Radiation map after Chernobyl. Radioactive pollution of Russia and Chernobyl ecological catastrophe

Radiation map after Chernobyl. Radioactive pollution of Russia and Chernobyl ecological catastrophe
Radiation map after Chernobyl. Radioactive pollution of Russia and Chernobyl ecological catastrophe

30 years after a large-scale accident at a nuclear power plant in the USSR in April 1986. Here is a story about the expected and unexpected consequences of radiation After Chernobyl, two researchers from Salford University in England, as well as the author of this article, who has repeatedly visited the territory with radioactive contamination.

The British were set in the forest in the zone of alienation of the Chernobyl NPP camcorder, the so-called photo traps. The lenses came across the eyes of a wolf, a magnificent curtain bear or a bulky shape of the bison. There is a photo of moose, including noble, with young, as well as lyry, and what is surprising, as they write, even Przhevalsky's horses. The most common photos are photos of deer, boars and foxes. As researchers are joking, it seems, large mammals stood in line to take a picture. Total received from photo gallets over 15 500 pictures for 2015.

Locals who still live in rare empty villages, where radiation is significantly less, alarmed by the total invasion of wild boars, as well as the increasing population of wolves.

On the one hand, the radioactive contamination of the terrain leads to diseases of people and animals. And on the other hand, she drives away a person and creates more favorable animal habitats, scientists say.

Radiation radiation decreased

It is indisputable that extremely high radiation immediately after the accident had a devastating effect on plants and animals. Almost all pines died on an area of \u200b\u200b600 hectares in a short period of time. Another 3,600 hectares that have not received such high doses, coniferous trees have not given seeds for 5-7 years. At a distance of five to seven kilometers around the destroyed reactor, there soon decreased populations of insects and other invertebrates in forest soil 30 times. And mammals became victims of acute irradiation. This is confirmed by those facts that the rodents almost disappeared in close proximity to the reactor in the immediate vicinity of the reactor.

Since then, the level of radioactive contamination of the region has decreased significantly. Since Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 has a half-life of about 30 years, currently in rural areas are two times less dangerous isotopes than as soon after the accident. There are no more direct lethal doses of irradiation for most organisms.

However, the population, of course, has chronic stress, the consequences of which are very difficult to assess. And he is not boss. As many scientists warned, although these predictions were classified, in Belarus now there is an increasing surge of cancer, especially in men. Moreover, winds and atmospheric precipitates after an accident at a nuclear power plant in Pripyati distributed radioactive contamination of the terrain very unevenly. Probably too late for Belarus in Japan after an accident at Fukushim NPPs found natural, pesticides and heavy metals from Pashnya.

The impact of radiation on the animal world and fauna

Anders Moller from the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris and Timothy Mussian from the University of South Carolina in Colombia distributed information among researchers, which even at a relatively low radiation burden there are tremendous damage to wildlife.

They report, for example, about high frequencies of mutations and reproductive problems to rustic swallows. Around the reactor there is an unusually large amount of animals with white stains, deformed parts of the body and wonderful patterns in feathers. Tumors and deformed fingers, noses or eyes can be more common than elsewhere. The males in the moderately polluted areas around the reactor can also be found sometimes deformation of sperm on more than 40 percent, while only five percent are typical of relatives from relatively not contaminated regions of Spain and Ukraine.

In addition, from the point of view of life expectancy, Anders Meller and his colleagues were given not a good prediction for swallows in the immediate vicinity of the reactor: the chance to live until the next spring and return back to the nesting for these birds is only 28 percent. In their relatives from other regions of Ukraine, this indicator is 40 percent, and for those who are even 45 percent in Spain. Researchers are convinced that many and other species have the same problems, and they are directly related to radiation.

In subsequent years (2006 - 2009), they recorded these nesting birds in various forest areas near the reactor and in other regions of Belarus and Ukraine. They met in the affected areas to less than half of the species that they expected to meet. The total number of birds does not even reach one third of the usual values. Even in insects such as bees, grasshoppers, butterflies and dragonflies, the population of these species is reduced in areas with greater radiation exposure. In February 2009, in areas with increased radiation, it was observed in the snow significantly less than the mammalian prints than in less contaminated areas.

More animals than before the accident

However, some of these results are controversial, several times there were criticism of the methods used, and the lack of transparency of data. Indeed, other studies show that wildlife around seems to be surprisingly well able to adapt to the increased radioactive load. The research team under the guidance of Jim Smith from Portsmouth University in the UK published the results of the first long-term study of the populations of large mammals in the Belarusian part of the prohibitive zone in 2015. Direct calculation was made when experts during the winter months from 1987 to 1996 were observed an animal world from a helicopter. On the other hand, researchers between 2008 and 2010 recorded traces in the snow of representatives of the animal world.

