Modern educational technologies in the work of the psychologist's teacher. Material on the topic: Psychological - pedagogical technologies in the work of a psychologist

Modern educational technologies in the work of the psychologist's teacher. Material on the topic: Psychological - pedagogical technologies in the work of a psychologist
  • 1.2. General requirements for the content and level of development of discipline development discipline
  • Own:
  • 1.3. Easter capacity of discipline and types of academic work
  • 1.4. Suitorcing discipline
  • 1.4.1. Educational and educational modules of discipline, their labor intensity and recommended types of academic work
  • 1.4.2. Didactic minimum discipline educational and educational modules
  • 1.4.3. Recommended (approximate) Content of educational modules
  • 1.4.4 Practical classes (workshop)
  • 1.4.5. Topics of trainings, role and business games
  • 1.5. Summage of work
  • 1.5.1. Objectives and organization of independent work
  • 1.5.2 Methodical instructions for performing independent work
  • 1.6.EP, methodical and informational support of the discipline References: Main:
  • Additional:
  • 1.7. Control and evaluation of learning outcomes
  • 1.7.1. Knowledge Control on Discipline
  • 1.8. Material - technical support of discipline
  • The material and technical support of the discipline includes:
  • 1.9. Meeting recommendations on the organization of study of discipline
  • 1.10. Glossary of the basic definitions of disciplines
  • 2. Practical classes Module 1. Practical psychology service in the education system Seminar-workshop 1. The process of creating a work of practical psychology in the education system of the Russian Federation.
  • Literature:
  • Workshop-workshop 2. Regulatory service base. The implementation of SPPO activities in accordance with the main directions of development of the education system.
  • Literature:
  • Module 2. Practical Psychology Service Structure Seminar Workshop 3. Service Structure: Functions and Personnel Support Separate Service Links.
  • Literature:
  • Workshop 4. The main objectives, objectives and means of the service of practical psychology of education at the present stage.
  • Workshop 7. The necessary conditions for the effective implementation of the professional activity of the teacher psychologist in educational institutions of various types and species.
  • Literature:
  • Workshop 8. Criteria for professional performance.
  • Literature:
  • 3. Methodical instructions on the organization of independent work of students
  • 4. Methodical recommendations for active forms of training
  • 5. Discipline tests (training, controlling)
  • 15. A document taking into account the specifics of the institution, the features of the structural organization of the service, is called
  • Questions to prepare for the exam or test
  • Summary of lectures Course Module 1. "Service of practical psychology in the education system"
  • Topic 1. The history of the creation and organization of the service of practical psychology of education and its current state.
  • Topic 2. The process of creating a work of practical psychology in the education system of the Russian Federation.
  • Topic 3. The main trends in the formation and development of the work of practical psychology of education (SPPO).
  • Topic 4. The current state and structure of the psychological service.
  • Topic 5. The service of practical psychology as a resource for the development of the education system.
  • Topic 6. Regulatory and legal base of service. The implementation of SPPO activities in accordance with the main directions of development of the education system.
  • Module 2. "Structure of Practical Psychology"
  • Topic 1. The main objectives, objectives and activities of the work of the practical psychology of education at the present stage.
  • Topic 2. Service structure: functions and recruitment of individual service links.
  • Topic 3. Basic goals, objectives and means of service of practical psychology of education at the present stage.
  • Topic 4. The main activities of the service in the education system. Specificity of the regional service of practical psychology education.
  • Topic 5. Models of realization of psychological support in educational institutions of various types and species.
  • Psychological service models
  • Module 3. "Activities of a Practical Psychology" service "
  • Topic 1. Organization of the work of the teacher-psychologist in an educational institution.
  • Topic 2. The main activities of the teacher-psychologist in an educational institution: goals, objectives, content.
  • Topic 3. Technologies of psychological work.
  • Topic 4. Features of the organization of psychological assistance to various categories of students (pupils).
  • Theme 5. The necessary conditions for the effective implementation of the professional activities of the teacher psychologist in educational institutions of various types and species.
  • Topic 6. Criteria for professional performance.
  • Student Property Map, educational and methodological literature and other library information resources on discipline
  • Modular - rating system for assessing learning outcomes
  • Topic 3. Technologies of psychological work.

    Like any other new area of \u200b\u200bhuman activity, practical psychology develops intensively and develops its own technologies and individual methods or borrowed them from related disciplines: various industries of psychology and pedagogy, social work and sociology, medicine, etc. At the stage of formation, methodological discussions in science are inevitable. "Confusion of Roles" occurs in the field of practical activity. Most often, this is due to the clarification of a functional and meaningful hierarchy and features of the application of technologies, especially related to other professional areas. There is a problem to clarify the essence and specifics of the latter, their ordering in the general system, which is the fund of practical psychology of education.

