Plots and images of primitive images. Primitive art

Plots and images of primitive images. Primitive art
Plots and images of primitive images. Primitive art

Cave or rock painting - drawings that are found on the walls and ceilings of the caves, cliff surfaces. The images made in the prehistoric period date back to the Paleolithic era, about 40,000 years ago. Some scientists believe that the fascinal painting of primitive people is a way to communicate with the outside world. According to other theory, the drawings were applied with a ceremonial or religious goal.

History opening

In the south-west of France and the north of Spain, more than 340 caves were detected archaeologists, in which there were images of prehistoric times. Initially, the age of the pictures was a controversial issue, since the radiocarbon dating method could be inaccurate due to the dirty surfaces that were investigated. But the further development of technology made it possible to establish an accurate period of application of images on the walls.

Chronology can also be installed the theme of the drawings. So, the reindeer depicted in the Cueva de Las cave, which is located in Spain, is dated to the end of the ice age. The earliest drawings in Europe are found in the sew cave in France. They appeared 30,000 years before our era. A surprise for scientists was that the images were changed repeatedly for thousands of years, which caused confusion to subscribe drawings.

Painting in three stages

There are monochrome and polychrome cave drawings. Polychromic rock painting was created in three stages and completely depended on the experience and cultural maturity of the artist, lighting, surface type and accessible raw materials. At the first stage, the contours of the depicted animal were scheduled with the help of charcoal, manganese or hematite. The second stage meant the completion of the pattern and applying to the image of a red ocher or other pigment. In the third stage, contours were applied in black for the visual increase in the image.

Plots and themes

The most common plot in the cave painting of primitive people is the image of large wild animals. At the beginning of the Stone Age, artists painted:

  • lviv;
  • rhinos;
  • saber-toothed tigers;
  • bears.

Images of animals on which people hunted, appear in the late Paleolithic period. The image of a person is a very rare phenomenon and pictures are less realistic than drawn animal figures. In primitive art there are no images of landscapes and landscape.

Work of ancient artists

The prehistoric inhabitants of the planet found that paint made from animals and plants is not so stable as mined from the Earth. People over time determined the property of iron oxides in the ground, not to lose the original appearance. Therefore, they were looking for a hematite's deposits and could go on time tens of kilometers to bring a dye home. Modern scientists discovered trails laid by deposits for which the ancient masters were kicked.

Using sea shells as a paint tank, working with candlelight or weak daylight, prehistoric painters were used in the work of various techniques and methods of painting. Initially, they painted with fingers, and then switched to crayons, pillows from moss, brushes from animal wool, as well as plant fibers. They used a more progressive method of spraying paint with a cantham or bones with special holes.

In the bone of the birds made holes and filled with a red okra. Studying the rock painting of ancient people, scientists have determined that such adaptations were used 16,000 years before our era. In the Stone Age, the artists also used lighting and angles techniques. Each era appears new methods of painting and caves are replenished with drawings filled in new styles for many centuries. Brilliant work of prehistoric artists inspired many modern masters to create excellent works.

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Primitive art. The presentation was completed: Pyrov Elvira, a student of 10 grade MKOU SOSH P. Colobood Head: Rychkova E.A.

What was the impetus to the creation of the first rock figure? What zipper flashed into the brain of the very first artist? Did the shadow on the rock come to the head on the rock? Or the hand itself began to apply incomprehensible strokes and zigzags on the same rock? At this point, out of the darkness of a complete, almost animal, ignorance, a powerful light, which later, through the century and millennia, will be called a comprehensive word - art. The most ancient images on the walls of the caves: chaotic wavy lines and handprints. This hand is the arms of the hands of Rublev, Leonardo, Picasso. This is the beginning of world artistic culture. Primitive art existed on all continents (except Antarctica), arose simultaneously in different parts of the planet.

Primitive art is the art of the era of primitive society. Arriving in late Paleolithic about 33 thousand years before. er, it reflected the views, conditions and lifestyle of primitive hunters (primitive dwellings, cave images of animals, women's figurines). Experts believe that genres of primitive art arose about such a sequence: a stone sculpture; rock painting; clay dishes. The farmers and cattle breeders of Neolithic and Eneolyt appeared community settlements, megalites, pile buildings; Images began to transmit distracted concepts, the art of the ornament developed.

From generation to generation, the technique of making tools and some of its secrets were transmitted. Excavations in places of parking people of the Upper Paleolithic testify to the development of primitive hunting beliefs and witchcraft. From clay, they laid the figures of wild animals and pierced them with darts, imagining that they kill real predators. Hundreds of carved or drawn animal images they also left on the walls and varnish caves. Archaeologists have proven that art monuments appeared immeasurably later than the tools of labor - almost a million years. In deep antiquity for art, a person used fir feed materials - stone, wood, bone. Much later, namely, in the era of agriculture, he discovered the first artificial material - refractory clay - and began to actively apply it for the manufacture of dishes and sculptures. Stray hunters and collectors used wicker baskets - they are more convenient in carrying. Clay utensils are a sign of constant agricultural settlements.

Skatal painting is basically divided into three periods: the art of Paleolithic; Mesolithic art; The art of neolithic.

The art of Paleolithic is the oldest. Cave painting of that time could convey the shape, volume and movement. The well-known source of Paleolethetic art is the caves of Lasco and Altamira.

The art of mesolithic is associated with the image of tribesmen, on group scenes of hunting, persecution and war. Each human figure is depicted very conditionally, the focus is on actions. For example, archery, a blow of a spear or chase for runaway prey.

The art of neolithic was in demand in the Stone Age. Skatal painting is becoming more and more conditional. Drawn people and animals are becoming more cute, conventional images of guns and weapons, means of movement and geometric shapes appear.

