"Nord-Ost": how was it really? Random people are real deaths.

"Nord-Ost": how was it really? Random people are real deaths.

On October 23, 2002, a group of militants seized hostages of the spectators of the Musical "Nord-Ost" and employees of the Moscow Theater Center on Dubrovka. In total, more than 900 people were in captivity of the terrorists, including children. It was one of the largest terrorist attacks in the history of Russia. The militants held people hostage from October 23 to October 26.

Why is Nord-Ost?

The militants needed a compact room where many people are going at the same time. As "options" there were still the Moscow State Theater of the Estrada and the Moscow Palace of Youth. The choice fell on the theater center on Dubrovka, because there are many places in the auditorium and relatively little utility rooms.

How did the militants manage to capture so many people in hostages?

The terrorist attack was prepared since the beginning of 2002. In Moscow from Chechnya delivered explosives and weapons. In the terrorist group there were about 40 people, and half a suicide woman was, writes RIA Novosti.

At 21.15, armed people in camouflage broke into the building of the theater, where 916 people were located. Terrorists declared people hostages and mined the building.

After the tragedy, an Interfax journalist Olga Chernyak, who was hostage, already in the hospital:

We sat and watched the performance. It was the beginning of the second action, in the plot danced the guys in military uniform. And neither of course some people in camouflage jumped into the scene. At first we thought that this is part of the plot.

Woman violence.

How did the terrorists come with hostages?

The hostages humiliated. An open "public toilet" was equipped in the orchestral jam. People slept in the chairs, the bright light was constantly burned in the hall, food and water lacked.

Late at night, after the capture of the theater center, terrorists released 15 children. Two people who entered the building in the morning, the militants shot.

Negotiations conducted public figures, doctors, journalists, politicians. During these negotiations, terrorists released several dozen hostages.

What did terrorists want?

On October 24, on the TV channel Al-Jazeera showed the appeal of the head of Movsar Barayev's militants: in it, terrorists declared suicide bombers and demanded to bring Russian troops from Chechnya.

How did you get people?

The militants behaved aggressively, negotiations did not lead to anything. Several people in the center of the center died from the hands of militants.

October 26, the special services went to the assault. They applied neuro-paralytic gas: it was likely that after the start of the assault the militants could blow the existing devices, and then the storming, and hostages would be killed.

"The assault was needed. Everything was just waiting for it. And it was hoping. We spent three terrible nights and two days. We guessed that it would be assigned when the gas went, and we were happy about it. Then I don't remember anything, because consciousness came to me only in resuscitation ... "- told Olga Chernyak.

The head of militants and most of the terrorists were destroyed, the hostages were released. According to official data, the tragedy claimed the lives of 130 hostages.

"Medusa" writes that various information died from 130 to 174 people, and 119 - in hospitals after liberation.

On October 23, 2002, the terrorists captured the building of the DC "Moscow Bearing", where the musical "Nord-Ost" went. 916 people became hostages. As a result of the assault, in three days, up to 174 people died, the exact number is unknown so far. Some details of the terrorist attack and assault are also unknown.

How many people died. The official version is 130 people. The hostage and their relatives of Karinna Moskalenko based on these investigators stated that 174 people died. The head of the investigative group, Vladimir Kalchuk, in response to the claims about the difference in estimates of the died, said: "Well, you think so, and I think so what do you want from me?"

Why they died. The actions of terrorists killed only four. In testimonies about the death of some victims of the battle terrorist attack in the column "The cause of death. President Vladimir Putin a year after the terrorist attack stated that people died because of "dehydration, chronic diseases, the fact that they had to remain in the building." Vladimir Vasiliev, at that time, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Safety and Deputy Head of the Operational Staff at Nord-Oste, said that the main reason for the death of hostages is "untimely providing medical care". Experts and relatives of the hostages believe that people died due to poisoning by an unknown gas, which special forces applied during the assault of DC. Vladimir Putin argued that the gas was harmless.

"Naming" on NTV after the terrorist attack. This issue and talk show "Freedom of the speech", where the relatives of the victims criticized the actions of the authorities, considered to change the leadership of the TV channel

What it was for gas. The formula of the substance is Gostaya. It was "special treatment on the basis of fentanyl derivatives," the FSB reported and confirmed the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Yuri Shevchenko. According to Dr. Chemical Sciences, President of the Union "For Chemical Security" of Lev Fydorova, this information "In general about anything": "You can hang on a fentanyl a thousand of all sorts of tails - and a million different substances will get." According to the "Kommersant", the gas was "either a sleeping pill, or a neuro-paralytic action."

According to Anatoly Yermolin, the former chief of the operational combat department of Vympel, Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB in the reserve, in some special forces who mounted gas at storming, "then there were big health problems." "I remember the text, the face of people very badly. This is not only me, almost all the guys who we worked with, so. So the strong headaches did not pass, "the actor Marat Abdrakhimov was told with the actor terrorist attack.

The head of the Nord-Ost Public Organization Tatyana Karpova told the New Times magazine that doctors did not tell anything about the substance. One of the doctors saw people "such a state that happens when drug overdose. The doctor tried to apply Naloxone, who remove people from coma in drug poisoning. Worked. " Then with the doctors who worked with hostages, took a subscription of non-disclosure.

Why everything was so organized. The gas did not sleep all the terrorists - those who still wake up, could blow up the bombs and bury both hostages and special forces. The victims of the terrorist attack were taken out of the building and stacks put on the ground. They were delivered in the turmoil on hospitals on buses: the police demanded "to immediately ship [victims] in a dump and drip down." The day after the assault did not have information almost about the hundred people, they did not want to give information about them in hospitals. Doctors "preparing for the reception of patients with minno-fragmentation wounds and were not ready to take people with poisoning by an unknown substance," said Kurbatov Vladimir Kurbatov, the father of Krystina Kurbatov.

According to Kurbatov, these investigations of the terrorist attack are classified. A complete list of members of the rescue operation is also classified. How well the headquarters planned and conducted a rescue operation, the Russian authorities were not officially investigated and not assessed. The European Court of Human Rights in 2011 considered that the operation was carried out inappropriately, and recovered compensation with Russia in the amount of 1.3 million euros for 64 victims.

Terrorist act on Dubrovka (October 23-26, 2002)

On October 23, 2016, it was used for 14 years from the date of capturing the theater center on Dubrovka. The terrorist attack, also mentioned simply as "Nord-Ost", occurred on October 23-26, 2002 in Moscow. A group of armed militants led by Movsar Barayev seized 916 people hostage. In exchange for their lives, Barayevtsy demanded the immediate cessation of hostilities in Chechnya and the conclusion from the territory of the Republic of the federal troops. The requirements of the militants were not satisfied. After almost three days, the security forces conducted an exemption operation during which they died according to official data, 130 hostages, more than 700 were injured. During the operation, 40 militants were killed.

Despite the renewal of the criminal case, relatives and close to the victims do not believe both in a further objective investigation of the case and in obtaining answers to much more important questions - what gas and by whose order was used during the assault, why the competent evacuation was not organized and Providing medical care victims.

Ruslan Elmurzayev, Nambakar, who headed the service of economic security, was appointed the direct organizer of the campaign, which headed the "Prima-Bank" owner, his assistant - Aslanbek Khaskhanov, and the commander of a sabotage-terrorist group - a nephew destroyed in 2001 Arbi Baraev, one of Heads of the Islamic Shelf of Special Purpose Movsar Barayev.

Transportation of weapons to Moscow began almost immediately after making a decision on the conduct of the terrorist attack. The main part of the weapon was transported on KAMAZ under the load of apples. Cargo with weapons buried 18 Kalashnikov machines; 20 Pistols Makarova and Stechkin; several hundred kilograms of a plastic; More than 100 grenades. The weapons and explosives were delivered to the Black Balashiki village near Moscow, where since April 2002, Hampash Collars lived. Participation in the manufacture of explosive devices took settled in the house as a guest Arman Menkeev, who retired in December 1999, Major Gro and a specialist in the manufacture of explosive devices.

23:05 - From the captured building, it is possible to escape five actors that were locked in the grimer.

- Military equipment is tightened to the building, at this time it is possible to escape from the seven members of the musical technical group who managed to close in the mounting room.

October 24.

00:00 - The building of the theater center on Melnikov Street is completely blocked, the operatives are trying to communicate with the terrorists who captured the building. The terrorists release 15 children and several more dozen people, among which women, foreigners and Muslims.

00:30 - During the negotiations, terrorists put forward a demand for the cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of troops from Chechnya.

02:00 - Deputy of the State Duma from Chechnya Aslambek Aslakhanov is negotiating with the leader of terrorists, there were no agreements.

