The best stories for children about their homeland. The image of the Russian land and the Russian people in the work

The best stories for children about their homeland.  The image of the Russian land and the Russian people in the work
The best stories for children about their homeland. The image of the Russian land and the Russian people in the work

Project work 4th grade students

A word about the native land

Task number 1:



Municipal educational institution

average comprehensive school №94

Project work on literary reading

Collection of works by students

about homeland

Completed by students

4 per class, school number 94

Leader Vitalieva M.S., primary school teacher

2009 - 2010 academic year

A word about the native land ……………………………………………… p. 3 - 4

Semyonov A.

Kamalin A.

Alekseev A.

Maslova T.

Abaimova A.

War has passed on the ground …………………………………………… p. 5 - 7

Semenov A.

Kazakov A.


Volodina A.

Volkova S.

About goodness and beauty ………………………………………………… .. p. 8 - 15

Trutnev A. "Magic decoration"

Pen test "And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale ..."

Alekseev A. Trutnev A.

Martynets E. Kuzmin A.

Tremasova A. Abaimova A.

Kazakov A. Maslova T.

Spirina Y. Kantorin D.

Timerov M. Pichuzhkin I.

About the cruel attitude of people to nature

Abaimova A.


Maslova T.

Gubanova V.

Kazakov A.

Kuzmin A.

Composition based on the painting by I. Shishkin "Rye"

Martynets E.

Spirina Yu.

Pichuzhkin I.

Kamalin A.

Vrubel V.

Cantorin D.

Abaimova A.

Applications (Student work)

A word about the native land

"Mama" (excerpt from the book "My Motherland" by Y. Yakovlev)

Task number 1:

How do you imagine your homeland?

Remember and tell me, what were the first discoveries in childhood that your mother helped you to make?

Semyonov Artyom

Russia is my homeland. This country occupies a huge territory and is located in different time zones. For example, in Nizhny Novgorod it is fifteen hours, and in Kamchatka it is midnight. The capital of Russia is Moscow.

Our country is rich in fields, forests and rivers. A large amount of natural resources are extracted from the bowels of the earth. Great rivers deserve special attention due to their beauty and diversity of fauna. The Volga River is called mother, as she is the nurse.

Russia is a multinational country. Russians, Jews, Georgians, Tajiks, Armenians live in it ...

“My native country is wide. There are many forests, fields and rivers in it. I don’t know of any other country where people breathe so freely ”. These lines from the song say it all.

I want there to be no war in our country and peace to reign. Russia is the most beautiful and extraordinary country in the world.

Kamalin Sasha

My homeland is where my home is, where my relatives and friends were born and raised. My homeland is big family at the same table with grandma's pies. My homeland is always with me and no one will take it away from me.

Alekseev Alyosha

My homeland is a close-knit family: mom, dad, grandmothers Luda and Alya, grandfathers Kolya and Zhenya, aunt Natasha and cousin Nikita. I love them very much and enjoy spending a lot of time with them.

And also my homeland is my yard and my friends. We played together in kindergarten, we play even now, when I began to study at school.

My little homeland is located in beautiful Nizhny Novgorod, where I love to walk in parks and in the Kremlin.

Maslova Tanya

Each person has his own homeland. Russia is my homeland. I know that she is big, multicultural, peaceful, hospitable. People live, study and work in it different nations... I imagine her bright and beautiful. May every person have such a Motherland!

Abaimova Nastya

Mom helped me make my first discoveries as a child:

The first salute is fright and admiration;

The first date with the sea is a delight;

First flight by plane - "Hurray!"

The first steps on skates are the pain of falling;

The first acquaintance with a computer is a joy;

First acquaintance and camel ride - surprise;

The first lesson in school, the first teacher - discovery, kindness ...

War has passed through the earth

Semyonov Artyom

The Great Patriotic War began at dawn on June 22, 1941, when Germany invaded the Soviet Union. Powerful German armies moved into three directions: to Leningrad, to Moscow, to the Ukraine and the Caucasus. The defenders were the first to take the blow of the fascists Brest Fortress who defended heroically.

Large enemy forces were sent to Leningrad, but they could not break through the defenses. Then the German troops closed the ring around the city. On September 8, 1941, the blockade of Leningrad began, which lasted 950 days. Perished from hunger and cold great amount human.

The Germans also failed to capture Moscow, thanks to the command of Zhukov and the courage of the Muscovites.

In the summer of 1942, the fighting for Stalingrad began, which lasted 200 days. Thousands of heroes stood to death for Stalingrad. A bottle with a combustible mixture exploded in the hands of sailor Mikhail Panivakh, he turned into a torch and threw himself under a fascist tank, blowing it up. After the war, a monument was erected to the brave sailor.

In July 1943 there was Battle of Kursk with the largest tank battle... German armored divisions were destroyed. German troops no longer were able to carry out a single attack.

In 1944, the Soviet Union was liberated from the enemy. Heavy fighting took place in the German capital, Berlin. On May 8, 1945, Germany surrendered. May 9 was declared Victory Day in our country.

Kazakov Sasha

My grandmother has kept a postcard in her photo album for a long time. It depicts a young soldier Pyotr Sergeevich Dernov. He was born in 1925.

1941 year. The war began. And now Peter is a private, submachine gunner, Hero of the Soviet Union. He covered the enemy machine gun with his body, providing the unit with the fulfillment of the combat mission. We do not know when he died, but if it happened at the end of the war. He was only twenty years old.

My grandmother's maiden name is Dernova. Her grandfather, Vasily Ivanovich Dernov, returned from the war as an invalid; in a battle with a grenade, his fingers were torn off.

Many relatives named Dernovs left the village of Yakovtsevo for the front. But one of my great-grandfathers returned.

After the war, he worked for a long time in his native state farm as a chairman. Besides, he was a good stove-maker. In almost every home, people were warmed by a stove, folded by the hands of my great-grandfather. He helped people as best he could in the difficult post-war years.

Trutnev Alyosha

My great-grandfather Alexander Mikhailovich Kuzmichev is a participant in the war. This year, in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Victory, he was awarded an anniversary medal

During the war years, great-grandfather was a teenager, so he could not participate in hostilities. He really wanted to help the military. During the first years of the war, he transported the wounded from the front line to the rear on horseback. Towards the end of the war, he began working as a fireman on a steam locomotive. In order to get this job, he had to cheat and increase his age. So until the end of the war, he worked on a steam locomotive that transported the wounded.

I am proud of my great-grandfather, because even as a teenager he contributed to the victory over the Nazis. He is a hero to me!

Volodina Nastya

My great-grandfather Nikolai Romanovich Lyalin was born in 1919. He took part in two wars and was injured two times.

The first time he fought in Finnish war in 1939. He was wounded in the leg and sent home for treatment. Became the chairman of the state farm. And in 1941 he volunteered for the war with the Nazis. Great-grandfather Nikolai defended Moscow, was a senior machine gunner, was wounded. Whole year after being wounded, he could not speak or hear. My great-grandfather was a strong and courageous soldier. He died in 1990.

Volkova Sveta

Volkova Evgenia Ivanovna, my grandmother, was a home front worker. She worked on a collective farm. Together with other soldiers, she plowed, mowed, dragged peat. There was work in the forest as well. Women felled the forest, sawed with a hand saw big trees... Together with other soldiers and children, the grandmother worked in the field: they reaped bread, collected spikelets, weeded and harvested potatoes. Cakes were baked from potatoes. Such cakes saved many from starvation.

My grandmother didn't see a real fight. She only heard the roar of aircraft bombing. But that was also very scary. In the rear, people had a very difficult time. And yet they survived and helped the Soviet soldiers to win that terrible war.

Mokhova Dasha

During the war, life in the rear was not easy. All the men left to defend their homeland. In the rear were the elderly, women and children. All the hard work fell on their shoulders. In the cities, people worked in factories that provided the front with weapons, equipment, and equipment. We worked day and night.

I want to tell you about my great-grandmother. She lived in the village of Nikolaevka, 200 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod... In the villages, in the villages at that time there was no gas or electricity. People burned kerosene stoves, cooked food in the oven. People did not work for money, but for workdays. Life was very hard, there was hunger and cold. So let there be peace on earth!

Maslova Tanya

My grandparents told me how difficult the war years were.

The Germans bombed the city. People hid from the bombs in bomb shelters. Bomb shelters were even set up in the basement under the church. The captured Germans were taken to build houses.

My great-grandfather Pyotr Ivanovich Gubanov worked at the Gorky Automobile Plant. He

collected tanks "Churchill" and "Matilda". For Stakhanov's work, his photograph was placed on the "Hall of Fame".

Another great-grandfather Pestov Fyodor Osipovich was drafted into the ranks Soviet army in 1942. He took part in hostilities and died defending the Motherland.

About goodness and beauty.

Trutnev Alyosha "Magic decoration"

Poplar grows near my entrance. One frosty evening I went out for a walk and was surprised. The poplar was all sparkling in the moonlight. All the branches of the poplar were covered with frost and sparkled like sparklers. I laughed merrily. This frost adorned the tree for the New Year.

I. A. Bunin "A dense green spruce forest by the road ..."

Task number 2: try to continue the poem, which begins with the words:

"And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale ..."

