Presentation to the lesson of literary reading L. Tolstoy "Jump" Presentation to the lesson on reading (grade 2) on the topic

Presentation to the lesson of literary reading L. Tolstoy "Jump" Presentation to the lesson on reading (grade 2) on the topic

Abstract lesson in literary reading in grade 3. L.N. Tolstoy "Jump"

(UMK "Elementary School of the 21st Century")
Type of lesson: Lesson working out skills and reflection
Purpose: Creating conditions in the lesson for analyzing the work of L.N. Tolstoy "Jump".
Subject tasks: promote the development of expressiveness of reading and telling, creative abilities of students; analyze literary text based on a teacher's issues system; facilitate the moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren; Develop emotions and cognitive interest, expand the vocabulary of students, continue the development of reading techniques, expand the horizons of students.
To promote the development of the ability to give a characteristic of the literary hero, the ability to analyze the actions of the heroes and see their motives, explain the inner state of literary heroes.
Contribute to the formation of the ability to find support words for a negotiating, which help to describe the emotional state of heroes;
The formation of personal Wood is an emotional attitude to the nature traits and actions of people on the example of the heroes of literary works; educate interest in poetry and culture of communication; replenish the life experience of students. Bring up courage, form moral ideas about heroism, about courage; Crane the empathy of children to the characters of the story, develop the ability to make a decision in an extreme situation.
MetaPered - promote the formation of Wood:
a) regulatory - arbitrarily build an oral and written statement, taking into account the educational task; Show the initiative when answering questions and in the performance of tasks
b) cognitive - to look for information, submit the information found; Conduct analogies between the material studied and their own experience
c) communicative - to express your opinion on the problems and phenomena of life reflected in the literature; Express your thoughts orally.
Equipment: Textbook "Literary reading" Klimanova, Goretsky 3 class, workbook, presentation.
During the classes
Stage motivation for training activities
- Guys, I see that you are ready for a lesson? I am very glad to see you all. The gentle sun holds us rays.
- Let's shift the palms, smile to each other will be configured and start a lesson. I wish you successful work.
- Let's start with speech workout
Speech workout.
Work on patter.
(reading with acceleration)
The yacht is light and obedient mine, (slide 2)
I will fight on her will be sea
Actualization of knowledge and implementation of primary action.
- Over creativity, what writer do we work with you? (L.N. Tolstoy)
- What did you know about the writer?
(brief biographical data)
- Take the "alarms" "yes" - no, show me your answers.
Game "Yes - no"
1. L.N. Tolstoy was born in the 20th century.
2. L.N. Tolstoy lived in the yield of a clear glade.
3. L. Tolstoy all his life was a military.
4. In his estate, he opened a school for peasant children.
5. L. Tolstoy wrote stories only for children.
6. L.N. Tolstoy knew sixteen foreign languages.
7. L.N. Tolstoy was the fifth child in the family.
8. L.N. Tolstoy buried in Kazan.
9. U L.N. Tolstoy was 13 children.
- I want to know how well you know the genres of works.
- Title the name of the work with the genre, connect the arrows. We will work in pairs.
(work in pairs)
"Literary Designer" (Slide 3)
"Swans" story
"Winter evening" poem
"Squirrel and Wolf" Bass
"Emelyan worker and an empty drum" fairy tale
"Hares" scientific - popular story
"Shark" story
- What a work is superfluous, why? ("Winter evening" - A.S. Pushkin, and the rest of the works wrote L.N. Tolstoy.)
- What kind of work did you work at home?
- What had to be done?
(Read the work, know the content of the work)
- Why L.N. Tolstoy called a switched writer?
(He wrote the stories, and the epics and were, fairy tales). What is happening?
The work is a work that tells about the real event.
- Can you call a story?
Relying on the knowledge of the text and your vocabulary on the marine themes will solve the crossword. (Slide 4)
1. Fabric on the mast, leading vessel in motion (sail)
2. Steering wheel on the ship (steering wheel)
3. Who serves on the ship? (Sailors)
4. Finish the phrase: onboard ... (magazine)
5. Cook on the vessel (Kok)
6. Who commands the ship? (captain)
- Word the topic of the lesson.
- Guess the riddle:
To the right water and left water (slide 5)
Cock here ships and there, and here,
But if you want to get drunk, friend,
Salted will be every sip.
- How is the foundation with a lesson?
(Events in the work take place in the sea, on the ship)
- Look carefully at the slide, do you ask you if you can answer? What question requires special attention? (slide 6)
1. Where did the ship come back?
2. Who was the focus on the ship?
