What dreams of large apples on the tree. What dreams of apples in the dream

What dreams of large apples on the tree. What dreams of apples in the dream
What dreams of large apples on the tree. What dreams of apples in the dream

If you believe the ancient belief, the apple is first of all, the symbol of the temptation. To see in dream apples on the branches of trees is a good sign, but only when they were matured and tasty. What is being shot spoiled apples on the tree, it is very easy to understand.

It is also not superfluous to remember all the details of the dream, and find their meaning in the interpreter. They will give an answer to any question that interests us!

Brief interpretations

You are not an amateur to think about the details of the meeting with the plot? Use the interpretations presented by known dreams. They will give a brief and at the same time detailed answers to the symbol with a symbol. For example, what the apples are shot on the tree:

  • Round fruit in night gold - you will be successful among representatives of the opposite sex.
  • Seen how apples fall from the tree, because there are a lot of them on the branches - keep your desires and needs under control.
  • You tried to catch a falling apple, and then to ease him - what you have thought, be sure to happen.
  • Running a green unripe apple from the branch - a sign of trouble in an intimate life.
  • An apple spoiled by worms - a sign of betrayal of your second half.

Dream Miller

Gustav Miller in his interpretator compared the rewarding fruits with the sensations of pleasures in love. For example, examined in a dream saturated bulk apples in bright greenish foliage, mean you are waiting for harmonious love.

Dreamed that you eat garden fruits, the explanation of the dream will be as follows: the moment came to carry out everything about what you dream. Sleepy vision, in the plot of which you could not disrupt the apple, denotes your excessive egoism and pride in reality.

Color denotes success

Yellow apple prophesies a stage of prosperity and successful achievements in life. Golden fruit predicts the recognition of your fame and admiration for talents.

What dreams of greenish apples on the tree will show the moon dream book. When the fruits are green, despite their complete degree of maturity, it explains the sign of green light in any endeavors in reality. Uncooked to the end of the apple warns about probable difficulties due to well-unplanned actions.

Harvesting, or what is better to do

Would you like to find out what dreams dream, where are you trying to collect apples on a tree? So, Medele's dream book explains that success in the affairs of you will definitely find you if you have built the fruit from your garden plot in the night vision.

How does Loff's dream book explains, large apples on the tree collected by you? You fell into a difficult situation, under the action of which are now, you do not just get out of it. Running fruits to the end of immature - planning something, start acting with minor actions.

Your manipulations like a sign of desire

Dreamed, as if you do not go out to get apples from a tree, so do you try to raise them? The most exciting explanation represents the dream book Freud. Would you like to diversify your sexual life, you will need to be inventive in bed.

According to other interpreters, collecting thowned fruits from the tree is a sign of your effort.

What dream of a dream, where do you spray apples on the tree? When the fruits were large and mature in night gold - your work will definitely appreciate. But, if they rotten or worm, no one will appreciate your actions.

To see in a dream, like your feet rolled up an apple, fallen from a large tree - soon you will enlone the uninvited guests. If it was rotten - visitors are grieved.

Dreams from Sunday for Monday 02/18/2019

Dreams from Sunday for Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of sleeping. Through pictures, which appeared during sleep, one can analyze the degree of workload, ...

At all times, people tried to give each event their sign. One of these events is a vision, thanks to which you can find out the future. And it is optional everything will occur as in a dream, for this and it was invented to symbolize such events. And the apple is a pretty good sign in a dream, because it contains a lot of vitamins. And to deal with what the metro dream will help, the analysis of the day value in which the vision and opinions of the authors of the dreams occurred.

Often, this fruit was involved in many ancient myths. Suppose you can remember the apple of discord, which has become a sign of the beginning of the Trojan War. It has great importance. Currently, this fruit is of a variety of varieties, and it may depend on what will happen in the future.

For example, green and sour apple can not like many, so if it was in vision, you can talk about trouble that will bring harm to a person.

If it was red and big, and at the same time the dream had an appetite in his form, then we can say that faith in the best will help achieve the goal.

The rotten or a worm apple has a bad meaning in a dream, because in his form in reality it is unlikely to appetite, and most often a person gets rid of a spoiled fruit.

If the person decided to try him in the vision, he can intentionally go to a risky business. And in reality, he does not expect anything good, because such an apple will not give anything other than possible poisoning.

For more detailed decryption should also take into account all the details of sleep. Apple itself in vision is an important sign, thanks to which in reality you can achieve a good position. But on more accurate events in the future will indicate a specific episode in the vision and nature of the day in which it happened.

The influence of the day for sleep

Each day is managed by a certain planet, a star or satellite. Therefore, events carry the characteristic of the ruler of the day.

