Archaic period of ancient Greece. Archaica is a primitive culture or not? The meaning of the word "archaic"

Archaic period of ancient Greece. Archaica is a primitive culture or not? Meaning of the word
Archaic period of ancient Greece. Archaica is a primitive culture or not? The meaning of the word "archaic"

The archaic period in the history of Greece is usually called the VIII - VI centuries. BC e. According to some researchers, this is the time of the most intensive development of ancient society. Indeed, during the three centuries, many of the most important discoveries were made, identifying the nature of the technical basis of ancient society, the socio-economic and political phenomena were developed, which attached an antique society a certain specificity compared to other slave-owned societies: classical slavery; monetary and market system; The main form of a political organization is polis; The concept of the sovereignty of the people and the democratic form of government. At the same time, the main ethical norms and principles of morality were developed, the aesthetic ideals that had an impact on the ancient world throughout his history, until the emergence of Christianity. Finally, during this period, the main phenomena of ancient culture originated: philosophy and science, main genres of literature, theater, warrant architecture, sports.

To more clearly imagine the dynamics of society in the archaic period, we give such a comparison. About 800 g. BC e. The Greeks lived on a limited territory of the South of the Balkan P-Oov, the islands of the Aegean Sea and the west coast of Malaya Asia. About 500 g. BC e. They already occupy the coast of the Mediterranean from Spain to Levance and from Africa to the Crimea. About 800 g. BC e. Greece is essentially a rustic world, the world of self-sustaining small communities, by 500 BC. e. Greece is already a lot of small cities with local markets, cash relations are invited to the economy, trade connections cover all the Mediterranean, the objects of exchange are not only luxury items, but also goods of daily consumption. About 800 g. BC e. Greek society is a simple, primitive social structure with a predominance of the peasantry, little than the aristocracy differing from it and with an insignificant number of slaves. About 500 g. BC e. Greece has already survived the era of large social changes, the slave of a classic type becomes one of the main elements of the social structure, along with the peasantry there are other sociophoresional groups; Various forms of political organization are known: monarchy, tyranny, oligarchy, aristocratic and democratic republic. In 800 BC e. In Greece, there are still no temples, theaters, stadiums. In 500 BC e. Greece is a country with many excellent public buildings whose ruins also admire us. Lyrical poetry, tragedy, comedy, natural philosophy occur and develop.

The rapid rise prepared by the previous development, the spread of iron tools had diverse consequences for society. Increasing labor productivity in agriculture and craft led to an increase in excess product. From the agricultural sphere, an increasing number of people have been released, which ensured the rapid growth of the crafts. The extraction of agricultural and craft sectors of the economy led to a regular exchange between them, the emergence of the market and the universal equivalent - a chased coin. A new kind of wealth is money - begins to compete with old - land ownership, decomposing traditional relationships.

As a result, there is a rapid decomposition of primitive relations and the formation of new forms of the socio-economic and political organization of the Company. This process proceeds in different parts in various parts of the ELLA, but everywhere entails the rewinding of social conflicts between the aristocracy and the ordinary population, primarily the peasants and community, and then by other layers.

The formation of the Greek aristocracy, modern researchers usually belong to the VIII century. BC e. The aristocracy of that time is a limited group of people who are characterized by special, mandatory lifestyle for it and value system. She occupied the prevailing position in the sphere of public life, especially in the administration of justice, played a leading role in the war, since only noble warriors had heavy weapons, and therefore the battles were essentially the fighting of aristocrats. The aristocracy sought to completely put up the control of ordinary members of society, to turn them into an exploited mass according to modern researchers, the offensive of the aristocracy on ordinary fellow citizens began in VIII to BC. e. It is known about the details of this process, but it can be judged on the main results on the example of Athens, where the increase in the influence of the aristocracy led to the creation of a clearly decorated texture, to a gradual reduction in the layer of free peasantry and an increase in the number of dependent.

With this situation, such a phenomenon of tremendous historical significance as "Great Greek Colonization" is also closely connected. Starting from the middle of the VIII to BC. e. The Greeks were forced to leave their homeland and move to other countries.

For three centuries, they created many colonies on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Colonization developed in the three main directions of West (Sicily, South Italy, South France and the Eastern Coast of Spain), North (the Thracian coast of the Aegean Sea, the area of \u200b\u200bthe sheds from the Mediterranean Sea to Black and His coast) and the southeast (coast of North Africa and the country of Levant).

Modern researchers believe that the main incentive was lack of land Greece suffered from both absolute agricultural overpopulation (an increase in the population due to the general Eco-comic lift) and from the relative (lack of land in the poorest peasants due to the concentration of land ownership of nobility) to the reasons for colonization Also include the political struggle, which usually reflected the main social contradiction of the epoch - the struggle for the land, as a result of which defeated in the Civil War was often forced to leave their homeland and move over the sea, there were also trade motives. The desire of the Greeks to raise trading paths.

The pioneers of Greek colonization were located on the O-veh of the city of Khalkid and Eretria - in VIII to BC. E., apparently, the most advanced cities of Greece, the most important centers of metallurgical production in the future, Corinth, Megara, Multiaziary cities, especially Millet, were included in the colonization.

Colonization has had a huge impact on the development of ancient Greek society, especially in the economic sphere, the impossibility of establishing the necessary sectors of the craft in a new place has led to the fact that very soon colonies have established close economic ties with the old centers of the Balkan P-Oov and Asia Minor, and to the colony, and to The local population, adjacent to them, began to enter the products of Greek craft especially artistic, as well as some types of agricultural products (the best varieties of wines, olive oil, etc.). Instead, the colony was supplied to Greece grain and other food, as well as raw materials (forest, metal, etc.) as a result of the Greek craft received an impetus to further development, and agriculture began to acquire a commodity in this way, colonization fucked social conflicts in Greece , bringing out of its limits to a lot of landless population and at the same time contributing to the change in the social and economic structure of Greek society.

The offensive of the aristocracy on the rights of the demos has reached apogee in VII to BC. er, causing response resistance in the Greek society there is a special social layer of people who have passed, most often thanks to the craft and trade, significant wealth, led the aristocratic lifestyle, but did not have hereditary privileges of nobility "money in honor of universal wealth mixed breed", - The poet Feognid from Megar notices with bitterness. This new layer greedily rummaged to management, thereby becoming an ally of the peasants in the fight against the first success in this struggle, most often related to the establishment of written laws that limited aristocracy.

The resistance of the growing domination of the nobility was facilitated at least three circumstances about 675 - 600. BC e. Thanks to technical progress, a kind of revolution occurs in military affairs, heavy armor becomes available to ordinary citizens, and the aristocracy deprives its advantage in the military sphere due to the scarcity of the country's natural resources, Greek aristocracy could not be equal to the Aristocracy of the East due to the features of historical development in Greece of the Iron Age, not There were such economic institutions (similar to the temple farms of the East), relying on which the peasants could be operated, depending on the aristocrats, the peasants were not associated with the farms of the latter economically all this predetermined the dedication of domination of nobility in society. Finally, the force that prevented the strengthening of the positions of aristocrats was their ethics, she had a "agonal" (competitive) character: each aristocrat in accordance with this layer ethical norms sought everywhere to be the first - on the battlefield, in sports, in politics this system of values It was created to be known earlier and moved to a new historical period, when it required to ensure the domination of all his might. However, it was not able to achieve this aristocracy.

The exacerbation of social conflicts in the VII - VI centuries. BC e. He led to the birth in many Greek cities of tyranny, that is the sole power of the ruler.

In that period, the concept of "tyranny" has not yet inherent in him today a negative shade. Tirana conducted an active foreign policy, created powerful armed forces, decorated and landscaped their cities. However, early tyranny as a regime could not exist. The historical doomedness of tyranny was explained by her internal contradictions. The overthrow of the domination of the nobility and the struggle against it was impossible without supporting the masses. The peasantry, winning from this policy, initially supported tyrants, but when the threat emanated from the aristocracy was weakened, it gradually came to the consciousness of the quantity of tyrannical regime.

Tiranda was not a step characteristic of all policies. The most typical it was for those cities that were still in the era of archaica became major trade and craft centers. The process of forming a classic policy due to the relative abundance of sources is best known to us on the example of Athens.

The history of Athens in the Archaic Epoch is the history of the formation of a democratic policy. The monopoly on political power in the period under review belonged here for nobility - euparters, which gradually turned ordinary citizens into a dependent mass. This process is already in the VII B led to outbreaks of social conflicts.

Indigenous changes occur at the beginning of the VI. BC E, they are connected with Solon reforms. The most important of them was the so-called sisakhfia ("the smallest of the burden") as a result of this reform of the peasants, due to debts, which were developing essentially in the use of their own land, restored their status of owners at the same time it was forbidden to pay the Athenians into slavery for debts. Reforms who undermined the political domination of the nobility were of great importance. From now on, the volume of political rights depended not on the means, but on the size of the property (all citizens of the policy were divided into four property discharge). In accordance with this division, the Military Organization of Athens was rebuilt. A new governing body was created - the Council (Boule), increased the importance of the National Assembly.

Solon's reforms, despite their radicals, did not solve all problems. The exacerbation of the social struggle in Athens led in 560 BC. e. To establish the tyranny of the Piscistratus and his sons, which lasted here with breaks to 510 BC. e. Piscistratus conducted an active foreign policy, strengthening the position of Athens on marine trading paths. The craft flourished in the city, trade developed, a large construction was carried out. Athens turned into one of the largest ELDA economic centers. In the successors of the Piscistratus, this regime fell, which again caused the exacerbation of social contradictions soon after 509 BC. e. Under the guidance of Clisphen, a new series of reforms is held, finally approved by a democratic system. The most important of them - the reform of electoral law: From now on, all citizens, regardless of their property position, have equal political rights, the system of territorial division was changed, which destroyed the effect of aristocrats in the field.

Other development option gives Sparta. Capturing Laconik and enslaving the local population, Dranny is already in the IX century. BC e. Created a state in Sparta. Born very early as a result of conquest, it retained a lot of primitive features in its structure. In the future, the Spartans in the course of two wars sought to win the mission - the region in the west of Peloponnese. An internal social conflict that has already been brewing between aware and ordinary citizenship broke out in Sparta during the second Messensky war. In his main features, he reminded conflicts that at about the same time existed in other parts of Greece. The long struggle between ordinary spartists and aristocracy led to the reorganization of Spartan society. A system is created, which at a later time was called Likurgy, by name allegedly established his legislator. Of course, the tradition simplifies the picture, because this system was not created immediately, and developed gradually. Overcoming the inner crisis, Sparta was able to conquer the messenger and turned into the most powerful state of Peloponnese and, perhaps, all of Greece.

