Peoples of Siberia and their fairy tales. Artistic World of Siberia: Buryat folk tales

Peoples of Siberia and their fairy tales. Artistic World of Siberia: Buryat folk tales

Not one snow is rich in Siberia. There is still endless space, harsh nature and LCD nomarusino. And people here are consonant with the surrounding climate and even at 35 degrees of heat go in jackets with serious persons. Because everyone can be expected, the edge is wild, although mastered. But there were times when there were no trolley buses on Siberia, and the cities did not build for them yet. During these times, they didn't even send the convicts here, because they simply did not know the road here. And there were completely different people live here. Those who proudly might fight now for the rights of "indigenous population". And they had completely different values. They lived in the forests, along the rivers, went to the bear and it was to spit on the oil course. Everything that now occupies most of the consciousness of modern Siberian was indifferent to his ancestor.

Survival - that's what people were engaged in such harsh conditions. But it is impossible to say that from dawn to sunset fought only for life. They still have time to come true, boil the chowder and even update the news feed to each other by encrypting the experience gained in fairy tales. And always instructive and with meaning, and not as now - in brochures before the election. We were very inspired by the folk creativity of our ancestors and would like to offer you one of the old fairy tales of Siberia.

ITTE was small when the orphan remained. Mother died that year when ITe was born. Father - a hunter, in Urman's beast, it went away - did not return at all.

Grandmother ITTE - I had the name of her called - he took him to him.

ITTE Big boy became, but everything is afraid. Nowhere from the grandmother does not leave, the grandmother's hem is held.

Thinks grandmother:

How to study the thty of all afraid, so I went fishing to fishing, went to the beast, became a bold hunter? ..

Cedar nuts came the yield year. Very ripe nuts have become - you can collect.

Grandmother I had a grandmother says:

Let's go, ITTE, to collect nuts.

What is. Let's go, grandma!

Grandma in the villages of the village. ITE sat down, the plastic pushed, and went.

A clear day was. Sun shines. Urman quietly noise. Tim-river runs from sand to the sand.

Three sand grandmother and ITTU drove, went to the shore, rose on the mountain, went to the Taiga.

In the taiga birds sing. Far to hear - the cede is knocking. Nuts from the bump cones choose.

I became a grandmother with ITTE nuts to collect. Cedars high heads raised, in the branches of the branches were hidden. The old having a beat of the beat will hit - the bumps themselves fall.

Full of nuts poured, home gathered. Grandma one birch wallet with nuts left on the mountain.

Oh, ITTE, the cat forgot. Burn, bring.

ITTe ran to the mountain, and I pushed off the cloud from the shore.

ITE from the mountain looks - the grandmother left! ITTE began to scream, it was crying:

Why did you leave me, grandma? ..

I had never looked around. Greeting hard, and soon the clouds were out of sight.

ITTE one in the taiga remained. On the shore began to run, search where to hide. I was looking for, I was looking for - I found a hollow. I climbed into the hollow, the glull curled, lying quietly.

The sun went down, the wind blew, the rain went. Taiga is noisy. Cedar bumps fall, knocking on the heap.

ITTE was terribly. Thinks - the beasts came, eat it.

With the fear of ITTE shouting became:

Total eat, just do not touch your head!

And nobody touched him. Only the knock around went - the bumps fell.

No matter how I was afraid - I fell asleep bit. How much I slept - awakened. Looks - Lightly became. The sun is high. Birds sing. Taiga quietly noise.

ITTe has fallen yourself - is it?

Left hand extended her hand here. Right hand stretched out my hand here. ITTE jumped out of the hollow, got up on his feet. Looks - the circle of the bump attacked. Oh, how many cones!

ITe became a bump to collect and fear forgot. Someone afraid!

A large bunch of cones is collected by ITTE. I looked ashore: sees - grandma

I had arrived. ITTE grandmother's hand-w scat out, shouts:

Why did I leave one? Grandma tells him:

Do not be angry, ITTE. You are a man. You can not do anything to you. Human

Everywhere owner. Now you won't be afraid of anything. And I'm not far from you, in the forest, spent the night.

I thought:

The truth says grandmother - do not be afraid

I sat with my grandmother. Again, the nuts began to collect. Once again, the owls have scored. I went home.

Tim-river runs from sand to the sand. High sun shines. Taiga quietly noise.

Since then, ITTE has become brave. Where wants, one goes. So the grandmother I had to be afraid to be afraid of my granddaughter.

Year after year, time passed. Throw out. He became a hunter - became the most bold hunter.

Tales of the peoples of North


The book you hold in your hands - storybook. These are fairy tales of different peoples of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East, living in a huge territory from Western to the eastern borders of the Soviet Union, from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka.

Crashing and retarded in the past, in our country the peoples of the North are surrounded by attention and care. They created a kind of culture, including rich oral folk creativity - folklore. The most common genre of folklore is fairy tales.

The tale asked the serious existence of people, served as a favorite entertainment and recreation: they told fairy tales at leisure, after a working day. But the fairy tale played a big educational role. In the nearby past, the peoples of the North were not only entertainment, but also a kind of school of life. Young hunters and reindeers listened and tried to imitate the heroes that were glorified in fairy tales.

Fairy tales draw bright paintings of the life and life of hunters, fishermen and reindeer breeders, introduce their ideas and customs.

The heroes of many fairy tales are the poor. They are fearless, clever, smart and resourceful (Nenets fairy tale "Host and Worker", Udaejskaya - "Gadazami", Even - "Resident Arrows" and others).

In fairy tales, the various elements of the magic, the prophetic powers (as, for example, in the Keta fairy tales "Bird-Nurse" and "Alba and Husyadam" or in the Chukotka fairy tale "Almighty Kathyzhyn"), Perfume - the owners of the elements (underwater kingdom, underground and heavenly worlds , water perfumes, earth, forest, fire, etc.) (for example, in the Selkup's fairy tale "Mistress of Fire", Oroching - "The Best Hunter on the Coast", Nivkhskaya - "White Nerpe"), death and revival (for example, in The Evenkaya fairy tale "like snakes won").

A large place in the folklore of the peoples of the North is tales of animals. In their own way, explain the habits and the appearance of animals (the Mansiysk fairy tale "why the hare of the long ears", Nanaya - "How Bear and the Burundus ceased to be friends", Eskimo - "Like Raven and Owl Pained each other"), tell about human mutual assistance and Beast (Mansiysk fairy tale "Proud deer", Dolganskaya - "Old Man Rybak and Raven", Nivkhskaya - "Hunter and Tiger").

