sophia with the servant Liza that he is "sensitive, and cheerful, and Oster." It is noteworthy that the hero of Lisa remembered when the conversation came about his mind. It is the mind that is the feature that distinguishes Chatsky against the background of other characters.

Contradictions in the character of the Chatsky

If you trace the development of the conflict between the main character of the play "Mount from Wit" and people with whom he is forced to interact, one can understand that the character of the Chatsky is ambiguous. Having arrived in the house of Famusov, he began a conversation with Sofia with asked about her relatives, using an ulcer tone and sarcasm: "Does your uncle destroyed his age?

Indeed, in the play "Mount from the mind" the image of the Chatsky is quite hot-tempered, in some moments of the tactless young nobleman. Sophia over the entire play reinforces Chatsky for his habit to make fun of the flavors of other people: "The slightest in whom weird is a little visible, you have the immediate sharpness of ready."

It can only justify his sharp tone that the hero sincerely pertures the immorality of the society in which he was. Fight her is a matter of honor for Chatsky. For him, it is not a goal to prick the interlocutor. He promises sophia in surprise: "... I really have the words of my all sings? And are harmful to whom harm? " The fact is that all the affected questions find a response in the soul of the hero, he cannot cope with his emotions, with his indignation. He has "Mind with a heart is not in Lada." Therefore, the hero harms his eloquence even on those who are clearly not ready to perceive his arguments. A.S. Pushkin, after reading the comedy, spoke so about this: "The first sign of a smart person - at first glance to know who you deal with, and not throw beads in front of the reheetling ..." AI I.A. Goncharov, on the contrary, believed that the speech of the Chatsky "boils wit".

The originality of the worldview of the hero

The image of Chatsky in the comedy "grief from the mind" largely reflects the worldview of the author himself. Chatsky, like Griboedov, does not understand and does not accept the slave worship of Russian people in front of all foreign. In the play, it was repeatedly subjected to ridicule on the part of the main character Tradition to invite to the house to educate children-foreigners: "... now, just as ancient times, cotton down to recruit the teachers of the regiment, the number more than more than the price.

Special attitude from Chatsky and to the service. For Famousov, the opponent of Chatsky in the comedy Griboedov "Mount from the mind", determining his attitude towards the hero, is the fact that that "does not serve, that is, in that ... the benefit does not find." Chatsky clearly denotes his position on this issue: "It would be glad to serve, to be sick."

Therefore, with such anger, Chapsky talks about the habit of Famówovsky society to treat contempt for disadvantaged people and hear in front of influential persons. If, for the Famousov, his uncle Maxim Petrovich, who had fallen on purpose at the Empress, to delight her and the yard, a sample for imitation, then for Chapsky he was just a jester. He does not see among the conservative nobility of those who should take an example. The enemies of free life, "passionate to the ranks", prone to the mercy and idleness, who are the old aristocrats for the main character of the comedy "Mount from the mind" of Chatsky.

Annoying Chatsky and the desire of Staromoskovsky nobles everywhere make useful dating. And they visit the balls for this purpose. Chatsky prefers not to mix things with fun. He believes that everything should be their place and time.

In one of his monologues, Chatsky expresses dissatisfaction with the fact that, as soon as a young man appears among the nobles, who wishes to devote himself to sciences or arts, and not pursuit of the ranks, he is all starting to fear. And they are afraid of such people to whom Chatsky himself belongs, because they threaten well-being and comfort of nobles. They contribute to the device of society new ideas, but the aristocrats are not ready to part with the old way of life. Therefore, the gossip about the madness of the Chatsky, the pitted Sofia, turned out to be very by the way. This made it possible to make his monologues safe and disarmed the opponent of the conservative views of the noble.

Feelings and features of the internal experiences of the hero

When Chartsky's characteristics in the comedy "Woe from Wit" you can pay attention to his last name. She talking. Initially, this hero was surname Chadsky, from the word "Chad". This is due to the fact that the main character is like in the chad of his own hopes and shocks. Chatsky in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is experiencing a personal drama. He came to Sofhe with certain hopes that were not justified. Moreover, the beloved chose to him silence, who is clearly inferior to the Chatsky in the mind. Also, Chatsky is a stay in the society whose views he does not share who is forced to resist. The hero is in constant voltage. By the end of the day, he finally understood that his ways were partitioned both with Sofia and the Russian conservative nobility. Only one hero can not accept: why fate is favorable for cynical people looking for all personal benefits, and so ruthless to those who are guided by the destruction of the soul, and not the calculation? If, at the beginning of the play, Chatsky is in the child's dreams, now the true situation of things has opened before him, and he "stem."

