In the traditional form, they do. Economic features of agrarian civilization and culture

In the traditional form, they do.  Economic features of agrarian civilization and culture
In the traditional form, they do. Economic features of agrarian civilization and culture
Natural Agriculture It is based on industry, in agriculture - an increase in labor productivity. Destruction of natural addiction. The basis of production is information. The service sector is at the forefront.
Primitive crafts Machine technology Computer techologies
The prevalence of collective ownership. Protecting the property of only the upper class Traditional economics. The basis of the economy is state and private property, a market economy. Availability different forms property. Mixed economy.
The production of goods is limited to a certain type, the list is limited. Standardization is uniformity in the production and consumption of goods and services. Individualization of production, right up to exclusiveness.
Extensive economy Intense economy Magnification specific gravity small-scale production.
Hand tools Machine technology, conveyor manufacturing, automation, mass production A developed sector of the economy is associated with the production of knowledge, processing and dissemination of information.
Dependence on natural and climatic conditions Independence from natural and climatic conditions Cooperation with nature, resource-saving, environmentally friendly technologies.
Slow introduction of innovations into the economy. Scientific and technical progress. Modernization of the economy.
The standard of living of the bulk of the population is low. Population income growth. Mercantilism consciousness. High level and quality of life of people.
Dependence of position on social status. Basic units of society - family, community The emergence of new classes - the bourgeoisie and the industrial proletariat. Urbanization. The erasure of class distinctions. The growth of the share of the middle class. The share of the population engaged in the processing and dissemination of information is significantly increasing over labor force in agriculture and industry
The stability of the social structure, the boundaries between social communities are stable, adherence to strict social hierarchy... Class. The mobility of the social structure is great, the possibilities of social movement are not limited. The emergence of classes. Elimination of social polarization. Erasing class distinctions.
Dominance of the Church and the Army The role of the state is growing. Political pluralism
Power is hereditary, the source of power is the will of God. The rule of law and law (though more often on paper) Equality before the law. The rights and freedoms of the individual are enshrined in law. The main regulator of relations is the rule of law. Civil society. The relationship between the individual and society is based on the principle of mutual responsibility.
Monarchical forms of government, political freedoms are absent, power is above the law, the absorption of the individual by the collective, the despotic state The state subjugates society, society outside the state and its control does not exist. Granting political freedoms, republican form reign prevails. Man is an active subject of politics. Democratic transformations Law, right - not on paper, but in practice. Democracy. Democracy of "consensus". Political pluralism.
Norms, customs, beliefs. Continuing education.
Providencealism consciousness, fanatical attitude to religion. Secularization consciousness. The emergence of atheists. Freedom of conscience and religion.
Individualism and identity of the individual were not encouraged, the collective consciousness prevails over the individual. Individualism, rationalism, utilitarianism of consciousness. Striving to prove yourself, to achieve success in life.
Few educated people, the role of science is not great. Elite education. The role of knowledge and education is great. Basically, secondary education. The role of science, education, the information age is great. Higher education. A global telecommunications network, the Internet, is being formed.
The prevalence of oral information over written. The dominance of mass culture. Availability different types culture
Adaptation to nature. Liberation of man from direct dependence on nature, partial subordination of it to himself. The emergence of environmental problems. Anthropogenic civilization, i.e. in the center - a person, his individuality, interests. solution of environmental problems.


Types of society.

Traditional society - a type of society based on subsistence agriculture, a monarchical system of government and on the predominance of religious values ​​and worldview.

Industrial Society- a type of society based on the development of industry, on a market economy, the introduction of scientific achievements in the economy, the emergence of a democratic form of government, on high level knowledge development on scientific and technological progress, secularization of consciousness.

Fast industrial society modern type a society based on the dominance of information (computer technologies) in production, development of the service sector, lifelong education, freedom of conscience, democracy of consensus, on the formation of civil society.


1.By the degree of openness:

closed society - characterized by a static social structure, limited mobility, traditionalism, very slow introduction of innovations or their absence, authoritarian ideology.

open society - characterized by a dynamic social structure, high social mobility, the ability to innovate, pluralism, lack of state ideology.

  1. By the presence of writing:


written (proficient in the alphabet or sign letter)

3.According to the degree of social differentiation (or stratification):

simple - pre-state formations, there are no leaders and subordinates)

complex - several levels of government, strata of the population.