3. What moment in the story is the most tense?
4. Why did the boy juggle?
- What kind of task should we decide with you in this lesson?
(We will analyze the content, give an assessment of events, characterize the heroes, find out why the boy made a jump)
- I offer you a story plan, read it carefully.
- Everything is right here?
- Arrange the figures in the circles, respectively, the plot of the work.
(work in pairs)
o on deck
o pursuit of monkey
o Monkey ledge
o Caught Jump
o At the crossbar
o Salvation
- Work in pairs, discuss, correct the error. (Slide 7, 8)
1. On deck
2. Tseason leprosy
3. Pursuit of monkey
4. Over the crossbar
5. Animed jump
- Let's turn to the statement by M.TSvetaeva
(Children read the saying and explain how they understand the words of Tsvetaeva).
"And what is reading - how not to solve, extract the secret left behind the lines, outside the words."
- Today we will try to figure out what remains behind the lines, outside the words of this work.
And we will learn to find the words in the text that help understand the emotional state of the heroes, their actions, and also help reveal the essence of the story, his idea. Such words are called key. Keywords - words helping to reveal the true meaning of the work, comprehend it "mystery."
Fizminutka (musical) (slide 9)
We first raise the handles - once, two, three
And then lower the handles - once, two, three
Let's sweep the legs - once, two, three
Handles praise - times, two, three
And now we all bounce - once, two, three
And now we will all laugh - once, two, three
And now we will all come down - just two, three
And back with you stand up - once, two, three
Implementation in practice of the selected plan, strategy to resolve the problem.
-How does the story begins? Read.
- Where are the events?
(Events occur on a ship, which, after a long sailing, returned home).
- Why was the whole of the people on the deck? (The weather was quiet).
- What characters do the author say here? (Monkey, People: Sailors)
-How described monkey behavior? Read.
- And how do you understand the expression "... even more diverged"?
(Monkey Shalila is even more. She began to spin everything stronger and briefly. She could not calm down).
- Why did she learn so? Read in the text.
- How did people behave?
(amused monkey)
- For passengers for a long ship in the sea, the monkey was entertainment.
- Show from the "palette of feelings" the feeling that comes to this part. (joy)
- Read the next paragraph.
- What tells Tolstoy about the boy, the main hero?
(He is the son of the captain, he is 12 years old).
- Why is this information important for the author, and, for example, not the name of the hero, which we never learned?
(Captain's son everyone knows on the ship. He feels his meaningful role, can not bring his father, discredit (let it) with his funny position.
12 years - the beginning of a transitional age. This is the age when any estimates are painfully perceived, especially, the mocking haircutter from the surrounding)
- What did the monkey do? (the monkey "jumped", "hacked the hat", "put on", "" Vividly climbed on the mast ")
-Nog in the text exact description for illustration on p.139?
- What are the actions of the boy? (The boy "did not know, laugh ... or cry")
How do people behave? (People "laughed")
- What words see a boy's condition?
- Show from the "Feeling Palette" feeling, a boy in this part. (Insult)
- How did the boy responded?
- Pay attention to which verbs used the author, characterizing the actions of the boy. Read.
(The author uses words: rushed, climbed.
These words denote rapid actions)
- Is it possible to say that the boy thought about his actions?
So the boy acted nearlyumanly.
- What words are it seen that the boy will not stop?
(- So you won't leave me ...)
-How do you understand the phrase "Boy Waveed"?
(angry at the monkey, entered the excitement)
- What happened at the deck at this time?
(On the deck they watched and laughed with the fact that the monkey and the captain's son were emitted.)
- Who is the captain on the ship?
(He is the main and all of his teams are performed quickly and inexplicit).
- Who were the sailors in relation to the captain?
- They were also responsible for the boy.
- Read words to illustration on with. 140.
- What words the author transfers the threat to the boy's life?
(it cost him to cool down ..)
- At what point did the attitude of those around the monkey and the behavior of the boy changed to the tricks?
- How does the author emphasize the confusion of people on the deck? Read
("Everyone froze from fear." "Everyone silently looked at him and waited that it would be")
- Show from the "palette of feelings" the feeling that covered people on the deck.
(Anxiety, fear)
- What did the boy come to his senses?
- What words the author transfers the threat to the boy's life? Read.
-What new character appears at the end of the story?
- Why did he come out of the cabin? Read
-What did the captain, seeing his son on the mast? Read