The value of the image of Chatsky

The creation of the image of Chatsky Griboedov led a desire to show the brewing split in the noble environment. The role of Chatsky in the comedy "grief from the mind" is quite dramatic, because he remains in the minority and is forced to retreat and leave Moscow, but he does not retreat from his views. So Griboedov shows that the time of Chatsky has not yet come. It is not by chance that such heroes belong to the type of extra people in Russian literature. However, the conflict has already been identified, so the change of old new is ultimately inevitable.

The given characteristic of the image of the chief hero is recommended for reading students' 9 grades before writing an essay on the topic "The image of Chatsky in the comedy" Mount from the mind ""

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Griboedov The first in Russian literature was able to create a realistic image of the positive hero of his time, which embodied in his worldview and the nature of the real features and the appearance of the Decembrist.

Chatsky in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is opposed to the camp of the old Moscow, the enemies of freight and enlightenment. This is a representative of a new, young generation, which comes in other ways than the Famuses and silent. This is how the Griboedovsky hero represents himself:

Without requiring no places nor enhanced in Chin,

In science, he injects the mind, the harsh of knowledge,

Or in his soul his himself will excite the heat

To the arts creative "high and beautiful."

Chatsky is a humanist, defender of freedom and individual independence. The slave morality of the Famusov and silent he opposes the high understanding of honor and debt, public role and human responsibilities. Free and independent image of thoughts instead of silent worship before "opinions of other people", independence and proud dignity instead of low-flapping and flattering the highest, ministry, and not to persons in the name of honor and good of the Motherland, such as the moral principles of the main character of the comedy. He passionately defends the right of mind and relieges deeply in its power, due to the word.

This is the meaning of the spiritual drama of Chatsky. It suffers grief from his mind, deep in critical terms to the egoistic and unreasonable world of Famous and rockozubs, but still weak in determining the right ways to combat reality.

As already mentioned, Chatsky was a genuine representative of the Education of Enlightenment. The reasons for the uglity of life, he saw in the unreason of society. The hero believed that the serf system could be changed and corrected by the impact of noble humane ideas. But life struck by these hopes and dreams of a terrible blow, breaking not only public, but also the personal hopes of Chatsky.

But after all the grief from his mind is experiencing not only Chatsky, but also the full Forms world. After all, the protagonist felt like a man of the "present century" and did not understand himself alone. And, despite its "grief", the Chatsky strike a terrible blow to the world of Famous, silent and rockosubs. The calm and careless existence of this society ended: his philosophy of life was condemned and opposed him against him. And if Chatsky is as long as weak in their struggle, the Famusovs are powerless to stop the development of enlightenment and advanced ideas.

So, the central problem and the most important ideological dispute comedy is the controversial attitude of the heroes to the "Maew".

Mount from the mind is a situation where a person lives, guided by the instrumental system of stereotypes. Chatsky in this sense is no different from others. His tragedy in an excess of enthusiasm with insufficient understanding of its real goals.

  1. About the comedy "grief from the mind."
  2. What torments Chatsky?
    1. Fastening right hatred
      1. To destroyers-landowners
      2. Heavy position of the people
    2. Vices of the Famusov society
    3. Debt before Fatherland
    4. Personal drama
    5. Loneliness
  3. What led Chatsky torment

The comedy "grief from the mind" was written in the first third of the 19th century. This time is characterized by a complex political situation. In Russia, the awakened war of 1812, a wave of protest against serfdom is rising. In advanced circles, mystery of societies originate. There are a collision of two socio-political camps. In Comedy, Griboedov depicted this conflict with historical accuracy. The protagonist of Comedy, Chatsky joins the fight against the Famow Society, its torment begins.

What torment the Chatsky?