Thanks for attention

More than three million years ago began the process of forming a modern view of people. Parking of primitive man found in various countries of the world. Our ancient ancestors who develop new territories came across unfamiliar phenomena of nature and formed the first foci of primitive culture.

Among the ancient hunters, people with outstanding artistic talents were distinguished, which left many expressive works. In the drawings made on the walls of the caves, do not find corrections, since the unique masters had a very hard hand.

Primitive thinking

The problem of the origin of primitive art, reflecting the lifestyle of ancient hunters, worries the minds of scientists for several centuries. Despite its simplicity, it is of great importance in the history of mankind. It reflects the religious and social sphere of the life of that society. The consciousness of primitive people is a very difficult interweaving of two starts - illusory and realistic. It is believed that such a combination just had a decisive impact on the nature of the creative activities of the first artists.

Unlike modern, the art of past epochs is always associated with the everyday sides of the human life and seems more terrestrial. It fully reflects primitive thinking that does not always have realistic coloring. And the point here is not low the skill of artists, but for the special purposes of their creativity.

The emergence of art

In the middle of the XIX century, an archaeologist E. Lart found an image of a mammoth in La Madeleine cave. So, for the first time, the involvement of painting hunters was proved. As a result of discoveries, it was established that the monuments of art appeared much later than the tools of labor.

Representatives of Homo Sapiens manufactured stone knives, tips for copies, and such a technique was transmitted from generation to generation. Later, people used bones, wood, stone and clay to create their first works. It turns out that primitive art arose when a person had free time. When the survival problem was solved, people began to leave a huge number of monuments of the same type.

Kinds of art

Primitive art, which appeared in the late Paleolithic era (more than 33 thousand years ago), developed in several directions. The first is represented by the ongoing pictures and megaliths, and the second is a small sculpture and thread on bone, stone and wood. Unfortunately, wooden artifacts are extremely rare in archaeological excavations. However, the objects that have come down to us are very expressive and silently narrate about the skill of ancient hunters.

It must be recognized that art did not stand out in the consciousness of the ancestors, and the ability to create images was not at all people. The artists of that era possess so powerful talent that he himself broke off, splashing on the walls and a set of caves of bright and expressive images that were overwhelmed by the consciousness of man.

The Wheld Century (Paleolithic) is the earliest, but a long period, at the end of which all kinds of art appeared, which is characteristic of external simplicity and realistic. People did not associate the events with nature or themselves, did not feel spaces.

The most outstanding monuments of the Paleolithic are drawings on the walls of the caves, which are recognized as the first type of primitive art. They are very primitive and are wavy lines, handprints of human hands, animal heads. These are obvious attempts to feel part of the world and the first glimpses of consciousness from our ancestors.

Painting on the rocks was performed by a stone chopper or paint (red ocher, black coal, white lime). Scientists argue that together with the originating art, the first primitives of primitive society (society) arose.

In the Paleolithic Epoch, a carving of stone, wood and bone is developing. Figures found by archaeologists of animals and birds are distinguished by the exact reproduction of all volumes. Researchers say that they were created as amulets amulets, who defended the residents of the caves from evil spirits. The oldest masterpieces were magical and oriented a man in nature.

Different tasks that stood in front of artists

The main feature of primitive art in the era of Paleolithic is his primitivism. Ancient people did not know how to transfer the space and endow natural phenomena with human qualities. The visual image of the animals was originally represented by a schematic, almost conditional, image. And only after a few centuries, colorful images appear, reliably show all the details of the appearance of wild animals. Scientists believe that this is not connected with the level of skill of the first artists, but with various tasks that were put in front of them.

Contour primitive drawings were used in rituals, were created for magical purposes. But detailed, very accurate images appear in the period when the animals turn into an object of reverence, and the ancient people thus emphasize their mystical relationships with them.

Flowering art

According to the archaeologists, the highest flowering of the art of primitive society falls at the Madelena period (25-12 thousand years BC). At this time, animals are depicted in motion, and a simple contour drawing takes bulk forms.

The spiritual forces of hunters, to the smallest subtleties of the habits of predators, are aimed at comprehending the laws of nature. Ancient artists convincingly draw images of animals, and here the person himself does not enjoy special attention in art. In addition, not a single image of the landscape was not discovered. It is believed that nature ancient hunters simply admired, and predators were afraid and worshiped them.

The most famous samples of rock painting of this period were found in the caves of the LASC (France), Altamira (Spain), Shulgan-Tasha (Ural).

"Sycstine Chapel of the Stone Age"

It is curious that in the middle of the XIX century the cave painting was not known to scientists. And only in 1877, the famous archaeologist who fell into the Almamir cave, discovered rock paintings, subsequently included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The underground grotto was not accidentally called the "Sicastine Chapel of the Stone Age". In the rock painting, a confident hand of ancient artists who made out the outlines of animals without any amendments, single lines. With the light of the torch that born the stunning game of the shadows, it seems that the surround images move.

Later in France, more than a hundred underground grots were found with traces of the stay of primitive people.

In the Kapova Cave (Schulgan-Tash), located on the Southern Urals, images of animals were found relatively recently - in 1959. 14 Silhouette and contour drawings of beasts are made in red okra. Also, various geometric signs were found.

First human images

One of the main topics of primitive art is the image of a woman. It was caused by the special specificity of the thinking of ancient people. The drawings were attributed to the magical power. The found figures of nude and dressed women testify to a very high level of skill of the ancient hunters and transmit the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe image - the keeper of the home hearth.

These are the figures of very complete women, the so-called Venus. Such sculptures -like man-shaped images, symbolizing fertility and motherhood.

