The history of the origin of the Tatar people. What the Tatars look, the appearance of women and men photos, typical features of Tatar nationality

The history of the origin of the Tatar people. What the Tatars look, the appearance of women and men photos, typical features of Tatar nationality
The history of the origin of the Tatar people. What the Tatars look, the appearance of women and men photos, typical features of Tatar nationality

How the Tatars appeared. Origin tatar people

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How the Tatars appeared. The origin of the Tatar people

The leading group of the Tatar ethnic volume is Kazan Tatars. And now few people doubt that Bulgarians were their ancestors. How did it happen that the Bulgars became Tatars? The versions of the origin of this ethnonym are very curious.

Turkic origin of ethnonym

For the first time, the name "Tatars" is found in the VIII century in the inscriptions on the monument to the famous commander Cul-Tegin, which was established during the second Turkic kaganate - the Turkic states who were located on the territory of modern Mongolia, but had a large square. The inscription mentions the breeding unions "Ouz-Tatars" and "Tokuz-Tatars".

IN X-XII centuries The ethnonym "Tatars" spread in China, in Central Asia and Iran. Scientist of the XI century Mahmoud Kashgari in his writings called the "Tatar steppe" space between Northern China and East Turkestan.

Perhaps, so at the beginning of the XIII century, the Mongols began to be called, who by this time the Tatar tribes won and captured their lands.

Turkic-Persian origin

The scientist Anthropologist Alexei Sukharev in the work "Kazan Tatars", published with St. Petersburg in 1902 he noted that the ethnony of Tatars comes from the Turkic word "TAT", which means nothing but the mountains, and the words of the Persian origin "AR" or " Il ", which means man, a man, a resident. This word is found in many nations: Bulgarians, Magyar, Khazar. It is found in the Turks.

Persian origin

Soviet researcher Olga Belozerskaya tied the origin of an ethnonym with the Persian word "TERRER" or "DAFTER", which is interpreted as a "colonist." However, it is noted that the ethnonym "Tailor" of later origin. Most likely, he arose in XVI-XVII centuriesWhen they began to call the Bulgarians moved from their lands to the Urals or Bashkiria.

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Ancient-perceid origin

There is a hypothesis that the name "Tatars" occurred from the ancient-perceid word "TAT" - so in the old days they called Persians. Researchers refer to the XI century scientist Makhmut Kashgari, who wrote that"Tatami Turks call those who speak Farsi."

However, the tatami of Turks called both Chinese, and even Uigurov. And it could well become that TAT meant "Alien", "foreign language". However, one another does not contradict. After all, Turks could call the tatami first the Iran-speaking, and then the name could spread on other strangers.

By the way, russian word "Tatt", too, may be borrowed from the Persians.

Greek origin

We all know that the in the ancient Greeks the word "Tartar" meant the other world, hell. Thus, Tartarin was the inhabitant of underground depths. The name it arose before the invasion of the troops of Batya to Europe. Perhaps, travelers and merchants were delivered here, but then the word "Tatars" was associated with Europeans with oriental barbarians.

After the invasion of Batu-Khan, Europeans began to perceive them exclusively as the people who came out of hell and the terror of war and death. Ludwig IX was nicknamed sainted because he prayed himself and urged his people to pray to avoid the invasion of Batya. As we remember, At this time, Han Udaye died. Mongols turned back. This assured Europeans in their right.

From now on, the peoples of Europe, Tatars have become a generalization of all barbaric peoples living in the East.

For the sake of fairness, I must say that in some old maps of Europe, the Tatar began immediately behind the Russian border. The Mongol Empire broke up in the XV century, but European historians up to the XVIII century continued to call all the Tatars eastern peoples From the Volga to China.

By the way, the Tatar Strait, separating Sakhalin Island from the mainland, is called that because of his shores, "Tatars" - Orochi and Udaegei lived. In any case, Jean Francois Lapetruz considered this, which gave the name of the strait.

Chinese origin

Some scientists believe that the ethnonym "Tatars" has chinese origin. Back in the V century, a tribe lived in the northeast of Mongolia and Manchuria, which the Chinese called "Ta-Ta", "Yes," or "Tathan". And on some Chinese dialects, the name sounded as "Tatars" or "Tartar" due to nasal difthong.

The tribe was militant and constantly disturbed by the neighbors. Perhaps later the name of the tartar spread to other peoples, unfriendly to the Chinese.

Most likely, it is from China that the name "Tatars" penetrated the Arab and Persian literary sources.

Tatars are the second by the ethnicity and most numerous people Muslim culture in the Russian Federation.

Tatar ethnical has an ancient and bright history, closely related to the history of all the peoples of the Ural Volga region and in Russia as a whole.

The original culture of Tatars adequately entered the treasury of world culture and civilization.
The traces of it we find in the traditions and the language of the Russians, Mordvy, Mari, Udmurt, Bashkir, Chuvash. At the same time, the National Tatar culture synthesizes the achievements of the Turkic, Finno-Ugric, Indoran peoples (Arabs, Slavs and others).

There are various interpretations of the ethnonym "Tatars". This question is very relevant at the present time.
Some researchers are derived from the origin of this word from the "mountainous inhabitant", where Tat has the meaning of the "mountain", and "AR" - "resident", "man" (A.A.Shakharev. Kazan Tatars. SPb, 1904, p. 22). Other - etymology of the word "Tatars" to the ancient Greek "messenger" (N.A. Baskakov. Russian surnames turkic origin. Baku, 1992, p.122).

Famous Turkologist D.E. Emeniev The origin of the word "Tatars" associates with the ancient Turkic word and the people. The first component of the word "TAT" he binds to the title of the ancientary people. At the same time, he refers to the information of the ancient Turkic chronicist Mahmud Kashgari that Tatamy called Turks called those who speak Farsi, that is, in Iranian. The initial meaning of the word "TAT" was, most likely, Perse, but then the word in Russia began to denote all the eastern and Asian peoples (D.E. Emermeyev. Semantics of the Turkic ethnonym. - Sat. "Ethnonyms." M., 1970 , p.134).
Thus, the complete decryption of the ethnonym "Tatars" is still waiting for its researcher. In the meantime, unfortunately, the cargo of established traditions, stereotypes about the Mongol-Tatar IGA makes most people think strongly distorted categories about the history of Tatars, about their true origin, tatar culture.

