Greek culture. Ancient greece culture in brief

Greek culture.  Ancient greece culture in brief
Greek culture. Ancient greece culture in brief

Almost the entire population of the country adheres to the Greek Orthodox religion, which is autocephalous. Religion and Greek Orthodox Church plays a significant role in the life of modern society, on which, in fact, is based Greek culture... And, of course, this is the many-sided solar the culture a lot of the huge layer of the mythological past of this region.

Religion of Greece

In this country, religious and cultural festivals are often held - panigiri, in honor of the saints. Carnivals are also popular here, which are celebrated in accordance with dates Orthodox calendar, but at the same time carry a pagan connotation. Greece is considered one of the centers of monastic life, because the main religion of Greece - orthodoxy. Such places of worship like Athos and Meteora are known far beyond the borders of the country, and the monasteries themselves represent not only a part of religion, but also an architectural heritage.

Economy of Greece

After World War II, Greece experienced a real economic boom. In 2001, Greece received the status of the most developed state, but after the global crisis in 2013, it lost it. Economy of Greece consists of several industries: the service sector, in particular tourism, the textile and chemical industries, mechanical engineering and instrument making. Greece uses a single European currency - the euro. Tourists are advised to have a supply of coins or small bills with them. (At least to pay for a taxi or another Greece transport) When making purchases in shops of the Tax-free system, you can return the paid VAT.

Science of Greece

After Greece gained independence, technical and natural sciences developed in the country. Science of Greece systematically develops in well-known institutes and universities of the country, numerous studies are carried out in mathematics, physics, electronics, which favorably affects the level of development of science. Great attention in the country is given to archeology.

Art of Greece

The culture in Greece was formed even before our era, but continues to develop at the present time. Art of Greece, as if a sponge absorbs everything new, while the country preserves the main traditions, the main of which is the ancient one. Greeks prefer folk forms arts are actively used by the ancient musical instruments such as bouzouki, lutres, lyres and mandolins. And the national costume is an obligatory attribute of many holidays.

Greek cuisine

National Greek cuisine Is a fusion of Mediterranean and Balkan cuisine. The main differences between Greek cuisine - a large number of spices and olive oil. Various cheeses are produced in Greece, more than 50 types, the most popular of which is feta. From meat dishes the most popular are moussaka and pastizio.

Customs and traditions of Greece

The Greeks are characterized by an attachment to their roots, their family and their neighborhood. Often all generations of a family are involved in each other's lives. The immense family affection and associated hospitality determine customs and traditions Greece.

Greece sport

As you know, this region is historically the birthplace of the Olympic Games, therefore sportGreece- just can't be popular. New sports facilities have been built to host the 2004 Olympic Games in Greece. The most popular sports are swimming, basketball and, of course, football.

Modern Greek culture, with all the aspirations for novelty and originality, carefully preserves three traditions.

First, the antique one. Receive government support existing museums of ancient culture and new ones are being organized. So, near Acropolis the Museum of Ancient Performing Arts was recently created: they show masks, koturnas, costumes, read the texts of classical drama.

There are quite a few preserved in Greece ancient theaters under open air... In them, and not only in them, they stage ancient tragedies and comedies - Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes. Ancient mythology and literature are studied in schools, mainly in translation.

But in gymnasiums, humanitarian lyceums, universities, they study the ancient Greek language and classical culture very thoroughly.

Classical philology in Greece is at a decent level. Ancient heritage culture of Greece - Greek literature covers poetry, drama, philosophical and historical treatises, travel books.

Homer(9th century BC), author of the Iliad and Odyssey, was the most famous Greek author of antiquity. The world's first travel writer was Pausanias, who wrote The Guide to Greece in the 2nd century BC. Numerous editions of this book are now available at English language.

Sappho(who lived on the island of Lesvos in the 5th century BC) is known for his love poetry dedicated to women.

The most famous novelist these days Nikos Kazantzakis is the most widely read Greek author. And the classics modern Greece were even awarded Nobel Prize are the writers George Seferis and Odysseus Elytis.

The culture of ancient Greece

When we speak of ancient Greece as continuous cultural phenomenon, we must remember that, as in any culture, people's ideas about the world and its foundations are subject to evolution.