    The concept of "technology" is used in different values. On the one hand, these are ways to materialize the knowledge, skills and human experience in the process of converting the subject of labor or social reality. On the other hand, this is a rational sequence of using the toolkit in order to achieve qualitative labor results. In the broad sense of the word, the technology is a way to carry out activities based on its rational dismissal of procedures and operations with their subsequent coordination and the choice of optimal means and methods of their implementation. Characteristic features of technology are the proceduralness as the unity of targets, contents, forms, methods and results; Set methods for changing the object and design process process. Technologies suggest the efficiency of work at the lowest time and strength costs, reproducible in various conditions, have clearly pronounced stages related to each other, and are subject to feedback based on. The general classification of technologies can be carried out according to the most different parameters: activities, the nature of the tasks, levels and fields of application, etc.

    Socio-psychological technologies are diagnostic and correctional procedures that are the object of which are socio-psychological phenomena that affect the behavior of people involved in various social groups.

    Socio-pedagogical technologies are a combination of pedagogical techniques and methods that purposefully affect the consciousness, behavior and human activity as a member of society in the process of its socialization, adaptation in new social conditions and in socially oriented activities.

    Psychological and pedagogical technologies are a certain system of content, means and methods of training and education aimed at solving psychological tasks (an example is the technology of educational training).

    Socio-medical technologies are a set of interrelated social and medical techniques and impact methods aimed at preserving human health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

    Psychotechnology is diagnostic, correctional and educational and psychotherapeutic procedures, the object of which is the mental reality of a specific personality, and the subject - changes in those or other faces of this mental reality affecting human behavior.

    The names of the directions of psychological work and the corresponding technologies coincide, which causes certain difficulties in the characteristics of the latter. They can be overcome if you determine the direction as a possible field of activity, its content, and the corresponding technology - as a real purposeful process in the overall space of activities with certain content, forms and methods of work, corresponding to the tasks of a particular case.

    Psychological diagnosis as a technology is a specially organized process of knowledge, in which, with the help of appropriate methods, a collection of personality or a group is collected in order to form a psychological diagnosis.

    Development technology is aimed at the formation of mental processes, properties and personal qualities in accordance with the requirements of the age and individual capabilities of the child. It suggests accounting not only the zone of the actual development of the child, but also of his tomorrow's capabilities (the zones of the nearest development).

    The technology of psychoprophilaxis is a system of psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at creating an optimal social situation of the child's development, psychogenic of the pedagogical environment. Prevention is preventive measures related to the elimination of external causes, factors and conditions that cause certain disadvantages in the development of children. It may provide for the solution that have not yet arisen. For example, many parents and teachers seek to develop the activity of the child, provide him with freedom of choice, encourage the initiative and independence, thereby preventing social infantilism and passivity. Other preventive measures are accepted immediately before the occurrence of problems. So, when the child is found in the child's knowledge, the skills and skills of the educational and socio-ethical nature, individual work is carried out, warning its socio-pedagogical neglence.

    Preventive measures taken in relation to the problem already arisen, prevent the emergence of new ones. For example, a psychologist works with certain behavioral disadvantages of a child, stopping the development of negative personal properties. The first two approaches can be attributed to general prevention, and the third to special. You can call a special prevention system of measures aimed at solving a specific task: prevention of deviant behavior, impressiveness, etc.

    In recent years, much attention is paid to the early prevention of deviations in the development of the identity of the child. This is due to the fact that childhood is the period in which the foundation foundation, moral and ethical standards are laid, is formed by correctable behavior and regulatory activities. The nervous system of the child is extremely plastic and is capable of change; In this period, it has elevated suggestibility, impassability, dependent on adult, and parents and teachers are its main authorities.

    The technology of psychological informing is inherently pedagogical, training. Another thing is that the funds that the psychologist enjoys using it can be both pedagogical (story, conversation, diction, analysis of problem situations, business game) and psychological (diagnostic and advisory conversation, "confidence telephone", etc.).

    The technology of psychological counseling is a targeted procedure for creating psychological conditions for emotional from responding to the problem and the situation of the client for an emotional response, expressing the meaning, rationalization of this problem.

    The technology of socio-psychological adaptation of children and adolescents is a targeted interrelated activity of all subjects of the holistic pedagogical process (parents, teachers, social teachers, a psychologist) and a child who contributes to mastering social and ethical knowledge and standards, the accumulation of positive social experience, promoting successful socialization and Individualization of a child in microsocium.

    The technology of psychological correction and psychotherapy is a system of psychological or psychotherapeutic agents aimed at eliminating, smoothing the deficiencies or their psychological and pedagogical reasons. The result of its use is such changes in the psyche of the child who positively affect its condition, activities, communication and behavior as a whole.

    The technology of socio-psychological rehabilitation of children and adolescents is a systemic, targeted process of their return, inclusion, reintegration into society (family, school, class, team of peers), which promotes full functioning as a social subject.

    Rehabilitation in a psychological and pedagogical aspect can be considered as the process of restoring mental manifestations and abilities of a child after any violation. As a result, a certain equilibrium in the psyche and the behavior of a child, responding to the norm, adequate to its age and the requirements of the medium. This is possible only when the child is restored as a subject of activity (game, teaching) and communication in the conditions of training and education. In this regard, rehabilitation is often called re-education.

    Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation in educational institutions is to overcome school and family repression towards children and adolescents; overcoming obstruction in relation to them by peers; correction of their communication and behavior; resolution of conflict situations.