- What did you feel when read this part?
- Show from the "palette of feelings" the feeling that comes to this part.
- Did you be alarming and scary? Why?
- What do you think, was the father confident that the jump is safe for a son?
- Why did the father decided to such an act? He had a choice?
(Father had no choice. The son could break about the deck. And the jump in the water could save him life)
- How quickly did he accept this decision? How could the other person going on the place of his father?
- What qualities did the captain possessed?
(Quality of Captain: Farms, the ability to make decisions in a difficult moment, responsibility, will and at the same time - emotionality, unwillingness to entrust his experiences to the crowd, "people" in order not to risk their authority)
(Captain is a strong person, decisive, loving his son.)
(Father's feeling for son?)
- Now you will work in microGroups, which will help us to deepen the secrets of the work.
Work microgroups.
1 group. The story does not say anything about how the boy was on the ship. What do you think?
2 group. The story does not say anything about how the monkey was on the ship. What do you think?
3 group. Describe the behavior of monkey
- Is it possible to blame a monkey, in the fact that the boy almost happened to the misfortune?
(perhaps, no, because she is not a man, and for her everything was playing).
4 group. Describe the behavior of people on the deck
- Is it possible to blame the sailors, in what happened to the boy?
(Adults should not laugh at the boy, had to stop the boy)
5 group. Describe the behavior of the boy.
6 group. Describe the behavior of the father.
7 group. What role played a jump.
- Is the boy like Father-Captain?
- Give a comparative characteristic of the Father and the boy (Slide 10)
(his boyfriend copies his father, his fearlessness and determination)
- Is it like a boy in everything?
(The boy, unlike his father, made a challenged act, climbing on the mast for monkey)
(Adults, usually think about their actions and their consequences)
- So, what provoked the boy of the captain on such a dangerous act.
(monkey behavior, laughter of sailors, boy's desire to defend their dignity)
- What made the boy jump?
Father's cry should be considered that the order of the captain on the ship is being carried out unconditionally and immediately. His masculinity, courage.
- Read the passage in which it tells what happened after the jump.
- How does the author transmits the moment tension?
(Tolstoy says "Body's body", as if he is no longer alive, the author writes that forty seconds were very long for everyone)
Of course, for everyone, especially for the Father, these 40 seconds lasted for a very long time. After all, no one knew whether the boy was alive.
(The author writes that when the boy got, he began to breathe only in a few minutes).
(Your feeling?)
- It is difficult to even imagine what the captain experienced at these moments. He himself ordered his son to jump, realizing that this jump could be the last for the child.
- Why did the captain cry?
(scared for his son, passed away from the joy that the son is alive).
What feelings cause you a father's act?
(This deed causes a sense of respect, pride).
What did you feel when they read this part? (feeling)
(strong excitement and anxiety, experience)
- Do you understand why the captain threatened to shoot his son?
- Did he have another way out?
(There was no other way out)
- For what the author tells us this story?
- Is it easy to overcome fear?
(This story teaches that the fear of overcome is not easy that sometimes important decisions should be taken very quickly, because someone's life can depend on it.)
In the story of "Jump" the life of the boy depended on the decision of the Father.
If the son had not jumped into the water, he fell on the deck and crashed.
Work on proverbs (slide 11)
- What proverb approaches the story?
Bold act - no worse victory
Fears a lot, and life alone
Brave in a difficult hour will win
- What a proverb approaches this story, continue it (slide 12)
"All is well that ends well"
- What words helped us reveal the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work? (Key).
- What do you think the story is called "jump"?
(A boy jump is a brave act. This act boy overcomes the cowardice, confusion. The jump saved him from death)
- Is it possible to consider the name of the story "keyword"?
Generalization of identified difficulties.
-Well was it possible to avoid this situation?
(Yes, if adults stopped the boy on time, provided for
What can happen from this seemingly a funny situation)
- Why did the author wrote this story?
- What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthis work? What does he teach us?
L.N Tolstoy on the example of this story teaches us not to make rash actions, learn to manage yourself, with their emotions, try not to notice ridicule so that there are no such situations, find a way out in an extreme situation)
- What do you think, did we fulfill the task that you set yourself?

