How to attract good luck and money in the family. And the most important secret about how to attract money! Dozen tambourine does not cook broth

How to attract good luck and money in the family. And the most important secret about how to attract money! Dozen tambourine does not cook broth
How to attract good luck and money in the family. And the most important secret about how to attract money! Dozen tambourine does not cook broth

Since childhood, we are learning from childhood that the number of funds received proportionally spent efforts. Just does it happen in life? People look around and notice that some workers in the sweat of the face, but live modestly. But others "spit in the ceiling", and do not know problems with money. How does it work out? Maybe there is a special secret? Let's look at how to attract good luck and money in the house with magical means. Interesting?

A little about the structure of the world

Yes, do not be surprised. It will be about spheres that are not related to familiar statements. If you want to understand how to attract good luck and money into the house, then you must first understand, and what is it? How do you imagine these concepts? If you are clear with money, then the term "luck" should be slightly clarified. You see, in fact, the world is not quite the way we used to see it. Many in it remains, so to speak, behind the scenes. We exist in the energy universe. Have you seen Iceberg in the photo? Such and man. His body, thoughts and feelings are a small piece sticking on the surface of the energy ocean. The rest is hidden even from him himself. But in our case, exactly what is hidden, it is necessary to make working on your own well-being. Let's not go into the theory. We only note that there are not so much hardworking and talent for income, as the ability to create material values \u200b\u200b"Comfortable conditions". Make them so that they adhere to themselves, run to you fled. For this, many methods are invented. Some are described below. Let's get acquainted with them.

We reveal negative installations

Do you know what prevents people who are enthusiastically looking for a way to attract good luck and money in the house? Their energy! This, naturally, the secret of the Polyliner. From each "Iron" we have been broadcast for a long time that you should clean the brain from negative installations or get rid of damage, which, in principle, the same thing. But how to find out what thoughts are in our case destructive? After all, it is necessary to dig into the brain. A completely different way is offered. Sit calmly in silence and play. You need to find out if one of the following feelings ever happened in your soul:

  • envy;
  • jealousy;
  • malice;
  • contempt;
  • a pity;
  • fear.

Remove negative installations

If they are, it is necessary to work on yourself. You can apply any of the common techniques. However, if your task is not easy to understand how to attract good luck and money into the house, but to achieve the result as quickly as possible, then do the self-control. It is just necessary to constantly monitor the movements of the soul and stop against the root of any negative. This, of course, is not so simple, but effectively. They felt envy (a little bit), immediately say: "I went out!". And such a response sucking any negative emotion. They scare and run away! The space for attracting well-being will gradually break from these "internal enemies."

How to attract good luck and money in the house: plot

The most acting method is simple, like all ingenious. It is only necessary to wait for a big church holiday. Especially good ritual acts on Easter or in Christmas. Go in the morning to the temple, smooth and armed with a good mood. Be sure to prison a trifle. It will be necessary to give every aspecting, without missing anyone. In the church, find the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker. Put in front of it exactly seven candles. Each read "Father Our". And how do you finish, then say this: "Nicholas, God's assistant! Moths for us Lord slaves (list) passionately! So that life was safe! The Lord to let the sins let go, the doors in the well-being turned! Amen!". After buying more thick candles in the number of family members. They will need to be at home to light, as the despondency comes or the lack of money will overcome. And how can you go home, feed everyone. Cheat themselves: "Who is not the mother's holy church, the bell is not a father, he is not a dealer! Amen!". Be sure to cover the table on this day, the holiday is arranged for relatives and friends. Try everyone to treat the glory to be satisfied. Such a recipe was advised in vintage times to those who were looking for how to attract good luck and money into the house. Conspiracy is simple, but effective. Try it yourself.

Rite with wallet and moon

There are other techniques telling how to attract good luck and money into the house. Reviews about them are good. In principle, people themselves come to the thought that you need to believe in any rite. Without this, nothing else will come. This is not everyone wants to go to the temple. No in people confidence in the church. This is because with youngsters do not instill honors to Orthodox traditions. And baptized not all readers. And without it, they say, the icons of the saints do not help. What to do those "peckers" who are looking for an effective recipe, how to attract good luck and money in the house? Conspiracy, reviews about which only positive can be pronounced without church attributes. However, remember that faith in it is a necessary condition.

