Pictures of the household genre and their authors. Household Genre in Fine Arts

Pictures of the household genre and their authors. Household Genre in Fine Arts
Pictures of the household genre and their authors. Household Genre in Fine Arts

Dedicated to everyday private and public life (usually a modern artist). Household ("genre") scenes, known in art with deep antiquity, stood out in special genre in the feudal era (in countries Far East) and during the formation of a bourgeois society (in Europe). The length of the heyday of the household genre of the new time is associated with the growth of democratic and realistic artistic trends, with the appeal of artists to the image of labor and folk life. Images on household topics were already present in primitive art (scenes of hunting, processions), in ancient packed paintings and reliefs (images of the life of kings, nobles, artisans, farmers), in ancient Greek vazopys and reliefs, where they are often included in the mythical compositions or scenes afterlife. Significant place they occupied in the Hellenistic and Ancient Roman art (painting, mosaics, sculpture). In the medieval art of Europe and Asia genre scenes Often they were woven into religious and allegorical compositions (painting, reliefs and miniatures). With IV century The genre painting of the Far East (China, later Korea, Japan) developed.

In the household genre of Russian critical realism The exposure of serfs and sympathy was complemented by a deep and accurate penetration into the spiritual world of heroes, deployed narration, detailed dramatic development of the plot. These features, clearly manifested in mid XIX. in. In full burning ridicule and paintings P. A. Fedotov, in the figures of A. A. Azgin, and T. G. Shevchenko, were perceived in the 1860s. Gengins-Democrats - V. G. Pepov, P. M. Shmelkov, who combined direct and acute publicism with deep lyrical experiences life tragedies Peasantry and urban poor. On this basis, the household genre of the Movies rose, who played a leading role in their art, extremely fully and accurately reflected national Life second halves XIX. c., intensively comprehended her social laws. The deployed picture of the life of all the layers of the Russian society was given by G. M. Myasoedov, V. M. Makimov, K. A. Savitsky, V. E. Makovsky, and - with a special depth and scope - I. E. Repin, which showed not only barbaric The oppression of the people, but also fighters for his liberation, mighty mighty vitality. Such a latitude of tasks genre painting Often brought it closer with the historical composition. In the pictures of N. A. Yaroshenko, N. A. Kasatkina, S. V. Ivanova, A. E. Arkhipova in late XIX. - early XX centuries. Reflected the bundle of the village, the life of the working class. Household Genre of Mobile Found a wide response in the art of Ukraine (N. K. Pymonenko, K. K. Kostandi), Belarus (Yu. M. Peng), Latvia (Ya. M. Rosental, Ya. T. Valter), Georgia (g . I. Gabashvili, A. R. Mr. M. Tatevosyan), Armenia (E. M. Tatevosyan) and others. Successes of democratic realism in the household genre of the XIX century. were associated with the formation and lifting artistic culture many nations during their struggle for national and social liberation (M. Minkachi in Hungary, K. Purkin in the Czech Republic, A. and M. Herm and Yu. Helmonsky in Poland, N. Grigorescu in Romania, I. Murquica in Bulgaria, D . Skatetsky in Slovakia, J. F. Di Almeida Zhunior in Brazil, L. Romagoman in Cuba). Genre and household features are also manifested in the portrait landscape, historical and battle painting. At the same time, the household genre is sometimes penetrated by the religious patriarchal or bourgeois morality, devils of idylness or entertainment. The weakening of the socio-critical trends was noted the creativity of a number of large genreists (J. Bastien-Lepazh, L. Lermit in France, L. Knauus, B. Metha in Germany, K. E. Makovsky in Russia). Artists associated with impressionism (E. Manne, E. Degas, O. Renoir in France), in the 1860-80s. Approved new Type The genre painting in which they sought to capture as if a random, fragmented aspect of life, the acute characterity of the appearance of the characters, the fusion of people and the surrounding natural environment. These trends gave impetus to a more free interpretation of the household genre, directly painting perception household scenes (M. Lieberman in Germany, E. Verserell, K. Krog in Norway, A. Tsran, E. Yusexton in Sweden, W. Sickert in United Kingdom, T. Eikins in the USA, V. A. Serov, F. A. Malyavin , K. F. John in Russia).