    Psychological support technology is a complex of interrelated and interdependent measures submitted by different technologies, which are carried out by all the subjects of a holistic pedagogical process in order to ensure optimal socio-psychological conditions for the preservation of mental health and the full development of the identity of the child.

    The basis of the considered technologies is the expedient combination of certain methods. Whenever a psychologist faces the need to instrumental support for professional activities, he has to analyze the Foundation Foundation and choose the most adequate.

    "Psychological and pedagogical technologies in the work of a teacher psychologist"


    psychologist teacher

    Madow kindergarten №38

    Modern psychological and pedagogical technologies in aimed at the implementation of pre-school education.

    A fundamentally important part in the pedagogical technology is the position of the child in the educational and educational process, attitude to the child from adults. Adult in communicating with children adheres to the situation: "Not near, not above him, and together!". His goal is to promote the formation of a child as a person.

    The technology is a set of techniques used in any kind, skill, art (explanatory dictionary).

    Pedagogical technology is a combination of psychological and pedagogical plants that determine the special set and layout of forms, methods, methods, learning techniques, educational tools; It is organizational and methodological tools of the pedagogical process ().

    Basic requirements (criteria) Pedagogical technology:


    Conceptuality - Support for a specific scientific concept, including the philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical substantiation of the achievement of educational purposes.

    Systemability - Technology must have all signs of the system:

    The logic of the process

    Interconnection of its parts,


    To the number of modern educational technologies can be attributed:

      Technology technology; personal-oriented technologies; Technology portfolio of the preschooler and educator Gaming technology Technology "TRIZ" and other health-saving technologies

    Heating technology

    The purpose of the health-saving technologies is to ensure the child the ability to preserve health, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills, skills in a healthy lifestyle.

    Health-saving pedagogical technologies include all aspects of the impact of the teacher on the child's health at different levels - information, psychological, bioenergetic.

    In modern conditions, human development is impossible without building a system for the formation of its health. The choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies depends:

    From the type of pre-school institution,

    From the duration of staying in him,

    From the program on which teachers work,

    Specific conditions pre

    Professional competence of the teacher,

    Children's health indicators.

    The following psychological and pedagogical technologies allocate the teacher of the psychologist:

      The technology of preserving and stimulating health (gymnastics for eye, respiratory gymnastics, relaxation, etc. Health-saving technology and health care technologies - Technologies aimed at the development of the health culture of kindergarten teachers, including professional health culture, the development of a healthy lifestyle. Health Saving in working with Dow teachers:

    Training seminars "Psychological Health of Pedagogues";

    Consultations for teachers "Signs of fatigue of a preschooler child", "Forbidden exercise for preschool children", "How to properly conduct gymnastics ( different kinds) with preschoolers "," Prevention of fatigue of preschoolers in the DW ", etc.;

    Workshop for teachers DOU "Relaxation receptions, tension removal during the working day";

    Discussion of health care issues at pedagogical councils and medical and pedagogical meetings.

    Technologies learning a healthy lifestyle (communicative games, problem-gaming situations, elements of the game, playback, samomassage, etc.)

    Correctional technologies (technology of musical exposure, technology effects, behavior correction technology, elements of talentherapy, etc.)

    Project Technology

    Objective: Development and enrichment of socio-personal experience through the inclusion of children in the scope of interpersonal interaction.

    Teachers who actively use project technology in the upbringing and training of preschoolers, unanimously note that life-organized life in kindergarten allows you to better learn pupils, penetrate the inner world of the child.

    Currently, information and communication technologies are widely applied in the work of the teacher-psychologist DW. The use of ICT is carried out in different directions.

    Methodical work - work in Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint). Registration of reporting and current documentation, creating on the results of diagnostics, drawing up graphs and charts. Creating your own presentations, photo albums.

    As part of personal-oriented technologies, independent areas are allocated:

    Human-personal technologies, characterized by their humanistic essence of the psychological-therapeutic focus on assisting a child with weakened health, during adaptation to the conditions of the preschool institution.

    the technology of cooperation is implementing the principle of democratization of pre-school education, equality in the relationship of the teacher with a child, a partnership in the system of relationship "adult - child".

    Technological approach, that is, new pedagogical technologies guarantee the achievements of the preschooler and will continue to guarantee their successful schooling.

    Each teacher is a creator technology, even if dealing with borrowing. Creating technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who learned to work at the technological level will always be a cognitive process in its developing condition. Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted.

    And finish your speeches I would like the words of Charles Dickens

    "A person cannot truly improve, if it does not help to improve others."

    Create yourself. As there are no children without imagination, so there is no teacher without creative gusts. Creative success!

    Description of psychological and pedagogical technology


    nomination "Pedagogical Psychologist-2018"

    Konovalova Oksana Nikolaevna

    Madou d / s №36 of Tyumen

    Tyumen 2018.

    Description of the psychological and pedagogical technology of work

    psychologist's teacher Konovalova Oksana Nikolaevna

    Education seems to be complex and difficult

    only as long as we want, without raising themselves,

    raise your children or anyone else ...

    L.N. Tolstoy

    The main goal of a child psychologist working in kindergarten, as in general, the psychological education service is creating conditions that contribute to the protection of physical and mental health of children, ensuring their emotional well-being, promoting the free and efficient development of each child.

