Chapter III. Atlantic civilization

Chapter III. Atlantic civilization
Chapter III. Atlantic civilization

The period of the existence of Atlanta is probably the strangest time in the history of our planet.

Myths of various nations tell us that monkeys reign at that time, and others claim that the dragons reigned after the fiery catastrophe.

But all is right - this is the time of the greatest variety of types of civilizations on our planet.

In 1902, the eruption of the Mont-Pele volcano on the island of Martinique (Antilles) destroyed everything alive, but life quickly returned to the island.

However, now everything was gigantic: vegetation, dogs, cats, turtles, lizards, insects - everyone became large and continued to grow from generation to generation.

The French Research Station, installed on the island for studying this phenomenon, determined that the growth of animals was caused by the radiation of those fossils that were carried out by eruption.

Head of the Zhul Engraver station himself grew by 6 cm, and his assistant Dr. Ruien, who was 57 years old, 5.5 cm.

The ten-grantimetime lizard "Litua" turned into a half-meter killer.

The phenomenon of abnormal growth immediately stopped as soon as the object was taken from Martinique.

After the fall of radiation, the monsters began to decrease in size.

Is the Renaissance reptile, known from various peoples called the dragons and monsters?

When, in Antarctic, scientists discovered a frozen dragon, they decided that the glaciation occurred in the Mesozoy.

But it happened 30,000 years ago.

Remember the findings of the American expedition Admiral Beyrad in 1946-47, which was mentioned above.

On one of the stones Iki engraved a drawing of a dinosaur, which attacked two hunters.

This engraving refers to the era of the Atlanta, which came to the change of Asurian civilization.

People came out of the dungeons first began to gain growth, but because of a small atmospheric pressure, he was again born lost.

The restoration of the destroyed biosphere was engaged in surviving in the dungeons of Asura.

They recreated it, at least within 5,000 years.

Such a huge period was due to the fact that as soon as biosphere biosass increased, for which water was used from the oceans, as the concentration of carbon dioxide in the water grew.

He stood intensively into the atmosphere, a greenhouse effect arose, and storm rains began, developing in another flood, which destroyed everything was recreated.

The Era of Atlantov came - the first civilization for the last 10 million years, which began to build their cities on the surface of the Earth.

However, not all followed it.

Found in North Africa underground city, refers just to the era of Boreans, as the size of the rooms are more suitable for their growth.

This is how the tunnel system is described under the sugar English writer and traveler John Wellard in his book "The Lost Worlds of Africa" \u200b\u200b(in the collection of "Millennium Millenniums" M., 1995, around the world): "This system consists of many parallel and intersecting mines, Related here "Fogtaras" ...

Despite the fact that they look like irrigation tunnels in Persia (which are still used), the construction of the African system is different ...

From the inside, the main tunnels have dimensions of at least 4.5 meters in height and 5 meters in width.

In both directions, side mines are departed from major tunnels, which connect them to the main underground highway.

Many of these remnants of ancient structures are unknown, although hundreds of tunnels are still visible.

Traces of more than 230 tunnels, a total length of about 2.000 km, were found. "

Atlantis, which existed between Europe and North America, was the first to recover from the shock planet and gradually spread its influence on the entire planet.

But the terrible external conditions that existed after the nuclear catastrophe gave rise to a cruel morality that was preserved even after the recovery of the biosphere and exist so far.

Atlanta, adopting Dragon Moral, disintegrated into many ethnic, peoples and races.

They did not have anything, how to become conquerors in these conditions.

It was at this time that slavery arose.

You conquer almost all the continents and partially restored our former power, they, according to Agni Yoga, moved on their vimanov at the speed of thought at any point of the planet to make their next villain.

The merciless exploitation of the natural resources of the metropolis, which built new and new cities, gave rise to a mass of environmental problems that gradually turned into ancogo-climatic catastrophe.

At this time, many predictors appear who warned the then humanity about a possible global cataclysm.

But the rulers were blind to their warnings and, as Agni Yoga reports, even the death penalty was introduced for such a prediction.

Externally, Atlanta was reminded of modern American Indians who believe, originated from the Atlantov: Nose is pretty large, black and resin hair, which they rubbed beeswax, mixed with pink oil, almost black eyes, clothes resembled your own, snow-white teeth, a reddish skin shade. They fed up with soft food, raw vegetables, fruits, berries and meat, fried on an open fire, but the meat was used only in special holidays installed by the king. The name of God was almost never uttered out loud, it could only portray symbolically in the form of a combination of the sun and crescent, and if it had to pronounce this name, the lips were rounded, as for the pronunciation of the sound "O" (Sun-Figure) and then passed to (crescent Figure) - sound "M", i.e. The whole word was uttered as the sacred word "Ohm".

