Picture "Young painter" I. and

Picture "Young painter" I. and

State Tretyakov Gallery

"Young painter" - a picture of one of the most mysterious artists of Russia.

Picture I.I. Firsov "Young painter" - the earliest work of the Russian household genre. She is written (canvas, oil, 67x56) I.I. Firsov in the 1760s.

P. M. Tretyakov bought this picture from the collector N. D. Bykov with the signature of Losenko. In the future, it was found that the signature fake, and the picture was written by one of the most mysterious artists of the XVIII century Ivan Firsov. Gradually, as a result of the efforts of several generations of researchers, the vital and creative path of this first Russian genre began to emerge. Now, with a large degree of probability, it can be assumed that this picture is written by an artist in Paris, where the genre of Sharden, Lepisa, Perrono and Great, made a deep impression.

I. Firsov "Young painter"

"Young painter" is the first Russian picture of the life of ordinary people. The painting is an interesting story. Before us on canvas - artist's workshop. Soft light pours out the window. On the wall - the pictures, one - portrait, the other depicts the corner of the forest. On the table a white gypsum sculpture-bust and doll with moving hands and legs - a mannequin. Such a doll helps the artist correctly transmit different positions of the human body. On a wooden tripod stand - Easebert - a canvas stretched on the subframe. And here is the artist himself. He is still a boy. He is fourteen years old.

I. Firsov "Young painter". Fragment

A boy in a pupil of a student of the Academy writes a portrait of a little touching girl in a modest small room. The atmosphere of seriousness, labor, moral purity Road Firsov, and he with sincere warmth reports the interior, clearly and freely has its own characters and items. A simple basenic motive is fulfilled with genuine poetry. The lyricism of the picture is intensified with a non-market, but a thin color range, where greenish gray and pink tones dominate. Perhaps it was in such a situation that Russian artists in Paris lived and worked.

Picture of Firsova bribes the immediacy and freshness of impressions. Charming homework as noticeable by the author, written off from life. Participants in the scenes are combined by a common effect, designed by the process of turning "nature" in the "Work of Art". In front of the viewer, a picture is born.

The pictures of I. Firsov showed the heroes of the distant past. The artist learned about their exploits from old books and legends. The picture "Young painter" presents people who lived at one time with the artist and probably they were familiar to him. And they are busy with the most ordinary thing. Although there are no important incidents on the canvas, it is very attracted by the audience. The picture is written with a great feeling. She does not make thinking about serious things, but the audience is transmitted to the heart character with which it is written. The artist loves people who depict, they are not a remarkable life. It is the roads of this painter boy, his comfortable, a humble workshop, close to his occupation.

When one expert of art saw a "young painter" next to the solemn canvas about the wonderful feats of the gods and the ancient heroes, he said well that this picture is like a small launched lawn, a chamomile and dandelions, in a parade, festively well-kept park.

Academy of Arts

The Academy of Arts of the XVIII century with its painting of historical painting, with its requirements, to depict "sublime" and "heroic", considered the household genre "lower genus" painting. Therefore, all the most significant in this area was created outside the Academy, and artists who appealed to the household theme. This is I. Firsov, M. Shibanov, I. Ermenev. Chronologically, Ivan Ivanovich Firsov occupies the first place among them. About the artist knows little. The son of the Moscow merchant, Ivan Firsov was a painter-decorator in the office from buildings, and then the painter of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters. In 1765, sent to other people's edges for improving in painting and theatrical science. In Paris engaged in the workshop of Vienne. Upon returning to Russia in 1768, continued to work in the Directorate of theaters.

Picture I.I. Firsov "Young painter" remains a rare example of the household genre of the XVIII century and the only web of this kind in creativity I.I. Firsova (just another picture of his brush is known - decorative panels "Flowers and fruits", 1754). Attracts the seriousness and at the same time simplicity with which the artist transmits an imperious ordinary plot. The picture testifies to the big talent of the artist, about his high professional skills.

Firsov's overseas pensioner almost did not affect his position in the artistic world. It is known that in 1771 by Firsov performed a number of icons and decorative paintings, which did not reach us. "Young painter" remains lonely in the work of a wonderful Russian master. Apparently, Firsov was most gifted just in the field of art that could have so little to find applications in the Russian reality of the second half of the XVIII century.

Apparently, his life was full of all sorts of dramatic experiences and conflicts. In 1784, firbs were seriously ill and got into the "strait house." His picture remained in the workshop, alien to the tastes of time. Only with the coming to Russian art of Tropinin and Venetianov, household genre painting was recognized as a decent sphere of artistic creativity. But the picture of Firsov had to wait for "his o'clock", almost an entire century.