Explanation of terms

Terms, concepts Definitions
individualism of consciousness a person's desire for self-realization, the manifestation of his personality, self-development.
mercantilism goal - accumulation of wealth, achievement material well-being, money matters come first.
providentialism fanatical attitude towards religion, complete submission to it of the life of both an individual and the whole of society, a religious worldview.
rationalism the predominance of reason in the actions and actions of a person, and not emotions, an approach to solving issues from the point of view of rationality - unreasonableness.
secularization the process of liberating all realms public life as well as the consciousness of people out of control and influence of religion
urbanization urban and urban growth

Prepared by: Vera Melnikova

In the worldview of mankind. At this stage of development, society is heterogeneous, rich and poor, highly educated and without primary education personalities, believers and atheists. Modern society needs individuals who are socially adapted, morally stable and have a desire for self-improvement. It is these qualities that are formed in early age in family. Traditional society best meets the criteria for the education of acceptable qualities in a person.

The concept of traditional society

Traditional society is a predominantly rural, agrarian and pre-industrial association of large groups of people. In the leading sociological typology "tradition - modernity" it is the main opposite of the industrial one. By traditional type societies developed in the ancient and medieval eras. On the the present stage examples of such societies are prominently preserved in Africa and Asia.

Signs of a traditional society

Distinctive features of traditional society are manifested in all spheres of life: spiritual, political, economic, economic.

The community is the main social unit. It is a closed association of people united by tribal or local principle. In the relationship "man-earth", it is the community that acts as an intermediary. Its typology is different: feudal, peasant, and urban are distinguished. The type of community determines the position of a person in it.

A characteristic feature of traditional society is agricultural cooperation, which is made up of clan (family) ties. Relations are based on collective labor activity, the use of land, systematic redistribution of land. Such a society is always characterized by weak dynamics.

Traditional society is, first of all, a closed association of people, which is self-sufficient and does not allow external influences. Traditions and laws define his political life. In turn, society and the state suppress the individual.

Features of the economic structure

Traditional society is characterized by the predominance of extensive technologies and the use of hand tools, the domination of corporate, communal, state forms of ownership, while private property still remains inviolable. The standard of living of the majority of the population is low. In labor and production, a person is forced to adapt to external factors, thus, society and the characteristics of the organization of labor activity depend on natural conditions.

Traditional society is a confrontation between nature and man.

The economic order comes into complete dependence on natural and climatic factors. The basis of such an economy is cattle breeding and agriculture, the results collective labor distributed according to the position of each member in the social hierarchy. In addition to agriculture, people in traditional society are engaged in primitive crafts.

Social relationships and hierarchy

The values ​​of traditional society lie in honoring the older generation, old people, observing the customs of the clan, unwritten and written norms and adopted rules behavior. Conflicts that arise in collectives are resolved with the intervention and participation of the elder (leader).

In a traditional society, the social structure implies class privileges and rigid hierarchy. At the same time, there is practically no social mobility. For example, in India, transitions from one caste to another with an increase in status are strictly prohibited. The main social units of society were the community and the family. First of all, a person was part of a collective that is part of a traditional society. Signs indicating the inappropriate behavior of each individual were discussed and regulated by a system of norms and principles. The concept of individuality and the pursuit of the interests of an individual in such a structure are absent.

Social relations in a traditional society are based on submission. Everyone is included in it and feels like a part of the whole. The birth of a person, the creation of a family, death occurs in one place and surrounded by people. Labor activity and the way of life is built, passed down from generation to generation. Leaving a community is always difficult and difficult, sometimes even tragic.

Traditional society is an association based on common characteristics of a collective of people, in which individuality is not a value, the ideal scenario of fate is fulfillment social roles... Here it is forbidden not to correspond to the role, otherwise the person becomes an outcast.

Social status affects the position of the individual, the degree of closeness to the community leader, priest, leader. The influence of the head of the clan (elder) is unquestioning, even if individual qualities are questioned.

Political structure

The main wealth of traditional society is power, which was valued higher than law or law. The army and the church have a leading role. The form of government in the state in the era of traditional societies was predominantly monarchy. In most countries, representative bodies of power did not have independent political significance.

Since the greatest value is power, it does not need justification, but passes to the next leader by inheritance, its source is God's will. Power in traditional society is despotic and concentrated in the hands of one person.

Spiritual sphere of traditional society

Traditions are the spiritual basis of society. Sacred and religious-mythical representations dominate both the individual and public consciousness... Religion has a significant impact on the spiritual sphere of traditional society, the culture is homogeneous. The oral way of exchanging information prevails over the written one. Spreading rumors is part of a social norm. As a rule, the number of people with education is always small.