The whole land in laconix and the messenger was divided into equal sections - the Claers, which everyone sparted received in temporary ownership, after his death, the Earth was returned to the state. The desire for the complete equality of spartists also served and other measures: a harsh system of education, aimed at the formation of an ideal warrior, the strictest regulation of all parties to the life of citizens - Spartias lived as if they were in a military camp, prohibition to engage in agriculture, craft and trade, enjoy gold and silver; Restricting contacts with the outside world. Political system was reformed. Along with the kings who performed the functions of military leaders, judges and priests, the Council of Elders (Georusia) and the People's Assembly (Appella) there was a new governance authority - a collegium of five Ehofors (warders). Eforate was the highest control body that was blind in order for no one to retreat either by step from the principles of the Spartan system, which became the object of pride of the spartians, who believed that they had reached the ideal of equality.

In historiography, there is a look at Sparta as a militarized, militarist state, and some authoritative specialists even call it a "police officer". This definition has its own reason. The base on which the "Community of Equal" was based, i.e. The collective of equal and full, absolutely not busy with the productive work of Spartiats, was the exploited mass of the enslaved population of Laconiki and Messiah - Ilota. Scientists have been arguing many years about how to determine the position of this layer of the population. Many are inclined to consider Ilotov with state slaves. Ilota owned areas of land, labor tools, possessed economic independence, but they were obliged to transfer a certain share of harvest to their masters - spartists, providing their existence. According to the estimates of modern researchers, this share was approximately 1/6-1 / 7 harvest. Decided by all political rights, Ilota fully belonged to the state, which was disposed of not only their property, but also lives. The slightest protest from Ilotov cruelly caught.

In the Spartan Policy there was another social group - Perieki ("living around"), descendants of Doriytsev, who were not included in the Sparta citizens. They lived by communities, possessed internal self-government under the supervision of Spartan officials, were engaged in agriculture, craft and trade. Perieks were obliged to post military contingents. Similar social conditions and a close to Spartan system are known in Crete, in Argos, Fessals and other areas.

Like all other areas of life, Greek culture in the archaic era experienced rapid changes. In these centuries, ethnic self-awareness took place, the Greeks gradually began to realize themselves with a single people, different from other peoples, whom they began to be called barbarians. Ethnic self-consciousness found its manifestation in some public institutions. According to the Greek tradition, starting from 776 BC. e. Olympic games began to be placed on which only Greeks were allowed.

In the era of archaic, the main features of the ethics of an ancient Greek society. Its distinctive feature was the combination of a born feelings of collectivism and agonistic (contene) began the formation of the policy as a special type of community, which went to the change of loose associations of the "heroic" era, caused a new one, the polis morality - a collectivist basis, since the existence of an individual outside the framework The polis was impossible. The Military Organization of the Polis (Stroy Falangi) was also promoted by the Military Protection of a citizen in the defense of his policy: "Sweet-after-life is lost, among the soldiers of the valiant fear, a brave husband is glad in battle" - these words of the Spartan Poet of Tirtewn The mindset of a new era, characterizing the system of dominant values, however, the new morality preserved the principles of the morality of Homer's time with its leading principle of adversarity. The nature of political reforms in the polishes led to the preservation of this morality, since it was not an aristocracy deprived of their rights, and ordinary citizenship rose from the point of view of political rights to the level of aristocracy. By virtue of this, traditional ethics of aristocracy spread among the masses, although already in a modified form: the most important principle - who will be better to serve as a policy.

A certain transformation was experienced and religion. The formation of a single Greek world with all local features led to the creation of a common manner for all Greeks. Certificate of this is the poem of the Gesiod "Theogony". Cosmogonic representations of the Greeks did not fundamentally differ from the ideas of many other peoples.

For Greek worldview, not only politicalism is characteristic, but also an idea of \u200b\u200bthe universal animance of nature. Each natural phenomenon, every river, mountain, grove had their deity. From the point of view of the Greek, there was no insurmountable face between the world of people and the world of the gods, the heroes acted in the link between them. Such heroes like Hercules, for their exploits joined the world of gods. The gods of the Greeks themselves were anthropomorphs, they experienced human passions and could suffer, like people.

The Archaic Epoch is the time of becoming architecture. Primate public, primarily sacred, architecture, is indisputable. The dwellings of that time are simple and primitive, all the forces of society are facing monumental structures, especially temples. Among them were the temples of the gods - the patrons of the community. The emerging sense of unity of the civil team found its expression in the creation of such temples, which was considered the habitat of the gods. Early temples repeated the device of Megaron II thousand to n. e. The church of the new type was born in Sparta - the ancient polilance policy. The characteristic feature of Greek architecture is the use of orders, i.e. A special system of construction, which emphasizes the architectonics of the building, gives the expressiveness of the carrying and brought structural elements, detecting their function. A warrant building usually has a stepped base, a number of carriers of vertical supports - columns supported by irregular parts are an antablement, which reflected the design of the beam overlap and roof. Initially, temples were built on Acropolis - fortified hills, ancient settlements centers. Later, changes in the location of the temples occur in connection with the general democratization of society. They are now cast in the lower city, most often on Agore - the main square, the former center of public and business life of the policy. Temple as an institute contributed to the development of various types of art. It was too early established by the custom of the offering of gifts to the temple, he was sacrificed a part of the production captured by the enemies, weapons, sentences on the occasion of getting rid of danger, etc. A significant part of such gifts was works of art. Temples, who acquired a whole popularity, were playing an important role, first of all Apollo Temple in Delphi. Rivalry first noble childbirth, and then polls contributed to the fact that the best works of art were concentrated here, and the territory of the sanctuary became something like a museum.

A monumental sculpture arises in the archaic era - the kind of art, previously unknown Greece. The oldest sculptures were images, roughly carved from wood, often inlaid ivory and bronze sheets covered with sheets. Improvements in the technique of processing stone not only affected architecture, but also led to the occurrence of stone sculpture, and in the technique of metal processing - to the casting of sculptures from bronze. In the VII - VI centuries. BC e. Two types are dominated in sculpture: nude men's figure and draped female. The birth of a statue type of a naked figure of a man is associated with the main trends in the development of society. The statue depicts a wonderful and valiant citizen, the winner in sports contests that glorified his hometown. For the same type began to manufacture tombstones and images of the deities. The appearance of the relief is mainly due to the usual to put gravestone monuments. In the future, reliefs in the form of complex multifigure compositions were an indispensable part of the temple antablem. Statues and reliefs, as a rule, painted.

Greek monumental painting is famous much worse than a vase. On the example, the latter is best traced the main development trends of art: the emergence of realistic began, the interaction of local art and the influences that came from the east. In the VII - early VI. BC e. Corinthian and Rhodes vases prevailed with multi-packed paint-style paintings. They usually showed a floral ornament, a variety of animals and fantastic creatures were depicted. In the VI century BC e. In Vazopisi, a black-phony style is dominated: the shapes lacked with a black lacquer dramatically stand out on a reddish background of clay. Murals on chernofigi vases often represented multifigure compositions on mythological plots: various episodes from the life of the Olympic gods, the exploits of Hercules, Trojan War were popular with popularity. Less often met the plots related to the daily life of people: the battle of Goplites, the match of the athletes, the scene of the pyr, the dance of the girls, etc.

Since individual images were performed in the form of black silhouettes against the background of clay, they produce flat. Vases manufactured in different cities are inherent only in their characteristic features. Blackfoot style reached a special heyday in Athens. Attic blackfoot vases were distinguished by the grace of forms, high manufacturing technique, plot diversity. Some vazops signed their paintings, and thanks to this, we know, for example, the name of clime, which signed a magnificent vessel for wine (crater): Painted consists of several belts, which present multifigure compositions. Another magnificent pattern of painting - Kilik Execia. The whole round surface of the bowl of wine Vazopisaets took one scene: the ship of Dionysis will stand on the ship floating under the white sail, near the mast vine vines, heavy clusters hang out. Seven dolphins dive around, in which, according to myth, Dionysis turned the Tyrrhenian pirates.

The greatest achievement of the Greek culture of the Archaic Epoch was the creation of an alphabetical letter. By converting the Phoenician sludge system, the Greeks created a simple way to fix information. In order to learn how to write and count, no longer needed years of hard work, the "democratization" of the training system occurred, which allowed to gradually make almost all free residents of Greece competent. Thus, the knowledge was "secularized", which was one of the reasons for the absence of a priesthood in Greece and contributed to the increase in the spiritual potential of society as a whole.

With the Epoch of Archaika, the phenomenon of exceptional importance for European culture is connected - the emergence of philosophy. Philosophy is a prominant new approach to the knowledge of the world, sharply different from what prevained in the front east and in Greece an earlier period. The transition from religious ideological ideas about the world to philosophical understanding meant a high-quality leap in the intellectual development of humanity. Setting and wording problems, support for the human mind as a means of knowledge, the orientation in search of the causes of everything that happens in the world itself, and not outside it - that's what Significantly distinguishes the philosophical approach to the world from religious and mythological views. In modern scientific literature, there are two main views on the emergence of philosophy according to one, the birth of philosophy is derived from the development of science, the quantitative accumulation of positive knowledge has had a high-quality jump. According to another explanation, early Greek philosophy is practically nothing but a way of expression, did not differ from the stadially earlier mythological system of knowledge of the world. However, in recent years, a look that seems the most correct thing is: philosophy was born from the social experience of a citizen of the early polis. The policy and the relationship of citizens in it is that the model, by analogy with which the Greek philosophers saw the world. This conclusion confirms this conclusion that the emergence of philosophy in its earliest form - natural philosophy (i.e. philosophy converted primarily to the knowledge of the most common patterns of the world) - occurs in the most advanced low-media polishes. It is with them that the activities of the first philosophers - Falez, Anaximandra, Anaximman are connected. Naturophilosophical exercises on the first elements gave the opportunity to build a common picture of the world and explain it without resorting to the help of the gods. The philosophy was a spontaneous materialist, the main in the work of its first representatives - the search for the material of the whole of all things.

The founder of Ionian natural philosophy Fales considered such primary water in continuous movement. Transforming it created and create all things, in turn turning into water again. The lands of Fales represented in the form of a flat disk floating on the surface of the primary water. Falez also considered the founder of mathematics, astronomy and a number of other specific sciences. Comparing records of consistently occurring solar eclipses, it predicted the eclipse of the Sun 597 (or 585) BC. e. And explained it to the fact that the moon departed the sun. According to Anaximandra, the first-pool is an Ageron, an indefinite, eternal and infinite matter, which is in constant motion. Anaximandr gave the first formulation of the law of conservation of energy and created the first geometric model of the universe.

Pythagoreans were opposed to the materialism and dialectics of Ionian natural philosophers - the followers of the teachings of Pythagora, who created a religious and mystical community in southern Italy. The basis of the bases of the Pythagoreans was considered to be mathematics, believing that not the quality, but the amount, not the substance, and the form determine the essence of everything. Gradually, they began to identify things with numbers, depriving their material content. Absolut abstract number turned into an absolute thought as the basis of the intangible essence of the world.