It is proposed to observe the phases of the night queen. How will the moon be growing, so buy yourself a new wallet. Should he be scarlet, like poppy blooming. How will you pay for a new thing, put a little on top how much is not a pity. And as the Lunar Serpyik will appear in the sky, show him anyone (more) And so tell me: "Grasing the sky, the stars on joy, people on sweetness. How are you moon from the night to the morning you grow up, so you feed money for my koshely! Multipers Zolotishko, on candy, Maltsy, for profit to defacts! Amen!". With the last word of the money in the wallet, place. Yes, do not waste it until the next new moon.

Magic ritual

Now let's talk about other methods of influence on energy that penetrates all the surrounding space. People interested in how to attract good luck and money in the house, magic opens up broad prospects. Rites should be noted, many. You can write fat volumes about them. Let's choose somewhat simple so that everyone happens. For example, such. Buy on Friday, until noon, a small clay pot. It should be washed in the salt solution (from the evil eye). By night so that everything was ready. No one "money trap" do not show. Put in a pot on a coin every day. Speak like this: "What is supposed, then multiplied. That in the pot glitters, then I keep my luck. Amen!". So should do a whole month. And then get your pot. Put on the table, candles will burn. Move each coin, wipe. So say: "It's not porridge in a pot, and our money success! Set, increments, like snow is not Thai. Amen!". Only do not tell anyone about your "treasure". And do not waste money from there. There will be a profit and joy.

Natural magic ritual

Many doubt whether it is possible to burn? Is there a sin in this? However, there are rites created by non-black sorcerers, but by the ancestors of our distant. What can be bad? Let's see what they advised in ancient one who tried to understand how to attract good luck and money into the house. White magic relies on the strength of nature. Ancient Slavs, for example, jumped through the fire. This rite was cleared of energy, therefore, opened the way to well-being. We can also follow them. You still need to throw "tribute" to the first snow. Not necessarily money. More often for this handful of grain used. How snow falls, go out into the street in such a place where birds are found. Throw a handful of grains and say such words: "There are alarms on the white road, sorrows fly away, gathering in flocks. I stay for money for money. White cleanliness will go to my friend! Amen!".

How to attract good luck and money in a house on Feng Shui

This Chinese science is very complex. Although several advice from it can be drawn from it. According to Feng Shui, you should buy and put a symbol of my own year in the house. We have the opinion that we need toad or elephants. However, in China prefer to rely on the animal, under the sign of which a person was born. It has several essential characteristics: color, material, element. All this should be found out and acquire a symbol suitable for a description. For example, if you were born in the year of a red wooden horse, then it is clear what horse should buy. With color you can not pick up the store. If there is no suitable, then repain. Put your character in such a place to see it more often. Be sure to take care of it, erase dust, wash, share victories and sorrow. Everything will be alright. He will open a sign of the birth of the road to wealth.

Conspiracy on Mak.

This strong ritual is carried out only once a year. He is done on the Poppy Savior. Prepare pretty. Poppy buy. Sweet the bag from silk to store it. Go to the temple and consecrate the poppy. You can buy a candle, then go home. Light a candle and pray. Then say so: "How many grains in the bag, so much money in the wallet! Amen!". A little poppy pour under the threshold and in the wallet. The rest for icons to store should be. As you feel that the cash flow is turned away from you, still plunge into the specified places. If the family is large, each in the wallet is several pieces of poppy. And tell me to make the households follow them. How to lose, add new ones immediately. This is a bait for money, and charm at the same time.

So that the well-being for a long time settled in the house, you need to take an example from animals. You know what they make "stocks", that is, part of the food in the ground is buried, hiding in the honey and so on. So and person is recommended to do. Only not the sleeps to do, but bait from coins. The most suitable places for this are such: the threshold of the house, storage room, refrigerators, and servants. But the bedrooms and the bathrooms are not suitable for attracting money flows into the house. Water will wash off them, and the relaxing atmosphere of the room for recreation is to stop. To attract money you need to lay coins in the above-mentioned eagle. Just wash everything so that they do not get the "magnets of well-being" in dust or dirt. Check the coins, change their occasionally. If one or more mold was formed, they immediately wash them off and spend. This is a sign of the evil eye. New, brought from the store, spread. Speak every time: "So as not to starve and trouble do not know! Amen!".