03:50 - Terrorists exempt two children of school age.

05:30 - 26-year-old Olga Nikolaevna Romanova, which enters the hall and enters the Barayev to Movsar Barayev, is held in the building of theatrical Center. It is quickly interrogated, they will lead to the corridor and kill three shots from the machine.

10:20-12:50 - The terrorists require the arrival of representatives of the Red Cross and the organization "Doctors Without Borders" to negotiate with the condition that Russians are not among the representatives of these organizations. A little later, additional requirements for compulsory participation in the negotiations of the journalist Anna Politkovskaya, Irina Khakamada and Grigory Yavlinsky are put forward.

15:35 - Joseph Kobzon and State Duma Vice Speaker Irina Khakamad enter the building of the culture house. During negotiations with them, terrorists declare their readiness to release 50 hostages, if the head of the Chechnya Akhmat Kadyrov arrives. After half an hour, negotiators leave the DC building.

17:00 - The head of the Department of Emergency Surgery and Injuries of Children's Affairs of the Pediatrics of the Scientific Center of Children's Health of Children Ramne Leonid Roshal and the Jordan Doctor, Associate Professor of Surgery Surgery Surgery, Anwar El-Said, come to the building of the culture. After 15 minutes, they pull out the body killed Olga Romanova. By giving the body to ambulance employees, they return to the building of the theater center.

- During the campaign to the toilet, two girls - Elena Zinoviev and Svetlana Kononov - choose through the window to the street and run. The terrorists unsuccessfully shoot them after the machine guns and twice from the apparent grenade launcher, easily wounded with the fighters of the alpha group of Major Konstantin Zhuravleva.

19:00 - The Qatari TV channel Al-Jazeera shows the appeal of the militant Movsar Baraev, recorded a few days before the capture of DC. On the shown video, Movsar Barayev declares that his group belongs to the "sabotage-intelligence brigade of righteous shakhids", and requires the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya.

21:30 - According to refined data, since the seizure of hostages, 39 people liberated terrorists.

23:05 - The building of the Theater Center includes the State Duma deputy Grigory Yavlinsky and conducts 50-minute negotiations with terrorists.

the 25th of October

01:30 - Leonid Roshal comes to the building. Together with him, the NTV correspondent Sergey Deduchi and Operator Anton Perellovsky come to the building. They are located in a building about 40 minutes for which they manage to talk with terrorists and six hostages.

12:34 - Representatives of the Red Cross remove eight children aged eight children from seized by terrorists from six to 12 years.

14:50 - Leonid Roshal and a journalist "New Gazette" Anna Politkovskaya, Journalist "New Gazette" Anna Politkovskaya, enter the building of the seized house of culture, they carry three large packages with water and personal hygiene objects.

15:30 - In the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, as well as with the leaders of the Duma associations. Director of the FSB Nikolai Patrushev declares that the authorities are ready to maintain life terrorists if they exempt all hostages.

17:00-20:20 - Through Sergey Govorukhina, terrorists transmit that they refuse to conduct further negotiations.

October 26.

00:30-02:00 - One of the hostages falls into hysterics and with a bottle rushes on a terrorist located next to the explosive device. The militants open fire from automata on it, but woven and fall in two other hostages ( Tamara Starkova and Pavel Zakharov). The terrorists are allowed to attribute the wounded hostages to the first floor and cause ambulance officers to the building.


- Command teams are transferred to fighters of special forces on the radio: "Attention, attention to everyone! Says Thunder, all groups assault, assault, assault!" .

05:00 - Besieged through ventilation began to pour into the building of the sleeping gas. People inside the building - militants and hostages - at first accepted gas for the smoke from the fire, but soon realized that it was not. It was probably a combat poisoning substance based on fentanyl. The accurate composition of the gas remained unknown and rescued hostages to doctors.

05:30 - There are three explosions and several automatic queues at the DC building. After that, shooting stops. Special units "Alfa" and "Vympel" CCN FSB start regrouping forces around the theater center. Information about the start of the operation to storm the building is coming.

06:30 - The official representative of the FSB Sergei Ignatchenko reports that the theater center is under the control of the special services, Movsar Barayev and most terrorists are destroyed.

- Dozens of MOE machines and ambulance, buses drive up to the building of the DC.

06:45-07:00 - Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and doctors proceed with the conclusion of hostages from the building, providing medical care and hospitalization.

07:25 - Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Sergey Yastrzhembsky officially declares the completion of the operation on the release of hostages.

08:00 - Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Vasilyev reports the destruction of 36 terrorists, liberating more than 750 hostages and the extraction of 67 bodies of the dead.

The first official message about single cases of hostage deaths sounded around 08:00, but Deputy Head of Staff Vladimir Vasilyev reports that there are no children among the dead. As it became known from the materials of the criminal case, by that time the death of five children had already been stated.

13:00 - At a press conference, the Deputy Chief of Staff Vasilyev reported 67 people 'death, but still did not report the death of children. On the use of specialists during the assault was announced for the first time.

13:45 - The operational headquarters stopped its work.


October 28, 2002
Announced the day of mourning in the Russian Federation for victims of the terrorist action.

As a result of the terrorist act, according to official data, 130 people were killed, including 10 children. From among the dead hostages, five people were shot down to the assault, the others died after liberation.

During the assault, special gas was used to showpoint members of the terrorist group.

On October 27, 2002, the chief physician of Moscow Andrei Seltsovsky stated that "in its pure form from the use of such specials they do not die." According to the villagers, the impact of special gas only complicated a number of disadvantaged factors undergoing hostages under conditions created by terrorists.

On October 30, 2002, Russian Health Minister Yuri Shevchenko said that during the operation to exempt hostages, the composition of gases based on fentanyl derivatives was used.

On September 20, 2003, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that "these people were not as a result of the action of gas," who, he said, was harmless, but became victims of "a number of circumstances: dehydration, chronic diseases, the very fact that They had to remain in the building. " In the death certificates issued to the relatives of the victims, the column "cause of death" was delivered to a dash.

The unnamed representative of the US Guidelines stated that after the terrorist attack on Dubrovka Maskhadov completely lost legitimacy and could not claim participation in the peace process.


In 2003 - 2007, six accomplices of terrorists on the decision of the Moscow City Court received from 8.5 to 22 years of imprisonment.

On November 22, 2002, the Prosecutor General's Office announced involvement in the county of the Chechens Aslan Murdalov and the Alikhan Brothers and Akhjada Mezhyev, detained in the same month for the explosion of the car at the McDonalds restaurant on October 19. Later, the leader of the group of Aslanbek Khaskhanov and his accomplice Hampash collected were detained. In 2004 - 2006, all four received from 15 to 22 years old colony of strict regime.

On June 20, 2003, the Moscow City Court acknowledged the guilty of a contract of terrorism and the seizure of hostages on Dubrovka Zaurbek Talhigov and sentenced him to 8.5 years in prison. According to the investigators, he by phone passed the militants about the location of the special forces. On September 9, 2003, the Supreme Court of Russia left the sentence of the Moscow City Court in force.

On October 22, 2003, the correspondence charges in the organization of the terrorist attack were presented to Chechens Shamil Basayev, Gerikhan Dudaev and Hassan Zakayev. In a complicity, terrorists were accused of Katar Zelimkhan Yandarbieva. In 2004, Yandarbiev died in Doha during a car explosion. Shamil Basayev killed in Ingushetia in 2006.

On February 12, 2004, the Moscow Lefovo Court sentenced to 7 years in the Major Prison Major police station "Nizhny Novgorod" Igor Alyamkin, which was registered in the capital of Chechen terrorist Louise Bakuva, a participant in the capture of theatrical center.

June 1, 2007 it became known thatinvestigation of the circumstances of the terrorist attack in the theater center on Dubrovka in Moscow is temporarily discontinued. The reason for this was called the inability to locate the accused Dudayev and Zakayev. Earlierdocuments in the case were classified. The investigation was resumed in January 2009.

In March 2009, the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow recited about 130 thousand rubles on the claims of victims as a result of the terrorist attack in the theater center on Dubrovka on the fact of the embezzlement of things of the dead.

In March 2017, at the trial in the case of Hassan Zakarai, representatives of the victims demanded that expert-doctors, who had a conclusion about the dead that had a direct connection between the use of the substance and the consequences - was missing, but had a refusal to satisfy the petition. D. there is no answer to the question of which gas was applied during the assault. As stated by press conferences "White spots" lawyer Karinna Moskalenko, "it violates the right to privacy, they have the right to know the composition, because the fate of people has changed radically. In case of full white spots: It is not known who died, what was the composition of the headquarters who made decisions. About the use of gas? ".