The main thing is that public relations that existed in Russia. The serfdom was hated by every free-sighted person. Chatsky is depicted in comedy not just like "Freedom deserted sower", but as a future Decembrist:

"... Milong Torzany
Breasts from friendly vice,
Foot from scolding, ears from exclamations,
And the head of the head from all sorts of trifles. "

With anger and pain, he denounces his monologues of Yarya serfs. Hate the words about the "Nekordyayev notable", about the balletoman landowner sound.

Chatsky - Humanist, defender of freedom and independence of the person. Special anger from him cause landowing mockery of the peasant personality:

"Amours and Marshmallows All
Sold out one one !!! "

Chatsky loves people, calls him "good and smart", from here His suffering about the fate of the people. Especially forced to suffer from the Chatsky defects of the Famusov society. This society slows down all over the best, blocks him the path to the people. Especially hate enlightenment:

"The scholarship is the plague,
Hours - this is the reason
What is now the way when,
Crazy divorced people
And cases, opinions. "

The fact that society is violently resisting the effects of noble ideas, strikes the philosophy of Chatsky and adds to him.

The ideal see these people in the army. This is the separation of the Arakcheev era, which saw the stronghold of the stronghold in the army. A serfdom and throne holds on the rocks, so they are so roads Famusov and hated by Chatsky.

"Mundir! One uniform!
He is in their former life
Once shelled, embroidered and beautiful,
Their weakness, reason poverty ... "

The worship causes the Frak of the foreigner, which also hurts to see Chatkom. He talks about the "French Bordeaux", which in Russia did not meet "no sound of the Russian, nor Russian person. Chatsky opposes "empty, slave, blind impressions." But when Chatsky pronounces these words, everyone is convinced that he is crazy.

The image of Chatsky is the image of a citizen in a high understanding of this word. The slave morality of the Famusov and Silent Chatsky contrasts a high understanding of honor and debt; He is ready to serve his homeland, her interests. "It would be glad to serve nauseous." This also concluded the suffering of the hero. High understanding of the debt is the bright side of the Personality of Chatsky. The tragic collision between the debt and feeling breaks is tragically all in the soul of Chatsky. He is haunted by the idea that he is alone: \u200b\u200b"And in crowded I am lost," he says. Chatsky inflicted a crushing blow to Moscow, according to her aces, which not only live, but also die.

A. S. Griboedov - Great Russian Writer, diplomat, one of the most educated people of their time. Its main work was and remains the comedy of the "grief from the mind", the secret of the immortality of which was concluded in the fact that the author was surprisingly accurately recreated atmosphere of the life of the noble society of the twentieth years of the nineteenth century, described thoughts, moods, morals that reigned in those circles.

The life of Griboedov was closely connected with the Decembrist movement: he fully divided the hatred of the first Russian revolutionaries to autocracy and serfdom. Therefore, the main hero of the comedy "Woe from Wit" Chatsky is the most accurate and generally accepted personification in the literature of the image of the Decembrist, an advanced person of his time.

Chatsky - Young educated nobleman. Hoping to dispel boredom, he traveled a lot. At the beginning of the play, Chatsky appears in the house of Famousov after a three-year lack of. Here is how this Moscow Barin characterizes him:

Does not serve, that is, it does not find it in that
But soothing - it would be a business,
Sorry, very sorry, he is small with his head,
And it writes nice, goes.

In the first action, the play of Griboedov talks about the Personal Drama of the Chatsky, which gradually develops into a public conflict of the "century of the present" and the "century of the past".

Serfdom, careerism and kindness, slave morality and lamb, ignorance, worship before all foreign and disregard for national culture - all this falls under the tough criticism of Chatsky, a person of a new era that approves the advanced ideas of modernity.

The main hero of the comedy proclaims respect for a simple person. He dreams of the time when the cruelty of the landowners will be forgiven and all people will become free and equal.

Chatsky does not serve, that is, it does not find use in this, because in the Barkaya Moscow, and in all of Russia, careerism and low-planness flourish. "It would be glad to listen to the nausea," he says to Pharmuses with indignation. Ideals of youth were excited by a passionate desire to serve the Fatherland. But he experienced a lot of disappointments, as the titles were deserved not to matter, but flattery. Chatsky refuses "the patrons to yawn on the ceiling, // be silent, send, dine, // substitute the chair, raise the scarf."

Fear of change, life in the old man is also condemned by Chatsky: judgments draw from the forgotten newspapers of the times of Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea.