They say that in order to get rich, you need to work a lot. But many work, work, and they do not need money. You can fix this injustice by contacting the ancient magic rituals and signs.

There are many ways to improve your well-being - both ancient and modern. If you turn to the origins and wisdom of your ancestors, you can find a lot of folk adoption and rites that promise to attract good luck and financial well-being.

What do money love?

there is rules how to handle moneyso that those answered with reciprocity:

What wallet to choose?

The wallet should be made of genuine leather or suede, so that natural cash is well distributed. So that the wallet attracts wealth, he must be beautiful and new. From old and worn better to get rid of. It is not necessary to acquire an expensive wallet, it must be comfortable, delight the eyes and have many branches and pockets for banknotes and trivia.

Metal and Earth - It is element of money, Therefore, purchase a wallet of brown, red, orange, silver or yellow shade.

It is necessary to postpone into separate pockets a coin or undoubted bill, which will lure more money. All other bills must be neatly folded. They should be a differ to the tissue, in order, first large bills, and then small, front side to the owner.

In the wallet should be only money and nothing superfluous. Do not keep any checks, no photos of relatives, no business cards, they are too strong and can block cash flows.

If the wallet is preparing for a gift, then it needs to put the bill of any dignity. An empty wallet can not give.

There is such a sign: you need some time with my wallet to displacing a wallet of a rich man, then yours will learn to keep and lure money.

How to attract wealth to the house?

There are such uncomplicated rites of attracting wealth.

To lure good luck, you need to start in the house of a black or gray cat with white legs, they best love money. Be sure to buy bread and feed the birds, ordinary sparrows and pigeons will thank their patrons and will give money to their lives.

How not to sigh of wealth?

What do money do not like:

How to save money available?

If you have already brought money to yourself, they need to be saved. Surely you noticed that there are people who have only urgent sufficient, and others, no matter how income would not be deducted.

Signs that promise luck

If ants appeared in the house - This is a very good sign. Although they interfere with all hostesses, it is believed that they will bring wealth. Storks, whipped the nest on the roof of the house, also foreshadow wealth, well-being. Randomly tilted tea indicates that good events will not wait long to wait.

If the left palm worried, everyone is happy, because they know that it is for money. But not everyone knows that at this moment you need to knock on the wooden surface or clap your hands to secure the effect.

If the flower blooms unexpectedly in the house, then it is also to money, but only it can not be moved from place to place.

Monetary energy

Material wealth depends largely on the energy that surrounds. The accumulation of positive energy, good thoughts, wishes leads to an improvement in the financial sector of a person. Wealth is not evil, so it is impossible to think bad about money and rich people. If you think that all rich is stingy and false, then it is unlikely to get rich. Negative thoughts will be a hindrance for the feeling of financial self-sufficiency.

In order for money to increase, no need to store large amounts at home, May the money moves the money. It is better to put them on a deposit or put into some kind of profitable case, because then they will increase.

No need to be greedy on tip, paying for the services rendered, you must definitely thank, because then the money back in a larger size. And greed will not give positive emotions and wealth with good luck will be part of the party.

Getting money need to rejoice and always thank, because the money energy is directly related to the energy of joy. Money needs to love, care, carefully treat them, but in no case you can not erect them into the cult and worship them.

It is always necessary to mentally thank the fate for each amount received, even if the hopes were getting big. At these moments, you do not need to be angry and angry not to block cash.

Home decoration for prosperity

In the Indian tradition, the dwelling should be a figurine of Ganesh - a deity with an elephant head. He needs to regularly soak the stomach and then money will never forget this family.

Holding the traditions of Fengshui, you need to get a statuette of Tua Cong and Warey, who need to be located in the south-east room, it is there that the energy of wealth is concentrated.

According to the traditions of Slavs, the house should have the image of the house - the guard of a homely hearth, he will help lure wealth and will take it.

To improve the energy of the dwelling, you need to pour a small amount of salt in the corners of the rooms, it will help to remove trouble. And also to attract good luck, you can use the horseshoe, it is necessary to simply hang over the front door.

To achieve the desired, all ways will help: and Slavic folk signs, and Eastern philosophy, and self-made amulets.

