The most beautiful guy names. The most beautiful male names are a tough choice

The most beautiful guy names.  The most beautiful male names are a tough choice
The most beautiful guy names. The most beautiful male names are a tough choice

The choice of a name for a child born into the world is an important and responsible matter. It depends on the decision of the parents further destiny baby. When choosing names for boys, it should be borne in mind that the name should reflect the natural human qualities, to be euphonic, go well with middle name... In the old days, children were given a name according to the calendar. Currently, some religious parents adhere to this, others often name their children, relying on family traditions and personal preference.

The name given to the baby determines the character and fate of the child. Since ancient times, the name of the baby was given special meaning... Many different beliefs and customs are associated with the name. It is believed that you cannot give the baby the name of a deceased relative, you can repeat his fate. However, in many families there are traditions to name a child after a father, grandfather... The main thing is that the ancestor was a worthy person so that the child would take an example from him and grow up to be a good person himself.

It should take into account the meaning, sound, intuition, combination with patronymic, traditions, preference. How to choose a name so that the boy will say it with pride, so that it evokes a benevolent reaction from other people. Ancient sages tied the fate of the boy with his name. Given name became a kind of amulet, the true was hidden from everyone until a certain time. A fictional middle name was given to the baby so that the child would not be jinxed, not taken away from him the best happy lot.

The name may indicate that the little man belongs to a particular nation. Depending on the character, it is able to emphasize the talent, the dignity of its owner. Some names form masculine traits, emphasize power, strength, others express the love of parents for children, connection with nature. There are different approaches to choosing. Someone looks at the calendar, others at popularity, each nation has its own traditions. When a person is happy with a name, it helps him achieve life goals... When choosing, the following points are taken into account:

Many parents choose names following fashion. The most common and popular male names today the names are considered:

  • Maksim.
  • Nikita.
  • Daniel.
  • Artem.
  • Andrey.
  • Egor.
  • Kirill.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Sergey.
  • Alexey.
  • Alexander.
  • Novel.
  • Egor.
  • Matvey.
  • Semyon.
  • Ruslan.

The child himself likes such names, and he says his name with joy. Many parents choose to call their babies established, time-tested. old names... Long names are shortened. Preference is given to traditional names... The religious factor also affects the popularity of the name. Easy-to-read names are becoming common. Boy name fashion could change established ratings. But such names as Alexander, Alexey, Vladimir do not go out of popularity.

Beautiful names for boys exist in every nation. Use your intuition and common sense when choosing a name for your child. So that it is euphonic should say it out loud, listen to how it will be combined with a patronymic and surname. You should think about the middle name that the future man will give to his children so that it does not sound extravagant by ear.

An overly offbeat name can be ridiculed at school. It should be remembered that when the child grows up and possibly takes a leadership position, to him will be addressed by their full name... A favorable combination of a name with a patronymic plays important role... An adult man is addressed by his first name and patronymic. You need to choose an easy-to-pronounce combination.

If the middle name is of medium length, name will do the same size. With a long patronymic, it is better to choose short name... For example, Lev Evgenievich goes well. Nationality must be taken into account. Some parents call their sons the name of a famous actor or famous hero stories. Better not to. Everyone lives their own destiny.

You should not call the boy by the same name as his father. This is not the best combination. Repetition enhances the energy of the name and the properties inherent in the character of the spouse. This creates confusion when two people have the same name.

Since ancient times, people with certain names have been hardy, strong, reached the heights in life... These qualities are appreciated at all times. Therefore, modern parents are looking for strong children for their children. male names... These include:

TO strong names include: Igor, Ruslan. Eugene, Kirill, Dmitry. They are combined with a middle name, pronounced beautifully and have powerful energy.

Some parents choose too original and extravagant names for their children. In pursuit of popularity parents come up with unusual names without thinking about their meaning and how the boy should live with him. Parents call the child so that even the registry office employees refuse to register him under that name. The Muscovites who were born received such unusual names as Mir, Justin, Cosmos, Elka. By choosing names for boys, sometimes parents are guided by astrology and numerology, they name the child after famous actors and literary heroes.

In the USSR, at the dawn of communism, strange names were given. Tractor, Kim. Unusual names coined during those years are unlikely to be used. For example - Vladlen in honor of Vladimir Lenin, Pofistal - meant: The winner of fascism, Joseph Stalin. In the USA, there is a real boom in unusual names. What you should know when choosing rare names, what are the recommendations of psychologists, nuances, you need to think about it. Some rare names sonorous and reflect energy and meaning.

  • Lubomyr (loving world).
  • Yaroslav (bright glory).
  • Damir (giver of peace).
  • Bronislav (armor, protection).

Choosing the right name is important factor influencing further life path child.

According to Orthodox Church, from the very birth of the child, the Guardian Angel protects. In Russia it was accepted name a child after that saint, on the day of memory of which the baby was born. Often parents choose the names of bright historical figures... Slavic princes were called by such names as Igor, Vyacheslav, Rostislav. Some beautiful Orthodox Russian names:

  • Ivan is the grace of God.
  • Nikolai is the winner of nations.
  • George is a farmer.
  • Fedor is a gift from God.
  • Pavel is small.
  • Peter is a stone.
  • Alexey is a defender.

Russians are closer to Russian traditions. Often the boys are called Yaroslav, Elisey, Svyatoslav. In our time, they are increasingly turning to the origins of Russian history, recalling the names of the ancient Slavs who became part of it. Russian names have good value and understandable to any person.