Five days drive planets that are located closer to the main star. The reign of two others was engaged in the sun and the moon. And that's what the apple seemed in a dream at a certain day:

  • Tuesday is considered to be the day when people begin to show much activity after difficult Monday. And the management took up an enterprising Mars, who is responsible for actions, conflicts and energy. Therefore, ripe and juicy apples present in the vision can say that a person will have many opportunities for successful undertakings that it necessarily uses. If the fruits were green and sour, then the dream will appear in the dream of a dream, with whom he will understand. But in any case, they will bring him a lot of trouble. In general, the dreams on Tuesday come true with a probability of above average.
  • Wednesday for most people is considered a productive day, as many questions are solved and the main number of transactions is. Planet Mercury, responsible for the information, negotiations and close trips is engaged in the management of this day. And dreaming red and juicy apples report that a person successfully completes the emerging negotiations or safely start training. If they were rotten or worm, then unpleasant gossip can be walking about the dreams that spread enemies or competitors. Moreover, they will spoil him the authority in society. Vision for this day come true with a large probability.
  • Thursday manages the planet opportunities, success and authority - Jupiter. Therefore, this day of the week is considered truly prosperous: for most, a day, the end of working time comes and there are many favorable deals. And the juicy and red apples seen in sleep are perfectly combined with the atmosphere of the day, so the person will definitely take advantage of generous capabilities that fate will present him. If the apples were unappletent and worm, then someone will want to spoil the public authority of man. But the enemy will be bad, and the dreams identifies who it is. In general, the dreams for Thursday do not always come true, more often their manifestations should be expected for several years.
  • Friday for the majority is the final working day when you should relax well and spend money. And all because his control was taught material and sensual Venus. And the large and juicy apples present in the dream can say that the person will have financial perspectives that he will use. If the fruits were green and sour, then in the present relationship there may be a disagreement, which will end with the gap. For lonely people, such a dream can say that the person will appear, with which the novel will begin, however, he will be short and will not bring anything good. In general, the visions of the day come true favorable.
  • Saturday is a heavy day in the emotional plan, for someone it is a difficult time after evening holidays on Friday, and others have to work also six days a week. Therefore, the control of the day was engaged in karmic and complex Saturn, who sets up a person on difficulty. And seen ripe fruit of the apple tree say that the dreams can really achieve heights, and there will be no prerequisites for this. He himself will believe in himself and starts to take patience and work to the last sweat to achieve the goal. If the apple was sour and unhealthy, then a long time the dream will not get anything. In general, visions on Saturday come true for several years and carry a lot of meaning.
  • The sun is engaged in the Sunday control, the most long-awaited day after the working week, when you can finally relax. So the events on this day are positive painting, and dreams will certainly come true on a positive note. Therefore, a ripe and appetizing apple present in the vision indicates that it is time to embody the most ambitious plans. And it should be started immediately, because the sun performs dreams in the near future. If the fruit of the apple tree was Cherviv, then the dream will appear the enemy, which can bring problems. In general, the visions of Sunday come true on the same day, or the next day, the main thing, not to talk about it.
  • Monday is a difficult day, because the weekend went without a trace, and most did not appear from the Most worker. The control of the day was made by the Earth's satellite - the Moon, which is responsible for the sharp change of mood and many female qualities. The vision of the day can not affect the future of a person, so they should be forgotten. And the large and red apple present in a dream suggests that a person cannot take an important decision in reality. If it was rotten, then in his life there were problems that he could not solve, and it gives it greatly. It is connected with the fact that one day he had a similar situation, and he did only worse.

Decoding of an apple in dreams

After parsing the influence of the days of the week, you should refer to decoding from different dreams. The opinions of the authors will tell a lot and help to know the future.:

  • Dream Vangu. The apple is considered a symbol of remuneration and wisdom. Therefore, if the dreams threw it from the tree, in the near future he can comprehend the beautiful and starts to understand all the earth processes. He will understand that nothing is just like that, and if he did someone well, he will return it. If the dreams ate him, then in reality he will get acquainted with a wise man who will teach him a lot.
  • Dream Nostradamus. Note a large and ripe apple - a sign that in the near future humanity will make a new discovery. In the future, the dreams can receive public authority at the expense of its best qualities. But what the apples are shot on the tree: the ripe fruits of the red color promise a meeting with people, thanks to which the dreams will begin to look at the world.
  • Dream Miller. If in the dream apples saw a woman or ate one fruit, then she can lose the legacy or start degrading. But why the green apples are shot: any effort will not bring anything in the end. If the dreams bought fruit, he can make major transactions that will eventually bring little benefit.
  • Dream of flowers. To see apples - a person builds illusions, which will eventually be destroyed. If he ate them, he will be disappointed or angry due to the fact that he could not achieve the target target.
  • Dream Freud. The dreaming beautiful and large fetus suggests that to conquer the heart of a pretty person will not work. If the apples were worm or rot, then the dreams are too jealous of his partner, however, he does it in vain, because he is not able to suspect him.
  • English dream book. To dream apples in a dream - a good sign, which is a happy and long life, in which there will be many more joy. In particular, mothers such a vision reports that their kids will be able to achieve a lot in life.
  • Eastern Dream. Large, ripe and juicy fruits promise the fulfillment of cherished desires. If they were acidic and green, then it is possible to deteriorate health.
  • Imperial dream book. Many red and large apples will dream of life progress and strong health. If they were green, but at the same time large, then a woman is such a dream and peace and calmness promises. But for men, such a vision indicates a relationship with a girl with whom he will have many common interests.