Alekseev Alyosha

Dressing animals in different masks,

Spun in the whirlwind of the carnival.

Well, by morning everything was quiet.

Martynets Liza

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale.

All around it is white and white.

The sun was shining nearby

The snow was shining on the branches of the spruce,

Frost played on windows and doors,

There were pine trees, firs, dressed in blizzards.

Tremasova Nastya

And I dreamed that we, like in a fairy tale,

And I dreamed that we were in the forest.

Here we see a white birch,

Here we see a red fox.

Here the bunny galloped along the edge,

And the wolf quieted down behind the green tree,

But, unfortunately, the dream melted and disappeared.

I rather take a pencil in my hands,

I draw that birch, ate, maples.

Kazakov Sasha

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale,

Crystal castle on the mountain

And we roll our sleigh

Through winter forest in fluffy silver.

The path led out of the forest

And the castle beckons: "Come soon!"

In that castle, a blonde princess

In the glow of the moon is waiting for us at the door.

And with us is a cheerful, young, handsome prince,
Urges us: "Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

And it pours Moonlight from the fabulous doors.

And a crystal chime is heard in the castle,

And the heart rushes up

After all, the prince is in love with her.

But unfortunately, this is only a dream ...

Spirina Julia

We fly on a fabulous horse.

I dance in a mask at the ball

How easy it is for me.

Here Cinderella, Nutcracker, Goblin

They lead a round dance for a long time.

And in the morning the alarm clock will ring -

The fabulous people will disappear.

Timerov Maxim

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale

We fly in the clouds

And nearby birds are circling in a flock,

Below there is grass, forests, fields.

The whole forest sings, the cricket chirps,

Dew sparkles in silver.

Nightlife passes by morning

With the rays of the sun on the foliage.

Trutnev Alyosha

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale

We walk through the forest in spring.

The bears are still sleeping with their eyes closed

They do not disturb the sweet peace.

Everything in the forest is quiet, snowy, white,

Mishkin's den is covered with snow,

But it’s a spring, warm, bright day!

The moral of that tale is as follows:

Enough sleep - spring has come!

Kuzmin Tolya

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale

We rush in the sleigh high.

The stars are shining, brighter than the paint

I'm drowning in the depths of the sky.

I will spread the clouds with my hand -

I see a clearing before me:

Chamomile, lilies of the valley, tulips

I'll take it with me for my dear mom

And in the morning I will certainly give it!

So I woke up, took an album and paints,

I drew that wonderful bouquet,

Today is the International Women's Day!

There is no better gift for my mom!

Abaimova Nastya

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale ...

Here is a forest of magical beauty.

Forest in silver ... Covered with pine trees, spruce ...

Snowflakes are circling in a winter dance.

But a mighty and beautiful deer is running,

He is frightened by the dog ...

Runs fast into the depths of the forest,

Dodging a trail, and taking away the beauty from death ...

Maslova Tanya

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale

Among the white-white clouds

But you just have to open my eyes

As we are again among the houses.

I know we'll go back there

Let's learn to fly again.

As soon as we hold hands

And we will dream again ...

There is sun, breeze, valleys,

And vanity is under you.

There are even mountain peaks

Fragile as beauty in the world.

Cantorin Dima

One night I had a magical dream - not a dream, but just a fairy tale!

A magical forest appeared in front of me, and next to it was a glade, on which wild flowers were spread like a multi-colored carpet: Ivan da Marya, St. John's wort, daisies, bells ... In the distance I heard the murmur of a stream. It shimmered from the sun's rays in different heavenly shades. Goldfish splashed in the stream, and wonderful butterflies circled above it. It was a vivid, unforgettable dream!

Pichuzhkin Vanya

And I dreamed that we, like in a fairy tale,

We live in our homeland.

There is a dense forest, fields and steppes,

Seas, lakes, mountains, rivers,

There mom, dad, me, friends -

All this is my homeland.

N.A. Nekrasov. An excerpt from the poem "Sasha"

Assignment # 3: Write a Story about Human Abuse

To nature.

Abaimova Nastya

The forest is standing. Silence.

One can only hear how merrily the birds are singing. A woodpecker knocks on a tree. Animals: a hare, a squirrel, a fox run merrily through the forest.

Suddenly, in the silence of the forest, there was the sound of an ax. Frightened birds and animals hid in holes and hollows.

Unkind people came to the forest and broke the silence of nature. People chopped wood with axes and saws.

The cruelty has disturbed the peace of the forest and the natural world.

Tremasova Nastya

We live in big city... Around us big houses street cars.

The snow melts, the earth opens, and bottles, cans, paper and a lot of different garbage appear, which people throw right on the street. They do not think that water carries all this trash into the river, in which the children then bathe, from which water is taken for drinking, the water that we live by. If every person throws a piece of paper, a bottle, a can on the street, the streets will sink in mud and turn into a dump. Trees, bushes will die, birds will fly away, rivers will dry up and turn into dirty ravines.

Maslova Tanya

Some people don't appreciate the beauty of nature. Cutting down forests, they do not think about the fact that animals, birds, insects live here. And they also destroy Fresh air... After all, stone houses or factories are usually built on the site of a felled forest. Their waste goes to rivers, which also contain living beings. After the construction of roads, cars start driving here, which emit exhaust gases. By destroying nature, man makes himself worse. For example, there will be no mushrooms, berries and medicinal herbs useful for humans in the forests, and there will be no fish in the rivers. It will be impossible to live in this place. Therefore, you need to protect nature and appreciate its beauty.

Gubanova Varya

We drove into the woods one Saturday night. The weather was great. But in the forest we saw broken bottles, cans, broken bushes ... We wanted the beauty of nature not to be destroyed, so we removed all the rubbish.

There are people who spoil nature, and there are those who take care of it.

We need to protect nature!

Kazakov Sasha

Man is nature's worst enemy. Everything in nature is created so that there is harmony. And only a person sometimes behaves worse than a beast: he cuts down forests, litters water bodies, dumps household waste into the forest, kills wild animals, ruins bird nests.

For the sake of their profit, people pluck and sell flowers that are listed in the Red Book. Because of the skins, seal and seal cubs are killed. Children break trees, branches, swing on them, and adults pass by indifferently, not thinking that nature can take revenge on humanity.

Kuzmin Tolya

People are obliged to protect nature. There are a lot of poachers who illegally cut down trees. Waste from factories is discharged into rivers and lakes. Due to the carelessness of people, many forests are burned down. Animals die along with the forests. There are many places with slot machines in parks. There are a lot of cars on the streets and they pollute the air.

People, take care of nature!

After all, we must protect her gifts!

Task number 4: write an essay based on the painting by II Shishkin "Rye".

Martynets Liza

I liked the painting by II Shishkin "Rye" very much. Looking at her, I admire the beauty of Russian nature.

With gusts of wind, thick ripe rye sways like a rough sea. Rye is bread and bread is wealth! In the middle of the field, a winding road stretches into the distance.

On both sides of the field there are pine trees as mighty as giants. They, like tired travelers, rest and enjoy the lovely smells of nature.

Sky light blue and the cumulus clouds are about to shed fresh raindrops.

Surely, if I were there, I would have heard the wonderful sounds of Russian nature: the voices of birds, the rustle of trees, a light wind, and of course, the rustle of rye, which is trying to tell about something.

Spirina Julia

The painting by I.I.Shishkin depicts an endless field of rye, beautiful and thick, like an undulating sea. The artist shows the wealth of our Russian land, its beauty and fertility.

The picture shows the road going into the distance. In the middle of the field grow mighty pines, tall as giants. Their branches are spreading, the greenery is dense and dark. The end of summer is near.

The painter also showed the beauty of the sky. It takes most paintings. This creates a sense of spaciousness. Cumulus clouds are visible in the sky carrying rain.

Pichuzhkin Vanya

On foreground pictures we see thick and ripe rye. This is a gift from the earth! Its golden color captivates the eye. And the slight swaying resembles the waves of the sea. A winding road is visible in the middle of the field. She goes into the distance to the mighty trees. These trees look like giants guarding rye.

In the distance, silvery clouds are visible in the aquamarine sky. It will be raining!

The picture is striking in its beauty and naturalness.

Kamalin Sasha

I see the sky in this picture. Noctilucent clouds float on it. Trees stand as mighty as giants. Their branches sway in strong winds.

The whole field is sown with rye. Its ears are ripe and golden. In the rye, the road winds to the horizon. Where does it lead to? ..

I liked this piece of art. After all, it depicts trees, sky, rye and a road, which are familiar to me from childhood. I have seen such landscapes more than once in the village with my grandparents. This is a picture of my homeland!

Vrubel Vika

Summer. Hot sunny day. Golden rye sways in the wind and resembles a yellow sea. A wide country road goes deep into the sea of ​​rye and is buried in it.

A huge pine tree stands in the middle of the field. She looks like old grandmother, to which her whole family came to visit. The pines that stand nearby are her family.

Above the yellow sea of ​​rye and beautiful pine trees, a bright blue sky shines. Cumulus clouds appeared in the distance, carrying rain.

Looking at this picture, I have pleasant memories of the village. There is a similar field nearby. It is beautiful in its own way every summer month.

