Who committed with Tataro Mongolian ig. Incomprehensible motifs of Mongols.

Who committed with Tataro Mongolian ig. Incomprehensible motifs of Mongols.
Who committed with Tataro Mongolian ig. Incomprehensible motifs of Mongols.

1243 - After the defeat of Northern Russia, Mongol-Tatars and the death of the Great Vladimir Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich (1188-1238x), Yaroslav Vsevolodovich (1190-1246 +) remained in kind, which became the Grand Duke.
Returning from the Western Wayer, the Bati causes the Grand Duke Jaroslav II Vsevolodovich Vladimir-Suzdalsky in the Horde and presents him in the Khansky bid in Saraj a label (a sign-permission) for a great reign in Russia: "You are older than all princes in Russian."
Thus was carried out and the unilateral act of vassal subordination of Russia Golden Horde was carried out.
Rus, according to the label, lost the right to fight and should have been regularly annually (in spring and autumn) to pay the tribune khans. In Russian principalities - their capitals - were sent to Baskaki (governors) to observe the strict collection of Dani and observing its size.
1243-1252 - This decade was time when the Orda troops and officials were not disturbed by Russia, receiving a timely tribute and expanding external humility. The Russian princes during this period were assessed by the established situation and developed their behavior in relation to Horde.
Two lines of Russian politics:
1. Line of systematic partisan resistance and continuous "point" uprises: ("Beatage, and not the king of serving") - led. kn. Andrei I Yaroslavich, Yaroslav III Yaroslavich, etc.
2. The line of complete, unquestionless submission of the Horde (Alexander Nevsky and most other princes). Many specific princes (Uglitsky, Yaroslavl, and especially Rostov) have established relations with Mongolian Khans, who left them "water and edit." Princes preferred to recognize the Supreme Power of the Orda Khan and donate in favor of the conquerors part of the feudal rent, collected from the dependent population than to risk losing their connections (see "On the arrival of Russian princes in the Horde"). The same policy was performed by the Orthodox Church.
1252 The invasion of "Neryoevo Rachi" first after 1239 in Northeast Rus - the reasons for the invasion: to punish the disobedience of the Grand Duke Andrei I Yaroslavich and speed up the full payment of Dani.
Horde Forces: the nullity army had a significant number - at least 10 thousand people. and a maximum of 20-25 thousand. This indirectly follows from the title of Neryrava (Tsarevich) and the presence of two wings headed by the Dathers - Elabuga (Olabui) and Cotion, as well as from the fact that the nurse could be dispelled on the Vladimir-Suzdal principality and "Speak" him!
Russian forces: consisted of regiments of the KN. Andrei (i.e., regular troops) and squads (volunteer and security detachments) of Tver Goloslav's Voivier, sent by Tver Prince Yaroslav Yaroslavich to help his brother. These forces on the order were less than the Orda in their numbers, i.e. 1.5-2 thousand people.
The progress of the invasion: Crossing R. Klyazma at Vladimir, the punitive ruin of Nurse hurriedly headed to Pereyaslav-Zalessky, where the KN was hidden. Andrei, and, having overtaking the army of the prince, broke his head alone. Ordans plundered and ruined the city, and then occupied all Vladimir Earth and, returning to Horde, "sigh" her.
The results of the invasion: the Ordane army broke and captured tens of thousands of prisoners of peasants (for sale in the eastern markets) and hundreds of thousands of cattle heads and led them to the Horde. Kn. Andrei with the remnants of the squad fled to the Novgorod Republic, which refused to give him asylum, fearing the Ordahn repression. Having fear that any of the "his" will give him Horde, Andrei fled to Sweden. Thus, the first attempt to resist the Horde failed. Russian princes abandoned the resistance line and bends to the line of obedience.
Alexander Nevsky received a label to the Grand Diction.
1255 The first full census of the northeast Russia, conducted by the Horde, was accompanied by spontaneous unrest of the local population, fragmented, inorganized, but combined common demands of the masses: "Do not give numbers of Tatars", i.e. Do not inform them any data that can become the basis for a fixed payment of Dani.
Other authors indicate other census dates (1257-1259)
1257 Attempting to census in Novgorod - in 1255, the census in Novgorod was not carried out. In 1257, this measure was accompanied by the uprising of Novgorod, the exile from the city of Ordane "counters", which led to a complete failure attempt to collect tribute.
1259 Embassy Murz Burke and Quees in Novgorod - punish-control army of the Ordane ambassadors - Murz Berke and the kaucker - sent to Novgorod to collect the tribute to the prevention of antiordan speeches of the population. Novgorod, as always in the case of military danger, gave way to force and traditionally looked off at, and also gave a commitment to himself, without reminders and pressure, to regularly pay tribute, "voluntary" determining its size, without making census documents, in exchange for a guarantee of absence in the city Ordane collectors.
1262 Meeting of representatives of Russian cities with discussion of measures to resist the Horde - it was decided to simultaneously exile collectors of Dani - representatives of the Ordane administration in the cities of Rostov Great, Vladimir, Suzdal, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl, where antiordan folk speeches occur. These riots were suppressed by the Ordane military units who were at the disposal of Baskakov. But nevertheless, the Khansky authorities have already taken into account the 20 years of repeating the repetition of such natural rebellious flashes and refused to have bacquities, having transferred the collection of Dani to the Russian, princely administration.

Since 1263, Russian princes began to bring tribute to the Horde.
Thus, a formal moment, as in the case of Novgorod, turned out to be decisive. Russians have not so much resisted the fact of the payment of the tribute and its size, how many were affected by an inactious, alien composition of the collectors. They were ready to pay more, but "their" princes and their administration. The khan authorities quickly understood all the benefits of such a decision for the horde:
First, the absence of own troubles,
Secondly, the guarantee of the termination of the uprisings and the complete obedience of Russians.
Thirdly, the presence of specific responsible persons (princes), which is always easy, convenient and even "legally" could be brought to justice, punish for non-delinos of Dani, and not deal with the difficult-acting spontaneous folk uprisings of thousands of people.
This is a very early manifestation of specifically Russian public and individual psychology, for which it is important visible, and not significant and which is always ready to make actually important, serious, essential concessions in exchange for visible, surface, external, "toy" and imaginary prestigious will repeat Throughout Russian history until this time.
The Russian people are easy to persuade, draw in a small handout, trifling, but it can not be annoyed. Then he becomes stubborn, inconspicuous and reckless, and sometimes even angry.
But it can be literally taken with bare hands, bother around the finger, if you immediately give way to some trivia. This was well understood by the Mongols, which were the first Ordane Khan - Batu and Berk.

I can not agree with the unfair and humiliating generalization of V.Pokhlebkin. Do not consider your ancestors stupid, trusting savages and judge them with the "height" of the 700 years. There were numerous antiordan speeches - they were suppressed, it is necessary to believe, brutally, not only by the Ordane troops, but also their own princes. But the transfer of the collection of Dani (from which to be released in those conditions was simply impossible) the Russian princes was not a "petty concession", but an important, principal point. Unlike a number of other countries conquered by the Horde, Northeast Russia has kept its political and social system. There was never a permanent Mongolian administration in Russian land, the conditions for his independent development were able to preserve the conditions for its independent development, although not without the influence of the Horde. An example of the opposite genus is the Volga Bulgaria, which under Horde was not able to preserve not only its own ruling dynasty and the name, but also the ethnic continuity of the population.

Later, the Hanskaya Power itself crushed, lost the state wisdom and gradually with his mistakes "raised" from Russia of his as cunning and prudent enemy, which was herself. But in the 60s of the XIII century. Before that, the final was still far away - as many as two centuries. In the meantime, the Horde of Spit Russian princes and through them all the ruus, as she wanted. (Well, the one who is revealed is the last - is it not true?)

1272 The second Ordane census in Russia - under the guidance and supervision of Russian princes, the Russian local administration, she passed peacefully, calmly, without a bitch, without a zadork. After all, "Russian people" conducted it, and the population was calm.
It is a pity that the results of the census are not preserved, or maybe I just don't know?

And the fact that she was held on the Khan orders are that the Russian princes delivered her data in the Horde and these data were directly served by the Ordan economic and political interests, - all this was for the people "for the scenes", all this "did not concern" and did not interest him . The visibility that the census goes "without Tatars" was more important than the entity, i.e. Strengthening the tax oppression of the tax oppression, impoverishment of the population, his suffering. All this "was not visible", and therefore, according to Russian ideas, it means that it was ... was not.
Moreover, in just three decades, which expired from the moment of enslavement, Russian society, essentially, was bothering with the fact of the Ordahn Iga, and the fact that it was isolated from direct contact with the representatives of the Horde and transmitted these contacts exclusively to the princes - quite satisfied it, both ordinary people and noble.
The proverb "From the eye, from the heart of Won" very accurately and correctly explains this situation. As it appears from the then chronicles, the lives of holy and holy father and other religious literature, which was a reflection of the dominant ideas, the Russians of all classes and states did not have any desire to learn their mistakes, to get acquainted with what they were breathing, "what they think like Thought, as they understand themselves and Russia. They saw the "Punishment of God", sent to Russian land for sins. If it were not sinned, did not warm God, there would be no such disasters - the starting point of all clarification by the authorities and the Church of the then "international situation". It is not difficult to see that this position is not only very consistent, but that she, in addition, actually removes the guilt for the enslavement of Russia and from Mongol-Tatars, and from Russian princes, who admitted such a need, and shifts him entirely to the people enslaved and suffered from it all.
Based on the thesis of sinfulness, the churchings called on the Russian people not to the resistance to the invaders, but, on the contrary, to their own repentance and to the submission of Tatars, not only did not condemn the Horde power, but also ... put it as an example of their flock. It was a direct payment by the Orthodox Church given to her by the Khans of huge privileges - release from taxes and shares, ceremonial receptions of Metropolitans in the Horde, the institutions in 1261 by the special Sarai diocese and permission to erect the Orthodox Church directly opposite the Khan bet *.

