Scenario of musical entertainment for children of the senior group "Sounds of the Spring Forest. Scenario of musical entertainment in the older group "Fairy Tale, doors to us open!"

Scenario of musical entertainment for children of the senior group "Sounds of the Spring Forest. Scenario of musical entertainment in the older group "Fairy Tale, doors to us open!"

Irina Borisovna Empty -
Entertainment Scenario B. senior group "On a visit to the music"

Software tasks:

Continue to teach children to collectively and individually execute songs.

Purely intonate songs.

Fasten the ability to perform rhythmic cotton, spring, easy run, perform rebuilding, fractional step, game action.

Learn musical Work.

Develop mental capacity through funds musical expressiveness.

Developing tasks:

Rail a friendly attitude towards each other.

Educate the skills of the culture of behavior in all kinds musical activity .

Preliminary work:

Picture show I. I. Levitan « Golden autumn» , conversation in content.

Staging Russian folk fairy tales.

Learning game images of characters.

Registration of the Hall:

Central Wall: Tuchka, sun, maple leaveson which notes are stuck.

Material support:

Attributes: Hut, 3 Christmas trees, lunches by the number of girls, musical instruments (spoons, ratchet, bubrels, whistle, balalaika, repka dusting.

Costumes: Kolobok, Bear, 2 Mouse, Granddaughter, Dog, Cat, Frog, Hare, Fox.


Adults: Music leader , Music, Baba Yaga.

Children: Leaves, bun, bear, fox, hare, frog, 2 mice, dog, cat, 6 dolls, boy with balalaica.

Entertainment course:

Under merry music"Duli-Grozhdul" Children overlook and stop the semicircle, the face to the audience.

MUZ. Hand-L.: How many elegant girls And the boys came to us in the hall! So you love music, singing, dancing! On our holiday a lot guests. Let's say hello and greet them.

Children read poems.

1 child: Good afternoon people honest

Merry, kind, clockwork.

We invite everyone for a holiday

And merry treat!

2 baby: Relax in kindergarten.

Our holiday you will look!

3 baby: Let Balalayak play

And leave the dance

Our faces are prettier

When we rejoice!

4 child: Ah, you are Russian soul!

What are you good!

In the docking difference

And get mercy!

5 baby: Good word We meet

Bread salt with a salt!

MUZ. Hand-L.: And now we will go on a trip to wonderful world Our songs and dances. Happy way, dear kids!

Children under music Sit on chairs.

MUZ. Hand-L.: So we arrived at the real kingdom music.

The house is beautiful here,

Fairy Music is sleeping in it.

Tell me, friends,

What to do, so that she come?

So that she woke up soon

And they smiled with you!

Child: Let's sing a good song, she will hear and wake up.

MUZ. Hand-L.: Speaking right! We sing a song! Music Hears and dismantle.

Performed song E. Pavlenko "Our artist Autumn"

Magic doors appear Music.

Music: Exactly seven colors at rainbow

A W. music - seven notes.

On earth for our joy

Eternal music lives!

Music: Hello guys! You recognized me? Right, I. Music. Rada today to meet with you. What is in your hall? (refers to children). You did not see this? (Refers to the audience).

Child: This autumn came to us.

Many paints brought.

Yellow leaves, carved

How paintings painted!

Executed dance « Multicolored autumn» on the music T.. Morozova.

Music: What a wonderful dance. But I love the golden autumn so much! Thank you, dear friends. Guys, reached me news that you are friends with music, with songs, dancing. So you live in kindergarten happily and fun. And now, children guests You are waiting for one cheerful meeting.

Sounds cheerful music.

Child: In a fairy tale, everything can happen

Our fairy tale in front

Tale in the door to us knock

Let's say fairy tale: "Come!".

Sounds a phonogram for a fairy tale "Repka" (and riddles phonogram).

Performed song-dance "Repka".

Children with characters sit on chairs.

Music: The fairy tale continues

In silence is born,

Guess the riddle,

Dance will be a guess!

Christmas trees are exhibited.

Comic dance marks "Kolobok".

Music: He left the grandfather,

He left grandmother

All the animals came overloaded

In the foot paws pleased,

I could not escape from the fox

Delicious, round ... (Kolobok).

The phonogram of laughter Baba-Yagi sounds.

Music: Lives in the hut such old woman,

It flies in the mortar, the lady will drive.