Cantorin Dima

I want to tell you about II Shishkin's painting "Rye". The foreground of the painting depicts an endless field of ripe golden rye. The wind flutters it and it spreads in the sun like an undulating sea.

The field is divided by a wide winding endless road that goes into the distance.

In the middle of a field of rye, like mighty giants, there are pines. They spread their thick dark branches as if they were guarding the field from enemies.

And above the field, the azure sky stretched like a boundless sea.

The painting produced on me unforgettable impression... It is filled with the beauty and purity of native spaces. I would like to be there and breathe in the aromas of ripe rye and mighty pines.

Abaimova Nastya

The picture of summer ... It blows with warmth, calmness and the approach of autumn ...

White fluffy clouds float across the blue endless sky. From bright colors summer is joyful at heart.

The golden field of rye is wide spread: spikelet to spikelet ... The breeze will blow, the rye field will sway, as if spikelets are whispering and keep secrets known only to them.

Mighty crowns of pine trees, as if on guard, rise above the field and guard the peace of the friendly army of spikelets.

The artist lovingly conveys the beauty of his native land with the language of paints.

Arguments for the composition

Problems 1. Man and homeland 2. Man's connection with his people Approving theses 1. Love, value and protect your homeland. 2. Love for the homeland is manifested not in loud words, but in respectful attitude to what surrounds you. 3. Each of us is a living particle of the river of time, which flows from the past into the future. Quotes 1. A person cannot live without a homeland, just as one cannot live without a heart (K. Paustovsky). 2. I ask my offspring to take my example: to be faithful to the fatherland until exhaustion (A. Suvorov). 3. Every noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with his fatherland (V. Belinsky). Arguments A person cannot live without his homeland 1) A well-known writer told the story of the Decembrist Sukhinov, who, after the defeat of the uprising, was able to hide from the police bloodhounds and, after painful wanderings, finally got to the border. Another minute - and he will find freedom. But the fugitive looked at the field, forest, sky and realized that he could not live in a foreign land, far from his homeland. He surrendered to the police, he was shackled and sent to hard labor. 2) The outstanding Russian singer Fyodor Chaliapin, forced to leave Russia, always carried a box with him. Nobody knew what was in it. Only many years later, relatives learned that Chaliapin kept a handful of native land... No wonder they say: native land is sweet in a handful. Obviously, the great singer, who passionately loved his homeland, needed to feel the closeness and warmth of his native land. 3) The Nazis, having occupied France, offered General Denikin, who fought against the Red Army during civil war , cooperate with them in the fight against the Soviet Union. But the general responded with a sharp refusal, because his homeland was dearer to him than political differences. 4) African slaves, taken to America, yearned for their native land. In despair, they killed themselves, hoping that the soul, throwing off the body, could, like a bird, fly home. 5) The most terrible punishment in ancient times was considered the expulsion of a person from a tribe, city or country. Outside your home - a foreign land: a foreign land, a foreign sky, a foreign language ... There you are completely alone, there you are nobody, a creature without rights and without a name. That is why leaving the homeland meant for a person to lose everything. 6) The outstanding Russian hockey player V. Tretyak was offered to move to Canada. They promised to buy him a house and pay a big salary. The Tretiak pointed to heaven and earth and asked: "Will you buy this for me too?" The answer of the famous athlete confused everyone, and no one returned to this proposal. 7) When, in the middle of the 19th century, an English squadron laid siege to Istanbul's one hundred face of Turkey, the entire population rose to defend their city. The townspeople destroyed their own homes if they interfered with the Turkish cannons from targeting enemy ships. 8) One day the wind decided to knock down a mighty oak tree that grew on a hill. But the oak only bent under the blows of the wind. Then the wind asked the majestic oak: "Why can't I defeat you?" The oak replied that it was not the trunk that held him. Its strength lies in the fact that it has grown into the ground, its roots hold on to it. This ingenuous story expresses the idea that love for the homeland, a deep connection with national history, with the cultural experience of ancestors makes the people invincible. 9) When the threat of a terrible and devastating war with Spain loomed over England, the entire population, hitherto torn apart by enmity, rallied the axis around its queen. Merchants and noblemen used their own money to equip the army, people of simple rank were enlisted in the militia. Even the pirates remembered their homeland and brought their ships to save it from the enemy. And the "invincible armada" of the Spaniards was defeated. 10) The Turks, during their military campaigns, captured captive boys and youths. Children were forcibly converted to Islam, turned into warriors, who were called janissaries. The Turks hoped that, deprived of spiritual roots, having forgotten their homeland, brought up in fear and obedience, the new warriors would become a reliable stronghold of the state. But this did not happen: the janissaries had nothing to defend, they were cruel and merciless in battle, they fled in serious danger, constantly demanded an increase in salary, refused to serve without a generous reward. It all ended with the disbandment of the Janissary detachments, and the inhabitants, on pain of death, were forbidden even to pronounce this word. 11) Ancient historians tell about a Greek athlete who refused to fight for Athens, explaining that he needed to prepare for sports... When he expressed a desire to participate in the Olympic Games, the citizens told him: "You did not want to share the grief with us, so you are not worthy to share the joy with us." 12) The famous traveler Afanasy Nikitin during his wanderings saw a lot of outlandish and unusual things. He told about this in his travel notes "Walking the Three Seas". But the exoticism of distant countries did not extinguish his love for his motherland, on the contrary, in his soul, the longing for his father's home flared up even more. 13) Once, during the First World War, at a military meeting, Nikolai-2 uttered a phrase that began like this: "For me and Russia ...". But one of the generals present at this meeting politely corrected the tsar: "Your Majesty, YOU probably wanted to say" to Russia and you ... "Nicholas II admitted his mistake. 14) Leo Tolstoy in his novel "War and Peace" reveals the "military secret" - the reason. which helped Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812 to defeat the hordes of French invaders. If in other countries Napoleon fought against the armies, then in Russia he was opposed by the whole people. People different classes, different ranks, different nationalities rallied in the fight against a common enemy, and no one can cope with such a mighty force. 15) The great Russian writer I. Turgenev called himself Antaeus, because it was love for the motherland that gave him moral strength. 16) Napoleon, entering Russia, knew that the peasants were greatly oppressed by the landowners, so he hoped for the support of the common people. But what was his surprise when he was told that the men did not want to sell fodder for hard currency. "They don't understand their benefits ?!" - the emperor exclaimed in bewilderment and confusion. 17) When the outstanding Russian doctor Pirogov invented an apparatus for inhaling ethereal vapors, he turned to a tinsmith with a request to make it according to drawings. The tinsmith learned that this device was designed to operate on soldiers who fought during Crimean War, and said that he would do everything for free for the sake of the Russian people. 18) German General Guderian recalled the incident that struck him. During the Great Patriotic War, a Soviet artilleryman was captured, who single-handedly dragged a cannon with a single shell. It turns out that this fighter knocked out four enemy tanks and repelled tank attack... What force forced a soldier, without support, to fight desperately against enemies - this the German general could not understand. It was then that he uttered the phrase that has become historical: "It does not seem that in a month we walked around Moscow." 20) The soldier of the Red Army Nikodim Korzennikov is called phenomenal: he was the only soldier who was deaf and dumb from birth in all the armies of the world. He volunteered for the front to defend his homeland. Rescuing the commander of the detachment, he was captured. He was severely beaten, not realizing that HE was simply not capable of giving out any military secrets - a deaf-mute! Nicodemus was sentenced to be hanged, but he managed to escape. He got hold of a German machine gun and went out to his own. He fought as a machine gunner in the most dangerous areas of the war. Where did this man, who could neither hear nor speak, have the strength to do what nature itself denied him? Of course, it was a sincere and selfless love for the homeland. 21) The famous polar explorer Sedov once gave the ballerina Anna Pavlova a beautiful smart husky. Anna Pavlova loved to take this dog with her for a walk. But the unexpected happened. They drove past the snow-covered Neva, the husky saw the endless expanses of the snowy field, jumped out of the sleigh with a bark and, rejoicing in the familiar landscape, quickly disappeared from sight. Pavlov did not wait for her pet.

Compassion, love in one's neighbor

Arguments for the composition

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor" In the story "Matryonin Dvor" by the Russian writer, Nobel Prize laureate in literature A.I. Solzhenitsyn is struck by the image of the peasant woman Matryona, her humanity, selflessness, compassion and love for everyone, even for strangers. Matryona “helped strangers for free,” but she “didn’t chase after the acquisition”: she didn’t start “good”, didn’t try to get a tenant. Especially her mercy is shown in the situation with the upper room. She allowed her house (where she had lived all her life) to be dismantled into logs for the sake of her pupil Kira, who had nowhere to live. The heroine sacrifices everything for the sake of others: the country, neighbors, relatives. And after her quiet death, there is a description of the cruel behavior of her family, who are simply overwhelmed by greed. Thanks to her spiritual qualities, Matryona made this world a better and kinder place, sacrificing herself, her life. Boris Vasiliev "My horses are flying ..." In the work "My Horses Are Flying ..." Boris Vasiliev tells a story about a wonderful man - Dr. Jansen. Out of compassion, the doctor, at the cost of his life, saved the children who fell into the sewer pit! L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Once captured, Pierre Bezukhov met there a simple soldier Platon Karataev. Plato, despite his suffering, lived lovingly with everyone: with the French, with his comrades. It was he who, with his mercy, helped Pierre find faith and taught him to value life. M. Sholokhov "The fate of man The story tells about the tragic fate of a soldier who lost all his relatives during the war. One day he met an orphan boy and decided to call himself his father. This act suggests that love and the desire to do good give a person strength for life. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Raskolnikov out of compassion gives the last money for Marmeladov's funeral.