    The implementation of this goal in our kindergarten is achieved by solving the task complex:

      Implement in working with children the possibility of developing every age;

      Develop the individual characteristics of the child.

      Create a favorable psychological climate for the development of a child in kindergarten;

      Identification, warning and correction of behavioral and emotional disorders in children,

      To provide timely psychological assistance to children, parents, teachers.

      Develop and implement psychological programs aimed at overcoming deviations in the social and psychological health of preschoolers, difficulties in adaptation, training and education, to promote individualization of the educational route.

    The problem of these tasks is reflected in the directions of psychological and pedagogical activities: psychological education, prevention, diagnosis, psychological correction, advisory and expert work. In each of the directions, I use different psychological and pedagogical technologies, however, art therapy, sand therapy, musicherpia, mandalatherapy, fairytale, photocomputies, leptherapy, trainings and projective methods and techniques, most often use to remove muscle voltage aquaterapy, where we use motivational games in water and with water.

    Now briefly about each technology used by the teacher-psychologist in Madou number 36:

    Photocomption Helps to build trust relationships with children, in a relaxed and safe atmosphere to discuss relevant questions for children.

    Emotional accommodation, identification from the heroes of movies and fairy tales give children a unique opportunity to realize their characteristics and acquire an invaluable personal experience. Films and fairy tales allow pupils to fix the skills obtained in the training program, and the adults are better to understand the children and their needs.

    Art therapy- This is a method of correction and development through artistic creativity. Her attractiveness for psychologists can be explained by the fact that, unlike the main correctional and developing areas, which are mainly used by the verbal communications channels, art therapy uses the "language" of visual and plastic expression. This is especially true when working with children and makes it an indispensable tool for research, development and harmonization in cases where a child cannot express in words its emotional state.

    Children in most cases make it difficult to verbalize their problems and experiences. Non-verbal expression is more natural for them. This is especially significant for children with speech disorders, since their behavior is more spontaneously and they are less capable of reflexion of their actions and actions. Their experiences "out" through an artistic image more directly. Such a "product" is simple for perception and analysis.

    The natural tendency of the child to gaming activities, the wealth of children's fantasy. Given this when organizing correctional work with elements of art therapy, the atmosphere of the game and creativity is created in classes. Affairs art-therapeutic technologies and to work with the family. Through a joint spontaneous self-expression occurs harmonization of family relations. There is an opportunity to distance themselves from a family problem and take a look at it on the other side.

    The use of art therapeutic technologies allows the psychologist to help the child to cope with his problems, restore its emotional balance or eliminate the behavior impaired, to help intellectual development.

    Currently, the concept of "art therapy" has several values:

    A combination of art types used in treatment and correction;

    A complex of art therapeutic techniques;

    Direction of psychotherapeutic and psychocorrection practice;

    Methods for projective diagnostics.

    Mandalotherapy - One of the key symbolic forms that occupy an important place in different cultures as an expression of unity and integrity and often used as a factor to achieve internal equilibrium and harmony is a circle (sphere). The image and contemplation of circular forms may be an integral part of the self-regulation practitioner.

    For example, a person can form a circular image, reflecting its idea of \u200b\u200bthe resource state (state of internal equilibrium, comfort, focusing on the source of the internal force) and use this image as a visual model, adjusting to which it can achieve this state or support it . All this can be carried out on the basis of creating drawings in a circle of various sizes and filling out their internal space with different forms and colors associated with the current or desired state. This technique is equally efficient at the level of the unconscious works both for adults and for children.

    The repetition of this procedure can contribute not only to the development of self-regulation skills, but also to identify the peculiarities of the dynamics of internal changes, making more visual visual signs of states as they change within different periods of time (for example, during the course of art therapy or after its completion).

    Sand therapy- In the context of art therapy, it is a non-verbal form of psychocorrection, where the main emphasis is on the creative self-expression of the Client, thanks to which at an unconsciously symbolic level comes from the response of internal voltage and the search for development paths. This is one of the psychocorrection, developing methods aimed at resolving personal problems through the work of personal and collective unconscious. These images appear in a symbolic form in the process of creating a creative product - compositions of figures built in a psychological sandbox. The method of sand therapy is based on a combination of non-verbal and verbal expression. Sand therapy is equally successfully suited for working with adults and with children.

    In working with children, sand therapy is used to solve both corrective and developing, didactic and even general education problems. The transfer of traditional educational classes in a psychological sandbox helps to increase learning motivation, to study even the most difficult and boring material for the child of an interesting and exciting game. In this principle, my author's program was built, designed for children of junior preschool age 2-3 years "Magic sand".

    In my work I use quartz, colored, kinetic, lively sand. Also, both developing and correctional classes, work with dry and wet, kinetic sand is of great importance. Many techniques are built on reacting feelings, emotional states, the development of perception with the help of various properties of sand.

    Music therapy- Psychotherapeutic method that uses music as a medicament.

    Therapeutic action of music on the human body is known since ancient times. In antiquity and in the Middle Ages, faith in the healing impact of music was exceptionally great.

    Select four main directions of therapeutic action of music pattern:

      Emotional activation during verbal psychotherapy.