*) After the collapse of the Horde, at the end of the XV century. All staff of the Sarai Diocese was preserved and translated into Moscow, to the Kratytsky Monastery, and the Sarai Bishops received the title of Metropolitans of Sarai and Podon, and then Kratytsky and Kolomensky, i.e. Formally, they were equalized in the rank with Metropolitans of Moscow and All Russia, although no real CCRKO-political activity was already engaged. This historical and decorative post was liquidated only at the end of the XVIII century. (1788) [approx. V.Pokhlebkin]

It should be noted that on the threshold of the XXI century. We are experiencing a similar situation. Modern "Princes", like the princes of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, are trying to exploit ignorance and the slave psychology of the people and even cultivate it without the help of the same church.

In the late 70s of the XIII century. The period of temporary lodge from Ordigan concentrations in Russia, explained by the decade underlined the humility of Russian princes and the church. The internal needs of the Horde farming, which has learned the permanent profits from the trafficking in slaves (prisoners during the war) on the eastern (Iranian, Turkish and Arab) markets, require a new inflow of funds, and therefore in 1277-1278. The Horde twice makes local raids in the border Russian limits exclusively for alliances.
It is significant that this is not the central khan administration and its military forces, but regional, ulus authorities on the peripheral areas of the territory of the Horde, deciding these raids their local, local economic problems, and therefore strictly limit and place, and time (very short, Sended weeks) of these military shares.

1277- Raja on the Earth of the Galician-Volyn Principality committed under the authority of the Tambouron of the Footholders from the Western Dniester-Dnieper Orda.
1278 - A similar local raid follows from the Volga region to Ryazan, and it is limited only by this principality.

During the period of the next decade - in the 80s and in the early 90s of the XIII century. - New processes in the Russian-Ordi relations occur.
Russian princes, who were mastered in the previous 25-30 years with a new situation and deprived, essentially, all controls from the latch of domestic bodies, begin to reduce their small feudal scores with each other with the help of the Ordane military force.
Just as in the XII century. Chernihiv and Kiev princes fought with each other, calling for Russia's Russia, and the princes of Northeast Russia are struggling in the 80s of the XIII century. With each other for power, relying on the Ordane detachments, which they invite to bodies the principalities of their political opponents, i.e., in fact, coolly call on foreign troops to empty the areas inhabited by Russian compatriots.

1281 - Son Alexander Nevsky Andrei II Aleksandrovich, Prince Gorodetsky, invites the Ordane army against his brother led. Dmitry I Alexandrovich and his allies. This army is organized by Khan Tuda-mengu, who simultaneously gives Andrei II label to the Grand Diction, before the outcome of the military collision.
Dmitry I, escaped from the Khan troops, runs first in Tver, then in Novgorod, and from there to his own ownership in Novgorod Earth - Coporya. But Novgorod, stating themselves loyal to Horde, do not miss Dmitry in his victim and, using the location of her inside the Novgorod lands, makes the prince to disturb all its fortification strengthening and eventually force Dmitry I to escape from Russia to Sweden, threatening to give it to Tatars.
The Ordane army (Kavgadai and Lechegia) under the pretext of the persecution of Dmitry I, relying on the permission of Andrei II, passes and empty several Russian principalities - Vladimir, Tver, Suzdal, Rostov, Murom, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky and their capital. The Ordans reach the trading, practically occupying the entire northeastern Russia to the borders of the Novgorod Republic.
The length of the entire territory from Murom to the tricks (from the east to the west) was 450 km, and from the south to the north - 250-280 km, i.e. Almost 120 thousand square kilometers, which were devastated by military actions. It restores against Andrei II Russian population of ruined principalities, and its formal "job" after the flight of Dmitry I does not bring tranquility.
Dmitry I returns to Pereyaslav and is preparing for Revanshi, Andrei II leaves in the Horde with a request for help, and its allies - Svyatoslav Yaroslavich Tver, Daniel Alexandrovich Moscow and Novgorod, are going to Dmitry I and conclude the world with him.
1282 - Andrei II comes from the horde with Tatar shelves under the leadership of Turay-Temira and Ali, it comes to Pereyaslavl and reonounced Dmitry, who runs this time to the Black Sea, in the possession of the damner of the foot (who at that time was the actual ruler of the Golden Horde) , and, playing on the contradictions of the foot and Sarai Khan, gives the data with the troops on Russia and forces Andrei II to return his great reign.
The price of this "rehabilitation of justice" is very high: Nogai officials are given to the deposit Collection of Dani in Kursk, Lipetsk, Rylsk; Rostov, Murom again exposed to ruin. The conflict of two princes (and the allies joined them) continues all the 80s and in the early 90s.
1285 - Andrei II rides again in the Horde and leads from there a new punitive detachment of Ordahn led by one of the sons of Khan. However, Dmitry I succeeds in successfully and quickly split this detachment.

Thus, the first victory of Russian troops over regular Ordi troops was obsessed in 1285, and not in 1378, on the R. Lake, as usual.
It is not surprising that Andrei II stopped in subsequent years to seek help from Horde.
Small robbing expeditions, the Ordans sent in the late 80s to Russia themselves:

1287 - raid in Vladimir.
1288 - Ryazan and Murom and Mordovian lands, these two raids (short-term) were concrete, local nature and were the goal of the property and seizure of the opponents. They were provoked by a denunciation or a complaint of Russian princes.
1292 - Dedeneva Raint in Vladimir land Andrei Gorodetsky together with Prince Dmitry Borisovich Rostovsky, Konstantin Borisovich Uglitsky, Mikhail Glebovich Belozersky, Fedor Yaroslavl and Bishop Tarasius went to the Orda to complain about Dmitry I Alexandrovich.
Khan Tokhta, having listened to the complainants, divided the significant army under the leadership of his brother Tudan (in Russian chronicles - Dedena) for the punitive expedition.
Dedeneva Raint throughout Vladimir Rus, raving the capital of G.Vladimir and 14 more cities: Murom, Suzdal, Gorokhovets, Starodub, Bogolyubov, Yuriev-Polsky, Gorodets, Uglchepole (Uglich), Yaroslavl, Nerekhta, Kseniatin, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky , Rostov, Dmitrov.
In addition to them, there were intact invasion of only 7 cities lying outside the route of the movement of Tudan's detachments: Kostroma, Tver, Zubtsov, Moscow, Galich Merry, Ungu, Nizhny Novgorod.
On the approach to Moscow (or at Moscow), Tudan was divided into two detachments, one of which went to Kolomna, i.e. south, and the other - to the West: to Zvenigorod, Mozhaysk, Volokolamsk.
In Volokolamsk, the Ordane army received gifts from Novgorod, hurried to bring and present gifts to the Hansky brother far from their lands. Tver did not go to Tver, and returned to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, made by the base, where all the dead mining were overlooked and the prisoners were concentrated.
This hike was a significant pogrom of Russia. It is possible that Klin, Serpukhov, Zvenigorod, not mentioned in the annals. Thus, the area of \u200b\u200bhis actions covered about two dozen cities.
1293 - In winter, a new Ordinian detachment was appeared under the test of Toktemir, which came with punishable goals at the request of one of the princes to induce the order in the feudal strains. He had limited goals, and the chronicles do not describe its route and time of stay in Russian territory.
In any case, all 1293 passed under the sign of the next Orda pogrom, the cause of which was exclusively a feudal rivalry of the princes. It was they who were the main cause of the Ordane repressions who fell into the Russian people.

1294-1315 Two decades are held without any rational invasions.
Princes regularly make tribute, the people, frightened and inflated from previous robberies, slowly heels the economic and human losses. Only the entry into the throne of the extremely powerful and active Khan of Uzbek opens a new period of pressure on Russia
The main idea of \u200b\u200bUzbek is to achieve full disagreement of Russian princes and turn them into continuously warring groups. From here, his plan is the transfer of the Grand Distance to the most weak and unposable prince - Moscow (with Khan Uzbek, Moscow was Yuri Danilovich, who challenged the great reign in Mikhail Yaroslavich Tver) and the weakening of the former rulers of the "strong principalities" - Rostov, Vladimirsky, Tver.
Khan Uzbek practices to ensure the collection of Dani sending together with the prince, received instructions in the Horde, special authorized ambassadors accompanied by military units with a few thousand people (sometimes there were up to 5 dathers!). Each prince collects tribute on the territory of the rival principal.
From 1315 to 1327, i.e. For 12 years, Uzbek sent 9 military "embassies". Their functions were not diplomatic, but military punitive (police) and partly the military-political (pressure on the princes).

1315 - "Ambassadors" of Uzbek accompany the Grand Duke Mikhail Tver (see the table of ambassadors), and their detachments are robbed Rostov and Torzhok, near which they split the detachments of Novgorod.
1317 - Ordan punitive detachments accompany Yuri Moscow and robbed Kostroma, and then try to rob Tver, but suffer a strong defeat.
1319 - The robbery of Kostroma and Rostov again is performed.
1320 - Rostov for the third time becomes a victim of robbery, but mostly ruin Vladimir.
1321 - tribute to be knocked out from Kashin and Kashinsky principality.
The 1322 - Yaroslavl and the city of Nizhny Novgorod Principality are subjected to the punitive campaign at Vivania.
1327 "Shchelknova Raint" - Novgorod, frightened by Horde activity, "voluntarily" pay the Horde tribute to 2000 rubles with silver.
The famous attack of Chelkana's squad (Cholpana) is happening to Tver, known in the chickens as "Shchelknovo invasion", or "Shchelknova Rail". It causes an unprecedented decisive uprising of citizens and the destruction of the "ambassador" and his squad. The "shrimp" is burned in the hut.
1328 - follows a special punitive expedition against Tver under the guidance of three ambassadors - Turayka, Sygg and Fedoroka - and with 5 Dathers, i.e. The whole army that the chronicle determines as "Great Raint". In ruin, Tver, along with the 50th-thousand Ordivanese army, and Moscow Princely Fittings participate.