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale is simple: there should be no place for suffering and poverty, evil and deception should be punished.

Dear friend! Read this book thoughtfully, not in a hurry. You read the fairy tale - think about what she teaches. As Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote Poet: "The fairy tale is a fairy tale, and you make a conclusion from the fairy tale." Here you are thinking about what conclusion can be made from each fairy tale read.

In the book you will meet the words that may be unknown to you. They are marked with an asterisk, you will find an explanation at the end of the book. This is mainly the name of the household goods, homemade utensils, clothes of various peoples of the North.

You do not rush fairy tales, as if you tell them to your friends or younger brothers and sisters.

Carefully consider illustrations for fairy tales. Think to which episode of the fairy tale they belong to what pattern would you draw to a particular fairy tale. Pay attention to the ornament, clothing, household items of different nations.

We wish you success!

Nenets fairy tale

Lived in the world a poor woman. And she had four children. The children of the mother did not obey. They ran, played in the snow from morning to evening, and the mother did not help. Return to the Chum, whole snow drifts on pims will fall, and the mother is cleaned. Wet clothing, and the mother of sushi. It was hard to mother. From life, she got sick with hard work. Lies in the plague, the children calls, asks:

Children, give me water. I dryed my throat. Bring the driver.

Not one, I asked my mother twice - do not go for water. Senior says:

I am without pims. Another says:

I am without a hat. The third says:

I am without clothes.

And the fourth does not answer at all. Asks them to mother:

Close of us river, and without clothes you can go. I dry in my mouth. I am thirsty!

And children from the plague ran, they played for a long time, they did not look at the mother. Finally, he wanted the eldest - he looked into the Chum. Watching: Mother in the middle of the plague stands and Malitsa puts on. Suddenly Malitsa feathers covered. Takes mother board, on which the skins are scraps, and the board is the tail of the bird becomes. An iron beak frosted. Instead of hands, the wings rose.

The mother turned into a cuckoo bird and flew out of the plague.

The older brother shouted then:

Brothers, look, see: Our mother flies!

They ran the children behind the mother, shout to her:

Mom, Mom, we brought you to you! And she answers:

Ku-ku, ku-ku! Late late! Now lake water in front of me. I'm flying to free waters!

The children are running behind the mother, her name is her, the bucket with water stretch.

Younger son shouts:

Mother Mother! Return home! On the driver, drink!

Mother answers from afar:

Ku-ku, ku-ku! Late, son! I do not come back!

So they fled the children behind the mother for many days and nights - on the stones, on the swamps, on the bodies. His legs wrote into the blood. Where run, there the red track will remain.

Forever threw the children's cuckoo children. And since then does not live a cuckoo of the nest, the herself does not grow. And on the tundra from that time the red moss is stele.

Tala Bear and Great Solder

Saham fairy tale

Having silent around the talla bear camp at night. It goes quietly, the voices does not serve, behind the stones - waits for the stones - Lives a stupid deer from her herd, whether the puppy will jump off the puppy, or the child.

However, no matter how taivo, and traces in the snow remain. They saw the mothers those traces, told children:

Do not ride late with the moon from the slide! Tala Bear Close. Grabbing, I will carry it into my Tupa, dinner dinner.

The moon rose, and the naughty children are riding everything from the slides.

Taking out because of the stone of Tala Bear, revealed his bag - Kisu, put the road across the road, and the lodge himself.

Rated guys from a slide yes in the bear suma flew!

I grabbed Tala Suma, he walked on the shoulders, go home, rejoices: "Pissor kisu is carrying! Tasty sing! "

She went, walked, tired, hung Suma on a fir knight, he himself under the Christmas tree and Zared.

Department of Education Administration MO Altai district

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Arshanovskaya secondary school

Section "Russian language and literature"

Ethnic oral creativity on the example of fairy tales

peoples of Siberia, North and Far East


Serdyukova Nadezhda Konstantinovna,

russian language and literature teacher

from. Arshanovo, 2016.

Introduction ..............................................................................................3- 4

  1. Brief information of a number of nationalities living in Siberia, the North and the Far East (p. 5)

1. Incomplete list of indigenous peoples and ethnic groups living in Siberia, North and Far East (p. 6)

    Brief information about the cultural heritage of a number of indigenous (including small) peoples of Siberia, the North and the Far East (p. 6-7)

    The image of the narrator (p. 8)

    Genre classification of fairy tales (p. 9)

    Fairy tales about animals (nonsense fairy tale) (p. 9)

    Magic fairy tales (p. 11)

    Socio - domestic fairy tales (p. 12)

Conclusion ............................................................................................. 13.

Appendix 1 .................................................................................... .15 - 20

Appendix 2 ............................................................... ......................................... ..21 - 22.

List of used literature ................................................... 23


According to the Encyclopedia of the "Peoples of Russia" (1994), in the territory of the Russian Federation there are more than 150 peoples. Before the beginning of the twentieth century, some could be proud of a centuries-old writing, masterpieces of world literature, others - on distant outskirts - there were not even writing. But everyone had folklore - oral folk art. Each large or small people has a lot of lifestyle features, peculiar natural conditions in which there is a life of life and even the appearance of a people, cultural traditions, the warehouse of the nature that is inherent only to Him. Each people, the big, little, are unique and unique.

Of particular interest is the folklore of the peoples of Siberia: these are songs and dancing, fairy tales and legends, epic songs and legends, legends, riddles, proverbs and sayings, folk signs, instructions of elders, spells and conspiracies, charms and plenty, shamanic chants, modern oral stories. It was not easy to fate. Stern climate, dependence on natural conditions, vulnerability from diseases - all this formed a special character and spiritual warehouse.

Thirst for the knowledge of the world, his figurative understanding uncontrollably pulled people to creativity

Subject works: " Ethnic oral creativity on the example of the fairy tales of the peoples of Siberia, the North and the Far East. "

Purpose of work: try to identify the main plots of fairy tales of the peoples of Siberia, the North and the Far East, to find out what they are taught.

Research tasks:

    determine which genres of fairy tales are present from the peoples of Siberia, the North and the Far East

    compare fairy tales of these peoples.

