Patriotic topic in war and peace. Writing: true and false patriotism in the novel "War and Peace" (L

Patriotic topic in war and peace. Writing: true and false patriotism in the novel
Patriotic topic in war and peace. Writing: true and false patriotism in the novel "War and Peace" (L

Patriotism, according to L. N. Tolstoy, not loud words, no noisy activity and fussiness, but a simple and natural feeling of the "the needs of the victim and compassion with the consciousness of common misfortune." This feeling is common in Natasha and Pierre, it owned by Pete Rostov, when he was shown that he got into Moscow, where the battle would be soon; The same feeling attracted the crowd to the house of deceiving her count the crust, because people from the crowd wanted to fight with Napoleon. At the heart of all these actions, with all their difference, one sense was lying - patriotism.

No one forced Muscovites to leave, on the contrary, the count of Mozpotchin persuaded to remain and called the cowards of those who leave the city. But they drove, "because for Russian people could not be a question: is it good or bad will be under the control of the French in Moscow? Under the French could not be: it was worse than everything ... "

As it turned out, the author writes, in tragic circumstances, people still turn out to be better than one could think: "Napoleon does not conquer," said no one expected such behavior. And when Napoleon on September 2, 1812 stood on Poklonnaya Mount, expecting a boyar deputation with keys from Moscow, he could not imagine that she was empty.

No, my Moscow did not go to him with a guy head. Not a holiday, not a foster gift, she prepared a fire to be an impatient hero ... -

so wrote A. S. Pushkin.

On the way to the Borodino field, where the decisive battle was preparing, Pierre Duhov saw a lot and heard. Words were simple and understandable, the militia said them: "All people want to feel ..."

Tolstoy believes that patriotism is a natural feeling of people living the life of their people. Therefore, he refuses Berg, Kuragin, Massorch.

Natasha can not and does not want to understand the mother, which "in this minute" thinks about the property and forbids unloading the training on which the "remaining good" wants from Moscow. The daughter thinks about the wounded, who can not be left to the French. Thinking about yourself was "wild and unnaturally." "Countess understood it and was ashamed," says Tolstoy.

A description of the Borodino battle, which occupies twenty heads of the Third Tom Roman, this is the center of the work, the decisive moment in the life of the whole country and many of the heroes of the book. Here all the ways will be crushed here, here each character will be revealed in a new way and there will be a huge force here: the people, "men in white shirts" - the power that won the war. On the faces of the people whom Pierre saw was the "expression of the consciousness of the coming minute", was "hidden heat of patriotism ... which explained why these people were calm and as if they were frivolously prepared for death."

What did this victory solve? Tolstoy believes: no orders of command, not plans, but many simple, natural actions of individual people: The fact that the men Carr and Vlas were not lucky in Moscow for good money, but burned him, the fact that the partisans destroyed the Great Army of Napoleon in parts, What partisan detachments "different quantities and characters were hundreds ..."

Tolstoy completely understood the meaning of that feeling, under the influence of which the partisan war began: the patriotism of the people. Growing out of this feeling "Dubube of the People's War rose with all the terrible and majestic strength and, without disassembling nothing, rose, fell and nailing the French until all the invasion was died." Is this not a great sense of patriotism manifested by the people in the Patriotic War of 1812?

L. N. Tolstoy opened as many springs of human behavior to readers, in particular patriotism, which today simply does not speak or say ashable. But this is a proud feeling that allows a person to feel its involvement in time, to events, life, to determine its position in it. Material from site.

It would seem that in common meanwhile, about which L. N. Tolstoy wrote, and our, between the war of 1812 and 1941? In 1812, there were no bombs nor aircraft, there was no horror and atrocities of Maidanec, Buchenwald, Mauthausen - death camps. But then, in the dugouts and hospitals, forty-first, with blockade anchitals, people read "War and Peace" as the most "today's" book for them, why did the Lermontov "Borodino", Lermontovskoye "Borodino" were the favorite poem from the first grader?

L. N. Tolstoy wrote about us, because he knew about a person such, which was enough for a hundred more years. And when the Great Patriotic War began, it turned out that Tolstoy said something very important about every person, and people rushed to him. We still draw and draw sincere powers from the inexhaustible source of his book, resistance and then a complex feeling called patriotism.