Self-assessment sheet.
- Our lesson enters the end, you can only appreciate your work in the lesson. We will work with a sheet of self-esteem.
(Students appreciate their work.)
- And now from the "palette of the feelings" "Build" the ship. Help will be "captain".
(short retelling)
- Imagine that you were also on this ship and witnessed this incident.
- I experienced (a) ...
- I wanted…
- I would put (a) ...
- I understood)…
Test Information Information
Reread the story
Retell from the face of a strange witness.
The focus on retelling must be re
not so much on events as the transfer of feelings
and experiences of characters.

The content of the presentation:

1. Tolstoy, Lev Nikolayevich is the Great Writer of the 19th century - the Golden Age of Russian Literature. Born in the estate of the Casual Polyana Tula province 09.09.1829, died on 11/29/1910 at the age of 82 years. Count, belonged to a nonestly rich genus. It was in related links with princes of Trubeta, Golitsyn and other aristocrats. According to the maternal line, consisted of related to A.S. Pushkin. In the youth of Tolstoy, military service was held in the Caucasus, participated in the heroic defense of Sevastopol. After the resignation traveled a lot in Europe. Saturated with events and impressions of life in the future helped a gifted artist of the word to create true literary masterpieces.

2. The genre of the work is a story. Unlike a fairy tale - a fictional fantastic work, a story is a friend, truthful story ..

3. Heroes of the story L.N. Tolstoy "Jump" - sailors (people on deck), boy, his father - captain of the ship and monkey.

4. Summary - in a relaxed warm day on the deck of a ship, returned from around the world, missed sailors. Suddenly, the monkey closed the monkey from the 12-year-old boy - the Son of the captain - a hat and began to climb her on the mast of the ship. Embedded by mockery of sailors, the boy rushed to take his hat from the monkey and in the pursuit of her climbed to the very top of the alone mast. The sailors were frightened that the boy will fall from such a height and disassembled to death. Nobody laughed. Suddenly the captain came out of the cabin. Immediately appreciating the seriousness of the situation, he shouted on the Son: "Jump into the water or I will shoot you!" The boy jumped into the sea. The sailors rushed into the water and saved the boy.

5. Questions by story:

Where do events unfold? (On the ship)

Where did the ship come from? (From around the world)

How old was the boy? (12)

Who was the father of the boy? (Captain of the ship)

Why did the boy rushed behind a monkey? (She took his hat with him. He tried to take her).

The boy did not scare height. Behind the monkey, he climbed everything higher and higher, not looking at the danger. What caused such reckless behavior?

Why did Capital cry after his son saved?

6. Other children's stories L.N. Tolstoy, recommended for reading:



Archprint and robber.

7. Mast height - mast on ships, which are 19 V. Could take round-the-world travels, reached a height of 25 m, i.e. 8-storey buildings. The decks were made of solid, like a stone, tree breeds.

8. Conclusions - the boy was not at all sorry for his hat. He became unpleasant because they laugh above him. Trying to protect your dignity, he committed a challenged act, who almost cost him his life. It is impossible to betray such a value of mockery of the crowd. It is necessary to have their own opinion and do not succumb to a momentary insult. Parents love their children very much and always try to protect them from trouble.

9. Culmination is a place of special voltage of events in the text.

10. The text consists of 3 parts:

introduction - Description of the place where events unfold;

zaguka - a monkey takes a hat from the boy, everyone laughs, the boy is offended;

culmination - a boy in pursuit of a monkey climbed to the very top of the mast. He is threatened with a mortal danger;

an exposure - the captain decisively saves his son.

11. What do you think is to blame for the fact that almost happened misfortune? The sailors were offended by the boy with their mockery, pushed him to a risky act.

12. Why did Lion Tolstoy called his story "Jump"? (It was exactly the jump saved the boy life).

13. Describe the character of the boy. (Proud, brave, young and reckless)

14. Describe the character of the captain. (decisive, man action, loves his son, proud).

Story "Jump" L.N. Tolstoy in pictures, read

Pictures are increasing


One ship bypassed around the world and returned home. There was a quiet weather, the whole people were on the deck. In the midst of the people, a great monkey and amused everyone. This monkey was writhing, jumped, made funny faces, melded people, and it was visible - she knew that she was amused, and therefore was even more disengaged.