On March 9, 2017, the representative of the official authorities of Russia first declared the presence of "victims by negligence during the special operation on Dubrovka." "Russia for the first time acknowledges the presence of victims by negligence during the special operation. This is a real breakthrough in the terrorist attack case," the statement of the prosecutor Maria Curakina commented on a conversation with the correspondent of the Caucasian Kurakina.

The lawyer of the victims Igor Zover said that it is important for him that "the punishment suffered the one who is really guilty of the crime", however, "none of the key circumstances of the incident and has not been established." Unknown, "who led the rescue operation, which specifically gas was used during the liberation of hostages who gave an order for the use of gas, as a result of which the death of each of the victims came, and the survivors were harmful to health, how the assistance was caused by the victims."

Hasan Zakayev's criminal case

On December 17, 2014, the Kommersant newspaper reported that the management of the TCR in Moscow resumed the investigation into the criminal case on the seizure of the theater center on Dubrovka after the arrest of one of the alleged organizers of the terrorist attack, the 41-year-old native of Chechnya Hassan Zakayev, who was wanted for 12 years.

According to the investigators, Hassan Zakayev, along with Shamil Basayev and Gerihan Dudaev (is wanted), he was one of the coalganizers of the attack on Dubrovka. According to the sources of "Kommersant", Zakayev in the criminal community, organized by Basayev, was responsible for the delivery of weapons in Moscow, explosives and the so-called "balls of shahid". Explosives of the militants brought from Chechnya on KAMAZ in cylinders for compressed air, and the weapon in the body under the bags with potatoes. In addition, he and Dudaev distributed the cargo delivered to the capital according to pre-removed terrorists of apartments and houses.

The main investigating department of CJR Hassan Zakayev was incriminated to "preparations for a terrorist act" (part 1 of article 30, Art. 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), "Attempt on the murder committed by the Group of Persons" (Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), " Participation in the criminal community "(Part 2 of Art. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and" illegal turnover of weapons and explosives "(Part 3 of Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

From the lawyer Zakaev - Suleiman Ibrahimova - was taken a subscription to the non-disclosure of any information relating to the case of terrorist attack.

On November 22, 2016, Hassan Zakaev acknowledged the storage of money and weapons in court, but he stated that he did not know about the objectives of the militants.

March 9, 2017 the prosecutor asked the courtrecognize Hasan Zakayev guilty of awareness in the hostage seizure in the theater center on Dubrovka in 2002, asking to appoint Zakayev, the punishment in the form of 23 years of the colony of strict regime.

On March 21, 2017, the Moscow District Military Court sentenced the native of Chechnya Khasan Zakayev, condemning him for 19 years of a strict regime colony.

August 29, 2017 Supreme C rUSSI considered the appeal of Hasan Zakayev on the verdict of the Moscow District Military Court and reduced its detention period in the colony of strict regime for three months.

ECHR decisions on the claims of victims

On December 20, 2011, the European Court of Human Rights issued a resolution in the case of "Finogen and Other Against Russia", unanimously seemingly in inadequate planning of the rescue operation and in the absence of an effective investigation by the Russian authorities of the rescue operation of the violation of Article 2 (on the right to life) of the ECHR and adding 64 victim compensation in the total amount of more than a million euros; In solving the Russian authorities, the Court will apply gas, also unanimously, violations did not see.

October 23, 2014, on the anniversary of the tragedy, Igor Trunov said correspondent "Caucasian Knot "that consideration of all lawsuits filed with them in the ECHR in the case" Nord-Ost "ended." We won all claims in the European Court. The fulfillment of these court decisions is the personal matter of each of the victims, the rights of which we defended how they receive their payments and how they dispose, I do not know. Currently, no one has appeared to us for legal aid, "told Trunov.

September 22, 2016 Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (CMCS), examined in August the report of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on the execution of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) 2011 on the "Nord-Ost" case, "offered to Russia to appreciate," What steps in Investigation can still be made ", and which" cannot be made by virtue of practical or legal reasons. " Unfortunately caused KMSA only that the decision of the investigative bodies of the Russian Federation does not discover the criminal investigation "does not lead to the execution of the ECHR's decision in this part."


  1. Maskhadov opened a criminal case against Basayev for the seizure of "Nord-Ost" // NEWSru.com, 11/09/2002.
  2. Nazaret E. "Nord-Ost": fading hope // Radio Liberty, 10/23/2009.
  3. The attack on Dubrovka ("Nord-Ost"): Chronicle of events // RIA "News", 10/23/2010.
  4. Multiple hostages of actors were able to escape // RIA "News", 10/23/2002.
  5. The militants demand to solve the question in peaceful // Kommersant, 25.10.2002.
  6. Children released by terrorists feel good // RIA "News", 10.24.2002; The theater center is 600-700 hostages; Released already 150 // RIA "News", 10.24.2002.
  7. The deputy of the Duma from Chechnya Aslabek Aslakhanov held talks with the leader of the terrorists // RIA "News", 10.24.2002.
  8. The terrorists freed two more children // RIA "News", 10.24.2002.
  9. Among the hostages are 62 foreigners // RIA "News", 10.24.2002; Terrorists need Yavlinsky and Khakamada // RIA "News", 10.24.2002.
  10. The terrorists are waiting for the arrival of Kadyrov // RIA "News", 10.24.2002.
  11. The terrorists opened the shooting on hostages // RIA "News", 10.24.2002.
  12. Terrorists in television // RIA "News", 10.24.2002.
  13. According to refined data, 39 hostages were released // RIA "News", 10.24.2002.
  14. Chronicle of events // Kommersant, 10.26.2002.
  15. Three-day special edition // Kommersant, 04.11.2002.
  16. Representatives of the Red Cross remove eight children from the building // RIA "News", 25.10.2002.
  17. The son of the director Govorukhin went to terrorists // RIA Novosti, 25.10.2002.
  18. Descriptions of the events of the terrorist attack and special operation - "Nord-Ost". An unfinished investigation ... Events, facts, conclusions // Memorial of those killed in Nord-Oste. Book of memory, 04/26/2006.
  19. Uncle, will you save me? // Moscow Komsomolets, 10.26.2012.
  20. Hostage Drama in Moscow: The Scene; The Survivors Dribble Out, All Wither Story to Tell // The New York Times, Oct. 28, 2002.
  21. Place of Crime - Dubrovka // The New Times, 10.22.2012.
  22. Crime scene - Dubrovka. No one answered the death of 125 hostages // The New Times, 10.22.2012.
  23. Dubrovka terrorist attack. As it was // 1TVNet, 10.26.2011.
  24. Failure to comply with minimizing harm to hostages - Nord-Ost. An unfinished investigation ... Events, facts, conclusions // Memorial of those killed in Nord-Oste. Book of memory, 04/26/2006.
  25. What Was The Gas? // BBC, OCT 28, 2002.
  26. Moskomdrav: out of 117 dead hostages 116 poisoned gas // Lenta.ru, 27.10.2002.
  27. The Minister of Health revealed the mystery of the gas // Kommersant, 10/31/2002.
  28. Investigator: "Chechens were not going to die on Dubrovka" // Nordost.org, 02/14/2011.
  29. For the US, Maskhadov became a "spoiled product" // Lenta.ru, 10/31/2002.
  30. In January 2015, it became known that Ahyad Mezhiev died from tuberculosis in the colony of the Kirov region, where he served the sentence: the terrorist to paronts did not live // \u200b\u200bKommersant, 01/13/2015.
  31. As investigated the terrorist attack on Dubrovka // Kommersant, 12/17/2014.
  32. Zaurback Talhigov sentenced to 8.5 years in prison // RIA "News", 20.06.2003.
  33. As investigated the terrorist attack on Dubrovka // Kommersant, 12/17/2014.
  34. The court satisfied the claims of victims in the terrorist attack on Dubrovka // Kommersant, 03/19/2009.
  35. The investigation returned to the "Nord-Ost" // Kommersant, 12/17/2014.

One of the most failed operations on the overview of the hostages. The actual - the authorities of Russia committed the massacre of peaceful and unprotected citizens, applying gas, and then refusing cooperation with doctors to save people's lives. Straightening operation is a bright illustration for the whole world that Russia also like other powers will not save anyone and the fate of each hostage will continue the case of the very walled. And here it is impossible to blame the fighters of the Setslogb - orders are not discussed. Wine politicians and only.

The assault on the theater center on Dubrovka in Moscow to liberate hostages, the death day of 128 viewers of the musical " Nord-Ost».