Different dream options

An example of proper sleep decryption

To more accurately find out what can wait in the future, one example of the outlined information should be disassembled.

For example, a rotten apple dreameded by a man on Wednesday, which he stole. Wednesday vision suggests that a person may have events in the field of information.

By the dream book, Freud, the rotten apple reports that the dreams are too jealous of the partner, but it makes it in vain. And if a man stole him, he can get into a predicable position because of a stupid act.

In this case, it turns out that the representative of the strong floor will make a illogical effect, because of which poor rumors can go about it. As a result, it recognizes his beloved and starts in him to doubt, and then starts to jealous him. But as it turns out, it was all a misunderstanding, everyone will understand that gossip about it is lies. And the partner will be ashamed of this situation.

Based on this, it can be understood that it should only be addicted to the value of a particular case, the author's opinion of one of the dreams and the nature of the day in which the vision occurred. Due to this, useful information is obtained, thanks to which you can learn about the future.

(See Interpretation: Garden, Fruits)

To see a lot of apples in a dream - to quarrels and homemade labels. There is an apple in a dream means chagrin because of the disclaimer in the family or in love. Boiled apples or jungle in a dream foreshadow plenty of pleasant news.

Tear ripe apples in a dream - sign of pleasures and joy. Green apples to disrupt in the dream - the foresight of the chagrin because of their own athleticness.

The sour apple in a dream means chagrin because of a loved one.

Sharing or cut an apple in a dream foreshadows divorce for lovers or disagreements with business partners. Chervoy apples in a dream mean incorrect friends or envious, which a lot will harm you.

To admire beautiful or unusually large ripe apples in a dream - the sign of seductions, forbidden pleasures. Trying such an apple in a dream foreshadows satisfaction, enjoying the forbidden fruit, unless the apple turned out to be sour, bitter, worm, etc. Right to the apples you like in a dream - the foresight of a love passion, leaving you can lose a lot. Supply such an apple in a dream means that you are prone to frivolous actions and to satisfy your own lust capable of going to a big risk. See Interpretation: Paradise Apple.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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Full sleep description on the topic: "If there are many apples on the tree" with an interpretation of astrologers for people.

Ancient ancient is considered a symbol of temptation and pleasure. To dream apples on a tree - this is a good sign, but only if they were ripe and fragrant. What the ridden fruits are shot, it is not difficult to guess, but we will not guess, and let's remember all the details of your vision and look into dream interpreters. I really know everything about such dreams!

Brief interpretations

You are not an amateur thoughtfully and thoroughly find out what the victim warns the plot about? Take advantage of brief interpretations! Dreams Literally in a pair of rows explain the meaning of the dreams. Here, for example, briefly about what the apples are shot on the tree:

  • Tear in a dream apple - to success at the opposite sex.
  • To see that fruits are so much that they fall - control the measure of their desires.
  • Catching falling apples and there are them - conceived will get very easy to you.
  • Running immature - a symbol of sexual failures or a problem with libido.
  • Chervoy apples on a tree - a sign of an existing likelihood that the partner is not true to you.

Dream Miller

Gustav Miller equated dreaming apples to sensual pleasures and relationships in a pair. So, for example, in a dream, scarlet fruits in emerald green foliage, you can rejoice, because it means a similar picture of love and harmony.

And if you dreamed that you eat the torn gifts of the garden, the interpretation of sleep would be like this: it's time to realize everything that you have conceived. The dream that you cannot get the growing high "Antonovka" means an overestimated sense of own significance.

Color will indicate the luck: wait for it or not

An excellent sign is considered to be fruit of red. Red Renet symbolizes sensory passion and predicts happiness in marriage. In addition, the red "Ranetks" predict improved health status, asserts the dream of Ezopa.

Yellow "Jonathan" promises the period of physical and mental lifting. But Golden - it prophesies the recognition of your authority and worship before talents.

What dreams of green apples on the tree will shoot, tells the moon dream book. If the fruit is green and at the same time caused, then it is "green light" endeavors. The unripe apple warns of possible failures due to the abnormality of actions.