During the heyday of the Greek city-states, when democracy reigned in Athens, the ideas of the Greeks about the gods were already very different from those fabulous, semi-naive ideas that were in the time of Homer.

This is evident from the changes the image of Zeus underwent - from a thunderer who quarreled with other gods, was capricious and abused his power, they turned into a reasonable ruler of the world, where everything is done according to his wise instructions.

The changes in Greek spiritual culture are most clearly manifested in the relationship between the Dionysian and Apollonian principles. This issue has been analyzed in detail Friedrich Nietzsche... According to Nietzsche, the god Dionysus symbolized for the Greeks the self-consciousness of a person living in a mysterious, enchanting, but also full of dangers world of wild nature.

This world, in principle incomprehensible to man and chaotic, the law in it is the arbitrariness of the gods, symbolizing the forces of nature. However, not only fear caused this world in the Greek man: it was possible and natural for him to dissolve in this chaos, the feeling of happiness of belonging to this mystical world.

Dionysus's weapon- intoxication that knows no barriers, which awakens the soul from the painful sleep of the stream of forms and draws it into the enchanting area of ​​life, which does not know barriers and subordination.

It was precisely this going beyond their own limitations and awe before the magic of the world that the Greeks sought during the holidays dedicated to the god Dionysus, of which the most known to us are the annually held mysteries in Eleusis.

At these festivals, the Greek comprehended the nature of the Dionysian world in ecstasy, taking the soul away on the wings of sweet madness to the palace of All-Consuming Love, which was apparently understood as the deep essence of the universe. Nietzsche believes that the significance of the Dionysian orgies is in the redemption of the world and spiritual enlightenment, which allows in other days not to be crushed by the horror of the world.

The world of Dionysus- the world of bodily symbolism, and not limited by masks and the severity of the ritual, but completely subordinating dance, rhythmizing the entire body of the participant, connecting him with everyone and dissolving him in everything.

This is where Nietzsche sees the origins musical harmonies, rhythms and dynamics. He also believes that in the Dionysian Mysteries lie the origins of great art. ancient tragedy.

"The irrefutable tradition asserts that the Greek tragedy in its most ancient form had as its theme exclusively the suffering of Dionysus and that for quite a long time the only stage hero it was Dionysus. "

The second nature of Greek culture is harmony of order and proportion- is inherent in the Apollonian beginning. His personification is beautiful image the young god Apollo, who attunes people to lofty feelings, he owns art, above all - music and poetry, his gift - inspiration and talent.

Apollo- the genius of stately harmony. From the chaos of the primordial ocean of life, he creates the universe, highlighting the parts, giving them shape, filling them with meaning commensurate with the idea of ​​integrity. This is the World Artist and his creative power gives the world harmony within the boundaries of firmness, order, stability and peace, triumphant and continuous.

Unlike the eternally dying, reborn Dionysus, Apollo is immortal and unchanging, for he is an incarnate Spirit, while Dionysus is striving to be incarnate.

Nietzsche believes that the Apollonian is a manifestation of an instinct as ancient as the one that manifests itself in the Dionysian, but in the opposite direction: this desire for everything to find its place means, first of all, to find a place in the world for oneself, to protect one's personality from disintegration, agreeing to limitation , but at the same time subordinate the whole world to the idea of ​​this limitation.

Art of Greece.

During the period of Turkish domination, art - apart from the church and such folk and applied varieties as woodcarving, metal forging, pottery and embroidery - practically did not develop.

After the declaration of independence, King Otto I invited many Greek artists to study in Munich, where they were influenced by the Germanic art school 19th century

Subsequently, Greek artists trained in other countries of Western Europe, especially in France. As a result, despite attempts to preserve ancient and Byzantine traditions in art, the influence of Western European trends turned out to be predominant.

Leading place among the painters of modern Greece is Kostis Partenis, it was he who brought ideas to Greece French impressionism... Partenis, like many other Greek artists, did not dwell on any one style.

He went through a passion for expressionism, cubism and other modern trends. Prominent Greek artists Georgos Buzianis and Nikos Hadzikiryakos-Gikas worked in the spirit of Expressionism. In addition to modernists, a whole galaxy of neorealists has developed in the country, including Yannis Tsarukhis and D. Diamantopoulos.