Changes in the era of Mesolitis and Neolithic

In the era of Mesolitis, primitive art undergoes changes. The rock paintings are multifigure compositions on which various episodes from the life of people can be traced. Most often depicted scenes of battles and hunting.

But the main changes in primitive society occur during the Neolithic period. A person learns to build new types of dwellings and builds structures on brick piles. The main theme of the art is the activities of the team, and the visual creativity is represented by the weak patterns, stone, ceramic and wooden sculpture, clay plastic.

Ancient petroglyphs

It is impossible not to mention multi-life and multifigure compositions, which focuses on an animal and man. Petroglyphs (squeal images that are knocked out or painted), applied in secluded places, attract the attention of scientists from around the world. Some experts believe that they are the usual sketches of household scenes. And others see them some writing, which is based on symbols and signs, and testifies to the spiritual heritage of our ancestors.

In Russia, Petroglyphs received the name "writs", and most often they are not found in the caves, but in open locality. Completed with ocra, they are perfectly preserved because the paint is perfectly absorbed into the rocks. The topics of the drawings are very wide and diverse: the heroes are the animals, symbols, signs and people. Even found schematic images of the stars of the solar system. Despite the very honorable age, petroglyphs, made in a realistic manner, talk about great mastery of their people.

And now research continues, allowing to approach the decoding of unique messages, which are left by our distant ancestors.

Bronze Century

In the era of the Bronze Age, with which the main milestones are connected in the history of primitive art and humanity as a whole, new technical inventions appear, the metal is developing, people are engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.

The subject of art is enriched with new plots, the role of figurative symbolism increases, the geometric ornament is spread. You can see scenes that are associated with mythology, and images become a special sign system that is understandable to some groups of the population. A zoomorphic and atropomorphic sculpture appears, as well as mysterious structures - Megaliths.

Symbols with which a variety of concepts and feelings are transmitted, carry a large aesthetic load.


In the earliest stages of its development, art does not stand out in an independent sphere of human spiritual life. In primitive society, there is only nameless creativity, closely intertwined with ancient beliefs. It reflected the representations of the ancient "artists" about nature, the surrounding world, and thanks to him there was a communication of people with each other.

If we talk about the peculiarities of primitive art, it is impossible not to mention that it has always been associated with the work of people. Only work allowed the ancient masters to create real works that concern the descendants with a bright expressiveness of artistic images. Primitive man expanded his ideas about the environment enriching his spiritual world. In the course of work, people developed aesthetic feelings and an understanding of the beautiful thing happened. From the very moment of the origin, art had a magical meaning, and later existed with other forms not only spiritual, but also material activity.

When a person learned how to create images, he gained power over time. Therefore, without exaggeration, we can say that the appeal of ancient people to art is one of the most important events in the history of mankind.

The discovery of an ancient rocky painting in Gibraltar's cave, which, as scientists consider, was made by Neanderthals about 39,000 years ago, it became a real sensation in the scientific world. If the discovery is true, the story will have to rewrite, because it turns out that Neanderthals were not at all primitive and stupid savages, as it is considered today. In our review, a dozen of unique rock paintings, which were found at different times and produced a real furyor in the world of science.

1. White Shaman's cliff

This ancient rocky picture of the age of 4000 is in the lower house of the Peko River in Texas. On a giant image (3.5 m), a central figure is shown surrounded by other people who conduct some rituals. It is assumed that the figure shows the figure of Shaman, and the picture itself depicts the cult of some forgotten ancient religion.

2. Park Kakada

Cockada National Park is one of the most beautiful places for tourists in Australia. It is especially valued by his rich cultural heritage - an impressive collection of art of local aborigines is collected in the park. Some of the rock paintings in Kakada (which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Foundation) turned almost 20,000 years.

3. Cave Shave

Another UNESCO World Heritage Object is located in the south of France. In the sew cave, you can find more than 1000 different images, most of them are animals and anthropomorphic figures. This is one of the most ancient images known to humans: their age is dated 30,000 - 32,000 years. About 20,000 years old cave wore stones and it was preserved in a magnificent state to the present day.

4. Cueva de El Castillo

In Spain, the "Cave Cave" or Cueva de El Castillo was recently opened, on the walls of which found the most ancient rock paintings in Europe, their age is 4,000 years old more than all the shaking paintings that were previously found in the old world. Most images meet handprints and simple geometric shapes, although there are also images of strange animals. One of the drawings, a simple red disk, was made 40,800 years ago. It is assumed that these murals were made by Neanderthals.

5. Lasa Gal

Some of the most ancient and well-preserved rock paintings on the African continent can be found in Somalia, in the cave complex Lasa-Gal (camel well). Despite the fact that their age is "total" 5,000 - 12,000 years, these rock paintings have been preserved just perfect. They are depicted mainly animals and people in ceremonial clothes and various decorations. Unfortunately, this wonderful cultural object cannot receive the status of the World Heritage, as it is located in the area where war is constantly being.

6. Rock housing Bhimbet

The rocky dwellings in Bhimbet are one of the earliest trace of human life on the Indian subcontinent. In natural rock shelters, there are drawings on the walls, which turned about 30,000 years. These paintings represent the period of development of civilization from mesolite until the end of prehistoric time. The figures depict animals and people for everyday activity, such as hunting, religious rites and, interestingly, dancing.

7. Magura

In Bulgaria, rock paintings found in Magagura cave are not very old - they are from 4,000 to 8,000 years. They are interesting to the material that was used to apply images - Guano (litter) bat. In addition, the cave itself formed millions of years ago and other archaeological artifacts were found in it, such as bones of extinct animals (for example, a cave bear).