Relevance . On the pages of this work it is assumed to show whatstory - This is an element of national national consciousness. Living in Siberia, on Earth owned by Khakasam, Nenets, Eventers, Dolgans, we need to know and honor the traditions of these peoples, because this is our small homeland.

Subject of study: Tales of the peoples of Siberia.

Research methods :

    research method;

    immersion method;

    comparative analysis.

Performance: Expansion of not only their own knowledge of folklore of the peoples of Siberia, the North and the Far East; Awakening of interest in the traditions and the oral folk creativity of the indigenous peoples of Siberia.

Stages of work :

Reading fairy tales.

Determining genres of fairy tales.

Detection of moral lessons in Russian fairy tales and fairy tales of the peoples of Siberia.

  1. Brief information of a number of nationalities living in Siberia, the North and the Far East.

    An incomplete list of indigenous peoples and ethnic groups living in Siberia, the North and the Far East.


















Siberian Tatars
















Sellock .

Selkups had several types of dwellings. The permanent housing of the reindeer breeding was the whole year round. In the taiga zone, it was used mainly in the summer, and the winter housing was semi-mounted in various designs and sizes.

Winter clothes from the northern Selkups served as a park - a swing fur coat made of deer skins fur out. In severe cold, the park was dressed in a hood - deaf clothes with a hood from deer skins.

The traditional main product of southern Selkups is a fish. The most common casual dish in the winter was sauer fish. Quasili her together with berries in the pits. Northern Selkups have a prominent role played by Olenin. As seasonings, wild onions were harvested for meat and fish dishes, instead of tea drank juniper.

Orochi. .

His settlements of Orochi were arranged on the banks of rivers at a considerable distance from each other. The most common residential building in the summer there was a bartal shank kava with vertical walls. In winter, they lived in a twilight with focal heating. It had the kind of a duplex roof set on the ground. At the end of the 19th century Residential buildings of Russian type began to appear.

Traditional clothes - a bathrobe kitman. Bathrobes were summer, spring-autumn and winter dense fabric, chopped by cotton. In addition to bathrobes, wearing fur coats from the skin of a young deer. Footwear sewed from skin Taima. She had a kind of slippers, cooped up sharp, socks, with low, cut in front of wide tops. Currently, the majority of the ornoches wears the clothes of European cut.

The main food was fish. Food has been used practical all types. Keta and pink salmon were especially important, they were harvested in large quantities. The main way to conservate fish is rich.


Housing. The ulti led a settling lifestyle, lived in small villages consisting of 2-5 houses. In the villages were located both winter and summer housing. Ancient winter dwelling Hagdu-terrestrial framework from pillars and a bartal roof logs without a ceiling with earth or clay floor. The house was heated by two canopy foci.

Clothing. The top, summer, male and women's clothing were the fabric robes of Kapcham's cutting kimono with the left half, fastened on the right side. The ornament on men's clothing has rarely met. Winter robes Labeli were insulated. In winter, fur coats were also worn, burned as a bathrobe, and covered with a cotton or silk cloth. The shoes were made of fish, deer and sophisticated skin, uncoated and silent skin.

Food. The basis of the nutrition was fish. In winter, the main role was played by Yukola. Yuzua ate dry, swollen and roasted on coals, cooked soup from her with additive, wild plants, sea cabbage. In large quantities, they were inquired on the winter fish oil, it was stored in Kaluzhiyi or Silent bubbles.

II. . A brief information on the cultural heritage of a number of indigenous (including small) peoples of Siberia, the North and the Far East.


The most common and revered genre of folklore is the heroic epos (alyptyg Pymy. ). It has up to 10-15 million, is performed by low throat singing (high) under the accompaniment of musical instruments. In the center of heroic ledses are the images of the heroes-Alypov, the world with the deities of living on the owners of localities and natural phenomena, and others. The obstellers enjoyed great respect, they were invited to visit different ends of Khakassia, in some kinds they did not pay the filters. Faith due to the magical influence of the Word is expressed in Khakasov in the canonized forms of prosperity (algys. ) and damned ( haargys. ). The prosperity had the right to pronounce only a mature man, over 40 years old, otherwise every word will take the opposite meaning.


The older generation of Khantov retains many traditional beliefs and cults. Traditional oral folk creativity is represented by myths, epic heroic legends, fairy tales, riddles, historical legends. They are told about totem ancestors, interdic wars collisions and other events of historical bad. Wide distribution had tweeted string musical instruments: five-strined zitra 9-TI or 13-string harp, as well as one or two-string replacement tool. Strings for all tools made from mowing tendons. In recent decades, Khanty has formed professional painting and literature. The Khanty Writers of A.Tarkhanov, E.Aishev, R. Sergin, Artists of Manovas, are used by fame.


Tuvintsev has a well-developed oral folk creativity of various genres: heroic epos, legends, myths, legends, songs, proverbs, sayings.

Music folk art is represented by numerous songs, couplets. A special place in Tuwin musical culture occupies the so-called throat penis -hoome in which four varieties are usually distinguished -syagus, Kargyraa, Borbannadyr, Eselgileer , and their corresponding four melodic style.

From musical instruments the most common was a lip wagan (homus ) - iron and wooden. Bed tools were distributed -iGIL and tasaags .

III . Image of the scope

Long winter evenings, sometimes under the city of Purgi, when men returned from the fishery, and women have long hid and laid their needlework, the people are gathering. Old Nenets, recking his phone, with a smile strokes the gray strand of the hair, preparing for "talking". All attention to it. Immediately, a person in homemade Malice is headed next to the narrator. This Twelanzeda is an assistant, repeating, praise, first after the person's person. In the plague is so crowded that there is no place to stand. As a rule, listeners create a favorable conditions: the hostess prepare delicious food, the young men serve the elderly fire for the opening of the tube, someone pours tea during the story, rushes into an iron stub a few lane. And he, the owner, the narrator, for whose word, came so many inhabitants of becoming, he, Lahanokula - a storyteller, before starting to tell, "walks far away, far away." He is already there, in a fairy tale, among her heroes. Another minute is two - and together with the characters a fairy tale, the teacher will lead us to another world. The world of heroic battles, heroes, rapid deer racing, in the magical world of fairy-tale people, strongman, wise men, brave, in the world of animals, birds, fish that "like people". Started in the evening, the story could last all night, and if the narrative examiner interrupted, the continuation of the "performance" was transferred to the next evening. Day once people are tales talk. In the afternoon, they produce food, work in a deer herd, are on the way. Women are busy household, children, sew, prepare food.