Birth of a child - significant event for all family members. Choosing a name is a crucial moment... Arsenal today great amount names for boys from Orthodox to modern and unusual in sound. The information provided will help you find the right solution. And you picked names for boys: strong, cool. The most Russian name, or any others? Read more about names below.

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A name for a child is without exaggeration, an important component of it future life... It is known that among the male names there are “strong” and “weak”, which have a certain energy and can endow a person with certain qualities. Therefore, before you give your son a name, be sure to familiarize yourself with its meaning.

In addition, parents need to remember that abbreviations of the name and affectionate nicknames can also affect the child's perception of his own self. It is worth alternating such manifestations of love with full name and also, if possible, reduce their use when the child is already in school. Otherwise, an adult man may forever remain a soft and infantile "Vladik", although he had the makings of a strong Vlad.

If everyone knows about the "power" of the name Alexander and Vladimir, then there are less common names that many have forgotten.


15 names for boys with strong energy


From Hebrew this name is translated as "God is the judge of everything" and has a biblical origin.

Daniel is a strong, level-headed man who is not inclined to make decisions in a hurry. He has a well-developed intuition, all cases are laid out on the shelves, and he accepts adversity and problems with restraint and optimism.

Such boys are inclined towards the exact sciences, love analytics, and often tax outstanding intellectual abilities... Besides, Daniels are very moral people, rarely betray, value friends and family, love their home and are not prone to senseless adventures.


The origin of the name Mark is still not known exactly. There is a version that the name sounds consonant with the Latin word “marcus”, which means “hammer”. It is also believed that the name originates from the name of the god of war Mars or from the French word "marquis" (marquis).

Despite the fact that this name sounds very beautiful and "strong", the upbringing of such a child should not be left to chance. Since childhood, Mark is a rather narcissistic and selfish boy, but if you channel his energy in the right direction, this trait can be balanced by politeness and a willingness to come to the rescue of others.

A child with this name is often jealous of the successes of others, therefore, from childhood, he needs to be taught patience and concentration on his own victories, and also be able to lose with dignity. In adulthood, Mark is a rather dominant man who strives to be the master of the house and the leader at work.


The name Gleb takes its roots from Scandinavian name Gottlieb, which means "beloved of God," "under divine protection."

Gleb - very strong-willed, stubborn and self-confident person. A man with such a name tries to achieve everything on his own, does not like excessive attention to his person, and quickly makes even difficult decisions, which helps him make a good career in the future.

Gleb always keeps promises and is responsible for his words, is faithful to his principles and is ready to vigorously defend them. Such a man is respected at work, primarily for his fairness and honesty.

Gleb, as a rule, become wonderful family men, love children and take care of their parents.


Translated from Latin name Maxim means the greatest.

Maxim is a strong-willed man, whose character is often dominated by ambition and pride. Therefore, parents from childhood should try to correctly develop these qualities in a boy.

If Maxim is deprived of excessive vanity and self-confidence, he will be able to achieve a lot in life and become a reliable man, loving father and husband.

Maxims are smart, sociable, able to find an approach to almost any person and persuade them to do anything. People with this name are good at calculating people and are able to manipulate them for their own purposes. In his house, Maxim wants to be the master, the dominant, but friends sometimes mean even more to him than relatives.


Slavic name formed from two words: "All" (all) and "volod" (to own). So the name can be translated as "owning everything", "ruling".

This name sounds beautiful and full, like its bearer. Since childhood, Vsevolod is very flexible and grown-up beyond his years, teachers and classmates love him for his special attractive charisma.

A person with that name is balanced, patient, assiduous and persistent. Despite this, he does not always like to be a leader, he can be content with a role in the background. Parents can develop leadership skills in their child so that the boy will achieve great success in life.

Seva's sociability and openness helps him out in any life circumstances... Such a man appreciates earthly joys, coziness and comfort in the house.


From Hebrew, the name "Nazar" means "vow" or "dedication to God." Also, from Arabic, this name can be interpreted as "far-sighted".

Nazar is a bright, strong, contradictory and even warlike soul. Extraordinary and mysterious character Since childhood, Nazar attracts people to him, which is why the boy has many friends and acquaintances.

As a rule, such a man is restrained, closed, not very emotional, but at the same time communicative and mobile. He strives to achieve high results, go to his goals on his own and longs for material wealth.

In the character of Nazar, you can see a strong and domineering person with great willpower. In people she values ​​loyalty, complaisance, honesty. If a boy with that name is betrayed or offended, he will not withdraw into himself, but will repay you in return.


The name has Greek origin and translated as "mature", "courageous".

Despite the fact that in childhood Arseny is often kind, calm and shy, he has a lot of inner energy that will definitely manifest itself. A boy with that name is sociable, pleasant to talk to, people are drawn to him. Arseny has few real friends, but he is ready to do anything for them.

Arseny is dreamy and creative person, therefore, the main thing for parents is to instill in the child a sense of discipline and responsibility in time, otherwise in adult life such a man may not finish the work he has begun to the end and rush from hobby to hobby.

If you cultivate decisiveness and firmness in a child, Arseny will achieve success and will not lose his soulfulness at the same time.


The name Aleksey has ancient Greek roots and translates as "protector", "the one who protects."

Alexey is a strong, strong-willed person with developed intuition. Together with tremendous power will of ability to work and activity in life, this trait helps him to be in the first positions and achieve success in his career.

It is important for parents to support Alexei in his endeavors, since this person is characterized by self-criticism and doubts about his actions. Boys with this name do not like adventures, sudden changes in life and risks. They are much closer to stability and comfort.

A man named Alexey is smart, attentive to trifles, inquisitive and has good memory... In addition, he is very popular with girls, as he knows how to combine sensuality and tenderness with pragmatism and earthly desires.