Collect harvest, or how best to do

Want to know what dream dreams in which you collect the gifts of the apple tree? There is nothing easier. For example, Medele's dream book says that luck is guaranteed to love if in a dream you collect fruits in your garden.

Pastor Loff's dream book commented in its own way, where you tear apples from a tree. Tearing large is a sign that you are not subject to the influence of the situation that develops around you now. To tear the apples small or not allowed - thinking something, start acting from the small one.

Your actions like an aspiration symbol

Dreamed that you can't tear apples on the tree, so you shaking it? The most interesting interpretation gives Freud's dream book: If you want to enjoy a partner, you will have to show the wonders of ingenuity. According to other interpretors, to tear the "earning" of the apple tree is a sign of a diligent attitude to the case.

What dreams dream in which you spray apples on a tree? If the apple gifts in a dream were big and ripe - the efforts will not remain unnoticed. And if they are rotten or with wormwort - no one will appreciate your intentions.

To see in a dream, as a big and ripe "Peping" fell and rolling to you - wait for the desired guests. Rotia rolled - Viziers will not please you.

Juicy, ripe, red or green apples - symbol of health, abundance and wisdom. In most cases, the dream book will say that they dream of a woman and a man to something joyful.

But that the interpretation of a dream was as accurate as possible, you need to remember all the details that you could see in a dream. They matter size, taste and even the smell of the fruits that you have dreamed.

Dreamed of apples in a dream what it means

  • Vanga. I believed that green and red apples symbolize wisdom and dreams of award for the works.
  • But if you cut them in a dreamSo you should double-check important information that your friends or colleagues report.
  • If a Apples dream of a womanIt is important to remember their color.
  • See yellow - to treason, red And ripe dreams of a dusty date and passion.
  • See worm Means the fear of treason.
  • Pregnant woman They dream of easy childbirth and healthy kids.
  • What if Fruit dream of a man And he eats him, then he is waiting for a meeting with a beautiful girl.
  • If a there is a lot of fruitsYou are waiting for life in prosperity.
  • And when in a dream of their Many on the groundThe dream is worth the fear of false friends.
  • Dream Interpretation claims that buy fruit - To love passion with big losses.
  • Steal - To doubtful acquaintances.
  • See red or green fruit in boxes - Do not implement all your energy.

What dreams of red apples

  • Red color can symbolize passion, love, temptation and energy.
  • Any dream book red Pushes like a favorable sign. He can mean a love adventure or fruitful cooperation.
  • If a woman dreamed of red Large fruits, then it promises an ambulance pregnancy.
  • Male red fruit foreshadow familiarizing with an influential woman.
  • Dream Miller It claims that red fruits and green foliage are very favorable sleep.

If greeted green apples

When a person is shot green apples Dream interpretation is pushing it as a good sign. This color symbolizes friendship, sincerity and health.

  1. if you dreamed green fruitsYour new acquaintance is an honest person.
  2. Also green fruits May mean the rapid completion of the conflict and reconciliation.

Apples on the tree to what to dream

  • See in a dream apple garden - This is joy! The beautiful spectacle promises something very bright.
  • If dreamed red apples on a treeYes, and even huge, wait for financial well-being.
  • To see big ripe fruits on the tree - To great discoveries, glory and respect.
  • When in a dream came entrance with large fruits, any dream book will say that you are waiting for financial success.
  • If you shaking a treeDream interpretation will tell you about the desire to get greater pleasure from intimate intimate.
  • See green fruit on tree, tear or press it - To a hurry. Do not rush events and do not customize colleagues or loved ones.

Collect apples in a dream to what it is

  • On Wange to collect fruit from tree - So, to enrich your inner world.
  • Dreamed green and unhealthy - Stop accepting hasty decisions.
  • Not very good when in a dream you have to collect the fallen fruits from the ground. Beware of dubious connections and carefully choose new acquaintances.
  • See how you collect major fruits in the basket or bucket, To the high assessment of your work.
  • Collect and give them someone - To your generosity.
  • Collect and hold in your hands Sulit Test for strength.

Eat apples in a dream

Freud. I thought that sweet tasty apples Symbolize sexy appetite.

If a woman dreamed of being them - To a romantic date or passionate night. It is also a hint of a woman to be attentive to her man.

Other dream book argues that eat unripe fruit In a dream - have health problems.

If there are died fruitYour waits quarrel with a close man.

Interpretation of dreams suggests that cut ripe apples In a dream, it means to have success in love.

What if clean themThis is for disappointment.

See apples on ripe trees

  1. Simply see them on the tree - to reassessment of values \u200b\u200band thinking about further stages in life.
  2. Collect and eat them - to the implementation of plans and material well-being.
  3. Dream Interpretary believes that woman starring apple trees with fruits To the conception of the child.
  4. If a Dreamed a man - This is a new and successful stage in life or career.

