Magic domestic rituals. From hernia in dogs and cats

Magic domestic rituals. From hernia in dogs and cats

For the peasant in the old century, domestic cattle meant where how much. The size of the herd determined the owner's status, served as a guarantee of family survival, provided food and clothing. Therefore, the cattle associated with his livestock was folded in excess: how to choose how to privitate to the house, how to cost ... Some observations of folk wisdom and today are actively used in the villages. Skill skill, and the tip of higher forces does not hurt.

Folk signs about cattle cattle

Buryka was considered the first feed of the family: without her and the farm is not a farm, and so, a misunderstanding. "Cow in the yard - food on the table" - they spoke our ancestors and tried with all their forces, so that the horns had taken root in Klelev, felt more and properly gave the range.

Cow behavior ...

It seems, after the cat and dogs of the cow - the most generous on the signs of a pet. Watching Zorkko for the herd, the owners tried to guess what the selection would wait whether the weather was changed and that the future brings with them. They say someone succeeded.

... predictive weather

  • Before the rain of the cow greedily eating grass, trying to stock up.
  • If the whole herd was excited, roars without a visible cause and raises the tails, then the storm approaches.
  • On the eve of the big weather, the Vyuy falls, and immediately before the shower, milk, hitting from the udder to the subsidence, begins to foam.
  • The cow hits the tail of the fence - the weather will work and will be sunny.
  • If Burninki falls on the ground, it means that she warmed up and warmly close.
  • If after grazing the flock itself in a hurry in the head without puffing the shepherd, go first frosts.

... during pregnancy

Two calfs of one suit - big luck

  • If the cow can not come together with a bull, you need to treat it with a sack of bread with salt, and without fail if it does not help.
  • Is there a risk of miscarriage? Through the back of the animal you need to cross the ax three times. It is important not to scare the future mother, otherwise the troubles should not be accurate.
  • If the pregnant cow udder starts swelling from the back, then wait for the bull. With anterior - chick.
  • If a pregnant Buryka is trying to lick his back, she will bring a bull. Is there a language on the sides? Wait for a chick.
  • The bull should be expected and in the case when the cow tail in front of the sewer was "rope" or went by waves. But when it was smashed or remained direct, another feeder should appear on the light with a removal.
  • The birth of twins, oddly enough, was considered familiar to the fire. However, the trouble should have passed by, if the calves turned out to be one-shirts, because this event was thriving and good luck. But the diverse kids caused despondency - it would not have happened that it was not good from such a sign ... Apparently, the last sign is connected with believe in the house, which hesitates in his yard only the animals of a certain suit: like neither turn, one of the calves the owner is probably nevalubit ...

... to predict the coming events

  • If the cows breeding the fence back and enter the garden, the family is waiting for misfortune.
  • If the black burly looks into the room window with a seriously ill person, he will not recover. It is strange that on the cows another suit not applied. It can be seen, the films and the rhymes prophetic gift were endowed to a lesser extent.
  • When the cow is all night and worries in Khlev, she cares. Just in case, take note: In some areas, Russia believed that only washed after midnight or at dawn. You always have the opportunity to dismiss the frightening signs, the time is unequivocally not specified!
  • It's bad when the animal is rinsed three times in the face of a specific person. According to believe, this is not long to wander through the white light.
  • If the cow is lying his head, the hair will grow thick and rigid. It is no coincidence that in our use still preserved a surcharge about the stubborn whirlwind on the head: "Like a cow licked."
  • To whom the burly will be held in the face, he does not get sick with tuberculosis. However, farmers with experience say that care for your health is not here. An animal lacks the salts that it tries to lick with your skin.
  • If the cow stops milking, it needs to be sold to the youngest family member for the symbolic amount. The new host animal will quickly take the mind.
  • Do not sing in a barn, otherwise milk will disappear.
  • For the same reason, it is impossible to let alone else's in Khlev. From the point of view of mysticism, animal will smooth. From the point of view of logic, a man unfamiliar with the wovers of the bourgeois, and even noisy and possessing a new smell, can scare cows.
  • You will be taken for ugly unclean hands, drinks will fall. It is not even a sign, but a rule! Hygiene requirements in all centuries are useful.
  • If someone from the cattle will reset the horn, you must certainly find the loss and throw in a well with the house, otherwise weakens wealth. Most likely, the sign is associated with the old believe: we own a part of the animal, we own it entirely. And back: the horn was lost - deprive the entire cow.

Signs for the successful purchase of Bains

In Russia, the White Cow served as a symbol of dawn and did not scare anyone

  • In Europe, it was believed that the White Cow would bring misfortune to his owner. Modern scientists take this custom to pagan times, when every animal of white was worshiped sacred and served as a load rather than helping the farm. Milk or - Eating gods! - Singing the twigs, the highest creature was considered equivalent to sacred. Times passed, the ancient laws were forgotten, but the precipitate remained.
  • By sending a cow to the market, the owner must bring it from the Kleva's back against.
  • It is possible to successfully sell the cattle only if the first person matched on this day a man. To progress, the hosts went to the trick: one of the workers came from the courtyard, through a hundred steps unfolded and walked back, "fulfilling the duties" of happy signs.
  • When choosing a cow, the future owner obviously looked into the ears of the animal. The more sulfur in them, the fatter will be milk. Maybe in the body of Buryka and the truth there is some kind of complicated connection between ears and withdraw?
  • Not accepted to bargain. Hurry the future feed of a low price - from the very beginning, the relationship will not be injected.
  • You need to pay for a new pet so that she has been made for it.
  • If the cow was bought with a rope, it is impossible to remove it from the neck and replace to another. And the string of the old owner passed the new one, but wrapped the hollow clothes, and he took it with the same precaution.
  • If the cow was not sold at the fair, and from the courtyard, a real adventure quest was played between the owners. The new owner tried with all the truths and inconsistencies to grab a piece of cow's manure with him, and I looked at it so that this did not happen.
  • In the new yard, the purchase met the hostess with a piece of salt bread on the furnace damper and the words "how the flap does not leave the oven, and you do not leave the house."
  • Before the first pasture on pasture, the cow was covered with consecrated poppy, and his twirl, which the animal was adjusted on the road, was hidden on the roof of the chlev.

Superstition about goats and goats

Goat fear diseases, forest beasts and even unclean!

The bearded goat "lucky" to be recorded in relatives or - as an option - in the creation of the screast itself. One of the legends says that the trouble has a bad smell and an unclean creature created as a bad character, urging a bush. And he himself went out from all his feet when something lochmatic, horned and exposed to it from under the branches of him! That is why the bad pedigree did not interfere with the goat to be a welcome guest in any hlev, because he frightened from other cattle with an unclear power. But the list of mystical duties of the bearded beard did not end.