From 1328 to 1367 - the "Silence" is coming for 15 years.
It is a direct result of three circumstances:
1. Complete defeat of the Tver Principality as a rival of Moscow and thereby eliminating the cause of military-political rivalry in Russia.
2. Timely picking up Dani Ivan Kalita, who in the eyes of Khanov becomes an exemplary performer of the fiscal orders of the Horde and seizes it, in addition, exceptional political humility, and finally
3. The result of an understanding of the Ordane rulers that in the Russian population was determined by the fight against enslavers and therefore, it is necessary to use other forms of pressure and consolidation of the dependence of Russia, except for punitive.
As for the use of some princes against others, this measure is not already universal in the face of the possibly uncontrolled "manual princes" of popular uprisings. It comes a fracture in the Russian-Ordi relationship.
Paradise (invasion) in the central regions of Northeast Russia with an indispensable ruin of its population ceases.
At the same time, short-term raids with robberies (but not ruinable) goals for the peripheral sections of Russian territory, raids on local, limited sites continue to occur and are preserved as the most favorite and most secure for the Ordans, one-sided-short-term military economic action.

New phenomenon from 1360 to 1375 are retaliatory raids, or more precisely, the hikes of Russian armed detachments into the peripherals, dependent on the horde, border with Russia, the Earth - mostly in Bulgars.

1347 - Make a raid on the city of Алексин, border city at the Moscow-Ordan border on the Oka
1360 - The first raid is committed by Novgorod's earliest to Gzhkotin.
1365 - In the Ryazan Principality makes a raid of the Ordini Prince Tagai.
1367 - Prince Temir-Bulat detachments invade the raid to the Nizhny Novgorod Principality, especially intensely in the border strip in R. Pyan.
1370 - A new Ordinsky raid is followed to the Ryazan Principality in the district of the Moscow-Ryazan border. But through the Okaw of Ordans did not let the guard shelves of Prince Dmitry IV Ivanovich stood there. And the Ordans, in turn, noticing resistance, did not strive to overcome it and limited to intelligence.
The invasion raid makes Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich Nizhny Novgorod on the land of "parallel" Khan Bulgaria - Bulat-Temir;
1374 Antiordan uprising in Novgorod - the reason served the arrival of the Ordane ambassadors, accompanied by a large armed suite in 1000 people. This is usual to start the XIV century. The escort was, however, was regarded in the last quarter of the same century as a dangerous threat and provoked an armed attack of Novgorod to the "Embassy", during which the ambassadors and their security were completely destroyed.
The new raid of the scribynikov, who rob not only the city of Bulgar, but are not afraid to penetrate the Astrakhan.
1375 - Ordini raid on Kashin, brief and local.
1376 The 2nd campaign on Bulgars - the United Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod army prepared and implemented the 2nd campaign on Bulgars, and he took the contract from the city in 5,000 rubles with silver. It is unheard of the Russian-Ordane relations of Russians on the territory dependent on the Horde, naturally, causes a response military action.
1377 Early on R. Pyan - at the Border Russian-Ordane territory, on R. Pyan, where Nizhny Novgorod princes prepared a new raid on the Mordovian lands dependent on the horde, they were attacked by the Tsarevich Arapshi squad (Arab-Shaha, Khan Blue Horde ) And suffered a crushing defeat.
On August 2, 1377. The connected militia of the princes of Suzdal, Pereyaslav, Yuroslavl, Yuryevsky, Murom and Nizhny Novgorod was completely interrupted, and the "commander-in-chief" Prince Ivan Dmitrievich Nizhny Novgorod drowned in the river, trying to escape the flight, together with his personal friend and his "headquarters" . This defeat of Russian troops was explained to a large extent losing their vigilance due to multi-day drunkenness.
By destroying the Russian army, Tsarevich's detachments of Arapshi made a raid on the capital of the unlucky princes - Nizhny Novgorod, Murom and Ryazan - and subjected to their complete plunder and burning herd.
1378 Battle on the R. Life - in the XIII century. After such a defeat, Russians usually lost all hunt for 10-20 years, but at the end of the XIV century. The situation has changed completely:
Already in 1378, the ally of the Moscow Grand Duke Dmitry IV Ivan Ivanovich, having learned that the Ordan troops who buried Nizhny Novgorod were intended to go to Moscow under the command of Murza Begich, decided to meet them on the border of his principality on the Oce and prevent to the capital.
On August 11, 1378, on the shore of the right influx of Oka, the river, in the Ryazan principality, the battle occurred. Dmitry divided his army into three parts and at the head of the main shelf attacked the Ordynian army from the front, while Prince Daniel Prison and the Ocolnic Timofey Vasilyevich attacked the Tatars from the flanks, in the girth. The Ordans were broken down by the head and fled behind the river, having lost a lot of killed and calls, which Russian troops captured the next day, rushing to pursue the Tatar.
The battle on the river had a huge moral and military importance as a draft rehearsal in front of the Kulikovsky battle that followed two years later.
1380 Kulikovskaya Battle - Kulikovskaya Battle was the first serious, specially prepared in advance by the battle, and not by random and simprovized, as all previous military clashes of Russian and the Orda troops.
1382 The invasion of Tokhtamysh to Moscow - the defeat of the troops of Mama on the Kulikov field and his flight in Cafa and death in 1381 allowed the energetic Khan Tukhtamysh to commit to the authorities of the chamber in Horde and again unite it into a single state, eliminating "parallel khans" in the regions.
As its main military-political task, Tukhtamys has defined the restoration of the military and foreign policy prestige of the Horde and the preparation of the revengery campaign to Moscow.

The results of the Takhtamysh hike:
Returning to Moscow in early September 1382, Dmitry Donskoy saw the asset and ordered to immediately restore the ruined Moscow at least temporary wooden buildings before the onset of frosts.
Thus, the military, political and economic achievements of the Kulikov battle were completely eliminated by the Horde in two years:
1. The tribute was not only restored, but also increased in fact, because the population decreased, and the size of Dani remained the same. In addition, the people had to pay a great prince a special extraordinary tax to replenish the princely treasury by the Ordans.
2. Politically vassal addiction increased sharply even formally. In 1384, Dmitry Donskaya was forced for the first time to send the hostage of his son, the heir to the throne, the future of the Grand Dmitry Vasily II Dmitrievich, who was 12 years old (according to the generally accepted account, this is Vasily I. V.Pokhlebkin, apparently believes 1 -M Vasily Yaroslavich Kostromsky). The relationship with the neighbors - Tverskaya, Suzdal, Ryazan principles, which specially supported the Horde to create a political and military counterway to Moscow were aggravated.

The situation was really heavy, in 1383, Dmitry Donskoy had to "hide" in Horde for a great reign, which Mikhail Alexandrovich Tver again presented his claims. The reign was left for Dmitry, but the son of his Vasily was taken to the Horde. In Vladimir, the Ambassador of Adash (1383, see "Golden Cores in Russia") appeared in Vladimir. In 1384 it was necessary to collect heavy tribute (half of the village) from all over Russian land, and with Novgorod - black boron. Novgorod residents opened robbery along the Volga and Kame and refused to pay tribute. In 1385, it was necessary to show unprecedented condescension to the Ryazan prince, who decided to attack Kolomna (attached to Moscow in 1300) and won over the troops of the Moscow Prince.

Thus, Russia turned out to be actually discarded in position 1313, with Khan Uzbek, i.e. Almost the achievements of the Kulikov battle were completely crossed. And in the military-political, and in economically, the Moscow principality was discarded 75-100 years ago. Prospects for relations with the Horde, therefore, were extremely dark for Moscow and Russia as a whole. It was planned to assume that the Ordan Igo will be fixed forever (well, the eternal happening nothing!) If there were no new historical accidents happened:
The period of the wars of the horde with the Empire of Tamerlane and the full defeat of the horde during these two wars, violation of all the economic, administrative, political life in the Horde, the death of the Ordane troops, the ruin of both its capitals - Sarahi I and Sarahi II, the beginning of a new trouble, the struggle for the power of several Chanov in the period from 1391-1396. - All this led to the unparalleled weakening of the horde in all areas and caused the need for the Horde Khanov to focus on the turn in the XIV century. and XV century Essentially on domestic problems, temporarily neglected by external and, in particular, weaken the control over Rus.
It was this unexpectedly that the situation has helped the Moscow principality to get a significant respite and restore its strength - economic, military and political.

Here, perhaps, you should interrupt and make several notes. I do not believe in the historical chance of such a scale, and there is no need to explain the further relations between Moscow Rus with the Horde of an unexpectedly happened by a happy accident. Without going into details, we note that by the beginning of the 90s of the XIV century. Moscow, one way or another solved the emerging economic and political problems. The Moscow-Lithuanian agreement concluded in 1384 withdrawal of the Tver Principality from under the influence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian and Mikhail Alexandrovich Tver, having lost support and in Horde, and in Lithuania, recognized the championship of Moscow. In 1385, the son of Dmitry Donskoy Vasily Dmitriyevich was released from the Horde. In 1386, a reconciliation of Dmitry Donskoy with Oleg Ivanovich Ryazansky occurred, which in 1387 was bonded by the marriage of their children (Fedor Olegovich and Sofia Dmitrievna). In the same 1386, Dmitry managed to restore his influence under Novgorod, to restore its influence there, take a black boron in wallates and 8,000 rubles in Novgorod. In 1388, Dmitry collided with the discontent of the cousin and comrades to Vladimir Andreevich, who had to give "in his will," to make the political seniority of his eldest son of Vasily. Dmitry managed to repent of this with Vladimir two months before his death (1389). In the spiritual testament, Dmitry blessed (for the first time) of the eldest son of Vasily "I submit my great reign." Finally, in the summer of 1390, the marriage of Vasily and Sofia, the daughters of the Lithuanian Prince Vitovt, took place in the solemn setting. In Eastern Europe, Vasily I Dmitrievich and Cyprian, who became Metropolitan, which was trying to prevent the strengthening of the Lithuanian-Polish dynastic union and replace the Polish-Catholic colonization of Lithuanian and Russian land consolidation of Russian forces around Moscow. Union with Vitovt, which was against the Catholyatization of Russian lands, which were part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, was important for Moscow, but could not be durable, as Vitovt, naturally, had his own goals and his own vision of what the Russian gathering of Russians should happen Land.
The new stage in the history of the Golden Horde coincided with the death of Dmitry. Then, Tukhtamysh came out of a closer with Tamerlane and began to claim the territory subject to him. The opposition began. Under these conditions, Tohtamysh immediately after the death of Dmitry Donskoy issued a label to the prince of Vladimir his son, Vasily I, and strengthened him, giving him the Nizhny Novgorod Principality and a number of cities. In 1395, Tamerlana's troops smasted Tichtamysh on the Terek River.