The warm climate did not require the insulation of housing, the water was summed up by pipes. Atlanta had close trade relations with Egypt and Spain. At that golden age Atlanta lived for several hundred years. After 23-25 \u200b\u200byears, the main difference between the age was considered the level of wisdom, experience, cleanliness of thoughts in relation to each other. Children from early age have studied the highest mathematics. Teens were interested in more inventions than philosophy and appeared later linguistics. Therefore, children and adolescents could produce calculations in the mind at the speed of a modern computer. All accumulated information was stored in special cylinders. Some of these cylinders still stored near the Great Pyramid in Giza, and the part in the Detais.

Atlanta themselves decided when leaving their physical shell, i.e. Dimure physically. They concentrated their will and attention, so clearly imagined the other world of measurement, which passed into it with a complete consciousness and full right to make this step.

High achievements in science and technology Attracted the attention of representatives of other planets. Many will seem very strange and incredible such an assumption, however, the space guests helped the Atlanta to improve the power crystal, which was first used for peaceful purposes as a source of energy for various types of aircraft operating on fantastically high speeds.

Silence crystal!

As Edward Casey said, this crystal is still resting at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda triangle, where it is charged with energy from time to time and where so many ships and aircraft mysteriously disappear. The giant crystal is the highest achievement of the Atlantic civilization - was created when the Atlanta was able to curb solar energy with small crystals. Space guests indicated the location of powerful quartz veins, which had a huge quartz crystal in its field, having the ability to reflect all the rays of the sun and the moon. Atlanta could remove this block of quartz from the ground, then handle the faces with such accuracy that the crystal could reflect each ray hitting it and was used constantly, day and night, except rainy days. However, the energy was accumulated in such a quantity that it was necessary to develop a storage system.

In "Agni Yoga" E.I. Roerich about this event reported that Atlanta died because they were mastered monstrous crystal energy.

One day, Atlanta found a large quartz core, removed, and restlined the huge crystal. They could not cope with energy, and this crystal became death for them. An natural cataclysm arose, began to rain rains, and Antarctica drowned. The surviving Atlanta moved to Africa, Europe, America and transferred their knowledge.

Aircrafts Helped the Atlantam to create accurate land cards. These cards give ideas about the Earth until the last shear of the poles. At the beginning of 1700 g, the oldest cards were found in Turkey, the ownership of the Turkish Admiral Fiiri Rieis, which marked the contours of the Earth, which remind modern aerial photography, made from very high height above the ground.

Soon the signs of an impending disaster hung over the ground. Frames began to occur, which were more and more deepened. Lemuria's sages predicted the upcoming cataclysm and pointed out safe places where people could leave to escape than part of the Lemurians took advantage of sailing to Asia, Africa and some parts of America. These were those that are not due to fear, but due to the desire to preserve the achievements of their civilization settled in new places. Another part, feeling that they were in a physical body long enough, they decided to return to the subtle world when the cataclysm had come.

Part of the inhabitants of Atlantis, warned about the impending catastrophe, went to Yucatan, Egypt, Libya, Spain and Portugal, where they founded schools for learning writing, mathematics, astronomy and agriculture. Thus, the Great Pyramid in Giza was built with the help of skillful mathematicians and builders who left Atlantis. Each size, proportions, internal transitions, the number of steps carry information about the structure and dimensions of the earth, the timing of the new turn of the earth's axis, position in the solar system. "Direct" heirs of Atlanta in Europe - Basic in Spain and in the Pyrenean Mountains in France and the inhabitants of the Caucasian Mountains.

When a disaster broke out, the topography of the Earth changed in the blink of an eye. The cities of Peru and Mexico, lying on the ocean, shot up. California is preserved - the former Eastern Coast of Lemuria. In Africa, the Nile River, which flew into the Atlantic Ocean, changed the direction and found an exit to the Mediterranean Sea. Sugar - the former seabed - turned into a desert.

What happened to the Atlantis during this period? Part of the Western Territory plunged into the water, mountain chains appeared in other plain sites. As a result of the change in the situation of the equator, the climate of Atlantis deteriorated sharply, which was probably reflected on the nature of the Atlanta. Giant animals, less adapted to the sharp decay of temperature and power reduction, died with hundreds of thousands. Examined excavations north of Mexico City found three prehistoric cities built one over the other, with high culture for ancient people using iron oxide for casting ornaments from precious metals 10,000 years before the bronze century.