Near other animals

  • In addition to the hell, the goat distilled off his cattle, which used to run along the backs of horses, bite and disturb them.
  • The girlfriend of the horned seelhead, the goat, courageously met the breast and took over all sorts of diseases, having gone from other inhabitants of the chlev.
  • The goat was treated and people. It was believed that if the animal feed the grass on the threshold of the patient's room, and then remove the disease, it will lead the disease. And the rich goat hidden under the pillow will save from insomnia.

Every day happens one such hour when the goat disappears from the stall. At this time, he has been appointed a spa procedure from his creator-hell, who loses his horty beard a horned beard.

Meets on the way

  • Good sign - to meet the goat before traveling.
  • If you notice three black goats in the mountains of three black goats, you know that nearby Zapan treasure.
  • The hairs from the beard of the goat in the pocket bring good luck.

To find out whether the goat milk will be enjoyable on the smell, you need to smell her macushk between horns.

Signals about pigs

Gryushka with piglets brings good luck and wealth

Khryushki provided hosts not only with meat and lard, but also signs. And what the chavronia is worse than other pets?

Moved road

  • In England and Scotland, a meeting with a pig was considered to be a serious failure. Especially did not love pig fish, which the unclean animal deprived of hope on the catch. Fortunately, there was a universal wubble from trouble: they turned back to the screaming, after which the meeting was considered failed.
  • Just followed, if the pig tried to move the road. And to admit the animal by the wedding cortemant meant in reality to "put a pig" with a young. Family life marked by Chavrona, it was supposed to go under the slope, and without starting.
  • However, pigs with piglets served as a successful admission. How many moms with the kids with the heel, so much passerby will be happy events.

In antiquity it was believed that the ship would have a tight in swimming if the piglet would be a piglery. I wonder how the sailors twisted when they needed to translate a whole batch of pigs? Several dozen tails are serious!

Grunt and squealing

  • Among the peasants both in Europe, and in Russia believed that before the death of the master, the pig was trying to tell him about it, starting to push.
  • But do not hurry to scare if you are the owner of restless tummy. There is a harmless sign that pigs are accepted loudly squeeze only before bad weather.
  • The bad weather may be melted in a figurative sense: clouds are condensed over your relationship. Immediately cut the situation, otherwise the quarrel is born.


  • The pig rides on the ground and scratches the back to the rain, but it will be warm, do not wait for cooling.
  • If the pig snaps about the corner of the house, the signs warn: or the weather changes dramatically, or the family members of the Family. If you believe that everything in this world is interconnected, the signs have their own logic. The pig is dirty house in reality, because he deepes like someone dirty it in a mental plan.

Tesset Solla

  • If Javroni began to paint into a pigsty of a straw and rags, a strong cooling rifled.
  • If pigs run around the yard with grass in the teeth, a serious storm will break.
  • If the pig is accepted to eat hay, its owners are waiting for major troubles. To put it mildly, a strange sign, because the hay is the legitimate part of the feed for pigs!

Other signs

Running in the ground - Natural designer pig and a bad sign?

  • I will take a serious misfortune (up to the death of the owner of the house) is considered to be a pig, which puts the pits in the yard. But if the pig at the same time rides in a pile of loose land and lying in the mud, it promises just a shower.
  • If the animal is delighted to sleep in aphrodal time, it means that the cold chalk. The pig is trying to move less, so as not to lose fat for freezing!

How to buy a pig?

  • For new piglets, the peasants tried to go to "Vlasia" - February 24. For some reason, our ancestors were confident that young pigs bought on this day would not only grow strong and healthy, but the rest of the cattle would be saved.
  • It is categorically forbidden to thank the former owner for the expected pig! Doesn't the expression "Pig Behavior" married?
  • Running buying in a new hlev, the hostess said: "Curvy home, on his bone meat, on the meat of fat. God god luck to buy. "

This is only a small Tolika will take on large pets. Some of them have been outlined for a long time, but others are successfully used by modern farmers. Of course, today no one forces a cow to step over a braid to force her to take root in Klelev, and does not bring hens to the sacrificing for the health of the pig. But some observations of the ancestors still remain in demand and even useful. At the most bad end - curious.

How many issues in the family arises, disputes when they decide to buy a cow. Well, if you used to keep the cattle.

And if for the first time? In the nearby past, they say, there were real professionals who were helping to choose a cowhow in compliance with the buyer's requests and finance.

Only the experience is like choosing a good cow, our people during the years of Soviet power gristed. Professionals Posted in general. And now it falls the Russian man to rely on "maybe".

Buy a cow for milk + "and a lot of it gives milk?" - Such a question to ask in Russia is somehow not accepted, they are afraid of the evil eye.

The good owner of the seller will always answer him evasively, and if you are offering milk rivers and a pot of cream in addition - you can be sure about something wrong here.

It comes out, it is better to take a closer look at the chosen to the animal and weigh all the "for" and "against".

First of all, the attention of buyers attracts the udder of the cow, where milk flows with a river or a thin stream. A huge donkey and even thick milk ducts are not always served by a sign of large flues.

Just most often in the most highly afternoon cows, the udder of the right cup-shaped form with proportionally developed quarters and smooth nipples. The correct form of udder is one of the main signs of high and stable productivity. Yes, and contain cows with such a removal much easier.

It is less dirty, it is much more convenient to issue it and it is less likely to be injured. And cows with an excessively developed abomination, even if they have big fishing, most often sell due to the fact that they will not worry with him, - no milk need.

But it is necessary that the udder was without large flaws, because if one quarter or nipples are more or less than others, it is possible that this is a consequence of a serious illness, and who knows how it affected the villas.

People sweeping in animal husbandry, the choice is not starting with udder. First of all, they inspect the animal itself, they estimate its statics. Dairy cows are beautiful in their own way.

They have a small head compared to the body, a long, mobile neck and proportionally developed torso, gradually expanding to the boost.

If the cow is similar to the bull and in addition she has a rough bullish voice, you may not be doubting milk from it.

Indeed, the beauty of the animal is not the most recent thing in your choice - then it will not admire it, and there will be no sin, and the flattering will hear praise to your cow: "IS, what kind of beauty goes!"
But still ask: what cow is better to buy - thick or thin? Of course, the first many meat increased, but, as a rule, excessively fasten cows are rarely good "daughter", as we say. Yes, and in the herd, they feel not very comfortable - try with this weight all day on the legs in search of feed. High-afternoon cows are usually somewhat thin and only in the launch is gaining lost with milk condition. Of course, the thinness should not be excessive.

If you choose a dairy cow, be sure to see how it eats. After all, it is known that she has milk in her language. And good cows eat everything in a row, not particularly choosing, and without tired cheer, chew. How many do they give, the feeder will after some time there will be Pusa. If the burenka eats reluctantly, digs in the stern, then it or sick, or it is simply no longer required. What is milk from her?

It is interesting to observe how the cow is old, experienced people. They inspect, feel it literally from all sides. And in the mouth will look - whether the teeth are well, and the tail will not forget to see - and is it good if the carriage is good.