At the beginning of the archaic epoch, the dominant genre of literature was Epos inherited from the previous era. The fixation of Homer's poems, produced in Athens during the Piscista, marked the end of the epic period. Epos As a reflection of the experience of the whole society in the new conditions should have given the championship to other types of literature. This era, filled with stormy social conflicts, develop lyric genres, reflecting the experiences of the individual. Citizenship is distinguished by the poetry of Tirtae, inspired by Spartans in their struggle for the possession of Messenia. In his elegues, Tirti praised military valor and expressed the norms of warriors' behavior. And in the later times they sang them during the trips, they also became popular outside Sparta as a hymn by polis patriotism. The creativeness of Feognida - the poet aristocrat who realized the death of the aristocratic system and suffering from it - permeated with hatred for nizam and thirst for Vesti:

Firmly fastened hopping noodles, merciless
A sharply stick with a heavy yoke give!

Life, full of adversity and suffering, has lived one of the first poets-lyrikov - archives. The son of the aristocrat and slave, archives, chasing the need, went from his native Paros along with the colonists to the FAKOS, fought with the Thracians, served as a mercenary, visited the "beautiful and happy" Italy, but nowhere to find happiness:

In a sharp spear, my bread was noticed.
And in a spear, from under Ismar Wine. I drink, leaning on a spear.

In the work of another great Lyrics - Alkeya, the stormy political life of the time was reflected. Along with political motifs in his verses, there are also drinks, they sound the joy of life and sadness of love, reflections on the inevitability of death and appeals to friends to reflect of life:

Rains raged. Studes Great
Carries from the sky. Rivers all appreciated ..
We ride the winter. Brightly flaming
Spirit fire. Generously sweet to me
Wine pour. Then under the cheek
Soft me pillow.

"Sappo PhialKocudrey, clean, with a smile gentle!" - appeals the poet to his great contemporary Sappo.

In the center of creativity, Sappo stood a woman suffering from love and tormented by the flour of jealousy, or mother, gently loving her children. In poetry, the sappo predominates sad motives, which gives it a kind of charm:

God equal seems to me fortunately
Man who is so close
Before you sits, your sounding gently
Listens to the voice
And adorable laugh. I have
He stopped immediately to beat the heart.

Poets of beauty, love and fun called his work Anacreont. He did not think about politics, wars, civil strife:

I'm not my one who, pouring, for the full cup of speech
Only on litigation leads yes about the regrettable war,
Mil me, who, Muses and Cyprids, good gifts, combining
The rule puts himself to be more fun in the feast.

The poems of the Anacreontic, marked by the seal of the undisputed talent and enchanting their shape, had a huge impact on European, including Russian, poetry.

By the end of the archaic era, the birth of artistic prose, represented by the works of logographic, gathering local legends, genealogy of noble childbirth, stories about the foundation of policies. At the same time, theatrical art arises, whose roots lie in the folk rites of agricultural cults.

Achievements of ancient Greek civilization formed the basis of European culture

Early Greece

Rubbrozh III-II thousand BC. He is the most important stage in the history of Europe. It was then in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula and on the adjacent Islands there are societies divided into classes.

About 2500 BC. On the many Islands of the Aegean Sea and large metallurgical centers are created on the mainland. Significant progress is observed in ceramic production, where the potted circle was applied. Due to the development of navigation, contacts between different areas are increasing, technical and cultural innovations are applied. The progress in agriculture was equally tangible, associated with the creation of a new polycultural type (the so-called Mediterranean Triad), which is based on the cultivation of cereal, primarily barley, grapes and olives. The neighborhood of the ancient civilizations of the Front East was also a great influence on the development of this region.

Painted vessel from the old palace in Fest. About the XIX-XVIII centuries. BC.

The initial stages of the formation of class society and the state in this region are not yet sufficiently studied, and this is due mainly to the fact that researchers are relatively few sources. Archaeological materials related to this period cannot highlight the political history, the nature of social relations, and the oldest writing system appeared in Crete (the so-called linear letter a) is not yet decrypted. In the future, the Greeks of the Balkan Peninsula adapted this letter to their language (the so-called linear letter b). It was decrypted only in 1953 by English scientists M. Ventris and J. Changer. But all the texts are documents of economic reporting, and therefore the amount of information reported by them is limited. Certain information about society II thousand BC. The famous Poems of the Greeks "Iliad" and "Odyssey", as well as some myths have retained. However, historically interpret these sources is difficult, since the reality in them is artistically transformed, the ideas and realities of different times are rushed together and extremely difficult to stripping what undoubtedly refers to the II thousand BC.

As some researchers believe, it is possible that the first foci of statehood arise in the Balkan Peninsula in the middle of the 3th thousand BC. But the process of becoming a class society and statehood in the southern part of the Balkan region was interrupted by the invasion of the tribes from the north. Near the XXII century. BC. Here, the Greek tribes appeared here, called themselves as ahaeis or damasters. The old, societary population, whose ethnicity is not installed, was partially outed or destroyed by aliens, partially assimilated. The conquerors stood at a lower level of development, and this circumstance was affected by a certain difference in fate of two parts of the region: the mainland and the island of Crete. Crete was not made by the process mentioned and therefore for several centuries represented the zone of the most rapid socio-economic, political and cultural progress.

Minoan civilization

The civilization of the bronze era, arising in Crete, is usually called a miner. This name was given by the English archeologist A. Evans, first discovered monuments of this civilization during the excavations of the palace in Knosse. Greek mythological tradition considered King Mosnos by the residence of Tsar Minos - the powerful Lord of Crete and many other islands of the Egeida. Here the Pacifai queen was born a minotaur (pubeid-semi-born), for which Dedal built a labyrinth in Knosse.

In the second half of the III - early II thousand BC, apparently, all lands suitable for agriculture were mastered - the leading industry of Crete. An important role, in all likelihood, also played cattle breeding. Significant progress was observed in the craft. The increase in labor productivity, the creation of an excess product led to the fact that part of it could be used in the intercommunal exchange. For Crete, it was of particular importance, since the island lay at the crossroads of the ancient sea routes.

At the turn of the III and II thousand BC. In Crete, the first states arise. At first there were four with the centers-palaces in Knosse, Fest, Mallia, Kato-clog. It is the appearance of palaces indicates the class character of society and the development of statehood.

The era of the "Palace Civilization" on Crete covers approximately 600 years: from 2000 to 1400 BC. About 1700 BC. Palaces were destroyed. According to some scientists, it was caused by natural cataclysms (most likely, a grand earthquake), others see the result of social conflicts, a consequence of the struggle of the masses. However, the broken catastrophe briefly detained development. Soon, new, superior to the old monumentality and luxury appeared on the site of the destroyed palaces.

About the era of "new palaces" we know a little more. Well investigated, for example, the four palace mentioned above, a number of settlements, necropolis. The best understated by A. Evans was studied by the Knos Palace - a grand construction on a common platform (about 1 hectare). Although only one floor has been preserved before our time, it is quite clear that the building was two-, and possibly a three-story. The palace had an excellent water supply and sewerage system, terracotta baths in special premises, thoughtful ventilation and lighting. Many household items are made at a high artistic level, some of the precious metals. The walls of the premises of the palace adorned magnificent paintings that reproduced the surrounding nature or scene from his life. Most of the basement occupied storage rooms in which wine was kept, olive oil, grain, local craft products, as well as goods received from distant countries. Craft workshops were located in the palace, where Jewelers, Gonchars, Vazopis Artists worked.

The question of the social and political organization of the Critian society is solved by scientists in different ways, but on the basis of the available data it can be assumed that the basis of the state's economic life was a palace economy. The Cretan Society of the Flaw Epoch was likely to be theocracy: the functions of the king and the Supreme Priest were combined in one person. Slaves have already appeared, but their number remained insignificant.

The apogee of the Minoan civilization falls on the XVI - the first half of the XV century. BC. At the beginning of this period, the entire Crete is united under the rule of the Knos Lord. The Greek legend believes Tsar Minos the first "Lord of the Sea" - he built a big fleet, destroyed piracy and established his domination at the Aegean Sea. At the end of the XV century. BC. A catastrophe was collapsed to Crete, who applied to a mortal blow to the Minoan civilization. Obviously, it happened due to the graceful eruption of the volcano on the island of Tira. Most settlements and palaces died. Taking advantage of this, Ahaeis invaded the island from the Balkans. From the advanced center of the Mediterranean Crete turns into the province of Ahasey Greece.

Ahasey civilization

The flourishing of civilization of the Ahasey Greece comes in the XV-XIII centuries. BC. The center of this civilization was obviously an argold. Expanding, it then covered the entire peloponnese, Middle Greece (Attica, Beotia, Fokyd), a significant part of Northern Greece (Fessels), as well as many of the Aegean Islands.

As in Crete, palaces played a crucial role in society. The most significant of them are open in mycken, tyaring, pyro, Athens, philas, orkhomen, Iola. But the Ahasey palaces differ sharply from Cretan: they are all powerful citadel. The most impressive example is the citadel tyaringfield, the walls of which are posted from huge blocks of limestone reaching sometimes 12 tons. Weight. The thickness of the walls exceeded 4.5 m, the height is only in the preserved part - 7.5 m.

Like Cretan, the Ahase Palaces have the same plan, but it is characterized by clear symmetry. The Pilos Palace is best studied by archaeologists. He was a two-story and consisted of several dozen rooms: the main, sacred, conquest of the king and the queen, their households: warehouses, where grain stored, wine, olive oil, household items; utility rooms. An important part of the palace was arsenal with a weapon stock. The palace existed an established water supply and sewage system. The walls of many rooms were decorated with murals, often with battle scenes.

Exceptional importance for history II thousand BC Representing the results of the excavations initiated by Greek archaeologists in 1967 on the island of Tira - the southernmost of the Group of Cycladic Islands. Under the layer of volcanic ash, the remains of the city who died during the volcanic eruption was found. The excavations opened the cobbled streets, large buildings, from which the second and even third floors were preserved with the stairs leading on them. The paintings of the walls of buildings are striking: blue monkeys, stylized antelopes, two fighting boy, on the hand of one of them a special glove. Against the background of red, yellow and green rocks, covered with grass and moss, red lilies on yellow stems and swallows flying over them. Apparently, so the artist wrote a picture of the arrival of spring, and the painting makes it possible to judge what this blooming island looked, while he did not have a catastrophe. About the same, in which houses they lived, on what vessels they floated the Trenz, it is possible to judge another painting depicting, obviously, the panorama of the city and the sea with a lot of ships.

Farm Ahetsev

The basis of the economic structure of the Ahasey society was a palace economy, which included large craft workshops - for the processing of agricultural products, spinning and sewing, metallurgical and metalworking, which made tools and weapons. The palace economy also controlled the main types of craft activities throughout the territory, a metalworking was under particularly strict control.