Arguments for the composition

V. Bykov "Sotnikov" The story "Sotnikov" by V. Bykov tells about two partisans who are captured by the Germans during the Second World War. One of the partisans betrays his homeland and agrees to cooperate with the Germans. The second partisan, Sotnikov, refuses to betray his homeland and chooses death. In this story, centurions are shown as a real patriot who could not betray his native country, even on pain of death. L.N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace" One of the central problems of the novel is the true and false patriotism... Favorite heroes of Tolstoy don't speak high words about love for the homeland, they do things in its name: Natasha Rostova, without hesitation, persuades her mother to give carts to the wounded near Borodino, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky is mortally wounded in the Borodino field. But genuine patriotism, according to Tolstoy, is in ordinary Russian people, soldiers, who, without show, without lofty phrases, perform their duty, giving their lives for their Motherland in a moment of mortal danger. If in other countries Napoleon fought against the armies, then in Russia he was opposed by the whole people. People of different classes, different ranks, different nationalities rallied in the struggle against a common enemy, and no one can cope with such a powerful force. Tolstoy even writes that at Borodino the French army suffered a moral defeat - our army won this battle thanks to spirit and patriotism. An example of true patriotism is Pierre Bezukhov, who with his own money equips the militia of a thousand people, he himself participates in the Battle of Borodino, remains in Moscow to kill Napoleon. Leo Tolstoy "Sevastopol Stories"(this example can still go into the topic of "attitude to one's own business") Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov - an outstanding Russian surgeon, during the Crimean War for the first time applied anesthesia, relieving the suffering of the wounded. He joined the fight against the embezzlers-officials, demanded medicines, clothes, equipment. Pirogov operated in places of combat battles, in the center of the shelling. The great doctor was so glorified by the soldiers that they wrote legends about him. One of them was reproduced by Leo Tolstoy in "Sevastopolskoh Stories", when soldiers on stretchers brought "a body without a head" to the tent, saying that a magician would sew it on. Pirogov considered serving Russia the meaning of life and never despaired, did not condemn the shortcomings of the homeland, but worked for the benefit of its prosperity.

Memory of the heroic deeds of soldiers

Arguments for the composition

K. Simonov The poet Konstantin Simonov, who during the war years worked as a correspondent for the newspaper "Krasnaya Zvezda" and was constantly in active army, writes: "Do not forget about the soldiers, Who fought with their last strength, They moaned in bandages in the medical battalions And so they hoped for peace!" I am sure that none of those soldiers whom Simonov wrote about will never be forgotten, and their feat will forever remain in the memory of posterity.

Love to motherland

Arguments for the composition

Yu. G. Oksman "The Capture of Lieutenant Sukhinov". The famous writer told the story of the Decembrist Sukhinov, who, after the defeat of the uprising, was able to hide from the police bloodhounds and, after painful wanderings, finally got to the border. Another minute - and he will find freedom. But the fugitive looked at the field, forest, sky and realized that he could not live in a foreign land, far from his homeland. He surrendered to the police, he was shackled and sent to hard labor. A.S. Pushkin "To Chaadaev". In the friendly message "To Chaadaev", the poet's fiery appeal to the Fatherland to devote "beautiful impulses" is heard. "A word about Igor's regiment." The author's love for his native Russian land is clearly expressed. He was worried about the future. He proudly told us about the defender of the homeland. Described nature beautifully. Solar eclipse. It was the Russian land that became the main character of his work. Poems by Yesenin, Blok, Lermontov.