Customs and traditions also determine the spiritual life of people in a community that is characterized by deep religiosity. Religious dogmas are reflected in culture.

Hierarchy of values

The aggregate cultural property, revered unconditionally, also characterizes traditional society. Signs of a value-oriented society can be general or class-based. Culture is determined by the mentality of the society. Values ​​have a strict hierarchy. The highest, no doubt, is God. Striving for God forms and determines the motives of human behavior. He is the ideal embodiment of good behavior, supreme justice and the source of virtue. Another value can be called asceticism, which implies the rejection of earthly goods in the name of gaining heavenly ones.

Faithfulness is the next principle of conduct expressed in serving God.

In traditional society, values ​​of the second order are also distinguished, for example, idleness - the rejection of physical labor in general or only on certain days.

It should be noted that they all have a sacred (sacred) character. Classical values ​​can be idleness, belligerence, honor, personal independence, which was acceptable for representatives of the noble strata of the traditional society.

The ratio of modern and traditional societies

Traditional and modern society are closely interconnected. It is as a result of the evolution of the first type of society that humanity has embarked on an innovative path of development. Modern society is characterized by a fairly rapid turnover of technologies, continuous modernization. Cultural reality is also subject to change, which leads to new life paths for future generations. For modern society characterized by the transition from state form property to private, as well as disregard for individual interests. Some features of traditional society are inherent in modern ones as well. But, from the point of view of Eurocentrism, it is backward due to its closure from external relations and innovations, the primitive, long-term nature of the changes.

] The social order in it is characterized by a rigid class hierarchy, the existence of stable social communities (especially in the countries of the East), in a special way regulation of the life of society based on traditions and customs. This organization of society actually seeks to preserve the socio-cultural foundations of life that have developed in it.

Collegiate YouTube

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    Japan during the reign of the Tokugawa dynasty

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general characteristics

The traditional society is characterized by:

  • traditional economy, or the predominance of the agrarian structure (agrarian society),
  • stability of the structure,
  • estate organization,
  • low mobility,

The traditional person perceives the world and the established order of life as something inextricably integral, holistic, sacred and not subject to change. A person's place in society and his status are determined by tradition and social origin.

According to formulated in 1910-1920. L. Levy-Bruhl's concept, people of traditional societies are characterized by prelogical thinking, incapable of perceiving the inconsistency of phenomena and processes and controlled by mystical experiences of participation ("participation").

In traditional society, collectivist attitudes prevail, individualism is not welcomed (since the freedom of individual actions can lead to a violation of the established routine, time-tested). In general, traditional societies are characterized by the predominance of collective interests over private ones, including the primacy of the interests of existing hierarchical structures (the state, etc.). It is not so much individual capacity that is valued, but the place in the hierarchy (bureaucratic, estate, clan, etc.) that a person occupies. As noted, Emile Durkheim in his work "On the division of social labor" showed that in societies of mechanical solidarity (primitive, traditional), individual consciousness is entirely outside the "I".

In traditional society, as a rule, redistribution relations prevail, rather than market exchange, but elements market economy are tightly regulated. This is due to the fact that free market relations increase social mobility and change the social structure of society (in particular, they destroy the estate); the redistribution system can be regulated by tradition, but market prices cannot; forced redistribution prevents "unauthorized" enrichment / impoverishment of both individuals and classes. The pursuit economic benefits in traditional society, it is often morally condemned, opposed to disinterested assistance.

In a traditional society, most people live their whole lives in a local community (for example, a village), and the ties with the “big society” are rather weak. Wherein family ties on the contrary, they are very strong.

The worldview (ideology) of a traditional society is conditioned by tradition and authority.

"For tens of thousands of years, the life of the overwhelming majority of adults was subordinated to the tasks of survival and therefore left for creativity and non-utilitarian cognition more less space than for the game. Life was based on a tradition hostile to any innovations, any serious deviation from the set norms of behavior posed a threat to the entire team, "writes L. Ya. Zhmud.

Transformation of traditional society

Traditional society appears to be extremely stable. As the famous demographer and sociologist Anatoly Vishnevsky writes, "everything in it is interconnected and it is very difficult to remove or change any one element."

In ancient times, changes in traditional society took place extremely slowly - over generations, almost imperceptibly for an individual. Periods of accelerated development also took place in traditional societies ( vivid example- changes in the territory of Eurasia in the 1st millennium BC. BC), but even in such periods, changes were carried out slowly by modern standards, and upon their completion, society again returned to a relatively static state with a predominance of cyclical dynamics.