The owner of the Earth, as follows from the documents of the Pilos archive, was the palace. All lands were divided into two categories: in private possession and communal. The lowest layer of society was slaves, but they were relatively few, and they belonged to the main palace. Slaves differed in their position, and there was no clear boundary between slaves and free. An important social group consisted of formally free communities. They had their plots of land, house, economy, but dependent on the palace economically and politically. The dominant layer included the developed bureaucratic apparatus primarily - the central and local. At the head of state stood the king ("Vanaka"), which had political and sacral functions.

Political events

The political history of the Ahasey Greece is well known. Some scientists write about a single Ahase Power under the hegemony Mikten. However, it is more correct to assume that every palace is the center of an independent state, between which military conflicts often arose. This, however, did not exclude the possibility of temporary association of the Ahasey kingdoms. Apparently, it was so during a trip to Troy, the events of which were based on the basis of "Iliad" and "Odyssey." It is possible that the Trojan War is one of the episodes of a wide colonization movement, which began in the second half of the II thousand to n. e. The Ahase settlements appeared on the western and southern coasts of Malaya Asia, the Islands of Rhodes and Cyprus were actively settled, the Ahasey faults were opened in Sicily and South Italy. The Ahaseians participated in the powerful onset on the coastal countries of the Front East, which is usually called the movement of "marine peoples".

In the XIII century. BC. The prosperous Ahasey states began to feel the approach of formidable events. In many places, new fortifications are repaid and repaired. According to archaeological excavations, the catastrophe broke out at the very end of the XIII century. BC. Almost all palaces and most of the settlements were destroyed. Agonye of the Ahasey civilization lasted about a hundred years, and at the end of the XII century. BC. The last Ahasey Palace in Iola died. The population was partially destroyed, partially fixed in unlikely to habitat, and even emigrated from the country.

Scientists have long been looking for the causes of these fatal events in the history of Greece. There are a number of hypotheses explaining the destruction of the Ahasey civilization. The most convincing is presented, in our opinion, the next. At the end of the XIII century. BC. Northern peoples moved to Greece, including the Greeks-Doriians, as well as other tribes. Mass relocation, however, did not happen then, and only the Dorians began to penetrate the devastated territory. The old Ahasey population has been preserved only in some areas, for example in Attica. The Ahasey residents displaced from Greece settled in the east direction, taking the Islands of the Aegean Sea, the west coast of Malaya Asia and Cyprus.

Dark Century Greece

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XI-IX century BC e. In the history of Greece, scientists are called dark centuries. The main sources of this period are archaeological materials and epic poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey". The poems describe the campaign of Ahetsev under Troy, the capture of the city and returning home after many adventures of one of the heroes of the Trojan War - Odyssey. Thus, the main content of the poems should reflect the life of the Ahasey society at the very end of his heyday. But Homer himself, apparently, lived already in the VIII century. BC. And many realities, life and relationships lastly knew badly. Moreover, he perceived the events of the past through the prism of his time. Finally, it is necessary to take into account the general features of the epic: hyperbolization, certain stereotypes in stories about heroes and their life, deliberate archaeization.

In the period described, the main occupation of the Greek population remained agriculture. Apparently, the largest part of the workpiece occupied grain, horticulture and winemaking played an important role; Olives continued to remain one of the leading crops. Worked cattle breeding. Judging by the poems of Homer, cattle acted as the "Universal Equivalent". So, in Iliad, the big tripod is estimated at twelve bulls, and a skillful master - four bulls.

Greek society

Important changes occurred in craft production, primarily in metallurgy and metalworking. It is then that the iron begins to be widely used. The development of this metal, the production process of which in comparison with the bronze was simpler, had enormous consequences. There was a need for a production cooperation of a number of families, and opportunities arose for the economic independence of the patriarchal family, the centralized production, storage and distribution of iron ceased to justify themselves, the economic need for a bureaucratic apparatus was disappeared, characteristic of all Ahasey states.

The leading figure in the Greek economy was a free farmer. A somewhat different situation has developed in those areas where the Dorievis conquerors conquered the local Ahasey population, for example in Sparta. Dorians won the EUROMU Valley and made a local population dependent on themselves.

The main form of the organization of the Company was Polis as a special form of the community. Citizens of Polis were the heads of patriarchal families. Each family represented an economically independent unit, which determined their political equality. And although the emerging to know was striving to put the community under its control, until the completion of this process was still far away. The community policy has performed two major functions:

  • protection of the Earth and the Population from the appraisal of neighbors
  • regulation of intraditary relationships.

Only such policies as Sparta, where there was a conquered population, the features of primitive state entities were acquired in this era.

Thus, Greece by the end of the period under consideration was the world of hundreds of small and the smallest community policies that united farmented peasants. It was a world where the main economic unit was a patriarchal family, economically independent and almost independent, with a simple life, lack of external relations, the world, where the top of society has not yet meditated from the majority of the population, where man's exploitation is only harvested. With primitive forms of social organization, there was no strength that could cause the bulk of producers to give a redundant product. But it was this that the economic potency of Greek society was concluded, discontinued in the next historical era and ensuring his rapid takeoff.

Archaic Greece

The archaic period in the history of Greece is usually called the VIII-VI centuries. BC. According to some researchers, this is the time of the most intensive development of ancient society. Indeed, for three centuries, many of the most important discoveries were made, identifying the nature of the technical basis of ancient society, the socio-economic and political phenomena were developed, which attached to the ancient society a certain specificity compared to other slave-owned societies.

  • classic slavery;
  • monetary and market system;
  • the main form of a political organization is polis;
  • the concept of the sovereignty of the people and the democratic form of government.

At the same time, the main ethical norms and principles of morality were developed, the aesthetic ideals that had an impact on the ancient world throughout his history, until the emergence of Christianity. Finally, during this period the main phenomena of ancient culture originated:

  • philosophy and science
  • the main genres of literature
  • theatre,
  • architecture,
  • sport.

To more clearly imagine the dynamics of the development of society in the archaic period, we give such a comparison:

About 800 g. BC e. The Greeks lived, in the limited territory of the South of the Balkan P-Oov, the islands of the Aegean Sea and the west coast of Malaya Asia. About 500 g. BC e. They already occupy the coast of the Mediterranean from Spain to Levance and from Africa to the Crimea.
About 800 g. BC e. Greece is essentially a rustic world, the world of self-sustaining small communities. By 500 BC e. Greece is already a lot of small cities with local markets, cash relations are invited to the economy, trade connections cover all the Mediterranean, the objects of exchange are not only luxury items, but also goods of daily consumption.
About 800 g. BC e. Greek society is a simple, primitive social structure with a predominance of the peasantry, little than the aristocracy differing from it and with an insignificant number of slaves. About 500 g. BC e. Greece has already survived the era of large social changes, the slave of a classic type becomes one of the main elements of the social structure, along with the peasantry there are other sociophoresional groups; Various forms of political organization are known: monarchy, tyranny, oligarchy, aristocratic and democratic republic.
In 800 BC e. In Greece, there are still no temples, theaters, stadiums. In 500 BC e. Greece is a country with many excellent public buildings whose ruins also admire us. Lyrical poetry, tragedy, comedy, natural philosophy occur and develop.

Decomposition of old traditional relationships and the emergence of new

The rapid rise prepared by the previous development, the spread of iron tools had diverse consequences for society. Increasing labor productivity in agriculture and craft led to an increase in excess product. From the agricultural sphere, an increasing number of people have been released, which ensured the rapid growth of the crafts. The extraction of agricultural and craft sectors of the economy led to a regular exchange between them, the emergence of the market and the universal equivalent - a chased coin. A new kind of wealth is money - begins to compete with old - land ownership, decomposing traditional relationships.

As a result, there is a rapid decomposition of primitive relations and the formation of new forms of the socio-economic and political organization of the Company. This process proceeds in different parts in various parts of the ELLA, but everywhere entails the rewinding of social conflicts between the aristocracy and the ordinary population, primarily the peasants and community, and then by other layers.

The formation of the Greek aristocracy, modern researchers usually belong to the VIII century. BC e. The aristocracy of that time is a limited group of people who are characterized by special, mandatory lifestyle for it and value system. She occupied the prevailing position in the sphere of public life, especially in the administration of justice, played a leading role in the war, since only noble warriors had heavy weapons, and therefore the battles were essentially the fighting of aristocrats. The aristocracy sought to fully put in its control of ordinary members of society, turn them into the exploited mass. According to modern researchers, the offensive of the aristocracy on ordinary fellow citizens began in the VIII century. BC e. It is known about the details of this process, but it can be judged on the main results on the example of Athens, where the increase in the influence of the aristocracy led to the creation of a clearly decorated texture, to a gradual reduction in the layer of free peasantry and an increase in the number of dependent.

"Great Greek Colonization"

With this situation, such a phenomenon of tremendous historical significance as "Great Greek Colonization" is also closely connected. Starting from the middle of the VIII century. BC e. The Greeks were forced to leave their homeland and move to other countries.

For three centuries, they created many colonies on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Colonization developed in three main directions:

  • west (Sicily, South Italy, South France and even the east coast of Spain),
  • north (the Thracian coast of the Aegean Sea, the area of \u200b\u200bthe straits, leading from the Mediterranean Sea to Black, and its coast),
  • southeast (the coast of North Africa and the country of Levant).

Modern researchers believe that its main incentive was the lack of land. Greece suffered from both absolute agricultural overpopulation (an increase in the population due to the general economic lift) and from the relative (lack of land in the poorest peasants due to the concentration of land ownership in the hands of nobility). The reasons for colonization also include a political struggle, which usually reflected the main social contradiction of the Epoch - the struggle for the land, as a result of which defeated in the Civil War was often forced to leave their homeland and move over the sea. Trade motives took place: the desire of the Greeks to put control of trading tracks.

Moshofor ("Breaking Calf"). Acropolis. Athens. About 570 BC.

The pioneers of Greek colonization were located on the island of Evieya of the city of Halkida and Eretria - in VIII century. BC, apparently, the most advanced cities of Greece, the most important centers of metallurgical production. In the future, Corinth, Megara, Multiaziary cities, especially Millet, were included in the colonization.

Colonization has had a huge impact on the development of ancient Greek society, especially in the economic sphere. The impossibility of establishing the necessary sectors of Crafts in a new place has led to the fact that very soon colonies have established close economic ties with the old centers of the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor. From here in the colony, and the products of Greek craft, especially artistic, as well as some types of agricultural products (the best varieties of wines, olive oil, etc.) began to enter the local population to the local population. Instead, the colony was supplied to Greece grain and other food, as well as raw materials (forest, metal, etc.). As a result, the Greek craft received an impetus to further development, and agriculture began to acquire a commodity. Thus, the colonization fucked social conflicts in Greece, bringing out a lot of landless population for its limits and at the same time contributing to the change in the social and economic structure of Greek society.