According to the 1989 census, about 7 million people lived in the USSR. Of these, the RSFSR - more than 5.5 million or 83.1% of the specified number, including in Tatarstan, more than 1.76 million people (26.6%).

Currently, Tatars make up a little more than half of the population of Tatarstan - their national republic. At the same time, the number of residence outside Tatarstan is in Bashkortostan -1.12 million people, Udmurtia -110.5 thousand Mordovia - 47.3 thousand Mari El - 43.8 thousand, Chuvashia - 35.7 thousand. In addition, Tatars also live in the fields of the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia.

Tatars are one of the most moving peoples. Because of the landless, frequent faults in the homeland and traditional traction to trade Even before 1917, they began to move to various regions Russian Empire, including in the province of Central Russia, to Donbass, to East Siberia and the Far East, North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. This migration process intensified during the years of Soviet rule, especially in the period of the "great stations of socialism." Therefore, at present, there is not a single subject of the federation in the Russian Federation where the Tatars live. Even in the pre-revolutionary period, Tatar national communities were formed in Finland, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, China. As a result of the collapse of the USSR, Tatars who lived in the former Union Republics - Uzbekistan (467.8 thousand), Kazakhstan (327.9 thousand), Tajikistan (72.2 thousand), Kyrgyzstan (70.5 thousand) were in the near abroad. ), Turkmenistan (39.2 thousand), Azerbaijan (28 thousand), Ukraine. (86.9 thousand), in the Baltic countries (14 thousand). Already at the expense of reemigrants from China. In the middle of the 20th century, Tatar national diasporas in the USA, Japan, Australia, Sweden were formed from the middle of the 20th century.

According to many historians, the Tatar people with a single literary and practically common spoken language It was formed during the existence of a huge Turkic state - the Golden Horde. The literary language in this state was the so-called "Idel Terkis" or Old Tartar, based on the Kypchak-Bulgarian (Polovtsovsky) language and enabling elements of Central Asian literary languages. A modern literary language based on the middle dialect arose in the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries.

In ancient times, the Turkic ancestors of Tatars enjoyed a rune letter, as evidenced by archaeological finds in the Ural and Middle Volga region. Since the voluntary adoption of Islam among the ancestors of Tatars, the Volga-Kammy Bulgarians - Tatars enjoyed Arab writing, from 1929 to 1939 - Latin graphics, since 1939, use Cyrillic with additional signs.

Modern Tatar languagerelating to the Kypchak-Bulgarian subgroup of the Kypchak Group of Turkic language family, divided into four dialects: Medium (Kazanskotatar), West (Mishar), East (Siberian Tatars) and Crimean (Crimean Tatars language). Despite the dialectal and territorial differences in Tatars are a single nation with a single literary language, a single culture - folklore, literature, music, religion, national spirit, traditions and rites.

Tatar nation in terms of literacy (ability to write and read in his own language) Before the 1917 coup, it took one of the leading places in the Russian Empire. Traditional thrust for knowledge has been preserved and at the current generation.

Etnonym "Tatars" - ancient origin, However, as a self-adhesion of modern Tatars, he was accepted only in XiV., And the ancient Tatars -Turk tribes lived on the territory of today's Eurasia. The current Tatars (Kazan, Western, Siberian, Crimean) are not direct descendants of the ancient Tatars who came to Europe along with the troops of Genghis Khan. They developed B. unified nation called Tatars after they gave the name european peoples.

There is an opinion of historians that the name "Tatars" occurred from the name of the big influential genus "Tat", from which many Turkic speastards of the state "Altyn Urta" took place ( Golden mean), a better known called "Golden Horde".

Tatars are one of the most urban peoples of the Russian Federation. Social groups Tatars living in both cities and villages are almost no different from those that exist from other peoples, primarily among the Russians.

In terms of lifestyle, Tatars do not differ from other surrounding peoples. Modern Tatar ethnos originated in parallel with the Russian. Modern Tatars are the Turkic-speaking part of the indigenous population of Russia, which, due to the larger territorial approach, chose not Orthodoxy and Islam. 99% of the believers of Tatars are Muslim-Sunnis-Sunnis Moderate Hanafi Skin.

Many ethnologists celebrate the unique phenomenon of Tatar tolerance, which consists in the fact that in the entire history of the existence of the Tatars, they were not the initiators not a single conflict on ethnic and religious grounds. The most famous ethnologists and researchers are confident that tolerance is the unchanged part of the Tatar national nature.

Traditional food Tatars - meat, dairy and vegetable - soups refilled by slices of dough (Tokmach-noodles, chummer), porridge, bread from sour dough, cabartum pellets. National dishes - Bialesh with a variety of stuffing, more often from meat (Periamyan), sliced \u200b\u200bby pieces and mixed with a swing, rice or potatoes, fresh dough dough is widely represented in the form of a Bavysska, Koshki, Ichpochek, Gubady, Katykla Salma, Chuck Chuck ( Wedding dish). From horseback (favorite meat of many groups) is prepared by the dried sausage - a cook or kaza. The delicacy is the dried goose (CABED KAZ). Dairy products - Katus ( special view sour milk), sour cream, cottage cheese. Drinks - tea, Ayran (Tan) - a mixture of a rouse with water (used mostly in summer).

Tatars in all defensive and liberation wars have always taken active participation. By the number "Heroes Soviet Union"Tatars occupy a fourth place, and on the percentage ratio of the number of heroes for the entire people - the first. In terms of the number of heroes of Russia - the Tatars have a second place.