At the same time, since ancient times there have been societies that cannot be called completely traditional. The departure from traditional society was associated, as a rule, with the development of trade. This category includes the Greek city-states, medieval self-governing trading cities, England and Holland of the 16th-17th centuries. Ancient Rome (until the 3rd century AD) with its civil society stands apart.

The rapid and irreversible transformation of traditional society began to take place only from the 18th century as a result of the industrial revolution. To date, this process has captured almost the entire world.

Rapid changes and departure from traditions can be experienced by a traditional person as a collapse of guidelines and values, a loss of the meaning of life, etc. Since adaptation to new conditions and a change in the nature of activity is not included in the strategy traditional person, then the transformation of society often leads to the marginalization of part of the population.

The transformation of traditional society is most painful when the dismantled traditions have a religious basis. At the same time, resistance to change can take the form of religious fundamentalism.

During the transformation of a traditional society, authoritarianism can grow in it (either in order to preserve traditions, or in order to overcome resistance to change).

The transformation of traditional society ends with a demographic transition. The generation that grew up in families with few children has a psychology that differs from the psychology of a traditional person.

Opinions about the need (and degree) of transformation of traditional society differ significantly. For example, the philosopher A. Dugin considers it necessary to abandon the principles of modern society and return to the "golden age" of traditionalism. Sociologist and demographer A. Vishnevsky argues that traditional society “has no chance”, although it “fiercely resists”. According to the calculations of Professor A. Nazaretyan, in order to completely abandon development and return society to a static state, the number of humanity must be reduced by several hundred times.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher professional education

Kemerovo State University

Faculty of History and International Relations

Department of Economic Theory and Public Administration

Traditional society and its characteristics


2nd year student

group I-137

Polovnikova Christina

Kemerovo 2014

Traditional society is a type of lifestyle, social relationships, values ​​based on rigid traditions. The economic basis of a traditional society is an agrarian (agriculture) economy, and that is why an agrarian or pre-industrial society is called traditional. Other types of society, in addition to traditional, include industrial and post-industrial (non-traditional types).

In social science and sociology, the concept of traditional society is characterized by the obligatory presence of stratification among the population. Traditional society is dominated by the individualism of the upper class, which is in power. But even within this class there was a strict adherence to established traditions and based on this inequality between different categories of people. This is the manifestation of the patriarchy of traditional society, a rigid hierarchical structure.


Traditional society and its plan are a combination of several societies, structures, standing at the most different stages of development. Moreover, such a social structure of a traditional society is strictly controlled by those in power. Any desire to go beyond it was perceived as a riot, and was harshly suppressed, or at least condemned by everyone.

Thus, one of the characteristics of a traditional society is the presence of social groups. In ancient Russian traditional society, for example, this is a prince or a leader in power. Further, according to the hierarchical features of a traditional society, follow its relatives, then representatives of the military stratum, and at the very bottom - peasants and farm laborers. In the traditional society of Russia, more late period other strata of the population also appeared. This is a sign of the development of a traditional society, in which the division between strata of the population becomes even more clear, and the gap between the upper and lower classes is even deeper.

Development in the course of history:

In fact, the features of traditional society have changed significantly over the centuries. Thus, a traditional society of a tribal type or an agrarian type or a feudal type possessed its own characteristics. Eastern traditional society and the conditions for its formation had significant differences from the traditional society in Europe. Therefore, sociologists try to avoid this concept in its broad sense, considering it controversial in relation to various types of society.

However, social institutions, power and political life in all traditional societies are similar in many ways. The history of traditional societies lasted for centuries, and it would seem to an individual living at that time that in one generation nothing has changed in life. One of the functions of traditional society was to maintain this staticity. Socialization in a traditional society is characterized by authoritarianism, i.e. suppression of all signs of social mobility. Social relations in traditional society were built in the form of the strictest obedience to age-old traditions - no individualism. A person in a traditional society did not dare to go beyond the established framework - any attempts were immediately suppressed, both in the upper and in the lower strata.

The role of religion:

Naturally, the personality in a traditional society was determined by the origin of a person. Any individual obeyed the family - in a traditional society, this was one of the dominant units of the social order. Science and education in a traditional society, according to the age-old foundations, were available to the upper classes, mainly males. The prerogative of the rest was religion - in traditional society, the role of religion was especially important. In the culture of traditional societies, this was the only value available to absolutely everyone, which allowed the higher clans to control the lower ones.