8. Cueva de Las Manos

"Cave of Hands" in Argentina is famous for its extensive collection of writing and images of human hands. This rock painting is dating 9,000 - 13,000 years. The cave itself (if more precisely, the cave system) was used by ancient people 1,500 years ago. Also in Cueva de Las Manos, you can find various geometric shapes and images of hunting.

9. Cave Altamira

The paintings found in the cave of Altamira in Spain are considered a masterpiece of ancient culture. Stone painting of the era of the Upper Paleolithic (14,000 - 20,000 years) is in exceptional state. As in the seam cave, the collapse tightly seal the entrance to this cave about 13,000 years ago, so the images remained in primeval form. In fact, these drawings have been preserved so well that when they were first discovered in the 19th century, scientists counted them fake. It took a long time until the technology allowed to confirm the authenticity of rock painting. Since then, the cave has been so popular among tourists that it had to be closed in the late 1970s, since a large amount of carbon dioxide from the breath of visitors began to lead to the destruction of painting.

10. Lasco cave

This is definitely the most famous and most significant collection of rock art in the world. In this system, the caves in France can be found among the most beautiful 17,000-year-old paintings in the world. They are very complex, very carefully made and at the same time preserved perfectly. Unfortunately, the cave was closed more than 50 years ago due to the fact that under the influence of carbon dioxide, exhaled by visitors, unique images began to collapse. In 1983, the reproduction of part of the cave called Lasco 2 was opened.

Huge interest is caused and. They will be interesting not only to professional historians and art historians, but also to everyone who is interested in history.

Primitive society (also prehistoric society) - a period in the history of mankind until the invention of writing, after which the possibility of historical studies based on the study of written sources appears. The term prehistoric was used in the XIX century. In a broad sense, the word "prehistoric" applies to any period until the invention of writing, starting from the moment of the emergence of the Universe (about 14 billion years ago), but in a narrow - only to the prehistoric past of man. Usually, in the context, they give indications exactly which "prehistoric" period is discussed, for example, "prehistoric monkeys of Miocene" (23-5.5 million years ago) or "Homo Sapiens of the Middle Paleolithic" (300-30 thousand years ago). Since, by definition, there are no written sources about this period left by its contemporaries, information about it is obtained by relying on the data of such sciences, as archeology, ethnology, paleontology, biology, geology, anthropology, archeoosatronomy, Palinology.

Since writing appeared from different peoples at different times, to many cultures, the term prehistoric or does not apply, or its meaning and temporary boundaries do not coincide with humanity as a whole. In particular, the Periodization of Decolumbovic America does not coincide in stages with Eurasia and Africa (see Mesoia American Chronology, Chronology of North America, Precolumbov Chronology Peru). As sources of prehistoric times of cultures, until the last time deprived of writing, may be oral legends transmitted from generation to generation.

Since data on prehistoric times rarely concern personalities and do not even always say anything about ethnic groups, the main social unit of the prehistoric era of humanity is archaeological culture. All terms and periodization of this era, such as non-identity or iron events, are retrospective and largely conditional, and their exact definition is the subject of discussion.

Primitive art - The art of the era of primitive society. Arriving in late Paleolithic about 33 thousand years before. er, it reflected the views, conditions and lifestyle of primitive hunters (primitive dwellings, cave images of animals, women's figurines). Experts believe that genres of primitive art arose about such a sequence: a stone sculpture; rock painting; clay dishes. The farmers and cattle breeders of Neolithic and Eneolyt appeared community settlements, megalites, pile buildings; Images began to transmit distracted concepts, the art of the ornament developed.

The true occurrence of art anthropologists are associated with the advent of Homo Sapiens, which is otherwise called the Cromanon man. Cryanonians (so called these people at the place of the first find of their remains - the grota of Cro-Manon in the south of France), which emerged from 40 to 35 thousand years ago, were high-growth people (1.70-1,80 m), slender, strong physique. They had an elongated narrow skull and distinct, slightly pointed chin, which attached the bottom of the face a triangular shape. Almost in all, they resembled a modern man and became famous as excellent hunters. They had a well developed speech, so they could coordinate their actions. They made masterfully produced all sorts of guns for various occasions: sharp tips for copies, stone knives, bone harpunas with teeth, excellent cut, axes, etc.

From the generation to the generation, the technique of making tools and some of its secrets were transmitted (for example, the fact that a stone, hot on fire, after cooling is easier to handle). Excavations in places of parking people of the Upper Paleolithic testify to the development of primitive hunting beliefs and witchcraft. From clay, they laid the figures of wild animals and pierced them with darts, imagining that they kill real predators. Hundreds of carved or drawn animal images they also left on the walls and varnish caves. Archaeologists have proven that art monuments appeared immeasurably later than the tools of labor - almost a million years.

In deep antiquity for art, a person used fir feed materials - stone, wood, bone. Much later, namely, in the era of agriculture, he discovered the first artificial material - refractory clay - and began to actively apply it for the manufacture of dishes and sculptures. Stray hunters and collectors used wicker baskets - they are more convenient in carrying. Clay utensils are a sign of constant agricultural settlements.

The first works of primitive visual art belong to Orignacious culture (late Paleolithic), named by the cave Orignac (France). From this time, women's female figures and bones have been widely spread. If the beserving of the cave painting came about 10-15 thousand years ago, the art of miniature sculpture reached a high level much earlier - about 25 thousand years. This era includes the so-called "Venus" - women figurines with a height of 10-15 cm, usually emphasized massive forms. Similar "Venus" found in France, Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic, Russia and in many other areas of the world. Perhaps they symbolized fertility or were associated with the cult of female mother: Kromanonians lived according to the laws of the matriarchate, and it was precisely on the women's line that it was identified to the family that he read his ancestor. Female sculptures Scientists consider the first anthropomorphic, i.e., human-like images.