So, the Great Lemurian civilization died. Her place was taken by the civilization of Atlantis, the inhabitants of which were rather aggressive and began to seize other states. For this purpose, they used a giant crystal, with the help of the rays of which whole cities were almost instantly destroyed. Inxicated by the force they possess, the Atlanta began to use to control other nations. Their pride reached the point that they decided to conquer China, located on the opposite side of the globe. When the Atlanta sent the rays of a giant crystal through the center of the Earth, an explosion of colossal power occurred, and the entire continent of Atlantis went to the bottom. Now this place is called Sargasso Sea, and it becomes especially dangerous during the active radiation of the giant crystal immersed at the bottom of the Giant crystal when the sun and the moon are located in a certain position. Therefore, it is not for nothing that this place was always called the "Cemetery of the Atlantic Ocean", which covers the territory from the great Antille Islands in the north and further to Florida until Cape Gatteras through the entire Atlantic Ocean in the direction of the Iberian Peninsula and Africa, including the Bermuda Triangle, where once stood Giant crystal resting now at the bottom of the sea.

But most researchers consider the existence of Atlantis quite likely, but require evidence.

We will try and we contribute to the problems of searching atlantis. Let's start with the fact that there are two approaches to the term "Atlantis", so you need to understand immediately with them. For the first time Atlantis, Atlantis called Plato (487-343 BC) in their dialogues "Time" and "Creyti". But Plato's predecessors also knew about it, although they called this country with other names.

However, there is another meaning of the term "Atlantis". In the occult sciences suggest some kind of protocivication, which preceded our and died in

As a result of a series of disasters, the last stage of which passed about ten thousand years ago. Therefore, it should be noted that the peoples of a wide variety of countries living on different continents, there are idea about some kind of people who preceded modern humanity and died as a result of some powerful cataclysms. Traditions 0 Flood and earthquakes are also available in the countries of Mesopotamia, and in China, and the Indians of America.

But the most interesting information about possible proteocylization gives the ancient Indian epic works of Mahabharat and Ramayan. There are also aircraft - Vimana, and weapons that can be compared, perhaps only with rocket, there are also descriptions of the Earth from space.

How did it all become known to people of antiquity? Where did such perfect ideas about the universe in some religions of the East? After all, there are ideas even about collapse. At what level of development were Atlanta? In all likelihood, they stood at the level of the bronze era.

Powerful technique was simply not needed, since the Atlanta partially owned a secret mental energy, and this, in the occult sciences, the most powerful energy through the universe. The use of "secret knowledge" and at the same time extremely low spiritual development led Atlantis to death.

Cruppers of the Knowledge of Atlanta for a long time remained in the priests of various peoples, but they were carefully protected from the uninitiated, since there is nothing worse than the high knowledge that was at the disposal of an unprepared person. A catastrophe, who destroyed Atlantis, occurred about ten thousand years ago, or rather, the last group of Atlantov died.

Why last? The fact is that among the occultists (for example, E. Blavatskaya), the opinion was widespread that Atlantis died in several stages. It was a powerful civilization, very numerous and spreading its influence on many regions. During the last million years, this layer of mankind has suffered terrible catastrophes. These statements seem to correspond to a whole series of cataclysms, hung over the Earth.

Among them is the chain of glaciation and interglacial periods. However, another question is possible. We can assume that Atlantis died, but not on earth. Here, on the ground, the remnants of people who, being in a new place, laid the beginning of humanity.

Modern science does not deny the possibility of paleokontacts. To be fully consistent, it is necessary to say about such an important factor as the effect of "bottle throat". Thanks to the achievements of molecular biology, it was possible to trace the so-called gene trail. The study of the research was awesome: a modern type man as a form There is at least 200 thousand years.

Moreover, 200 thousand years ago, the number of humanity was so small, which was most likely one couple of people. At least with sufficient confidence, it is possible to argue that all modern humanity is the descendants of one woman, the so-called "Paleolithic Eva." It is such a state - on the verge of extinction - is called the effect of the "bottle throat".

The conclusions from all this can be done two: or at this time a person appeared as a view (or was delivered to the planet), or a significant population of people for some reason decreased to several people and was on the verge of extinction. Only subsequently she restored its number.

The best proof of the reality of the existence of Atlantis would be a discovery of the remains of its material culture. In this regard, the question arises: where to look for Atlantis? The main obstacle in solving this problem can be considered a confusion in understanding the term "Atlantis" itself, which has already been mentioned. It is brought primarily by the poverty of the information that Plato has. These were some fragmentary data obtained by something salty, not by the plato itself in Egypt, and the vague memories of the Greeks about some catastrophes.

Nine thousand years lie between Plato's era and the atlantis time. During this time, the memories of protocylization merged with later data on the death of states in Crete and on the coast of the Marmara Sea. That is, Atlantis has turned into a myth. but

This does not mean that such information can be neglected. After all, I managed to Schliman, leaning on the legend, dig a trip!

So where do I still look for Atlantis? After all, apparently, the ancient Greeks, including Plato, did not know where she was, and had it arbitrary on the edge of the world famous then, in our time the most common opinion is that Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean, where she placed her Plato.

