Platonic love Sandro Botticelli. Pictures and characters

Platonic love Sandro Botticelli. Pictures and characters
Platonic love Sandro Botticelli. Pictures and characters

Not only the life-affirming motifs of "Spring". "Venus and Mars" and "Birth of Venus", but also gloomy, tragic sentiments. Their visual example is the drawing of the "Ada Map" ( La Mappa Dell Inferno).

There are several illustrated illustrated manuscripts of Drante "Divine Comedy". The most remarkable in this regard is a luxurious manuscript, compiled by order of Lorenzo di Pierfrantic Medici with magnificent drawings of Sandro Botticelli. The series of drawings of Botticelli remained unfinished, but even in this form it can be recognized as the top art of the book illustration of the Italian Quatrochetto (XV century).

Especially shook illustrations of Botticelli on the topic of hell. "Hell's map" Sandro Botticelli - color drawing on parchment with the image of nine circles of hellish abyss.

Sandro Botticelli. Hell map (Circles of Ada - La Mappa Dell Inferno). Illustration for Drante Divine Comedy. 1480-E.

Dante described the blood pressure as the abyss with nine circles, which, in turn, are divided into different rings. Botticelli on her "map of hell" presented the kingdom of sinners with such subtleness and accuracy that it is possible to trace individual stops that, according to the plot of the Divine Comedy, made Dante and Vergili, going down to the center of the Earth.

Below is another illustration of Sandro Botticelli to the "Divine Comedy". This is a drawing to the song of 18 hell. The main characters, Dante and Virgil are depicted here several times, as if traveling around the edge of the hellish abyss. They stand out with their precisely shining clothes. Following the cramps of hell, they first see the tormented demons of the soul of pimps and seductors, and then diamons and prostitutes who are doomed to suffer in mud.

Sandro Botticelli. Hell. Illustration for Drante Divine Comedy. 1480-E.

Here Botticelli represents Dante and his visible verse in the eighth round of hell, which consists of ten deep fattens, where the scams are punished.

Sandro Botticelli. Dante and Vergil in the eighth Circle of Hell. Illustration for Drante Divine Comedy. 1480-E.

And here Botticelli painted the ancient giants who rebelled against the gods and were charged for it in the chain. They symbolize the gross strength of nature, enclosed in the hellish abyss.

Sandro Botticelli. Ancient giants in hell. Illustration for Drante Divine Comedy. 1480-E.

The Great Florentine Dante from the Great Florentine Botticelli commissioned by the rich Florentine Lorenzo Medici. The "Divine Comedy" first inspired the second money for the third money to create dozens of manuscripts, in a detailed way illustrating the literary masterpiece of the XIV century. The greatest interest is of a kind of infographics of Ada - a map, following which the heroes of the "Divine Comedy" can be considered in detail the torment, which sinners are subjected. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart.

Botticelli depicted hell in the form of a funnel. Unreleased babies and virtuous non-Christians in Limbe are committed to painless grief; Sweet ads who have fallen into the second round for lust tolerate and torture hurricane; Greenshots in the third round rot under rain and hail; Parents and chuck drag severity from place in place in the fourth round; Angry and lazy forever fights in the swamps of the fifth circle; Heretics and false buds lie in the grave graves of the sixth; All sorts of rapists, depending on the subject of abuse, are tormented in different belts of the seventh circle - boil out of red blooded blood, harpius, or weak in the desert under the fiery rain; The deceivers of the not trusted languages \u200b\u200bare in the crews of the eighth round: who is in the feces of malware, who boils in the resin, who is chained in the chains who are tormented by reaches, who has paid; And the ninth round is extremely deceived by those who deceived. Among the latter and inserted into ice Lucifer, which torments in three hands traitors of the Majesty of the Earth and Heaven (Judah, Mark, Bruta and Cassia - traitors of Jesus and Caesar, respectively).

