Brief description of all characters fathers and children. "Fathers and children": acting persons

Brief description of all characters fathers and children.
Brief description of all characters fathers and children. "Fathers and children": acting persons

The novel became a landmark for his time, and the image of the chief hero of Eugene Bazarov was perceived by the youth as an example for imitation. Such ideals as an uncompromising, the lack of adolescence before the authorities and old truths, the priority of useful over beautiful, were perceived by people of the time and reflected in the worldview of Bazarov.

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    The actions in the novel occur in the summer of 1859, that is, on the eve of the peasant reform of 1861.

    Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov come to Marino and some time in Kirsanov (Father Nikolai Petrovich and Uncle Pavel Petrovich). The tense relationship with the senior kirsanov is forced to Bazarov to leave Maryino and go to the provincial city of ***. Arkady goes with him. Bazarov with arkadium spend time in the company of local "progressive" youth - Cushina and Sitnikov. Then the governor will get acquainted with Oblovo's Ball. Bazarov with arkadium go to Nikolskoye, the estate of one, in the city there remains the Mrs. Kukshin vulnerable. Bazarov and Arkady, who are passionate about the Oblovo, spend some time in Nikolsky. After an unsuccessful explanation in the love, the bazaar, who was afraid of Odintsova, is forced to leave. He goes to his parents (Vasilia and Arina Bazarov), Arkady goes with him. Bazarov, along with Arkady, Got your parents. Tired of manifestations of parental love, bazaars leaves discouraged father and mother, and together with Arkady, rides back in Maryino. On the way, they are inadvertently visiting Nikolskoye, but having met the cold reception, return to Maryino. Bazarov lives for a while in Mary. Fasting gusting passion splashes in a kiss with Fenzka, the mother of the extramarital son Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanova, and because of her he was shot on a duel with Pavel Petrovich. Arkady, returning to Maryino, one leaves in Nikolskoye and remains Obetova, more and more fond of her sister Katya. Finally spoiled the relationship with the older Kirsanov, the bazaarov also goes to Nikolsky. Bazarov apologizes in front of the one for her feelings. Odenty is apologized, and several days of bazaarov holds in Nikolsky. Arkady explains Kate in love. Forever spoken with Arkady, Bazarov again returns to their parents. Living at the parents, the bazaars helps the father to treat patients and dies from infection of blood, accidentally cut when the deceased of the man's typhoid. Before death, the last time sees with the one, who comes to him at his request. Arkady Kirsanov marries Kate, and Nikolai Petrovich - on Benches. Pavel Petrovich is forever leaving abroad.

    main characters

    • Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov - Nihilist, student, studying in Lekary. In Nihilism, he is the mentor Arkady, protests against the liberal ideas of the brothers of the Kirsanov and the conservative views of his parents. Revolutionary - Temple, Different. By the end of the novel, he falls in love with Odintsov, changing his nihilistic views on love. Love turned out to be a test for Bazarov, he understands that there is a clear romance in him - it is even explained in love with Odse. At the end of the book operates a rural pecker. Opening the died of a man who deceased from the typhus, he himself infects in darkness. After death, a religious rite is committed.
    • Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov - A landowner, Liberal, Father Arkady, Widower. He loves music and poetry. Interested in progressive ideas, including agriculture. At the beginning of the novel, he is ashamed of his love for Fennicke, a woman from a simple people, but then marries her.
    • Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - The elder brother Nikolai Petrovich, a retired officer, aristocrat, proud, self-confident, an ardent adherent of liberalism. Often argues with bazaarov about love, nature, aristocracy, art, science. Lonely In his youth survived tragic love. She sees Princess R. in Fenushek, in which he was in love. He hates Bazarov and causes him a duel, where he gets a light wound in the thigh.
    • Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov - Son of the first wife of Nikolai Petrovich - Mary. Recent Candidate of Sciences of St. Petersburg University and friend of Bazarov. It becomes a nihilist under the influence of the Bazar, but then refuses these ideas.
    • Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov - Father Bazarov, retired army surgeon. Nothing. Manages the estate of his wife. It is formed in moderation and enlightened, feels that rural life left it in isolation from modern ideas. He adheres to the whole conservative views, religious, immensely loves her son.
    • Arina Vlasievna - Mother Bazarov. It is she who owns the village of Bazarovoy and 15 shower of the fortress peasants. A piangle sequence of Orthodoxy. Very superstitious. Mentimen and sentimentally sensitive. He loves his son, deeply concerned about his renunciation from faith.
    • Anna Sergeevna Odintsova - Rich widow, which takes nihilist friends in their estate. Sympathizes Bazarov, but after his recognition does not correspond to reciprocity. He considers calm life without excitement most importantly, including more important than love.
    • Katerina (Ekaterina Sergeevna Lokteva ) - Anna Sergeyevna's sister, silent, quiet, imperceptible in the shadow of the sister's girl, playing on the keycorder. With her, Arkady spends a lot of time, languishing from love to Anna. But later aware of his love for Kate. At the end of the novel, Catherine marries Arkady.