She is looking for Gibraltar, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Canary Islands, they are trying to search even in the area of \u200b\u200bIceland and on the middle of the Atlantic Range in the center of the Ocean.

The second most popular area of \u200b\u200bsearches is the Aegean Sea. Here the most researchers are attracted by the area of \u200b\u200bthe island of the Tir, where in the XV century BC. e. There was a grand eruption of the Santorin volcano. Recently, the district of the Marmara Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Marmara Sea and the Dardanalel Strait, which is associated with the so-called Darudan Flood, is of particular and fully explanatory interest.

This is confirmed by the data of the ancient authors that there was no time in the Dardanelle's once, and the Black and Marmara Sea were lakes with a level significantly lower than the ocean. Then, as a result of the strongest earthquake, the experiencing was broken, and the ocean waters flooded the huge sushi spaces.

But is it possible to seek Atlantis in the Atlantic or the Aegean Sea? We have already talked about the fact that in the message of Plato about Atlantis, it is necessary to take into account only the fact that some civilization died in ancient times. After all, Plato does not indicate when Atlantis disappeared, he only says that atlantid existed for 9 thousand years before him. What was the land of 11.5 thousand years ago?

Immediately say: the climate was then not at all that now. The last glacial period continued, and extensive spaces in the northern hemisphere occupied mainland ice. The climate was land and much cool, the glaciers caused a decrease in the level of the world's ocean, as they concentrated a significant part of the water in themselves.

In the Atlantic there really existed significant sites of sushi, now flooded. These were mainly the territory of the modern continental shelf. The various groups of atlantologists exhibit a lot of evidence that at that time the Atlantis Island and other islands were located in the Atlantic, on which Atlantis was located.

Various theories of the death of this country are given, starting with the seismic and ending the large asteroid in the Atlantic, which, by the way, is associated with the start of warming, since the path of the Gulf Stream, previously blocking Atlantis, was opened.

But all these theories do not withstand critics on one very important reason: the high civilization of the Atlanta, even if it reached only the level of the Bronze Age, in no comparison with the primitive tribes of the Paleolithic hunters, inhabited Europe. But Atlantis captured other people's territories and started their colonies. According to Platon, Atlanta controlled Europe to Italy and Africa to Egypt.

In this case, the greatest cultural influence of the Atlanta should have spread to the tribes, closest to the metropolis, that is, the atlantic coast of the Atlantic Ocean. After the death of Atlantis, these tribes would have to be significantly more developed than their neighbors, and this is not observed.

Recall now about the asteroid. Over the past half a million years, warming replaced the ice age at least three times. The likelihood that at the same time each time in the Atlantic fell some kind of celestial body, almost equal to zero.

The existence of the Atlantis specified by Plato clearly does not correspond to significantly later events. Some researchers, trying to explain this paradox, believe that Plato was mistaken for an integer order, it became necessary to read 9000, and 900 years, which more or less coincides with the time of the catastrophe caused by the Santorin volcanic explosion. But such an error is unlikely, since Plato repeatedly repeats that Atlantis existed for 9 thousand years before him, that is, confident in the date.

But there is another coincidence: the date specified by Plato coincides with the last stage of the glacial period on the eve of global warming. Undoubtedly, it caused catastrophic consequences on Earth, and at the time of Plato some information about this was still preserved. Therefore, we will quite seriously react to the date specified by Plato, and suppose that some kind of protocivization existed in that epoch.

In this case, Atlantis must be sought in such areas where unexpected and large-scale fastests were really possible in the past. There are not so many such places on Earth. The greatest probability of the flooded was in the area of \u200b\u200bblack, marble and red seas. All these seas from the World Ocean are separated by very narrow and shallow straits. In the era of glacial highs, these sheds turned into the curvatures, and the sea became a heartless lake.

Due to the dryness of climate in the ice age, the level of these lakes gradually fell, and the area decreased. It was on the shores of such a large Flash Lake and could be located atlantis.

So what of the specified seas buried atlantis? A more or less developed civilization could arise at that time, perhaps only on the shores of the Red Sea. As for the black and marble seas, the emergence of early civilization here is unlikely, since it was a very cool area. In the Black Sea, rivers flowed to the beginning of glaciers.

Now let's see how large the possibility of the occurrence of civilization on the banks of the Red Sea in such an early time. The most necessary condition for any civilization should be considered a high population density. According to molecular biology, which recently confirmed by archaeologists, the man's birthplace was Africa, her mountainous eastern part. Therefore, at the first stage of the existence of humanity, the highest population density was in Africa.

Migrations of people in search of the best hunting land took place in all directions, but mainly in the north and southern, along the river valleys and mountain ranges. About one hundred thousand years ago, people reached the Suez Isthmus and began to settle Asia. At the same time, in the most Africa itself, they concentrated in the extreme northeast. Here, the mountain ranges of the African horns and the coast created the effect of a funnel capturing migratory communities.