Arguments for the composition

Problems 1. Moral qualities of a real person 2. The fate of a person 3. A humane attitude towards a person 4. Mercy and compassion Approving theses 1. Bring light and goodness to the world! 2. To love a person - that's main principle humanism. 3. We are responsible for someone else's life. 4. Help, comfort, support - and the world will become a little kinder. Quotes 1. The world itself is neither evil nor good, it is a receptacle for both, depending on what you yourself have turned it into (M. Montaigne, French humanist philosopher). 2. If your life does not awaken your life, the world will forget you in the eternal change of being (I. Goethe, German writer). 3. The only commandment: "Burn" (M. Voloshin, Russian poet). 4. Shining on others, I burn out (Van Tulip, Dutch physician). 5. While you are young, strong, vigorous, do not get tired of doing good (A. Chekhov, Russian writer). Arguments Self-sacrifice. Love for your neighbor. 1) The American writer D. London in one of his works told about how a man and his wife got lost in the endless snow-covered steppe. Food supplies were running out, and the woman grew weaker every day. When she fell exhausted, her husband found crackers in her pockets. It turns out that the woman, realizing that there was not enough food for two, took care of the food in order to enable her beloved to be saved. 2) The outstanding Russian writer B. Vasiliev spoke about Dr. Jansen. He died saving children who fell into a sewer pit. The man, who was revered as a saint even during his lifetime, was buried by the whole city. 3) In one of the books dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, the former siege soldier recalls that he, a dying teenager, during a terrible famine saved his life by a living neighbor who brought a can of canned meat sent by his son from the front. "I am already old, and you are young, you still have to live and live," the man said. He soon died, and the boy he saved for the rest of his life retained a grateful memory of him. 4) The tragedy took place in the Krasnodar Territory. A fire started in the nursing home, where the sick old people lived, who could not even walk. Nurse Lydia Pashentseva rushed to help the disabled. The woman pulled several patients out of the fire, but could not get out herself. 5) Pinagora fish lay eggs at low tide. If the gone water exposes a pile of eggs, then you can see a touching sight: the male guarding the eggs from time to time waters it from his mouth so that it does not dry out. Probably, caring for one's neighbor is a property of all living things. 6) In 1928, the airship of the famous Italian traveler Nobile crashed. The victims were on the ice, they sent a distress signal by radio. As soon as the message arrived, the Norwegian traveler R. Amundsen equipped a seaplane and, risking his life, went in search of Nobile and his comrades. Soon, communication with the plane was interrupted, only a few months later its fragments were found. The famous polar explorer died saving people. 7) During the Crimean War, the famous doctor Pirogov, having learned about the plight of the garrison defending Sevastopol, began to ask for war. He was refused, but he was persistent, because he could not imagine a quiet life for himself, knowing that many of the wounded needed the help of an experienced surgeon. 8) In the legends of the ancient Aztecs, the axis said that the world was completely destroyed four times. After the fourth cataclysm, the sun went out. Then the gods gathered and began to think how to create a new star. They built a large fire, and its light dispersed the darkness. BUT so that the light from the fire is not extinguished, one of the gods had to voluntarily sacrifice himself to the fire. And then one young god threw himself into the blazing flames. This is how the sun appeared, which illuminates our earth. This legend expresses the idea that selflessness is the light of our life. 9) The famous film director S. Rostotsky said that he shot the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ..." as a tribute to the woman-nurse who pulled him from the battlefield during the Great Patriotic War. 10) Naturalist Yevgeny Mare, who lived among baboons in Africa for three years, once spied on how a leopard lay down near the path along which a belated herd of baboons was hurrying to the saving caves: males, females, babies - in a word, faithful prey. Two males separated from the herd, slowly climbed onto the rock above the leopard and jumped down at once. One grabbed the leopard's throat, the other in the back. The leopard ripped open the belly of the first with its hind paw and broke the bones of the second with its front paws. But just a fraction of a second before his death, the fangs of the first baboon closed on the vein of the leopard, and the whole three went to the next world. Of course, both baboons could not help but sense the mortal danger. But they saved the herd. Compassion and mercy. Sensitivity 1) M. Sholokhov has a wonderful story "The Fate of a Man". It tells about tragic fate a soldier who lost all his relatives during the war. One day he met an orphan boy and decided to call himself his father. This act suggests that love and the desire to do good give a person strength for life, strength in order to resist fate. 2) V. Hugo in the novel "Les Miserables" tells the story of a thief. After spending the night in the bishop's house, in the morning this thief stole a silver dish from him. But an hour later, the police detained the criminal and took him to the house, where he was given an overnight stay. The priest said that this man did not steal anything, that he took all the things with the permission of the owner. The thief, amazed by what he heard, in one minute experienced a true rebirth, and after that he became an honest man. 3) One of the medical scientists insisted that the laboratory staff work in the polyclinic: they had to see how the patients suffer. This forced young researchers to work with tripled energy, since a specific human life depended on their efforts. 4) In ancient Babylon, the patient was taken out to the square, and each passer-by could give him advice on how to be healed, or simply say a sympathetic word. This fact shows that already in ancient times people understood that there was no someone else's misfortune, there was no someone else's suffering. 5) During the filming of the film "Cold Summer 53 ...", which took place in a remote Karelian village, all the surrounding residents, especially children, gathered to see the "Wolf's grandfather" - Anatoly Papanov. The director wanted to drive out the residents so that they would not interfere with the filming process, but Papanov gathered all the children, talked with them, wrote something to each of them in a notebook. And the children, eyes shining with happiness, looked at the great actor. Their memory will forever remain a meeting with this man, who for their sake interrupted expensive shooting. 6) Ancient historians told that Pythagoras bought fish from fishermen and threw it back into the sea. People laughed at the eccentric, and he said that, saving fish from the nets, he was trying to save people from a terrible lot - to be enslaved by the conquerors. Indeed, all living things are connected by invisible, but strong threads of causality: each of our actions, like a resounding echo, rolls over the space of the universe, causing certain consequences. 7) An encouraging word, a caring look, an affectionate smile help a person achieve success, strengthen his faith in his own strength. Psychologists have conducted an interesting experiment that clearly proves the validity of this statement. Typed random people and asked them to make benches for some time kindergarten ... The workers of the first group were constantly praised, while the other was scolded for their inability and negligence. What is the result? In the first group, there were twice as many benches as in the second. This means that a kind word really helps a person. 8) Every person needs understanding, sympathy, warmth. Once the outstanding Russian commander A. Suvorov saw a young soldier who, frightened of the upcoming battle, fled into the forest. When the enemy was defeated, Suvorov rewarded the heroes, the order went to the one who faint-heartedly sat in the bushes. The poor soldier nearly collapsed with shame. In the evening, he returned the award and confessed to the commander of his cowardice. Suvorov said: "I am taking your order for safekeeping, because I believe in your bravery!" In the next battle, the soldier amazed everyone with his fearlessness and courage and deservedly received the order. 9) One of the legends tells about how Saint Kasyan and Nikola the Pleasant once walked across the land. We saw a man who was trying to pull a cart out of the mud. Kasyan, hurrying to important business and not wanting to stain the heavenly dress, went on, and Nikola helped the peasant. When the Lord found out about this, he decided to give Nikola two holidays a year, and Kasyan one in four years - on February 29. 10) In the early Middle Ages, your well-bred, pious owner considered it his duty to shelter a beggar tramp under the roof of his house. It was believed that the prayers of the disadvantaged are more likely to reach God. The owners asked the unfortunate vagrant to pray for them in the temple, for this they gave him a coin. Of course, this hospitality was not devoid of a certain self-interest, nevertheless, even then, moral laws arose in the minds of people, which required not to offend the disadvantaged, to pity them. 11) The famous figure skating coach Stanislav Zhuk drew attention to the girl, whom everyone considered hopeless. The coach liked that she, not possessing any special talent, worked without sparing herself. Zhuk believed in her, began to study with her, from this girl the most titled figure skater of the twentieth century, Irina Rodnina, grew up. 12) Numerous studies of psychologists who study the problems of school education prove how important it is to inspire a child with faith in his strength. When a teacher places great hopes on students, expects high results from them, then this already turns out to be sufficient to increase the level of intelligence by 25 points. 13) An almost incredible incident was told in one of the television programs. The girl wrote a fairy tale about her friend, who since childhood due to a serious illness could not walk. The tale spoke of the magical healing of the patient. A friend read the story and, as she herself admitted, decided that now she must recover. She just threw off her crutches and went. This is the kind of magic that sincere kindness turns out to be. 14) Compassion is not unique to humans. It is characteristic even of animals, and this is evidence of the natural nature of this feeling. Scientists have done the following experiment: next to the experimental chamber they placed a cage with a rat, which received an electric shock every time one of her fellow tribesmen took a bread ball from the shelf. Some rats continued to run and eat food, oblivious to the suffering creature. Others quickly grabbed food, ran to another corner of the cell, and then ate it, turning away from the cage with the tortured relative. But most animals, hearing the squeak of pain and discovering its cause, immediately refused food and did not run to the shelf with bread. Callous and soulless attitude to a person 1) In January 2006, a terrible fire broke out in Vladivostok. The premises of the Savings Bank, which was located on the eighth floor of the "skyscraper", caught fire. The chief demanded that the employees first hide all documents in the safe, and then evacuate. While the documents were being removed, a fire engulfed the corridor, and many of the girls died. 2) During the recent war in the Caucasus, an incident occurred that caused just outrage in society. A wounded soldier was brought to the hospital, but the doctors refused to admit him, claiming that their institution belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, and the soldier belongs to the Ministry of Defense. While they were looking for the necessary medical unit, the wounded died. 3) One of the Germanic legends tells about a man who, after spending many years in sin, decided to repent and start a righteous life. He went to the Pope to ask for his blessing. But the Pope, having heard the confession of the sinner, exclaimed that before his reed was covered with leaves, before he received a petition. The sinner realized that it was too late for him to repent, and went on to sin. But the next day, the Pope's cane suddenly became covered with green leaves, messengers were sent after the sinner to announce his forgiveness, but they could not find him anywhere. 4) The position of the rejected is always tragic. Even if he brings new knowledge, new truths, no one listens to him. Scientists pay attention to the fact that this phenomenon occurs among animals. The monkey, which occupied a low position in its herd, was taught with the help of complex manipulations to get bananas. The Kindred simply took away these bananas, without even trying to understand how they were obtained. When the leader of the pack was taught such techniques, all the relatives watched with interest his manipulations and tried to imitate him. 5) The word can save a person, but you can destroy him. The tragedy happened the day before the operation. The English surgeon drew his heart to the famous Russian actor Yevgeny Evstitneev and explained that of the four valves, only one works for him, and that is only 10 percent. "YOU will die anyway," the doctor said, "whether you have the operation or not." The meaning of his words was that you need to take the risk by agreeing to the operation, because we are all mortal, we all will die sooner or later. The great actor instantly imagined what the doctor was talking about. And the heart stopped. 6) Napoleon in his youth was poor, almost starving, his mother wrote him desperate letters, calling for help, because she had nothing to feed a huge family. Napoleon bombarded various authorities with petitions, asking for at least some kind of alms, he was ready to serve anyone, just to earn meager funds. Was it then, when faced with arrogant arrogance and heartlessness, he began to cherish dreams of power over the whole world in order to avenge all of humanity for the tortures he had experienced.

Moral choice

Arguments for the composition

This is my homeland, my native land, my fatherland,

- and there is no hotter in life,

deeper and more sacred feelings,

than love for you ...

A.N. Tolstoy

"The Word about Igor's Campaign" - the greatest patriotic poem of Ancient Russia .

Illustrations for "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" by V.A. Favorsky. From woodcuts.
The pinnacle of lyricism is "Lament of Yaroslavna", the wife of the captured Igor: "I will fly a cuckoo on the Danube, I will wash a silk sleeve in the Kayala River, wipe off the prince's bloody wounds on his mighty body." Yaroslavna turns with a plaintive lamentation to the forces of nature - the Wind, the Dnieper, the Sun, reproaching them for the trouble that happened to her husband, and beseeching them to help him.

Homeland in the life and work of N.M. Karamzin

“... One must cherish love for the fatherland and the feeling of the people ... It seems to me that I see how people's pride and popularity are growing in Russia with new generations! patriotism, are they worthy of an answer? " These words belong to N. Karamzin, and they appeared in the journal Vestnik Evropy founded by him. This is how Karamzin was born as a writer, about whom Belinsky would later say: “Karamzin began new era Russian literature ". The homeland occupied a special place in the life and work of Karamzin. Each writer revealed the theme of his homeland using the example of different images: his native land, familiar landscapes, and Karamzin using the example of the history of his country, and his main work is "The History of the Russian State"

"The History of the Russian State" is an epic creation that tells about the life of a country that has passed a difficult and glorious path. The undoubted hero of this work is Russian national character, taken in development, becoming, in all its endless originality, combining features that seem incompatible at first glance. Many people later wrote about Russia, but the world had not yet seen its true history before Karamzin's creation, translated into the most important languages. From 1804 to 1826, over 20 years, which Karamzin devoted to the "History of the Russian State", the writer decided for himself the question of whether to write about ancestors with the impartiality of a researcher studying ciliates: "I know, we need the impartiality of a historian: sorry, I do not always could hide the love for the Fatherland ... "

The article "On Love for the Fatherland and National Pride", written in 1802, was the most complete expression of Karamzin's views. She is the fruit of long thought, the confession of the philosophy of happiness. Dividing love for the fatherland into physical, moral and political, Karamzin eloquently shows their features and properties. A person, says Karamzin, loves the place of his birth and upbringing - this is a common affection for everyone, "a matter of nature and should be called physical."
Nowadays it is especially clear that without Karamzin, without his "History of the Russian State", not only Zhukovsky, Ryleev's "Dumas", Odoevsky's ballads, but also Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.N. Tolstoy would have been impossible.

A.S. Pushkin is a historian, philosopher, politician, man and patriot.

Pushkin embodied in his poetic word world harmony, and, although in him, a passionate poet, there was so much immediate life and curiosity about it that he could have given himself to life selflessly. And that is why Pushkin is the most precious thing that Russia has, the most dear and close to each of us; and that is why, as one researcher of Russian literature noted, it is difficult for us to talk about him calmly, without enthusiasm.