    Other heroes

    • Victor Sitnikov - Familiar Bazarov and Arkady, adherent Nihilism. Belongs to the category of "progressors", which reject any authorities, chasing the fashion for "freightness". He really does not know anything and does not know how, however, in his "nigilism" leaves Arkady, and Bazarov. Sitnikov bazaars frankly despises.
    • Euddoxy Kukshin - Familiar Sitnikova, who, like he, is a pseudo-showing of nihilism.
    • Fenushek (Fedosya Nikolaevna) - the daughter of the housekeeper Nikolai Petrovich - Arina Savishns. After the death of the mother became the mistress of Barin and his child's mother. It becomes a reason for the duel between the Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, as the bazaars, the bazers, the fence of one, firmly kisses her, and Pavl Petrovich becomes a random witness, who resents the act of "this hairy" to the depths of the soul, And he himself is not quite indifferent to his beloved brother. At the end of Fuenuska became the wife of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov.
    • Dunysh - The maid at Benchka.
    • Peter - Kirsanov servant.
    • Princess R. (Nelli) - Beloved Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova.
    • Matvey Ilyich Kolyany - Officer in the city ***.
    • Sergey Nikolaevich Loktev - Father Anna Sergeyevna Odse and Katerina. The famous chamber and player, after 15 years of life in Moscow and St. Petersburg, "played in the dust" and was forced to settle in the village.
    • Princess Avdota Stepanovna - Aunt Anna Sergeyevna Odsely, evil and chumped old woman. After the death of the father, Anna Sergeyevna settled her. At the end of the novel dies, "forgotten on the very day of death."
    • Timofee - Customer Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov, former uncle Evgenia Bazarov. Furious and agile old man with faded yellow hair.

    Shielding novel

    • 1915 - fathers and children (dir.

    Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is the main character of the Roman, the son of the regimental gear, a medical student, a friend of Arkady Kirsanova. Bazarov is the brightest representative of young people and the middle-democratic intelligentsia of the middle of the XIX century. Calling ourselves "nihilist", he denies the established social structure and rejects any principles.

    Beauty-aristocrat of 29 years, which bazaar loved. She refers to the new generation of nobles: simple, calm, devoid of snobism, preachs freedom of judgment and democratism. By nature, Anna Sergeyevna Gorda and smart. Early remaining without a father, she brought the younger sister.

    One of the main characters of the novel, the father of Arkady Kirsanova and the brother Pavel Petrovich. In the past, he was happily married, but remained a widow. Now he lives a young girl of Fencake, who gave birth to his son. Despite the fact that Nikolai Petrovich is no longer young, he tries to keep up with the times, it is interested in music, poetry and art as a whole.

    Brother Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanova, Uncle Arkady and the main opponent of Bazarov. He acts as the main opponent in ideological disputes with bazaarov and according to its nature is a worthy opponent to him. Pavel Petrovich is distinguished by the principle, insight, aristocracy, high intelligence, sharp mind, nobility, willpower, liberal views and passion for all English.

    It is one of the main female characters in the novel. She is an ordinary peasant girl, early the remaining orphan. The mother of Fenicca Arina Savishna worked as a housekeeper in the estate of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. When she died, he took care of the young bauble, in which she later fell in love.

