Rules for business communication by phone. Telephone communication rules

Rules for business communication by phone. Telephone communication rules
Rules for business communication by phone. Telephone communication rules

Currently, the phone is the most popular communication tool. It helps to reduce the time interval required to solve various issues, and save funds for travel to other cities and countries. Modern business is greatly simplified thanks to telephone negotiations, which eliminate the need to conduct long-term written correspondence in a business style, check out on business tribes for long distances. In addition, the phone provides the possibility of remote negotiations, presenting substantial issues and guided references.

The success of each enterprise directly depends on the correctness of telephone negotiationsAfter all, it is enough to make one bell to create a general impression of the company. If this impression is negative, it will be impossible to correct the situation. Therefore, it is important to know what is a competent business communication by phone.

What it is?

Business communication is the performance of professional tasks or establishing business relationships. Business communication on the phone is a specific process to which you should carefully prepare.

Before making a phone call, some highlights should be clarified.

  • Is this call really needed?
  • Is the partner's knowledge of the response?
  • Is a personal meeting possible?

Finding out that the conversation on the phone is inevitable, it is necessary to tune in to it in advance and remember the rules whose compliance will help hold telephone negotiations at a high professional level.

Features and standards

The regulations for communicating on the phone quite simple and includes the following steps:

  • greeting;
  • representation;
  • clarification of the presence of free time at the interlocutor;
  • description Essence of the problem in short form;
  • questions and answers to them;
  • completion of the conversation.

Culture of negotiations on the phone is one of the important components of business communication. The specificity of the telephone communication is determined by the remote communication factor and the use of only one information channel - a hearing. Therefore, compliance with the ethical standards governing telephone communication is an important factor determining the efficiency of the enterprise and the development of relationships with partners.

Etiquette of a business telephone conversation with outgoing calls includes several rules.

  • Before set, you must check the correctness of the phone number. In case of error, you should not specify any extra questions. It is necessary to apologize to the subscriber, and after the call is completed, once again clarify the number and call back.
  • Mandatory condition is the presentation. After greetings from the interlocutor, you need to answer using the welcoming words, the name of the enterprise, the position and surname of the employee who carries out the call.
  • It is recommended to pre-form a plan revealing the goal (as a graph / circuit or in text form). You must have a description of the tasks before your eyes so that you can fix them during the telephone conversation. Also, do not forget to celebrate the problems formed on the way of achieving a goal.

  • 3-5 minutes - average time displaced on a business conversation. If the specified gap was not enough, a reasonable solution will be a personal meeting.
  • It is impossible to disturb people with calls early in the morning, during a break for lunch or after the end of the working day.
  • In the case of a spontaneous call, which was not specified with the partner in advance, the prerequisite is to clarify the presence of free time at the interlocutor and the specification of approximate time required to solve the issue of the caller. If the interlocutor is busy at the time of the call, you can specify another time or appoint a meeting.
  • By completing the conversation, you need to thank the interlocutor for the on-time time or received information.

When interrupted a telephone conversation, the one who was the initiator of the call.

Etiquette telephone negotiations with incoming calls also includes several important items.

  • You need to answer the call no later than the third beep.
  • Conducting a response, it is required to name the surname or organization. In a large company, it is not called a company, but a department.
  • The call, perfect by mistake, should be responsible politely, clarifying the situation.
  • The materials used for work must be in sight, and the conversation plan is before the eyes.
  • Several simultaneous connections should be avoided. Calls should be taken in turn.
  • Answering a call made to criticize the goods / services or the work of the enterprise as a whole, it is necessary to try to understand the state of the interlocutor and take part of the responsibility for yourself.
  • Outside the working time, it is recommended to include an answering machine. The message should specify topical information that will be useful to all customers.
  • If the employee who is asked is not in place, it is necessary to offer his help in the transfer of information to him.

You can allocate general principles of business communication by phone.

  • It is necessary to prepare for telephone conversations in advance, making a plan with the goals, main points, the structure of the upcoming conversation and ways to solve problems that may arise during the conversation.
  • You need to take the phone with your left hand (left-handed) after the first or second signal.
  • It is necessary to take into account the information relating to the subject of the conversation.
  • The speech of the subscriber must be smooth and restrained. It is necessary to listen carefully to the partner and do not interrupt it during the conversation. It is recommended to reinforce your own participation in a conversation with small replicas.
  • The duration of the telephone conversation should not exceed four or five minutes.