      Development of interpersonal skills (communicative functions and abilities);

      Regulating influence on pivothegetative processes;

      Increase the aesthetic needs.

    As mechanisms for therapeutic action of music pattern indicate: catharsis, emotional discharge, the regulation of the emotional state, facilitating the awareness of its own experiences, confrontation with the life problems, an increase in social activity, the acquisition of new means of emotional expression, facilitating the formation of new relations and installations.

    Music therapy exists in two main forms : active and recipe.

    Active music therapy It is a therapeutically directed, active musical activity: reproduction, fantasy, improvisation with voice and selected musical instruments.

    Receptive music photography Presums the process of the perception of music with a therapeutic goal. In turn, the receptive music therapy exists in three forms:

      Communicative (Joint listening to music aimed at maintaining mutual contacts of mutual understanding and trust),

      Reactive (aimed at the achievement of Qatarsis)

      Regulatory(contributing to a decrease in neuropsychic voltage).

    All these forms of music therapy can be successfully used as part of relaxation.

    Music work programs are based on a gradual change in mood, dynamics and tempo, taking into account their different emotional loads. First workit should form a certain atmosphere for the entire classes, to show the mood of the group participants, to establish contacts and enter into a musical occupation, prepare for further listening. This is a calm work that is distinguished by a relaxing effect. Second work - Dynamic, dramatic, intense, carries the main load, its function is to stimulate intense emotions, memories, projective associations from human own life. Third work Should take the tension, create an atmosphere of rest. It can be calm, relaxing or, on the contrary, an energetic, giving a charge of cheerfulness, optimism, energy.

    Talegotherapy and photocomputies- A method that uses a fabulous form for the integration of the personality, the development of creative abilities, improving the interaction with the surrounding world.

    Several basic functional features of fairy tales.

    1. Texts of fairy tales cause intensive emotional resonance, both in children and adults. Images of fairy tales are treated simultaneously to two mental levels: to the level of consciousness and subconscious, which creates special opportunities for communication.

    2. The concept of talented therapy is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of metaphors as a carrier of information:

      about vital phenomena;

      about life values;

    3. The fairy tale in symbolic form contains information about: how this world is arranged, who created it, what happens to a person in different periods of life, what "traps", temptations, difficulties, can be found in life and how to deal with them, what Values \u200b\u200bneed to be guided in life, etc.

    4. Fairy tales return both a child and an adult to the state of holistic perception of the world. They give the opportunity to dream, activate the creative potential, betray knowledge about the world, about human relationships.

    Aquaterapy-this is The method of psychotherapy, which is used both in working with children and with adults, is the correction of various kinds of violations of child-parent relations, in which water is used.

    Purpose: Organization of various fascinating activities with pupils of contributing to the correction of personality and mental functions; The introduction of innovations into the content of the educational process.

    Tasks: Corregulate and develop mental functions, shallow motility, emotional sphere, expand the sensory experience of pupils; Contribute to the removal of psycho-emotional stress, anxiety, aggressiveness, harmonization of relations with others; Create conditions for productive leisure activities, to meet the needs of pupils in creative self-realization, expressing their thoughts, feelings.

    The relevance of the topic is that motivational games in water and with water are the most beloved children. With the help of motivational water games, contacts between children are easier, muscle clips are removed, the blood circulation in the limbs is improved, mental processes are actively. With the help of motivational games with water, the emotional state significantly stabilizes in the period of adaptation to the kindergarten, psycho-emotional tension in the body is easier.

    Water is that all life gives us. That the forces and cheerfulness gives us. Crystal clear or very dangling. In any state it is useful. Who knows where the water comes from? Perhaps from snow? Perhaps, Ice? Or maybe she beats with underground keys. And her life and bloom gives everything.

    All technologies described by me are equally effective, secure both in work with adults and with children. Using these technologies in a constant comprehensive process allows you to achieve the goals.

    My work in this direction includes a wide range of forms and working methods.


    form (individual psychocorrection classes)

    Group shape (group psychocorrection classes)




    Game therapy

    Art therapy

    Developing work It is carried out by me to form the mechanisms of the child's emotional and personal adaptation. It includes the development of the emotional and personal sphere of children, communicative skills, removal of emotional tension.

    The task of game sessions:

    Overcoming stressful states in children during the adaptation period to the preschool institution

    Creating a positive emotional climate in the children's team

    Emotional and muscle tension

    Development of perception, general and shallow motility, coordination of movements, arbitrariness of behavior, the ability to obey the rules

    Activation of speech processes

    Formation of child-parent relations.

    The analysis of developing work shows that many children have developed positive traits (self-confidence and their forces, self-esteem, kindness, sympathy and sympathy for peers), they became easier to communicate, they understand the feelings of others and more easily express their own. In children, uncertainty, fears, aggressiveness, closure gradually disappear.

    Dynamics Removal of emotional voltage with aquaterapy:

    From all of the foregoing, it can be concluded that the psychological and pedagogical technologies that apply in the work contribute to the creation of the social situation of the development of preschoolers, which opens up the possibility of positive socialization of the child, its comprehensive personal, moral and cognitive development, development of the initiative and creative abilities, which complies with the federal State educational standard for pre-school education.