The results of these stocks are unexpected and striking: "To date, in the region covered by the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, there is probably much more wildlife than before the accident," Jim Smith noted. In the Belarusian part of the alienation zone, the same number of moose, deer, noble deer and wild boars, as in four compared protected areas of the country, are now roaming. And the number of detected wolves is higher even seven times. True, in this information, there is no conclusions about the life expectancy or reproductive successes of individual animals, researchers are written in the journal Current Biology. In addition, photographs from the photo gallery assumes that the territories heavily affected by the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant became popular seats habitat of large mammals.

The brown bears captured by the cameras in the end were first discovered in the region over the past hundred years. And 30 Przhevalsky horses, which were settled in the late 1990s in the Ukrainian part of the forbidden zone, apparently are in a state of successful reproduction. Before lens, they posed their foals and adolescents. "All this does not mean that radiation is good for wildlife," says Jim Smith. But very likely, Fauna won from the exit of people from the region. Other researchers also consider.

Within 10-20 years after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, as well as in the early years. The villages in the exclusion zone were demolished, and at home and other buildings were buried to the ground. There are only memorable signs on their places, and the resulting fruit trees from the once existing gardens. For thirty years, new trees have grown, and the forest restores their lost positions in these places. People in these zones almost disappeared.

Extensive arable lands, meadows and pastures were abandoned and thrown on natural development. This opens up new opportunities for many animals, and restore their number. The same effect is also known in other parts of the world. But it is possible that irradiation can still have a negative impact on the population of animals in the long run, too little time has passed and very little more data. So far, for animals in the zone of infection, where a person left, a positive effect prevails.

The reactor accident like it was

On April 26, 1986, one of the most terrible tragedies occurred in the history of the nuclear industry. The nuclear reactor in Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union exploded and raised a huge number of radioactive substances into the atmosphere. Isotopes, such as cesium-137 or strontium-90, have a long half-life of about 30 years, got into many parts of Europe.

The most severely contaminated areas are within the reactor, and their territory is mainly owned by Belarus and Ukraine, a much smaller part is also located in Russia. Immediately after the accident, the authorities first evacuated the population from the territory within a radius of ten kilometers around the destroyed reactor, including 50,000 residents of the city of Pripyati. A few days later, the exclusion zone was expanded to a radius of 30 kilometers. Their boundaries were subsequently revised several times depending on the levels of radiation.

In conclusion, I would like to note that alas, agriculture is resumed in the Belarusian zone of increased radiation, and in many places the herd of cows graze that the author of this article saw with their own eyes.

Although the 2011 earthquake and anxiety around Fukushima returned the radiation threat to the sphere of public consciousness, many people still have no idea that radioactive contamination is a danger worldwide. Radionuclides are among the six most dangerous toxic substances listed in the report, which was published in 2010 by the Institute of Blacksmith - a non-state organization engaged in environmental pollution problems. The location of some of the most radioactive places on the planet may surprise you - like numerous people who have threatened the possible consequences of radiation for themselves and their children.

Hanford, USA -10th place

The Hanford Complex in Washington was an integral part of the US project to develop the first atomic bomb, manufacturing plutonium for her and the "fat man" used in Nagasaki. During the Cold War, the complex has increased production volumes, providing a plutony of most of the 60 thousand units of America's nuclear weapons. Despite the conclusion, it still contains two thirds of highly active radiation waste of the country - about 53 million gallons (200 thousand cubic meters. M; here and further - approx. Mixednews) liquid, 25 million cubic meters. feet (700 thousand cubic meters) solid and 200 square meters. Miles (518 square meters) infectized by the radiation of groundwater, which makes it the most contaminated territory in the United States. The destruction of the surrounding nature in the area makes it realize that the threat of radiation is not something that will come with a missile attack, but something that can fade in the heart of your own country.

Mediterranean Sea -9th place

For years they sound the words that the syndicate of the Italian mafia "NDRANGETA" used the sea as a convenient place to relieve hazardous waste, including radioactive, staging on the provision of relevant services. According to the assumptions of the Italian non-state organization "Lebonbyte", since 1994, about 40 vessels loaded with toxic and radioactive waste disappeared in the waters of the Mediterranean. If these statements are true, then they draw an alarming picture of pollution of the Mediterranean basin by an unspecified number of nuclear materials, the scale of the true threat of which will clarify when the integrity of hundreds of barrels will disrupt or some other processes. The beauties of the Mediterranean may well hide the unfolding ecological catastrophe.

Somalia coast -8th place

Since now I went about it with an ominous business, then the Italian Mafia mentioned has not become limited only to its own region. Also there are a place of approval that the Somali soils and water remaining without state protection were used for the disposal and flooding of nuclear materials and poisonous metals, including 600 barrels of toxic and radioactive waste, as well as the waste of medical institutions. In fact, representatives of the United Nations Environment Program believe that rusting waste from waste, issued on the Somali coast during the Tsunami of 2004, were reset in the sea back in the nineties. The country is already devastated by anarchy, and the impact of waste to its impoverished population may be the same destructive (if not even worse), like everything that has experienced before.