Slavic name, which translates as " God-given».

Bogdan is a self-confident, strong-willed person with developed intuition. But despite the fact that the boy's character is calm and restrained, he likes to take risks and bet everything on his victory, which often leads him to success.

For such a man, self-realization, material wealth and love for his work are very important. But laziness can ruin many of Bogdan's talents in early childhood, therefore, parents should not cultivate this trait in the boy.

In life and in the family, Bogdan is an unequivocal leader. He is restrained, always behaves with dignity and knows his own worth. Such a person will never become a victim of circumstances, since he does not go with the flow, but builds his own life.


Ostap can be translated from Greek as "firm", "persistent".

Ostap is a male leader who always has his own point of view on everything. The boy's desire for leadership manifests itself since childhood, so he is very active and tries himself in many areas. Children with that name are very sociable, confident, with good feeling humor, but not too open to others.

Ostap does not like too close attention to himself from other people, he trusts not everyone, and he demonstrates his talents only in a circle of loved ones.

A man with that name is a subtle psychologist who loves to observe people and evaluate their behavior in different situations... Also, such a bright personality is not prone to breakdowns, depression, lives with an optimistic attitude and has high self-esteem. But if the parents want Ostap to find himself in some kind of business, they should muffle their son's zeal to participate in everything in the world and go to all sections of the school.


The origin of the name originates from the Greek word "oros", which means - "mountain", "mountain".

Like his name, Orestes is a strong and courageous man who is hard to break. life problems... Since childhood, the boy loves nature, animals, communicating with people, it is not typical for him to enter into conflicts. At the same time, a person with this name is very strong-willed and will go towards his goal, finding the most rational ways.

Orestes is very sociable, purposeful and persevering, but he can be quite stubborn (this needs to be paid attention to in childhood). Such a person does not tolerate injustice and deception, and especially betrayal.


The name Plato translated from Greek means "wide", "broad-shouldered".

Since childhood, a boy with this name is very developed and serious beyond his years. He is quite stubborn, active and loves to be in the company of his elders.

Plato is very confident and independent. It is almost impossible to force him to do something; this can only be achieved by a delicate request and love. A man named by this name often becomes a boss or a businessman, as he is irreconcilable when he is pushed around and led.

Plato is a rather calm and withdrawn person, does not like to share his feelings and emotions, but he is very reliable and loyal in any relationship, both in comradeship and in family.


The name Stanislav comes from two Slavic words: "stan" ("to become") and "glory" ("glory"). Therefore, it is translated as "who established the glory."

Since childhood, Stas is a very kind and open boy, but he can be quite unrestrained in his desires and dreams. The character of Stanislav is very unusual, his way of thinking is different from those around him, and therefore it is difficult for him to find real friends in spirit.

Despite this, a man with such a beautiful name is very generous, active and proactive in any endeavors. Stas strives to develop, not sit still, and often instigates changes in his family and friends.

In adulthood, Stanislav becomes good husband and a caring father. But others should know that it is better not to joke with him and express himself as clearly as possible, since this person can be very touchy and unrestrained in his emotions.


Translated from Latin the name Victor translates as "winner".

In childhood, such a boy is attracted by adventure, and he makes decisions quickly and unambiguously. Over time, he becomes less adventurous and begins to look at things with a more calculating look.

Victor is a true leader who is characterized by patience, calmness, prudence and optimism. Such a man easily forgives, does not get hung up on trifles, loves to sacrifice himself for the sake of loved ones.

Such a man has a strong sense of duty, he is demanding of people, but his praise is of great value. At home, Victor is a caring husband and a good, but strict father.


Ruslan means "lion" in translation from the Turkic language.

Despite the fact that as a child Ruslan is very capricious and sometimes unrestrained, over the years the boy acquires the skill to control his emotions and behaves in a relaxed but calm manner.

Ruslan is a strong-willed person who is not alien to risk for a good cause. The soul of such a person is often for plowing, he is always ready to come to the aid of friends and help out loved ones.

In adulthood, Ruslan's negative traits can also appear, such as rancor, selfishness and a talent for exaggerating colors. Parents need to work on this so that the child's energy goes in the right direction, and such traits do not appear in relation to others.

It is typical for a man with such a name to achieve his goals by any means, even by cunning and deception, but at the same time he is a real fighter who never gives up and continues to act even after defeat.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, experts in esotericism and occultism, the authors of 14 books.

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Russian modern male names

Modern Russian namebook

The modern Russian namebook includes Russian names that are currently used on the territory of Russia.

In addition to the primordially Russian names in Russian name dictionary included Hebrew, Greek, Roman (Latin), Scandinavian and Persian names who have adapted on the territory of Russia and have long been perceived as Russians.

Most of the Russian names that are currently used in Russia are not originally Russian in origin. They are borrowed from the Greek language together with Christian religion and came to Russia from Byzantium.

By the 18-19 centuries Old Russian names were almost completely forgotten, and the Christian names were changed taking into account the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation (Aquilina - Akulina, Juliania - Ulyana, Artemy - Artyom, Daniil - Danila, Jeremiah - Eremey).

Where did the Byzantine (Greek) names come from, which became Russian?

The Greeks also collected the best names of all peoples with whom they maintained trade and cultural relations.

Besides names ancient greek origin they used ancient Roman and Hebrew names, and also used ancient Persian, ancient Egyptian, Chaldean, Syrian, and Babylonian names.

If we consider names by meaning, then almost all names Greek and Roman origin talk about positive (desirable) character traits and appearance.