On the turn XIX-XX explosive In the art of symbolism and style "Modern" is planned to break with the tradition of household genre XIX. in. Household scenes are treated as timeless symbols; The life concrete image is inferior to the place of monumental-decorative tasks (E. Munk in Norway, F. Hodler in Switzerland, P. Gogen in France, V. E. Borisov-Musatov in Russia).

Traditions of realistic household genre XIX century. Were picked up in the XX century. artists who have sought to open the contradictions of capitalism, show resistance, inner power and the spiritual beauty of people from the people (T. Steinlen in France, F. Brangwin in the UK, K. Colvitz in Germany, D. River in Mexico, J. Belosez in the USA, F. Masel in Belgium, D. Derkovich in Hungary, N . Balkan in Bulgaria, Sh. Lukyan in Romania, M. Galanda in Slovakia, etc.). After World War II, 1939-45, this direction was continued by masters of neorealism - R. Guttuzo, A. Pizzinato et al. In Italy, A. Fuuderon and B. Taslitsky in France, Weno Macoto in Japan. A characteristic feature of the household genre was a combination of aggravated perceived characteristic features of everyday life with generalization, often the symbolism of images and situations. In the liberated and developing countries of Asia and Africa, the original schools of the national household genre, rising from imitativeness and stylization to a deep generalized reflection of the lifeguard of their peoples (A. Sher-Gil, K. K. Hebbar in India, K. Affandi in Indonesia, M . Sabri in Iraq, A. Tekle in Ethiopia, sculptors Kofi Antubam in Ghana, F. Idubor in Nigeria). Sometimes artists of modernist currents - pop art and hyperrealism are sometimes treated, but their work does not go further passive fixation of the contamon real life fragments of reality.

After the October Revolution of 1917, the household genre acquired in Soviet Russia New features caused by the formation and development of a socialist society - historical optimism, approval of selfless free labor and a new life based on the unity of public and personal began. This unity is generated by the close relationship of frequently intertwined household genres and the historical genre. Household genre played a crucial role in becoming soviet art, multilateral reflecting the construction of socialism and communism, formation spiritual world soviet people. From the first years Soviet power Artists (B. M. Kustodiyev, I. A. Vladimirov) sought to capture the changes made by the revolution to the country's life. In the 20s Ahrges Akhrr arranged a number of exhibitions on Soviet everyday, and his master (E. M. Chepetts, G. G. Ryazhsky, A. V. Moravov, B. V. Johanson) created a number of reliable typical images showing new relations of people. Artists of Association Ost (A. A. Daineka, Yu. I. Pimenov) created a special type of paintings dedicated to construction, work, sports, in which he generalized new features of the appearance and lives of Soviet people; poetic paintings The traditional and new life was performed by P. V. Kuznetsov, M. S. Sarian, P. P. Konchalovsky, K. S. Petrov-Vodkin. Household genre of the 30s. Approved the joyful, festive perception of life (S. V. Gerasimov, A. A. Plaks, T. G. Gaponenko, V. G. Odintsov, F. G. Krichevsky). In the Soviet household genre affected hard life Front and rear during the Great Patriotic War 1941-45 (Yu. M. Nonzhattsov, B. M. Nemensky, A. I. Laction, V. N. Kostytsky, A. F. Pakhomov, L. V. Sawfeis), enthusiasm collective labor and public life typical traits Household Uklade in the postwar years (T. N. Yablonskaya, S. A. Chuikov, F. P. Reshetnikov, S. A. Grigoriev, U. M. Japaridze, E. F. Kalnyn, L. A. Ilyina). From the second half of the 50s. In the pictures of M. Korzhev, V. I. Ivanova, E. E. Moiseenko, V. E. Popkov, T. T. Salahova, D. D. Zhilinsky, E. K. I. I. I. A. Zarinova, I. N. Klycheva, N. I. Andronova, A. P. and S. P. Tkachev, T. R. Mirzashvili, S. M. Muradyan, in engravings of F. Zakharova, V. M. Yurkunas, in . V. Tollya, the daily life of the people appears rich and complex, saturated with great thoughts and experiences. Works of the household genre of the 60-80s. Often serve to express deep philosophical pondays about life.