"Mayak", Russia - 7-E place

The production complex "Mayak" in the Northeast of Russia for decades has in its composition the plant for the production of nuclear materials, and in 1957 he became the place of one of the most difficult in the world practice of atomic incidents. As a result of the explosion, the released release of up to one hundred tons of radioactive waste was infected by an extensive territory. The fact of the explosion was kept under the cover of secrecy until the eighties. Starting from the 1950s, the plant waste was relieved in the nearby surroundings, as well as to Lake Karachay. This led to pollution of the water supply system, providing the daily needs of thousands of people. Experts believe that Karachai can be the most radioactive place in the world, and the effects of radiation of the plant as a result of various serious incidents - including fires and deadly dust storms, - over 400 thousand people have undergone. The natural beauty of Lake Karachay deceptively hides in itself polluting substances that create the level of radiation in the places in the places of lake, sufficient to obtain a person for an hour of the deadly dose of irradiation.

Sellafield, United Kingdom - 6th place

Located on the west coast of England, Sellafield was originally an enterprise for the production of atomic bombs, but then went to the commerce area. From the moment of its operation, there were hundreds of abnormal situations on it, and two thirds of their buildings themselves are now considered radioactive waste. The company daily merges into the sea about 8 million liters of waste infected with radiation, which makes the Irish Sea with the most radioactive sea in the world. England is famous for its green fields and hilly landscapes, despite the fact that in the heart of this industrialized country, a toxic, high-evary object, extinguishing hazardous substances in the world ocean, was well set up.

Siberian Chemical Combine, Russia - 5th place

"Lighthouse" is not the only dirty place in Russia; Siberia is the object of the chemical industry, which contains more than a forty-year-old nuclear waste supply. Liquids are stored in outdoor pools, and weakly serviced tanks contain more than 125 thousand tons of solid materials, while the underground storage is capable of leakage into groundwater. Winds and rains separated pollution from the surrounding area and the living nature on it. And many minor accidents led to plutonium and explosive radiation dissemination. Let the snow-covered landscape look like pristine and clean, but the facts make the real real degree of pollution, which can be found here.

Semipalatinsky polygon, Kazakhstan- 4th place

Once the place of testing of nuclear weapons, this territory is now part of modern Kazakhstan. The site was allocated for the needs of the project to create a Soviet atomic bomb due to its "degenitability" - despite the fact that 700 thousand people lived in that area. The object was where the USSR blew his first atomic bomb, and retains the record as a place with the highest concentration of nuclear explosions in the world: 456 tests in 40 years from 1949 to 1989. Despite the fact that the tests carried out at the subject matter - as well as its impact in terms of radiation irradiation, they held tips in secret before its closure in 1991, radiation, estimated by researchers, damaged 200 thousand people. The desire to destroy the peoples on the other side of the border led to the ghost of nuclear infection, which is navis above the heads of those who at their time were citizens of the USSR.

Miluuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan - 3rd place

In Meluu-Suu, which, according to the 2006 institute's report, is considered one of the ten most polluted cities on Earth, radiation radiation does not come from atomic bombs or power plants, but from the extraction of materials necessary in the associated technological processes. In the specified area, the capacity for the extraction and processing of uranium, which are now thrown together with 36 dumps of uranium waste - more than 1.96 million cubic meters. This region is also characterized by seismic activity, and any violation of the localization of substances can lead to their contact with the environment or, in case of ingressing in the river, water pollution, which hundreds of thousands of people enjoy. These people may never worry about the threat of a nuclear strike, but they still have good reasons to live in fear of radioactive precipitation, whenever the earth shakes.

Chernobyl, Ukraine - 2nd place

The place of one of the worst and worst and inglorious nuclear accidents, Chernobyl, is still very polluted, despite the fact that a small number of people are now allowed to be allowed in the zone. As a result of the infamous incident, 6 million people underwent the effects of radiation, and estimates of deaths that eventually occur due to the Chernobyl accident, range from 4 to 93 thousand. The emissions of radiation a hundred times exceeded those that took place in the bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Belarus swallowed 70 percent of radiation, and its citizens faced unprecedented before the number of cancer. Even today, the word "Chernobyl" is conscious of the terrifying paintings of human suffering.

Fukushima, Japan - 1st place

The earthquake and the Tsunami 2011 were tragedy, deprived of lives and dwellings, but the most long-term danger may be an impact that the nuclear power plant has a nuclear power plant. At the time of Chernobyl, the atomic accident caused the melting of fuel three of six reactors, as well as such radiation leaks for adjacent territories and in the sea, that radioactive substances were discovered at a distance of two hundred miles from the station. Until the accident and its consequences revealed to the full, the true extent of the damage to the environment remain unknown. The world can still feel the consequences of this catastrophe during the life of future generations.

This phrase leads to horror and at the same time causes interest in millions of people around the world. Chernobyl NPP alienation zone. Films, games and books on this topic become hits. But not everyone knows where the boundaries of the zone are run. Let's try to figure out and learn how things are currently in infected areas.