The map of hell was part of a large order - illustrating the "Divine Comedy" of Dante. The exact dates of creating manuscripts are unknown. The researchers agree that Botticelli began work on them in the mid-1480s and with some breaks was engaged in them to the death of the customer - Lorenzo magnificent Medici.

Not all pages are preserved. Supposedly, they should be about 100, 92 manuscript came to us, four of them were completely painted. Several pages with text or numbers are empty, which indicates that Botticelli has not completed work. Most are sketches. At that time, the paper was expensive, and the artist could not just take and throw a sheet with a failed sketch. Therefore, Botticelli first worked as a silver needle, squeezing the drawing. On some manuscripts, it can be seen how the plan changed: from the composition as a whole to the position of individual figures. Only when the artist was satisfied with a sketch, he drank the contours ink.

On the back of each illustration of Botticelli, the text of Dante, which explained the drawing.

"Divine Comedy" is a kind of Dante's answer to the events of his own life. Fiasco's victims in political struggle in Florence and being expelled from his native city, he devoted himself to enlightenment and self-education, including the study of ancient authors. It is no coincidence in the "Divine Comedy" conductor is Vergili, ancient Roman poet.

The Dark Forest, in which the hero is lost, is a metaphor of sins and a poet's quest. Vergilius (Mind) saves the hero (Dante) from terrible animals (mortal sins) and conducts through blood pressure in purgatory, after which the Beatrice is inferior to the threshold (Divine grace).

Fate artist
Botticelli was from the family of jewelers and should have been doing gold and other precious metals. However, perform sketches, painting the boy liked much more. Immersing in the world of fantasies, Sandro forgot about the surrounding. He turned his life into art, and art became life for him.

Among their contemporaries, Botticelli was not perceived as a brilliant master. Yes, a good artist. But then there was a period when many who later became the famous masters were opened. For the XV century, Sandro Botticelli was a reliable master who could trust the painting of the frescoes or an illustration of books, but not a genius.

Botticelli patronized Medici, famous art connoisseurs. It is believed that while the painter spent the last years of life almost in poverty. However, there is information that Botticelli was not so poor as he wanted to seem. Nevertheless, he did not have his own home or family. The very idea of \u200b\u200bmarriage is frightened.

In after exploring the monk Girolamo Savonarola, who in his sermons convincingly urged to repent and abandon the charms of earthly life, Botticelli and fell at Askisu at all. The artist died at the 66th year of life in Florence, where his ashes at the cemetery of the Church of all saints.

In the "Divine Comedy", the hell is placed in the depths of the Earth and forms something like a funnel or a tipped cone, the end point of which is at the same time the center of the Earth and the Universe. The hell's funnel disintegrates on nine concentric, horizontally lying circles, which enjoy various types of convicts.

Each of the circles of hell, considering from top to bottom, at Dante less than previously preceding him and separated from the subsequent rocky slope. More excuseant sins, resulting from the weakness of human nature, are punishable in the highest circles, and sins, most contrary to human nature - in the lower.

But since the circles are increasingly narrowing the book, it proves that the most inhuman, repulsive sins are made less frequently.

The structure of hell in the description of Dante

Categories sinners

In now in the principle that Dante was kept in its categories of sinners. Ordinary descriptions of hell are almost completely relying on the church theory of seven major sins and their uniform punishability, without going into internal differences. Scholastics, on the contrary, were not limited to this and set a deeper difference.

For example, Thomas Aquinity distinguishes the sins arising from passion or out of the malice, and announces the latest more severe punishment than the first. The principle of Dante does not exclude this scholastic principle, and on the contrary hugs it, but it is wider and has no Christian source, - Aristotle. His ethics digested in many private scholasticians, and Dante directly calls her his own.

Following the theories of their teacher of morality, it establishes three categories of basic sins: sins due to impregnation, sensual passion, which separates and Thomas Aquinas; Sins from the Evil, who and he, like Aristotle, dual: sins of open violence and deception. The purpose of each evil action, tells Dante, is injustice, and this goal is achieved in two ways, and through violence, and through deception.