From the Tatars, such military leaders were nominated as the army general M.A. Gareyev, Colonel-General PCACCchurin and F.Kh. Khurakov, Vice Admiral MD Indaradov, Council Admirals Z.Lapin, A.I. Bichurin and others. Outstanding scientists - academicians R.Zagdyev (Physico-Chemist), K.A. Rais (physicist), R.A. Syunayev (Astrophysicist), and others.

Tatar literature is one of the most ancient in the Russian Federation. The most ancient literary monument - Poem "Tale of Yusuf" Bulgarian poet Kul Gali, written in 1236. Among famous poets The past can be called M.Sarai-Gulistani (XIV century), M.Muhamadyar (1496 / 97-1552), Utyz-Name (1754-1834), Kanday (1797-1860). From the poets and writers of the 20th century - the classics of Tatar literature Gabdulla Tuya, Fatiha Amirkhan, the writers of the Soviet period - Galimian Ibrahimov, Hadi Takatas, Majita Gafuri, Hasan Tufan, Poet Patriot, Hero of the Soviet Union Musal Jalil, Sibgata Khakim and many other talented poets and many other talented poets and writers.

One of the first among the Turkic peoples of the Tatar has a theater art. The most outstanding artists are: Abdullah Kariev, artist and playwright Karim Tinchurin, Khalil Abjalilov, Gabdulla Shamukov, Actors: Chulpan Hamatova, Marat Basharov Renata Litvinova, actor and director Sergey Shakurov, Director Marcel Salimzhanov, Opera singers - Heydar Bigichev and Zilile Sungatullina, Folk Singers Ilgam Shakirov and Alfia Afzalov, popular artists - Rinat Ibrahimov, Zemfira Ramazanova, Salavat Fathutdinov, Aidar Galimov, Malikov Razakova, a young poet and musician Rustam Alautdinov.

The visual art of Tatars: First of all, this is the artist Patriarch Baku Urmanche, and many other outstanding Tatar artists.

Sports achievements of Tatars also constantly make themselves to know:
Fighting Safin Champion, Champion Olympic Games 1952 in Helsinki in Greco-Roman wrestling.
Artistic gymnastrics, the Olympic champion, and the multiple world champion Alina Kabaeva, the world champion Amin Zaripova and Layisan Urtyashev.
Futher Dasaev, Goalkeeper N 1 Worldwide In 1988, Spartak team goalkeeper, participants in the FM 2002 Football team. Silver medalist of the Russian Championship 2001, and the goalkeeper of the Russian national team, "KAMAZ" (Naberezhnye Chelny); "Spartak Moscow); Lokomotiv (Moscow); Verona (Italy) Ruslan Nigmatullin, Hockey-Irek Himayev, Sergey Gimayev, Zineatul Bilyaletdinov, Tennis-champion of the world Marat Safin, and many many others.

Famous Russians - immigrants from Tatar birth

Tatar roots have many famous naval birth of Russia. Apraksins, Arakcheev, Dashkov, Dashvinas, Yermolov, Sheremetev, Bulgakov, Gogoli, Golitsyn, Milyukov, Godunov, Kochubei, Stroganov, Bunins, Curakins, Saltykov, Saburov, Mansurov, Tarbeans, Godunov, Yusupov - not to list all. By the way, the origin of the counties of Sheremetev in addition to the surname is confirmed by the surname coat of arms, on which there is a silver crescent. The noblemen of Yermolov, for example, from where General Alexey Petrovich Yermolov came from, the pedigree starts like this: "The ancestor of this kind of Arslan-Murza-Yermol, and on the baptism called John, as shown in the presented pedigree, in 1506 he left for the great prince Vasily Ivanovich from the Golden Horde . " For a fabulously enriched Rus at the expense of the Tatar people, the talents flowed the river. Princes of Curakina in Russia appeared under Ivan III, this is coming from Ontreya Kurak, who was a sibling of the Ordane Khan Bulgak, recognized by the Rodonarchist of the Veliko Russian Princes of Kurakin and Golitsyn, and also noble surname Bulgakov. Chancellor Alexander Gorchakov, whose origin originated from the Tatar ambassador Karach-Murza. Noblemen Dashkov - also people from the horde. And Saburov, Mansurov, Tarbeans, Godunov (from Murza Chet, who left the Horde in 1330), Glinsky (from Mamia), Belloltsev, Talisins (from Murza Kuchuk Taghadzin) ... A separate conversation is desirable - a lot, very much They did for Russia. Each Russian patriot heard about Admiral Ushakov, and only units know about the fact that he is Turk. From Ordane Khan Rarere is this kind. Princes Cherkasy occur from the khan soda. "In the sign of the citizenship, it is recorded in their pedigree, - sent to the sovereign of his Saltman's son and Dshcher Princess Maria, which was later in the marriage of the king John Vasilyevich, and Saltman on baptism was named after Mikhail and granted in the boyars."

But even by named after names it can be seen that Tatar blood was greatly influenced by the Genofund of the Russian people. In the Russian nobility environment, more than 120 famous Tatar births. In the sixteenth century, Tatars prevailed among the nobles in numbers. Even by the end of the nineteenth century, there were approximately 70,000 nobles with Tatar roots in Russia. This was more than 5 percent of total The nobility of the entire Russian Empire.

A lot of Tatar nobility disappeared forever for his people. This is not bad for the pedigree books of the Russian nobility: "the general gerbank of the noble childbirth of the All-Russian Empire", started in 1797, or the "History of the birth of the Russian nobility", or the "Russian pedigree". Historical novels Flexible in front of them.

Yushkov, Suvorov, Apraksins (from Salachmir), Davydov, Yusupov, Arakcheev, Glenchev, Kutuzov, Bibikov, Chirikov ... Chirikov, for example, came out of the genus Khan Berk, Brother Batya. Polyvanov, Kochubei, Kozakova ...

