What are held at school on literature. What Soviet schoolchildren read

What are held at school on literature.  What Soviet schoolchildren read
What are held at school on literature. What Soviet schoolchildren read

Fairy tales (The battle on the Kalinov bridge, White duck, Porridge from an ax, Cat and fox).
"Folk wisdom" (Fables, Riddles, Proverbs and Sayings).
People's puppet show(Parsley Uksukov).
Myths and Legends - Myths Ancient Greece(Olympus, Apollo and the muses, Pygmalion, Exploits of Hercules), Slavic myths and legends (About the city of Kitezh, Ataman Kudeyar, About Nikitushka Lomov)
Author's tales - A.S. Pushkin (The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes, Ruslan and Lyudmila), H.C. Andersen ( The Snow Queen, True truth), P.P. Bazhov (Stone Flower),
S.Ya.Marshak (Twelve months).
Fables - I.A. Krylov, Aesop, S.V. Mikhalkov.
Literature of the XIX century - M.Yu. Lermontov (Borodino), A.V. Koltsov (Mower, Les), I.S. Turgenev (Mumu), N.A. Nekrasov (Peasant children, Shkolnik), F.I. Tyutchenv (poems), A.A. Fet (poems), A.N. Maikov (poems), Leo Tolstoy ( Prisoner of the Caucasus), V.M. Garshin (Signal).
Literature of the XX century - L.N. Andreev (Kusaka), A.I. Kuprin (White Poodle), D.London (The Legend of Kish), A.N. Tolstoy (Childhood of Nikita).
« Motherland"- N.A.Nekrasov (All rye around ...), N.I. Rylenkov (Everything is in a melting haze), K.G. Paustovsky (Meshcherskaya side).
"The military law called us to battle" - K. Simonov (Major brought the boy on a gun carriage ...), N. Rylenkov (The battle went on all night, and at dawn ...), A. Surkov (fire beats in a small stove),
A. Tvardovsky (The story of a tankman, From the words of an old woman), Y. P. Kazakov (Quiet morning), V. A. Soloukhin (The Avenger), E. I. Nosov (Thirty grains, Slyuga, Kingfisher, Like a crow on the roof got lost) ...

For extracurricular reading they gave the following list: A.S. Pushkin (The Tale of the Golden Cockerel, Shot), S.T. Aksakov (Stories about nature), I. A. Bunin (poetry), N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky (Childhood Themes), N. V. Gogol (Viy, Sorochinskaya fair, May night), I. A. Kuprin (Moscow native), M.Yu. Lermontov (Runaway, Panorama of Moscow), K.M. Stanyukovich (Antoshka), I.S.Turgenev (knocking), A.P. Chekhov (Horse surname, Surgery, Burbot)

Traditionally, the main result of studying literature at school is considered to be the mastery of books that are part of the so-called national literary canon. Whose names and works should be there? Every writer has a lobby in academic and educational circles; the same authors who during their lifetime claim the status of classics can personally take part in the struggle for the right to be included in the textbook. Even the concept of "school canon" emerged - this is also a list, hierarchically organized and derived from the national literary canon. But if the grand national canon is formed by the very mechanisms of culture, then the list of compulsory reading for schoolchildren is drawn up differently. So, the selection of a specific work for the school canon, in addition to the generally recognized artistic and cultural-historical value, is influenced by:

  • the age of the reader, that is, to whom it is addressed (the school canon is divided into reading groups - classrooms);
  • the visibility of the embodiment in it of literary or social phenomena that are studied at school (while average straightforward works can be much more convenient than masterpieces);
  • educational potential (how the values, ideas, even its artistic features can have a beneficial effect on the consciousness of a student).

In the USSR, the school canon strove for immutability and at the same time was constantly changing. Literature programs different years- 1921, 1938, 1960 and 1984 - reflected all the changes taking place in the country, as well as the processes in the literature itself and the education system.

Attention to the student and the lack of strict regulations

War communism gradually ended and the era of NEP began. The new government considered education one of the priority areas of its activity, but the crisis that began after the revolution did not allow the pre-revolutionary education system to be radically rebuilt. The regulation "On the Unified Labor School of the RSFSR", which guaranteed everyone the right to free, joint, extra-class and secular education, was issued back in October 1918, and only in 1921 the first stabilized program appeared. It was made for a nine-year school, but due to the lack of money in the country for education and general devastation, education had to be reduced to seven years and divided into two stages: the third and fourth years of the second stage correspond to the last two graduating classes of the school.

The composition of the program
The list of books mainly repeats pre-revolutionary gymnasium programs

Number of hours
Not regulated

III year of the second stage 3rd year of the 2nd stage

  • Oral poetry: lyrics, antiquities, fairy tales, spiritual poetry
  • Ancient Russian writing: "The Lay of Igor's Regiment", "The Tale of Juliania Lazarevskaya"; stories about Ersha Ershovich, about Grief-Evil Part, about Savva Grudtsyn, about Frol Skobeev
  • Mikhail Lomonosov. Lyrics
  • Denis Fonvizin. "Minor"
  • Gavrila Derzhavin. "Felitsa", "God", "Monument", "Eugene. Life of Zvanskaya "
  • Nikolay Karamzin. " Poor Lisa"," What does the author need? "
  • Vasily Zhukovsky. "Theon and Aeshin", "Camoens", "Svetlana", "Inexpressible"
  • Alexander Pushkin. Lyrics, poems, "Eugene Onegin", "Boris Godunov", "The Covetous Knight", "Mozart and Salieri", "Belkin's Tale"
  • Mikhail Lermontov. Lyrics, "Mtsyri", "Demon", "Hero of Our Time", "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov"
  • Nikolay Gogol. "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", "Taras Bulba", "Old World Landowners", "The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich", "Overcoat", "Portrait", "The Inspector General", "Dead Souls"
  • Alexey Koltsov, Evgeny Baratynsky, Fedor Tyutchev, Afanasy Fet, Nikolai Nekrasov. Selected Lyric Poems

IV year of the second stage 4th year of the 2nd stage

  • Alexander Herzen. "Past and Thoughts" (excerpts)
  • Ivan Turgenev. "Notes of a Hunter", "Rudin", " Noble Nest"," On the Eve "," Fathers and Sons "," New "," Poems in Prose "
  • Ivan Goncharov. "Oblomov"
  • Alexander Ostrovsky. "Our people - we will count" or "Poverty is not a vice", "Profitable place", "Thunderstorm", "Snow Maiden"
  • Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. Fairy tales (three or four at the teacher's choice), "Poshekhonskaya antiquity"
  • Fedor Dostoevsky. "Poor People", "The Brothers Karamazov" or "Crime and Punishment"
  • Lev Tolstoy. "Childhood", "Adolescence", "Youth", "War and Peace", "Hadji Murad", "Confession", "Alyosha Pot"
  • Gleb Uspensky. "Mores of Rasteryaeva Street", "Power of the Earth"
  • Vsevolod Garshin. "Artists", "Red Flower"
  • Vladimir Korolenko. "Dream of Makar", "The Blind Musician", "The River Plays", "The Forest Is Noisy"
  • Anton Chekhov. "Steppe", "Guys", " The Cherry Orchard»
  • Maksim Gorky. "Chelkash", "Song of the Falcon", " Former people"," Song of the Petrel "," At the Bottom "," Mother "," Childhood "
  • Leonid Andreev. "Once upon a time", "Silence", "Human Life"
  • Konstantin Balmont, Valery Bryusov, Alexander Blok. Selected Poems
  • Peasant and proletarian poets of our time