Here, as it repelled the radio station "Echo of Moscow":

Sergey Bundman- October 2002. Nord-Ost, Dubrovka Theater is captured by terrorists. Negotiations and conversations are going on several days, and attempts continue to free at least some of the many hundreds of hostages.
Our employee Natasha Skoptsov in the hall, together with the colleague Anare Andrianova. During these days, we tried to keep the connection with them all the time. October 26 in half the sixth morning - the duty editor of Alyona Stepanenko makes another call from the recording studio. What a conversation was, you will now understand. Just take to the end, despite the long pause.

Natalia Skoptsova: gas ... I do not know, gas was let down - that's all people sit in the hall. We are very pleased that us is not this most ... We still hope that, maybe we are not on Kursk, not ... there ... well, let's, I can give you any.

Alena Stepanenko: She called us, Natasha. Explain, you ...

Anna Andrianova: This is Anya. It seems that actions began, began with ours ... from our security officials. Guys, well, do not leave us. Chance ... If you can do something, we ask.

A.STEPANENKO: Anh, we are trying, can you explain what you feel? Tear gas, what is this gas?

A. Vanianova: I do not know what kind of gas, but I see the reaction that these people do not want deaths either ours nor of ours, but in my opinion, our security officials began to do something. In my opinion, there is a desire to make us alive from here, and thus it is to finish this situation.

A.STEPANENKO: Clear. Anya, can you explain what kind of gas is it? Is it a tear gas? What happens to people? You see him, you feel it?

A. Vanianova: Guys, well, I beg, I do not know ... We see, we feel, we breathe in a rag, we breathe in a rag, do something they do ... (shots) and everything! Oh my God. Can you hear us?


A. Vanianova: We now all take off to the air. Well, they started our, in fact.

A.STEPANENKO: And what kind of shooting was now?

A. Vanianova: I do not know, I sit in the back and I don't know there ... Lord ... Lord ... We just sat, inspected NTV and rejoiced. It started from the outside. Apparently, such a decision was made by our government so that no one from here is alive. We will try to ... (shooting)

A.STEPANENKO: Do you hear me? (Pause) ale ... (short beeps)

Sergey Bundman- Yes, it was the assault, and it was gas. Girls, thank God, remained alive. Recording - As it should be - they did not immediately be on the air: the anti-terrorist rules we managed to take away.
But not passed several hours and days - when the scale of the victims was clear, President Putin began to talk about the "ranking on the blood" and from the filing of the sick-made silovikov-gasovikov argue that the report about the assault on someone gave live. The media managers were summoned to the Security Council. Not all, truth: Boris Yordan, put by heading NTV, did not even let the threshold - as the very bloody ratigue. And it turned out that the vennedikt should be fading for the entire Holding. But just "Echo" and could say, there was a live broadcast or not. Because we are writing Ani and Natasha to determine exactly when the assault began. Further is the case of technology. And the vennediktov outlined all this. Satisfied in this order: Putin, Ernst, Venediktov. And on the other hand, the president - Dobrey. "So there was no direct ether, no one else! - So?" - Wrongs. Ernst, Thing, honestly confirms: "There was no", "and leans his back of the chair, as if leaving Alexeich alone with Putin. Dobly silent.



"Nord-Ost": terror against terrorism

Since one of the most terrible terrorist attacks in the history of modern Russia has passed ten years: October 23, 2002. Chechen gangsters seized the theater center on Dubrovka and took 916 people in hostages - the audience and artists of the Music "Nord-Ost". The terrorists demanding the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya held prisoners within three days. In the negotiations with them, famous politicians and public figures participated. Thanks to their intervention, it was possible to achieve the liberation of several hostages, but the main group separatists refused to release.

Early in the morning of October 26, the authorities decided on the theater assault. Through the ventilation into the building they let the sleeping gas. All terrorists were destroyed, however, 130 were killed together (according to unofficial data - 174) hostages: most of them were considered to be poisoned by gas used during the assault. The name of the most successful Russian musical - "Nord-Ost" - has become nominative for this tragedy.

Diversion preparation

The plan of a large-scale terrorist attack in Moscow was developed in the summer of 2002. In the headquarters of the Leader of Chechen gangs - "President Ichkeria" Aslan Maskhadov. He included not only the seizure of several hundred hostages in the building during a cultural event, but also a subservation of car explosives in places of mass accumulation of civilians. The campaign of intimidation was scheduled for November 7 - a day of reconciliation and consent. A field commander Movsar Barayev, a nephew destroyed in 2001, was appointed commander of the sabotage-terrorist group. The commander of the Islamic regiment of special purpose Arbi Baraev.

To distract the attention of Russian special services from the M. Barayev group, militants temporarily ceased armed promotions against federal services. In addition, the separatists launched a disinformation that the field commander was seriously injured and left for treatment in Azerbaijan or died during the fighting. As a result, the commander of the united grouping of troops in Chechnya, Boris Podprigor, said on October 12, that M. Baraev was previously liquidated in the village of Komsomolskaya, as a result of rocket-bomb strikes.

In the seizure of hostages in Moscow, about 50 militants were involved, half of which should have made suicide. The weapons in the capital terrorists were going to deliver in Kamaz, hiding it under the load of apples. However, on the road, the truck broke out, so the weapon was transported in the trunk of several cars "Zhiguli". Apples were used for camouflage. Arsenal Banditov consisted of 18 Kalashnikov machines, 20 Makarov and Stechkin pistols, several hundred kilograms of a plastic and more than 100 grenades. In addition, in early October from Ingushetia to Moscow on KAMAZ, loaded with watermelons, three explosive devices of high power were delivered, converted from 152-millimeter artillery shells and equipped under receivers - air cylinders of the KAMAZ brake system.

The militants themselves traveled to the capital with different paths. Most of the terrorists arrived on the Hasavyurt bus - Moscow a few days before the capture of the theater. Some suicide people flew to Moscow by plane from Ingushetia, and M. Barayev arrived at the Kazan station on October 14 by train, accompanied by two more militants.

The most convenient for capturing the terrorists counted the Moscow Palace of Youth, the theater center on Dubrovka and the Moscow State Street Theater, where the Music "Chicago" was then followed. The main goal was chosen by the second building, since it was located far from the city center, had a large auditorium and a small number of other premises.

Responsible for the undermining of mined cars was the action of Aslanbek Khaskhanov. For the implementation of the terrorist attacks, three cars were purchased - VAZ-2108, VAZ-2106 and "Tavria", in the gas tanks of which special partitions were inserted, allowed to operate cars as usual. In one half of the gas tank fouulated gasoline, and an explosive was laid in another. The explosions were supposed to arrange at the State Duma buildings, the concert hall of I. Tchaikovsky and the McDonalds restaurant, located next to the South West Metro Station.

From the planned "preliminary" terrorist attacks, bandits managed to make only one. The car "Tavria" was to explode on October 19 at 19:00 Moscow time near McDonalds on Tashkin Street, but the mechanism of the bomb for an unknown reason worked 6 hours earlier. The victim of the explosion was 17-year-old teenager, but a fully plan of militants who expects to carry out the terrorist attack at the rush hour was not implemented. Two other mined cars did not explode. It is assumed that the plastic explosive used in the construction of the bombs was an educational and simply did not work at the set time.


The terrorist attack on the "South-Western" led to the intensification of the police and special services, as a result of which the militants decided to postpone the seizure of hostages from November 7 to October 23. At 19:00 MSK, the Armed Group arrived at the parking lot of international buses in Luzhniki, where they were waiting for three minibuses - Red Ford Transit, Blue Volkswagen Caravelle and White Dodge Ram 250. at 21:05 Moscow time militants arrived at Dubrovka, to the building of the former palace Culture of the 1st State Bearing Plant.

Having rana in the building of the theater, the terrorists were depends on five guards armed with only electric strokes and gas guns. The main part of the group broke into a concert hall, where at that time the Musical "Nord-Ost", which gathered at that evening more than 800 spectators. Other militants began to check the rest of the theatrical center, driving at the main hall of the staff and actors of the musical, as well as people who accidentally found themselves in the building. A man was emerged on the scene, who shot the air several times and told the actors to go down to the hall. The terrorists declared all the audience, actors and employees of theater hostages and began mined by the hall. Some viewers were allowed to call relatives, inform them about their captivity and that the terrorists promised to shoot 10 people from among the hostages for each killed or wounded militant.

In the first minutes, the capture of some actors and employees of the theater center managed to move indoors or leave the building through the windows and spare outputs.

By 22:00 MSK to the theater on Dubrovka, reinforced orders of militia, riots of riot police and the gathering, arrived by the leadership of the capital GUVD. The president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin was notified of the happened. It became known that the hostage's seizure was carried out by a group of terrorists under the leadership of M. Barayev, who calls himself "suicide bombers from the 29th Division." The terrorists stated that they had no complaints about them were captured by foreign citizens (about 75 people from 14 countries) and promised them to free them. In the hall, the test of passport began, then all men were planted into the right side of the hall, and women and children in the left. Musicla artists placed on the balcony. In the center of the hall and on the balcony, the militants installed explosive devices converted from artillery shells. From the captured building managed to escape five actors and seven members of the musical technical group.