The narrators, the narcors differed on temperament, artistry, expressiveness. Some perfectly owned the art of the text transfer, the sequence of presentation was observed, they used traditional revs, while maintaining details of vocabulary and style. Others allowed "innovations", add-ons, changes, made a lot improvised. Third took the knowledge of the richness of the native language, the skill is bright, expressively draw the plot of fairy tales, the actions of heroes.

IY. . Genre classification of fairy tales

Story - One of the main, common and favorite genres of folklore.This is the oral prosaic story of household and fantastic xarakter. All nations have fairy tales - they loved at all times, they love them today, they love the same and adults, and children.The fairy tale entertains, helps to relax, gives additional knowledge. Much can be found from fairy tales. They reflected the spirit of the people, his life, lifestyle, national character.The plot may be oldly fantastic, but the details of the narrative are always real, accurate, corresponding to that land where the fairy tale lives.

The fairy tales of the peoples of Siberia is the same as Russian folk fairy tales are divided into magical, socio-household and about animals. The fairy tale of Siberian often tells, and not sings, although song couplets can be inserted into it, song support. In this case, for each hero, the fairy tale has its own song, its melody.

    Fairy tales about animals

The most ancients are fairy tales of animals. Among them there are fairy tales for adults and children. Their emergence refers to the times of the primitive-free building, by the times of Totemism, when a group of people - usually the race - tied their origin, relationship with some animals. A man in those long-standing times looked at animals as the highest creatures and bowed to them. Totem is a word that denotes the animal, sometimes a plant, or some item that is a matter of a cult and considered usually a tribal in the tribal. Totem was a patron saint. The hunters before the start of hunting told fairy tales about him so that they were lucky. Primitive man did not allocate himself out of nature, he put himself in a row with animals, and therefore there is no sharp face between man and animals in ancient fairy tales.

In a special respect for Siberian Bear. The Nenets believe that the Bear is their ancestor, so it does not speak badly, they do not scold, do not be angry with the bear. And even the present name of the Bear "Wark" do not pronounce, but called the Bear in the conversation "Grandma", "Grandfather". They do not speak in all the "kill the bear", and eat a softer verb: "Me" - tied up, that is, strangled.

The bear consider his ancestor and Even. And according to the beliefs of Nanaysev, their progenitor is a tiger, which they can not be killed. Chukchi, Koryakov and Eskimos in a special reverence of the crow. Nganasana believe that they originated from Gagara.

Wonderful attitude of the ancient northern animal hunters. Killed Nerpen The hunter "fed" and "poked", that is, he brought his food to her face and poured the face with fresh water: he asked her forgiveness for what he killed, explained that he was forced to do to feed the people of their tribe ; He believed that she killed Nerpen did not quite, only her body killed, and her soul would return to the sea and acquire a new body.

Many animal fairy tales begin with the words: "It was a long time ago, when the beasts, birds and fish knew how to speak human language." In fairy tales, this is not at all those ordinary foxes and bears, on which they hunt. In fairy tales, they become with special, creatures similar to people. They, like people, live in the plaggers. Ride on the tundra riding on deer, transferred through rivers by boats. Hunt, catch fish, graze deer. They have children, family, household, their shamans, customs and rites. Just like people, they walked - argyshat. In some fairy tales of animals, the obstellers are trying to explain the origin of animals: "Why's the Kropkachki Eyes Red", "why the burning tip of the tail is black", "as a dog is looking for a owner." Northern animal fairy tales sometimes resemble Russian folk fairy tales and fables. The story of the Khakassky fairy tale "Su Ezi and Fisherman" is similar to the Russian folk "fairy tale about the fox and crane", and the fairy tale "like Lisa Narpen has reached" it looks like a fairy tale "Fox and Drozd". At all times in fairy tales and in the reality of Lisa, the people are deceiving. That birds, then beasts. It happens punished, but it happens, hiding, runs away. Everything is glorified by the Lisiznes of the tricks. The fox is taken by the deer of the mouth and eats them, picks up the cusha of the cubs, can fool the bear, wolve, Wolverine. In Nenets Fairy Taja Lisa Digitized the bottom of the boat and took possession of the property of fishermen. And in the fairy tale "like a fox wealth mined" she pretended to be a sick and stole the goods from the Nenets. Sometimes a fox sinks with people, sometimes it saves from death.

Tales of animals closely come into contact with fairy tales for children. They are small in volume, instructive, interesting in content. In these fairy tales, many moments, decent imitation. Children's fairy tales teach to know the surrounding world, introduce the habits of animals, learn how a person should treat the animal and plant peace, to the ground, water, air. As a person, it is important to take care of a live nature in order not to destroy yourself, your life, the life of future generations.

In addition to animals, the fear, there were good creatures, birds, fish and beasts, helping people, the heroes of fairy tales. In the northern fairy tales surprises and takes everything. Beasts, fish and birds speak people.

People understand the language of animals.

See Appendix 1 (Nenets Tale "White Bear and Brown Bear")

B) Magic fairy tales

Following the genru of a fairy tale, of coursemagic Where the heroes are undergoing many of all kinds of dangers, the decades are fighting with giants, hairy monsters, with snakes with seven heads, with whales, able to swallow whole boats, with fairy-tale giants, from the nose of the fire, and the iron wings cause a snow whirlwind. The characters of fairy tales died in the fight against the monsters, they again came to life. In the northern fairy tales, the magic is fascinating: here was the hero and suddenly it is unknown, as where disappeared, or turned into another creature - it means that we have a middle - a wizard, sorcerer. Or here is the hero of the fairy tale, but not to see it.

The hero of the magic fairy tale is always kind, generous. He not only saves animals, which then help him to defeat the evil power, he is even able to arrange the evil power to himself, as Ivan-Tsarevich does, when meeting with a Baba Yaga in the Russian fairy tale "About a well-defavor and loyal apples and living water", Or "about Vasilisa lovely", or as chammess in the Nenets fairy tale "Charmko and Vadari". The sympathies of the people are always on the side of the disadvantage.

