Vladimir Zarubin is an artist of Soviet cards. Good New Year postcards Vladimir Zarubina What the last postcard painted Zarubin

Vladimir Zarubin is an artist of Soviet cards. Good New Year postcards Vladimir Zarubina What the last postcard painted Zarubin
Vladimir Zarubin is an artist of Soviet cards. Good New Year postcards Vladimir Zarubina What the last postcard painted Zarubin

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Probably, each born in the USSR in memory remained special memories, penetrated by the warmth of New Year's expectation. My conscious childhood was already held in the 90s, but it had a lot of departed epochs related to the most important and most desired holiday in the year. Now the shelves of shops are bursting from the abundance of New Year's toys, postcards and other attributes, of course attractive, but not so peaceful, like what has been decorated with our New Year's childhood.

In the parent house among glass toys, brought granny from the GDR, the box with New Year's congratulatory postcards of past years is still kept. My sister and I loved to sort out and consider them on the eve of the holiday: there was something magical in it. And later in school years, I as a representative of the editorial board often used the cherished box in search of inspiration, releasing the next New Year's wallpaper.

Box, I must say impressive, and most of it occupy my favorite greeting cards created by Vladimir Ivanovich Zarubin. They are impossible not to know: bright, good and bright, depicting small scenes with carefully across the details. Heroes of his cards touching, as if alive, with their character, with a mood corresponding to the plot. And how not to smile here, taking a card slightly lightly ... Nostalgia ...

The creator of these postcards - Vladimir Ivanovich Zarubina - was very difficult fate. As after filled with grief and losses of youth, he managed to preserve a bright globility and share them with compatriots throughout his life, just amazing ...

Vladimir Zarubin was born on August 7, 1925 in the village of Andriovka of the Oryol region. During the war, Zarubin lived with his parents in the Ukrainian Lisichansk. After the capture of the city by the Germans, the young boy was born to Germany and worked in the work camp of prisoners in Rie, where there was a lot of death: cruelty, bullying, hunger, fear of death ... In a few years, the city was released by American troops, and Vladimir Zarubin moved to our The occupation zone, where several years served in the army. It is known that he was fond of boxing and shooting. And, of course, then he began to draw seriously. Here from his memories: "Since childhood, I love animals, birds. So now on the balcony, the feeder with the lard. In the morning, the woodpecker flew ... As far as I remember, and my first in life drawing is associated with animals and with ... a smile: a horse runs, and she has fallen from under the tail of "apples". I was then for five years, so this drawing across the village from hand to hand turned. In the same place, in a rural house, for the first time he joined the art. Father brought a lot of painting books, had a good (and according to the standards of countryside - just wonderful) - five thousand copies - a collection of postcards. "

In 1949, Vladimir Ivanovich began his career of the artist: he worked at the Ministry of the coal industry, then at the factory. In 1956, he entered the Moscow Evening School, in parallel with the studies studying at the courses of multiple artists at the Soyuzmultfilm film studio. Since 1957, Zarububa worked as an animator in Soyuzmultfilm, taking part in creating about hundreds of hand drawn cartoon films.

The artist gave all the forces to his beloved business. In 1973, he received the title of the Winner of the Socianization of the Studio and the First Infarction. The fact is, the work of the Soviet multiplier was only one side by art, and on the other hand, it was equated to the same production with the plan, overhead, outfits, and so on. In addition, his passion, honesty and openness often encountered traditional intrigues and blots. Only in the late 1970s Zarubina was taken to the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR, but it was often called the best multiplier of the country.

In parallel with the animation, Vladimir Zarubin was talented and fruitfully worked in the magnitude of the postal miniature - engaged in creating greeting cards, drawings on envelopes and calendars. His first postcard was released in 1962.

Zarubin himself believed that he was engaged in creating postcards and envelopes relatively late: " You know, I wanted to find an outstand, because the work of the multiplier is the exhausting, nervous. So I tried the power first in the Crocodile, "Baby", "Isogise". The first postcard was published by Yury Ryakhovsky. He helped me find myself in the postal schedule. And already animals - bearish, hares, hedgehogs, as well as gnomes and other heroes - mine, only mine.