Change of socio-political situation

The offensive of the aristocracy on the rights of the demos reached apogee in the VII century. BC, providing response resistance. In Greek society, there is a special social layer of people who have come, most often due to the craft and trade, significant wealth, led the aristocratic lifestyle, but did not have hereditary privileges for nobility. "Money in width is universal. Wealth mixed breeds, "the poet Feognid from Meghar notices with bitterness. This new layer greedily rushing to the management, thereby becoming the ally of the peasants in the fight with a favor. The first successes in this struggle were most often related to the establishment of written laws that limited aristocracy.

Resistance to growing domination of nobility facilitated at least three circumstances. About 675-600. BC. Thanks to technical progress, a kind of revolution in military affairs occurs. Heavy armor becomes available to ordinary citizens, and the aristocracy is deprived of its advantage in the military sphere. Due to the scarcity of the country's natural resources, the Greek aristocracy could not be equal to the Aristocracy of the East. Due to the characteristics of historical development in Greece, the Iron Age there were no such economic institutions (similar to the temple farms of the East), relying on which the peasantry could be operated. Even depending on the aristocrats, the peasants were not related to the farms of the latter economically. All this predetermined the dedication of the domination of nobility in society. Finally, the force that prevented the strengthening of the positions of aristocrats was their ethics. She had an "atonal" (competitive) character: each aristocrat in accordance with the ethical standards inherent in this layer sought everywhere to be first - on the battlefield, in sports, in politics. This system of values \u200b\u200bwas created by aware before and was transferred to a new historical period, when it was required to ensure that she needed to cohesive all his might. However, it was not able to achieve this aristocracy.

The appearance of tyranny

The exacerbation of social conflicts in the VII-VI centuries. BC. He led to birth in many Greats of cities in tyranny, i.e. The sole power of the ruler.

In that period, the concept of "tyranny" has not yet inherent in him today a negative shade. Tirana conducted an active foreign policy, created powerful armed forces, decorated and landscaped their cities. However, early tyranny as a regime could not exist. The historical doomes of tyranny was explained by its internal contradiability. The overthrow of the domination of the nobility and the struggle against it were impossible without supporting the masses. The peasantry, winning from this policy, initially supported tyrants, but when the threat emanated from the aristocracy was weakened, it gradually came to the consciousness of the quantity of tyrannical regime.

Tiranda was not a step characteristic of all policies. The most typical it was for those cities that were still in the era of archaica became major trade and craft centers. The process of forming a classic policy due to the relative abundance of sources is best known to us on the example of Athens.

Option Athens.

The history of Athens in the Archaic Epoch is the history of the formation of a democratic policy. The monopoly on political power in the period under review belonged here for nobility - euparters, which gradually turned ordinary citizens into a dependent mass. This process is already in the VII century. BC. led to outbreaks of social conflicts.

Indigenous changes occur at the beginning of the VI. BC, and they are connected with Solon reforms. The most important of them was the so-called sisakhfia ("the shaking of the burden"). As a result of this reform, the peasants, due to debts, converted essentially in their own tenants of their own land, restored their status of owners. At the same time, it was forbidden to pay the Athenians into slavery for debts. Reforms who undermined the political domination of the nobility were of great importance. From now on, the volume of political rights depended not on the means, but on the size of the property (all citizens of the policy were divided into four property discharge). In accordance with this division, the Military Organization of Athens was rebuilt. A new governing body was created - the Council (Boule), increased the importance of the National Assembly.

Solon's reforms, despite their radicals, did not solve all problems. The exacerbation of the social struggle in Athens led in 560 BC. To establish the tyranny of the Piscistratus and his sons, which lasted here with interruptions until 510 BC. Piscistratus conducted an active foreign policy, strengthening the position of Athens on marine trading paths. The craft flourished in the city, trade developed, a large construction was carried out. Athens turned into one of the largest ELDA economic centers. In the successors of the Piscistratus, this regime fell, which again caused the exacerbation of social contradictions. Soon after 509 BC. e. Under the guidance of Clisphen, a new series of reforms is held, finally approved by a democratic system. The most important of them is the reform of electoral law: from now on, all citizens, regardless of their property, possessed equal political rights. The system of territorial division was changed, which destroyed the effect of aristocrats in the field.

Option Sparta

Other development option gives Sparta. Capturing Laconik and enslaving the local population, Dranny is already in the IX century. BC. Created a state in Sparta. Born very early as a result of conquest, it retained a lot of primitive features in its structure. In the future, the Spartans in the course of two wars sought to win the mission - the region in the west of Peloponnese. An internal social conflict that has already been brewing between aware and ordinary citizenship broke out in Sparta during the second Messensky war. In his main features, he reminded conflicts that at about the same time existed in other parts of Greece. The long struggle between ordinary spartists and aristocracy led to the reorganization of Spartan society. A system is created, which at a later time was called Likurgy, by name allegedly established his legislator. Of course, the tradition simplifies the picture, because this system was not created immediately, and developed gradually. Overcoming the inner crisis, Sparta was able to conquer the messenger and turned into the most powerful state of Peloponnese and, perhaps, all of Greece.

The whole land in laconix and the messenger was divided into equal sections - the Claers, which everyone sparted received in temporary ownership, after his death, the Earth was returned to the state. The desire for the complete equality of spartists also served and other measures:

  • the harsh system of education aimed at the formation of an ideal warrior;
  • the strictest regulation of all parties to the life of citizens - Spartians lived as if were in a military camp;
  • prohibition to engage in agriculture, craft and trade, enjoy gold and silver;
  • restricting contacts with the outside world.

Political system was reformed. Along with the kings who performed the functions of military leaders, judges and priests, the Council of Elders (Georusia) and the People's Assembly (Appella) there was a new governance authority - a collegium of five Ehofors (warders). Eforate was the highest control body that ensured that no one retreated to either step from the principles of the Spartan system, which became the object of pride of Spartians, who believed that they had reached the ideal of equality.

In historiography, there is a look at Sparta as a militarized, militarist state, and some authoritative specialists even call it a "police officer". This definition has its own reason. The base on which the "community is equal", i.e., the collective of equal and full-fledged, absolutely not occupied by the productive work of spartists, was the exploited mass of the enslaved population of Laconiki and Messiah - Ilota. Scientists have been arguing many years about how to determine the position of this layer of the population. Many are inclined to consider Ilotov with state slaves. Ilota owned areas of land, labor tools, possessed economic independence, but they were obliged to transfer a certain share of harvest to their masters - spartists, providing their existence. According to estimates of modern researchers, this share was approximately 1/6-1 / 4 harvest. Decided by all political rights, Ilota fully belonged to the state, which was disposed of not only their property, but also lives. The slightest protest from Ilotov cruelly caught.

In the Spartan Policy there was another social group - Perieki ("living around"), descendants of Doriytsev, who were not included in the Sparta citizens. They lived by communities, possessed internal self-government under the supervision of Spartan officials, were engaged in agriculture, craft and trade. Perieks were obliged to post military contingents. Similar social conditions and a close to Spartan system are known in Crete, in Argos, Fessals and other areas.

Culture of the Archaic Epoch

Ethnic self-consciousness

Like all other areas of life, Greek culture in the archaic era experienced rapid changes. In these centuries, ethnic self-awareness took place, the Greeks gradually began to realize themselves with a single people, different from other peoples, whom they began to be called barbarians. Ethnic self-consciousness found its manifestation in some public institutions. According to the Greek tradition, starting from 776 BC. Olympic games began to be placed on which only Greeks were allowed.


In the era of archaic, the main features of the ethics of an ancient Greek society. Its distinctive feature was the combination of a born sense of collectivism and an agonistic (adverse) beginning. The formation of the policy as a special type of community that went to the change of loose associations of the "heroic" era caused to life and a new, polis morality - a collectivist basic, since the existence of an individual outside the framework was impossible. The Military Organization of Polis also contributed to the development of this morality. The highest prowess of a citizen consisted of protecting his policy: "Sweetly after all the life is lost, among the warriors of the valiant fear, a brave husband in battle for the sake of his own" - these words of the Spartan poet Tirtae, as it is impossible to express the name of the new era, characterizing the system of dominant values. However, the new morality retained the principles of Morals of Homerovsky time with its leading competitiveness principle. The nature of political reforms in the polishes led to the preservation of this morality, since it was not an aristocracy deprived of their rights, and ordinary citizenship rose from the point of view of political rights to the level of aristocracy. By virtue of this, traditional ethics of aristocracy spread among the masses, although already in a modified form: the most important principle - who will be better to serve as a policy.


A certain transformation was experienced and religion. The formation of a single Greek world with all local features led to the creation of a common manner for all Greeks. Certificate of this is the poem of the Gesiod "Theogony". Cosmogonic representations of the Greeks did not fundamentally differ from the ideas of many other peoples. It was believed that chaos originally existed, the earth (Gay), the underground world (Tartar) and Eros - the life began. Gay gave rise to the Star Sky - Uranus, who became the first ruler of the world and his spouse. The second generation of Gods was born from uranium and gays - Titans. Titan Kronos (the god of agriculture) Lfwell uranium power. In turn, the children of Kronos - Aid, Poseidon, Zeus, Gestius, Demeter and Hera - under the leadership of Zeus overthrew the Kronos and captured power over the universe. Thus, the Olympic gods are the third generation of deities. The Supreme Divine was Zeus - the ruler of the sky, thunder and lightning. Poseidon was considered the god of moisture, irrigating land and the sea, aid (Pluto) - the lord of the underworld. The wife of Zeus Hera was a patroness of marriage, the Gestius - the goddess of the homely hearth. As the patroness of the agriculture, he won a demeter, the daughter of which the bark, once abducted by Aid, became his wife.

From marriage Zeus and Geers were born Geiba - Goddess of youth, Ares - God of war, Hephaestic, personified volcanic fire, hidden in the depths of the earth, as well as patronized artisans, especially for blacksmiths. Among the descendants of Zeus, Apollo was very highlighted - God of a light beginning in nature, often called Pebom (shining). According to the myths, he struck the dragon of the Pyphhone, and in the place where he made his feat, and it was in Delphi, the Greeks were in honor of Apollo Temple. This god was considered the patron saint of the arts, the hedge of the healer, but at the same time the deity bringing death, the spread of the epidemic; Later he became a patron of colonization. The role of Apollo over time is increasingly growing, and he begins to displace Zeus.