The hero of the magic fairy tale usually stands down the poor man, a man oppressed by others: the orphan guy, a padder, a younger brother who will hear the senior fool.True, in Russian folk fairy tales, heroes could still be kings or royal children, soldiers. In the northern fairy tales of the soldier replaced the hunter. The people believe in the victory of the good, and his heroes always overlook the winners in a fight with an angry force, they won the oppressors, sometimes become kings / in later fairy tales. So naively embodied the people of a century-like dream of justice.

There are more differences: Evil forces in Russian folk fairy tales always personify evil and have their own names and biography. This is Baba Yaga, the Koschey immortal, famously one-eyed, snakes Gorynych. In the northern fairy tales, such creatures are often reincarnated and have no own behalf, / excluding Highlights. They are called the spirits of the underground kingdom or evil spirits.

A tale of "two brothers" belongs to the cycle of fairy tales about searching for a share. Usually fairy tales of this topic are built on the conflict between the poor and rich brother. A poor brother lives in need, but thanks to his mind, and sometimes, he is chosen from his need for magic, reaches material well-being.

IN) Socio - household fairy tales

At a later time formedhousehold fairy tales. In them, the people, as in magical fairy tales, glorify diligence, smelting, friendly mutual assistance, ridiculed laziness, greed, sassay, increasing, condemns deception, cowardice, betrayal. In the household fairy tale, the people are revengent to oppressors: landowners, merchants, officials. There is a Selkup's fairy tale, where the guy Ichchechko wins the rich merchant Corsa. And in the fairy tale, "White Core" was tired of the poor hunter that merchants are deceived, buying a beautiful expensive ears for his companion. He deftly and skillfully sells precious skin and takes away from the merchant, at first all his money, then all at home and boats with the goods, then servants, then children and wives, and finally, for the last, the most best skirt buys the merchant himself.

Morals of those times are not always compatible with our today's morality, and we cannot but repel the brutal acts of some heroes. In the Nganasan fairy tale "Silacha Sangunde" people do not accept war, meaningless destruction. The hero says: "Why should we fight with weak people? Why do they die? " He proposes to fight two heroes, let their fight solve the outcome of the war. At the same time, he blames and raises the war, offering a match before the fight: which of the heroes will eat more meat.


Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said: "The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint of good young lesson." Yes, a fairy tale is a lie, and although she tells about fantastic events that cannot happen in life. In fact, the fairy tale says very important in our lives. She teaches goodness, justice, teaches to despise the cunning and lets, hates villains, enemies, teaches to resist evil, be confident and bold. (Appendix 2). For Northerners, faith is characterized in the reality of all that is happening in the fairy tale. Often, people believed that heroes, silica, smart heroes somewhere live now, at any time they can come to the rescue. Listeners have always experienced for heroes, alone for giants, others for offended. Sometimes listeners regret the defeated. No sport tell me, you remember fairy tales. I am surprised by incredible funny stories, and then you realize that the fairy tale not only amuses, but also reminds: it is necessary to be proud of those who dream of going further and see more. It is good one who is ready to show his strength yes courage is ready to pop up for good. Fairy tales say it is valuable in man honesty, courage and resourcefulness. It is not enough to be not moderately chatted, boastful and especially lazy. Here are a few instructions of senior children who can be read between fabulous lines:

    Above the man who fell into trouble, do not laugh, do not gloat: his misfortune can turn to you - after all, the life of the change.

    Never raise your hand on my father, at the mother, on an old man - can sleep your hand, get sick. When you yourself become an old man, troubles, who lived with the elders offended to you, will fall at you.Your children will be bad to handle you.

    Never "cut off" (do not deny) in the request of the old person: otherwise your life belongs, the misfortune will overtake you.Your nights are lengthened, the days will be shorter.

    Do not touch the eggs of the birds in the nest: they may die.Having hated the smell of your hands, the bird can leave its nest.

    Do not break the young trees - otherwise, our land will delete.

    Flowers, herba do not hook - this is the decoration of our Earth.

    Do not regret what you gave: someday it will come back to you.

    Always run towards the old, wretched, sick person to help him.

    Never bay the child, do not deprive him, do not be worse than anyone else than your children - otherwise he will remove from you and will be bad to contact you when you are old and weak.

    About father and mother never speak badly.

    Dishes in which you brought the hotel from the neighbors, do not give back empty.

    Guest never "with empty hands" (without a gift) Do not let go - otherwise it will take the happiness of your plague.

    Guest is determined by tea - otherwise you will lose happiness.


Dictionary of concepts that will meet in fairy tales.

Argish conversation from deer stubborn:

Argish- ride, wadding.


Spirits-hosts of land, water, air and hunting.

Narta-lung sleighs for driving on dogs or deer.

Canopy-deer hodges

Country-settlement of nomadic peoples of the North

The shaman-sorcerene-badges of the peoples believing in the spirits, or endowed with the supernatural forces a mediator between people and deities.

Chum- collapsible, conical form Residence from stories, covered with skins.

Kamlany - Shaman's rite of witchcraft (conversation with spirits and otherworldly).

Park - winter and summer clothing of northern peoples, stitched from deer skins and decorated with ornamental finish.

Fairy tales about animals

Evenkaya folk tale "Why deer runs fast"

Khakassian folk fairy tale "Curlee Cutting"

"Yes, oblique. I am a person - everyone is stronger. What is my power? In mind and heart. Well, go! "

Magic fairy tales

Nenets Fairy Tale "Chavko and Vadari"

Socio - household fairy tales

Nganasan's fairy tale "Silacha Sangunde"

Selkup Folk Fairy Tale "White Foreign"

Appendix 2.

Nenets fairy tale

Polar bear and brown bear.

Once a forest brown bear went north to the sea. At this time, the sea polar bear went north to the sea. At this time, the sea polar bear went on the ice to the south, to the ground.

At the very shores of the sea they met.

At the White Bed Wool stood on end.

He said:

What are you, brown, walk on my earth?

Brown replied:

When did she have it, Earth? Your place in the sea! Your Earth - Icy!

The polar bear stood on the wind. The brown bear stood on the piles. They grabbed, and struggle began.

Fought until noon - no one overcame. Fought up to the evening.

Both are tired, sat down. Silent. The first spoke brown. He said:

You, white, turns out to be stronger. But I am delicate, sober. Therefore, none of us will take the top. And what do we share? After all, we are brothers with you.