In 1921, the State Academic Council of the People's Commissariat for Education presented in the "Programs for Grades I and II of the Seven-Year Unified Labor School" the first stable list after the confusion of lists of post-revolutionary ones. The literary critic and linguist Pavel Sakulin supervised the work on the creation of the literature program, and it clearly shows the ideas that were discussed in the pedagogical environment shortly before the revolution, in particular in 1916-1917 at the I All-Russian Congress of Russian Language Teachers and literature. Sakulin reproduced in his program many of the principles formulated at this congress: variability in teaching (four versions of the program instead of one with four corresponding lists of works), attention to the interests and needs of not only teachers, but also students. The program was mainly based on Russian literary classics 19th century, whereas the literature of the previous centuries, as well as the just nascent Soviet literature, occupied a rather modest place in it.

Literature lesson at the school at the plant "Red Bogatyr". Early 1930s Getty Images

The task to overcome this list as a whole was not set - for the compilers of the program, we were much more important emotional perception and independent comprehension of what the students have read.

“The attention of students, of course, is fixed all the time on the text of the works themselves. Classes are conducted by inductive method. Let the students first learn about Rudin and Lavretsky, and then about the philosophical moods of the Russian intelligentsia, about Slavophilism and Westernism; let them first get along with the image of Bazarov, and then hear about the thinking realists of the sixties. Even the biography of the writer should not precede the direct acquaintance of students with the works. At the second stage school there is no opportunity to strive for an exhaustive study of historical and literary trends. If necessary, let the teacher exclude certain works from the list below, even this or that writer. Once again: non multa, sed multum "A lot, but not a lot" is a Latin phrase meaning "a lot in meaning, not in quantity."... And most importantly, the works of art themselves are in the center " Programs for the I and II stages of the seven-year unified labor school. M., 1921..

Literary education, closely related to the pre-revolutionary one, could hardly suit the ideologists of a party state, in which literature, along with other types of art, should serve to promote the ideology of power. In addition, the program initially had a limited scope of distribution - both because there were few second stage schools in the country (most of the first stage graduates joined the ranks of the proletariat or peasantry), and because many regions had their own educational programs. Within a few years, it lost the force of a regulatory document, remaining a monument to national humanitarian and pedagogical thought.

Teacher and textbook are the only sources of knowledge

Between the programs of 1921 and 1938 lies the same gulf as between the revolution and the last pre-war years. The bold searches of the 1920s in various fields of science, culture and education gradually faded away. Now the task of science, culture and education has become the construction of a super-industrial and militarized totalitarian state... As a result of the purges and political repressions, the composition of those who led the changes in education and culture changed dramatically.

The composition of the program
80% of Russian classics, 20% of Soviet literature

Number of hours
474 (from 1949 - 452)

8th grade

  • Oral folk poetry (folklore)
  • Russian epics
  • "A word about Igor's regiment"
  • Mikhail Lomonosov. "Ode on the day of the accession to the throne of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna", "Conversation with Anacreon"
  • Gavrila Derzhavin. "Felitsa", "Invitation to Dinner", "Monument"
  • Denis Fonvizin. "Minor"
  • Alexander Radishchev. "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" (excerpts)
  • Nikolay Karamzin. "Poor Lisa"
  • Vasily Zhukovsky. "Svetlana", "Theon and Aeshin", "Forest Tsar", "Sea", "I am a young muse, it used to be ..."
  • Kondraty Ryleev. "To the temporary worker", "Citizen", "Oh, I feel sick ..."
  • Alexander Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit"
  • Alexander Pushkin. Lyrics, odes, "Gypsies", "Eugene Onegin"
  • Vissarion Belinsky. "Works of Alexander Pushkin"
  • George Gordon Byron. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (excerpts)
  • Mikhail Lermontov. Lyrics, "A Hero of Our Time"

9th grade

  • Nikolay Gogol. "Dead Souls", vol. 1
  • Vissarion Belinsky. "The Adventures of Chichikov, or Dead Souls", letter to Gogol, July 3, 1847
  • Alexander Herzen. "Past and Thoughts"
  • Ivan Goncharov. "Oblomov"
  • Alexander Ostrovsky. "Storm"
  • Ivan Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons"
  • Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. "Lord Golovlevs"
  • Lev Tolstoy. Anna Karenina
  • Vladimir Lenin. "Leo Tolstoy as a mirror of the Russian revolution", "L. N. Tolstoy and the modern labor movement "," L. N. Tolstoy and his era "

10th grade

  • Anton Chekhov. "Gooseberry", "Cherry Orchard"
  • Maksim Gorky. "The Old Woman Izergil", "Konovalov", "At the Bottom", "The Artamonovs Case"
  • Vladimir Lenin about Maxim Gorky
  • Vyacheslav Molotov. "In memory of A. M. Gorky"
  • Alexander Serafimovich. "Iron Stream"
  • Alexander Fadeev. "Defeat"
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky. Poems, poems
  • Songs of the peoples of the USSR

By 1923-1925, literature as a subject disappeared from the curriculum, dissolving in social science. Now literary works were used as illustrations for the study of social and political processes and phenomena in order to educate the younger generation in communist spirit... However, in the second half of the 1920s, literature returned to the grid of objects - significantly updated. For the next fifteen years, the programs will be polished, adding works of Soviet literature.

By 1927, the GUS issued a set of programs that were stabilized, that is, unchanged over the next four years. The teacher has less and less rights to replace some works with others. More and more attention is paid to "social ideologies" - primarily revolutionary ideas and their reflection in the literature of the past and present. Half of the ninth, final grade of the nine-year-old school was given to young Soviet literature, which had just celebrated its tenth anniversary: ​​next to Gorky, Blok and Mayakovsky, the names of Konstantin Fedin, Vladimir Lidin, Leonid Leonov, Alexander Neverov, Lydia Seifullina, Vsevolod Ivanov, Fedor Gladkov, Alexander Malyshkin, Dmitry Furmanov, Alexander Fadeev, most of whom today are known only to the older generation and specialists. The program described in detail how to interpret and at what angle to consider this or that work, referring to correct opinion to Marxist criticism.