The deception is all more unpleasant to God and everything is streamely punishable in hell, as it is an evil, the most peculiar to man, and the abuse of the values \u200b\u200bthat make up the exceptional belonging of it, distinguish it from the animal - while the sins of violence, and everything likes An animal man straight distracted him from all use by these donations.

Sins of impoverp perscoming in weakness of human nature, Trojaki: Plot crimes, couments, poverty and waste, anger and discontent. The heretics of all kinds, epicuretes, etc., are placed between non-centered and violences, etc., since they have a particle and those and others. Living violence are divided into three divisions: those that sin against God and nature, blasphemers, sodomites and the usurists. Cheating is two ways: it is committed or against those who do not feed confidence in the face to the deceiving or against those that they trusted him.

In the first case, only general humanity is violated, in the second human lithuania; In the first case, this is a simple deception, in the second sin this becomes a betrayal, the most disgusting, inhuman kind of sin. Ten species of criminals are ralling to simple Dante deceivers: Jimons and seductors, Lystz and Chardnitz, Simonists (persons who traded church posts), prisoners, people living with bribing, hypocriters, thieves, bad advisers, violators of the world, deceivers.

Sandro Botticelli. Hell Map (Circles of Hell - La Mappa Dell Inferno)

Treason is four clans: against the blood relatives, the fatherland, guests, against the eternal global structure of God, that is, against God and the Empire.

Circles of hell

All these sinners are distributed in the description of Dante on eight circles of hell; The ninth round, or, or rather, the first, considering from top to bottom, is the Limb, something like the opposite of hell, where all unresolved pious people were sheltered, the only crime of which is their ignorance of Christianity.

Along with all these sinners or people, deprived of the hopes for the salvation of Dante, established another category of convicts from those who were not on Earth either to eat either indifferent, "from the middle people, the location of which is located on the other side of the Border Line of Hell, between the entrance door and Aheron; They are too bad for the sky, for hell too good and therefore rejected here and there. Among them are those neutral angels, which, during the uprising of Lucifer, did not take the side either God or the Bunchik.

This grouping of sinners causes us to an even more solid consideration. At first glance, it is consistent, however, with the ethics of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, and Dante himself refers to them as on authorities. But the rest of the unit and especially the establishment of the characteristic differences between the aristotone categories in itself has so much peculiar, which will not be useless to analyze it. To highlight people of the middle dance, found an indication in the Apocalypse.

The difference that falls away certain pagans in the first circle of hell does not own anything like that would evade the general belief, absolutely the same can be said about four circles of people impossible. In the description of all these hellish circles, you can recognize five mortal sins: sensuality, gluttony, misfortune, anger and tape, quite the way they understood the church and Christian morality.

The original and independent side of the criminal theories that dominate the hell begins on the sixth round. This circle includes heretics, the seventh circle of rapists, the eighth and ninth two types of deceivers. Here, Dante, indeed, there are still marks of the views of the canonical and Roman law, but they are reduced to a minimum, thanks to the third principle - the principle of German criminal law. The canonical law and Christian ethics, undoubtedly, would recognize the heretism with a more severe sin than murder, hypocrisy and treason against the relatives or emperor.

Similarly, the Roman law does not know the misconduct heavier that is committed to the common good and the state, and almost completely does not have another measure for a crime, except for the interest of state. The crime against a separate person has a secondary meaning for him; treason it does not recognize; Violence is punishable only when it violated social peace and security. In a word, the Roman criminal law does not rely on the basis of ethical legal views; The German, on the contrary, fully finds in it.

The latter almost does not care about the state and punishable only the crimes of individuals, the greatest part on the basis of the moral measure of their punishability. The motive of the crime, the method of its implementation, stand for him in the forefront, and the more outrageous they seem to be on national concepts, the more stricter.