Rotten apples to what to dream

Dream Interpretation claims that Removed rotten fruit To the appearance of envious and ill-wishers.

Dreamed Chervich and Torn - This is the envy of colleagues or friends.

Freud. States that cherviva Apple Slit and Woman, and man dissatisfaction in sexual terms.

estimates, average:

An apple is a beautiful delicacy, fragrant and delicious fruit, useful not only for teeth and gums, but also for the whole body. But what is the dream of this useful delicacy - an apple? Dreams offer interesting decryptions.

What is the dream apples on the dream of Miller

According to Miller's dream book, dreamed of apples - a very favorable sign: if they are bright red and closely surrounded by juicy green leaves, then any of your undertakings will end with the best result.

However, if you have dreamed of rotten or diesel apples, such a dream is a warning - troubles are coming, false benevolence, betrayal from those you considered friends.

Apple in a dream - dream book Vanga

By the dream of Vanga, apples are interpreted as a symbol of femininity, as well as wisdom that will definitely be rewarded. But do not be too arrogant, it is better to rely on the will of fate. Only she eventually decides who, when, what and for what to encourage, and does not give anything that we want, but what we really need.

If you have dreamed that you cut the apple to the part means, are in a strong misconception, the fee for which will be high, but, nevertheless, it will have to be made. Perhaps it will be a gap of significant relationships with someone from close friends.

What dreams of apples are dreams of Ezop

According to this interpreter, the apple is a sign of temptation, seduced for anything, especially if you are treated by these fruits - it means that they will try to pull into the adventure, capable of pretty spoil your life and a good name.

In addition, this fruit can mean improved health, replenishment of power and vital energy. If you dream apple lying on a dish or a plate - to fascinating adventure, extraordinary events with a positive color.

If you rolling my own apple on a saucer - learn someone's important secret, and unintentionally. If you cook the jam - I will have a sad incident or event that you will become an involuntary witness. Fruit rolls along the track - to expensive guests from among loved ones.

I happened to hold the golden fruit on the palm - you will be waiting for recognition and worship. If the apples sat down from the tree, and you collect them, it means that you hope to take possession of anything as unattainable for you.

If you tear the immature, still a very green and solid apple - in reality you get too hurry to get something, and overly rummage events, and you should not do this at all, and everything has your turn. Everything should ripen - the person you are sincerely and possibly unrequited, in the end, will understand how you are expensive to him, and will be with you.

What dreams a big apple. Dream Interpretation - Large Apples

A huge, ripe apple, according to the dream of Nostradamus, foreshadows a significant discovery, important and amazing. Such a dream predicts and great honor in society for the one who saw him.

A full basket of large apples collected by you - a sign of performance of effort, although it will come very soon. Also, large fruit can mean unexpected joy, improving health and relationships with a partner.

Dream Interpretation - Many Apples

A large number of apples, mature and red, is interpreted by the dream of Ezopa as the coming achievements, the successful completion of the started, luck. Nostradamus's dream book explains such a dream as a sign of appearance in the future of healing fruits, externally reminiscent of apples, and capable of returning health and youth to people.

Many apples on the branches - to the positive outcome of the events disturbing you, as well as to gain a large number of good friends (Dream Miss Hasse).

What dreams to eat apples, buy, tear, tear, steal apples

If in a dream you eat a sweet, tasty apple - to a happy marriage, long life, full of joy. And it does not matter, it is fresh, or in boiled or baked form.

Tsvetkova's dream book, on the contrary, considers such a meal symbol of anger and disappointment in reality, and Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse promises extremely pleasant lovelocks.

Wang's dream book interprets the eating apples as a quick acquaintance with someone who is older than you, and gaining wisdom from communicating with him.

In the event that if you have failed to eat, or damaged apples are a bad sign, to quarrels, troubles, disappointments.

Buying an apple means all the manifestations of the favor of fate to you, but to achieve success should not be lazy, and the receipt of the gift - it means that a person is not inherent and dear to you also loves the feelings mutual.

Tear apples - to merry, joy, financial profit. Steal - to pregnancy, offspring.

Rotten, diesel apples

What is the shot apples spoiled, rotten, with worms? According to the interpretation of Miss Hasse, the inedible apples can mean a danger in reality, and Miller's dream book interprets them as meaningless, robust efforts, vain hopes.

Also spoiled fruit can symbolize anyone or anger and envy, or your own jealousy towards a partner. In addition, the dream of Rotina Apple foreshadows troubles that can provoke a loss of interest in life.

What dreams of yellow, ripe apples?

Ripe, bulk apple means a prosperous marriage, getting money, love, carnal desires, as well as the coming period of mental lift and physical fortress.

In addition, the ripe fruits among fresh foliage symbolize the accomplice of the intended and exercise of the desired. In addition, there may be a cheerful pastime.