The picture "Young painter" was written in the eighteenth century, when genre painting was not popular and was not recognized by the Academy of Arts. For many years, the authorship of the canvas was not established. And only in the twentieth century it became known that this is the creation of the Russian artist I.I. Firsov, who was engaged in the design of performances, including the first Russian opera "Melnik-sorcerer, a deceiver and swat", lush festivities suitable for nobles.

The picture is simple and uncomplicated. The picture is simple and uncomplicated. Young talent, artist, draws a portrait. Software is served by the same young person. The girl is difficult to stop in place. Her eyes are burning with mischievous and lukavinka. She wants to jump and see what the boy is doing with an easel. But a strict mother threatens her with a finger, calling for patience and prettiness. And the girl, holding back her gust, pressed to the mother. And the young artist is so passionate about his work, which does not notice anything but his creation.

On the floor next to him there is a drawer with paints. On the left of it sculpture and bust, pictures are placed on the wall. The room is brightly lit by the sunshine falling out of the window. Bright green curtain completes the decoration of the room. On the floor next to him there is a drawer with paints. On the left of it sculpture and bust, pictures are placed on the wall. The room is brightly lit by the sunshine falling out of the window. Bright green curtain completes the decoration of the room.

Firsov Pish_T free and gently ... pink, lingonberbly (red), white and pale (yellow) colors prevailing in the first part of the p_ slot, gently complain (s) with a green_vated tint of the boy's combier on the left. This shade is uncomfortable in the deaf green tone of Zan_Vesa in depth. Such a modest, carefully thought-out, colorful gamma with (s) of the dedicated poetry of the picture and the atmosphere of moral ch_stand, spilled in it. Firsov Pish_T free and gently ... pink, lingonberbly (red), white and pale (yellow) colors prevailing in the first part of the p_ slot, gently complain (s) with a green_vated tint of the boy's combier on the left. This shade is uncomfortable in the deaf green tone of Zan_Vesa in depth. Such a modest, carefully thought-out, colorful gamma with (s) of the dedicated poetry of the picture and the atmosphere of moral ch_stand, spilled in it.

I.I. Firsov with amazing skill "clings to" his creation. There is practically no free space in the picture. But it does not make the picture worse. On the contrary, the life of people of that time appears on it, their private life. Bright paints give pictures of indescribable expressiveness and poeticity. I.I. Firsov with amazing skill "clings to" his creation. There is practically no free space in the picture. But it does not make the picture worse. On the contrary, the life of people of that time appears on it, their private life. Bright paints give pictures of indescribable expressiveness and poeticity.

1. Picture I.I. Firsova is one of the best samples of the household genre. 1. Picture I.I. Firsova is one of the best samples of the household genre. 2. Description of the picture. A) the plot of the paintings b) the description of the characters c) an image of an art workshop d) color gamma 3. artist's skill.

Interior - Interior Room Space Interior - Interior Room space Mannequin - Wooden doll for the image of human poses with an artist Easel - a stand for canvas on a palette subframe - a thin planker for mixing paints Color gamut - selection of paints for paintings

Depicted, captured, showed, described, created; Depicted, captured, showed, described, created; Picture, artistic canvas, work of art, household sketch; Artist, painter, Ivan Firsov; Young artist, young painter; Girl, simulator, little mischievous.

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Young painter

1765 - 1766 (?), Canvas, oil, 67 x 55 cm
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The picture of Ivan Firsov "Young painter" is one of the first works of Russian genre painting.
Archival documents show that the Russian artist Ivan Firsov, the decorator of the imperial theaters, lived and worked in Paris in the mid-1760s, where he improves his skill at the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture.

There a picture "Young painter" and was, as they believed, was written by the company to this indicate, in particular, the non-Russian appearance of the character characters.

Upon returning in 1768, he worked as a decorator to design opera performances. Information about this time is extremely scarce, about the last years of the life of I.I. Firsov absent at all. But the picture is remarkable.

The plot of this picture is uncomplicated. In the spacious, filled with a smooth light workshop sits in front of the easel of an artist's boy and writing a portrait of a girl with passion. Adult woman, mother or elder sister, persuades a little fitter to sit calmly and save pose. At the foot of the artist stands the opened box with paints, on the table - the usual props of the picturesque workshop: a marble bust, a few books, a mannequin from Papeema, depicting a human figure.