An important contribution to the development of a realistic household genre was made by artists of socialist countries, brightly reflecting the formation of new public relations in the life of their peoples that showed specific traits National Life (K. Baba in Romania, S. Vennev in Bulgaria, V. Veomak in the GDR, M. Benka, L. Fulla in Czechoslovakia, Nguyen Duc Nung in Vietnam, Kim Yyndjun in the DPRK, Jiang Zhaokhe in the PRC).

Lit.: N. Apraksina, Household Painting, L., 1959; B. M. Nikiforov, genre painting, M., 1961; Russian genre painting XIX century [Album Reproductions, M., 1961]; Russian genre painting XIX. - early XX century, M., 1964; [E. Y. FEKHNER], Dutch genre painting XVII century. in state Hermitage, M., 1979; Brieger L., Das Genrebild. Eine Entwicklung der Bjrgerlichen MaleRei, M.Nch.,; Hit W., Das Genrebild, Dresden ,.

Household genre - direction of visual art related to the use as a plot of paintings, scenes ordinary life of people. Feature - In terms of the such, only the work is chosen modern artist events. The household genre is common in sculpture, painting, the schedule - the works of the visual art are distinguished by small parameters, the realistic transmission of objects.

As separate genre Formed in the Epoch of the Middle Ages, although the first representative works can be attributed to the time of existence ancient civilizations. The household genre is devoted to private, everyday events - the features of the historical period are best illustrated.


The period of formation of the genre is a new time, since then there was a sharp popularization realistic painting, democratic views on society. In the 17-19 centuries, artists start contacting life ordinary people As a central subject of paintings. Thanks to the exacerbation of social confrontation in society, an increase in interest in everyday life The household genre developed.

Yang Vermeer Delft Mattery with a jug of milk ok. 1658 Amsterdam (Netherlands), Reynxmuseum

The predecessors of the works of the household genre can be considered cave drawingsperformed primitive peoplewhich presents scenes of hunting, ritual dances and processions. The genre character also had some paintings of Egyptian and Etruscan Tomb: the processing of the Earth, the collection of fruits and vegetables, hunting, fishing and feast. It was believed that these images were provided to the deceased rich and fed life in by the Military World. Household plots decorated with ancient Greek vases.

In the era of revival many historical works Pronounced a pronounced genre character: the legendary events were often "transferred" to modernity and were saturated with many household details. And in Russia, the genre first appeared in book miniature And got the name "maternity letters."

The first genre in Europe

Jan Vermeer Delftsky girl with a letter at the open window 1650s. Dresden, Gallery of old masters

Rodonarchits of the household genre in European art are considered Jerome Bosch - Great Netherlands painter who lived at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries, and italian artist XVI in. Caravaggio ( full name - Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio). But in the independent genre, household painting was formed only in the XVII century. In Holland, recently conquered independence and founded the first bourgeois republic. After for long years The Spanish rule artists particularly keenly felt the beauty of a quiet, peaceful life and began to sing the simplest classes - care for children, cleaning of the room, reading letters.

One of the most famous masters - Jan Vermeer. The favorite Character of the Master is a woman submersible in households, such as a heroine on the famous Milk Room Waterproof.

Household genre in Russia

P.A. Fedotov walling Major 1848 Moscow, state Tretyakov Gallery

In Russia, K. P. Bryullov turned to the household genre among the first to the household genre (his "Italian series") and A. G. Venetsianov, who devoted all his work of the life of Russian peasants.

Satirical note in genre painting made P. A. Fedotov. His picture "Watching Major" is funny story About the ruined officer, who wants to fix his welfare, is going to marry the daughter of the merchant.

Household genre

Family, school, work, rest, the whole person and social life of a person are reflected in the works of fine art. Most often, these scenes are found in paintings by painters, but often they can be seen on the sheets of machine graphics, and in sculpture. Small sculptural groups performed by masters are very attractive folk art, for example, carved wooden Toys The village of Bogorodskoe near Zagorsk in the Moscow region or clay stucco painted figures of the former Symkovo Symkovo (Kirov). Of the figures, the compositions on the themes of the Basen, fairy tales, chesting paintings are compiled. As a rule, they are painted soft, good-natured humor.

Dymkovo toy

Dymkovo toy

Household scenes captured by artists different epochsallow you to look into real valid life long time. After all, the artist, depicting its modern life, as if she recorded for future generations, the unique features of the life of his era.