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Roman "War and Peace" - a great work of Russian and world literature, a grand epic, the hero of which is the Russian people who showed unprecedented heroism and patriotism in the struggle for the freedom and independence of their homeland in the war of 1812.

The enormous life material of this novel is united by a single intent, "I tried to write the history of the people," says Tolstoy. The people, according to Tolstoy, are not only peasants, but also nobles, those people who are disturbing the fate of the country who is in the whirlpool of great events. A colossal wave of anger rose in the people after the french attack. All Russian people, with the exception of a small handful of court aristocrats, could not imagine how they could live under the authority of the French. Every Russian came as he found it possible for himself. Who came to the existing army who left the partisan detachments. Such as Pierre Duhov, gave part of their money to the equipment of the militia. Many, like a Smolensky merchant of Ferapontov, burned benches and its own property so that nothing remains enemies. And many just gathered and left their native places, destroying everything after themselves.

Tolstoy notes in Russian people a simple, the larger is an uncommunicative sense of patriotism, which was not expressed in the loud phrases of love for the Fatherland, but in decisive actions. Moscow residents without a call left the ancient capital. Tolstoy emphasizes that the Muscovites could not be a question that it would be good running the French in Moscow or bad. It was just so impossible to live, as it was worse.

The same thing happens in other cities and villages of Russian land. On the territory where the enemy has already entered, he saw hatred and genuine indignation of the people. The peasants refused to sell food and hay french. The partisan movement was spontaneously arose, without any order above. According to the figurization of Tolstoy, "the partisans were chosen by the fallen leaves, which flew from the total tree of the French troops, and sometimes it was shaking this tree."

Not only the simple people, but also the advanced layers of the nobility and the intelligentsia were imbued with the fierce of the enemy. No wonder Prince Andrei says that they broke his house, and now go to break Moscow, offending her every second "and therefore, according to his concepts, they are not only enemies, but also criminals. Prince Andrei honestly fulfills his duty, entering into the operating army at the very beginning of the war, although it decided that he would never be a military one. He did not stay at the headquarters, as he was offered, but goes to the front edge of the events. The heroism and genuine love of Russians to their homeland in the Borodino battle appeared. On the eve of the battles, Andrei Bolkonsky says: "The battle will win the one who firmly decided to win him ... and who will be angry to fight ... tomorrow, whatever it is, we will win the battle."

Protecting your home, your family, your homeland, the right to life, Russian people discovered the amazing resistance of spirit and self-sacrifice, showed wonders of courage. They caused in an invincible until now Napoleon first surprise, and then fear. It is impossible not to be proud of Russian people. And you can not doubt that such people have a great future.

This patriotism is also inextricably linked with a sense of responsibility, with the ability to respond to actions committed in the name of the fate of the people and the country. True patriots in the work is the Russian people. Indicatively episode with the onset of the French in Smolensk. The merchant of Ferapontov pitch his own shop, lost the flour, which was going to sell profitably: "Decided! Right! ... I'll sing himself. " However, he is only one of the many residents of the city, who also decided to destroy their property. So, Smolensk was burned by citizens in order not to leave the French with a lot of mining. True patriots are also Russian soldiers. We see the manifestation of this patriotism in scenes depicting battles under Shenagraben, Austerlitz, Borodin. When the heroes face the enemy on the battlefield, the willingness to sacrifice their own life, the love of the Motherland appears the most bright.

Describing the preparation of soldiers to the Borodino battle, Tolstoy draws attention to their seriousness and concentration. Captain Timokhin tells Bolkonsky: "Soldiers in my battalion have not become vodka to drink: not such a day, they say." No one wants to get drunk before an important battle, then thereby you can bring homeland. Soldiers are ready to die, but not to retreat: "The militia ... put clean, white shirts to get ready for death. What heroism, graph! ". Another vivid example of the manifestation of true patriotism is the image of General Tushina: he takes the initiative during the Shenagraben's battle. The hero is ready to answer for the fact that the order was dismissed and acted in his own way: a spell of the village of Shengraban, thereby saving the lives of other fighters. Thus, the prose showed true patriotism in the novel.