History Chaps

For a whole year, designers were looking for a place for construction finally, near and not far from the station Yanov, low-product lands were discovered. In the 1970s, the director of the NPP appoint V.P. Brojanova and preparations begins to build. In total, it is planned to put into operation 4 power units. While the construction of the station is underway, all people involved in the project live in the nearest villages. At this time, the new city is in full swing in three kilometers from the station.


A beautiful picturesque place promised to become a new home for 50 thousand people. Architects tried to make a real resort from a simple work town. Many trees and green shrubs surrounded high-rise buildings and places for recreation. A large park in the city center, promised to become the most popular place and attract young children with funny attractions. To ensure the work of all the inhabitants, a huge plant "Jupiter" was built. People could always find a place in various enterprises.

The young city quickly turned out stores and entertainment facilities. The cinema "Prometheus" worked every day, and residents could at any time go to a new film session. For versatile and talented personalities, the House of Culture "Energy" was built. Amateurism was encouraged and mugs for children and adults constantly worked in the club. The own palace of arts invited all art connoisseurs to visit the exhibition halls. A complete move was the construction of the Palace of Pioneers and a new big cinema. These buildings did not have time to put into operation before the beautiful city became the zone of alienation of the Chernobyl NPP.

Sport city

The population of Pripyati consisted mainly of young people. Middle age - 26 years. Much attention at that time was paid to the sport. In this regard, a huge stadium was built, where football matches were held. The weekends of the stands were filled with residents and guests. There were several football teams in the city - youthful and adults competed in the art of ownership by the ball. Later, another stadium was built. For lovers of water sport existed three pools. It should be noted that in such a relatively small town there were as many as 10 sports halls. The youth had a large selection and a lot of opportunities with benefit spending free time.

All the best - children

Much attention was paid to small residents of Pripyat. 15 kindergartens designed with all possible requirements, opened the doors for 4980 kids every day. Preschool institutions were provided with everything necessary and kept at the highest level. High schools were only five, but this turned out to be enough for a young city. Each school had her pool and gym. For entertainment, 35 playgrounds were built. In each area there was a colorful town where the children came to play and communicate with peers.

Tales close

In the warm April 1986, an explosion thundered. Residents did not pay attention to minor fluctuations in the soil and continued to sleep peacefully. At this time, a real apocalypse came at the station, which led to the formation of the Chernobyl NPP alienation zone. The fourth reactor exploded after unsuccessfully conducted tests and now actively threw radioactive substances into the atmosphere. One worker died in place. The rest did not understand the dangers and were looking for comrades in uranium hell. The fire team arrived in minutes, but, assessing the disaster scale, was forced to admit that they could not cope with such a mission. They were able to prevent fire to the third block and prevented an even larger scale of the catastrophe. Messages about the tragedy flew to Moscow. It remained to wait for the senior management.

Big deceased

In the morning, rumors about the fire on the Chernoby are separated around the city. Citizens did not give this event of great importance. The fourth reactor exploded at night, no one knew. People calmly walked around the city and enjoyed the warm April rays of the sun. Children kept in sandboxes and roadside dust. And at this time, radioactive substances penetrated into their bodies, to later remind themselves with various diseases. The appearance in the city of soldiers and technique also did not cause a stormy reaction. Casual slipped the announcement that all windows should close and take iodine. The fear was not. People did not know about cunning and invisible enemy, were not afraid. On the first day after the accident, there were no conversation about the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl NPP.


After 36 hours, the inhabitants heard a message from the speaker. The whole city was subject to temporary evacuation. The population followed the documents and the most necessary things. There was no panic, and people quietly sat down to buses, in full confidence that they would soon return home. Broken gas and water, they took the minimum of baggage and went to the far path. At this time, the city has already traveled and washed off the radioactive dust from the roads. No one was allowed to leave for personal transport and take pets with them. The area of \u200b\u200bthe alienation zone of the Chernobyl NPP covered not only the pripe, but also several dozen villages. Residents were preparing for planting a harvest when the order came to evacuate.


As soon as the last bus was disappeared, mass stripping began in the city. Militiamen and servicemen began to shoot animals, along the way, bypassing all at home. They quickly found people who refused to leave their apartment and exported them outside the city. There was a lot of work. While robots and people in overalls cleared the roof of the reactor, the responsible workers cleared the apartment. From the windows flew refrigerators, sofas, televisions and washing machines. What people bought for big money was now needed to get buried. Huge pitched appliances were filled with appliances and furniture. In a special location, cars and motorcycles were buried. If you now look at the photo of the Alienation Zone of the Chernobyl NPP, you can see colossal parks of abandoned military equipment. At the moment, all this was welcome and taken out, but once it was an impressive picture.

