Sayings about art, music, composers. Quotes about music composers, musicians, writers, poets, mathematicians, scientists, philosophers saying about the song of famous people

Sayings about art, music, composers. Quotes about music composers, musicians, writers, poets, mathematicians, scientists, philosophers saying about the song of famous people
Sayings about art, music, composers. Quotes about music composers, musicians, writers, poets, mathematicians, scientists, philosophers saying about the song of famous people

Rock stars have always been the subject for adoration and imitation. It is impossible to just take and become a rock star. These people were always personalities who, thanks to their views on life and the worldview in general, became idols of millions.

In this issue: Exle Rose, Bob Marley, Keith Richards, Anthony Kiddis, Jimmy Handrix, Jimmy Page, Kurt Cobain, Frank Zapap, Tom York, Marilyn Manson, Dave Groz, Kate Flint, Lemmy, John Bon Jovi.

So what they think rock idols about the world, women, sex, alcohol, love, music, drugs and themselves - in our article:

"Quotes of great musicians. VOLUME I. "

Exce Rose - Guns`N`roses

"I'm not God. And if I were, then 3/4 of you would be girls, and the rest are pizza and beer. "

In original:
"I'm not God But If I Were God, ¾ of You Would be Girls, And The Rest Be Pizza and Beer."

Bob Marley

"Some people feel rain. Others simply wet. "

In original:
"Some People Feel The Rain. OTHERS JUST Get Wet. "

Kit Richards - The Rolling Stones

"I could never lie in bed with a woman only for sex. I am not interested in me. I want to hug you, and kiss you, and make you feel good, and protect you. And the next day get a cute note - be in touch "

In original:
"I've Never Been Able to Go to Bed with a Women Just for Sex. I'VE NO INTEREST IN THAT. I Want to Hug You and Kiss You and Make You Feel Good and Protect You. And Get A Nice Note The Next Day, Stay in Touch. "

P.P.S. By the way, Joni DEPP tried to imitate the gait and Maneru of Cate conversation in the image of Jack Sparrow. And then asked Richards to play the role of Jack's father in the Pirates of the Caribbean. Guitarist agreed.

Anthony Kidis - Red Hot Chilli Peppers

"It seems chaos in the world accelerates, but with him and beauty is in consciousness more and more people"

In original:

Jimmy Handrix

"When the power of love will surpass love for strength, the world will reign on earth"

Jimmy Page - Led Zeppelin

"Music is like making love. Sometimes I want gently and gently, and sometimes hard and rude. "

Kurt Cobain - Nirvana

"I love to complain and do nothing to improve the situation."

Frank Zapap

"Without deviation from the norm, progress is impossible"

P.S. Frank Zapap - American composer, singer, multi-processist, producer, songwriter, musician experimenter, and sound and film director. "A man who taught everyone to play guitar"

Tom York - Radiohead and Atoms for Peace

"I want to be alone and want people to notice me - both, and the other at the same time."

Marilyn Manson

"I found a big difference between the desire to die and the reluctance to live. When you want to die you at least have a goal. When you do not want to live you just empty "


Quotes and aphorisms 24.03.2018

Dear readers, undoubtedly, music plays a huge role in our lives. She inspires and soothes, entertains and gives solemnity to important moments, helps to tune in to the desired way and express something that we are inspired or disturbing. Therefore, we are with such hobbies not only listen to music, but we are talking about it, share your impressions, loved ones, we advise you to listen to.

And although, as the famous American composer and singer, Frank Zapap, said, "talking about music - I don't care what to dance about architecture," there is so much quotes about music. And it is about them that will be speech on the blog.

In general, both the ancient philosophers and wise people wrote separately for each person. Let's see how accurate and deeply their quotes about music.

What talked about the great music

"Music inspires the whole world, supplies soul with wings, contributes to the flight of imagination; Music gives life and fun to existing ... it can be called the embodiment of the entire beautiful and all sublime. "

"It is difficult to find the best method of education than the one that has already been found by experience so many centuries; It can be briefly defined as consisting of gymnastics for body and music for the soul. "

"For this reason, the musical education is extremely important, because it gives rhythm and harmony to enter the soul as deep as possible, it is very beautiful and hanging out a person with a sense of excellent."

Pupil Plato, Aristotle, who raised Alexander Macedonian and no less famous than his teacher, fully shared his opinion about the enormous influence of music on man.

"Music is capable of providing a well-known impact on the ethical side of the soul; And once the music has such properties, it should be included in the number of youth education items. "

"Music reflects the morals."


In these quotations about music with meaning not just loud words. They reflect a reverent attitude to music as science, as the undoubted and integral part of the education and education of a person. And the music in ancient times was really not only art - she was one of the most important scientific disciplines along with mathematics, philosophy, medicine.