Another significant group of artists, among whom stands out Fotis Kontoglu, successfully worked to revive the traditions of Byzantine art.

Modern Greek sculptors also belong to different European directions, but a significant group of adherents of ancient traditions remains.

Of the representatives of the neoclassical school, Costas Dimitriades stands out, who was brought up in the spirit of French naturalism. Among those who moved away from the romantic school founded by Rodin, we note A. Apartis and M. Tombas, working in different modern trends... Abstract art is represented in the Cubist sculptures by A. Apergis.

Music and theater.

In the area of musical art preserved an old tradition, manifested in folk songs... These songs are divided into dance, family, mourning and heroic, many of them originated in the Byzantine era or even earlier.

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Greek composers, like their compatriots in literature and art, relied on folk legends and ancient subjects. Attempts to create national music were undertaken by Manolis Kalomiris (1883-1963), E. Riadis (1890-1935) and Georgios Poniridis. Kalomiris used themes from Byzantine church music and set to music the poems of Palamas and Sikelianos.

Poniridis composed numerous songs, often based on lyric poems by Cavafy and other Greek poets. Modern tendencies expressed in the writings of Demetrios Skalkotas (1905-1945) and Georgios Sikelianos. Manos Hadzidakis - famous composer, who was often inspired by folk melodies.

The Athens Conservatory, long the center of Greek musical culture, has produced many international singers and composers, including the composer D. Mitropoulos (1896-1960) and the opera star Maria Callas.

After the revival of theatrical art at the beginning of the 20th century. in Greece there was an upsurge in drama. Opened in 1930 National Theater, and then a number of other theaters with a permanent troupe were formed.

Every year in Athens, Epidaurus and Dodona, right in the ancient amphitheaters, festivals of theatrical and musical art are held, at which artists National Theater antique dramas are performed.

Folk art.

V small towns and the centuries-old traditions of handicrafts are preserved on the islands. Gold and silver items are produced in Thessaloniki, Athens, on the island of Kerkyra (Corfu) and in Ioannina; embroidery and lace - in the Ionian and Aegean islands; Crete and Epirus are famous for their woolen blankets and handmade carpets. Greece also produces carved wooden, ceramic and forged metal products.

Cinema is very popular in Greece.

Several Greek films, including Never on Sundays, have won awards at international film festivals. Among Greek film stars, Melina Mercury has reached world fame. Filmmaker C.Costa-Gavras, who worked in France, received awards for films such as Z and the State of Siege.

Antique (from Lat. Antigus) means "ancient". The ancient world is traditionally called the societies of ancient Greece and Rome from the 9th BC to the 10th century AD. In our time, the concept of antiquity also includes the Indo-Mycenaean era (III-II millennium BC). Thus, the history of antiquity covers the period of formation and prosperity and death of the slave states of the Mediterranean from 3000 BC to the middle of the 5th century AD, when the Western Roman Empire ceased to exist.

Ancient civilization coexisted with the ancient civilizations of the East - Egypt, Phenicia, Persia and maintained trade and cultural contacts with them.


In the history of the culture of ancient Greece, researchers distinguish the following periods: Aegean or Crete-Mycenaean (III-II millennium BC), heroic or Homeric (XI-IX centuries BC), archaic (VIII-VI centuries BC), classical (U-ІУ BC), ellipistic (the period from the beginning of Alexander the Great's campaign to the East to the conquest of Egypt by Rome is called Hellenistic (the last third of the ІУ-І century BC).

In the 12-13th centuries BC, the primitive system disintegrated in Greece and patriarchal slaveholding appeared, which in the 8-6th centuries BC became the basis of the economic and political life of society. A commodity-money economy arose, which was concentrated in the slave-owning city-states (policies). Two city-states, Athens and Sparta, played a key role at this time. The struggle between them for power ended with the victory of Sparta in the Pelloponean War (431-404 BC). In 146 BC, the territory of Greece was incorporated into the Roman Empire.

In the ancient Greek city-states, a powerful spiritual culture was formed, which made a great impact on the development of civilization in many countries of the world. Today we use words, concepts, names, names, expressions that have come down to us precisely from the culture of Ancient Greece.