    A secondary character in the novel, Emancipated landowner, Sitnikov friend, Psedonyl. It imitates the most extreme manifestations of radicalism, constantly interested in the "female question" and the situation of women around the world, is fond of natural sciences, despises Georges Sand.

    The secondary character of the novel, buddy and student of Bazarov, pseudonylist. It has an alarming tension, as well as the dog's devotion to his "teacher." He in vain trying to imitate the bazaarov, making it his idol. In trying to behave freely and bold, to show sharpness of judgment and actions he looks comical.


    The younger sister is alone. Young and shy girl 18 years old. Their love with Arkady developed slowly, but gradually young people fell in love with each other and got married. In the future, they had a son of Kolya.

    Vasily Ivanovich

    Father Bazarov, retired headquarters. Lives in a remote estate, has a few fortress shower. He is engaged in the treatment of local peasants. He is fond of garden and garden. Evgeny he had the only son, after the death of which his life was also fed.

    Arina Vlasievna

    Mother Bazarov, a kind woman, a hot loving his son. She was very diveged and believed in everything that only possible: in the ledgers, dreams, signs, gadanha, damage, and even at the end of the world. In his youth, she was beautiful, playing on the keycorder and knew French. Now sprouted, forgot music and language. The death of his son almost killed her.


    A servant in the house of Kirsanov, a thin old man of about sixty years. Nikolai Petrovich called him a storm. The only one of the servants who did not like Bazarov.


    The servants in the house of Kirsanov, a young girl who helps Fenusheka take care of her little son Mita. She really liked the bazaars.


    Campner in Kirsanov's house. Stupid and proud man. I knew how to read in the syllables. At the end of the book married the daughter of the city gardener and got a good dowry. She chose him just because he had a clock.


    Little son Nikolai Petrovich and Benches. He is not even year.

    Matvey Ilyich

    A noble relative of Kirsanov, to whom arkadium with bazaarov from the estate went. He advised them to go to the governor and take an invitation to the ball.


    A fussy and forgetful person. Invited Bazarov and Kirsanov to her big ball, where they met with Oblovo.

    Princess H.

    Aunt Anna Sergeyevna Odsely, slender and little old woman, princess. After the death of her husband, Odintova invited her to live to himself in the estate and manage it. Now, no one has paid attention to her, although they treated with respect and worked well. Died shortly after the death of Bazarov.

    Porfiry Platonic

    A neighbor is alone, who often came to her to play cards. He was a small height, a fun and already gray-haired man. He loved to tell jokes.


    Claudist Father Bazarov, former uncle Evgenia. He came for him to Odintova, said that parents are waiting for him. He also came to her to bring her to the dying bazaar.


    Servant in the house of bazaarovy. Upon arrival of Bazarov with Arkady, he began to serve them. For their arrival, he was dressed in another clothes and gave new boots to which he could not get used to.

    Doctor Odentova

    He arrived together with the Odentic examination of the patient of Bazar, immediately determined that he had no chance to survive, he had time to whisper her, before her meeting with him.

    The problem of relationships between fathers and children eternal. The reason her lies in differences of life looks. Each generation has its own truth, and it is extremely difficult to understand each other, and sometimes there is no desire. Contrasting of worldviews - This is the basis of the work of the fathers and children, the summary of which we will consider.

    In contact with

    About the work


    The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the work of "Fathers and Children" arose from the writer Ivan Turgenev in august 1860.. The author writes Countess Lambert about the intention to write a new big story. In the fall, he goes to Paris, and in September, Annenkov writes about the final drawing up plan And serious intentions in creating a novel. But Turgenev works quite slowly and doubts a good result. However, having received an approving opinion from the literary criticism of Botkin, plans to complete the creation in the spring.

    Early winter - period of active work Writer, for three weeks, the third part of the work was written. Turgenev asked in letters to describe how things are in Russia. It happened before and to be dedicated to the events of the country, Ivan Sergeevich decides to return.