Therefore, here is the most serious, the crime is treason, since it violates the sacred bonds, the bonds of loyalty. Thus, the cunning and most hidden crimes were punished by the Germans are harder. A less serious violence was punishable, which did not always seem to be punished.

With this German view, we meet in the description of Dante Ada. Violence is punishable less severe than deception, and from among the lies based crimes, everything is harder to make treason. Therefore, in a number of rapists, we find all sorts of thieves and deceivers, unless their crime was accompanied by open violence: on the contrary, the killers who were at the same time, are not among the first, but among the latter.

Dante "hell"
Illustration of Güstawa Dore

These brief clarifications will be enough to prove the identity of the views of Germanians and Dante. Perhaps the question will be introduced, whether this identity was accidental or is the basis of its deeper connection? As you know, thanks to Langobard, German legal views dominated in due time in a large part of Italy and far even disappeared everywhere even in the thirteenth century.

Therefore, Dante could easily meet them. But we do not attach a lot of difference; Here we are talking about an internal sense of justice, which does not know, is not studied exterior and can only be the result of a general organization, the spiritual essence of the person himself.

It is necessary to indicate the affinity of the nature of Dante with the German character, as he is found in the very legal consciousness of this people and recall at the same time how these legal views of the poet were separated from those that dominated Italy to him, especially in the environment surrounding the poet.

It is not known whether the doubtful view of the struggle of the struggle of the parties was, but it was quite reliably that it was the treason that was one of the most disgusting and common ulcers of the Italian life of the time and that it meets in all forms and under all circumstances, not accompanied by anywhere by the moral consciousness of law. Based on this fact, I want to call Dante rather German than Romanesque in nature.

Specialization of sins

In the specialties of sins of the second and third category of Dante in its description, it is again approaching Roman and canonical views, such as, with the analysis of deceivers and rosters, although relative to the latter, the definition of the essence of sin is entirely based on an independent ethical basis.

Dante "hell"
Illustration of Güstawa Dore

Different types of hellish car

It is interesting to consider various types of hellish car. They are a continuation of the inner state of sinners on earth and proceed from the situation: "What you have sinned, one should be punished." This provision was taken almost all for the leading norm. German "beacted" (flaglatlants), which emerged a little later than Dante, and who wanted to suffer for their sins still on Earth, made it from this provision the principle of their self-vacation.

People of the middle temperament in hell just suffer from the consciousness of their own insignificance and their removal from people of good and evil; The punishment of unresolved is only in hopeless gusts, without any other flour. From the people of non-commoted, on the contrary, the type of strongest begins, the distinctive feature of which is his eternity. They are tormented by sensual lusts, and never reaches rest. Greenshots in Addu Dante were mired in a swamp, which due to rain, snow and hail is constantly cold and sticky.

Powers and chokes, forming two choirs, in constant movement they come together to each other, stroke some others in miserism and wastefulness, and then break up to come together again. Rough and dissatisfied are at Dante in the hot styx swamp, fight all their members and tear each other to pieces. Heretics lie in hell in open flaming coffins, which after a terrible trial will be closed for ever. Sinful violence are relatively neighbors are immersed in a hot blood flow and boils in it; Accordingly, their crime, they are placed on a greater or lesser depth.

Suicides and players in the description of Dante forever deprived of their bodily shell and inhabit the hearts in hell with their souls, full of barbed plants; After the resurrection of the dead, they will bring their bodies and hang them on the branches. Rapists who sinned against God are amazed by eternal flame rain; Blaspholes continue to fuck God and oppose him. Dante's sodomites are constantly fleeing the flame from the flames deplogging on them; Roshchists are hardly kept in their hands their bags, rejecting fire from themselves.