Pushkin was more than a poet. He was a historian, philosopher, politician, Man, and, of course, an ardent patriot of his homeland, representing an era.

The image of Peter I - "the lord of fate" - is inseparable from Russia.

Pushkin saw in the image of Peter I an exemplary ruler of the Russian state. He speaks of the glorious reign of Peter, calling him "the lord of fate," who raised "Russia on its hind legs" and cut through the "window to Europe."

Homeland as an object of love, pride, poetic understanding of its fate in the work of M.Yu. Lermontov.

There, for the joys, reproach rushes.

There a man groans from slavery and chains!

Friend! This is the land ... my homeland.

V lyric works Lermontov's Motherland is an object of love, a poetic understanding of her fate and her future. For him, this concept has a wide, rich and multifaceted content. Lermontov's poems are almost always an internal, tense monologue, a sincere confession, self-asked questions and answers to them.

Already in early works Lermontov, one can find his reflections on the future of Russia. One of these thoughts is the poem "Prediction". The sixteen-year-old poet, who hated tyranny, political oppression and the Nikolaev reaction that came after the defeat of the revolutionary action of the best part of the Russian nobility, predicts the inevitable death of the autocracy: "... the crown of the tsars will fall."

Homeland is the theme of Lermontov's lyrics, which developed throughout the poet's work.

But I love - why, I don't know myself
Cold silence of her steppes
Its boundless forests sway,
The floods of its rivers are like the seas. \

Undoubtedly, Lermontov became folk poet... Some of his poems were transcribed into music and became songs and romances, such as "I go out on the road alone ..." For 27 incomplete years of his life, the poet created so much that he forever glorified Russian literature and continued the work of the great Russian poet - Pushkin, becoming with them on a par. Lermontov's view of Russia, his critical love for his homeland turned out to be close to the next generations of Russian writers, influenced the work of such poets as A. Blok, Nekrasov, and in particular, on the work of Ivan Bunin.

Search for an answer to the question "To be or not to be Russia?" in the works of I.A. Bunin.

It is difficult to imagine, next to Bunin, any of the 20th century writers who provoked equally opposite assessments. The "eternal religious conscience" of Russia and the chronicler of the "memorable failures" of the revolution - these are the extreme poles between which there are a great many other judgments. According to the first of these points of view, Bunin only occasionally succumbed to "deceit", haze " historical Russia", And in periods of higher creative insights" tuned all the strings of the soul "to the chant" to God's harmony and order, which was Russia. "

Homeland in the life and work of Igor Severyanin

"The days of party strife are for us dismal among brutalized people"

It so happened that in 1918, during the civil war, the poet found himself in a zone occupied by Germany. He ends up in Estonia, which then, as you know, becomes independent. And from that time, almost until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, that is, until his death, he lives in a foreign land. It was abroad, in separation from their native land, that writers such as Kuprin, Bryusov, Balmont and many others created their works about Russia, and Igor Severyanin's longing for his homeland also left its mark on the poet's work.

Severyanin creates a cycle of poems dedicated to Russian writers, in which he says how important their work is for Russian literature, for Russia. Here are poems about Gogol, Fet, Sologub, Gumilev. Without false modesty, Igor Severyanin devotes poetry to himself. They are called “Igor Severyanin”. Let's not forget that back in 1918 he was called the "King of Poets".

It is also worth noting that irony shines through in many of the Severyanin's poems. Irony to himself, to his time, to people and to everything that surrounds him. But never in his poems there was anger, hatred towards those who did not understand him, who mocked his self-praise. The poet himself called himself an ironic, making it clear to the reader that this is his style, the style of the author hiding behind his hero with an ironic grin.

The image of Russia - a country of enormous power and energy - is in the work of Alexander Blok.

Wide, multicolored, full of life and movement, the picture of the native land "in the beauty of the tear-stained and ancient" is composed in the poetry of Blok. Vast Russian distances, endless roads, deep rivers, scanty clay of washed out precipices and flaming mountain ash, violent blizzards and snowstorms, bloody sunsets; burning villages, mad troikas, gray huts, alarming cries of swans, factory chimneys and horns, the fire of war and mass graves. This was the case for the Bloc Russia.

Homeland in the life and work of Sergei Yesenin.

The native land! The fields are like saints,

Groves in iconic rims,

I would like to get lost

In the greens of your hundred-bells.

That's how Yesenin's songs about the homeland do not -

no yes and slip

pensive and sad notes,

like a light cloud of sadness on

cloudless - its blue sky

youthful lyrics.

The poet did not spare colors to brighten

convey wealth and beauty

native nature... Image

man in communication with nature is complemented by Yesenin's love for all living things: animals, birds, pets. In poetry, they are endowed with almost human feelings.

The results of the evolution of the theme of the Motherland in the lyrics of Sergei Yesenin

So, being born and growing out of landscape miniatures and song stylizations, the theme of the Motherland absorbs Russian landscapes and songs, and in poetic world Sergei Yesenin, these three concepts: Russia, nature and the "song word" - merge together. Admiration for the beauty of the native land, the image of the hard life of the people, the dream of a "muzhik paradise", rejection of urban civilization and the desire to comprehend "Soviet Russia", a sense of unity with every inhabitant of the planet and the "love for native land"- such is the evolution of the theme of the native land in the lyrics of Sergei Yesenin.

"The topic of Russia ... I deliberately devote my life to this topic ..." - words from a famous letter from Blok, which were not just a declarative statement. They acquired a programmatic meaning, were confirmed by all the poet's work and the life he lived.

This immortal theme, the theme of a deep feeling of love for the Motherland, faith in Russia through suffering, faith in Russia's ability to change - while preserving its original nature - was inherited and renewed by the great writers of the XIX-XX centuries and became one of the critical topics in Russian literature.

Mind Russia not understand , Arshin common not to measure : Have her special become - V Russia can only believe .

Love homeland not per then , what she great , a per then , what own .

But I love you , homeland meek ! A per what - unravel not can . Merry yours joy short WITH loud song in the spring on meadow .

The most the best destination there is protect his fatherland .

Two the senses wonderfully close US - V them gains heart food : Love To dear ashes , Love To paternal coffins .

Russia - Sphinx . Rejoicing and sorrow , AND drenched black blood , She looks , looks , looks v you , AND with hate , and with love !..

Stories about love for the Motherland, even in a foreign land there is longing and a very strong sadness for the Motherland.

Evgeny Permyak. The tale of the big bell

For a long time now, the sailor who arrived in England by ship and got sick in the city of London is no longer alive, and the tale of him lives on.

The Russian sailor remained in the city of London. They put him in a good hospital. Proviant, they left money:

- Get well, friendship, and wait for your ship!

The ship's friends said so and left reverse course to my native Russian land.

The sailor was not ill for long. He was treated with good medicines. They did not spare the potion, powders, drops. Well, yes, and took its own life. A guy of Arkhangelsk blood - a son of native Pomor parents. You can break such a disease!

The sailor was discharged from the hospital. Pea jacket cleaned, buttons polished. Well, the rest of the garments were given a hot iron. I went to the harbor to look for my fellow countrymen.

“Your fellow countrymen are not here,” they say to him in the harbor. - Iceland has been driving fogs for the third week. Where can Russian sails in London come from?

“It’s not a problem,” the sailor says. - I'm big-eyed. And I will find my fellow countrymen on your ships.

He said so and stepped onto the English ship. He wiped his feet on the matic, saluted the flag. Introduced himself.

The English love it. Because the maritime order is the same everywhere.

- Look what you are! A sailor in all uniform. It's just a pity that you can't find fellow countrymen on our royal ship.

And the sailor smiles at this, says nothing, heads for the mainmast.

“Why,” the sailors think, “did he need our mainmast? "

And a Russian sailor came up to her, stroked her with his hand and said:

- Great, compatriot, Arkhangelsk pine!

The mast woke up, came to life.

As if from a long sleep I woke up. With a mast Russian boron she made a noise, an amber resin tear shed a tear:

- Hello, fellow countryman! Tell me how things are at home.

The British sailors looked at each other:

- Look how big-eyed you are! I found a compatriot on our ship.

And the sailor, meanwhile, is talking intimate conversations with the mainmast. What matters at home, he says, hugs the mast:

- Oh, you, my dear, good! Mast you are a wonderful tree. Your spirit was not blown out by the noisy forest winds. Your pride has not been bent by the storm.

English sailors are watching - and the sides of the ship are smiling at the Russian sailor, the deck is spreading under his feet. And he recognizes the pattern that is dear to his heart, he sees his native forests and groves.

- Look how many countrymen he has! It's at home on someone else's ship, the English sailors whisper to themselves. - And the sails flutter to him.

Linen sails are flapping to the sailor, and the hemp-ship ropes-mooring lines at his feet twist like they cling to their own.

- And why are the sails flailing to you? The captain asks. - They are woven in our city of London.

“That's right,” the sailor replies. - Only before that they grew like fiber flax on the Pskov land. How can I not savor them! And take the same ropes. And after all, we have four - they were born with a five-yard hemp. Therefore, they have come to visit you.

The sailor says so, while he looks sideways at the anchors, glances at the guns. In those years, our iron, our copper, our cast iron from the Ural Mountains went to many countries: to Sweden, to Norway, to England.