Hook nose, bone leg,

The name is T. old woman ...

Children: Baba Yaga.

Comic dance with a Baba Yaga is performed. ( "Grandma-Yellow" T. Morozova.

Baba Yaga: Oh, thanks to the bastard, I have to go in a fairy tale.

Child: Fairy tales - this is the light in your eyes,

Fairy tales - kindness in all hearts,

Life is rich, if suddenly

To you will be back the fairy tale, childhood friend!

Music: And where are the smallest pupils kindergarten, My helpers, first notes? I also have a riddle for them. Listen!

In the forest grew up, from the forest carried

On the hands crying, and on the floor they jump ... What is it?


Children senior group marks dance"Balalaika".

Music: My friend, that may be mile,

Invaluable native edge?

There the sun seems light

There is a happy golden autumn!

Child: Cool light breeze,

Forests and herbs greener.

There is a sweet stream

And the nightingale sings gentle.

Executed dance "Rosynochka - Russia".

Music: So the hour of parting has come. Do not gross guys, because there are many holidays ahead. How much will be there music, songs, dancing.

Child: Thank you, Music, we will never forget you. And we will always be with you.

Music: To guests did not forget about our meeting, we will give them my helpers - music birds.

Under merry music There is a distribution of gifts, at the end of which children with Music goes to the group.

Acquisition of children to Russian folk culture - An important part of the upbringing. How did our ancestors live? What holidays were they? What was important for them in life? - Children learn answers to these questions, playing. Conducting holidays in Russian traditions, we are at least partially - we can restore the connection of times, teach children to love and appreciate our roots. Playing, children will know the world, and in our power to teach children to play, playing those games, in which the time impacts played our ancestors. Our task is to maintain traditions, to acquaint children with holidays and customs of the Russian people, so that our children have not grown "Ivanov, who do not remember".

Preliminary work with children:

  1. Acquaintance of children with the customs and traditions of winter gatherings.
  2. Learning of chastushk, carol, dance,

The hall is decorated in the style of rustic huts - rugs, napkins, etc.

Chairs are standing around the perimeter of the hall.

The hostess meets guests.

The noise, laughter, the sounds of rattles, tambourines and other sound tools are heard behind the door.

Hostess. Who is it there? In any way, the bolers pressed?

Children come - omens

Hello, the owners are kind!
Happy New Year! With new happiness!

So that they were healthy
For many years to live!

By the village we will pass
Wheeling-Axen SPOOL!

The mistress in ancient in Russia was such a rite. Called ...

All (choir). Wheel!

Hostess. From Christmas to baptism, rides went through the yards with goat ...

Goat (knocks down with kopytz). Mesh!

Mistress Bear ...

Bear (shakes his head). R-R-R!

Mistress star, Vertert and Month. They sang, asked for gifts, the owners congratulated, he wished his health.

Guest 1. (With mischief).

Happy holiday, gentlemen!
And shout whether the block?

Hostess. Shout!

Severe a carol

Sway, sow,
Happy New Year,
With cattle, with belly,
With wheat, with oxades,
Hey, master man,
Open the chest
Rail the Piglet,
We are on nuts,
You have fun!

Hostess. Pass, good people, be welcome!

Children sitting on chairs.

Guests gathered to us from all volosts. Well, a good start, as they say, half of the case. Sucked I am for fun for you for every taste. Who is a joke, who is the truth to whom the dance is Russian!

Children sing a chastushka:

I know a lot of chastushki,
And good and bad.
Good to listen to
Who does not know anyone.

Allow me to pay
Allow me to stupid.
Is it really in this house
Hollows burst?

Milaycia Rus Spit
Below the belt marvel
As for these rises braids
My friend and I fought!

Eh, Topney Leg,
Topney is a right
Anyway, the guys love,
Although small!

My alley is small
Slight more Valenka
In the felt boots
As a bubble inflates!

How to cathin birthday
Brought a bidon with jam.
So I ate and you -
Potted stomachs

I have four shawls
Fifth fluff
Not one I am combat -
The whole family is fun!

We are sanging to you -
Is it good, wrong,
And now we will ask you
So that we pat!

Dance "I will go"

Hostess. So they got, they trampled - you can relax!

I will make riddles - you guess!

Without hand draws,
Without teeth bite. (Frost.)