In most cases, a dream about a mature, unspoiled apple means significant labor accomplishments, full and permanent success in love affairs, happy and long life.

For a woman who has children, such a dream foreshadows their well-being, prosperity and outstanding abilities. Also "Apple" sleep can mean a quick successful marriage, the birth of a child. Let this beautiful fruit as a symbol of life and joy dream of you and as often as possible!

What is sleep? Parallel between reality and fantasy or the answer of our subconscious on the past day? There is no reliable answer to this question. So, medicine leans to the fact that the dream is the usual physiological process, during which our body rests and gains strength. In the opposite direction they think esoterics who believe that the night horses carry something mystical, unnecessary to simple truths.

As for ordinary people, there are differences here. Some do not pay attention to the content of their dream, others, on the contrary, are trying to solve its meaning every time, truly believe that thanks to the response, you can protect yourself and your loved ones and misfortune. On the agenda, the question of what the greeted red apple mean? What dreams of this fruit and I will warn you, learn from our article.

Dream Vangu

The Great Bulgarian Providian explained this dream easily. Vanga noted that the Red Apple, greeted in the night sirows, symbolizes the beginning of a good period. This means that everything conceived will soon come true. Use your chance, because at the moment luck and good on your side.

Dream Miller

Miller also had their thoughts about the dreams, in which a red apple was won? What does this fruit dream, according to the famous psychologist? A red apple is a favorable sign that means wisdom and readiness to overcome all obstacles. In the opening of these qualities, a person will help you who will suddenly appear on the threshold of the house. Perhaps it is he who will direct the true path and will allow to open the essence of all that is happening.

Dream Khasse

By dream of Hasse, red apples symbolize the approaching joy, happiness and victory. The same applies to communicating with the opposite sex. If you believe interpretation, then the person who is ideal for creating a strong family will soon be at your path. Good luck is waiting for both work. Perhaps soon you will be offered a high position or significantly increase the salary.

In any case, success will accompany you everywhere.

Dream of flowers

What is the dreams of red apples on the tree? This question is a clear answer to the dream book of flowers. Unfortunately, there is nothing good for these night horses, according to the famous Esoteric, do not foreshadow. Digested red apple promises painful states and associated long-term treatment. As for the work and relationship, then the dream is waiting for frustration and failure.

Dream Ezopa

Esop has a different opinion regarding sleep, in which a red apple dreamed. What dreams of this fruit according to Ezop? The red apple is positioned in this case as passion, temptation and temptation. Perhaps there will be a situation in life that will put you before choosing. Dream Interpretation claims that not always a beautiful fruit fruit, so before you taste it, think about several times.

If in your night feces you bite a red apple, what is it dreaming? Esop binds the ghost fruit with a proposal, which you cannot resist.

And how do the feces are interpreted in which you eat a red apple? What dreams? Similar vision are associated with health problems. Dream Interpretation advises to do it at this stage so that there is no complications in the future.

Erotic dream book

In the erotic dream, the Red Apple is compared with passion, forbidden fron, a tempting offer, a deceptive situation, etc., what if the fruit was in a dream of a young man? The red apple tree with appetizing and large fruits means that the dream is perfectly developed relationships with representatives of weak gender. It is always in the spotlight, and that's fine.

If a young man is under an apple tree, then these feces say that the dreams have been dreaming of a girl for a long time, who does not suspect his feelings.

If a man takes the fruit of a woman, this means that this person wants to seduce him.

Have a young man in a dream, crushed rotten and diesel red apples? This means that it is completely not satisfied with the current sexual partner. Perhaps it is worth changing anything or make several nuances in an intimate life.

The degree of ripeness of apple

The interpretation of sleep as a whole depends on how apple mature. So, if the fruit has not yet slept, it says that you have not reached the level of maturity and wisdom. You will have more situations that will require maximum concentration and excerpts. And if you resolve before these life tests, then the transition period to a new level will come.

Fruits ripe and beautiful? You have a solid life position that allows you to find a way out even from the most severe and confusing life situation. The same applies to relationships with the opposite sex. You are endowed with the ability to lure any, even the most unshakable, person.

What else about this dream can tell the dream book? What the red apples are shot, which are approaching the rotation stage. This suggests that the dream is not satisfied with the current sexual relationship. Perhaps this is due to the fact that past love still remained in your heart, and maybe your partner is not ready for a variety of intimate life.

Taste of apple

If in his night fence you ate a red apple and at the same time felt his taste, then remember what he was. Having fallen fruit, did you feel satisfaction from taste? So, in the future you are waiting for luck, happiness and love.

Apple turned out to be sour? These feces mean your unaware of serious actions and discoveries. You are too unsure that everything will work out. Therefore, do not hurry - everything goes to your woman.