The polar bear said:

True, we are brothers. And there is nothing to share. Our lands are neo-beam.

Forest Bear said:

Yes, my forests are huge. I have nothing to do in your ice.

The sea bear said:

And I have nothing to do in your forests. Yes, I never came there! Let's live in your place and do not interfere with each other.

Forest Bear went back into the forest. The sea bear remained on the seashore.

Since then, the owner of the forest lives in the forest, the landlord of the sea lives in the sea.

And no one bothers each other.

Khakassaya fairy tale

Frog and bear

One day a frog went home and tired. She got sick with her, she hung. I got out completely out of my strength and here I saw the crane, he ate delicious food.

I could not stand the frog, I asked himself complaints about:

Give me a crane, your meal to try. I will never forget you.

Eat how much you want, - the crane is responsible. He was kind.

I ate a frog all that crane had.

We look the crane: there is no frog on the legs of a living place, some bones remained. He regretted her:

Where did you get it so much?

No need to say! I pulled out an ant out of the water, he called me to visit me. I went to him, and he would throw me the entire anthill, as they began to bite. I barely saved. See that with my legs. So they pay me for good. I am not like this. Let's go to me, I am good to me.

And led the frog of the crane to himself. They got to the swamp. Frog and says:

Look, crane. Someone goes, however.

The crane turned around, and the frog of the booley into the water, and the trace was heated.

Waited-waited a crane, but never waited. Here, thinks what ungrateful. Herself about the ants told, and what better them?

He cursed the frog:

You are forever with bony legs and never leave the swamp!

Since then, the frog lives in a swamp and is afraid of the crane.

And the crane is offended, he cannot forgive her to forgive her. It is worth seeing him a frog, as she immediately caught her and eat.

Anti-frog is also afraid and does not go to dry place.

List of used literature

    Peoples of Russia : Encyclopedia. - Moscow: great grew. Encycle., 1994. - 479 p.

    Pavlovskaya A.V. Russian world: character, life and morals: in 2 tons: studies. Manual for students in Humanitar. Specialties / A. V. Pavlovskaya. - Moscow: Word / Slovo, 2009. -T. 1. . - 589, p. : Il., Port. ;T. 2. . - 541, p. : IL. - Bibliogr. in Note: with. 519-542.

    Varlamova G. I.The worldview of Evenks. Reflection in folklore / G. I. Varlamov. - Novosibirsk: Science, 2004.- T. 1. - 184 p.

    Robbek M. E.Traditional food of Evenks / M. E. Robbeck. - Novosibirsk: Science, 2007. - T. 13. - 164 p.

    14. Filippova V. V.The territories of the vital activity of the indigenous small peoples of Northern Yakutia (II half of the twentieth century) / V. V. Filippov. - Novosibirsk: Science, 2007.- T. 14.. - 176 p.

    PeoplesNorth o-East Siberia: Aina, Aleuts, Itelmen, Kamchadaly, Kershek, Koryaki, Nivhi, Chuvants, Chukchi, Eskimos, Yukagira / Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. N. N. Miklukho-Maclay; Ot. Ed.: E. P. Batyanova, V. A. Turaev. - Moscow: Science, 2010. - 772 p., L. color Il., Port. : Il., Maps, Table. - (peoples andcultures). - Bibliogr.: With. 712-767.

    North nyetale and B. Assembly N. E. Onchukova / Premotion. texts, entry Art. and comments. V.I. Emermin; Ros. Acad. Science, In-t Rus. Lit. (Pushkin. House). - St. Petersburg, 2008. - 748 p.

Tales of the peoples of North


The book that you hold in your hands is a collection of fairy tales. These are fairy tales of different peoples of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East, living in a huge territory from Western to the eastern borders of the Soviet Union, from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka.

Crashing and retarded in the past, in our country the peoples of the North are surrounded by attention and care. They created a kind of culture, including rich oral folk creativity - folklore. The most common genre of folklore is fairy tales.

The tale asked the serious existence of people, served as a favorite entertainment and recreation: they told fairy tales at leisure, after a working day. But the fairy tale played a big educational role. In the nearby past, the peoples of the North were not only entertainment, but also a kind of school of life. Young hunters and reindeers listened and tried to imitate the heroes that were glorified in fairy tales.

Fairy tales draw bright paintings of the life and life of hunters, fishermen and reindeer breeders, introduce their ideas and customs.

The heroes of many fairy tales are the poor. They are fearless, clever, smart and resourceful (Nenets fairy tale "Host and Worker", Udaejskaya - "Gadazami", Even - "Resident Arrows" and others).

In fairy tales, the various elements of the magic, the prophetic powers (as, for example, in the Keta fairy tales "Bird-Nurse" and "Alba and Husyadam" or in the Chukotka fairy tale "Almighty Kathyzhyn"), Perfume - the owners of the elements (underwater kingdom, underground and heavenly worlds , water perfumes, earth, forest, fire, etc.) (for example, in the Selkup's fairy tale "Mistress of Fire", Oroching - "The Best Hunter on the Coast", Nivkhskaya - "White Nerpe"), death and revival (for example, in The Evenkaya fairy tale "like snakes won").

A large place in the folklore of the peoples of the North is tales of animals. In their own way, explain the habits and the appearance of animals (the Mansiysk fairy tale "why the hare of the long ears", Nanaya - "How Bear and the Burundus ceased to be friends", Eskimo - "Like Raven and Owl Pained each other"), tell about human mutual assistance and Beast (Mansiysk fairy tale "Proud deer", Dolganskaya - "Old Man Rybak and Raven", Nivkhskaya - "Hunter and Tiger").

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale is simple: there should be no place for suffering and poverty, evil and deception should be punished.

Dear friend! Read this book thoughtfully, not in a hurry. You read the fairy tale - think about what she teaches. As Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote Poet: "The fairy tale is a fairy tale, and you make a conclusion from the fairy tale." Here you are thinking about what conclusion can be made from each fairy tale read.

In the book you will meet the words that may be unknown to you. They are marked with an asterisk, you will find an explanation at the end of the book. This is mainly the name of the household goods, homemade utensils, clothes of various peoples of the North.

You do not rush fairy tales, as if you tell them to your friends or younger brothers and sisters.

Carefully consider illustrations for fairy tales. Think to which episode of the fairy tale they belong to what pattern would you draw to a particular fairy tale. Pay attention to the ornament, clothing, household items of different nations.