Both in painting, and in sculpture, primitive man often portrayed animals. The propensity of primitive person to portray animals is called zoological or animal style in art, and for their miniature, small figures and images of the beasts received the name of plastic small forms. The animal style is the conditional name common in the art of antiquity of stylized images of animals (or their parts). The animal style appeared in the Bronze Age, was developed in the Iron Age and in the art of earlyclass states; The traditions are preserved in medieval art, in folk art. Initially associated with totemism, the images of the sacred beast eventually turned into a conditional motive of the ornament.

Primitive painting was a two-dimensional image of an object, and the sculpture is three-dimensional or volumetric. Thus, primitive creators have mastered all the dimensions existing in contemporary art, but did not owe it to the main achievement - technique of transmission of volume on the plane (by the way, it was not owned by the ancient Egyptians and the Greeks, medieval Europeans, the Chinese, Arabs and many other peoples, since The opening of the reverse perspective occurred only in the Renaissance Epoch).

In some caves, the bas-reliefs are detected in the rock, as well as separately standing marriage of animals. There are small figurines that have been cut out of soft stone, bones, mammoth tales. The main character of Paleolithic art is Bizon. In addition to them, a variety of images of wild tours, mammoths and rhinos have been found.

Frame drawings and painting are diverse in manner of execution. The mutual proportions of the pictured animals (mountain goat, lion, mammoths and bison) were usually not observed - a huge tour could be depicted next to a tiny horse. Failure to comply with the proportions did not allow the primitive artist to subjugate the composition of the prospects of the prospects (the latter, by the way, was opened very late - in the XVI century). Movement in cave painting is transmitted through the position of the legs (crossed legs, for example, portrayed the animal of a rag), the tilt of the body or turn a head. There are almost no fixed figures.

Archaeologists have not found landscape drawings in the ancient age. Why? Maybe this once again proves the primacy of the religious and the secondary of the aesthetic function of culture. Animals were afraid and worshiped them, trees and plants just admired.

And zoological, and anthropomorphic images assumed their ritual application. In other words, they performed a cult function. Thus, religion (reverence of those who portrayed primitive people) and art (aesthetic form of what was portrayed) arose almost simultaneously. Although for some considerations it can be assumed that the first form of reflection of reality originated earlier than the second.

Since the images of animals had a magical purpose, the process of creating their creation was a kind of rite, so such drawings are mostly covered deep in the cave depths, in underground moves of several hundred meters long, and the height of the arch often does not exceed the half-meter. In such places, the Cromanon artist should have worked lying on his back at the light of the plates with burning animals with fat. However, more often, the rock paintings are located in the available places, at an altitude of 1.5-2 meters. They are found both on the ceilings of the caves and on the vertical walls.

The first finds are made in the XIX century in the caves of the Pyrenees Mountains. There are more than 7 thousand karst caves in the area. In hundreds of them found rock painted images created by paint or scratched stone. Some caves are unique underground galleries (the cave of Altamira in Spain is called "Sicastine Chapel" of primitive art), the artistic advantages of which are attracted by many scientists and tourists. The rock paintings of the ancient century are called wall painting or cave painting.

The art gallery of Altamira stretches more than 280 meters long and consists of a variety of spacious rooms. The stone instruments and deer horns found there, like curly images, on bone fragments, were created in the period from 13,000 to 10000 years. BC e. According to the archaeologists, the set of the cave collapsed at the beginning of the new Stone Age. In the most unique part of the cave - "Animal Hall" - found images of bison, bulls, deer, wild horses and boars. Some reaches a height of 2.2 meters to consider them in more detail, have to go to the floor. Most figures are painted brown. Artists skillfully used natural embossed protrusions on the rock surface, which strengthened the plastic effect effect. Along with drawn and engraved in the rock, the animals are here and such drawings that are remotely reminded by the human body.


Now science changes his opinion on the age of land and the time frame is changing, but we will study on the generally accepted names of periods.

  1. Stone Age
  • Wooden age - Paleolithic. ... up to 10 thousand BC.
  • Middle Age - Mesolithic. 10 - 6 thousand BC.
  • The new eyelid age is not. From 6 - 2 thousand BC.
  • The era of bronze. 2 thousand BC.
  • Epoch of iron. 1 thousand BC.
  • Paleolith

    The tools of labor was made of stone; Hence the name of the era - the Stone Age.

    1. Ancient or lower Paleolithic. Up to 150 thousand BC.
    2. Medium Paleolithic. 150 - 35 thousand BC.
    3. Upper or late Paleolithic. 35 - 10 thousand BC.
    • Orignak Soltenian period. 35 - 20 thousand BC.
    • Madelen period. 20 - 10 thousand BC. This name is the period from the name of the Cave of La Madeleine, where paintings related to this time were found.

    The earliest works of primitive art belong to the late Paleolithic. 35 - 10 thousand BC.

    Scientists are inclined to the fact that naturalistic art and the image of schematic signs and geometric figures have arisen at the same time.

    The first pictures of the time of Paleolithic (ancient stone age, 35-10 thousand BC) were found at the end of the 19th century. Spanish archaeologist-amateur graph Minelyn de Sautola, three kilometers from his generic estate, in the cave of Altamira.

    It happened like this: "The archaeologist decided to examine one cave in Spain and took his little daughter with him. Suddenly she screamed: "Bulls, bulls!" Father laughed, but when he raised his head, he saw a huge cave-painted cave, written by the paints of the bison figures. Some of the bison were depicted on the spot, others riding with inclined horns on the enemy. At first, scientists did not believe that primitive people could create such works of art. Only 20 years later, numerous works of primitive art were discovered in other places and the authenticity of cave painting was recognized. "

    Paleolith painting

    Cave Altamira. Spain.