A real patriotism writer opposes false, which is based on egoism and hypocrisy. An example of this could serve the image of Dolochika. In the first battle, when Kutuzov makes a decision to send Bagration with the army through difficult mountains, Fedor does his work well, but it does not drive them a sense of patriotism and debt to the homeland, but the desire to become famous. After the battle, he actively focuses on its positive acts that performed during the battle:

He gives himself for a patriot in order to be in a profitable position in the eyes of the authorities. The manifestation of false patriotism we also see among the Petersburg aristocracy, which hired Russian teachers and refused to drive to the French theater to demonstrate "love" to the debris and belonging to the Russian people. Thus, Tolstoy depicts false patriotism in the novel.

So, with the help of the image system, the writer reveals one of the important topics of his work - the topic of true and false patriotism. Russian soldiers and simple people the author considers true patriots, as they are ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of salvation of the Motherland. The false patriots, according to L. N. Tolstoy, is most representatives of the highest noble light. They do everything for their own comfort and safety, while their depreciation needs protection.

L.N. Tolstoy speaks in his novel and about the faithful sons of the Fatherland, and about falsepatrice. In the first volume of the work, the author talks about the war with Napoleon. After Austria refused to continue the war in the Union with Russia and Prussia, the threat of defeat was hung over the Russian troops. The Austrian army surrendered. Over the Russian troops hung the threat of defeat. And then Kutuzov decided to send Bagration with four thousand soldiers through difficult-to-go bohemian mountains towards the French. Bagration was to quickly make a difficult transition and delay the forty-fighter French army before the arrival of Kutuzov. His detachment had to make a great feat to save the Russian army.

In this battle, patriotism is shown on the example of fearless dolokhov. His courage is manifested in battle, where "he killed one Frenchman in the emphasis, first took the officer for the collar." But after that, he goes to the regimental commander and reports about his "trophies": "I ask you to remember, your Excellency!" Further, he untied the handkerchief, he pulled it and showed blood blindly: "Rana with a bayonet, I stayed at the front. Remember, your Excellency. " In this act, I believe, True patriotism is not shown, because the real patriot will not be so proud of his act, but also strive to become a hero.

I am also not surprised by the behavior of Zherehov. When, in the midst of the battle, Bagration sent him with an important order to General of the left flank, he did not go forward, where the shooting was heard, and began to look for the general aside from the battle. Because of the unnecessary Order, the French cut off the Russian hussar, many died and were injured. There were quite a lot of such officers. Of course, they can not be called shorts, but they cannot forget for the sake of the common cause of themselves, personal interests.

The Russian army, of course, consisted not only from such officers. In the chapters describing the Shenagraben battle, we meet true heroes. Here he is sitting, the hero of this battle, the hero of this "business", small, thin and dirty, sits bass, removing the boots. This is an artillery officer Tushin. "He's big, smart and good eyes, he looks at the included chiefs and is trying to joke:" The soldiers say that having swallowed the little ones, "and confused, feeling that the joke failed."

Tolstoy does everything so that Captain Tushin appears in front of us in the most unclear, even funny form. But this funny person was the hero of the day. Prince Andrei will fairly tell about him: "We are owned by the success of the day, most of all the action of this battery and the heroic stability of Captain Tushina with Rota."

The second hero of the Shenagraben battle is Timokhin. He appears at the very moment when soldiers succumbed to panic and began to retreat. It seemed that everything was lost. Not at that moment the advancing French suddenly ran back - Russian arrows appeared in the forest. It was the company Timokhin. And only thanks to Timokhin, the Russians had the opportunity to return and collect battalions. Based on his actions, it can be said that Timokhin and there is a true patriot of his homeland.

The courage is varied. There are many people who are unrestrained brave in battle, but losing on everyday life. On the images Tushina and Timokhina Tolstoy shows the reader to truly brave people with a huge sense of patriotism towards his homeland.

In the war of 1812, when each soldier fought for his home, for his relatives and loved ones. The further Napoleon was moved deep into Russia, the more increased the strengths and spirit of Russian troops and even more weaker the French army, turning into a gathering of thieves and marauders.

Only the will of the people, only folk patriotism, the "spirit of the troops" makes the army invincible. It was to this conclusion that Tolstoy came in his immortal novel-epic "War and Peace".


The theme of patriotism in the novel "War and Peace" is one of the central. It is not by chance that it is dedicated to almost two volumes of the famous epic.