Hebrew names differ from the Greek and Roman ones. Most of the Hebrew names are associated with the name of God. For example, Gabriel - my strength is God! Daniel is God's judgment.

Currently names of any country includes not only the original names of their people, but also borrowed names. This is the result of cultural and trade exchange between peoples, mixing of cultures, as well as a consequence of the migration of peoples.

The nomenclature includes the name, the origin of the name, and the meaning of the name.

Russian modern male names

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Our book "Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Russian modern male names. Modern Russian namebook


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Immediately after the expectant mother finds out the sex of the child, the question arises of what name to call him. The choice of male names is endless, each has its own charm. But how to guess which one will suit the future boy?

Many women know the names of their children even in childhood. However, such a choice is considered not entirely correct - after all, at the time of choosing a name, the baby did not yet exist and did not take part. Now, when he is in his mother's stomach, feels all her sensations, knows all her thoughts, he has the right to take part in choosing a name that he will have to wear all his life. But it is known that each name has its own meaning, and it affects the life of the unborn child. Someone else's name, like someone else's dress, will not suit the baby and will make him suffer all his life.

How to choose a name for a boy

So you only need to choose a name together. The simplest and most pleasant option would be the following: the expectant mother sits down more comfortably, takes out the entire list of male names that she likes, and begins to slowly and legibly read it. The kid will definitely inform if he likes some. The message to mom will come in the form of a push. What name will be the impetus, then you can choose.

If on the first attempt it was not possible to interest the baby, then you can expand the list and continue reading it. If the boy persists and keeps silent, it will be possible to choose after his birth. Sometimes a single glance is enough for a mother to understand who lies in front of her.

The list below is a compilation of the most beautiful male names. Perhaps among them there is one that your boy will wear.

Vanguard (new) - unpredictable
Avdey / Obadiy (old) - ...
Averky (old) - ...
Auxentius (old) - alien "xenos"
Aurora / Aurore (new) - the son of the morning dawn
Agey / Haggai (old) - ...
Adam (old) - "made of red clay"
Adolf (new) - "noble wolf"
Adonis (old) - lord
Akim (noun from old Joachim) - ...
Alan / Allan (new) - ...
Alevtin (new) - alien to evil
Alexander (old) - defender of people
Alexey (old) - defender
Albert (new) - wise
Alvin (old) - ...
Alfred (new) - a good advisor
Ananias (old) - ...
Anastasius (old) - resurrected
Anatoly (old) - eastern
Andrey (old) - man and defender
Andrian / Andrian (noun from Adrian) - ...
Andron (noun from Andronicus) - ...
Anis / Anisy (old) - sweet smelling
Antip (old) - ...
Anton / Anthony (old) - entering the battle
Antonin (old) - kind
Antoine (new) - a foreign language reading of Anton
Apollo (old) - the sun god
Arvid (new) - ...
Argent (new) - from the French. argent - silver
Arius (old) - ...
Aristarchus (old) - head of the best
Arkady (old) - shepherd or "Resident of Arcadia"
Arlen (new) - ...
Arnold (new) - first
Arsen (new) - courageous
Arseny (old) - courageous
Artyom / Artemy (old) - unharmed
Arthur (new) - big as a bear
Arkhip (old) - ...
Askold (old-Russian) - ...
Atheist (new) - not a believer
Athanasius (old) - immortal
Afinogen (old) - ...
Akhmat / Akhmet (new) - ...

Bagrat (new) - ...
Bazhen (Old Russian) - saint
Bayan (noun. From old. Bayan) - ...
Benedict (old) - blessed
Bogdan (Slav.) - given by God
Boeslav (slav.) - glorified in battle
Boleslav (Slav.) - more glorious
Borimir (Slav.) - fighting for peace
Boris (old) - "fighter"
Borislav (Slav.) - fighting for glory
Boyan (Slav.) - ...
Bronislav (Slav.) - Glorious Defender
Bruno (new) - ...
Budimir (old-Russian) - peace-loving
Bulat (new) - "strong"

Vadim (old) - sowing confusion
Valentine (old) - healthy
Valery (old) - strong
Valerian / Valerian (old) - ...
Walter (new) - Managing People
Varlam / Varlaam (old) - ...
Varlen (new) - ...
Bartholomew (old) - ...
Vasily (old) - royal
Vasilko (nr. From Vasily) - tsarevich
Vakhtang (new) - ...
Velimir (slav.) - the ruler of the world
Velislav (Slav.) - illustrious
Velor / Velorius (new) - wealthy
Benjamin (old) - Hebrew. "younger"
Vincent (old) - ...
Victor (old) - winner
Vilen (new) - short for V. I. LENin
Willie (new) - ...
Vilor / Vilorius (new) - ...
Vilorg (new) - ...
William (new) - ...
Vincent (new) - ...
Vissarion (old) - forest man
Vitaly (old) - vital
Vitold (Slav.) - forest ruler
Vlad (slav.) - owning
Vladelin (new) - ...
Vladimir (old, glorious) - owning the world
Vladislav (old, glorious) - owning glory
Vlas / Vlasiy (old) - ...
Warrior (Old Russian) - "warrior"
Vojislav (Slav.) - "glorified in war"
Volodar (old slav.) - "lord"
Voldemar / Waldemar (new) - famous ruler
Volmir / Volemir (slav.) - the ruler of the world
Tungsten (new) - ...
Vsevolod (old, old-Russian) - the ruler of the whole people
Vyacheslav (old, glorious) - more than once famous