    Attention! The history of writing ended on July 20, 1861, when the author was Spassky. In the fall, Turgenev again goes to France. There, during the meeting, he shows his creation Botkin and Slaphevsky and receives many comments that pushing it to making changes to the text.

    In the spring of next year, the novel is published in magazine "Russian Bulletin" And he immediately became an object of polemical discussion. The disputes did not subside and after the death of Turgenev.

    Genre and number of chapters

    If you characterize the genre of the work, then "fathers and children" is roman from 28 chaptersshowing the social and political situation in the country before the abolition of serfdom.

    Main idea

    What are we talking about? In his creation, "fathers and children" of Turgenev describes contradiction and misunderstanding of different generationsAnd also wants to detect the way out of the current situation, the way to get rid of the problem.

    The struggle of two camps is the opposition of the whole well-established and radically new, epoch of Democrats and Aristocrats, or helplessness and purposefulness.

    Turgenev is trying to show what has come time for a change And instead of people of the obsolete building, nobles, come active, energetic and young people. Old Stroy Fights, and new not yet formed. The novel "Fathers and Children" shows us the front of the epoch, when society is in confusion and is unable to live in the old canons, nor on the new one.

    The new generation in the novel represents bazaars around which the "fathers and children" confrontation occurs. He is a representative of the whole of the Pleiads of the younger generation, for which the total denial of everything has become the norm. Everything is unacceptable for them, but bring something new they can't.

    Between him and senior Kirsanov brightly showing a conflict of worldviews: rude and straight bazaars and mannered and exquisite Kirsanov. Images described by Turgenev, multilateral and ambiguous. The attitude towards the world does not bring happiness to the bazar. Before society, they were designated their destination - fighting with old standsBut the introduction of new ideas and looks to their place does not care.

    Turgenev made it no accident, thereby showing that before the crash of something established, it is necessary to find a worthy substitution. If there is no alternative, even what was intended for a positive solution to the problem will make it only worse.

    Conflict generations in the novel "Fathers and Children".

    Heroes of Romana

    The main characters "fathers and children" are:

    • Bazarov Evgeny Vasilyevich. Young student, comprehending the profession of a doctor. The ideology of nihilism adheres to, pushing the liberal views of the Kirsanov and traditional views of their own parents. At the end of the work he falls in love with Anna, and his views of the denial of all the love changes in the world. It will become a rural lamp, because of its own inattention, it will get a contamination with a typhoid and die.
    • Kirsanov Nikolai Petrovich. He is the father of Arkady, widower. Landmark He lives in the estate along with Fuenus, a woman-like-frequency, to which he is experiencing and shakes, but then takes her wife.
    • Kirsanov Pavel Petrovich. He is the elder brother Nicholas. It officer retired, representative of the privileged layer, proud and self-confident, shares the ideas of liberalism. Often participates in disputes with bazaarov on a variety of topics: art, science, love, nature and so on. Hate to the bazaareas develops into a duel, the initiator of which he himself was. His duel is wounded, fortunately the injury will be easy.
    • Kirsanov Arkady Nikolaevich. He is the son of Nicholas. Candidate of University of Sciences. Like his friend bazaars - a nihist. At the end of the book from its worldview will refuse.
    • Bazarov Vasily Ivanovich. He is the father of the main characterwas a surgeon in the army. Medical practice did not leave. Lives in the estate of his wife. Educated, understands that he lived in the village, he turned out to be cut off from modern ideas. Conservative, religious.
    • Bazarov Arina V.S. Is the mother of the main character. She owns the estate of bazaar and fifteen serfs. Superstitious, devout, changeless, sensitive woman. Infinitely loves his son, and is experiencing due to the fact that he renounced faith. The very sequence of Orthodox faith.
    • Odintsova Anna Sergeevna. Is a widow rich. In his estate, adopts friends who hold nihilistic views. She is sympathetic to bazaars, but after his recognition in love, reciprocity is not observed. The foreground puts a quiet life in which there are no unrest.
    • Katerina. Sister Anna SergeevnaBut in contrast to her, quiet and invisible. Engaged in a playing on a field. Arkady Kirsanov holds a lot of time with her, while he is passionately in love with Anna. Then he realizes that he loves the Katerina and marries her.