According to them, the dairy cow has a tail with a well-developed pancake for some reason should not be descended below the jumping joints. And if the tail at the Burenki Kutsy, then this is not necessary. If there is an asterisk on the forehead, it is considered that the cow is better, which this very storate goes down below the eye line.

Always prefer cows with markings on the face, it is better even with a solid strides from the horns to the nose.

Of course, great milk is good. But it is equally important to know what a burenkie nestors. I noticed that the most beautiful, proportionally folded and strong cows typically occupy the top steps in the herd hierarchy. They are usually magnificent, carefully sharpened horns. In the herd, such a cow is Primaudonna.

She and the best grass will get, and the cleanest driver for water. It shows his royal character not only in relation to its bidders in the herd, but also in relation to all others. It's better for her better. Any offense will be remembered until it finds a way to take revenge.

And offend the beauty is very simple - try, do not let her first feed or stick another animal in her eyes. Well, if the case is completed with the tipped fiber with milk. It is worth only to move away how much you will have to those animals that you, according to Her Majesty, paid too much attention.

Right, males in marriage tournaments compared to them - the country's angels.

Even worse, if the cow you are going to buy, buggy and afraid of everything and everything. Already before the trouble is not far. We will sit down it, and she from fright take the Met, and he will cue on the head. Moreover, milk such cows are not allowed. Puggy animals are easy to determine if they are touching their neck.

A calm cow usually looks at a stranger person to look at a stranger, and as if reluctant will remove. The gugly will immediately be squeezed like a spring, and will deposit to the side, and it will still give you wherever neither fall. However, such cows are not born, they raise such people.

If the owner is angry and hits the animal than it fell, she will wait for the dirty from any person. The good people of the cow are always calm. Not in vain speak the people - what a hostess, such a cow and a cow. And this is true, especially if the cow from calf age was in some hands.

In it, as in the mirror, all traits of its owners are reflected. Therefore, when choosing a cow, it is not, a closer look at its owners. You can even ask how often the seller changed cows in his life.

The good owners relating to cattle in human, cows live almost to death, and parting with their feeder turns around for them by a real tragedy.

They sell the same daughters who were usually arranged for some reason for any reason. And if a person changes cows like gloves, it is unknown, whether you have enough patience to re-educate the selected animal on your own.

Evaluating the cow as follows and making sure the correctness of his choice, you can ask the owners to allow you to make it up.

Sitting with the subsoil, you yourself will find out how the cow behaves when you are delivered, it is convenient for you udder, not tugs or on the contrary, is not too weak her nipples. This is the amount of milk that you will need, especially do not pay attention.

An unfamiliar man of a cow may not give all the milk. Starting, be sure to try milk, will it like it.

Buying a cow, people often forget to cope with her health. Of course, no one will know the sick, and the absence of appetite, and ancient, dull hair cover, and excessive thinness, and other signs are also indicated on it. But there are chronic diseases that can not appear at the moment.

Many such boys are infectious for a person. First of all it is tuberculosis and brucellosis. At the conscientious Ho Zya Inina, a card on a cow was usually instituted, in it, along with individual information, we indicate mandatory safety vaccinations, research results when they were performed.

If there is no such card, then the information can be obtained in the State Veterinary Organization, in which you acquire an animal. All data on such processings there is strictly strictly stated and saved. But even if all the rules are met, you have the right to demand a re-study. By the way, this is provided for by veterinary legislation.

Harm animal organism repeated processing will not bring.

In addition, in a veterinary organization you can learn about the well-being on infectious diseases of the settlement, where you buy livestock. In the event of such a choice, you will be banned to do this, as well as ban animal export from this territory, so as not to disseminate the country's infection.
But here your choice took place. Do not forget to issue relevant documents.

First of all, the veterinary certificate of Form 1. This official document confirms the well-being of an animal for infectious diseases. A contract of sale or a certificate of purchase, which you can get in the local administration is also necessary. These documents are needed for the transport of animals - both on the road and after.

They will protect you from law enforcement claims, veterinary service and insurance organizations.

It is notable to find out from the former owners than fed a burenka, because a sharp transition to another diet can badly affect her health. It is worth questioning about the bad habits of the animal.

Usually, during the choice and trading, the owners are represented reluctantly and even hide something, and when the transaction took place, become more frank. On a really appropriate and convenient in all respects for you a cow getting very difficult.

In my opinion, it is easier to still not feel fate, but to bring up a burenka himself. It is much cheaper to buy a chick again from the cow chosen by you and grow a decent dairy animal from it.

Ilya Sukhanov, veterinary doctor. Welcome

Penza region

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Choose a good dairy cow: what signs to watch?

Exterior is the definition of external animal forms. Evaluation of features can be carried out both by eye meter and measurement method. In addition, there are index and graphic methods. After analyzing the exterior, the buyer will be able to choose an animal, devoid of defects, and, therefore, increase its potential opportunities in productivity.


  1. Head. Pay attention to its magnitude, length, width and proportionality. The cows of the dairy direction is characteristic of an easy head, small in volume, dry, which has an extended shape. It should not be wide or enlarged. The head of meat breeds, usually, more massive, wide, with a shortened part of the skull in the face of the muzzle.
  2. Neck.

    Milk direction cows are characterized by a long thin neck with a pronounced folding.

  3. Podgrudok, or a fold formed at the bottom of the neck. The milk cows are small and narrow, meat livestock is much larger and wider.
  4. Withers. Milk livestock should have a straight, high, moderate width.

    High and acute withers are of cows with a weak development of muscles. In animal meat breeds, this part is usually smooth, wide and relatively low.

  5. Chest. A part of the body in which the lungs and heart are located. The milk livestock is the advantage is the long chest, and the width gives less importance. The meat animals are the length of the chest should be combined with its width.
  6. The back is a part of the torso, limited in front of the withers, on the sides of the ribs and behind the lower back. Plok is considered a stable or humpback back.
  7. The loin, as a continuation of the back, should be at its level and without any depression go to croup.
  8. Back

    A dairy cattle is pushing to have a good width in the McLocks, in the collapsing strucks and hip joints. The disadvantages of the setting: shortness, that is, the disproportionality of the width in the field of broods to the width in the collapsing strucks; Roofing is a vice, which depends on the formulation of the hind limbs and the harmony of the physique.

  9. Belly.

    It should not be very tightened or dropped.

  10. Limbs. We must be strong, ensure the free movement of the cow. The main disadvantages of the hind limbs testifying to their weaknesses are the closest site of the jumping joints (IS-forming), saberism - the stand of the hind limbs under the belly.

    The forelimbs have a disadvantage of the rapprochement of hanging joints or their discrepancy to the sides.

  11. Suit. To obtain product products, the suit of a special value does not have, in contrast to the farm, growing breeding livestock, where the color should correspond to the breed grounds.

    The presence in the color of various spots or bands, not characteristic of this group of animals, in purest cattle breeding is unacceptable.