Gabrielle / Gabrielle (new) - ...
Gabriel / Gabrila / Gabrilo / Gabril (old) - divine warrior
Gaidar (new) - ...
Galaktion (old) - stellar
Galiy (new) - ...
Harald / Harold (new) - ...
Garibaldi (new) - ...
Harry / Garry (new) - tolerant
Gaspar / Kaspar (new) - ...
Hector (new) - ...
Helian / Helium (new) - solar
Genius (new) - "genius"
Gennady (old) - well-born
Henry / Henry (new) - ...
George (old) - farmer
Herald / Herald (new) - ...
Gerasim (old) - ...
Herman (old) - native
Hermogenes (old) - ...
Gerontius / Geront (old) - ...
Gertrude (new) - HERO OF LABOR
Gleb (old, old-Russian) - big, tall
Horace (new) - ...
Gordey / Gordiy (Slav.) - proud
Gorimir (Slav.) - "light world"
Gorislav (Slav.) - "bright glory"
Granite (new) - "hard"
Gregory (old) - not sleeping
Gury (old) - ...

David / David (old) - favorite
Damir (new) - peaceful
Dan (old) - god of the moon
Daniel / Danila / Danilo / Danil (old) - "God's judgment"
Gift (new) - "gift"
December (new) - winter
Dementius (noun from old Dometius) - ...
Demyan (noun from old Damian) - ...
Denis (nar. From old
Dionysius) - the god of the vital forces of nature
Gerald (new) - a different reading of Harald
Joseph (new) - a different reading of Joseph, Joseph, Osip
John (new) - another reading of Ivan
Didim (old) - ...
Dean (new) - ...
Dionysius / Dionysus (old) - god of vegetation
Dmitry / Dimitri (old) - god of fertility
Donald (old) - master of the world
Donat (old) - strong

Eugene (old) - noble
Evgraf (old) - ...
Evdokim (old) - well-glorified
Evlampy (old) - ...
Yevsey (noun from Eusebius) - ...
Eustathius (old) - ...
Egor (noun from Georgy, Egoriy) - farmer
Elizar / Eleazar (old) - ...
Emelyan (noun from old. Emilian) - ...
Eremey (noun. From the old. Hermius, Hermey, Jeremiah) - ...
Ermak (nar. From Ermolai) - ...
Ermolai (old) - ...
Erofey (old) - ...
Eruslan (Old Russian) - "lion"
Efim (old) - pious
Ephraim (old) - ...

Zhdan (Old Russian) - waiting

Zakhar (old) - "God's memory"
Zinovy ​​(old) - "Zeus's Power"
Zoriy (new) - morning
Zosimus / Zosima (old) - ...
Zot (noun from old Zotik) - ...

Ibrahim (new) - a different reading of Abram, Abraham, Avrom
Ivan (nar. From John) - "God's gift"
Igor (old, old-Russian) - defender of God
Jerome (old) - ...
Izmail / Izmailo (noun from old Ismail) - ...
Icarus (new) - fallen into the sea
Ilar / Ilar (old) - cheerful
Iliodor (old) - ...
Hilarion / Hilarion (old) - joyful
Ilya (old) - the power of God
Innocent (old) - innocent
John (old) - "God's gift"
Joseph (old) - multiplied
Hippolytus (old) - unhitching horses
Heraclius (old) - ...
Irm (new) - ...
Isaiah / Isaiah (old) - ...
Issei (noun from old Jesse) - ...
July (new) - summer

Casimir (Slav.) - Announcing Peace
Kalina / Kalin (noun from the old Kallinik) - ...
Karl (new) - bold
Karm / Karmius (new) - ...
Kaspar / Gaspar (new) - ...
Kasyan (noun from old Kassian) - empty
Kim (new) - World Communist International.
Cyprian (old) - native of Cyprus or copper
Cyril (old) - lord
Claudius (old) - lame or from the Claudian family
Clement (old) - gracious
Clement / Clement (Nar. From Clement) - meek
Colombium (new) - "dove"
Kondraty / Kondrat (old) - ...
Konon (old) - ...
Constantine (old) - persistent and constant
Roots (noun from old Root) - ...
Krasnoslav (new) - beautifully glorified
Christophe (new) - from Christopher / Christopher - Christ carrier
Kuzma / Kozma (nar. From the old.Cosma) - decorated
Kupriyan (noun from Cyprian) - a native of Cyprus or copper
Curie (new) - ...

Laurel (old) - famous
Lawrence (old) - crowned with laurels
Lazarus (old) - "God's help"
Larion (nar. From Hilarion) - joyful
Leo (old) - "lion"
Lel (Old Russian) - ...
Lenar (new) - ...
Leon (new) - "lion"
Leonard (new) - strong
Leonidas (old) - son of a lion
Leonty (old) - lion
Leopold (new) - ...
Liebert (new) - free
Livadiy (new)
Lionel (new) - ...
Lor (new) - ...
Lawrence (new) - ...
Lohengrin (new) - ...
Luke (old) - "happiness"
Lukyan / Lucian (old) - happy
We love (old-Russian) - handsome
Lubomyr (Slav.) - the favorite of the world
Ludwig (new) - ...
Luxen / Lucian (new) - light

Mauritius (old) - black
Maislav / Maeslav (new) - famous in May
Makar / Makarii (old) - happy
Max (new) - stately
Maxim (old) - stately
Maximilian / Maximilian (old) - stately
Manfred (new) - ...
Marat (new) - ...
Marian / Maryan (old) - ...
Mark (old) - patron saint of people
Markel (old) - ...
Marlene (new) - MARX LENin
Mars (new) - "god of war"
Martyn / Martin (old) - militant
Matvey (old) - God's man
Mercury (old) - "the god of cattle breeding"
Mechislav / Mecheslav (Slav.) - marked with glory
Mylene (Slav.) - ...
Miliy (old) - cute
Miloneg (Slav.) - cute
Miloslav (slav.) - glory mila
Myron (old) - kind
Miroslav (Slav.) - Winner
Mikhail / Mikhailo (old) - equal to God
Moses (old) - taken out of the water
Monolith (new) - unshakable
Mstislav (old, glory) - defender of glory
Murat (new) - ...
Mude (new) - ...