    Late Paleolithic (era Madeleine 20 - 10 thousand years old BC).
    At the arch of the cavecam, Altamira shows a whole herd of large, closely located to each other of Bizonov.

    Wonderful polychry images contain black and all shades of ocher, juicy paints imposed somewhere tightly and monophonic, and somewhere with halftones and transitions from one color to another. A thick colorful layer is up to several cm. A total of 23 figures are depicted on the arch, if you do not take into account those from which only contours are preserved.

    Image in Altamira Cave

    Illuminated the caves with lamps and played the memory. Not primitivism, but the highest degree of stylization. When opening the cave believed that this imitation of hunting was the magical meaning of the image. But today there are versions that the goal was art. The beast was needed by a person, but he was terrible and difficult.

    Beautiful brown shades. Tense stop of the beast. Used natural relief stone, depicted on the bulge of the wall.

    Cave background de gom. France

    Late Palaeolithic.

    Silhouette images are characterized, intentional distortion, exaggeration of proportions. On the walls and vaults of small cave rooms, the background-de-gom are inflicted at least about 80 drawings, mainly bison, two indisputable figures of mammoths and even the wolf.

    Pashed deer. Background de gom. France. Late Palaeolithic.
    Image of horns in perspective. Deer at this time (the end of the Madeleine era) crowded other animals.

    Fragment. Buffalo. Background de gom. France. Late Palaeolithic.
    Stressed hump and crest on the head. Overlapping one image to another - polypsist. Detailed study. Decorative tail solution.

    Cave lacco

    It happened that it was the children who are completely inappropriate, found the most interesting cave paintings in Europe:
    "In September 1940, near the town of Montignac, in the south-west of France, four schoolchildren of senior classes went to the archaeological expedition conceived by them. On the spot for a long time pulled with the root of a tree in the ground, the hole gaped, caused their curiosity. There were rumors that is the entrance to the dungeon leading to the next medieval castle.
    Inside there was a hole smaller sizes. One of the guys threw a stone into it and the noise of the fall concluded that the depth is decent. He expanded the hole, crawled inside, almost fell, lit a flashlight, painted and called others. From the walls of the cave, in which they found themselves, they looked at them some huge animals breathing such a confident force, sometimes seemed ready to move into the rage that they became terribly. And at the same time, the strength of these animal images was so majestic and convincing that they were implanted, as if they were in some kind of magical kingdom. "

    Late Paleolithic (Epoch Madeleine, 18 - 15 thousand ld n.e.).
    Call the primitive Sicastine Chapel. Consists of several large rooms: Rotunda; Main gallery; pass; apse.

    Colorful images on lime white cave surface. The proportions are strongly exaggerated: large necks and stomits. Contour and silhouette drawings. Clear images without layers. A large number of male and female signs (rectangle and many points).

    Cape Cave

    Cave Cave - south. M Urals, on r. White. Formed in limestone and dolomites. Corridors and grotes are located two floors. Total length over 2 km. On the walls - LatePalolithic picturesque images of mammoths, rhinos.

    The numbers in the diagram are indicated by the places where the images were found: 1 - Wolf, 2 - Cave Bear, 3 - Lion, 4 - Horses.

    Sculpture of Paleolita

    Art of small forms or mobile art (small plastic)

    An integral part of the art of the Paleolithic era is the objects that are called "small plastic". These are three types of objects:

    1. Figurines and other bulk products, cut from soft stone or from other materials (horn, mammoth tumper).
    2. Flared items with engraving and painting.
    3. Reliefs in caves, grottoes and under natural canopies.

    The relief was knocked out in a deep contour or shoved the background around the image.

    Deer swimming river.
    Fragment. Bone thread. LORA. Department Upper Pyrenees, France. Upper Paleolithic, Madelene period.

    One of the first finds, called small plastic, was a bone plate of Grotch Shaffo with images of two lanes or a deer:. Sweet, swimming river. LORA. France

    Everyone knows the wonderful French writer Prosper Merim, the author of the fascinating novel "Chronicle of the reign of Charles IX", "Carmen" and other romantic novels, but few people know that he served as inspector for the protection of historical monuments. It was he who referred in 1833. This record in only the historical museum is organized in the center of Paris. Now it is kept in the Museum of National Antiquities (Saint-Germain An Le).

    Later in the Grotty Schaffo was discovered by the cultural layer of the era of the Upper Paleolithic. But then, just as it was with the painting of the cave of Altamira, and with other pictorial monuments of the paleolithic era, no one could believe that this is the art of ancient Egyptian. Therefore, such engraving was considered samples of Celtic art (V-IV centuries to R.Kh.). Only at the end of the XIX century, again, as well as cave painting, they were recognized as the oldest after they were found in the Paleolithic cultural layer.

    Very interesting figurines of women. Most of these figures of small sizes: from 4 to 17 cm. It was made from a stone or a mammoth taper. Their most noticeable distinctive feature is exaggerated "Horicity", they depict women with cargo figures.

    Venus with a cup. France
    "Venus with the Cup". Bas-relief. France. Upper (late) Paleolithic.
    The goddess of the ice period. Canon image - the figure is inscribed in the rhombus, and the stomach and chest - in the circle.

    Almost everyone who studied Paleolithic female figurines, with those or other differences in detail, explain them as religious objects, amulets, idols, etc., reflecting the idea of \u200b\u200bmotherhood and fertility.

    In Siberia, a whole series of peculiar statuettes was found in Baikalia. Along with the same, as in Europe, the high figures of nude women, there are figurines of slender, elongated proportions and, unlike European, they are depicted in deaf, most likely fur clothing similar to "overalls".