Deceivers, Jimers and seductors go in the opposite direction, with non-stop speeds, kicked by punches, which give their horned demons. The lets and curtains sit at Dante in the pit, filled with every unclean. Simonists stood up, heads down, in the rocks, while their legs burn on fire, flaming outside. The predictors are marching in the hell Dante, with persons turned back; People, affordable bribe, and those who bribed them are mired in a black resin lake.

The pretenders barely wrap their legs - they are clothed in heavy monastic rows, which appear golden outside, inside - lead. Thieves steal each other's only heritage - their human appearance. Evil, secret advisers are invisible and hidden by a devouring flame. The culprits of discord, sect, etc. go with forked torso and scattered members.

Fake coins, defaments of words, etc., slanders and liars completely arbitrarily tormented in hell with devils, since they themselves did not respect the law during life. Trainees, people who sinned against the rules of common and personal love are in the ice lake, and those that all hated each other during life, all the closer pressed one to another. Below all is in the description of Dante embodied the principle of evil, Lucifer, with three persons.

In one of these images, he crushes Judas who made Christ, in the two others - a traitor to the cause of the empire. Lucifer - Lord of Hell; All evil happened from him and returns to him. Therefore, he has three faces: one dark, the other is red, the third is half yellow, half white.

In this circumstance, justice was seen a contrast with a trio or even a connection with three main types of cailed sins.

Among other part of hell

Among other parts of hell should be especially able to consume the use of mythological representations of Greeks and Romans. Dante in its description of hell almost entirely took advantage of them and was led in this case by the famous rule of medieval Christianity, which saw in them not only the creation of fantasy, and a false understanding of real truths.

Therefore, in the hell of Dante, the pagan deities and heroes again rise in the image of demons and have the same meaning as the fallen angels who have turned into devils. The poet, not embarrassed, removes Charon as a carrier, Minos, as a Hell's judge. In the same way and all other Dante Circles gives representatives of mythological images that already have the corresponding allegorical meaning.

Cerberus is in the hell a representative of the Circle of Greenshots; Pluto (in ancient times the god is not only the underground world, but also of wealth) - the circle of stingy and wasteful, fluegi - angry. Three fursions are, along with fallen angels, the guardians of the real hellish city, where people who sinful violence and deception are. Minotaurus chairs, especially, sinful violence. Centaurs punish in hell those who oppressed the Middle; GARPIA, as the symbols of doclas, tormented suicides.

Gerion became the leader of the circle of deceivers and remains hidden, while the rest are always visible. The difference, coming by us in use, which makes Dante from the original pagan and biblical demons, is that to punish the greatest sinners, deceivers, he enjoys only the last and puts them in much worse than the first.

But even in addition to this special example, Dante in its description of hell everywhere and always refers to mythology, as something real, alive, and uses it with the same freedom, with which he also uses other historical facts and personalities.

The best and more convinced example of a similar attitude to the case is a ninth song, where Dante is wound in the mouth of angel, descending from the sky for the taming of the demons: the myth of the descent of Hercules in the underground world.

Dante "hell"
Illustration of Güstawa Dore

Pagan views

Similar use makes Dante and from the pagan presentation about the chronos and hellish rivers, the consideration of which the picture of hell and its structure can be completed. And here we meet with the complete syncretism of the pagan and biblical elements. On the island of Crete, where Saturn had no time, the figure of an old man.

His head is golden, chest and Silver hands, the lower part of the abdomen of copper, everything else is iron, except for the right leg created from the burned clay. He drew back to Damiette in Egypt, face to Rome. All the named parts of the body, except for the head, have cracks from which tears flow and, having connected, flow to hellish abyss. There, according to the description of Dante, form four hellish rivers, Aheron, Styx, Phlegeton and Kocit.

Aheron makes up the upper border of hell. There are sinners between it and stycot. Styx separates them from the real hellish city, where heretics, deceivers and those that were sinned by violence are punished; The latter are especially surrounded by phlegeton. The lowest space is strengthened and freezing, forms an ice lake, the location of the traitors. This image of an elder is obviously connounced Dante from the pagan myth about the chronos and from the legend of the vision of Nebuchadnezzar.