Nazar / Nazariy (old) - dedicated to God
Nazim (new) - ...
Nathan (old) - gifted
Naum (old) - consolation
Neon (old) - shining
Neonil (old) - principled
Nestor / Nester (old) - returned home
Nikandr (old) - the winner of men
Nikita (old) - winner
Nicephorus (old) - bringing victory
Nicodemus (old) - ...
Nikolay / Nikola (old) - winner of the peoples
Neeson (old) - calm
Neil (old) - ...
Ninel / Ninel (new) - ...
Novomir (new) - "new world"
Noah (old) - ...
Nord (new) - north (ny)

Oksar (new) - ...
Octavian (old) - (Roman) - eighth
Oleg (old, old-Russian) - saint
Oliver (new) - ...
Omar (new) - ...
Onisim / Anisim (old) - ...
Orestes (old) - savage
Osip (noun from Joseph) - multiplied
Oscar (old) - "God's Spear"
Ostap (noun from Eustathius) - ...
Ostromir (Old Russian) - ...

Pavel (old) - small
Panteleimon / Panteley (old)
Panfil (old) - loving everyone
Groin (old) - ...
Peresvet (Old Russian) - light
Peter (old) - "rock" or "stone"
Pimen (old) - ...
Plato (old) - broad-shouldered
Potap (noun from old Patapiy) - ...
Prozor (Slav.) - ...
Prokofy / Procopius (old) - ...
Prokhor (old) - choir leader

Radium (new) - "radium"
Radim (Slav.) - dear
Radislav (slav.) - glad to glory
Radomir (slav.) - glad to the world
Raoul (new) - ...
Raphael (new) - ...
Rashid (new) - ...
Renat / Rinat (new) - ...
Reed (new) - ...
Richard / Richard (new) - ...
Roald (new) - ...
Robert (new) - ...
Rodion (old) - resident of Rhodes
Rojero (new) - ...
Roland / Roland (new) - ...
Roman (old) - a resident of Rome
Romain (new) - ...
Rostislav (Slav.) - growing for glory
Ruben (new) - red
Rudolph (new) - red wolf
Ruslan (new) - "lion"
Russo (new) - ...
Rustam (new) - ...
Rustem (new) - ...

Sawa / Sava (old) - desired
Savely (old) - desired
Light (new) - "light"
Svetlan (Slav.) - light
Svetoslav (slav.) - "glory is light"
Svyatogor (Old Russian) - "holy mountain"
Svyatoslav (Slav.) - "holy glory"
Severin (old) - cold
Severian / Severian (old) - northern
Semyon (noun from old Simeon) - heard by God in prayer
Serapion (old) - ...
Sergey (old) - highly esteemed
Sigismund (new) - ...
Sidor (noun from old Isidor) - ...
Sylvest (old) - ...
Simon (old) - ...
Glory (new) - glorious
Socrates (old) - ...
Solomon (old) - ...
Sophon (old) - ...
Spartak (new) - ...
Steel / Steel (new) - hard
Stanislav (Slav.) - will become glorious
Stepan / Stephan (old) - "wreath"
Straton (noun from old Stratonik) - ...

Tair (new) - ...
Taras (old) - restless
Teimuraz (new) - analogue of Timur
Theodore (old) - God-given, analogue of Fedor
Terenty (old) - ...
Tigran (new) - "tiger"
Timothy (old) - worshiping God
Timur (new) - flexible
Tihomir (slav.) - quiet and peaceful
Tikhon (old) - happy
Thorium (new) - ...
Tristan (old) - sad (tristia)
Trifon (old) - pampered
Trofim (old) - pet

Ustin (nar. From old. Justin) - ...

Farid (new) - ...
Februaryin (new) - winter
Fedor (old) - God's gift
Fedor (old) - God's gift
Felix (old) - successful
Feodosiy / Fedosiy (old) - ...
Theophanes (old) - ...
Filaret (old) - ...
Filat (noun from the old. Theophylact) - ...
Philemon (old) - beloved
Philip (old) - loving horses
Phlegont (old) - ...
Florenc (new) - blooming
Florin (new) - blooming
Thomas (old) - ...
Photius / Phot (old) - ...
Franz (new) - French
Frol (noun from old Flor) - blooming

Khariton (old) - benefactor
Brave (Old Russian) - brave
Christoph (old) - (Christopher) - Christ carrier

Caesar (compare old from Caesar) - ruler

Charles / Charles (new) - ...
Cheslav (slav.) - "honest glory"

Shamil (new) - ...
Schmidt (new) - ...

Ewald (new) - ...
Edward (new) - ...
Oedipus (new) - ...
Edmund / Edmond (new) - ...
Edward (new) - property-minded
Einar (new) - ...
Electron (new) - amber
El (new) - ...
Elbrus (new) - "mountain"
Elmir (new) - ...
Emilian (old from Emilian) - ...
Emilius (old from Emilius) - ...
Emmanuel (old. From Emmanuel) - ...
Engel (new) - ...
Energies (new) - energetic
Erasmus (old from Erasmus) - ...
Erast (old from Erast) - ...
Eriy (new) - ...
Eric / Erich (new) - ...
Erlen (new) - ...
Ernest / Ernst (new) - serious

Yuvenaly (old from Iuvenaly) - young
Eugene (new) - noble
Julian (old from Julian) - curly
Julius (old from Julius) - fluffy
Hume (new) - ...
Jupiter (new) - "Jupiter"
Yuri (old, people from George) - farmer
Justin (old, from Justin) - ...