Borders of the Alienation Zone of the Chernobyl NPP

In the first days, clear boundaries were installed - 30 km around the station. The nearby forest in a matter of days has become a red, and the military had to bury not only human good, but also trees. It looked pretty wildly, but was the necessary measure. The worst thing had to survive the residents of the villages. They were demolished and also buried in the ground. Never, mankind has never seen such terrible paintings. Many photos of the alienation zone of the Chernobyl NPP forever kept these incredible events. After some time, people realized that they were brutally deceived and they would never be allowed to return to their homes. Some tried to break through through the checkpoints, but the guardians of the law enforcement watched the situation. Now it is no longer a secret that the most valuable things and techniques were exported from Pripyat and sold valiant police and their assistants. Somewhere in apartments still stand objects and infect radiation of their new owners.

Video filming and photographs of the alienation zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant of the time confirm the fact of looting in unprecedented scales. While some heroes, the price of their health, threw graphite from the roof of the reactor, the others were thrown into the cars someone else's good and drove to sell. Diplomas, thanks and honors received those and others.

Animals in the zone of alienation of the Chernobyl NPP felt like real wild beasts. They quickly looked off from people and went into the forest. Wild and free, they no longer let the person to themselves. Now wild cats are roaming in the forests of Pripyati, and their population increases every year. Kabana, hares, foxes and another beast were mutated, but survived the most terrible first years. Of course, their meat cannot be eaten, since the doses of radiation they get daily.

Secret objects in the Alienation Zone of the Chernobyl NPP

On an infected area there is only one object, which is still carefully guarded. He no longer represents secrecy and erase it only for one reason - too many wishing to disassemble the design and sell metal. SGRLS at one time cost the Soviet Union in 7 billion rubles and promised faith and truth to serve many decades. Thanks to this huge design, the military could follow the launch of missiles not only over Europe, but also over America. Its construction near the nuclear power plant was explained by the great consumption of electricity. SAES itself cost the country twice as expensive than her neighbor - intelligence. At the moment, the construction of rust and costs without a case.

Affected parties

Most of the radioactive elements assumed Belarus. The nearest neighbor, which was located just 11 km from the NPP. Wind and precipitation in the first days after the accident created the Belarusian zone of alienation of the Chernobyl NPP. The photo of those years shows how global the catastrophe was. 6.7 thousand square meters. km. It was recognized as a polluted territory and was subject to evacuation and dispersion. At the moment, 92 settlements refer to each year this figure decreases, but it is too early to talk about the larger changes.

Among the affected countries there are Russia. In the Bryansk region, 4 villages were evacuated and 186 residents found a refuge in other villages and cities. There are no other zones of alienation in Russia from the Chernobyl NPP. Several areas were recognized as infected, but there is no significant exceeding radiation norms at the moment.

Native land

In recent years, more and more people began to return to their native places. Despite the fact that the level of radiation is still high and living in the Chernobyl zone is dangerous for life, the people are populated at home and lives ordinary life. Moodos, as they call them, harvest the farm and are not afraid to grow harvest. Regularly to local residents are journalists with a dosimeter. But the harsh Ukrainian village does not scare the crack of the counter. They feel good and believe that native land will never kill them. For guests, they are always ready to open the jar of saline mushrooms or cucumbers from their own garden. But do not take offense if the visits refuse to treat treats. Someone else's fear is understandable.

Most of those returned are old people who once lived here and could not survive parting with the house. From the younger generation, you can only meet people without a certain place of residence and freed from the conclusion of criminals. The villages in which they populate are included in the list of the alienation zones of the Chernobyl NPP. But no one has been trying to evict them for a long time. Still returned and will be stubbornly stand for their homes and plots.

Games with death

After the release of the computer game S.T.A.L.K.RR, many people appeared to visit the alienation zone. Basically, these are young people and lovers to rinse their nerves. They make their ways to near the borders across the borders and go to walk around homes and enterprises of Pripyat. Often, they do not have any means of radiation protection with them. In the city and its surroundings there are still a lot of "dirty" stains, when you can seriously worsen your health. There are cough, climbing on SGRLS and overlooking local beauties from there. Any awkward movement and save such amateurs extreme will be impossible. But it does not stop researchers. Even a fine does not scare the desperate stalkers. It will take many more years before the exclusion zone will be safe for people. But living there, most likely, no one will never ...

A terrible catastrophe in Chernobyl has become an unprecedented case in the historical chronicle of nuclear energy. In the first days after the accident, it was not possible to estimate the real scale of the incident, and only after some time a zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was created within a radius of 30 km. What happened and still happens in a closed area? The world is full of different rumors, some of which is the fruit of inflamed fantasy, and the part is the true truth. And not always the most obvious and realistic things are reality. After all, we are talking about Chernobyl - one of the most dangerous and mysterious territories of Ukraine.

The history of the construction of Chernobia

The land plot 4 km from the village of Kopachi and 15 km from the city of Chernobyl in 1967 was chosen for the construction of a new nuclear power plant, designed to compensate for energy deficit in the Central Energy District. The future station was called Chernobyl.