Dante makes one of all this is truly original application that once again illuminates the new light already familiar to us, his system. The image of an elder in its description indicates a state, gold, silver, copper, iron correspond to the famous four centuries, the clay right leg means the corusing of the current century, cracks - the increasing sinfulness of modernity, tears - grief and sinfulness accumulated by mankind.

They turn a very witty way to hellish rivers that wash various kinds of sinners or employees, like stycass and a kocitu, actually punish them. Crete Island is chosen because he serves the cradle of Jupiter, always former in the eyes of Dante with a symbol of justice, that is, the empire.

The old man is aspiful to Rome, around which all the development of history should be focused; It was for him as if a mirror, because it was reflected in it, even too clear, his own disinteg.

Breakdly elements

So, we see that the description of hell with everything that was kept in Dante from the heterogeneous elements. We meet here with the influence of Aristotle and the Thomas Aquinas, with the views of the German, canonical and Roman law; with pagan myths and beliefs mixed with christian; With the pagan underground world, turned partly in Christian blood pressure, - and everywhere the individuality of the poet creates quite freely within the dogmate.

Sandro Botticelli "Ada Map" ("Circles of hell")

Creativity Sandro Botticelli is noted not only by the life-affirming motifs of "Spring". "Venus and Mars" and "Birth of Venus", but also gloomy, tragic sentiments. Their visual example is the drawing of the "Ada Map" (La Mappa Dell Inferno).

There are several illustrated illustrated manuscripts of Drante "Divine Comedy". The most remarkable in this regard is a luxurious manuscript, compiled by order of Lorenzo di Pierfrantic Medici with magnificent drawings of Sandro Botticelli. The series of drawings of Botticelli remained unfinished, but even in this form it can be recognized as the top art of the book illustration of the Italian Quatrochetto (XV century).

Especially shook illustrations of Botticelli on the topic of hell. "Hell's map" Sandro Botticelli - color drawing on parchment with the image of nine circles of hellish abyss.

Dante described the blood pressure as the abyss with nine circles, which, in turn, are divided into different rings. Botticelli on her "map of hell" presented the kingdom of sinners with such subtleness and accuracy that it is possible to trace individual stops that, according to the plot of the Divine Comedy, made Dante and Vergili, going down to the center of the Earth.

Below is another illustration of Sandro Botticelli to the "Divine Comedy". This is a drawing to the song of 18 hell. The main characters, Dante and Virgil are depicted here several times, as if traveling around the edge of the hellish abyss. They stand out with their precisely shining clothes. Following the cramps of hell, they first see the tormented demons of the soul of pimps and seductors, and then diamons and prostitutes who are doomed to suffer in mud.

Sandro Botticelli
Illustration for Drante Divine Comedy. 1480-E.

Here Botticelli represents Dante and his visible verse in the eighth round of hell, which consists of ten deep fattens, where the scams are punished.

Sandro Botticelli
Dante and Vergil in the eighth round of hell
Illustration for Drante Divine Comedy. 1480-E.

And here Botticelli painted the ancient giants who rebelled against the gods and were charged for it in the chain. They symbolize the gross strength of nature, enclosed in the hellish abyss.

Sandro Botticelli
Ancient giants in hell
Illustration for Drante Divine Comedy. 1480-E.

And this is an illustration of the 34th and last song "Hell" Dante: The image of a three-headed Lucifer, which torments the three greatest sinners of mankind: Bruta and Cassia - the killers of Julia Caesar, and Juda - the traitor of Christ.

Sandro Botticelli
Lucifer, tormenting the three greatest sinners in hell

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mar. 5, 2016.