  • In the event of a discussion, it is necessary to take emerging emotions under control. Despite the injustice of statements and increased tone by partner, patience should be taken and try to solve the resulting dispute.
  • Throughout the conversation, it is necessary to monitor intonation and voice tone.
  • It is unacceptable to interrupt the conversation, responding to other phone calls. As a last resort, it is necessary to apologize to the Subscriber for having to interrupt communication, and only then respond to the second call.
  • Be sure to have a paper and handle on the desk so that you can write the necessary information on time.
  • Complete the conversation may have a calling subscriber. If you stop the conversation in the next minute, it should be finished politely. It is necessary to apologize to the interlocutor and say goodbye, thanking previous attention.

After the end of the business conversation, for some time you should pay the analysis of its style and content, identifying errors made in conversation.


As already noted, business communication on the phone does not require high time costs. According to the rules, such a telephone conversation can last no more than 4-5 minutes. This is the optimal period of time that allows you to solve all questions.

During the business communication on the service telephone, it is necessary to observe the sequence of stages, of which the call structure is developing.

  • Greeting with the help of special phrases corresponding to the time of day, during which the call is carried out.
  • Message to the virtual interlocutor of the name and position of the employee who carries out the call, as well as the names of his organization.
  • Awareness of the presence of free time in the interlocutor.
  • Laconic statement of basic information. At this stage, you need to designate the essence of the problem in one or two phrases.
  • Questions and answers to them. It is necessary to show interest in the issues of the interlocutor. Answers to them must be clear and provide reliable information. If an employee who answered the call is not competent in the question under consideration, you should invite to the phone who can give an accurate answer.
  • Completion of the conversation. A telephone conversation stops his initiator. It can also make a senior, age and a woman.

The phrases ending with the conversation are words of gratitude for the call and the wish of good luck.

To improve the efficiency of the conversation on a mobile phone, general recommendations should be followed:

  • pre-prepare the necessary correspondence;
  • completely tune in to the conversation;
  • clear thoughts clearly, while observing calmness;
  • fix significant words;
  • avoid monotony, changing the pace of conversation;
  • do pauses in the right points of conversation;
  • play information to be remembered;
  • do not use sharp expressions;
  • upon receipt of failure, it is necessary to maintain friendly and show respect for the interlocutor.

Examples of dialogue

The following examples of telephone conversations will help you understand the essence of business communication. Dialogues clearly show how to talk to the client or a business partner by telephone to eliminate the emergence of misunderstanding.

An example of a telephone dialogue number 1.

  • Hotel administrator - Good morning! Hotel "Progress", booking department, Olga, listen to you.
  • Guest - Hello! This is Ivanova Maria, a representative of the Fairy Tale. I would like to make changes to the reservation.
  • A - yes, of course. What would you like to change?
  • G - Is it possible to change the dates of arrival and departure?
  • A - yes, of course.
  • G - the period of stay will not be from 1 to 7 September, but from 3 to 10.
  • A - good, reservation changed. We are waiting for you in our hotel on September 3.
  • G - thank you very much. Bye!
  • And - all the best to you. Bye!

An example of a telephone dialogue number 2.

  • Secretary - Hello. Firm "HOLIDAY".
  • Partner - Good afternoon. This Petrova Elena, a representative of the creative team "Flight Flight". Can I talk to your director?
  • C - unfortunately, it is not in the office now - he is at a meeting. May I help you? Maybe he can pass something?
  • P - yes, tell me, please, when will it be in place?
  • C - he will return only to three hours of the day.
  • P - thank you, then I'll call you back. Bye!
  • C - Goodbye!

Ethics not only controls business relationships in business and establishes relations with competitors, but also is a means of the right organization of a telephone conversation. Compliance with the rules of business communication by telephone, involving the thoroughbred elaboration of each item, provides an effective result and long-term partnerships.

In addition to the very question, a person who collided with problems is a deep need for understanding, he expects you to properly diagnosed its problem. The doctor and the lawyer need to tell the whole truth, and most people know it. There are sayings on the topic: "Tell the lawyer, everything as it was in fact, he himself then confuses everything for you."

Often, a person has a need to fill out the soul, if he has some personal experiences - and you can destroy even a positive impression of you if you interrupt or show the lack of interest in it personally, but you will only demonstrate interest in his business and His money.

If you interrupt the interlocutor, do not answer his questions or ask counter questions, do not ask his opinions, do not specify the details, but simply a monologue describe how it happens to you, it greatly reduces the effectiveness of the conversation.