At the same time, Tamerlan, destroying the power of the Horde, did not make his trip to Russia. Having reached without fighting and robbery to Yelets, he suddenly turned back and returned to Central Asia. Thus, the actions of Tamerlane at the end of the XIV century. He became a historical factor that helped Russia to survive in the fight against the Horde.

1405 - In 1405, based on the situation in the Horde, the Grand Duke Moscow said for the first time officially, which refuses to pay tribute to Horde. Within 1405-1407. The Horde did not respond in any way to this demarche, but then came the goal of one to Moscow.
Only 13 years after the hike, Takhtamysh (apparently, in the book of a typo - 13 years has passed since Tamerlane's honeycomb), the Ordane authorities could again remember the vassal dependence of Moscow and collect forces for a new campaign to restore the receipt of Dani, discontinued since 1395
1408 Going a bit to Moscow - December 1, 1408. The huge troop of the Dameman of the Fite approached the San Wayway to Moscow and besieged the Kremlin.
From the Russian side to the details, the situation was repeated when Takhtamysh campaign in 1382
1. The Grand Duke Vasily II Dmitrievich, hearing about the danger, like his father, fled to Kostroma (allegedly collect the army).
2. In Moscow, he was left for the head of the garrison, Vladimir Andreevich Khrabrey, Prince Serpukhovsky, the participant of the Kulikovsky battle.
3. The positive of Moscow again was lifted, i.e. All Wooden Moscow around the Kremlin, on the vest in all directions.
4. The unit, approaching Moscow, broke his camp in Kolomensky, and sent a notice to the Kremlin, which will stand all winter and take the Kremlin Emory, without losing a single fighter.
5. The memory of the invasion of Tokhtamysh was still so fresh in Muscovites, which was decided to fulfill any demands of one so that only he left without hostilities.
6. The unit demanded two weeks to collect 3000 rubles. Silver, which was performed. In addition, the troops of the Undar, clarifying the principality and his cities, began to collect all the monitants for the hijacking captive (several tens of thousands of people). Some cities were strongly broken, for example, Mozhaisk was completely burned.
7. On December 20, 1408, having received everything that was required, the Army's army left Moscow, without being attacked, no persecution by Russian forces.
8. The damage caused by the googie was less than the damage from the invasion of Tokhtamysh, but also he was a heavy burden on the shoulders of the population
The restoration of the infincial dependence of Moscow from the Horde has been launched from it almost for another 60 years (until 1474)
1412 - Payment of Tanya Horde has become regular. In order to provide this regularity, the Ordane forces from time to time made frighteningly-resembling raids on Russia.
1415 - the ruin of Horde Yelet (border, buffer) land.
1427 - Ride of Ordane Rugs on Ryazan.
1428 - Ride of the Ordane troops to the Kostroma lands - Galich Merry, ruin and robbery Kostroma, Plesa and Lukh.
1437 - Belevskaya Battle Hike Ulu-Mohammed to Zaoksky Lands. Bellevskaya battle on December 5, 1437 (the defeat of the Moscow troops) due to the unwillingness of the Yuryevich brothers - Shemyaki and Kraschen - allow the troops of Ulu-Mohammed to settle in Bellev and enter into peace. Due to the treason of Lithuanian Voivod Mtsensk Grigory Protasyev, who passed towards the Tatars, Ulu-Muhammed won the Bellevskaya battle, after which he went east, to Kazan, where the Kazan Khanate founded.

In fact, from this point on, the long struggle of the Russian state begins with the Kazan Khanate, which Russia had to lead in parallel with the heir of the Golden Horde - a big orde and completed only Ivan IV Grozny. The first campaign of the Kazan Tatars to Moscow took place in 1439. Moscow was burned, but the Kremlin was not taken. The second campaign of Kazan (1444-1445) led to a catastrophic defeat of Russian troops, the captivity of the Moscow Prince Vasily II of the Dark, the humiliating world and ultimately blinding Vasily II. Next, the raids of the Kazan Tatars on Russia and the response Russian actions (1461, 1467-1469, 1478) are not specified in the table, but they should be borne in mind (see "Kazan Khanate");
1451 - Mahmut's campaign, Kichi-Mohammed's son, to Moscow. I buried Posad, but the Kremlin did not take.
1462 - the cessation of Ivan III of the release of Russian coins with the name of Khan Horde. Statement Ivan III on the refusal of the Khan label to the Grand Diction.
1468 - Hanga Ahmat's campaign to Ryazan
1471 - Camping of Ordans for Moscow Lockers in the Zakov Strip
1472 - The Ordan army came up to the city of Åksin, but did not switch to OKU. Russian army performed in Kolomna. The collisions of the two forces did not happen. Both sides feared that the outcome of the battle would not be in their favor. Caution in conflicts with the Horde is a characteristic feature of Ivan III policy. He did not want to risk.
1474 - Khan Ahmat again approaches the Zakov region, on the border with the Moscow Grand Durability. The world is, or, more precisely, a truce, on the terms of payments to the Moscow Prince of Contribution of 140 thousand altyn in two times: in the spring - 80 thousand, in the fall - 60 thousand Ivan III again avoids military collision.
1480 Great standing on R. Green - Ahmat makes the requirement of Ivan III to pay tribute for 7 years, during which Moscow stopped paying it. Going camping to Moscow. Ivan III acts with the army towards Hanu.

We finish the story of the Russian-Horde relations formally 1481 as the date of death of the last Khan Horde - Ahmat, killed a year after the great standing in the thief, since the Horde really ceased to exist as a state body and administration and even as a certain territory on which jurisdiction and real The power of this once unified administration.
Formally, in the previous territory of the Golden Horde, new Tatar states were formed, much smaller sizes, but managed and relatively consolidated. Of course, almost disappearance of a huge empire could not be accomplished overnight and she could not "evaporate" completely without a trace.
People, peoples, the population of Horde continued to live their former life and, feeling that there were catastrophic changes, nevertheless did not realize them as a complete collapse as the absolute disappearance from the face of the Earth of their former state.
In fact, the process of collapse of hordes, especially at the lowest social level, lasted another three or four decades during the first quarter of the XVI century.
But the international consequences of the decay and disappearance of the horde, on the contrary, they affected pretty quickly and completely clearly, clearly. The elimination of the giant empire, which controlled and influenced the events from Siberia to the Balac and from Egypt to the Middle Urals, two and a half century, led to a complete change in the international situation not only in the specified space, but also radically changed the total international situation of the Russian state and its military-political Plans and actions in relations with the East as a whole.
Moscow managed to quickly, within one decade, to radically rebuild the strategy and tactics of its Eastern foreign policy.
The statement seems to me too categorical: it should be borne in mind that the process of crushing the Golden Horde was not a simultaneous act, but took place during the entire XV century. Accordingly, the policies of the Russian state changed. An example is the relationship between Moscow and Kazan Khanate, which was outlined from the Horde in 1438 and tried to conduct the same policy. After two successful trips to Moscow (1439, 1444-1445) Kazan began to experience increasingly resistant and powerful pressure of the Russian state, which was formally still in vassal dependence on a large horde (during the period under review it is hikes 1461, 1467-1469, 1478. ).
First, an active, offensive line in relation to both rudiments and quite viable Horde's heirs was elected. The Russian kings decided not to make senses to come to his senses, reach half of the defeated opponent, and not to rest at the winners in the laurels.
Secondly, as a new tactical admission, which gives the most useful military-political effect, the etching of one Tatar grouping on another. The Russian armed forces began to include significant Tatar compounds to apply joint blows on other Tatar military formations, and first of all for the remains of the horde.
So, in 1485, 1487 and 1491. Ivan III sent military detachments for strikes on the troops of a big horde, attacked by the ally of Moscow at that time - on the Crimean Khan Mengyli-Gurya.
Especially indicative in military-political relations was so-called. Spring hike 1491 in the "wild field" in converging directions.

1491 Hike in "Wild Field" - 1. The Ordane Khans Seid-Ahmet and Shig-Ahmet in May 1491 were besieged to Crimea. Ivan III united to help his ally Mengly-Hire a huge army of 60 thousand people. Under the guidance of the following warlords:
a) Prince Peter Nikitich Obolensky;
b) Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Repnie-Obolensky;
c) Kasimovsky Tsarevich Sutilgan Merzhulatovich.
2. These independent detachments went to the Crimea so that they had to go on three sides to approach the converging directions to the rear of the Ordane troops to hold them into the ticks, while the Mengyli-Gurya troops would be attacked from the front.
3. In addition, on 3 and 8 June 1491, the allies were mobilized to hit the flanks. These were again the Russians, and Tatar troops:
a) Kazan Khan Mohammed-Emin and his governors Abash-Ulan and Burash Seid;
b) Brothers Ivan III Specific princes Andrei Vasilyevich Big and Boris Vasilyevich with his detachments.

Another new tactical reception introduced from the 90s of the XV century. Ivan III in his military policy with respect to Tatar attacks is a systematic organization of verses over invading Russia by Tatar raids, which was never done before.

1492 - The pursuit of the troops of the two governor - Fedor Kolovovsky and Goryty Sidorov - and their fight with the Tatars in the passfold of fast pines and works;
1499 - chase after a raider of Tatars to Kozelsk, who beat the whole "full" and cattle with the opponent;
1500 (Summer) - Khan Shig-Ahmed's army (large horde) in 20 thousand people. R.Ticha Pine's mouth rose from the mouth, but he didn't even decide to go towards the Moscow border;
1500 (autumn) - a new campaign of even more numerous troops Shig-Ahmed, but further the oven side, i.e. the territory of the North of the Orlovsk region, it did not decide;
1501 - On August 30, the 20,000th army of the big horde began the emptying of the Kursk land, coming to the Rylsk, and by November it came to the Bryansk and Novgorod-Seversk lands. Tatars captured Ghangodgorod-Seversky, but further, in the Moscow lands, and this army of the big horde did not go.