The population here is growing much faster than in other areas due to the natural growth and permanent influx from the outside. As a result, a demographic crisis has developed, and the constant problem of food forced people from hunting to go with cattle breeding and farming.

The emergence during the last glacial period of the Isthmus connecting Africa with the Arabian Peninsula, little influenced the demographic situation in the region. Of course, a part of the population went to Asia, but the exit from the carriage to Arabia is closed by quite high mountains, followed by arid steppes, so most people remained to live on the shores of the lake, which turned into the Red Sea.

Among the total mass of agricultural villages, tribal centers were gradually separated, which over time turn into a protodogue. There are constantly exchange of knowledge and discoveries between individual groups of people; The population is more, the more intense this process passes. Thus, civilization has become on the shores of the Red Sea and the adjacent territories, and much earlier than in other regions of the planet.

Such processes were characteristic of anterior Asia and Egypt in the V-IV millenniums BC. e., that is, at the time of the civilizations known to us. But 10 thousand years earlier, similar conditions existed on the coast of the Red Sea and on the African Rog: Thus, the protocylization could easily arise there.

After the end of the atlantis ice period, some time continued to calmly exist, miring in passions and wars. But in the end, the rising ocean waters broke through the liquefy of the curvature and flooded Atlantis. Nowadays, the consequences of this Flood can be traced in hydrogen sulfide infection of the Red Sea.

Such an infection occurs due to the fact that a large amount of organics decomposes under water. Now let's see what the tribes surrounded during the last glacial period of the Red Sea during the last glacial period.

The most ancient on earth agriculture is now fixed in the anterior Asia. This area is permanently adjacent to the Red Sea. The most ancient agricultural settlement was found in Jarmo in the north of Iraq. According to discovered grains of cereals, it is dated 9290 a year before. e. Iraq is not so far from the Red Sea.

However, the antiquity of the overseas focus of agriculture is also confirmed by the finds of very ancient grains. Moreover, the grains found in Palestine belong to the XVI thousand. er, and found in the Nile Valley - to the XIV Millennium BC. e. Both of these areas are directly overlooking the Red Sea coast.

By the way, the oldest civilizations known to us are also located in the immediate vicinity of the Red Sea. These include the ancient Egypt, Sumer, Akkad, Ebla, Elam, and even civilization of the Indian valley. It is likely that the remains of the population of Atlantis, mixing with their tribes surrounding them, contributed to a more rapid transition of the latter to civilization.

This relationship is especially well traced on the example of Egypt, which in antiquity was considered one of the most intellectually developed countries. Until our time, only a small grain drew from these knowledge, nevertheless we know that the Egyptians considered themselves from the country of Punt. Most modern Egyptologists believe that Punta was on the coast of modern Sudan, although some researchers move it even further to the East - to Ethiopia and Somalia.

We basically arrange both versions. The Egyptian sources say only that Punt has been located somewhere on the Red Sea coast and the swimming occupied there for several months. The assertion that the Egyptians - immigrants from the country of Punt, do not understand in the literal sense, most likely from Punta there was only some part of the people who felt in the Egyptian ethnos. Probably, thanks to the arrival of these tribes and merging them with the rest of the population of the Nile Valley there was a so-called Amratian archaeological culture, which existed in 3800-3600 BC. e. It can be said that, with the advent of Amratian culture, Egypt entered during the addition of civilization.

And if we started talking about the civilization of Egypt - one of the most ancient, most mysterious and most developed civilizations of the past, then we must mention a number of paradoxes of Egyptian history. Thus, the creators of the watches in ancient Egypt for some reason hardly proceeded from the ratio of the longest and short days of the year, as 14:12. However, this ratio does not correspond to any point of the Egyptian state even during its maximum expansion.

This ratio is fair only for a line located per thousand kilometers of south of the southern border of Egypt. This fact is important for us, since this line passes just through the extensive shales of the southern part of the Red Sea, where the center of Atlantis could be assumed.

Even in antiquity in the neighboring countries, for example, in Greece, they believed that the priests of Egyptian temples are stored with colossal knowledge. But these knowledge was trusted only by people who were particularly proven who had passed the appropriate training, that is, dedicated to. Depending on the degree of dedication, the person has gained access to a category of knowledge. Such a dedicated, for example, was the famous Greek philosopher Pythagoras, known from us as the author of the famous theorem.

He studied in the Egyptian temples thirty years. He studied in Egypt and Solon, Plato's relative. Lived in Egypt and Plato himself; Perhaps then or through the records left by Solon, he received some information about the Atlantis, which in the future used in his dialogues.