- Well, what am I in good company hit! - the sailor rejoices.

- Oh, what a big-eyed Russian sailor you are! Everywhere you can see your dear. Expensive, you can see it.

- Expensive, - answered the sailor and began to tell such things about our land that the swell in the sea subsided, the seagulls sat on the water.

The whole team was heard.

Meanwhile, on the main London bell tower, the clock began to strike. The big bell was struck. Far away, its velvet ringing over fields, forests, rivers swam and went over the sea.

The Russian sailor is listening to this ringing, he will not hear enough. He even closed his eyes. And the ringing spreads farther and farther, on a low, gentle wave, it makes you sick. There is no equal voice in all the bell towers of old England. The old man will stop, sigh, the girl will smile, the child will be quiet when this big bell rings.

They are silent on the ship, listening. I love them that the Russian sailor liked the ringing of their bell.

Here the sailors, laughing, ask the sailor:

- Didn't you recognize your fellow countryman in the bell again?

And the sailor answered them:

The English captain was surprised that a Russian sailor could not only see his own family, but also hear. He was surprised, but did not say anything about the bell, although he knew for certain that Russian craftsmen in Muscovy had cast this bell for England and Russian blacksmiths forged a good language for him.

The ship's captain said nothing. And for whatever reason he kept silent, the tale is silent about that. And I will be silent.

And as for the big bell on the largest, Westminster, bell tower of old England, it is still in Russian forged language english clock beats off. Velvetly beats it off, with a Moscow accent.

Not everyone, of course, has his heart-to-heart ringing, but now nothing can be done. Do not remove the bell!

And take it off - so he will begin to preach the gospel even louder in the rumor.

Let it hang as it did, but call back with the Moscow Kremlin bell brothers, and talk about the blue sky, the calm water,

O sunny days... About friendship.

Mikhail Prishvin. Spring of light

At night, with electricity, snowflakes were born out of nothing: the sky was starry, clear.

The powder folded on the asphalt not just like snow, but an asterisk over an asterisk, not flattening one another.

It seemed that this rare powder was taken straight out of nothing, and meanwhile, as I approached my dwelling in Lavrushinsky Lane, the asphalt from it was gray.

My awakening on the sixth floor was joyful.

Moscow lay covered with star powder, and like tigers on the ridges of mountains, cats walked everywhere on the roofs. How many clear traces, how many spring romances: in the spring of light all the cats climb onto the roofs.

And even when I went downstairs and drove along Gorky Street, the joy of the spring of light did not leave me. With a light matinee in the rays of the sun, there was that neutral environment when the very thought smells: think about something, and this will smell.

Sparrow descended from the roof of the Moscow City Council and drowned up to his neck in star powder.

Before our arrival, he managed to bathe well in the snow, and when he had to fly away because of us, his wings flew away from the wind.

there are so many stars around that the circle, almost the size of a large hat, turned black on the asphalt.

- Have you seen? - said one boy to three girls.

And the children, looking up at the roof of the Moscow City Council, began to wait for the second gathering of the cheerful sparrow.

The spring of light warms up at midday.

The powder melted by noon, and my joy dulled, but did not disappear, no!

As soon as the puddles froze in the evening, the smell of the evening frost again brought me back to the spring of light.

So it was getting dark, but the blue evening stars did not appear in Moscow: the whole sky remained blue and slowly turned blue.

Against this new blue background, lamps with multi-colored shades flashed in houses here and there; you will never see these lampshades at dusk in winter.

Near the half-frozen puddles from the melted star powder, a childish enthusiastic cry was heard everywhere, childish joy filled the whole air.

This is how children in Moscow begin spring, as sparrows begin in a village, then rooks, larks, in the woods of the black grouse, on the rivers, ducks and sandpipers in swamps.

From children spring sounds in the city, as all the same from the cries of birds in the woods, my shabby clothes suddenly fell off with longing and flu.

At the first rays of spring, a real vagabond really often throws his rags on the road ...

The puddles were quickly freezing everywhere. I tried to poke one with my foot, and the glass shattered to smithereens with a special sound: dr ... dr ... dr ...

It makes no sense to myself, as is the case with poets, I began to repeat this sound, adding suitable vowels: dra, dria, dri, drian.

And suddenly out of this senseless rubbish came first my beloved goddess Dryana (the soul of a tree, a forest), and then Dryandia, a welcome country, to which I began my journey in the morning with a star powder.

I was so happy about this that several times aloud, trying for sonority, I repeated, paying no attention to anyone around:

- Dryandia.

- What did he say? One girl asked the other behind me. - What did he say?

Then all the girls and boys from another puddle rushed to catch up with me.

- Did you say something? - they asked me all at once.

- Yes, - I answered, - my words were: "Where is Malaya Bronnaya here?"

What a disappointment, what despondency my words produced: it turned out that we were standing exactly on this Malaya Bronnaya.

“It seems to me,” said one little girl with rogue eyes, “you said something completely different.

- No, - I repeated, - I need Malaya Bronnaya, I'm going to my good friends in house number thirty-six. Goodbye!

They stayed in the circle, dissatisfied, and, probably, were now discussing this oddity among themselves: there was something like Dryandy, and it turned out - an ordinary Malaya Bronnaya!

Having moved away from them at a considerable distance, I stopped at the lantern and shouted to them loudly:


Hearing this for the second time, convinced, the children rushed with a friendly cry:

Dryandia, Dryandia!

- What is it? They asked.

- The country of free Svans, - I answered.

- Who are they?

“These,” I began to tell calmly, “are people not very tall, but heavily armed.

We entered under the black, old trees of the Pioneer ponds.

Large opaque electric lights like moons showed up from behind the trees. The edges of the pond were covered with ice.

One girl tried to become, the ice cracked.

- Yes, you will go away! I shouted.

- With the head? She laughed. - How is it - with the head?

- With the head, with the head! - the guys repeated.

And, seduced by the opportunity to go headlong, they rushed onto the ice.

When everything ended well and no one left with a head, the children again came to me, as to their old friend, and asked me to tell more about the small but heavily armed people of Dryandia.

“These people,” I said, “always stick together in twos. One is resting, and the other carries him on a sled, and therefore time is not wasted with them. They help each other in everything.

- Why are they heavily armed?

- They must protect their homeland from enemies.

- Why are they on a sled, they have an eternal winter?

- No, they always have, as we have now, - neither summer nor winter, they always have a spring of light: the ice crunches under their feet, sometimes falls through, and then the poor Svans go under the ice with their heads, others immediately save them. They do not show blue stars in the evening: their sky is so blue, bright, and as soon as evening, multi-colored lamps light up in the windows everywhere ...

I told them the same thing that happens in Moscow in the spring of light, as it is now, and none of them realized that my magical Dryandia was right there, in Moscow, and that so soon we would all go to war for this Dryandia.

Irina Pivovarova. We went to the theater

We went to the theater.

We walked in pairs, and everywhere there were puddles, puddles, puddles, because it had just rained.

And we jumped over the puddles.

My new blue tights and my new red shoes were all in black spray.

And Lyuska's tights and shoes too!

And Sima Korostyleva scattered and jumped into the very middle of the puddle, and the whole hem of the new green dress she became black! Sima began to squeeze it out, and the dress became like a washcloth, everything wrinkled and wet below. And Valka decided to help her and began to smooth the dress with her hands, and from this some gray stripes formed on Sima's dress, and Sima was very upset.

But we told her:

And Sima stopped paying attention and again began to jump over the puddles.

And our whole link jumped - Pavlik, Valka, and Burakov. But the best jumped, of course, was Kolya Lykov. His trousers were wet to the knees, his boots were completely wet, but he did not lose heart.

Yes, and it was ridiculous to be discouraged by such trifles!

The whole street was wet and shiny from the sun.

Steam rose above the puddles.

Sparrows crackled on the branches.

Beautiful houses, all as new, freshly painted yellow, light green and pink color, looked at us with clean spring windows. They joyfully showed us their black carved balconies, their white stucco decorations, their columns between the windows, their multi-colored tiles under the roofs, their merry dancing aunts in long clothes and serious sad uncles with little horns in curly hair sculpted over the porches.

All the houses were so beautiful!

So old!

So different from one another!

And that was the Center. Center of Moscow. Garden Street. And we went to puppet show... We walked from the metro itself! On foot! And jumped over the puddles! How I love Moscow! I’m even scared how much I love her! I even want to cry, how I love her! Everything in my stomach clenches when I look at these old houses and how people run somewhere, run, and how cars rush, and how the sun sparkles in the windows of tall houses, and cars screech, and sparrows scream in the trees.

And now behind all the puddles - eight large, ten medium and twenty-two small - and we are at the theater.