ATTENTION, only today!

What is money? This is something without any person on the planet. And, perhaps, almost everyone thinks over the question of how to attract money to itself and good luck. Why do these two concepts always go together in our thoughts? Yes, because we always associate success with the presence of a sufficient amount of money. They allow you to adequately live, do not deny yourself anything, feel happy and free.


It would seem that money is the usual papers with watermarks and certain functions. Theoretically, everyone can have them how much wants. However, almost everything is not so optimistic. To one of these most pieces they are simply lipped, while others do not even have time to hold them in their hands. Man and saves, and worries from morning to evening, and the money still does not delay him for a long time. Why is this happening? Why is one thing even in mind does not come about, and others can not sleep, thinking where to take these paper? Let's deal with.

How to treat money?

Esoterics believe that money is the most real energy, respectively, it can be attributed, and repel. If you take this postulate to weapons, it turns out that finances can be managed. First you need to learn how to relate to money. And then this energy will go in the direction that you and ask.

Rearrange your consciousness, learn to respect finances. Yes, almost every one of us refers to money with trepidation, protects and cherishes every penny. However, the energy of money does not like staticness, she needs an action, otherwise it will freeze. Maybe that's why too economical people never become rich? Frozen energy can simply disappear in one day. In life, it will look like a situation that will require you a lot of material costs: a disease, a loss of work, an accident, etc. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to turn into a transcription, otherwise the energy of money will not be subject to you. Attraction of money is impossible without respect. That is, they can not be afraid to spend, hate, but in no case should they extol them to heaven. Find the golden middle.

State "here and now"

It is this state that will teach you not only to relate to finance, but to influence the process of strength of thought. Do not dream that soon you will have a lot of money, but do not regret those cases in the past when you spent them a lot and mindlessly. The future is unknown, and we can not change the past. Therefore, live according to the principle "here and now." Think how much you need tools, for example, per month, fix this idea in consciousness. We will remind, do not wish millions, and as much as it is enough for a comfortable existence. Think about this amount with pleasure, not about the "black day" when it is spent, but about happy moments. While you dream, the power of thought works.

Wash money with joy

It would seem how to attract money to yourself if they need to spend? Yes, it is necessary, just with joy, without regret. Above we talked about the amount that you need per month for certain needs. And if these tools spend on these wishes with pleasure, they will return to you, only in even more. Attracting money in your life is a process that is just correctly run, and after it will only be rejected by the emerging finances.

We visualize money

So, if you have learned to respect finances, to part with them without a doubt and regret, you can go to the next stage. So think what attracts money and good luck? Only you yourself! First of all, confidence in your actions, the strength of thought, determination, certain psychological installations.

The visualization method will only affect exposure. Just stop the assignment and guess where finance can take. Fix in your mind the idea that very soon you will have the desired amount. Be sure to convince him as if you, for example, know it 100%. Daily paint the picture in your imagination that this amount is in your hands that you are happy to spend it. Detail this representation up to what you see, what are the bills there, what you think.

In this way, not only the attraction of money is carried out, but also good luck. Only in this case, draw yourself another picture, that is, what is good for you.

But how to accumulate?

So we are all arranged that you used to save. But we make it extremely wrong, trying to postpone the penny "for a black day" (partly we talked about it above). If you think about how to attract money to yourself, then forget about this installation, this should not be in thoughts at all! Need to determine the means? Do this, only with the thought of a good vacation on some exotic islands, about jewels, about acquiring a car or apartment.

And in no case, do not lead yourself as a poor man! Remember how many times you refused to have the pleasure of buying a new dress, perfume, shoes, etc. You spare to spend money, that is, they behaved like a poor man. So, immediately put a limiter for attracting money. And if you are unworthy of all the best, high-quality, dear, then why do you need money? They will not go to you, but to those people who spend them with pleasure, whose energy does not interfere with the influx of funds.

Words can materialize

These most watermark papers do not like it when they are discussed. Having built the right attitude towards the bills, thinking how to attract money to yourself, you should be able to control your words. It is not worth complaining about a small income, nor brag a big influx of money. It destroys their energy. Avoid such conversations not only with other people, but also with loved ones.