Chatsky, like a fresh wind, burst into the sharp world of Moscow Baria and found ignorance and uneducation of representatives of the highest light. Why do these people want, "so that no one knows and not learned?"? Because they are afraid of smart people who express the "dangerous" ideas and want to change this conservative world so that in the new society would not be a place of faith, nor silent, nor scalosis, nor Khlestov.

Chatsky proclaims freedom of thoughts and statements and eager for the prosperity of sciences and arts:

Now let out of us alone
From young people, there is an enemy of quest,
Without requiring no places nor enhanced in Chin,
In science, he injects the mind, the harsh knowledge;
Or in his soul his himself will excite the heat
To art creative, high and beautiful ...

In Griboedovskaya Moscow, foreign culture dominated. The nobles spoke in French, dressed in French fashion, read French books, invited foreign governers, sometimes sometimes from the enlightenment. Chatsky stands for the preservation of Russian culture, realizing that a person cannot be considered a citizen of his country, confessing other people's customs, traditions, language and morals:

As you used to believe,
What we have no salvation without the Germans!

Chatsky condemns the meaning of the life of representatives of the Famow Society - "and rewarding and having fun" - and proclaims the ministry of the people and the birthplace of the undeniable truth of advanced people of the new era.

"With sharp transitions from one century to another, the Cartsky lives and are not transferred in society, repeating at every step; In every house, where, under one roof, the old with the young, where two centuries converge face to face in the flavors of families, - everything lasts the struggle of fresh with the taught, patient with healthy, "I. A. Goncharov wrote in the article" Millon Torzania " .

Humanity will always go ahead, and in any country there will be aimed and chartsy. Piece A. S. Griboyedov "Mountain from Wit" remains the main work of the Decembrism era :: her freedom-loving hero is truly the personification of courage, nobility and humanism.

The task: The image of Chatsky caused a whole controversy in criticism. Meet the statements of Russian writers and critics about the main hero of the comedy "grief from the mind." What point of view, in your opinion, is close to the author's position?

A.S. Pushkin : "Chatsky is not a smart person, but Mrboedov is very smart ... who is a smart acting person in the comedy" grief? Answer: Griboedov. Do you know what Chatsky is? Forky, noble and kind small, who spent several times with a very clever person (precisely with Griboedov) and naipped with his thoughts, sharpness and satirical remarks. Everything that he says is very clever. But who says he all this? Famusov? Skalozuba? On the ball in Moscow grandmothers? Silence? It is unforgivable. The first sign of a smart person - at first glance to know who you are dealing with, and not throw beads before reheetling ... "

P.A. Katrenin: "... In Chatsk, all the advantages and there is no vice, but, according to my opinion, he says a lot, it gets all the way and preaching inappropriate."

P.a Vyazemsky : "The Hero of the Comedy, the young Chatsky, is similar to the Starugam. The nobility of his rules is honorable; But the ability with which he ex-abrupto preaches for each text that has fallen himself is often tedious. Listening to his speech exactly can apply the name of the comedy, saying: "Woe from the mind"! The mind, what is Chatsky, there is no enviable for himself or others. In this, the author's chief vice that in the midst of fools of different properties he brought one smart person, and even that mad and boring. "

MA Dmitriev : "Mr. Griboedov wanted to imagine a smart and educated person who does not like the society of people uneducated ... But we see in the Chapsky man who grew and says everything that will come to mind; Naturally, such a person will get bored in every society ... Chatsky ... There is nothing more than a madman who is in the society of people are not at all stupid, but uneducated, and who is clever before them, because he considers himself smarter ... Chatsky, who should be the most intelligent face of the play ... is presented less than all judicial. "

OM Somov : "Griboedov would have done from Chatsky that the French call Un Raisonneur, the most boring and hard face in the comedy ... Griboedov did not have the intention to put an ideal person in Chatsky ... He presented in the face of the Chatsky smart and kind young man But not free from weakness: there are two in it ... arrogance and impatience. Chatsky himself understands very well ... that, saying ignoring about ignorance and prejudices and vicious about their vices, he only loses speeches in vain; But at that moment, when the prejudices touches him, so to speak, for living, he is unable to own his silence: resentment against the will causes a stream of words, bargaining, but fair ... such is in general the character of the people of ardent, and this character is seized Griboyedov, with amazing loyalty. "

V.G. Belinsky : "It's just a cricks, a phrase, the perfect jester, at every step the face of all the holy, which speaks. Do you really go to society and start everything to scold in the eyes of fools and cattle - it means to be a deep person? .. Deeply correctly appreciated this comedy someone who said that it is grief - only not from the mind, but from Umnichny ... we see that the poet not jokingly wanted to portray the ideal of a deep person in Chatsky, in contradiction with society, and God came out to know that. "

A.P. Grigoriev : "Chatsky Griboedov is the only true heroic face of our literature ... Honest and active nature, while still a fighter nature."