Gorky and tasteless apple means the approaching trouble. Pay attention to what apple came from. If you filed it, remember who it was. Beware of this person. The fruit was tied with you? Problems will arise in your fault.

Beautiful red apple turns into rotten? This means that soon you will receive a tempting offer, from which you will not be able to refuse. And in vain! Having received it, you will find yourself in a complex material situation. You will need a lot of strength and exposure to get out of it.

Availability of fruit

What dreams of an apple tree with red apples, which were very high? The inability to get the fetus from the tree says that the goals set will not be achieved.

If you, not paying attention to the height, make the decision to climb on the top and get the cherished fruit, what does it mean? Your target and hardness will not give any obstacles to prevent the cherished dream.

What is the dreams of red apples on the tree? If the fruits are located on the bottom branch, but as soon as you try to get them, the trunk unexpectedly grows - it speaks of your uncertainty and shy. If you do not fight it, you will not achieve the desired one.

Pick apples

What dreams of collecting red apples? If there were ripe and beautiful fruits on Earth, then in the future you are expected to be a great success and good luck. This is especially true. Perhaps thanks to the efforts of the dream, the bosses will finally appreciate the work and rewards.

If I had to tear the apples from the top of the top hips, it means that because of your arrogance, the case on which you expected so, will fail with a crash. Be more modest and not tell to unauthorized people about your plans for the future.

What dreams of red apples? Many fruits around meant that you are surrounded by good friends who come to revenue at the right moment. If there was a large number of rotten apples nearby, then almost everyone who calls themselves with another, actually wish your failure.

Buy, sell apples

What dreams of big red apples that you purchased in the store? This means the period of luck and good luck. Do not miss your chance.

The same sleep may be interpreted differently. So, having dreamed ripe fruits in the store mean the beginning of the relationship in which the most important place will take sex.

If you take the last red apple, and behind you stand a huge queue - wait for luck, which comes to you.

Buy rotten fruits for a big amount of money? This suggests that the failure awaits you. Be careful. Do not take dubious offers and do not sign documents without familiarcing them.

Red apple doned woman

What do apples have red and green unmarried girls? This means that soon it will marry a good person.

If such a dream saw a girlfriend in marriage, the long-awaited replenishment is expected soon.

Other significant little things

If the dreams rolling the red apple on the table, then this means that in the future he has to learn someone else.

The lying fruits on the grass suggest that there is a person who calls himself in your environment. You should look at your community circle. Someone has long built you a goat. Dream Interpretation advises not to trust the blindly to everyone who at least once turned to you with a request for help or entrusted his mystery.

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Our dream is a reflection of reality. In the subconscious, sometimes postponed what fleetingly slipped during the day and was not postponed in memory. We did not pay attention to any fact, and the brain has already transformed the information and "issued" her at night in a dream. Apples we see often - whether at home in a vase, in the store on the counter, but they rarely have "heroes" of night dreams. Hence the question: "Apples to dream about?" Should I rejoice or disappear if in a dream ate an apple or treat him a friend?

What dreams of apples

Imagine: You go into the room, and on the table there is a big vase, and in it - large red apples. You take one, put on ... But you do not feel the taste - because it is just a dream. All the interpreters of dreams are called a ripe apple with a symbol of wisdom, a prosperous precursor, meaning joy and pleasure.

In ancient mythology, in Russian folk fairy tales, an apple symbolizes vitality. From here - Images of Molding Apple. And Nostradamus believed that such an apple in a dream means that in the future fruits will be really detected, which externally have an apple shape and have a property to rejuvenate the body.

Any dream book an apple considers a good omen meaning that a light strip comes in your life, and you need to miss the moment, put your goals, because now there is a real opportunity to achieve the fulfillment of desires.

To see in a dream fresh apples, tear them or eat - all actions mean something good, which should happen in human life. The main thing is to dream of ripe fruit, healthy.

Collect apples in a dream

  • In most dreams to see in a dream, as you collect apples from a tree, means touching the wisdom of older generations, get new knowledge.
  • Collect the fallen apples from the ground - look for a cunning, double man in your surroundings

Woman in a dream eats apples: what is it?

Many dreams contain actions: you collect apples, my apples. What dream of a ripe apple that is eating a woman in a dream? About wisdom to be learned about something significant and important says such a dream.

He foreshadows events that have greater value and significance for a person who saw sleep.

  • It is good, to keep an apple in my hands in a dream - such a dream is considered a precursor of happy, joyful events.
  • But if the apple has fallen, flabby or touched by worms, - it means false hopes, fake and insincere friends surrounding you.

Rotten apples

  • See in a dream rotten apples - to real danger (according to the interpretation of Miss Hasse) or empty efforts that do not lead to the desired result.
  • A spoiled fruit can mean someone's black envy, anger and even hatred.
  • Rotten apples in a dream can warn you about the need to abide care to avoid injury.