Flowed, flowed,
And fell under the glass. (River under the ice.)

Scattered Luchery
Silver feathers.
Skilled, pretty,
Street became Bela. (Blizzard.)

Tablecloth Belarus
All light dressed. (Snow.)

Senka is carrying
Sonya on sledding.
Sledge Wilk,
Senka with foot
Sanka in the forehead,

All in a snowdrift!
Nazi-ka all by name? (Senka, Sanka, Sonya.)

White flies fly,
They do not drink and do not eat. (Snowflakes.)

Not a diamond, but glows. (Ice.)

Hostess. And now it's time and play! "Colepko, ring, go on the porch!"

Game "ring, ring, go on the porch"

Game description:

The leading rings in a folded "boiler" of the palm and "distributes" to the carriage to the participants in the palms folded in the same way, trying to leave the ring as unnoticed by one of the players. After the leading bypasses everyone, leaves back and shouts: "The ring, the ring, go on the porch!". The player who has had a ring will run away, and his neighbors tried to detain it. If it was not possible to delay - it becomes leading, managed - the lead remains the same.

"Weight, underway, cabbage"
Weight, followed, cabbage,
Weight, Bezisya, White,
Like me, cappust not torture
White Võlo would not break.

Game description:

Children are taken by the hands, the leader turns around, going inside the "snail", by the end of the game it turns out a dense "lump" -capust. When it becomes nowhere to move - the hands are released - the lump "scatters".

Well, guests are expensive, it's time to know, the host is time to rest.

Guest 1. Thank you, the owner with the hostess!

Guest 2. You have good at home. Your hearts are friendly.

Guest 3. Thanks to this house, let's go to another.

MBDOU D / S "Sunny" p. Crop

Belogorsky District of the Republic of Crimea

Open musical entertainment

in the senior group

"Journey to the world of music"

Music leader:

Gerasimtseva Zhanna Vladimirovna

2018 year

Types of childhood activities: creative, Communicative, Perception musical works, performing.

Integration of educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", " Physical development"," Speech Development ".

Motivation:attach children to musical creativity; Create conditions for the opportunity to reveal yourself in different types musical activity; Call a desire to show yourself in motion, singing, game on musical and noise instruments Yavostipania positive qualities character, formation in children of concepts about friendship and mutual respect, talerance in relation to each other, continue to form simple skills dance motions: Cotton, Breakers, Mahi Hands, continue to develop dynamic rumor and attention.

Musical repertoire: O. Gasmanov "I am a sailor, you are sailor", words and muses G. Truva "In my Russia", the words S. Kozlova, Muz M. Minkov Song "We came to the port today", "Song Katter" Words S.Kozlova, MUZ. M. Aminkova, Russian Nar. Song "Ah, you are Song, my sense", Crimean-Tatar nar. Dance "Haytarma", Music D. Lvov - the company of the word V.Vakmarov "Friends Kids of the whole Earth", the song "Chunga-Chang" Words of Yu. Entin Music V.Shainsky from the cartoon "Catering", Spanish dance "Pasodobl", " Birch's field stood "Russian folk song.

Necessary equipment: piano, musical and noise tools, laptop, multimedia board, costumes: Russian sundresses, Crimean-Tatar, Captain costume, sailors costumes, portraits of the composer Vladimir Shansky and Poet Yuri Entin.

Structure occupation

The music of Oleg Gazmanov's song sounds in the record "I'm sailor, you are sailor"

Children enter the hall. Greetings sounds.




Children: Hello!

MUZ. Hands.Guys, look at how much guests we have today. Let's say hello to guests and give them their smiles.

Children go to the center of the hall and show the teacher Hello (speech with the movements of finchiko-having game: "Hello! Author I. Bograchenko.

Hello, Golden Sun - Hands Make Sun

Hello, sky blue - hands up

Hello, free breeze - swing at the top

Hello, Little Dubok - Show in the bottom

Hello Morning! - Show right hand In the right,

Hello day! - Show left hand in left,

We greet do not laziness.-Dissolve both hands aside.

MUZ. Hand: Sit on chairs.

Children sit on chairs along the wall.

MUZ. Hands.Today we have not ordinary lesson. We will go on a trip to the world of music.