However, the spiritual life of traditional society was, not an example of the modern way of life, much deeper and more important for the consciousness of each individual. This was the basis for the attitude towards nature in a traditional society, towards the family and loved ones. Such values, when comparing traditional and industrial societies, their pros and cons, undoubtedly put tradition in the first place. In a traditional society, families with strong relationships between spouses and children predominate. Ethical family values as well as ethics business communication in traditional society, it is distinguished by a certain nobility and prudence, although for the most part this applies to the educated, upper stratum of the population.

society social population

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The style in it is characterized by a rigid class hierarchy, the existence of stable social communities (especially in the countries of the East), a special way of regulation life a society based on traditions and customs. This organization of society seeks to preserve the social and cultural foundations of life unchanged. Traditional society- agricultural society.

A traditional society is usually characterized by:
-traditional economy
- the predominance of the agrarian structure;
-stability of the structure;
- estate organization;
-low mobility;
-high mortality;
-high fertility;
-low life expectancy.

The traditional person perceives the world and the established order of life as something inseparably integral, holistic, sacred and not subject to change. A person's place in society and his status are determined by tradition (as a rule, by birthright).

In traditional society, collectivist attitudes prevail, individualism is not welcomed (since freedom of individual actions can lead to a violation of the established order time-tested). In general, traditional societies are characterized by the primacy of collective interests over private ones, including the primacy of the interests of existing hierarchical structures (state, clan, etc.). It is not so much individual capacity that is valued, but the place in the hierarchy (bureaucratic, estate, clan, etc.) that a person occupies.

In a traditional society, as a rule, redistribution rather than market exchange prevails, and the elements of a market economy are tightly regulated. This is due to the fact that free market relations increase social mobility and change the social structure of society (in particular, they destroy the estate); the redistribution system can be regulated by tradition, but market prices cannot; forced redistribution prevents unauthorized enrichment / impoverishment of both individuals and classes. The pursuit of economic benefits in traditional society is often morally condemned, opposed to disinterested assistance.

In a traditional society, most people live their whole life in a local community (for example, a village), ties with a large society`pretty weak. At the same time, family ties, on the contrary, are very strong.
The worldview (ideology) of a traditional society is conditioned by tradition and authority.

Transformation of traditional society
Traditional society is extremely stable. As the famous demographer and sociologist Anatoly Vishnevsky writes, “everything in it is interconnected and it is very difficult to remove or change any one element”.

In ancient times, changes in traditional society took place extremely slowly - over generations, almost imperceptibly for an individual. Expedited periods development took place in traditional societies (a vivid example is changes in the territory of Eurasia in the 1st millennium BC), but even in such periods, changes were carried out slowly by modern standards, and upon their completion society again returned to a relatively static state with a predominance of cyclical dynamics.

At the same time, since ancient times there have been societies that cannot be called completely traditional. The departure from traditional society was associated, as a rule, with the development of trade. This category includes the Greek city-states, medieval self-governing trading cities, England and Holland of the 16th-17th centuries. Stands apart Ancient Rome(until the 3rd century AD) with its civil society.

The rapid and irreversible transformation of traditional society began to take place only from the 18th century as a result of the industrial revolution. By now this process captured almost the entire world.

Rapid changes and departure from traditions can be experienced by a traditional person as a collapse of orientations and values, a loss of the meaning of life, etc. Since adaptation to new conditions and a change in the nature of activities are not included in the strategy of a traditional person, the transformation of society often leads to the marginalization of a part of the population.

The transformation of traditional society is most painful when the dismantled traditions have a religious basis. At the same time, resistance to change can take the form of religious fundamentalism.

During the transformation of a traditional society, authoritarianism can grow in it (either in order to preserve traditions, or in order to overcome resistance to change).

The transformation of traditional society ends with a demographic transition. The generation that grew up in families with few children has a psychology that differs from the psychology of a traditional person.

Opinions about the need (and degree) of transformation of traditional society differ significantly. For example, the philosopher A. Dugin considers it necessary to abandon the principles of modern society and return to the "golden age" of traditionalism. Sociologist and demographer A. Vishnevsky argues that traditional society “has no chance”, although it “fiercely resists”. According to the calculations of the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor A. Nazaretyan, in order to completely abandon development and return society in a static state, the number of humanity must be reduced by several hundred times.