The first heyday of the household genre began in Holland in the XVII century. This is the time of formation of a bourgeois society that approved its right to personal and public life, His worldview. It was then that the image of household scenes stands out to an independent genre in art. IN antique epoch And in the Middle Ages, only certain images of everyday life are known, in most cases serving assessed, instructive goals. Dutch painters Lovely recreate the lives of a wide variety of society. In the paintings of the city of Terborh ("Lesson of Music", GMI), we see rich aristocratic families, ladies in lush satin dresses, chatting with gallant cavaliers. In the situation of modest and cozy burgher houses, household scenes are played in the paintings of Metsu ("Patient and Doctor", GE). A peculiar poetry of the ordinary burgher houses is caught by Ya. Vermer Delftsky ("Lace", Louvre, Paris) and P. Dehokh ("Mistress and Mother", GE). And by which the scenes of the peasant festivities of their great predecessor of Peter Breygel senior or their contemporary Flemadza Ya. Rubens are imbued with the rude folk fun.

P. Breygel Senior. Peasant dance.
OK. 1568. Wood, oil.
Museum of Art History. Vein.

P. Bruegel Senior. Peasant dance.
OK. 1568. Wood, oil.
Museum of Art History. Vein.

All subsequent periods of the heyday of the household genre are associated with increasing democratic and realistic trends in art. From simple fixation of phenomena, artists move to the disclosure of a deep inner meaning and socially historical content of everyday life. Already in the XVII century. In France, the Lenen brothers were able to see and show high in their paintings human advantages A simple peasant is the lowest and clogged representative of the feudal society ("family of thrush", 1640s., GE). In the XVIII century J. B. S. Charden influenced the ideas of the enlighteners argued in his works the dignity of the person of the third class ("Broke", 1737, GE).

J. B. S. Charden. Laundress.
1737. Canvas, oil.
State Hermitage. St. Petersburg.

J. B. S. Charden. Laundress.
1737. Canvas, oil.
State Hermitage. St. Petersburg.

The new flowering of the household genre comes in the XIX century. Artists seek to answer acute social issues generated by modern reality. In their works begins to prevail critical Assessment, exposing existing ones social relationship and established moral norms, they defend the right of oppressed segments of the population. Important role Here belongs to the socio-critical Satire O. Domje, which showed the genuine invarilation of the prosperity of bourgeois society, with a great warmth of depicted representatives labor peoplewith whom he tied the future of his country. The high idea of \u200b\u200bthe labor person was reflected in the work and other french painters, and above all, F. Mill and Kurba. The household genre penetrate pictures from the life of various seats of society, episodes of barricade fighting. Images ordinary people Heroisy, acquire an epic character. Artists seem to convince the viewer that to sow bread, build the roads as worthy, how much and make heroic feats.

The household genre took an important place in the Russian art of the first half of the XIX century. A. G. Venetsian and artists of his school challenges the crab of rural labor and nature, idealizing the images of peasants, create poetic paintings peasant life ("On the harvest. Summer", 1820s., GTG; and others). Satyric paintings and drawings P. A. Fedotov raised a whole layer of life of the Russian society of the Nikolaev era, contributed to the exposure of serfdom.

P. A. Fedotov. Major walling.
1848. Canvas, oil.

P. A. Fedotov. Major walling.
1848. Canvas, oil.

Paints of the 1860s have played a decisive role in the development of the Russian domestic genre., I showed a wide picture of the life of the Foreign Russia (V. G. Perov et al.). With a special force, this trend appears in the works of Mobile. Before the audience, the expanded typed picture of the life of all layers of Russian society appeared. In the works of mobileians, and above all I. E. Repin, the Russian reality is widely and multifaceted, 1870-1890. ("Burlaki on the Volga", 1870-1873, timing; "did not expect", 1884-1888; "Propagandist arrest", 1880- 1892, both in GTG). Repin managed to show not only the oppressed state simple people, but also mighty folk vitality, heroism and fighters of fighters for popular liberation. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. In Russian art - in the works of N. A. Kasatkin (Shakhtarka, 1894, GTG), S. T. Konunova, A. S. Bluebina ("Worker", 1909, GTG) - representatives of a new class - proletariat appeared.