The basis of social life in the ancient states was the polis, that is, the city-state that united the city and the surrounding lands with villages.

The polis was an independent political, economic and cultural unit, an association of free citizens. From the 6th century BC, the majority of the polis established a democratic form of government, which protected the rights of all citizens, made them conscious and active participants in political life.

Almost all the citizens of the policies were literate. City-states were ruled collectively by their free citizens. It was a kind of slave-owning democracy, it brought up a special perception of the world among the Greeks, because a free and politically active person became a social ideal.

It was such a person who was the main object and meaning of culture.

The hero of Egyptian, Mesopotamian or Indian culture is strong in his mystery, supernaturalness, connection with heaven and its elemental forces, while the hero of the culture of Ancient Greece is a real man... Even the Greek gods have a human likeness, possess human dignity and abilities: they make mistakes, quarrel, jealous, slander, etc.

The Greeks highly appreciated the balance, calmness, measure of the actions of a person who was a free citizen and took part in the leadership of the state. Hence the absence of gigantomania in Greek art, hence the desire to fit the structure and sculptures into the natural environment. An example of that successful fit into the landscape is the Acropolis complex in Athens. Or the sculpture of Aphrodite of Milo. The height of the figure corresponds to the growth of an average Greek girl, there is no pomp and ostentatious grandeur in her, but there is so much peace and beauty brought up female body, expressed in marble.

For Heraclitus, in Greek culture, man is regarded as a mortal GOD, and GOD - as an immortal man (anthropomorphism).

This trait permeates not only art, but also philosophy, science, mythology, the entire worldview. Already the early philosophical systems of Anaxileander, Parmenides, Pythagoras, Democrat, Heraclitus, "logos", dialectics in the structure of the world. The famous expression of Heraclitus that it is impossible to enter the same river twice, became over time the starting point for the development of dialectics as a principle of philosophical thinking. In ancient Greek philosophy, the materialistic atomistic doctrine (Democrat) and idealism (Socrates and Plato) originate. In ancient Greece, a new branch of knowledge arose - history. The "father of history" Herodotus conceived the chronicle-descriptive form of the study of society. Aristotle in his scientific work "Politics" formed the first theory of the state. The Greek scientist Euclid laid the foundations of geometry, Archimedes - mechanics.

Ancient Greece is the birthplace of European theater. At the end of the 5th and beginning of the 4th century BC, theaters were already in more and more large Greek cities. "Theater" - c word, translated means "Place for spectacles."

In Athens, a theater was set up on the slopes of the Acropolis. It was one of the largest theaters in Hellas - for 17 thousand spectators. There were wonderful acoustics in Greek theaters. Everything that was said on the stage was clearly audible even in the last rows.

The Greeks were very fond of theaters. They put on performances 2-3 times a year. The performances began in the morning and lasted until the evening for several days in a row. Several plays were shown every day. The plays were funny or sad (tragedy or comedy). The tragedies of Aeschylus ("The Persians") were very popular. The tragedy of Sophocles "Antigone" was very popular. And the famous author of comedies in the middle of the 5th century BC was the Athenian Aristophanes (play "Birds").

In Greece, once every 4 years, a nationwide sports competition - games (in the city of Olympia) was held. Behind the legend, the Olympic Games were founded by the famous hero Hercules. The first games - 776 BC They have been held since 1000 years, by the time they were banned at the request of Christians (4th century AD). They were taken over in 1896. Since then, they have become worldwide and are held in different countries in turn.

    Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey" - XIII century BC

    The statue of Athena Palaada In the Parthenon ("Temple of the Virgin") was made by Fizia (11 m in height) - from ivory and gold.

In architecture, the Greeks were famous for their columns. They used three types of columns:




    simple and severe in appearance, covered with grooves from top to bottom;

    Slimmer and thinner (capital in the form of two curls);

    Capital in the form of a basket with leaves.

Often, instead of columns, the Greeks used stone statues that supported the roof or cornice with their bodies. Such statues-columns in the form of men are called Atlanteans, and in the form of women - caryatids. These types of columns have been used by architects around the world.


Famous Greek sculptors - Physias, Myron, Polycletus and others.