The first 4 power units were built and launched into the work already by 1983, in 1981 it began construction of 5 and 6 power units, which lasted up to the challenged 1986. Near the station for several years, the town of Power Engineers - Pripyat.

The first accident covered the Chernobyl, in 1982 - after planned repair, an explosion occurred on 1 power unit. The consequences of the breakdown were eliminated within three months, after which additional security measures were introduced to prevent such cases in the future.

But, apparently, fate decided to finish the started, the Chernobia should not work. therefore on the night of April 25-26, 1986 On the 4 power unit thundered another explosion. This time the incident broke into a world-scale catastrophe. No one still can say for sure that it was the cause of the explosion of the reactor that caused thousands of broken fates, fastened lives and premature deaths. A catastrophe, Chernobyl, an alienation zone - the history of this incident is contacted to this day, although the accident time itself is set up to seconds.

A few minutes before the explosion of the 4th power unit

On the night of April 25-26, 1986, an experimental test of 8 turbogenerator was appointed. The experiment started at 1:23:10 April 26, and already after 30 seconds, a powerful explosion thundered as a result of the pressure drop.

Accident on chaps

Four power units in the fire, the fireman managed to completely eliminate the fire to 5 o'clock in the morning. And after a few hours later, it became known how powerful the emission of radiation into the environment. After a couple of weeks, the authorities decided to cover the destroyed power unit with concrete sarcophagus, but it was already too late. The radioactive cloud was separated by quite a long distance.

The Chernobyl catastrophe brought a big trouble: the exclusion zone, created shortly after the event, banned free access to the huge territory owned by Ukraine and Belarus.

Square of the Chernobyl alienation zone

Within a radius of 30 kilometers from the epicenter of the accident - abandonality and silence. It is these territories that the Soviet authorities considered dangerous for permanent residence of people. All residents of the alienation zone were evacuated to other settlements. In the forbidden territory, several more zones were identified:

  • the special zone that the NPP itself and the construction site 5 and 6 of the power units occupied directly;
  • zone 10 km;
  • 30 km zone.

The boundaries of the alienation zone of the Chernobyl NPP were taken by a fence by setting warning icons on the elevated level of radiation. Ukrainian lands that have fallen into the forbidden territory - directly Pripyat, the village of Northport of the Zhytomyr region, the villages of the Kiev region Novospelevichi, Poleskoe, Willle, Yanov, Kopachi.

Copacket seen is located at a distance of 3,800 meters from 4 power unit. It suffered so much from radioactive substances that the authorities decided to make his physical destruction. The most massive rural buildings were destroyed and buried under the ground. Prosperous kopaches were simply simply structured from the face of the Earth. Currently, there are no self-sent.

The accident also touched upon a large plot of Belarusian lands. A significant portion of the Gomel region came under the ban, about 90 settlements came to the radius of the alienation zone and were abandoned by local residents.

Mutants Chernobyl

The territories abandoned by people soon chose wild animals. And people, in turn, went into extensive arguments about monsters, in which radiation turned the entire animal world of the alienation zone. There were rumors about mice with five legs, tri-head hares, luminous boars and many other fantastic transfigurations. Some rumors were supported by others, multiplied, spread and acquired new fans. It turned out to be the fact that some "fairy tales" let rumors about the existence in the closed zone of the Museum of animal mutants. Of course, it was not possible to find this amazing museum. Yes, and with fantastic animals turned out to be a full bummer.

Animals in the zone of alienation of the Chernobyl NPP are indeed exposed to radiation. Radioactive pairs are settled on plants that feed some species. The alienation zone is inhabited by wolves, foxes, bears, wild boars, hares, otters, lynx, deer, badgers, bats. Their organisms successfully cope with pollution and an increased radioactive background. Therefore, the unwittingly forbidden zone was something like a reserve for many species of rare animals living in Ukraine.

And yet, in the zone of alienation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, mutants were. This term can be applied to plants. Radiation has become a kind of fertilizer for the flora, and in the early years after the accident, the size of the plants were affected by imagination. Huge cropped both wild and economic cultures. Forest of 2 km from NPPs was particularly injured. Trees are the only ones who could not escape from the radioactive explosion, so they completely absorbed all the couples and became red. The Red Forest could turn into an even more terrible tragedy if caught fire. Fortunately, this did not happen.

Red Forest is the most dangerous forest on the planet, and at the same time, the most resistant. Radiation as it could cut it, slow down all natural processes. So, the Red Forest plunges into some parallel reality, where Meril is only eternity.

Residents of the Chernobyl alienation zone

After the accident, only workers of the station and rescuers, eliminating the consequences of the accident remained in the territory of the exclusion zone. All civilian population was evacuated. But the years went, and a significant number of people returned to their homes in the exclusion zone, despite the prohibitions of legislation. These desperate guys began to be called self-sicks. Back in 1986, the number of residents of the Chernobyl zone of alienation numbered 1200 people. What is the most interesting thing, many of them were already at retirement age and lived longer than those who left the radioactive zone.