She jumped to the 12-year-old boy, the son of the captain of the ship, threw a hat from his head, put on the mast and vividly climbed on the mast. Everyone laughed, and the boy was left without a hat and did not know himself, whether he was laughed, or cry.

The monkey sat on the first bracket of the mast, took off his hat and became her teeth and legs to tear it. She seemed to tease the boy, showed him and made him faces. The boy shook her and shouted to her, but she still got angry with a hat.

The sailors louder began to laugh, and the boy blushed, threw off the jacket and rushed behind the monkey on the mast. In one minute, he climbed on the leader on the first crossbar; But the monkey is still a little and faster him, at that very moment, as he thought
Grab the hat, climbed even higher.

So you won't leaving me! - shouted the boy and climbed above.
The monkey again lifted him up, climbed even higher, but the boy had already disassembled the burdens, and he did not lag behind. So monkey and a boy in one minute got to the very top.

At the very top of the monkey, stretched out the length of the length and, clinging to the back hand for the rope, hung his hat on the edge of the last crossbar, and herself climbed on the maucheus of the mast and spawned himself, showed teeth and rejoiced.
From the mast to the end of the crossbar where the hat hung was Arshina two, so it was impossible to get it differently, how to release a rope and mast out of the hands.
But the boy was very swore. He threw a mast and stepped on the crossbar. On the deck, everyone watched and laughed by the fact that the monkey and the captain's son were distinguished; But as they saw that he was letting the rope and stepped onto the crossbar, shaking his hands, all froze from fear.
It cost him only to be stupid - and he would have crashed on the deck. Yes, if it was not even stupid, and came to the edge of the crossbar and took the hat, it was hard for him to turn and get back to the mast. All silently looked at him and waited that it would be.

Suddenly, someone became the people from fear. The boy came his boyfriend from this shout, looked down and looked.
At this time, the captain of the ship, the father of the boy, came out of the cabin. He is a rifle to shoot a chap.

He saw his son on the mast, and immediately ate in his son and shouted:

In water! Jump now in the water! Shoot!

The boy was walking, but did not understand. "Jump or shoot! .. Once, two ..." And as soon as the father shouted: "Three" - the boy swamped his head down and jumped.
Exactly the cannonic kernel, slapped the body of the boy in the sea, and did not have time to close it, as already 20 of the young youth sailors jumped from the ship to the sea. Seconds after 40 - they have appeared to everyone - the boy's body emerged.

He was grabbed and pulled out on the ship. A few minutes later he had a water from his mouth, and he began to breathe.
When the captain saw it, he suddenly shouted, as if he had sought something, and ran to his cabin, so nobody saw how he was crying.

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  • #1

    very good fairy tale

  • #2

Malysheva Olga Nikolaevna

primary school teacher

MOU "Lyceum №5"

zheleznogorsk Kursk region

Topic lesson: L. N. Tolstoy "Jump"

The purpose of the lesson: Improve the skills of the right and runaway reading, the ability to navigate the text, comprehend the motives and the consequences of actions, feelings and experiences of the heroes of the literary work Development of the ability to analyze the text, understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author

Planned results:

Personal: Conduct your capabilities in the teaching; Adequately judge the reasons for their success or failure.


Cognitive: search for the necessary information to perform learning tasks using educational literature; Build speech statement orally formability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

Regulatory:form the ability to accept and maintain a learning task; Control and evaluate your actions.

Communicative: development of monologic and dialogical speech,cooperation in the joint solution to the problem, coming to a general decision in joint activities.

Subject: Acquaintance with the work of L. Tolstoy, learn theoretter in the text, carefully view it and find the right place; To comprehend the motives and consequences of actions, feelings and experiences of heroes, the choice of grounds and criteria for comparison, classification of objects.

During the classes

1. Motivation for training activities

Slide 2 (saying M. Tsvetaeva with its photo)

"What is reading - how not to solve, extract the secret left for
strings, beyond words "
M .. Tsvetaeva

Teacher.Read record on the slide. How can you explain these words?

Children. Reading is the knowledge of the secret, sometimes hidden in the text, this is what the author is trying to convey to us. To solve it, feel, you need to be attentive reader.

Teacher. And who can be called attentive reader?

Children. Attentive reader sensitively feels the mood of the author, hidden behind the studs read.