  12. Hair cover and leather. In healthy animals, the hair is sleek, shiny, soft hair on the touch. Patients animals have hard, dull and disheveled hair.

    A small amount of subcutaneous tissue with small fatty sediments of dry, or dense skin. A large amount of subcutaneous connective tissue and fat becks is called loose, or raw skin. The dairy cattle is characterized by a dense, quite movable thin skin. Misuctic cattle has fine and loose skin.

Putting the hind limbs

Analysis Udr.

The form, the size and size of the udder in the same breed of cows are different, namely: a cup-shaped, rounded or goat, and fishing from each type of udder is not equal. In the table compiled by E.A. Arzumyan and G.A. Lego is given above from different types of udder cows of black-motley breed under the same feeding conditions and content.

Separate share of udder must be forgotten after milking. Normal is a ferrous structure with skin folds in the rear stake area (revering reserve).

Highly aftegraded cows are characterized by thin skin udder with rare gentle hair.

The shape of the udder cows

A good indicator of the milk productivity of the cattle is the developed venous network of udder and the width of the dairy well - the deepening in the abdominal cavity, which includes dairy veins. Dairy wells can be shattered with your fingers on both sides of the animal's body. What his ring is wider, the more milk can give a cow.

Preference is given to individuals who have the front and rear shares of the udder are developed equally. Nipples on udder should be either a conical or cylindrical shape, 6 to 8 centimeters long.

The cow can be handled with the aim of determining the milk-beam. There are cows tuygo, getting milk from which certain problems will cause

Age of animal

The age of the animal directly affects its productivity. In order not to buy an old animal, you need to learn to determine age according to some specific features.

Analysis is considered to be the most accurate definition for the purpose of the animal tooth system. This method is that various teeth in cattle appear in different age periods, and the presence of one or another tooth speaks of the occurrence of a certain age.

After the complete formation of the dental system, the analysis is carried out as the teeth are used and erasing. The determination of age on such a technique is no difficulty, but in practice they use not so often.

This is due to the fact that certain practical skills in such a study required from the inspection.

In Koror, after each hotel, one horny ring appears. By the number of rings on the horns, it is possible to determine the amount of birth of a cow.

It should be borne in mind that as a result of the impact of some external or internal factors, the rings are not always formed correctly, sometimes smoothed, blurred.

There are cases when a cow for a long time remains Yalova, and then there may be quite long distances between rings.

In chicks, approximate age can be determined by the length of the horns. It is believed that in one month the horn process is lengthened by 1 centimeter. Thus - how many centimeters horn, so many months an animal.

Physiological indicators

By buying a cow, you should not neglect physiological indicators, that is, measure its temperature, listen to the pulse and calculate the frequency of respiratory movements. This data will help choose a healthy animal and avoid problems in the future.

The table shows the physiological indicators of the Tagil breed of cows, which, in small exceptions, are approximately the same with other groups of animals.

In pregnant cows, all the above indicators may be other. The temperature of the body, for example, can increase by 0.5%. The conditions for feeding and content, climatic conditions, as well as the direction of productivity can affect these indicators.

The manual method can determine the reduction of one of the forenswrows, namely the scar. For this, the fist of the researcher is pressed in the field of the left hungry fossa of the animal and is so kept for 1-2 minutes.

The cutting of the scar is felt easily, it slightly lifts the fist of the researcher, even despite the pressure. One minute can be observed one or two cuts.

The normal work of the scar testifies to the absence of problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Forecasting of dairy productivity by last lactation

In the event that the purchase of animals is supposed to be made in a large livestock farming, it will not be superfluous to ask an extract about the ones of the chosen cow over the past year.

Such statistics in farms are conducted on each cow by conducting control milks with the registration of the results.

Based on the indicators of the bows of cow for the past lactation, it is possible to make a forecast of potential milkness of the cow in the future.

A more clearly this method can be considered on the example. Suppose such indicators will stand in the discharge of the possession of the selected cow:

Based on this certificate, it is possible to draw conclusions about the possibilities of cow in dairy productivity. For this, an auxiliary table for planning flows is used:

To carry out the analysis, we assume that in the actual results, low villas in some months were obtained due to poor feeding of the cow - this means that the highest actual villas of the cow gave 7, 9 and 10 months of lactation. Looking at the auxiliary table, comparing the real supids of the respective months, we conclude that the cow under study is capable of giving 5100 kilograms of milk for lactation.

Folk signs of cows productivity

There are many folk adoptions that give some assumptions about the productivity of the cow.

It is believed that the deeper the fifth of the cow between the horns, the more milk productivity. There is an assumption that, if you rub your hand in the area of \u200b\u200bthis pit, you can feel the smell of milk of this animal.

8 nipples on the udder also serve as a rush of high fudies of the cow.

If a cow in the ears have a lot of sulfur, she will have milk with high fatty.

Vikhor (Chubik) on the forehead at the cow lowered low - a sign of good orders.

On the ridge, slightly below the blades, the cow has holes - it is a good sign of large fun.

The tip of the tail of the cow rounded shape with the yellowness - wait in the high fatty milk.


When buying a cow, the future owner must decide for itself the following questions:

1. What is better to buy: chick, flavor, and if a cow, what age?

2. How do the breed purchase an animal?

3. How to predict the productivity of the cow?

For each specific question, it is impossible to give an unequivocal advice, but still, if there is no sharp need to immediately have milk from your own cow, it is better to buy a flavor (a pregnant chick).

First, essentially 2 animals are bought; Secondly, after a few months it will be possible to have fresh milk. However, the nettle is more expensive than chick, and, moreover, existing zootechnical techniques do not allow with absolute accuracy to establish what productivity will have a new-star cow.

The advantage when buying a cow is that it is already known how much it gives milk, which is obtained immediately (if the cow is not on startup). Buy better cow not older than 4-5 hotels.

After the 5th hotel, as a rule, fishing gradually decreases.

True, there are cases when the highest productivity from the cow was obtained from the 7-9th lactation, and the total number of lactation reaches 18-19 from individual cows.

The age of cows in hotels can be determined by the presence of a rings at the base of the horns. Each ring corresponds to the hotel. If the distance between any rings is twice as bigger than in other cases, then the cow was in some year Yalova.

Regarding the breed, it should be said that it is better to purchase a cow of the breed that divorces the e-country and is well adapted to the natural and climatic conditions. But this does not mean that you always need to do so. Adaptive capabilities of modern breeds are very large.

Almost all breeds can be breeded under any climatic conditions, if you create normal feeding conditions and content.
The most important and at the same time is the most difficult question of how to determine the future productivity of chicks or nets. The same question arises when buying a cow, if it is unknown to her fishing.

Although there are no accurate methods for determining the productivity of the dairy cow in external forms, but for a number of signs, it is still possible to determine the possible high milkness of the cow to some extent.
Have a healthy chick or cow on most of the body skin smooth, elastic and movable; The mucous membranes are uniformly moistened and have a pink shade.