Rule number one: if a person has a spiritual impulse, his speech is poured by the river, - let him speak out, apply the techniques of active hearing, - "Yeah", "Yeah", "Yes," and clarifying questions, because perhaps he is You will tell you everything and you can diagnose its problem.

An example of a dialogue using several described techniques formulated on the basis of real issues with which people usually turn to lawyers:

- (Company name), good afternoon.

- Hello, I would like to know the prices of your services.

- Yes of course. My name is Nikolai, I am the head of the client department. Can I find out what your name is you?

- Artem Dmitrievich.

- Nice to meet, Artem Dmitrievich. We have a rather large range of services. So that I could answer your question, please describe in short, what happened to you?

In this case, we, firstly, greeted the potential client, who called, we called named and by the post, and learned the name of the interlocutor. Further, we went to the interlocutor by name, which is also very important when communicating with unfamiliar people.

We are quite comprehensive as possible in this situation, on his question about the cost of their services and intercepted the initiative, justifying it by what we need to learn more about his problem to answer the question more specifically. Next, he says:

"I got into an accident, a culprit at the traffic police some connections, I fear that I would not commemorate damage for a broken car and would still make you pay from your pocket.

- When and where it happened, what traffic police are considered?

- Moscow prospect, house 48, a week ago. Case in the traffic police of the Moscow region.

Next, we ask more clarifying questions: whether there are some documents, certificates, a scheme of incident, calculation by damage assessment. It follows the answer: "Yes, there is a certificate, there is, there is this ..." It turns out, we have enough source data to understand our client or not our. In this case, this is our client, so we, deciding in this, then have to translate it to the next stage so that it came to us to the primary consultation.

- In this case, I propose to discuss all the details at a personal meeting. When would it be convenient for you to come to us for a consultation?

"I don't see the point in a meeting, you just think about the phone approximate cost, I'm interested only for numbers."

Thus, our first attempt to prescribe a meeting ended in failure. What do we do in this case? In response to his objection, to a replica about the reluctance to come to you, you can say that not all people have an idea how the work of a lawyer is being built. This metaphor can help:

- Lawyers are similar to the doctors: to make a diagnosis, the doctor needs your tests. Do you agree with that? We need to see your documents. For a doctor analyzes, and for a lawyer - your documents

Usually all people say: yes, of course. On the example of work, doctors is well shown. Then you make wiring to the future and on points describe the interlocutor, which will specifically take place on consultation.

- At consultation, we will study your documents, ask you a few clarifying questions, we define exactly how we can help you, we describe the sequence of actions to solve your problem.

We ask this technique, which we talked a little earlier when the structure was disassembered. That is, you ask the program that specifically will happen after he will agree to come and come. Thus, you give a man in the hands of the card, according to which he will need to go through, you have already drawn it for him.

- At the end of the consultation, you will have a clear picture of what and how to do to achieve the desired results.

Here you are the arguments in favor of his personal visit to you, point to his personal benefits he will receive from this consultation. Even a free consultation needs to be sold, because potential customers tend to perceive it as your cunning trick in order to lure money out of them. You, in response to this stereotype, should insert a similar phrase into your scenario: a description of the benefit from the fact that the interlocutor will take advantage of your free or inexpensive service.

- Tell me, will it be convenient for you to drive up to us today or tomorrow?

The second attempt, the second time we throw the fishing rod. Perhaps not all customers you will have such obsuchi, but still you should be to meet such resistance and tactfully process any objections even the most intractable customers.

- How many still cost your services?

How to properly present the price - this is the topic of a separate chapter. We give one of the options for a possible answer:

- I can tell you that we have no lowest rates in the city, and the reason for this is that we make our work well and achieve the result. And the quality costs money, you probably understand it yourself. The price for services begins from ... - (and call the lowest bar). More information can be said after studying your documents.

As a result, you answered the question, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of value, but reasonedly justified why you can not give a specific answer, which would put the client before choosing, contact him for your services or not. Obviously, in his head he has a certain budget, how much he is ready to spend on these services.

Let me remind you that the main purpose of receiving incoming calls is not exhaustive answers to all the questions of the client and do not put it before choosing, buying or not to buy, not to sell him immediately on the telephone contract, because it is much more complicated than this can be done on consultation. You must put yourself a goal of receiving a call - this is not a sale of a large service, but the sale of a small simple step is consulting in the office.

Want more useful materials?

  1. 3 chapters from the book "Law firm by a million: from private practice to market leadership" (PDF, 32 p.)
  2. "Marketing plan to doubling the profit of a law firm from 10 simple steps" (PDF, 22 p.)