In 1501, the coalition of Lithuania, Livonia and a large horde, directed against the Union of Moscow, Kazan and the Crimea. This campaign was part of the war of Moscow Rus and the Grand District of Lithuanian for the Verkhovsky Principles (1500-1503). It is not necessary to talk about the seizure of the Tatars Novgorod-Seversky lands, which were part of their ally - the Grand Duch of Lithuanian and were captured by Moscow in 1500. In terms of the truce of 1503, almost all of these land moved to Moscow.
1502 Liquidation of a large horde - the army of a large horde remained to winter in the mouth of R. Sym and near Belgorod. Ivan III has agreed then with Mengli-Girem that he will send his troops to drive out of this territory of Shig-Ahmed's troops. Mengley Gary performed this request, applying a big Horde a strong blow in February 1502
In May 1502, Mengli-Garyre was repeatedly defeated by the troops of Shig-Ahmed's mouth at the mouth of R. Sula, where they moved to spring pastures. This battle actually ended with the remnants of a big horde.

So Ivan III was painted at the beginning of the XVI century. With the Tatar states of the Tatars themselves.
Thus, from the beginning of the XVI century. The last remains of the Golden Horde disappeared from historical arena. And it was not only that it completely removed from the Moscow state any threat to invasion from the east, seriously strengthened his security, the main, essential result was a sharp change in the formal and actual international legal status of the Russian state, which was manifested in the change of its international Original relations with the Tatar states - the "heirs" of the Golden Horde.
This was the main historical meaning, the main historical importance of the liberation of Russia from the Ordane addiction.
For the Moscow state, vassal relations ceased, it became a sovereign state, the subject of international relations. This completely changed his position and among the Russian lands, and in Europe as a whole.
Until that, for 250 years, the Grand Duke received only unilaterally from the Horde Chanov labels, i.e. Permits for the right of ownership of their own behavior (by the principality), or, in other words, the consent of the Khan to continue confidence in his tenant and Vassal, to the fact that he will temporarily do not touch this post if he fulfills a number of conditions: to pay tribute to spend a loyal khan Policy, send "gifts", to participate in the case of the need for military events of the Horde.
With the collapse of the Horde and with the emergence of new Khantsi - Kazan, Astrakhan, Krymsky, Siberian on its ruins, - there was a completely new situation: disappeared, the Institute of Vassal Subordination of Russia stopped. This was expressed in the fact that all relations with new Tatar states began to occur on a bilateral basis. The conclusion of bilateral treaties on political issues began, at the end of wars and at the conclusion of the world. And it was precisely the main and important change.
Externally, especially in the first decades, in relations between Russia and Khunnov, there was no noticeable change:
The Moscow Princes continued to epizodically pay the Tatar khans tribute, continued to send them gifts, and the khans of new Tatar states, in turn, continued to maintain the old forms of relations with the Moscow Grand Durability, i.e. Sometimes they arranged, like the Horde, hiking against Moscow up to the walls of the Kremlin, resorted to devastating raids behind the halves, hijacked the cattle and robbed the property of the Grand Prince of the Great Prince, demanded that it would pay to the ending and so on. etc.
But after the completion of hostilities, the parties began to sum up the legal results - i.e. Choose your victories and defeats in bilateral documents, enter into peaceful or truce agreements, sign written obligations. And it was precisely that that significantly changed their genuine relations, led to the fact that the entire relationship of the forces of both parties was actually changed significantly.
That is why for the Moscow state it became possible to work to work on changing this relationship in their favor and to achieve in the end of the weakening and elimination of new hanses arising on the ruins of the Golden Horde, not within two and a half centuries, but much faster - less than 75 years, in the second half of the XVI century.

"From Russia's Russia to the Empire of the Russian." Shishkin Sergey Petrovich, Ufa.
Vladimir Pipokhlebkin "Tatars and Rus. 360 years of relations in 1238-1598." (M. "International Relations" 2000).
Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. Ed - E 4, M. 1987.

how much did the Tatar-Mongolian Goo last on Russia !! ! Needless

  1. there was no need
  2. many thanks for the answers
  3. from the launched Russians for the cute soul ....
  4. there was no Mongol Mongu Manga with the Turkic Eternal Nice Manga Tatars
  5. from 1243 to 1480
  6. 1243-1480. With Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, it should be used when he received a label from the Khan. And ended in 1480 it is considered. The Kulikovo field was in 1380, but then the Horde took Moscow with the support of Poles and Lithuanians.
  7. 238 years old (from 1242 to 1480)
  8. judging by the numerous facts of the inconsistency of history and were, - can be sun. For example, it was possible to hire nomads "Tatars" to hire any princess and seems to be a "yoke" anything else, as the army hired by the Kiev Prince for the change of faith of Orthodox to Christian ... It turned out.
  9. from 1243 to 1480
  10. There was no yoke, under this covered civil war between Novgorod and Muscovy. They proved
  11. from 1243 to 1480
  12. from 1243 to 1480
  13. Mongol-Tatar Igo in Russia (1243-1480), the traditional name of the Russian land operating system by Mongol-Tatar conquerors. Installed as a result of the invasion of Batya. After the Kulikov battle (1380) was rated. Finally overthrown Ivan III in 1480.

    In the spring of 1238, the Tatar-Mongolian army of Khan Batiya, has repaired Russia for many months, it turned out to be at the Kaluga land under the walls of Kozelsk. According to the Nikonovsky chronicles, the Terrible conqueror of Russia demanded the delivery of the city, however, Kozelchi responded with refusal to decide "heads to possess the Christian faith." For seven weeks, the siege lasted and only after the destruction of the wall with a trumpeted guns, the enemy managed to climb the shaft, where the "brightness is great and sled evil." Part of the defenders went beyond the walls of the city and died in an unequal battle, destroying up to 4 thousand Tatar-Mongolian warriors. Bugged into Kozelsk Battered ordered to destroy all the inhabitants, "Before the sucking of the mamomle," and the city was commanded to call "evil hail." The feat of Kozelchan, which despose death and not conquered the strongest enemy, became one of the bright pages of the heroic past of our Fatherland.

    In the 1240s. Russian princes were in political dependence on the Golden Horde. The period of Tatar-Mongolian yoke began. At the same time, in the XIII century. Under the rule of Lithuanian princes, the state began to develop, which included Russian lands, including part of Kaluga. The border between the Grand Durability of the Lithuanian and the principality of Moscow was established by the rivers Oka and Ugra.

    In the XIV century The territory of the Kaluga Territory became the place of permanent confrontation between Lithuania and Moscow. In 1371, Lithuanian Prince of Olgend in the complaint of the Konstantinople Patriarch, the Philofy at the Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, among the casualties taken by Moscow, for the first time, calls Kaluga (in domestic sources of Kaluga, first mentioned in Dmitry Donskoy, who died in 1389 .). Traditionally it is believed that Kaluga arose as a border fortress to protect the Moscow principality from the attack by Lithuania.

    Kaluga Cities of Tarusa, Obolensk, Borovsk et al. Attached in the struggle of Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskoy) against the Golden Horde. Their squads participated in 1380 in the Kulikov battle. A significant role in the victory over the enemy was played by the famous commander Vladimir Andreevich Khrabrey (Specific Prince Serpukhovsky and Borovsky). In the Kulikovsky battle killed by Tarusk Princes Fedor and Mstislav.

    After a hundred years, the Kaluga land became the place where the events were occurring the end of the Tatar-Mongolian IGU. The Grand Duke Ivan III Vasilyevich, who turned over during the years of his board from the Moscow specific prince in the Self-dealer of all Russia, in 1476 he stopped paying the annual cash "exit", which was collected from Russian land from the times of Batya. In response to 1480 Khan Akhmat, in the Union with the Polish-Lithuanian King Casimir IV, made a campaign to Russian land. Ahmat's troops moved through Mtsensk, Odoev and Latubest to Vorotynsk. Here Khan expected help from Casimir IV, but did not wait for it. Crimean Tatars, Ivan III allies, distracted Lithuanian troops, attacking Podolsk Earth.

    Without receiving the promised submits, Ahmat went to the thief and, becoming on the shore against the Russian regiments, in advance of Ivan III in advance, attempted to go to the river. Several times, Ahmat tried to break through the coast of Ugra, but all his attempts were taken by Russian troops. Soon the river began to freeze. Ivan III ordered all the troops to Kremema, and then to Borovsk. But, Ahmat decided to pursue the Russian troops and retreated from the Ugra. The last campaign of the Gold Towns on Russia ended with a complete failure. Receivers of the Terrible Batius were powerless before the state united around Moscow.

There are many rumors around the period of Tatar-Mongolian invasion, with some historians even talk about the plot of silence, which actively moved into Soviet times. Approximately 44 years of the last century, according to some strange and incomprehensible reasons, studies of this historical time period were completely closed for specialists, that is, completely stopped. Many have retained the official version of the story in which the Orthodox period was presented as dark and troubled times, when the evil invaders were hardly exploited by Russian principality, putting them in vassal dependence. Meanwhile, the Golden Horde had great importance to the economy, as well as the culture of Russia, throwing its development just for those three hundred years that the rules and commanded. When the Mongol-Tatar yoke was finally overthrownThe country healed in a new way, and the Moscow Grand Duke turned out to be wiped, what will be discussed.

Joining the Novgorod Republic: Liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke began with a small

It is worth saying that the overthrow of the Goldenordinian yoke occurred at the Moscow Prince, and rather the king Ivan III Vasilyevich, and this ended in the process of more than half a century, in 1480. But they preceded him quite exciting and striking events. It all started with the fact that the once-great empire built by Genghis Khan and presented to them to her son, the golden horde is already the middle of the fourteenth - the beginning of the fifteenth centuries, it was simply to fall apart on pieces, divided into smaller cohanes-uluses, after the death of Khan Janibek. His grandson Isata tried to unite his lands, but suffered a defeat. Following this, the Great Han Tukhtamam who came after this, the Great Khan Tukhtamysh stopped the confusion and the inner launcher, while restored by the former glory, and began to restore the horror of the continuous land of Russia.