We wish you success!

Nenets fairy tale

Lived in the world a poor woman. And she had four children. The children of the mother did not obey. They ran, played in the snow from morning to evening, and the mother did not help. Return to the Chum, whole snow drifts on pims will fall, and the mother is cleaned. Wet clothing, and the mother of sushi. It was hard to mother. From life, she got sick with hard work. Lies in the plague, the children calls, asks:

Children, give me water. I dryed my throat. Bring the driver.

Not one, I asked my mother twice - do not go for water. Senior says:

I am without pims. Another says:

I am without a hat. The third says:

I am without clothes.

And the fourth does not answer at all. Asks them to mother:

Close of us river, and without clothes you can go. I dry in my mouth. I am thirsty!

And children from the plague ran, they played for a long time, they did not look at the mother. Finally, he wanted the eldest - he looked into the Chum. Watching: Mother in the middle of the plague stands and Malitsa puts on. Suddenly Malitsa feathers covered. Takes mother board, on which the skins are scraps, and the board is the tail of the bird becomes. An iron beak frosted. Instead of hands, the wings rose.

The mother turned into a cuckoo bird and flew out of the plague.

The older brother shouted then:

Brothers, look, see: Our mother flies!

They ran the children behind the mother, shout to her:

Mom, Mom, we brought you to you! And she answers:

Ku-ku, ku-ku! Late late! Now lake water in front of me. I'm flying to free waters!

The children are running behind the mother, her name is her, the bucket with water stretch.

Younger son shouts:

Mother Mother! Return home! On the driver, drink!

Mother answers from afar:

Ku-ku, ku-ku! Late, son! I do not come back!

So they fled the children behind the mother for many days and nights - on the stones, on the swamps, on the bodies. His legs wrote into the blood. Where run, there the red track will remain.

Forever threw the children's cuckoo children. And since then does not live a cuckoo of the nest, the herself does not grow. And on the tundra from that time the red moss is stele.

Tala Bear and Great Solder

Saham fairy tale

Having silent around the talla bear camp at night. It goes quietly, the voices does not serve, behind the stones - waits for the stones - Lives a stupid deer from her herd, whether the puppy will jump off the puppy, or the child.

Not one snow is rich in Siberia ...

The peoples of the North and Siberia created a kind of culture, including rich oral folk creativity - folklore. The most common genre of folklore is fairy tales ...

We bring to your attention the fairy tale of the peoples who settled the Earth to the Siberian over the course of many centuries, and left their mark in history.

And also want to introduce you to the Siberian and Novosibirsk writers with fairy tales, the creativity of which continues the best traditions of the fabulous literature of Russia.

Children Beast Maana: Tales of the peoples of Siberia about animals / art. H. A. Avruutis. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Book Publishing House, 1988. - 144 p. : IL.

"In the old days, the Maun Mother Maana lived in Altai. She was like cedar century, big. I went in the mountains, I went down to the valley - I didn't find a beast anywhere to myself. And already began to grow old gram. I will die, "Maana thought," and no one in Altai will remember me, everyone who lived on Earth a big mahana. At least I was born someone ... "

Tales of peoples of Siberia about animals teach children a kind and attentive attitude towards the world around.


Russian Tales Siberia / Sost. T. G. Leonova; Art. V. Laguna. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1977. - 190 p. : Col. Il.

Russian people live in Siberian places for a long time - since the conquest of Siberia Ermac. At the same time, the story of Russian folklore began here - oral folk art.

This book is chosen from the Russian fairy tales of Siberia, from all of the most fabulous wealth, which for centuries was transferred to the people of mouth into the mouth, from generation to generation, and so it came in our day.


Siberian fairy tales / recorded by I. S. Korovkina from A. S. Kozhemyakina. - 2nd ed., Add. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1973.- 175 p.

The peopic creativity of the Omsk region is diverse and rich. There live a lot of wonderful connoisseurs of fairy tales.

One of the best talents in the Omsk region was a resident of the village of Krasnoyarskaya Omsk district Anastasia Stepanovna Kozhemyakina (born 1888). Forty fairy tales are recorded from it ..

A. S. Kozhetyakina began to tell the fairy tales of fifteen. "At first, the girls and guys told," said a storyguard, "when I became a woman - nieces and all residents of the village." Most fairy tales she took over from her mother and told them, it seems, just as he had heard: rarely changed something in them, even less frequently added anything from himself.

The fairy repertoire of the leather pack is not only large, but also diverse. The fairy tale told both the hedgehogs and magical, and adventurous, and household fairy tales.


Tales of the peoples of Siberia / Sost: E. G. Paderyn, A. I. Plotchenko; Art. E. Gorokhovsky. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1984. - 232 p. : IL.

The collection includes the best fairy tales of Siberia: Altai, Buryat, Dolgan, Mansiysk, Nenets, Selkup, Tofalar, Tuvinian, Khakass, Khanty, Shor, Evenki, Yakutian fairy tales about animals, magical fairy tales.

One of the compilers of the collection - Alexander Ivanovich Plitechenko - our countryman, poet, writer, translator of the Altai and Yakut epic.

Tales of peoples of Siberia / Sost. G. A. Smirnova; per. in English. Language O. V. Manyzina, G. I. Shchitnikova; Art. Registration V. V. Egorov, L. A. Egorova. - Krasnoyarsk: Vital, 1992. - 202 C: IL.

"Would you like to know why the animals differ from each other and why the raven - black, and not white?

Why don't lions live now in Siberia, and the bear has no thumb?

Or what kind of fire is a fire in the sky of Falcon, how did you go to the frog to visit, and a small mosquito defeated the evil spirit of Cucunus? " - So appeals to the small reader the compiler of this book of fairy tales and legends about different beasts, birds, insects inhabiting Taiga and Tundra.

Very attractive gift edition of the book of fairy tales of Siberia, with colorful illustrations and page translation into English.

Belousov, Sergey Mikhailovich. Along the rainbow or the adventures of Pechechenushkina: the story is a fairy tale / S. M. Belousov. - Novosibirsk: Narparel, 1992. - 240 s. : IL.

Who is this Pechenushkin? Amazing creature! Once he was an ordinary Brazilian monkey named Pici Nyush and saved his friend from terrible death. As a reward, the gods endowed it with limitless magical properties, and most importantly, a vigorous sense of justice. And now many centuries Pechenyushkin, like a knight without fear and reproach, struggles with evil in all its manifestations.