Jacob (old from Jacob) - imitating God
Jan (new) - "God of the sun"
Januarius (old from Januarius) - January
Jaromir (old, slav.) - "solar world"
Yaropolk (old, glorious) - "sunny"
Yaroslav (old, Slav.) - "burning glory" or praising Yarilu

What is the most an important event in the life of any person? If you think about it, the answers will always be the same. After all, there is no greater joy than realizing what you gave new life... The child ideally becomes the fruit of love and mutual tenderness. But great happiness is accompanied by a number of questions. For example, what name should you give your child? After all, I want it to be happy, so that the child likes it. Surely everyone would like to have original name... What are the most beautiful and rare male names?

The importance of choice

It is believed that the name can influence the fate of a person, his character and personal life. A person hears it most often, and its impact on the inner "I" is important. Do you like your name? Did you want to change it? By the way, there is such an opportunity, but upon reaching a certain age. There are names that are soft and gentle, and there are hard and hard ones. You need to choose the name wisely so that it is pronounced clearly, it is consonant with the patronymic and surname. In adulthood, a person will be treated with respect if he himself likes to hear such an address.

When choosing, a number of factors are taken into account: from the season to the severity of character. Born in summer kids are active and playful, like June noon. And those born in winter and autumn are more realistic, distrustful and intelligent. So it turns out that choosing a name for a child is very difficult. To help parents, appropriate reference books and name popularity tables are issued.

Rare stupidity

How would you never name your child? Can you guess? Some parents experience a strong fantasy and "dig" unusual rare male names from the bins of memory. I wonder if the children will be grateful for such originality ?! Last year, among the newborns, names were often found with a reference to religious prophets. For example, Buddha-Alexander, Lord, Angel, Prince and Peace. And someone decided not to worry about the name at all and give a double - Sasha-Alexander. Among the girls, there are also enough unusual names: Alena-Tsvetochek, Dolphin, Lisa, Russia or Solnyshko. Rare male names Chingiz, John, Spartak have become fashionable over the past five years, and many parents, apparently, paid tribute to antiquity, calling their children Luchezars, Altai, Caesars or Hectors.
There have been recorded cases in Russia when the boys were named Leonardo and Marcus-Aurelius. But in our country names are still chosen more or less acceptable, but abroad there are extremely strange examples. In one family where the triplets were born, the names were given after the rooms in the house. Such nonsense is found in the world.

The attractiveness of a male name

Why think about a name, because its beauty is not the main criterion for a guy? Some families choose the name for religious reasons. For example, Muslims believe that masculine names should keep a high meaning. Very rare families continue to adhere to the choice of symbolic names when the choice must be pleasing to Allah. Usually, in translation, such names are rather modest, not distinguished by pathos.

The name Abdullah is a prime example. It translates as "servant of Allah". This is the name for an obedient and devout man who follows all the laws of the Quran. Sometimes the child was called, taking care of him afterlife: they believed that they would be rewarded by his name, and if the child has it ugly, then they will pity him and brighten up life after death.

Names with meaning are rarely given in America, so Native Americans hardly give it a thought. Usually short and capacious options are selected that go well with the surname, but they do not give a patronymic. Beautiful rare male names are used here only by visitors, and no prejudices arise. In this, our country is still lagging behind others. Even in spite of the beauty, Russian people perceive rare male names with caution, abbreviate them or replace them with more familiar counterparts. Now modern medicine stepped far ahead, and it became possible to find out the gender of the child on early dates pregnancy. Therefore, there is a solid margin of time to choose the rarest male name. Maybe you should stock up on special aids in order to make a decision ?!

What do the directories say?

Every year in Russia statistics are compiled on the most chosen names. For example, in 2011 the name Maxim was named the most beautiful and popular. By the way, it is not at all of Russian origin, but boys are called that quite often. This is a name with a definite claim to be a leader. Maxim grows up to be a reliable and calm guy, moderately cheerful and hard-working. He is a perfectionist in some respects, but rarely proves capable of the humanities.

Alexander, Andrey and Alexey are regularly included in the ratings of the most popular names. But they will not work if you are interested in rare male names. Russian variants are rarely added to the list. Will you meet Svyatogor or Ingvar now? No, the most common names are Byzantine, Greek and Arabic. Now Kuzma, Arkhip and German are out of fashion. They became archaic, just like Leo, Myron, Aristarchus. Let's try to put together rare male names.

List: Russian and foreign variants

In order for the child to like the name, it is necessary to choose it according to its euphony. For example, a combination of two roots in a word gives in total beautiful and sonorous rare male names: Yaropolk, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav. It is noticeable that the options are similar, it is easy to confuse them, but they are majestic and courageous.

Abroad, by the way, the names also do not always differ greatly. Among Muslims, you can hardly meet the previously popular Abbas, Abdulmajid, Abdulwahid or Abudlhamid. Such guys grew up strong, strong and pious, which was especially appreciated in the old days.

Among the English in recent times rare male names - Jacob, Michael, Joshua, Matthew, William, David. Once upon a time their carriers were a dime a dozen, but times are changing, and with them the tastes of people.

