September 21, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Signs. Pagan traditions on holiday Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

September 21, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Signs. Pagan traditions on holiday Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary
September 21, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Signs. Pagan traditions on holiday Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

Realing the Day of the Nativity of the Virgin (September 21) to the non-transmitting two-month holidays, believers emphasize what important role Assigned to the Most Holy Virgin Mary in Christianity.

Up until the 14th century, the Theme of the Nativity of the Virgin was very rare in Christian art. Later, this motive became fairly common.

However, the first Christians did not celebrate the Christmas of the Virgin. It began to be celebrated only in the second half of the 5th century, when the biography of the Mother of God was composed, since in the New Testament there are very scarce information about her life.

It is believed that if it rains on this day, he will preach the birth rate next year. In many churches and monasteries, the icon of the Virgin Mary is considered wonderful and therapeutic. At the feast of a woman without children carry gifts and put them under the icon of the saint, because they believe that they will help them get a child. It is also considered that he has great healing abilities and is an intermediary between our and the rest of the world. That is why patients and weak make widows for health, promising to sacrifice the church with a silver lining of her hand, which sticks to her icon or animal - sheep, cows, calves.

In 1854. catholic Church Accepted Dogmat O. immaculate conception Virgin Mary, thereby emphasizing her divine essence. but orthodox Church This dogma does not recognize, although it agrees that Maria was conceived "for divine promising."

The Christmas of the Virgin always was noted wide. This is explained by the popularity of the image of Our Lady, especially in women.

On this day, certain prohibitions are also observed - women do not take any female workTo make your children healthy. In some areas, Thrace is the last celebration of the year, when young brides attend Kuma, and then "old". Virgo Maria is considered a patron of beekeeping, so beekeepers bring honeycombs in the sanctuary in the church. Then they give them the desire of health and takes the bee.

In some villages, they celebrate this day of health and oxen. As Vlasovden, the hostess puts a ritual cow on the horns and ritually feeds them. According to old faith This day, it is avoided to touch all red, "so that the blood is not fermented, and young brides have become more."

Christmas of the Virgin

In 1958, Papyrus was found in Egypt with a detailed life story of God's Mother. This essay was called Proevoevogenia Jacob, named by his apostle.

In the Bible, practically nothing is said about the birth of the Major Virgin. However, such a story about this event is contained in the apocryphal protovogenia from Jacob, and the Golden Legend describes it even more detailed.

The shepherd Joacim and his wife Anna, tells in Protoevogenia, were childless and to the old age bitterly grieving about it. Employed once a spouse in infertility, Ioakim left her and left his herd into the desert. And a shocked from the renunciation of her husband Anna turned with hot prayers to God. And then angel appeared in front of her with the news that the Lord heard and injured her prayers. He predicted that Soon Anna would warm and give birth to a child, and his offspring will speak around the world.

Exactly the same lime from the angel received in the desert Joachim. Annexed, he drove his herd for that hour, and in the life of the spouses reigned peace, filled with the joyful expectation of the event promised by an angel.

After the expiration of the laid term, Anna produced the Baby's light and asked the obeve-walled grandmother: "Who was born?" That replied: "Daughter". Girl called Maria.

Nowhere is the name of the rebel grandmother, who adopted a newborn, future Mother's future. Researchers believe that it is done with deep meaning. Many centuries later emerged and established the people of the rite of honoring women of the Rodovsposhnitz.

So in Russia, the Day of the Nativity of Our Lady, ancient times, began to be celebrated by the people not only in honor of the Virgin Mary, her mother Anna, but also the nameless woman of obstacles. This holiday was called the "Day of the Rozhennik."

It is logical to assume that the birth of the Mother of the Messiah could in no case be random, and was deliberate over. So, once in a small town of Nazareth lived married couple - Joachim and Anna.

Spouses have been together for 50 years, but they did not have to conceive a child. One day, Anna grieved on this occasion in the garden, looking at the bird's nest: "Even in birds can have children, what did I deserve the fate to be lonely today and before the oldest?". In the same moment, the woman heard a divine voice from the Snipess, proclaiming that she was destined to give birth to a daughter who gives humanity to salvation.

After 9 months, Virgo Maria appeared on the world, and Joachim with Anna later began to call the Bogottsy. In fact, from this point on, the history of the salvation of the human race began, so the date of birth of Mother Jesus on September 21 is considered one of the greatest church holidays.

World Licacy: How is the church holiday on September 21

To celebrate the Christmas of the Virgin Mary officially began in the 4th century, and since then every year this day is considered a day of world joy. The birth of the Virgin is the first event that is connected with the Gospel and the first of the 12 major church holidays.

On this day of the calendar in all christian churches There are lush worship services that last day. Believers praise the Most Holy Lady, rejoice in salvation and congratulate each other with great Date.

Interestingly, the Catholic Church celebrates not only the Christmas of Holy Nesthelnia, but also its conception, which falls on December 9, but Orthodox do not recognize this date, since the conception of a person occurs through sin. Catholics consider it immaculate, while Christians believe that only the conception of Jesus Christ was divine, and Maria, born natural way, that is, in sin, needed atonement.

Signs of autumn Christmas

There are many accepts, rites and even ghosts that can be held for Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary. This day is also called the day of universal joy, since the world was opened to salvation. What religious holiday can be cleaner to cause universal education? September 21 - the church date, when parents came to their children and taught their wisdom, and one could not be dismissed by their punishes. (tribute to parents the causes of the Virgin and her, as the mother of the Savior).

It is believed that the wedding, played on September 21 in religious holidaywill bring the best happiness and joy for all life. Autumn Christmas was noted with a scope - they did a lot of treats, the table was lurted - what a table, such and life will be next year. The girl in this holy day could guess on the narrowed, and if today you have stupid hands - you need to wait for a profit or work at work.