I really want that during the trip you were merry, active. We live in huge world, It has forests and fields, seas and rivers, sky and sun. You can observe floating clouds, listen to wind noise and rain. You can draw all this, take a picture. It will be frozen picture. Only music will give the movement of the clouds: both the sea storm and the noise of rain, will force us to be sad and have fun.

Today you will hear modern: Russian, Tatar, Spanish national melodies, Nature's music.

So are you ready for the journey?

We go on a journey through the sea on the ship. I will be your captain. You are my team.

Sounds in the record of the song "We came to the port" the words of S. Kozlov, music M. Minkov.

And we are waiting for us on the pier. They want to wish a happy swimming and 7 feet under the keel.

Children at the highlights of the senior group perform movements in the text of the song: Rhythmic cotton, showing "socks", "Swing" movement.

Because of the Sailboat's screen, 5 pairs of sailors come out and dance dance "I'm a sailor, you are sailor" O. Gasmanova.

MUZ. Hand:Thank the applause of the guys 2nd junior Group.

Turn on the imagination, and lift the sail, give mooring.

The record sounds "Creek Chickets of Sea Noise"

Music hands.Oh, how the waves spiked

Seagulls cried in the sky

Behind the wave is running

Our ship is flying in the distance.

From the Black Sea we hit the Mediterranean Sea to the shores of Spain. And here we are waiting for a surprise.

Children preparatory group Performed "Spanish Dance" Pasodobl "

Spanish dance sounds.

MUZ. Hand: Refers to the guys of the senior group

MUZ. Hand:I liked music " spanish dance"? There is a hot sun, the noise of the city and the sea. Passion and love. And the name of the dance is the same rapid "Posalobl" Let's applaud the girls for - bright, temperamental Spanish dance.

The children of the preparatory group overlook the hall.

MUZ. Hand:Go further on the journey! Warm Mediterranean Sea escorts us. Go ahead.

The record sounds the song "Dolphins" Words S. Kozlov, M. M. Minkov's music.

On the screen the diving dolphins.

MUZ. Hand:What are they dolphins? (Good, wet, with smart eyes)

We will show a friendly hand

How to dive dolphins need.

The guys of the senior group by hand movements imitate diving "dolphins."

MUZ. Hand:Behind the song and time on the road flew quickly. Where are we now?

Plays joining the song "Chunghan" Words of Yu.ntina Music V.Shinsky from the cartoon "Catering". Music sounds quiet throughout the dialogue.

MUZ. Hand: Miracle island before us

Get acquain your friends.

The music director sits down for the piano. Children perform the song "Chung-Chang". On the screen "Miracle Island"

MUZ. Hand: And this amazing island of the poet Yuri Entin and the composer Vladimir Shansky came up.

On the multimedia board, the music director shows portraits of the authors of Yuri Entin and Vladimir Shainsky.

MUZ. Hand:Let's say goodbye to the island; Return to the ship.

Raise sail, pay mooring.

Song sounds "Well, and if the captains" in the record.

MUZ. Hand:Open your eyes wider - look at the fairy tale!

They say that in our hall, miracles ....

So let's hurry and look at a miracle.

On the scene, children are searched by a 2nd junior group.

MUZ. The head draws attention to a huge chest that stands on a chair that appeared near the piano.

MUZ. Hand: The chest is unique here.

Our chest is musical.

It will be for the guys surprise!

Hey guys marry!

The musical leader opens the chest and pulls out wooden spoons.

MUZ. Hand:Dinner soup eating

By evening "Conspiring"

Wooden girls,

Music sides,

Play and you are a little

On beautiful, bright


Deliver painted, our naughty spoons!

So spoons are just a miracle!

Good master Mastery - and guys presented.

The musical leader distributes wooden spoons with children.

MUZ. Hand:Here still lies a surprise!

Maracas we take the fun to play.

MUZ. The head disperses the children of the older group of Maracas.

MUZ. Hand: "Oh, she rings, rings,

All playing fun.

And just three strings

Who is she? Guess-ka!

Well, of course…..


That's right, "Balalaika". People from her joy and fun.

She is famous for the whole world. Everyone knows that balalaika is Russian folk instrument! Rings her voice in Bella Light and famous Russia!

The music director gives Balalyca Dimka (senior group) and Sergei and Ametkhan. (Children of the 2nd Junior Group, who are sitting in the center of the hall).