The statues were cast from bronze or carved from white marble, which were painted. The Greeks never portrayed indulgent, ugly people, they considered only beauty to be portrayed. The most famous statues are "Discoboy" Myron, "Aphrodite of Milo" by an unknown sculptor, a statue of Apollo of Belvedere and "Hercules with a Lion" by Lissippos.

The culture of ancient Rome

In the 2nd century BC (146) Greece came under the rule of Rome. But, as Horace wrote, "the conquered (full) Greece defeated the uncultured victor." Proud Rome, before which the conquest of the peoples trembled, was forced to bow its head before the greatness of the culture of little Hellas. Later, when he becomes a great empire, he will create his own unique culture, but only when he gains experience in conquering a neighbor. First of all, Rome borrowed the entire pantheon of Greek gods, changed their names to the Roman style, sculptures and artists diligently copied Greek samples, poets and playwrights rewrote stories in a unique Greek poetry and drama. The influence of Greek culture was so strong that at first, after the conquest of Hellas, Roman science became bilingual. In Roman educated families, it was customary to speak, along with Latin, and Greek... Only over time did Roman philologists develop the lexical and syntactic system of Latin so that it was possible to convey to it all the subtleties of a comprehensively developed Greek language.

In the development of culture Ancient Rome the following main periods can be distinguished:

    Etruscan VIII-II c. BC

    "royal" UIII-VI in BC

    Roman Republic 510-31 BC

    Roman Empire 31 BC - 476 AD

In the 1-2 centuries, Roman culture gradually flourished, primarily civil construction.

In 75-80 AD, the famous Colosseum was built in Rome, which became a famous monument of ancient Roman architecture. For the purpose - this is a large amphitheater (height 48.5 m, in the plan - an ellipse, the axes of which are 190 and 156 m) for gladiatorial battles, circus shows.

In the first quarter of the 2nd century AD, another architectural monument was created - the Pantheon ("a temple to all gods." palaces, fortress walls Rome acquired a solid and luxurious look.

Sanitation, hygiene, law gained significant development, which became the pride of Rome. Painting, poetry and theater flourished.

To strengthen their power, the Roman emperors widely used a variety of mass spectacles. Caesar in 46 year ordered the digging of a piece lake on the Champ de Mars, on which a battle was organized between the Syrian and Egyptian fleets. It involved 2,000 rowers and 1,000 sailors. And the emperor Claudius staged a battle of the Sicilian and Rhodes fleets with the participation of 19,000 people on Lake Futsin. These spectacles impressed with their scale and splendor, convincing the audience of the power of the rulers of Rome.

In 476, Rome was captured by the Visigoths and Vandals. This is how the Roman Empire and its culture went down in history.

The homeland of modern democracy has given the world such concepts as the state, the jury, equality before the law. Ancient Greek scientists became the founders of the basic laws in mathematics, geometry, physics, biology, philosophy.

The first Olympic Games were also held in Greece. They were part of a holiday dedicated to Zeus, during which it was forbidden to wage war throughout Hellas, modern Greece.

The Greek theater is the oldest in Europe, reaching its heyday in the 5th century. BC NS. It was then that genres such as tragedy and comedy appeared.

National features of Greece

The Greeks are primarily characterized by good nature and cheerfulness. Inhabitants of this sunny country truly value life. Joy and misfortune are experienced with all passion: loud laughter and exultation, tears of sadness are not hidden from prying eyes. Emotionality is main feature of this people, and also the Greeks are very hospitable.

Greeks often gather with friends in taverns and uzeri. In coffee shops, you can always see the company of old people drinking a glass of cold local frappe coffee, playing backgammon or having heated discussions about politics. Also, Greeks are distinguished by respect for the traditions of their country.

It is worth considering that the Greeks are not too punctual, so if your friend does not show up for the meeting at the appointed hour, you should wait a little and not lose your calm. Nothing can be done - damn national character... When making an appointment, remember that the afternoon (approximately 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm) is closed. The life of offices, shops and some services is quieting down.

Remember that Greeks love to argue and criticize, but do not tolerate criticism.

Traditional clothing

Each region of the country has its own costumes. Of course, now no one goes to traditional clothes but they can be seen at some of the Greek evenings held in hotels and popular taverns.