In 1931, a draft of another stabilized program was prepared, even more ideologically verified. However, the thirties themselves, with their tremors and constant rushwork, the cleaning of the elites and the restructuring of all principles, on which both the state and society were held, did not allow the programs to settle down: during this time, as many as three generations of school textbooks were replaced. Stability came only in 1938-1939, when the program was finally prepared, which without any significant changes held out until the Khrushchev thaw, and in its main core - to this day. The approval of this program was accompanied by the suppression of any attempts to experiment with the organization of the educational process: after the recognized unsuccessful experiments with the introduction of the American method, when the teacher had not so much to give new knowledge, but to organize the independent activities of students to obtain and apply them. in practice, the system returned to the traditional classroom-lesson form, known since pre-revolutionary times, where the teacher and the textbook are the main sources of knowledge. The consolidation of this knowledge was carried out according to the textbook - the same for all schoolchildren. The textbook should be read and outlined, and the knowledge gained should be reproduced as close to the text as possible. The program even strictly regulated the number of hours allotted to a particular topic, and this time did not involve detailed work with the text, but the acquisition, memorization and reproduction of ready-made knowledge about the text without much reflection on what was read. Critical the program included memorizing works of art and their fragments, the list of which was also strictly defined.

At a meeting on the teaching of literature in secondary school, on March 2, 1940, the famous teacher and literature teacher Semyon Gurevich expressed great concerns about the new approach:

“First of all, one big trouble we have in teaching literature is that teaching has become a stencil ... The stencil is incredible. If you throw out the last name and start talking about Pushkin, about Gogol, about Goncharov, Nekrasov, etc., then they are all folk, they are all good and humane. Someone published the word "promulgation" of literature took such a place in the teaching of literature, as these sociological definitions occupied several years ago ... If a few years ago the guys left school with the opinion that Nekrasov - he is a penitent nobleman, Tolstoy is a philosophizing liberal, etc., now all writers are such amazing people, with crystal characters, with wonderful works who only dreamed of a social revolution. "

At the end of the 1930s, the total list of literature courses coincided by more than two-thirds with the list of 1921 According to the calculations of the German researcher Erna Malygina.... The basis was still the works of Russian classics, but the main task of these works was rethought: they were instructed to tell about “ lead abominations life ”under tsarism and the ripening of revolutionary sentiments in society. Young Soviet literature told about the same, to what these moods have led and what the successes of building a new state of workers and peasants are.

Literature lesson in the 5th grade. At the blackboard - the future Young Guard Oleg Koshevoy. Ukrainian SSR, Rzhishchev, January 1941 Photo chronicle TASS

The selection of works was determined not only by their unconditional artistic merits, but also by the ability to integrate into the logic of the Soviet concept. literary development New and Modern times, reflecting the country's gradual movement towards revolution, building socialism and communism. In 1934, school education became ten years old and the history and literary course took three years instead of two. Before the works of folklore, Russian and Soviet literature, there was another important educational task - to give samples of true heroism, combat or labor, which young readers could be equal to.

“Show the greatness of the Russian classical literature, which has brought up many generations of revolutionary fighters, a huge fundamental difference and the moral and political height of Soviet literature, to teach students to understand the main stages of literary development without simplification, without schematism - this is the historical and literary task of the course of the VIII-X grades of secondary school. " From the Secondary School Literature Curriculum for Grades VIII-X, 1938.

Shrinking Hours and Expanding the List: Crash of Hopes for an Item Update

After the devastation of the war and the first post-war years, the time of severe ideological pressure and campaigns came: entire branches of science became objects of repression, facts were distorted for the sake of ideology (for example, the superiority of Russian science and its primacy in most branches scientific knowledge and technology). Under these conditions, the teacher turned into a conductor of the official line in education, and the school - into a place where the student is subjected to ideological pressure. Humanities education is increasingly losing its humanistic character. The death of Stalin in 1953 and the thaw that followed were accompanied by the hope for changes in the country, including in the field of education. It seemed that the school would pay attention to the student and his interests, and the teacher would receive more freedom in the organization of the educational process and the selection of educational material.

Number of hours

8th grade

  • "A word about Igor's regiment"
  • Denis Fonvizin. "Minor"
  • Alexander Radishchev. "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" (selected chapters)
  • Alexander Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit"
  • Alexander Pushkin. Lyrics, "Gypsies", "Eugene Onegin", " Captain's daughter»
  • Mikhail Lermontov. Lyrics, "Mtsyri", "Hero of Our Time"
  • Nikolay Gogol. "The Inspector General", "Dead Souls", vol. 1

9th grade

  • Ivan Goncharov. Oblomov (selected chapters)
  • Alexander Ostrovsky. "Storm"
  • Ivan Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons"
  • Nikolay Chernyshevsky. "What to do?" (selected chapters)
  • Nikolay Nekrasov. Lyrics, "Who Lives Well in Russia"
  • Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. "The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals", "Konyaga", "Wise Piskar"
  • Lev Tolstoy. "War and Peace"
  • William Shakespeare. "Hamlet"
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Faust, part 1

10th grade

  • Maksim Gorky. "Old Woman Izergil", "At the Bottom", "Mother", "V. I. Lenin "(abridged)
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky. "Left march", "Pro-Sitting", "To Comrade Nette - to the ship and the man", "Poems about the Soviet passport", "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin", "Good!"
  • Nikolay Ostrovsky. "As the Steel Was Tempered"
  • Mikhail Sholokhov. Virgin Soil Upturned
  • Alexander Fadeev. "Young guard"

As already mentioned, the Soviet school canon that took shape by the end of the 1930s changed little afterwards. There was still no place in it for the "dubious" Dostoevsky and Yesenin, the melodramatic "Anna Karenina" with her "family thought" was replaced by the patriotic "War and Peace" with its "popular thought" during the war currents at the turn of the century were squeezed in at six o'clock at the very end of ninth grade. The tenth, graduation, class was completely devoted to Soviet literature.

Schoolgirls at the Pushkin Museum-Reserve "Boldino". 1965 year Zhiganov Nikolay / TASS photo chronicle

During this period, the quadriga of Russian classics, captured on the pediments of typical school five-story buildings of the 1950s, was determined: two great poets - the Russian pre-revolutionary genius Pushkin and the Soviet Mayakovsky - and two great prose writers - the pre-revolutionary Leo Tolstoy and the Soviet Gorky At one time, instead of Tolstoy, Lomonosov was sculpted on the pediments, but his figure violated the geometric harmony of the four-cornered pyramid of the school canon, crowned by the first authors of his era (two poets - two prose writers, two pre-revolutionary - two Soviet authors).... Especially a lot of time the compilers of the program devoted to studying Pushkin: in 1938 - 25 hours, in 1949 - already 37. Soviet classics, school canon.