Kopylov, Aksakov (Aksak means "chrome"), Musyna-Pushkin, Oharkov (the first of the Golden Horde came in 1397 Lion Ogr, "Male's Growth and Warrior Warrior"). Baranov ... In their pedigree recorded as follows: "The ancestor of the kind of Barana Murza waiting, the Baran nicknamed, and on the baptism called Daniel, came in 1430 from Crimea."

Karaulov, Ogarev, Akhmatov, Bakayev, Gogol, Berdyaev, Turgenev ... "The ancestor of the genus of Turgenev Murza Lev Turgen, and on baptism called John, left for the great prince Vasily Johnovich from the Golden Horde ..." This kind refers to the aristocratic rod , as well as the Rod of Ogarovy (their Russian source, "Murza, honest name Kutlamamet, nicknamed Og").

Karamzines (from Kara-Murza, Crimeans), diamonds (from diamonds, on the baptism called by Etherfeham, he arrived from the Horde in 1638), Urusov, Tukhachevsky (their attorney in Russia was Indris, a leaving from the Golden Horde), Kozhevnikov (go from Murza Skin, from 1509 in Russia), Bulls, Chelev, Kobyakov, Shubins, Taneev, Shuklina, Timiryazev (was such an Ibrahim Timiryazev, who arrived at Rus in 1408 from the Golden Horde).

Chaadaev, cockroaches ... And to continue will have long. Tens of so-called "Russian labor" began put Tatars.

Grew by the Moscow bureaucracy. In her hands gathered power, Moscow really lacked educated people. It is necessary to be surprised that the carriers of more than three hundred ordinary Russian surnames also became Tatars. In Russia, at least half of the Russians are genetic Tatars.

In the XVIII century, the rulers of Russia cried the current ethnographic card, cried in their own way, as they wanted: whole provinces recorded in "Slavs". So Russia has become the one about which Kipchak from Tukhuma (kind) Turgen said: "For thousands of miles around Russia."

Then, in the XVIII century - just two hundred years ago - residents of Tambov, Tula, Orlovskaya, Ryazan, Bryansk, Voronezh, Saratov and other areas were called "Tatars". This is the former population of the Golden Horde. therefore vintage cemeteries In Ryazan, Orel or Tula is still called Tatar.

Defenders of Fatherland

Tatar soldiers honestly served Russia. "Be not only the son of his father, but be also the son of his fatherland" - says Tatar folk proverb. The fact that the Tatars and Russians in religious relations allegedly always opposed each other - the myth, invented by our common enemies. During the war of 1812, 28 Tatar-Bashkir regiments were formed in the Kazan province. It is these shelves under the command of the son-in-law of Kutuzov, Tatar Prince Kudashev, an active participant in the Borodino battle, was horrified on Napoleonic soldiers. Tatar shelves together with the Russian people freed the European peoples from the occupation of the Napoleonic troops.

In the army, by virtue of the national and religious features, the Tatars were made a number of sentments, which was based on respect for the religion professing by them. Tatars did not give pork, were not subjected to corporal punishments, not muted. On the fleet, Russian sailors were given a charm of vodka, and Tatars - on the same amount - tea and sweets. They did not prohibit ablution several times a day, as was taken from Muslims before every namaz. Their colleagues were categorically forbidden to mock the Tatars and speak badly about Islam.

Great Scientists and Writers

Tatars faithfully served by Fatherland, not only fighting for him in countless wars. In a peaceful life, they gave him a lot famous people - scientists, writers, artists. It is enough to call such scientists as Mendeleev, swallowders, Pavlov and Timiryazev, researchers of the North Chelyuskin and Chirikov. In the literature is Dostoevsky, Turgenev, languages, Bulgakov, Kuprin. In the field of art - Ballerina Anna Pavlova, Galina Ulanova, Olga Sptusseva, Rudolph Nuriev, as well as composers of Scriabin and Taneyev. All of them are Russians of Tatar origin.

Tatars, Tatarlar(self-taking), people in Russia (the second in numbers after the Russians), the main population of the Republic of Tatarstan .

According to the 2002 census, russia lives 5 million 558 thousand Tatars. Live in the Republic of Tatarstan (2 million people), Bashkiria (991 thousand people), Udmurtia, Mordovia, Mari Republic, Chuvashia, as well as in the regions of the Volga-Ural region, Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Resize in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. According to the 2010 census, 5310649 Tatars live in Russia.

History ethnonym

For the first time ethnonym "Tatars" Appeared among the Mongolian and Turkic tribes in the 6-9 centuries, but he entrenched as a common ethnonym only in the second half of the 19th and early 20th century.

In the 13th century, as part of the Mongols, who created the Golden Horde, were conquered by the tribes, including the Turks called the Tatars. In the 13-14th centuries, the Kipchak's numerically prevailed in the Golden Horde assimilated all other Turkic-Mongolian tribes, but learned the ethnonym "Tatars". Also called the population of this state European peoples, Russians and some Central Asian peoples.

In the Khanaters formed after the collapse of the Golden Horde, the Tatars were called noble layers of Kipchak-Nogai origin. It was they who played a major role in the spread of ethnonym. However, among the Tatars in the 16th century, he was perceived as a derogatory, and even the second half of the 19th century, other self-discharges were told: Meselman, Kazanla, Bulgarian, Misher, Tyter, Nagaibek and others -volgo-Ural and nougay, Karagash, Yurt, Tatarla and others - At the Astrakhan Tatars. In addition to Mesenman, they were all local self-discharges. The process of national consolidation led to the choice of unifying all self-supplying. By the time of the census of 1926, most Tatars called themselves by Tatars. IN last years A small amount in Tatarstan and other regions of the Volga region refer to themselves Bulgarians or Volga Bulgars.


Tatar language Refers to the Kypchak-Bulgarian subgroup of the Khpchak Group of the Turkic branch of the Altai language family and has three main dialects: Western (Mishar), medium (Kazan-Tatar) and East (Siberian-Tatar). Literary norm Formed on the basis of the Kazan-Tatar dialect with the participation of Mishar. Writing based on Cyrillic graphics.