The sister of Apollo Artemis is the goddess of hunting and the patroness of young people. The multilateral functions of Hermes, initially the god of material wealth, then trade, the patron saint of deceivers and thieves, finally the cartridge of speakers and athletes; Hermes also took the souls of the dead in the underworld. Dionysus (or Vakha) was honored as the deity of the forces of nature, viticulture and winemaking. Athena, born from the head of Zeus, was used to be a big honor, - the goddess of wisdom, any rational start, but also of the war (unlike Ares, who personified a reckless courage). The permanent companion Athens is the goddess of Victory Nick, the symbol of the wisdom of Athens - Owl. Aphrodite born from sea foam, worshiped as the goddess of love and beauty.

For Greek religious consciousness, especially at this stage of development, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe omnipotence of the Divine is not characterized, a faceless power prevailed over the world of the Olympic gods - fate (aisanka). Due to the political fragmentation and the absence of a priestly class, the Greeks did not have a single religion, a large number of very close, but not identical religious systems arose. As the polis, the worldview develops, the ideas about the special connection of individual deities with one or another policy, whose patrons they performed. So, the goddess of Athena is especially closely connected with the city of Athens, Gera - with Samos and Argos, Apollo and Artemis - with Delos, Apollo - with Delfami, Zeus - with Olympia, etc.

For Greek worldview, not only politicalism is characteristic, but also an idea of \u200b\u200bthe universal animance of nature. Each natural phenomenon, every river, mountain, grove had their deity. From the point of view of the Greek, there was no insurmountable face between the world of people and the world of the gods, the heroes acted in the link between them. Such heroes like Hercules, for their exploits joined the world of gods. The gods of the Greeks themselves were anthropomorphs, they experienced human passions and could suffer, like people.


The Archaic Epoch is the time of becoming architecture. Primate public, primarily sacred, architecture, is indisputable. The dwellings of that time are simple and primitive, all the forces of society are facing monumental structures, especially temples. Among them were the temples of the gods - the patrons of the community. The emerging sense of unity of the civil team found its expression in the creation of such temples, which was considered the habitat of the gods. Early temples repeated the device of Megaron II thousand BC. The church of the new type was born in Sparta - the ancient polilance policy. The characteristic feature of Greek architecture is the use of orders, i.e., a special system of construction, which emphasizes the architectonics of the building, gives the expressiveness of the carrying and brought structural elements, detecting their function. A warrant building usually has a stepped base, a number of carriers of vertical supports - columns supported by irregular parts are an antablement, which reflected the design of the beam overlap and roof. Initially, temples were built on Acropolis - fortified hills, ancient settlements centers. Later, changes in the location of the temples occur in connection with the general democratization of society. They are now cast in the lower city, most often on Agore - the main square, the former center of public and business life of the policy.

The role of temples in Greek society

Temple as an institute contributed to the development of various types of art. It was too early established by the custom of the offering of gifts to the temple, he was sacrificed a part of the production captured by the enemies, weapons, sentences on the occasion of the hazard and so on. A significant part of such gifts was the works of art. Temples, who acquired a whole popularity, were playing an important role, first of all Apollo Temple in Delphi. Rivalry first noble childbirth, and then polls contributed to the fact that the best works of art were concentrated here, and the territory of the sanctuary became something like a museum.


Blackfig Amphora. 540s. BC.

A monumental sculpture arises in the archaic era - the kind of art, previously unknown Greece. The oldest sculptures were images, roughly carved from wood, often inlaid ivory and bronze sheets covered with sheets. Improvements in the technique of processing stone not only affected architecture, but also led to the occurrence of stone sculpture, and in the technique of metal processing - to the casting of sculptures from bronze. In the VII-VI centuries. BC. Two types are dominated in sculpture: nude men's figure and draped female. The birth of a statue type of a naked figure of a man is associated with the main trends in the development of society. The statue depicts a wonderful and valiant citizen, the winner in sports contests that glorified his hometown. For the same type began to manufacture tombstones and images of the deities. The appearance of the relief is mainly due to the usual to put gravestone monuments. In the future, reliefs in the form of complex multifigure compositions were an indispensable part of the temple antablem. Statues and reliefs, as a rule, painted.


Greek monumental painting is famous much worse than a vase. On the example, the latter is best traced the main development trends of art: the emergence of realistic began, the interaction of local art and the influences that came from the east. In the VII - early VI. BC. Corinthian and Rhodes vases prevailed with multi-packed paint-style paintings. They usually showed a floral ornament and a variety of animals and fantastic creatures. In the VI century BC. In Vazopisi, a black-phony style is dominated: the shapes lacked with a black lacquer dramatically stand out on a reddish background of clay. Murals on chernofigi vases often represented multifigure compositions on mythological plots: various episodes from the life of the Olympic gods, the exploits of Hercules, Trojan War were popular with popularity. Less often met the plots related to the daily life of people: the battle of Goplites, the match of the athletes, the scene of the pyr, the dance of the girls, etc.

Since individual images were performed in the form of black silhouettes against the background of clay, they produce flat. Vases manufactured in different cities are inherent only in their characteristic features. Blackfoot style reached a special heyday in Athens. Attic blackfoot vases were distinguished by the grace of forms, high manufacturing technique, plot diversity. Some vazops signed their paintings, and thanks to this, we know, for example, the name of clime, which signed a magnificent vessel for wine (crater): Painted consists of several belts, which present multifigure compositions. Another magnificent pattern of painting - Kilik Execia. The whole round surface of the bowl of wine Vazopisaets took one scene: the ship of Dionysis will stand on the ship floating under the white sail, near the mast vine vines, heavy clusters hang out. Seven dolphins dive around, in which, according to myth, Dionysis turned the Tyrrhenian pirates.

Alphabetical letter and philosophy

The greatest achievement of the Greek culture of the Archaic Epoch was the creation of an alphabetical letter. By converting the Phoenician sludge system, the Greeks created a simple way to fix information. In order to learn how to write and count, no longer needed years of hard work, the "democratization" of the training system occurred, which allowed to gradually make almost all free residents of Greece competent. Thus, the knowledge was "secularized", which was one of the reasons for the absence of a priesthood in Greece and contributed to the increase in the spiritual potential of society as a whole.

With the Epoch of Archaika, the phenomenon of exceptional importance for European culture is connected - the emergence of philosophy. Philosophy is a fundamentally new approach to the knowledge of the world, sharply different from the one who dominated the front east and in Greece an earlier period. The transition from religious and mythological ideas about the world to the philosophical understanding of his understanding meant a high-quality leap in the intellectual development of mankind. Staging and wording problems, support for the human mind as a means of knowledge, orientation in search of the causes of everything that happens in the world itself, and not outside it - this is what significantly distinguishes the philosophical approach to the world from religious and mythological views.

In modern scientific literature, there are two main views on the emergence of philosophy.

  1. According to one, the birth of philosophy is derived from science development; The quantitative accumulation of positive knowledge dealt with its result a high-quality jump.
  2. According to another explanation, early Greek philosophy is practically nothing but a way of expression, did not differ from the stadially earlier mythological system of knowledge of the world.
  3. However, in recent years, a look that seems the most correct thing is: philosophy was born from the social experience of a citizen of the early polis.

The policy and the relationship of citizens in it is that the model, by analogy with which the Greek philosophers saw the world. This conclusion confirms this conclusion that the emergence of philosophy in its earliest form - naturophilosophy (i.e. philosophy, facing primarily to the knowledge of the most general patterns of the world) - occurs in the most advanced low-media polishes. It is with them that the activities of the first philosophers - Falez, Anaximandra, Anaximman are connected. Naturophilosophical exercises on the first elements gave the opportunity to build a common picture of the world and explain it without resorting to the help of the gods. The philosophy was a spontaneous materialist, the main in the work of its first representatives - the search for the material of the whole of all things.

The founder of Ionian natural philosophy Fales considered such primary water in continuous movement. Transforming it created and create all things, in turn turning into water again. The lands of Fales represented in the form of a flat disk floating on the surface of the primary water. Falez also considered the founder of mathematics, astronomy and a number of other specific sciences. Comparing records of consistently occurring solar eclipses, it predicted the eclipse of the Sun 597 (or 585) BC. And explained it to the fact that the moon departed the sun. According to Anaximandra, the first-pool is an Ageron, an indefinite, eternal and infinite matter, which is in constant motion. Anaximandr gave the first formulation of the law of conservation of energy and created the first geometric model of the universe.

Pythagoreans were opposed to the materialism and dialectics of Ionian natural philosophers - the followers of the teachings of Pythagora, who created a religious and mystical community in southern Italy. The basis of the bases of the Pythagoreans was considered to be mathematics, believing that not the quality, but the amount, not the substance, and the form determine the essence of everything. Gradually, they began to identify things with numbers, depriving their material content. Absolut abstract number turned into an absolute thought as the basis of the intangible essence of the world.


At the beginning of the archaic epoch, the dominant genre of literature was Epos inherited from the previous era. The fixation of Homer's poems, produced in Athens during the Piscista, marked the end of the epic period. Epos As a reflection of the experience of the whole society in the new conditions should have given the championship to other types of literature. This era, filled with stormy social conflicts, develop lyric genres, reflecting the experiences of the individual. Citizenship is distinguished by the poetry of Tirtae, inspired by Spartans in their struggle for the possession of Messenia. In his elegues, Tirti praised military valor and expressed the norms of warriors' behavior. And in the later times they sang them during the trips, they also became popular outside Sparta as a hymn by polis patriotism. The creativeness of Feognida - the poet aristocrat who realized the death of the aristocratic system and suffering from it - permeated with hatred for nizam and thirst for Vesti:

Firmly fastened hopping noodles, merciless
A sharply stick with a heavy yoke give!

Life, full of adversity and suffering, has lived one of the first poets-lyrikov - archives. The son of the aristocrat and slave, archives, chasing the need, went from his native Paros along with the colonists to the FAKOS, fought with the Thracians, served as a mercenary, visited the "beautiful and happy" Italy, but nowhere to find happiness:

In a sharp spear, my bread was noticed. And in the spear -
From under Ismar Wine. I drink, leaning on a spear.

In the work of another great Lyrics - Alkeya, the stormy political life of the time was reflected. Along with political motifs in his verses, there are also drinks, they sound the joy of life and sadness of love, reflections on the inevitability of death and appeals to friends to reflect of life:

Rains raged. Studes Great
Carries from the sky. The rivers are all apparent ...
We ride the winter. Brightly flaming
Spirit fire. Generously sweet to me
Wine pour. Then under the cheek
Soft me pillow.

"Sappo PhialKocudrey, clean, with a smile gentle!" - appeals the poet to his great contemporary Sappo.

In the center of creativity, Sappo stood a woman suffering from love and tormented by the flour of jealousy, or mother, gently loving her children. In poetry, the sappo predominates sad motives, which gives it a kind of charm:

God equal seems to me fortunately
Man who is so close
Before you sits, your sounding gently
Listens to the voice
And adorable laugh. I have
He stopped immediately to beat the heart.