They are actually recognizable, have their own unique face. Just because of this of their originality, I had difficulty on kudsovet. Well, this is still in the "those" times. Will they look, sketch and begin to disassemble it from socially owned positions: "Where did you see a dog walking on two paws?", Or: "What kind of bear will shout in the forest" ay! "?" How do you explain? Or here is a story with a spring postcard, on which hedgehog presents the hedgehog of the candy rooster. He was in my boots, so the idles forced shoes with the hedgehog to take off. I converted a postcard, but the hedgehog fell sorry - is it easy to barefoot in the March snow? So I raised one paw to him, so as not to murge ...

In previous years, there are many of my postcards and envelopes, as they say, having flimized in vain on an idiot».

After many years, Zarubube left the studio and took up work at home.

« Nice, of course, that people do not disregard my work, - said Vladimir Ivanovich. - They write, they ask for more drawing, and the most active suggests the plots. It helps, but perhaps morally. It is generally difficult for me to work on request. Everything I will invent myself. And draw pulls always. Even if the Zalenor, I just lie down and think. A postcard or envelope first "run" in the head so that then everything goes on paper very quickly. But then redrawing the plots sometimes several times: I will finish, as if I look - no, it's not quite that. I take again add, remove the drawing details. Little fairy tale in the drawing ...»

In the early 1990s, the artist began to continuously work with one small publisher. Over time, it has grown, mainly thanks to the work of Zarubin, but soon the publisher began to delay the payment, and then stopped paying at all, demanding new postcards. It lasted for more than a year. On June 21, 1996, Vladimir Ivanovich was reported on the phone that "the company broke out." A few hours later the artist did not.

In general, it is possible to talk about the brubber and his work to infinity for a long time. For the modern generation, born after 1990, his name is little familiar. But those who are for ... to indirectly remember his colorful postcards, which in the time of the Union loved so much to give each other citizens of the Great country. The Internet, as you understand, in those distant times were only in the projects of the American military, so the paper industry of the country of Soviets worked, including the creation of miniature masterpieces for mailing. However, let's in order.

Vladimir Zarububa was born in 1925 in the village of Andriovka of the Oryol region in the family engineer family. Due to the specifics of the work of the Father, the Family Artist's Family constantly poked in the country and the beginning of the war found them in Lisichansk. The Germans occupied by the city of His Vladimir and other adolescents in Germany in a labor camp near Rurah, where he had to work until the liberation of allied troops in the 45th ... After that, Zarubin joined the army, but since those years his favorite occupation had drawing. After demobilization, he entered the factory to Moscow where he met the future wife. Love for drawing led Zarubin on the courses of multipliers artists, who finished which he was entirely betrayed his beloved lesson. Zarububa worked in many genres of fine art, but most of all was remembered by creating his company heroes of Soviet animation. It was he who participated in the creation of the first issues " Wait for it!", "Bremen Musicians"(remember the brilliant detective?), Mowgli and even more than one hundred cartoon films!

I tried to cheer yourself in the publishing business, having time to work in Crocodile, Kidand other magazines. Working at the studio was very nervous and tense and the health of the artist was shaken. This is then Vladimir Zarubin and found himself in the postal miniature - it was in it that he became famous most and began to know among millions of compatriots. This was facilitated by his own style of images of animals, who appreciated in the publishing center "Mark". Remember and you - surely you have a postcard with a merry hare, a hedgehog or a teddy bear. But now these postcards have a collective value! If earlier on the hood of the councils, some of the works of the Master did not take on some further detaned reasons, in recent years of life, all his "choke" sketches were embodied on paper. Even in the post-Soviet time, the artist worked on the design of postcards, although his relationship with private publisher was not safely worn out, which was the cause of his tragic death ...
Now the postcards of Vladimir Zarubin are in demand among collectors of philocarters. Some of his works were produced very small circulations and collectively collecting from more than a few hundred and his miniature is considered to be a big luck. Although, you can easily find a couple of postcards with his beasts in your old dresser, because when you give postcards by mail, it was also natural how to write emails on e-mail.
Here are some works of the artist. You can find the rest on sites specially dedicated to the work of Zarubin
One of the early works in conjunction with S. Rusakov

Bears, Hares, Hedgehogs - Discussion Card Zarubina

Among the postcards of the artist there are quite rare specimens. If the circulation of many postcards were 5-20 million copies (!!!), that is, and very small "- 50-100 thousand.