Apples on a tree

What is apples on a tree? They point to the most favorable moment to make the conceived. Good and juicy fruits that you break from a tree in a dream - the successful completion of your plans and affairs, misappropriate - incomplete cases have accumulated a lot, it's time to make commencement, otherwise you are waiting for trouble.

What dream apple tree

The bad sign is a dream in which there are no apples on an apple.

You will get an unpleasant news, perhaps the family will come in the family.

  • The firing tree also dreams of troubles, and see the broken branch means a breakdown of plans or an unfinished matter. If there was no leaves on it - you finally get free from everything that prevented you, pulled back.

If the blooming apple tree is dreaming - it means that you are waiting for a happy change in the near future.

  • If the branch with apple color is donated - something will be involved in an interesting project.
  • To see a great old apple tree in a dream. This is a tree of life, the grandiose events are waiting ahead, the change of epochs.

Many fruits

To see a lot of fruit in a dream - to the successful completion of a large and important case. So interprets the dream dream of Ezopa, and Hasse complements the favorable outcome of the acquisition of new friends.

Apple value in a dream depending on the color

A favorable sign - see apples in their dreams. But it turns out that the dream can be interpreted in different ways, depending on what color the apple dreamed:

  • Green - do not torfer events, let them go their toed
  • Yellow fruits - to sufficiency, profits
  • Red - good and well-being. But - if you collect a harvest from a tree or eat fruit, and if apples are scattered on the floor - you are waiting for a loss.

What to dream apples to a woman: interpretation in dreams

An apple is an object that is interpreted in almost all dreams. All of them give their explanations - what the apples are shot.

Dream Miller: Apples

  • If the apple tree was dreamed, and there are juicy and sweet apples on it, you are waiting for a happy future.
  • Unreleased fruits - in vain efforts, warning against rash deeds.

Miller believes that there is fruit in a dream - a bad sign, especially if apples are shot by a young woman, and she eats fruit.

  • A businessman apples in a dream stole large, but not profitable transactions, from which you can refuse not to be at risk.

Dreamed Apple - Interpretation of Vangu

The famous Bulgarian Wang Vanian interpreted dreams about apples otherwise. She considered them a symbol of wisdom.

Tearing large ripe apples from the branch, you can feel the desire to comprehend the essence of earthly phenomena.

Vanga believes:

  • There are apples in a dream - to become wiser in reality.
  • Sharing an apple into several parts - to be delusible, which can lead to adverse consequences.
  • Keep in your hands or see rotten diesel apples - get incorrect information to beware.

To dream apples on Nostradamus

The famous predictor considered: a beautiful big apple in a dream means that you will soon have a great discovery. Perhaps great - not in a universal scale, but certainly significant for you. If apples dreamed - you respect and many will be respected, and rotten fruit will dream of failure in matters.

For a man there are apples in a dream - to get acquainted with a beautiful woman, the meeting with which will be for him a fateful.

Apples: Dream Interpretary Freud

According to Freud, delicious juicy fruits, dreamed at night, mean your vain attempts to get acquainted and jerk with a person who interest you.

The reason is tragic - it is interested in sexual relations only with the faces of its sex, and your attempts to attract attention in vain.

  • To see a bad fruit in a dream - you doubt your "half". He pays little attention to you? The dream says it is only about what your speculations are in vain, and soon you will have the opportunity to make sure that. Even if your "second half" looked "left", nothing serious in those relationships.
  • What do you think to dream apples to a woman if in a dream she shakes apple trees? Of course, to delicious sex, which will delight both partners.

Dream Dream Hasse: what dreams - there are apples in a dream

Miss Hasse also binds dreams about apples with lovely unrest.

The apple is sweet - to joyful and happy family life, sour - something goes wrong.

Stop and think that you need to change in relationships. Maybe life began to love, and it's time to add gloska to the past relationship?

Chinese Dream Interpretation: Dreamed Sleep about Apples

In China, the color of the apple tree is considered a symbol of peace and beauty. It is not surprising that apples in a dream is a good sign. In the dream book Zhou-Guna gives such an interpretation of dreams about apples:

  • Dreamed apples on the tree - the desire for a high goal
  • Feed someone delicious fruits - to show kindness, and if someone treats you with an apple - he is trying to draw you in a dubious thing
  • Wash apples - to a light strip in life, and see clean apples to merry.

"Apple" dream is one of the most veins.

Popular fruit symbolizes joy and pleasure, the main thing is that apples in your sleep were juicy, beautiful. Sweet apples are - enjoy life, sour - not only joyful, "sweet" days await you. But this is life, and it passes in reality, and not in a dream. So, as they say, hope for sleep, and yourself are not a root.