In the midnight of the thirteenth century, the merchants of Muslim people were charged with Russian merchants, who were called the beautiful word "degenere." It is entertaining that this word is firmly included in the conversational, national language, and a person who had a different faith, as well as the exorbitant "appetites", called Basurmannaya for a long time, and now you can hear a similar word.

The situation unfolded, meanwhile, not at all favorable for the orders, because from all sides the Horde was surrounded and enemies, not letting her sleep. Already in 1347, by order of the Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskoy), the payment of the Order of the Hana was completely discontinued. And it was them that it was conceived to unite the Russian lands, but Novgorod stood on the way, together with his free republic. Moreover, the oligarchy, which established his own, powerful power there, tried to restrain the onslaught, both from Muscovy, and the pressure of dissatisfied popular masses, the party device began to gradually lose relevance. The end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke has already loomed on the horizon, but was still ghostly and vague.

Big campaign to Novgorod: The overthrow of the Goldenordinsky yoke is a matter of technology and time

It was because of this that the people became increasingly to look at Moscow than on their own rulers, and even more so, on the orders of the Ordans weakened by the time. Moreover, positive reform of 1410 became a turning point and the boyars came to power, moving the oligarch to the background. It is clear that the collapse was simply inevitable, and he came when, at the beginning of the seventies, part of the Novgorod residents, under the leadership of the Boretsky, and completely passed under the ward of the Lithuanian Prince, it was the last point in the Patience of Moscow. Ivan III did not have anything else, as soon as the power to attach Novgorod, that he successfully tested, having collected under his own banner of the army of almost all subjects of land and land.

Moscow chronicles, whose testimonies were preserved, considered the campaign of the Moscow king to Novgorod a real war for faith, and, consequently, against the innerians, against the appeal of Russian lands in Catholicism, and even more so in Islam. The key battle was held in the lower reaches of the river Sheloni, and most of the Novgorod people, straight speaking, fought the sleeves, because the oligarchs did not feel special needs, and the desires did not have.

Not an adherent of the Moscow Principality, Archbishop Novgorod, decided to make a move of a horse. He wanted to preserve the independent position of his own lands, but he expected to negotiate with the prince of Moscow, and not with local, and even more so, not with the orders. Therefore, all his regiment most of the time simply stood on the spot, and did not enter into battle. These events also played a big role in the overthrow of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, significantly approaching the end of the Golden Horde.

Contrary to the hopes of the archbishop, Ivan III did not want to go at all for compromises and agreements at all, and after the waters in Novgorod, the Moscow government, drastically solved the problem - most of the optocobal boyars were referred to the central part of the country, and the land that they belonged to them, simply seized. Moreover, the people of Novgorod such actions of the king approved, because they were destroyed by those boyars who did not give lives to people, establishing their own rules and orders. In 1470, the end of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, because of the boat in Novgorod, he played with new colors and approached overly. Already by 1478, the republic was completely abolished, and even the evening bell was removed from the bell tower and took to Muscovy. Thus, Novgorod, coupled with all his lands, became part of Russia, but retained the status and liberty.

Liberation of Russia from the Ordane Iga: Date is known to even children

In the meantime, while Rus forcibly sucked good and bright, which was actually so, the Golden Horde began to tear into pieces of small khans, wanting to tear the piece more. Each of them, in words wished the reunification of the state, as well as the revival of the former glory, but in fact it turned out somewhat differently. Ahmed-Khan, the undemless rulers of a big horde, decided to resume trips to Rus, to force her to pay tribute again, receiving labels and letters from Khanate for it. For this purpose, he decided to conclude a deal, in fact, to enter into allied relations with Casimir IV, the King of Polish-Lithuanian, which was successful and touched, without even imagining that it would be wrapped.

If we talk about who defeated the Tatar-Mongolian Igo in Russia, it will certainly be the right answer will be the Grand Duke of Moscow, which opened at the time, as already mentioned, Ivan III. Tatar-Mongolian IHO was overthrown with him, and the union of many lands under the wing of ancient Russia also his hands. However, the brothers of the Prince of Moscow did not share his views at all, and indeed, it was believed that he didn't deserve himself at all deservedly, because they only waited when he would make an invalid step.

In political terms, Ivan the third turned out to be an extremely wise ruler, and at the time when the Horde experienced the greatest difficulties, decided to cast a castle, and entered into an alliance with Crimean Khan, named Mengli-Gary, who had his own tooth to Ahmed-Khan. The thing is that in 1476, Ivan flatly refused to visit the Lord of a big horde, and he, as it were, in retaliatory, he captured the Crimea, but already after just two years, Mengyli Gary managed to regain the Crimean land and power, not without military support from Turkey. From now on, just started the overthrow of Mongolian IGA., After all, Crimean Khan signed the Union with Moscow Prince, and it was a very wise decision.

Great standing in Ugra: the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke and the fall of a big horde

As already mentioned, Ivan's politician was quite advanced, he perfectly understood that the fall of the Mongol-Tatar yoke was inextricably connected with the reunification of Russian lands, and for this we need allies. Mengli Garymy could calmly help Ahmed-Khan to install a new Horde, and return the payments of Dani. Therefore, it was extremely important to enlist the support of the Crimea, especially because of the Union of Ordans with Lithuanians and Poles. It was Mengli-Gire who struck Casimir for the troops, preventing their assistance to the Ordans, but it would be better if you keep the chronology that took place then events.

The quiet and hot May day of 1480, Ahmet raised his army and made a campaign on Russia, Rusichi began to occupy positions at the Oka River. Moreover, the Ordans moved up the Don, raving along the road quite large areas, which is located between Serpukhov and Kaluga. The son of Ivan's third led his army to meet Horde, and the king himself went to Kolomna with a rather large detachment. At the same time, the Livonian Order besieged Pskov.

Ahmad got to Lithuanian land, that with southern rivers of the River Ugra and stopped, waiting for his troops to join the allied division of Kazimir. It was necessary to wait for a long time, because in just then, they had to reflect the fierce attacks of Mengli-Hires on the Podolia. That is, they were absolutely not up to some Ahmat, who all the fibers of his soul wanted only one - the resumption of the former glory and wealth of his own people, and maybe the state. After some time, the main forces of both armies stood on different shores of Ugra, waiting when someone attacks first.

Not much time passed, and the Ordans began to starve, and the lack of food reserves played a key role in the battle. So, to the question who defeated the Mongol-Tatar yoke, there is another answer - hunger, and he is completely true, the truth is somewhat indirect, and nevertheless. At the same time, Ivan III decided to make concessions to his own brothers, and those with squads were also pulled into Ugric. They stood quite a long time, so that the river completely fastened the ice. Ahmatu was unpleasant, he was in full confusion, and for the completeness of happiness, they also arrived at all, not good news - in Sarah, a conspiracy came in and began to ferment the minds. In the last fall, in November of the same year, the poor Ahmat decided to declare a retreat. From powerless anger, he fought and robbed everything that came across on his way, and soon after the New Year was killed by another enemy - Ibak, Khan Tyumensky.

After Rus was freed from the Orda yoke, the payment of a given on vassal addiction was still resumed by Ivan. He was very busy with the war with Lithuania and Poland to argue, therefore easily recognized the right Ahmed, the son of Ahmat. For two years, 1501 and 1502, the tribute was adjusted regularly and delivered to the execution of the horde than that and supported its livelihood. The fall of the Golden Horde led to the fact that Russian possessions began to border with the Crimean Khanate, because of which these differences began between the rulers, but this is already the story not at all the dedignation of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.


  • 1123. The battle of Russian and Polovtsy with Mongols on the river Kalka
  • 1237 - 1240. Conquesting Rus Mongolami
  • 1240 by the defeat of the prince Alexander Yaroslavovich Swedish knights on the River Neva (Nevskaya Battle)
  • 1242 by the defeat of the Knince Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky Crusaders on the Church of the Lake (Ice Battery)
  • 1380 Kulikovskaya battle

The beginning of the Mongolian conquests of Russian principalities

In the XIII century. The peoples of Russia had to endure a hard struggle with tatar-Mongolian conquerorswho were dominated in Russian lands to the XV century. (Last century in a softer form). Direct or indirectly, the Mongolian invasion contributed to the fall of the political institutions of the Kiev period and the growth of absolutism.

In the XII century In Mongolia, there was no centralized state, the bonding tribes was achieved at the end of the XII century. Temuccin, leading one of the birth. At the general meeting ("Kurultai") representatives of all kinds in 1206 G. He was proclaimed Great Khan with the name Genghis("Infinite Force").

As soon as the empire was created, she began its expansion. The organization of Mongolian troops was founded on the decimal principle - 10, 100, 1000, etc. The Imperial Guard was created, which controlled the entire army. Before the appearance of firearms mongolian cavalry She took up in steppe wars. She is was better organized and trainedthan any army of nomads of the past. The reason for success was not only perfection of the Mongol military organization, but also the unpreparedness of rivals.

At the beginning of the XIII century, won part of Siberia, the Mongols began in 1215 to conquer China.They managed to capture all his northern part. From China, Mongols was taken out of the newest military equipment and specialists. In addition, from among the Chinese, they received frames of competent and experienced officials. In 1219, Genghis Khan's troops invaded Central Asia. Following Central Asia was captured Northern IranAfter that, Chingis Khan's troops made a robbed trip to the Transcaucasus. From the south they came to the Polovytsky steppes and defeated Polovtsy.

Poland's request to help them against a dangerous enemy was adopted by Russian princes. The battle between Russian-Polovtsy and Mongolian troops occurred on May 31, 1223 on the river Kalka in the Azov. Not all Russian princes, who promised to participate in the battle, put their troops. The battle ended with the defeat of Russian-Polovkoy troops, many princes and warriors died.

In 1227, Genghis Khan died. Great Khan was elected a sophisticated, his third son.In 1235, Kurultay gathered in the Mongolian capital, where it was decided to begin the conquest of Western lands. This intention posed a terrible threat to Russian lands. At the head of the new campaign, the nephew of Meggie - Batu (Baty).