Greek dances

There is a wide variety of Greek dances. Each region of Greece has its own dance styles... It was believed that the gods invented the dances, and the one who was given this gift should teach it to his neighbor. Hand movements are actively used in ancient Greek dances. An important element of the dance is often a scarf, which women hold in their hands, drawing graceful figures for them.

One Greek is worth a thousand barbarians... (Alexander the Great).

Modern European, (and not only European) civilization owes much of its development to ancient Greece. This relatively small state has made a huge contribution to global culture: medicine, politics, art, literature, theater. And to this day, ancient greek myths serve as a source of inspiration for many people, are studied and retold. And the famous ancient Greek theater, which became the prototype of the modern theater, is now being reconstructed again, modern people trying to revive a piece antique greece across theatrical art... And all this is just a small part of the great Greek heritage.

History of ancient Greece

Many people associate the phrase “ancient Greece” with high ancient culture, wise Athenian philosophers, brave Spartan warriors and magnificent temples. In fact, ancient Greece is not one, but several civilizations at once that have developed and transformed over the centuries. Among them are:

  • Minoan civilization that existed in early period development of ancient Greece, associated with it, for example, famous legend about Theseus and the Minotaur, which probably has some kind of real historical basis under it.
  • Achaean civilization, it is about this period that Homer writes in his epic poems Iliad and Odyssey.
  • Hellenic civilization, in fact, the period of the highest prosperity of the ancient Greek civilization.

Also, the very territory of ancient Greece is conventionally divided into three parts: North, Middle and South. In southern Greece there was a warlike and harsh Sparta, the heart of ancient Greece - Athens, located in Central Greece, in the North there were Thessaly and Macedonia. (The latter, however, was not considered "true Greek", the Macedonians were rather half-Greeks, half-barbarians, but the truth in the history of the most ancient Greece they were destined for a significant role, but see more about that later).

As for the history of ancient Greece, historians conventionally divide it into several periods, and then we will consider in detail the main periods of ancient Greece.

Early period

The emergence of ancient Greece dates back to ancient times, at a time when the ancient Greeks themselves were the same barbarians. Pelasgian tribes inhabiting Greek territory for 3 millennia BC. That is, they were expelled from there by the tribes of the Achaeans who came from the north. The Achaeans, who created the Achaean civilization, in turn, were destroyed by the Dorian tribes, who were at a culturally lower level of development. After death Achaean civilization comes so called " dark age»The ancient world. Like another "dark age" that followed the crash, it is characterized by a decline in culture, the lack of written sources that can tell us about this historical period.

Only Homer shed some light on him, although for a long time serious historians considered the events described in the Iliad about Trojan War only by the poet's invention, until someone, the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, unearthed the real Troy. True, disputes about the reliability of the Troy excavated by him are still ongoing, on our website there is a separate interesting one on this topic, but for now we are returning to the history of Greece.

Archaic period

He Archaic period ancient Greece, characterized by a new flourishing of Greek civilization. It was during this period that Greek city-states began to appear - independent city-states, among which Athens, Thebes and Sparta gradually rose. Athens became the greatest cultural center of ancient Greece; it was here that many outstanding philosophers, scientists, and poets later lived. Also, Athens was the stronghold of ancient Greek democracy, the power of the people ("demos" - in Greek means "people", "kratos" - power) and the birthplace of this form of government.

Of course, ancient Greek democracy was different from modern, for example, slaves and women could not take part in voting and public meetings (it was not soon before the advent of feminism). As for the rest, Athenian democracy was exactly the most real democracy in its traditional sense, any free citizen had not only the right, but also the obligation to participate in popular assemblies, the so-called ecclesias, at which all important political and economic decisions were made.

National assemblies in Athens.

Sparta was the complete opposite Athens, a military state, where, of course, there was no question of any democracy, Sparta was ruled by two kings at once, one of whom commanded the army and went on military campaigns at the head of the army, the second was in charge of the economy in his absence. Every male Spartan was a professional warrior who spent all his time improving military skills, as a result, the Spartan army was the strongest in Greece at that time. And the feat of 300 Spartans, who held back the offensive of a large army, has been glorified more than once both in art and in cinema. The economy of Sparta was completely based on slaves - helots, who often raised uprisings against their masters.