Good afternoon friends. We are constantly studying new materials, articles on the Internet, read new books, deal with self-development to learn new techniques and non-standard solutions to their problems. I want to talk to you today on the topic of communicating by phone, or rather, business communication. I came across me to write this article recently read the book Dale Carnegie, which is also relevant today as many years ago.

The topic, of course, this is very extensive, interesting, starting from working with cold calls, the closure of objections, invitations to meet ... before sales by phone.

What article:

  • 1. The purpose of the business conversation.
  • 2. Communication by phone: Business, with a client, examples.
  • 3. How to get a review about working on the phone.
  • 4. How to make a discount on the goods, the service by phone.

The ability to competently conduct a business conversation on the phone will come in handy in your and off-line. Suppose you have and you accept orders on the phone, advise customers about your goods, services, then at the time of the conversation, it is important to close the buyer to buy so that the transaction is 100% succeeded. After all, very often the client refuses to buy, after an illiterate call on the phone.

The purpose of the business conversation on the phone may be different:

For example, these are negotiations, sale of goods or services, receiving mail in order to further communicate, establish contact with the client, contract for the supply, writing to the webinar, workshop, etc.

Communication by phone: Business, with client [examples]

  • 1. When you call the phone for the first time, build a conversation on establishing personal contact.
    So be sure to first be introduced to, further ask the name of the client. "Sorry, please, what is your name." Upon completion of the conversation, it is necessary to find out how to contact him again. Perhaps it will be an email address or specify the number of his personal phone once again. It is necessary to keep yourself another chance to contact this person, if the first conversation failed or to continue communication, negotiations.

At the same time, it is necessary to seem to be every time when you call a person and call it by name to you for the first time. For example, if he said that his name is Sasha, it is not necessary to call him Alexander or Alexander Ivanovich. A person himself determines how you should contact him, it is very important.

  • 2. When you call a person, you will definitely ask whether it is convenient for him to talk now. People are often engaged in their affairs and can get away from the conversation with you if you do not ask such a simple question. And your sale of goods or negotiations will be afraid. Goodwill and your confidence will be an additional advantage.
  • 3. Do not start a conversation by phone according to:
    "I do not distract you" or "bothers you ...".

    The fact is that then you automatically become a weaker position and characterize yourself as an annoying person who bothers and distracts. Remember this when you start the conversation.

  • 4. During business negotiations or sales by phone, try to think in advance that you will tell the client And immediately spoke your call so as not to drive the interlocutor around yes. Perhaps you have stocks, discounts, business offer - here with this and you need to start.

    The conversation should be in the case, take a minimum of time, as a rule, it is 3-5 minutes. For example: "I am engaged in selling ... we have discounts today ..."

    • 5. Think out in your business templates of answers by phone On popular questions, objections, refusals, greetings, i.e., the scenario of conversation or they are also called scripts, algorithms, speech modules.

    For example, scripts for incoming calls are a greeting or outgoing - selling on discounts, shares, invitations.

    • 6. Listen and let's the interlocutor of the opportunity to answer youWhen you call him on the phone. Thus, you make it clear that it is interesting for you, pleasant and you treat him carefully. Remember in the book of Dale Carnegie there are such lines: "When you want to convince someone to do something before talking about" or "to become interesting, be interested."

    • 7. And yet, you do not need to interrupt and argue by phone, If you are a complaint about your business activities. Otherwise, incoherence will appear, and you know what such scenes cums. Better, at the end of the monologue to do so.

      Example: "I understood you by Maria Ivanovna ..." and briefly summarize the claim or "be in your place myself probably would call about this" and briefly the essence of the claim.

      By this you will show that you have listened to the client! I understood what it is dissatisfied and take measures to eliminate discontent. Otherwise, if you try to argue and prove that he is wrong on the phone, his pride would not give you a chance to give up.

    • 8. If you want to incline a person to my opinion, That comes into talking on the phone, do not start it from those questions that you disappear with your interlocutor in opinions. Make it from the very beginning to say: "Yes, yes, good." Hold it as far as you can from the word "no". Using this method will give you the opportunity to keep and attract the client, which may have been lost.
    • 9. The art of communication on the phone includes both the tone of the conversation and the tempo of speech During the conversation. Dale Carnegie wrote very well in his book "How to conquer friends and influence people", which they probably read everything.