Poets of beauty, love and fun called his work Anacreont. He did not think about politics, wars, civil strife:

I'm not my one who, pouring, for the full cup of speech
Only about litigation leads yes about the regrettable war;
Mil me, who, Muses and Cyprids, good gifts, combining
The rule puts himself to be more fun in the feast.

The poems of the Anacreontic, marked by the seal of the undisputed talent and enchanting their shape, had a huge impact on European, including Russian, poetry.

By the end of the archaic era, the birth of artistic prose, represented by the works of logographic, gathering local legends, genealogy of noble childbirth, stories about the foundation of policies. At the same time, theatrical art arises, whose roots lie in the folk rites of agricultural cults.

The archaic period in Greek history occupies a special place. At this time, the foundations of the culture and development of society were laid, which over the next centuries were continuously improved. Greece of the archaic period is the improvement of the craft and shipbuilding, the appearance of real money and the widespread span of iron. Disputes are being conducted about the temporary framework of the archaic period. It is customary to consider it within 8-5 centuries BC.

Culture and crafts

The archaic period was updated by the culture of Greece. The center of the new value system was the human personality, new literary genres appeared. A lyric poetry came to the change of epos, which described joy, grief and feelings. Philosophy originated as a science as a result of attempts by Greek thinkers to understand what place in this world a man is assigned.

In Greece, painting developed painting, and the best example is ceramics, which preserved an amazing painting painting. The main types of ancient Greek VAZ were widely developed in the archaic era: hydria for wearing water, volumetric craters for mixing wine with water, oval amphoras with two handles and a narrow neck, in which grain stored, oil, wine and honey. The form of vessels fully corresponded to their purpose, and the painting acquired flexible lines. In ceramics, the story scenes and vegetable motives were increasingly depicted.

Especially the development of painting on vases is noticeable during the late Archaician period, when the black-phi-edge style gets the spread, and the excavory ornament completely loses its value. The technique of execution is gradually complicated - it requires a greater skill.

Greek sculpture and architecture

Architecture in the archaic period developed rapidly. More attention was paid to the decoration of churches and public buildings. Temples were built in the most prominent places, since they were the center of not only spiritual, but also political activities. It was at that time that created a warrant system that predetermined the development of Greek architecture. During the archaic period, two orders were distinguished: ionic and doric. The latter is characteristic of the Greek colonies in southern Italy and on Peloponnese, and its origin is associated with the cities of Ionia.

The temples of the archaic era are decorated with sculptures of mythological heroes and gods. In them, the Greeks embodied their ideas about physical perfection. As a means of expressiveness, the so-called archaic smile was used - limited mimic, playful and not quite a natural smile. Therefore, the sculptures began to resemble a living person. Artists at that time sought to heat the image and fill it with its content. Realism has intensified thanks to a bright coloring - the archaic sculptures that have reached us remained only traces of paint.

Economy and Society

Changes in all areas were due to economic lifting. The use of iron made it possible to develop viticulture and increase the number of olive products. As a result, the surplus began to be taken out of Greece, and the profit was stimulated by agriculture. Communications strengthened between the policies, economic transformations changed markedly Greece. As a legitarious result - the appearance of money, and the number of land is no longer an indicator of wealth. In all Greek polishes, the number of artisans, merchants, shop owners, the peasants have implemented products at the national assets - the city of Greece began to form culturally, politically and economically a full-fledged society.

The rate of the economy grew quickly, and also rapidly grew a bundle in society. Social groups and classes appeared in the Greek Polisters. Somewhere such processes processed more intense, somewhere slower - for example, in zones, where agriculture had more importance. The very first elected class of merchants and artisans. This layer gave rise to "tyranny" - coming to power with the use of force. But among Tiranans there were many those who strongly supported the development of trade, crafts, shipbuilding. And only then these despots appeared, and the phenomenon acquired a negative shade.

A special stage of the archaic period is the Great Greek Colonization. The poor, who did not accept the bundle, were looking for a better life in new Greek colonies. It was beneficial to rulers such a state of affairs: it was so easier to spread the impact on new lands. The most common was the colonization of the southern direction: East of Spain, Sicily, part of Italy, Corsica and Sardinia. In the southeastern direction, North Africa and Phenicia were settled, and in the northeast - the shores of the Black and Marmara Seas. The event, subsequently influenced the course of history, was the basis of Byzantium - the city-progenitor of the Great Constantinople. But its development and growth are already related to the other, subsequent epochs.

Ancient Greece, which covers the VIII-VI centuries. BC er, served as the beginning of the most important stage in the history of this state. For all three centuries - for the short, in general, the term - Greece has advanced far ahead in its development and overtakes many countries and states of the Ancient East, which developed pretty quickly. The ancient Greece of the archaic period was the place of awakening of the spiritual forces after the four centuries of stagnation in development. This time was a flourishing of creative activity.

Revival of the former magnitude

During the archaic period in ancient Greece, such types of art are reborn as architecture, painting, monumental sculpture. Talented sculptors are erected from marble and limestone the first Greek temples that have been preserved and today. In the archaic period, the sculpture in ancient Greece is experiencing an unprecedented rise. It is at this time that the eternal works of art appear. Create monumental sculptures from marble and bronze. It was in the archaic period that the famous works of Homer and Gesiod were written in ancient Greece, who are striking their depth. It is also worth noting the striking poems of the archlic, alkey and saffo, written at this time. The literature of the archaic period of ancient Greece and is published in our time and translated almost in all countries. Fale Falez philosophers to this day, Anaximen and Anaximander wrote their philosophical works, giving answers to questions about the origin of the universe and the world.


The archaic period in the history of ancient Greece, especially the unprecedented rise of Greek culture in the VIII-VI centuries. BC er, was due to the Great Colonization at this time. She brought Greece from the state of isolation in which she was after the Mycenae culture ceased to exist. Another feature of the archaic period in the history of ancient Greece is the interchange of cultures of Eldla and the Ancient East. The Phoenicians brought a letter to ancient Greek culture and alphabet, which in Greece was even more convenient with the introduction of vowels. From this point on, the culture of writing and speech began to develop, alphabets began to appear, including Russian. Syrians told and showed a lot of new to the Greeks, for example, a method of processing sand in glass, and also showed how to make paint from seashells. The foundations of astronomy and geometry of the Greeks were adopted from the Egyptians. In the archaic period of ancient Greece, the Egyptian sculpture had a strong influence on the only beginning to appear Greek art. Lydians also had a huge influence on Greece - it was thanks to the Greeks that they learned the coins.

Despite the fact that many elements of Greek culture were borrowed from other cultures, Greece still remained a distinctive country.


Colonization made a numerous Greek people with a more movable and ready for change. Now, each person could self-realize regardless of the generic affiliation, respectively, society became more developed and progressive, many new phenomena appeared. If briefly, art in the archaic period of ancient Greece is not the only thing that got an incredible degree of development. Now the navigation and maritime trade overlook the fore and move the country forward. Initially, most of the colonies that were on the periphery became largely dependent on their metropolis. But over time, this situation has changed.


Residents of many colonies experienced an acute shortage even in the most necessary things. For example, wine and olive oil, which so loved the Greeks, did not fall into the colony. Huge ships delivered tons of wine and oil to many countries. Metropolis exported not only food in colony - they supplied clay dishes and other homemade utensils, various fabrics, weapons, decorations, and so on. Of course, these items are very like local residents, and those exchange them on grain, homemade cattle, slaves and non-ferrous metals. Impact crafts from Greece, of course, did not immediately compile competition to the Phoenician souvenirs, which merchants hunted around the world. Despite this, they had a huge demand where the Phoenician ships did not reach - the Black Sea region, Frace, Adriatica.


Nevertheless, despite the fact that the crafts and objects of art of the archaic period of ancient Greece are significantly inferior on the quality of goods of Eastern origin, the Greeks managed to establish mass production and sell their products even on the "land promised" for all Sicily merchants.

Colonies are gradually becoming the most important industrial and trade centers between many of the countries of antiquity. And in the Greek itself, the so-called policies are becoming the centers for the development of the economy and trade, with the help of which the management of the colonization movement becomes more convenient. The largest and developed of them are Corinth and Megara in Northern Peloponnese, Aegina, Samos and Rhodes in the Aegean Archipelago, Millet and Ephesus on the west coast of Malaya Asia.

Changes in society and craft

Gradually, markets were emerging in the colonies that served as a powerful impetus for the development and improvement of crafts, agriculture, art and architecture in the ancient Greece of the archaic period, briefly described above. The craftsmen from Greece will noticeably progress and equip their workshops to the latest advantage of the technique. Analyzing the characteristic of the archaic period of ancient Greece, it can be said that it was the most fruitful period in every sense for the country. What is just such innovations as the invention of new ways to solder iron or the improvement of casting from bronze! Greek ceramics VII-VI centuries. BC e. Slisses the imagination with luxury and abundance of forms, a variety of decoration. Especially highlighted beautiful vessels made by the hands of talented Corinthian masters, on which the painting in oriental style is brutened. It can be distinguished by the painfulness and incredible bizarreness of the vessels, which resemble drawings on the eastern carcakers. It is also worth noting the vases in a black-phony style, which were produced mainly in Athenian and Peloponnese polishes. Clay products of the Greek Goncharov and Bronze Breeders say not only that the division of labor was practiced in Greece of that time, but also that the duties were divided even inside the selected industry. The culture of the archaic period of ancient Greece experienced an incredible rise.

Department of Crafts from Agriculture

Most of the ceramic products exported by Greece abroad was made in special workshops experienced masters and vase painters. Numerous artisans are now not loners without rights and freedoms. The time has already passed when they had no permanent residence. Now they are a very significant and influential estate of the population. The quality of the products manufactured by them became higher as prices for the work of the masters. There were integer quarters, where artisans have lived a certain profession. In one of the major cities called Corinth from the VII century. BC e. There was a so-called potter of pottery masters - ceramics. In the capital of Greece Athens, a similar area, located in the impressive part of the city, appeared in the VI century. BC e. These historical facts suggest that during the archaic period in Greece, a fundamentally new period of state development came in Greece: the craft was a separate type of activity and fully addressed from agriculture as a separate, absolutely abstracted part of production and activity. Not bypassed fundamental changes and agriculture, which it was now necessary to take into account not only the needs of the community, but also demand in the market. Now the market dictates the rules to all industries. The first routines of entrepreneurship appeared and among farmers - those who had boats had brought their goods to the markets of nearby cities. On the way, they did not move because the robbers and robbers became much more with the development of trade. Since grain crops in Greece began to have been poorly, cultivated in the main grapes and olives, because the delicious Greek wine and high-quality olive oil were incredible in the East. In the end, the Greeks realized that it was much cheaper to bring the grain from abroad than to grow in their homeland.