In the Egyptian temples there were ambitious archives and libraries where thousands of papyrus were kept. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of these documents were subsequently died. People and time did their job. But some grains of knowledge of the Egyptians leaked into the works of ancient writers.

Among them, there are knowledge that indirectly can be associated with Atlantis and which, as it seems, is clearly included in contradiction with our modern historical knowledge.

So, according to the generally accepted point of view, the emergence of the first states in the Nile valley refers to the IV millennium BC. e. How then should the approval of such a solid author, like Herodotus, as if in its time, the existing written sources of Egyptians went to the past for seventeen thousand years?

An even earlier date calls the manphone. He was an Egyptian priest, who made up the history of Egypt for the Greeks, while he used the widespread documents of the temples and archives widely accessible to it. So the Manephone begins his chronology of Egyptian events from 30,627 to n. e.

The Byzantine historian Sinelius reports some of the records that he calls the "ancient chronicles" and which were conducted by the priests of Egypt throughout the alleged 36,525 years. And Diogen Lanertsky reports that Egyptian priests keep records going back by 48,863 to Alexander Macedonian. The same Diogene Laertsky claims that the Egyptians had records about 373 solar and 832 lunar eclipses.

Calculations are shown: to get this number of eclipses, observations should be carried out at least ten thousand years. How to explain that in Egypt, significantly more information about the protocylization is preserved than in other countries?

Just because Egypt, directly adjacent to the Red Sea, was subsequently cut off from the rest of the world deserts. Separed for a long time from external influences, it preserved accumulated information during the millennium, while other peoples quickly lost it in wars and turmoys.

At the same time, it is likely that some part of the Egyptian priesthood was a direct heir to the priesthood of Atlantis and especially zealously retained the knowledge from there.

Thus, it can be concluded that if some protocylization existed, the most likely location was located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Red Sea. In the vicinity of this sea and you need to look for the traces of Atlantis.

Dead mainland Atlantis Worries the minds of millions of people for almost 2500 years. Mystery covered with Millennium Millennium, hundreds of theories and hypotheses. Even despite modern technical means and scientific progress, it was still failed to find not only the location of Atlantis, but also to prove its existence. It is worth noting that on the way to the secrets of the civilization of the Atlanta, scientists and researchers made many other discoveries. Which sometimes do not fit in the head due to their fantasticity. Many have heard of Atlantis, but not many thought about the culture, which this great civilization was allegedly different.

The first mention of the disappeared mainland

The most first mentions about Atlantis are the "dialogues" of the ancient Greek philosopher and the historian of Plato. In them, he casually mentioned the location of the mainland in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gibraltar Strait. But mostly focused on the description of the life and culture of Atlanta. Surprises the accuracy with which Plato describes Atlantis. Her rich cities and civilization, which rose to the highest level of development. According to him, Atlanta is descendants of Poseidon. Which, in turn, was their supreme deity.

The wealth and greatness of the disappeared mainland amazes. But it is possible to judge it only with the words of Plato. In addition, other information is more interesting. It is proved that Plato himself borrowed stories about the mainland from his uncle Solon. He heard them, being in Egypt. The story of Atlantis told one of the priests of the goddess of the Necksex and Mother of the Sun - Nate. At the same time, showed inscriptions in the temples, indicating the reality of the existence of the deceased continent. It turns out that Atlanta knew in advance about the close death of their homeland. And they did everything possible to preserve the great secrets and genuine humanity.

Heritage Atlantov

Before talking about the possible location of sunken mainland, it is worth focusing on the achievements of Atlanta. Information is extremely interesting, albeit somewhat eternal search for the continent itself. The researchers were so fascinated by the search, which was completely forgotten about what they all started. In ancient sources there are confirmation that Atlanta has retained their knowledge for descendants. And they saved not only information, but also themselves. Shortly before the terrible catastrophe, which was relegated to the ocean, representatives of the Great Race went to Egypt, Greece and even Tibet.

Interesting information of the famous British esoteric Labsang Rampov. He claims that in Tibet, under the temple of Potala are secret caves. In them, Tibetan monks protect three Atlants who are in a state of "somatia". The very state is mentioned in all religions of the East, so its reality can be taken on faith. Interestingly other. Labsang claims that the inhabitants of Atlantis have unique abilities. With the help of the "third eye" they could move heavy items, possessed developed science and technology.

His statements coincide with the words of the famous Russian occultist Elena Blavatskaya. In his writings, she wrote that Atlanta was attended, who moved huge blocks of stone with magic. In addition, Blavatskaya said that the Great Pyramid of Heops is a container of the Knowledge of Atlanta. Her words are partially confirmed by modern studies. Scientists have discovered hidden premises under the base of the pyramid. Their age can be safely attributed to the tenth, and possibly the twelfth millennium BC.

Where did the Atlantis disappeared?