On the adventures of this mischievous character, Novosibirsk writer Sergey Belousov wrote a fabulous trilogy that opens the story "along the rainbow, or the adventures of Pechechenushkin." The two most ordinary sisters schoolgirls live in the most ordinary Novosibirsk apartment and do not even realize that the magic rainbow is directly on their balcony. Rainbow, traveling on which they will fall into the magic country fantasy and help Pechenyushkina to defeat the villain in a silver hood.

For mid-school age.

Belousov, Sergey Mikhailovich. Mortal pan, or the return of Pechechenushkina: Tale tale / S. M. Belousov; Art. N. Fadeeva. - Novosibirsk: ESBI, 1993. - 304 p. : IL.

This is the second book of the fabulous trilogy about Pechenushkina - a monkey, endowed with an infinite magic force. Sisters Alyona and Lisa Zaikina reveal the insidious idea of \u200b\u200bthe cannonors - hazardous beings generated by people.

Falling from these terrible men, the sisters fall into the magical country to fantasy.

Now the fate of the Earth is in the hands of two girls and Pechenyushkina, who will save friends from all adversity.

Belousov, Sergey Mikhailovich. Dragon's heart, or traveling with Pechenushkina: Tale tale / S. M. Belousov. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Book Publishing House, 1996. - 368 p.

For four months, the inhabitants of the fantasy were not allowed to know about themselves. Singing a big trouble, the sisters of the taunies are solved for a desperate step: secretly break into a fabulous country to revenue. Here their worst concerns come true: the evil will surrounded fantasy. Who and how the conspiracy set up, where did Pechenushkin disappear and who is the mysterious lady in black, what is the inhabitants of the country at night? To find answers to these questions and solve a great secret, the sisters have to go to the past ...

The final part of the trilogy about the adventures of the great warrior of the fairness of Pechenushkina.

Magalif, Yuri Mikhailovich. Magic horn or kindovka adventures: Tale-story / Yu. Magalif. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Book Publishing House, 1993. - 79 p.

This fairy tale-story Yury Magalif devoted the 100th anniversary of Novosibirsk.

Three talented and passionate man worked on the way, the city of Virtimir Shamov came up with his urban thought, the book was written by the most famous Siberian storyteller Yuri Magalif, and the wonderful Novosibirsk artist Alexander Tairov.

Y. Magalif: "The gorge is a famous character who became a symbol of Novosibirsk. A child who reads this book will find out what city was. What was here at this place before the city began to build. And that today is interesting. "

Magalif, Yuri Mikhailovich. Zhakia, Kutkin and others / Yu. M. Magalyor. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1982. - 125 p. : IL.

The book included the well-known fairy tales of the famous Siberian Fairy Tale of Yuri Magalifa - Zhakia, "Titile", "Cat Kutkin", "Bibishka - Nice Friend", "Success-Grass".

"Magalif's fairy tales are non-residents of the twentieth century. Miracles of the techniques who entered the world of people peacefully get along these pages with witch, speaking birds, fairy and kyimochi. Childhood sees the world of things alive, breathable, animated. And the Magalifa storytener has things and mechanisms say, sad, think, rejoice and offended exactly as we ourselves - and you do not have to argue with it.

I read all the fairy tales of Yuri Magalifa and if I regret, so that I am not small and that these fairy tales, so festively illustrated, was not among others in my childhood. "Vladimir Lakshin.

  • * * *

Books of the city's opposing of Vladimir Shamova

written in a kind of fantastic style,

designed for family reading of Novosibirsk

and very well suited to adult children.


Shamov, Vladimir Viktorovich. Katerinina Mystery / V. V. Shamov; Art. L. V. Treshcheva. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Book Publishing House, 1995. - 78 p. :

As with all capitals, Novosibirsk has its secrets associated with his birth.

One of them is about the love of the abundance and the original Ivanushka. Oblaska, the Obskaya told another legend - about Katerina - the ruler of the Ob Surgean Kingdom. Many pages are devoted to the conquest of Siberia Yermak, how the promotion of Russians in these places was.


Shamov, Vladimir Viktorovich. Legendic placer: fantastic travel in time / V. V. Shamov; Art. L. V. Treshcheva. - Novosibirsk: Book Publishing House, 1997. - 141 p. : IL.

The reader is to travel to the age of sixteenth, during the time of Yermak Timofeevich, Cossack Ataman, who joined the Siberian lands to Russia in the reign of the king Ivan the Terrible. Attention attracts attention and the mysterious history of the elder Fedor Kuzmich. After reading this book, you can learn about the wonderful person Semyon Ulyanovich Remezov - Cartographic, architect, chronicler. It tells about the origin of the names of Zaletssky Bor, Bugrin Roesch, Crytulinka. And - is offered the address of the gorgeon, according to which you can write a letter to him.


Shamov, Vladimir Viktorovich. Novosibirsk fairy tales / V. V. Shamov; Art. E. Tretyakova. - 2nd ed., Add. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Book Publishing House, 2003. - 144 p. :

Small fascinating fairy tales introduce the story of Novosibirsk, some of his wonderful residents, city attractions.

As in previous books V. Shamova,

here the city has fallen in love.


Shamov, Vladimir Viktorovich. Obskaya legend / V. V. Shamov. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Book Publishing House: Novosibirsk Century Foundation, 1994. - 55 p. : IL.

"... Do you know the kind reader that in the depths of every big river there is a palace? And that these palaces are not similar to each other, like the rivers themselves ... Live in the palaces of these queens of river, unfading beauties, in the eyes of which the whole depth of rivers hidels ... "- so begins" Obskaya Legend "- the first book of Vladimir Shamov from the book of books The stories of our city. Abundance - Queen River, Mistress of the Great River Ob. She talks about the events of spring 1893, when the construction of the bridge across Ob began. From its legend you can learn about the original Ivanushka, about that. What he dreamed of seeing Novosibirsk, as I wanted the future residents to love their city ...


Shamov, V.V. Fontana over the other: Tale of the future, present and past / V. V. Sham; Art. E. Tretyakova. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Book Publishing House, 2005. -220 C.: IL.

Vladimir Shamov wrote a book travel book.

The main characters of her heroes live in Novosibirsk 200-year-old.