In Soviet times, such useful bookmarks were produced for textbooks.

Surely you saw the colorful Soviet New Year cards, who are left far behind even the video with cats. Their wonderful Russian artist Vladimir Ivanovich Zarubin created them. Few people know how interesting was the fate of this amazing person.

Volodya was born in a small village Andriovka Alekseevsky rural council of the Pokrovsky district Oryol region. The family had three children: the eldest son stretched to the technique, the middle poems wrote, and the youngest loved to draw. Parents Volodya had a large collection of postcards and books with reproductions of paintings. Father was a representative of the working intelligentsia, worked as an engineer at the factory and bought books with pictures that children loved very much. Volodya has considered the pictures of old masters, listening to adult explanations, and tried to draw something herself. One of the first of his drawings was so admired the inhabitants of the village that the picture began to transmit from hand to hand. The boy was only 5 years old, but certainly someone from the fellow villagers furified him then the future of the artist.

Family moved to Ukraine to the city LisichanskWhere in Soviet years created a large-scale industrial production cluster. Life in the city of Sulil great prospects for already grown sons, but the war began. The German-fascist troops invaded the territory of the USSR. The eldest sons of Volodya went to the front to fight with the aggressor, and Volodya, who was almost 16 years old, got into the occupation. After that, he was hijacked by the Germans to Germany. There he got into the "Labor Camp" for one of the plants in the city of Rur.

Cruelty, bullying, meager food, fear of execution - so ended the childhood of the future artist. For several years Volodya was in labor slavery in a foreign country. In 1945, he, along with other prisoners, was liberated by American troops. Immediately after the liberation, Vladimir wanted to return home and, having moved to the Soviet occupation zone of Germany, went to serve in the Soviet army. From 1945 to 1949 served as a shooter in the commandant. After demobilization, he moved to a permanent residence in Moscow, settled on one of the plants by the artist. Here the story of His Success and Future National Glory begins.

Somehow reading the magazine, he saw an advertisement about the set of multipliers in the "Soyuzmultfilm" film studio. Vladimir caught fire a desire to master this profession and entered his studies. From 1957 to 1982 he worked as an artist multiplier in Soyuzmultfilm. From under his feather, the images of the heroes of about 100 cartoons were released, among whom are loved ones: "Well, wait", "Mowgli", "in the footsteps of the Bremen Musicians", "Mystery of the Third Planet" and many others.

In parallel, the artist began to try himself in a postal miniature. In 1962, his first postcard was released with a symbol of that time - a cheerful astronaut.

Subsequently, Vladimir Ivanovich illustrated a lot of books, but postcards remained his main love. In Soviet times, they brought them tens to each house - the tradition of congratulating the mail of relatives, friends, teachers, classmates, the former neighbors was a prevailing and beloved.

Quite quickly postcards Zarubina became the most popular in the country. They were asked in the mail, the queues in the stores were built behind them, and the defortion, of course, gathered these postcards and wrote the letter to the artist. Surprisingly, he found time to answer. The kindest artist of the country was still a very kind person. When Vladimir Ivanovich was asked what was the main thing in his work, he invariably answered: "Maybe my postcards will help people become a little kinder."

Their overall circulation along with envelopes and telegrams amounted to 1,588,20,000 copies. In the late 1970s, the USSR Cinematographers Union was adopted.

This is a really wonderful artist from God, the work of his heart reflected in the work. And now people are touching the simple beauty of his works, Postcards Vladimir Zarubin are valued among collectors. But most importantly, his postcards really give people joy. It is worth looking at the tricky cheerful bobcon or a hare, which looks out with a gift from the tree, as a man feels a tide of the New Year's mood.

I would like to give all readers of my blog to give a New Year's mood. And, I see that nothing is better than to eat a mandarin and look at the paintings created by such a talented and kind person. Holiday greetings!