    How to get a review about your work, for example, online store on the phone

    The method is working well on the five-point system. The chip is that you ask the client to evaluate the work of the enterprise, based on five points. And then call the minuses and advantages of your work. At the same time, you must build a conversation so.

    For example: "Maria Ivanovna, what you did not like and what I liked (make an emphasis!) In our store."
    The fact is that a person, as a rule, always begins to respond from the end of the sentence, which means the last question. And when he says the pros, then believe the minuses will remain a little, because it will tune into a positive conversation.

    How to make a discount on the goods, the phone service

    Often, the discount is clean, that is, it is simply necessary for a person to feel that he is a lucky person who can bargain, saved, did not overpaid.

    In general, a discount on the purchase of a product or service at the first purchase is not justified. She destroys business. Neither the buyer, nor the seller with each other at the first meeting should not.

    The discount is given, for example, because the person returned to you, repeated purchases, a permanent buyer, brought you to the business of new buyers, purchased a large amount or prolongs the service for a long time.
    By phone, you can make it clear that if he enters this category of customers, then it will be guaranteed to get a certain discount.

    P. S. Of course, these are only the highlights in the world of competent communication by telephone with customers. I hope you were not boring to read and you have learned something important and interesting for yourself. Complete the article with your chips that you use during business communication by phone. Yours faithfully, .

    A, - Hello, "Intercontragress".

    B. - Hello, I called you yesterday relative to the symposium.

    A. - Good afternoon, listen to you.

    B. - Can you provide us with a room for a hundred thirty - one hundred forty person?

    A. - Yes. We can book a conference room for one hundred fifty places.

    B. - This is suitable for us, thanks. And how to make a rental of furniture?

    A. - In the application you need to specify the name of all items and their number.

    B. - How to send you an application?

    A. - You must send a warranty letter to our address. In it you also specify all types of services and their cost.

    B. - Clear. Can I send a letter by mail and fax?

    B. - And after how many days do you get it?

    A. - The letter is usually two to three days.

    B. is quite a long time.

    A. - You can send with a narrative, then it will come to us within two hours.

    B. - So we will do. Thank you very much for comprehensive information.

    A. - Please. All the best.

    The most important mistakes in the culture of communication by phone.

    1. Do not ask if the wrong number scored: "Where did I get?", "And what is this number?" Just specify: "Is it 555-34-56?".

    2. It is impossible, removing the phone and responding, now it is necessary to say: "For a minute" and make the caller wait until we hand over with your affairs. If you definitely can not talk to talk, for example, because you have to open the door, tell me: "I will call you back in a few minutes," and do not forget to fulfill this promise.

    3. Do not risk typing a memory number, if not quite sure that remember it.

    4. Do not play a very witty game "Guess who?" If your colleagues do not recognize your voice.

    5. Do not ask: "What are you doing on Saturday afternoon?", If you want to offer some reason at this time. This question suggests a refusal in advance if the interlocutor is busy or an indefinite answer. You can put it in an awkward position, forcing it to admit that on Saturday evening he is not busy. Better explain what's wrong, and offer if the interlocutor is free at this time, meet him.

    6. Do not say "Hello" when you take off the phone if you are working in a large firm. It is better to pronounce its name.

    7. Do not forget that conversations with employed people need to be briefly.

    8. Do not allow the visitor to listen to you during a telephone conversation, and ask to come in a few minutes or stop the conversation.

    9. Improvisation, call without preliminary preparation of the necessary materials. Not recorded keywords, a conversation plan.

    10. Do not lift the handset for a long time (you need to raise up to 4 calls).

    11. Speak "Hi", "Yes" at the beginning of the conversation. It must be said: "Good morning (day)."

    12. Ask: "Can I help you?", Will asked correctly: "How can I help you?".

    13. An unclear goal of the conversation.

    14. Adverse time to call (lunchtime, end of the working day, etc.).

    15. Monologists instead of listening to answers to the questions.

    16. There is no subsequent record of the business conversation, it is not acceptable to record on random pieces.

    17. Leave the phone unattended at least for a short time.

    18. To speak: "No one", "please call back." You need to record information and the caller's number, promising to call back.

    19. Maintaining parallel conversations.

    20. Non-specific arrangements in the end.

    21. Use an informal communication style in a business environment.

    22. Do not turn the conversation into questioning, asking questions like: "Who am I talking to?" Or "What do you need?".

    It is necessary to monitor its diction. You can not clamp a microphone with your hand when you pass something from the conversation to those who are near - your comments can hear a partner talking to you by phone. In the case of saying complaints or complaints, do not speak partner, that this is not your mistake that you do not do this and that you are not interested.