    Prepared: Pedagogue - psychologist MBDOU №1 Savateeva S.P.
    "Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity."
    V. A. Sukhomlinsky
    Psychological health -
    this is a harmony between different aspects: emotional and intellectual, bodily and mental.

    Psychological health-indictor of physical health.
    Therefore, during the entire school year, it includes health-saving technologies that contribute to integrated impact, as well as achieving a sustainable, stable result in a shorter time:

    * Technology to preserve and stimulate the health of pupils;
    * Technology learning a healthy lifestyle;
    * Correctional technologies

    Technologies for preserving and stimulating the health of pupils:
    finger games and finger gymnastics;
    gymnastics for the eyes;
    breathing exercises;
    fismini and dynamic pauses.
    Fingering gymnastics and finger games - a form of work on the development of shallow motors of the fingers of the child.
    The gymnastics for the eyes is a set of exercises aimed at improving blood circulation and an intraocular eye fluid; strengthening eye muscles; improve accommodation (this is the ability of a person's eye to good quality at different distances)
    Respiratory gymnastics is a system of respiratory exercises aimed at strengthening health and treatment of various diseases.
    Relaxation - Deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by removal of emotional tension. Applied with music therapy (classical music, votes of nature)
    Dynamic pause (fizminutki) - a pause in educational or work activities filled with various types of motor activity. Designed to prevent fatigue and reduce performance.
    Technologies learning a healthy lifestyle:

    Communicative games;
    self-massage and point massage;
    dry pool.
    Games - a method of therapeutic effect on children and adults suffering from emotional disorders, fears, neurosis, etc.
    Communicative games - games that are aimed at forming and developing in children of preschool age communication skills.
    Self-massage is one of the varieties of massage, in which a person, producing pressure on certain sections of its own body, increases its vital tone.
    Point massage (Su-Jok therapy) - has a tonic effect on the CNS, as a result of which its regulatory role in the work of all organ systems is improved. The predominance of visual-shaped thinking in preschoolers causes the need for many massage complexes to select poetic texts or appropriate images.
    The use of the dry basin helps to reduce the level of psycho-emotional voltage. Reducing the motor tone, contributes to the control of muscle tension. Promotes development: kinesthetic and tactile sensitivity, body image, spatial perceptions and representations. Used to correct the level of anxiety and aggressiveness.
    Correctional technologies:
    Talegotherapy - contributes to the development and correction of emotional states, removal of anxiety, improving self-esteem, withdrawing aggressive manifestations. In a fabulous form, your problem is easier to see and accept. For a fabulous hero, it is easier to come up with a way out of the position - after all, everything can be in a fairy tale! And then this output can be used for yourself. You can use the following methodological techniques: - tell a fairy tale from the position of a fabulous character; - guessing the plot or characters; - transformation into a fairy tale of any life history; - Writing fairy tales with impromptu.

    Technology of musical impact (music therapy) - technique used in the work using music as a means of correction of violations in the emotional sphere, behavior, problems in communication, fears ...

    The technology of exposure to color (color therapy) is a non-drug treatment method. The effects of color on people are ambiguous, and purely individually, it is essential, and this must be taken into account in working with preschoolers. Teachers need to own elementary information about color therapy and use these knowledge in the educational process.
    Psychodstastics is a course of special occupations (etudes, exercises and games) aimed at the development and correction of various sides of the psyche of the child (both its cognitive and emotional - personal sphere).
    "To make a child smart and judgment, make it strong and healthy: let him work, acts, runs, shouts, let him be in constant movement!" Jean Jacques Rousseau

    "Psychological and pedagogical technologies in the activities of a school psychologist"

    Pedagogian psychologist MOU Lyceum "Dubna",

    fromdescription of GOU DPO MO
    Pedagogical Academy of Postgraduate Education
    departments of human science and physical culture
    Sukhareva O.A.

    Today, the word "technology" is increasingly used by specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology. In psychological literature, this term is either not at all considered in a meaningful or he has an ambiguous value.

    The term "technology", based on the wording of many literary sources, is understood as art, skill, skill, combination of methods, changes in state.

    Any activity can be either technology or creativity. It all starts with creative idea, and technology ends.

    The basis of any technology is a clear definition of the ultimate goal. In technology, the goal is considered as a central component.

    The specifics of the school psychologist is that it should own various technologies, including psychological and pedagogical, methods and techniques, be able to combine them and modify.

    What psychological and pedagogical technologies are most relevant in the work of the school psychologist?

    The teacher-psychologist, working with children, is constantly focused on their personal structures. In working with this sphere, the specialist uses the following technologies:

      information, through the use of which knowledge, skills and skills are formed.

      operational technologies ensure the formation of methods of mental actions.

      self-development technologies are aimed at the formation of self-governing personality mechanisms.

      heuristic - on the development of the creative abilities of the person.

      applied develops effectively - practical sphere of personality.

    Consider data technology more.

    Information Technology

    In the activities of the school psychologist, information technologies are very relevant.

    Thanks to the implementation of the project "Development of a Unified Educational Information Environmental School" for a limited period of time, the education system has achieved significant success in the field of informatization.