What is this - music? Is it possible to describe the greatest role that she plays in our lives and measure the influence that she puts on us? Quotes about the music of great people will help us get closer to this understanding.

"Music is a source of joy of wise people, she is able to cause good thoughts in the people, she deeply penetrates his consciousness and easily change the morals and customs."

"Music is a flank flower benefactors."

Xun Tzi.

"Where the words end, the music begins."

Heinrich Heine

"Music is a universal language of mankind."

Henry Westsworth Longfello

"Music is not only a factor of a refining, educational. Music - Health Healer.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev

"Music is the highest art in the world."

"The music makes me forget myself, my true position, she transfers me to some other, not its position; I think that I feel that I am, in fact, I don't feel that I understand what I do not understand that I can not, what I can't ... She, music, immediately moves me at that state of mind, In which he was the one who wrote music. I merge with him soul and with him I move away from one state to another. "

"Music is the stenography of the senses."

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy

"No picture, no word may not express the most significant, the most intimate heart content, like music; Its cardicity is incomparable, indispensable. "

Kuno Fisher

"There are minutes in which they quite feel the lack of an earthly language, I would like to express some harmony, music. Music is an innumerable daughter of real sounds, she can move the thrill of one soul to another, pour sweet, scotchless fat ... "

Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

"The greatness of art is perhaps brighter than everything manifests itself in music, for it does not have the content that needs to be considered. It is all forms and filling. She makes elevated and noble all that is taken to express. "

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Music is an acoustic composition that causing appetite to life in us, as well-known pharmaceutical compositions cause food appetite."

Vasily Kuevsky

Music and soul

In quotes about music and soul, the thought is reflected about the close connection between the music and the state of harmony, which it causes in us. It is impossible not to succumb to its influence, not follow it. Music - Camerton of our soul, the most explicit indicator of our mental condition. She cleans and awakens our heart, opens his good and light.

"I am not listening to music - I listen to my soul."

Marina Tsvetaeva

"Music shows a person the opportunities of the greatness that is in his soul."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"God gave us the music so that we, first of all, have entertained by it up ..."

Friedrich Nietzsche

"Music is the only worldwide language, it is not necessary to translate - there is a soul on it with soul."

"The music is washing away from the soul of dust everyday life."

Bertold Averbach

"Music, like the rain, a drop of a drop is seeping into the heart and revives it."

Romain Rolland

"There is something magical in the rhythm: he makes us believe that the sublime belongs to us."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"As gymnastics straightens the body, so music straightens the soul of man."

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

"Only the greatest art - music - can touch the soul depths."

Maksim Gorky

Beautiful about music

You can talk about music and write indefinitely and not repeat. Music is air. This is a whole universe. This is, under the influence of what we change, even if you do not pay ourselves in this report. Just listen, what beautiful words are spoken about her, what are the beautiful quotes about music!

"Music is a couple of art. It is the same for the art of poetry, that dreams for the thought that for the ocean waves - the ocean clouds over it. "

Viktor Marie Hugo

"One love music is inferior, but love is a melody."

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

"Music - poetry air."

Jean Pol

"The music of his melody brings us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity for a few minutes to comprehend her greatness."

Thomas Carlel

"Bach almost makes me believe in God ..."

Roger Frey.

"When the music is crying, all humanity crying with her together, all nature crying."

Henri Bergson

"Music, not mentioning anything, can say everything."

Ilya Erenburg

Famous musicians about music

All our world - as if a huge picture of a mosaic, consisting of sounds, paints, light. It is not surprising that, including with the help of music, we will know the world and reveal our soul for other people. Opening your musical preferences, we seem to share the most intimate.

And who can better say about music, rather than those who touched it directly, who are involved in its creation, who carries it into our world. After all, music is their whole life, and in confirmation of this quotes about the music of famous musicians.

"I live in this world only to write music."

Franz Schubert

"Where the words are powerless, is the fulfillment of their more eloquent language - music."

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

"Words sometimes need music, but music does not need anything."

Edward Grig

"The purpose of music is to touch the heart."

Johann Sebastian Bach

"Music embodies a feeling, not forcing him to assert and mix with the thought, as it is forced in most arts, especially in the art of the word ..."

Ferrenz Leaf

"Music - meditally between the life of the mind and the life of feelings."

"Music is a mediator between spiritual and sensual life." "Music is one of the most infrequent entry into the highest world of knowledge, which comprehends humanity, but which cannot comprehend the person."

"Music should carve fire from human hearts."

Ludwig van Beethoven

"Music as much needs words as sculpture."

Anton Rubinstein

"Love and explore the great art of music. It will open you a whole world of high feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer. Thanks to music, you will find new, unknown for your strength. You will see life in new colors and paints. "

Dmitry Shostakovich

"We are not listening to music, and music listens to us."