It was only in the second half of the 1950s, when it became clear that the country has embarked on a course for some softening of the ideological regime. The publication for teachers, the magazine "Literature at school", printed transcripts of discussions on the draft of a new program on literature, as well as letters ordinary teachers, school and university methodologists and librarians. There were proposals to study the literature of the twentieth century not one, but the last two years, or to include it in the course of 8-10 classes. There were even daredevils who argued that War and Peace should be studied in full: according to the teachers, most of their wards were unable to master the text.

Literature lesson in the 10th grade. A student reads a poem by Alexander Blok. Leningrad, 1980 Belinsky Yuri / TASS photo chronicle

However, the long-awaited program, released in 1960, was a great disappointment to anyone who hoped for a change. A larger volume had to be squeezed into even fewer hours - the compilers of the program suggested that the teachers solve the problem themselves and somehow manage to go through everything prescribed, not to the detriment of the depth of comprehension.

Neither the study of some works in abridged form, nor the reduction of hours by foreign literature... In the study of literature, the principles of systematicity and historicism were proclaimed: living literary process fit into Lenin's concept of "three stages of the revolutionary liberation movement in Russia" The periodization of the pre-revolutionary literary process in post-war programs and textbooks was based on three stages of the revolutionary liberation movement in Russia, highlighted by Lenin in his article "In Memory of Herzen" (1912). The noble, razno-chin and proletarian stages in the history of literature corresponded to the first and second half of the 19th century and the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. After that, the history of Russian literature ended, giving way to Soviet literature.... The material still needed to be simply memorized in the presentation of the teacher and (or) the textbook.

"It is necessary to warn teachers against an overly detailed analysis of the work, as well as against simplified interpretations of literary phenomena, as a result of which the study of fiction may lose its figurative and emotional essence." From the high school curriculum for the 1960/61 academic year.

Education of feelings instead of ideology

After the thaw, the whole country lined up for a shortage - and not only for Yugoslav boots or domestic TVs, but also for good literature, with shelves with which it became fashionable to decorate the interiors of apartments. The flourishing of the book market, including the underground, mass cinematography, Soviet literary and illustrated magazines, television, and for some - even, became a serious competition for the dull Soviet school subject "literature", saved only individual ascetic teachers. Replacing ideology in school literature the education of feelings comes: in the heroes their spiritual qualities begin to be especially appreciated, in the works - poetry.

The composition of the program
The list is gradually expanding, on the one hand - due to previously not recommended works of Russian classics (Dostoevsky), on the other - due to works of Soviet literature recent years which should have been read independently followed by discussion in the classroom

Number of hours

8th grade

  • "A word about Igor's regiment"
  • Jean-Baptiste Moliere. "Bourgeois in the nobility"
  • Alexander Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit"
  • Alexander Pushkin. "To Chaadaev" ("Love, hope, quiet glory ..."), "To the sea", "I remember a wonderful moment ...", "The Prophet", "Autumn", "On the hills of Georgia", "I loved you ...", "I visited again ...", "I erected a monument to myself ...", "Eugene Onegin"
  • George Gordon Byron. "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" (Songs I and II), "My Soul Is Dark"
  • Mikhail Lermontov. "Death of a Poet", "Poet", "Duma", "How often, surrounded by a motley crowd ...", "I go out alone on the road", "Motherland", "Hero of Our Time"
  • Nikolay Gogol. "Dead Souls"
  • Vissarion Belinsky. Literary criticism
  • Anatoly Aleksin. "In the meantime, somewhere ...", "In the rear as in the rear"
  • Chingiz Aitmatov. "Jamilya", "The First Teacher"
  • Vasil Bykov. "Alpine Ballad", "Until Dawn"
  • Oles Gonchar. "Man and Weapon"
  • Savva Dangulov. "Trail"
  • Nodar Dumbadze. "I see the sun"
  • Maksud Ibragimbekov. "For all good - death!"
  • “The names are in practice. Poems of the soldiers who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War "
  • Vadim Kozhevnikov. "Towards the Dawn"
  • Maria Prilezhaeva. "Wonderful Year", "Three Weeks of Rest"
  • Johan Smuul. "Ice Book"
  • Vladislav Titov. "To spite all deaths"
  • Mikhail Dudin, Mikhail Lukonin, Sergey Orlov. Selected Poems

9th grade

  • Alexander Ostrovsky. "Storm"
  • Nikolay Dobrolyubov. "A ray of light in the dark kingdom"
  • Ivan Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons"
  • Nikolay Chernyshevsky. "What to do?"
  • Nikolay Nekrasov. "Poet and Citizen" (excerpt), "In Memory of Dobrolyubov", "Elegy" ("Let the changeable fashion tell us ..."), "Who Lives Well in Russia"
  • Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. " Wise minnow», « Wild landowner»
  • Fedor Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment"
  • Lev Tolstoy. "War and Peace"
  • Anton Chekhov. "Ionych", "Cherry Orchard"
  • William Shakespeare. "Hamlet" (review)
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Faust: Prologue in Heaven, Scene 2 - At the City Gates, Scenes 3 and 4 - Faust's Study, Scene 12 - Garden, Scene 19 - Night. Street in front of the Gretchen house ", scene 25 -" Prison "; Faust's last monologue from Part II (review)
  • Honore de Balzac. "Gobsek"

For conversations on Soviet literature

  • Ales Adamovich. "Partisans"
  • Sergey Antonov. "Alenka", "Rains"
  • Mukhtar Auezov. "Abay"
  • Vasil Bykov. "Obelisk"
  • Boris Vasiliev. "And the dawns here are quiet ..."
  • Ion Druta. "Steppe Ballads"
  • Afanasy Koptelov. "The Great Beginning", "The Flame Will Kindle"
  • Vilis Latsis. "To the new shore"
  • Valentin Rasputin. "French lessons"
  • Robert Rozhdestvensky. "Requiem", "Letter to the XXX century"
  • Konstantin Simonov. "The Living and the Dead"
  • Konstantin Fedin. "First joys", "Unusual summer"
  • Vasily Shukshin. Selected stories

10th grade

  • Maksim Gorky. "Old Woman Izergil", "At the Bottom", "Mother", "V. I. Lenin "
  • Alexander Blok. "Stranger", "Factory", "Oh, spring without end and without edge ...", "Russia", "About valor, about exploits, about glory ...", "On railroad", "Twelve"
  • Sergey Yesenin. "Soviet Russia", "Letter to Mother", "Uncomfortable liquid moonliness ...", "Bless every work, good luck!", "Kachalov's dog", "Feather grass is asleep. Dear plain ... "," I am walking along the valley. On the back of the cap ... "," Dissuaded the golden grove ... "," I do not regret, I do not call, I do not cry ... "
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky. "Left March", "Pro-Sitting", "About Trash", "Black and White", "To Comrade Nette - to the Steamer and the Man", "Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the Essence of Love", "Conversation with the Financial Inspector about Poetry", "Poems about the Soviet passport "," Vladimir Ilyich Lenin "," Good! "," At the top of your voice "(first introduction to the poem)
  • Alexander Fadeev. "Defeat"
  • Nikolay Ostrovsky. "As the Steel Was Tempered"
  • Mikhail Sholokhov. Virgin Soil Upturned, The Fate of Man
  • Alexander Tvardovsky. "I was killed near Rzhev", "Two smithies", "On the Angara" (from the poem "Beyond the Distance - Dal")
Schoolchildren write an essay in final exam... June 1, 1984 Boris Kavashkin / TASS newsreel