In Germany, rare male names are Lucas, Luca, Tim, Leon, Max or Jan. If you call your boy that, then there is little chance of meeting a namesake.

Earlier in Georgia they liked very much to call boys with the letter "A", but now Hmayak, Abig, Arsen, Artem or Argishti are rare male names. Modern children do not want to be named after their ancestors. Therefore, names with a cluster of consonants or difficult pronunciation are not very popular.

Calm and beauty

So how not to make a mistake with the most important choice in life for your child? Collect a consultation on this issue or to make a decision by chance? In directories, you can select suitable male names. The list of rare options is supplemented only if they are especially successful and remain relevant. The bulk of it disappears in the past. For example, they have become the talk of the town, but in fact they do not occur Armenian names Ashot, Bagram, Zurab or Vakhtang. French Alard, Jean and Jacques, Baptiste or Honore have not been used for a long time. In Italy, the beautiful rare male names Enrico, Giovanni, Silvio and Vittorio belong to public figures or have become stage names.

There is a trend towards acceptance Russian performers pseudonyms of American origin. For example, one of the rappers is called Dominic, and the hero of the youth series is called Michael. Choosing a name at a conscious age is very different from how this process takes place at birth. Parents have hundreds of options, and the child's opinion is not to be expected. Parents often look for beautiful male names (Russian) in books. Rare families remember their roots and name children after great-grandfathers. Calling a child with a proven and old name is somewhat beneficial, because it is clear that the meaning cannot be negative, otherwise the name would have long been out of use. When choosing an exotic, you have to delve into reference books. What if the chosen option has an eerie meaning? Will the child thank for this?

Rarely, but aptly

If the parents showed imagination and named the child so that others did not think of it, then the boy's life will be bright. He is unlikely to have a person with the same name around him. But the name should be euphonic, because there was a time when it was believed that terrible names protect children from evil spirits. Now the beautiful is gradually returning to fashion, but forgotten name Renat. The male name Demid remains very peculiar, but very beautiful. Also interesting are the options Rafil and Albert. Do you want to give your child a blissful and clear name? Then maybe Svetozar or Nazariy will suit you. Long names, such as Innokenty, Christopher or Cornelius, will not be combined with a short and capacious surname. But even in Russia the beautiful name Christian will be relevant and fashionable.

Specific choice

Even the most original name can be digestible if you find an interesting acronym for it. It is unlikely that parents will give a name to their child in the hope that he will replace him with a nickname. The abbreviated version is not a nickname, but a convenient pronunciation. With such an attitude, the archaic, but noble names Kondrat, Bronislav, Lavrenty, Benjamin or Vissarion can get a second life. When choosing, you should not pay attention to options with a pronounced national flavor. For example, the beautiful name Suleiman can only be in harmony with the corresponding surname. Exactly the same problems will arise with the names Odysseus, Vivien, Vakhtang or Stefan.

Send in meaning

Parents always believe that their child will become more serious, successful and significant than themselves. They spare no effort or money for this. The first serious step, which depends on the parents, is the choice of a name. What do you want from your child? To be kind and light? Then it makes sense to understand the "solar" names, such as Helian or Helium, or maybe May. Peacefulness to the child is given the name Damir. Innocent embodies innocence and purity of the soul, Luxen brings light, and Hilarion - joy. A boy named Milad will be sweet and fine, and Myron will amaze with his kindness. A sweet child can also be called Mili. Those who want to express their attitude towards the baby can use the Radim ("native") variant.

Strength and masculinity

A number of names are intended to emphasize the wearer's vitality and masculinity. Do you want your son to be courageous? Give it beautiful and ancient name Arseny. Or maybe Leonard to be strong?

The names Ovid ("savior"), Stalius ("firm"), Nikifor ("bringing victory") or Miroslav ("winner") remain very pretentious. Such a peaceful and pleasant name Leonid characterizes the boy as "the son of a lion", and the name Marsen, which is quite rare now, means "warrior" in translation.

With God in my heart

The conversation about religious names has already been conducted, but modern parents do not want to focus only on the divinity of the name. Let beauty and kindness be combined in one word. For example, Yang is the "sun god". Such a boy will grow up confident, responsible and kind. Good character will be with Matthew, it is not for nothing that he is a "man of God." And Benedict is "blessed" at all. The names Oscar ("God's spear"), Bogdan ("given by God") remain by no means rare, but very original. The name "Yakov" seems to many to carry elements of blasphemy, because it means "imitating God."

For the mighty

For any parent, his child is the best and most worthy. Are you not afraid to develop pride in your son? Then choose among the regal names. They are beautiful and symbolic. A boy with that name will not become a subordinate or eternal second place. It only targets the top spots. Velimir will become the "ruler of the world", and Aristarchus will strive to become the "head of the best." Eruslan is a potential "lion" who has won back his possessions. Voldemar will become the "famous ruler", but nature is closer to Vitold, and he feels himself "the head of the forest".

Last step

So how do you make a decision if the choice is dizzy? First, all facts, wishes and intentions must be taken into account. Secondly, you need to find out the meaning of the selected names. And, thirdly, even the most ideal name may be irrelevant after the first glance at your child. After all, he is the most main critic and the person concerned. The first impression of him will indicate all the pros and cons of the chosen names. If you find it absurd to give your baby a rare or outdated name, then listen to your inner voice and give up this idea. Let be better name will be consonant with the surname, capacious and beautiful. Many people stop at simpler options, realizing that names such as Volodar or Epifan only strain their hearing and cause rejection. It is important not to overdo it in search of exotic things, otherwise the child may find the only way out - to change his name upon reaching the age when this action will be allowed.