Theodore Adorno

It is impossible to imagine modern music without such a huge cultural reservoir as rock music. The evolution of this musical direction occupied less than seventy years, originating from the blues rock and roll, and now it is already occupied by a huge musical niche, giving birth to new and new branches. Actually, this is the secret of the popularity of rock music - everyone can find a genre in it in her soul, to everyone she will find an approach and pick up a suitable key to heart. Quotes about rock music and rock musicians as it should not be better described, why it has been so popular for many decades in a row.

"Rock is a riot in any case. Rock is in any case a protest against the system. But this is not necessarily approving some other system instead of existing. Even if you can't offer any better alternative, then agree that there is, in my opinion, incorrectly. "

Gleb Samoilov

"Rock is the ability to make freedom to the world, in the mind of people."

Taylor Momsen

"Rock is a movement, it is a story, it is true and freedom, it is a force capable of moving the mountains and combine common efforts. In Rock there is no place for hypocrisy, showing, parodies, lies. Rock is not just music. Rock music is life. "

Lusinhe Gevorkian

"Our business is not to show technical frills on the guitar, but awaken in people emotions!"

David Gilmore

"Music belongs to everyone. Only sound recordings are still believe that more owners are they. "

"Rock and roll is eternal because he is simple, there is nothing superfluous. His rhythm penetrates all obstacles. I read the book of Ellridge Kliver - he writes about how blacks helped their music with a white man to find himself, realize her body. Their music penetrated us forever. Already fifteen years old for me, nothing but rock and roll, in this life no longer existed.

Its power in some special realism. The striking naturalness of rock affects the very first acquaintance with him. In short, this is true art. "

"I do not know what will disappear first: religion or rock. I bet on the first. "

John Lennon

"I am proud that in my soul there is a stamp rock and roll!"

Paul McCartney

"I did not make a choice - the music chose me. And now I play rock. "

Roger Glover, Deep Purple

"Rock is music, through which you can figure out in your inner world and find a piece of myself without killing anyone."

Jared Leto

Music is somehow present in the life of each of us. She comes to us even before birth with a gentle voice of Mom, with lullaby songs immediately after we born, she accompanies us all his life. And let our musical preferences can radically differ - it does not matter. The main thing is that there is an amazing miracle in our life - music. A miracle that awakens in our hearts is the best that they have. Miracle, without which all human existence is unthinkable.

I hope dear readers that you were interested in and knowing this article about the quotations associated with music. Instruct music into your heart, because as the great Russian composer Shostakovich said, "lovers and connoisseurs of music are not born, but become." And let the music of spring and love always sound in your soul!

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The mystery of music is that it finds an inexhaustible source where it is silent.

Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hoffman

Music, like the rain, drop behind the drop, seeps in the heart and revives it.

Romain Rolland

Music is a mighty source of thought. Without musical education it is impossible for a full mental development.

Music combines moral, emotional and aesthetic human spheres. Music is the language of feelings.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Music is a mind embodied in beautiful sounds.

I.S. Turgenev

Music is more connected with the moral actions of a person, rather than usually think.

V.F. Odoyevsky

The music is washing away from the soul dust of everyday life.

Music is the only worldwide language, it is not necessary to translate him, soul speaks with soul.


F. Shopen

Music can not think, but she can embody the thought.


This music is able to express only humane feelings, only advanced humane ideas.

Love and explore the great art of music. It will open you a whole world of high feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer. Thanks to the music you will find new unknown for your strength. You will see life in new colors and paints.

"Love and explore the great art of music. It will open you a whole world of high feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer. Thanks to the music you will find new unknown for your strength. You will see life in new colors and paints. "


About music! Szvuk distant harmonious world! The sigh of the angel in our soul!

J.P. Richter

"Music - meditally between the life of the mind and the life of feelings. Music is a higher revelation than wisdom and philosophy. "

Music should carve fire from human hearts.


"Music inspires the whole world, supplies soul with wings, contributes to the flight of imagination; Music gives life and fun to existing, makes a person happy ... it can be called an embodiment of the whole beautiful and all sublime. "

Music inspires the whole world, supplies the soul with wings, contributes to the flight of imagination ...


Music not only gives us pleasure. She teaches a lot. She, as a book, makes us better, smarter, kinder.

D.B. Kabalevsky

Music is the noblest, the very ideal, the charming, the finest of all that the human spirit has invented.

A.G. Rubinstein

Music is a universal language of mankind.


Music one is a world language and does not need to be translated, for he says the soul.


Music does not have the Fatherland; The fatherland is all the universe.

F. Shopen

What is music? She takes place between thought and phenomenon; As a predestal mediative, it is worth it between the Spirit and matter; Relative to both, it is different from them; This is a spirit that needs a measuring time; This is matter, but the matter that costs without space.