The number of hours allocated for literature in grades 8-10 continues to decrease: in 1970 it was only 350 hours, in 1976 and for the next four decades - 340. The school curriculum is mainly replenished with works, which are especially close to conservatives: in place of something too critical in relation to the traditional way of life, the novel by Sal-tykov-Shchedrin "The Lord Golovlevs" in the early 1970s, the novel "Crime and Punishment", which opposes existing orders, the idea of ​​personal salvation. Next to the "urbanist" Mayakovsky stands the "peasant" Yesenin. The block is mainly represented by poems about the Motherland. Mosfilm, KinoPoisk

A still from the film by Sergei Solovyov “ Stationmaster". 1972 yearMosfilm, Kinomania.ru

A still from Vyacheslav Nikiforov's film "The Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovsky". 1988 year"Belarusfilm", "KinoKopilka"

Still from the film by Eldar Ryazanov " Cruel romance". 1984 yearMosfilm, KinoPoisk

In the 1960s and 70s, films were made based on many works of the school canon, which immediately gained wide popularity: they solve problems and non-reading, and adapt complex or historically distant meanings of classical works to their perception by broad masses, shifting the emphasis from ideological problems to plot, feelings of heroes and their fate. The idea that the classics are nationwide is becoming more and more firmly established: it seems to combine accessibility mass literature with a highly artistic quality of enduring masterpieces (in contrast to the works of unrealistic, especially "modernist", addressed mainly individual groups"Aesthetes").

"Classical literature is literature that has reached the highest degree of perfection and has stood the test of time, retaining the value of an immortal creative example for all subsequent writers." S. M. Florinsky. Russian literature. Textbook for the 8th grade of high school. M., 1970.

Works about the revolution, Civil War and collectivization go into an abbreviated or survey study (four hours on "How the Steel Was Tempered") or extracurricular reading Concept extracurricular reading existed in gymnasiums, but in the 1930s it began to be regulated: it was proposed to choose from the approved lists., the volume of which is increasing. On the other hand, more and more works about the Great Patriotic War: eight hours, before the leave to study "Virgin Soil Upturned" by Sholokhov, are now divided between this epic and the story "The Fate of a Man". Literature last decades read at home independently, after which one of four topics is discussed in the class: the October Revolution, the Great Patriotic War, the image of Lenin, the image of our contemporary in the works of contemporary authors. Out of 30 pro-zaic works Soviet writers offered for choice for discussion in grades 8-9, ten books are devoted to wartime, three - the revolution and the Civil War, five - the life and work of Lenin. Nine out of 24 writers represent national literature THE USSR. However, the very appearance of the section "For conversations on Soviet literature" became a sign of the approach of new times in domestic education, including in the literary: from a lecture followed by a survey, a lesson at least sometimes turns into a conversation; at least some kind of variability appears in the mandatory list, albeit only in the choice of works of the current literary process. And yet, despite these concessions, the literary education of the late Soviet era offered a falsified, ideologically and censored history of Russian literature, in which there was very little place. The authors of the 1976 program, the text of which migrated to the 1984 program almost unchanged, did not hide this:

“One of the most important tasks of a teacher is to show students what makes them Soviet literature with the advanced heritage of the past, how it continues and develops the best traditions of classical literature, and at the same time reveals qualitatively new character literature of socialist realism, which is a step forward in artistic development of humanity, the class basis of its universal human communist ideal, the diversity and aesthetic wealth of Soviet literature. "

Tenth graders before a lesson in Russian literature. Kazakh SSR, 1989 Pavsky Alexander / TASS photo chronicle

In a few years, in the place of the USSR, another state will arise, and in place of the bloated mandatory list- an even more voluminous recommendation, finally again, as in the early 1920s, entrusted the teacher with the right to choose from the proposed list names and works, taking into account the interests and level of students. But this will already be the history of the post-Soviet school canon, no less dramatic, in which the parent community, the pedagogical community, and even the country's top leadership will take an active part.

RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE XVIII CENTURY M.V. Lomonosov "Ode on the day of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Petrovna's accession to the All-Russian throne, 1747" (fragments).

DI. Fonvizin Comedy "Minor".

G.R. Derzhavin Poems: "Monument", "The river of times in its striving ...", as well as 2 works of your choice.

A.N. Radishchev "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" (fragments).

N.M. Karamzin The story "Poor Liza". At a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction literature XVIII century is studied in an overview with reading fragments of the above works.

RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE XIX CENTURY I.A. Krylov 5 fables to choose from.

V.A. Zhukovsky Ballad "Svetlana", as well as 2 pieces of your choice.

A.S. Griboyedov Comedy "Woe from Wit" (separate scenes in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction).

I.A. Goncharov Article "A Million of Torments" * (fragments).

A.S. Pushkin Poems: "To Chaadaev", "Song of prophetic Oleg"," To the sea "," K * "(" I remember a wonderful moment ... ")," October 19 "(" The forest drops its crimson dress ... ")," Prophet "," Winter road "," Anchar "," On the hills of Georgia lies the night haze ... "," I loved you: love still, perhaps ... "," Winter morning"," Demons "," Cloud "," I erected a monument not made by hands ... ", as well as 3 poems of choice. Poem "Poltava" (fragments) "Belkin's Tale" (one of the stories by choice). Novels: "Dubrovsky", "The Captain's Daughter" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction, both novels are studied in abbreviations). A novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - fragments). V.G. Belinsky Cycle of articles "Works of Alexander Pushkin". Articles: 8, 9 (fragments). M.Yu. Lermontov Poems: "Sail", "Death of a Poet", "Borodino", "When the yellowing cornfield is agitated ...", "Duma", "Poet", "Three palms", "Prayer" ("In a difficult moment ..."), "Both boring and sad", "No, I do not love you so ardently ...", "Motherland", "Prophet", as well as 3 poems of your choice. Poems: "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young oprichnik and daring merchant Kalashnikov", "Mtsyri". The novel "A Hero of Our Time" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - the story "Bela"). A.V. Koltsov 3 poems of your choice. N.V. Gogol Tale: "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" (1 story of your choice), "Taras Bulba", "Overcoat" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction, these stories are studied in abbreviations). Comedy "The Inspector General" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - separate scenes). The poem "Dead Souls" (I volume) (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - separate chapters). A.N. Ostrovsky Comedy "Our people - we will be numbered" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - separate scenes). I.S. Turgenev "Notes of a Hunter" (2 stories of your choice). The story "Mumu". The story "Asya" *. The novel "Fathers and Sons" (fragments). "Poems in Prose" (3 poems of your choice).