Thebes, another one great city ancient Greece was also a significant cultural and economic center, which also had a large political influence... Power in Thebes belonged to a group of wealthy citizens, the so-called oligarchs (yes, this is a familiar word in our everyday life Greek origin), who, on the one hand, were afraid of the spread of Athenian democracy, but on the other hand, the severity of the Spartan way of life was also unacceptable to them. As a result, in the constant conflicts between Athens and Sparta, Thebes supported one or the other side.

Classic period

The classical period of ancient Greece is characterized by the highest flowering of its culture, philosophy, art, it was during this period that such outstanding personalities appeared as Solon and Pericles (outstanding political figures who strengthened democracy in Athens), Phidias (the creator of the Parthenon in Athens and many other great structures), Aeschylus (talented playwright, "father of drama"), Socrates and Plato (we think these philosophers need no introduction).

However, with the highest development of culture during this period, ancient Greece also faced great trials, namely the invasion of the Persians, who were trying to enslave the freedom-loving Greeks. In the face of a formidable enemy, even such previously irreconcilable rivals as Athens and Sparta united and acted as a united front, pan-Greek patriotism took over the local squabbles. As a result, after a series of outstanding victories (the Battle of Marathon, the Battle of Thermopylae) over the superior forces of the Persians, the Greeks managed to defend their independence.

True, after the victory over the Persians during the Greco-Persian wars, the Greeks again returned to their former quarrels, which soon escalated so much that they resulted in the Great Peleponese War, between Athens and Sparta. On both sides, the two policies were supported by their allies, lasting 30 years, the war ended with the victory of Sparta. True, the victory did not bring any particular joy to anyone, the brilliant Greek civilization again fell into decay and desolation during the war years, and the Greek city-states themselves during the war weakened so much that soon the energetic Macedonian king Philip, the father of the great conqueror Alexander the Great, easily conquered all of Greece ...

Well, already his son, as we know, having rallied all the Greeks, already attacked Persia himself, so successfully that he reached with his invincible Greek phalanxes right up to. From this moment begins the Hellenistic period of the history of ancient Greece.

Hellenistic period

It is also the final period of the heyday of Greek civilization, the moment of its greatest zenith, when the power (and at the same time culture) of the Greeks, thanks to the energy of one Macedonian, stretched from Greece proper to distant India, where even a unique Greek-Indian culture was created, manifested, for example, in statues Buddha, made in the style of Greek, antique sculpture. (such an amazing cultural syncretism).

Unfortunately, the Bamiyan statue of Buddha, made in the antique style, has not survived to our time.

After the death of Alexander the Great, his vast empire disintegrated as quickly as it was conquered, the Greek influence nevertheless continued to persist for some time, but over time it gradually began to decline. The situation was complicated by the invasion of Greece itself by the warlike tribes of the Galatians.

And finally, with the rise of Rome and the appearance of Roman legionaries on Greek soil, the final end of Greek civilization came, which was completely absorbed by the Roman Empire. The Romans, as we know, in many respects sorted out the Greek culture and became its worthy successors.

The culture of ancient Greece

It was in ancient Greece that the first philosophical concepts were formulated, which laid down the fundamental knowledge about the universe, which is also used by modern science.

The Greek historian Herodotus literally became the "father of history", it is his historical works that are models for the works of the next generations of historians. The Greek physician Hippocrates became the “father of medicine”, his famous “Hippocratic Oath” to this day expresses the moral and ethical principles of a physician's behavior. The playwright Aeschylus, already mentioned by us, became the creator of theatrical drama, his contribution to the theatrical art and the development of theater is simply enormous. The contributions of the Greeks Pythagoras and Archimedes to the development of mathematics are also enormous. And the philosopher Aristotle can generally be called the "father of science" in the broad sense of the word, since it was Aristotle who formulated the fundamental principles scientific knowledge the world.

This is how the ancient Greek theater looks like, which emerged from the religious mysteries, it soon became one of the favorite places of entertainment for the ancient Greeks. The buildings of theaters themselves in ancient Greece were an open area with a round structure for a choir and a stage for actors. Everything ancient greek theaters had excellent acoustics, thus, even the audience sitting on back rows, could hear all the replicas (there were no microphones yet).