We spend a million

If you think about how to attract money quickly to your pocket, you can part with the thought of the careless future. This case does not tolerate the hurry, you need an excerpt. Moreover, it is necessary not only in the process of attracting funds with the help of the strength of thought, but also during the purchase. For example, would you have a million, what would you spend it? There are many cases when people who have received an unexpectedly large amount of money spent it simply mindlessly, and for record time. And all because the man is internally not ready for it. Having received wealth, he will subconsciously try to get rid of him. Therefore, it is always necessary to clearly represent that the funds received will be spent. Want a house? Draw every detail in your imagination, go around the rooms, feel smells, imagine colors, etc. Thus, you not only attract money, but also prepare them to spend them with the mind.

Create bank

No, we are not about the opening of your own institution, but about the formation of the ability to give loans to yourself. We have already learned how to save money correctly, but deferred funds can also increase. How? If you have a need to take some amount from the piggy bank, for example, a thousand, put the target to return to one and a half and at a certain time, otherwise the interest will grow. The strength of thought will work, and the means to grow.

How to attract money and good luck on Feng Shui?

You already know how to attract money by the power of thought. However, we will not discount with accounts and Taoist practice. Try using all methods - and luck will necessarily turn out to be on your side. So, several advice on attracting funds.

Folk Methods Attracting Money

  1. Never store empty boxes in your house, banks. This leads to poverty.
  2. The same applies to the broken dishes. Even if a piece broke off from a favorite plate, do not spare it and do not attempt to glue, throw away. As they say, such dishes "cuts" budget.
  3. The people believe that the red color brings good luck. Try so that in each room there is at least some detail of this color.
  4. Try not to wear things that you have repaired more than three times. When you sew it once again, you will challenitate luck from yourself.
  5. A wallet should not contain anything other than money. Otherwise, the funds are simply "lost" and stop working.


We reviewed with you quite a lot of ways to attract wealth and good luck. So set up for the best, believe in good, earn, bring up and waste with pleasure. Live "here and now"!

There are such methods to attract money that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew about. These folk ways of attracting money are tested for years and therefore have an undeniable right to exist. They are attractive not only with their effectiveness, but also their simplicity. Remember and then apply them in life is quite simple.

Folk Methods Attracting Money

1 . My grandmother has always kept a few bills under the tablecloth. And he said that it was necessary so that money in the house was not translated. This method is not complicated and not costly, so why not put the money under the tablecloth? Let them and the brothers and sisters are attracted to the house.

2. Other my grandmother always said that it was impossible to spend money immediately on the day of their receipt. When Grandfather brought a salary, she did not spend a penny on this day from this amount. It claimed that money must always spend the night on the first night of the house, but the next day they can already be spent. Also not a difficult way, it is quite possible to give overnight money and do not rush with spending.

6. There is still such a sign that when we are submitted by a migratory, he can not look into the eyes, as it is possible to "pick up" the energy of poverty as a disease. Almighty must be served, despite the eyes and speaking to herself or whisper: "Does not look at the hand of the giving"

7. If you want to multiply the money, then your home should have a piggy bank. It is desirable that she was big. Together with the piggy bank, buy a red candle and, coming home, burn it in front of the piggy bank and solemnly say: "You, money talisman, appointed me by the keeper of my money. May it be so!" And leave the candle to get to go (it should burn completely). Then put money in the piggy bank, multiple of five (five, fifty, five hundred, five thousand). And then you can put money there, which in the near future you do not plan to spend.

8. Our ancestors were very focused on the Phases of the Moon and often associated their profits or losses with her. The people of attracting money says that in each full moon it is necessary to lay out an empty wallet on the window (it is desirable that the lunar light falls on it). You need to do all three nights of the full moon. But in the new moon, on the contrary, it is necessary to put a wallet with money on the window. And on the young month you need to show him bills and say: "Month, friend, give money full of wallet."

9. At Christmas, go to the church and distribute the alms with all the poor sitting on the pellets (the amounts may be small). And before serving them, tell me: "To whom the church is not a mother, I'm not a father." After that, the ritual will come to you, and maybe even from there, where you are not waiting for them.