I. E. Repin. Barge Haulers on the Volga.
1872-1873. Canvas, oil.
State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

I. E. Repin. Barge Haulers on the Volga.
1872-1873. Canvas, oil.
State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

Highly difficult paths There is a development of a household genre in the art of the XX century. The unusually exacerbated contradictions of the bourgeois reality reported works by the leading masters of the household genre, such as T. Steinlen in France, K. Colvitz in Germany, R. Guttuzo in Italy, F. Masel in Belgium, combat nature, in many ways due to their relationship with revolutionary motion .

A fundamentally new stage in the development of the household genre was art socialist realism. Soviet artists The historical optimism of the builders of the Communist Society, the joy of free creative work and human relationships. Already in the 1920-1930s. In the works of B. V. Johanson ("Rabafak goes", 1928, Kiev Museum of Russian Art), A. A. Deneki ("At the construction site of new workshops", 1926, GTG), Yu. I. Pimenova ("New Moscow", 1937, GTG), and later - A. A. Plastov ("Dinner of Tortanists", 1951, Irkutsk Regional art Museum) And many other masters of Soviet art are widely reflected by the features of Soviet life, the heroics of the creation.

A. I. Laction. Letter from the front.
1947. Canvas, oil.
State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow.

A. I. Laction. Letter from the front.
1947. Canvas, oil.
State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow.

Household Painting household Painting

(Genre painting, genre), painting genre, dedicated to the image of the daily life of a person, private and public. The term began to be used in Russia with the second floor. 19th century, when St. Petersburg Academy of Arts Officially recognized domestic painting, and for its designation borrowed the French word "genre" (Genre) adopted in the Western European Academy. Painters who create paintings on household plots began to be called genre. In the old days in Russia, the works depicting events of everyday life were called "maternity letters." Thing historical painting - Exceptional events important for the whole people or for all mankind; Household painting depicts what is repeated in the life of the generations of people from year to year, from century to century: work and rest ("on arable land. Spring" A. G. Venetianova, 1820s.; "Maslenitsa" B. M. Kustodiev, 1916), weddings and funerals ("Peasant Wedding" P. Breyghel Senior, 1568; "Funeral in Ornan" G. Kurba, 1850), dates in silence and crowded festive marches ("Explanation" V. E. Makovsky, 1889-91; " Procession in Kursk province "I. E. Repin, 1880-83). In the best genre works are presented not everyday life in its boring monasses, but life, spiritualized by the greatness of being. Characters of genreists are usually unnamed, these are "people from the crowd", typical representatives of their era, nation, estates, professions ("Lace" Vermer Delftsky, 1660s.; "Trapez peasants" L. Lenin, 1642; "Prival Hunters" V. G. Perova, 1871; "Kupchikha for tea" B. M. Kustodiyev, 1918). In the days of wars and revolutions, the story is powerful invading a person who disrupts her familiar course. The works devoted to the harsh life of the turning point are lying on the verge of historical and domestic genres ("did not expect" I. E. Repin, 1884, - the return of the participant in the movement of the People's Movement from the link home; "1919. Anxiety" K. S. Petrova-Vodkina, 1934, recreating the atmosphere of the Civil War).

Household scenes (hunting, ritual processions) are found already in primitive rocky paintings. The frescoes on the walls of the ancient Egyptian and Etruscian tombs represented the scenes of plowing and collecting fruits, hunting and fishing, dances and peters (frescoes of the tomb in Beni-Gassan, Egypt, Ok. 1950 BC. e.; Tombus "Hunting and Fishing" in Tarquinih, Etrury, 520-10 years. BC.). These images had magic value: They had to provide a deceased rich and luxurious life in the afterlife. Everyday scenes are frequent in ancient Greek vasopysi. (Crater with the image of the workshop of the potter, "Pelika with a swallow" Euphrony, both - 5 V. BC er). Household painting originated in the era Revival Inside Historic: The legendary events were often "transferred" to modernity and satiated by many household details (F. del Kiev. Palazzo Skifano painting in Ferrara, Italy, 1469-70; "Christmas of John the Baptist" D. Girlandayo, 1485-90). Genuine genre works Created Caravaggio, first began to write people from the bottom ("Map players", 1594-95; "Butterist", approx. 1595) and masters Northern Renaissance ("Focuscript" H. Boscha, 1475-80; "Changers" M. Van Reymmersval, Ser. 16th century; "Peasant dance" P. Breyghel senior, 1568).