The ancient Greek Olympic Games, during which even all wars were interrupted, became, in fact, the foundation for the development of modern sports and modern Olympic Games, representing just the same revival of the ancient Greek sports tradition.

Many interesting inventions the Greeks also had in military affairs, for example, their famous phalanx, representing a close-knit combat formation of the infantry. The Greek phalanx could easily win (and won) victories over, though outnumbered, but not organized by the Persians, Celts and other barbarians.

The art of ancient Greece

Ancient Greek art is represented, first of all, by beautiful sculpture and architecture, painting. Harmony, poise, orderliness and beauty of forms, clarity and proportionality, these are the basic principles Greek art, which considers a person as the yardstick of all things, presents him in physical and moral perfection.

The famous Venus de Milo, the creation of an unknown Greek sculptor. Depicting the goddess of love and beauty Venus, she, after all, first of all conveys the pristine beauty of the female body, this is the whole sculpture of ancient Greece and all her art.

The architecture of ancient Greece was especially famous thanks to Phidias, a sculptor and architect, the Parthenon, a temple dedicated to the patroness of Athens, the goddess of war and wisdom, Athena, his greatest creation.

But in addition to the Parthenon, the Greeks built many other equally beautiful temples, many of which, unfortunately, have not survived to our times or have survived in the form of ruins.

As for painting, in ancient Greece it was presented in skilful drawings on Greek vases, in the form of vase painting. The ancient Greeks achieved great skill in decorating and painting vases and amphorae.

Painted Greek amphora. It is worth noting that the ancient Greeks painted the most different types earthenware. And the inscriptions on vases left by some vase painters became an additional source of historical information.

Religion in ancient Greece

The religion of ancient Greece and its mythology is perhaps the best studied, and the names of many Greek gods and goddesses, led by the supreme god Zeus, are heard by many. Interestingly, the Greeks endowed their gods with completely human qualities and even vices inherent in people, such as anger, envy, revenge, adultery and others.

Also, in addition to the gods, there was a cult of heroic demigods, such as, for example, Hercules, the son of the supreme god Zeus and an ordinary mortal woman. Often, many Greek rulers declared that they were descended from one or another semi-divine hero.

Interestingly, unlike many other religions, the ancient Greeks were not at all peculiar to religious fanaticism ("If Alexander wants to be a god so much, then let it be him", - somehow the Spartans calmly remarked in response to the claim of Alexander the Great about his divine origin), nor a special admiration for the gods. Communicating with their gods, the Greeks never knelt, but talked with them as if they were equal people.

And the Greek temples dedicated to this or that god, in addition to their ritual functions, had another very important purpose, they were the most real banks of antiquity, that is, places where various Greek oligarchs and nobles kept their values ​​acquired by hook or by crook.

  • Everyone's familiar word "idiot" ancient greek origin... The ancient Greeks called an idiot a citizen of a polis who did not take part in public meetings and voting, that is, a person who is not interested in politics in our modern understanding, who alienated himself from political upheavals.
  • In ancient Greece, there was a special institution of getters, which in no case should be confused with prostitutes. Heterosexuals, like the Japanese geisha, were beautiful and at the same time educated women, capable of supporting intellectual conversation, and versed in poetry, music, art, with a broad outlook, serving for the pleasure of men, not only in the physical sense, but in all other conceivable meanings. Many Greek getters gathered around them philosophers, poets, scientists, a vivid example of this, the getter Aspasia, the former mistress of Pericles, the young Socrates was even in love with Aspasia at one time.
  • The ancient Greeks called all other representatives of less cultured peoples, so to speak, "barbarians" and it was they who introduced this term into everyday life ("barbarian" is translated from ancient Greek as "foreigner, stranger"). Later, the Romans also contracted this Greek xenophobia.
  • Although the Greeks disdained all Scythians and Germans, calling them "barbarians", in turn they themselves learned a lot from the more developed ancient Egyptian civilization and culture. So, for example, Pythagoras in his youth studied with the Egyptian priests. The historian Herodotus also visited Egypt and talked a lot with the Egyptian priests. “You are Greeks, like little children,” the local priests told him.

Ancient Greece, video

And in the end an interesting one documentary about ancient Greece.