Most believers Tatars - Muslim Sunni Khanafi Mazhab. The population of the former Volga Bulgaria was Muslim from the 10th century and remained those as part of the Horde, by virtue of this standing out among the neighboring peoples. Then, after the occurrence of Tatars, the Moscow state entering the Moscow state, their ethnic self-consciousness was even stronger with religious. Part of the Tatars even defined its nationality as "Mesaleman", i.e. Muslim. At the same time they have persisted (and partly persist to this day) elements of an ancient associate calendar ritual.

Traditional classes

The traditional economy of the Volga-Ural Tatars in the 19th - early 20th century was arable farming. They grown ozimous rye, oats, barley, lentil, millet, shell, flax, cannabis. Also engaged in gloomy, messengers. Pasture-stall animal husbandry with some features resembled nomadic. For example, horses in separate areas have grazed on the foot of the stern. Only Misharians were seriously engaged in hunting. High level Development achieved handicraft and manufactory production (jewelry, valral-felt, rapid, weaving and gold), leather and clouded plants worked, and trade was developed.

the National costume

Men and women consisted of a sharovar with a wide step and a shirt, which was put on a sleeveless, often embroidered. Women's costume Tatar The abundance of silver decorations, Kauri's shells, glass flaring. Casakin served the upper clothes, and in the winter - quilted Besht or fur coat. On the head of the man we wore a tubeette, and on top of her a fur hat or hat from felt. Women wore embanked velvet hat and handkerchief. Traditional Tatars shoes are leather Ichigi on a soft sole, on top of which Galosh was put on top.

Sources: Peoples of Russia: Atlas of Cultures and Religions / Answer. V.A. Tishkov, A.V. Zhuravsky, O.E. Kazhmin. - M.: IPC "Design. Information. Cartography", 2008.

Peoples and religions of the world: Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. V.A. Tishkov. Roll.: O. Yu.Artemova, S.A. Aarutyunov, A.N. Kozhanovsky, V.M. Makarevich (Deputy Ch. Red.), V.A. Popov, P.I. Schkov (Deputy Chick . Ed.), G.Y. Sitonyansky. - M.: Big Russian encyclopedia, 1998, - 928 s.: Il. - ISBN 5-85270-155-6

Tatars - title people Republic of Tatarstan, which is included in the Russian Federation. This is a Turkic ethno group having many subethotions. Due to the wide settlement in the regions of Russia and neighboring countries, they had an impact on their ethnogenesis, assimilated with the local population. Inside the ethnos there are several anthropological types of Tatars. Tatar culture is filled with unusual national traditions for Russians.

Where live

Approximately half (53% of the total mass) Tatars live in the Republic of Tatarstan. Others are resets in the rest of Russia. Representatives of the people live in the areas of Central Asia, Far East, Volga region, Siberia. By territorially ethnic sign, people are divided into 3 large groups:

  1. Siberian
  2. Astrakhan
  3. Living on the Middle Volga, Ural.

IN last group Included: Kazan Tatars, Mishary, Tsnyhari, quicken. Other subercises include:

  1. Casimov Tatars
  2. Perm Tatars
  3. Polish Lithuanian Tatars
  4. Chepetsky Tatars
  5. Nagaybaki


In total, there are 8,000,000 Tatars in the world. Of these, about 5.5 million live in Russia and the subjects of the Russian Federation. This is the second place in numbers after citizens of Russian nationality. At the same time, 2,000,000 people are in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan 1,000,000. A small amount moved to neighboring regions:

  • Uzbekistan - 320,000;
  • Kazakhstan - 200,000;
  • Ukraine - 73,000;
  • Kyrgyzstan - 45 000.

A slight number lives in Romania, Turkey, Canada, USA, Poland.

Kazan - Capital of Tatarstan


The state language of Tatarstan is Tatar. It belongs to the Volga-Khpchak subgroup of the Turkic branch of Altai languages. Representatives of subethnos are talking on their dialects. The closest are the speech features of the peoples of the Volga region and Siberia. Currently, Tatar writing is based on Cyrillic. Before that, Latin was used, and in the Middle Ages, the basis of writing was Arabic symbols.


The overwhelming majority of Tatars are Muslims, confessing the Islam of the Sunni direction. Orthodox Christians are also found. A small part considers himself atheists.


Self-breaking nation - Tatarslar. There is no clear version of the origin of the term "Tatars". There are several versions of etymology of this word. The main ones are:

  1. Root tAT., meaning "testing", plus suffix aR - "Receiving experience, adviser."
  2. Derived from tatven - "Mirny, Ally".
  3. On some dialects tAT. Indicates "In Semechan".
  4. On the Mongolian word tatari means "badly talking".

According to two last versions, these words called other tribes that did not understand their language for whom they were alien.


The first testimonies about the existence of Tatar tribes found in the Turkic chronicles. Also about the Tatars mention Chinese sources as people who lived on the shores of the Amur. They refer to 8-10 centuries. Historians believe that the ancestors of modern Tatars were formed with the participation of the Khazar, Polovian nomads, the tribes inhabited by the Volga Bulgaria. They united in one community with their culture, writing, language. In the 13th century, the Golden Horde was created - a powerful state that had a division on class, aristocracy, clergy. By the 15th century, it fell into separate Khanate, which gave rise to the formation of sub-ethnic groups. At a later time, the mass migration of Tatars on the territory of the Russian state began.
As a result of genetic studies, it turned out that different Tatar subethnotes did not have common progenitors. Also observed big variety The genome inside the subgroups, from which it can be concluded about the impact on their creation of a plurality of peoples. In some ethno groups, the percentage of the genome of Caucasian nationalities is great, while Asian is almost absent.