Music is a stenographfeelings.

L.N. Tough

Music shows a person those the possibility of greatness that is in his soul.


Of all the arts, music is the most humane and widespread.

Jean Pol


The greatness of art is more clearly manifested in music. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe )

All coming, music - eternal! (k / fSome "old men" go to battle )

Talk about music - I don't care what to dance about architecture. (David Byrne)

If a person does not humilize that he will understand in music? (Confucius )

Ideal music is silence, and the musicians are engaged in creating a beautiful frame around this perfection. (Sting)

Ofdelights life One love music is inferior. But alsolove - melody ... (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. )

Beauty in music consists not in the pinch of effects and harmonic curiosities, but in simplicity and naturalness. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky )

Any art is committed to becoming music. (Walter Pater)

The world is the music to which you need to find words! (Boris Pasternak )

Music is the highest art in the world. (Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy )

Music is the only worldwide language, it is not necessary to translate him, soul speaks with soul. (Bertold Averbach )

Music is a single language of the world. (Obsessed with a dream)

Music - sourcejoy wise people. ( Xun Tzi. )

Music is the best consolation for a saddled person. (Martin Luther )

Music - meditally between the life of the mind and the life of feelings. (Ludwig van Beethoven )

Music is the greatest consolation: it refreshes the heart and gives him the world. (Martin Luther)

Music is the art of pepper and delight for no reason. (Tadeush Kotharbinsky)

Music is matterium emotions. (Matthew Bellamy )

Music is my religion. (Jimi Hendrix )

Music is the unnewned part of you. (Matthew Bellamy)

Music is the strongest type of magic. (Marilyn Manson )

Music is a stenography of feelings. (Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy)

Music around us, you just need to be able to hear it ... (Augustus Rush)

Music inspires the whole world, supplies the soul with wings, contributes to the flight of imagination; Music gives life and fun to existing ... it can be called the embodiment of the entire wonderful and all sublime. (Plato )

The music is washing away from the soul dust of everyday life. (Bertold Averbach)

Music is higher than all the revelations of wisdom and philosophy. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Music shuffling sadness. (William Shakespeare )

Music should be intense for feelings. Music gives output emotions, it should be. (Matthew Bellamy)

Music should carve fire from human hearts. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Music can change the world because it is capable of changing people. (Bono )

Music improves morals. (Aristotle )

Music forms the middle between thought and phenomenon. (Heinrich Heine )

Music, like the rain, drop behind the drop, seeps in the heart and revives it. (Romain Rolland )

Music as little needs words, like sculpture. (Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein )

Music do not study the books. She is around us. (August Rush)

Nothing reminds so past as music; She not only reminds him, but causes him, and, like the shadows of those who are dear to us, it appears, shrouded with a mysterious and melancholic haze. (Anna-Louise Germen de Stal)

Just as all the arts are about music, all sciences strive for mathematics. (George Santyana. )

Let a person walk under the music that hears him, in any rhythm it sounded. (Henry Toro. )

Rock is music by which you can figure out in your inner world and find a piece of yourself without killing anyone. (Jared Leto )

Words sometimes need music, but music does not need anything. (Edward Grig )

Perfect music leads the heart in exactly the same condition that you experience, enjoying the presence of your beloved creature, that is, the music gives, undoubtedly, the most striking happiness, which is possible on earth. (Standal )

Only music has the power to form a character ... With the help of music, you can teach yourself to develop the right feelings. (Aristotle)

Each fan has a reason for which he fell in love with some particular group, and everyone has something to tell about it. We only live once, and in our godless time it is difficult to carry someone with your faith. Music is religion, and groups - shining clusters of stars. (Muse. Muscle Museum: View from the inside)

It's funny how songs change our lives, right? (Jared Leto)

The only possible comment on the musical composition is another musical composition. (Igor Stravinsky)

Life can be written notes on a sheet of paper.

Melody is a thought, this movement is the soul of a musical work.

The music is washing away from the soul dust of everyday life.

When words end, music begins.

When we perceive the ear with rhythm and melody, we have a mental mood.

Melody - the only form of music; Without melody, music is unthinkable, but music and melody are inseparable.

Music is an acoustic composition that causes us appetite to life.

Music shows a person those the possibility of greatness that is in his soul. (Emerson U.)

Music is a mind embodied in beautiful sounds. (Turgenev I.S.)

Life for life begins with music.

Music is my deity and the only love that has never left me. (Villa Valo)

Music is the strongest type of magic. MARILYN MANSON)

Music, like the rain, a drop behind the drop seeps in the heart and revives it.

Music is the art of peeling and delight without reason

Music creates feelings that are not in life.

Music reflects the morals, but the morals corrupt music.