    In terms of official communication, tone is not allowed. The tone should be calm, discreet, even regardless of the folding setting. Even if your interlocutor is annoyed and expresses discontent, manifests emotional incontinence, owning himself and suppressing a desire to answer the same way, you have an additional advantage. To learn how to own it, it is possible through psychological training and constant attention to his speech. In conflict situations, it is impossible to dump the whole guilt on the other side. Recognition of at least partial responsibility for what happened removes the situation of the "go of the ball" (alternating mutual accusations) and takes a conversation again in the row of a constructive dialogue. It is known that a friendly attitude towards the interlocutor, willingness to listen to him - the basic rule of Russian etiquette.

    To date, the phone is often used as a means for business communication. Increasingly, the firms in the same city are transactions and other agreements with organizations located at the other end of the country. Of course, business negotiations in such cases are most conveniently carried out by telephone.

    However, business communication on the phone is fundamentally different from the private. The most important difference is that when conducting business negotiations, you put on the map not only your personal authority, but also the reputation of the organization in which you work. So, when non-compliance with the ethics of communication by phone, you risk inflicting irreparable damage by your own company.

    Rules for business communication by phone
    Situation 1: You are the initiator of business negotiations on the phone
    Preparation for business conversation by phone

    Before making a business phone call, you need to carefully prepare:

    1. morally tune in to a business conversation;
    2. to clearly formulate the purpose of the upcoming business negotiations;
    3. planning the course of a business conversation by writing all the questions you are interested in on paper;
    4. put all the materials that may be needed during the implementation of telephone conversations (clean sheets, knobs, necessary documents, telephone book);
    5. try to abstract from personal experiences and negative emotions before making a business phone call, because the voice will give your discontent or aggression, and your interlocutor can accept it on your own expense;
    6. choose the most convenient time for you and your partners for business communication by phone. If you are going to call engaged in people, agree on the bottom and the hour of business negotiations on the phone.

    Principles of business communication by phone:

    • When you call the business partner, first of all, you need to introduce yourself and inform the purpose of your call.
    • To carry out business negotiations, choose a friendly even tone of communication.
    • Business negotiations on the phone should be carried out energetically and concisely, avoiding the long-term pauses and the use of blurred phrases.
    • In no case can you try to provide psychological pressure on the interlocutor in the process of business communication, otherwise you risk do not agree.
    • When dealing with the phone, it is imperative to avoid incorrectly asked questions.
    • If you commit an international or long-distance business phone call, make sure that its duration does not exceed 6 minutes.
    • All your requirements or suggestions for business partners should be logically set out and are argued.
    • Clearly and accurately answer all the questions asked by your interlocutor.
    • Record the main items of business negotiations on paper.
    • At the end of the business conversation by phone again, once again voiced all the agreements to which you with your interlocutor managed to come.
    • Since you called, then it is necessary to complete the conversation. An exception is the situation when your interlocutor is older than you.
    • After successful business negotiations, it will also be worthwhile to forward the minutes by faxing a protocol that records the opinions of both parties on all points of the previous business telephone conversation.
    • If in the end of business communication by phone you promise to call back a partner a little later, be able to call back within 24 hours.
    • Do not call business partners on the home phone.
    • If you are going to make a call to your business partner about a private question, first, you should, first, pay attention to the time of day, secondly, try to reduce the time of this call to a minimum.
    • If, by calling, you suddenly do not find the workplace at the workplace, with whom they were going to conduct business negotiations, check when you can call back, but in no case find out where the person needs you.

    Situation 2: A business partner calls you

    If you are calling for work, it is advisable to raise the handset after the second or third call.

    • Answering a phone call in the workplace, you should first welcome the interlocutor, then announce the name of the organization in which he called, and after already introducing himself.
    • In order for you to keep a business conversation right, you need to know how to contact the interlocutor. And, if he did not call his name and patronymic, follows a friendly tone to find out: "Imagine, please!", "I would like to know with whom I say!".
    • We must respond to all the questions asked by your business partner vigorously and accurately. It is also desirable to quickly search for documents and phone numbers necessary for business negotiations.
    • The non-cultural is considered more than two minutes to keep the person who called you waiting. If you do not respond during this time, according to the rules of business etiquette, it has the full right to interrupt the call.
    • If the business partner called you during dinner, you should not make a handset with a pillow. Ask someone from employees to answer the call.
    • The first person should say goodbye, do not take the initiative on himself when it should not.