Tatars of different ethnobroups have a different appearance. This is due to a large genetic variety of types. A total of 4 types of representatives of the people on anthropological attribute were revealed. It:

  1. Pontic
  2. Sublaponoid
  3. Mongoloid
  4. Light european

Depending on the anthropological type, people of Tatar nationality have light or dark skin, hair and eyes. Representatives of the Siberian ethno group are most similar to Asian. They have a wide flat face, a narrow eye cut, an extended nose, upper eyelid with a fold. Small skin, hard, black, dark iris. They are not high height, squat.

Volga Tatars Have an oval face, light skin. They are distinguished by the presence of a hubber on the nose, apparently from the Caucasian peoples. Eyes big, gray or brown. Men high growth, with good physique. There are blue-eyed and blonde representatives of this group. Kazan Tatars have a medium-dark skin, brown eyes, dark hair. They have the right features of the face, straight nose, clearly outlined cheekbones.

A life

The main classes of Tatar tribes were:

  • agriculture;
  • pasture-stall animal husbandry;
  • horticulture.

Conducting hemp, barley, lentil, wheat, oats, rye. Agriculture was three-pole type. Cattle breeding was expressed in breeding sheep, goats, bulls, horses. This lesson allowed to receive meat, milk, wool, skin skins. Horses and bulls were used as hard animals and for movement. Also grown rooted, mudflows. Beekeeping has been developed. Separate tribes were engaged in hunting, mainly living in the Urals. Fisheries was common in ethno groups who inhabited the coast of Volga and the Urals. Among the crafts distribution received such classes:

  • jewelry production;
  • rotally case;
  • valyal craft;
  • weaving;
  • leather production.

National tatar ornament It is characterized by the presence of floral, vegetable drawings. It shows the proximity of the people to nature, the ability to see beauty in the world around the world. Women knew how to weave themselves, sewed everyday and festive costumes. Details of clothing decorated with patterns in the form of flowers, plants. In the 19th century, embroidery with gold threads became popular. From the skin made shoes, details of the wardrobe. Products from leather of different shades, stitched with each other, were popular.

Up to the 20th century in tribes were a tribal relationship. There was a division between male half of the population and female. Girls isolated from young people, they did not communicate before the wedding. A man had a higher status than a woman. The remnants of such relations are preserved in Tatar settlements and now.

All Tatar families are deeply patriarchals. Everything that Father says is unquestioned. Children honor the mother, but the wife practically does not have the right to vote. The boys are brought up in permissiveness, as they are the successors of the kind. Girls since childhood teach decency, modesty, submission to a man. Young girls know how to keep household, help mothers in the house.
Marriages were arranged between their parents. Young consent was not asked. Relatives of the groom were obliged to pay Kalim - ransom. Most wedding rites and feast took place without the presence of the bride and groom, numerous relatives participated in them. The girl got to her husband only after paying Calma. If the groom arranged the abduction of the bride, then the family was released from redemption.


Tatar tribes We have their own settlements on the banks of the rivers, close to large roads. Aules were raised chaotic, without ordered layout. The villages were characterized by winding streets, sometimes leading to a dead end. From the side of the street, they put a deaf fence, the housekeeping was made in the courtyard, placing them with a handful or in the form of the letter P. Board, a mosque, shopping shops were located in the center of the settlement.

Tatar houses were the logged structures. Sometimes the dwelling was made of stone, less often it was global. The roof was drowned by straw, drank, boards. The house had two or three rooms, including the Songs. Rich families could afford two and three-storey dwellings. Inside the house was divided into female and men's halves. In the houses they did ovens, according to the type of Russians. They were located near the entrance. Inside the housing was decorated with embroidered towels, tablecloths. Outside the walls painted with an ornament, rubbed threads.


Tatar folk costume Formed under the influence of Asian culture. Some elements were borrowed from the Caucasian peoples. Outfits of different ethnobroups differ slightly. The basis of the male costume makes such elements as:

  1. An elongated shirt (Kulmek).
  2. Sharovar type pants.
  3. Long sleeveless.
  4. Wide belt.
  5. Skullcap.
  6. Ichigi.

Tunic decorated at the top and bottom national OrnamentShe was subjected to a wide long piece of matter with fringe at the ends. In addition to the shirt, loose pants were worn. Out of the set wearing a strawberry, the shelter which was supplied with embroidery. Sometimes they put on a long bathrobe (almost to the floor) of a cotton material. The head was covered with a tubette, which generously decorated with a national ornament. Some ethno groups wore fez - Turkish hats. In cold weather, Beshmet was worn - caftan narrow cutting lengths. In winter, wearing sheepskin coats, fur hats. Shoes served by Ichigi. These are lightweight, comfortable soft-skinned boots without a heel. Ichigi decorated with colored leather inserts, ornament.

Dresses tatar girls Very colorful, feminine. Initially, girls wore a suit like a male: long (in floor) tunic and wide pants. Waolas were sewn to the lower edge of the tunic. The upper part was expanded by patterns. In modern outfits of the tunic transformed into a long dress with a narrow bodice and anted beacon. The dress is well emphasized female figure, giving her lush forms. On top of it, a vest of medium length or length to the waist is put on top of it. It is richly decorated with embroidery. The head is covered with a cap like fez, chhalma or caalfak.


Tatars - a nation with a dynamic temperament. They are very movable, love dancing and music. In Tatar culture, many holidays and customs. They celebrate almost all Muslim holidays, as well as they have an ancient rituals associated with the phenomena of nature. The main holidays are:

  1. Sabantuy.
  2. Naradigan.
  3. Novruz.
  4. Kurban Bayram.
  5. Eid al Adha.
  6. Ramadan.

Ramadan is a holy feast of spiritual cleansing. It is called the name of the Tatar calendar, the ninth in the account. The whole month is coming strict postIn addition, it is necessary to pray hard. It helps a person to cleanse dirty thoughts, to get closer to God. This is strengthened faith in Allah. Uraza-Bayram is celebrated on the occasion of the end of the post. On this day, you can eat everything that Muslims can not afford to the post. The holiday is celebrated by the whole family, with the invitation of relatives. IN countryside Walking with dancing, songs, fairs.