In 1236, Batiya's troops began a campaign for Russian lands. Defeating Volzhskaya Bulgaria, they headed for the conquest of the Ryazan Principality. Fighting the invaders of Ryazan princes, their squads and citizens had to be alone. The city was burned and looted. After taking Ryazan, Mongolian troops moved to Kolomna. In battle, under Kolomna, many Russian warriors died, and the battle himself was defeated for them. On February 3, 1238, Mongols approached Vladimir. Sending the city, the invaders sent to Suzdal a detachment that took and burned it. Mongols stopped only before Novgorod, because of the dissolve, turning south.

In 1240, the Mongolian offensive renews.Ceing and destroyed Chernigov and Kiev. Hence the Mongolian troops moved to Galico-Volyn Rus. Capturing Vladimir-Volynsky, Galich in 1241. Bati invaded Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Moravia, and then in 1242 reached Croatia and Dalmatia. However, in Western Europe, Mongolian troops entered significantly weakened powerful resistance to them in Russia. This explains in many ways that if the Mongols managed to establish their IHO, the Western Europe experienced only the invasion and then on a smaller scale. In this, the historical role of the heroic resistance of the Russian people invasion of the Mongols.

The result of the grand vote of Batya was the conquest of the enormous territory - South Russian steppes and forests of Northern Russia, the region of the Nizhny Danube (Bulgaria and Moldova). The Mongol Empire included now a whole Eurasian continent from the Pacific Ocean to the Balkans.

After the death of Hedgehy in 1241, most supported the candidacy of the son of Megga Gaiuk. The latter became the head of the strongest regional Khanate. He founded his capital in Saraj (north of Astrakhan). His power extended to Kazakhstan, Khorezm, Western Siberia, Volga, North Caucasus, Rus. Gradually, the western part of this ulus became known as Golden Horde.

Fighting Russian people with Western aggression

When the Mongols occupied Russian cities, Swedes, threatening Novgorod, appeared at the mouth of the Neva. They were defeated in July 1240 by the young prince Alexander, who received the name of Nevsky for his victory.

At the same time, the Roman Church made acquisitions in the Baltic Sea countries. Back in the XII century, the German knighthood began the seizure by the Slavs of Lands for Oder and in the Baltic Pomorie. At the same time, an offensive on the lands of the Baltic peoples was conducted. The invasion of the Crusaders on the lands of Baltic States and the North-Western Rus was authorized by the Roman dad and the German Emperor Friedrich II. In the Crusade, German, Danish, Norwegian knights and military from other northern countries of Europe took part in the cross hike. The offensive on Russian lands was part of the Doctrine "Drang Nach Osten" (On-East).

Baltic in the XIII century.

Together with his buddy Alexander, a sudden blow liberated Pskov, Izborsk and other captured cities. Having received the news that the main forces of the Order go on him, Alexander Nevsky blocked the way to knights, placing his troops on the ice of the Church of the Lake. Russian prince showed himself as an outstanding commander. The chronicler wrote about him: "By winning everywhere, and not we defeat Nicoli." Alexander posted troops under the cover of the steep shore on the ice of the lake, eliminating the possibility of enemy intelligence of his forces and having deprived the opponent's freedom of maneuver. Considering the construction of the Knights of the "Pigs" (in the form of a trapezium with a sharp wedge ahead, which was a heavy cavalry), Alexander Nevsky placed his shelves in the form of a triangle, tightening to the shore. Before the battle, some Russian warriors were equipped with special hooks to paint the knights with horses.

On April 5, 1242, a battle was held on the ice of the Lake Lake, the name of the Ice Bullings. Knight wedge struck the center of the Russian position and buried to the shore. Flange strikes of Russian regiments decided the outcome of the battle: like ticks, they squeezed the knightly "pig". Knights, not withstanding the blow, fled in a panic. The Russians pursued the enemy, "sequels, hacking behind him, as in the air," the chronicler recorded. According to the Novgorod chronicle, in the battle "German 400 and 50 captured"

Thuscitically resisting the enemies Western Alexander was extremely patient against East Natík. The recognition of the sovereignty of Khan liberated his hands to reflect the Teutonic Cross Walk.

Tatar-Mongol yoke

Persistently resisting the enemies Western, Alexander was extremely patient against East Natík. Mongols did not interfere in the religious affairs of their subjects, while the Germans tried to impose their faith to the conquered peoples. They led the grungeous politics under the slogan "whoever does not want to be baptized, he must die!". The recognition of the sovereignty of Khan dismissed the strength to reflect the Teutonic Cross Walk. But it turned out that from the "Mongol Flood" is not easy to get rid of. Rmongols of Russian lands were forced to recognize the vassal dependence on the Golden Horde.

In the first period of the Mongolian Board, the collection of taxes and mobilization of Russians in Mongolian troops was carried out according to the orders of the Great Khan. And money, and recruits went to the capital. With Gauca, the Russian princes went to Mongolia to receive a label to the reign. Later it was enough to travel to the barn.

The incessant struggle that the Russian people led to the invaders led Mongol-Tatars to refuse to create their administrative authorities in Russia. Rus has kept its statehood. This contributed to the presence of own administration and church organization in Russia.

To control the Russian lands, the Institute of Vicers-Baskakov - managers of Mongol-Tatars military units, who followed the activities of Russian princes. Donos Baskakov in the Horde ended inevitably either by challenging the prince in the barn (often he was deprived of a label, and even life), or a punitive campaign in a dismissed land. It is enough to say that only for the last quarter of the XIII century. 14 such campaigns were organized into Russian lands.

In 1257, Mongol-Tatars have taken a census of the population - "recording to the number". In the cities sent deremen (Muslim merchants), which Dani's collection was given to the deposit. Dani size ("output") was very large, only "Tsareva Dan", i.e. Tribute in favor of Khan, which was first collected in kind, and then money was 1300 kg of silver per year. Permanent tribute was complemented by "requests" - one-time charges in favor of Khan. In addition, deductions from shopping duties, taxes for the "feeding" of khansky officials, etc. were included in the Khan tremury. There were 14 types of data in favor of Tatars.

The Orda Igo began to slow down the economic development of Russia, destroyed its agriculture, undermined the culture. The Mongolian invasion led to the fall of the role of cities in the political and economic life of Russia, the urban construction was suspended, visual and applied art declined. The serious consequence of the IGA was the deepening of the disunity of Russia and the separation of individual parts. A weakened country could not defend a number of Western and southern regions captured later by the Lithuanian and Polish feudals. It was applied to the strike of trade relations between Russia with the West: trading relations with foreign countries were preserved only at Novgorod, Pskov, Polotsk, Vitebsk and Smolensk.

The turning point was 1380, when Moma's many thousandmami was crushed on the casing field.

Kulikovsky battle 1380

Rus began to increase, the dependence of it from the horde is increasingly weaker. The final liberation occurred in 1480 at the sovereign Ivan III. By this time, the period ended, the gathering of Russian lands occurred around Moscow and.

It has not been a secret for a long time that "Tatar-Mongolian Iga" was not, and no Tatars with Mongols did not conquer Russia. But who and for what falsified the story? What was hidden for the Tatar-Mongolian igom? Bloody Christianization of Russia ...

Exists a large number of The facts that not only definitely refute the hypothesis about the Tatar-Mongolian IHE, but also suggest that the story was distorted deliberately, and what was done with a completely definite goal ... But who and why did the story intentionally distorted the story? What real events did they want to hide and why?

If you analyze historical facts, it becomes obvious that the "Tatar-Mongolian Igo" was invented in order to hide the consequences of the "baptism" of Kievan Rus. After all, this religion was imposed by far from a peaceful way ... In the process of "baptism", most of the population of the Kiev Principality was destroyed! Definitely it becomes clear that those forces that stood behind the imposition of this religion in the future and fabricated the story, putting the historical facts for themselves and their goals ...

These facts are known to historians and are not secret, they are publicly available, and everyone who wants without any problems can find them on the Internet. Owning scientific research and justification, koi are already described quite widely, summarize the main facts that refute the big lies about the "Tatar-Mongolian IHE".

French engraving Pierre Duflos (1742-1816)

1. Chingis Khan

Previously, 2 people answered in Russia for the management of the state: Prince and Khan. Prince answered the management of the state in peacetime. Khan or "Military Prince" took the Brazda of Department for himself during the war, in peacetime on his shoulders they were responsible for the formation of the Horde (army) and maintaining it in combat readiness.

Genghis Khan is not a name, but the title of "Military Prince", which, in the modern world, is close to the post of commander-in-chief of the army. And people who wore such title were somewhat. Timur was the most outstanding of them, it is usually about him, when they talk about Genghis Khan.

In the preserved historical documents, this person is described as a high height warrior with blue eyes, very white leather, a powerful reddish chapel and a thick beard. What obviously does not correspond to the signs of the representative of the Mongoloid race, but it is fully suitable for the description of Slavic appearance (L.N. Gumilyov - "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe.").

In modern "Mongolia" there is not a single folk epic, in which it would be said that this country conquered almost all Eurasia in antiquity, exactly, like nothing and about the great conqueror of Genghis Khan ... (N.V. Levashov "visible and invisible genocide ").

Reconstruction of the Throne of Genghis Khan with a genital tammy with a swastika

2. Mongolia.

The state of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when the Bolsheviks arrived in the nomads living in the desert in the desert, and they were the descendants of the Great Mongols, and their compatriot created the Great Empire in his time, which they were very surprised and delighted . The word "Mogul" has a Greek origin, and means "the Great". This word Greeks called our ancestors - Slavs. It does not have any attitude towards the name of any people (N.V. Levashov "visible and invisible genocide").

3. The composition of the army "Tatar-Mongols"

70-80% of the Army "Tatar-Mongols" amounted to Russians, the remaining 20-30% accounted for other small peoples of Russia, actually, as well as now. This fact clearly confirms the fragment of the icon of Sergius of the Radonezh "Kulikovskaya Battle". It is clearly clearly seen that the same warriors are fighting on both sides. And this battle is more like a civil war than a war with a foreign conqueror.