    With the help of information technologies, the implementation of the main activities of the school psychologist: diagnosis, consultation, developing work, education, only forms and means of their implementation differ significantly from generally accepted. The implementation of the main activities of the school psychologist in the mode of remote service occurs through:

    Creating a thematic psychological electronic library for schoolchildren, teachers, parents on topical issues that are worried,

    Establishing, diagnostic materials for children with whom children can work in on-line mode,

    Conducting remote psychological shares and contests

    The organization of remote counseling of target groups (in particular, it is possible to create the Internet - trust, a special section, when contacting which a closed remote communication of the psychologist and client is possible),

    Organization of forums for indicated groups, where they can express their opinions, requests, give feedback, get advice

    Organization of discontinuity schools

    Chatting a team of psychologists with children, parents, holding a remote consultation of the psychologist, teacher, administration, as well as chats, with the involvement of specialists from other cities, conducting telecoms with teachers, children, etc.

    Conducting surveys of target groups

    Organization of psychological workshop for target groups

    Speaking about the activities of the distance school psychological service, it is important to note that the remote activity of the psychologist with all the target groups must comply with the real activities of the school psychologist at the present moment in school, which makes it possible to ensure the integrity of the functioning of all directions of the psychological service. In addition, the same topic should pass through work with all the target groups.

    One of the areas of use of information technology in the work of the school psychologist can be considered the use of Internet design as a method of correctional and developing work of the psychologist. The term "Internet project" is one of the most common terms on the Internet. In a narrow sense, he is identified with the concept of "site". In a broad sense, the online project is a project in which computer capabilities and services are involved in solving the problem.

    As examples of the final products of Internet design, the following are: site, computer presentation, computer drawing, e-book, magazine, computer game, remote competition, festival, teleconference, discussion chat and other remote events, etc.

    The inclusion of children in the development and implementation of its own Internet projects has a large developing potential. On the one hand, as a command form of work, the Internet project allows you to form cognitive abilities, project thinking, the subject position of schoolchildren, the skills of joint activities, teamwork. On the other hand, substantive filling allows you to solve a wide variety of psychological tasks: correctional, educational, educational.

    An integral part of the Internet project implementation is the media presentation of the project's results, in which children not only make design products, but also develop the ability to examine, plan and select information, communicative skills, etc. When preparing for the presentation, it is important that children independently or with the help of the teacher have developed evaluation criteria, as well as the structure.

    Internet design is often used as part of the media lessons of psychology, which are actively used by IT technologies.

    In general, the use of ICT in the work of the school psychologist puts new tasks for the development of collection of digital sources, corrective programs, the creation of electronic textbooks - practical practitioners on psychology, electronic additives to the famous UMC on psychology, etc. Information technologies are increasingly consistent with the psychologist's teacher's activities and are used in the usual mode.

    Technology of educational games:

    Educational games occupy an important place among modern psychological and pedagogical technologies. Educational games perform three main functions:

      Instrumental: Formation of certain skills and skills - can be expressed in game exercises;

      Gnostic: the formation of knowledge and the development of students' thinking - is expressed in the didactic techniques;

      Socio-psychological: the development of communicative skills is expressed in role-playing games.

    Educational Game Technology can be combined with technology such as group technology, diagnostics, training.

    The role of educational games in education and psychology is extremely important. In pedagogy, they are an integral part of developing learning, which is based on the development of activity, initiative, independence of students. In psychology, these technologies develop the cognitive, social, professional activity of students. one

    These technologies are effective in working with children of all age categories and with adults (teachers, parents).

    Health-saving technologists

    In modern school, along with weakened physical health, schoolchildren suffer from psychological problems (dezadaption violations). These violations are due to the influence of the stress system of the organization of the educational process. School psychological service play a large role in solving this problem. In the working arsenal of the teacher-psychologist, there are techniques that are able to bring the child from stressful state, to remove the internal stress, to identify the possibility of the appearance of a more optimistic view of the life situation, etc.

    Psychological activities implies the use of such techniques as:

      Music therapy- Use of music for: relaxation and calm, activate the emotional sphere, correction of emotional state.

      Aromatherapy - The use of fragrant substances for relaxation and inside aesthetic purposes.

      Color therapy- Use of color visualization when depressed, anxiety, fear.

      Dance therapy - The use of dance movements or imitation to music to remove muscle clamps. 2.

      Body therapy- Methods of working with the body, the purpose of which is to improve bodily and spiritual well-being.

      Art therapy

    Art therapy includes a number of directions of psychological work related to creativity - is isotherapy, color therapy, phototherapy, talentherapy, music therapy, collance. The psychology of creativity has long been and successfully applied in working with children and adults. Art therapy reveals the multi-faceted inner potential of a person and parallel helps to fight a number of serious psychological problems, including injuries, internal conflicts, fears. () Thanks to the psychology of creativity, a person is immersed in a situation where you can remove stress and find faith in yourself. Most often, art technology is used in diagnosis, correction, psychotherapy, and today and in the educational process at different levels of learning. 3.