As an independent genre, household painting was made in 17 century. In Holland, recently conquered independence and founded the first bourgeois republic; Then he experienced his first flourishing in painting "Small Dutch". After many years of Spanish dominion, artists particularly keenly felt the beauty of a quiet, peaceful life; Therefore, the most simple classes are care for children, cleaning the room, reading the letter - sheepdins in Dutch painting 17 century. high poetry ("Morning of the Young Ladies" F. Van Mirisa Senior, Ok. 1660; "Woman, Cleaning Apple", Terboroch, OK. 1660; "Girl with a letter" Ya. Vermer Delftsky, Ok. 1657) . Genuine nobility and grandeur are full of people from the bottom in the canvases of the Spaniard D. Velasquez ("Sevilian Waterproof", OK. 1621) and Frenchman L. Lenin ("Family of the Machinery", 1640s.). In 18 V. English painter and schedule U. Hogart He marked the beginning of a satirical direction in the domestic genre (a series of pictures "Fashion marriage", 1743-45). In France, J. B. S. Sharden He wrote home sketches from the life of the third class, warmed with cardiac warmth and comfort ("Prayer before lunch", approx. 1740). Realists 19 V. They strive to accurately, objectively display reality and at the same time, the work of a person on Earth ("stone crushers" of Kurba, 1849; "Collectors of Kohlis" F. Mille, 1857). Impressionists They wrote happy moments, grated from the flow of everyday life ("Swing" O. Renoara, 1876).

In Russian painting, the household genre was formed later than others. Only 18 V. Gives single examples (I. I. Firsov. " Young painter", 1760s.; M. Shibanov. "Peasant Lunch", 1774, and "Festival of the Wedding Treaty", 1777). Genre motifs appear in the work of the first sex masters. 19th century K. P. Bryullov ("Italian midday," "Girl collecting grapes in the vicinity of Naples", both - 1827) and V. A. Tropinin ("Lace", 1823). A. G. Venetsianov became the attitude of Russian household painting. Proceedings and days of peasants appear in his canvas as an eternal holiday of unity with nature; The beauty of women washed with the spirit of high classics: in their images the same clarity and harmony, as in Greek statues or Madonnakh era Early rebirth ("Znztsy", approx. 1825; "In the harvest. Summer", 1820s; "Morning of the landowners", 1823). In the canvases P. A. FedotovaPersistently bride", 1847; "Major Watching", 1848; "Breakfast of the Aristocrat", 1849) Social Satire is happily merged with poetry, with the love of the beauty of the surrounding world. His late paintings ("Ancor, still Ancor!", "Players", both - 1851-52) permeated with genuine tragedy.

Household genre becomes leading in painting movements, pointed the critical orientation of Fedotov's creativity. Finding witness, topical plots in modern reality, they write their paintings with hot compassion to "little people", powerfully appeal to public conscience, protesting against injustice (V. G. Perov. "Deaders' Wires", 1865; "Troika", 1866 ; THEM. Spicy. "Joker", 1865; N. V. Neviv. "Bargain. Of the recent past, "1866; V. E. Makovsky. "Date", 1883). In the 1870-80s. "choral paintings" appear (term V.V. Stasova) in which there are large masses of the people ("burlaci on the Volga" I. E. Repin, 1870-73; "Taking a snowy town" V. I. Surikov, 1891). The traditions of the household genre of the mobileians continued in the 1920s. Paints included in Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia. Masters from the Society of Stankovists (A. A. Daineka, Yu. I. Pimenov, etc.) wrote the heroic everyday life of the construction of a new life. In the second floor. 20 - NCH. 21 c. Genre painting retains popularity in the work of masters committed different areas (F. P. Reshetnikov, T. N. Yablonskaya, S. A. Chuikov, A. A. Plastic, V. E. Popkov, N. I. Andronov, P. F. Nikonov, T. G. Nazarenko, N. I. Nesterova And many others).

(Source: "Art. Modern illustrated encyclopedia." Ed. Prof. Gorkina A.P.; M.: Rosman; 2007.)

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