The scene written by the company seems to be drawn from life. The artist skillfully transmits the relaxed naturalness of poses and movements. With a label of observation, characteristic of a genuine realist, depicts a calm and affectionate severity of the mother, the delicacy and impatience of a small simulator, a self-chained hobby of a young painter.
Truthful faithfulness of characters and creates the feeling of poetic charm, which the whole picture is penetrated.

In the "young painter" everything is festive, artistic, unusual; And bright paints of clothes, and a wonderful green curtain, and pictures on the walls, and attributes of art on the table. The color harmony in general is unusual and beautiful.

Related and clusterness of the scene of objects and figures: paintings and sculptures are crowded on the left to leave the place for the girl with the mother, Molbert flashes his model from the artist. Free space, the interior in which the soul of the household genre is, it almost does not remain here ...
And yet private life at the home focus for the first time in Russian painting appears in this picture.
The picture of I. Firsov, made in Shardenian style, like that single swallow, which spring does not, did not put the beginning of household painting in Russia - time has not yet come ..

In terms of artistic skill, the Painting Firsov belongs to the number of the most advanced works of Russian painting of the XVIII century. It is quite obvious that Firsov is a first-class artist, flawlessly owning the means of a picturesque expression. Its drawing is characterized by freedom and accuracy; The space in which the scene is deployed is built with impeccable skill, there is no deliberate scheme in the composition, it is natural and at the same time rhythmic.

Special poetic expressiveness is endowed with the color of the paintings, with his pink-gray, silver gamut, so well transmitting the spiritual atmosphere of the Heroes of Firsov.
According to its content, plan and visual form, the "young painter" does not meet analogies in the Russian art of the XVIII century. In the short list of Russian artists of the XVIII century, who worked in the area of \u200b\u200bthe household genre, include, except for Firsov, Portreetist M. Shibanov with paintings "Peasant Lunch" and "Festival of the Wedding Treaty" and the historic painter I. Ermenev, author of an amazing watercolor series dedicated to The image of Russian peasants.

The development of genre painting in the XVIII century was a slowdown pace. She almost did not have demand among customers and did not use the patronage of the Academy of Arts. Among the Russian artists were specialists in the portrait, according to historical painting, there were decorators and by the end of the century there were landscape players, but there was not a single master who would devote themselves to the household genre.
Firsov with their "young painter" occupies chronologically first place in this list. About the fate and further work of the artist to us did not reach almost no information. The name of this master appeared in the history of Russian art and took an honorable place in it, in essence, quite recently.

In the XIX century, the "young painter" was written by the work of A. Losenko and even had his fake signature "A. Losenko 1756". True, at the beginning of the 20th century, art historians were quite clear that the picture had nothing to do with the work of Losenko. But her authorship remained gadetting. A variety of assumptions were expressed, which brought to the fact that the author of this picture should be sought among the Western European masters. It was even named after the famous German engraver and painter D. Khodovetsky. Not all the names of Russian painters have reached our time. Ivan Ivanovich Firsov, to some extent lucky. His authorship was finally confirmed only at the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1913, on the initiative of I. Grabar, Lovenko's signature was removed and the genuine, written in French "I. Firsove", was discovered under it.

It is also known that in 1771, Firsov performed a number of icons and decorative paintings that did not reach us. "Young painter" remains lonely in the work of a wonderful Russian master. Apparently, Firsov was most gifted just in the field of art that could have so little to find applications in the Russian reality of the second half of the XVIII century.

The picture of a young painter with which we get acquainted in 4-5 grade was written in the eighteenth century. Initially, the author did not establish the author of the paintings, since Losenko's signature was standing on it for a long time, but in the twentieth century, art historians managed to solve the mystery, hidden under the signature. When they removed the signature, there was a completely different name under it. The real author of the picture was Firsov. This talented person dealing with performances was able to create a masterpiece of genre painting, which at that time was not recognized by the Academy of Arts. But it did not prevent the author of the picture to portray the life of ordinary people. We will also have to write a young painter in the film.

Description of the painting of Firsov "Young painter"

Ivan Ivanovich Firsov created a wonderful work, which causes only positive emotions. When you look at a picture of a young painter, a feeling of real action arises. It seems as if I walk past the artist's workshop, where the door is ajar and look at how young talent creates his future picture, the future portrait of a little girl.

What do I see in the picture of Firsov? So, the artist's workshop is a small room in which there are no extra objects. Just a couple of paintings that are located on the wall may also work a boy. In addition, on the table there is a gypsum bust with a doll - a mannequin. The room has one window through which bright light pours. Just at the window and settled the young artist, placing easel with canvas.