With the onset of the night, terrorists released 15 children and several more dozen people, among whom were women, Muslims and foreigners. During the negotiations with the authorities, the militants put forward a requirement to terminate hostilities and the conclusion of Russian troops from Chechnya. Early on the morning of October 24, 26-year-old Olga Romanova entered the building of the theater, which entered the exchange with M. Barayev. The terrorists interrogated it and killed three shots from the machine. Then the militants demanded the arrival of representatives of the Red Cross and the organization "Doctors without Borders". Later, the requirements for compulsory participation in the negotiations of the journalist Anna Politkovskaya and Politicians Irina Khakamada and Grigory Yavlinsky were put forward.

In the afternoon, I. Khakamad and singer were enrolled in the building of the theater, the State Duma deputy Joseph Kobzon. During the negotiations with them, terrorists declared the willingness to release 50 hostages, if the head of the Chechnya Akhmat Kadyrov arrives. Two hours later, Children's surgeon Leonid Roshal and Jordanian Dr. Anwar El Said were included in the theater. They carried the body killed O.romanova, handed him ambulance and returned to the center building. At 23:05 MSK in the building entered the State Duma Deputy G. Evalinsky, who spent 50-minute negotiations with terrorists.

On the morning of October 25, a breakthrough of heating mains occurred in the building of the theater center, the lower floors flooded with hot water. The terrorists regarded this event as a provocation, but the official representative of the headquarters for the release of the hostages denied this assumption. In the afternoon V.Putin held a meeting in the Kremlin with the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and the leaders of the Duma factions. The Director of the FSB Nikolai Patrushev said that the authorities are ready to maintain life to terrorists if they exempt all hostages. From 17:00 to 20:20 Moscow time, Sergey Govorukhin (the son of the director Stanislav Govorukhin) was alternately in the theater building, the head of the State Duma Aslambek Aslakhanov, the head of the Russian Chamber of Commerce Evgeny Primakov and the former President of Ingushetia Ruslan Aushev. Through S.Gorukhin, the militants were transferred to the authorities that they refuse to conduct further negotiations.

At 23:22 Msk, Gennady Vlakhov, who mistakenly believed that his son in hostages was mistaken for His Son hostage. The militants detained him and shot after a while. At night, one of the hostages fell into hysterics and with a bottle in his hands pounced on a terrorist, which was near the explosive device. Bandits opened fire from automatons on it, but missed: bullets hit two other hostages. The terrorists allowed ambulance to hospitalize them, but one of the wounded died in the hospital.

On the morning of October 26, the authorities decided on the assault on the theater center on Dubrovka. About 05:00 Moscow time went out searchlights that illuminated the main entrance. The respirable gas deposited through the ventilation. Presumably, it was a combat poisoning substance based on fentanyl opioid analgesic. At the same time, the accurate composition of the gas was not revealed even to doctors, saving hostages. At 06:30 Moscow time, the theater has three explosions and several automatic queues. Special units "Alpha" and "Vympel" were regrouped at the DC building and began assault. An hour later, the official representative of the FSB Sergei Ignatchenko said that the theater center was under the control of the special services, and M. Barayev and most terrorists were destroyed.

Tens of machinery of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ambulance arrived at the theater building. About 07:00 rescuers and doctors have begun evacuating hostages. Many people have placed in the buses unconsciously. According to official data, 130 people were killed as a result of the terrorist attack, including ten children, that is, much more people than the militants managed to shoot.

Some victims of "Nord-Ost" express indignation by the progress of investigating the circumstances of the theater's assault on Dubrovka. Svetlana Gubareva, who lost a 13-year-old daughter and groom as a result of the terrorist attack, said in an interview with The Sunday Times, that on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the tragedy, her indignation addressed to President V.Putin only intensified.

The circumstances of the death of 130 hostages during the assault "Nord-Ost" are still unknown. S. Gubareva said that her daughter Sasha was poisoned with gas, and then crushed at the bus, which was taken to the hospital, "under the other 32 bodies, bullying like firewood." "It could be saved if the rescue operation was held as it should. First of all, I should blame Putin: he ordered to apply gas, and it was with his authority that the truth hide so long," the woman said.

The charges of the former prisoners and relatives of the victims of the terrorist attack to the Russian authorities are reduced to the fact that timely and qualified medical care was not provided with liberated hostages. One of the reasons for a large number of victims (119 people died in hospitals after the end of the assault) became the wrong evacuation of people: due to the strong tilt of the head forward or backward, they were covered with the respiratory tract, which caused asphyxia.

The composition of the gas used during the assault on the theater on Dubrovka was not disclosed by the authorities. In December 2012 The Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Yuri Shevchenko said that his department was not entitled to report any information about the properties of the gas applied during the counter-terrorism operation in Moscow, since this information "refers to state secrets." The authorities trying to remove the blame for the death of people, they categorically denied and deny that the gas attack could cause the hostage death. In the death certificates issued to the relatives of the victims, the column "cause of death" was delivered to a dash.

In December 2011 The European Court of Human Rights admitted Russia violating Article 2 (right to life) of the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights in the case of the seizure of hostages in the theater center on Dubrovka in Moscow. The court decided to pay 64 plaintiffs of compensation in the amount of from 8.8 thousand to 66 thousand euros. The applicants accuse the Russian authorities in the unreasonable application of force, non-searching hostages of timely medical care and an inefficient investigation of this terrorist attack. A complaint to court was filed back in 2003, in 2007. She was accepted for production. It mentioned that the special forces applied an unknown gas during the assault, which led to the death of most hostages.

Despite the statements of officials that all the militants who took part in the seizure of "Nord-Osta" were destroyed, the journalist "New Gazeta" A. Politkovskaya managed to interview the surviving terrorist - correspondent of one of the state media Khanpashi Terkibaeva. He took part in the seizure of the theater, but managed to get out of the building before the assault. According to him, the explosive used by terrorists to intimidate hostages and negotiators was fake. According to A. Politkovskaya, the official investigation ignored the request of journalists to interrogate X.Terkibayeva, and six months after the interview, he suddenly died in a car accident. An accident happened after the US intelligence services investigating the death of his citizen in the theater became interested in his testimony. A. Politkovskaya itself was shot at the entrance of his house in the center of Moscow on October 7, 2006.

As a result of the terrorist attack on Dubrovka, not only hostages were injured. The history of Chechen Zaurbek Talhigova, who spent 8.5 years in the colony for the aid of terrorists looks strange. According to Russian human rights defenders, in October 2002. He came to the theater center on Dubrovka on the television call of the State Duma of Aslambek Aslakhanov, who asked all the Chechens in Moscow, to surround the building a living ring and force the terrorists to surrender. The plan failed - was a little responding to the call. Then the deputy asked Z. Talhigova to contact the invaders and told him the phone of their leader M. Barayev. Z.Talkhigov called the leader of militants and held talks with them, trying to enter into confidence and achieve concessions for hostages. To do this, the young man had to inform terrorists all the data about herself and about the place of stay of his family. All negotiations Z. Talhigov took place in the presence of special services employees and did not meet objections on their part. However, on the same day, after an hour and a half after the last conversation with the militants, Z.Talligov was detained by representatives of the FSB. He was charged with the awareness of the terrorists.

Despite the fact that during the process of witnesses, one after another confirmed the innocence of the defendant, June 20, 2003. Judge Mosh City Court M.Komarov recognized 25-year-old Z. Totalism guilty of "awareness of terrorism and seizure of hostages" (Article 30, 205 and 206 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and sentenced him to 8.5 years in prison in a strict regime colony. On September 9, 2003, the cassation instance in the face of the judicial board in criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation left the sentence, in whose text it was unequivocally noted that when Z.Talkhigov came to the theater center, "he did not have intent on the provision of compliance with terrorists" .

During the trial, the FSB reported that part of the printout of the negotiations Z. Talchigov with the militants "destroyed as unnecessary", so the court was able to study only a small part of the negotiations, and large, about the liberation of hostages, remained outside his research. The government prosecutor also recognized this: "Indeed, only part of the negotiations was presented to the court, but this happened because the security officers did not immediately receive the sanction on their recording."

The regional public organization of promoting the protection of victims from the terrorist acts "Nord-Ost" asks Russians to take part in a memorial event dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the tragic events in the theater center on Dubrovka. It will take place on October 26 from 10:00 to 12:00 Moscow time in Moscow, on the square at the theater center (metro station "Dubrovka" or "Proletarian", ul. Melnikova, D.7).