    These finds in the parking lots to be built on R. Yangar and Malta.


    (Middle Age) 10 - 6 thousand BC

    After the melting of glaciers disappeared the usual fauna. Nature becomes more pliable for humans. People become nomads. With a change in lifestyle, a person's opinion on the world becomes wider. It is not interested in a separate beast or a random find of cereals, but the active activity of people, thanks to which they find whole herds of animals, and fields or forests rich in fruits. So in the Mesolithic the art of a multi-infant composition, in which no longer a beast, and a person plays a dominant role.

    Change in art:

    • the main heroes of the image becomes not a separate beast, but people in any action.
    • The task is not in the plausible, accurate image of individual figures, and in the transmission of action, movement.
    • Frequently depicted multifiguric hunting, honey collection scenes appear, religious dances.
    • The character of the image is changing - instead of realistic and polychrome it becomes schematic and silhouette.
    • Local colors are used - red or black.

    Collector of honey from a hive, surrounded by ROOM. Spain. Mesolithic.

    Almost everywhere, where planar or volumetric images of the Upper Paleolithic era were found, in the artistic activities of people of the subsequent era, mesolite as if a pause occurs. Maybe this period is still poorly studied, maybe images made not in the caves, but outdoors, flushed with rains and snow with time. Maybe among petroglyphs, which are very difficult to refer to exactly, there are relating time, but we still do not know how to recognize them. It is significant that the objects of small plastics in the excavations of mesolitic settlements are extremely rare.

    Of the monuments of the Mesolitis, you can call literally units: stone grave in Ukraine, a kobistan in Azerbaijan, Zaba Sai in Uzbekistan, Shakhty in Tajikistan and Bhimpture in India.

    In addition to rock painting, petroglyphs appear in the era of mesolitis. Petroglyphs are embarked, cut or scratched rock paintings. When carving the drawing, the ancient artists knocked into an acute tool upper, darker part of rock, and therefore images are noticeably stand out against the cliff background.

    In the south of Ukraine, there is a rocky hill from the sandstone rocks in the steppe. As a result of strong weathelation on its slopes, several grots and canopies were formed. In these grumps and on other planes of the hill for a long time, numerous carved and scratched images are known. In most cases, they are read with difficulty. Sometimes animal images are guessed - bulls, goats. These images of bullies scientists belong to the era of mesolithic.

    Stone grave. South of Ukraine. General view and petroglyphs. Mesolithic.

    South Baku between the southeastern slope of the Big Caucasus Range and the Kaspian coast of the Caspian Sea is a small plain Gobustan (country of ravines) with elevations in the form of cafe and limestone and other sedimentary rocks. On the rocks of these mountains there are many high-time petroglyphs. Most of them were open in 1939. The greatest interest and fame got large (more than 1 m) images of female and male figures made by deep carved lines.
    Many animal images: bulls, predators and even reptiles and insects.

    Kobistan (Gobustan). Azerbaijan (territory of the USSR). Mesolithic.

    Grotto Broa-Kamar

    In the mountains of Uzbekistan, at an altitude of about 2000 m above sea level, there is widely known not only among archaeologists professionals. Monument - Grotto Broat-Kamamar. Painted images were opened in 1939 by the local hunter IF Lamaev.

    The painting in the grotto is made by the ocher of different shades (from red-brown to a shuttle) and represents four groups of images in which anthropomorphic figures and bulls are involved.
    Here is a group in which most researchers sees a hunt for a bull. Among the anthropomorphic figures surrounding the bull, i.e. "Hunters" are distinguished by two types: Figures in expanding clothes, without onions and "tailed" figures raised and stretched onions. This scene can be interpreted as a real hunt for disguised hunters, and as a certain myth.

    Painting in the grotto mines are probably the most ancient in Central Asia.
    "What does the word mine mean," V.A. Ranov writes, "I don't know." Perhaps it comes from the Pamir's word "mines", which means the rock. "

    In the northern part of Central India along the river valleys, huge rocks are drawn with many caves, grottoes and canopies. In these natural shelters, a lot of creme images have been preserved. Among them is the location of Bhimbet (Bhimptpet). Apparently these picturesque images belong to the mesolith. True, one should not forget about unevenness in the development of cultures of different regions. Mesolithic India may be 2-3 thousand years old than in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

    Hunting scene. Spain.
    Some scenes of corrupt hunts with archers in the paintings of the Spanish and African cycles - as if the embodiment of the movement itself, brought to the limit concentrated in a stormy vortex.


    (New eyelid) from 6 to 2 thousand BC

    Neolithic is the new eyelid, the last stage of the Stone Age.

    Introduction to the Neolithic is timed to the transition of a culture from the assigning (hunters and collectors) to producing (agriculture and / or cattle breeding) type of farming. This transition is called the Neolithic Revolution. The end of the neolithic dates back to the occurrence of metal tools and weapons, that is, the beginning of the copper, bronze or iron century.

    Different cultures have entered this period of development at different times. About 9.5 thousand liters began in the Middle East. BC e. In Denmark, the neatite is dated 18 V. BC, but at the indigenous population of New Zealand - Maori - Neolithic existed in 18 V. N.E.: Before the arrival of Europeans, Maori used polished stone axes. Some people of America and Oceania have not yet fully switched from the stone century to the Iron.

    Neolithic, like other periods of the primitive era, is not a certain chronological period in the history of mankind in general, and characterizes only the cultural features of certain peoples.