State Device and Political System of the Archaic Period of Ancient Greece

Most excluding numerous colonies appeared from centralized settlements of the Gomera - Polisov era. However, the archaist and Homeric policies are absolutely different concepts. They differed very substantially: the Gomera era is at the same time the city and the village, because there were no other settlements that could compete with him. The archaic policy, on the contrary, was a peculiar capital of a small state, which, besides him, were small villages (Greek coma), located on the outskirts of the area and depended on it in both political and economic sense.


Please note that the archaic policies have become much larger than the policies built in the Homer Epoch. There were two reasons: the natural population growth and the combination of several villages in one big city. This phenomenon is called Sinakism, the union took place in order to fasten the neighboring hostile to the confused villages and villages. Despite the unprecedented progress, there were no truly large cities in Greece. The largest policies were settlements with a number of several thousand people. In the medium, the population did not exceed thousands of people. A visual example of a typical Greek archaic policy is ancient humble, not so long ago found by archaeologists. Its significant part was located on the peninsula, which closed the entrance to the deep bay, where numerous ships stood. The central part of Smyrna was surrounded by a protective fencing of brick on a stone base. The wall arranged a numerous gate and viewing platforms. All residential buildings were parallel to each other. Of course, several temples were built in the city. Residential buildings were very spacious and comfortable, even terracotta baths had in houses of wealthy citizens.


The heart of the Archaic City was the so-called Agora, on which citizens gathered and lively trade. Mostly residents of the city spent all their free time here. It was possible to sell their goods and acquire the necessary products, learn important urban news, take part in the affairs of state importance and just chat with citizens. Initially, Agora was an ordinary open area on which there were no buildings. Later there appeared wooden steps, in which people were seared during the events. When the archaic period came to an end, the tissue canopies were hung over the steps, designed to protect people from the heat and the sun. On weekends they loved to be located idle people and merchants in various small goods. At Agore or not far from it, government agencies were built: Boolerery - the city council (Boule), tries - a place where members of the ruling bar of Dikasteov met, the courthouse. It was on Agore that the city residents could familiarize themselves with the new laws and decrees that were exhibited for the universal review.


Athletic contests sinceclap made up a significant part of the life of the Greeks. In the ancient Greek cities, the time of the centuries built platforms for power exercises. They were called Palisters and gymnasiums. Each self-respecting young man spent most of his time for training. Among the sports disciplines can be called running, freestyle struggle, fist fights, jumping, throwing spears and disc. Each big holiday in Polis was accompanied by a sports contest called Agon, in which all free citizens of the policy could take part, as well as guests from other countries that received an invitation for a holiday.

Some agons have earned a special popularity among the people, gradually became inter-platitan national festivals. It was from there that the tradition went to arrange the Olympic Games, to participate in which came even from the most remote colonies. Preparing for participation in the Olympic Games as seriously, as well as military action. Each policy considered it to honor the victory at the event. The winner of the Olympic Games joyful fellow citizens was gifted by truly royal privileges. In some cases, it was necessary to disassemble a huge urban wall so that the triumphal column of the winner solemnly entered the city: the townspeople believed that the person could not pass this rank in the usual gate.

From such moments, the life of an ordinary resident of an ancient Greek policy of the Archaic era: Trade and purchases on Agora, resolving issues of state importance at the People's Assembly, participation in religious ceremonies of various orders, exercises and training in gymnasium and pallestra and, of course, participation in the Olympic Games.

  • Antique philosophy: idealistic schools and directions of the annoyance period (Pythagoreans, Elaska School).
  • Antique philosophy: materialistic schools and directions of the annual period: Millet School, Atomists.
  • Ticket number 10. Food industry. Common Har-ka industries. Influence on OS.
  • Archaic period (VIII - VI centuries. BC)

    The Archaic Epoch is the time of the most interesting respected ancient society, when the specific features of the ancient type civilization have completely determined. Greece has already overtaken in its development all neighboring countries, incl. And the state of the foreground, which previously walked in the forefront of the cultural progress of mankind.

    In the archaic era, the foundations were laid: classical slavery; monetary circulation and market systems; The main form of a political organization is the policy; Concepts of the sovereignty of the people and the democratic form of the Board. At the same time, the main ethical norms and principles of morality, aesthetic ideals of antiquity were developed. Finally, during this period the main phenomena of ancient culture originated: philosophy and science, main genres of literature, theater, order architecture, Olympic and other games.

    The ideological foundations of culture.

    In the era of archaic, the main features of the ethics of an ancient Greek society. Its distinctive feature was the combination of a born feelings of collectivism and an agony (competent) beginnings, which was associated with the formation of a special type of government in Greece - the policy of the civil community with the republican, unlike the countries of the Ancient East, the form of government. Polis is a state city in which all citizens have certain rules and responsibilities. The polis ideology was also the corresponding ideology, its value system: the highest value was the community itself and its good, providing the benefit of every citizen. Polis Morals were a collectivist based on their basis, since the existence of an individual outside the policy was impossible. The polis system brought up a special worldview of the Greeks. He taught them to appreciate the real abilities and the possibility of a person - a citizen. They were erected to the highest artistic principle, in the aesthetic ideal of ancient Greece. Democracy and humanism are the main ideas underlying ancient Greek culture and civilization.

    A distinctive feature of the ancient Greeks was agon, i.e. asked. Noble aristocrats in Homer's poems compete in strength, dexterity and perseverance, and the victory in these competitions can only bring fame, and not material benefits. Gradually, in Greek society, the idea of \u200b\u200bvictory in the competition as the highest value glorifying the winner and bringing him honor and respect in society is approved. The formation of ideas about the agona gave the beginning of various games wearing aristocratic character. The oldest and most important games were arranged for the first time in 776 BC. In honor of the Zeus Olympic and since then repeated every four years. They lasted five days, and at all time all over Greece proclaimed the sacred world. The winner was only an olive branch. Athlete, three times won in the games ("Olympionics"), received the right to install his statue in the sacred grove of the temple of Zeus Olympic. Athletes competed in running, fist struggle, running on chariots. Later, the Olympic Games added Pythiy games in Delphs (in honor of Apollo) - a reward winner served by a laurel wreath, the Istimi (in honor of Poseidon's god) on the Corinth Carison, where the award was a wreath of pine branches, and, finally, and unay games (in honor Zeus). Participants of all games performed nagi, so women under the fear of death penalty were forbidden to attend games, but the beautiful naked athlete body became one of the most common motifs of ancient Greek art.

    Writing and literature

    One of their most important factors of Greek culture VIII - VI centuries. BC. The new writing system is considered right. Through the Phoenicians, the Greeks received the Semitic alphabet, improving it by adding several signs to designate vowels. The alphabetical letter was more convenient than the ancient syllable letter of the Mycena Epoch: it consisted of only 24 characters. The Greek alphabet had a number of options, the most common from the bottom was the Ionian, adopted, in particular, in Attica (Athens).

    The archaic period has formed a new course in Greek literature. The era of the Greeks left with Homer; Now the attention of poets is attracted not to the heroic acts of past centuries, but today's life, feelings and experiences of a separate person. This genre gets the name of lyrics.

    The emergence and development of lyrical poetry is associated with the name of the archille with about. Paros (VI century BC). With an unprecedented force, he handed over in his verses and gusts of passion, and offended by the pride, and the desire of revenge, and the readiness to suffer the infancy of fate. Instead of a hexameter, archives introduced new dimensions of Yamb and Trohai into the literature. Another Ionian, Anacreonte C O. Theos (VI century BC), remained in the memory of mankind as a singer of friendly peers and love, who had a lot of followers and imitators in a later century. It was the Lyrics of Anaconda that created the famous image of funny, joyfully and serenely influencing Greeks. The best representatives of the Archaic Lyrics found on about. Lesbos at the turn of the VII-VI centuries. BC. This poet of Alkei and the poetess of the subtlest lyrical dating Safo, known as the author of love poems and epitales (wedding songs). The ancient Sparta became the center of development of choral lyrics, one of the most common forms of which was the Diffiramba - a song in honor of God Dionysus.

    In the whole of the Greek world, the glory of Pondara's poet (VI - V GB. BC), who chant the highest virtue - arrest - the innate property of the aristocrat, meaning a valor, physical perfection, nobility and dignity.

    Hekzameter is a poetic size characteristic of Homer's poems and other epic works.

    Ionia in ancient Greece was called the West Coast of Asia Minor, as well as some of the islands of the Aegean Sea.


    In the era of Archaika, the main types and forms of Greek art have already arisen, which will then be developed in the classical period. All the achievements of the Greek architecture of the time, and constructive and decorative are associated with the construction of temples. In the VII century BC. There was a system of orders, i.e. A special ratio of the carrier and carrying parts of the building in the beam-rapid construction. The artistic features of the two main architectural orders were determined: Doric and Ionical.

    Doric order, common in southern Greece, was distinguished by the heavyweight and massiveness of the columns, a simple and strict aspiratory, desire for monumentality, masculinity, perfection of proportions. In the Ionian Order, they were valued, on the contrary, ease, grace, the whimsiness of the lines, the cap, had a characteristic form similar to the Horn of the Baran. A little later, in V c. BC, Corinthian warrant appears in Greece - lush, spectacular, with a complex capita, similar to a flowercy basket.

    Typical samples of the Doric buildings of the Archaic Epoch were the temples of Apollo in Corinth and Poseidon in Pestum. We know more of the ancient literature about the ionic temples of this era: a significant part of them was destroyed. So, in the whole Greek world, the sanctuary of Artemis was famous in Ephesus in Malaya Asia (one of the wonders of the world) the temple of the gera on about. Samos, Apollo in Didims (Small Asia). A feature of the archaic temple was a rich polychrome painting. Ancient Greece was home to marble structures, but not only sparkling white, as sometimes thinking. The masterpieces of ancient architecture shone to all the mess of colors: red, blue, golden, green on the background of shining sun and radiant sky.


    The sculpture of the archaic period was distinguished by imperfection, creating, as a rule, a generalized image. These are the so-called kuris ("young men"), referred to as archaic apollo. Before our time, several dozen of such statues came. The most famous is the marble figure of Apollo from the shadows. It plays a conditional "archaic smile" characteristic of the sculpture of this pore, the eyes are widely disclosed, the hands are lowered and compressed in fists. The principle of the front of the image is fully residual. Archaic female statues are represented by the so-called barks ("girls") in long falling clothes. The heads of girls are decorated with curls, the statues themselves are full of grace and grace. By the end of the VI century. BC. Greek sculptors gradually learned to overcome

    The name "Doric" is associated with Dorians, conquerors of the Archean cities. The Doric Orders of the Greeks considered the incarnation of power and courage.

    The cap is the upper part of the column. The cap supported the horizontal part of the building - an antablement consisting of archite, frieze and eaves. Architev was a smooth beam; On the frieze, as a rule, the sculptural compositions were placed; Eaves formed a bounce roof.