Patriotism of the people in the work

What is Patriotism in Tolstoy? This is a natural movement of the soul, which makes a person do not think about himself "with the consciousness of common misfortune." The war of 1812, who touched everyone, showed how Russians love their fatherland. Reading the text of the work, we find the many examples.

So, Smolensky residents burn at home and bread so that they do not get the French. The merchant of Ferapontov gives all goods to soldiers and personally set up its property. "Tashchi all guys! Do not get devils! " - he shouts.

Deep patriotic and residents of Moscow. Indicatively episode when Napoleon on Poklonnaya Mount is waiting for deputies with keys from the city. But, most of the inhabitants left Moscow. Craftsmen and merchants left. They left the city and nobles for which, before the arrival of the enemy, French was native to Russian land.

Patriotism in the novel sometimes wakes up even in those from whom it was difficult to expect. So, Princess Katiha, who, together with Vasily, participates in the hunt for the will of the Count of Lesukov, declares Pierre: "What I mean, but I can not live under the Bonapartov authority."

Even the boiled gossip holder Juli Karagin leaves with everyone with the words: "I am not John d'Ark and not Amazon." Memoskvichi left the hometown, "because for Russian people could not be a question: whether or badly be under the control of the French in Moscow. Under the control of the French, it was impossible to be. "

Natasha and Pierre during the war

Can not stay away from the common misfortune and favorite heroes of the writer. Pierre decides to stay in the capital to shoot the French emperor "in order to or die, or stop the misfortune of all of Europe." He saves an unfamiliar girl from a burning garden, pounces with fists on a french soldier trying to shoot a necklace with a woman. Pierre turns out to be on the battlefield and captive, he was almost shot by the French and saved Russian partisans. It is the war that makes Pierre look at the other eyes on himself and others, feel his proximity to the simple people.

The feeling of the "the needs of the victim and suffering" during the universal misfortune makes Natasha Rostov shouting to the mother, who does not want to pay his veins wounded. At that moment Natasha does not think that it may be a hopeless. She thinks only that the wounded can not be left to the French.

True patriots on battlefields

It is impossible, speaking about the theme of patriotism in the "war and the world", not to mention the direct participants of the battles, generals and ordinary soldiers.

First of all, the reader attracts the image of Kutuzov. Like many favorite fat heroes, Kutuzov has a not at all attractive appearance "in a long surpetice on a huge thick body", "with a stunned back", "with a white eye on a floating face" - such draws a writer of the great commander in front of the Borodino battle. Tolstoy emphasizes that physical weakness and spiritual power combined in this person. It was she who, this inner force, allowed him to accept an unpopular decision - to leave Moscow to preserve the army. It is thanks to her, he had enough strength to relieve Fatherland from the French.

Appear images and other heroes. These are real historical faces: Generally Raevsky, Yermolov Dashturov, Bagration. And fictional bravets, including Prince Andrei, Timokhin, Nikolai Rostov and many others whose names are unknown.

The true patriots of the Fatherland shows the writer and participants of the partisan war. They did not participate in the great battles, but destroyed the enemy to the ways available to them. Tikhon Shcherbaty, Old Town Vasilisa, Denis Davydov. It is their feats that admire the young Peter Rostov, who joins the partisan detachment.

False patriots in the novel

True Patriots Tolstoy opposes patriots of false, who are not affected by common misfortune, and who are trying to extract their own benefits.

So, ordinary life live visitors Salon Sheroer. She satisfies the reception even on the day of the battle in Borodino. The patriotism of the hostess of the fashion salon is only manifested in the fact that it germs germinate those who visit the French theater.

"Liapatriot" are among the staff officers. Among them, Boris Drubetskaya, who, thanks to his procrier, "managed to stay at the main apartment." Berg, which is a pathetic tone pronounces a fiery speech in front of the Graph Rostov, and then begins to maintain the "Chiffiônechochka" and the toilet "with an English secret" from him. And, of course, the Graph Rostopchin, which his calls and empty activities of the root on the death of thousands of people, and then, giving up a furious crowd of the Son of the merchant Vereshchagin, runs from Moscow.


In conclusion, the essay on the topic of patriotism in the novel "War and Peace" must be said that Tolstoy managed to show the reader, as the real patriot of his homeland should behave at an hour threatening her danger.

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