Read more on RBC:

On October 23, 2002, several dozen armed militants broke into the Musical "Nord-Ost" and seized 916 people hostage. It seemed that no one would not forget this. But 10 years later, no one else wants to remember this tragedy. Moreover, the "Nord-Ost" still really really knows: who is the organizer, why the hostage died, that it was for gas. BG formulated seven questions about Nord-Oste, which still do not have convincing answers.

Movsar Barayev (sits on the right) at first was considered the leader of the terrorists. He is the only one who during the capture of DCs on Dubrovka did not hide his face. He gave an interview to the NTV television channel. But in fact, the leader was Ruslan Elmurzayev, named Abubakar (sits on the left). He led the main negotiations and gave instructions to Barayev, what exactly to report to journalists.

What was the hostage from?

Directly from the actions of terrorists killed four people. The official version for the mass death of the rest of the hostages is: it happened due to stress, hunger, insomnia, dehydration and many hours of seating in uncomfortable poses. The state believes that no one has suffered from gas used during the assault. Experts and relatives of the hostages are considered different: they were poisoned by an unknown gas, they were not rendered first aid, they were first dumped into asphalt, and then how they rushed to buses; Hospitals were absolutely not ready for the fact that they will bring dozens of poisoned people, and doctors did not say that it was precisely for the gas, so they did not know than to treat. Only after a year and a half after Nord-Ost, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Safety Vladimir Vasilyev, the Deputy Operational Staff Department, the first of the officials acknowledged that the main cause of the death of the hostages "was the late provision of medical care."

In the column "The cause of death", the dead is worth the dash.

Vladimir Kurbatov, Father Christina, the deceased 13-year-old actress "Nord-Ost":

"On the fact of the death of people of the criminal case was not excited. It was not established even time, places and causes of death. In the column "Cause" in the death certificate of my daughter, Christina is worth a dash. At the same time, in the act of transportation of the body from the hospital to the morgue, which we were issued, it was written: the cause of death is the poisoning of highly toxic gaseous substance. In the primary forensic examination, which was carried out in the morgue, was also a conclusion about poisoning. But then the consequence decided to pull it out, and the Special Commission, consisting of "Lighting Medicine", gave another conclusion with the wording, which Putin voiced: they say, the gas is harmless, and the hostage died due to the fact that they were sitting in uncomfortable poses, from chronic diseases and dehydration.

As for doctors, all the doctors of nearby hospitals openedly then declared the press that they were preparing for receiving patients with minno-fragmentation wounds and were not ready to take people with poisoning by an unknown substance.

When we prepared a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights, I called all hospitals that were indicated in the evacuation plan and took the victims. Of the 12 hospitals, in which I was able to get through, only one had a toxicological department, where qualified assistance in poisoning could have affected the victims. "

Andrei Soldatov, chief editor of the site Agentura.ru, dedicated to the work of the special services; Behind the assault on Dubrovka watched the window of the house opposite:

"The main question for the operational staff is to Mr. Pinnevo, who is still the first deputy director of the FSB, and to Mr. Vasilyev, the Deputy Head of the Operational Staff and the former Zamu of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: what the hell did they unfold a field hospital in close proximity to the building? It seems that they are or expected that they will have some killed, and for those who survive, will be quite fast, which were in place, - or did not think about it at all.

By law, strength, funds and tactics of special operations - secret. Gas is a means, so no one was going to give it to anyone. But the situation was terrifying: people were taken out in a variety of species, pounded on each other right on the asphalt, and they began to die there, choking by the lots. This problem could be solved, not even knowing what kind of gas, simply having first aid, but this was not done - they simply dumped into the buses, many were already dead. I think even if the special services promptly said that it was for the gas, the situation would not be much improved. "

Karinna Moskalenko, lawyer of the group of former hostages "Nord-Ost" in the ECHR:

"The authorities still carry this shameless nonsense:" The hostage rescue operation was brilliant. " People died, and they say: "Brilliant, only the doctors pumped up." As if the doctors acted at their own discretion and did not come on time, because they are so vigilant. "

What gas was used during storm?

The composition of the gas is still classified. Two things are known about him: 1) He "harmless" - this Putin said to American journalists, explaining why people could not die from the actions of special services; 2) It is made "on the basis of fentanyl derivatives" - this was stated by Shevchenko's Health Minister (fentanyl - narcotic analgesic, according to the biological effects of hundreds of times stronger than heroin). Nevertheless, no one called the exact gas formula, it is only known that a certain chemist officer, whose surname is classified, later received the title of Hero of Russia for participating in the special operation.

Lev Fedorov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, President of the Union "For Chemical Security":

"You can hang on a fentanyl a thousand of all sorts of tails - and it will turn out a million different substances. The phrase "fentanyl derivatives" is nothing about anything, it means only that we did not want to name the substance.

The authorities still stated that they keep the formula of gas secretly because all the intelligence of the world was chased. It's a bullshit. There is an international convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons, it lists permissible substances that do not have to kill people. And the authorities used other substances that killed 125 people, that is, they committed a state chemical crime. And if they reveal the formula, their whole world will immediately condemn, because they did not have the right to apply it.

There was still a lot of conversations about the antidotes, which the special forces and doctors did not have. Antidote is a substance that can catch up in the body of the poison and with the help of chemistry to turn it into another substance or weaken the symptom. But the conversation about antidotees in this case is the distraction from the essence of the case, because the main thing is that the gas should not kill people. In Nord-Oste, they had experience, which in the world did not come to anyone. "

Karinna Moskalenko:

"The European Court, in which we filed a complaint about a violation of the right to life, did not support us only in one point. He said that gas use was justified. In principle, I can understand it: the Human Rights Court is not a court on humanitarian issues, for military conflicts. However, logic, of course, is chromas: if the gas formula, the name and properties are not disclosed, then how can it be solved, rightly was its use or not? "

Andrei Soldatov:

"I have always had a very specific attitude to the use of this gas, because I then saw the terrorists in Beslan, the windows were first knocked out and generally behaved much more rigidly and disgusting - so that Nord-Ost" did not happen to them. It was a direct result of the actions of Russian power structures on Dubrovka. "

Anatoly Yermolin, the former head of the operational combat department "Vimpel", Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB in stock:

"Spetsnaz knew that gas would be, therefore entered the building with gas masks, but what kind of gas, what are the consequences of him, I think they did not say. Moreover, I know the staff who mounted in this gas, and they had great health problems. "

How many terrorists were and how many killed hostages?

As a result of the assault, 40 militants were killed - according to official data, it was so many terrorists who captured the theater center on Dubrovka. But, for example, the hostage Svetlana Gubareva claimed that he had seen in the hall at least 24 shahids, although it was killed 19. And after six months, Anna Politkovskaya journalist met in the hotel "Satellite" on Leninsky Avenue with some Hangash Terkibayev, who said to her in an interview that was Among the militants on Dubrovka as a FSB agent. In addition, in the case of the investigation there is a number 52 - so much militants Shamil Basayev selected to prepare terrorist attacks in Moscow.

Another confusion with the number of dead: 130 people officially died, but the lawyer of Karinna Moskalenko hostages, having completed all these investigations, received 174.

Vladimir Kurbatov:

"After a lot of requests to the prosecutor's office, we have achieved access to investigative materials, and just counted in the column, how much died in the building, how many on the steps, in the ambulance, in the buses, in hospitals, it turned out 174 people. In court, we asked the head of the Church of the Investigation Panel, as he could explain these numbers. He replied: "Well, you think so, and I think that you want from me?"

Perhaps it is still an error in counting: 44 - too much discrepancy. Three years ago, a memorable board appeared on the site of the terrorist attack - I think if there were no surname, relatives would be outraged.

There are a lot of testimony about the fact that terrorists were more, but the investigation did not take into account them. To the question, why did not interrogate Hangash Terkibaeva, Kalchuk replied that they went to the hotel, which Politkovskaya called, and did not find anyone. Then it turned out that Anna spoke about the Hotel Satellite, and investigators went to the Sosmos Hotel. And as soon as Terkibayev became interested in the FBI (an American citizen was killed at Nord-Oste), Terkibaev crashed into a car accident in Chechnya. "

Karinna Moskalenko:

"We studied the decisions of the very consequence and got the figure 174 are data without surnames, only the quantity. The question arises: where are the relatives of these 44 people? We believe that these are unclaimed people. We arrived in Moscow to take a walk, to the mistress, on a business trip - anything. And disappeared. Who will be engaged in this statistic - to find out the missing at the same time in the cities of Russia? For whom they came, those are on the official list. "

Andrei Soldatov:

"I saw the assault from the apartment window opposite: the hostages were taken out and folded into the ranks as the dead. And in these ranks there were exactly more people than the authorities called.