F.I. Tyutchev Poems: "Spring waters", "There is in the original autumn ...", "The mind cannot understand Russia ...", as well as 3 poems of choice.

A.A. Fet Poems: "Evening", "This morning, this joy ...", "Learn from them  from an oak, from a birch ...", as well as 3 poems of your choice.

A.K. Tolstoy Poems: "Amid a noisy ball, by chance ...", "You are my land, my dear land ...". Ballad "Vasily Shibanov", as well as 3 pieces of your choice. ON. Nekrasov

Poems: "Reflections at the front door", "Peasant children", "Railway". 3 pieces of your choice *. Poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" (fragments) ... NS. Leskov Stories: "Lefty" *, "Cadet Monastery"(abbreviated). M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin Fairy tales: "The story of how one man fed two generals", "The Wise Gudgeon", as well as one optional fairy tale.

F.M. Dostoevsky Tale: "Poor People" * or "White Nights" *. The novel "Crime and Punishment" (fragments) ... L.N. Tolstoy Stories: "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "After the ball" *. Epic novel "War and Peace" (fragments), the story "Hadji Murad". V.M. Garshin 1 story of your choice. A.P. Chekhov Stories: "Death of an official", "Chameleon", "Gooseberry", as well as 2 stories of your choice. Stories: "The Intruder" *, "The Man in the Case" *. V.G. Korolenko 1 piece of your choice. RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE XX CENTURY I.A. Bunin 2 stories to choose from. 2 poems of your choice. M. Gorky Story "Childhood" (fragments). "Song of the Falcon", as well as 1 story of your choice. A.A. Poems block: "Russia", "Oh, I want to live madly ...", "About valor, about exploits, about glory ...", as well as 3 poems of your choice. V.V. Mayakovsky Poems: "Listen!", " Good relationship to horses "," An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha ", as well as 3 poems of your choice. S.A. Yesenin Poems: "Goy you, Russia, my dear ...", "Song of the dog", "Dissuaded the golden grove ...", as well as 3 poems of your choice. A.A. Akhmatova Poems: “… I had a voice. He called consolingly ... "," Courage "," Native land ", as well as 3 poems of choice. M.I. Tsvetaeva Poems: "To my poems, written so early ...", "With a red brush ...", "Seven hills, like seven bells ...", "Moscow", as well as 2 poems of your choice. O.E. Mandelstam 3 poems of choice. B.L. Pasternak 3 poems of your choice. M.A. Bulgakov The story "Heart of a Dog" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - fragments). MM. Zoshchenko 1 story at the choice of A.P. Platonov 1 work of your choice. K.G. Paustovsky 1 story of your choice. MM. Prishvin 1 piece of your choice. ON. Zabolotsky 3 poems of your choice. A.T. Tvardovsky Poem "Vasily Terkin" (chapters). M.A. Sholokhov The story "The Fate of a Man" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - fragments). LITERATURE OF THE SECOND HALF OF THE XX CENTURY F.A. Abramov, Ch.T. Aitmatov, V.P. Astafiev, V.I.Belov, A.A. Voznesensky, E.A. Evtushenko, F.A. Iskander, Yu.P. Kazakov, V.L.Kondratyev, E.I.Nosov, B.Sh. Okudzhava, V.G.Rasputin, N.M. Rubtsov A.I.Solzhenitsyn, V.F. Tendryakov, V.T. Shalamov, V.M. Shukshin. 4 pieces of your choice. LITERATURE OF THE PEOPLES OF RUSSIA Heroic epos of the peoples of Russia: "Geser", "Dzhangar", "Kalevala", "Maadai-Kara", "Möge Bayan-Toolai", "Narts", "Olonkho", "Ural-Batyr" (1 work by selection in fragments). R. Gamzatov, M. Karim, G. Tukai, Y. Rytkheu, K. Khetagurov (1 piece of your choice). FOREIGN LITERATURE Homer "Odyssey" (fragments). Antique lyrics 2 poems of your choice. O. Khayyam Cycle "Rubayyat" (3 rubai by choice). Dante The Divine Comedy"(Fragments). M. Cervantes Roman "Don Quixote" (fragments). W. Shakespeare Tragedies: "Romeo and Juliet" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - fragments) or "Hamlet" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - fragments). 2 sonnets of your choice.

J.-B. Moliere Comedy "Bourgeois in the Nobility" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - fragments). I.-V. Goethe's Faust (fragments). F. Schiller 1 piece of your choice. JG Byron 1 piece of your choice. H.K. Andersen 1 fairy tale of your choice. P.-J. Beranger, R. Burns, R. Bradbury, J. Verne, G. Heine, W. Hugo, D. Defoe, A.K. Doyle, R. Kipling, A. Lindgren, M. Reed, L. Carroll, F. Cooper, D. London, C. Perrot, J. Rodari, J. Swift, A. Saint-Exupery, J. Salinger, W. Scott, R. L. Stevenson, M. Twain, H. Wells. 2 pieces of your choice.

RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE XIX CENTURY A.S. Pushkin Poems: "Liberty", "The daylight has gone out ...", "I survived my desires ...", "Demon", "Desert sower of freedom ...", "Conversation of a bookseller with a poet", "Imitations of the Koran" (III, V, IX ), “If life deceives you ...”, “Am I wandering along noisy streets ...”, “To the poet”, “Elegy” (“Crazy years, extinct fun ...”), “Autumn”, “It's time, my friend, it's time! my heart asks for peace ... "," ... I visited again ... "," Desert Fathers and wives are innocent ... "," From Pindemonti ", as well as 4 poems of choice. Poem "The Bronze Horseman" The story "The Queen of Spades". "Little Tragedies" ("Mozart and Salbury"). The tragedy "Boris Godunov" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - a review with an analysis of fragments). F.M. Dostoevsky, essay "Pushkin". The poets of the Pushkin era K.N. Batyushkov, E.A. Baratynsky, A.A. Dahlweg, D.V. Davydov. 4 poems of your choice. M.Yu. Lermontov Poems: "K *" ("I will not humiliate myself before you ..."), "Prayer" ("I, the Mother of God, now with prayer ..."), "How often, surrounded by a motley crowd ...", "There are speeches - meaning ... "," Gratitude "," Testament "(" Alone with you, brother ... ")," Valerik "," Sleep "(At noon heat in the valley of Dagestan ..."), "I go out alone on the road ...", and also 4 poems of your choice. The poem "The Demon" by N.V. Gogol Stories: "Portrait", "Nevsky Prospect". A.N. Ostrovsky Plays: "Thunderstorm", "Forest". ON. Dobrolyubov, "A ray of light in the dark kingdom" (fragments). A.A. Grigoriev, “After the“ Thunderstorm ”by Ostrovsky. Letters to I.S. Turgenev "(fragments). I.A. Goncharov Essay "Pallas frigate" (fragments). The novel "Oblomov" N.А. Dobrolyubov "What is Oblomovism?" (fragments). A.V. Druzhinin "Oblomov", Goncharov's novel "(fragments). I.S. Turgenev The novel "Fathers and Sons" by D.I. Pisarev "Bazarov" (fragments). F.I. Tyutchev Poems: "Noon", "Silentium!", "Cicero", " Autumn evening"," Not what you think, nature ... "," Gray shadows mixed ... "," Day and night "," Human tears, about human tears ... "," Oh, how murderously we love ... "," last love"," These poor villages ... "," We cannot predict ... "," Nature is a sphinx. And so it is more accurate ... "," K. B. " ("I met you - and everything is past ..."), as well as 4 optional poems. A.A. Fet Poems: "The cat sings, squinting eyes ...", "Wavy cloud ...", "Whisper, timid breath ...", "Pine trees", "Another night in May ...", "Dawn bids farewell to the earth ...", "The night was shining. The garden was full of the moon. They were lying ... "," Another forgetful word ... "," How poor is our language! - I want and I can not ... "," With one push to drive the boat alive ... "," On a swing ", as well as 4 poems of your choice. A.K. Tolstoy Poems: "Me, in the darkness and in the dust ...", "If you love, so without reason ...", "Do not believe me, friend, when, in excess of grief ...", "Two staves are not a fighter, but only an occasional guest ... "," A tear trembles in your jealous gaze ... "," Against the stream "," I bless you, forests ... "(from the poem" John Damascene ")," History of the Russian state from Gostomysl to Timashev ", as well as 4 works of your choice. ON. Nekrasov Poems: "On the road", "Modern ode", "Troika", "I am driving along a dark street at night ...", "You and I are stupid people ..." “Poet and Citizen”, “Under the Cruel Hand of Man ...” (“About the Weather”), “I’ll Die Soon. A pitiful inheritance ... "," Elegy "(" Let the changeable fashion tell us ... ")," To the Sowers "," O Muse! I am at the door of the coffin ... ", as well as 4 optional poems. The poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - a review with an analysis of fragments). N.G. Chernyshevsky Roman "What is to be done?" (overview). NS. Leskov The story "The Enchanted Wanderer" or the story "Odnodum". M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "History of one city" F.M. Dostoevsky Novel "Crime and Punishment" by N.N. Strakhov, Essay "Crime and Punishment" (fragments). L.N. Tolstoy The novel-epic "War and Peace" by A.P. Chekhov Stories: "Jumping Girl", "Ward No. 6", "Student", "House with a Mezzanine", "Ionych", "Darling", "Lady with a Dog", as well as 2 stories of your choice. The play "The Cherry Orchard". RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE XX CENTURY I.A. Bunin Stories: " Antonov apples"," The gentleman from San Francisco "," Dark alleys "(story)," Clean Monday", As well as 2 stories of your choice. A.I. Kuprin Story " Garnet bracelet", As well as 1 piece of your choice. L.N. Andreev 1 piece of your choice. M. Gorky The story "The Old Woman Izergil". The play "At the Bottom". Poetry of the late XIX - early XX centuries. I.F. Annensky, K.D. Balmont, V. Ya. Bryusov, Z. N. Gippius, A. Bely, N.S. Gumilev, N.A. Klyuev, V.V. Khlebnikov, I. Severyanin. Poems by 4 poets by choice. A.A. Poems Block: “I Anticipate you. Years pass by ... "," I enter dark temples ... "," We met with you at sunset ... "," The girl sang in the church choir ... "," Stranger "," Night, street, lantern, pharmacy ... "," Factory "," She came from the cold ... "," When you stand in my way ... ", the cycle" On the Kulikovo field "," In a restaurant "," Artist "," Oh, I want to live madly ... "," Before the court "," On the railway "," Scythians ", as well as 4 poems of your choice. Poems: "Nightingale Garden", "Twelve". V.V. Mayakovsky Poems: "Could you?", "Nate!" "," Letter to Tatiana Yakovleva ", as well as 4 optional poems. Poems: "A Cloud in Pants", "I Love". The first introduction to the poem "With the Whole Voice". Play "Bedbug". S.A. Yesenin Poems: "The Lord went to torture people in love ...", "Russia", "Sorokoust" ("Have you seen ..."), "Do not wander, do not crumple in the scarlet bushes ...", "I remember, my beloved, I remember ..." , "The road was thinking about the red evening ...", "Letter to the mother", "Soviet Russia", "We are now leaving a little ...", "You are my Shagane, Shagane ...", "In the Caucasus", crying ... ”,“ Letter to a woman ”,“ Feather grass is sleeping. Plain dear ... "," Bless every work, good luck ... ", as well as 4 poems of your choice. The poem "Anna Snegina". M.I. Tsvetaeva Poems: "Poems to Blok" (" Your name- bird in hand ... ")," Poems grow like stars and like roses ... "," I'm happy to live in an exemplary and simple way ... "," Who is made of stone, who is made of clay ... ", the cycle" Apprentice "," Frivolity - sweet sin ... "," Mayakovsky "(" Soviet grandee ... ")," I conjure you from gold ... "," Don "(" White Guard, your way is high ... ")," Longing for the homeland! For a long time ... ", as well as 4 poems of your choice. O.E. Mandelstam Poems: "I was given a body - what should I do with it ...", "Inexpressible sadness ...", " Notre dame"," I don't know since when ... "," Insomnia. Homer. Tight sails ... "," I hate the light ... "," Oh, how we love to be hypocritical ... "," Do not ask: you know ... "," Your image, painful and unsteady ... "," For the explosive prowess of the coming centuries ... ", "Century", "I returned to my city, familiar to tears ...", as well as 4 optional poems. A.A. Akhmatova Poems: "Song of the last meeting", "Clasped hands under a dark veil ...", "Gray-eyed king", "Confusion", "Love", "Twenty-first. Night. Monday ... "," I learned to live simply, wisely ... "," I don't need odic ratios ... "," We have freshness of words and feelings of simplicity ... "," Primorsky Sonnet "," Prayer "," Muse ", as well as 4 poems of choice. Poems: "Poem without a Hero", "Requiem". B.L. Parsnip Poems: “February. Get ink and cry! .. "," About these verses "," To be famous is ugly ... "," Definition of poetry "," When it clears up "," I want to walk in everything ... "," Hamlet "," Miracle "," August ”,“ The Garden of Gethsemane ”,“ Night ”,“ The Only Days ”, as well as 4 optional poems. M.A. Bulgakov Novels: "The White Guard" or "The Master and Margarita". I.E. Babel 2 stories of your choice. A.A. Fadeev Roman "Defeat" A.P. Platonov Story "The Secret Man". M.A. Sholokhov Roman-epic "Quiet Don" by V.V. Nabokov 1 piece of your choice. ON. Zabolotsky Poems: "The signs of the Zodiac are fading ...", "Testament", "Reading poetry", "About beauty human faces"," September ", as well as 3 poems of your choice. A.T. Tvardovsky Poems: "I was killed near Rzhev ...", "The whole point is in one and only covenant ...", "In memory of the mother," "I know: no fault of mine ...", "To bitter grievances of my own person ...", as well as 4 poems optionally. A.I. Solzhenitsyn The story "One Day in Ivan Denisovich", the story "Matrenin's yard". The prose of the second half of the 20th century by F.A. Abramov, Ch.T. Aitmatov, V.P. Astafiev and V.I. Belov, A.G. Bitov, V.V. Bykov, V.S. Grossman, V.L. Kondratyev, V.P. Nekrasov, E. I. Nosov, V. G. Rasputin, V.F. Tendryakov, Yu.V. Trifonov, V.T. Shalamov, V.M. Shukshin. 4 works of your choice; one of them on the theme of the Great Patriotic War. Poetry of the second half of the XX century B.A. Akhmadulina, I.A. Brodsky, A.A. Voznesensky, V.S. Vysotsky, E.A. Evtushenko, Yu.P. Kuznetsov, L.N. Martynov, B.Sh. Okudzhava, N.M. Rubtsov, D.S. Samoilov, A.A. Tarkovsky. Poems by 4 poets by choice. The dramaturgy of the twentieth century A.N. Arbuzov, A.V. Vampilov, A.M. Volodin, V.S. Rozov, M.M. Roshchin, E.L. Schwartz. 2 pieces of your choice.