MUZ. Hand: Good Master Mastery and Guys presented.

There is still a surprise.

Hey. Guys getting!

The musical leader gets the Bubenz and distributes the guys of the older group.

MUZ. Hand:Tuberes will soon take and play on them.

Let's quote and say!

Bubrenitsy so just a miracle

Good master smart

And the guys presented.

MUZ. The head takes the tambourine and gives him the children of the senior group.

There are bubrels on it,

On him we beat loudly!

We will play with him now,

Give in hand


What is a triangle?

Every schoolboy knows it,

But not everyone knows

What in the orchestra he plays!

In the most fabulous moment

This tool will enter.

Quietly, gently shine.

As if everything is concern,

And then silent soon

According to the foster of the conductor.

MUZ. The head distributes the triangles to the children of the senior group.

MUZ. Hand:So let's seek, play fun.

Children playing the Orchestra "Ah, you are Song, my sense" Russian folk.

MUZ. Hand:Thank the guys with the 2nd younger group

For an excellent performance.

Children of the 2nd younger group leave the hall.

Our ship is very happy

Take home guys.

We hurry, we hurry home

Hello Crimea You are our native.

Song "My Russia" Song sounds.

Slide show on the text of the song.

MUZ. Hand:I love birch Russian

Then light, then sad

In Belyona Sarafanchik

With handkerchiefs in pockets.

Song sounds "in the field of Bereza stood" Russian folk. Girls of the senior group in Russian sundresses dance dance.

MUZ. Hands. FROMhave got you in the lesson there are guys in national costumes crimean Tatars. Let us play in Crimean - Tatar game "Tubeteka".

Children become a circle. To music, children take turns on the head of a tubette and on whom will remain a tubette, when music stops, he goes into a circle and dances to the music of Haytarma and so on

Music leader organizes children for the game "Horovod - Friendship" showing them movements, children repeat.

MUZ. Hands. Wider circle wider circle,

Music is calling ...

Children make a few steps from the center of the circle.

All friends, all girlfriends

In a noisy dance!

Children walk in a circle to the right.

Friend birds in the embroidery,

Friends are friends in the depths ...

Children stop, raise hands up, smoothly swaying with their hands, lean.

Friendly with the ocean ocean,

Friends are friends of different countries.

Children put hands on the shoulders to each other, and standing still, swaying into tact of music.

Friends Sun and Spring,

Friend stars and moon ...

Children take hands, go to the left in a circle.

Friends in the sea ships,

Kids friends all the earth!

Children converge to the center, holding hands, raise them up.

MUZ. Hands.What is happening in this song?

ChildrenIn this song, go about friendship!


MUZ. Hands. one.Where were we with you?

2. What dance did you like?

3. What music today sounded?

4. What instruments were in magic chest?

5. Who remember what is called the melody to the Crimean tatar game "Tyubice"?

Childrentalk about your impressions. I say goodbye to the teacher's pedagogy "Goodbye", to the music of the song Oleg Gazmanov "You are a sailor, I am a sailor" children leave the music hall.

Abstract musical entertainment in the senior group "Flower-sevencetic

purpose: Development musical abilities, Formation of the basics of musical culture.

  • - Develop musical memory through recognition of melodies;
  • - improve the skills of solo singing;
  • - develop the feelings of the rhythm, the ability to transmit the character of music through the movement, its emotional-shaped content;
  • - Develop musical creativity in joint activity teachers with children;
  • - develop the ability of execution on musical instruments;
  • - to bring up a benevolent relationship between children;
  • - to bring up an understanding of the beauty of musical works.

Material: Musical Instruments, Attributes for Dances: Leafs, Flower-Seven Scenery, Tape recorder, Video, Synthesizer

The course of entertainment: Entrance to the entry of the song "Magic Flower". Music worker Meets children.

Hello with guests. The first verse of the song "Tsvetik-Semicetics" sounds - free rhythmic movements for the music.

Musical hand: Guys, what kind of song it sounded? And what is this flower in honor of which even the song was composed? And why, he is fabulous? We have talked a lot about seven-family flowers, his magic, painted their flowers. The flower is a fabulous, and we know that "the fairy tale is a lie yes in her hint - a good young lesson. And what did this fairy tale taught you? And what desires did you make your flowers? How many petals girl spent in vain? Why?