    Other heroes:

    • Fenechka. Daughter of the housekeeper of the younger brother Kirsanova. After the mother died, became his mistress and gave birth to his son.
    • Sitnikov Victor. He is a nihilist and familiar Bazarov.
    • Kukshina Evdokia. Familiar Victor, Nihistka.
    • Kolyanya Matvey Ilyich. He is a city official.

    The main characters of the novel "Fathers and Children".


    Fathers and children brief content below. 1859 - yearWhen the action of the novel begins.

    Young people arrived in Maryino and live in the House of Brothers Nicholas and Pavel Kirsanov. Senior Kirsanov and Bazarov do not find a common language, and frequent conflict situations forced Eugene to leave to another city N. There is also arkadium. There they communicate with urban youth (Sitnikov and Cushina), which holds nihilistic views.

    On the governor's ball they spend acquaintance with OdentovaAnd then go to her estate, Cushina is destined to stay in the city. Odintsova rejects recognition in love, and Bazarov has to leave Nikolskoye. He and Arkady go to the parent home and the guest there. Evgenia does not like an overwhelming parent care, he decides to leave Vasily Ivanovich and Arina V.S.

    The plot of the novel "Fathers and Children" Turgenev is built around the dispute between old way and new looks. The first are two heroes of the work: the landowners brothers Nikolai and Pavel Kirsanov.

    Pavel Senior. He is a bachelor, a retired officer. His character is heavy - he is used to, that everyone agrees with him. His younger brother Nicholas prefers peace of his brother's shadow.

    Opponent Paul - Evgeny Bazarov - a friend of his nephew Arcadia. Bazarov from the poor family, he despises old orders, but just like Pavel Kirsanov, seeks to become a continuing authority. Arkady Kirsanova can be called a secondary character.

    Table Characteristics of characters "Fathers and Children"?

    The main characters in the work of "fathers and children" are not very much.

    First, it is Evgeny Bazarov. Very self-confident young man. Practically revolutionary. I wanted to cancel the serfdom, the prosperity began to work. He considered Russian people with dark, and not particularly intellectually developed. Nihilist.

    Secondly, Arkady Kirsanov. He is a friend of Eugene, he is 23 years old, but he is very driven by his companion, soft, at the same time he loves life, wife and relatives.

    Third, N. P Kirsanov - Father Arkady. Refers to the older generation. I did not serve because there was a broken leg, engaged in its landowners, but not particularly good. Loves children.

    Fourth, P. P Kirsanov - Brother Arkady Kirsanova. Self-shaped, caustic and at the same time, France, loves the highest light. From the very beginning, Evgeny Bazarov had been unbelievable.

    Fifth, Anna Odintova is a typical woman of that time. Cold, calculating, but knows how to show tenderness and softness when she needs it.

    Quotation characteristic of characters "Fathers and Children"?

    The novel "Fathers and Children" is one of my favorite works from school, re-read several times, and each time is perceived differently. I believe that the matter is aged. When the worldview changes, the attitude towards different heroes changes.

    I propose to get acquainted with the characteristics P.P. Kirsanova: As for appearance, it is medium height. Its appearance seems elegant and thoroughbred. His face without wrinkles, and his eyes are bright, oblong. He is the son of General, brought up at home, after - in the Prazian building.

    Evgeny Bazarov - High height, his face is thin and long, forehead - wide. Nose - pointed, eyes are big and greenish. Son Lekary, studied at the medical faculty.

    Brief description of the characters "Fathers and Children"?

    The main characters in the work of Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Children" five. This is the father and son of Kirsanov, uncle of the family, a friend of the younger Kirsanova Bazarov and the landowner, a neighbor of Kirsanov Odintov.

    Senior Kirsanov is a quiet man and peaceful, prone to compromise. His brother - Paul, confident, proud and fighting person, retired officer.

    Arkady - Junior Kirsanov, a non-accurate young man who easily falls under the influence of Bazarov. Evgeny Bazarov - NiHist. He is stubborn, does not depart in the dispute and is interested in science. Anna Odintova is a calculating woman who is afraid of strong feelings.