And then we were in the theater and watched the performance. An interesting performance. We watched for two hours, we were even tired. And on the way back, everyone was in a hurry to go home and did not want to walk, no matter how I asked, and we got on the bus and rode the bus all the way to the metro.



on this topic:

"New approaches to literary reading lessons

v primary school according to the textbook of V. A. Lazareva "

Primary school teacher

Tsepa Natalia Mikhailovna

Theme: The image of the Russian land and the Russian people in the work

Yu. I. Koval "Clean Door" (excerpt from the work)

"Water with closed eyes"


  • continue to observe the work about the Motherland;

  • identifying ways to create an artistic epic;

  • work on the image of the Motherland in the prose of Yu. I. Koval;

  • develop thinking, attention, Creative skills and oral speech students.
Equipment: textbook VALazareva "Literary reading grade 4";

illustrations for the work; exhibition of children's drawings; workbooks; colour pencils.

Lesson plan.

I. Organizing time:

- The sun is shining over Russia,

And the rains are rustling over her.

In the whole world, in the whole world

There is no country of her relatives!
Teacher- Why are there no relatives of the country in the whole world?

pupils(Russia is our Motherland, the country in which we live. This is our home, which is impossible not to love).

Teacher- Today we will continue an unusual journey through home country in which we all live. And your knowledge will help us in this.

Homeland! Everyone knows this word since childhood.

Why is it so dear to a person that he cannot exchange it for other lands, where life is better, nourishing, richer?

Teacher- Remember the words of poems and songs that say about it.

(the student recites a poem - by heart from music).

I see a wonderful freedom

I see fields and fields -

This is Russian expanse

This is my homeland.

I see mountains and valleys

I see rivers and seas -

These are Russian paintings,

This is my homeland.

I hear the singing of a lark

I hear the trills of a nightingale

This is the Russian side

This is my homeland.

Teacher- We talk about the Motherland every day, at every lesson.

Guys, what does the word "Motherland" mean to you?

pupils(Homeland is fields, forests, meadows, trees, sky, clouds, etc.)
Teacher- As our wonderful writer Konstantin Paustovsky said:

On the desk:

“A person can’t live without a homeland,

you can't live without a heart "

II. Knowledge update

Teacher- Let's remember what excerpt from the work we read in the last lesson?

pupils("Clean Dor")

And what is "Clean Door"?

pupils(this is a village)

Teacher-What is "Dor"?

pupils(everything around the village is a dor, - this is a field, but not a simple field, but in the middle of a forest. Before there was a forest, and then the trees were chopped up, the stumps were pulled out and - it turned out a boron)

pupils(Yuri Iosifovich Koval)

The teacher shows a portrait of the writer

Yuri Iosifovich Koval was born on February 9, 1938 in Moscow. Studied at the Faculty of Philology of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. During his studies, Koval became seriously interested in art song, as well as the art of frescoes, mosaics, sculptures, drawing and painting (he received a second diploma as a drawing teacher. Koval's first publications appeared in the institute newspaper.
After graduation, Koval worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature, history, drawing in a rural school in Tataria. He himself composed poetic texts for dictations.
Gradually, Koval begins to become more and more professional as an artist and writer. His poems and stories for children are published in the magazines Murzilka, Pioneer, Smena, Ogonyok. One of his favorite genres was prose miniatures, telling about animals, natural phenomena and villagers; many of them are included in the book.

Teacher- Today we will continue to work on the works of Yu.I. Koval and imagine how Russia and the Russian people imagine a modern writer. Let's get acquainted with a new passage from the work, which is called "Water with closed eyes."
The disciple tells short biography the author

III. Perception of new material.

Teacher- Read the title of our work.

What do you think is said in the work without reading the text?

1. Page 134 (reads teach and good reading children)

IV. Dictionary lexical work.
Teacher- How do you understand the phrase used in the text:
The day was unfolding - (a clear sunny day began)

Clouds moved - (clouds floated in the sky)

Dry spruce manes - (spruce branches with not showered needles)

Yazis spawned in the stream (fish swam)

V. Conversation on content
Teacher- What time of the year appeared before your eyes?


pupils(The main thing was in the sky. There were moving clouds, rubbing against each other with their sunny sides, and a slight rustle was heard on the ground).

pupils(that he accidentally appeared among the cloudy autumn)

Teacher- Why did he want to continue the day?

pupils (because it was approaching Cold winter and wanted to enjoy the last autumn sunny day).

pupils(I ran out into the glades, littered with fallen leaves, got out of the swamps onto dry spruce manes. The author understood that he had to hurry, otherwise everything would end).

Teacher - Where did he run to?

pupils(to the edge of the forest, where a key stream flows from under the hill).
Teacher- Whom did he meet by the brook?

pupils (he met Nyurka)

Teacher- Who is Nyurka?

Teacher- What was Nyurka doing by the stream?

pupils(she was sitting on a spread sweatshirt, and her briefcase lay on the grass nearby. In her hand, Nyurka was holding an old tin mug, which always hung on a birch tree by the stream and drank water).

pupils (dialogue).

Teacher- What is dialogue?

(dialogue- this is the spoken language of two or more people)

Teacher- Who is involved in this colloquial speech?

pupils (Nyurka and the author himself).

Physical education (to music)

We will all stand together now,

We will rest at the halt ...

Turn right, left!

Hands up and hands to the side

And on the spot, jump and jump!

And now we are skipping.

Well done, you guys!

Vi. Reading a work by roles
P. 135 - children read by role
Teacher- Pay attention to the speech of the heroes?

student and (speech creates the image of the hero himself.)
Teacher-But why did the author name the passage from the work precisely "Water with closed eyes"?
- Have our assumptions about the title of the work been confirmed?
pupils(Yes, because our heroine received consolation while enjoying the extraordinary water).
Vii. Selective reading

pupils(the water from the stream smelled like sweet underwater grass and alder root, autumn wind and loose sand, I felt in it the voice of forest lakes and swamps, long rains, summer thunderstorms)
Teacher- What words does the author find to convey his feelings?

pupils(Taking another sip and smelling the very close winter - the time when the water closes his eyes).
VIII. Working with proverbs.

Teacher- Our people love the Motherland very much. There are many proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

Teacher-Let's remember some of them.

(children offer those proverbs that they know)

Teacher- try to connect the parts of the proverbs that you see on the board:
Homeland is more beautiful than the sun more than gold

Motherland, know how to stand up for her

There is no in the world more beautiful than our Motherland

Do not spare your life or strength for your Motherland

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
IX. Drawing a plot.

Teacher- Guys, try with the help of colored pencils to depict the plot you like from the work described by the words of the author
X. Final word teachers.

Teacher- Well done boys! You not only understood an excerpt from the work, but also felt how the author expresses his attitude to nature, to the Motherland.
XI. Homework

pp. 134-138 to draw up a plan for the product.

Basic Approaches to Literary Reading Lessons

in fourth grade.
The main feature of the course of literary reading in the fourth grade is that children learned, while reading a literary text, to represent the pictures drawn by the author, to emotionally respond to the experiences of the heroes of the work, to evaluate their actions, to understand the author's thought, to see the attitude of the author to what is depicted, to comprehend the role of the hero's speech, and internal monologues in revealing his character. The guys also learned to find the author's descriptions in the text, to highlight landscapes, defining on a practical level its simplest functions in a work, to distinguish the author from the narrator

Leading concepts that made up the pivot pedagogical concept literary reading, are summarized in the textbook for the 4th grade. These are: FAMILY, RELATIVES (FATHER, MOTHER), CHILD IN THE FAMILY (SON, DAUGHTER), PEOPLE, MOTHERLAND.

Students' moral ideas are formed in the process of reading highly works of art and our constant conversations with children about love and fidelity, about family and home, about care and responsibility, about humanity and inhumanity.

In that academic year a grown-up child, in fact a younger teenager, by the example of heroes literary works we show how a person, even a small one, copes with emerging problems, where and from whom he gets strength, and on what belief in the victory of good is based.

There is a chapter in the textbook for the 4th grade, which talks about the war, about the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. For our present children, these times are already practically equidistant and difficult to imagine, which is why we speak so seriously and, as it might seem, mercilessly, with students about the war in the language of the best works of art, since there are fewer and fewer people left who could tell their grandchildren about , how it was.

This year, the students' previously acquired knowledge of how to create the image of the hero of the work is both generalized and expanded through understanding the role of the hero's speech and internal monologues in revealing his character. Children learn to isolate the author's descriptions in the text, to highlight landscapes, defining at the practical level its simplest functions in the work, to distinguish the author from the narrator, etc. Work on the methods of animating, animating nature and the objective world ends this year with the introduction of the concept of "personification". Instead of the concept “ the main idea"The concept of" idea of ​​a work "is introduced, and in the process of work the children themselves guess about the internal connection of the title of the work with its idea. Observing the features of the construction of the story of K. G. Paustovsky " Hare paws”, Students without the introduction of the term get an initial idea of ​​the elements of the composition of a work of art.

The programmatic works of this year of study make it possible to lay the foundations for the formation of children's ideas about fantasy, a philosophical parable, a lyric-epic text, the author's style, which will be the basis for the study of such literature in the future, in middle and high school. As a result of the fourth year of study, students master the following terms: personification, abstract, story, idea, fantasy.

There is a comprehension of concepts such as patriotism, humanity, self-sacrifice, debt and a responsibility, self-education... Students understand the complex relationships of people, realize the possibility of grief and suffering, meanness and betrayal in a person's life, think about ways to overcome misfortunes and troubles.

The texts selected for reading allow completing work in the main areas of primary literary education.