02:09 PM - More hell. Who look for the illustration of Botticelli to the "Divine Comedy"

As a basis for illustrating a frame from Telefilm De Goddelijke Komedie Van Dante En Inferno Van Dan Brown, 2013

Let's go down to the depths of Datovsky Hell and make an overview of habits and entertainment of its inhabitants.
So, what to do in hell Botticelli?
The artist of the early Renaissance Sandro Botticelli (1440-1510) is known primarily by radiant portraits of unidentified young people, very reminiscent of modern model tests, and only then heavy canvases on a religious topic. At one of these paintings, Botticelli depicted the structure of Dante hell. Let's try to explode in this detailed universe without resorting to artistic knowledge.

The artist graduated from this work in 1480. At the moment it is stored in the Vatican Library

Why will you easily understand Botticelli

1. "Hell" was created as repentance, but not in a high sense. In fact, the artist had a fun temper, he most liked to write beautiful girls and boys. But it was in the deep hell that was Botticelli, having spent all the money earned in the service of Pope of Roman, in excess and superficial hobbies. I had to go home, read Dante, think a lot.

2. The picture has become particularly popular already in the 21st century, when Popless Bellaist Dan Brown made the "hell" of the cherrome in his next bestseller about the ancient ciphers "Inferno". So the illustration to one book became the hero of another.

3. Of all Western concepts of hell, it is this Mediterranean version closer to our cultural code. Here, of course, there is a politicr's alien to Orthodox man, but in detail the punishments and torment of sinners, which was not in earlier versions, and that not too convex depicted in the deserted and infinitely dismissed Mephistophelevsky hell. In addition, the shape of the funnel!

4. The artist pays special attention to the punishment of corrupt officials. They are tormented in the eighth round of unpleasant entities with spears, which, by the way, are also doomed to eternal torment in this place. Everyone is equal here: and high-ranking former laity, and, in fact, devils also suffer. Just for the fact that they are devils.

5. "Hell" Bothichelli is, in fact, comic. And his main characters - he himself and the poet Virgil. They are elegant, depicted many times as in animation. Their visions are typical for creative people and generally steep guys: the journey begins with the spectacle of tormented by demons of the shower of pimps, pokcs, conjunctors and prostitutes, flying in the mud.

Circle first. Limbo

Not baptized babies, pagans and lovers of the newest religious currents also gathered here, and still antique poets and thinkers: Homer, Plato, Socrates. Old Testament Righteousness Noah and Abraham waited here for their turn to heaven.

Circle second. Sweistance

Here those who sinned in the name of love or confused it with a banal lust. Souls of sinners turn the gusts of the wind, as in the centrifuge. All nauseous.

Circle Third. Gluttony

The roots rot here under the snow and rain, pondering their behavior. But all the stupid - comes Cerber and eats up the loaded sinners.

Circle fourth. Greed

The souls of the Zhadin are occupied meaningless difficulty: two crowds of sinners pushed heavy loads in front of them, moving towards each other. Fight and then diverge to start all at first.

Circle fifth. Anger and laziness

Recently, it is possible to justify their incontinence and promiscuity of increased emotionality. Those who did so, in Datovsky hell will forever fight with themselves like in the endless swamp.

Circle six. Heretics and pseudogour

Furia fly here everywhere. They look after the false teachers and the prophets who, attached to the ineverance of sorrow, still lie in open tombs.

Circle seventh. Showing

The souls-criminals of all stripes, during the lifetime committed violent crimes, are always tormented under the fiery rain and boil in a bloody river. Periodically, hungry dogs and harpi are connected to the execution of punishments.

Circle eighth. Zhuliki and thieves

"The sinners go on two counter streams, the beaches of demons, enlightened into the feces of the stench, the body of some are climbing in the rocks, fire flows along the feet. Someone boils in the resin, and if the devils are convicted, the devils are buggers. Chained in lead mantles put on a hot roar, sinners will crack and torment the reptiles, leprosy and deprive. " Exhaustively.

Circle ninth. Traitors and apostates

This is the lowest, chained in the ice, a circle. Here is unbearable minus. All famous traitors like Bruta and Judas are infinitely progressed by Lucifer himself.