Right, she thoughtlessly spent magic petals, desires, which later canceled other magic petals.

Petals scattered. And let's collect our seven-family flowers, which will perform truly important and necessary intimate desires. Let's walk together on the carpet.

Educator: Oh, look at what it is on the petals of some pictures icons? Probably tips to collect our seven-family flowers.

(The first petal depicted a rus-word: riddles, on another musical instruments)

Educator: What do you think we are offered to make petals?

Musical hand-le: The riddles of verbal about musical instruments, and riddles on the sound of tools (synthesizer).

Well done, petals attached to the place (double-sided livestock in the middle) musical game Children's entertainment

Sounds music comes out Baba Yaga. See who is hurrying to sound musical instruments.

Baba Yaga: Hello Hello! Who are you? And true children. And why I hear some of the way musical sounds? And in my forest, too, so much ... Different sounds: That the wind - Shur, Shur, Shur, then he is U-U-y, the beasts, insects rumors spread - zh-z, then the buzz will pass -gu-gu-gu, the forest will sigh fu-fu, and in the morning Rosa -tyu-Ti, Ti-Ta ... I wonder! ...

Musical hand-le: Wait for Baba Yaga. Guys, and this does not remind you? - Yes, we can do you on musical instruments to fulfill the player just about your forest. Take together with us any tool. What do you like? And you guys choose musical instruments. The game.

Baba Yag. Oh, how interesting you are my summer forest portrayed. All sounds. Oh, yes you have a TV here. Good luck, I captured my favorite laptop. Want to see how beautiful my autumn forest And how beautiful his music. Tchaikovsky video Autumn Song. October "liked it. Or maybe you know what kind of music was it?

Musical hands: What about it can be said? Describe it? What else is music? Listen to this. (The game on the synthesizer, describe it).

Baba Yaga Thank you. Right nostalgia in my forest caused. I will go home, I will check my possessions. I have quietly, beautifully, multicolored leaves fly. You will go in my possessions - the cartoons are mate, play games .... Computer, and walk in the forest.

Musical hands-th Baba Yaga in the forest went to the leaf fall to admire, but on our petal .... Look ... also leavefall. And think about how we can show, tell us about it, describe it.

(Poems, Song "Beauty Autumn", Dance "Leaf Falls")

Educator: Oh, two more petals took their place. (Children on the carpet)

Autumn Golden visiting us, how beautiful she is. And for what signs do we define that the autumn has come? (Children list ..., rain)

Music worker: And on the petal we have a rain. What happens to rain?

Is it always raining causes sad feelings? Can the rain be cheerful, playful, playful? Do you know something about such a rain? (poems, rain game)

Educator: The petal took his place.

Musical hand: Guys, today we are only affairs that we ask questions and answer them the most different ways. And on the leaves we have questions, ....

What are the children of the whole land, who like to ask questions so much?

Let's show our guests what we now have an integrity age, how much is why we have. And then ask you to say any questions they could answer. (Song-dance Lathe mental)

Musical hand: So we collected our magic flower. Let's tell him my best cherished desires. Clever. And whatever we can give him. (Dance Tsvetik-Semizvestik)

Musical hand-le: And now I suggest on our cheerful steam room to take a seven-degree flowers in the group. And for all your desires and desires of our guests, which they now commend themselves to come true.

Equipment: Reproduction of paintings:

1. I.I. Levitan Great water».

2. A.I. Queenji "Dnipro in the morning."

3. I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".

4. I.E. Grabar "February azure".

Musical accompaniment:

1. Grig E. "Spring".

2. Strauss I. "Waltz".

3. Tchaikovsky PI "Seasons. April".

4. Vivaldi A. "Seasons of the Year."

5. Russian folk song "Red Sarafan".

6. Russian folk song "With the Bureau".

7. Romance on the verses of S. Yesenin "Skilled Foliage Golden".

8. Gaidn I. "Seasons of the Year."

9. Glazunov "Seasons".

Lead: Guys, our today's meeting is devoted to the time of year. Remember, as in the story of Konstantin Dmitrievich, the Mitya boy is rejoicing to each of the seasons: in each of them he finds his charm. Many poets, composers, painters depicted in their works of seasons. Why do we start our evening today? Let's call for help Queen Harmony! Agree guys? Then quietly, I already hear her steps.

(Waltz sounds I. Strauss. The queen appears, dancing.)