Now the number of self-sents in Ukraine does not exceed 200 people. All of them are dispersed in 11 settlements located in the exclusion zone. In Belarus, the stronghold of residents of the Chernobyl zone of alienation - D. Zhalitsa, Akademgorodok in the Mogilev region.

Basically, self-sewn - the people of old age who could not accept the loss of the house and the entire property, it is impossible. They returned to the contaminated dwellings to live in their short eyelids. Since the economy and any infrastructure in the exclusion zone is absent, people living in the Chernobyl alienation zone are engaged in a gathering economy, and sometimes hunting. In general, they were engaged in the usual activity for themselves in the native walls. So no radiation is terrible. So there is a life in the Chernobyl zone of alienation.

Chernobyl alienation zone today

Chaps finally stopped work only in 2000. Since then, in the zone of alienation, it became very quiet and gloomy. The abandoned cities of the village cause frost on the skin and the desire to escape from here as far as possible. But there are brave cough, for which a dead zone is the abode of fascinating adventure. Despite all the physical and legal prohibitions, stalkers-adventurers constantly investigate abandoned settlements of the zone, and they find a lot of interesting things there.

Today, there is even a special direction in tourism - Pripyat and surroundings of the Chernobyl. Excursions to the dead city cause great curiosity not only among the inhabitants of Ukraine, but also among the guests from abroad. Tours in Chernobyl lasts up to 5 days - it is so much officially allowed to abide by one person on an infected area. But usually trips are limited to one day. The group under the leadership of experienced guides walks on a specially compiled route that does not cause harm to health.

When visit

may jun. jul aug. sen. oct. but I dec jan. feb. mar. apr.
Max. / Min. temperature
Probability of precipitation

Virtual Walk by Pripyat

And for those curious whoever will not risen the person to get acquainted with Pripyat, there is a virtual walk through the Chernobyl alienation zone - fascinating and accurately absolutely safe!

Chernobyl alienation zone: map from satellite

For those who still won't be afraid to go on a journey, a detailed map of the alienation zone of the Chernobyl NPP will be very helpful. It marked the boundaries of a 30-kilometer zone with local items, station buildings and other local attractions. With such a guide is not scary to get lost.

The accident at the Chernobyl NPP has already occurred more than 30 years ago. The destruction of the reactor led to the colossal release of radioactive substances into the environment. According to the official version, 31 people died in the first 3 months, and in the following years, this figure approached hundred. Disputes are still being conducted as to what caused the catastrophe. The consequences of what happened will make themselves known for many more dozens, if not hundreds of years. After the accident, a 30-kilometer zone was installed, from which almost the entire population was evacuated, and free movement is prohibited. This whole territory was frozen in 1986. Today we will look at the 7 most interesting facilities in the Chernobyl alienation zone.

Today, the dead city is not such a "dead city" - excursions are regularly organized, and stalkers are enveloped. Pripyat is considered to be a Soviet city-museum under the open-air. This abandoned place retained the energy of the mid-1980s than attracts tourists from all over the world. We will look at a few of the most interesting places of this city.

Hotel "Polesie" at one time was the visiting card of Pripyat. It is located in the city center, near the amusement park, which is perfectly visible from its windows, and from the observation deck, the main city square is clearly visible and the most famous DC "Energetik". It's more dangerous to the roof every year, since it is not in the best condition, but the zone visitors are so pulling to touch the huge letters that make up the name of the hotel.

In the hotel building, the emergency response headquarters was deployed. From the roof of the hotel perfectly visible 4th power unitTherefore, it was possible to adjust the actions of helicopters that were extinguished fire.

Some rooms have dilapidated interior items. In general, in Pripyat, the Marauders work well at all. They exported equipment, furniture, cut off batteries and took everything that had at least some value, not even thinking that all this could cause great harm to health.

Oh neither paradoxically, but even today the hotel takes tourists who, of course, come there not to take the room. They admire the species of Pripyat, get acquainted with the peculiarities of Soviet apartments and are amazed by trees that germinate through the floor.

This artificial reservoir was created to cool the reactors of the station. The cooler pond is located on the site of an abandoned career, several small lakes and the old river bed. The depth of this reservoir reaches 20 m. In the middle it shares the dam for better circulation of cold and warm water.

Today, the cooler pond is above the river level of the Pripyat 6 meters, and support this in this state is expensive. Taking into account the fact that the station no longer works the water level is gradually reduced, and with time with the reservoir and at all it is planned to dry. This causes a fear of many, because at the bottom there is a lot of fragments of the fourth power unit, highly active fuel cells and radiation dust. However, negative consequences can be avoided if it is possible to correctly calculate the gradual decline in the water levels so that the bottom of the bottom has time to acquire vegetation, which will prevent the rise in radioactive dust.

By the way, the Chernobyl Pond is one of the largest artificial reservoirs in Europe.