But the story with Terkibayev was untested. Terkibaev from the category of people with a special psychological warehouse that pop up on different reasons and say they can be the best assistants. I do not think it is relevant to reality.

But it does not completely cancel that parts of the terrorists managed to leave. Many operatives later spoke about it. There was a complete madhouse. Sturm conducted not one organization: there were several groups of special substance, which were to be cleared of terrorists, and there were still internal troops that initially provided the security perimeter, but when a big shooting began, too, for some reason went somewhere. As a result, chaos came: the building is large, a bunch of communications, exits in different directions, various groups of armed groups are moved along it, which they themselves do not know where they move. The situation, of course, is not so catastrophic, as in Beslan, where people simply ran in different directions, but people who participated in the storm said that the perimeter security task was not solved. Moreover, not only me, but many journalists were sitting there, where, generally speaking, they should not sit, - this also speaks about the transparency of the perimeter. It was possible to go out, it was possible enough, so the intelligence agencies and say that some kind of people gone. "

What caused the assault?

The authorities argued that the assault was a forced measure: the terrorists refused the negotiations and began to shoot hostages. In the hall through the ventilation systems, the gas was launched, which flew terrorists, after which special forces entered there, neutralized the bomb and began to pull out people.

However, the participants in the operation argue that there were no shots. In addition, on the eve of the evening, terrorists promised a meeting at 10 am with General Kazantsev, the first official representative of the authorities, which they were clearly happy and even stated that already at 11.00 hostages could be released. Gas - Even according to the investigation, it began to act not instantly, and at least after 10 minutes. Moreover, one of the militants with a machine gun and shouts "they laughed on the scene". It turns out that the time to blow up the hall they had, and the fact that this did not happen - a great luck, and not the merit of the organizers of the special operation.

Andrei Soldatov:

"There was such a version, voiced deputy headquarters from Vasilyev's headquarters that the assault was triggered by shots inside. But the fact is that by about half an hour to shooting, spotlights were repaid, which all the time covered the square in front of the DC. Terrorists said: if you expect them, we will perceive it as the beginning of the assault and behave accordingly. You can say with confidence - on the basis of what I saw personally, and what the participants of the operation were told - the assault was planned, his time was appointed, and there was no provocation by terrorists.

The assault participants said to me that the terrorists had time to explode: when the special forces entered there, the terrorists were alive, they did not sleep and shoot themselves. One fighter even ran out to the scene with a machine gun: it was very quickly repaid from the balcony. Why they did not explode - unknown.

Many then assumed that the bombs were doubling. But the explosive engine of FSB Georgy Trofimov, who directly engaged in demining devices at Nord-Oste (unfortunately, he died after a year and a half), argued that these bombs were real. It seems that it was more an alarm of the intimidation than the real terrorist attack: or they were generally not ready to blast everything, or the last order did not come to anyone of terrorists.

I was told by the participants of the assault: on the basis of intelligence, they were confident that the bombs are real and accurately explode that the chances of preventing the explosion of the bomb - 2-3%. When they went on the assault, everyone was prepared for the fact that the dome of the building collapses from the explosion, there will be a huge number of dead and they themselves will also die.

Special Forces had a disposal of the prosecutor's office - not to leave any of the militants alive. As the commander told me one of the operational combat groups, proceeded from the fact that any of the terrorists, it does not matter where it is located, can actuate explosive devices through a radio signal.

The problem was that they were only counting on it. All alternatives are simply not considered. Plus, they thought it would still be full hell, and it was necessary to use everything that was at hand: they were tested in advance this gas, did not test - it does not matter, it is necessary to take everything, because it will still be very bad.

In the end, they spend the assault, for some reason they do not explode, the whole hall is alive, and here the collapse comes: no one knows what to do next. Special Forces physically little to quickly endure all people, not a briefing about how to endure, in what condition, where, and they began to just dump in the ranks on each other.

There was information from the prosecutor's office, which was also on the spot that by the end of the third day there were quite successful negotiations - managed to convince terrorists that they will be sent to them and they will calmly leave, and therefore, in the morning, some part of the terrorists, apparently, relaxed and even Gone somewhere in the lobby to celebrate. Based on this, we can say that there is no need to arrange the storm on this day and it was precisely in such conditions. This is not a situation of Beslan, when people die simply from dehydration, - roughly speaking, there is nothing ticked "another hour - another ten will die."

Anatoly Yermolin:

"The operation was well planned and prepared. Few guess that if the bomb exploded, we would have lost all elite troops at all, because Alpha and Vympel were included in the Nord-Ost, with almost full combat composition. These are my friends, and I know that they before entering goodbye to each other and families.

Invalid decision, in my opinion, was used to use gas, because he did not play any role in operation. If the terrorists wanted to undermine the hall, they would have undermined it. As a result, the gas instantly people did not turn off, the terrorists had to be destroyed by a classic way, and the gas caused the mass poisoning of people, which was the tragic result of the rescue operation. "

How are dozens of militants armed with automata, machine guns and explosives, could organize the terrorist attack in the center of Moscow?

Two years after the seizure of the Theater Center in Izvestia, an article has appeared that the leader of the terrorists of Abubakar, he also, Ruslan Elmurzayev, was listed by the head of the Security Service of the Moscow Prima Bank. In the bank he took on a loan of $ 40,000 to buy fake documents, two minibuses, in which on October 23, a group of terrorists arrived at Dubrovka, as well as for rent an apartment. In the city, the group of militants moved to the collector armor, which belonged to Prima-Bank. After the appearance of this publication, the investigation stated that he examines information on the connection of Abubakar with Prima-Bank, and then declared the head of the Bank's Board, Chechen Muharbek Barkinhoev, wanted. By the time of the bank, as such, no longer existed: he selected a license and declared it bankrupt back in 2003 after complaints of depositors, and two employees were judged for fraud. What is the end of this story - it is unknown: all the materials of the investigation according to Nord-Ost are still closed.

Yuri Senators, Senior Correspondent of the newspaper "Kommersant", the author of the article "Nord-Ost" seized a banker "in Izvestia:

"I then issued this information to FESBESHniki from the department to combat terrorism. Formally Abubakar was the head of the Prima Bank security service, and the de facto its owner. Before me really about it, no one wrote. But then I stopped engaged in the Chechen theme, drinking vodka with fesbashniki, moved to Kommersant and I do not know what happened next to this story. I know that the Bank took away the license, "it was a small wash bank, someone escaped, criminal proceedings were brought against someone, but not by Nord-Ost, but on deceived depositors."

What ended the investigation of the terrorist attack?

In connection with Nord-Est, a criminal case was initiated on the fact of terrorism and the seizure of people hostage - it is openly so far. The criminal case on the fact of the death of the hostages was not initiated. Circumstances and causes of their death are not established. Staff documents were destroyed. The composition of the headquarters is classified. The identity of six terrorists are not installed. A total of two were attracted to the court: Zaurback Talghov, who was outside and talked on the phone with Movsar Barayev during the seizure (8.5 years for the aid of terrorists), and the policeman Alyamkin (7 years old for a bribe for registration of registration of a citizen L. Bakueva, which turned out Among the militants).

There was still consideration of the team's team of hostages in the European Court of Human Rights. In December 2011, ECHRs satisfied the complaints of the hostages relatives, seemingly in inadequate planning of the special operation by the Russian authorities and the absence of an effective investigation of the terrorist attack of the violation of the right to life, awarded 64 victims of compensation with the total amount of 1 million 300 thousand euros and demanded a new investigation from Russia.

Karinna Moskalenko:

"We cannot prove the involvement of the state to this tragedy - it means that we cannot prove a violation of negative rights to life: no one can be deprived of life, torture, etc. But there are positive rights: the state not only should not kill people, but also should ensure their security - that is, to protect against third parties. And this is a violation in Nord-Oste, we have proven. The complaint was satisfied in two parameters. The hostage rescue operation was carried out of the hand badly - the first aid was not to interact between the participants of the rescue operation, and therefore did not save people. The European Court does not share an assault surgery and salvation. If the assault was carried out in order to save people - and the European Court thinks about the authorities that is better than they actually, - then it was a single, poorly coordinated operation. And this is the first violation of the right to life. And the second is the lack of investigation. The European Court cannot blame the state in the death of people or justify him, because there was no investigation, so he says: we do not know who is to blame, but you did not investigate it, and therefore violated the right to life.