    Achievements and classes

    1. New features of public life people:
    - Transition from the matriarchate to Patriarchate.
    - At the end of the era in some places (front asia, Egypt, India) there was a new formation of class society, that is, social bundle began, the transition from the generic and communal system to the class society.
    - At this time, the city begin to build. One of the most ancient cities is Jericho.
    - Some cities were well fortified, which speaks of the existence at the time of organized wars.
    - Army and professional warriors began to appear.
    - It is possible to say that the beginning of the formation of ancient civilizations is associated with the era of neolith.

    2. The division of labor began, the formation of technologies:
    - The main thing is simple gathering and hunting as basic sources of food are gradually replaced by agriculture and cattle breeding.
    Neolith called the "century of polished stone." In this era, stone tools were not simply drunk, but already buried, polished, drilled, they were dragging.
    - The most important tools in Neolithic includes an ax, previously unknown.
    - Spinning and weaving develop.

    Images of animals begin to appear in the design of home utensils.

    The ax in the shape of a leggy head. Polished stone. Neolithic. Historical Museum. Stockholm.

    Wooden bucket from Gorboonovsky peatman near Nizhny Tagil. Neolithic. GIm

    For Neolithic Forest Zone, fishing becomes one of the leading types of farms. Active fisheries contributed to the creation of certain reserves, which, in combination with the hunt for the beast, made it possible to live in one place all year round. The transition to a settled lifestyle led to the appearance of ceramics. The appearance of ceramics is one of the main signs of the Neolithic Epo.

    The village of Chatal-Guyuk (East Turkey) is one of the places where the most ancient patterns of ceramics were found.

    Ceramics Chatal-Guyka. Neolithic.

    Women's ceramic figures

    Monuments of neolithic painting and petroglyphs are extremely numerous and scattered in vast territories.
    The accumulations of them are almost everywhere in Africa, East Spain, on the territory of the former USSR - in Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, on the Lake Onega, the White Sea and in Siberia.
    Skatal painting Neolithic is similar to the mesolitical, but the plot becomes more diverse.

    Throughout about three hundred years, the attention of scientists challenged the rock, known as the "Tomsk Scripture". "Scribes" called images drawn mineral paint or carved on a smooth wall surface in Siberia. Back in 1675, one of the brave Russian travelers, whose name, unfortunately, remained unknown, recorded:

    "Not dosed by Ostroga (Verkhovsky Ostrog) on \u200b\u200bthe edge of Tomi lies the stone is great and high, and the beasts, and cattle, and birds, and all sorts of similarity are written on it ..."

    A real scientific interest in this monument arose already in the XVIII century, when, according to Peter I, an expedition was sent to Siberia to study its history and geography. The results of the expedition became published in Europe by Swedish Captain Straighherberg, who participated on the trip, the first images of Tomsk Scripture. These images were not an accurate copy of the Tomsk writer, and only the most common outlines of the rocks and placement on it drawings, but their value is that they can see pictures that have not survived to this day.

    Images of Tomsk Pisani, performed by a Swedish boy K. Shaulman, who traveled with Stallenberg in Siberia.

    For hunters, the main source of existence was deer and moose. Gradually, these animals began to acquire mythical traits - the "master of the taiga" on a par with a bear.
    The image of the moose belongs to Tomsk Scripture the main role: the figures are repeated many times.
    The proportions and shapes of the animal body are absolutely transmitted: its long massive body, hump on the back, a heavy big head, a characteristic ledge on the forehead, swollen upper lip, convex nostrils, thin legs with forked hooves.
    In some drawings on the neck and body, the moose shows transverse stripes.

    Moose. Tomsk Scripture. Siberia. Neolithic.

    ... on the border between the sugar and the Fetzan, on the territory of Algeria, in the mountainous terrain, called Tassili Agere, will come out by rows of naked rocks. Now, this land is drained by the wind of the desert, buried the sun and almost nothing grows in it. However, earlier in Sugar Zeleren Luga ...

    Eascar blind painting Bushmen. Neolithic.

    - sharpness and accuracy of drawing, grace and elegance.
    - Harmonic combination of forms and tones, the beauty of people and animals depicted with good knowledge of anatomy.
    - Stripping gestures, movements.

    The small plastic of neolithic acquires, as well as painting, new plots.

    "A man playing lute." Marble (from Keros, Cyclades, Greece). Neolithic. National Archaeological Museum. Athens.

    Schematism inherent in painting neolithic, which changed Paleolithic realism, penetrated into fine plastic.

    Sketchy image of a woman. Cave relief. Neolithic. Croissar Department of Marna. France.

    The relief with the symbolic image from Castel Bestcho (Sicily). Limestone. OK. 1800-1400 BC. National Archaeological Museum. Syracuse.

    Mesolithic and neolithic rocking painting between them can not always carry out an accurate face. But this art is very different from typical Paleolithic:

    - Realistic, exactly fixing the image of the beast as a target, as a cherished goal, is replaced by a wider view of the world, the image of multifigure compositions.
    - There is a desire for harmonic generalization, stylization and, most importantly, to the transfer of movement, to the dynamism.
    - In Paleolith, there was monumentality and inviolability of the image. Here - the liveliness, free fantasy.
    - In the images of a person, a pursuit of grace appears (for example, if you compare Paleolithic "Venus" and a mesolitical image of a woman collecting honey, or neolithic Bushmen dancers).

    Small plastic:

    - new plots appear.
    - greater skill of execution and possession of craft, material.


    - Nizhny Paleolith
    \u003e\u003e Taming of fire, stone guns
    - Middle Paleolith
    \u003e\u003e Out of Africa
    - Upper Paleolith
    \u003e\u003e Prachche

    - Microliths, onions, canoe

    - Early inholith
    \u003e\u003e Agriculture, cattle breeding
    - Late inholith
    Quoted1 \u003e\u003e Ceramics