      Game therapy

    This technology solves the next spectrum of tasks: psychocorrection, psychoprophylaxis, development and harmonization of the identity of the child, contributes to the improvement of the psychological climate in families and small groups.

    Game therapy includes individual, pair and group games, techniques involving the use of dolls, figures, relaxation techniques based on the active work of imagination, various forms of artistic expression, etc.

    According to the approach to the subject, the teacher is a psychologist using technology:


    Cooperation technologies implement democratism, equality, partnership in the subject matter of the psychologist and child. The most relevant technology is in organizing research activities, competitive movement, as well as in training work. The interaction of the psychologist and the student in collaboration, except for solving a cognitive, creative goal, provides for the decision of psychological and social - during the fulfillment of the task, a culture of communication is formed, reflecting all communicative levels: "... Activities - interaction - communication - contact" (by A.A. Lonetyev).

      Personal - oriented

    Put in the center of the entire school socio-psychological system the personality of the child, ensuring the comfort, conflict cell and safe conditions of its development, the realization of its natural potentials. Personality-oriented technology is the embodiment of humanistic philosophy, psychology and pedagogy.

    The focus of the school psychologist is the unique holistic identity of the child, seeking to maximize its capabilities (self-actualization), open to the perception of new experience, capable of a conscious and responsible choice in a variety of life situations: (5)

      Humanno - Personal

    They are distinguished primarily by their humanistic essence, psychotherapeutic focus on personality support, help her. They "profess" the ideas of respect and love for the child, the optimistic faith in his creative forces, rejecting coercion:

    The term "psychological technologies" implies an aspect associated with the formation and development of the personality qualities of the subject.

    Consequently, under the term "psychological technologies" implies a set of methods and receptions aimed at the formation of an effective - practical sphere of personality and the implementation of natural potentials. ()

    The technologies used by the teacher-psychologist perform a number of functions: psychological prevention, psychological counseling, psychological support, psychological rehabilitation, socio-psychological training. four

    Psychological prevention- Promoting the full development of the identity of all participants in the educational process, prevention of possible personal deformations in the process of interaction, assistance in a realization of the destructive influence of psychological violence. The main task of psychological prophylaxis is to create conditions that contribute to the adequate and competent response of the individual on the manifestation of psychological violence, the refusal to use its forms in cooperation.

    During the implementation of this function, the following techniques are used:

    Increasing the socio-psychological competence of participants in the educational environment on psychological safety issues during seminars, group discussions on psychological violence, designing non-violent alternative behaviors.

    Use of data on the mental health indicators of participants in order to form an individual program of psychohygien: reducing the severity of emotional burnout syndrome; level of emotional tension; change of self-relation; Harmonization of the relationship between "I-Real" and "I-ideal", etc.

    Joint discussion and development of the rules of safe cooperation by all participants in the educational environment.

    Psychological Counseling -assisting participants in self-knowledge, positive self-education, adaptation to real living conditions, the formation of a value-motivational sphere and a system of relations to other, awareness of the value of non-violence, overcoming professional deformations, achieving emotional sustainability that promotes personal and professional growth and self-development. Group consulting techniques included in classes with all training groups are based on the results of the preceding diagnosis of attitudes towards an educational environment, satisfaction with the main characteristics of the interaction, taking into account their importance for the subject, the level of psychological protection (using its structural components) and personality - modest and communicative characteristics interpreted as mental health indicators.

    Psychological correction- Active psychological and pedagogical impact aimed at eliminating the deviations in personal and professional development, the harmonization of mental health.

    In practical psychology, two directions of correction are distinguished. The first is a complex of individualized measures to strengthen the regulatory functions of the psyche, the development of emotional self-control and self-government. The second is the regulatory and value correction, which is to make certain directions to the individual-personal system of norms and behavioral standards, in accordance with which a person adjusts the execution of its vital and activity features.

    Psychological rehabilitation- A process that mobilizing personal adaptation mechanisms in the experience of psychotrambulating circumstances caused by the state of the external environment. Rehabilitation implies the return of what is lost or may be lost due to the change in conditions.

    It is psychological trainings that are most often considered as rehabilitation psychothechnologies.

    Thus, psychological and pedagogical technologies find their appropriate place in a holistic pedagogical process. Any psychological and pedagogical technology, its development and application require the highest creative activity and professional knowledge of the teacher-psychologist.


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    Internet resources:

      Pisareva E.V. The role of psychological health-saving technologies in improving the quality of education /sno/poleznoe/school_psychologist/1804-.html

      Sizanov A.N. Pedagogical innovation in the scientific support of the educational process and the role of the pedagogical community in the success of their implementation ...

      Chernova E.N. Modern psychological and pedagogical learning technologies

    1 Chernova E.N. Modern psychological and pedagogical learning technologies

    2Bercko TA Dance as a means of diagnosis and correction of relationships in the group. Psychological Bulletin. Issue 1, part1, Rostov-on-Don, ed. Rostov University, 1996, p.327-348.

    3 Pisareva E.V. The role of psychological health-saving technologies in improving the quality of education /sno/poleznoe/school_psychologist/1804-.html

    4Sizanov A.N. Pedagogical innovation in the scientific support of the educational process and the role of the pedagogical community in the success of their implementation ...