A.M. Skabichevsky : "Chatsky is a bright personification of Griboedov's contemporaries ... Chatsky was exactly of those reckless preachers who were the first proclaimers of new ideas, they are ready to preach even when nobody listens to them, as it came out with Chatsky on the ball at Famusov" .

Who is Chatsky- winner or defeated?

From the point of view of public conflict, it is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to the question, the winner of the Chatsky or defeated.

On the one hand, Chatsky defeated: He is declared in the society of crazy.

He violates the peace of the Famusovsky world, his decency, because "All the words of Chatsky will be separated, they will repeat everywhere and will produce their storm";

Slept Masklly Mask; His fate is still indefinite, but for some time this hero also lost its balance;

"Ease" of Sofia came;

The once monolithic Famovskoy society of the "century past" found "among his" an irreconcilable enemy, differing from them not only "dissent", but also "Inaco-behavior";

The victory of Chatsky is that on stage he appears as a representative of the new time, the new century (the detail - Lisa translates the arrows of the clock in the house of Famousov - with the appearance of the Chatsky begins the countdown of the new time in the comedy).

On stage, Chazki lonely, however, there are extra-minded characters, testifying to the main character of like-minded people (the cousin of the Scalozub, the nephew of the Togukhovskaya, Professor of the Pedagogical University), - so the author's position is revealed: the confidence of Griboedov in the coming victory of Chatsky.

Essay by comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

1. Analysis of the episode "Ball in the House of Famusov".

2. "Century of the current" and the "century passed" in the comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit".

3. Two patriotism in the comedy (dispute of Chatsky and Famusov about Moscow).

4. "Sofia is not clear ..." (A.S. Pushkin)

5. Love in the understanding of Chatsky and Sofia.

6. Figure or terrible silence?

7. "Woe from the mind" - comedy or drama?

8. Reading Griboyedov's comedy ... (essay)

Aphorism Missed word
What a commission, the creator, be ... daughters father adult
Happy ... do not observe watch
She walked into the room, got into ... Other
My custom is this: signed, so ... With shoulders
Read not like a ponaron, but with feeling, with a sense ... With placement
Blessed who believes, ... he is in the world Heat
Where is it better? Where we are not
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and ... Priified
Ah, father, sleep ... In hand
Would be happy to serve ... nausea Serve
Fresh legend, but believes ... With difficulties
What does say and says how ... writes
Houses of new, but ... old Prejudice
Evil languages \u200b\u200bare worse Pistol
The hero is not mine Romana
Hours - Here is the Chum ... - Here is the reason scholarship
Question Answer
How long does the comedy action unfolds? 1 day
In what language were those books that Sophia, according to Lisa, read aloud all night? French
Whose words are: MOUNTING US WOMAN ALL CHAIR And Barsky Anger, and Bar Love Lisa
Whose words are: Happy hours do not observe Sophia
To whom the Famus turns: Friend. Is it possible for walking Get away to choose shots? Molchanin
Whose words are: Signed, so from the shoulders. Famuses
How old is Sofye?
Who is Lisa in love with? Petrusha
Whose words are: Learning is the plague, the scholarship is the reason What is now the way when, Madly divorced people, and cases, and opinions. Famuses
To whom the Chapsky drawn: Listen! Vrii, yes know the same measure. Reheetles
What unites these people: Prince Gregory, Levon and Borigno, Vorkulov Evdokim, Udyshev Ippolit Markelich? English Club
Which city was going to send Sophia? Saratov
How much time was missing in Moscow Chazki? 3 years
Who in comedy tells about his dream? Sophia
Name the hero, which is said: "Not a man, snake" Chatsky