He languishes on the larch.

Pictures of Bothichell, illustrating the songs of hell from the "Divine Comedy" of Dante, filled with young, fantastic figures of sinners are full of disturbing lines of lines; Some of them, where the motive of the Grand Ladder-Arch, connecting the circles of hell, is genuine harsh greatness.

Colored sheets to the songs of the tenth and eighteenth gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the whole cycle of illustrations are planned. The main acting persons - Dante and Vergili - attract the attention of bright apparels on the blackhead background.

Traveling through the sixth circle of hell, Dante and Vergili fall into the city of Dit. There are stone tombs, in which the fire is glowing. There are punishment of sinners, followers of the teachings of the epicura, who do not believe in the afterlife.

Wherever it is a look - all kinds of the tomb of the old, -
So here you visited the graves considerably
Toma who deceased Mainly Carray;
The thrusting flame is impressed
Flared in these pits, Razing them,
How to split and iron is difficult.
In the coffins of the rejected and in the opened cancers
Gorky wrapped breasts
Rejects - to know, Porny was Zrak * them.

"Divine Comedy" Dante "Hell" Song of IX, verses 115-123.

During the trip to the eighth Circle of Hell, they face souls of sinners, tormented demons for various pregressions. The brutal flashes are subjected to the souls of the deceivers, summers and seductors, the souls of hypocrites and the harlots are immersed in ditch with uncleanness.

Going sinners Nagi:
Some meet us in alarm,
And in the leg, we - but wider a step - others,
As the Romans, which is many
Per year anniversary indigestion avoiding
Told the bridge to two roads:
One column stretched, walking
In the direction of the castle, in the temple of Peter Saint,
And she was going to the mountain, another.
Then here, then in the depths of harsh
Demons with horns brutally scored
Sinful backs of the people of Naked.

"Divine Comedy" Dante "Hell" Song XVIII, verses 25-36.

In the picture to the song, the top of the first first depicts the ancient giants that rebel against the gods. In punishment, they were cloving in the chain in a gloomy well. Giants symbolize the gross strength of nature.

Among them are the builder of the Babylonian tower Tsar Nemvrod, a pipe in a horn, suspended on his neck. Hygint Elfiat, tightly accused by five turns of the chain, ranging from the neck so that the right hand is pressed against the body behind, and the left is in front. Antey, the only free chain, transfers Dante and Vergil to the next, ninth round.

Illustrating the thirty-fourth, final song of hell, Botticelli depicts in the last circle of hell, called Judecca, three-headed Lucifer, with wings, like a flying mouse. In the teeth of three heads of the prince of Darkness - the three greatest sinners - Brut and Cassius, Caesar's killer, and Judas, who betrayed Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Prince of Darkness, over which all hell is piled up,
Half the chest of ice elevated;
And the giant, in a level, it is speedy for me,
Than in his hand (so that you calculate
What is he in full height, and the power of vision
Appeared to us, quite comprehended).
The arms are beautiful, the day itself is disgusting,
He looked at his eyes on the Creator -
He is all the vices and evil the embodiment!
And it was necessary to have such a nasty -
His chapter three equipped the face!
First over breast, red, fabric;
And on the sides of two, the place of their junction
On the shoulders; View of Ozverte
Any Lick surroundings looked like wild.
The first seemed to be a white-white,
And left - like those who have lived
Near Nile waterfalls, - soooed.
Under each - a pair of broader wiring,
As the bird shall be so mighty;
Not mature fuses in such a wind.
Without feathers, as if the mice of a bat;
He rotated them, and three winds, veins,
Flew, every jet of the tight;
From these jets poked the cozit, ice edge.
Six eyes sobbed; Three graze through lips
Saliva oocked, Posoya Blood.
And here, and here, and there they have tormented their teeth
By sinner; them means only three
And they torment the flour press.