Museum description Icons say: "... in the 1680s. Moving with a picturesque legend of "Mamaev Boy" was added. In the left side of the composition depicted cities and villages, who sent their warriors to help Dmitry Donskoy - Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Rostov, Novgorod, Ryazan, the village of Kurba near Yaroslavl and others. Right - Mama's camp. In the center of the composition of the scene of the Kulikovsky battle with a duel of overreach with a lubeem. On the lower field - a meeting of victorious Russian troops, the burial of the dead heroes and the death of Mama ".

On all these pictures, taken from both Russian and European sources, are depicted by the battles of RUSS with Mongol-Tatars, but nowhere can I define who Rusich, and who is Tatar. Moreover, in the latter case, the Russians, and the "Mongol-Tatars" are closed in almost the same gilded armor and helmets, and they fight under the same gauge with the image of the deceasure of the unclean. Another thing is that the "saved" in the two opposing parties was most likely different.

4. What did Tatar-Mongola look like?

Pay attention to the drawing of the tomb of Heinrich II pious, which was killed on the Legnitis field.

The inscription is as follows: "Tatar's figure under the legs of Heinrich II, Duke Silesia, Krakow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, killed in the battle with Tatars at the lignice on April 9, 1241. As we see from this "Tatar" completely Russian appearance, clothing and weapons.

In the following image - "The Khan Palace in the capital of the Mongolian Empire Hanbalyke" (It is believed that Hanbalyk is supposedly Beijing).

What is "Mongolian" here and what is "Chinese"? Again, as in the case of the Tomb of Heinrich II, we are in front of us - people of clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, shooting caps, the same vane beards, the same characteristic saber blades called "Elman". The roof on the left is a practically exact copy of the roofs of older rubers ... (a. Bushkov, "Russia, which was not").

5. Genetic examination

According to the latest data obtained as a result of genetic studies, it turned out that the Tatars and Russians have very close genetics. Whereas the differences in the genetics of Russian and Tatars from the genetics of the Mongols are colossal: "The distlies of the Russian gene pool (almost completely European) from Mongolian (almost entirely central-Asian) is really great - this is like two different world ..."

6. Documents during the period of Tatar-Mongolian yoke

During the existence of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, a single document has been preserved in Tatar or Mongolian. But there are many documents of this time in Russian.

7. The lack of objective evidence confirming the hypothesis about the Tatar-Mongolian ig

At the moment there are no originals of any historical documents that would objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongolian IHO. But there are many fakes, designed to convince us in the existence of fiction called "Tatar-Mongolian Igo". Here is one of these fakes. This text is called "the word about the death of the Russian Earth" and in each publication is declared "by passage from the poetic work that has not come to us ... About the Tatar-Mongolian invasion":

"Oh, light bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! Many beauties are glorified by many ... Lakes are famous for many, rivers and sources of locally, mountains, steep hills, high dumbers, clean fields, wonderful beasts, various birds, countless cities, villages of the glorious, gardens of monastic, temples of God and Princes of Grozny, boyars honest and Many mokes. All you are filled, the Russian land, about the Orthodox faith of Christian! .. "

In this text, there is not even a hint of "Tatar-Mongolian Igo". But in this "ancient" document there is such a line: "To all you are filled, the earth is Russian, about the Orthodox Vera Christian!"

The church reform of Nikon, which was held in the middle of the 17th century, Christianity in Russia was called "Orthodox." Orthodox it became called only after this reform ... It became, this document could be written not earlier than the middle of the 17th century and nothing to do with the era of Tatar-Mongolian Yeah ...

On all the cards, which were published before 1772 and were not fixed in the future, you can see the following picture.

The Western part of Russia is called Muscovy, or Moscow Tartarium ... In this small part of Russia, the rules of the Romanov dynasty. The Moscow king until the end of the 18th century was called the ruler of Moscow Tartaria or Duke (Prince) in Moscow. The rest of Russia, who served almost all the mainland of Eurasia in the east and south of Muscovia of that time is called Tartarium or the Russian Empire (see Map).

In the 1st edition of the British Encyclopedia of 1771, the following is written about this part of Russia:

"Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west: which is called the Great Tartarium. Those tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan, living in the north-west of the Caspian Sea, are called Kalmyk Tartars and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek tartars and mongols that live north of Persia and India and, finally, Tibetan living north-west from China ... "

Where did Tartarium name come from

Our ancestors knew the laws of nature and the real structure of the world, life, man. But, like now, the level of development of each person was not the same in those times. People who in their development have left much further than others, and which could manage space and matter (to manage the weather, heal the disease, see the future, etc.), called Wheel. Those of the Magi, who could manage the space on the planetary level and above, called the gods.

That is, the meaning of the word God, our ancestors were not at all as it is now. The gods were people who went out in their development much further than the vast majority of people. For an ordinary person, their abilities seemed incredible, nevertheless, the gods were also people, and the possibilities of each God had their limit.

Our ancestors had patrons - God Tarh, he was also called Dazhibogu (giving God) and his sister - the goddess of Tara. These gods helped people in solving such problems that our ancestors could not solve themselves. So, the Gods Tarh and Tara taught our ancestors to how to build houses, cultivate the land, writing and much more, which was necessary in order to survive after the catastrophe and with time to restore civilization.

Therefore, more recently, our ancestors spoke to strangers "We are the children of Tarh and Tara ...". They spoke like that because in their development, they were indeed children in relation to the significantly gone in the development of Tarhu and Tara. And the inhabitants of other countries called our ancestors to Tarkhtarai, and in the future, due to the complexity in pronunciation - Tartars. Hence the name of the country - Tartarium ...

Baptism of Russia

And here is the baptism of Russia? - Some can ask. As it turned out, it is very good. After all, baptism took place far from a peaceful way ... Before baptism, people in Russia were educated, practically everyone was able to read, write, count (see the article "Russian culture older european").

Recall from the school program on history, at least, the same "Berevian diplomas" - letters who wrote to each other the peasants on Beretta from one village to another.

Our ancestors had a Vedic worldview, as described above, it was not a religion. Since the essence of any religion is reduced to the blind adoption of any dogmas and rules, without a deep understanding, why it is necessary to do this, and not otherwise. The Vedic worldview gave people to people who are the understanding of the real laws of nature, understanding how the world is arranged, which is good, and what is bad.

People saw what was happening after the "baptism" in neighboring countries, when under the influence of religion, a successful, highly developed country with an educated population was immersed in ignorance and chaos, where only representatives of the aristocracy were able to read and write it, and that's not all. ..

Everyone perfectly understood that the "Greek Religion" carries in themselves, in which the Kiev Rus was going to baptize Vladimir and those who stood behind him. Therefore, none of the inhabitants of the then Kiev Principality (the province, whipped from the Great Tartarium) did not accept this religion. But Vladimir stood great strength, and they were not going to retreat.

In the process of "baptism" for 12 years of violent Christianization, it was destroyed, with a rare exception, almost an adult population of Kiev Rus. Because to impose such a "doctrine" could only be unreasonable children, who, because of their youth, could not understand that such a religion paid them into slaves and in the physical, and the spiritual sense of the word. All the same, who refused to take a new "faith" - killed. This is confirmed by the facts that have reached us. If there were 300 cities to "baptism" in Kiev Rus and lived 12 million inhabitants, then after "baptism" there were only 30 cities and 3 million people! 270 cities were destroyed! 9 million people were killed! (Diy Vladimir, "Rus Orthodox before the adoption of Christianity and after").

But despite the fact that almost all the adult population of Kiev Rus was destroyed by the "saints" baptists, the Vedic tradition did not disappear. On the lands of Kievan Rus, the so-called dualsman was established. Most of the population purely formally recognized the slaves imposed by the religion, and herself continued to live on the Vedic tradition, however, not exposing it to the appearance. And this phenomenon was observed not only in the masses, but also among the part of the ruling elite. And such a state of affairs remained up to the reform of the Patriarch Nikon, which invented how to deceive everything.

But the Vedic Slavic-Aryan Empire (Great Tartarium) could not calmly look at the miscarions of his enemies, which destroyed three-quarters of the population of the Kiev Principality. Only her retaliatory actions could not be instantaneous, due to the fact that the army of Great Tartarium was engaged in conflicts on their Far Eastern borders. But these response actions of the Vedic Empire were carried out and entered into a modern history in distorted form, called the Mongol-Tatar invasion of Hana Batya in Kievan Rus.

Only by the summer of 1223 on the river Kalka appeared the troops of the Vedic Empire. And the combined army of Polovtsy and Russian princes was completely broken. So we were hampered in the lessons of history, and no one could explain why the Russian princes fought with the "enemies" so sluggishly, and many of them moved even to the side of the "Mongols"?

The reason for such a fault was that the Russian princes who accepted alone religion knew perfectly well who had come ...

So, there was no Mongol-Tatar invasion and yoke, but was the return of rebeling provinces under the wing of the metropolis, the restoration of the integrity of the state. Khan Batya had a task to return to the wing of the Vedic Empire Western European provinces-states, and to stop the invasion of Christians on Rus. But the strong resistance of some princes, felt the taste of another limited, but very large power of the principalities of Kievan Rus, and new riots in the Far Eastern border did not allow these plans to be completed (N.V. Levashov "Russia in curves of mirrors", Volume 2.).


In fact, after baptism in the Kiev principality, only children were left alive and a very small part of the adult population, which accepted the Greek religion - 3 million people from the 12 millionth population before baptism. The principality was completely broken, most of the cities, villages and villages were looted and burned. But the authors of the version of the "Tatar-Mongolian IGY" draw the same painting the same picture, the difference is that the same cruel, the actions were made there allegedly "Tatar-Mongols"!

As always, the winner writes a story. And it becomes obvious that in order to hide all the cruelty with which the Kiev principality was baptized, and in order to stop all possible questions, and was subsequently invented by Tatar-Mongolian Igo. Children were brought up in the traditions of Greek religion (Cult Dionysia, and later Christianity) and rewritten the story where all cruelty dumped into "wild nomads" ...

In the section: News of Korenovsk

July 28, 2015 marks 1000 years of memory of the Grand Duke Vladimir Red Sunny. On this day, festive events on this occasion took place in Korenovsk. Read more Read more ...