LITERATURE OF THE PEOPLES OF RUSSIA G. Aigi. Poems. R. Gamzatov. The book "My Dagestan", the legend "The Return of Hadji Murad", the poem "Mountain Woman". M. Jalil. Cycle of poems "Moabit notebook". M. Karim. Optional poems; tragedy "Don't throw fire, Prometheus". D. Kugultinov. Poems. K. Kuliev. Poems. Yu Rytkheu. The novel "A Dream at the Beginning of the Mist" (the legend of the white woman-progenitor). G. Tukay. Poems of choice. Poem "Shurale". K. Khetagurov. Poems. Poem "Fatima". Yu. Shestalov. A pagan poem. Two pieces of your choice. FOREIGN LITERATURE G. Apollinaire, O. Balzac, G. Böll, C. Baudelaire, P. Verlaine, O. Henry, G. Hesse, W. Golding, E. T. A. Hoffmann, W. Hugo, C. Dickens, G. Ibsen, A. Camus, F. Kafka, T. Mann, G. Marquez, P. Merimee, M. Meterlink, G. Maupassant, D. Orwell, E.A. Poe, E.M. Remark, A. Rambo, J. Salinger, O. Wilde, G. Flaubert, W. Faulkner, A. France, E. Hemingway, B. Shaw, W. Eco. 3 pieces of your choice.

Appendix No. 2

Subject content. Literature. Basic general and secondary general education

The Appendix defines minimum list literary works and theoretical and literary concepts for compulsory study at school. It was compiled taking into account literary achievements, the prevailing practice of school literary education and is intended to ensure not only the unity of the substantive core of literary education in the present stage but also the continuity of the reading experience different generations citizens of Russia.

The list of authors and works is presented in chronological order. This principle does not determine the order of study of authors and works in specific programs. In the Appendix to the Concept, there is no division of the material into the list for the main general education and on the list for complete general education - this is the prerogative of model programs in the literature of the corresponding levels of general education.

The list of authors and works required for study in basic and high school consists of two parts - "basic" and "advanced". The first part determines the minimum required for studying literature at the basic level and therefore is mandatory for all students of the Russian Federation. The second part is mandatory for those classes in which an in-depth study of the subject is carried out (in the main and in high school, including due to the variable part curriculum formed by the educational organization).

Both parts of the list literary material given with varying degrees of detail: 1) named the author and his specific work, 2) named the author (or genre of folklore) and determined the minimum number of works, the choice of which is carried out in the Program, 3) named a group of authors for an overview of the work of one of them on the choice of the author of the program or teacher.

On the basis of the basic part of the list (works named without any alternative), a part of the content of the final certification in literature at the levels of basic and secondary general education, which is mandatory for all students of the Russian Federation, can be determined. The works chosen by the author of the program or by the teacher can be used by graduates for comparison or in the selection of material for the disclosure of the topic of the final essay.

Most of works named in the list require reading full text, with the exception of works, familiarity with which is sufficient at the level of reading a fragment (several fragments) or general overview plot, characteristics of the main characters with a textual study of key fragments, episodes, scenes. The corresponding clarification (fragments, overview study) is given in the list.

Compilers of Exemplary educational programs, author's teaching materials and work programs should supplement the list of literary works with other works related to the classics, to modern literature (including taking into account regional specifics), to children's and adolescent literature. At the same time, the amount of additions and their content depend on the nature of the Program, the author's scientific and methodological concept, the capabilities and tasks of a particular teacher, on what level of education (basic or advanced) the program corresponds to, for which region it is intended.

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"War and Peace", "Woe from Wit", "Eugene Onegin" - these names are familiar to the graduates of absolutely all Russian schools... Someone may even be able to immediately continue the unforgettable line "My uncle of the most honest rules ...".

And what do students from other countries of the world quote? site studied school programs and made a selection for you, thanks to which you can not only learn more about foreign schools, but also discover several new names.


In France, as in the overwhelming majority of other countries, there is no separate subject "Literature" - students read in the classroom native language... There is no school program as such either, there is a recommended list of references, and the choice of a specific work is left to the mercy of schools, teachers or the children themselves. French classics are read in mandatory, for example the following books:


In the United States, as in France, there is no single school curriculum for literature, but some names and titles are familiar to every American student. The five most popular books include:

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom with school curriculum in literature, everything is simple: it is based on the works of English classics. And since the English classics have long and firmly become part of the world classics, the list recommended to British schoolchildren will look very, very familiar to any reading person. Here it is:


Unlike their peers from many other countries, Dutch schoolchildren are not too bothered to read classical literature. More than half of the recommended reading list consists of books by contemporary European and Dutch authors. Here are some examples from the list:


In Germany, issues of literary education for schoolchildren are resolved in every federal state. But there are, of course, common points in the lists of recommended literature, and these are primarily works of German authors and classics of world literature, such as these books.