For the state of the pond with continuous observation, in order to evaluate how its ecosystem has suffered from radiation impact. Variety of livelihood at least dubed, but did not disappear at all. Today in the pond, it is quite possible to catch a normal fishing on the species, but it is not recommended to use it in food.

DK Energietik

Let's return to the center of Pripyat. The Palace of Culture "Energetik" is watching the main square of the city, which, along with the Phaseva Hotel, is mandatory for visiting.

It is logical to assume that the whole building was concentrated in this building. cultural activity of the city. Mugs were gathered here, concerts and performances were held, and the discos were arranged in the evenings. The building had its own gym, library and cinema. DC was a favorite place of youth Pripyat.

Today, you can still find the remains of the marble tile, which was lined with building, stained glass and mosaic. Despite devastation, the famous spirit of the Soviet era is still preserved in the building.

City Amusement Park in Pripyat

Perhaps the most famous attraction of Pripyat is a city amusement park with his ferris wheel. It is worth noting that this one of the most infected places in the cityBut sometime in the park then enthusiastic children's voices were heard.

Machines, swings, carousels, boats and other attributes of the amusement park will never be used to be destined, but among numerous tourists and stalkers they are popular as a kind of attraction.

Ferris wheel managed to become a symbol of the already empty pripyat. It is interesting that it was not put into operation. It should have been opened on May 1, 1986, but 5 days before the accident occurred for the Chernobyl's ...


Today, for a certain amount of money, you can visit the territory of the Chaps itself. There you will see how it passes construction of "Arch"which should cover the 4th power unit together with the old sarcophagus. In the very building of the power plant, you can go through the "Golden Corridor", familiarize yourself with the reactor control panel, as well as to learn how the Chernobi is working. Ordinary excursions are limited only to the stay of tourists by Nevdomlae from the station.

Arch should cover the news of the 4th power unit

Of course, illegal travelers to enter the heart of the zone cannot - everything is safely guarded. However, the station and the arms of the "arch" are perfectly visible with pripyat multi-stores. Each self-respecting stalker necessarily captures the photo view of the Chernob.

By the way, about 4,000 people work on the territory of the station. They are engaged in the construction of "Arches" and work on the removal of power units from operation.

Redhead forest

This area of \u200b\u200bthe forest, located not far from Chernobyl, during an accident accepted the greatest share of radioactive dustWhat led to the death of trees and staining their foliage into a brown-red color. It is noteworthy that the enzymes of trees have reacted with radiation, which is why there was a glow at night in the forest. As part of the decontamination of "Red Forest" was demolished and buried. Today, trees grow up again, of course, already having a normal color.

Nevertheless, today there are young pines with signs of mutations. This can be expressed in overly or, on the contrary, in insufficient branches. Some trees, reaching age for about 20 years, could not grow above 2 meters. The needles on pines can also look intricate: it can be an elongated, shortened or absent.

By the way, the remaining power units still worked for a while. The latter turned off in 2000.

An unpleasant feeling can be drawn from the burial grounds where demolished trees were buried. Mound and the branches sticking out of the Earth have many associations unpleasant.

The remains of uniform trees are of interest. A similar type clearly indicates how nature may suffer from human activity. This site is perhaps one of the most sad seats zone of alienation.


The object is represented by a huge complex of antennas. This radar station performed a task to detect the launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles. Our military could see the American rocket, actually looking over the horizon. Hence the name "Arc". To ensure the work of the complex, about 1,000 people needed, therefore, a small town for the military and their families was organized. So emerged object "Chernobyl-2". Before the accident, the installation was used for only a few years, and after - was abandoned.

Radar antennas are Soviet engineering thought. According to some data, the construction of the "arc" cost two times more than the creation of a Chernobyl. Western countries were not delighted with this installation. They constantly complained that she prevents the work of civil aviation. Interestingly, the "arc" created a characteristic knocking sound on the air, for which it was called "Russian Dyatlom".

The height of the antenna reaches 150 m, and the length of all the construction is about 500 m. Thanks to its impressive sizes installation is visible from almost any point of the zone..

Nature gradually destroys the construction of the Chernobyl-2 facility. But the "arc" itself will still like not one year, unless, of course, the Ukrainian authorities (or what others) will not want to put into the consumption of tons of infected metal, as happened to the fleet, which was involved in the elimination of the consequences of the accident ...

Many staleriers, without fear of protection, which patrols those places, are closed as high as possible on one of the antennas and capture Chernobyl landscapes in the photo.

In the notorious series of games S.T.A.L.K.E.R. There is a so-called "brainstorm", with which the "arc" is associated, the more attracted by adventurers.


The Chernobyl alienation zone is undoubtedly a unique place on Earth, a kind of piece of the Soviet Union in the 21st century. It is very sad that the city of Pripyat was thoroughly looted by marauders - they could at least touch the finish, but no - even the wiring was pulled out. However, the modern generation is important to refer to the zone not as a tour bode or a place where you can see places from games, but as a reminder that our scientific achievements can leave scars on the ground that will be healing for centuries.