10. Well, finally, I want to move away from the theme of folk rituals and offer you a modern Symonene, who helps to make money into the house. It is very popular and, as many people say, effective. It is called "manna walk". Purchase a pack of semolia cereals, put it in the package and go to the most stable and reliable bank (in your opinion). Go there, you can even make your affairs there (withdraw money from an ATM or pay something), and at the exit from the bank, make a small hole in the package with a gun. Then go home by leaving the mannel path behind them. So you attach money to your home.

Everything is simple, easy and even somewhere interesting. What if it will work? Try and live easily, going through life with a smile and interest. Live richly, flourishing in every moment of life and in all its regions!

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We want a lot of money, to your happiness, it is really real. It's small, you need to understand how much you want to get rich. No matter what conspiracy or spell use. You can always attract money, and I will describe the real methods in this article. The main thing is to believe and desire wealth.

Money and magic

There is a myth that love spells are doing for people, it is not. The attributes committed according to the right technique lead to the desired result. The desired goal may be different: love, health, security.

If the work does not allow a person to earn, the required amount of money for life. This does not mean that you need to go to extreme measures. You can ask for an increase, change the place of work or use a spell for money.

Many people with the word "love spell" shake aside, others smile. There are those who believe in secret forces and regularly resorts to their help. We meet daily with magic to everyday life and do not suspect.

Loving wife cooks her husband soup by hanging his energy. Due to his husband, it works easier, and it reaches the necessary results. Examples of such "magical" rituals can be brought infinitely.

The main thing to believe that rituals help, and everything will work out. And believing, you can attract money - this will be real methods.

How to help your finance

Many people experience material difficulties. Causes and consequences are not likely. At some, this state rarely arises, and the second it becomes a kind of trend.

The first thing to do is revise the attitude towards money. At bills and coins special energy. The charge of this energy depends on the mood of the owner. A man who keeps money casually in pocket pockets will definitely not reach a good material situation. All means fold to take advantage as much as possible.

Some people attract money with talismans. Such products are put in the wallet and have small sizes. In particular, the talismans include Chinese coins associated with a red ribbon. It has long been attracting capital leaves clover and mint.

The consequences of conspiracies for good luck, money may appear immediately after its use or after a long time.

In order for them to really help, there are several rules:

  1. You need to read in full solitude;
  2. It is necessary to do it with clean thoughts, washing and putting clean clothes;
  3. The room where the ritual will be carried out should be clean (you need to clean up in advance);
  4. Use money ritual is needed in the phase of the growing moon.

Money is the resource that helps people get what they need to live.

If a person feels that lately finances, as if they go past him. That is a fairly effective way to attract them to the budget is a spell.

What is conspiracy for money

Finance is interested in each of us, and there are many ways to solve money problems. Today, strong conspiracies for money that cannot be removed is specially popular.

Big money is the equivalent of wealth and a real way to become more successful.

Estimation of centuries Meril welfare were money. The first conspiracies for wealth appeared when the money was not yet invented by a person and their equivalents were used by pieces of precious metals or noble stones. Read on the wallet, so that they were found in it, started in a few millennia to a new era.

Today, magical rites that attract financial well-being have a greater relevance. Conspiracy may be a prayer or order to otherworldly. In any case, he can help only someone who believes in it. Any doubt will be an obstacle to the execution of a conspiracy.

Text is a set of words that, at first glance, may seem not meaning.

You should not look for a semantic load in magic phrases. Here, the harmony, which the performer of the ritual builds the pronunciation of a certain sequence of sounds by pronunciation. Obtaining its internal energy for such harmony, you can achieve the desired effect and correct your financial well-being.

Conspiracy to exit debts and loans

Before talking about financial well-being, you need to get rid of all debts and loans. For each debt or credit, this, strong consumption for money that is impossible to remove, you need to spend only once. If you climb into debt, then you need to use a new wax coin. But so that this does not happen, read a new conspiracy on well-being. To do this, melt the candle from wax. Paraffin will not help in this matter. In liquid wax, throw a coin and tell me:

"God has a paradise garden, and the Devil is hell. Candle melt, kill wealth. Let the wax coin be with me. I see a white angel and a black devil. I don't care about them. Fucking closure, and attract the coins "

After the conspiracy, the coin should be removed, cool and wrap in the handkerchief. To pay all the debts you need to wear in your wallet.