Since childhood, each with me is familiar

I am the Queen of Harmony.

Quietly, I do not hear to you in the house,

Praise and attention worthy.

Hello, friends! Why did I need you?

Leading: Hello, respected queen! The guys with the guys decided to travel at the time of the year, but do not know where to start?

Queen: What do you think here? Of course - from spring! Not in vain, after all, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin called the spring "in the morning of the year."

Lead: You're right. Spring is the beginning of life, the awakening of nature. Look, what spring is on the picture I.I. Levitan "Greater Water". The look is lost in the spacious spacious spacious.

Queen: I suggest listening to the excerpt from the play by E. Grieg "Spring".

(The passage from the play by E. Grieg "Spring".)

Lead: Gaining strength, spring comes into their rights. At the first protalynes appear snowdrops.


Crying Snow Maiden, Winter Wrong,

It was sad for her sad, alone in the forest in the forest.


Where she was crying and rushed, touching birch,

Snowdrops grew,

Snow Maiden tears.

Queen: As poetically poem A. Maikova. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky in the "times of the year" there is a wonderful play "April. Snowdrop". Let's listen to her.

(Sounds of "Dance of Snowdrops" PI Tchaikovsky sounds.)

Lead: Nature in the spring is updated, dresses in a luxury outfit. Often, when describing the same phenomenon in music and poetry, you can find something similar. S. Yesenin, for example late spring, fading, attracts.

Queen: Something consonant is heard in music 2 parts of the "Seasons" A. Vivaldi. Let's listen.

(The passage from the "Seasons" by A. Vivaldi sounds, children read S. Yesenin to the music.)


Cherry Slaughter Snow

Greens in color and dew.

In the field, leaning towards shoots,

Graci walk in the strip.


Nicknut silk herbs,

Smells a resinous pine.

Oh, you, meadows and dublava,

I am twisen in spring.

Leading: So we came up to the summer, when the warm sun warms the Earth with its rays, and the light breeze is quietly silly, brazed pigtails with slender birch.


Green hairstyle, virgin breasts,

Oh, thin birch, what looked into the pond?

What whispers the wind to you, what does sand ride?

Il want in braids branches you moon scallop?

(Under the melody "Red Sarafan" performed "Dance Berez".)

Leading: TO summer topic Many painters appealed. Pay attention to the landscape of A.I. Queenji "Dnipro in the morning." Nature seemed to froze in anticipation. But the sun will soon go, the fog and the meadow will mark the paints of herbs and flowers. As in the poem E. Trutneva.


Meadow, just like a sortstene, all colors of the scarf, -

Do not understand where the butterfly, where is a live flower.


Forest and field in greenery, blue river.

White, fluffy in the sky cloud.

Queen: There are many Russians folk songs on summer theme. They very much like children and adults. Let's see the dance performed by the group of our girls and try to guess its name.

(Performed dance-dance "with the view".)

Leading: The autumn, gold, royal, as in the painting I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". What other lines will be better talking about her?


Autumn time, eyes charm,

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.

I love the magnificent nature of fading,

In the bazhret and gold, dressed forests.

(Sounds of violin are heard.)

Leading: What kind of wondrous sounds! Have you recognized this voice guys? Whose is he? (Children's answer.) That's right, Violin's voice.

Queen: This is my gift. What could be better living, trepidate sounds? Let's listen to the romance accompanied by a violin.

(The duet of educators performs the song "Skilled Foliage Golden".)

Leading: It's great!

Queen: But do not forget: everything goes to your woman, and in the fall it follows the winter, snow, crystal.


Under the blue skies

Magnificent carpets

Shiny in the sun, the snow lies;

Transparent forest one black

And spruce through frost green,

And the river under the ice shines.

Leading: A.S. Pushkin is green through the fir fir. In the picture I.E. Grabar "February azure" as in lace stands white birch. Very consonant with this image the poem of S. Yesenin. Let it be a gift for you, Queen. Children are now very unusually presenting you the image of a winter birch.

(The poem "White Birch" in the drainage to the music of I. Gaidna from the oratory "Seasons".)

Queen: Thank you very nice! Our meeting came to the end, it turned out beautiful. We once again were convinced that any time of the year was fine in my own way. It manites an artist, poet, composer with its special beauty, giving birth to his creature, a special feeling.