Signs of healthy animal bodies are considered a deep breast; Smooth back line; strong, well-developed backbone with distinctly outlined, well-developed narrow joints; smooth, shiny harmful, hoofed horn; The overall impression of cheerfulness, energy and livelihoods of the animal.

The formulation of the limbs should be such that when inspection in front (or behind), when the animal is calm, the front legs closed the rear. The hooves of the front and rear legs should be directed parallel to the middle axis of the body, without turning them inward or outward.

Signs of health care are manifested in the nervous temperament, in thinning of the skin and hair, in shortening the lower jaw, curvature or underdevelopment of the tail, in the presence of a direct jumping joint and interception behind the shovels, pronounced defective vices (Fig.)

The dairy cow has a recent rear compared to everything. The body of the dairy cow has a characteristic wedge shape.

This form is emphasized in gentle, rather narrow head, light neck, with a small subguard, flat long breasts, deep sides, wide and long back.
Meanwhile, it is known that outstanding dairy cows may have angular ugly forms and a disproportionate attitude to go, and the cows are beautiful, the folding are low.

A good dairy cow must have a large, developed long, width and depth of udder. Its skin must be thin, with clearly protruding veins. Nipples should be widely arranged, medium thickness, length and elasticity; Milk veins are large, clearly speakers; Dairy wells (the place of mammary veins in the abdominal cavity) is extensive. The tail in the dairy cow is usually thin and long.

Udder must be wide and highly reflected forward (drawing). Dairy udder is usually glazed. During progress, it seems grainy, not meaty; After milking, such a ditch is greatly reduced in volume.

Highly refined udder is more convenient when milking and not so often injured.

Frequently used to the torso dust (drawing) "settles" with age, which increases the dangers of infection and injury, in addition, the milking of such a cow makes it difficult.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the leather covering it in space between the rear limbs is collected in the fold ("rear reserve of udder").
The cow of the combined direction along with severely clearly milk signs should have a good muscles and strong limbs.

Namilet and chicks, milk signs are still poorly developed, in this case it is especially important to have as much information about the productivity of their mother, grandmother and father. It is also useful to know which older sisters on the father and mother have milkness. If the female ancestors and sisters of chicks differ in high fee, you can be sure that a good cow will grow out of it.


Signs when buying cows

Folk signs have long proved their accuracy, so they will help to understand how to choose a good cow.

Sometimes our ancestors relied even on superstitions that advise farmers to be attentive in the process of purchasing itself: it is impossible to bargain and fail.

It is believed that stupidity or excessive generosity when acquiring a burenki is unacceptable. The remaining nuances regarding the recognition of a decent individual will be detailed in this article.

Meat and dairy cows

In matters of cattle breeding, it is necessary to choose for what purpose crops. Burenks are divided into several breeds:

  • dairy;
  • meat;
  • meat-dairy.

Meat cows do not milk, they are immediately after purchase begin to rejection with natural products and as a sign of gratitude, animals are gaining weight. The meat of such a chick is gentle and tasty. In case the main goal of the farmer is milk, he should choose a dairy burenka, you can get up to 50 liters of delicacy per day.

After the final decision, the following is: hike on the livestock market. Help with the choice can commemorates when purchasing cows, which will be outlined below.

You can find how to choose a cow, turning attention to the physical condition of the animal. Healthy and young burenks at the Fair are energetic and distinguished by a deep clear look.

The head of proud chick should be elongated, and the neck is smooth. The leather of the dairy cow is smooth, without wounds and cuts.

A good part will be feminine, and this can be determined by her designer - it should seem very wide, because it is in this part of the body that kinnogenic organs are hidden.

According to superstitions, good cows, the decent seller gives together with the subsidences. Burenks should behave comfortably and do not jerk - it will indicate how simple the animal will milk.

Age of cows and its features

Before choosing a milk cow, you need to learn to determine its age. According to folk signs, to find out how many years Burenke will help her horns. The buyer is recommended to look at them and count the swirls, and another 3 units add to this figure. In this case, it turns out with the accuracy to understand how old animal is.

Milk gives the burenks of all ages, but the most useful delicacy will be "gathering" from the cows of the average years. It is such chicks that are already well accustomed to the process of milking and do not rummage, showing the character of a new owner.

Buy best cow, which has already been twisted 2-3 times. According to popular beliefs, such a burenka is at the peak of forces and has already proved its endurance during childbirth. During this period, the chick is still not old, so long will delight the owner with large villas.

Many farmers seek to buy the most young sex. But the acquired calf can bring a lot of troubles, because such a cow has not yet become accustomed to milking and a long time to ball. The process of addiction of a young animal can delay up to 2 months.

Experienced cow breeders who have a large supply of patience and snacks, may well acquire a calf and from an early age to enlist the confidence of the young animal. With the process of first milking and the features of the plump nature of the burenok at this age, they are familiar, so taming chick will turn out quickly.

Signs when choosing dairy cows

For the most part, folk signs when buying cows are reduced to how to choose a reina burenk. Pay attention to the buyer is worth the individual: it should not be very accusing, on the contrary, must resemble a complete barrel.

Also, the dairy cow can be determined by its nature. The farmer is advised to approach the Burenka and offer her a small piece of bread. If the chick is sluggish reacts to the delicacy and will suit it in the march, - you come to each other. Immediately after that, carefully go to the animal and personally try to make it up.

Stip must be thick, and the resulting liquid is saturated. Immediately after that, you need to make a sip of cow's milk and feel his taste. He has a healthy burenque, it will be sweet, and the sick animal will "give out" a treat with bitterness.

The health of the selected livestock directly depends on the care of animals. If the previous owner is well soap and fed a burenka, her uder will be clean, and the physique is pulled.

Cow after shopping

For the purchase of cattle follows the period of addiction of the Burenki to a new home. The animal is very sensitive, so the newly minted owner will have to treat this process with great care.

According to folk signs, just a purchased cow should be treated with a piece of bread straight from the furnace damper. Then the animal will not be bored in the previous owner and quickly get used to the new yard.

If the tips set out above helped you when buying a burenki, you will definitely share this article with friends.


The milk productivity of cows is determined by many circumstances.

Main from them: breed, body type, nutrition, age, lactation period, date of last insemination, health.

The breed is caused by the possibilities of the animal. Therefore, when buying a cow is very important to find out this fact: what kind of breed is her father and mother, as well as their productive qualities. Animals are considered purebred, who have a father and mother, as well as other ancestors belong to the same breed. If the father and mother belong to different rocks, then their offspring is considered to be secreted.

Secret animals on productivity are not inferior to purebred, but their offspring is worse in the signs of parents than the offspring of purely animals of agricultural purposes.

It must be borne in mind that the definition of the breed even with the greatest accuracy is not able to reliably guarantee a certain level of dairy productivity, due to the fact that there are large individual differences among farm animals.

You can clarify the hereditary ability to the milk productivity of the cow in the way of clarifying the productivity of older sisters (daughters of the mother and especially the daughters of the Father).