Kurban-Bayram is a feast of sacrifices, marked 70 days after Uraza-Bayrama. This is the main holiday from Muslims around the world and the most beloved. On this day, sacrifice is brought in favor of Allah. The legend says that the Most High as a test asked the Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice her son. Ibrahim decided to fulfill the desire of Allah, showing the unshakableness of his faith. Therefore, God left his son alive, she began to slaughter the lamb instead. On this day, Muslims must be sacrificed to the sheep, a ram or a goat, a part of meat to leave himself, the rest of the needy.

Very significant for the Tatars is Sabantuy - the feast of the plow. This is the day of the end of the Spring field work. It is dedicated to work, harvest, healthy lifestyle. Sabantuy celebrate fun, with a scope. On this day, walking, dancing, sports competitions begin. Singers, dancers are held. It is customary to call guests, serve treats. On the table put porridge, painted eggs, buns.

Nardigan is ancient pagan holiday Winter solstice. He is celebrated at the end of December. Translated by S. mongolian name The holiday means the "Birth of the Sun". There is a belief that with the beginning of the solstice of the strength of the darkness losing their power. Youth dressing up in costumes, masks and walks through the courtyards. On the day of the Spring Equinox (March 21), Novruz is celebrated - the arrival of spring. According to the astronomical sunny calendar, comes new Year. Light day overtakes night, the sun turns on the summer.
Another interesting custom is that the Tatars do not eat pork. This is explained by the laws of Islam. The bottom line is that Allah knows what he benefits his creatures, that is, people. It prohibits eating pork meat, as it is considered unclean. This locked is reflected in the Quran - the book sacred for Muslims.


Tatars call children beautiful, sonorous namewho have a deep meaning. Popular male name are:

  • Karim - generous;
  • Camille - perfect;
  • Anvar - radiant;
  • Arslan - Lion;
  • Dinar - precious.

Girls are called the names revealing natural qualities, symbolizing the beauty, wisdom. Common women's names:

  • Venus - Star;
  • Gulnara - decorated with flowers;
  • Kamaliya - perfect;
  • Lucia is light;
  • Ramil - miraculous;
  • Fillow - radiant.


The peoples of Asia, Siberia, the Urals were greatly influenced by Tatar cuisine. The occurrence of their national dishes (pilaf, dumplings, Pakhlava, Chuck-Chuck) diverged the diet of the Tatars, made it diverse. Tatars kitchen is rich in meat, vegetables, seasonings. It has a lot of diverse baking, confectionery, nuts, dried fruits. In the Middle Ages, Konified was widely used, later began to add meat chickens, turkeys, geese. Favorite meat dish The Tatar is lamb. Many fermented dairy products: cottage cheese, Ayran, sour cream. Delmeni and dumplings 1 This is quite frequent food on the Tatar desk. Delmeni eat with broth. Popular Tatar cuisine dishes:

  1. Shurpa - fat, thick lamb-based soup.
  2. Balish is a fresh dough baked cake, stuffed with potatoes, rice or fast. This is the most ancient dish, it is served on festive table.
  3. Tutyrma is a homemade sausage from the intestine, styled by chopped meat with rice.
  4. Beshbarmak - stewed meat with homemade noodles. Traditionally, they eat it with hands, hence the name "five fingers" occurred.
  5. Pakhlava is a treat who came from the East. It is a puff pastry cookie with nuts in syrup.
  6. Chuck-Chuck - a sweet product from a test with honey.
  7. Gubady is a closed cake with a sweet filling, which is distributed by layers. It includes rice, dried fruits, cottage cheese.

Potatoes are often used as a garnish. There are snacks from beets, carrots, tomatoes, sweet peppers. The food uses turnip, pumpkin, cabbage. Frequent dishes are cereal. For everyday meals, sworn, buckwheat, pea, rice. On the Tatar table there are always many sweets from fresh and bite dough. These include: Baursak, Chelpeck, Catlama, Kosh Body. In sweet dishes, honey is often added.

Beverage Popular:

  • aYRAN - fermented milk product based on kefir;
  • kvass from rye flour;
  • sherbet is a cooler drink made of rosehip, licorice, roses with adding honey, spices;
  • herbal teas.

For Tatar cuisine, quenching, cooking, baking in the furnace. Food is not fried, sometimes boiled meat are a little roasted in the oven.

Famous people

Among the Tatar people a lot talented peoplewho famous for the whole world. These are athletes, science and culture figures, writers, actors. Here is some of them:

  1. Chulpan Hamatova - actress.
  2. Marat Basharov - actor.
  3. Rudolf Nureyev - ballet dancer.
  4. Musa Jalil is the famous poet, the hero of the Soviet Union.
  5. Zakir Rameev is the classic of Tatar literature.
  6. Alsu - singer.
  7. Azat Abbasov - opera singer.
  8. Gata Kamsky - Grossmaster, US Champion in Chess in 1991, is among the 20 strongest chess players in the world.
  9. Zainetula Bilyaletdinov - Olympic champion, multiple world champion and Europe in the hockey team, coach of the Russian national hockey team.
  10. Albina Akhatova is a five-time world champion in biathlon.


Tatar nation is very hospitable, friendly. The guest - important person In the house, they relate to him with great respect, asked to divide the meal. Representatives of this people possess a cheerful, optimistic character, do not like to lose heart. They are very sociable, talkative.

Men characterizes perseverance, purposefulness. They are distinguished by hard work, they are accustomed to achieving success. Tatar women are very friendly, responsive. They are brought up as a sample of morality, decency. They are tied to their children, try to give them the best.

Modern Tatars follow the fashion, look very well-groomed, attractive. They are educated with them there is always a talk about. Representatives of this people leave a pleasant impression about themselves.


Tatara -tar; MN.

1. Nation, the main population of Tatarstan; Representatives of this nation.

2. The name of various Turkic, Mongolian and some other tribes formed at 13 - 15 centuries. An independent state is the Golden Horde.