And so, in the foreground from the left edge sits on the artist's chair, fully immersed in his work. In his hand, the palette of the table, where he mixes the paints, and in the second hand the brush, which he neatly, but confidently puts the smear on the canvas. The talent of the boy is obvious, because the portrait is very similar to his simulator.

The role of simulators this time plays a little girl. It shows that it is clear that this is a restless child, which remains staring from the chair and tries to escape. She is no longer wailing to look at the work of the author, that's just her mom does not allow it. Girl dressed in a pink dress. She is cute with charming facial features.

The artist himself is dressed in Green Camcol, who was slightly exhast, because on the elbow we see that he broke. Pants on an artist in black, wish in simple shoes. At the foot of the artist stands a suitcase with paints, and under the canvas hangs a towel, probably in order to wipe the evaporated hand painted.

Description of the painting of Ivan Firsov wants to complete his impression from the picture. This is a bright job where there is no empty place left, because on every piece of the canvas there is its own item, but this picture does not seem to be messed and overloaded. Everything is very vital and harmonious. This is a wonderful job about the life of people of past centuries, where they intertwined the gentle severity of the mother, the self-care of the artist and the impatience of a little girl.

The fate of the painter Ivan Firsov reminds the fate of Lefshi from N. S. Leskov's story. Father and grandfather His were artists. Fifteen years old, in the Imperial Decree, he went, together with joiners, sharp and gates, to Petersburg participate in the decoration of the city on the occasion of the wedding of the heir to the throne - the future Peter III with the German princess - the future Catherine II. Firsov performed "golden work", but the attention of artists quickly paid attention. In 1747, he is already located in the "picturesque team of the office from buildings" and works under the leadership of I. Ya. Vishnyakova and D. Valeria. In 1759, firms becomes the court painter of the heir to Peter Fedorovich, rides in Oranienbaum, writes decorations for opera performances and decreases some palace interiors. In 1762, Firsov is credited to the department of the Directorate of the Imperial Theaters, with which it will be associated until the end of its activities.

In 1765, the artist found itself in Paris, in the impaired atmosphere of freedom, independence, respectfulness. There wrote the only reliable work - this is the famous picture "Young painter", one of the first in the Russian domestic genre.

Judging by the people, costumes, setting - depicted the French. The artist skillfully transmits the relaxed naturalness of poses and movements. With a label of observation, a calm and affectionate severity of the mother, the sinusiness and impatience of a small simulator, a self-challenging passion for a young painter are depicted. Firsov remarkably transfers the naturalness of poses and movements. Workshop floats smooth sunlight. On the walls - paintings, on the table - a female marble bust, a few books and a dad-mache mannequin, depicting a person's figure. In Russian painting of that time it is difficult to find as easy, freely transmitted space. Coloring Pink-gray paintings, silver.

Of course, Firsov was familiar with painting Zh.-B.-S. Sharden, but simply did not become the imitator. He borrowed the chief artistic principle - see the poetry of everyday life and capture, stop life at the time of its greatest spirituality.

Alas, Firsov stayed in Paris only two from a small year. He often endured "extreme need," since money from Russia in France came with large delays.

In the XIX century, the "young painter" was carried out by the work of A. Losenko and even had his fake signature "A. Losenko 1756. True, at the beginning of the 20th century, art historians were quite clear that the picture had nothing to do with the work of Losenko. But her authorship remained gadetting. A variety of assumptions were expressed, which brought to the fact that the author of this picture should be sought among the Western European masters. It was even named after the famous German engraver and painter D. Khodovetsky. Not all the names of Russian painters reached our time. Ivan Ivanovich Firsov, to some extent lucky. His authorship was finally confirmed only at the beginning of the twentieth century.

In 1913, on the initiative of I. Grabar, Losenko's signature was removed and the genuine, written in French "I. Firsove. "

It is also known that in 1771, Firsov performed a number of icons and decorative paintings that did not reach us. "Young painter", remains lonely in the work of the wonderful Russian master. Apparently, Firsov was most gifted just in the field of art that could have so little to find applications in the Russian reality of the second half of the XVIII century.

It was hard for the fate of the artist upon returning to Russia. The work of the theater decorator is for a meager salary, without weekends and holidays, under the start of the third-track foreign artists - the thief has exhausted his health. In 1784, he fell ill with a severe mental disorder, and no information about his further fate was preserved.

Wonderful canvas. L., 1966.