If they are highly productive, confidence in the good quality of the selected animal may be incomparably higher.

Milk productivity can be largely predicted by the type of physique, in terms of severity and formation of some exterior articles and the symptoms of dairy.

Highly productive dairy animals of all breeds have, as a rule, the following features of the physique: a well-developed long torso and bulk abdominal cavity; strong, but not a rude backbone; straight legs; light head; wide and long back; ferrous and long rear; ferrous noticeable winding milk veins under the belly;

Slim dense skin with glittering hair.

Only cows with perfectly formed internal organs and lentilty belly are capable of consulting to create a significant amount of milk mass of rough, juicy and concentrated feeds. The ideal dairy cow when considering on the side and above has a triangular shape, and the meat cow is similar to a rectangle.

Figure 1: Form of milk body (s) and meat (b) cows

The following signs are vicious for dairy livestock: rude backbone, heavy (bullish) head, short thick neck, flooded withers, humpback either checked back, strong interception behind the blades, weak formation of the abdominal cavity, poor formation and small amount of udder, uneven quantity , short, narrow, roof, hide ass, general underdevelopment of the animal.

Possible animal breed capabilities are capable of realizing only in conditions of full-fledged abundant nutrition and natural content.

Scarce food, especially in the early period of cultivation, leads to the underdevelopment of the animal, which manifests itself with such vices, like a disproportionate formation, a big head, roasted belly, thin legs, short narrow back, narrow sharp spin, small live weight.

Use to obtain milk underdeveloped animal agricultural purposes is not considered appropriate. Such cows are not able to show good hereditary qualities, even if in the future they will be perfectly fed.

Milk productivity is also associated with age cows. In the first cells and cows of two hotels, Vyuts are usually less than that of full-time (5-6th seals).

It is believed that many rocks have the highest possible fishing for lactation falls on the 6th hotels.

The cows of the Red Steppe Breed of UDYA for the first lactation equals 61%, for the second - 65.6%, for the third - 75.9%, for the fourth - 87.8%, for the fifth - 91% of the fuel of the sixth lactation.

Consequently, the value of the cow is largely related to the size of the animal and age.

Age can be certified by the document on the date of its appearance on the light, and in the case of its absence, set approximately the rings on the horns. These rings are formed during the pregnancy of the cow (as a result of a sharp modification of feeding peripheral tissues).

They have a view of ring-shaped recesses. The number of such rings on the horns corresponds to the number of facilities. To determine the age to the number of rings on the horns, you need to add a digit 2.

The number "2" is added because the first pregnancy in accordance with the norm passes only at a biennium.

Live mass can be established by means of wrapping on the age weights. If there are no such weights, the living mass of the cow is measured by the measurement method with a two-meter tape with centimeter divisions. With this manipulation, the trumps and oblique length are determined as recommended in the figure.

Figure 2: Cow measuring

Cookies of the torso are determined by the blades, and oblique length from the front protrusion of the shoulder joint to the sedlicate bulb. The level of milk productivity for lactation is formed from the daily flux, starting from the first day after the cow's calf until the day of its launch. But during lactation, even with perfect nutrition, daily fishing is changed.

Knowing the regularity of changes in the fuel to continue lactation, one can calculate the approximate annual fish. This may be necessary when buying a cow to assess its dairy productivity. For such an approximate calculation, you can use the table below.

Suppose that 15 kilograms of milk were delivered for the test days from the cow on the 4th month of lactation. From the table it is clear that there will be about 3900 kilograms of milk for lactation (this indicator is detected on a horizontal line, where the daily dyuya 15 kilograms is indicated in the graph corresponding to the 4th month of lactation).

When acquiring a dairy cow, it is necessary to make sure that it is a pregnant, and the chick must be inseminated in a normal period (aged 18-20 months).

As a late insemination in a very young age, and later in the age group of two years and older is undesirable.

Early pregnancy can lead to the cessation of growth and body formation, as well as to lower its dairy productivity. At late insemination, the animal is often traced.

When purchasing a cow, it is necessary to read very carefully with the state of her health.

The inspection starts from the eye (the color of the mucous membrane, state of view), then focus on the nose (absence of purulent discharge), the oral cavity (condition of the teeth), the state of wool and skin.

Around the eye, on the neck, pyrical and in other places there should be no ulcers, guncrows, warts. The skin of the udder and nipples should be clean, without scratch. In the iron cloth, the udder should not be inflammatory sections or hardening, which can be determined by feeling.

Special attention must be paid to how the animal eats feed. Lack of appetite, purulent discharge from the nasal cavity, eye, vagina, nipples udder, no cheek, etc. indicate an unhealthy state of the animal.

When buying a cow, the future owner must decide for itself the following questions:

1. What is better to buy: chick, flavor, and if a cow, what age?

2. How do the breed purchase an animal?

3. How to predict the productivity of the cow?

For each specific question, it is impossible to give an unequivocal advice, but still, if there is no sharp need to immediately have milk from your own cow, it is better to buy a flavor (a pregnant chick).

First, essentially 2 animals are bought; Secondly, after a few months it will be possible to have fresh milk. However, the nettle is more expensive than chick, and, moreover, existing zootechnical techniques do not allow with absolute accuracy to establish what productivity will have a new-star cow.

The advantage when buying a cow is that it is already known how much it gives milk, which is obtained immediately (if the cow is not on startup). Buy better cow not older than 4-5 hotels. After the 5th hotel, as a rule, fishing gradually decreases. True, there are cases when the highest productivity from the cow was obtained from the 7-9th lactation, and the total number of lactation reaches 18-19 from individual cows.

The age of cows in hotels can be determined by the presence of a rings at the base of the horns. Each ring corresponds to the hotel. If the distance between any rings is twice as bigger than in other cases, then the cow was in some year Yalova.

Regarding the breed, it should be said that it is better to purchase a cow of the breed that divorces the e-country and is well adapted to the natural and climatic conditions. But this does not mean that you always need to do so. Adaptive capabilities of modern breeds are very large.

Almost all breeds can be breeded under any climatic conditions, if you create normal feeding conditions and content.
The most important and at the same time is the most difficult question of how to determine the future productivity of chicks or nets. The same question arises when buying a cow, if it is unknown to her fishing.

Although there are no accurate methods for determining the productivity of the dairy cow in external forms, but for a number of signs, it is still possible to determine the possible high milkness of the cow to some extent.
Have a healthy chick or cow on most of the body skin smooth, elastic and movable; The mucous membranes are uniformly moistened and have a pink shade.

Signs of healthy animal bodies are considered a deep breast; Smooth back line; strong, well-developed backbone with distinctly outlined, well-developed narrow joints; smooth, shiny harmful, hoofed horn; The overall impression of cheerfulness, energy and livelihoods of the animal.

The formulation of the limbs should be such that when inspection in front (or behind), when the animal is calm, the front legs closed the rear. The hooves of the front and rear legs should be directed parallel to the middle axis of the body, without turning them inward or outward.