Attracting money and good luck with element coin

Very good to attract finances help natural elements. To do this, use a conspiracy for money and good luck, read it in its coin. Nature can accumulate magic energy strength and reinforce the stream of good luck and profits repeatedly. Conduct the rite with the involvement of natural elements you need outdoors. To conduct them, you should choose a sunny day. Place a coin made of yellow metal so that the sun rays fall on it.

After that, stand over it and say:

"The sun shines and the land illuminates. Let the coin be filled with energy and gold. Let it be rich for me to return "

Leave the coin on the street for 2-3 hours. Then hide it into your wallet, but do not pay it to her. To read the conspiracy on the wallet, so that money was found. You should not search for this purpose "hereditary" fortunewl and witches in the tenth generation. Each of us is given the opportunity to use magic for its purposes. And many of this are already doing success.

On, any household magic, including financial sense, the emotions are strongly operated. In order for conspiracies to help, it is necessary not only to believe in them, but also carry out a favorable arrangement of the Spirit. Use a positive view of the world.

The consequences of the attitude of luck and money entirely depend on us. Believe in rituals used and do everything to help them implement. Then the positive result will be guaranteed.

What you need to know about attracting finance?

People seek money ritual for various reasons and use various attractions. The most popular love spells are committed as follows:

How to attract money to yourself urgently. In this situation, there are two types: when the person himself does not have enough money to the ritual. And when someone lacks money to urgently give you.

  • The rite of attracting money into the house -taski spell is necessary for the home hearth when at some point the money is stopped working in the house, they must be attracted.
  • Wealth in salvation - such a spell is used in cases where a person does not have enough money for conducting. For example: treatment or operation for yourself or relatives.

A person must remember that the spell helps to get money, but does not provide them for life. The spell is a single instant event that cannot be carried out often, since the opposite effect may be observed. Therefore, referring to the attractions, the person must also make efforts to earn money.

Ritual with a red wallet for money

This is the most common spell on attracting cash flows. It will be necessary to read the conspiracy on the wallet, so that the money was found in it not one year. A love spell is held alone with your wallet, increasing your financial flows.

The first thing to be done is to attach a wallet closer to the lips and whisper the following conspiracy:

"Wallet is empty, he is very hungry. Touch it, the power is the Most High, and put as much money as possible. This money is needed: (to say the reason) "

Then, put a wallet under the pillow, where the owner is sleeping at home.

The owner of the wallet should not use it before receiving financial profit. In such a situation, the wallet is a symbol of financial disadvantage. It should not be filled with money by the owners, otherwise, the highest forces will not understand what an empty wallet is speech.

Compliance with the rules of rituals is the key to their effectiveness.

Conspiracy on the grain and candles for wealth

The following type of ritual is carried out with grains and candles. It is necessary to take grains (any) and four candles. Candles put on the table (like the vertices of the quadrangle). Then, pour the grain and sentence:

"As a profit appears in this candlent, and let it appear in my house. Let it also be very financial well-being of a family like a flame candles. "

After told words, you need to light the candles and give them to steal ten minutes. After the candles are ruined, open the window so that the energy of the spell can send a signal into the universe.

Attracting money on a growing moon

The next ritual attracting money to the moon. To spend it, you need a saucer and spring water. A ritual is carried out when the light is turned off under the moon light. A person must take a saucer, pour water into it. Then, whisper in the water such words:

"You are water, the water is clean, both filled with moonlight, and fill this house with money."

After said words, you need to drink water, as the energy of the moon can penetrate into the house through a person. This ritual can conduct exclusively women, since men moon do not hear. The moon is a feminine start.

Attraction arrived in the house

The last ritual aims to receive profits from his home.To do this, it is necessary to wash the whole house well, desirable, pure spring water. Next, the owner of the house must take a broom and sentence the following words:

"This house is clean, it is like an empty piggy bank, in which you need to put money. We can not put them, put the strength of the Most High. The house will give you warmth and well-being that the family has accumulated because of his love "

When this ritual was held, the family before profit should carefully monitor the order. If the house will be drunk. The highest forces to which the request was facing will not understand why the "full piggy bank" must be putting money.

It is worth remembering that rituals are only profit tools. They should not be the only way to create family financial well-being. Where there is a place of represented, there must be a complete understanding that there is no place to lie.