Teacher. Do you think it is easy to be such a reader?

Children. It's hard to be attentive reader.

Teacher. What should I do for this?

Children. You need to love books, carefully read and understand the mood of the author, his attitude towards heroes.

Teacher. What do you think, why did I start a lesson from these words?

Children. Today we will try to figure out what remains behind the lines, outside the words. We will learn to find the words in the text that help to understand the emotional state of the heroes, their actions, and also help reveal the story.

2. Actualization of knowledge

Teacher. We continue our journey through the country literary reading. Close your eyes and imagine that you have a magic wand in your hands, with the help of which you can turn large items into small, and small ones in large. Let's try the magic strength of the sticks and turn one sentence into a whole story.

Teacher. What task will we perform?

Children. We will travel to turn the proposal to a whole story.

Teacher. What does it mean?

Children. We will read the offer, choose information and make a small text.

Teacher. You should not add anything to the offer. Explore all the information from the offer, but not add anything superfluous, not to make your story.

Teacher. Read the offer.

The offer is recorded on the board:

The sailors louder began to laugh, and the boy blushed, threw off the jacket and rushed behind the monkey on the mast.

Teacher.Is all the words understand? Explain the meaning of the word mast.

Slide 3. (mast illustration)

Children. IN obsole, firmly fortified pillar on the ship for sails.

Teacher.The masts in such ships rose over deck for 15-20 meters, that is, a height of a 5-8 storey house. On the masts were the crossbars on which Sails held. From the crossbar to the crossbar, many ropes, rope ladders stretched.

Teacher. Who are such sailors?

Children. Sailor, employee on a fleet.

Teacher.Why start our story? Where can the action occur?

Children. On the ship. Mast is on the ship.

Teacher.Who is the heroes of our story?

Children. Boy, sailors.

Teacher.What did the sailors do?

Children. They stood on the ship and loudly laughed.

Teacher. What did the boy do?

Children. The boy threw the jacket and climbed up.

Teacher.Read the words that the author used, describing the actions of the boy.

Children. M. alcchik blushed, threw off the jacket and rushed behind the monkey on the mast.

Teacher.And you can replace the word "threw" the jacket with the word "removed"?

Children. It is possible, but more precisely, the word threw out, because I threw it - it quickly performed the action.

Teacher.Replace the word "rushed" synonym.

Children. Rounded, climbed.

Teacher.Can I say why he rushed behind a monkey?

Children. No, we do not know for sure. But something happened. After all, "the sailors laughed loudly, and the boy blushed." So he became angry, I was upset.

Teacher.Is it possible to say what was the weather?

Children. Yes, because only during good weather, the sailors would gather on the deck.

Teacher.And now let's all about what we said, build in a connected story.

Children. There was a good day. Sailors stood on the deck. Nearby was a monkey. Everyone had fun, the sailors laughed loudly. Suddenly the boy dropped the jacket and climbed up behind the monkey.

3. Formulation of the theme and lesson purposes

Teacher. What do you think, why did we make a story using this particular offer?

Children. We will get acquainted with the text in which there is such an offer.

Teacher.Want to meet a story and find out how events developed with heroes further.

Children. In the textbook.

Teacher. Open the tutorial on with. 161 And read the name of the work. Who is the author of the story? What do you know about L. N. Tolstom?

4. Acquaintance with the work of L. N. Tolstoy

Slide 4 (Portrait of Tolstoy)

Lev Nikolaevich was born in 1828 - almost 200 years ago. Children's years spent in the village of Clear Polyana. Mother died when Tolstoy was not 2 years old. Tolstoy had three brothers and one sister, a long-ranking relative was engaged in their upbringing.

Slide 5 (photo of a clear clearing)

Then there were still very few schools, the children of poor people could not learn. Lev Nikolayevich opened school in a clear Polyana, wrote textbooks for children and taught them himself.

Died Tolstoy in 1910. He lived on 82 years old and devoted his whole life literature. His books are translated into many languages, they are reading throughout the world. Complete essays - 90 volumes!

Slide 6. (Interior decoration of the room)

Teacher. So L. N. Tolstoy's room looked like, in which he lived and worked.

Teacher. What books L. Tolstoy did you read?

Slide 7. (Exhibition of Books)

5. Working with text

1) Wordwork

Teacher. Read the name of the story.

Teacher. What does the word "jump" mean?