Signs of health care are manifested in the nervous temperament, in thinning of the skin and hair, in shortening the lower jaw, curvature or underdevelopment of the tail, in the presence of a direct jumping joint and interception behind the shovels, pronounced defective vices (Fig.)

The dairy cow has a recent rear compared to everything. The body of the dairy cow has a characteristic wedge shape.

This form is emphasized in gentle, rather narrow head, light neck, with a small subguard, flat long breasts, deep sides, wide and long back.
Meanwhile, it is known that outstanding dairy cows may have angular ugly forms and a disproportionate attitude to go, and the cows are beautiful, the folding are low.

A good dairy cow must have a large, developed long, width and depth of udder. Its skin must be thin, with clearly protruding veins. Nipples should be widely arranged, medium thickness, length and elasticity; Milk veins are large, clearly speakers; Dairy wells (the place of mammary veins in the abdominal cavity) is extensive. The tail in the dairy cow is usually thin and long.

Udder must be wide and highly reflected forward (drawing). Dairy udder is usually glazed. During progress, it seems grainy, not meaty; After milking, such a ditch is greatly reduced in volume. Highly refined udder is more convenient when milking and not so often injured. Frequently used to the torso dust (drawing) "settles" with age, which increases the dangers of infection and injury, in addition, the milking of such a cow makes it difficult.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the leather covering it in space between the rear limbs is collected in the fold ("rear reserve of udder").
The cow of the combined direction along with severely clearly milk signs should have a good muscles and strong limbs.

Namilet and chicks, milk signs are still poorly developed, in this case it is especially important to have as much information about the productivity of their mother, grandmother and father. It is also useful to know which older sisters on the father and mother have milkness. If the female ancestors and sisters of chicks differ in high fee, you can be sure that a good cow will grow out of it.

Choose a good cow is very difficult, nevertheless it is very important.

Cow for yourself is best to grow from a calf, but if you have never held cows ever, it's easier to buy an adult. With a calf, there is a lot of trouble, and for a beginner in this matter will not just grow a cow from a calf.

Buy a cow better than 2-3 ethoto, so at this age cow still young, but you can already have an idea of \u200b\u200bits dairy qualities. It is accustomed to milking and stands calmly, at first, while the hostess has not yet learned to raise it quickly, this is an important point. Imagine that you yourself really do not know how to approach the cow, and she also jars.

First you need to decide what kind of breed you want to have on your farm. There are three types of cattle productivity - milk, milk and meat meat.

In each area, "their" breeds of cows are common, but the most popular is still a black and print breed.

Here you decided on the breed and it came to the purchase, to which you need to pay attention to, when choosing a cow:

Cow's body seems like a truncated cone. Large belly with a much larger back of it. The head is light, dry, the muzzle is slightly elongated.

Neck is not fat, wide chest. The backbone is strong, dry.

The belly is big, but not checked, the loin is wide.

Look at your eyes, they should be clear, clean, wet nose, cold.

The size and form of horns does not matter. But age, rather the number of hotels, can also determine the newcomer. Look carefully and you will see the rings on the horns, every ring - hotels, add three years to the rings - here's the age of the cow.

Udder for the dairy cow is the most important thing to see. A good shape of udder is round or a cup-shaped, with even in the measure of large nipples. If the back of the udder saves, then this is the so-called "goat udder", such a form of udder is not inherent in the milk cow, such a cow is not worth buying. From under the abdomen, Vienna are visible to the udder.

The correct form of udder

Cow's wool should be smooth, preferably clean. There are cows dirty, there will be a lot of trouble with them. Unfortunately before the sale of the hosts wash the cowhow and distinguish the dirty from cleanish extremely difficult.

There are still such "folk" signs: the length of the tail is not shorter than the middle of the legs. The size between the ribs is at least three fingers.

I think it is not deprived of meaning, since the long tail will be better than the insects, and the size between the ribs talks about a wide chest.

Cow suits you? Great, go to her, the cows mostly have a calm, phlegmatic character, but there are also exceptions, the novel cow is not suitable for a novice, as not able to contact her not only do not get the desired profit, but you can also spoil the animal.

The calm cow sniffs you and turns away or will not react to you at all. Give her a treat, a piece of bread, scratch between the horns.

Met? Now we will milk it. It is necessary to do this in order to find out that it is not a rigorous one. It is difficult to milk a tight cow even an experienced owner and a tricky flour for a beginner. If you do not know how to milk, then try to squeeze at least a couple of pills, whatever the cow will fall, and then see how the owner do. The jets of milk should be thick with the rod of the fountain pen and tight, if the jets are thin, like a thread and the owner, now and then stops, the cow is tight - do not buy. The amount of milk in one boobs depends on many factors: it is the period of time with the past milk, and the pregnancy of the cow and the number of hotels.

Try milk, sometimes milk is tasteful and low.

If you like it, I congratulate you on the purchase!

In the evening, the birthday of the bulls are kneeling in stalls, showing her piety. (Cornwall).