The Russian authorities hid all the documents of the headquarters, said: all the documents were destroyed. In addition, they provided in the ECHR materials of the current criminal case, which they were answered that this investigation was not about that - it is about terrorists, and it is about the victims. ECHR expressed the deepest bewilderment about this.

Now we make a list of issues of the Investigative Committee for a new investigation. If he does not answer these questions, then, based on the letter and spirit of the law, the ECHR decision will not be fulfilled. This is not only compensation, but also the establishment of the circumstances in which the closest applicants died, as well as the personalities responsible for their death, for the mother who lost the thirteen-year-old daughter under the severity of the corpses in the bus, it is very important. Otherwise, we will write a memorandum into the EU Committee of Ministers that measures are not fulfilled. "

Vladimir Kurbatov:

"Based on the decision of the Court in Strasbourg, the lawyer of some hostages Igor Trunov filed a petition to the Investigation Committee on the Resumption of the Investigation, but, as far as I know, the SC answered that allegedly they have no official translation of the Strasbourg court decision by the Ministry of Justice, so they cannot conduct No action.

In fact, the death of people did not be excited. We have not seen all the investigative materials, we were allowed only to some volumes, the bulk of the case was classified. Initially, we were generally allowed to get acquainted only with forensic opinions. Moreover, they prohibited them, only to rewrite from the hand - they sat and rewritten 15-20 pages about how the organs of your deceased child were filled with blood, what size of his brain, etc. ".

Yuri Senators:

"I know that the corpses of all terrorists took to the morgue number 2 on the truck with the inscription" Bread ". There, the corpses dumped overnight, no investigative actions spent. In theory, they had to raise bullets from them, identify who, how much, what, but did not make it. All night around the morgue was on duty sniper, and at dawn, the corpses were taken to Lianozovsky crematorium, where they burned. It was told me one of the investigators of the group, which worked on the Nord-Ost, and the familiar in that morgue confirmed me.

I think they identified them in the end through the Agency Network and on the documents - the terrorists also worked in this theater center, it seems that they were tied to repair there, even T-shirts were with the inscription "Nord-Ost". So their personalities more or less quickly installed. "

"Nord-Ost" is a brilliant special operation or a successful terrorist attack?

Andrei Soldatov:

"The situation was initially political: the terrorists put forward political requirements, and Putin and the security forces arranged a real hysteria called" We should not repeat Budennovsk. " It seems that the whole story is about what had to be shown, as the new Russian power is responsible for the same challenge, at which Yeltsin broke. They perceived it so and only thought about it.

The problem was in the fact that at the official level, and at the level of special services the assault was called the victory. And the victory in the Russian understanding means that there will be no flight parsing. I specifically asked: "Guys, who have you conducted an operation with a huge number of victims, did you start some reforms? On the basis of combat experience, you should somehow adjust your actions? " They answered: "No, we didn't do anything, because it was officially said that it was victory." Moreover, at that time, such a theory was very popular in the FSB - wild, in my opinion, - that for Shahids the action is considered successful if each of them captures at least six people. I do not know where it came from, but such a theory circulated. And special, let's say, efforts to inform information about the victims in such a way that the number of victims divided by the number of terrorists was less than six. To this came.

The authorities believed if showing terrorists that we won, and not they, then they would not do it anymore. As a result, both sides in this story considered themselves winners. And some did not move to review their actions and change tactics, and the latter decided that it won, it means that this success could be repeated, so Beslan was inevitable by and large. "

Anatoly Yermolin:

"I believe that it was a special forces of a drama that could become a triumphal victory, but did not because of the wrong accepted management decisions. Special operation is not only breaking and competently destroying terrorists. It is including logistics: an ambulance entrance, transportation of people, the interaction of salvation services - and at this stage everything was failed.

The last names of the two fighters of Vympel and Alpha, who were awarded the titles of the heroes of Russia, I know, I will not call them, but in the circle of special forces everyone knows them. This estimate is not the people, but the state. But I know many officers who abandoned the reward for Nord-Ost. During the Chechen war, for example, many refused the ranks, believing that they could not be taken for the civil war. But I can not judge those who took the reward is the matter of honor and the solution of each particular person. "

Chronology of events

21.05 In the building of the theater center on Dubrovka, armed people in camouflage arrived on three minibuses. At this time, 916 people are located in DCs - viewers, actors, theater staff, as well as students of the Irish dance school "Iridan". Terrorists drive all people into the hall and start mining. Some hostages are allowed to call relatives, report the seizure and that the terrorists will shoot for each killed or injured militant for 10 people.

22.00 Militia, riot police, special forces and internal troops are tightened to the DC building on Dubrovka. It becomes known that the theater captured Chechen militants led by Movsar Barayev, who demand the termination of the war in Chechnya. The invaders declare that there are no complaints about foreign citizens (about 75 people from 14 countries) promise to free them and begin checking passports.

23.05 From the building, it is possible to flee five actors, which during the capture were locked in the dressing rooms; According to the associated curtains, they descended from the window. After half an hour, another 7 people are running from the technical group, hidden in the assembly.

0.00 Terrorists release 15 children.

0.15 The building includes the State Duma deputy from Chechnya Aslambek Aslakhanov.

2.20-3.50 The terrorists release 19 people.

5.30 is not stopped by anyone, the building passes a 26-year-old saleswoman in the neighborhood of Olga Romanova's perfume store, goes to the hall and enters the exchange with Movsar Barayev. It is removed in the corridor and shoot.

8.15 Lieutenant Colonel Konstantin Vasilyev is trying to peel into the hall. Shot by terrorists in the lobby of the building.

11.30 The militants require to negotiate Boris Nemtsov, Irina Khakamad, Grigoria Yavlinsky and Anna Politkovskaya.

13.00 Iosif Kobzon, British journalist Mark Franquen and two doctors of the Red Cross. They brought out a woman, three children and an elderly man - a citizen of Great Britain.

15.00 Kobzon returns to DC with Irina Khakamada.

17.00 The building includes Leonid Roshal and Jordanian Dr. Anwar El Said, after 15 minutes they endure the body of Olga Romanova and come back.

18.30 During the campaign to the toilet, two girls are chosen through the window to the street and run. The terrorists shoot them after it easily wounded the covered girls of the special forces of Konstantin Zhuravleva.

19.00 Al-Jazeera TV channel shows the appeal of the militant Movsar Baraev, recorded a few days before the capture of DC. He declares that his group belongs to the "sabotage-intelligence brigade of righteous shakhids" and requires the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya.

23.00 The building includes Grigory Yavlinsky and spends 50-minute negotiations with terrorists.

1.30 The building again includes Leonid Roshal - with two boxes of medicines. Together with him, a journalist and NTV operator, who manage to talk with terrorists and six hostages.

5.30 Terrorists exempt 7 hostages, which promised to release if the militants like the interview, removed NTV.

12.35 Representatives of the Red Cross remove 8 children from DC.

14.50 Leonid Roshal and Anna Politkovskaya with three packages with water and personal hygiene packages are held in the building.

17.00-21.00 A journalist Sergey Govorukhin (son of the director), deputy of the State Duma Aslabek Aslakhanov, head of the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Evgeny Primakov, Ex-President of Ingushetia Ruslan Aushev, Singer Alla Pugacheva, Ex-president of Ingushetia. They, like previous negotiators, are trying to bargain with terrorists - to no avail.

21.50 Terrorists exempt three women and a man and require representatives of the president to negotiate.

23.22 Through the crank in the building, a craneman of Gennady Vlakhov, who mistakenly believed that his son was in the hall. When the terrorists understand that there is no son in the hall, whale is shot.

1.00 One of the hostages in the hall arranges hysterics and rushes with a bottle of shahid. The militants open fire from cars on it and wrapped two other hostages - a man in the head and a woman in the stomach. The wounded after half an hour takes the ambulance. The man subsequently died.

5.00 On the area of \u200b\u200bthe DC, the searchlights are hushed, illuminating the entrance to the building. In the hall through ventilation began to pump the sleeping gas.

5.30 Two hostages called on the Echo Moskvy radio and reported that gas was launched in the hall - they see him, hear and feel. The conversation on the air is broken by an automatic queue. On Square, the military begin to regroup the forces around the theater center.

5.40 The movement of special forces towards the building of the DC began to broadcast in the live NTV. A few minutes later, at the request of the operational headquarters, the show was interrupted.

6.30 hostages begin to remove from the building. Sour back and buses.

7.25 Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Sergey Yastrzhembsky officially states that the hostage's release operation is completed, most of the explosive devices in the building are neutralized, the special services are looking for some terrorists who managed to hide.

8.00 Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Head of Operational Staff Vladimir Vasilyev reports the destruction of terrorists and the extraction of 67 dead.