Slide 8 (saying from the dictionary)

In the dictionary Word "bounce" Call the rapid movement of the body, repulsing from any point of the support. It's just an action.

Teacher. Pick up related words to the name of the text.

Children. Jump, jumper.

2) primary text reading teacher

Teacher reads before «… all froze from fear ... " andmakes a stop.

Reception "Basket of assumptions"

Teacher. Let's try to assume that it can happen next? Work in pairs.

Work in parach

Children express their assumptions.The teacher reads the text to the end.

Teacher. Coincided your assumptions with events in the story? (Children's statements)

Teacher.What did the boy make a jump? (ambiguity of answers)

Children.Father shouted, the boy was frightened, it became scary, I wanted to turn out to be faster, but it was impossible to go down.

Teacher.Why are everyone different answers?

Children. Miscellaneous attitude to the story, not everyone understood, do not know.

Teacher.What was the problem? What question do we need to answer?

Children. Why did the boy make a jump?

3) Reading and Analysis of Artwork

Teacher.Let's return to the text. Read the first paragraph of the story. What was the author in this passage?

Children.Good weather, people gathered on deck.

Teacher.Why does the author talk about good weather?

Children.These details will help to understand the mood of people on the deck, people are tired of traveling, they want new impressions, so they are watching a playing monkey.

Teacher. Name the main characters of the story.

Children.Boy, captain.

Teacher. C. what tells Tolstoy about the boy? Confirm with the words from the text.

Children.Son captain. He is 12 years old.

Teacher. How did the monkey appeared on the ship?

Children.The ship was returned from around the world, and, probably, it took it somewhere in hot countries.

Teacher. How do you understand the phrase "even more diverged"?

Children. It became badly indulging, noise, play.


Teacher. What made a monkey with a hat?

Children. Torn away from the boy and began to tear.

Teacher. How did the boy behave in the first two minutes, remaining without a hat? Clean.

Slide 9. (Select the answer)

Teacher.Why did the boy get behind a monkey? Select the answer.

    he was sorry for a lost hat;

    he wanted to compete with a monkey in force and dexterity;

    he was ashamed and insulting because of the ridicule of sailors.

Teacher. Is the behavior of a boy with the behavior of the sailors?

Children. The boy got behind the monkey to avoid ridicule of sailors subordinated to his father.

Teacher.How did you imagine a boy in this story?What words are suitable for the characteristic of the story hero? Choose those you consider the main ones, explain your choice.

Work in groups. Words are written on the leaves.

Slide 10.(Boy characteristic)








Teacher. So, what words did you pick up for the characteristics of the hero?

Children read the selected words and give an explanation.

1. Courage- A cowardly person could not climb such a height and expose himself danger.

2. Recklessness - His feelings took the top over the mind, above the reason, and he did not control his actions, they were ruled by the same enthusiasm.

4. Hardeniness - He did not think about the consequences.

5. Determination "The boy did not hesitate, his movements were fast: he got to the top of the mast one minute.

6. Pride - B.eating sailors ridiculous raised him, the boy was offended, he

it became ashamed for himself that he, the son of the captain, did not follow the hat, allowed the monkey to mock him and tease.

Teacher. Did the attitude of those around the monkey and the behavior of the boy changed? At what point did it happen? Read.

Children read f.text ramp that begins words: "But the boy was very disengaged"

Teacher. How do you understand the phrase "Boy Waveed"?

Children. Entered the excitement, could not stop, because I wanted to take a hat at the monkey.

Teacher. How can I say in other words?

Children. He grieved, divided, inspired, entered the excitement, forgot

Teacher. Please note what words - actions used the author, characterizing the actions of the boy.

Children.Shouted, climbed, climbed, got it, disassembled, disassembled, did not lag behind, threw, stepped, looked, stunned, swollen, jumped.

Teacher. What distance was from the mast to the end of the crossbar where the hat hung?

Children. Two Arshri

Teacher. What is Arshin?

Children. Arshin is an old length of length, a little less than a meter.

Teacher. What words the author transfers the threat to the boy's life? Read excerpts.

Children. All frozen from fear. Suddenly, someone became the people from fear. The boy came his boyfriend from this shout, looked down and looked.

Teacher. Find and re-read the part of the text, the hero of which is the captain.

Children read a fragment of text that begins words: "At this time, the captain of the ship, the father of the boy, came out of the cabin."