On the day of the holiday of fires, cattle should be driven through the smoke of the fire from Ryabina and ash, to bring the flock of luck. (Scotland).
Irish farmers who sold their livestock always tried to avoid the fatal meeting with a woman. For this, they have existed the custom sending a long labraka, who passed along the road a dozen yards and returned back, becoming the first person who met a farmer who had traveled a herd from the gate on the road. The Irish Custom - to protect the cattle from the witches with the help of primrose on The threshold of the chlev, hot iron in the furnace and rowan on the doors. In the vicinity of Pendle (Lancashir), there was a method (extent that only in this area), allegedly allowed the "stop the propagation" of hydrocephalus - diseases are not contagious, and congenital. The dead animal should be beheaded and take a head for burial in the nearest point of the neighboring county. This goal was usually elected deserted plain stepman, located on the border with Yorkshire and better known as the "Cherep Valley". The source of this strange belief can be found in the Bible (Leviticus XVI, 22), where it is prescribed to transfer the human sins on the head of the scapegoat, expelled to the desert; Obviously, in the same way all the diseases of the herd had to move to the head of the dead animal. But the intention to move the disease to the neighboring county is hardly consistent with the Scripture. "Earthokino Tree" mentioned in another Lancashir belief, growing near Cornfort (Worton District), on a hill, where the courts of ancient Saxons occurred. According to the local belief, this old tree has gained a lot of power, the beneficia of the fact that in his hollow for many years they threw living earth farmers; And now the branch cut off from it is enough just to attach a sick cow to the back to heal it from the disease. What concerns livestock driving into the garden, this sign is confirmed by many "reliable" examples. One of the readers wrote in the magazine "Notes and Queries", that in March 1843, cattle was driven near his house and three cows entered his garden. The maid was very sad and said that over the next six months, three people would die in the family. The letter was reported: "In April, we learned that our dear J., and two weeks later - about the death of A., and yesterday (August 10) I was at the funeral of my favorite testing." On the next day, the letter was complemented yet One message: "Menting on this take on the funeral of Ms. .... I heard that when Ms. ... was sick, a cow entered the garden in front of her house, which was hard to drive from there." On the other hand, we know one rural garden in Wiltshire, where the cows are regularly invaded, and this has not yet led any tragedy. Believe the bulls, kneeling for Christmas, is known not only in Cornwall, but also in many areas of Devonshire. The greatest advantage of such superstitions is that they can be confirmed (or refute) simply by passing for bulls. But before that, as a rule, it does not reach. However, the brand reports that several farmers from St. Stephensdaun (Launceston district, Cornwall) still observed for their own will, and, as one of them claims, at midnight for Christmas two oldest The will really bowed their knees. (It should, however, note that the wheels always knelt when they want to lie down). They are worth mentioning about such an observation done in the Western Mountains by another farmer who believed that in the night before Merry Christmas Cattle acquires the gift of speech. He hid in a corner in Klelev and overheard the conversations of his oxen. However, heard hardly pleased him. One ox said to another: "What will we do tomorrow?" He answered him: "We are lucky our host in the cemetery." "And indeed," adds COB, who retold this story in "Le Folk Lore Des Hautes-Vosges", - the farmer died at the same night and was buried the next day. "But possible sources of custom bringing a calf and superstition about kneeling will It is said in other articles "Encyclopedia". As for the custom of kneading livestock through the smoke of fires, in order to save it from harm and diseases, then here you can remember that the ancient Romans also cleaned their herds, running them between the burning stacks of grass, or bonfires from branches of pine, laurel or male olive trees. The custom of May (or, as they also called the "new") fires were observed throughout Europe for many centuries. This applies to sacrifice the calf to protect her herd, then it should be remembered about a similar rite that exists in Central African Bakhima. This is the shepherd people; They hardly have the concept of the customs of the English peasants, and the English peasants were unlikely to have ever heard of the customs of Bakhima. However, they also have a similar rite that arose from a similar superstition. When an infectious disease attacked the flock, the Bakhima put on the neck of the garland from herbs and fetish, several times drive him around Kraral *, and then the priest kills the calf to be expelled from the herd. The garland from the neck of the animal is hanging on the gate of Kraral, so that the disease does not return back - just like Ryabina hang on the door jamb in Scotland and North England, to drive the damage. Reading the burners of calves alive longer than anywhere, retained on the island of Maine. A few years ago, people who had once seen in the fields have been alive, who once saw in the fields smoking the cords. However, the place on the island is called "Cabbal Yn Oural Losht", which means the "fire chapel of the fiery victim." Moore in his book on the geographical names of the Islands of Maine says that this name is the memory of the real event that happened in the XIX century. One farmer who has a lot of livestock from FMD, sacrificing him, and then a chapel was built at this place. When a cattle disease known called "Quarter" was common in Scotland. It hit only one joint or one extremity of the animal. The inhabitants of the Engus (and obviously, other places) to cure livestock from this disease were used by a strange rite. They cut off a piece of punk in the animal who deceased from "Quarter" and hung it in a fireplace pipe on a farm to protect the rest of cattle from the disease. It is hard that, while a piece of foot hangs in a pipe, he will protect the farm from the disease approaching. If the family moved from one farm to another, this talisman became one of the most carefully transported and protected things. And many generations believed that this piece of dried meat protects their cattle from the disease. The front foot of one of the animals was used instead of a piece of meat with a punk; And some of the peasants who practiced this rite believed that it was enough to hang the leg over the entrance to the barn. A virgin version of this rite prescribed to cook the carved piece, instead of hanging it in the fireplace or above the door of the barn. In Russian folk traditions with livest different will accept. Situations in which one or another magical remedy, rite or plot, also differ in emergency diversity. But most of the belief is associated with the sale of cattle and his treatment. "By buying a new cattle, in some places come in this place: on the threshold of the chlev, the owner puts his belt. When the banging the cattle will overstep through the threshold and enter the hlev, the owner is on all four corners. Glev, saying: "Batyushko-yard! Lubeby cattle "." If a horse is sold, then the reason for the selling horse is transmitted from the seller to the buyer "from the floor in the floor" [i.e. The reason is taken by the seller and the buyer is not a "naked" hand, but through the floor]. In the sale of the horse, the horse is certainly transmitted to the buyer with the "rolling", that is, with the urine rope. The buyer and cow are transferred to the rope. "In addition, there is a common sign when buying livestock: unnoticed for the owner of the seller, the buyer is trying, leading to the newly acquired cattle from the courtyard, pick up a small part of the manure, believing that with the manure he takes all the" water "Mobile owner-seller". "When you buy a cow or a horse, then the reason from the ulcer or the end of the rope is shifted from the floors in the floor and they say the wishes of the" light hand ". The buyer takes off his head with his head and spends it from the head and neck, along the back and bug" Novokki ". And when lead home, then from under the legs on the road raise a pinch or a wand and drive it. When the cow translates into the courtyard, this chase is thrown out. - As a sinner, it is not on the old place, as a wand on the same not to trust and not wander, so And bought the tumine did not remember the old owners and did not dry them. Then the "Novokuka" fastened a piece of bread, and the houses directly and openly and openly, with witnesses, bow all four corners in the beauties and ask: to eat, feed, caress and holly This new, as experienced former "." When a pig is being rested, it should not look at this pig to look with a bad eye, otherwise the pig will flick all the pigs. " This superstition is common, and applies to any cattle. Two years ago, the compiler of this encyclopedia was a witness to the next case that occurred in the same Siberian village. Only born kittens were discovered blunded. Most likely, this atrocity made a neighboring cat, but a different opinion was prevailed - the cat-mother "with the eye" itself did.
The branch of the "earthying tree" attached to the back of the cow cures it from rabies. (Lancashire).

If you drive cattle to the market and first meet a woman, and then a man - your trade will be unsuccessful. (Ireland).

If someone else's cattle comes into your garden, it foreshadows death in the house. (Midland).

Hares, seen on the field among cattle on day of May, are witches, sanging milk. (Ireland).

A cow salmon or miscarriage, buried on the road, which often passes the herd, protect cows from the kola. (Suffolk).

The cattle falls under the roof - to bad weather, and in the yard - to the bucket.

Mastery with a cow's back tar from the ears before the root of the tail on the eve of the holiday of fires (May Day) so that the witch do not suck her milk. (Scotland).

To cure the hoofers in the cows, go to the garden at midnight, cut out the roots of the largest apple trees and carefully hang it on the highest tree branch. All this should be done silently and alone. When the dermist dies from the branch, the disease will leave your cattle. (Western Riding, Yorkshire. In addition, some say that the turne should be taken where the sore animal stepped).

To stop the lush in the flock, burn one calf alive.

So that your cows felt well, give a branch of the mistleta of the first cow, which will get in the new year. (Yorkshire).