Tatar, -a; m. Tatarka, and; mN. Rod. -rock, dates. -rks; g. Tatar (see).


(self-configuration - Tatars), the people, the main population of the Tataria (1765 thousand people). Live also in Bashkiria, Mari Republic, Mordovia, Udmurtia, Chuvashia, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Penza and other regions of Russia. Tatars are also called Turkic-speaking generality of Siberia ( siberian Tatars), Crimea (Crimean Tatars) and others. The total number in Russia (without the Crimean Tatars) is 5.52 million people (1995). The total number of 6.71 million people. Tatar language. Believers Tatars are Muslim-Sunni.


Tatars, people in the Russian Federation, the main population of Tataria (2 million people, 2002), live in Bashkiria (990.7 thousand people), Udmurtia (109.2 thousand people), Orenburg (165.9 thousand people.), Perm (136.5 thousand people), Samara (127.9 thousand people), Ulyanovsk (168.7 thousand people), Sverdlovsk (168.1 thousand people), Tyumen (242.3 thousand people), Chelyabinsk (205 thousand people) regions, in the city of Moscow (166 thousand people), in South (173.5 thousand people), Siberian (252.5 thousand . people) federal districts.
Tatars are divided into three ethno-territorial groups: Volga-Ural Tatars, Siberian Tatars and Astrakhan Tatars. Crimean Tatars are considered independent people. The Volga-Ural Tatars include the subethnos of the Kazan Tatars, Casimov Tatars, Misham and the subconfesting community of Kryashen (24.6 thousand people, 2002). The total number of 5.554 million people in the Russian Federation (2002). A significant amount of Tatars lives in Kazakhstan 248.9 thousand people. (1999), Uzbekistan 467.8 thousand people. The number of the Tatar population in the far abroad from 100 to 200 thousand people. The total number of Tatars around the world is about 6.8 million people. Tatar language belongs to turkic group Altai language family. Believers Tatars are Muslim-Sunni. The exception is grated, professing Orthodoxy.
For the first time, the ethnonym "Tatars" appeared among the Mongolian tribes, nomadic in 6-9 centuries southeast of Baikal. In the 13th century with the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the name "Tatars" became known in Europe. In the 13-14th centuries, it was distributed to some nomadic peoples that were part of the Golden Horde. In 16-19 centuries, many Turkic-speaking people were called in Russian sources (Azerbaijanis, National Caucasus, Crimea, Central Asia, Volga, Siberia, including Kazan, Crimean, Siberian, Astrakhan Tatars). In the 20th century, the ethnonym "Tatars" secured mainly behind the Volga-Ural Tatars. In other cases, it is resorted to clarifying definitions (Crimean Tatars, Siberian Tatars, Casimov Tatars).
The beginning of the penetration in the Ural region and the Volga region of the Turkic-speaking tribes refers to 3-4 centuries and is associated with the era of the great resettlement of peoples. Having settled in the Uralship, they perceived the elements of the culture of local Finno-Ugric peoples, and partly and mixed with them. In the 5-7th centuries, the second wave of promotion of Turkic-speaking tribes in the forest and forest-steppe areas of Western Siberia, the Urals and the Volga region associated with the expansion of the Turkic kaganate was held. In the 7-8th centuries in the Volga region, Turkic-speaking Bulgarian tribes came from the Pazia, who in the 10th century created the state - Volzhsko-Kama Bulgaria. In 13-15 centuries, when most Turkic-speaking tribes were part of the Golden Horde, there was a leveling of their language and culture. In 15-16 centuries, during the existence of Kazan, Astrakhan, Crimean, Siberian Hangey, there was a formation of individual tatar ethnic groups - Kazan Tatars, Mishary, Astrakhan Tatars, Siberian Tatars, Crimean Tatars.
Up to the 20th century, the main mass of the Tatars was engaged in agriculture; In the economy of Astrakhan Tatars, cattle breeding and fisheries played the main role. A significant part of the Tatar was occupied in various hand-craft industries (the manufacture of patterned footwear and other leather products, weaving, embroidery, jewelry). Material culture Tatars experienced the influence of the cultures of the peoples of Central Asia, from the late 16th century - Russian culture. Traditional housing The Volga-Ural Tatars was the cutting hollow, fenced down from the street by the fence. The external facade was decorated with multicolor painting. In the Astrakhan Tatars, which preserved steppe cattle traditions, yurt was told as summer housing. The clothes of men and women consisted of a sharovar with a wide step and shirts (in women were supplemented with an embroidered bib), for which sleeveless camisole was put on. Casakin served as the upper clothes, winter - quilted Besht or fur coat. The headdress of men is a tubette, and on top of it - a hemispherical hat on a fur or felt hat; Women have an embroidered velvet cap and a handkerchief. Traditional shoes - leather Ichigi with a soft sole, out of the house on them put on leather kelos. For a suit of rich women, an abundance of metal jewelry was characterized.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

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    - (self-calibration of the Tatars) people, the main population of Tataria (Tatarstan) (1765 thousand people, 1992). They also live in Bashkiria, Mari Republic, Mordovia, Udmurtia, Chuvashia, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Penza, and other regions of the Russian Federation. ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Tatars, Tatars, units. Tatar, Tatar, husband. 1. The name of the Turkic peoples inhabiting the Tatar ASSR, and Bashkir ASSR, living in the Volga region and in some localities of Siberia. 2. Turkic population living in the Crimean ASSR. 3. Inaccurate ... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    Tatars, ar, units. Arin, a, husband. 1. The people constituting the main population of the Tataria (Tatarstan), as well as living in the Volga region, in Siberia and some other areas. Kazan Tatars. Crimean tatars. 2. The name of various tribes formed by the state ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (Tatars self-adhesion), the people in the Russian Federation (5.52 million people; without the Crimean Tatars). The main population of Tataria (1765 thousand people). Live in Bashkiria, Republic of Mari El, Mordovia, Udmurtia, Chuvashia, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, ... ... Russian history

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