If for a while leave esoteric without attention, and focuses on things more material, it is interesting to find a place where Atlantis is today. As for this aspect of research, the theories are many and makes sense to stop at more real. In the process of searching for a flooded mainland, scientists explored the whole globe and received information that make a new look at the history of mankind. For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that not always these finds were at least somehow connected with Atlantis. Although they had no less important character for science.

Civilization of Atlanta in the Aegean Sea?

The most real among modern versions is the location of the disappeared continent in the Aegean Sea. The researchers argue that Atlantis was associated with the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete and existed until the 16th century to our era. At about this time, there was an eruption of a volcano on the island of Santorin, and the legendary Atlanta was riveted in the fly. Geological studies confirm the theory. Scientists have discovered in this area underwater deposits of volcanic ash with a thickness of several tens of meters. But whether the remains of the Great Race remained under the ashes, the science is not able to answer. It remains to hope that "while" is not able.

Atlantis in Antarctica?

Another curious theory is to find the missing continent under a two-kilometer layer of ice in Antarctica. Upon closer examination, the theory no longer seems fantastic. First you should pay attention to the ancient maps of our planet. In 1665, the world saw the work of the German Jesuit Atanasius Kirhera. Among other things, the reproduction of the Egyptian card was presented in it. On the map was in details depicted Antarctica without ice. Such, according to Egyptians, she was 12,000 years ago. Surprisingly, the configuration of the island on the map is amazingly similar to the outlines of Antarctica, obtained using modern equipment.

In addition, the lane Antarctica is found at many later maps. Fact remains fact. In the memory of the ancestors attended Antarctica without ice. Such it is already never to see. It is worth noting that many of the ancient cards depicting Atlantis are distinguished by incredible detail and accuracy of minutes. How such reliability was achieved, also remains a mystery.

How disappeared atlantis?

Any variations on the topic: "Where to seek Atlantis?", - Must prove how this mainland could disappear in an incredibly short time. According to Plato, Atlantis went under water during the day. Obviously, no cataclysm can produce such devastating action. One out of two:

Either Atlantis went into the marine bunch of longer than the stated time;
Either the death of Atlanta came from the outside.

On this hypothesis, the statement of the same Lama Labsang Rampov is very smooth. In his writings, he stated that the catastrophe occurred because of the planetoid, which was faced with the Earth. Thus, by shifting it from the orbit and forcing it to rotate in the other direction. According to the possibility of such an event, they judge scientists, but it really explains the shift of continents, and the disappearance of the first civilization.

The Atlanta Empire is in itself a lot of secrets, which are so desirable for enthusiasts. And it is safe to say that research will not subscribe until Atlantis is found. There is no smoke without fire. So, there is hope that the disappeared continent will meet its descendants.

Film about Atlantida

If I wonder, watch the online video movie "The Lost World - Atlantis. Mystery of missing civilization."

Already 130 centuries have passed since that time when our planet inhabited an ancient highly developed civilization of the Atlanta. So where was she in fact and under what circumstances died or just disappeared? These questions still excite our fantasy, because so far, there is no definite answer on them. Cinema directors, science writers and scientists feed our consciousness with various options for developing events. In their versions, our galaxy is replete with various types of civilizations and variety of types of life. But the real story of the existence of our planet is no less interesting to any science fiction. Earth keeps a lot of secrets and mysteries to which we vryatli someday, find the answer.

Let's imagine that we could get into those times when Atlantis still existed. Most likely, we would not even know our native planet! This is due to the fact that most scientists believe that in those days the atmosphere of the Earth, abounded by moisture, the climate was more moderate, the air is more dense, the gravity is smaller, and the planet itself, rotated on another orbit. And at the site of the Atlantic Ocean there was a highly developed civilization, traces of which are traced in philosophical paths, myths and legends. There is an opinion that the Atlanta was already the 4th! Earth civilization, it is quite possible, not earthly origin. Thus, scientists believe modern humanity already fifth! Civilization, which apparently went to absolutely another, perhaps not the right way to develop science and technology.

Civilization of telepaths and psychics

Atlanta, in its development exceeded us in everything. They knew how to control their own biopolem, understood each other and could communicate at a high distance, that is, telepathically, could easily levitate. Having mastered the enormous inner energy, Atlanta could move the exorbitant monoliths of one strength of thought. Certificates about this civilization are found worldwide: in Pyrenees, Morocco, China, Yucatan, Europe and America. They say that the central part of the deceased continent was located in the Bermuda Triangle area. It was there, not so long ago, "energy crystals" were discovered, as well as pyramids, like those in Egypt. For a long time, the Bermuda triangle is considered an abnormal zone, and possibly all the disappearance of ships and aircraft is associated with these finds. Given the opinion of professors from the Minnesota Institute, the Atlanta was aliens who have telepathy and levitation were the only way to communicate.