Teacher. What do you think is the right of the captain when he began to aim in the boy and shout: "Shot!"? Maybe it was worth just shouting: "Jump into the water!"?

Children. Decisive and Terrible Creek Father "Shot!" And the thyroid rifle forced the boy to obey and, without thinking, jump into the water. Any indecision and softness from the Captain could lead to the death of the son.

Teacher.Find in the word word describing the behavior of the captain.

Children. I came out, it saw, I saw, immediately aimed, shouted, shouted, I saw, I was convinced, crying.

Teacher. What qualities did the captain possessed?

Work in groups.

Children write quality on leaves and then read it.

Children. Responsive, decisive, fearless, possesses the power of the Spirit, knows how to make a decision in a difficult situation, could not be confused in a difficult situation, self-confidence.

Teacher.Think why the captain rushed and ran into his cabin?

Children. I did not want to see tears. I experienced a strong shock, very frightened for my son.

Teacher. Let's try to convey your impressions, composing Sinwen (view of a creative letter, an unimposed poem of five lines)

Teacher. Recall the scheme for the compilation of synkievine.

Slide 11. (Sinwaway compilation plan)

1 line - topic Consists of one word - noun name.

2 string Description of the topic consists of two words adjectives.

3 String - description of the action within the subject Consists of three words - verbs.

4 Row - attitude to the topic - phrase of four words.

5 Row - Synonym for the topic name - one noun.

Work in groups

Children make a syncewing, working together, and then perform a report. (Can read one student or the whole group)

1 group - about monkey

2 Group - About the boy

3 Group - About Captain

4) Working with illustrations.

Teacher. What is shown in the illustration? Find in the text excerpts that correspond to this illustrations.

Slide 12.

She jumped to a 12-year-old boy, the son of the captain of the ship, threw off his hat with his head,

She put on and alone climbed on the mast. Everyone laughed, and the boy was left without a hat and did not know himself, whether he was laughed, or cry.

Slide 13.

Suddenly, someone asked from fear. The boy came his boyfriend from this shout, looked down and looked.

Slide 14.

He saw his son on the mast, and immediately aimed in his son and shouted: "In the water! Jump now in the water! Shot! "

Teacher.What do you think the story is called "jump"? What is the point of investing in the word "jump" L. Tolstoy?

Children. This is a deed who made a boy, having heard the order of his father; He saved his life and delighted Father's grief.

Teacher. What role did the jump play?

Children.The jump saved the boy life, the jump is an act that the boy committed himself, having heard the order of his father, he was not confused, he managed to gather, group. He saved his life and delighted the death of his father's son.

5) work with proverbs

Teacher.Which of the proverbs approaches the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Jump"? Explain your choice. You will work in pairs.

Work in pairs.

Children discuss proverbs and choose suitable, justifying their choice.

Slide 15. (Proverbs)

The father is proud that the son is a brave.

Labor feeds and sew.

One head it's good, but two better.

Brave act - and half of salvation.

Teacher.What is the idea of \u200b\u200bwork? Why told us this story?

Children. The story teaches us to overcome fear, be able to quickly make deciding e in a difficult situation, because life will depend on this, teaches not to make thoughtless actions, teaches to manage itself, with its emotions.

6. Reflection

Slide 16. (Finish the phrase)

1 . Today I opened at the lesson ...

2. At the lesson, I was surprised ...

3. I was hard at the lesson ...

4. I wanted to help ...

5. Today I purchased ...

Children choose one phrase and make up answer

Teacher. You have a shoe drawings on the tables. Let's describe the sail ship.

To do this, you need to evaluate your work at the lesson:

    Well worked and everything understood - green sail

    Well worked, but I have questions - yellow sail.

    I did not understand anything and did not know the new - Blue Sail.

Teacher.The lesson is over. Thank you for your excellent job and help to comrades.

Used Books

1. Ship

2. Churakova N. A. "Literary reading. Grade 2. M.: Academbniga / Textbook, 2013

3. Zakharova V.V., Serov M. V. "The avessing development on literary reading to the textbook N. A. Churakova. Grade 2 »Moscow:" Vako ", 2012

4. Edited by Shumakova N. B. " Lesson - research in elementary school. Russian language. Literary reading. " M.: Education, 2014

5. Development of lessonFormer Jeanne Alekseevns