Atlanta were immortal?

There is an opinion that the Atlanta was immortal in the ether project, because physical bodies lived up to 1000 years. In the legends it is said that these are just extraterrestrial essences, united in human case, the stay in which did not pass without a trace. Over time, Atlanta was increasingly made by people. They experimented with weather conditions on the continent, which could lead to the death of the continent. They understood that with such forces and opportunities, their civilization is doomed to death, therefore, for future generations, they left encrypted information about crystals, with which it was possible to learn a little of their strength. In all visibility, their ancient libraries and scientific laboratories may be located on the giza plateau. For this reason, disputes about the pyramids of Egypt do not subside for this day. Their true role, in the life of our humanity still cannot reveal scientists of modernity, or at least not disclosed this information.

With the help of seismographic research, American scientists discovered ruins of settlements, in the Bermuda Triangle. Their studies have shown that the death of Atlantis was terrible. The rapid disappearance of the mainland was so global and crushing, which led to the change of the axis of rotation of the planet. Apparently, our civilization approached the same step. Recognizing climate change has been observed for several decades, global cataclysms, such as: tsunami, earthquakes and hurricanes shake the population of land more and more. Our planet, spent by underground bunkers and mines, make it similar to the puff pie.

If our civilization does not stop destructive activities on Earth, perhaps, in a short time, we may comprehend the same fate as the Atlanta fell. And on the change of our era, the 6th civilization will come to the account, which will have to begin its development from the beginning. And maybe at least she will be able to go on the right path of development and find human harmony with nature.

For the first time, Atlantis was described by Greek philosopher Plato - another 2,000 years ago, he argued that this is a prosperous, powerful civilization died as a result of the aggression of Athenians and the wrath of the gods, drowned the island in the depths of the ocean. It would be possible to consider this country to the writer invention, however, the Atlantis also mention Herodotus, Strabo and Diiodor Sicilian - philosophers who would hardly have been to reveal obviously false rumors. In the era of the revival of the myth about Atlantis seized many minds: whole caravans of ships were sent to the mysterious country, some of which simply did not return back. Naturally, it gave rise to only a new wave of interest.

In the middle of the last century, researchers decided to develop a new teaching - Atlantalogius. A couple of dozen years old were quite serious development, but then the scientific community again awarded the Atlantis the status of myth. Is it really?

The Italian writer and expert on the ancient civilizations Sergio Frau said about his find. He claims to find the remnants of the city hidden under water. Studies were carried out in the southern part of Italy, off the coast of Sardinia.

What happened to the Atlanta

Naturally, such an approval caused a wave of skeptical comments from serious researchers of ancient history. However, after long discussions, scientists concluded that Atlantis could indeed be destroyed by a huge tidal wave. The tsunami caused a fall of meteorite, in the second millennium BC.


Sergio Frau and his team have already granted several ancient objects, allegedly raised from the bottom of the drowned state. Frau claims that the southern tip of Sardinia looks like a recessed long-time city. It is indirectly confirmed by past finds of researchers: in the middle of the 20th century, metal tools, ceramics and oil lamps were found in the middle of the 20th century in the same area - objects that were not yet in everyday life of local tribes.

Past speculations

On the other hand, all previous findings of Atlantis were held somewhat elsewhere. Experts believed that if the state existed, it was located somewhere between Morocco and Spain, in the midst of the Gibraltar Strait.

Plato and his state

Many scientists believed that Plato described this fictional civilization as a certain illustration of his political theories. The philosopher described the city as a large conglomeration of highly developed tribes, which enjoy great respect for neighbors due to its huge fleet. According to Platon, the kings of Atlantis were the descendants of the Poshondon himself and managed to conquer most of Western Europe and Africa, before the catastrophe had happened.

Dark centuries Sardinia

Bad times have come for Sardinia island around 1175. This fact also attracted Frau, perfectly aware that to the dark centuries, the people of Sardinia were a very progressive tribe and enjoyed iron tools. Consequently, there was some catastrophe, who traded Sardinia in almost the primitive society - and Frau believes that this was the flooding of Atlantis.

Mysterious towers

Towers on the tops of Sardinia Mountains are connected by complex underground tunnels, which have been equipped with food storage systems. Scientists could not understand why this system was built for. The only reasonable explanation also suggested the antique philosopher Plutarch, who argued that the islanders looked from high towers on how their country sinks. Thus, these structures may be the same towers in advance equipped in the premonition of the catastrophe.

True or fiction

By and large, all found artifacts and studies conducted do not prove the existence of Atlantis. Sergio Frau could well find the remnants of another small settlement, abandoned even before immersed in the marine bunch. However, there is, nevertheless, a good chance of what scientists, in the end, found the remnants of the legendary civilization.